#oc: jiwon
ulaicore · 1 year
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MORE ART YAY!!!! (i need to stop drawing the same oc.)
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redspiderlilys · 6 months
oc drawing dump hi guys.
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(whole lot of jiwon art)
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(this is that one oc trend thats been going around on twt.)
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hydn-jpg · 4 months
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this is a sketch i did for children's day! (5th may in korea so this is from quite a while ago haha) i never had any plans to post this (which is why it's kinda jank lol) but i'm working on something Big™ rn so i thought i'd post this in the meantime!
translation here bc i'm too lazy to edit the image:
jiwon kim (age 1)
cas: you were so chubby lol
gabe: so cute!
mc's mom: isn't my jiwon just the cutest?
jiwon (my mc): moooooooomm!!
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dreamydelulu · 9 months
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The seat
Genre: Humor, fluffy
Sorry about any grammatical/ortographic mistakes. English isn’t my first language.
The whole group was excited for their weekly movie night. They all gathered in the living room, each member eyeing the couch and the few comfortable armchairs available. It was a tight fit with nine members, but everyone usually managed to find a spot somehow and be comfortable in their own way.
Jiwon and Jeongin, being the maknaes of the group, were no exception to this rule. They always ended up fighting over the last seat left, and today was no different.
"The seat is mine!" Jeongin declared, diving for the last spot, only to be met by the younger's quick response.
"Knock it off, that's my spot! I've been eyeing it since morning!" The younger's eyes fixed on the prized seat.
Jeongin, equally determined, retorted, "No way! I had my eyes on it before you even woke up! It's mine!"
Jiwon pouted adorably. "But I was here first!" he whined, his big doe eyes pleading innocently.
Jeongin raised an eyebrow. "And how exactly does 'being here first' translate into claiming ownership of the sofa?"
Jiwon shrugged "Because... well, it just does," and then he continued complaining, pouting, “hyung, It’s not fair. You always get everything your way."
Hyunjin, in his usual sarcastic tone, chimed in, "Oh boy, here we go again."
Minho, always quick with a mischievous remark, added, "Someone grab the popcorn. This is better than any movie!"
Their banter quickly escalated into a playful argument, each claiming their right to the coveted seat. “Let’s do It fair, then, 'll race you for it!" Jeongin challenged, his competitive side showing.
Jiwon smirked, agreeing with it. “You're on! Let’s do it."
As they dashed towards the couch, the other members couldn't help but laugh at their antics. "You guys are ridiculous," Felix chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.
Changbin couldn't help but chuckle at their never-ending rivalry. "Come on, guys, there's always the floor."
Both of them shot him deadly looks before turning back to their argument.
"The floor? Are you kidding me?" Jeongin protested. "No way!"
Jiwon huffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, I can't even stretch out properly like this!"
Bangchan attempted to mediate, "Why not share the seat, then?"
But their competitive spirits were too ignited. "No way!" Jiwon exclaimed, "This is a battle of honor, hyung!"
"You two should really grow up," Seungmin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes, shaking his head in exasperation as he sat down on the couch.
At the end Jeongin managed to win the seat being faster than the maknae and with a victorious grin, he celebrated. "Hah, take that. The seat is mine!"
“Not fair, hyung! You cheated,” Jiwon accused and pouted, crossing his arms, sulky.
“You lost because you’re just too slow, won-ah. Accept it,” Jeongin teased.
The other members burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement.
Felix chimed in again, chuckling entertained. "Come on, you two, stop fighting. It's just a seat."
Bangchan, trying to play peacemaker. "Yeah, there's plenty of room on the floor with blankets and cushions."
“But the couch is more comfortable,” Jiwon whined dramatically in a grumpy way.
“Wony, grab your dramatic ass and come sit here with us already, stop whining” Changbin patted the spot next to him on the floor, teasing, enjoying this too much.
“Yeah, Jiwon,” said Jeongin with a mischievous grin, with spreading on the couch. “Listen to your hyung.”
The maknae couldn’t help but let out an exaggerated sigh in defeat, but his stubbornness wouldn’t let him give up so easily. “Well, I guess this leaves me with no other choice, then.”
