#oc: fria whitcord
sullustangin · 2 years
Fluffy February 2023 Recap
Mission success: I wrote something every day!  Some of it was short, some of it was elaborate.  Main link to the AO3 collection will be in the reblog later today.
1.  Hello  -- Theron Shan notices something strange going on at base (with hideous fanart!)
2.  Soft -- Theron snuggles with Eva Corolastor (smuggler oc) early in the morning, before he has to go...
3.  Anniversary -- Jace Malcom, a stickler for etiquette, arrives with an appropriate first anniversary present for Eva (and Theron). 
4. Starlight -- After finding Nok Drayen’s treasure, Eva takes Corso Riggs, Risha Drayen, and Bowdaar somewhere special to celebrate.
5. Amber -- Arcann seeks redemption in the form of Darth Marr’s lightsaber, with the help of Talos Drellik.  I’ve already decided I’m going to re-edit this for a larger work in the indeterminate future.  Cameo by Ramesses (Sith Warrior OC)
6.  Stretch -- Jace watches Satele Shan walk through her lightsaber katas as he drafts a critical sales pitch.
7. Cloak -- Jace deals with the crisis of the day, thanks to his brother, Kal Malcom.  I’m mentioned Kal in the past, but this is his first appearance as a character.  Let’s just say he’s different from his big brother.
8.  Callous -- Eva and Theron spend time together at the firing range.
9.  Breezy -- Rass Ordo talks with Torian Cadera and thinks about Mandalorians in love.  Then he meets Fria Whitcord (consular OC). 
10.  Thunder -- Athene Corolastor tends to Eva during her first thunderstorm.  Athene has been illusive as a narrative voice until now.  Instead of the ethereal, light figure she looks like, she’s definitely coming out with a harder edge than I anticipated.
11.  Immaculate -- Arcann goes to see his mother Senya Tirall for an important appointment.
12.  Shell -- Eva goes on her first mission with Theron after the carbonite freeze.  This is a heist fic, with background bickering from Lana Beniko and Koth Vortena.
13.  Pride -- As he holds their son Argento (Argo for short), Theron talks to Eva about the pitfalls of parental pride.  This does have some sad feels in there, but everyone is safe and happy here.
14.  Free Space:  Heartbeat -- Theron goes on his first mission since Ziost, guided through the guts of Zakuul by Marcus Trant.  He takes a detour to visit someone.  This is the long one of the bunch, at 1800+ words.
15.  Reward -- Things weren’t always bad with Darmas Pollaran.  A brief look at the beginning of the relationship between Eva and Darmas, right after Balmorra in Chapter 2.
16.  Glow -- A fluffy, slightly risque fic on Copero with Eva and Theron: they have plans.
17.  Blessed -- Corso gets to know Guss Tuno shortly after Hoth. 
18.  Glide -- Theron races in his first swoop competition in front of Jace, a fellow former swooper. 
19.  Loop -- Eva, Corso, and Hylo the cat arrive on Coruscant for the first time.
20.   Sink -- The state of a sink and the surrounding environs can reveal a lot about a person.  This seems to have been a favorite with readers. :)
21.   Tender -- For once, Lana gets hurt, and her friends are there for her. 
22.  Remember -- Eva experiences her first “Eternal Fleet Remembrance Day” with Theron.
23.  Crave -- Aric Jorgan catches Theron at the cantina at 0300, due to unforeseen happy circumstances.  This one has some CWs at the top.  
24.  Bubbly -- Day 2 of the ‘official’ Jace Malcom/Satele Shan relationship on Alderaan.
25.  Murmur -- Theron is greeted by Eva and their daughter, Dyominia, after an unexpected mission gone wrong.
26.  Joy -- Joy is a noisy house, according to Jace Malcom.  Cameo appearances by Kal, Theron, Eva, Argo, and Dyo.
27.  Blaze -- They who shoot together, stay together.  Or at least that’s Akaavi’s advice to Eva and Theron.
28.  Goodbye -- the silly-ass bordering-on-crackfic sequel to #5, starring Arcann, Koth, and Talos. 
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sullustangin · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Generator: SWTOR edition
tagged by @a-muirehen ; tagging @vexa-legacy , @swtorpadawan, @rinskiroo, @grandninjamasterren, @storyknitter @queen-scribbles, @shabre-legacy AND anyone else who wants to join in on the chaos. 
On top of my own toons, I threw in Theron and Lana for giggles.
...strangely, this game loves Gronn and Fria and is really good at describing them.
