#oc: krys
cizzle-freezy · 8 months
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Krystallynn Neva, or "Krys" for short. Heiress to the throne due to her divine connection to Prysm, the goddess who watches over the kingdom of Mayamai.
... aka this is yet another self-indulgent thingy. Wouldn't call it an AU, probably more like a multiverse? Dimension? Regardless, I call it "Betwixt", and it started because of a gartic phone prompt where I did a swap AU of sorts.
Also! This is an outfit redraw (or adaptation?) of a 'sona @hikaririnku-blog had drawn of me back when we were in high school (probably 6 to 10 years ago at this point, there wasn't a date on the drawings), and she gave me permission to share them here for sake of comparison:
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darkbluekies · 2 years
Can I request a one shot with a reader that managed to pick the lock and escape the hospital? (Dr.Kry)
Escaping a madman
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Doctor!yandere OC x reader
Summary: you pick the lock and escape doctor Kry. You don't know that he knows exactly where you live and decides to go get you back.
Warnings: yandere, drugs, obsession, mentions of killing, threats, non consensual kiss, kidnapping
Word count 1.9k
"All tucked in nicely?" he smiles, feeling the duvets with his hands.
You nod.
"Okay, good", the doctor continues. "Alright then, sleep well, Y/N, I will be back in an hour or so to check up on you. If there’s anything you need, just press the button on your bed and I'll be here in a heartbeat."
Doctor Kry thinks it's just one of your normal afternoon naps. If only he knew what you have planned. The very second the door closes behind him, you can hear the lock turning. You sprint up from your bed and over to the desk. You open drawer after drawer with your weak hands, already feeling how your head is spinning with all this movement and fear. Dr Kry could come back any minute if he suspects something and then he'll catch you red handed. Maybe that's why he started locking your door?
You can't take more of him. He's like a parasite that feeds off of you and he doesn't seem like he can get enough. You need to get away before he sews himself together with you.
Gosh, how you miss your family. Dr Kry barely tells you what day it is, so you don't know how long you've been separated. All you know is that it's too long.
You rummage through the small drawers until you find a paperclip. If you bend it enough, maybe you can use it as a lockpick?
You don't wait to find out. Quickly, you run to the door and insert the little metal stick into the keyhole. You poke around, trying to find the right trigger. Something has to be pressed to unlock the door.
You sit there for a good ten minutes before the lock gives in and clicks open. With a small, relieved smile, you open the door. You sneak out into the corridor, carefully looking around. You've barely left your room since you've come here. The only times you've been let out has been by Dr Kry’s side (and the few times you managed to run down to the cafeteria). The cafeteria is close to the entrance, right where you have to be. You know the way down to the cafeteria wonderfully.
You decide to take the elevator. Less people will see you that way. You only need once glance in the elevator mirror to grow cold. If you've ever seen a walking zombie, that'd be it. This hospital has turned you into a living dead.
As soon as the box you're in stops moving and the doors open, you brace yourself. Be quick, unnoticeable and brave. Don't stop if anyone asks you something … and if Doctor Kry sees you … run for dear life. He has to be the reason why you're looking and feeling like you do. Thankfully, no one seems tk bat an eye. Everyone is so busy with their own things that no one seems to see the person walking out the entrance in a hospital gown. Your heart is beating in your throat. Bare feet touch the asphalt and you gulp. You're free! You're outside! The fresh breeze caresses your body, welcoming you out, congratulating you for finally escaping.
Tears run down your cheeks as you run over to the payphone in the middle of the parking lot. You have to call your parents and have them pick you up before Dr Kry realizes that you're gone. Only problem? You don't have any coins. Desperately, you look around and find that someone must have dropped there on the ground. You pick up the two shiny coins and push them into the slot. Fingers shaking as you press the number buttons. A few signals pass by before it breaks off.
"Hello?" a familiar voice says.
"Mom!" you breathe out, near tears again.
