#oc: humanitas
wackywibrart · 9 months
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☆ Oc-Tober Day 5 // RELATIONSHIPS
okay where do i begin on this one uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
So, I decided to go back to Grumbry on this one since this nerd has a LOT to talk abt regarding it! No color since I was rather all over the place today
Grumbry is a Polyamorous Nonbinary Lesbian! They have a masc lean and don't mind being regarded as such, but overall enjoy their enbiness. They have three partners (from left to right): Blackbyrd (Any pronouns, Nonbinary Lesbian), Cyano (He/Him, Neutrois Lesbian), and Thena (She/Ae, Asexual Lesbian), all owned by @cherryspotart!!
Blackbyrd and Cyano are actually Grumbry's more recent partners! They all met within the labatory that Blackbyrd and Cyano work at, Cyano being hitched with first and Blackbyrd soon following! They're in a triangle poly and love one another very much <3 Very goofy guys together!!!
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(1st and 3rd artwork done by me, 2nd done by @cherryspotart)
Now, for Thena.... She's actually Grumbry's FIRST partner outside of a messy relationship prior. Grumbry were imprisoned for decades due to their Criti energy (Or their specific sin powers) becoming almost intoxicating due to influence by another satyr god. They went into a deep sleep to escape from it and ended up hopping themselves into a completely different universe while they waited. They ended up in a universe where Grumbry were able to meet Thena, and the two were able to bond over their situations as Thena also had been going through dimension hopping due to being imprisioned. It's a whole thing, but the two have been lovers for decades! They had been separated when they both awoken, but after reuniting, they were able to be dorky lovebirds again.
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(1st, 3rd and 4th artwork done by me, 2nd done by @cherryspotart)
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cygnus-art · 21 days
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cherryspotart · 1 year
Patience Propaganda #2
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Vote for her here!
Hi I bring forth new art of her! And extra lore! This horrid woman means a lot to me and it'd mean a lot if she wins just one round 🥺
Here are some extra facts about her story that might help sway your opinion on how abhorrent she is:
She only allows herself to speak to the priests down on earth, not wanting any of the opinions or ideas of the other Virtues (holy gods) to "taint" her values that are established amongst the virtuists on earth.
Tried to pressure her little sister Thena into killing one of the Hedons (unholy gods) and his son for her to prove her loyalty, and when she refused to, exiled her.
Uses her hypnosis magic often to hide any slip-ups of hers/easily get others to do what she wishes without question.
Pressures her husband into working past his limits, leaving him constantly exhausted and extremely burnt out after constantly working on heavenly documents.
Upon finding out her husband was secretly visiting the Hedons to socialize with them in private, she threatened to exile him if he didn't speak to them and state that he would never visit again.
Also tagging @homemadegirlbossbattle for propaganda purposes!
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b4nryfoster · 1 year
Humanita x alien
Humanita es abandonada en un planeta lleno de nieve, su instinto de supervivencia la guía hasta una cueva donde un enorme alien azul con cuernos y una cola guarda se refugiaba, fue allí donde el alien azul supo que ella lo hacía resonar y come zaron una peculiar relación.
Fanart y ocs de ice planet barbarians
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7marichan7 · 4 years
Hey! Here something I have been working on ;D Enjoy!
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mapleplatoon · 5 years
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NPCs for a D&D campaign I may or may not run. They’re known as the Elemental Fiends because they oppose the gods in the setting, but they might just be misunderstood.
In order:
Caritas, Fiend of Nature
Castitas, Fiend of Darkness
Industria, Fiend of Fire
Humilitas, Fiend of Air
Humanitas, Fiend of Light
Patienta, Fiend of Water
Temperantia, Fiend of Earth
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aike-nein · 5 years
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No señoras y señores mi oc no cambió...al menos no del todo sigo sinfo esa cabeza de chiribola con dientes de cierra (almenos en siertos aspectos) pero bueno.
La de la izquierda como dice a la par soy io Hail en una apariencia más humanita y en paz, buenas ideas, 0 frustración, estres y trabajos.
