#oc: maddison holden
munstysmind · 7 months
Valentines request for Chris and Maddie: Picnic date and/or aquarium date
WARNING/S: mentions of burnout
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Mads, I’m just going to the store to grab some stuff for dinner, is there anything you want?” Chris asks as he walks up the stairs to the landing where she’s bundled up under her favourite blanket in her reading nook, watching the latest episode of Underbelly on her laptop.
She’s so transfixed on the crime show that she doesn’t realise he’s there until he runs his hand through her hair, making her startle slightly before looking up at him.
“Did you want anything from the store?” he repeats, gently massaging her scalp the way she loves.
“Ummmm… oh, can you get some of those new berry Skittles, I wanna try them?” she asks, biting the inside of her cheek.
“Already on the list” he tells her, making her smile momentarily before her face drops and she lets out a sad sigh.
“I’m ruining Valentine’s Day, I’m sorry” she says quietly, looking down at her lap.
He knew as soon as they woke up this morning it was going to be a bad day.
She was quiet, too quiet, and clingy. It took him over an hour to sneak out of bed so he could call and cancel the surprise dinner reservations he made months ago.
He’s not surprised she’s burnt out, she’s exhausted. She’s been working long night shoots for the past few weeks, and flying from Vancouver to LA and back every weekend because he’s not been cleared to fly yet after surgery last month.
He told her she didn’t have to, that he didn’t mind if she stayed in Vancouver and rested, but she insisted. She hates being away from him.
“You’re not ruining anything beautiful. You’re having a bad day, that’s not your fault. As long as I get to cuddle with my girl, I’m happy” he tells her before pressing a long kiss to her forehead, making her let out a content hum.
“I love you” she whispers as she leans into his touch, a content smile spreading across her face.
“I love you too” he says against her skin, pressing a few more kisses to her forehead before heading back downstairs.
“Drive safe” she calls after him, staring directly at his ass.
“Always” he calls back as she turns her attention back to her laptop.
* * * * *
Two episodes later and Maddie is just starting to wonder what’s taking Chris so long/where Chris is/ how far away Chris is when a single blue peony appears in front of her, making her smile before she leans forward and smells the sweet petals.
“It’s beautiful” she hums quietly, taking the flower and smelling the flower again.
“Come with me” he says, holding out his hand.
She tilts her head curiously before placing her hand in his and letting him pull her to her feet.
“Where are we going?” she asks as he guides her down the stairs to the entryway.
“You’ll see” he says before standing behind her and covering her eyes with his hand.
“Chris!” she gasps, holding onto his wrist
“I’ve got you, you’re ok” he tells her, walking her to the front door and opening it before wrapping his free hand around her middle.
He slowly guides her outside and over to the large oak tree they have their giant double hammock under, making sure to watch where she’s walking so she doesn’t fall.
He feels her tense slightly, her grip on his wrist tightening, when the surface under her feet changes from the stone driveway to the grass.
He gives her a gentle squeeze before coming to a stop and turning her to face his surprise before pulling his hand away from her eyes and wrapping his arm around her middle,
“Open your eyes beautiful” he whispers, pressing a gentle kiss on her neck.
She slowly opens her eyes, blinking a few times before letting out a soft gasp as she takes in the sight in front of her.
A large blanket and pillows on the grass under the shade from the leaves of the oak with take out containers from her favourite Italian restaurant along with a bottle of her favourite white wine and a bouquet of the same blue peonies as the one he gave her inside.
“Chris” she whispers, starting to tear up. Nobody’s ever done something like this for her before.
“You like it?” he asks as he rests his chin on the top of her head. He couldn’t take her to the restaurant so he brought the restaurant to her, determined to make their day special.
“You did all this for me?” she asks, still in shock that he went out of his way to do this.
“For us. Happy Valentine’s Day, Beautiful” he says, smiling as he gives her a gentle squeeze.
