#oc: kai darso
koumine · 3 years
taking it slow... 💓😊 [sub!Din Djarin x dom!OFC] [teaser] [The Mandalorian]
teaser for if this feeling flows both ways, the upcoming sequel to An Invitation! I started this fic in August 2020 and I swear I will finish it ... someday.......
content tags: sub!Din Djarin x dom!Kai Darso (OFC), Kai is a Devaronian woman with a penis, Din POV, bondage, safeword check-in, teasing, pet names, begging
[rated E below] [WIP ZONE]
Kai knelt between his legs, smirking. She knew exactly how she looked, framed coyly between his open legs, his flushed straining cock in front of her face. She exhaled casually, innocently, over his groin, as she fastened the cuff around his ankle, and he managed to quell his moan but not a full-body shiver. She took her time with the other cuff, letting her fingers linger on his ankle until his calf tensed up and then relaxed again, all without his input. The second set of cuffs went around the solid wooden arms of the chair, and after Din nodded his consent, snugly around his wrists. Kai watched as he tugged on them just a little. He couldn’t help the way his breath caught and then sped at the new but familiar feeling of them: supple, smooth leather against his skin; strong enough of a binding to hold him in place, solid enough to brace against if he needed to feel secured. Then Kai straightened up to her full height, and the true vulnerability of his predicament hit Din all at once. She could take off his helmet. He could break out of these restraints, but not fast enough to stop her. If she wanted to destroy him now, she could. He didn't realize he had gone tense, breathing fast and shallow, until Kai slowly bent back down and put her forehead against his and leaned, weighing his helmet down. Anchoring it, and him. "I will not remove your helmet," Kai said intently. Reminding him. Just as slowly, her hands came down on his forearms, two broad spots of heat. He knew where her hands were, then. Not near his helmet. Just touching him. Safe. The tension drained out of him slowly, but the fear evaporated like sweat. This was Kai. He was safe. "Give me a color," Kai said gently. He took a couple more deep breaths, released a couple more locked muscles. "Green." She stayed there for another few moments, letting him breathe. Then she slid her palms back over his wrists. Touched the cuffs, squeezed his hands -- he squeezed back. She smiled and knelt back down. He was no less hard than he had been a moment ago, and Kai eyed his cock appraisingly and licked her lips, but it was just a tease. No less effective for it, though. He bit his lip, holding still as the implication and the want rolled through him. She started at his bare feet, turning her hands palm-down to run her fingers along the tendons there, then jumped past his cuffed ankles entirely and caressed the tender backs of his knees. He twitched hard -- no one had ever touched him there before, why did that send a flush of heat through him? -- and only succeeded in shifting his knees inward a little before the ankle cuffs arrested his motion. “Oh,” he said, involuntarily. Kai curled a delighted half smile at him. “Feel free to struggle,” she said conversationally. And stroked the backs of his knees again and watched smugly as he squirmed, trying to get away from that half-ticklish sensitivity, hitting the limit of his range of movement and reversing course, trying to get her to touch him more -- the longer it went on, the less he knew what he wanted, just that he wanted. “In case you haven’t realized,” Kai said with an air of great innocence, “this isn’t going to be like last time.” “No, really?” Din said sardonically. He was panting a little, which slightly ruined the effect. “We’re taking our time,” she said, “taking it slow.” She illustrated by drawing her hands back down his calves, scratching lightly through the sparse hair there. “You’re taking it slow,” he retorted. Great rebuttal, Djarin. But it wasn’t a fair debate, not with Kai touching him in places that he had never considered erogenous before, not with the solid leather cuffs keeping him right where she wanted him, keeping him pinned open like a butterfly on display. “I am,” Kai replied, some amount of lost time later, when every place she had touched him blazed with tingling remembrance of her skin, and every place she had not ached in yearning. “Please,” he said. “Please what?” She asked coyly, as if she didn’t know.
“Please touch me,” he begged. Whatever she wanted him to say, he would say it, and be glad. In response, she pushed his knees as far apart as they would go, and he let out a surprised little moan, feeling suddenly even more exposed than he already was. “I like it when you beg, sweetheart,” she purred. Sweetheart. His cock twitched out a little drip of precum, and he flushed hotly all over, thinking of how he must look to her. Stripped bare, defenseless, nearly desperate even though she had barely touched him. Reacting to a pet name as if she had trained him to. “Please,” he begged again, because she liked it, and because it felt right, and good, to beg her for succor, even knowing that she might deny him.