El de la derecha es mi contraparte masculina Adrik a quien (espero) veran musho más seguido uwu
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prophetparadox · 7 years
Birds of a Feather: Epilogue (A Prompto x OC Soulmate AU)
Chapter 22 <-/AO3
Word count: 3,842
It’s here! The ending of this story has finally come! And what better way to end this story off than on a happy note! Now don’t worry, just because I’m done writing this story doesn’t mean I’m done writing about Prompto and Katia! I have a ton of fic ideas on the way! And I hope you’ll read them just like you have this! I’m gonna be taking a small break though, as I want to keep myself from burning out, especially with how long this epilogue took. I also want to thank everyone who read this story from beginning to end. It really makes me happy to know I have people who’ve enjoyed this crazy ride just as much as I have! And hopefully this ending will satisfy everyone! Gotta have a happy ending to all this, after all.
Tagging: @cupnoodle-queen, @nifwrites, @takuahijackedthetardis, @lunarlapin, @fujinhildr, @grumpyoldmoogle, @thefriendlytonberry, and @themaidoflight22. Although this is the ending, if you want to be tagged in future stories feel free to let me know!
Katia's eyes slowly blinked open as she awakened from her slumber, the sound of her phone's alarm rousing her from sleep. If it were any other day, she'd hit the snooze button and get a few more minutes of rest, but not today. Today was something special. She reached for her phone shutting the alarm off and letting herself wake up before jumping out of bed. She noticed the lack of arms around her and turned around, seeing Prompto already awake and looking at her with a smirk. "Morning, beautiful," he said, pulling her in close. "You sleep well?"
Katia giggled. "Morning, handsome," she said as a yawn escaped her. "I slept just fine. After all, I had you by my side all night."
"I dunno, sounds to me like you're not ready to leave the bed."
"You know I've never been good with being woken up. I just need a few minutes."
"If you need help waking up faster, I think I have the perfect solution." He looked into her eyes as his hand slowly traveled down her side.
She didn't have to be fully awake to understand what he meant. "Prom, no, we have to get ready. Besides, you'll have plenty of time for that later tonight."
"Awwwww, come on Kat! It'll be quick, I promise!" He began making that sad puppy face as he whined.
"Prom, I said no. We have a lot to do today!" She tried her hardest to resist his charms.
"Please, Chocobabe?"
Katia let out a sigh, clearly he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Alright, but it has to be quick."
"What has to be quick?"
The sound of a third voice snapped the pair out of their mood, causing them to turn their heads towards the end of the bed. Sitting there, an innocent smile on her face, was a young six year-old girl. Her long blond hair was a mess, her face was littered with freckles, and her blue eyes were focused on the couple in front of her. They hadn't even heard her enter the room.
"Soleil, sweetie, you know you're supposed to knock on the door before you enter." Katia said, relieved that she hadn't seen anything.
"Oh right, oops. Sorry, mama." Soleil said.
Prompto reached over, picking up their daughter and bringing her closer. "And just what are you doing up so early, Nugget?" he asked.
"I can't help it! It's so bright outside and I couldn't go back to sleep!" Soleil whined, pointing towards the window as sunlight filtered through the curtains.
Prompto chuckled as he ruffled her hair. "It's been a month and yet you're still not used to the sun?"
"Well you can't really blame her, she's grown up in endless night her whole life." Katia said.
She looked at the two next to her, Prompto having initiated a tickle attack on Soleil, and smiled. Ten years had passed and she was blessed with a wonderful family. She looked at Prompto, the love of her life, noting just how much had changed and how much had stayed the same. His freckles had gotten harder to see, he'd lost his baby face, and a noticeable goatee sat on his chin; though he still had that chocobo hair, his sunshine personality, and all the love for her in the world. She couldn't have asked for a more perfect soulmate.
Of course, the years had changed her as well. Her scars had healed to the best of their ability, her hair now went past her shoulders, and some smaller scars now littered her body, but at heart she was still the same. She wished she could let this happy moment continue, but they had a long day. "Alright you two, that's enough tickle fights for now. I think it's about time we have some breakfast before Aunt Cindy and Aunt Iris get here."
"Yay! Breakfast!" Soleil shouted as she jumped off the bed and headed towards the door. "I want strawberry waffles!"
