#oc: hutch
felsicveins · 3 months
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The morning after the Brozone Reunion Tour Wrap Party 🥳
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mrrwsoup · 3 months
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boyfriend ocs!!
Going to give each of his ocs a little introduction so there's more context into each of them! Also here's his toyhouse you can see more of his art and characters
buried alive for his indiscretions, incidentally dug up and blackmailed into becoming a graverobbing accomplice
involved with Dirge
career thief with amnesia and multiple bionic prosthetics. invasive...
involved with Micajah
calistoga importing co. vice president. suave and sadistic
involved with Rueben
dominating ceo of calistoga importing co.
involved with Kryl
sexy vampire....owns a record store
involved with Jules
mall goth knifethrower in crime circus, comes across creepy but is actually quite softhearted
involved with Nova
popstar diva that (almost) always gets what he wants
involved with Trinity
socialite and hardworking secretary for calistoga importing co
involved with Midas
former model, now a costume designer for the circus
involved with Meyer
dedicated little priest who catches the attention of a demon
alternatively in modern au, guardian angel who gets pulled down from heaven to serve the rituals of an aspiring black metal artist and occultist
involved with Silas
cultured victorian gentleman and heir, killed in an accident and becomes a demon
involved with Cyril
elegant alpha male of a longwithstanding pack
involved with Kaan
surgically altered to become the perfect wife
involved with Wolf
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fatguarddog · 1 year
I wish there was more genre/fantasy fat kink stuff? Like fat royalty and fat monsters are popular, but I also want to see fat cowboys, fat witches, warlocks, wizards and sorcerers, fatties in space and so on
Just fun feedist and fat kink stuff across different genres that isn't tied to existing IPs
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motobug · 1 year
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finally got around to designing Mil’s dad. crabby old man
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Cami, after König tells her his real name: Okay, Eugen, here's something people do not know about me. Before I moved out to Niagara-falls, I did a topless scene in a low-budget horror movie about a genetically altered cop who could turn into a dinosaur. Ugh, after I did it, I felt so ashamed. Thankfully, that thing never came out.
König, awkward: Oh, uh...I've seen that. 
Cami, looks at him wide eyed:............What?
König : j-Ja. "Raptor Cop". Hutch found it online the day we met you.
Cami: Oh, God.
König: And it was literally the moment you walked out the door.
{My headcanon name for König is Eugen Brändle, Cami only calls him that when they’re alone.)
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androgymess · 2 months
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my rat man hutch :3
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infamoussparks · 4 months
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Falling with Grace, pixel art Your first look at the InFAMOUS Sparks main OCs. I hope you are looking forward to meeting all of them soon.
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theunityblog · 22 days
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It seems as though things don't really stay dull when you hang out with Virgo...
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mtreebeardiles · 11 months
More on my pansexual disaster Shepard, Hutch:
Knew Kaidan prior to ME1 as they were both at Jump Zero
Has always been super good with kids, and helped care of the younger ones at Jump Zero
Wanted to be a pilot or a teacher once but when his biotics proved fairly powerful his parents urged him to join the Alliance, since any other career path struck them as wasteful given his abilities
Comes across as airheaded enough that many of his peers think he earned his N7 designation unfairly
Has a Process in place with Kaidan for Headache Time 😫 complete with different codes for how severe the migraine is
Thinks it’s okay to have a dog on the ship. Alliance brass loudly and often disagrees
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vicar-of-weird-girls · 3 months
I'm imagining my SCP ocs as fast food workers:
D-8008135: Tells customers to commit suicide
Blue: has a panic attack in the back every shift
Dr. Lovestrange: is too high to do his job
Hutch: Tries to be friendly to every customer, even the shitty ones. Most customers reciprocate the friendliness, because he has a gun for some reason.
Dr. Voir: walked out on her first day, even though she was the boss.
