#oc: loden
crino-line · 2 years
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crino's old art: rwby oc - team STLA
Soma Sonnenblume
Treu Plava
Loden Bronce
Ange Anemone
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smilingberryy · 3 months
Some traditional doodles of Lizi as I get more comfortable with her design that quickly led to an adorable cuddle sesh of the girls and Light<3
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Also :)
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luminalightsverse · 2 years
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Calico - Beta
Biographical information
Nicknames: Cali, Cico, Cali'ika, Pup, Puppy Homeworld: Kamino Born: 22 BBY
Physical description
Species: Human (clone) Gender: Female Hair Color: Brown (often dyes one half blonde) Eye Color: Brown Skin Color: Fair skinned Abnormalities/Enhancements: Force-sensitivity
Chronological and political information
Affiliation: Galactic Republic, 104. Bataillon, Wolfpack Squad, 442nd Siege Battalion, Mandalorians, Scavenger Crew, Bounty Hunters' Guild, Clone Force 99, Clone Seeker Crew, Clone Force 17
Story (TCW-TBB S.1):
Calico is an unmodified but enhanced Clone of Jango Fett with the Code-name Beta. She was created after Omega as a backup for Jango’s DNA. Beta then was released in 22 BBY after the death of Jango Fett and the disappearance of his son Boba, making this her official birth year. After her reales from the tube, the Kaminoans found out about her Force-sensitivity and decided not to keep her as a backup any longer but to use her for further researches to find a way to transfer to or trigger Force-sensitivity in other clones.
In those experiments, clone medics were also involved, one of them was the medic of the Wolfpack. They tried to convince the kaminoans to stop their experiments. They told them the child would not survive this because it was to small and weak. The kaminoans ignored them telling them to follow their orders or they would be decommissioned if they disobeyed.
At the same time Wolffe was on kamino too, because of his eye surgery, which he received for his injury that he got after the Battle of Khorm. In the night where Wolffe was about to leave kamino to go back to his men, the medic of the 104th decided while on his night watch duty, to fake the childs death and smuggled her to Wolffe, asking him to take Beta with him.
Wolffe was unsure about this plan because he was afraid it could backfire and they could get in trouble or even be terminated. In the end he still agreed to take her with him. For Wolffe this was the only right thing to do. Wolffe took the child and left kamino while the medic stayed back to avoid any suspicion and waited until the kaminoans sent him back again after he would have reported the death of Beta.
Back on Coruscant Wolffe went straight to his general Plo Koon, asking him for advice on what to do with the young clone, to which Plo just answered that his advice wouldn’t be needed anymore because he could feel that his commander already had made up his mind. He told Wolffe that he could feel his wish for the child to stay with the Wolfpack and agreed that this might be the best, could Plo feel that this child was Force-sensitive and would need help learning to control the Force.
So Beta was taken into the care of the Wolfpack as their ward, and was renamed Calico by Wolffe. Plo and Wolffe decided to not tell the others who exactly Calico was and instead told that Wolffe had found the child on his way back to Coruscant when he had to make a stopover. After realizing that the child was force sensitive and didn't had anyone, he decided to take her with him, so Plo could train her as soon as she was old enough. Beside Plo, Wolffe and the Medic, only Sinker, Boost and Comet were initiated into the secret because they were the closest to Wolffe, knowing they could help more if they knew the truth.
Even if Calico was an unmodified clone, at the beginning she aged much faster than they expected, which confused the Medic of the 104th, did he knew that Calico didn't had accelerated aging. The medic made several investigations but couldn't find anything which proved him wrong. He decided to go back to Kamino for further investigation and with the help of Tech found out that the liquid in Calico’s tube was different than that in the other tubes. It didn’t alter the DNA but paused the aging and growth process, but both couldn’t find out anything more than this. That’s why they didn’t knew that as Calico was taken out of her tube, these processes activated again and let her grow and age at a much faster pace. This made her catch up within one year until she reached the age which she normally would have had if she wouldn’t have been kept in that liquid. From there, the processes continued normally, which was a great relief for everyone.
