#oc: genevieve von dewilde
unreadpoppy · 8 months
random OC ask: does your OC have any significant relationships that have defined them, for better or for worse? what do those relationship(s) look like, and have they changed over the course of your OC’s story?
(ok i'll start answering some of these for my neglected OCs bc i love them too and they deserve some time under the sun XD)
Although Genevieve has a positive relationship with her close family (mom, dad and especially, with her younger sister), her relationship with her grandmother is really defines some stuff for her, because her grandma really, really doesn't like her and it shows, so Genevieve always has that feeling of being inadequate/the odd one out of the family, but it does have an upside: Since the matriarch doesn't care for her, she views it as a freedom, she can do whatever she pleases since it will not matter to her grandma anyways. And their relationship mostly stays the same.
Now, there is another relationship that Genevieve has that is also very defining which is with the Shadow Man (i'm pretty sure he has a name but i don't remember it now). But to cut a long story short, the Shadow Man was literally this shadow in the shape of a horned man that began interacting with her since she was a child and is lowkey how her powers began manifesting. He was her friend when she felt lonely and he gaver her confidence when she most needed it (and he's also her biggest secret) so their relationship is definetly something that has defined who she is as a person now, and i think depending on if she finds the truth behind who he is, their relationship might shift.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
random OC ask: what would your OC wear on an average day? what would they wear to a special event?
[feel free to include reference images, if you'd like!]
this is the moment that I have been waiting for *takes deep breath*
I wanted to talk about all my girls, so I will. Also, reference pics under the cut.
Gwendolyn Gray: Day to day, she wears a simple dress, usually like one color, pants underneath (even thought she hates pants, but a girl's gotta keep her decency), boots, and over that she wears her armor (which is really just like a leather corset thing and these two leather hand thingies that idk what the name is). Also, the dress is most likely a blue color, considering that's her favorite.
For a special event, she would definetly go with something elegant and flowy and big, like this girl would like some ball gowns so that she can live out her best fairy tale life (although, with her money, she'd probably go with something simpler).
Elizabeth Adawolf: Day to day, she wears practical clothes, like shirt and pants and then her armor on top, most are a dark color like black or dark blue, and she has a hood on the back so she can cover herself.
Special events, she wears red dresses, usually with a deep neckline so she can show off, and with skirts that either flare out or drape (both of these descriptions are based on the two red dresses she actually wore during two special events we had in game).
Nyx Lenoir: Day to day, she wears some very simple dresses, mostly blue, brown or beige, that are all torn and tathered at the bottom due to her being in the woods and being around animals, like her day to day dresses are not in the best shape. Also she likes to wear hats, fits with her witch of the woods aesthetic.
Special events, she'd rather no attend, but since she works for a noble, she has to go to them, and she just wears whatever's handed to her. The one dress I usually put her on is this big, blue one, but if she had a choice, she'd prefer something more simple.
Genevieve von DeWilde: Day to day, she's also a dress girlie but hers are more expensive because she comes from a noble house. So they are a bit bigger, more elaborate, definetly not the greatest for adventuring but hey, when your job is to stay back and cast spells, you can give yourself a treat. Usually she wears some bright colors, like pink, yellows and purple. Also, before she left home, she'd wears gloves all day everyday.
Special events she's going all out, the only one who can and would actually afford a ball gown.
Okay for references, Y'all will be subjected to my drawings so yeah (many of these are veeeery old and also the og designs of the character so yeah anyways) (also some of these photos i found on pinterest, so i can't link to the OG artists)
Gwendolyn, day to day (one of this was one of the first times i drew gwen and the other is the last):
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Special event: the pink one she wore it in my dnd game and the blue one is an idealized version of what she would want to wear
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Elizabeth Adawolf day to day:
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Special events (again, this is what she wore in game):
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Nyx Lenoir, day to day:
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Special Event:
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Genevieve von DeWilde, day to day: (also genevieve used to be galatea but then i changed the name)
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Special event:
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
random OC ask: what are some things your OC never leaves home without?
this can be both practical (their typical tools, notable accessories, etc.) and narrative (items that have personal importance to them, etc.)
Gwen: Her rabbit's paw, because she believes it gives her good luck, and also the crystal she wears as a necklace (cause that's her arcane focus). When her pact boon was the pact of the talisman, then also the choker she wears around her neck but ever since she spoke with her patron to change the boon, she no longer has it.
Elizabeth: A good, big, ol' sword. This woman loves a sword and she will not leave the house without someway to protect herself (and i do mean, she walks around heavily armed, but swords are definetly her weapon of choice.)
