#oc: elizabeth adawolf
unreadpoppy · 8 months
I'm hitting you with a random OC ask!
Okay, if your oc had no weapons, no magic, nothing, what are they making into an improvised weapon and is it even remotely effective?
(me, mentally trying to go through Gwen's inventory to see what shit she has) uhm I'd say her rabbit's paw, because it's the thing that's always on her so it's be easy to just grab it and throw it and it would be really effective in the sense of confusing the enemy long enough for her to run away/hide (like just imagine the confusion on the enemy's face when they get hit with it, she'll be long gone by then). And also bc rabbit's paws are supposed to give good luck so she'd try to rationalize this insanity with "it's a lucky object, of course it will work as weapon"
Just for funsies, Elizabeth would be like "i don't need anything" and just beat up a person with her fists (probably helps that she's technically a werewolf so she can just change into that and eat someone)
Thanks for the ask, Sassy, I really appreciate it!
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Elizabeth Adawolf (includes before and after) - Level 10 Human Blood Hunter
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
RANDOM OC ASK ATTACK: Tell me about one happy or pivotal event in their life. Also. What’s their love language?
happy event? Ma'am, we don't do that here
Pivotal, however, there's plenty. The one that comes to mind is Elizabeth's wedding day.
Being the daughter of a duke, she knew, at some point, she was going to get married off, and so, when she was 16, she was to marry the son of this other noble family.
Wedding day arrives, it's happening in a chapel in her family's estate, and everything's going well, it's a big event, everyone of both families are there, and when the ceremony's getting close to an end, a fire starts. No one is sure how it happened, but soon, the place was engulfed in flames.
People ran towards the doors but they were sealed shut, same with the windows. With so many people together in a tight space, Elizabeth was knocked on the burning ground. As she began to loose consciousness, both due to the pain of the burning and also because of how much smoke she was inhailing, she heard the sound of a window breaking, and she could see a figure moving around in the fire. Weakly, she called out for help and then blacked out.
When she woke up, half of her face was covered up in bandages and the person who rescued her, a tiefling named Kallista, told her that she was the only survivor of the fire.
It's after the death of her family that Elizabeth ends up joining the blood hunters, gets infected with lycantropy, meets the love of her life and enters the adventure she is on, so, pretty pivotal, i would say.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
What song best represents your OC? Also. Your OC has unlimited gold to commission/buy/find their partner a gift? What is it? How does it go over?
Sky, I am kissing you on the forehead (if you consent to it), bc I HAVE OC PLAYLISTS OK
For Gwen, I always associated her with songs that represented themes of being free, living life, but one song that for some reason always reminds me of her is Spring recomposed by Max Richter. Like the vibes of the song just remind me so much of what she's like and the fact that it's spring (a season i associate a lot with her) kinda ties it all togehter.
But also, since this is a song ask, I need to talk about Elizabeth because the first idea I had for her came to me while i was listening to Hero by Skillet, so I think that song represents her a lot, especially when look into the lyrics of the song (like, the idea of being on a breaking point and needing someone to save/rescue is a theme that I think resonates a lot with her, especially in her younger age).
For the second question, Gwendolyn would buy something that she knew her partner wanted for a long time, or she'd buy something that she knew they liked. I think if she were to commission an artist, she'd probably pay a musician to like write a song about her beloved and then have that person perform it to them, while she and the partner idk dance under the stars.
Elizabeth, however, is kinda of a funny situation because she's an artist herself and she has often drawn portraits of her loved ones (especially Kallista, her girlfriend), so i think she would probably commission clothes for Kallista that fit her and that were her style.
Thanks for the ask and also, I'm leaving both character playlists that I have under the cut!
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
Which of the seven deadly sins best represents your OC? Which virtue? Would you consider them a "good person" or is their morality flexible based on their company?
