#oc: melanie albright
Pairing: Nathan & Mel
Word Count: 917
Warnings: Just a little bit of violence and some sexual humor
So in my main big fic, I wrote Nathan grabbing her from behind, and she just kind of yelps, but Nathan isn’t necessarily known for being quiet, so in that moment I’m just going to assume she knew it was him right away. But I was like lmao what if-
Oh, also, this is before they were actually together.
You know when you’re doing a task, and you’re not even necessarily focused on the task, you’re so in your own head, and everything’s kind of blurred out?
 I was sweeping the floor, but I was also in a non-flashback kind of trance, thinking about everything I’d done and witnessed and had done to me to get me precisely where I was. Just your casual brain blast of dead bodies and abuse but also laughing with your friends and hugging your mum. 
When you’re performing a task that’s so fucking boring that your brain has no choice but to think of anything else, and if you’re unlucky, it’ll think of everything else. 
So I was bent over, smacking the wall with this fucking broom trying to get the dirt out from under this bench in the community centre, but my brain couldn’t have been less focused.
As I stood back up, I felt a pair of arms go around me, and I screamed, and threw my head and elbows back behind me. I undoubtedly smacked them with the broom as well as it stayed in my hands. Whoever had grabbed me let go; I stomped on their foot and ran. 
I was halfway down the corridor but not quite to the other door when I stopped. I realized my hands were glowing but hadn’t let off any sparks. I also realized I was still holding on to that broom.
My heart was still racing as my senses decided to come back. All I heard was Alisha laughing.
I slowly walked back over to where I was. I peeked around the corner. 
My hands stopped glowing when I saw Nathan curled up in the fetal position on the floor. 
… Oops…
I ran back in there. 
He threw his arms in front of his face as I approached him, “Ah! don’t hit me!” 
“I am a small woman that lives in a high crime area! What did you think was going to happen, tryin to grab me like that?” I said to him. 
“I don’t know,” he responded. When he moved his arms, I noticed his lip was bleeding. 
I sighed and sat down next to him, “I’m sorry.” 
He sat up, “what are those boots made of? Bricks?.. I mean,” he dusted off his shoulders, “I’m fine. I’m good. Not a scratch.” 
“Shit,” I said, “fuck. I could’ve broken your toe.” 
I pulled his shoe and sock, and he wiggled his toes. They were kind of red. 
“Nothing looks broken,” I said, “can you bend your toes? Does it hurt?” 
“Yeah, yeah,” he responded, “I’m fine.” 
I started to lift his shirt up to see if I’d hurt anything else. 
“Hey!” he said with a small jump, “you assault me and now you’re tryna get a look at the goods?” 
I let go of his shirt, “sorry. Should’ve asked. I’m just trying to make sure I didn’t hurt you.” 
A small smirk appeared on his face, “you never have to ask to take off my clothes, dear.” 
I rolled my eyes, but mainly ignored him while I lifted his shirt up again. 
I poked at his ribs, “does that hurt?” 
“A little,” he said and pouted. 
I sat back on my heels, “I’ll get you some ice.” 
“Maybe it’d help if you kissed it better?” he said with another pout. 
I sighed and shook my head, but then I leaned over and left two small kisses on each side of his rib cage. When I sat back up, he looked like he was trying to suppress a smile. He almost looked embarrassed. I didn’t know it was possible for him to be embarrassed. 
“I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” he said. 
I shrugged, “whatever helps.” 
“What about up here?” he asked and poked his lip out. 
“I ain’t tastin’ your blood,” I responded and stood up. 
“Oh, but I’d love to taste yours,” he responded with a smirk. 
I gave him a genuine look of disgust, “ew.” 
“You’d enjoy it,” he said before putting two fingers in front of his mouth and sticking his tongue between them and making a noise sounding something like an “ehg.” 
I blinked and kept my look of disgust, though turning from less disgust and more to disapproval. 
“Do you want a black eye to go with that busted lip?” I asked, sounding more sarcastic than hostile. 
“Nah,” he replied, “that’s a bit too kinky for my taste.” 
I ran my hand over my face, “I’m going to get the fucking ice.” 
“The fucking ice?” he said, “oh like when girls-”
“Shut up!” I cut him off. 
He grinned. I was beginning to think he was proud of himself every time he managed to rile me up a bit. 
I went and got the ice from the kitchen and came back. 
I handed him a bag of ice with a paper towel and another paper towel for his lip. 
“Thank yooooou,” he said. 
“You’re lucky I didn’t electrocute your arse,” I responded, not wanting to give in to the fact that I thought he was kind of adorable. 
“Specifically my arse?” he said, “alright, dominatrix.” I gave him another side-eye.
Kelly joined us in the main area after leaving the locker room. “The fuck’d happen to him?” She asked. 
“She did,” Nathan answered. 
“Oh, did he finally grab your arse like he thinks about every single day?” She asked me. 
“Those thoughts were private!” he butted in before I could answer. 
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jozstanko-art · 3 years
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Win & @bisexualnathanyoung ‘s bebe, Mel for OC kiss week/femslash february
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seanfalco · 3 years
Three’s a Crowd, but Only Sometimes | Misfits ot3′verse
a/n: so here it is, the infamous threesome fic, mentioned in both @bisexualnathanyoung​‘s Old Endings & New Beginnings & The Deciding Factor. I had a lot of fun writing this.  I just love threesomes y’all, I admit it.  And I know it’s oc stuff, but if y’all sleep on this smut, you’re missing out imo, bc I think it’s some of the spiciest shit I’ve written in a while. pairing: Win Lewis (oc) x Nathan Young x Mel Albright (oc) warning(s): oral - f&m receiving, vaginal sex, face riding, fingering, recreational drug usage, language word count: 3.8k of pure smutty goodness
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“Hey pass me some of that,” Nathan exclaimed, flailing his hand impatiently at Mel who currently had the blunt they were all sharing between her lips.  Inhaling deeply, she unhurriedly leaned toward Win and blew the smoke lazily into her waiting mouth before passing the blunt to Nathan who frowned, his eyes flicking from Mel to his girlfriend, who leaned back against the edge of the couch contently.
“Oh sure, do blow backs with her,” he cried, gesturing at Mel before Win leaned forward, plucking the blunt from his fingers to press purposefully between her own lips, repeating the action with Nathan, leaving him grinning impishly and Mel rolled her eyes.
“What, you jealous?” Win asked, giggling softly as she nudged Nathan’s shoulder, crawling closer.
“No,” he exclaimed defensively.  “It’s just not fair that th’two of you make it look that hot,” he replied, half joking.
At his words Mel and Win shared a look and instantly fell into a fit of giggles til Nathan joined them, no longer able to hold back his own laughter, the weed and alcohol lowering their inhibitions.
Mel had been staying with them for a couple weeks now.  Initially she’d been waiting for her flat to be ready, needing a place to stay and Win offering, but now she still came round nearly as often, seeming to prefer their place to her own.  
During that time Nathan had finally begun to warm up to her, his initial reaction one of jealousy, never having been very good at sharing Win’s attention, but once he got past that, he found Mel was actually a lot like him, and he found he enjoyed her company.
As he brought his beer to his lips, taking a long swig he watched the two women lounging on the floor in front of him, Win murmuring something to Mel who snorted a laugh and Nathan couldn’t help but let his gaze linger, running over their curves appreciatively, already feeling his cock start to stiffen as unbidden thoughts swirled in his head.
“Y’know what we should do,” he blurted out, pulling Mel and Win’s eyes, both of them turning to look at him curiously.
“Yeah, and what’s that?” Mel asked, fighting back another burst of giggles.
“We should have a threesome.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them and he winced, hoping he hadn’t just ruined the mood, though the very thought sent blood rushing to his half hard cock even faster, his pulse climbing as his mind rushed down avenues he’d only half considered before.
For a long moment neither woman spoke and Nathan began preparing himself for rejection, til Win drew her bottom lip between her teeth, clearly deliberating as her eyes flicked to Mel, who looked suddenly aroused.
“Sure, why not,” Win said with a half shrug, a tiny grin playing at her lips as she grasped the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head in one fluid motion as both Nathan and Mel gaped at her.
“Holy shit,” Nathan muttered, not quite believing what was happening.  He’d fully expected them to scoff at the idea, Mel calling him a pervert and the conversation going back to normal, not… this, both girls already half undressed and Mel’s lips on Win’s, kissing her hungrily.
“You gunna sit there and stare or are you gunna join the party?” Mel exclaimed, breaking the kiss to glance over at Nathan.  “This was your idea in th’first place,” she reminded him, her cheeks flaring red and Win grinned. 
“Yeah, c’mon babe,” she purred, her hand trailing down Mel’s waist as she held his gaze.
God, she did always had the best fuck me eyes, Nathan thought, his mouth suddenly dry, but he quickly tore his eyes away to hastily undress.  
By the time he was down to his boxers, his cock already straining against the fabric, Win was pushing Mel to her back and sliding her knickers down as she kissed her, a soft moan leaving Mel’s lips as Win’s hand slipped between her thighs.
“Oh, fuck,” Nathan groaned as he watched open mouthed as his girlfriend kissed her way down Mel’s exposed body, wasting no time in spreading her friend’s legs and nestling between them, her eyes flicking to his before her tongue peeked between her lips to find its destination, Mel letting out a choked moan.
“Oh God, yes,” she sighed, her hands sliding into Win’s hair.
As Win began to eat Mel out Nathan eased his boxers down, his cock springing free and he reached for it, desperate to jerk off to the sight of Mel writhing beneath Win’s expert mouth, her growing moans driving him crazy.  
“This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured weakly and Win lifted her face, fixing him with a stern look. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself, Nathan Young.  Not yet,” she instructed smugly and Nathan frowned. 
“Are y’tryin’ to kill me?” he spluttered, Win’s lidded gaze holding him hostage and he obeyed with a disappointed groan, his hand leaving his throbbing length reluctantly.
“Good boy” she cooed, sending a shiver up his spine, her fingers massaging Mel’s cunt as she spoke, her eyes fixing on his cock as she pointedly wet her lips.  “I promise you’ll be rewarded.”
Before Nathan could answer, Mel lifted her head to look at Win, a pout pulling her lips.  “Winnie,” she whined, her hips rolling impatiently and Win huffed a soft laugh before bending to resume her tongue’s exploration of Mel’s cunt, Nathan giving a soft whimper as he watched.
“God, you taste amazing, babygirl,” she murmured, once more sitting up, much to Mel’s disappointment.  “Nathan, you wanna taste?” she asked instead, and he gave a start.
“Me?  Y’sure?” he asked faintly, suddenly rather nervous.  Sure, he’d been the one to suggest this, but now he was afraid if he did the wrong thing, maybe Win would break up with him.  Maybe it was a trap.  But then again she was the one who’d jumped right into it, practically encouraging him to eat her best friend out.
“Yeah, hot stuff,” she purred, moving out of the way so he could take her place, her face rather flush.  “Make her cum for me.”
“You don’t hafta tell me twice,” he murmured, pausing to kiss Win, shoving his tongue in her mouth eagerly, tasting Mel on her lips before he was situating himself between her open legs to taste the real thing.  She looked up at him with an unreadable expression and Nathan’s nerves returned.  Did Mel really want this?
“God, Nathan, are y’gunna eat me out or are y’just gunna stare at my tits?” Mel huffed, though she was as red as Win, maybe even more so.
Taking a deep breath he dove in, lapping eagerly at her clit, hoping his performance would hold up, especially after Win, but Mel seemed to like it, soon writhing beneath him, her hands finding purchase in his curls as she bucked her hips against his mouth.
“That’s right, babe, lick her pussy like you mean it,” Win murmured, her breath hitching, and Nathan wondered if she were touching herself as she watched them, her soft moans distinguishable from Mel’s.  
The thought of Win getting off to what he was doing, mixed with Mel’s rising moans was almost too much for him, his balls aching for release, but he didn’t stop until Mel was arching against him, pressing her cunt harder against his mouth, her fingers digging into his scalp, pulling at his hair in a way that made his cock twitch and he moaned lewdly into her pussy.
“Oh, shit, Nathan!” she keened, the sound like music to his ears, and he gave her clit one last teasing flick with the tip of his tongue as she squirmed, pushing him back.  “Fuck!” she gasped, breathing heavily, and he sat up, grinning smugly down at her as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Before he could speak, unsure whose turn it was next and hoping it was his, Win was back in his arms and he ran his hands down her waist, pulling her against him, her skin like heaven against his throbbing cock and he rutted against her stomach as he kissed her, their tongues dancing eagerly as he moaned into her mouth, wanting so badly to come.
Pulling back, however, she glanced over to Mel, who by now had sat up, taking her hand and pulling her closer, turning to kiss her next.
“Mel, baby, will you help me?” Win murmured, nuzzling Mel’s nose with hers, her eyelashes fluttering.  “Can you suck Nathan’s cock for me?  Make him feel good. He’s been such a good boy, hasn’t he?” she asked and Mel’s eyes widened.
“Y-yeah, I can do that,” she stuttered softly, wetting her lips before getting on all fours, her hand gripping his length as she experimentally licked him, taking him into her mouth and drawing a low groan from him.  
Tearing his eyes from Mel, he found Win watching him carefully and he swallowed thickly, still half afraid she was going to change her mind, but God did she look turned on, her lip drawn between her teeth as she watched Mel’s mouth glide along his length, her head bobbing a steady pace.
“She has a nice mouth, right Nathan?” Win whispered, her voice slightly strangled, as if she were wishing Mel’s mouth were on her and Nathan nodded his head, his mouth falling open as Mel’s hand hesitantly moved to cradle his balls, kneading lightly so as not to hurt him, and the sensation mixed with the wonderful feel of her velvety mouth had him tensing.
“Touch me,” Win begged, her voice cracking and Nathan realized she had yet to receive any attention, having made sure he and Mel were being taken care of, and he quickly pulled her closer, reaching up to cover her tit with his palm, kneading it as he kissed her sloppily, pinching and rolling her pert nipple before his hand traveled further down her body, slipping between her thighs.
“Holy fuck, you’re wet babe,” Nathan exclaimed with a start.  “You’re practically drippin’,” he observed.  “Is that all from just watchin’?”
“Maybe,” she answered and a heady rush of pleasure suddenly gripped Nathan, his climax swiftly building. If Mel kept sucking him like that he was gunna blow his load in her mouth, and he didn’t know how to feel about that, though she’d came against his face not long ago.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gunna—!” 
“Mel, stop,” Win commanded suddenly, and she obeyed, pulling his cock from her mouth with a soft pop, leaving Nathan hanging and he gasped loudly.
“How come you let her come but not me?” he exclaimed, gesturing to Mel, who sat back on her haunches, an amused look crossing her face as Win merely smirked.
“You wanna cum?”
“God yes,” he groaned, almost a whine, and before Win could speak, he pulled her into his lap, sliding into her with ease with how wet she was and the surprised sound that left her lips brought a feral grin to Nathan’s face.
“How d’you like that, huh?” he asked smugly, bouncing her on his cock roughly, her tits bouncing in time with his wild thrusts and he glanced over her shoulder, catching Mel’s eye.  Her mouth had fallen open as she watched, the scene swiftly turning her back on.  
“F-fuck, Nathan—!” Win cried, throwing her head back as she hung on to his shoulders, but there was no way he was gunna be able to hold out for her, already too close from Mel’s mouth.  Blowing his load with a loud groan, he buried his face between Win’s tits, much smaller than Mel’s but no less perfect, and he gasped a breath, holding Win tightly to him, his cock swiftly softening inside her.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold out,” he murmured, lifting his face, but he was met with a sweet kiss and he reacted by instinct, kissing her back before she slid from his lap.
“Want me to help you finish?” Mel murmured, her hands running over Win’s sweat damp body, squeezing her tits as she pressed her forehead to Win’s.
“Yes, please,” she whispered with a nod, relinquishing control to the other woman and Mel grinned brilliantly, lowering her to her back before crawling over to her backpack and rifling around in it til she found what she was looking for.
“Nathan,” Mel exclaimed and he lifted his head from where he lay, eyeing the rainbow coloured dildo in her hand, frowning slightly.  Had she used that to get off in their bathroom while she’d stayed there the past few weeks?
“Hmm?” he asked, still drained from his orgasm.
“Where does Win keep her harness?”
At his confused look, Mel rolled her eyes, pulling her long hair over her shoulder.  “For her strap on?  I know she has one.”
“Oh!” Nathan exclaimed, gesturing toward their bedroom.  “It’s in the top shelf of th’dresser, with her knickers,” he answered and Mel stood, hurrying to retrieve it.
When she returned, already wearing it, dildo strapped to her waist, Nathan’s eyes widened and she smirked at the look on his face.
“What, she never use this on you before?” she teased and Nathan had to clear his throat before answering, feeling his face warm.
“Yeah, ‘course!” he exclaimed and Win smiled.
“Nathan likes it when I fuck him.”
“Yeah, I thought so,” Mel muttered.  “You look like you know how to take a dick, though… a small one,” she added, eyeing him as if she were imagining pegging him as well, his cock giving a lazy twitch at the thought, already starting to harden again.
“Hey Winnie,” she purred as she crawled atop Win, who reached for her, running her hands up Mel’s arms.  “I’ve had some practice since we…” she trailed off suddenly, her lips twisting and she cleared her throat.
“Fuck me, Melly,” Win begged, reaching up further to caress her cheek and Mel leaned into the touch, her eyelids fluttering for a moment before she seemed to steel herself, positioning the tip of the dildo at Win’s entrance.
When she slowly slid into her, Win let out a strangled moan, her body arching toward Mel’s and Nathan swallowed thickly, his mouth falling open.  It seemed like every moment of the night was just getting hotter and hotter and his cock was having no problem getting hard again as he watched.