"Y/N?! H-How are you feeling, you haven't let us see you-"
"No, it wasn't me, I promise. I-Ill tell you everything, just please come pick me up! Hurry!"
"I'll be there soon."
And so she hung up. You sink down on the asphalt and start to bawl. Feeling overwhelmed would be an understatement. Hearing your mothers voice again, being outside, about to be picked up, being noticed by doctor Kry … it'll end your poor heart.
Fifteen minutes feel like two years. Your mom's car finally slides into the parking lot with a screech and is close to hitting another car. It stops right in front of you. Your mother jumps out without bothering to close the door behind her. She throws herself over you and you cling onto the woman as if this is the last time you'll ever see her. The familiar smell is hypnotizing, it makes you think of a better time, a time that feels so long ago. It's summer now and when you went into the hospital the snow was falling heavily from the gray sky. Either it's been a year and a half or six months. It feels more like the first alternative, but your mom hasn't changed at all, so you believe it's only been a couple of months.
She brings you into the car while asking a million different questions. You answer them all, but your body starts to lose the adrenaline. You slump back into the seat. Normally, you would be sleeping at this time and your body has adapted to your different nap times.
As soon as you come back to your childhood home, an immense feeling of exhaustion washes over you. You're home, you're finally safe.
You want to tell your family everything that has happened, but you think that you're going to faint if you don't get to sleep in your own bed again. They help you up to the second floor and place you gently into the bed. Everything around you is as you remember it. It smells like it usually smells, it looks like it usually looks and it feels like it usually does. You're home.
A weird noise wakes you up. Something sounding like a door creaking open. You open your eyes, but to your surprise, you can't see anything! You must have slept longer than planned. The moon is up outside your window.
You look around, noticing a figure in the darkness. As you're about to gasp, a hand slaps over your mouth. Only by the scent, you're able to identify the person.
"Shh, my little one", Dr Kry whispers and holds his other finger over his lips. "If you make any noise I'll kill them."
You don't have to ask who he means. Terrified, you shake your head as quickly as you can. He sighs, looking down into your pleading eyes.
"Why did you have to run away, hm?" he says sadly. "It was supposed to be the two of us. Don't you understand how scared I got when I walked into your room and saw that you weren't there? I looked at the security footage and you and so sheepishly walked out! I knew that you'd go here. You missed your family so much, didn't you, little one?"
Tears start to run down your cheeks, flooding down on his hand.
"Don't cry", Dr Kry whispers and bends down to lean his forehead on yours. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'll remove my hand, okay? Remember that if you make any noise, I'll kill your parents. You don't want that, do you?"
You shake your head just as quickly again.
"Good", he whispers and removes his hand.
Your bottom lip trembles tremendously and you're about to let out a sob, but you bite your lip to prevent it.
"You're so pretty", Dr Kry whispers.
You shake your head. You saw your reflection in the mirror. Whatever he's done to you, it's anything but pretty.
"Yes, you are", he whispers and cups your cheeks softly.
His cold hands make you shiver. You pray that this is a nightmare. A side effect from the lack of drugs he's given you. But his touch, his breath, it's all too real.
Suddenly, his lips meet yours in a gentle kiss. You gasp and stare at him, too shocked to push him off.
Dr Kry pulls back and picks up something from his pocket. You notice how he's not wearing his doctor clothes. He's wearing a sand colored jean jacket and a pair of jeans. You can't tell what he picks up from his pocket, but it looks like a cloth.
"Take a big breath", he urges and presses it to your face, covering both mouth and nose. "Come on, sweetheart. Can’t you do that for me?"
You start to turn your head back and forth, but you can't escape his claws. The cloth follows your every move. You hold your breath and glare at him. He seems to be as calm as ever. He knows that you’ll have to breathe sooner or later. You can’t win. When you can't hold your breath anymore you're forced to breathe it in whether you like it or not. A dizzy sensation enters your brain, numbing it.