And without saying a word, he just sat on Jeongin’s lap, while crossing his legs as if it was a seat.
"Whoa, where did that come from?" Hyunjin chuckled, amazed by Jiwon's audacity.
Jeongin, bewildered but entertained, couldn't help but laugh at Jiwon's antics "Hey, that's cheating!"
"Technically, I didn't take the seat," Jiwon retorted with a grin, reveling in his small victory.
The room erupted in laughter as their maknae settled onto Jeongin's lap comfortably, and the others, still flustered, could do nothing but roll their eyes and shake their heads.
"Well, problem solved, looks like wony found a better seat," Changbin declared, entertained.
Jeongin was taken aback, momentarily stunned by Jiwon's unexpected move.
"That's not fair!" he protested, trying to hide his amusement.
Jiwon playfully patted Jeongin's head and teased, “Life is not fair, hyung.”
Felix, unable to contain his laughter, added, "Oh, come on, Jeonginnie! You got outsmarted by the maknae!"
Jeongin huffed pretending to be annoyed and rolled his eyes. “Alright, alright, I’ll accept it. But just this time.”
Later, while watching the movie:
Everyone was finally settled in their spots while watching the movie, finally in peace. But, of course, their maknaes wouldn’t let it last for too long.
“Yah, hyung, stop moving so much,” Jiwon complained, the room no longer being in silence anymore. “You're going to make me fall.”
Then Jeongin quickly answered, crossing his arms, “Well, it’s because you’re in my lap. You're not like a feather, you know.”
“And here we go again,” Seungmin announced, rolling his eyes.
“Guys, come on. Can’t we just watch the movie without you two being at each other’s throat?” Bangchan said, trying to mediate their non-stop bickering (but failing miserably).
Jiwon and Jeongin, their faces turning slightly red, exchanged embarrassed glances but continued to argue under their breath. Jiwon mumbled, "I should've taken another seat."
Jeongin retorted, "You're the one who wanted to sit here, anyways!”
As the teasing continued, Minho couldn't resist joining in on the fun. With a mischievous grin, he leaned over to Jiwon and said, "Next time, I'll let you sit on my lap, Wony."
Jiwon's eyes widened in surprise, and he blushed even deeper. “U-um, thanks, hyung.” he stammered, not knowing what to say exactly, being caught off guard.
Jeongin, with his competitive spirit kicking in, spoke up, his tone laced with jealousy. He retorted, "Wait a minute! You can’t just offer that, hyung!"
The room burst into laughter as Jeongin, trying to save face, added, "I mean, it's my lap he should be sitting on!"
Felix burst into giggles and poked fun at Jeongin, "Jealous, are we?"
Jeongin's cheeks turned an even darker shade of red as he tried to defend himself, "N-no, It’s not that! I'm not jealous! It's just... well, it's different!”
Jisung couldn't help but chime in, "Oh, is that how it is? Fight for your man, Jeonginnie!"
Jeongin's cheeks turned a deeper shade of red as he grumbled, "I'm not fighting for anyone!"
Jiwon, still blushing, decided to have some fun with the situation. He turned to Jeongin with a mischievous smile and said, "Well, maybe I'll take Minho-hyung up on his offer next time."
Jeongin's eyes widened, and he quickly retorted, "You wouldn't dare!"
Felix, still grinning, decided to tease Jeongin further, "Aw, I think someone's being possessive of Wony!"
Jiwon, caught in the middle of this amusing situation, couldn't stop himself from giggling. He playfully wrapped an arm around Jeongin's shoulders and said poking the other’s cheek, "Don't worry, innie, you're still my favorite," making the others burst into laughter and making Jeongin blush even more.
Jeongin’s jealousy melted away as he blushed at Jiwon’s words, and the other members couldn’t contain their laughter at the whole exchange. It was another moment of playful teasing that made their movie nights so enjoyable.
“W-wathever,” he stammered.
Jisung, grinning ear to ear, leaned over and whispered to Minho, “Well, that escalated quickly.”