Mel’s hips slowly met Win’s, sheathing the dildo completely before pulling back out and pushing in again, Win moaning softly, her eyes flicking to Nathan for a moment to gauge his reaction before finding Mel again, gasping as her friend bucked into her harder this time, lifting Win’s leg as she picked up the pace, leaning forward to kiss her as she fucked her.
“Mel,” Win whimpered, her arms tightening around the back of her neck, drawing her closer and Mel let out a choked sound as their lips collided, almost a sob, but she kissed her like a woman possessed, her movements becoming desperate, fervent, like all she wanted to do was make Win feel so good and Nathan watched them writhe against each other, their tits now fully pressed together.
“Melly, make me cum, please?” Win murmured as Mel slammed into her, fucking her harder.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” Mel whispered breathlessly, “I missed you.”  Her words were nearly lost amid Win’s sudden cry as Mel rode her through her orgasm and Nathan crawled closer, reaching around to fondle her chest as she stilled, looking down at Win with an unreadable look.  When Nathan’s arms snaked around her, his hands finding their destination she gave a slight jump, her face flaring red.
“You’ve gotten better at topping,” Win observed, stretching beneath her, Mel’s dildo still inside her and she grinned, watching her squirm in Nathan’s embrace.
“Yeah, well, I told you I’ve had some practice,” Mel huffed, glancing away, a soft moan leaving her lips as Nathan rolled her nipples between his thumb and fingers.
“Win, babe, I’m nice an’ hard again,” he said, cocking an expectant brow down at her and she grinned, pushing herself up to her elbows. 
“Then let’s do the grand finale,” she purred, holding Nathan’s gaze and his grin grew.  “Think you can handle th’both of us at once?” she asked.
“Course, I fuckin’ can,” he boasted and Mel snorted, but she didn’t say anything else, instead helping Win up.
“Okay, Nathan, lay on your back,” Win instructed and he gave Mel’s tits one last playful squeeze before obeying, spreading himself out on the floor, cockily folding his hands behind his head to gaze up at both women.
“Like whatcha see?” he asked, giving them a sly wink.
Rolling her eyes though her lips curled slightly, Win grabbed a pillow from the couch to toss at Nathan.
“Put that under your head, y’dork.”
Mel snorted at Nathan’s affronted yelp as the pillow smacked him in the face, but he did as Win said, and once he was ready she turned back to Mel expectantly.
“Climb on that dick, babe.”
“What?” Mel exclaimed, gaping at Win.
“I know you wanna try th’real thing out,” Win said, leaning in close so Nathan couldn’t overhear, giving her a knowing look, definitely not having forgotten the dirty dream Mel’d confided in her she’d had about Nathan before they’d even met.
“Win,” Mel hissed, cut off as Win kissed her.  
“I want you to feel good, Melly,” Win murmured earnestly and Mel reluctantly nodded, anxiously climbing astride Nathan, hovering over him.
“Y’ready for me t’rock your world?” Nathan exclaimed with bravado, sliding his hands up Mel’s thighs to circle her waist.
“You better not be all talk, Young,” Mel said with a nervous smirk as she lowered herself onto his waiting cock, a sigh falling from her parted lips as he filled her.
“Trust me, I’ve never had any--” he cut off with a frown, his eyes darting to Win for a moment.  “Okay, okay, I may have had some… complaints, in th’past,” he admitted, while Mel raised her eyebrows at him, not wanting to bring up some of the stories Win had told her, one of which involved a bloody nose.  “But just ask Win, I’m an excellent lover!” he boasted, waggling his eyebrows up at Mel.
“That’s right,” Win murmured, stroking Nathan’s cheek, flushing slightly, avoiding the look on Mel’s face for a moment, a strange flutter filling her chest that was growing harder to ignore.
“So are we gunna get on with this, because as much as I love a good cock warmin’ session, I’m ready and rarin’ t’go, ladies,” Nathan exclaimed, flashing a grin at Mel before turning back to Win.  “C’mere and sit on my face, love!”
“If you insist,” Win murmured with a grin, crawling over him, facing Mel, who was beginning to look nervous again.  “You ready?” Win asked softly, taking Mel’s hands and threading their fingers together.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” she said, squirming on Nathan’s cock, moaning softly as she rolled her hips and Win’s mouth fell open as Nathan’s tongue delved her folds, eagerly exploring her sex.
“Fuck,” Win groaned, grinding against his mouth, her eyes not leaving Mel’s as she ground against his pelvis, pulling his cock deeper.  
Beneath them Nathan moaned, his hands moving from Mel’s waist to slide up the outside of Win’s thighs, and the two women began to find a rhythm, matching their movements to each other as they took their pleasure from Nathan, who from the sounds he was making was definitely in heaven himself.
“That feel good babygirl?” Win asked, squeezing Mel’s hands and Mel nodded wordlessly.  
“Fuck, yes.  I--”
Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by a sharp moan as Nathan bucked up into her suddenly, taking her by surprise and she groaned, grinding faster against him, her tits bouncing with each movement.
“I can’t believe we’re doin’ this,” she admitted, her mouth falling open and Win grinned.
“I hope that’s a good thing?” she murmured, her breath hitching as Nathan drew her clit between his lips, sucking and flicking with his tongue.
“I--I, oh God--” Mel exclaimed, again cutting off before she could answer, instead letting go of Win’s hands to grab her face, pulling her in for a sloppy, rather intense kiss, shoving her tongue in her mouth as her climax drew closer, building in her gut, Nathan’s cock hitting her in just the right spot as she rode him with abandon now, and she wondered if he was close too.
Win tensed suddenly, moaning into Mel’s mouth as she kissed her back, her body shuddering, Nathan’s tongue bringing her undone, her climax gripping her in her oversensatized state moments before Mel’s washed over her, the two of them riding through them together before Nathan finally tensed beneath them, bucking up into Mel as he came with a cry, Win collapsing to the side so he could breathe.
“Holy fuck!” he gasped, completely spent, whimpering as Mel quickly slipped off him, falling to the carpet next to Win, breathing heavily, searching blindly for her hand and Win gripped her too before turning to Nathan, pressing her face to his.
“That was the fuckin’ hottest thing I think I’ve ever been a part of,” he exclaimed, his chest heaving and Win huffed a breathless laugh herself.
“God, you were amazing, babe,” she assured him, wiping his face before bending to kiss him, still holding Mel’s hand in hers, feeling her friend crawl closer.  “You were both amazing,” she amended, pulling back to look at Mel, pulling her into her arms between her and Nathan, the three of them collapsing into a giant sweaty pile in the middle of the living room. 
However, as Win and Nathan quickly fell into a comfortable slumber Mel lay awake, chewing her lip, replaying everything.  She was struck by just how much she’d missed fucking Win, kissing her, being held by her.  It felt like the gaping, never-quite-healed hole in her chest that had opened when they’d broke up had reopened, and the thought that after tonight she’d have to go back to just being friends felt like the cruelest thing ever, top that off with how much she wanted Nathan, her best friend’s boyfriend.  It was almost too much.  
She’d never slept with a guy before, and she’d been lowkey crushing on this one for a while now, despite the complicated nature of their relationship, despite her feelings for Win.  He’d felt so good, made her feel so good, all while Win had been right there, making sure she was being taken care of, the love in her eyes overwhelming.  But Win loved Nathan, and Nathan loved Win, and this was just a drunken, high, spur of the moment impulse for them.  In the morning they’d go back to being a happy couple, and Mel… Mel, would be their friend, who they’d happened to fuck.
Maybe this was a mistake. 
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theimpossiblescheme · 7 years
Hi, guys!  So I wanted to make an announcement about a new project I’ll be undertaking very soon.  Starting the first of July every other day, I’m going to be posting an aesthetic series based on the women of Batman’s rogues gallery!  As you can imagine, I have quite a few characters from a great many versions of Batman to go through and adapt to a new universe of the Dark Knight.  Everyone’s going to get a faceclaim—in either live action, comic, or cartoon form—and a revisiting of their official backstory!  To give you an idea of who you’ll be seeing, here is a list of the ladies I have included so far:
·         Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman (from Gotham City Sirens and Detective Comics)
·         Query, Echo, Kristen Kringle, Isabella, and Enigma (from Detective Comics and Gotham)
·         Molly, Mousey, Moth, Pauline, Anna Gram, and Betsy Boldface (from the Batman television series)
·         Duela Dent (from Detective Comics)
·         Lark, Jay, Raven, and Chickadee (from Mystery of the Batwoman, Detective Comics, and the Batman television series)
·         Gertrude Kabelput (from Gotham)
·         The White Rabbit, The March Hare, the Dormouse, and the Carpenter (from Detective Comics)
·         Alice Pleasance (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Magpie (from Detective Comics)
·         Lee Meriweather and Eartha Kitt as Catwoman (from the Batman television series)
·         Kitty, Catty, Eenie, and Pussycat (from the Batman television series)
·         Baby Doll (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Roxy Rocket (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         The Kabuki Twins (from The Batman)
·         Molly Randall, Madame Crow, Becky Albright, Lindsay Jones, and Coraline Crane (from The Batman Adventures, Detective Comics, Joker’s Asylum, and Scarecrow: Year One)
·         Peyton Riley (from Detective Comics)
·         Queenie, Jill, Susie, Venus, Baby Jane Towser, Josie Miller, Undine, and Emerald (from the Batman television series)
·         Sugar and Spice (from Batman Forever)
·         Calendar Girl (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Lily, Violet, Lila, and Lotus (from Batman: The Animated Series and the Batman television series)
·         Doe, Rae, Mimi, and Octavia (from the Batman television series)
·         The Siren (from the Batman television series)
·         Marsha Queen of Diamonds, Ace, and Melanie Walker (from the Batman television series, Justice League Unlimited, and Batman Beyond)
·         Velvet Tiger (from Detective Comics and Batgirl of Burnside)
·         Nefertiti, Cleo Patrick, Neila, Shirley, and Florence of Arabia (from the Batman television series)
·         Sibyl and Olive Sliverlock (from Gotham Academy)
·         Blaze, Annie, and Katherine Karlo (from the Batman television series, Batman: The Animated Series, and Gotham Academy)
·         Fish Mooney (from Gotham)
·         Sofia Gigante (from The Long Halloween and Dark Victory)
·         Lisa and Polly (from the Batman television series)
·         Zelda the Great (from the Batman television series)
·         Orca (from Detective Comics)
·         Inque (from Batman Beyond)
·         Millie Second (from the Batman television series)
·         Haxan (from Gotham Academy)
·         Sister Crystal (from Detective Comics)
·         Andrea Beaumont (from Mask of the Phantasm)
·         Gilda Dent, Nora Fries, Francine Langstrom, and Lydia Limpet (from The Long Halloween, Batman: The Animated Series, Detective Comics, and the Batman television series)
·         Copperhead (from Arkham Origins)
·         Nocturna (from Detective Comics)
·         Talia Al Ghul and Nyssa Raatko (from Detective Comics)
·         Lady Shiva (from Detective Comics)
·         Red Claw (from Batman: The Animated Series)
·         Olga Queen of the Cossacks (from the Batman television series)
·         Lady Penelope Peasoup and Lady Prudence Ffogg (from the Batman television series)
·         Lucky Lindy (from Batman ’66)
·         Penny (from Batman ’66)
·         Dr. Aurora (from Batman ’66)
·         Quelle and Sphinx (from Batman ’66)
·         Amisi (from Batman ’66)
·         Ms. Li (from Under the Red Hood)
·         Diana, Nox, and Iris (from Detective Comics)
·         The Unicorn (from Detective Comics)
If there is anyone I’ve forgotten, feel free to let me know!  I will also be taking some tentative OC requests, so if you’d like to see an aesthetic of your female rogue OC, drop me an ask in my ask box describing them!  I may not be able to do all of them since I already have so many rogues to get through, but I will try my level best.  Thanks in advance for the support—see you July 1st!
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bisexualnathanyoung · 2 years
What If I’m Just Like Him?
Pairing: Nathan Young/OC (Mel Albright)
Word Count: 1,495
Warnings: pregnancy, panic attack, self-doubt, deadbeat dad references
Formatting is bad because tumblr is bad. Lots of dialogue.
“You’re lucky I love you,” I said to the baby growing inside me, “dancin’ on my bladder n shit.”
I sat up and glanced at the clock. 1:43. Then, I noticed Nathan wasn’t in bed. God I hope he’s not taking a shit. I’m about to piss my pants.
I made it to the toilet, and Nathan wasn’t in there. After a piss and a grunt and a handwashing, I walked in the kitchen. He wasn’t there either.
After shoving some biscuits in my mouth, I glanced out the window on the door and saw him. He was sitting on the ground, smoking a cigarette.
I opened the door. He looked up at me and waved the smoke in the air. He put out the cigarette on the ground.
“Don’t breathe that,” he said.
I looked down at him, “What are you doing out here? It’s cold.”
He shrugged, “y’know. Nicotine addiction.” I could tell it was more than just a midnight smoke.
“Come inside,” I said and bent over the ruffle his hair.
“Careful bendin’ over like that,” he said as he got up. I walked in the flat. He followed me and closed the door behind him.
I sat on the sofa and patted on the seat next to me.
Nathan sat down, “you should go back to bed, you’ve got work in the morning.”
I put my arm around him, “I’ve got work in like… eleven hours. That’s not morning. I’ll be fine.”
He laid his head on my shoulder, “we should really just… go back to bed.”
“I can tell something’s bothering you,” I said as I rubbed his arm.
“I’m fine, love,” he said without looking at me, “swear. You’ve got enough to worry about.”
“That doesn’t mean I can’t worry about you,” I said and kissed his head.
He placed his hand on my bump and rubbed it, “I’m so excited for our baby.”
He kissed my belly then sat up next to me again, “really. Don’t worry about it. I’m fine. I’m good. Our baby’s healthy. You’re healthy. Everything’s really good.”
I held his hand, “did I do something wrong?” I was almost certain I didn’t, but sometimes that was the only way to get him to open up. I knew we were both scared shitless about being parents and about all of the changes that were happening all at once, but I didn’t know if something specific had happened.
I just wanted to know. I wanted to fix it. Or at least tell him that it was okay to be upset.
He shook his head in a slight panic, “no no no no, I don’t think you’re capable of doing anything wrong.”
He pulled me closer to him and rested his hand on my bump, absentmindedly rubbing it.
“Well, that’s certainly not true,” I responded with a small laugh.
We sat there for a minute. I decided not to interrogate him into telling me what was wrong.
“Do you think I’m gonna be a good dad?” He said finally. Softly. Ah. I’d told him a million times before that I did, but it was worth it to tell him again.
“You’re already a good dad,” I said with a smile.
He made a noise, “How?”
“Always looking out for me. Always being there. Being responsible,” I responded, looking in his eyes.
He shrugged, “I’m not responsible.” Maybe that was true a year ago. Maybe that was still true in some ways, but he’d shown me he could be.
“Yes, you are,” I said. I felt the need to stick up for him even if it was to himself, “you helped me throw out all of the weed in the house. You got a job. You’ve supported me every step a this pregnancy. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. You were scared that the baby would get taken away the second it was born if we had stuff in the house. We didn’t have any money. I didn’t have a choice. That doesn’t mean I’m responsible,” he said, leaning against me again, not looking at me.
I sighed. Then, he looked at me.
“You could’ve left,” I said simply.
He looked away again, “that’s what scares me.” I was… kind of confused, but I tried not to react until I got more clarity.
“What d’you mean, love?” I said as I rubbed his back.
“My- They… forget it. I’m here for you and the baby. That’s all that matters,” I saw him try to discreetly wipe his eye. He tried to stand up, and I grabbed his wrist.
“Nathan,” I said in a more serious tone than I usually had, “Talk to me.”
He sat back down, sighed, and ran his hands through his hair.
He let out a breath, “My dad was there until he wasn’t.”
I held his hand, “hmm?”
He didn’t look at me and sounded like he was about to cry, “what if I make the wrong decision?”
And that made my anxiety spike. I knew he wanted the baby. I knew he wasn’t going to leave or did I?
“What do you mean wrong decision?” I asked and rubbed his hand.
“What if he wanted me and changed his mind?” I watched as he ignored the tears that fell, “what if I’m just like him? What if I change my mind?” His words and his breathing sped up as he continued to talk, “I’m just a fucking arsehole under it all. What if that to my kids? What if I let you down? Both of you? I don’t wanna be that! I don’t wanna be that!”
I continued to rub his hand, “you need to breathe, love. Try to breathe.”
He steadied his breathing a little bit, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry. I’m not trying to scare you… I’m not gonna leave… I’m not gonna leave… every time my mum was mad at me, she’d say I was just like him. She still doesn’t know… fuck, she’s going to be so disappointed,” he let go of my hand to run his hands through his hair, “She’s gonna say she knew it’d happen. She’s gonna say I’m gonna be a shit dad just like him. She’s gonna tell me off and say how could I do this.” He was breathing fast again. I wasn’t sure how to get him to calm down.
“It’s gonna be okay,” I said.
“My chest hurts, why does my chest hurt? Am I dying? I feel like I’m dying, and I’ve died before so I know what it feels like. You hate it when I die. I’m sorry for dying,” he said quickly.
“I think you’re having a panic attack,” I said, “you just need to calm down. You’re going to be okay. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“What’s that?” he said, “I don’t do that.”
I tried to get him to breathe with me and do some grounding exercises.
“What’s indigo? Isn’t that just blue? I already found something blue,” he said. The important thing was that he’d calmed down some.
“You can just skip to purple,” I said.
“Blanket,” he said lifting it up.
“Do you feel any better now?” I asked.
He set his head on my shoulder, “I don’t know.”