"There we go", he cooes. "What a good little thing you are, darling. Big breaths, good job. Don't be scared, when you wake up, you'll be where you belong again and we can pretend that this never happened."
The last thing you see is Doctor Kry’s blue eyes staring right into yours.
When you wake up, the sun is shining in your eyes. The groggy feeling in your head is making everything harder. You can’t seem to move or think. With half open eyes, you look around, finding that you’re back in the hospital. You lift your hands to rub your eyes, but your right hand stops. You look down. He’s handcuffed it to the side of the bed! In panic, you start to move your hand, hoping to get out of it.
The bathroom door opens and Dr Kry comes out, fixing his white lab coat. You freeze and stare at him with wide eyes. He smiles slightly.
“Oh, darling, don’t look so scared”, he says and nods at your cuffed wrist. “I had to do that to make sure you don’t go rummaging through my drawers again. If you can pick the door lock with a paperclip, I don’t want to know what more you can do.”
“L-Let me go!” you shout.
“No, I won’t.” He sits down on the side of the bed, right by your knees. “You need me as much as I need you … it’s just a matter of time before you realize that. You’re sick, Y/N, you can’t be out in the large world. Don’t you see that I’m protecting you? You need me to protect you. You can’t survive without me.”
“I hate you. You’re such a piece of shit!”
“You’re just frightened. I know you don’t hate me. You like me when I’m nice and I’ll be just as nice as you want me to be, but then you need to be a good little patient and not run around when you’re not supposed to. Promise me that you’ll never try to run away again. I didn’t touch your parents this time, but if you ever try again, I’ll burn down their house. Remember, Y/N, I’m good at making murders look like accidents.”
“No …”
“Yes. Promise me now. Promise that you’ll stay here for the rest of your little life and that you’ll never try to leave me again. Promise me.”
“I can’t …”
“I know where you live, I know where all of your friends live-”
“I promise! I promise to n-never leave you again. Please, just let everyone be. I’ll do whatever you want if you just let everyone else be!”
Dr Kry smiles cockily and kisses your forehead. You shiver and close your eyes. Can you ever escape this madman?
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pinkiemme · 5 months
Hey, did I show you Krys?
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krys-loves-otome · 4 months
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Hi, Ana / @bicayaya, I'm your gifter for the Mayday Heyday OC Exchange!
Since Beatrice's profile mentioned that she played piano as a hobby, I thought it would be cute for her and Yves to play music together, thus how this came together.
Did take one or two liberties with Beatrice's clothes but I think she turned out super adorable!
Thanks for hosting the event @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar! I had a lot of fun!
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krys-does-art-stuff · 17 days
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A typical meal time scene in Hideyoshi's house, with Masamune inviting himself over because why not.
Couldn't think of what I wanted with just Masa and Houki for their shared birthday, but through a relatively recent ask I got on main, thought it would be cute with a meal time scene inspired by the ask.
So, Happy Birthday to Masamune and Houki, my beloveds.
Sept 2024
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kryssinth · 8 months
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I love this man sm. I want him to just kidnap me and lock me in his mansion please I dont want to go to school and make websites PLEASE SAVE ME😭😭😭😭😭
Poor man has dark circles under his eyes. He's such a little bby🥺
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Also I tried some different look (just for my own pleasure uwu)
THIS CHARACTER IS NOT MINE! This is just fanart of a character made by @darkbluekies ! Go and check out their work!
(Literally dr kry is the only thing keeping me sane 😃😃😃😃)
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You are going to give them heart attacks.
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not-krys · 9 months
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Rating: Teen and Up Pairing: Vincent van Gogh x Abigail Clarke (OC) Summary: Abby anxiously waits for Vincent to come home during a storm. Notes: Original Character, OC x Canon, implied route end spoilers but nothing specific, fluff, pregnancy, lightly suggestive towards the end, implied semi-nudity, wearing your man's shirt like you own it, little bits of Dutch, not beta-read. WC: 1,649
My entry for @aquagirl1978's creator challenge 'A Series of Firsts' using the prompt 'First Child' along with a prompt from my own 100 Theme's Challenge 'In the Storm.'
