#oc: liett
albaharu · 8 months
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Guys send me strenght to finish writing this year my book trilogy Destiny's Playthings 🙏🙏🙏 it's not published anywhere but still. Also her name is Liette :3
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pupcrimes · 5 years
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon, for Lee?
( headcanon meme ) 
Lee tends to accumulate plants like no other, and his bedroom always takes the bulk of them. They hang from the ceiling, line the walls, sit gathered in pots on the floor - it’s a little maze of greenery, and his rooms do get more humid as a result, but he would not change it for anything. Being surrounded by all this life is calming, helps him find his center when he has been knocked off-balance.
Other things found in his room: a shelf display of rocks and jars of dirt from various planets, so many pictures of his friends and a couple of landscapes and animals that he took, one of those Hang In There cat posters (courtesy of Kira), a couple of meditation mats, and sitting cushions with hand embroidered covers for when he has company.
You might be wondering, what with all the plants, where does Lee sleep? Well, let me please direct you to *dun dun-dun DAAA* the closet!! He prefers smaller spaces when it comes to sleep, it’s a comfort thing. Reminds him of where he used to sleep as a child before coming to be with the Jedi.
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bobbadee · 6 years
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he’s so precious :’)
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blackfeathercourt · 2 years
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It's Liette's and Jade's birthday folks
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ramtu-art · 3 years
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A redraw of one of my first OCs, Liett. It’s amazing to see how much I’ve grown in 6 years. I’ve decided to add this character to the world I’m building, Quarus, because I love them. September 2021
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nullkunst · 7 years
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art trade part for someone on EQA
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tamachan221 · 4 years
I think imma add filler canon to a ROTTMNT Fanfic that I want to write, plus possible Next Gen ideas ouo
- Bishop, antagonist may turn into anti villain, can introduce himself as a mad man or scientist looking into the Hidden City, has creepy interest in Yokai in particular, seen looking into remnants of Draxum’s former lab and the Oozequitoes
- Either captured a young yokai several years prior, experimented and turned him into a Super Yokai or has been in the process of creating an artificial Yokai, in hopes to possibly have an army for what, idk. 
-The Yokai is named Talon, appears as a Monitor Lizard, venomous AF, has two stingers that extend from his forarms. Will pretty much just get even stronger as time progresses. ( IF he was originally captured at a young age, he would be an old friend of Kimiko’s/ or assistant of Draxum’s, and maybe another OCs brother)
-Some failed experiments are running loose in the city an/ or Bishop accidentally releases an unintentional mutagen that kinda fucks up the city and now the turtles need to stop it.
-Donatello and Kimiko (oc) argue over Advanced Technology or Advanced Alchemy being the key to NYC’s and possibly the world’s answer to stopping the crisis. Meanwhile, the others are busy dealing with crazed, rampaging mutants.
- Oh no Mikey/ or maybe Stockboy got bit by one of the mutants....meaning Don and Kimmy need to stfu and work on a cure together.
-Side plots-
-Mikey finds a cat while fighting Bishop, names him Star. This cat gets mutated and is actually a female with the ability to shapeshift. May or may not be a love interest <3
-Mikey makes an account on an online art community, his art gets stolen and Donnie oh so happens to be messing with cyberspace possibilities with the help of his assistant (oc, Liette, kind of a friend who is also a girl <3 ). With her keeping watch, they traverse cyberspace to trace the thief and it happens to be...Stockboy....to gain more subscribers and donations...
- Raphael starts participated in brawling tournaments in the Hidden City bc that’s his thing. They are run by Huginn and Muninn.
-One of the competitors, Elizabeth/ Eliza hails from another dimension entirely, an odd mix between a leapord gecko and a turtle. She has no idea of how she came to be in the Hidden City. She is a good fighter though.
- Crossover time?!?!? Maybe ouo
-Kimiko, oc, gains a bit of a status as a master apothecary in the Hidden City and may or may not end up living there in the future with her Blue Boi <3 
-Usagi, unintentional third wheel, could make an appearance and Leo could get jelly because rabbit boi is Kimiko’s friend, but ultimately helps the pair become closer.
- Next Gen: Triceratons?? Renet?? Knowledge of wherever Eliza came from?
There’s a lot of possibilities of what I want to do....