“That’s okay,” I responded, “it’s okay to not know.”
“But I need to be okay,” he replied, “I need to be okay for you.”
I put my arm around him, “you just need to be you. You’re allowed to be scared.”
“Maybe I should just call my dad,” he said, “so he can tell me he never wanted me. I need to know. Because I want our baby more than anything in this world, and I just don’t understand how he could leave. Maybe I was just too much trouble. He sent money… sometimes. He just didn’t want to deal with me. I wasn’t worth it. He expected Mum to do everything, but I don't want to be like that. I want to be a good dad. I want to be a good husband. But what if I can’t be? Because I’m mean and stupid and selfish and lazy, and what if one day I just walk out the fucking door because I’m a fucking idiot?!”
I held him close to me, “shh. Everyone has choices. Everyone makes mistakes. Things are going to be stressful and scary, but they’re also going to be beautiful and fun and wild. You’re not your dad, and you’re never going to be. You’re you, and you make your own choices. If you don’t want to leave then don’t. Maybe you’ve done less than savory things, we all have, but you’re also sweet and gentle and soft. You care so much. You think you don't, but you do. I’m glad you’re the person I’m starting a family with. I love you.”
“I love you too,” he said. He smiled at me and kissed me, “I really do.”
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bisexualnathanyoung · 2 years
Pairing: Nathan Young/OC (Mel)
Word Count: 1.6k
This is a lot of inner monologue from Mel with bits of dialogue. A midnight commentary on “shit’s fucked,” if you will.
Everything. Everything was so fucked. And I was scared. I thought I was over “scared.” I’d become numb by the time I was 16. The drugs helped, but I didn’t necessarily need them.
As I listened to Nathan’s heart beat, I couldn’t help but think of the bodies. The images flashing in my mind. Nathan’s dead body in my arms. Not being able to save him. Our friends assuring me he’d come back. But it didn’t help. Something about being covered in your boyfriend’s blood is extremely unsettling. So much fucking blood… the warmth of it turning cold then drying, caked on my skin. The smell permanently imprinted on my memory. However, not as bad as dead body smell.
On top of all of these memories stacking on top of each other. I was reminded of Simon saying people would come for us… I’d brushed it off at the time. Fuckin’ Wertham. The council barely gave a shit, what would anyone want with a bunch of barely adult delinquents? But I thought about Nathan’s power. A man that can’t stay dead. Can you imagine the type of super soldiers you could create with that if someone could find a way to duplicate it? I thought about how my power was primarily triggered by fear. And other things… it’d recently been set off by my happiness over an ice lolly. It was mango! Whose ever heard of that?! I’d worked on suppressing it, but I had very little idea on how to use it.
Regardless, I’d begun thinking what if we’d become some sort of government lab rats. I was pretty sure Simon was going for the heroes and villains route, which seemed beyond stupid to me. Sure, you can get superpowers from a fucking storm, but superheroes? Supervillains? Nothing is ever that black and white. I’d seen plenty of villains in my time, and none of them had any powers I was aware of… maybe they did now though. I tried to shake off the thought. Then I thought about everything we’d done… what if we were the villains..? Because we sure as hell weren’t heroes. Except maybe for that stunt Nathan pulled with the weirdo Christian cultist brainwash whatever. But I had no memory of that, so he remains in my mind as my stupid boyfriend. My stupid boyfriend that I love. The cutest guy in the world. The love of my life. Baby. Love… what was I talking about? Oh. Fear. My anxieties seemed to fade to a dull ache in my chest. I figured Nathan had fallen asleep a long time ago on account of he wasn’t talking.
I tried to snuggle closer to him, and he made a small noise while moving his arm to hold me tighter.
“Are you awake?” I whispered.
He made another sweet, small noise and followed it up with, “I am now.”
“Do you ever get scared?” I asked. My chest and stomach were still burning with a fear I couldn’t place.
“Nah, baby, I’m invincible,” he said, slowly rubbing my back.
I sighed, “I’m really scared.”
“Hm?” He responded, “another nightmare?”
I shook my head, “no, I never fell asleep. I’m just scared of… everythin’.”
He kissed the top of my head, “what do you mean? Everything? Things are goin’ fine. Community service’s almost over.”
“I don’t care about community service… I care about… I don’t know… everything! The storm? Powers?” I laced my fingers in between his, “people have to be getting hurt from this shit. They have to be.”
“You can’t worry about that. We’re not fuckin’ superheroes. It’s not our job to take out every person who got a power,” he said.
I shrugged, “it still bothers me… and then your power scares me too.”
“Why?” He responded.
“Why?” I responded, “what d’you mean why? You can’t fucking stay dead. Do you know how valuable that would be to a government? You don’t think they’d fuckin’ steal your blood and try to do some kind of fucked up Captain America bullshit? Fuckin’ Weapon X?!”
He yawned, “I’ve got no idea what you’re talkin’ about, baby,” he rubbed my back, “try to go back to sleep.”
“I can’t,” tears started forming, “there’s so many bad people in the world. And I’m scared, and I’m sad, and I can’t save anybody.”
“You don’t know that,” he said, continuing to rub my back.
“Yes,” I said, trying to wipe my eyes, “I do. I’ve been mind controlled twice. I haven’t got my mind, what have I got? And I’ve always been so good at defending myself, and now I just feel small and weak with everything that’s happened.”
He held me tight, “it’ll be okay. I’m here. I’ll protect you.”
I sighed, “I don’t want you to protect me.” First of all, that was a lie. I continued, “I want to be strong. I want to protect myself.”
“Then, I don’t know... Go to the gym or something,” he responded.
I groaned into his chest.
“What?” he said, “that’s all I got.”
I snuggled into his neck, “I just don’t know what to do.”
“Don’t do anything,” he said, “that’s what I do.”
“But it’s not enough,” I started to cry again, “it’s never enough.”
“Nobody can save the world, Mel,” he said, “shit’s fucked. It’s always going to be fucked. Just make the best of it.”
“I wish it was that easy,” I said and sniffled.
“Just don’t think about it,” he said and rubbed my arm. I thought for a second to say that’s shitty advice, but I decided not to.
“Don’t pretend like you don’t get nightmares too,” was what I decided to say.
He shrugged, “maybe, but then I move on. Pretend like it doesn’t exist. Forget it happened. Do something else.”
I moved over and sniffled a bit more, trying not to cry again, “I thought you’d understand.”
“I’m trying to help,” he said in that pitiful tone he took when he really didn’t know what to do.
I started crying again because I knew he was being sincere, because I didn’t know what I wanted him to say either. I just felt pitiful and weak, and I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be.
You don’t have time for emotions when you’re trying to survive. Like Nathan said, you “move on.” I’d been thrown into different programs, barely opening up, being told it’s okay to feel. It’s okay to be angry and sad when things happen, and people let you down. But I threw it out the window because I couldn’t let that shit show. You hold your head up high; throw on the confidence, look angry, be angry. Don’t let anyone fuck with you.
But I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t tell myself, “I’m not scared,” anymore. I was terrified. I was full of regret and guilt and pain. My thought process of “don’t let it happen again” became “when is it going to happen again?” How long would it be until the ball drops, the bottom falls out, when everything falls to shit? I’d never imagined things would get so bad. I’d trained my whole life to act like things were okay, and they weren’t. They really weren’t. We were one misstep away from prison or whatever worse there was. Anything could happen at any moment, and I hated it.
I rolled over to face him and rubbed at my eyes. I couldn’t stop crying. I tried to get words out, and I couldn’t.
“It’s okay,” he said, “you’ll be okay.” He tried to pat me on the arm.
I threw my face into his chest, and he held me.
“It’s gonna be alright,” he said, “promise.”
I tried to sit up, and he let me go.
“But what if it’s not?” I said with tears still falling down my face, “what if it’s not?! I am so sick of this shit!” I threw my hands up and sparks flew everywhere.
“You need to calm down,” he said and rubbed my leg.
“How?! How can anybody calm down?! There’s so much bullshit in the world, and then we’ve got no fucking idea who has these powers! What they can do with them! Like actual bad people! And meanwhile I’ve got old grannies looking at me picking up shit on the street thinking I’m the problem! Oh because I dare to fucking stick up to bullshit authority! Because that’s obviously the biggest problem is young people being a menace to society! Meanwhile the authority can do whatever the fuck they want; believe whatever the fuck they want! Because fuck me, right?! Because I’ve got a “history”, I put in air quotes, “because I’m “troubled.” I must be a fucking liar, right?! Well, why tell the fucking truth when no one’s going to believe you anyway?!,” I kept crying, “it’s never enough. It never matters. Nothing I do matters.”
He sat up next to me and held my hand, “without you, I’d still be living in a community center. I think that matters.”
I shrugged and gave him a small smile.
“You’re a good person,” he said, “that’s more than most can say. That’s more than I can say.”
I lightly shoved him, “shut up. You’re a good person.”
“That’s highly debatable,” he responded.
“Well, I think you are,” I said and laid my head on his shoulder.
“Oh, then, if you think I am, and you’re right about everything, then it must be true, yeah?” he said and kissed me on the head.
“Yeah,” I responded and squeezed his hand.
I yawned and laid back down. I pulled at his hand, “hold me?”
“Always,” he said and laid down next to me and pulled me into his arms.
I held his arm.
“I’m still scared,” I said softly.
“I know,” he responded.
“Promise me you’ll be safe when I’m not there to protect you,” I said and lightly kissed his arm.
“Promise,” he replied.
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bisexualnathanyoung · 2 years
Tell me more 👀
In front of God and everybody?
Uhhhh putting a readmore bc I just got to typing and didn’t stop. Anybody feel free to comment how you feel about it ✌️.
No but like I just felt like the Nathan I write wouldn’t be stupid enough to try to risk fucking up his entire life while he has a little baby, but then I remembered canon Nathan did, and I also realize that’s how a lot of people end up in jail or prison. When someone just needs money and uses the resources they have, but it still breaks the law, and they get caught, but people do things like that to support their families in any way they can sometimes.
And we know he’s cocky and confident, and that’s always how it goes isn’t it? “Those people got caught, but not me, I know what I’m doing.”And I’m not gonna put him away for life or anything, but just a few months while he’s got a little tiny baby is so heartbreaking.
I don’t know if I’m going to do the America thing. I don’t know how I’d write it if I decide to, but part of it is Mel that absolutely can’t stand Louise, but she’s got no one else to go to, and it wouldn’t be a redemption for Louise by any means, just a “oh this fucking sucks.”
And I just feel like that’d be something Nathan would never get over, and it would just contribute to him wondering why his dad was never around because he’s felt shitty for over a decade because he made one or a few mistakes and missed his daughter’s first birthday.
And I mean we could all write really scary fics about what could happen in jails and prisons, but I feel like if something awful did happen, he’d never tell Mel about it.
He’d just never stop apologizing for it because he feels like (and maybe he did) he let her down just like his dad did to his mum, and even if she tries and tries to tell him that it is different, he’d never believe her.
And I know there’d be a part of her that doesn’t want to forgive him. Because how could he be so stupid? How could he risk something like that? How could he leave her alone with her tiny baby with no else to care for her?
And then, Mel’s got her own trauma with not wanting to turn out like her mum, and she’s just like “here I am at 21 years old with my bastard kid whose dad is in jail, is this the rest of my life?” And I think a part of her would definitely go to knowing where and how they got together, knowing he’s done bullshit like this before, and wondering if her daughter is going to have a dad. And she doesn’t regret having her baby. She loves her baby. But she wonders if it was the right decision. She wonders if it’s fair to Rowan that she’s going to grow up exactly like Mel did. Council flat. Mum never home from working two jobs. Living in an area where people get mugged at 10am. (she doesn’t, but, in the moment, Mel definitely sees it that way).
I don’t know. I’ve thought about it a lot in a couple of different ways, and I’m not sure how I’d write it. I’m writing a couple of things now that the basic idea is that it was something money related, but they’ve stayed in England, and it’s for a few months when Ro is a baby.
Idk if any of that made sense
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jozstanko-art · 3 years
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@bisexualnathanyoung‘s bebe, Mel
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seanfalco · 3 years
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[ x ] Win, Aev, & a bonus Mel (@bisexualnathanyoung)
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seanfalco · 3 years
The Deciding Factor | Misfits ot3 au
Companion piece to @bisexualnathanyoung‘s Old Endings and New Beginnings -- the conversation Nathan and Win have about their feelings for Mel.
word count: 1k
“Win, babe, what’s wrong?” Nathan asked, pushing himself up to his elbows to look at her, his brows furrowing with concern.
“Nothin’.  It’s nothin’,” Win exclaimed quickly.  Too quickly.  “What’s wrong with you?” she demanded instead, but Nathan heard her sniffle as she turned her face away and he scooted closer, turning her face back to him.  
“It’s obviously not nothin’.  C’mon, you can tell me anythin’, you know that,” he murmured, really starting to get worried.  She’d been acting strange for nearly two weeks now… ever since the night they’d slept with Mel.
Was she mad at him?  Was that it?  He’d been the one to suggest it, but she’d been quick to agree and take charge.  Did she regret it now?
“Win?  Please?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly and finally she turned to look at him, wet trails running down her cheeks and Nathan’s heart dropped into his stomach.
Quickly wiping at her eyes Win sniffled louder.  “If I tell you… you’ll break up with me,” she whispered and Nathan’s stomach only clenched tighter.  What was she talkin’ about?
She shook her head, trying to turn away again, but Nathan caught her, holding her in place.
“Nathan, I mean it.  If I tell you, you’re gunna hate me and I can’t… I can’t lose you.  I love you,” she exclaimed, desperation thick in her wavering voice.
“I love yeh too, Win,” Nathan insisted, holding her face between his hands, feeling her tears run over his fingers.  “I could never hate yeh, I swear.”
Squeezing her eyes shut as Nathan held her face she took a deep breath.
“Okay, fine.  But you have to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“I promise,” Nathan replied without hesitation, the earnesty in his voice convincing her.
“I’m still in love with Mel.”
Nathan knew that, or at least he had a feeling.  Love like Win and Mel had shared never really went away.
“But I love you too,” Win continued quickly.  
When Nathan didn’t respond she desperately clutched at his arms.  “Nathan?  Please say something.”
If she had told him that when Mel first came back to Wertham he woulda been jealous.  He had been jealous, even just of their friendship.  The thought of sharing Win’s attention had really actually bothered him a lot.  And yeah, he’d whined and pouted and been a little clingy, but he hadn’t let on how much it had bothered him.  He didn’t want her to feel bad.  Like she had to choose between them.
But now... now, things were different.  He cared about Mel.  They’d become friends.  Close friends.  And he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that night.  Sure it had been a drunken spur of the moment thing, and hot as all fuckin’ hell, but it hadn’t felt wrong.  When he’d suggested it he’d been thinking with his cock, half expecting it to be awkward but it hadn’t been.  
And it wasn’t just the sex, he found he missed Mel comin’ round, he missed her sense of humour, so similar to his.  He missed the way she snorted when she laughed, really laughed hard.  He missed the way Win would light up when they were together.  And yeah, okay he missed the way she looked without a bra on.
The fear in Win’s voice tore him back to the moment and he pressed forehead to hers.  “It’s okay,” he said, squeezing her hand and she jerked back to gape at him, grey eyes wide.
“It’s… okay?” she exclaimed, confusion lacing her voice, her eyes searching his face incredulously.  “Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” she asked and Nathan couldn’t help the soft chuckle that left his lips.
“I mean it!” he insisted.  “I-I have somethin’ to tell you too,” he confessed.
He’d been holding this guilt since that night, feeling like such a skeeve for thinkin’ bout his girlfriend’s best friend like that.  For missin’ her like that.  But her admission suddenly made him feel less guilty.
“I… I think I might… I might fancy Mel too,” he said, bracing himself as he forced the words out.
“Oh?”  Win uttered, her expression unreadable and worry clutched Nathan.
“Y-yeah.  I haven’t been able t’stop thinkin’ bout that night,” he murmured and Win nodded.
“Me too.”
“I miss her,” Nathan said.
“Me too,” Win whispered.  She swallowed, hesitantly looking into Nathan’s face, her hands seeking his.  “Are we both in love with Mel?”
“Looks that way.”  Nathan hesitated, “D’you think she feels the same way?  I-I mean, at least bout you.  I don’t even care if she likes me like that or not, but I could make it work,” Nathan exclaimed earnestly.  “If it’d make you happy.”
A small smile spread across Win’s face before she cut Nathan off, throwing herself into his arms, her lips connecting with his and his words melted into a soft moan as he fell to his back, Win’s tongue sliding against his.
“I love you,” she exclaimed breathlessly and Nathan chuckled, stroking her cheek, feeling fresh tears, though this time he had a feeling they were tears of joy.
“Well, that was not how I was expectin’ that conversation t’go,” he said, snaking his arms around her back.
“Yeah, me neither,” Win murmured, biting her lip.  “But I’m glad.  I feel so relieved.”
“Me too,” Nathan sighed, feeling a weight lift from him.
“So what do we do about this?” Win asked, pressing her cheek to his chest, smiling to herself as he ran his fingers through her hair.
“Fuck if I know,” Nathan sighed, “I guess we hafta talk to Mel.  Tell her how we… feel.”
“Yeah,” Win agreed, “I’ve been trying to get her to come over but she’s been so busy.”
“Or she’s avoidin’ us,” Nathan pointed out.
“That’s a definite possibility,” she muttered.  “Hey,” she exclaimed suddenly.  “I thought you didn’t like talking about feelin’s and shit.”
“Yeah well, maybe you’re rubbin’ off on me, babe,” he murmured, grinning up at her.
“I can rub somethin’ off,” Win smirked.
“Oh?  Now you’ve got my attention.”