The Dreamscape: Tells customers to commit suicide
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mushroom-for-art · 8 months
Drabble of Imp and @phlurrii 's Circe because they have me in a choke hold I love them very much (I hope I do Circe justice I know we haven't had her long lmao)
Moonlight shone through branches and leaves as the stars shone brightly in the night sky, it was calm, still, a subtle warmth hung in the air. Despite the comforts of the warmth and the illuminating moon the expecting mewtwo remained vigilant even as her eyes grew most heavy. She blinked slowly and heavily struggling to open her eyes up squinting as she watched the mouth of the cave she had taken to nesting inside. The bed of leaves and different assorted collected fluff was soft and cushioning under her body as she lay on her side propped up on one arm the other wrapped around the egg that was most sacred to her, her body curling protectively.
Her eyes opened wide as she became faintly aware of a presence growing closer the faint rustle of foliage that grew up the path heading to the cave entrance as they drew closer, the faint plink of a pebble falling and bouncing off of other rocks on the way down. The mewtwo moved her body carefully to cover and hide the egg the best she could as a low warning growl started to grow in the back of her throat growing deeper and louder as the presence grew closer lips curling back to reveal teeth as her growling became bordering that of a snarl in warning for whatever was coming closer to go away. Now.
Moonlight caught and reflected upon the dazzling greens decorating the other mewtwos body as they came into view, her brow raised confidently as she looked down at the other from where she stood floating just a few inches off the ground.
"Oh? So that's how it is now, you're snarling at me?" Despite the slight accusatory tone her voice came off quite easy and confident, expression turning into a smile as the other quickly stopped her threatening vocalisations looking quite startled.
"Oh arceus," she exhaled moving to slowly lie back on her side though still keeping her egg close, "Circe I'm sorry I didn't realise it was you, I just, heard noises and-" she sighed again looking at Circe apologetically, eye bags clearly visible in her exhausted face, "I'm sorry."
The shiny individual known as Circe made a dismissive sound of a laugh waving off a hand as she floated closer bringing over some materials held in a casual psychic hold casually adding them to the nest, they looked like human items, "stress isn't good for the baby Imp," Circe pressed a finger against the tip of Imps defined snout causing it to squish slightly as Imp made a noise of protest.
Laughing softly she moved her finger instead cupping the side of the other twos face turning her head slightly this way and that, " and neither is not sleeping, no wonder you're snarling at shadows you look exhausted." Imp made a grumble of sorts, didn't deny but avoiding eye contact. Circe made a gentle exhale of a scoff, moving her other hand to squish Imps face before pressing her forehead against the others, "nothing is going to happen to the egg," Circe felt Imp exhale in exhaustion and uncertainty.
When Imp moved her head away Circes hands gently fell away, "but what if something does happen?" Imps hand rested on the egg anxiously thumb stroking over the shell, "egg thieves human or just scavengers looking for an easy meal, what if they get cold and don't incubate properly or too hot and perish?" Circes head tilted a little but she let Imp finish rambling as she rattled off increasingly less plausible what ifs.
"And what if, everything goes perfectly fine and nothing bad happens?" Circes tone was gentle but confident, "come on do you really think something is gonna get past what," Circe paused to count on her fingers, "an ancient mew, Missingno, Decamark, Mew, four mewtwo including yours truly" Circe put a hand to her chest for emphasis before putting her hand on Imps chest, "and including you, oh and that Alpha Gengar."
As if to prove a point they both glanced seeing the long lanky form of Missingno idly fly by outside, either on nightly patrol or just having a nightly fly, maybe sensing an anomaly, either way his presence cemented further that they had plenty of security as Circe playfully glanced back at Imp.
Her tail swayed shyly as she held the egg close, "I'm," she sighed, "I don't have the words.."
Circe smiled softly putting her hand gently over Imps that lay on the egg, "I know, it's, a lot, first kid and all.." Circes eyes glanced over the egg, "I'll, admit I'm a bit scared too, I mean we used both our genes after all, whoever is growing in that egg is gonna be both of ours." Circe glanced at Imp again expression turning playful, "of course you have excellent taste asking for my help with this baby project, I can't say I blame you," a hand fluffed up the fur on her cheek in dramatic play earning a soft laugh from Imp amused by the antics.