One year after the rescue of Calico in 21 BBY Calico became the unofficial Padawan of Plo Koon. In the same year, the kaminoans also found out about Calico when one of the kaminoans saw her while their visit on Coruscant and revealed that she was actually Beta and a clone. They busted Wolffe and the Medic and demanded to take Calico back to Kamino with them to continue their experiments. Thanks to the help of Padme Amidala and Bail Organa, they managed to convince the senat to leave the child under the care of Plo and his pack. In return, Calico had to be taken to Kamino regularly to take part in regular examinations. Still, the kaminoans weren't allowed to do anything on the child without prior permission of the senat and jedi council. When Plo wasn't able to accompany her to Kamino, it was Shaak Ti who took care of Calico, making sure everything went as it should.
Calico always considered the Wolfpack and the other clones as her brothers and uncles, except for Wolffe, who took the role as a father figure for her, even calling him buir beside his name. The same applied to Plo, who she also considered her father or grandfather, calling him buir or ba’buir depending on how she felt at the moment. Calico always tend to say she has two dads, her clone buir and her jedi buir. Even if it was mostly Plo who was in charge of her, because of his role as general and jedi, he still respected the opinions and decisions of Wolffe regarding Calico.
When Order 66 was called out Calico was with Plo on Cato Neimoidia. Calico was on the jedi cruiser in space as the troopers turned against the jedi and tried to execute the order on her too. Calico managed to steal a Starfighter and fled the ship. She flew to the planet to find Plo. As soon as she landed, she destroyed the Starfighter, letting it look like she crashed and died. After that she started to look for Plo, from whom she just found the wreckage of his Starfighter. Not having the time to keep looking for him, she ran devastated to find another ship and escaped from the planet into hyperspace. Now Calico was on her own, not knowing where to go because she didn’t knew the way back to Coruscant or any other place. She let the Force guide her, which led her to Cut, who she once met when she got lost and separated from the Wolfpack. Cut told her everything he knew about Order 66, offering her to stay with him and his family, which Calico gratefully declined thinking she could get them in danger. On the next day she stole another ship and traveled from planet to planet.
At one point she met a mandalorian bounty hunter named Loden Rhegor and his wookiee friend Grayytobuck and helped them on a mission. They took Calico into their team, telling her the mandalorian creed required them to take care of her until she was reunited with her people or old enough to take care of herself. Both were close friends with Cid and practically lived in Cid's Parlor. They often worked for her and took on missions from her. Through that they also met and befriended the Bad Batch and often went on missions with them. Most of the time Calico was left at Cid’s, where she befriended Omega, a female clone her age who was often left there too.
After Calico met Rex again and found out more about the inhibitor chip from him, she and the Bad Batch went together with Rex to get rid of the chip, where it turned out that like Omega, Calico didn't had a chip. After that Calico decided to help every clone she could find to get rid of it, to which Loden and Greyytobuck agreed to help her. While looking for clones to help, they met Clone Force 17, a group of clones who deserted shortly after Order 66 and went into hiding. Calico managed to convince them to join and help them.
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"See you just gotta not have frames and there is nothing to steal....also not be popular that helps too"
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"Mmmm, Loden. Y'know I'm a fandomless OC right? Popular isn't in fandomless OC's dictionary."
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leptonia · 2 years
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New OC their name's Loden
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joviantiger · 6 years
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My old character from 2005, Barrow S. Fog. He used to be a bori on Neopets (he was my second character after Rakka), but is now a species of mine called a Loden (which is an open species btw). This is a picture from early 2018.
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roguelioness · 3 years
OC questionnaire
Tagged by @noire-pandora and @cleverblackcat - thank you! ♥
Tagging @kagetsukai, @ma-sulevin, @rosella-writes, @shannaraisles, @thevikingwoman, @redinkofshame, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @hoochieblues, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @ejunkiet, @hoochieblues, @iarollane, @funkypoacher
Character’s name: Neria Lavellan
Role in story: Reluctant Inquisitor, even more reluctant Herald.
Physical description: Neria is short (5′4) with a slender, willowy build that only marginally improves once she has access to regular meals. She has platinum-blond hair and forest-green eyes, both of which were part of the reason she chose Ghilan’nain’s vallaslin. There’s a sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks that deepens in color with increased sun exposure. She bears an assortment of scars of all shapes and sizes covering the length of her body.
MBTI/Enneagram Personality Type:
ISFJ [the Defender] -  The Defender personality type is quite unique, as many of their qualities defy the definition of their individual traits. Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.