Win laughed as he rolled her beneath him, kissing him back and feeling lighter than she had for nearly two weeks.  Now all she had to do was try to get Mel to come over again, hoping she might feel the same.  To say she never thought she might have the possibility to date both the loves of her life was an understatement, but now it was looking more likely than ever.
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bisexualnathanyoung · 2 years
Ok but pls post the soul crushing oc piece nobody wants… I want
Okay, anon, just for you ❤️ someone actually caring about my writing omg
Context is basically that Mel’s mum is an inpatient facility for alcoholism and probably other diagnosed mental illnesses I just haven’t put a name to them bc I’m not a psychiatrist or anything but long story short, Mel is telling her mum that she’s pregnant. It also includes a flashback from baby Mel that came out of nowhere, but it’s there. Idk what the fuck is up with this formatting, but I just pasted it from my google docs so oh well.
TW: pregnancy, big feelings of being unwanted and distrust of her mother, miscarriage (implied)/fertility issues, divorce mention, little baby Mel getting blamed for things that aren’t her fault :(, hospital mentions, birth mentions
Word count: 1.6k
I took a breath; I signed in, and I waited for her.
I watched her walk in. She looked better and better each time I’d come up there. This was the second week she’d started wearing makeup again after they’d allowed my aunt to bring her some. She was starting to look more like herself, which scared me in a way. But I was already scared. How do you tell your mother you’d make the same choice she had after years of screaming that you’d never be like her? I could leave at any moment. I didn’t owe her anything. She was doing better. She was trying. I still didn’t trust her. I didn’t know how much time would have to pass before I trusted my child alone with my mother.
I walked up to hug her before we sat down at a table.
“You look good,” I said with a small smile. Trying to hide my nerves. My powers were calm which was a good sign.
“You say that every time you see me,” she said with a laugh.
“Well, it’s true,” I smiled back.
“Hadn’t seen you in a little while. Been busy?” She asked.
I nodded. I started tearing up. My hands were hidden under the table.
“Work… had a doctor’s appointment a couple weeks ago,” I bit down on my lip.
Her eyebrows knit together. She looked concerned, “Are you alright? It’s not cancer, is it?”
I shook my head. I stared at my hands and shoved my fingers into my palms.
“‘S alright, love. You don’t have to say anythin’ you don’t want to…” she responded in a calm tone. I sat there for a moment. Not crying. She knows. She has to know. I refused to look at her. I don’t know what I thought she would do. I was simply terrified.
“How’s Nathan?” she asked, “still around?”
“He’s good,” I smiled a bit. I wiped my eye, “I should’ve brought him with me. I ruined things when you met him. I haven’t even told you how much he means to me.”
“I ruined it,” she said, “don’t blame yourself for shit that I did.” I stopped myself from saying maybe I wouldn’t if you hadn’t my entire life.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurted out. I finally looked at her.
She nodded, “I can tell.” For some reason, I ran my now calmed down hands over my tiny bump.
“I’m only twelve weeks tomorrow. How can you tell?!” I crossed my arms.
“You’ve been pregnant for two months and didn’t tell me?” Oh great now she’s upset. I’m fat, and she’s upset.
“I haven’t known very long… I was scared. I thought you’d,” I started crying, “I thought you’d give me the big lecture on how now I know… now I know how awful it was for you… but it’s not awful. I mean it’s stressful and scary, and I keep getting sick, but… but I just… I don’t know!”
One of the staff of the facility walked up to us, “Do we need to cut the visit short?” I realized how many eyes were on me and put all of my focus on not triggering my power.
My mum shook her head, “She’s my only daughter, and she’s just told me she’s pregnant. She’ll be okay.”
The man in scrubs looked back at me, “If you need to go, you can.”
I also shook my head, “I’m sorry…”
“It’s alright,” he said, “you need to feel those strong emotions. I was just making sure nobody needed a break or was getting hurt or anything like that.”
I took a deep breath, “I’ve calmed down. I’m excited for my baby… hormones… scary.” I shrugged.
He nodded, “Congratulations.”
I nodded back, and he walked away.
My mum grabbed my hand under the table, “wow,” was all she said. I squeezed her hand.
“So you’re having it?” She asked.
“I hope so,” I said, “anything can happen…”
She nodded, “you know how much trouble I had with George.”
Her first husband. The whole teen pregnancy drama that created me never resulted in marriage. But George did. The only good thing she’d ever had. They wanted a family together so badly. We lived in the country in a hundred year old house that was falling apart, but we made it work. And yet two of those rooms always felt so empty. It certainly wasn’t my first memory of feeling unwanted by my mother, but it was the first time I knew. I was six years old. They’d been married for nearly a year. George was my dad. I didn’t know anyone else until I’d found contact with my biological father two years later. George thought it’d be good for me. My mother disagreed. Anyway, I’d woken up. It could’ve been 9pm; it could’ve been 2am. I just knew it was dark, and my mother was sobbing. I’d already gotten in the habit of taking care of her. I’d watch how George was talk to her softly and hold her. Give her tissues and cigarettes and whatever else she needed. But he worked eleven hours a day, and my mother didn’t. So I would take care of her during the day.
But it was night time. I couldn’t hear George’s voice through the wall, so I needed to take action. I got out of bed and began to walk to their room. Then, I heard him. Smooth, soft, soothing Welsh accent.
“It’s alright, love,” he said barely above a whisper, “We’ll get you to the doctors in the morning. You’re going to be alright. It’s okay.”
And the antithesis that was my mother. Loud. Fast. Panicked. Almost unintelligible north of York accent surrounded by sobs.
“I just want a fuckin’ baby, Geo! I wan’ t’ have a family with you. Start our fuckin’ lives. I dunno. I’m fuckin’ useless as shite sittin’ round all the time!” She continued to cry as I bit at my tiny finger nails.
“We do have a family, sweet. We’ve got our little Mel, and all the wee puppies outside. We’ve got a family. Nothin’s gonna change that,” I took a couple steps closer to the door at the mention of my name. Maybe I could help… then my mother fucking screamed, and I jumped near out of my skin.
“I don’t. Want her!”-
My step-father cut her off, “don’t say that-
“She’s the reason this is happening! She fucking ruined my body! We’re playing fucking happy families! She’s not your daughter, George! She never will be! She’s a fucking reminder of a mistake that stopped me from ever having a life I could’ve wanted! My father could’ve walked me down the aisle if I hadn’t had her… Our baby would be me changin’ things,” she dissolved into a mess of tears. And so did I. But like most times in my life. My mother was louder.
“How could you say that?” George began. He was a bit louder now, but I didn’t care. I ran into my room and hid under the covers.
He woke me up in the morning. My mother was still in her room as I ate my breakfast.
“When my mummy runs away from you, I can stay here?” I asked.
I still remember the look of shock on his face, “your mummy’s not running away from me. We’re married. That’s forever.”
I’d learn that forever lasts approximately five years and three months.
I nodded, “Nathan reminds me of George sometimes.”
She shrugged, “he was useless like every other man on this planet.”
I ignored her comment, “we’re really excited.”
She squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile, “good, I’m happy for you. I’ve got two more weeks before my stay is over. I want to help you in any way I can.” Just to let me down like always? I wanted to believe in her. I believed she was getting better. I was scared to let her back in my life at all. She was trying… but I didn’t know if she could ever change.
I let go of her hands and placed them on my tiny bump that I thought wasn’t noticeable, “I think I want to give birth at home.” I didn’t trust my power. I assumed whatever generators the hospital had in place would be better off if I’d shot the power from afar. If the lights went off in my flat, we could use torches to help me and my baby. I was scared to cause that much chaos in a hospital.
She widened her eyes, “that’s extremely dangerous. Are you mental?” Yes, I am, but that’s aside from the point.
“No. I’m speaking with a midwife in a couple of weeks. Nathan’s scared of the idea too. I’m weighing my options,” I explained.
She shook her head, “okay,” she let out a breath.
“Thank you for telling me,” she continued, “I love you.” I still had a hard time believing that.
“I love you too,” I smiled.
“Jesus… being a grandmother at 36… fuck. Condom break? No offense, love, but I thought you were smarter than me,” she added. Can never have anything nice, can I?
“We wanted to have a baby,” I lied, “I love him. He loves me. We’re having a baby.” That part wasn’t a lie.
Her jaw dropped. She blinked a couple of times. She closed her mouth.
“I… alright…” she said, “did I miss the wedding?” She grabbed my hand again and said, “I’m sorry, Mel, I didn’t know. You’re so involved with this man that you’re having a child with him, and I had no idea. I’m going to be there for my grandchild. I’m so happy for you.” The second time she’d said seemed a lot more convincing than the first.
“Thanks, Mum,” I stood up, “I’ll be in touch.” She stood up, and we hugged again.
She was teary-eyed, “you’re going to be an amazing mum, love. Much better than I ever was.”
“I know,” I said, turned around, and walked away.
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bisexualnathanyoung · 2 years
I miss Nathan and Mel so I wrote a fun little phone convo between Kelly and Mel and kinda just a fun stress reliever writing so if you care about my little story lines or whatever, feel free to read :)
1.1k words, weird formatting.
I felt lonely… for the first time in my life, I felt lonely. That wasn’t like me. To feel lonely, you’d have to know what it was like to… I don’t know feel lonely from? I was an only child. If my mum wasn’t out ruining her own life, she was working. I didn’t know my dad until I was eight, and then he died. I had friends, but… y’know you have your mates at school and then you’d go home and read or draw or whatever you do and sit with yourself. In my new found adulthood, it was the same. I’d made friends with my coworkers and my fellow young offenders, but until Nathan, yknow, home is where you’re alone. Not lonely. Just alone. That’s just how things are.
But Nathan had been gone for almost three hours, and I was shitfaced and… lonely. I found my phone and called Kelly.
“Hello?” she answered, “are you alright?”
“Yeah. Yeah. Fine. It’s just Nathan isn’t home, and I’ve got nobody to talk to,” I responded as I stared at the ceiling while laying in my bed, smoking.
“Alright,” she said, “I’m not doin’ nothin’, what do you want to talk about?”
“Nathan,” I said with a giggle.
“What?” She responded.
“I wanna talk about Nathan cos cos…” I stuttered, “cos he’s a wanker and stupid, and I hate him.”
“You hate him?” She responded like she didn’t believe me.
“Yeah… yeah! I fuckin’ hate him!” I couldn’t tell if I was slurring my words or not.
“Did you two have a falling out or somethin’? What’s he done this time?” Kelly asked.
“He fuckin… fuckin’ stupid… fuckin’… he’s havin’ dinner with his mum. Unbelievable,” I responded. She laughed.
“What’s so funny?!” I said back.
“You hate him because he’s havin’ dinner with his mum?” She asked.
“Yes! He’s supposed to be with me!” I practically yelled.
“Why’s he supposed to be with you?” She was teasing me.
“Because he’s miiiiine,” I whined.
“So you made it official now?” She asked.
“Made what official?” I asked back.
“Nathan’s yours? Your boyfriend?” She answered.
“Gross! No!” I replied, “I don’t fuckin… I don’t have time for a boyfriend. Or a need. Or the patience. I’m over the whole having a dick and balls shoved into my face phase. And guys don’t fuckin’ settle for that anymore anyway everybody wants to fuck, and I’m not… I don’t… Nathan’s not my boyfriend!”
“But you know he wants to be,” she said.
“He doesn’t want to be my boyfriend. He jokes about wanting to have sex with me because he thinks it’s funny because… because I’m such a pathetic excuse for a girl he never would…” I started tearing up.
“That’s not true,” Kelly tried to assure me.
“Yes, it is!” I grabbed a pillow and held it close to me.
“His thoughts about you are very… loud.” She responded.
“What… what do you mean?” I asked.
“I… don’t want to elaborate,” she responded, “I try to block them out.”
“They’re that bad? Does he not like me?” I said softly.
“Oh, he likes you. A lot. His thoughts just… they certainly match the ones you have about him. And you know the ones I’m talkin about,” she said sternly.
“Oh…” I was silent for a moment, “yeah well he’s a guy whatever.”
“He’s a guy that fancies you though,” she responded, “I don’t have to know his thoughts to know that. He follows you around like a lost puppy. He’s always showing out to impress you.”
“He’s always showing out to annoy me, you mean,” I grumbled.
“But you like it,” she said.
“I like attention,” I admitted.
“I don’t understand why you don’t just go for it. Before he throws himself at someone else and gets himself into trouble… again,” she responded.
“It almost sounds like you care, Kel,” I giggled.
“Maybe I do, but I’m not the one lettin’ him sleep in my bed and runnin’ my fingers through his hair,” she almost sounded annoyed.
“I do not let him sleep in my bed,” I retorted.
“Right, right, sorry. You sleep in his bed,” she responded.
“How do you know that?!” I responded quickly.
“I know everythin’,” she teased, “… you really didn’t hear him loudly complainin’ about how you got drool on his pillow?”
I let out a whine, “we watch telly, and I get so tired at the end of the day, and I gave him my softest blanket that first day, and I really miss that blanket, and he’s so warm… it. It’s so warm… the blanket. The blanket’s warm. Not Nathan. His feet are stupidly cold,” I cleared my throat.
“Yeah, what about the rest of him?” Kelly responded.
“Stop trying to trick me!” I replied back.
“You’re the one that wanted to talk about him,” she reminded me.
“I wanted to complain about him!” I let out a huff.
“Complain about him spending time with his family instead of holding you under your soft blanket?” She said.
I groaned, “leave me alone.”
“You called me,” she sassed back.
I grumbled again, “my head hurts.”
“Maybe you should lie down or somethin,” she responded, “… on your side though.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Don’t want you to choke on your own vomit,” she answered.
“I am not drunk!” I replied, “I’m… upset. After everything I’ve done for him, he’d go back to that that devil woman.”
“You sound like your talking about an ex husband or some shit,” she responded.
I grumbled, “I hate him.”
I heard the front door shut and stumbled up to put out whatever I was smoking and head out of the room. Still holding my phone, I ran over to find Nathan setting a container down on the kitchen counter.
I threw my arms around him, “I missed you!”
He awkwardly pat my back, “I brought… um leftovers. Spaghetti bolognese.”
“Betrayal bolognese…” I muttered.
He took a step back to look at me, “what?.. Anyways, are you wearing my fucking hoodie again?”
“It’s cold,” I whined and pouted.
“It’s July!” he responded.
“It can be cold in July…” I said.
“Are you on the phone with someone?” He asked.
“I dunno… Am I?”
He took the phone from me.
“Stop doing that shit!” I yelled at him.
“Shh, I’m on the phone,” he said and put it up to his ear, “Hello?… yes… Kelly? Are you threatening me?… because I don’t know anyone else who talks like that… and Mel doesn’t have any friends… besides me and you and Facebook… oh he hardly counts… she’s definitely drunk, she’ll be up crying until 4am for sure… nah I’ll probably just meet her where she’s at and then after that it’s fair game… wouldn’t knocking my bollocks into my throat defeat the purpose? You’d just be helping me give myself a blowjob… hello? Hello?.. she hung up on me.”
He turned back to face me, “what’d you even say to her?”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Alright, whatever,” he said and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
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bisexualnathanyoung · 3 years
Community Blowback
Fandom: Misfits, Nathan Young x Original Character
Summary: When Mel Albright, a low-life stoner with a heart of gold, ends up on community service, she assumes it’s just another thing in a line of mishaps that is her life. Will the aftermath of a freak storm and the help of a green eyed idiot show her that maybe things being fucked up aren’t always that bad after all?
Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Moments Taking Place between Ch 4 & 5
Chapter Five: Kapow!
Word Count: 6.6k 
Warnings: smut yay, pregnancy mention (joke), virginity stuff, drug mention 
A/N: I originally wrote this months ago, and it’s some of the first smut I’ve ever written, so it’s not too terribly detailed. This takes place between episodes Four and Five of Season one. I hope you enjoy <3 
Nathan had been staying with me for about a month, and, surprisingly, things weren't a total disaster. He was a decent flatmate, and it was nice to not feel so alone anymore. I actually had someone to smoke with instead of being the poster child of depressed stoner, laying in bed, listening to Pink Floyd alone in my underwear. 
We'd gotten into a routine of smoking a joint while watching something on telly pretty much every night when I got home from work. And then I'd fall asleep while laying way too close to him. It wasn't on purpose. All the time. Most of the time. Okay, it was mainly on purpose, but I couldn't help it. I'd always had nightmares, and sleeping next to him helped. The only time it got too serious was when I did wake up from a nightmare and he ended up pulling me closer to him, and in the morning when I fully woke up, we were spooning and I had both my arms wrapped around his arm. We decided not to talk about it. 
I liked the way things were. I hadn't had a best friend since mine had fucked off to university when we were eighteen. I liked having someone to joke around with, someone I could be myself around, but there was also the fact that I really liked him, and I could never tell if he felt the same way. He'd flirt with me, and I'd just laugh it off. We both kind of started a game turned war into taking things maybe a centimeter too far just to make the other one uncomfortable. I thought I'd won when he'd stuck his hand in my face, and I took his finger into my mouth and sucked on it while looking him in the eyes. He could say the simplest things and make me turn bright pink so seeing him so flustered made me feel accomplished. 
I thought I'd had him again when I heard him wanking in the shower, but it just made my body betray me, and all I could say to him was, 
"If your semen clogs up my shower, I will kill you." 
To which he responded, 
"Give me somewhere else to cum, and you won't have to worry about it," while flicking his eyes down my body. And then he turned around and walked to the fridge to drink some fucking orange juice like he didn't just say that to me. I just stood there and blinked. 
"What're you standing there for? We're gonna be late for community service," he added. 