Minho nodded, trying to hold back his laughter. “I guess we’ve found Iyen’s weak spot.”
The playful atmosphere continued as the movie played on, with Jiwon and Jeongin sharing a knowing look and secretly enjoying the friendly banter among their fellow members.
Author note: you guys must be tired of It, but as I said. I love Jeongin and Jiwon’s love-hate dynamics, and makes me having a bunch of ideas to write about It. I’ll try to explore later with others the members too, feel free to make any request if you have ideas to share with me ;)
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ncts-baes · 3 months
[ 🩰 ] . . . jiwon’s profile !
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basics . . .
name: lee haneul | 이하늘
english name: mia lee
nicknames: neulna, babysitter haneul, ballerineul, han-bit (rabbit), sky, summer blessing, summer queen, waterbomb goddess, wonienonie, 1st ji.
birth: 1996/08/06 | leo
birthplace: ulsan, south korea
residence: seoul, south korea
nationality: korean
mbti: enfp
blood type: A+
languages: korean (mother language), english (basics-learning), japanese (fluent)
family: grandmother and grandfather
career . . .
stage name: jiwon | 지원
positions: main vocalist, lead dancer, visual, face of the group, center, co-leader
representative emoji: 🩰
debut date: 2016/04/09
debut song: the 7th sense (nct u)
drama debut: 2015/04/09 (exo next door)
dramas she participated: business proposal – 2022 (shin hari), true beauty — 2020 (im jookyung), exo next door — 2015 (ji yeonhee), he is psychometric — 2019 (yoon jaein), my demon – 2023 (do dohee)
appearance . . .
face claim: kwon eunbi (soloist, ex-i*zone)
weight: 46kg (101 lbs)
height: 162cm (5’3”)
body modifications: 4 piercings in each ear and two tattoos – left rib and nape of her neck.
social media . . .
instagram: leemoneul
weverse: I AM 1NIE
facts . . .
– she has a strong gyeongsang-do dialect, which often ends up with the members thinking she’s angry or annoyed by something whenever she talks with her accent (it often happens when she’s drunk or tired, she tends to talk with the dialect then).
– she’s considered one of the most successful female soloists in kpop, seeing as every single one of her solo releases since her solo debut have been trending on and off korea.
– she did ballet at a young age, which helped her during her teenage years as she would teach it for the younger kids as a way to make money.
– haneul tends to ‘mom’ the members whenever she can. even johnny himself once said that she would prepare medicine, cook, do laundry and even tidy stuff after them. during the early days - even now, let’s be honest - she would prepare the younger ones’ lunch for school.
– jiwon became a hot topic after one solo performance at the water bomb festival, as people went crazy with her body proportions and confidence on stage. she was named the “waterbomb goddess” by netizens.
– she’s a brand ambassador for vivienne westwood and people went crazy when she was revealed as such. jiwon really fits the vibe of the brand and people can’t help but be in awe of her whenever she appears dressed in the brand’s clothes.
– she’s currently in a relationship and people love her boyfriend, they are public and their relationship was revealed at the annual dispatch couple reveal during the new year.
– as her mom was never really in the picture since she was really young and her dad left when she was only 17, haneul basically raised herself. she never really mentions her parents and no one really know anything about them. though, haneul’s really grateful for her grandparents who were there for her whenever they could.
– jiwon often mentions that she wishes her childhood was different, which is one of the main reasons why she tries to take the burden off the younger members whenever she can. so they can have a somewhat fun childhood, differently from her.
all rights reserved © ncts-baes, 2024
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jiwonzone · 3 months
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖☁️ . . . jiwon in 'in bloom' era
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[0:17 - 0:23] 가장 아름답게 세상을 다 물들여도 [1:02 - 1:04] 너에게 줄게 [1:22 - 1:26] 영원한 건 없대 결국엔 모두 시들 테니 [1:49 - 1:52 (w/ all)] My day 시작과 끝은 너 [2:03 - 2:08] 멈출 수 없어 For you and me
𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖☁️ . . . styling
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𓏲 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖☁️ . . . highlights
even though he never had the idea of becoming an idol before bp, he was so excited for everything
from promoting on stage, going on different shows, filming their m/v; he just lit up at everything
really showed his acting abilities with their teasers and m/v
of course, his social battery always drained out quickly - the members always had to call him out of his daydreams
despite that, he was always open to filming collabs with other groups (he's filmed so many of them within a span of two weeks and was surprised at himself for even doing that much)
and so!! much!! interactions!! with other idols!!