Group Efforts
Theron: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Eva: Marry me.
This one is canon, actually. xD
Lana: Gronn is restricted to decaf for the rest of this adventure.
...also canon.
Norwan: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Lana: Theft. Padneema: Disturbing the peace. Fria: Aggravated assault. Gronn: Arson. Theron: All of the above. In that order, probably.
~~ Fria: Why don't humans have a specific noise that means "there are bees here, let's leave immediately." Why are elephants more advanced than us. Padneema: We do have a specific noise for it. It sounds like this: Padneema: "There are bees here, let's leave immediately."
Lana: Christmas lights? Fria: Check. Eva: Thermos of hot cocoa? Fria: Check. Theron: Santa suits? Fria: Check. Gronn: Shovel? Fria: Check. Padneema: Alibi and bail money? Fria: Check- wait, WHAT?!
Fria, trying their first ever cup of coffee: I am ENERGY! Theron, an avid coffee drinker, on their twelfth cup of the day: Someone slap me awake or I am literally going to fall into a coma in ten seconds.
Padneema: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Theron’*
Eva: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Individual Hilarity
Gronn:  I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul
Theron: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
You seem familiar... have I threatened you before?
Padneema: I’m the sexiest bitch in this therapy waiting room.
Fria: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Fria: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and i feel like that’s more accurate
Eva: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down
Eva: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
 (I might have to use this one)
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sullustangin · 3 years
Death, Yet the Force
This one is for @ayresis​, who requested something for Fria Whitcord, my consular who sees her first action on Yavin 4.  I gave the biography yesterday, so today, we have a fic!  The story got long fast and it’s off to races in my head as we speak.
For those who haven’t played the smuggler story:  Master Sumalee was a Jedi who came to the Order after running around with Risha Drayen and future SIS operative Shariss Kartur as the Triple Threat, a criminal crew.  She encounters the Smuggler and Risha on Corellia.   Master Sumalee is the person sacrificed by Zildrog if you chose the DS Smug end option: taking control of Voidfleet.
Time:  Post-Nathema; Eva and Theron have just returned from eloping. Eva decided to send out a wedding holo to announce the news, as described in “I don’t have to explain myself.”
Rating: PG
Word Count:  ~1600
“Lana is going to be so pissed.”
“Well, we didn’t exactly plan to get married.”
“The improvisation or not inviting her: which will annoy her more?”
“We’re about to find out.” Theron gave Eva’s hand a squeeze as they came down the gangplank of Virtue’s Thief together.  
Lana waited for them at the edge of the military docks.  As they drew closer, it was apparent that Lana was pleased to see them and also relieved that they were finally back.  Once Theron and Eva came within hearing range, Lana said to them, with all the warmth and all the annoyance in the world, “You two…” 
The pair stood before her, and Lana’s eyes darted between them, as if to check.... Her lip wobbled, and suddenly, she threw her arms around Theron.  He only hesitated a moment before returning the embrace.  Then she hugged Eva who had no reservations.  “I got that bloody holo in a meeting!” Lana teasingly complained.
“I ruined Jace Malcom’s keyboard and monitor, if that’s any consolation to you,” Eva offered into Lana’s shoulder, and the Sith Lord laughed.  
The Sith Lord drew back slightly and recomposed herself, a small smile persisting.  “Is all well, then?”
“Yeah.  All is well, Lana,” Theron replied, wearing a smile of his own.  He looked at the datapad in her hand.  “But I’m guessing that we’re back to business with no time to settle in?”
Lana nodded, then her brow creased.  “We… have a representative here from the Jedi Order. We know her.  Kyllfria Whitcord.”  
Eva took a sharp breath in. “Fria.  She survived.”  After a moment of recalling the once 19-year-old Jedi on Yavin 4, Eva asked, “What brings her here?”
Now Lana’s good humor faded.  “She… wishes to present you with the lightsaber of Master Sumalee.”  
Theron made a face.  “Well, this is awkward.”  He then explained to Eva, “The Jedi Order disavowed her, not long after you left.  I guess that’s why they won’t take the lightsaber.   It should be given to the Grand Master of the Order, their former masters, or their next of kin.”
“Nobody will take it, given what she did,” Lana supplied.  “And Sumalee wasn’t a Sith, so her saber would not be considered a trophy by another.”  Lana looked down at her datapad before returning her gaze to Theron and Eva.  “Fria… doesn’t want the burden anymore…”
“Why do you think Fria has it?” Eva asked.
Lana and Theron looked at each other and then shrugged in unison.  