She turns around in his arms and stands on her toes, leaning up and kissing him. He hums quietly as the kiss deepens, pulling her close against him.
“I love you” she whispers against his lips.
“I love you too, so much” he replies before kissing her again.
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MADDISON TAG LIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradwrites @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @birminghamshelbyboys @wewannasaygoodnight @sweetbunnyliddle @km-ffluv @red-write-hand @ladyzee27
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thechaosmuses · 7 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my canon characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as an oc muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Freya Celeste Mikaelson Elijah Daniel Mikaelson Niklaus Ryder Mikaelson Kolton Nathaniel Mikaelson Henrik Alexander Mikaelson Hope Andrea Mikaelson Malachai Silas Parker Olivia Mae Parker Silas Xavier Salvatore Damon Luca Salvatore Stefan Lance Salvatore Jeremiah Steven Gilbert Katherine Maria Pierce Qetsiyah Zione Bennett Bonnie Sheila Bennett Marcel Leon Gerard Hayley Jane Marshall Elizabeth Anne Forbes Josette Olivia Saltzman Ryan Nicholas Clarke Landon Maxwell Kirby Aurora Violet De Martel Aiden Matthew Lawrence Tyler James Lockwood Alexia Rae Branson Sebastian Killian Jones Milton Gabriel Greasley Benjamin James Kenson Lorenzo James St. John Vincent Keith Griffith Sean Kieran O'Connell Lucien Maverick Castle TEST MUSES Dorian Lee Williams Sophie Danielle Deveraux Monique Marie Deveraux Evangeline Amaya Sinclair Inadu Tayen Labonair Rafael Alexander Waithe Finch Taylor Tarrayo Cleo Ada Sowande Penelope Eden Park Jade Ivy Young
Jake Holden Riley Katie Selene Frank Jana Christine Mayfield Teresa Violet Keaton
Teen Wolf
Mieczyslaw Noah Stilinski Scott Gregorio McCall Christopher Henry Argent Allison Artemis Argent Lydia Sophia Martin Jackson William Whittemore Derek Samuel Hale Cora Avery Hale Camden Matthew Lahey Isaac Michael Lahey Vernon Dallas Boyd Danny Keahu Mahealani Malia Elizabeth Tate Kira Jade Yukimura Theodore Christian Raeken Jordan Tyler Parrish Aiden Jacob Steiner Mason Cade Hewitt Brett Lee Talbot Garrett Cole Williams Nolan Andrew Holloway Bobby Adam Finstock Marin Sophia Morrell Braeden Valerie Bardot Deucalion Damien Hemming
Dean Michael Winchester Castiel James Novak Claire Grace Novak Jack Kellan Kline Gadreel Dustin Ward Rowena Jane MacLeod Fergus Roderick MacLeod Belphegor
DC Comics
Bartholomew Henry Allen Nora Francine West-Allen Bart Joseph West-Allen Sara Caitlin Lance Dionysus Arbios Kara Aileen Danvers Winslow Jordan Schott Jr. Clark Joseph Kent Mon-El Lar Gand Querl Dox Music Meister Harleen Frances Quinzel Pamela Lillian Isley
Joaquin Miguel Torres Peter Django Maximoff Pietro Django Maximoff Wanda Marya Maximoff James Buchanan Barnes (pre-serum and super soldier) Steven Grant Rogers (pre-serum and super soldier) Michelle Julia Jones-Watson Peter Benjamin Parker Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy Peter Benjamin Parker Jonathan Spencer Storm Kate Bishop Natalia Alianovna Romanova Yelena Fyodorovna Belova Brunnhilde Valkyrie Loki Laufeyson Stephanie Grace Rogers (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson (genderbent loki)
Stranger Things
Jonathan Ross Byers Nancy Diana Wheeler Steven Michael Harrington Robin Rae Buckley Edward Joseph Munson Argyle Eduardo Diaz Jane Eleanor Hopper Dustin Jace Henderson Lucas Charles Sinclair Maxine Elizabeth Mayfield
Nicholas Sean Miller Winston Saint-Marie Schmidt Reagan Marie Lucas Leonardo Winston Hamato Michelangelo Chandler Hamato Samuel Nicholas Drake King Benjamin Florian
Athena Grant Howard Han Henrietta Wilson Maddison Juliet Buckley Evan Jones Buckley Edmundo Anthony Diaz
Book Babes
Major Jay Kitahara Lieutenant Lorelai Cathwell Sergeant Major Alary Johann Corporal Erik Mendel Devin Nesta Archeron Elain Archeron Feyre Archeron Rhysand Darling Azriel Cassian Amren Morrigan Gwyneth Berdara Eris Sargon Vanserra Lucien Vanserra Helion Luciano Meridian Tamlin Avri Desrosiers Thesan Addae Koitla Viviane Anera Agnarrson
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munstysmind · 5 months
AMATEUR - Maddison - Shorts and Extras
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Damn it!” Chris mutters to himself, tossing the Xbox remote on the couch next to him. He’s just died, again.