Type 6 [The Loyalist] - The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.
What is their greatest fear?
Loneliness. Neria had a typical childhood, with friends she played often with, and she never felt alone. Once she she developed magic, however, she had to train to control her power and could not spend as much time with her playmates and so grew apart from them. Being appointed First made that gap wider. Even though she was well-liked by everyone in her clan, she often felt quite alone. In the Inquisition she made good friends who gave her a place where she felt like she belonged, and a lover who offered her the security she so desperately desired. Losing either would be painful; losing both would send her  spiraling into misery.
Inner motivation:
She strives to do what’s right. She went to the Conclave because the hunter who was to go was in love and wanted to get married, and it did not seem fair to her. She joined the Inquisition because the Breach needed to be closed, and Corypheus needed to be defeated. It is also why she strive to redeem Solas, even though several of her friends would rather see him killed.
Indecision. She worries often if the decisions she makes are the right ones, especially around the war table where a wrong choice can have disastrous consequences.
What is their misbelief about the world?
That humans are inherently selfish and are only concerned with their own gain.
Lesson they need to learn:
That despite doing her best she cannot control the outcome of situations.
What is the best thing in their life?
Her friends. All of them come from varied backgrounds and they have helped broaden her mind and her experiences. More importantly, they’ve given her a place where she feels truly welcome.
What is the worst thing in their life?
The shattering of her beliefs. Learning what she did at the Temple of Mythal shook her greatly. Everything that happened after - learning she was bound to a mostly-dead goddess, the truth of the vallaslin, the truth of the previous Inquisitor, the truth of the elven gods - it stripped away all of the things she had once been secure in, and leaves her incredibly uncertain and out-of-control.
What do they most often look down on people for?
Intolerance, and judging people based on what they look like. She also dislikes people who are inflexible and rigid.
What makes his/her/their heart feel alive?
The small moments. Sunrise over the Frostbacks. Wildflowers near the road. Laughter over mugs of ale. Quiet conversation around a campfire. Holding hands with a lover, fingers twined. 
What makes them feel loved, and who was the last person to make them feel that way?
Compassion and understanding. Though she misses Solas terribly she won’t say he’s the last person who offered her love because she knows there are different types of love. Her friends make her feel loved in their own ways, and she appreciates that.
Top three things they value most in life?
Knowledge, compassion, patience.
Is there an object they can’t bear to part with?
A necklace that belonged to her great-great grandmother. It’s a circular disc of halla horn onto which is carved a rune of protection, hanging from a leather cord. Her great-great-grandfather, who was the clan’s keeper at the time, made it for his wife, and it was passed down to the eldest. She offered it to Solas, but he knew how much it meant to her and instead suggested she make one like it for him - which she did.
Describe a typical outfit from top to bottom.
She tends to favor simple cuts, but develops a fondness for fabric. Highever weave, royale sea silk, imperial vestment cotton and dales loden wool are some of her favorites. She prefers tunics and pants, with some amount of embroidery, and her boots are well-crafted and sturdy.
What names or nicknames have they been called through their life?
What is their method of manipulation?
- Da’len (her parents, adults in the clan, the Keeper)
- Silver (Varric)
- Ner-bear (Dorian, though Bull uses it to annoy her)
- Fenor (Solas)
Neria doesn’t actively manipulate; most of the time she uses the way other people view her against them. She knows a great many people see her as only a knife-ear, as uneducated and unintelligent and “savage”, so she’ll play into that, all the while gaining information from them that she passes on to Leliana and Josephine.
In battle, her small size and build means she can remain hidden as she attacks. If someone does attempt to fight her they soon discover she’s not as weak as she appears to be.
Describe their daily routine.
With clan Lavellan it was more relaxed; there would always be some time spent learning, mending, aiding other people, but there was no routine set in stone.
With the Inquisition, her routine varies wildly depending on whether she’s out on the field, or at Skyhold. Even at Skyhold no two days are the same. The only things she sticks to for herself is an hour or reading in the morning (usually with tea) and dinner with Solas.
Their go-to cure for a bad day?
Hot, fragrant tea, lots of finger foods, a trashy novel.
How are they dissatisfied with their life?