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koumine · 3 years
WIP whenever: if this feeling flows both ways [The Mandalorian] [fdom/msub]
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[ID: a banner image reading “Work in progress Wednesday.” Wednesday is crossed out and replaced with Whenever.]
thanks for the tag @singular-nail!
Here's a snippet from if this feeling flows both ways, the upcoming sequel to An Invitation. A couple months ago I decided to majorly revamp all the non-smut leadup in this fic. It now takes place after The Mandalorian S2 but before TBoBF, because I feel like that works better.
tags: Din x Kai (Devaronian OFC), bad puns, mild pining. "beskar'gam" = Mandalorian armor
[rated G below] [WIP ZONE]
"Fucking kriff," he heard, quietly, at the edge of his helmet's sensor range. He had just enough time to recognize her voice, to consider slowing his purposeful stride through the market and turning to look for her, before she was suddenly walking through the crowd right beside him, keeping pace with him without looking like she was doing anything but minding her own business.
"Mando?" she muttered, with a sidelong glance that he would have missed if he weren't just as discreetly using his helmet's sensors to look for it.
"Kai," he replied, ignoring the flutter that tried to arise low in his belly, continuing as he had been.
To outside observers, they would be merely two strangers happening to be caught side by side within the flow of traffic, rather than two people who knew each other, two people with an intimate history.
"Glad you're alive," she said, looking straight ahead.
"You too," he replied, but by the time the words left his mouth, she had already parted from him, flowing away down another branch of the narrow market path, out of sight within moments.
He continued forward, that flutter in his belly squirming lower. He understood. He still had a target on his back; they both had to keep moving. And it had been a year. Whatever offers she had made to him then, before... whatever he might have invited… It had been a year, and he had never been able to let her keep any of those promises to him.
It was good to see her alive and well, even if only for a moment, far from home.
Then a message alert appeared on his HUD.
From: Kai I can't believe you still haven't painted your new beskar'gam.
And he couldn't help the half a grin that curved his mouth where no one could see it, as he killed his external audio and spoke his reply.
To: Kai I've taken a shine to the unpainted look.
Kai's reply, when it came a minute later, was just an audio clip of her sighing, an entire lung's worth of exasperation packed into a few seconds of audio. And he grinned, full and true and fond, listening to it again, and again, while he tried to think of how to reply. Her next message came in before he could think of anything.
From: Kai Could use some backup on a job, if you've got the time.
To: Kai For you? Always.
read more? -> [AO3] [masterlist]
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koumine · 2 years
24 & 63
(omg this took me forever (this ask was not from today lol))
From the Tropes Mashup game – 24: Soulmates, 63: Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple
I wrote a Kai x Din AU ficlet :3. My OC Kai first appeared in An Invitation, read it on AO3!
Notes: queerplatonic Din Djarin x Kai Darso (Devaronian OFC). aromantic allosexual Kai; alloromantic demisexual Din. Soulmate AU where some species have soulmates/soulmarks, some don’t (humans do, Devaronians don’t). Bonus AU where they're in the Resistance circa Star Wars Episode 7, because I felt like it. Also in this one Kai is a Mandalorian from a clan that has no problem with removing your helmet. mirshmure'cya = Keldabe kiss, aka The Forehead Touch™
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[ID in alt text.]
[rated T below] [masterlist ->]
Not long after Kai finally convinces Din to let her bed him, things get weird on base. Things between her and him are just the same, of course – well, better, actually, now that she can finally put her hands on him properly whenever they manage to steal a moment in private, can sling her arm over his shoulders and know that it's welcome even in public, can pull him in and tap a quick mirshmure'cya against his helmeted forehead anytime she sees him, whether she's wearing her own helmet or not. It's the people around them that start being weird.
Mainly the humans, Kai notices, in the part of her mind that's always restlessly cataloging details and recognizing patterns, but she doesn't understand the significance of that fact until later.
"Congrats by the way," one of the intel analysts says when Kai brings them the latest chip of stolen First Order data.
"Um, thanks," Kai replies with a winning smile, too distracted by thoughts of hitting the mess for a proper meal to think too much on their words or their flinch when she forgets to keep from showing too many sharp teeth.
"Congratulations," General Leia fucking Organa herself says sincerely, as Kai passes her in the hall afterwards.
"Uh, what for?" Kai asks.
"You and Djarin," General Organa says, raising an eyebrow as though perplexed at Kai's lack of understanding.
"Oh, of course," Kai bluffs. "Thanks." Non-Mandalorian humans are so weird, she thinks as she walks away.