Eva pressed her lips into a hard line, thinking hard for a moment, then she started to head back to the gangplank of Virtue’s Thief.  She stopped at the foot of it to holler up, “Hey, Risha!”
“Stars and galaxies, Fria. You…. You’re all grown up.  And you might actually still be younger than I am.”
Captain Eva Corolastor strolled into the meeting room, and the Jedi immediately brightened up after staring out the viewport in boredom.  “Captain. It is good to see you.” She meant it with all her heart.  The Captain… had acquired more gravitas, for lack of better description.  More weight, not physically but perhaps in her soul, or whatever it was she believed she had as a smuggler.  She had changed, but not as obviously as so many of them had.  
As Fria herself had.  There were still times the scars on her cheeks pulled and phantom sensations caressed up toward her ears.
The Captain held out a hand and gestured toward another familiar figure – older than the Captain now by a fair margin.  “Risha. You remember her?  She took care of your leg –"
“After Bowdaar shot me out of a tree for following Agent Theron out of camp.  Yes, I do remember,” Fria finished.  “I trust the crew is all here?”
As Eva nodded and Risha gave her a polite but tight smile, Fria felt a wonderfully warm and happy feeling bob up inside her.  A family of sorts, reunited.  Not all could claim the same.
“I hear you have a lightsaber…” Eva said slowly.  
No, not all could claim that.
Fria dropped her eyes down to her robe pocket and carefully drew out the elegant, thin hilt.  Risha let out a sigh, murmuring something about the craftsmanship.
Fria remembered that Sumalee had designed it to match her ceremonial headdress, for the most special of occasions – good things that would come again soon, once the galaxy was all right.
Fria had no idea what she was about to do, that last evening meal before she boarded a freighter for destinations unknown.  
“Master Sumalee… was my friend,” Fria began, and stars above, she sounded like she still was that child that fell out of a tree.  She swallowed and pressed forward, sounding more like herself, as she was, after the war.  “Master Sumalee assisted me in readjusting to life outside of hiding.”  Fria flexed her hand around the lightsaber, rotating it to demonstrate that the kyber crystal had been removed; her fidgeting wouldn’t set it off.    “I don’t understand why she did what she did.”
Eva grimaced slightly, but she held her ground and looked Fria in the face.  “She and I have a history.  Back before Yavin.  We helped each other on Corellia.  Saved the Republic.  Then I used her resources to take Voidfleet for myself.  Don’t think she ever forgave me for that.”  She said it plainly.  There was no antagonism or regret.
Fria stared but then reflected.  To see the Captain at the head of yet another fleet… lauded as hero of the galaxy again … “She did want good in the galaxy. But I don’t understand how that would have been gained by destroying you.  Or your Alliance.”  
“Vengeance isn’t logical. It’s short-sighted, and the person doesn’t think beyond the chance to bloody their rival.”  Risha’s eyes fixed on the hilt.  “But Sumalee probably knew she didn’t need to think beyond that.  I don’t think for a second that she didn’t know the cost of assisting the Order of Zildrog.”
Fria brushed against Risha with the Force.  She hadn’t thought to use it initially because she knew Eva was profoundly Force-Null. But when she reached for Risha – oh, all Fria could feel was grief.  Grief, sliding through her fingers and hair like water, refusing to grasp it, wishing it would just all flow away ---  
Fria then straightened up and spoke quickly, not giving Eva or Risha a chance to say anything else.  She had to get through this.  “I come as a representative of the Jedi Order.  I wish to reassure you that the Order does not condone Master Sumalee’s actions, nor do they agree with her assessment of you.”
Risha huffed slightly. “Probably still kept a journal fuming about all the injustices committed against her.  She never did forgive easily.”
Fria blinked as all of Risha’s words and feelings seemed to point to one conclusion.  “You knew her?”
“Before I ever did.” Eva took a step back and away from Fria. “Risha and Sumalee were friends before Sumalee became a Jedi and before Risha signed on with Virtue’s Thief.” Eva paused, then continued.  “If you want to render up the lightsaber as some sort of tribute, I don’t want it.  But if you wanted to return it to someone who could remember her from before all this –”
“I’ll take it,” Risha said calmly.   “She was my friend too.  Before life got even more complicated.”
Fria gently nodded.  “Yes.  That always seems to be happening, as I grow older.  I would hate to think the galaxy is getting worse, though.  I just might be more painfully aware of it all.”  The three women chuckled lightly at that. Then Fria drew in another breath, hand squeezing the hilt one more time.  “I … have also come to offer my service directly to the Alliance.”