Post-Inquisition she’s lost, and steadily gets more so. Everything she thought she knew turned out to be wrong, and she struggles with regaining some of that sense of self.
What would bring them true happiness or contentment?
Security. A sense of steadiness. A place that she can call her own, where she doesn’t have to be alone. 
What definitive step could they take to turn their dream into a reality?
Neria wishes she knew. She could go and create a home for herself, but she would be alone. Or she could go after Solas to demonstrate to both of them that they don’t have to be alone, but it means she can’t have a home. She doesn’t know how she can get both.
How has their fear kept them from taking this action already?
She tries her best, but between the loss of her arm and the knowledge that Solas is so much more powerful than her, she fears she won’t be able to succeed.
How do they feel they can accomplish their goal while still steering clear of the thing they are afraid of?
She very deliberately does not think about it. When she does, she thinks about what Varric once said: heroes don’t get happy endings. (She hopes, desperately, that he’s wrong).
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
💓Guardian angel💓=💓soft hours💓
Yes Loden you got it right, he was an angel before.(he still is btw)
Part of the story I kept thinking if he has angel trapped in him(the monologue and stuff you know?)
Everything aside why is she such an angel...
LOVE her. The touches and gazes!!🤩
OMG he can- how?
Oh- My sweet sweet boy🥺
Both of you forget everything and let me take care of you❣
"A soft sigh works his way through his lips, a sound that you recognize as loneliness"
I say this too much, but you write so well 😍
OMGOD!!! I just can't take everything in and express it so
I love mc so much. I don't think I have ever been so endeared by an mc before, it's just the guys but she is 😘
She stayed...
And tae... oh poor soul!!
Loved it
Can't wait for the next part
☹☹Plz ignore the fact that I still haven't completed your story I'm sooo sorry. College had me and still does. Even if I'm late I'll write it I promise🤙(just turn it upside down).
ooh I'm so glad that you like the oc! I've had a lot of fun writing her and getting to know this story! Tae is the sweetest most adorable human ever so this was a blast to write!
no worries! hope college is alright! go fight win! I believe in you!!
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wookieejamcrew · 4 years
i caved and read the first eight chapters of light of the jedi (i thought i’d wait for the full release, but i had free time and was very curious)
points of interest (and mild spoilers) below
first things first, slicer antics: 
[...] sometimes slicers pulled pranks or showed off by breaking into emergency alert computer systems.
good affirmations for the troll-y wiles of my oc, Surret
bits of galaxy-building: 
Chancellor Soh has pledged to bring the Outer Rim worlds into the embrace of the Republic through ambitious outreach programs such as the Starlight Beacon. But until it is brought online, order and justice are maintained on the galactic frontier by Jedi Knights [...]
effectively a lighthouse on the deep, dark shores that is the outer rim! aesthetic! and maybe a dismal failure, but hopefully we get to that in a satisfying fashion. and ~fashion~
“And stop trying to slice into the archive to see the age-restricted titles.”
[...] about 80 percent filled with settlers heading to the Outer Rim from the overpopulated Core and Colony worlds, seeking new lives, new opportunities, new skies.
love every smidgen of lore we get implying the cost of living on coruscant and the core must be BONKERS.
She was Twi’lek and he was Mirialan, but what difference did that make? We are all the Republic. Chancellor Soh’s big slogan—but people actually believed it.
hrmmm. very int-a-resting. i’m sure for as large as the republic is and for as long as it’s existed there has been an ebbing and flowing of the standard...taboo. culture to culture (and there must a many in a gffa) the definition of standard would hardly apply on world, but that must be the reason for this snippet’s inclusion: setting the stage for Chancellor’s Soh’s unification of the galaxy. what kind of predecessor did she inherit the republic from that facilitated the success for this kind of campaign? veeeery int-a-resting.