So that's how things were. My heart and my vagina screaming at me and my brain blinking back at them, not knowing what to do. Truth be told, I was terrified. I knew we had to talk about it eventually, and I really didn't want to. Maybe if I got drunk or high enough, I'd let a little friends with benefits thing happen, which is what I  assumed was what he wanted, but I knew I'd fucking hate myself in the morning. So I'd just push all those feelings down and let myself enjoy the little moments while they lasted. 
The worst part was that it was getting harder and harder to keep it from the others, and then the breaking point… 
Nathan, Simon, Alisha, and I were in the locker room one morning when Simon and I were chatting on the topic of films. Simon knew a lot about films, and Nathan and I were quickly getting through my very small film collection. 
"Oh yeah, Nathan and I were thinking about renting that one if you want to watch it with us sometime," I offered to Simon before Nathan stuck himself between us. 
"What? I've got no say in this?," Nathan said, clearly offended, "No, that's our thing, and considerin, we watch films in my bed, I get to say, he's not invited!" 
I rolled my eyes, "You mean we watch films on my sofa-bed that you sleep on." 
"Besides, you just started being comfortable enough for me to see you in your knickers, I doubt you want him seeing you in your knickers," Nathan added before leaving the locker room. 
"He's seen you in your knickers?!" Alisha shot at me before I had a chance to respond to anything. 
I tried to shrug it off, "I mean we all have, right? Changing and everything." 
"Watching a film in someone's bed, in your knickers is completely different than catching a look in a locker room," she said. I leaned up against the lockers and chewed on my lip, not sure what to say. 
She widened her eyes, "Oh my god!," And then she glanced towards Simon, 
"We need to have a girl conversation, go!" He looked at both of us before running off. 
"You've shagged him haven't you?" She said, lowering her voice once Simon was gone. 
"No!" I whispered back, putting my face in my hands. 
"Okay… but you want to?" she asked. 
"No!.. maybe. I don't… agh," I threw my head against the lockers. 
"Well, that's a yes if I've ever heard one. I told you it was only a matter of time once he moved in," she said, "he's obviously into you, why haven't you done it yet?" I wanted to snap at her. That was my automatic response, but I stopped. Besides her and Kelly, it wasn't like I had anyone to talk to about this stuff. I sighed. 
"I don't know… I've never… I haven't actually fully 100% um y'know..." I trailed off and started biting my fingernails. 
"Holy shit, are you a virgin?" I looked up from my hands and nodded. 
She laughed, "No wonder you're so uptight, we've got to get you laid!" 
"I'm not uptight!" I responded, crossing my arms, "and keep your voice down." 
"You know if you're desperate to lose it, it doesn't have to be with him. I know a few guys, who would be well into your whole 'I'm a mess who doesn't give a shit' look. Like hot guys. Maybe a guy I've been with that I know is good?" 
I shook my head, "If I wanted to do it with a stranger, I would have already… and Nathan is hot." 
She laughed, "Yeah, alright," she responded sarcastically. 
"This conversation has been so unproductive. Yes, he's seen me in my knickers, yes, I'd like him to see me without my knickers, but I'm too much of a pussy to let that happen," I sighed. 
"What?" Kelly called from the door, joining us in the locker room. 
"Mel's a virgin," Alisha told her. 
"Oh my god.." I said and slid down the lockers. 
"When were you plannin' on tellin' Nathan that?" Kelly asked me with a smile. 
"I hadn't really thought about it… I figured if we snogged again, I'd just let it happen." 
"Again?!" they both semi-shouted at me. 
I looked up at them, "yeah, guess I forgot to mention that." 
"Uh, yeah you did," Kelly responded. 
"Can't you read minds? Wouldn't you know if one of them thought about it?" Alisha asked. 
Kelly looked at Alisha and then back at me, "How long ago was this?" 
"Little over a month ago," I answered honestly. 
"Huh… like after all the old people shit?" Kelly asked. I nodded. "That makes sense." 
"What makes sense?" I asked. 
"Nothin. I shouldn't go around sharin' what's in his head," she said. 
"Well, that's unhelpful," I responded. Great. Now I have to worry about what Nathan thought about us snogging. What if he thought I'm a shit kisser? 
"That's not it," Kelly responded out loud to my thoughts. 
"What's not it?" Alisha asked. 
"Ladies!" Sally called from the door, "did you forget about your community service?" 
"Yeah, sorry, came to tell them we were going outside, and something came up," Kelly said. We were rushed outside to join the guys to clean up graffiti. 
"What took you so long? Talking all the time… is one of you pregnant?" Nathan said as we walked up, "I'm not being funny but my money's on you," he pointed his sponge towards Alisha. 
"Fuck off," Curtis told him. 
"Alright, whatever, forgot you two were "official," he said, putting "official" in air quotes, "but come on, man, we all saw her with that Africa guy. Not like a black guy… like the guy sending the stuff to Africa…"
"Nathan, shut up," I deadpanned. 
"Maybe it's you then. Thought I saw your tampon wrappers in the bin last week, but who knows where you're really going when you head off to this 'work' place? Did you just find out? Do you need me to help you raise it?" he joked, putting his hand on my stomach. 
"Kinda hard to be pregnant when you're a virgin," Alisha mumbled and caught my attention before I had the chance to tell Nathan to fuck off. 
"What?!" Nathan turned around to look at her. 
"Nothing!" Alisha responded. 
"Did she just say you're a virgin?" Nathan asked with a laugh. I panicked. 
"Yeah, cheers, Alisha," I spat out, trying not to cry.
"He was being a prick, what was I supposed to say?!" She said. 
"Nothing! You were supposed to say nothing!" I ran off towards the community center. 
I grabbed my bag out of my locker and then locked myself in a toilet cubicle with it. I got out the small amount of weed I kept on me and rolled a joint because, shit, I needed it. I smoked my joint and held my bag close to me. 
"Mel, are you in here, love?" Nathan asked as he opened the door to the toilets. 
My heart fluttered at him calling me love, but I still didn't want to talk to him. 
"No," I said. 
"So that's someone else's smoke coming out of that middle cubicle then?" 
"You know it's not a big deal, you being a virgin and all," he said. 
"Obviously it is or you wouldn't be making jokes about it all the time. Using it as an insult towards Simon and that," I said, hugging my bag close to me. 
"Well that's what they are, isn't it? Just jokes. I do have to ask though, are you really a virgin or are you one of those Catholic girls that takes it up the arse to keep their purity? Because I can work with that. I've been dreamin' about your fanny, but I'm really not that picky," he said. 
I groaned, "No, I've not had it up the arse, and I don't plan on startin' now" 
"Hey, don't knock it til you try it. I was with this one girl, yeah, my cock in her arse, my fingers in her cunt, she was having a well good time." I hit my head against the cubicle wall and took a long drag from my splif, the last thing I wanted was a reminder of how he's been with more experienced and adventurous girls. Didn't necessarily sound like a bad time though… no, that's not what we're focused on right now. 
"Yeah, I didn't need to know that," I said. 
"So have you done like anything? I know you've got that removable shower head, I kind of took you for a kinky one. Guess I was wrong about that." Why did I have to be having this conversation in the toilets at the community center? I could just say "none of your business" and tell him to fuck off, but it would just come up again. 
"If blowing dudes in the toilets of clubs counts as anything, then yeah I'd guess you could say I've done stuff," I scoffed. 
"Holy shit! I knew I was right!.. how'd you go about doing that and not get a shag out of it?" 
"I don't know. It was usually just one and done. I told myself it wasn't really sex, so I wouldn't feel weird about it. I didn't like myself very much, and I liked giving head, so…" 
"So? Why haven't you given me any?" He asked with a laugh. 
"That was a long time ago… besides it's probably because I actually like you," I admitted. 
"How does that make sense?" 
"I like how things are between us. I just… men and boys have continued to either ignore me or fuck me over, and I don't want you to leave. I don't want to find out you're just trying to screw the mental girl for a bet or that all those late-night conversations meant nothing to you." 
"Can you open the door?" he asked. 
"My eye make-up's run down my face. I probably look ridiculous. And I left my face wipes in my locker; I've only got antibacterial ones in my bag." 
"Please, just let me see you," he said, walking closer to the door. 
I silently unlocked the door, and he pushed it open. I stood up to face him. He put his hand against my face and ran his thumb across my cheekbone while smiling at me. My ears and my chest went hot. I wanna kiss him. I really want to kiss him. I stood up on my tiptoes and shoved my face into his, crashing our noses together, almost missing his lips in what some might call a kiss. 
"Whoa!" he exclaimed as I almost sent him toppling backward. 
I landed back on my heels and looked down at my feet, "sorry." 
"Wanna try that again?" he asked. I looked back up at him and nodded. He took my face in his hands and leaned into me, kissing me softly. It was sweet and gentle. It seemed to be a part of him that he usually didn't show. 
When we pulled away, he smiled at me, but then looked anywhere but my eyes. 
He leaned against the door frame of the toilet cubicle, "Can I have some of that?" 
"Oh," I'd forgotten about the joint between my fingers, "sure." I handed it to him. 
He took a hit and then shook his head, "you know you're the only person who's ever given a shit about me." He still refused to look at me, "so I really don't plan on goin' anywhere. Not that I'd have anywhere to go in the first place. I guess I never thanked you for giving me a place to stay." 
I shrugged, "it was the right thing to do." 
"But it's not, is it? My mum thought the right thing to do was to kick me out since I kept fucking up her love life. Other people don't care like you do," he said, finally looking at me again. 
"I thought caring was a bad thing," I smirked. 
"It is… or I thought it was… caring what people think about ye, caring about the wrong people, but I don't want to be the wrong person. I want to be there for you," he looked away again. 
"You have been there for me," I said. 
"Yeah, but I want t'keep being there, you know, like…" 
"Forever?" I said with a smirk. 
"Forever?," he scoffed, "I've never been with a girl longer than a month." 
"As far as I can tell, I've been accidentally falling asleep next to you for over a month," I said. 
"You were just tired, though, it's not like we were fucking. You don't want to shag, you don't want to be with me. It's alright, no hard feelings," he said, staring at the ground. 
I took his hand, "I do. Fuck, I really do," I let out an awkward laugh, "I've had dirty thoughts about you since the first week of community service." 
He looked up at me and blinked a few times, "I'm sorry? You said 'you,' like me 'you,?" He pointed to himself, "Like you, Melanie Albright," he pointed to me, "have fantasized about having sex or similar activities with me, Nathan Young," he pointed back to himself, "swear on the bible, the truth and nothing but the truth?" 
I laughed, "I didn't even know you knew my last name." 
"I know lots of things about you. I listen! Don't change the subject, we were talking about me and you having sex, fuckin, shaggin, doin the dirty, p in v, kapow! You didn't answer my question!" 
I kept laughing, "Yeah, I swear. Kapow." 
"I thought you didn't want to because you knew about the old woman. Y'know, damaged goods and all that…" Oh. Oh no. Poor thing. I'd honestly forgotten about her. 
"No," I said, looking into his eyes, "I'd never think that about anyone… least of all you… I fancy you. A lot. I thought that much was obvious." 
He paused for a moment. "Well, yeah, of course, you do. Look at me, I'm flawless!" I smirked and shook my head. 
"So you gonna let me be your first then?" He asked, raising his eyebrows and biting his lip. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I had definitely felt the pressure to go ahead and get it on with the last few years, but I didn't want to hop into bed with the first lad that gave me any sort of attention. Nathan was fun and cute, and I liked him. And I guess he really did like me too. Maybe I didn't have to be so afraid. 
I nodded, "Yeah, alright, why not?" 
"You won't regret this. I'll make sure it's the best night of your life. That is… unless you wanna go right here, right now." 
I widened my eyes, "Tempting." 
"Probably not, though. Don't want the probation worker to come find us while I'm balls deep, and you're seconds away from your first orgasm." 
I scoffed, "just because I haven't had a cock in my cunt doesn't mean I've never had an orgasm, dickhead." 
"Your first orgasm from my cock then. It'll be better than all the rest. Swear," he said, giving me a cheeky grin. 
"You have no idea what these hands are capable of," I said, waving my hands in front of his face. 
"Maybe I'd like to find out." 
"Maybe you will." I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. 
He put his hand on my shoulder, "Maybe staying in here wasn't such a bad idea." 
"We're supposed to be doing our community service. Besides, I gotta get this shit off my face." 
"You do look kind of scary." He followed me out of the toilets and into the main area of the locker room. I threw my bag into my locker, pulled out some makeup wipes, and started wiping away my mess of a face. I can't believe he kissed me while I look like this. Christ. 
"Why d'ye put all this shit on your face anyway? You look better without it," he said, leaning up against the lockers, finishing the joint that should've been done already. 
"How else will everyone know how punk rock I am?" And the societal pressure and fear of being seen as very ugly, but I didn't want to get into that. 
"When I look at you, I really don't get 'punk rock,' more like adorable baby raccoon," he said. 
"Baby raccoons are punk rock," I said as I threw away the makeup wipes. 
He tilted his head at me, "okay." He flicked the now dead roach of the joint onto the ground. 
"We pick up litter all day long, just for you to do that," I said, "there's a bin. Right. There." 
"If you care so much, you pick it up," he responded. 
"I honestly can't be bothered," I kicked it under the lockers, "Guess we should go repay our debts to society." I put my hand out and he took it. We walked out of the locker room, holding hands. It was sweet and innocent, and it filled me with joy. 
"I feel like I want to say something, but I don't know what to say," he said. 
"The great Nathan Young is at a loss for words?" I smirked at him, "That's new." 
"It's you, making me all stupid," he said. 
I chuckled, "I'm not the reason you're stupid." 
"You know what I mean," he said. 
"Do I?" We stopped outside of the community center, close enough to see the others, but not joining them yet. 
"Yeah, you being pretty and stuff, lookin at me like I'm worth something. It's doing my head in," he said. 
"You are worth something. You're worth lots of somethings," I took his hand to my mouth and kissed it. 
"You're doing it again. Stop it," he said but didn't pull his hand away. 
I let go of his hand and brought my arms around him, "Why should I stop?" 
He sighed and put his head on my shoulder, "Commitment's never really been my thing, but I think it'd fuck me up if you were with anyone else." 
I squeezed him a little tighter, "I don't want to be with anyone else. I want to be with you. I wanna… I wanna be more than mates." 
We pulled apart, and he smiled at me, "Oh… well, it's sorted then." 
"What is?" 
"Us," he said, grabbing my hand and placing a kiss on my head. 
We rejoined the others, and they were uncharacteristically quiet. We were silently scrubbing graffiti for about a minute and a half before Alisha spoke up. 
"We're all thinking it, mine as well ask. Did you two just shag in the community center?" 
"And what if we did?" Nathan said, "Is that a problem?" 
I spoke up before anyone else could respond, "We didn't. We just… talked." 
"Yeah, I'll believe that," Curtis said. 
"She's right. We're savin' the shaggin' for tonight. We've still got many, many miserable weeks of this boring shit. Plenty of time to shag in the toilets of the community center… and the storerooms… and the locker room… and the roof," he said. 
"Are you done?" Curtis responded. 
"You sure about him?" Alisha asked me. 
"Course she is! What's there not to be sure about?" Nathan said as he threw his arm around me. 
I smiled at him, "Yeah, I think I'm sure." 
At the end of the day, I was back at the ole chip shop much to the dismay of Nathan. I left him at the flat after about five minutes of him persistently begging that my job was really not that important and that I should stay home with him. It was a compelling argument, but, like most things, capitalism won the debate. It felt like the longest four hours of my entire life, but it was eventually over, and I was headed back home.  
I could hear my heart in my ears as I went to unlock the door to the flat. This is it then. It was a miracle that I hadn't had any work accidents because all I could do the whole time was think about him. I really hoped none of my coworkers had Kelly's power because I kept thinking about Nathan being naked and how it might feel when he's inside of me. I'd seen him in his underwear many times, and I would be lying if I said I never glanced at his bulge, but I'd never seen his cock out and to full glory. I was excited. But also nervous. I'd read every Cosmo article, every blog post, I knew it probably wasn't going to hurt, it wasn't like I'd never had anything up there. It wasn't going to bleed unless my period decided to start. I had the sexual experience just without the actual cock. My vagina was most likely going to be fine. Hopefully more than fine. But there were other things to worry about. What if he didn't like my body? What if I did something wrong? Shit, maybe I should wait until I can talk to the girls and not go all the way. I'm sure he'd understand if I wanted to wait for a little bit. But I don't want to wait, I'm horny as hell. But what if I'm shit? What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to look? What do I do with my arms? What do I do with my legs? Oh my god, I'm freaking out. 
I took a deep breath and went inside. 
Nathan was standing not far from the door in some black boxer briefs with a blanket thrown over his shoulders. 
"Welcome home," he said. 
"Hey," I smiled. 
He walked up to me to the point where there were only a few centimeters between us, "Hi." He brought his arms around and pulled me into a deep kiss. God, I loved kissing him. 
"So are we still doing this?" He asked. 
I nodded, "Yeah. I bought condoms. They're in my bag." 
"Thought you were on the pill?" 
"I'm nervous enough. I didn't want to chance anything," I explained, "sorry if you're disappointed." 
He shook his head; "Don't worry about that. You better not be nervous about us fucking though because I'm going to be gentle but I'm also going to make sure you're absolutely sopping wet. With my own personal lubricant." He flicked his tongue at me. 
"Oh really?" I said, tugging on the blanket to bring him back down to be face to face me, "what are we waiting for then?" 
Our mouths quickly collided as we started to snog. He lifted me up before setting me down on the sofa bed in the middle of the room and climbing on top of me. 
"Can I touch you or are you going to push me away again?" he asked. 
"Touch me. Please," I practically moaned.  He smiled before bringing his mouth back to mine. His hand found my breast, and I started to moan into his mouth. 