Genevieve: Gloves. So, I need to give a physical description of the character first. Genevieve is like, as white as milk, but there's this black mark that's been growing from her palm up to her forearm in one of her arms (it first appeared when she cast her first spell and it's been growing ever since). She doesn't want her family to know, so she began wearing gloves all the time, around everyone, to protect herself. It's bad enough being the one tiefling in a family full of elves and humans, she thinks to herself, it'd be worse if she gave them even more reason to ostracize her.
Nyx: Her broom of flying, because that's her means of transportation (that she'll also use to beat someone up), lots of herbs and other stuff for potion making, a hand telescope so she can look at the stars and parchment + ink so that she can draw star maps, because these are all the tools she needs to do her work.
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unreadpoppy · 11 months
To Win the Princess's Heart - Chapter 1
Raphael x OC (Genevieve)
Summary: Raphael is a bastard, having no title or land given to him by birth, but he has managed to make a name for himself, gaining success. However, ambitious as he is, Raphael wants to be more than just a wealthy bastard, he wishes to become a party of the nobility.
To achieve that, he decides he’s going to seduce like the most wanted bachelorette in town, Princess Laverna von DeWilde. The only trouble is getting through her older sister, Genevieve, who can see beyond his lies.
(Bridgerton season 2 inspired AU).
A/N: Althought Bridgerton is set in the Regency period, I don't like the regency period, so I tried to go a more victorian era route. Also, I'm not going to be following canon that closely bc then this wouldn't work as I want to. Anyways, enjoy.
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Dearest Reader, 
As we enter the most exciting months of the year, good news have arrived. Her Royal Highness, Princess Laverna has recently celebrated her twentieth birthday, and her parents are already intent on finding a good husband for her. Traditionally, the oldest daughter would be married first, but having seen as princess Genevieve was incapable of forming a match, her sister shall have to fill those shoes. The expectations are high, but as more and more suitors leave the palace with sour faces, one must ask:
As beautiful and charming as the princess is, will she score a husband before the season ends? Or will she fail just as her sister has? 
Yours truly, 
The narrator. 
The long winter had ended, the snow melting away and allowing the flowers to bloom once more. Spring had arrived, and with it, the social season had begun. During this time of year, the daughters of the aristocracy who become of marrying age would be presented to society, in hopes of scoring a husband by the end of the season. 
Even if the royal family was no longer responsible for governing, that being the Council of Four’s job, they still served a symbolic role, and it was during times like this where they shined. As per tradition, they hosted the first ball of the season. This year, it would take place in the household of Prince Theodore, the King’s fifth and youngest son.
During the ball, the ladies would wear the best dresses they could find, hoping to be asked for a dance. The men would chat and drink, and should someone catch their eye, they would quickly make their way and ask for a dance before any other could. 
One of the gentlemen attending the event was none other than Raphael. A bastard son of the Archduke Mephistopheles, lands or titles were not in his birthright. Everything that he had accomplished, that he owned, the reputation he had, had been of Raphael’s own making, and of that, he was proud. If in the Hells he was seen as nothing more than a half-breed, amongst the humans, he made a fortune providing solutions to any poor soul that found itself in need of help. 
Now, although Raphael was a wealthy man, he still had his ambitions. He wanted to move up in the social ladder, he wanted a title. Of course, being the devil that he was, no king in his right mind would freely bestow Raphael a title. Now, he had come up with a plan to do just that. Tonight, on the opening ball, there was one young lady he would keep his eyes on: 
Princess Laverna von DeWilde. 
She was a half elven maiden, with fair skin, dark blond hair, green eyes and freckles across her face. Tonight, she was wearing a lovely green gown. Laverna seemed to charm everyone in the realm. 
Laverna was also the second daughter of Prince Theodore. Being the beloved granddaughter of the reigning monarch, Raphael was sure the girl could convince her grandfather to make him a duke, if they were to marry. 
Raphael was standing at a corner of the ballroom, sipping on some water and analyzing the people when he was met with an old friend of his, Lady Korilla Hearthflame. She approached him and struck up a conversation.
“Will  you try to fight for the princess’s attention tonight?” The dwarf looked at the dancing floor, where Laverna had been spun by several different suitors. 
Raphael smirked at the question. “It won’t be much of a fight. Look at them. ” He pointed with his chin towards the male guests. “All I need will be one dance with her, and the girl will be charmed.” 
“Well, it wouldn’t be your ‘competition’ that I’d worry about. Her sister’s the bigger problem.” 
Raphael’s eyebrows furrowed with that comment, but before he could ask, he noticed how the current song was nearing an end, finally allowing him a chance to dance with the princess. 