I'm in Elizabeth mood so I'm answering this for Elizabeth
Wrath. This woman has a big thrist for revenge after what happened to her family, and she will kill her enemies mercilessly. And also, she is very, VERY quick to anger, like say the wrong thing and she'll snap at you. One of the big exemples of this is, after one of her biggest enemies finally died, she was so angry over what he had done, she desecrated his body by cutting him up in pieces and opening his chest to (hopefully) steal his heart (unfortunetly for her, he didn't have a heart).
For virture, I was going to say humility, til I realized Elizabeth's "humbleness" comes from a place of low self-esteem then actual humility, so I decided to go with kindness, which is weird especially after that first answer but I swear that'll make sense. At the core of Elizabeth's character, there is a huge amount of compassion for people that are hurting and the desire to help them. She wishes to do good by others, often helping in the ways she knows how. An example of this is when the party was in this building that was collapsing, she was the first one to leave, but when noticing that the wizard was still there, struggling to run and would die, she immediatly went back inside and helped him out, moments before the whole structer went down (and this wizard is someone she does not particularly like a lot tbh).
And althought Elizabeth doesn't see herself as a good person (due to struggling a lot with survivor's guilt), I think she is. Many of the 'bad' things she has done were a ends justify the means sort of situation, like killing some bad war generals in reason of liberating a city. She definetly does more good than she let's herself believe.
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
Random OC Ask: In a modern AU what type of music would they like? Do you think they’d have a favorite band? 
An oracle approaches them and tells the name of their soulmate. How does your OC react?
I think Elizabeth would listen to a mix of like, really sad, heart wrenching songs, like Mitski, and rock and metal bc the sound drowns out the sound of her aching heart
Meanwhile, Gwendolyn is out here listening to pop, disco, any song that is like upbeat or great for dancing and letting it all loose. She definetly loves songs that are about falling in love or being in love with someone, althought I don't think she'd have a favorite artist/band.
And for the oracle, Gwen gets super excited about it. Like, she doesn't really believe in that stuff but it would get her to be all curious about it, and she'd probably start like fantasizing about who that person might be in real life.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
What quote best exemplifies your OC? Do they have a personal motto they live by?
It's technically not a quote but it encapsulates this well which is one of the 'flaw' thingies from the outlander background in 5e that says 'There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.'
And that's exactly how Gwen lives her life, and which is why she makes so many questionable and chaotic choices, because she spent so long living under somebody else's rules, now that she has the freedom to do whatever, she threw caution to the wind.
Also, now that I stopped to think about it, I think 'I want to live in the calmness of the morning light' represents Elizabeth a lot. One, for the whole like morning light and her being the champion for the goddess of the sun, but also because Elizabeth has been through so much that her ultimate goal now is to just....have peace. Stop surviving and start living, that sort of thing.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
random OC ask: what would your OC wear on an average day? what would they wear to a special event?
[feel free to include reference images, if you'd like!]
this is the moment that I have been waiting for *takes deep breath*
I wanted to talk about all my girls, so I will. Also, reference pics under the cut.
Gwendolyn Gray: Day to day, she wears a simple dress, usually like one color, pants underneath (even thought she hates pants, but a girl's gotta keep her decency), boots, and over that she wears her armor (which is really just like a leather corset thing and these two leather hand thingies that idk what the name is). Also, the dress is most likely a blue color, considering that's her favorite.
For a special event, she would definetly go with something elegant and flowy and big, like this girl would like some ball gowns so that she can live out her best fairy tale life (although, with her money, she'd probably go with something simpler).
Elizabeth Adawolf: Day to day, she wears practical clothes, like shirt and pants and then her armor on top, most are a dark color like black or dark blue, and she has a hood on the back so she can cover herself.
Special events, she wears red dresses, usually with a deep neckline so she can show off, and with skirts that either flare out or drape (both of these descriptions are based on the two red dresses she actually wore during two special events we had in game).
Nyx Lenoir: Day to day, she wears some very simple dresses, mostly blue, brown or beige, that are all torn and tathered at the bottom due to her being in the woods and being around animals, like her day to day dresses are not in the best shape. Also she likes to wear hats, fits with her witch of the woods aesthetic.