His lips hovered above mine as he said, "Seems a little unfair that I'm the only one half-naked here." We sat up as I let him remove my shirt, and I shimmied out of my jeans. 
"Better?" I asked. 
"Much," he said as he brought both his hands over my breasts before bringing his arms around me to unhook my bra. 
"Ah, they're gorgeous," he said. He put his face in between them and then placed a kiss on each one. I brought my arms around him and pulled him down so that we were lying down again. We were on our sides facing each other. We started to kiss again, tongues and all, when I felt him start feeling me up over my knickers. I gasped as he pushed them to the side and slipped a finger inside me. 
"Does that feel okay?" He asked as he curled it inside me. 
"More," I breathed out. He brought another finger inside and his thumb found my clit. We were moaning into each other's mouths as my hand rubbed and squeezed at his growing erection in his underwear. He continued to fuck me with his fingers as I felt the pleasure build inside of me. My whole body felt warm. I inadvertently pulled away from our kiss. My toes curled up, and I let out a loud moan. 
Nathan slowed his fingers as I caught my release. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me. 
"Did you just have an orgasm?" He asked. 
I bit my lip and nodded. He removed his fingers and brought them into his mouth. I stared at him in arousal as he licked them off. 
"Oh there's more where that came from," he threw his leg over me, getting on top of me. He kissed me on the lips before kissing down my chest and stomach. He pulled my knickers off of me. Oh shit, this is really happening.  Nobody had given me oral before either. He put my left leg over his shoulder and licked down my pussy. 
Oh, that feels different. Oh, that feels really different. Oh my god, he's putting his tongue inside my —
"Nathan, holy fuck!" I brought my hands into his hair. He moaned into my groin as I started tugging the longer it went on.  I couldn’t tell what was being sucked, licked or kissed, I just knew it felt really good. I arched my back and squeezed my thighs against his head. I let another orgasm roll through my body. He placed two small kisses on my inner thighs before crawling up to meet my face. He kissed me, allowing me to taste myself. 
He sat up on his knees, "So are you ready to meet the beast?" 
I let out a chuckle before grabbing his underwear and yanking them down, his cock springing out before me. Nice. I bit my lip and stared at it. 
"What do you think? Is it exactly how you dreamed it?" he said, thrusting his hips towards me. 
"Exceeds expectations, m'dear. I think it's beautiful," I grinned at him. 
"Hm, never heard that one before." 
I took his dick into my hand and pumped it a couple of times. He sighed as I let go. 
"Do you wanna go to my room?" I asked. 
“Sure, I guess,” he responded. 
I went over to my bag to grab the condoms I bought. 
  "I like this angle," Nathan said while I was bent over. I shook my arse at him for good measure. 
I took his hand and pulled him into my bedroom. I pushed him back on the bed. 
"Can I suck your cock? I want it in my mouth." His eyes widened, and he nodded eagerly. I crawled up next to him on my knees and elbows and licked down his shaft. He let out a high pitched moan. I took the head into my mouth and licked across the slit. He was just as mouthy with his moans as he was with his talking. But I liked it. I took the whole shaft into my mouth trying to find the happy medium between impressing him and not throwing up on him. I took his balls into my hand to fondle him. 
"Oh, Jaysus, fucking hell." I think it worked. I hollowed out my cheeks and bobbed my head up and down his cock for a few times before he stopped me. 
"Okayokayokayokayokay, you're gonna need to stop that if you want my spunk in that condom and not down your throat right now. I've been workin on my edging, but Jesus Christ, you're too good at that." I pulled away from his cock with a smirk on my face. Very proud of myself. I brought my mouth to his in an open mouth kiss. 
He found his way in between my legs, and I handed him the condom. 
"Moment of silence for your virginity," he said as he held up the condom, "alright, moment's over." I watched him open the condom and put it on. Any sense of nerves had been replaced with excitement, lust, and admiration. 
"Are you ready?" he asked. 
"Ready as I'll ever be," I smiled at him. 
He pushed his cock into me and started thrusting at a slow and steady pace. It was pleasant and felt good, and I really liked kissing him while doing it, but then I decided to get a little bold. 
"Can you fuck me with your cock like you did with your fingers? Y'know, faster, harder," I said into his ear. 
He pulled back from me a little bit to face me, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" 
I brought my hands from where they were on his back into his hair, "I'm not as fragile as you think," I said, giving his curls a tug. 
He slipped out of me while getting back up on his knees, "If you want me to bring out the moves, I'll bring out the moves." He pulled my legs up under his arms, having them at an angle before pressing his cock back into me, fucking me rougher than before. I was shaken by the almost overwhelming sensation of his cock hitting my g-spot over and over. 
As his thrusts got sloppier and less deliberate, he brought his fingers over my clit to rub it intensely. It didn't take long before my entire body felt like it was going to explode. My hands were balled up into fists, my face was scrunched up, as it felt like my body just wouldn't let me catch a release. 
Finally, everything let go, and it felt fucking amazing. And I'm sure it would have been better if it wasn't immediately followed by a giant BOOM and then total darkness. 
Nathan yelped and threw his arms around me before he started laughing. 
"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed. 
Nathan didn't stop laughing, "You." 
"What do you mean me?" 
"Did you not see the fucking blinding lights that just exploded from your hands? I was surprised it didn't hit me," he said, finally not laughing at me anymore. 
"I might've been a little distracted," I admitted. 
"Yeah, I bet you were," he said before placing kisses on my chest where his face was. He began to thrust into me once more. His cock hadn't left my body despite the lightning mishap. He moved his body, and my lips found whatever flesh was in front of me as he continued to fuck me. It wasn't long before he was filling the condom inside of me and collapsing on top of me. He pressed a kiss to the side of my face before he pulled out of me. 
"Ah, shit, now I can't see to get this thing off," he said. I reached out to blindly rummage through the bedside drawer and pulled out a small torch. He sat up, and I turned it on. 
"Agh, my eyes!" 
"Oops." I noticed a purple mark near his adam's apple. "Speaking of oops… I might've marked you up a little bit." He pulled off the condom, tied it off, and threw it in the bin. 
"Maybe, I should get you back then," he said before launching onto me and placing small lovebites across the top of my breasts. He rolled over to lay next to me, and I sat the torch on the bedside table. It illuminated the room just enough for us to see each other. 
I laid my head on his chest and brought my arms around him, "Tonight was kind of amazing." 
"I just wanted you to have a good first time," he said, running his fingers down my back, "I'll go back to being lazy and shit tomorrow." 
"Oh, we're shagging tomorrow, are we?" I said, looking at him with a stupid smirk on my face. 
"Yeah, we're together now, and you're obviously obsessed with me, so why shouldn't we?" 
I kissed him on the cheek, "you really want me to be your girlfriend?" 
He brought his arm around me, holding me close to him, "Keep sucking my dick like that, and I'll let you be my fucking wife. I'll use my dick as dowry because you seemed to enjoy it." 
I laughed, "you do know the dowry is given to the man, right?" 
"Well, we'll just have to change the rules then, won't we?" He said with a smile. 
I kissed him and held him tightly. We laid like that for a while before he reached over to turn the torch off. 
"Can you leave it on and just turn it the other way? The dark makes me claustrophobic," I said. He did what I said, but he couldn't let it go without taking the piss. 
"Are you telling me this whole time I've been wanking over a virgin that's scared of the dark? Now, that's just sad!" 
I rolled my eyes at him, "Well, I've been wanking over an insufferable twat, so I guess we've fallen on hard times." 
"Really? Who?" 
"You, bitch!" I said before kissing him. 
"Hey, words hurt, y'know," he added when we pulled away, "... Have you really been wanking over me?" 
I pulled the duvet over us and laid my head back down on his chest, "Go to sleep." 
"I need to know," he said softly. I brought my legs around his leg that was closest to me and quickly fell asleep in his arms. 
I groaned at the annoying beeping of my cell alarm in the morning. The first thing I noticed was that our bodies were practically stuck together from sweat, but I didn't really mind. The second thing I noticed was Nathan's hard cock pressed up against my leg. I also didn't really mind. I tried to sit up, but he pulled me back down. 
"Five more minutes," he grumbled before lazily kissing my forehead. 
"At least let me snooze the alarm," I said. 
"No, five more minutes," he responded and held me close to him. I shifted my body and rubbed my ass up against him. 
"Maybe ten minutes," he said and brought his hand down to my breast. 
"You know, last night, I never said that I didn't want you to cum down my throat," I said as I grinded against him. 
"Oh, really?" He responded, "I think I could manage that." 
I finally hopped off the bed to turn off that horrid alarm before joining him back in bed. We didn't need ten minutes. 
Sooner or later, we were back at the community center once again. 
"The power's out," Kelly said, flipping the switch on the wall a few times. Yeah, oops. 
"It's out across the entire estate. They don't know what's caused it," Alisha replied. The entire estate? 
"I might know," Nathan spoke up. Oh, Jesus. I should stop him. Should I stop him? 
"So we're shagging, yeah?" Too late now. He started thrusting his hips and holding his hands out in front of him. I should have known this would happen. I hid my face in my hands. 
"How is that relevant?" Curtis interrupted. 
"Shh, you'll see," he said, "anyway, we're fucking, she's lovin it," he added in some moans. "I'm all up in there. Fingers all up over her bean, y'know, making sure I please my woman. And she's tensing up, and I'm real close myself, so I'm like aw yeah baby let it go and then BAM POW absolute lightning strike! Literally! And then the power was gone. So I'm guessing that's my power. Sex God." We all started laughing. 
"Is that true?" Kelly asked. 
"For the most part, yeah. Probably not the bit about being a sex god, though. I'm really not that hard to please," I said. 
"That's one of the things I like about you," Nathan responded, "but then maybe I need to try it out on someone else, ladies?" He held his arms out, and everyone in the room had some form of an unimpressed look on their face. 
"Really?" I said, glaring at him. 
"Calm down. I was only joking," he said, throwing his arm around me. 
The power did eventually come back, and we were back in the locker rooms getting ready. 
"Is that a lovebite?" Curtis asked Nathan as he was leaving the locker room, "What are you, like, a fourteen-year-old girl?" 
"You're just jealous, man," Nathan responded. 
"Why would I be jealous of you?" Curtis said back. 
"Because I can actually have sex with my girlfriend," Nathan wiggled his eyebrows at him, and I tried not to laugh. 
"At least my girlfriend has standards," Curtis shot back. Rude but fair. 
Nathan pulled me close to him and started kissing me, moaning loudly for dramatic effect and grabbing my arse. 
"Oh, what's that? I can't hear you over the sounds of me kissing my beautiful girlfriend!" 
 Maybe I should've been embarrassed or annoyed, but I was happy. Extremely happy. I was finally with someone who wasn't ashamed of me. I was around people who I genuinely thought of as friends. For the first time in my life, I felt normal. And all it took was gaining superpowers, murdering a probation worker, and letting a homeless delinquent stay with me.
Next Chapter
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bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
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Community Blowback Masterlist
Fandom: Misfits, Nathan Young x Original Character
Summary: When Mel Albright, a low-life stoner with a heart of gold, ends up on community service, she assumes it’s just another thing in a line of mishaps that is her life. Will the aftermath of a freak storm and the help of a green eyed idiot show her that maybe things being fucked up aren’t always that bad after all?
Chapter One: New Day New Bullshit 
Chapter Two: Questionable Decisions and Stupid Feelings 
Chapter Three: Several Problems
Chapter Four: Home
Moments Taking Place Between Chapters Four and Five
Chapter Five: Kapow!
Chapter Six: Improper Parenting
Chapter Seven: The Calm Before the Storm
Chapter Eight: My Dignity Died With My Boyfriend 
Chapter Nine: Didn't Know What To Do Without You
Chapter Ten: Mental 
Mel Albright character sheet | other work | comission of Nathan and Mel done by @applefuell
75 notes · View notes
bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
Community Blowback
Fandom: Misfits, Nathan Young x Original Character 
Summary: When Mel Albright, a low-life stoner with a heart of gold, ends up on community service, she assumes it’s just another thing in a line of mishaps that is her life. Will the aftermath of a freak storm and the help of a green eyed idiot show her that maybe things being fucked up aren’t always that bad after all?
- Follows the events of the e4 show, Misfits, with slight cannon divergence. 
A/N: Completely different OC than the one from the piece I posted the other day. Mel is my main OC that I love, and I wanted to start writing some one-shots to post about her and Nathan, and I wasn’t sure how to introduce her, so I went ahead and posted my baby. Enjoy! (special thanks to @seanfalco for being my first reader and always supporting me 😭) 
Chapter One: New Day, New Bullshit 
Word Count: 5.1k 
Warnings: none in addition to canon compliant ones such as blood, death, drug use, and offensive humor. all of my writing is probably going to have swearing in it. 
Bullshit. Total Bullshit. My mum fucks up my entire childhood, and I’m the one with the criminal record for trying to protect her. Great. Just fantastic. I thought as I swung open the door to the community center. Fucking community service, taking up my time, that I could be doing literally anything other than this.  
There was only one other person there, a boy with short brown hair and blue eyes, sitting by himself, motioning his phone around the room. I plopped down in a chair on the opposite side of the lobby near a vending machine. Another boy entered the room. He looked vaguely familiar. Maybe I'd gone to school with him or something. Two more girls showed up, and soon after a large man wearing a name badge left the office. 
"I'm Tony, and I'll be-" the door swung open, "Sorry I'm late!" an Irish accent bounced against the walls of the community center and we all turned to look towards who it came from. Pretty Cute. was my first thought. Hair full of curls. Lanky build. Yeah, he was cute, but so was the other guy. After I'd decided I didn't know if I knew the other guy or not, I did decide he was pretty hot. Very nice muscles. None of them were ugly, not even the one sitting by himself. I knew what it was like to be a loner, so I figured if I had a chance with any of them it'd probably be him. Wait why am I thinking about this? Everyone here has a criminal record. Just stop. I cursed my dumb brain and it's stupid way of assessing people. I had no problem developing crushes, but I'd never do anything about them. Probably best in this situation. I didn't know what any of them had done. 
"Anyway," Tony continued, "I'm going to b-" the door aggressively whipped open as another guy came in. Not near as chipper as the other one. Tony balled his fists, seeming like he didn't like being interrupted, "You know what, when I call your name just come get your jumpsuit. If it's too small, I'll try to find another one. If it's too big, deal with it!" 
I made a mental note of their names: Gary, Kelly, Simon, Alisha, Curtis, and Nathan.
 He told us where the locker room was and we all filed in. I wasn't crazy about the fact the room was unisex, but I had an undershirt on, it was fine. I had just about buttoned it as much as I wanted it when a weird squeaking sound came from behind me. 
"What are you doing that for?" a particularly chavish, northern accent said. 
"Just for a bit of a laugh," the Irish one, Nathan, responded. I turned and saw he scribbled the pay out of "community payback" and turned it into "community blowback" with a little smiley face in the o. I thought the smiley face was a nice touch. If they didn't want young offenders vandalizing their uniforms, they probably shouldn't have left magic markers lying around. 
   I followed the others outside and leaned up against the railing as the probation worker went on about making a difference and being worth something. Waste of my fucking time. I was staring off into space when a phone rang and brought my attention back to the group. The probation worker tried to continue as Alisha kept talking on her phone. Then chaos ensued as everyone talked over each other, and right after that a fight tried to break out as the probation worker separated Gary, who seriously had some anger management issues from Nathan, the cheeky one who kept taking the piss. Nathan was throwing his arms around like an idiot, while Gary looked like he could probably kill him. The probation worker, Tony, somehow got Gary to calm down and instructed us to grab some paint and cover up the ugly, vandalized benches.
 I found my way to the middle bench with Kelly the one with the accent from earlier, and Nathan. At least he was nice to look at, and I wasn’t too keen on being too near Gary. I thought about joining Alisha and Curtis. Curtis made it vocal earlier that he didn't deserve to be here. I’d have that in common with him, but I saw the way she was looking at him. I hadn’t had her figured out yet, so I didn’t want to barge in on her territory. 
Not five minutes in, Gary ended up kicking a paint can into the water and leaving the area after he kicked a shopping cart too. With him gone, I moved over to the bench with the only other person who wasn’t running their mouth earlier, Simon. If he kept it that way, we’d get along fine. 
“Lemme guess, shoplifting,” Nathan began to bother Kelly, “no?” 
“Don’t act like you know me cos you don’t,” she responded. 
“I’m just making conversation,” he said, then going on some spiel about networking with young offenders, “C’mon what’d you do?” He asked her. I kept my eyes on the bench, but I couldn’t help but overhear. I was kind of curious of how everyone ended up here, but it wasn’t my business, so I wasn’t about to go around asking. 
“A girl called me a slag so I got in a fight,” she said. Typical. 
“Was this on the Jeremy Kyle show?” He asked and I snickered, hoping nobody noticed. 
“No, it was at Argos.”
“Argos… You know what you should’ve done is get one of those little pens they have and jabbed it in her eye.” He responded. 
“What about you, weird kid?” He said and I looked up. It took me a second to realize he wasn’t referring to me but the boy next to me. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like a panty-sniffer.” Jesus. I went back to focusing on the bench. 
“I’m not a panty-sniffer. I’m not a pervert,” Simon said. Nathan starting making weird noises, so I looked to see him pretending to wank off the paint brush. Any sense of attraction I had from his looks disappeared. 
“I tried to burn someone’s house down!” Simon responded to the teasing, and Nathan let out a high pitched ‘fuuu.’ I laughed.  
“What?” He directed at me, “You burn someone’s house down too? I haven’t heard a peep out of you. Maybe you’re the panty-sniffer.” 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “No… I kneed my mother’s husband in the bollocks because I didn’t like how he treated her. Don’t let yourself be next.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Alright, alright, Jaysus.” He walked back over to his bench. 