Check out my masterlist!
Also on ao3!
Abby stood by the window, watching nervously as the rain fell in buckets to the ground below. She curled her fingers in front of her mouth, trying to stop herself from pacing.
She shouldn't have told Vincent about wanting some strawberries. She should have looked out at the weather. She should have stopped Vincent from going out, that she would have been fine going without.
Yet, he still insisted with a gentle tap on her belly.
"Just like your Oom Theo, I see." he had said with a smile.
Now, she was trying not to pace in front of the window waiting for him. He had already been gone half an hour by the time she heard the first crack of thunder. Had he been caught outside in the storm? She hoped not. Yet, it was coming up on the hour and Vincent still hadn't returned. She was worried. He hadn't taken his phone with him as he thought he wasn't going to be gone long enough to need it.
Stepping in front of the window, Abby caught her reflection in the glass, the raindrops quickly sliding down and breaking up her image. She ran her hand down her front, the journey down longer than it used to be. It had been a stormy day like today when she had first told Vincent that she was expecting, she remembered. She had been so scared and nervous then, wondering how Vincent would react, if they were even ready to be parents when they could barely afford to live in their current apartment. There was barely even any room for the crib they had bought second hand next to their bed.
She took a breath to calm herself, gazing at her reflection in the rain-soaked window with her twenty-week belly benignly stretching her shirt.
"You're being silly, Abigail," she said aloud. "Vincent will be home soon. He's probably waiting under an awning for the storm to lighten up. O-or in a shop, maybe. O-or maybe stopped somewhere to sketch something, even in the storm."
She chuckled softly.
"Yes, that does sound like something he would do. No need for all these butterflies in your tummy. He's perfectly fine."
Looking down as she lifted her long shirt, she rubbed her belly.
"Sorry that your mama is so nervous. Must not be much fun for you, sharing space with such a worrisome mama, nervous butterflies and all that."
She sat in a nearby chair, continuing her little massage.
"You've grown so much already, haven't you, little guy?" She smiled. "I can't wait to see what you look like. If you've got your papa's eyes… his nose… O-or maybe you'll take after your Oom Theo instead? Oh, Oom means uncle in Dutch! That's the language your papa speaks and I'm learning it with you as your papa teaches me. A-and your Oom Theo is your papa's little brother. I-I mean his younger brother, he's certainly not little like you are right now."
She looked over at the side table, a small assortment of photos arranged with a framed sonogram picture in the middle.
"He might have acted mean …a lot of the time, always teasing me and calling me hondje, but I know Theo would've loved to meet you. All of the mansion residents would have, I think. You would've had so many uncles looking after you."
The rain pattered against the glass, softer now.
"My family? Sorry, I don't talk about them much. Well… I'm sure that my auntie would love to meet you too. Maybe pinch your cheeks. She did that to me a lot when I was younger. I haven't seen her in a long time, not since I ...came back."
She started to laugh again, but the sound drifted off. Her voice turned somber, hands curling around her belly.
"Your papa and I don't have much," she said, "and I wish we could provide more for you, but I hope that, more than anything, you’ll know that you are very, very much loved."
She looked out at the window again, the room turning quiet once more.
Then, she heard the door opening and heard a few distantly muttered Dutch words. She was on her feet before she knew it and raced towards the door, seeing Vincent soaked from head to toe, his blond locks heavy with rain. He brightened up when he saw her.
"I'm home, schatje." He said warmly.
"Vincent!" Abby said, taking his face into her hands. "You were caught in the storm, weren't you? I'm so sorry."
"It's alright. The green grocer and I got to talking, so I didn't notice how long it had been. He gave me some advice about helping you out since he and his wife have four children already, expecting a fifth one soon."