Special events, she'd rather no attend, but since she works for a noble, she has to go to them, and she just wears whatever's handed to her. The one dress I usually put her on is this big, blue one, but if she had a choice, she'd prefer something more simple.
Genevieve von DeWilde: Day to day, she's also a dress girlie but hers are more expensive because she comes from a noble house. So they are a bit bigger, more elaborate, definetly not the greatest for adventuring but hey, when your job is to stay back and cast spells, you can give yourself a treat. Usually she wears some bright colors, like pink, yellows and purple. Also, before she left home, she'd wears gloves all day everyday.
Special events she's going all out, the only one who can and would actually afford a ball gown.
Okay for references, Y'all will be subjected to my drawings so yeah (many of these are veeeery old and also the og designs of the character so yeah anyways) (also some of these photos i found on pinterest, so i can't link to the OG artists)
Gwendolyn, day to day (one of this was one of the first times i drew gwen and the other is the last):
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Special event: the pink one she wore it in my dnd game and the blue one is an idealized version of what she would want to wear
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Elizabeth Adawolf day to day:
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Special events (again, this is what she wore in game):
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Nyx Lenoir, day to day:
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Special Event:
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Genevieve von DeWilde, day to day: (also genevieve used to be galatea but then i changed the name)
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Special event:
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
How would they spend their last night on earth? If they could live anywhere at all, where would it be and why?
Sky, this is so depressing for no reason girl....
Elizabeth would spend her last night on earth with her wife, Kallista. Just act like everything is normal, have dinner, maybe dance a bit and then just lay in bed, embracing each other (idk why i intepreted this as a world ending scenario so I just imagined them closing their eyes, holding the other while a comet hits the planet and everyone dies anyways, there's a reason why As the World Caves In is in my Elizabeth playlist)
And if she could live anywhere, it would be a repurposed version of her family home. She hasn't been there in a decade, and she just...wishes she could go there, now with her new family, and maybe reform the place, so that she can still honor her past and the generations of the Adawolf family that lived there before her (and her own deceased family members) but also have a taste of a new chapter in her life.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
Aside from their romantic partner, who is the most influential figure in your OC's life and why? Has this shaped who they are or how they react to situations? Also, if they had three wishes, what would they be?
Ok so I kinda want to answer this for two different OCs? So I'll answer for Gwen and under the cut, I'll answer for Elizabeth.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the most influential fogure in Gwendolyn's life is her mother. She was the only person she had for eighteen years of her life, and how she was raised shaped who she is. The lack of independence she felt because of her mother is what has driven her wanderlust and it has made her act without caution because now she doesn't have someone breathing down her neck, so she just...fucks around and finds out.
Three wishes: 1) her mother is well, 2) has better relationship with her dad and 3) that she lives a long life
Now for my babygirl Elizabeth Adawolf
Elizabeth's father really influenced who she is a person. They were really close and he was a fair guy, with a strong sense of justice and duty and this has passed onto her, althought now, she is not as patient as he was. She didn't think she would ever be in this leading position that she finds herself in, but she strives to be as a good leader as her father used to be.
In regards to shaping the reaction to situations, definetly in the sense of political decisions. Because her father was someone who wanted everyone to live a peaceful and dignified life, this is something she also believes in and is why she'll always try to fight for those who need help.
If Elizabeth had three wishes they would be: 1) Bring her family back to life, 2) Marry her girlfirend, Kallista and 3) live in peace for the rest of her days
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unreadpoppy · 1 year
OC Tag Game!
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
Elizabeth!!!! (Idk her last name :D)
Thanks for the ask Moony!