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celadonsprout · 6 years
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A finished colored commission of @sofftboy 's sweet twi'lek oc Liett!! He's such an angel.. it was a huge pleasure drawing a fellow frog enthusiast c: 🧡🐌
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albaharu · 2 years
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oc posting my assassin girl liette
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pupcrimes · 5 years
About the Muse
yes, another one!!  tagged by @sunsetofdoom once again! thank u <3
 and since you asked so nicely... 
   | ― your muse’s name:   
Líett, but he usually just goes by Lee! (the fact that i have to copy and paste the accented i has nothing to do with this, i promise) 
| ― one favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
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The first commission I ever had done of Lee, holding a frog bc he loves the froggos!! This was done by the lovely @celadonsprout, and the rebloggable version of this picture can be found here!!
   | ― two headcanons you have for your muse: 
Lee hates seafood, especially crustacea. When he was still Ziven's padawan, they wound up on a planet that was mostly water so a great deal of the food they had came from the sea and it was not a fun time for him At All. He ended up getting food poisoning three separate times in that trip alone, and now just the smell of fish makes him want to gag.
He has GAD, generalized anxiety disorder. He'd always had a subtle undercurrent of worry about him but it didn't develop into full-blown anxiety until he was in his late teens. With the help of his family and Master Ziven, he found a decent therapist and support group that he calls every couple of weeks to just talk and check in with everyone.
He has a nice singing voice but he is very very shy about it. He doesn't even sing when he knows his friends are listening, which is a darn shame bc they love to hear his voice (especially Aric, who thinks Lee could make a killing singing lullabies).  Here’s an example. 
  | ― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Gardening! There's nothing better than having his hands deep in some soil. Gardening has a way of calming his mind, giving him something other than his messy thoughts to focus on. Most of the rooms on the ship have some sort of greenery in them, and his private quarters are a bit of a jungle. 
Long walks around Coruscant. He likes to take in the sights, the sounds, the life. He didn't see the top-side of the planet until he was twelve so actually being able to walk around it is something of a novelty. Usually you can find him in some art district in some sector or another, or stopping at a food truck for lunch.
     | ― seven people your muse loves/likes:
All the lovely people from the brothel he grew up by! Especially Izya and Melow. They taught him to be himself, to live his truth, gave him his confidence. They are his mentors, his role models, his family, and he loves them all very much. 
His AgriCorps squad! Jita, Habri, Illya, and Karman. Whatever their individual reasons were for coming into the corps, it didn't stop them from coming to be the best of friends in a very short time. Impossible to separate, the four of them are always assigned to the same location, which makes it easy for Lee to surprise them with visits. They are his closest friends, his confidants, the people he goes to when he is feeling truly low and needs comfort.
Amiri Ziven, his second master. Though Ziven was not without her problems, Lee is grateful that she asked him to be her padawan. He has so much to thank her for, teaching him how to fight and how to think on his feet and how to *ahem* bend the truth in his reports to the Council. They are penpals and mutuals on space Instagram, where Lee likes every single photo of Amiri and her baby to show his continued love and support of her decision to leave the Order. 
Kira Carsen. He didn't quite know what to make of her at first, but she grew on him. Actually reminds him a little bit of Ziven. Having her as his padawan was kind of weird for him at first, since they're so close in age (five years between them, i believe?), but he managed to figure it out. Sorta treats her like a younger sister. 
Aric Jorgan, his boyfriend (or husband, depending on where in the timeline you are). They met on Yavin 4, during the whole Revan debacle; Lee was assigned to assist Havoc in their missions and it gave him and Aric plenty of opportunity to get to know each other, though they didn't start dating until two years later, after Zakuul invaded. Pretty much a slow-burn love filled with plenty of mutual pining and that good ol' gay yearning™. They both function as the other's safe place, finding comfort in each other no matter how far apart they are. Lee just.... loves him a lot. 
Dego Tikkab, Lee's first big crush since getting together with Aric. When they have some free time, they like to drink together in the Odessen cantina and swap stories about the various places they've been. They have a lot of laughs. Close friend and (eventual) boyfriend. 
Svana Zikarr, the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order. They have a friendship that many would think unlikely, due to their opposing personalities -- what with Svana's temper and sharp-tongue, in contrast to Lee's calm and empathetic nature -- but in actuality, they get along extraordinarily well. Lee tends to smooth down Svana's sharp edges, and Svana gives Lee the wherewithal to pursue his passions. Also, as the both of them dual-wield, they like to spar each other when given the chance.
      | ― a phobia your muse has:
That everyone he meets/knows/loves is annoyed by him or hates him in some way. He knows it's the anxiety brain™ talking but damn if it doesn't keep him up at night at times. When it's especially bad, he will go full-on People-Pleaser Mode, cutting pieces of himself away to better fit what he thinks everyone will like. It's... pretty bad.
      Anywho, I've already done three of these now and it's hard to tag people so I'm just gonna... tag you all again, I'm sorry. @highjustices, @theyronshan, @kaimystic, @peacemaker-legacy, @jokomalegacy, @sunsetofdoom (you should do sohnya!! curious minds want to know...), @a-muirehen and uhhhh if i missed you, you are just automatically tagged. that’s just how it is, i don’t make the rules, sorry. 