The two of them giggled as their daughter left. She was a ball of energy that brightened up their lives. Finally getting out of bed, Katia was surprised when she felt Prompto's arm wrap around her from behind. "I guess we'll have to save the fun for tonight after all." he pouted.
"Well well, someone's feeling greedy today aren't they?" Katia asked.
"I can't help it, today's the day we've been waiting ten years for. Can't I be a little enthusiastic?"
"Save it for later, Chocobo-Butt."
Prompto kissed her cheek, his goatee brushing against her skin. "I'm allowed that at least?"
"Of course. Now let's hurry before Soleil starts whining about her starving to death."
They followed their daughter down to the kitchen, and as she began making the waffles Soleil was clamoring for Katia found herself staring out the window. It was still early in the morning so not many people were awake yet, but the sun shining down on Insomnia's streets always managed to warm her heart. There was still a lot that needed to be repaired, Insomnia was a huge city after all, but being back home after so long felt nice. No more daemons, no more Ardyn, it was all so wonderful. Even without it's king, she knew that Insomnia would flourish. People had already started returning and doing what they could to help.
The rest of the morning passed by uneventfully, with Soleil eating her waffles and asking all kinds of questions.
"So who's gonna be there?"
"Just about everyone we know. They've all been waiting for this as much as we have."
"Does that mean Ordo's gonna be there?" Soleil's eyes sparkled as she asked the question.
"Of course Ordo's coming. Uncle Iggy and Aunt Eleiza are pretty important for today, as is Ordo. In fact, you're gonna stay at their place tonight!"
"Yaaaaaay! But why am I staying at Uncle Iggy's?"
"'Cause the hotel room is only for two people, Nugget."
"I already know Uncle Gladio's gonna be there, but what about Uncle Noct? Is Uncle Noct coming?"
Katia and Prompto froze. A month had passed since their best friend's sacrifice but they still hadn't explained what happened to their daughter. "No, Uncle Noct isn't coming. He's...been too busy. But he wishes he could come and see you again," Katia said. They'd tell her the truth one day, just not today. "Now hurry up and go get your dress on. Aunt Cindy and Aunt Iris are gonna be here soon and we need to be ready."
Her food finished, she jumped out of her chair. "Okay, mama!" Soleil ran back to her room.
Prompto sighed. "The one thing keeping this day from being perfect..." he muttered.
Katia walked over to him, giving him a hug. "Hey, you know he'd want to be there," she said. "But he had to fulfill his duties as the True King. It's thanks to him today's even possible. Besides, I'm sure he'll be there in spirit. After all he's done for us, there's no way he'd miss it. Not even dying would stop him. So don't get sad, today's supposed to be a happy day for us."
Prompto smiled. "You're right. He'll be there."
The doorbell ringed, signifying that it was time to get things rolling. "Well, I guess that's my cue. I'll be seeing you later, my handsome Chocobo." She kissed him on the cheek, as Soleil ran into the room.
Prompto blushed. After all this time, she still knew how to get him flustered. "I'll be waiting for you at the alter."
"Uuuuuugh, do I really have to put on all this make-up?" Katia asked as she sat in front of a mirror, waiting impatiently for the make-up to be applied.
"Oh come on, it's your big day! You and Prompto are finally getting married! You deserve to look your best for him!" Mira said.
Mira Humanitas was Gladio's fiance. Katia couldn't remember exactly when the two of them had hooked up, as it was in the early days of the Starscourge when the days blended together. But they'd met many times and became quick friends. She was the one applying said make-up, much to Katia's chagrin.
"But I rarely even wear the stuff, and Prom loves me just as much without it. I don't need to be dolled up just to get married, some lipstick will do just fine."
"Nonsense! I'm not letting you go out there until you look stunning! Besides, if he loves you without make-up, just imagine the look on his face when he sees you with make-up."
"I think he'd faint from the overload." Eleiza joked. The former hunter, now Ignis' fiance, laughed at the idea of Prompto fainting at the alter.
"Come on now Katia, I think you look great!" Iris said, her signature smile gracing her face.