"Sooo, why don't you let me take watch then, my egg too after all? And you look like you need sleep desperately." Circe could see Imps expression turn uncertain and anxious before her mouth opened wide showing teeth as a long yawn drew from her as Circe raised a brow once more in emphasis to her point as Imps yawn finally finished.
"are you," Imp fought off another yawn, "sure? You must be tired being awake this late," Imp lost the fight with the next yawn sleepiness creeping up on her.
"I'm sure, I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't, I napped earlier," Circe smiled confidently as she moved climbing into the nest carefully as Imp made many little squeaks about being careful, playfully she pushed Imp over to lie down as she lay in the bed too wrapping her arms around the egg to bring it close arms crossed chin on her arm next to the egg. Circe gave an empty warning growl when she heard Imp moving.
"hey, sleep," she warned. Imp whined emptily moving and adjusting herself trying to find a comfy position, Circes horns flicked slightly watching Imp aware of how she slept so strangely human like as another yawn was given. Imp was asleep within minutes, and Circe had to contain the soft chuckle at how quickly she fell asleep.
In honesty Circe didn't mean to fall asleep herself but the nest was so comfortable and the night warm but not overwhelming, she ended up dozing herself still holding their egg safely to her.
"Course I could do that, I am quite talented when it comes to genetic work, if my form doesn't clue you in," The dark hued mewtwo had gestured to herself in confident beaming with sharp teeth at Imp and Circe. In honesty Circe had just wanted to be there to help support Imp but upon finding out Imp could have difficulty reproducing on her own due to her mixed and cloned genetics and would probably need dna from elsewhere to help fill in the gaps she'd immediately offered her own.
They were close friends after all, and had something similar happened in reverse Circe was fairly confident Imp would do the same for her. So the shadowtwo had taken their dna, did something with it and with Imp, and then came the egg. It came as a surprise to them all, but with the mixed genetics of other pokemon inside Imps dna the Shadowtwo had explained it away as the egg genetics overpowering the usual live birth, potentially so they could develop safely if Imps body couldn't properly develop them to term at least they could finish in a safe egg.
When news spread about their expecting child the other mewtwo showed up, Twoey at least seemed happy to see the large two with the blue tipped tail, Circe later learnt he was Axel that him and Twoey had a lot in common and Axel would help with Two from time to time, that Axel had kept an eye out for Imp also. It irked Circe a little that she had never seen him trying to look out for her, but at least her brother had been getting help. She had felt less confident about the large Gengar however, watching as he followed Axel about or appeared as just eyes in shadows. Though quickly learning he was also quite harmless. It was interesting having so many of them in one place, and apparently there were more twos out there mostly Axels kin but some of Imps too. It did fill Circe with intrigue, especially with that shadowtwo being one of Axels.. Unlikely relative she thought.
Circe was rattled from her dreaming by a literal rattling feeling from her arms, she blinked herself awake with a groan wondering who was shaking her at this hour before realising it was the egg practically vibrating rolling jostling in her arms like it was possessed and trying to escape.
"Imp!" Circe made a loud hushed whisper to the sleeping mewtwo who grumbled stretching and rolling over with a 'five more minutes', Circe pulled a face lip pulling back as she moved her tail practically throwing flopping the weight of her tail onto Imp who startled awake flapping a bit and trying to roll over to see what was attacking her.
"the egg," Circe quickly hushed before Imp could ask what that was for, her pupils blowing wide as she saw the egg moving vigorously quickly moving to crawl over as Circe slowly sat up still keeping hold of the egg scared it would jump away, Imps hands came to gently hold the egg too as they sat facing each other holding the egg in their hands as it vibrated rattled and glowed brightly blindly white.