Elizabeth Adawolf (all the pcitures were drawn by Moony @littlemoondarlingarts btw)
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$ Financial: wealthy / moderate (when she was a noble, very wealthy, but now she's an adventurer on the run with 19 gole coins, so it's not a lot but we haven't needed money yet)/ poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate(i do have to say however, that she had no sight in one of her eyes, but idk if that qualifies as a disability and google wasn't helping either) / sickly / disabled/ disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other (i mean she's a noble in a rennaiscene-like period of time, so i take that as you will, like she knows history and all, but it's not like she went to college)
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent (mom and dad) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ disorganized / organized / in between
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
❀ Philosophical: yes / no / in between
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic
☁ Smoking: tried it (once and then never again) / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker
✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess
☻ Unhealthy Food: never (but mostly because there are none in the places she's been in) / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater
$ Splurge Spending: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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unreadpoppy · 7 months
Random OC ask! What is your OCs biggest regret? What haunts them? But would they change it?
Elizabeth is a woman filled with regrets, but her biggest regret is that she couldn't say goodbye to her family. Like, it's a regret that, when you think about it, doesn't make a lot of sense bc how could she say goodbye to them when she didn't know that they would die, but the fact that she never got to really speak with them one last time.
That is definetly something that haunts her. She has a lot of nightmares, reliving that experience and it's like, sometimes the fact that she didn't say goodbye hurts her more than the fact that they died? And yeah, if she had some wish she could make, she would go back and have that closure, that last hug with everyone before they're gone forever.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
random OC ask: what are some things your OC never leaves home without?
this can be both practical (their typical tools, notable accessories, etc.) and narrative (items that have personal importance to them, etc.)
Gwen: Her rabbit's paw, because she believes it gives her good luck, and also the crystal she wears as a necklace (cause that's her arcane focus). When her pact boon was the pact of the talisman, then also the choker she wears around her neck but ever since she spoke with her patron to change the boon, she no longer has it.
Elizabeth: A good, big, ol' sword. This woman loves a sword and she will not leave the house without someway to protect herself (and i do mean, she walks around heavily armed, but swords are definetly her weapon of choice.)
Genevieve: Gloves. So, I need to give a physical description of the character first. Genevieve is like, as white as milk, but there's this black mark that's been growing from her palm up to her forearm in one of her arms (it first appeared when she cast her first spell and it's been growing ever since). She doesn't want her family to know, so she began wearing gloves all the time, around everyone, to protect herself. It's bad enough being the one tiefling in a family full of elves and humans, she thinks to herself, it'd be worse if she gave them even more reason to ostracize her.
Nyx: Her broom of flying, because that's her means of transportation (that she'll also use to beat someone up), lots of herbs and other stuff for potion making, a hand telescope so she can look at the stars and parchment + ink so that she can draw star maps, because these are all the tools she needs to do her work.
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unreadpoppy · 8 months
(Elizabeth x Kallista)
Summary: The long awaited reunion between the lovers Kallista and Elizabeth.
A/N: In the wake of their campaigns both being cancelled due to higher forces, I needed to write their reunion since it's not actually happening in canon (and i'll probably write their epilogue as well).
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They were losing the fight. 
Kallista had already spent most of her strength, all of her allies were down and she was surrounded. 
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were supposed to win, and get back home and she would find Elizabeth and all would be well. But as she looked around, at the bloody bodies of the companions, Kallista took in a deep breath. If this was her end, she would go out fighting. 
She screamed as she battled the remaining foes, swinging her sword around, filled with a new found rage.  Tears filled her eyes as she managed to down most of them, but one remained. 
The held a large and strong battle axe, and he was clearly not as spent as the tiefling. One attack after the other, too fast for Kallista to process, made her lose her sword, allowing him to kick her onto the ground. 
She tried getting up, but he kicked her again. Kallista put a hand on her side, coughing up blood. She looked up, seeing as he raised the axe, and closed her eyes, preparing herself for the final blow. Her last thoughts were of her lover, and how sad it was that their time was cut so short. 
‘Maybe in another life’ was Kallista’s last thought. 
… Except that the blow never came. 