"Maybe you think so, but there's a reason I don't normally wear this stuff," Katia said. "Can we at least skip the mascara? I hate the way it feels on me."
Mira let out a sigh. "Fine, no mascara. But I swear to the Six, I'm gonna make you look perfect and you're gonna like it! And I can do it without the mascara!"
"I don't get why yer so against this, sugar. It's just a bit of fancy make-up. It's meant ta enhance yer beauty." Cindy said, her face free of the usual grime. She looked even more beautiful than usual. The mechanic had quickly become Katia's friend during the ten years of darkness. She was a fun person to talk to and was always nice. If not for the fact that she'd already found her soulmate, Katia could've easily fallen for her.
"I just don't like how I look with it on. I end up looking like a zombie." Katia said.
"Well that's why I'm here. I picked these colors myself so they'd match with your dress. No zombies here. You're gonna look stunning!" Mira said, insistent on not letting this go.
Soleil ran up to the mirror. "You look really pretty, mama!" she said.
"Awww, thanks sweetie," Katia responded, at least her daughter thought she looked nice. "You should go get ready. You have an important role today, remember?"
"Oh yeah! Right!" Soleil picked her basket of petals off of a table and headed for the door.
"Iris, can you go with her so she doesn't get lost?"
The young Amicita nodded her head. "You can count on me!" she said. She took hold of the little girls hand and walked out the door with her.
"Aaaaaaand, done!" Mira proclaimed with a smile. "Take a look!"
Katia looked at herself in the mirror, surprised by how she looked. The colors chosen weren't too bright or garish, the yellows and oranges were soft, enhancing her eyes and lips. Just as promised, there was no mascara, the eyeliner and eye-shadow making up for it. Her cheeks were dusted a faint pink. Aside from the scars on the right side of her face, not a blemish could be seen on her skin. Mira had done it. "Wow..." was the only thing she managed to say.
"Told you I'd make you look perfect." Mira said. The other women in the room came over and saw for themselves.
"Damn, you look mighty fine there, sugar! Prompto's a lucky man!" Cindy said.
"Oh yeah, he's gonna faint for sure." Eleiza chuckled.
A knock at the door interrupted their thoughts. Katia called for them to enter, and two women were standing there. "You almost done in here? We're ready to start." Aranea said.
"Yeah, and Cor's waiting for you. No doubt my brother is as well." Chrome Animalia said with a smirk. It still surprised Katia how much the beast tamer looked like her husband-to-be. But that's just how twins were.
"Well you're in luck. I just finished with her make-up so we're good to go!" Mira said. "You tell everyone to get ready, we'll be out there in a second." Aranea and Chrome nodded, shutting the door behind them.
"Well, I think that's our cue to get out there. Iris is probably waiting already. We'll see you out there, Katia." Eleiza said. The bridesmaids made their way out as well. Katia let out a breath, trying to compose herself.
"Ya nervous?" Katia turned to find Cindy still there, standing by the door.
"A little bit, yeah," Katia answered. "I mean, we've been waiting for this for ten years, I'm bound to be a little nervous. It's just kinda weird to think that after all this time we're finally gonna be married."
"The two of ya were kinda already married, it jus' weren't officially done," Cindy said. She was right. The two of them were practically married already, as was usual with their relationship. But they still wanted this to be official. "An' I'll bet you that Prompto's even more nervous than you are. Ya know how he gets 'bout these things."
"Yeah, you're right," Katia stood up from the chair she'd been sitting in, grabbing her bouquet from the side of the table. "Okay, I'm ready."
Cindy smiled. "Then let's git goin'. The Marshall's waitin'." She exited the room, probably to catch up with the other bridesmaids, as Katia followed shortly after. After making her way through the hallways, she eventually found Cor Leonis standing by the kids. They were waiting on their cues. Cor's head popped up as she walked closer.
"I was beginning to wonder if you bailed." he said.
Katia scoffed. "Oh please, like I'd run out on this. Not after getting my face covered in all this stuff."
"Remind me why I'm walking down the isle with you again?"
"Because my father sadly can't be here, and I need someone to give me away. And you were my first choice. I thought you'd be honored."