"Hey, Tall One," Jessika Pava says, sliding into the seat across from Kai at her usual mess table. "Short One," she adds cheekily, nodding to Din who is, as usual, cleaning a blaster at the table instead of eating with everyone else. "You two couldn't have waited one more week before finally hitching up? I just lost so many creds in the pool, and Dameron is going to be insufferable about winning for weeks," she complains.
Kai pauses between one bite of bantha brisket and the next. "You bunch of sleemos had a betting pool on when I'd finally get Djarin to sleep with me?" she says mildly, ignoring the irritation that tries to flare up along with a renewed bout of confusion.
"No, not that," Jessika says, starting to frown as though Kai is the one who's being weird. "Not that most of the pilots wouldn't bet on your sex life, but no – I'm talking about the soul bond, obviously!"
She waves her hands at Kai and Din as if in explanation. Kai puts down her knife at the same time that Din puts down the barrel of his blaster pistol; she slowly turns to look at him, as he goes still.
"Djarin," Kai says evenly, as Jessika looks on with slowly widening eyes. "Why the fuck have people been congratulating me all day?"
His shoulders twitch upwards the tiniest bit, his version of a wince. "We're not soul bonded," he says, which assuages that worry at least, but not all the other worries and conclusions that her mind is rapidly constructing.
"Oooooh," Jessika says, eyes wide. "But haven't you two been courting this whole time?"
Kai gapes at her for a moment, discomfort at that thought crawling up her spine. "No!"
At her side, Din is already reassembling his half-cleaned blaster with quick, efficient movements. By the time he finishes, Kai has gathered up her drink and her tray to take it back to Din's room for the talk the two of them clearly need to have.
The two of them stand to leave at exactly the same time without a word about it from either of them, which makes Jessika raise her eyebrows pointedly. But that's not because they're soulmates, Kai thinks as they leave the mess together, that's because they know each other, know each other's minds and movements with the easy certainty of warriors who have fought together, bled together, even found their way into bed together…
Kai doesn't have a soulmark, anyway, because Devaronians never do.
Kai's never fully undressed him before, always more interested in getting her hands down his pants than being patient enough to somehow get the upper half of his flightsuit off while working around the complication of his helmet, and Din was hardly complaining about the enthusiasm.
Now, seated across from Kai at the rickety little table in his private quarters, he removes his left vambrace and rolls up the sleeve of his flightsuit, before laying his arm on the table.
The soulmark is an abstract tangle of black lines on the inside of his forearm, slightly raised against his skin, the lines curving and flowing together in a sort of controlled chaos. Din has always found it beautiful, almost mazelike, though he's never been able to follow the lines to any sort of terminus before his eyes get confused. Others have only ever complained that it made their eyes hurt to even look at it.
"We're not soulmates," Kai says immediately, staring at the mark. “Devaronians don’t do soulmates – we never have marks.”
"Human-nonhuman soulmate pairs are rare, but possible," Din says, as though he thinks she's really protesting the possibility of it, as though denying the reality of her rejection for a few seconds longer will keep the queasy hurt from taking hold in his stomach. “Even when the nonhuman partner has no mark.”
Kai grimaces, her shoulders creeping up into an expressive shudder. “Oh, fuck no,” she says. “We’re not doing any of that soul bond shit. Makes my skin crawl.”
She just keep looking at it, at his soulmark, and she's grimacing in clear disgust, and suddenly being looked at with the singular intensity of her focus no longer feels like finding soothing warmth just beyond the scorching heart of a forge – suddenly it feels like being pinned, his bare arm and his soulmark on display like some outlandish, appalling bug. He yanks the sleeve of his flightsuit down and starts putting the vambrace back on – Kai blinks as the mark is covered, and glances at him, and stands up to leave.
Din stands with her, sliding his vambrace back into place. "It doesn't have to mean anything," he says, wrestling his voice into near tonelessness by virtue of practice and sheer will. The thing is, he means it, even if his heart isn't willing to accept it as soon as his head. The Mandalorians that raised him – mostly humans or other species with soulmarks – always held that soulmarks meant only potential; what mattered in the end was your choices, not the arbitrary marks of fate.
Still, Kai's reaction stings, more than he'd like her to see. It’s fortunate, then, that she grabs her tray with a hasty clatter, unusually ungraceful, and leaves without another word.
A few days later, Kai has had enough time and space to herself while Din goes on one of the louder sorts of missions to process through the instinctive revulsion at the idea of being soul bonded, even to someone she likes as much as Din Djarin. Enough time and space to realize, with great chagrin, that her little meltdown over the soulmarks thing had resulted in her being a real fucking prick.