“What did you do?” Kelly asked. 
“Me? I was done for eating some pick n mix,” he responded. 
“Bollocks” she said. Yeah probably, but again, it really wasn’t anyone’s business. 
I looked up at the sky as the thunder started to roll, a dark cloud approaching. 
“What is going on with this weather?” Nathan asked. To who? I don't know. I was starting to believe he just liked to hear himself speak. The probation worker showed back up and started questioning how we screwed up painting benches. 
“It wasn’t us,” I started, “It w-" I screamed as I got cut off by a giant piece of ice destroying the car behind him. 
“That’s my car,” Tony said in disbelief. 
“Ha classic,” Nathan said before another giant piece of hail flew into the water, not five feet from my head. 
“SHIT,” I yelled. 
“Alright, I’m a little bit freaked out!” A complete change in attitude out of Nathan.  
“What is that?!” Alisha motioned towards the sky while Simon filmed it with his cellphone. I looked and the cloud from earlier had doubled or tripled in size and gotten much darker. Another piece of ice exploded a dumpster.
“What is going on here? Move!” 
And so we ran with great panic to get inside, many things being destroyed around us. Hail was pelting us as it poured down. When we finally got to the door, of course it was locked. We were all screaming at the probation worker to get it open, and then snapped when Alisha yelled, "Open the fucking door!” 
“DON’T speak to me like that!” 
And then everything went wonky. All of us flew into the air, screaming. I felt a zap through my body, and then we were on the ground again on our backs. Not dead. Surprisingly. 
“I feel really weird,” Kelly said. I nodded in agreement. 
“That’ll be the lightnin,” Curtis responded. 
“A little reassurance might be nice, y’know, you’re fine, lookin good,” Nathan said. Yeah, he was never going to shut up I decided. Then the probation worker mumbled something that sounded vaguely like ‘wanker.’ 
“Did he just call me a wanker? Hey?! Hello!” Nathan continued, being his annoying self. 
“Is everyone alright?” Tony said, seeming a little bit more normal than a second ago but not by much. 
“We could’ve died you dick,” said Alisha. 
“Are you alright?” Kelly said, “You’re actin like a freak.” She wasn’t wrong. 
“Maybe we should call it a day,” he said. Gladly. I was more than ready to go home and nurse the headache that was beginning to form. 
I rubbed my eyes, walking up to the community center. Agreeing to take closing at work because of community service may have been a bad idea, but it wasn’t like I had a ton of options. Opening my eyes back up, I noticed big red letters graffitied onto the community center. As I got closer they read clearer 
“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” Oh great. What a lovely good morning message. I stood up against the wall while Alisha stared at her phone. 
“This is a joke. Did one of you do this?” Curtis accused. 
“Don’t look at me cos I didn’t do it,” Kelly answered. Nathan wandered up to the group, “I’ll tell you who did it. It’s that Banksy prick. It has a hidden meaning. It’s like that monkey policeman with the banana and a Tesco’s bag.” What? 
“Maybe someone wants to kill us,” Simon added. 
“And why would anyone want to kill us,” Kelly responded, pretty much voicing my thoughts. 
The probation worker showed up, made a stupid joke, then Alisha’s phone rang. 
“Right! That’s it! All of you give me your phones!” I was starting to believe Tony’s anger problems rivaled Gary’s, and then I noticed Gary wasn’t there. Whatever. Not my problem. 
“Are you allowed to take our phones?” Alisha asked before he snatched them up. I was wondering the same thing. I was already in shit with work for having to cut my hours in half, what if they needed to ask me to come in that night? The last thing I needed was more shit from my coworkers. The anti-social behavior part wasn’t the problem, it was the fact that my mother took me to fucking court. I reluctantly gave him my phone anyway. 
We walked back to the locker room to get changed. 
“Is he allowed to take our phones?” Nathan started, “He’s probably using them to call one of them sex lines.” 
“Those sex lines will eat your credit,” Curtis responded. 
“Call those a lot, do you?” Alisha joked. I think. 
“He’s out there filming himself, on our phones, naked, masturbatin,” Nathan said, coming up with another scenario. 
“If he is, you figure I could upload it to one of those sites and get some money off it?” I said. 
“Of course not. That’s the thing about girls, man,” he said, turning towards Curtis, “they don’t get it. Nobody’s gonna pay for porn when it’s just out there for free. ‘Specially not of some big ole probation worker working his cock outside a community center.” 
Curtis shook his head, “You know people do get money for that stuff? Why do you think there’s adverts all over the site?” 
“Whatever. I just know we’d never see any of it,” Nathan responded. 
“At least I could get a lawsuit out of it,” I mumbled. 
“Now you’re talking,” he said, raising his eyebrows and putting his hand on my arm. His bare chest was still out. Yeah, he’s still cute. Possibly. Maybe. 
"What was your name again?" He asked. 
"Mel," I responded. 
"As in Brooks?" He joked. I rolled my eyes. 
"As in Melanie, thanks," I squinted at him. 
"Riiiight," he said, continuing to get dressed. 
“D’ya want some of this?” Alisha asked Curtis, motioning the joint in between her fingers at him. 
“No, I’m good,” he responded. 
“You?” She gestured to me. 
“Yeah,” I took it from her and took a good long drag and leaned up against the lockers with my eyes closed as I blew it out. I’d need more than this to get me through the day, but at least it was something. 
I opened my eyes as I felt someone take it from my fingers and saw Nathan smoking it in front of me. 
“Hey! I wasn’t done with that,” I sneered at him. 
“If you want it, come and get it!” He said as he ran out of the locker room. What the hell? I chased him and he finished the joint and threw it over his shoulder. 
Alisha and Curtis shamelessly flirted as I tried to scrub the letters. I was kind of perturbed by the fact that Alisha wasn’t doing shit, but she had a point. This wasn’t coming off anytime soon, and the job felt kind of pointless. 
“You know after the storm? Did any of you’s feel like dead weird?” Kelly asked the group. I mean yeah, I thought, looking back towards the letters while Nathan said some dumb bullshit. We all did, right? But then things were fine at work. I looked up to see Kelly looking at me. Why is she looking at me? 
She quickly turned to Simon, “What did you feel weird?” She asked him. 
“What you don’t want to hear about my anus?!” Nathan responded. 
“Do you really need to ask a question?” Curtis snapped back at him. Nathan gave him a stupid little grin that was really cute. No, not cute. Kind of cute? 
“Something happened,” Simon started. 
“What’s that? Squeak up!” Nathan teased. Not cute. Wanker. 
I went back to scrubbing and ignored the rest of them until Nathan fell into me after Kelly pushed him and the water from the bucket got all over my lower half. Yeah, he deserved a shove but not at my expense. 
“What was that for?!” Nathan exclaimed as Kelly stormed off. 
“You want me to help you dry off?” He said to me, glancing down my body, before I shoved him back the other way and went to sit on the other side of the table where Alisha was. 
“What’s with all the pushin?! Jesus.” 
We eventually went back inside after the unanimous decision that that shit wasn’t coming off. I went back into the locker room to find my box of cigarettes. Alisha took to the mirror. It seemed like she did that a lot. She reapplied her lip gloss, “Curtis is well fit, yeah?” She asked/told me. 
I shrugged, “Yeah, I guess.” I mean he was, but I wasn’t totally thrilled to be having that conversation. 
“You guess? What’s that supposed to mean?” She half laughed, “He totally wants to shag me,” she said. What am I supposed to say to that? I took a couple cigs out of the box and lit one and put the other in my pocket. I’m gonna have to smoke this whole box to get through the day... but I won’t, I thought as I put it back in my locker. I hesitated before putting them back up. I smoked both of the cigarettes before throwing my lighter in my pocket and leaving the locker room to see Nathan absolutely assaulting a vending machine. 
“D’ya need 50p because I’ve got it if you want it?,” I told him sitting down on the weird blue seats on the other side of the little hallway. 
“No, I’ve got it… got it, yeah!” He said. “Two for one,” he offered me the other one, and I took it. Peace offering for stealing that joint from me this morning. Even though it wasn’t mine to begin with. 
Nathan and Alisha started ganging up on Curtis, and I laid down against the seat, trying to ignore them. I jumped as Curtis launched himself at Nathan. I sat up. Day two and he’s already almost got his arse kicked twice. Maybe I should keep count. Curtis backed off and I opened my cola. 
“D’ya wanna know what I got done for?” Alisha asked. 
“Not really,” Nathan responded. Alisha shot him a look and told us anyway. 
She launched into some story about a party that I couldn’t care about. 
“That’s when the police pull us over… I’m already banned from driving, so I am like fuuuck,” she continues. “This cop, yeah,” she raises her water bottle towards her mouth. I have no idea where she’s going with this, “he hands me the breathalyzer and I’m like ‘Do I suck… or blow?.” Never mind, I know exactly where she’s going with this. She immediately starts licking the bottle, mimicking felatio. Bringing it in her mouth, in and out around her lips. I put my head in my hands at her little show. I glance back up, and she’s still going. I turn to look at the guy’s faces, and it’s kind of hilarious with all of their jaws dropped. I bit my lip to not let out a laugh and then sipped my soda. Part of me wished I had her confidence. 
“Now I don’t know if this cop is gay or what,” she continues her story, after taking the bottle out of her mouth, “but he tells me I’m four times over the limit. It’s bullshit. I didn’t even wanna go to the party.” 
The door swung open, and I sat up on my knees to look over the top of the seat. I saw Kelly scramble to get onto her feet, “He’s gonna kill us!” She said, closing and locking the door. Nathan started laughing, "nice entrance, very dramatic." I didn't think it was the time for jokes. There was definitely something going on with her. 
"The probation worker's gone mental. He's just attacked me. Somethin' really weird is hapenin.' I'm hearin' these voices in me head. It's like I can hear what people are thinkin!" she said, clearly in distress. She was talking fast, her makeup was running. I wasn't sure what to make of it, but I didn't think it was funny. 
"Have you been sniffing glue?" Alisha added. Not taking it seriously. 
"The storm! The lightning! I dunno; it's just done somethin to us!" Kelly continued. It did seem like bullshit. Maybe she was just having a bad trip. 
"Okay if you can hear our thoughts. What am I thinkin' now?" Nathan said and pointed towards his head. 
"You think it's bullshit?!" 
"Course I think it's bullshit, you don't need to be a mind-reader to know that."
I sipped my coke, still not knowing what to make of the scene. 
"Why are you in a wheelchair?!" Kelly continued. 
"It was the storm," Nathan started, "the strange tingling sensation in my anus, it's spread through my body, and now I can't feel my legs," he lied. He was definitely the dramatic one. 
"I'm serious!" she kicked him. 
"Ow, Jesus!" 
Curtis began to speak, walking towards Kelly, "What do you mean the probation worker attacked you?" 
"This does sound like complete shit," Alisha added. 
"He's out there and he chased me!" I couldn't help but believe her. The voices might be something of a bad trip, but the probation worker sure as hell wasn't with us. Who knew where he was? 
"Something's happened to me too," Simon spoke up. 
"Did you pop your cherry?" Nathan joked, "Oh, we're all very happy for you." I kicked him in the back. 
"Hey!" he responded, turning back at me. If he didn't leave Simon alone, I might be next in line at an attempt to kick his arse. 
"Earlier on when we were in the locker room, I was invisible," he continued, "I turned invisible." Things were getting weirder by the minute. Nathan took the piss at Simon's expense again, but he was too far away for me to kick him again. Nathan rolled towards the door. Kelly stopped him. 
"Don't! Don't go out there! He will kill you!" she pleaded him.
"Course he will because he's such a badass," Nathan responded. 
"I really don't think that's a great idea," I finally spoke up.
"Oh, great, not you too," he rolled his eyes and tried to wheel past Kelly. 
"Don't!" she cried. 
"She's telling the truth!" Curtis blurted out of nowhere, "all this it already happened once. I opened the door. The probation worker he killed you," he told Kelly, "you were right there. Everything froze. Time went backwards." 
"Oh, this keeps getting better by the second," Nathan said, getting up. He went towards the door. 
"I'm telling you don't open that door!" Curtis warned. 
"Stop!" I yelled before he started to open it. 
"No!" Curtis yelled as it opened. 
Nathan immediately closed it. Idiot.
"Ah, he's right! Probation worker's gone mental!" The probation worker slammed up against the glass of the door. We all backed up away from the door. 
"Maybe he's on crystal meth, that stuff makes you crazy," Alisha suggested. 
"Y-yeah," I continued, "a bad trip. Everything's going to be fine." I couldn't convince myself. 
"The grafiti, "I'm going to kill you," he wrote it," Simon said. I tried to control my breathing as I slowly backed up. I wasn't going to sit around and be murdered. 
"It's stopped," Curtis said. Kelly and Alisha started fighting like we weren't in danger for our lives while I chewed on my nails and couldn't figure out what to do. 
"We don't have time for this!" I yelled over their little cat fight, "I'm getting the fuck out of here!" 
"Yeah, the back way," Nathan agreed. We ran towards the back of the community center until Nathan slipped and fell. I kept going until I heard Kelly exclaim, "Is that blood?!" I turned back around and sure enough blood was pouring out a locker and all over the ground. 
"Ah, get it off me!" Nathan struggled. I felt my hands shaking as Curtis approached the locker. Please be a dead animal and not a person. I thought. He opened the locker and there was Gary. Very dead. Very stabbed. Very blood. We all jumped back and yelled and screamed. I felt my anxiety build up in my throat. 
"I'm gonna throw up," I said. I felt panic set in. I'm sure we all did. 
"He's gonna kill us," Alisha said, teary-eyed. We couldn't stop staring. It was like a car crash, but much much worse. 
"C'mon don't look at it," Curtis said, trying to comfort Alisha before gasping, "I need to have sex with you right now! Let's do it raw!" Alisha screamed. 
"Get off me, you freak!" I tried to pull him off of her, and he eventually let go. 
"What did I do?" Curtis panicked. I let go of him. 
"Uh, you said you was gonna shag her," Kelly started. 
"And you were getting your chap out!" Nathan told him. 
"It wasn't good," I shook my head. 
"It's when you were touching her…" Simon concluded. I started to think he was the only one of us with brain cells. Alisha touched his neck, getting a very similar reaction out of him. 
"What is happening to me?!" she exclaimed before Tony flew through the glass, shards going everywhere. I screamed and jumped back as lightning shot out of my fingers and into his body. His body lay still. 
"Did… did I just kill him?" I asked, tears filling my eyes. Self defense. Accident. Didn't matter. I still killed someone. The rest of them got closer. 
"Looks pretty dead to me," Nathan said, looking down at the body and up at me. His tone much more serious than usual. Probably because I just killed someone. 
He spoke too soon because Tony's body jerked and grabbed Kelly's leg. 
She kicked the absolute shit out of him, "I! AM! NOT! A! CHAV!" she yelled as she kicked him. 
"That should do it," Nathan said, his hands in his hair. Everyone threw out ideas on what to do. I stayed silent. At least, technically I didn’t kill him, but I don’t think electrocuting him helped him stay alive. 
“We’ll go to the police. We’ll tell them the truth,” Curtis suggested. 
“What?! Tell them that lightnin shot out of her fingers?! They’ll never believe us! Not anymore; They’ll say we killed them both,” Kelly responded to him. I slid down the wall on the opposite side of the room. I tried to steady my breathing. It didn’t work. 
“If there’s no body, there’s no crime,” Simon said, “We should bury them under the fly over.” And that’s what we did. 
“We don’t tell anyone about this, yeah?” Kelly said as we buried the bodies, “About the storm or what it did to us.” 
“I don’t want anyone to know. I cannot be a freak,” Alisha said. That rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. 
“A freak?!,” I raised my voice, “I can handle being a freak,” I lowered my voice back down, “I’m more worried about going to prison or the lasting emotional damage of having murdered someone.” She looked away from me and we continued to bury them. 
“So hold on,” Nathan started. I really wasn’t in the mood for his bullshit, “All of have some sort of special power,” he said putting special power in air quotes, “everyone can do something except me. He can do something,” he gestured toward Simon, “He can do something, and I can’t. That’s ridiculous, look at him.” That’s it. 
“Just, leave him the fuck alone, twat!” I shouted at Nathan. 
“What? You starting a little weirdo gang over there? Fine, whatever. Have fun.” He finally shut up for once. Simon smirked, and I felt pretty accomplished. 
After all this disaster, I still had to go to work. Still had to make rent. Still had to pay bills. It didn’t matter what I had experienced. The world moved on. 
“You alright?” One of my coworkers asked, “because you look like shit.” 
“Thanks,” I responded, “I’m fine.” I lied. I couldn’t stop seeing Tony lying there, limp. Practically dead. My fault. Maybe I saved us. Maybe we would’ve survived anyway. There was no way to know. I flipped the chips in the grease without paying attention. Shit. Boiling hot grease went onto my hand. 
“Fuck fuck fuck,” I said, shaking my hand, running to the sink to run cold water over it. My boss got me a bandage and let me go home early. 
I rolled a joint, smoked it, and tried to get to sleep to prepare me for another exciting day of community service in the morning. 
When I got to the community center the next morning I was exhausted. I’d gotten maybe two hours of sleep, and my burn still hurt like a son of a bitch. I ignored the others as I suited up. I went back into the main area and sat on the floor. Nathan approached me and sat down next to me. 
“What happened to your hand?” He asked. 
“Do you care?” I responded. I didn’t feel like being made fun of for my second degree burn. 
“Maybe I do,” he said. 
“Grease burn,” I told him. 
“How’d that happen?” He asked, looking at the bandage. He seemed genuinely curious. Could Nathan Young act like a normal human being? 
