#ws × krys
time-speculo · 13 days
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played around with this meme template last year though I only did a few but I like the outcome of some of these! The staff trio (5-6-7) got more attention than the rest oops-
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bctrayed · 3 years
tag dump
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time-speculo · 25 days
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doodled my sillies heavily inspired by this post that has taken up residence in this corner of my brain for months now
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time-speculo · 19 days
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this boy has been on the mind lately, he should leave some space for the others i think, selfish prick
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time-speculo · 7 months
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There's like 20 old doodles and pieces of these little shits i have yet to post, so maybe i should do that
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time-speculo · 1 year
Rim 2
Arjun 28
Ceto 37
Krys 14
Sorrel 18
And C for any of them!!!
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[Rim] ★ 2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Super easy, like, she's already laughing level of easy! You haven't said anything. It's like resting bitch face except she has resting smiling face and honestly if she feels even a little bit happy it's not unusual to see her smile or laugh.
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[Arjun] ★ 28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
It's funny you ask that because he's the liar of the group. No malicious lies but he finds it easier to go with that rather than honesty. If he doesn't know a person especially, he will just lie if it pleases them. People pleaser detected. If it's a closer one he's more likely to tell them his honest opinion about things that might hurt them if he doesn't.
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[Ceto] ★ 37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, or things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
Hmmm, I've never thought of that. He strikes me as a very visual memory type of fella, like he'll look at something for a bit, repeat it to himself and he'll remember it until it's useless information. You know when you memorize exactly where a sentence starts and finishes in a book, and once you change the book you get confused? Something like that. Fun fact though, if it's a person important to have striked, he names his snakes after them to never forget them.
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[Krys] ★ 14. What animal do they fear most?
Pigeons, I've just decided. Even worse if it's a full-on flock of them. Keep them away from him. Thankfully if it's one or two he'll just eye them suspiciously and there aren't that many around the city. Rather than fear he'd like to have nothing to do with them.
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[Sorrel] ★ 18. What embarrasses them?
AGAIN, FUNNY YOU ASK THAT, because he's usually the one to roast the people and make fun of them. If Krys makes sure he won't get hit first, this man will not care, if you're doing something cringe he'll call you out on it. Which is why he does get embarrassed if he catches himself doing something "awfully nice", don't you worry though, if you try to call him out on it he'll retaliate immediately, I don't know where he stores all his comebacks.
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★C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
I'll just answer for the ones you asked about.
Rim's the mc so she was pretty much the one driving the plot. Ceto was made to be her "guide" character and then along the way I took out some elements out of him to make Arjun, so OG Ceto is a bit different personality-wise. Those 3 with Louise are the main four.
KRYS AND SORREL THOUGH, obviously any young one I make will just be a student at the university setting I have, but getting them to be relevant story-wise took a bit of doodling, thinking joking around with @ri-cakes before taking those jokes seriously. So even if these two aren't directly plot-related, they're gonna be helpful in including them with subtle details.
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time-speculo · 7 months
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The keep flirting fighting in the office when everyone but krys is off for lunch somewhere out so he might as well make use of his time
You are not immune to my stupid memes behOLD
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time-speculo · 3 years
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just your regular father son bonding activities
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