He pushed his way through the mass of men, until he was right in front of her, extending his hand and bowing. “May I have the honor of this dance, your highness?”
Laverna nodded and took his hand. While they danced, he asked. “Tell me, princess, have you found any suitors yet?”
She chuckled. “Plenty, my lord, but none that interested me.” 
“And what would you be looking for? A wealthy man? One who could provide for you?” He spun her. “Or a charming young man, to swipe you off your feet?” In truth, he asked those questions to better know what she would want from a potential partner, so that he could prepare himself. While he waited for a reply, he couldn’t help but feel as if there were a pair of eyes watching him closely. 
Laverna mulled on the question for a second. “I want much more than that. I want love. True love. To find someone who completes me. I know it may be silly, but I want to be courted.” 
“I understand.” At this point, the dance approached its end. They bowed to each other, but before he left, Raphael held one of her hands and kissed it. “I hope we see each other soon, your highness.” 
He noticed her blushing cheeks. “I hope so too.” 
Raphael smirked as he made his way to the garden outside. Arriving there, he found Haarlep passionately kissing one of the guests, a white haired male elf. When the devil made his presence known, by cleaning his throat, the two of them quickly let go. Noticing Raphael wanted to speak, the incubus told the elf “Go back inside, we’ll speak soon.” The man nodded and brushed past Raphael on his way out. 
“Haarlep, I see you already found entertainment here.” 
“What is it that you want, Raphael? Don’t you have a princess to seduce?” They asked, with their back turned to him, clearly annoyed to have been interrupted. 
“I have.” He replied. “And I just finished dancing with her.”
Haarlep turned around. “Oh. And what did you think of her?”
“She is delightfully naive. The poor thing wants to be loved.” Raphael scoffed. “Love. What a terribly human emotion.”
“My oh my, will the great Raphael give up his pursuit then?” Haarlep replied. “Afterall, you wouldn’t be able to provide what she desires.”
“That’s where you are mistaken, my friend.” He faced the incubus. “I’ll make her fall for me, lure her into my den, and only after I get my title, will she realize it was all an illusion on my behalf.” 
Haarlep’s eyes suddenly widened as they looked behind Raphael and quickly exited. 
“I pray that you are not speaking of my sister, my lord.” A female voice, filled with anger,  spoke up behind him. 
When Raphael turned around, he was greeted by none other than Genevieve von DeWilde, the sister Korilla had warned him about. Now, although the two women were sisters, they couldn’t look more different, considering that Genevieve had been born a tiefling. 
She had skin as white as snow, having a fuller figure than her sister, two horns and a tail, light blue wavy hair, and blue eyes. She wore an aquamarine ball gown, along with two opera gloves covering her arms from hand to elbow. 
But most importantly, Genevieve looked at Raphael as if she was ready to tackle him to the ground and suffocate him to death with her hands. 
“Princess, were you eavesdropping on me? How unbecoming of a lady such as yourself.” Raphael raised an eyebrow, trying to get her to leave him be. 
It did not work. 
“You ought to hold that tongue, my lord, or unless you wish to lose it.” Before he could reply, she continued. “I heard what you said of my sister, of your foul plan to seduce her, and I will not allow it.” She said firmly. Genevieve stepped closer, and although she was shorter than Raphael, her rage made her look more intimidating. Were he a lesser man, he’d cower in fear.  “Laverna deserves a good man who will treat her right, and if she wants a love story, then by the gods, I’ll make sure she gets just that.” 
Raphael stood his ground, furrowing his brows as his nose scrunched. “I do not appreciate what you imply, your highness.” 
“I am saying that you are a scoundrel and you ought to stay away from her.” By some strange force, it was as if her voice had boomed much louder. When Raphael looked into her eyes, it was as if they had a small glow to them.
For a moment, Genevieve broke eye contact with him and looked around and then down at her gloved hands. After hearing a few gasps, she noticed her mother at a distance, looking for her. She grabbed his coat and leaned closer. “Heed my warning. Should you try anything against Laverna, I won’t let you live to see another day. Now, have a good night.” She whispered, letting go of him and then turned around and left. 
Raphael brushed his coat down, furious. No one had ever dared to challenge him like that before. But the little altercation of words had given him more motivation. If moments before he could have been persuaded to stop going after Laverna, now he was determined to get her, if only to spite her sister. 
But there was something that left him intrigued. When the tiefling’s voice had boomed, he felt magic in the air. Could the princess be hiding a secret? If she was, he would make sure to discover it soon and use it in his favor. 
For now, he thought it best to leave and start planning his new strategy. 
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