Instead, Kallista opened her eyes just as the man’s head dropped from his body, alongside his axe. As the rest of his body soon followed, the tiefling looked down, breathing heavily. 
“It can’t be.” She heard a familiar voice. Soon, a hand covered the one in her side, while another touched her cheek, lifting her gaze to the scarred face that consumed her thoughts. 
“Please, tell me that you’re real.” She heard Elizabeth whisper. “Tell me that this isn’t an illusion made to torment me.”
“Elizabeth…” Kallista breathed out, reaching a hand to touch the woman’s cheek. “You found me?” 
“I would always find you.” Elizabeth said, tears streaming down her face. “Even if you were not you and I was not I, I’d still find you.” She kissed Kallista’s palmm and looked down, looking at her wound. She then turned around to scream “Brutus, come help me.” 
A tortle stepped into Kallista’s sight, and both him and Elizabeth helped her up. “Come.” her lover said. “We’ll get you somewhere safe.” 
“Anywhere is safe if you're around.” Kallista whispered, making her blush.
After arriving in their settlement, Elizabeth helped Kallista clean herself and treat her wounds. Both of them had been silent as she dragged the wet cloth carefully around her body, washing away the grime, dirt and blood of the day. Later, the tiefling took a few healing potions, removing the hurt and only leaving a few cuts and bruises behind. 
They stayed silent as Elizabeth wound the bandages around Kallista’s middle, and the tiefling noticed how her brows furrowed at the scars on her chest. 
Now, Kallista was sitting on the nearby beach, looking at the moons. She heard footsteps behind her, and then, Elizabeth sat next to her. Both stayed like that, until the human placed her head on the tiefling’s shoulder, sighing. 
“What’s wrong?” Kallista asked. 
“I keep thinking that this is some…awfully good dream that I’ll wake up from.” Elizabeth said. “That at any moment I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone again.” She turned her head to look into the other’s eye.
“I promise you, I’m real.” She held one of her hands and brought it to her lips, kissing it. 
Elizabeth smiled shyly. Her free hand went towards the tiefling’s chest, fingers brushing over strange markings. “These are new.” She murmured. 
Kallista sighed. “It’s a complicated story.” She pointed towards the scars on Elizabeth’s neck and the ones on her chest, right where her heart lay. “Those are also new.” 
Elizabeth raised a brow and smirked. “It’s a complicated story.” The two women chuckled. 
A moment passed where they just looked at each other. Kallista suddenly looked down. “I can’t help but think of all that has happened.” She whispered. “Seven years, Elizabeth, that I was looking for you. I almost believed you had died.” She sighed, looking up again. “I’m not the same woman that I was then.” Kallista shook her head before finishing. “What I mean is…if your feelings for me have changed, if you found another, I’m…I’ll be okay.”
Elizabeth frowned. “I’ve changed as well, Kallista.” She cupped both of her cheeks with her hands. “But my love for you has been the one constant in this chaos I’ve been thrown into.” She smiled as tears gathered in her eyes. “A life without you in it is senseless. I want you by my side, forever.” 
Kallista smiled, inching forward and pressing a delicate kiss on Elizabeth’s lips. Although it had been long since they had last done so, this sort of intimacy, of affection towards the other, came as naturally to them as breathing. 
The kiss was short and afterwards, Elizabeth reached into the pocket of her pants, retrieving some pieces of folded parchment. “I thought of you, everyday.” She said while handling them to Kallista. 
The tiefling raised a brow as she opened them up and was met with various different drawings but all with the same subject - her. 
There was Kallista laughing and smiling, her just standing, one of her with an angry expression, and a few in more…explicit poses. 
“You…Elizabeth, I…I have no words.” She hugged her, as strong as she could. Then, she let go, to touch their foreheads to the other. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Elizabeth smirked and got up. “Now, I think it would be interesting if we made some of these-” she pointed towards the drawings “a reality.” 