"F-five children?"
"Yes, five. That's how many siblings I had, actually."
"It.. It sounds like a lot."
"Maybe we can ask him about playdates once our little one is old enough. Their youngest would be around the same age as ours."
"Next time we see him, w-we'll ask him about it." Abby said, brushing back his wet hair. "But you need to dry off first. You're still soaking wet."
"Ahaha, yes." He set his bag in the kitchen, peeling off his wet shirt. He then smiled as he noticed something. "Did you start the laundry before I left?"
Abby's back was turned, looking for some towels for Vincent.
"I started to, but then it started raining, so nothing is dry at the moment."
"So, no clean clothes?" Vincent walked up to her.
"Nothing dry, anyway. I had to hang them in the bathroom so they could-" Abby then realized what she said. "Oh no, there's nothing for you to wear!"
Vincent laughed.
"Well, there was one shirt I could wear, but..." He trailed off.
He tugged at her shirt, the hem just a little too long for her, even with her belly noticeable under the fabric.
"You're wearing my last clean shirt."
Abby flushed pink in realization. Vincent chuckled happily as he turned her around.
"Next trip out," he said, still tugging at the shirt hem. "We'll get some more shirts like mine for you to wear, since you like wearing them so much."
"J-just for doing laundry! I can still wear my regular clothes!"
"And around the apartment. And when you sleep sometimes."
"I don't mind at all," he laughed. "I think you look cute in my shirts."
Vincent pulled in closer, the scent of the rain enveloping her as his hand pressed on her belly.
"I missed you two, when I was out."
Abby smiled, holding his hand in place despite the damp spot it was creating.
"We missed you too. And I was worried.. when I heard the thunder start."
He leaned in and kissed her, droplets sliding onto her face and tickling her.
"Sorry for worrying you. It's not good to let you fret so much, schatje, especially with all these butterflies in your tummy."
"I know but I can't-" she paused, putting Vincent's hand back where it was. "You… you can feel this too? I-I thought it was just me being anxious but…"
"M-maybe it's not me, but I've… I've felt this when I started talking to him earlier, t-to calm myself and-!"
Both of their eyes widened, having felt the same thing.
"He kicked…" Abby said.
"Our baby's kicking." Vincent echoed her.
"Our baby…" Abby repeated, looking up at Vincent.
He enveloped her in a tight hug, a squeak escaping her.
"Vincent! Now your last shirt is wet too!"
"Ahaha, sorry, just… our son is kicking! Kicking!"
"He is.." Abby said with a smile, not caring anymore that she's wet too. "He's kicking, Vincent."
He kissed her again, harder this time, his clammy hands rubbing over her.
"Oh, I did get my last shirt wet, didn't I?"
His chilled hands slipped under her shirt, making her jump as he pressed into her warm skin.
"You're so cold!"
"And you’re very warm, schatje."
He lifted the fabric higher, pulling it over and off of her, revealing her fully to him.
"Y-you should still get dried off first…"
"If I can keep touching you, you can dry me off. Our son is kicking, I don't want to miss this."
His cold hands pressed on her bare belly again, making her jump and shiver.
"But, I need to get you a towel…"
"Use my shirt."
He touched her again, his normally gentle blue eyes darker with need.
Abby sighed and started to rub his hair with his shirt, humming as she got into her task. 
Soon, Vincent’s hands warmed up as he looked at her, glowing with happiness. The rain had stopped outside, a little rainbow breaking through the dark clouds, illuminating the couple with warm sunlight through the window. Once Abby was done drying his hair, Vincent laid his head on her shoulder, looking down at her semi-bared form.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. “Do you still feel him kicking?”
“He’s calmed down, I think. Maybe he tired himself out?”
“Maybe.” He ran his fingers down her belly one last time, stopping when he felt it rumbling.
Abby flushed red and looked away.
“I… remembered that you’d brought home the strawberries I wanted.”