when zb1 went to thekstarnextdoor, he was in part 1 with hanbin, ricky. gyuvin, and gunwook
they all got teased by each other, but both jiwon and gyuvin were the main victims of the teasing
mainly was teased for his iconic jaw drop from the finale of bp when his rank was called
his favorite was going on 4cut live, even though he was targeted by matthew for not-so-accidently covering him up in front of the camera
surprisingly didn't get disqualified and won along with gunwook
he absolutely loves everything about their debut album (he bought two of them for himself and said that he got his own pc along with zhanghao's pc)
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plumvy · 12 days
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Jiwon Hyun & Eunjoo Nam
Classic workaholic, overly serious CEO and his overworked, overqualified assistant. they're lowkey besties it's okay.
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a-reb · 1 year
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i drew jiwon again after so long and im really happy about her design right now heheh
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mcdbrainrot · 2 years
so since katelyn is half krn/half viet she has. 3 names :)
ofc her eng name is katelyn but her krn name is Jiwon. which, depending on the chinese letters used can mean ji- wisdom, intellect / will, ambition and won - beautiful woman / first, origin. i'm not sure which i want her name to mean but tbh it suits her either way
and her viet name is Thuy. which apparently means gentle? idk. don't ask me i got this off a website. just luke Jiwon LMAO also uh. her last name is Nguyen bc it's easy and i like it😁👍
ALSO! if u r viet or korean pls tell me if any of this is right!!(i will b checking w my friend who speaks viet on the thuy thing😁 in the morning tho. it's late and he's asleep)
AND FOR NANA! i'm changing her name just a little 👌 it's nanako now! meaning "love child"(rough translation based on the kanji), im very sure it's canon she has many siblings so i like the idea that they were "numbered" w their names(as in their names have a number in there somewhere[nana means seven btw! i just didn't do the obvious "seventh child" bc i think her parents would put thought into it yk]) so the kanji for her name is gonna be 愛々子! and her full name is 芦田 愛々子😁
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xoteajays · 2 years
hey! tell us about ji-ah’s siblings; i’d love to know more about them! -bibaybe
aaa ji-ah’s siblings!
so they’re twins, ji-won is the older one, hyejin hates to be reminded of the fact. ji-won’s fc is wi ha-joon, and hyejin’s is jeon jong-seo. they’re both about 10 years older than ji-ah, who was a bit of an surprise baby. the twins live together because they’ve always been close and it’s easier to pay rent. ji-won has an office job and hyejin works a delivery job. they live in hyosan and when ji-ah was old enough, she was sent to live with them so she could attend hyosan high. both have a bit of a ‘thug’ streak because they take no sh*t and will kick ass if even slightly pushed. ji-won and hyejin as badasses-who-are-a-lil-crazy-and-unrestrained and ji-ah as sweet-baby-sister-they’d-kill-for.
they’re very protective of ji-ah, especially because they recognise she’s pretty soft-spoken. hyejin was the one to catch ji-ah walking home with gwi-nam and immediately got bad vibes off him; she easily talks ji-won into agreeing with her because he trusts her instincts. ji-won meets gwi-nam later and is like ‘oh yeah f*ck this guy’. they’re doing their best to ‘parent’ ji-ah in the absence of their actual parents; they’re not necessarily doing a bad job, but they’re also not great. they sometimes forget to pick her up from school because they didn’t write up an official schedule and usually don’t remember who’s turn it is, neither hyejin or jiwon are very good cooks so they order-in food a lot, they can’t really keep a schedule and aren’t morning people so they can only nag ji-ah about eating breakfast before rushing out to work; but they love their sister and are very supportive of her. they’re doing their best!!
when the outbreak spreads into the city, they make an attempt to get to the school - i’m thinking they briefly meet jae-ik and ho-chul along the way - but are eventually caught and are forcibly put into the quarantine zone, where the keep yelling at officers to send rescuers to hyosan high. they never for a second think their sister is dead; soft as they know she is, they trust she’s alive and refuse to give up hope of seeing her again. both absolutely cry when she shows up with the other hyosan survivors. in turn, throughout the show, ji-ah talks more about wanting to see her siblings again as opposed to ever mentioning her parents.