“Now we’re talking.” Kallista quickly pocketed the drawings, getting on her feet and with easy, throwing Elizabeth over her shoulder, practically sprinting back to where they were residing, while the other laughed. 
They had waited seven years for this reunion and they would make up for all the lost time. 
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
Two Moons
Elizabeth Adawolf x Kallista
Read on AO3
A/N: It's thinking of Elizabeth and Kallista hours so have this. (Also, these two are dnd characters of mine, so this is original work).
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Kallista sat on the sand, her knees close to her chest. She was relatively away from the ocean, but a few waves would still reach her toes. She did not care. 
The night breeze made her wince, the scars on her chest still fresh. But physical pain was nothing compared to the ache in her heart. 
Five years. 
Five years since the one she considered her father almost killed her. 
Five years since Elizabeth had proposed. 
Five years without Elizabeth. 
They had been forcibly separated that night. Kallista didn’t blame her for running away. Had Elizabeth stayed, she would have been killed. 
But in doing so, she had left a hole in Kallista’s heart. One she had been tyring to mend for five long years. 
Once the tiefling had recovered, she first searched Elizabeth’s old family home, finding nothing but ashes. She spent the next years traveling the continent, with no clue of where Elizabeth could be. 
In a way, she felt as if she was chasing a ghost. There were no traces of the woman, no people who had seen her, nothing. In her dreams, Kallista would be haunted by her face, her smile, her scars. On the nights were it hurt most, she would clutch the necklaces Elizabeth had once gifted her. One was a simple copper chain, with a raven pendant. The other was an oval locket. When opened, you could see a small sketch of Elizabeth and Kallista on each side.  
All Kallista had left of her were that and her memories and dreams. It wasn’t enough. 
She longed to have her once again in her arms, to hold her, kiss her, love her and most importantly, talk to her. She missed their early morning conversations during breakfast, the witty remarks made during a hunt and the late night talks that went on until the sun shined in the horizon. 
When she figured Elizabeth was no longer in the empire, Kallista decided it was time to travel overseas. Now, she was stranded on an island, having been captured and branded, her precious items hidden away from her, Kallista felt more lost than before.
Sometimes, she wondered if Elizabeth was still alive. If she had died or if she had moved on. If she even remembered who Kallista was. 
Kallista embraced her knees, looking at the two moons in the sky. If the gods had allowed her to still live, after everything that had happened, it had to be for a reason. She whispered to herself
I’ll find you, Elizabeth, in death or in life, I won’t stop until I have you again. 
The others had helped Elizabeth lay on the hammock. Her injuries were fresh and she felt weak. It was not easy getting stabbed in the chest twice within a week. It was also not easy seeing your allies be murdered because of your mistakes. 
That’s all she was able to do now. Commit mistake after mistake. 
She closed her eyes and shook her head. With some effort, she was able to reach into the pocket of her clothes and grab her drawings, the ones that had been saved by the fire. On them, there were various sketches of her family, her companions and most importantly, of Kallista. 
Kallista, who had given Elizabeth a second chance at life.
Kallista, who had shown Elizabeth what it felt like to be loved. To think of a future together.
Kallista, whom Elizabeth had left behind all those years ago. 
Elizabeth had spent five years not knowing what had happened. She wanted to believe Kallista was alive, but it felt like clinging to a false hope. 
Until it wasn’t. Until the goddess revealed that her lover still held breath. Despite destiny’s wicked attempts, Elizabeth now had hope she and Kallista would grow old together. All she had to do was find her. 
She wondered if Kallista remembered her, if she had been looking for her or if she had moved on. On her darkest nights, when her dreams would replay the pain of the past, Elizabeth questioned if Kallista still loved her. 
After all, it had been five years. 
Elizabeth traced her hands on the drawing she had made. Her biggest fear was forgetting what Kallista had looked like. Had she acquired new scars over these years or had she stayed the same, just like on the paper? 
Kallista was her muse, her fire, the reason Elizabeth had to keep going. 