Vincent laughed and kissed her cheek.
“Well, now you both can have some strawberries, to get your strengths back up.”
“But, neither of us are wearing shirts. Nor do we have anything clean or dry to wear.”
“Easier clean up, schatje.”
“J-just be sure that the door’s locked. I don’t want the neighbors to see us like this.”
Abby’s face was still red as Vincent pulled away, noting that his pants were still wet as he walked away, but felt redder at the thought of bringing it up and stayed silent with a sigh.
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krynutsreal · 3 months
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Hiii!!! Doing artfight for the first time ever so ..yas
I don't have all my characters uploaded yet but I'm working on that 👍
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peapod20001 · 2 months
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Some animal mask girls...
Fun fact: pink kitty girl is a character I got from @pineapplethatisall 7 years ago 😭
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time-speculo · 9 days
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played around with this meme template last year though I only did a few but I like the outcome of some of these! The staff trio (5-6-7) got more attention than the rest oops-
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darkbluekies · 28 days
Im sorry if this is offend you but please dont take this to seriously. But this is why i think you rarely wrote Edmund
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He must be taking his time yapping about how you dont publish other part of his story yet and prob get fussy in your saving files rn. If he get too annoying please cage this lil guy
how did you know? not even my noise cancelling headphones can tune out the sound of his screeching my god
he doesn't ask nicely to be written for so he is at the back of the list as a punishment until he learns how to behave!!!
if he starts to bite i will cage him
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krys-draws · 2 years
✎. Mr. Guadez | Lookism oc
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ⓧ Do not repost/use without permission.
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the-lovely-cambion · 4 months
My WnW Ocs interacting with Other WnW Ocs Part 2
The Ocs used in this post are from @an-indecisive-mess
With Demitra - They would talk to each like they’e related to one another because of their pasts being similar and Dee can help Bernadette cope with her past trauma. And also Bernadette getting envious at Dee because she was born in the land of the living.
With Krys - Just them being book-loving buddies because both of them love the adventure genre. Plus I could see them just exploring the wonders of the living world and show their findings to each other
With Darnell - Tries her hardest in getting to know Darnell, but usually fails because of Darnell’s introverted personality. But they do interact from time to time.
With Latrell - Would possibly get side-eyed by Latrell because he’s hates angels (especially since she’s a guardian angel), but tries to be nice around Bernadette even though he’s suspicious of her. Additionally, he’s mostly likely to get startled and slap Bernadette when she makes bird noises (or heck, maybe just looking similar to a bird in general)
With Demitra -They’ll probably get themselves coffee and chat about their experiences as guidance counselor and their personal lives.
With Krys - I can see Krys doing braids on Claudine’s hair because, in Krys’ words, her hair is just that precious. And of course, Claudine wouldn’t mind because Krys does a good job with braiding her hair.
With Darnell - I can see them being fashion buddies because they love fashion and help each other out in makeup and outfits. They’d also get along since Darnell is also into R&B and both of them are great at keeping secrets.
With Latrell - Still the same with Bernadette (minus the slapping), but he mostly tolerates her and actually does the fashion advice that Claudine gives him (because Latrell is into fashion, though his style is more classy) .
All that’s all for this post.
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krys-does-art-stuff · 3 months
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Happy Watercolor Month!
I was trying out Canson's Fluid Mixed Media paper with my watercolors and, while it might also be my newbieness at watercolors, I couldn't really get it to spread or absorb like I wanted it to. When I felt how smooth it was, I thought it'd be similar to hot press watercolor paper, but... not quite, no, not like hot-press paper. Might just to stick to regular mixed media paper or proper watercolor paper whenever I paint, lol. Managed to fix what I could with colored pencils, white gel pen, and digital color layers, so still calling this a win.
July 2024
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bluumonarch · 3 months
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Amongst the crowd.
i'm so active in here!! (ignore the last post being from jan)
here's another art for my danganronpa oc :D
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