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bobbadee · 5 years
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pupcrimes · 5 years
Lee learned how to drive/pilot a speeder at sixteen, when Master Ziven had drunkenly started an argument in a cantina that led into a full-out brawl. He had to pull her out of the bar by her elbow so she would stop talking and making things worse, but then the bouncers and incensed patrons followed them out -- because they hadn’t paid the tab and Amiri had been flipping everybody off behind Liett’s back -- and just. Lee anxiously turning the key in the ignition with no idea what he’s doing as people yell all sorts of things at him and his master, starting to panic a little bit because they are beginning to crowd around the speeder and it’s not starting, and Ziven is still babbling about mothers and banthas and it’s really not helping-- but then the key catches! The engine comes to life, and Lee learns very quickly that 1. driving is a lot more complicated than just pressing a few buttons and turning a wheel, 2. if your bar tab is big enough, the bouncers of the establishment are liable to pull out their blasters to stop you from skipping it, and 3. if someone sees another person pull their weapon, well, that’s just going to start a whole chain reaction and cause a whole crowd of angry, drunk people to shoot at you while you try to escape. 
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pupcrimes · 5 years
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Together, Dego and Lee are the sort of couple that laugh a lot. Dego lives to see Líett throw his head back when he finds something incredibly funny, so Dego is always telling him jokes to try and get him to do it; and Lee, he appreciates the humor, as it helps ease some of the stress that comes with being a Jedi in wartime. In turn, Líett is the solid ground that Dego always comes back to; in times of trouble, he helps Dego rediscover his center, reminds him why he is doing what he is doing, and helps him feel settled in a way that Dego can never remember feeling. They give so much to each other, and all they want to see in return is the other happy.
Can’t believe I’ve never posted @emegustart‘s beautiful art of my two boys!! I commissioned this back in February for Valentine’s Day and I just love it to pieces, especially Dego’s sappy smile!! he loves Lee so much djhsksfksd
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pupcrimes · 5 years
I just want you all to know that Lee is 100% the kind of guy to ask his boyfriends to tell him a bedtime story to help him fall asleep
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pupcrimes · 5 years
how they smile & nervous tics for liett?
thank you!!!
How they smile 
Oh, man, Lee is my smiley boy. He’s got a full arsenal of smiles and he’s more than happy to use them. For each one, though, he always tilts his head a bit to the side so his smiles always look a little lopsided, and his eyes tend to crinkle at the corners, nearly closing shut sometimes if he’s really feeling good. 
Nervous tics
When he’s nervous, Liett tends to pull his hands into his sleeves, either worrying at the hem of them with his fingers or rubbing the nail of his thumb against the pad of his index finger. Sometimes he paces back and forth while doing this, but when he realizes he’s pacing, he usually tries some deep breathing to calm himself and find his center.
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pupcrimes · 5 years
3, 4, and 15 for lee?
3. Scars or painful spots
Lee has a scar on his chin from when he had been working on the farm during his AgriCorps days. He'd been running, trying to get things done so he could go swim in a creek with some of the other kids his age, when he slipped and cut himself open on a shovel. It was a pretty bad injury, bled a lot, and it never quite healed right. He likes to say that that was how he learned patience.
4. Best places to kiss on their body.
His hands. He gets flustered every single time. He doesn't know why it is, either. There's just something so... intimate about someone taking his hand and pressing their lips against the back of it, or in the center of his palm, or in a line across his knuckles. Bonus points is the kisser said something romantic right before.
Lee also really likes it when his shoulders and upper chest are kissed. He likes being able to turn against his partner's head, smell their hair or just... nuzzle against them. 
Bonus: his collar bones are really sensitive, so he always laughs whenever someone kisses him there.
15. What it takes to make them cry.
sadhsdkfas making me sad thinking abt this 
Being an emotionally open kind of person, Lee doesn't really mask his inner emotional experiences. He isn't the sort to fake a smile to hide that he's really hurting.
That said, he doesn't like (sad or angry) crying in front of people. So if he's not alone, to get to the point of actual crying - Lee has got to be very upset. The sudden loss of a close friend, or being told that a relationship very dear to him was no longer viable (i phrased this very delicately but like... i’m 100% talking about break ups), or if there was a strong disturbance in the Force (something like the hurting of hundreds of people), all would be enough to push him over the edge.
He does cry a little bit over seeing his loved ones hurt as well, but I think that's something he'd be more likely to excuse himself for if he was really upset, especially if he wasn't needed by the medic at that moment.
Good things he cries about, though! Lee is liable to get a little teary over happy events. Reuniting with friends and family, watching cheesy romance movies, or when he’s feeling so full of happiness and love that it just kinda... spills over. Lee has definitely cried while watching a sunrise at least a couple of times. 
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