"I am, I'm just still a bit confused is all."
"Age is catching up to you, Cor."
"I'm not that old."
The music began to play, halting their conversation. Well, this was it. Her life as Katia Ferrum was about to end.
"You think the girls are okay?" Prompto asked, glancing over at Gladio with worry in his eyes.
Gladio just laughed. "If I know Mira, she's probably taking her time applying Katia's make-up so she'll look perfect. And that takes a while. They'll be here."
"There's no need to worry, Prompto," Ignis said from the podium. "Katia loves you dearly, I don't need my eyesight to see that. She's been patient for ten years, there's no possibility that she'll walk out on you."
"Yeah, you're right," Prompto nervously chuckled. "Nerves are just getting to me, I guess."
"By the way, thanks for making me your best man," Gladio said. "I know I wasn't your first choice and all, but I'm honored."
"Hey, it's no problem, big guy. You were the perfect choice. No offense, Ignis."
"None taken. I am honored that I am the one who shall be marrying you two. It is certainly a reprieve from working on restoring the city."
"Hey Specs, you sure it's a good idea to hold this here? The Citadel ain't a chapel." Gladio looked out over the former royal gardens, the guests talking with each other.
"I can assure you that all traces of Ardyn's mess have been removed. I made sure that was the first item of business to be taken care of. Besides, I'm positive that Noct would want the wedding to be held here."
The three of them went silent, the mention of their fallen friend still a fresh wound. They knew it would take time to heal, but they knew that Noctis would want them to live their lives and try to be happy. There was no use letting his sacrifice hang over their heads forever.
"Iggy's right. He would've insisted we have it here. Nothing but the best for his best friends." Prompto said, trying to smile.
Gladio silently agreed with him. He watched as Cindy, Mira, and Eleiza entered the gardens. "The girls are here. Looks like we're about to start."
Prompto went stiff, his nerves getting the best of him as the music began to play. Everyone turned as Ordo Scientia walked down the isle, the rings in hand. The eight year-old looked nervous, as if he thought he would drop the pillow at any moment. Next, Soleil made her way down the aisle behind him, throwing flowers everywhere. She was clearly having too much fun being the flower girl. Watching her seemed to settle Prompto's nerves a little, though it also made him a bit irritated that he couldn't take any pictures. Those thoughts vanished as his bride walked down alongside Cor.
He already thought Katia was beautiful, but seeing her walk down in her wedding dress was too much. Instead of the traditional white, her dress was a light yellow. It had no sleeves, and a huge skirt. Said skirt had been designed to look like it was made of feathers, obviously invoking the chocobos they both loved. Around her neck sat a golden pendant in the shape of a chocobo feather. The bouquet she held in her hands was comprised of yellow roses and white chrysanthemums, enhancing the fluffy visuals of her dress. She looked absolutely stunning.
He didn't even realize he was falling over until he felt Gladio's hands grabbing him from behind. "Calm down there, lover boy. Your wedding is no time to faint." he whispered, helping get him back up.
Katia made her way up to the podium next to Prompto, Cor heading towards his seat. Ignis assumed that the two were standing there, and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Prompto Argentum and Katia Ferrum, in holy matrimony. Over the years, these two have shown that even in darkness, the true love between soulmates cannot be broken. If there is anyone here who objects to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace," To the surprise of no one, nobody objected. "Very well then."
As Ignis continued, the couple just looked at each other, still in shock that this was happening. They were happy though, not many people in this world were as lucky as them. Yet here they were, about to be married. It felt like a dream, but the smiles on each others faces told them this was no dream. It was as real as can be.
"Will the bride and groom make their vows?" Ignis asked, snapping them both out of their thoughts. Prompto turned to face her, his whole face practically pink.
"Kat, I feel like the luckiest man in Eos right now," Prompto began. "Not many people out there can say they got to marry their best friend, yet here I am. I get to marry the most beautiful, adorable, fun, and interesting woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Part of me feels like you still don't deserve me, but then I look at you and that mark on your wrist and I remember how much you mean to me. And after everything we've been through, I'm ecstatic to be your husband. I love you so much, and I can only ask that you love me even half as much as that. I promise that I'll always be by your side, no matter what the future holds."