Probably one of the Jedi romances she was always obsessed with. Merven didn’t get it. He read a few—they were all set at outposts on far Republic frontiers, full of unrequited love and longing glances...the only action was the lightsaber battles that were clearly a substitute for what the characters really wanted to do.
sjahkjsfhkal. OKAY. not like we didn’t already know this shlock (? or could this be space bronte? space austen?) existed in-universe (see: star wars adventures #12), but I WILL REACT AS VISCERALLY EVERYTIME BECAUSE OF THE IMPLICATIONS. a) what the galaxy thinks of jedi based on the most accessible media “”””about””””” them b) what the jedi think of this? they probably don’t. but picture the blush on a padawan’s face from indulging in this hooplah c) bolded. *holds a lightsaber at crotch-level, deeply meeting my foe’s eyes, a sweaty, perhaps exhilarating struggle for dominion over your repression* aka it’s a rod, and it’s a metaphor: 9/10 romance authors agree. 
jedi are cool and i love them, cntd.:
The Jedi reached to her shoulder, where a long white cape was secured by a golden buckle made in the shape of her Order’s symbol—a living sunrise. This was ceremonial clothing, appropriate for the joint Jedi-Republic conclave [...] Starlight Beacon. [...] considering the task at hand the ornamental garments were a distraction. Avar tapped the buckle and the cape released.
Her [...] hair, seemingly on its own, moved back and away from her face. It folded itself into a complex knot, a mandala, the creation of which was itself an aid to focus
He closed his eyes and opened his spirit, and there it is was, the small light within him that never stopped burning. Always at least a candle flame, and sometimes, if he concentrated, it could surge up into a blaze. A few times he’d felt as bright as the sun, so much light pouring through him he was afraid he might go blind. [...] like coals in a fire, but enormous reservoirs of strength [...] This was his master, Loden.
[...] impressions, a map of emotional zones, not so different from the patchwork of cropland [...]
Weapons on a Vector could only be operated with a lightsaber key [...] every time they were used, it was a well-considered action.
oh yes and more fantasy aesthetics. the description of the Longbeam alluding to a mobile castle in the moat that is space. gimme solemn grandeur that will in due time be lost to it:
The ship’s surface rippled along its frame like waves on a silver sea, tapering to a point, with towers and crenellations along its length, like a fortress laid on its side, all wings and spires and spirals.
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Scarves and Caroling 🙈
Unusual choice of questions, but alas.
Scarves - what is your OC’s winter look?
Thea wears formal trousers, a white or light dress shirt and a dark vest or jacket and usually a grey woven scarf with a floral pattern. She has a short black trenchcoat and heavy black ankle boots and usually doesn't wear a hat of any sort.
Makarius is not the greatest fan of winter, because it means he has to wear long trousers, but he still refuses to wear anything long sleeved, no matter how cold it is. He owns one pair of ragged jeans for the occasion, wears his worn-out chucks and band shirts all year long and usually wears a green and orange striped ski jacket when he goes ouside, together with a dark green hat that is very long and has tips on it, making it look like a dragon's tail.
Nadia wears high heels even in winter, most of the time knee-high black suede boots, black dress trousers and a white knitted turtleneck under her blue blazer. She usually wears a beige coat and a burberry scarf as well as black fingerless suede gloves and a black velvet cloche hat.
Falk doesn't look much different in winter than the rest of the year, he's always dressed in brown cord trousers, a white dress shirt, an old-fashioned brown tweed waistcoat. For winter, he has a full length riding coat made of olive green loden cloth, laced leather boots and sometimes a checkered scarf and brown leather gloves.
Alexanders is all knitted everything in winter. He owns several ugly christmas sweaters he wears with a passion, an armada of colorful scarves he knitted himself, some knitted hats with fluffy pompons and knitted gloves.
Caroling - what is your OC’s favorite holiday song?
Thea says she doesn't have a particular favourite holiday song, but she kind of likes Jingle Bell Rock and now and then catches herself whistling it while driving home or to work.
Makarius favourite christmas song is Willkommen in der Weihnachtszeit by Saltatio Mortis, which he blasts around the house all December long and he gets on every single of Thea's nerves with it.
Nadia's favourite is The Herald Angel Swing, a jazz arrangement of a traditional carol, because she loves jazz and it was her favourite piece to play with her old jazz band.
Falk hates christmas pop music and is very vocal about it, but he likes the solemn tunes of christmas carols used in church service (although he doesn't go to church services). His favourite is Silent Night, because it was his mother's favourite carol and reminds him of his childhood.
Alexander's favourite christmas song is unfortunately (and completely unironically) Wham!'s Last Christmas, which makes the entire office hope christmas time will be over soon, because nobody apart from him can stand it. (Makarius shows him the Saltatio Mortis cover of it and they take turns playing it, while Falk and Thea are secretly plotting a double homicide.)