Eva startled slightly and looked at her in askance.  
“The Jedi have been wanting to approach the Alliance for quite some time.  They want to launch something called Task Force Nova to rebuild the order.  They need help, honestly.  But asking you -- never the right time.  Never the right feeling in the Force.  And I’m really fed up with waiting around to do something constructive.”  Fria drew herself upward.  “I’d like to join your enclave here.  When they finally get their act together, I’ll volunteer myself as liaison.”
It was when Eva’s brilliant smile appeared that Fria realized she must have been very enthusiastic during the course of her pitch.  More like the girl she once had been…
Eva tempered her grin slightly.  “How about you spend a few days here?  Get to know Sana-Rae and the enclave.  Talk to Risha about old friends.  See how you feel before any decisions.  Including about who should hold onto that lightsaber.”
Fria nodded.  “That is reasonable.”
It was far late into the night, after several long walks and very tall drinks, that Fria crept into the small cell that her own private space.  She appreciated the size; just large enough to dwell in, but not large enough to hide in.  Odessen was quite the busy hive to be a part of, and she doubted she wanted to spend much time in here brooding anyway.  
It was a lot brighter here than on Corellia or Coruscant now, for Fria.
As she settled into bed and relaxed, her mind skipped through meditation exercises until she found the one she wanted, like music on a jukebox in the cantina.  
Then the voice came.
“Odessen.  Perfectly balanced in the Force.”
Fria bolted upright. She’d never thought she’d hear him again – it had been so long.  But it had been so long since she had balance.  
“I know.  I never left you.  The Jedi do have it right.  There is no death.  There is the Force.”
Fria seized upon that weak tendril and tugged it toward her, trying to bring him to her vision.
He finally arrived.
“It’s so good to see you again, Lord Kallig.”
“You’re where you need to be now, Fria.  As am I.”
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sullustangin · 2 years
Vic basically grew up in space. He doesn't like animals, plants or "nature" in general. The worst thing in his eyes are desert planets. You know what they say about sand...
I think all of my characters have a distaste for Tatooine. And yet the universe seems to revolve around that planet...
Eva likes weather -- not nature so much. Precipitation is interesting; changing temperatures are not, nor are bugs, dust, humidity... She's probably spent the least amount of time on a planet out of my OCs. She (and her mother Athene) actually has spacer glow -- a combination of cosmic radiation, iodine meds, and vitamins that substitute for sun exposure. It's part of the reason why she appears pale; when she spends a few months on Rishi and Yavin, Eva looks less 'ethereal' than when she landed. Eva prefers droids to animals. Unless it's a cat.
Fria as a Jedi consular has been the most terrestrial. She's most nature-inclined and embracing of the way things are...she's also the least irritable of the bunch. Fria has the whole Snow White 'animals come out of the woods to greet her' type vibes going on.
Gronn lives in a tin can. Unless he is on a ship, life sucks a little. The smallest living thing he likes is Blizz. He loves Blizz like a witch loves their familiar.
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sullustangin · 3 years
Double length chapter: ~8,000 words long
Rating: E (T this chapter for lots of drinking and gambling)
Summary:  After a tumultuous game last week, the crew of Virtue's Thief looks forward to a relatively quieter game -- and Guss's birthday at the stroke of midnight.  Of course, 'quieter' still means 3 plots of intrigue, 2 surprise guests, and a Jedi shot out of a tree...
Trivia:  The song our drunken comrades sing is actually from the Star Wars Holiday Special. 
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sullustangin · 3 years
I believe I have (unsurprigingly!) a soft spot for Fria. Would you write something more about her?
Day 15:  Kyllfria “Fria” Whitcord
Sure can! Thanks for asking!!
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 Fria is probably my newest OC, and I've actually created her in game to get a vibe for the consular in general. She’s Mirialan in game, but I leave her exact appearance open in the fan fic -- she is whoever you want/need her to be. 
Fria describes herself as "real Tython" and "baby in a basket, sent to Tython." That isn't wholly accurate. She was born 4 years before the Treaty of Coruscant, and it was at the time of the treaty's finalization that she 'manifested'.
What that means, Fria doesn't know. She doesn't remember anything before she turned 5. She doesn't remember her parents; she understands that they died in the war. She remembers the Temple at Lothal prior to arriving to the Temple at Tython. She remembers being alone on Lothal, not being alone on Tython; there were more children at Tython.  Therefore, she’s ‘real Tython’ -- all of her connections, everything meaningful she learned, all the dreams she had regarding her future: they all came from Tython. 