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ulaicore · 1 year
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im too lazy to think of captions
anyway i also really liked how this piece turned out :33
there's a lot of lore significance in this one too but i am too lazy to explain it rn so maybe another day? who knows :P
((also the guy with the mask belongs to my friend @the-rookinator-3000))
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redspiderlilys · 8 months
kpop songs i assosiate with jiwon.
with little to no explanation.
save me - bts
HEAR ME OUT. hear me out for a moment.
forever young - blackpink
THE VIBES. just the vibes.
miniskirt - AOA
jiwon would listen to this regliously when she was younger. gender euphoria for her.
russian roulette - red velvet
head over heels jiwon. with this song. IMAGINE.
whistle - dreamcatcher
I DONT KNOW WHAT ABOUT IT. the vibes (2)
sorry for my late reply - memi
i don't even know if this is considered kpop BUT LJKE. imagine.
eta - new jeans
obvious reasons. (jiwon mention)
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tedzillla · 2 years
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some oc doodles in between work :))!
from left to right: anya, jiwon, finnegan
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dreamydelulu · 9 months
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Freckled fascination
Genre: humor, fluffy, no shipping, casual
“Hyung, did you notice that your freckles look like little heart shapes? It’s so cute,” Jiwon exclaimed excitedly, pointing out Felix’s endearing feature. Felix, well-aware of the younger’s fascination with his freckles, didn’t mind at all.
With a chuckle, Felix replied, “Well, I guess they are. They’re just freckles, though.”
“No way, they’re so cool! It’s almost like you could see a whole constellation of little stars,” Jiwon expressed, his eyes shining with admiration.
Changbin, always one for playful banter, seized the opportunity to tease their maknae, not missing a beat. “Jiwon, I didn’t know you were into astronomy. Felix’s face is your whole new galaxy!”
Amidst the playful banter, Jeongin couldn’t hide his jealousy. He crossed his arms, adopting a grumpy expression. “I thought you liked my dimples more,” Jeongin mumbled, trying to mask his feelings but failing to hide his sulky tone.
Minho, always ready to stir the pot, teased Jeongin, “Jealous of Felix’s freckles, huh? Feeling left out?”
Jiwon, still in awe of Felix’s freckles, glanced at Jeongin. “Oh, Innie, your dimples are cute too! They’re like small, little smiles on your face.”
Changbin, unable to resist adding to the playful banter, teased, “Looks like our Jeonginnie got a rival for Jiwon’s attention award. Freckles vs Dimples.”
Jeongin’s cheeks flushed pink as he tried to conceal his embarrassment being caught out of guard. “Whatever.”
Felix, amused by the whole situation, added with a smile, “Seriously, Jiwon, you find a whole galaxy in freckles?”
Jiwon nodded enthusiastically, “Yep! I can count them all day, it’s like a constellation on your face.”
Seungmin, intrigued, interjected, “Wait, Jiwon, do you really count Felix’s freckles?”
Jiwon proudly exclaimed, “Of course! I’ve counted them once. Felix has exactly 62 freckles on his face!”
Felix, baffled and slightly amused, raised an eyebrow. “Wait, seriously? I never knew that! ”
Minho joined in, grinning mischievously, “Jiwon, buddy, are you planning to create a freckle map constellation for Felix?”
Jisung chuckled, “Yeah, Jiwon, what’s next? Constellations on everyone’s faces?”
Jiwon shrugged, unfazed by the teasing. “Hey, freckles are fascinating! And Felix’s freckles are like tiny little hearts.”
Felix laughed, enjoying the banter. “You’re making my freckles feel special sounding all magical like that, Jiwon.”