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red-wardens · 6 years
What kind of clothing fabric(s) does / do each of your OCs like? Is there a particular fabric that they hate? If so, for what reason?
Blue Surana: Simple clothing made of cotton are her go to, usually dyed navy blue or dark grey. She really likes Samite but never got to wear it until years after the Blight when Alyss Amell and Leliana gifted her an expensive scarf in that material. Hates anything remotely scratchy or prone to retaining static.
Isseya Mahariel: Usually wears leather dyed black (but never halla leather. Has flipped tables in markets where vendors were selling halla leather. “They’re fcking endangered you stupid shemlen!”). When not in battle really enjoys silks and darkend samite. All black is her aesthetic. Also enjoys furs, especially fennec fur and bear pelts (preferably also black) but her boots are lined with black rabbit fur. 
Alyss Amell: Velveteen. It’s cheap, soft, and simple. She knows how to sew and used to sew her own simple dresses from this soft brown cloth. Dales Loden Wool is her most favorite though and her wifey The Divine spoils her with clothing made from this periwinkle color. 
Kieran Tabris: Has expensive tastes but didn’t realize this till towards Inquisition time when he had more spending money. Likes Royale Sea Silk and Infused Vyrantium Samite.  Growing up super poor though he never complained about wearing cheap materials. He prefers to wear black, white, and greys over actual colors.
Ronan Aeducan: Grew up wearing finery and is used to it. Anything expensive and stylish. Doesn’t mind cheaper material if it still has a good aesthetic though. 
Nora Brosca: Deep stalker hide. Easy to attain (just kill deep stalkers!) and is a pretty teal color. Nug skin works too, a pretty pale pinkish. 
Cassian Cousland: Ring Velvet. Comfortable, not too cheap but not too expensive, color is easy on the eyes. In Modern AU protests clothes made from real fur. Owns a parka with a fake-fur hood and tells everyone fake fur looks better. 
Claira Hawke: Lustrous Cotton is her favorite. It’s a little pricey but when she becomes Champion almost all her outfits involve a little to a lot of this rich red fabric. 
-They all collectively hate Plaideweave except Cassian who owns one Plaidweave flannel. Everyone complains how ugly it is but never to Cassian’s face-
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searsage · 6 years
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COMM: Loden Reference Sheet Ahhhh look at this cinnamonroll!! This is a description oc design commission for @indigorose32 's oc Loden! Super fuuuun i love mers and Sarthis! And this snekboi was too prescious! 👀 Looks like the anatomy practice paid off! Enjoy your snekbab hun! Thanks for supporting artist like me😄 #snake #boi #boy #boaconstrictor #beast #oc #monster #cinnamonbun #artistsoninstagram #commission #charecterdesign #creaturedesign #digitalart #a #naga #myth #mythology #mystical #fantasy https://www.instagram.com/p/BnUwsk8DMYD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=61ue7618ubyj
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lucernagent · 5 years
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De latinisten van de derde graad hebben geboeid geluisterd naar de les van Prof. Van Rengen over defixiones, (vaak) loden tabletjes waar wensen of vervloekingen in gekerfd stonden. Goden en demonen werden daarin aanroepen om een dief zo ver te krijgen het gestolen waar terug te brengen of om het voorwerp van je verlangen (man of vrouw) in je begerige armen te krijgen. Soms bevatten die vervloekingstabletten ook erg sadistische straffen: heel precies gaf de opsteller van zo’n defixio aan welke lichaamsdelen op welke manier moesten afgerukt worden. Het was eens iets anders dan de lectuur van Vergilius. Op het einde van de les zijn de zesdejaars nog wat langer gebleven om vragen te stellen. Hun onderzoekswerk gaat immers over dat onderwerp. Toeval? Helemaal niet. Onze leerlingen krijgen de beste begeleiding die er is. Met een hoofd vol nieuwe ideeën en inzichten stapten ze vrolijk het lokaal uit. “Die OC wordt een makkie nu!” zuchtten ze opgelucht. “En ook wel hard werk”, dacht ik er in stilte bij.
Mevr. Van Haudenhuyse, leerkracht Latijn
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