There isn't anything sinister about Fria not remembering her family (despite me just finishing KOTOR!). She's a child of war. Her Force manifestation may well have been set off by some sort of life-threatening danger. When she arrived at Lothal, she was little more than a preschooler with the nametag of "Kyllfria" in the custody of a galactic cruiser attendant, who wanted to get back to work. There was no 'return address' or indication exactly from where in the galaxy she'd come from. She'd traveled on the second leg of an open return ticket, marked "Lothal."
Nobody ever started a galactic cruise on Lothal.
The Jedi decided not to do an extensive search; Fria may well have come from a family whose planet was overrun by the Sith and were desperate to get a Force-Sensitive child away. By reuniting her, they might endanger her. So they assumed the intent of her parents/guardians and took her on at Lothal, then ferried her off to Tython at first opportunity.
Nobody was sending a child to the Temple at Coruscant.
Fria chose to go by Fria because the alternative was "Killie” and she did not like that.  Fria always had friends on Tython.  She keeps in contact with many of them, all the way until Eternal Fleet....
When she was old enough to read, Fria loved the books written by Staelegos Whitcord and decided she wanted that last name for her own. Whitcord is a fairly common name in certain corners of the galaxy, and so the Jedi had no qualms.  Shortly before leaving for Yavin 4, she became a Jedi consular for her continued work with the Twi’lek colony on Tython.  
Up until the Yavin 4 operation during the Revanite Crisis, these were the most exciting events to happen to Fria.  The galaxy’s trajectory was all downhill from there for awhile: Ziost, the Eternal Empire and the fragmentation of the Jedi Order...  What a time to become a consular. Based upon the advice of a dear, dear friend, Fria did not go to the front lines.  Rather, she kept to the padawans and the younglings, those too young to fight.  She disappeared with them.
Fria did not join the Alliance immediately.  She felt like she needed to serve the Jedi Order, even as so many came of age and left to go fight in the conflict.  After hearing the galactic broadcast from the Alliance Commander (who sounded strangely familiar, as did the Alliance’s Operations Manager), Fria made her way back to Coruscant to rejoin the Temple there before being sent to Corellia to work with the Green Jedi and Master Sumalee.
It wasn’t until the Nathema Conspiracy that Fria fully realized who these Alliance figures were.  At the end of it, Fria was relieved that Theron Shan was loyal to the Captain and vice versa, as they ever had been; she realized they were totally doing something on Yavin 4. 
But that came with the loss of someone Fria had considered a dear friend.  This friend had helped her resume her duties as a Jedi after so many years in hiding and exile:  Master Sumalee, who sacrificed herself to try to avenge herself on the Captain for the formation of Voidfleet all those years ago.
Despite the loss of one friend, there was still another who had never left her. 
And tomorrow, I’ll publish that fic. :D  I’ll be sure to tag you.  Thanks so much for the ask!
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sullustangin · 2 years
Favorite Sweets/Treats
Tagged by @starknstarwars​ -- thank you!!
Tagging @vexa-legacy​, @shabre-legacy​, @walk-ng-d-saster​, @starlightcleric​
So, what do my OCs eat as treats?
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Eva Corolastor (smuggler) - Eva’s favorite treat is a Naboo rolling hill.  It is a crisp meringue stuffed with seasonal fruit and covered in a “weird green sauce.”  No idea what it is, but the green stuff is awesome.  Corso always got some for her whenever he noticed they were close to running out.  It’s the first thing she’s able to stomach entirely after carbonite, much to Theron’s relief. (Naboo rolling hills are my own invention; I guess they’re a relative of pavlova)
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Gronn (bounty hunter) -  Gronn is a simple man who will eat anything placed in front of him.  He wasn’t born to Mandalore or in the community, so he eats in private (no zealot like a convert). 
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Fria Whitcord (consular)-  Fria loves a good baklava.  Thin crispy layers of pastry, stuffed with nuts and cinnamon, covered in Tythonese honey.  Bonus points if the honey is infused with rosewater.  Guh....
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Padneema (trooper)  -- Padneema loves horehound candy.  The variety she likes is coated in a crumbly cookie-like bar, almost like brown sugar.  The candy itself is a hard candy, meant to be sucked on and held in the mouth while doing work.  It’s a weird mix of licorice and bitter mint.  Padneema’s favorite brand infuses some vanilla into it to soften the bitterness. 
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