As soon as she hears that Din’s back on base, she goes to his quarters and bangs on the door.
"I'm sorry I freaked out," she says as soon as Din's door slides open. "Soul bonds scare the kriff out of me and all the other humans I've known have been very romantically inclined and also very insistent about their soulmarks and soul bonds being ‘gifts from destiny’ or some shit. I shouldn't have assumed that of you."
Din just stands there in the doorway for a long moment, holding very still in that way that means he's either processing her words or having a very subtle meltdown of his own; she very much hopes it's the former rather than the latter.
"...Oh," he says.
"...Oh?" Kai echoes cautiously.
He shifts his weight a little, his chin dipping the tiniest bit to the side in that way that means embarrassment. "...I forgot you were aro," he admits. "Sorry. I should've led with 'destiny is banthashit' and gone from there."
Kai stares at him, mind whirring blankly, for long enough that he shifts again, body language still embarrassed, though never becoming defensive. “You forgot?” she says blankly. “How could you forget?”
"In my defense," he says dryly, a bit ruefully, "when you mentioned it, I was a little too busy holding off a platoon of 'troopers to pay full attention to your mid-slicing banter."
"Simultaneously the best and worst extraction from a covert mission I've ever had," Kai says automatically, grinning brightly, as she always does when anyone brings up that glorious clusterfuck of a mission.
"Absolutely the worst extraction I've ever had to run," Din returns dryly, as he always does, in that nearly flat tone of voice that tends to convince people who don't know him that he really is as humorless as a walking suit of armor.
He was right, Kai thinks, letting her grin soften slowly into a smile. His soulmark doesn't have to mean anything, and nothing has to change. As always, what's between them is their choice.
She puts her hand up on the doorframe and props herself against it, insouciant, taking up his whole doorway and leaning into his space.
He shifts his weight some more, until he's basically leaned all of his weight onto one leg the same way she's leaning, nearly mirroring her. He crosses his arms and lifts his chin in a way that's somehow both challenging and inviting.
She hooks her fingers into his bandolier and tugs him forward half a step until she can tip her head down and bump her forehead against his helmet fondly.
He tilts his head up, returning that fond gesture with the forehead of his helmet for a moment. Then he takes her hand and steps back, pulling her into his room.
Later, Kai asks to see the mark again, and Din explains that he knows the mark is for her because it heats up and tingles whenever she gets close.
"That's spooky and weird," Kai says without heat, poking at the mark. With her body curled around his, mostly skin to skin, the mark’s heat almost burns. Impossible to ignore, just as she is.
"Mm," Din says noncommittally. It's normal to him, but he grew up with the idea of it.
Kai keeps poking at it, pressing her fingertips to his skin to feel the heat of the mark, then holding her palm above the mark to feel how the heat doesn't radiate out to the air above it.
"...You're thinking of tactical applications, aren't you," Din says flatly.
She turns a sly, sharp-toothed grin on him. "Could be useful."
Din sighs at her, as though he hasn't already thought of half a dozen creative uses for soulmarks himself. As though his mouth isn't curling into a smile brimming with fondness, hidden under his helmet.
She knows, anyway.
[read more? -> check out my AO3!]
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koumine · 3 years
An Invitation
Title: An Invitation
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Author: Koumine
Rating: E
“So, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” Kai said, before her courage deserted her. She extended her hand into the middle of the table, palm up, open, an invitation.
The Mandalorian put his hand in hers. Not a warriors’ clasp of arm to arm, but something more intimate, even with his hand still gloved. “Yeah?” He said, voice a little rough.
Kai smiled at him, hopelessly charmed, as always. “Are you, by any chance, looking for a Domme?”
sub!Din Djarin / domme!OFC, BDSM AU, smut with feelings, touch-starved Din. (full tags on AO3)
Word Count: 4,876
She closed the minuscule distance remaining between them, pulling him close with an arm around his waist.  He made another soft, choked off noise and arched toward her, the back of his helmet tapping against the wall behind him.  Kai cupped her other hand around the back of his helmet, knowing he would hardly feel the difference between that and the wall, but wanting to do it anyway, to cradle him in her body until he remembered what it meant to feel safe and protected.
They sank back until Kai had him pressed against the wall, the Mandalorian hesitantly touching her waist, her back, panting softly.  He was made up of cool, hard-edged planes of armor dividing soft fields of warm human body, all pressed up against the length of her, yearning closer; Kai ducked her face into the crook of his neck and breathed in the familiar scent of him -- a little earthy, a little sweaty, real and ordinary, but extraordinary for being him.
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