She did not know where this journey would take her, but she would do everything that was necessary to guarantee that it would end with her and Kallista reunited once again. 
Elizabeth brought the piece of paper to her lips, giving it a gentle kiss as to not smudge the charcoal. She held it close to her heart and looked at the sky, the two moons shining brightly. 
She made a silent promise. 
If she had to go to the ends of the world, so be it. She would find Kallista again. 
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unreadpoppy · 1 year
Letting go of what might have been and letting something new in (previously titled Goodbye)
Author's Note: So, this is what I imagine would be an epilogue for Elizabeth, after the campaign is done. Also i'm not a 100% satisfied with this but it was the best i could do.
Pairing: Elizabeth Adawolf x Kallista
Word Count: 1393
TW: none besides talk of grief and a slight suicide attempt mention (it is implied that the character tried it but it's not really said).
I'm gonna tag @littlemoondarling to show you I finisehd the thing and @desenhosdebolso because they are part of the campaign, so it only seems fair.
It was the first time that week that it hadn't rained. It was not a particularly sunny day, but it was better than nothing. Willie, the groundskeeper of the cemetery, was working overtime, cleaning the tombstones, removing the fallen leaves from the ground and trying his best to keep the place clean. It was what the dead deserved. 
As he swept the sweat from his brow, he noticed a figure in the horizon. They were mounted alone on a horse. He couldn’t make out the person’s features, even as they got closer, for their face was hidden in a scarf that ran over their nose, and they had a hood drawn over their head. 
Although Willie was suspicious, he decided to go back to his work. He heard when the mysterious figure got off their horse and tied its reins on a nearby tree. He kept his eyes trained on them as they walked in the cemetery, not even looking at him, and heading towards one of the least visited mausoleums in the cemetery.
The Adawolfs. 
Elizabeth barely remembered the last time she’d been there. She might’ve been nine or ten years old, when her last living grandmother passed away. She could barely understand what was going on at that time, only seeing everyone crying a lot and having to wear black for a week.
Before she entered, Elizabeth took a good look at the outside. Her family’s name was written above the entrance, and on both sides of it there were statues of wolves - the Adawolf’s sigil. Still with her hood and scarf up, she breathed and entered the mausoleum. 
In the middle of the mausoleum was the tomb of the first Adawolf and his wife. On the walls, the other generations of the family had had their coffins placed there, with inscriptions on the front signaling who they were. 
Elizabeth passed her hand over the many names of her ancestors. The many mothers, fathers and children who had been buried there centuries ago. Many had been separated in life, but here, they had been reunited once again. 
Eventually, she found what she had looked for. 
Between two shelves, there was space with a somewhat large blue urn. Underneath it was written:
Here lies the last members of the Adawolf family all lost in the great fire 2532. Due to the circumstances of their deaths, their ashes have been stored together. May their souls find rest.
Henry August Richard Adawolf ⭐01/10/ 2475 - ✝️25/12/2532
Anne-Marie Adawolf ⭐20/06/2494 - ✝️25/12/2532
Edward Herbert Stephen Adawolf ⭐03/07/2512 - ✝️25/12/2532
Elizabeth Louise Victoria Adawolf ⭐20/12/2516 - ✝️25/12/2532
Henrietta Augusta Thereza  Adawolf ⭐01/09/2517 - ✝️25/12/2532
Gustav Albert Gaston Adawolf ⭐27/11/2518 - ✝️25/12/2532
Genevieve Maria Antonia Adawolf ⭐01/01/2522 - ✝️25/12/2532
Elizabeth kept tracing her fingers on where her name was written, to the point where she was getting dirty underneath her nails. Although the inscription was incorrect to include her, Elizabeth thought it a bit poetic. 
Yes, she stood there, living and breathing, but a part of her had died that day. A part of her that had been forgotten, forever resting with her family. With shaky hands, she took the urn and held it close to her chest. She stayed like that for sometime.