“You OK there Evans?” Sebastian asks amused as he checks on the curried sausages in the slow cooker.
It’s one of Maddie’s favourite meals from her childhood. He got the recipe from her dad last year when she was at her worst after everything with Travis in hopes it would help cheer her up, even if it was only for a few minutes.
“No, I’m not. The damn monster creature thing keeps killing me. Why is this so hard?!” Chris huffs, frustrated. This is a kids game, LEGO: The Hobbit, but his 33 year old ass keeps dying.
“Maybe you should try it on easy mode” Sebastian teases, earning himself a dirty look from Chris.
“There isn’t one, smart ass” Chris shoots back, making Sebastian laugh as Maddie emerges from her room wrapped in her favourite blanket.
She looks like crap, there’s no better way to say it. Pale. Dark circles on her dark circles. Her hair a wild, knotty mess pulled into what looks like a bun on the top of her head.
She honestly looks like she’s about to come down with something.
“Hey Beautiful, how are you feeling?” Chris asks quietly when she shuffles over to the couch and curls up next to him. She just shakes her head as she picks up the controller and restarts the level.
He watches, a little relieved, as she completes it with ease.
“Thank you” he says, gently kissing the side of her head as she passes the controller back to him before climbing onto his lap and laying against his chest.
“Amateur” she mumbles, nuzzling her face into the side of his neck. He lets out a quiet chuckle when he feels her grinning against his skin. Even feeling as bad as she is, a tiny part of his Maddie is still there.
“You’ll have to show me how to play properly” he tells her quietly as he slowly runs his hand up and down her back, making her hum quietly and melt into him.
He presses a few light kisses to her temple before turning his attention back to the game as she drifts off into a restless sleep on his lap.
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MADDISON TAG LIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradwrites @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @diamondoftheball @wewannasaygoodnight @sweetbunnyliddle @km-ffluv @red-write-hand @queenzee27
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munstysmind · 1 year
A NEW PAIR - Maddison - Shorts and Extras
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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"No no no no no... Seb!" Maddie gasps as she rushes out of her room, making Chris' head snap up from the book he's reading.
"He's not here. Maddie, what's wrong?" he asks, a worried frown spreading across his face as he tosses his book to the side and goes over to her.
"I... I um... I" she stammers, looking at him with panic all over her face.
"Mads, take a breath" he tells her, gently rubbing her upper arms as she takes gaspy breaths, trying to calm herself.
"That's it" he whispers, copying her breathing as it slowly begins evening out to long, deep inhales and exhales.
"What happened?" he asks, still worried. He’s never seen her panicked like this before.
"I... st stood on them... br broken" she tells him, her hands shaking as much as her voice as she holds up her headphones, one of the ear caps dangling by a single cable.
"It's OK" he says softly, taking them from her and setting them on the counter.