Katia felt like she was about to cry, but held back her tears. Mira would kill her if she ruined her make-up after all. A few people were already in tears, she didn't need to be one of them. "Prom, you make me feel like no one else does. For years you've been there in my darkest moments, when I've thought all hope was lost, and you've brought me back with your smile and kindness. For ten years I told myself I didn't need the sun in the sky, because I had my own sun right beside me. You've always been my best friend, and now you're about to be my husband. I couldn't ask for anything more. We've been through a lot, and I know that whatever comes our way you'll be there with me. You're sweet, adorable, handsome, and kind. Everything I'd ever want in a partner. And even if we weren't soulmates, I know I'd still fall in love with you. You're the most important person in my life, and I love you so much that I could go on for hours."
If people weren't crying before, they probably were now. Ignis just smiled. "Do you, Prompto Argentum, take this woman to be your wife, in sickness and in health, in darkness and in light, 'til death do you part?"
"I do."
"And do you, Katia Ferrum, take this man to be your husband, in sickness and in health, in darkness and in light, 'til death do you part?"
"I do."
"Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
It's as if those words couldn't have come sooner, as Prompto and Katia Argentum immediately pressed their lips together, eliciting cheers from the guests. As her parents kissed and sealed their union, Soleil noticed something that wasn't there before. Standing next to Gladio were two people. One was a beautiful blonde woman wearing a white dress that she didn't recognize. The other was unmistakable, even if she'd only met him once before, but it was clearly Noctis. Both of them were smiling at her parents. Soleil was confused, she was told Noctis was too busy to come so why was he here? And how come no one else noticed him? His gaze turned towards her, noticing that she could see him.
"Hey Squirt, don't tell anyone I was here, okay? I think it might just make people upset. It's a secret between us, got it?"
Soleil just nodded, not exactly understanding what was going on but figuring there was a reason for it. She was about to say something to him, but when she looked back where he'd been standing no one was there. Oh well, maybe it was better to leave it be.
Prompto Argentum used to believe he would never find his soulmate, that he was undeserving of them. But as he stood there, holding his wife's hand in his and feeling the warmth he knew better than anything, those thoughts never even crossed his mind. Sure, things had been rough for both of them, and getting where they were now had not been an easy journey, but looking into her eyes, he knew that things would get better. Because he was going to be sure that Katia would be happy with him no matter what.
From now on, the Argentums would make the world a better place, standing by each other's side. And even though their friend was gone, they knew that they'd be happy. For the two of them were birds of a feather.
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cherryspotart · 1 year
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Oh my GOD she's in the SEMIFINALS - hands you all some propaganda of what's hopefully not a dead meme yet
Go vote for her here!!!!
(Also tagging @homemadegirlbossbattle )
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7marichan7 · 5 years
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speedpainting of my robots A533 and M0v! 
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7marichan7 · 5 years
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Remember my last animation project for university? Here are the character references of the story :D STORYLINE: The story is about A533 and M0v, two robots enslaved by a psycopath called Kanters that escape from a military robot base to reunite with their creators, Ludmilla and Joseph, after being forced of separation. (In order) A533: charismatic, foul-mouthed robot that doesn't know how to stay quiet. They need to smoke electronic cigarettes to deal with the stress caused after working for Kanters. M0v: focused, peaceful and serious robot. Can't stand A533's bad puns, because of that, they end up mentally exhausted. Kanters: self-proclamed humanity's hope to save human lives with his special military base full of robots. Ludmilla: halph cyborg, hard worker and creator of A533 and M0v. Joseph: he became Ludmilla's assistant after being saved from an attack that left him one eyed. Quite impulsive and cheerful. I'm working on part 2, it will probably be out next summer :D Stay tuned for more updates! ANIMATION PART 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqhXRAj9qTA&t=13s All characters and story belong to me 
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7marichan7 · 5 years
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A birthday gift for my friend Plyesdayk :3 her characters Cándido and Damián with my A533 and M0v eue
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mapleplatoon · 6 years
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Inktober Day 11:
Yet another character for my campaign!
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