With a gleeful spark in his eyes, Jiwon extended his small hand, pointing at Felix’s freckles one by one, connecting them in an intricate pattern. “See this cluster? That’s Taurus, and those ones right there make up Sagittarius! Oh, and here, this spot perfectly forms the Big Dipper!”
Felix couldn’t suppress his laughter at Jiwon’s imaginative interpretation in a playfull way . “Wow, who knew my freckles were a map to a whole galaxy?”
Chan, thoroughly entertained, joined in the playful banter. “Wony, you’ve discovered a whole galaxy of Felix’s freckles! What’s next, a freckle-based horoscope?”
Jeongin, rolling his eyes at the playful exchange, muttered, “I still think my dimples are cuter, anyways.”
As Jiwon proceeded to detail each freckle’s celestial representation, the other members chuckled at the unexpected twist, finding Jiwon’s exploration of Felix’s freckles both endearing and amusing.
Jeongin, feeling more and more left out, couldn't resist a dramatic reaction when Jiwon moved closer to cuddle with him. "Well, now you want my attention, Am I just a second choice to you? If you like Felix hyung's freckles so much, why don't you just go and stay with him instead of me then?" He said it in a comically grumpy, sulky tone, almost pouting.
Jiwon, still oblivious to Jeongin's mounting jealousy, paused, blinking in surprise. "Oh, Innie, that's not what I meant! I love your dimples too," he exclaimed, trying to reassure his sulky roommate.
Their hyungs couldn't help but chuckle at the entire exchange. Hyunjin, in his typical teasing manner, chimed in, "Oh, looks like we've got a freckle drama in the house now!"
Jisung in his playfully way didn’t let go the chance to tease, saying to the others “I’ve never expected it the day where Jeongin’s gets all jealous over freckles”
Jiwon, in his usual exuberant manner, couldn’t resist teasing Jeongin playfully leaning on the other. As he gazed at Jeongin’s dimple, he reached out, gently poking it with his small finger. “Hey, Innie-hyung, don’t be grumpy. Your dimples are adorable and unique too!.”
Jeongin’s cheeks flushed instantly at the unexpected touch and praise, caught off guard by Jiwon’s antics. “H-hey! Cut it out!” he protested, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. Despite his efforts to appear unaffected, the sight of Jiwon poking his dimple made him feel unexpectedly flustered.
Jeongin, though still grumpy, couldn't help but crack a small smile at the teasing. "I don't care about freckles! Who needs them anyway? I have dimples" he muttered, trying to keep up his façade.
Meanwhile, Jiwon, seeing Jeongin's feigned annoyance, leaned in, playfully ruffling his hair. "Come on, Innie, you know I love bothering you the most."
Their playful bickering and teasing continued, the atmosphere light and fun as always, while Jiwon remained clueless about the real reason behind Jeongin's sulkiness. Eventually, their camaraderie triumphed over any fleeting moments of jealousy, leaving them all in good spirits by the end of it.
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ncts-baes · 3 months
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ִֶ ♡ ‎ˑ ִֶ 𓂃 ( 지지 ꒱ 𝗷𝗶𝗷𝗶𝘇, also known as 𝗷𝗶𝗮𝗵 & 𝗷𝗶𝘄𝗼𝗻 or 𝗻𝗰𝘁'𝘀 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀, are the two female members of the unforgettable and incredible group; neo culture technology .ᐟ
all rights reserved © ncts-baes, 2024
personal stuff . . .
jiwon: profile |
liv: profile |
relationships . . .
jiwon: love life |
liv: love life |
social media . . .
leemoneul’s posts | I AM 1NIE’s thoughts
imolivetree’s posts | liv-ely 🤍’s thoughts
contents . . .
none yet!
variety shows . . .
jiwon on…
liv on…
writings . . .
for jiwon | for liv
jiwon’s lives | liv’s lives
discography . . .
articles . . .
jiwon’s news:
liv’s news:
misc . . .
none yet!
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jiwonzone · 2 months
Han Jiwon - MAKE ME INSANE M/V Teaser 07. 24. 24 20:55 KST
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