Eventually, she opened the urn, and put the ashes on a small wooden box she had brought with her, inside her bag. Putting the urn back in its place, she left the mausoleum. 
Outside, Willie saw the figure walking towards him.   
“Are you the groundskeeper?”
“Yes.” he said dryly. 
The person opened her bag, retrieving two items, one in each hand. They threw a small leather bag at him.
“The gold is yours if you plant and take care of these flowers for me” they then opened their other hand, showing a few seeds. 
The groundskeeper looked inside the bag, counting the gold. It was good money and so he took the seeds. 
“Where do you want them to be planted?”
“In front of the Adawolf mausoleum.” 
He nodded. “And what type of flowers are these?”
“Forget-me-nots” they replied, and then started to walk away. Before they could get very far, however, Willie caught up.
“Wait. Who are you?”
“Why do you care?” They replied. 
“No one has visited the Adawolfs in years. How do I know you’re not trying to do something bad?” Willie had a great memory. He knew the name of every single person buried in the cemetery and knew who had come to visit them. 
The person sighed, their back turned to him. “I would never dream of harming their final resting place.” 
“Hum… I still don’t know if I can trust what you’re saying”
They lowered their hood, and a mass of black hair, with a few white ones, was at display. They also removed their scarf and finally turned around. 
At first, Willie had no idea who this was. But when he looked better at the scars the woman had, noticing how they were all from fire, and the ring pendant in her necklace, one that had a wolf sigil in it, he made a connection.
“It can’t be,” he said, exasperated. “All the Adawolfs are dead”
“Not all of them’’ Was all the woman said before finally leaving. He tried to shout after her but it was useless. The ghost of the Adawolf was long gone now. 
It took Elizabeth a few days to arrive at the hill top close to where her home had been but finally she was there. It was raining, which had complicated her journey, but she was determined to complete her task. 
She opened her bag, retrieving the small wooden box. 
“I should have done this a long time ago.” She said to the box. “But I couldn’t bring myself to let go. To say goodbye. I had held on to this absurd hope that someday, I’d have all of you again. That this was all some terrible dream I would soon wake up from and everything would be as it was. I even tried to find you in death” 
She smiled sadly to herself. “But then I saw father again, and all that my life could have been and…I didn’t want that.” The tears that had formed in her eye were now falling down her cheek. “Saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do and it still is. I wish I could stay with all of you. But I can’t. I have no future living in the past.”  
When the rain stopped, Elizabeth opened the box, taking a bit of the ashes in her. “And so, I free all of you. And in doing so, I free myself as well.” She called their names as she poured more of the ashes away, and saw the wind scattering them. 
Once she was done, she closed the box and she collapsed. Elizabeth knelt on the ground, holding the box close. 
After a few minutes, she heard footsteps running towards her. 
“Elizabeth!” she heard Kallista shout. 
The tiefling had accompanied her, but stayed behind, to allow her a moment alone. When she saw her lover go down, she ran. 
Elizabeth felt her hands on her face. “Are you alright?” Kallista asked, worried. 
She sniffled before replying “I will be.” 
Elizabeth put the box on the ground, and with Kallista’s help, she stood up. They embraced each other. 
A moment passed and she said “Let us go. I am done here”
Kallista nodded. “Alright, but if you feel like you need more time, we can stay.”
“No. All that I need is already holding me” She said, looking at their intertwined hands. “My family is gone. I’ll never have them back.” Elizabeth paused. “It’s time for me to make my own family. With you.” 
Kallista smiled and they touched their foreheads. 
“The journey to where we are now was long,” Kallista said. 
“Yes. And the next part will be just as long.” Elizabeth replied, putting a hand on her belly. 
“Indeed.” The tiefling agreed, covering her lover’s hand. “But I’m glad I’ll be doing it with you.” 
The women smiled and then kissed, and as the clouds cleared and the sun shone above them, Elizabeth knew she had a lot to look forward to.
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