"Need them" she whispers as tears start to well in her eyes.
Her headphones a safety blanket, one she's not been without since Seb gave them to her almost a year ago.
"Maddie, it's ok, you're ok. Accidents happen. We'll get you a new pair" Chris says quietly, gently wiping away the tears that have slipped out of her eyes.
"New pair" she mumbles as she nods, a tiny smile spreading across her face before snuggling into his chest, letting out a content hum as he starts rubbing her back.
After a few minutes he slowly guides her over to the couch and gets her settled, covering her with her favourite blanket before getting comfortable beside her.
"Do you want to look some now?" he asks, motioning to his laptop on the coffee table.
"Yes please" she whispers with a nod. He can’t help but smile as he leans forwards and gets his laptop. She’s always so polite, even with the littlest of things.
“Do you remember what model they are?” he asks her as he pulls up the Bose website. She nods and carefully scans the page before pointing to a pair.
“I like the blue ones” she says quietly, snugging into his side.
“Blue it is” he says, adding them to the cart, followed by a black pair for himself before checking out.
“How much?” she asks, looking up at him. He smiles and shakes his head.
“My treat” he tells her as he sets his laptop on the couch next to him.
"Thank you" she whispers, closing her eyes and letting out a quiet sigh.
"You're welcome beautiful" he says, kissing the top of her head.
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TAGLIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradwrites @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @wherethewitchersare @wewannasaygoodnight @sweetbunnyliddle
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munstysmind · 1 year
IT’S OK - Maddison - Shorts & Extras
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
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"Full package, I wanna know everything" Chris tells the person on the other end of the phone, a smile spreading across his face as Maddie comes out of her room, her hair a mess.
He holds out his free arm as she heads straight for him and buries herself in his chest as soon as she's close enough.
"Yep, OK, that's perfect. Email me everything and I'll get everything back to you ASAP" he says as he wraps his free arm around her and gives her a gentle squeeze.
"Great, thank you so much... you too... enjoy the rest of your day" he says before hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket.
"Sorry... work stuff" he lies, wrapping his other arm around her.
God he hopes he's made the right decision, that what he's about to do doesn't backfire spectacularly.
Please don't be mad at me Maddie, I'm doing this for you.
"S'ok" she hums, snuggling into him even more.
She will never get tired of this, the way she feels wrapped in his arms.
"How was your nap?" he asks quietly as he kisses the top of her head.
"Tired of napping" she grumbles, looking up at him and resting her chin on his chest. This is the third day in a row that she's napped and she's well and truly over it.
"Mads, you're not getting much sleep at night, you need the rest" he tells her, his thoughts drifting to how she woke in a panic at 2am, yet another nightmare ripping her from her sleep.
"Taking time away from us" she whispers, a mixture of sadness and guilt spreading across her face.
He hates this, the way she feels bad about something totally outside of her control.
"Come here" he says quietly as he takes her hand and guides her to the couch, gently pulling her onto his lap.
"It's OK beautiful" he says, smiling softly and tucking her hair behind her ear.
"But..." she starts before getting cut off by his lips against hers, making her hum softly.
"I promise, it's ok" he whispers against her lips.
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TAGLIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradaniels @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @muchadoaboutcj
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munstysmind · 2 years
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God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be
The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind
I regret you all the time
I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep
The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign
I regret you all the time
TAGLIST @aussieez @rookiemartin @babeyyemor @secretaryunpaid @pixie88 @chickensarentcheap @dhoruwolfie @themaradaniels @cali-nyc5 @darsynia @muchadoaboutcj
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munstysmind · 9 months
Send me some cute Christmas prompts for any of my OC’s and I’m write some mini fics
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munstysmind · 1 year
So Seb is definitely in love with Maddie 😂
I hate to burst your bubble Anon, but no.
Seb does love Maddie, but not romantically.
He’s never seen her as more than a sister.
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