Their eyes were screwed shut heads turned slightly away for the beacon emitting from the egg before the glowing dimmed, Imp was immediately aware of the sensation of fluff in her hands as she turned to look at the tiny fuzzy creature resting in both of their hands carefully held and cradled.
Circes brows came together struggling to make heads or tails of the bundle of pinks and greens, slowly the green slipped flopping downwards onto Circes wrists as slowly two very large fluff pointed horns stood up and became visible the little fluffy face lifting up slowly as the baby mmrr'd and coo'd in their hands their head slowly lifting to look at Circe blinking large blue eyes at her as their toppled backwards against Imps hands a touch top heavy from just being born and for looking up at Circe, the wiggled their legs and feet's as they now stared up at Imp with the same amount of intrigued cooes.
Imps eyes were wide just staring at the tiny wiggling mewtwo lying just in both their hands they were so tiny as their little hands reached clumsily before curling into their chest, they sneezed softly their fur all fuzzing up and tail flapping upwards before flopping and falling dangling from where they lay in both their mothers hands. Circe was still trying to comprehend the tiny lifeform.
Neither of them could speak neither of them even knew the words to use, Circe didn't want to hand the baby fully over to Imp or claim them for herself and Imp the same, they could only both stare at the baby who was already starting to purr clumsily a mouthy gummy smile as they wiggled and vocalised.
Slowly Imps hands moved slowly sitting the baby up into Circes hands careful to cup and support as Circe adjusted for holding the newborn glancing at Imp unsure on why she was the one to hold the baby, unsure if the babies stronger likeness to her made Imp feel less connected to them. Imp gently held one of the little ones hands on her own her other wiping away the tears starting to stream down her face.
"They're perfect Circe.. They're so beautiful and perfect." Circe smiled softly had she the spare hand she'd wipe Imps tears away herself but with the baby being a touch wiggly Circe didn't think that would be possible.
"I told you everything would be okay," Imp made a soft choked laugh around her tears of joy. Circe could feel their heartbeat as she gently held them, smiling to herself and how well it all worked out before glancing outside.
"it's still dark... Let's name this little one tomorrow yea? Catch up on what little sleep we can before that." Imp nodded at the idea watching cautiously as Circe moved to slowly place the baby down in the nest, Imp laying down besides them moving one hand and smiling as the baby grasped one of her fingers intently with Circe laying down on the other side, in awe of how tiny the baby was wondering if she was ever that small.
Imp placed soft kisses against the little hands grasping at her fingers as the baby cooed and purred wiggling happily in response to the attention, their head moving from side to side as they kept looking at both their mothers wiggling and kicking their feet happily safely nestled between them both before yawning all so suddenly and falling asleep still faintly holding Imps finger, exhausted from being born, their mamas quick to follow.
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felsicveins · 4 months
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Roster update!!!!! Now in chronological order 👍
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mrrwsoup · 2 months
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more boyfriend art! his wolf hutch and my kangal kaan
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Alistair, exasperated: Dear Maker, just tell her already! Is it really that hard!
Ari: No no no, I can't do that, that would require me to talk about my feelings™ which I definitely do not have
Alistair: Okay, look, I'll pretend to be Leliana and you can-
Ari: NO
Alistair: *sits down in a prim and dainty position*
Alistair: Oh, my dear friend, what ever did you want to speak about? Your face is ever so red, like a fine Orlesian wine.
Alistair: Would it help if I did the accent?
Alistair: Omelette du fromage
Ari: *inhuman screeching*
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waterystix · 1 year
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just a side character i decided to whip something up for
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Hutch, to König about Cami: Just talk to her!
{König hums nervously stares over at Cami sitting a the bar with her friends.]
König, while fidgeting with his jacket: But…
Hutch: Just do what I told ya to do man, ya got this!
König: But I’m bad at flirting with people!
Hutch: *suddenly bursts into uncontrollable laughter*
König: …What did you hear?
Hutch: My hearing aid glitched, I know you said flirting, but it sounded like you said “I’m bad at farting with people”!
König, realizing who he put his hopes on: *facepalms*
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