“I work at a chip shop. Had a lot on my mind. Wasn’t paying attention,” I answered honestly. 
“Oh,” he said simply. We sat in silence. Maybe he was a little cute. 
We lined up for questioning. Nobody said anything just like we discussed. 
Until Nathan felt the need to make up a story about Gary and Tony’s illicit, homosexual affair. I was too tired to monitor my thoughts. Somewhere between “what the fuck” and “why the hell did I think that? That’s so out of left field I can’t fucking believe this", I thought something dumb. 
Somewhere in the perverted minefields of my brain, I think “I wouldn’t mind if he was doing that to me,” as Nathan mimics the motion of Tony fucking Gary. I was fucking ashamed as it was without a mind reader standing right beside me. I backpedaled so fast. I had to keep a poker face, so Sally didn’t know something was up. Jesus what was wrong with me? Not only did I have to live with being an accessory to murder, now I had to deal with sexual thoughts about someone who was comparable to the people who bullied me in secondary school. God, I hate my life. 
And then on top of everything else, Sally pulled me aside as she let everyone else go. 
“What happened to your hand?” She asked. You get one burn and all of a sudden everyone needs to know your life story. 
“Grease burn, do you want to see it?!” I snapped. 
“No, that’s alright,” she said, walking away.
 “Well, I think we got away with it,” Nathan said as the group of us gathered on the roof. 
“Do you actually believe that or are you just really dumb?” Curtis said, looking at him. He’s just really dumb. His dumb stupid face with his pretty green eyes and cute curly hair and- STOP. Stop. Stop. Stop. What the fuck is going on? 
“I actually believe that,” he answered, “how come I can’t do something? I was there; I should have one of these bullshit powers.” 
“You can have mine. You wanna know what people are thinking about you?” Kelly responded, shooting me a look. Great. She knows. This is bullshit. Again, I hate my fucking life. 
“No, not so much, I want something from the A-list,” Nathan said to her. After Nathan made a fool of himself once again, Curtis brought up a good point. 
“So what happens now? Are we gonna be like this forever?” He asked. 
“What if we’re meant to be like superheroes?” Simon said, looking around at us. 
“You lot, superheroes. No offense, but in what kind of fucked up world would that be allowed to happen?” Nathan said. I kind of agreed. I had an ASBO for fighting and threatening my mother’s husband and worked in a chip shop. It wasn’t necessarily your average backstory. 
“This will fade away, by this time next week, it’ll be back to the same old, boring shit,” Nathan continued. God I sure hope so. 
Next Chapter  
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bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
Community Blowback
Fandom: Misfits, Nathan Young x Original Character
Summary: When Mel Albright, a low-life stoner with a heart of gold, ends up on community service, she assumes it’s just another thing in a line of mishaps that is her life. Will the aftermath of a freak storm and the help of a green eyed idiot show her that maybe things being fucked up aren’t always that bad after all?
Masterlist | Previous Chapter 
Chapter Three: Several Problems 
Word Count: 4.6k 
Warnings: alcohol, offensive humor 
“Someone knows we killed him,” Kelly said as we were getting ready for our community service.  
“Do you think it could be Sally?” Simon asked us. 
“Who’s Sally?” Curtis asked. 
“The probation worker?” Simon and I said at the same time, me asking, him telling. 
“Well, you’re a twat because Sally didn’t show up until the day after we killed the other probation worker,” Nathan responded. 
“He’s right. She wasn’t here, “ Kelly added. 
“It could just be someone trying to scare us,” I suggested. 
“If I’m invisible, I can see if anyone puts anything else in our lockers,” Simon pointed out. 
“Sounds like a plan,” Curtis said, “Go on then, turn invisible.” We all turned to Simon. 
“I can’t do it when everyone’s watching me,” Simon told us. 
“So I guess it’s like pissing at a urinal if you’ve got a tiny cock,” Nathan responded. 
“Know about that, do ya?” I mumbled. 
Simon couldn’t turn invisible in front of us so Alisha sarcastically said, “Well that’s really impressive,” and we filed out of the locker room. 
“Wait a minute! Did you just say I have a tiny cock?!” Nathan blurted at me in a delayed reaction. 
“I didn’t say anything,” I said, holding back my laugh. He scrunched his face up and squinted at me. We went off to grab some bags of donated clothes. 
“Okay, so all these clothes have been donated by members of the public, and we need to sort them before we ship them out to Africa,” the male volunteer told us. 
“Just another day in paradise,” Alisha sarcastically added. 
“Yeah, well, I’m sure the people receiving them will be grateful for your hard work,” he responded. 
“They should be. They’re getting a new wardrobe,” Alisha shot back. 
“Right! So these are the categories they’re being sorted into children’s clothes, shoes, coats, that kind of thing,” the volunteer said, getting back on task, “so if you’ve got any questions; just ask.” Nathan raised his hand high. This ought to be good. 
“If a bear and a shark had a fight, who would win?” he asked. 
“If you’ve got any relevant questions, just ask,” the volunteer replied, “oh, and if it’s on dry land, I’d bet on the bear.” 
“What if it’s in a shallow part of the ocean?” I asked, but he’d already walked away. I guess we’ll never know. 
When he was fully gone, we jumped into the pile of clothes, immediately starting to mess around, throwing stuff at each other and putting on some of the clothes. Nathan found some ski goggles and put them on, launching into a spectacularly terrible Bono impression. I giggled while the others glared before Sally came in with a girl I didn’t recognize. 
“Who’s that?” Nathan asked. 
“This girl I had a fight with,” Kelly answered, “I’ve got to do some restorative justice bollocks with her.” 
“Oh yeah,” I spoke up, “I could’ve publicly apologized to get less community service, but I said no cos I wasn’t sorry.” 
“Jodi’s here, come on,” Sally said to Kelly, and Kelly got up to leave the group. I went back to trying to sort through some of the clothes, but we were mainly just messing around. Nathan opened one of the bags and went through it. 
“Ooh, what’re these?” He said, pulling out a pair of roller skates. He took his shoes, threw them aside, and started putting on the skates. 
“Wait, I have an idea,” I told him as I got up onto one of the tables, “come here.” He put the skates on and made his way over to me. 
“Catch me!” I said as I jumped on his back. We fell forward with an "aaaaagh." 
"In hindsight, that was probably a bad idea," I said. 
"No, I've got it," he said, getting up, "I'll bend down and hold onto the table, yeah? And you can climb up." I got up on his back like a baby koala, and he carefully stood up. 
"Goooooo!" I shouted as we went past the windows to the office. 
"Get off of him!" Sally commanded from the doorway of the office. Nathan lost his balance and sent us flying backward. 
"Fuck," I said as my elbows collided with the floor; my body broke Nathan's fall. 
"This is why you need to be doing your community service instead of screwing around," Sally told us off, "because someone could get injured." I sat up, and Nathan stayed lounging on my body, his head practically in my lap. 
"Yeah, b–" he started. 
"Take the roller skates off! And the goggles!" Sally interrupted him. He gave me a baffled look. 
"Take them off!" Sally yelled. He lifted his head and took the goggles off before plopping his head back down into my lap and putting his feet up on a pile of clothes. 
He looked up at me and grinned, "So did ya enjoy riding me?" 
"Get off of me," I said, playfully shoving him, trying not to smile at him. 
He finally sat up, "Yeah, you did, look at ya, you're turnin' pink."
"Maybe I'm just embarrassed because we just got in trouble," I defended. 
"Who's in trouble?" He responded, "We're not in trouble. But we could be," he said with a wink. Cheeky little shit. I grabbed a piece of clothing next to me to throw at him. Before I had the chance to throw it at him, my attention flew to the door of the office.
"YOU SLUT WHORE!" Jodi, the girl Kelly fought with, yelled as Sally ushered her away. 
"Shut up, you twat!" Kelly responded as she threw a chair across the room. 
"Kelly!" Sally yelled back as Jodi disappeared down the hallway. 
"I was tryna to be nice!" Kelly shouted, looking towards the group before joining us. 
"Let's sort these clothes, yeah?" I said before placing some things on the table. 
"I was only saying the lad she used to go out with was a dick. I was only being nice," Kelly told us as we got ready to leave for the day. 
"Oh yeah you were being lovely," Nathan responded sarcastically, "right up until you threw the chair at her." 
"It seemed to go about as well as every experience I've had with the British justice system," I said, unlocking and opening my locker. 
"You get in trouble with the law a lot?" Nathan asked, looking at me. 
"No," I responded, truthfully, "Maybe… wouldn't you like to know?" I backpedaled. 
Curtis spoke up, diverting my attention from Nathan, "Don't be doing that shit around me!" Curtis said to Simon who was standing in a place he certainly wasn't a minute ago, or wasn't visible to us anyway. "Have you been in here all day?" Curtis asked. 
"Yeah," Simon responded. 
"What happened?" Kelly asked. 
"Nothing, no one came in," he replied. 
Nathan gasped, "Well, that's an anticlimax." I was relieved. I appreciated the "nothing" days a lot more than the getting accused of murder days or committing murder days. I changed into my jeans, grabbed my bag, left the locker room, and plopped down into one of the chairs in the community center. I pulled a container out of my bag and took out half of my sandwich that I had diagonally cut that morning. I began to eat my sandwich before I noticed Nathan walking towards me. 
He sat down in the seat beside me, "So are you gonna tell me about the crimes you've committed?" 
"There's not much to tell," I responded, taking another bite of my sandwich. 
"Well, I don't believe you," he said, crossing his arms,"... Are you a sex offender?" 
"Oh, fuck off, and let me eat my fucking sandwich," I responded. 
"Why're you still here anyway? You're usually well gone by now," he said, still pestering me. 
"I just wanted to eat something before I had to go make nauseating fish and chips for six hours," I told him. 
"Why not just eat something there?" He asked. 
"What part of 'nauseating' do you not understand?" I responded. 
"It's probably still better than eatin your meals from a vending machine," he said. What? 
"Have you eaten anything today?" I asked. 
"No, why?" he said. 
"Here have this," I said, handing him the container with the other half of the sandwich. I rummaged through my bag and found an apple that I'd stuck in there. A little bruised but not mushy. I put it in the container I just handed him. 
"Is this poisoned?" He asked. 
"If you don't want it, you can chuck it in the bin," I said, zipping up my bag and walking away. 
The next morning when I arrived at the community center no one else was in the locker room. I changed into my jumpsuit, put a pack of cigarettes, my lighter, earbuds, and iPod in my pockets. I threw my bag into the locker and locked it. I made my way up to the roof. No one was up there either. Thank God for a moment of peace before whatever chaos awaits today.  I shuffled my iPod, put my earbuds in, and looked out onto the estate. It almost looked nice from up above. The first song had barely ended when someone came up behind me and ripped my earbuds out, “Mornin!” Nathan’s voice rang in my ears as I practically jumped out of my skin. 
He started laughing, “Did you see that? That’s shit!” 
“What are you talking about?” I responded. 
“Your hands, they had little sparks comin’ off of em,” he explained, “what’s the point of having your power if it’s not even going to do anything?” 
“Says the one without a power,” I snapped back at him. 
“Hey, I was there, I have a power! I have to! Maybe I need to concentrate harder,” he grabbed a bottle off the ground, “what if I can smash this with my mind?” 
“I don’t know about that,” I responded. 
“And you’re the expert on powers with your little lightning precum coming out of your fingers?” He said, wiggling his fingers at me before setting the bottle onto a crate in front of a chair and sitting down. 
“What does that even mean?” I said, getting out my cigarettes. He shushed me. I lit a cigarette and started smoking. 
“Put that out!” He went back over to me, “I need crisp and clear oxygen.” He took my cigarette and threw it on the ground. 
“What the fuck?!” I exclaimed, getting in his face. 
“I need to focus,” he said, turning back around. 
“Can you focus without being a twat?” I said, sitting back down in my chair across from him. I heard the door to the building open and turned around to see Curtis joining us. 
“What’s going on up here?” He asked. 
“Nathan’s being a twat,” I answered. 
“Yeah, I could’ve guessed that,” Curtis responded. 
“No,” Nathan started, “I am going to smash this bottle with my mind, and I need complete silence.” 
“Yeah, alright,” Curtis said before laying back onto another piece of discarded furniture that had been thrown on the roof. I watched Nathan strain and grunt like some kind of constipated gopher. Yeah, that bottle ain’t moving. He continued to struggle for a bit before Simon came onto the roof, and I directed my attention towards him instead. 
“We’ve got a problem,” Simon said. 
“Yeah, I’ve got several. What’s happened now?” I responded. 
“Will you two shut up?!” Nathan interrupted, “I nearly had it.” 
“What’s he doing?” Simon asked. 
“Does it matter?” I responded. 
“He’s trying to smash the bottle with his mind,” Curtis said, not looking up. Nathan went back to struggling with the bottle. 
Curtis sat up, “I think he’s going to shit himself.” 
“That could be entertaining,” I said. Nathan kicked the crate and sent the bottle flying with an “oh, bullshit!” 
“I have a power, I know it! I can feel it in my balls!” Nathan whined as he cradled his crotch, “it’s like a soft vibrating, you get that yeah?” He turned to Curtis. 
“No,” Curtis responded. 
“Maybe see a doctor?” I suggested. 
“They’re going to dig up the bodies!” Simon said seriously after we had already ignored him twice, “They’re building an environmental monitoring station under the flyover.” 
“They’re building a what?” Nathan asked, “Are we supposed to know what that is?” 
“It’s to measure the carbon monoxide from the flyover. When they dig up the foundation, they’ll find the bodies,” Simon explained. 
“Well, that fucking sucks,” I said before we had to go do our community service. 
“We need to dig up the bodies,” Curtis said as our group was sitting down, organizing the clothes out of earshot from anyone else. 
“Couple questions,” Nathan responded, “How, where, are you out of your mind?” That’s technically three questions. I bit my finger and thought about our options while Curtis and Nathan argued. 
“We need a car,” Simon said. 
“Have you got a car?” Nathan asked. 
“No,” Simon responded. Kelly eventually showed up, late due to a doctor’s appointment, was briefly filled in, and immediately bombarded with questions about if she could get us a car. 
“Will you all fuck off?” She responded, before shoving a bunch of shoes off of their table and sitting on it. 
“I just organized those,” I whined. 
Nathan stood up, “Come on, we’re a bunch of young offenders, and not one of us knows how to steal a car?!” 
I sighed and spoke up, not wanting it to have to be down to me, “I might have a solution if we really don’t have any other options.” 
“You know how to steal a car?” Curtis asked. 
“No,” I replied, “but I have a car.” 
“Then why didn’t you speak up earlier?” Nathan butted in. 
I cringed, “Because it’s thirty years old and doesn’t work very well.” 
“Anybody got any better ideas?” Nathan asked the group. Nothing. “The shitsmobile, it is, then.” 
“I can’t tonight though,” I said, “I’ve got to work.” 
“We can’t wait,” Simon responded, gravely, “They were digging this morning. They could find them at any time.” 
“I’ll give someone the keys, and you can move them without me,” I said, shrugging. 
“You’re not getting out of this,” Curtis started, “you’re one of the reasons we’re in this mess in the first place.” 
“This shit isn’t my fault!” I semi-shouted. 
“Guys, guys, guys,” Nathan said, clapping his hands, and getting between us, “we need to work together,” he put his arms around us, “think of it as a team-building exercise. I’m feelin’ this, are we feelin’ this?!” Curtis immediately walked away. 
I leaned into Nathan for a second before pulling away, “I’ve got to get someone to cover for me tonight.” 
Thankfully, I’d gotten someone to cover for me, and the car actually started. I drove it to the back of the community center where I met up with the others. 
“So what do we do with them when we dig them up?” Alisha asked the group. 
“We weigh them down and toss them in the lake,” Curtis answered. 
“We do that, you know what happens next week?” Nathan responded, “the council drains the lake. So predictable.” 
“Guys..,” Simon spoke up, “There’s six of us and only five seats.” 
“Alright, which one of you geniuses wants to handle this issue?” I responded. Somehow we decided the best way to settle seating arrangements ended up with Alisha and me in the front seat, Nathan’s feet on my shoulders, and Simon huddled on the floorboards.
“We still haven’t figured out what to do with the bodies,” Alisha pointed out. 
“We can store them in the community center until we can decide what to do with them,” Simon said. 
“Oh, great, the community center. Because they’ve got a special room for rotting corpses,” Curtis replied. 
“There’s a disused storeroom upstairs. I’ve got a key,” Nathan said. 
“Why have you got a key?” Kelly asked. There was a moment of silence. 
“I nicked them because I’m living in the community center,” he confessed, “alright, big secret revealed!” I scrunched my face up. I wanted to say or do something. I didn’t know he was homeless. There were more pressing matters at the time, so I had to direct my focus back to the task at hand. 
I drove off and soon enough we were digging up our work of a few weeks prior. The more we dug, the worse the smell got. A few gags, gasps, and traumatizing memories later, we’d had the bodies dug up, wrapped up, and thrown into the boot of the car. I attempted to turn the key in the ignition. The engine sputtered. I tried again. No luck. 
“Does anyone know anything about cars?” I asked the group as everyone got settled in. Silence, “We might have a slight problem then… the car won’t start.” Everyone groaned. Eventually, we were moving again with the lads in the back, pushing the car towards the community center. 
“This is bullshit,” Nathan said, “after all this, the girls better be the ones lugging the bodies inside.” 
“Keep your voice down,” Curtis warned. 
“There’s not enough room back here for them to help,” Simon pointed out. 
“Well, they should’ve found a way. What happened to doing this shit together? I’m starting to believe we don’t all believe in teamwork,” Nathan responded. 
“Will you just shut up?” Curtis said back to him. After a long journey of listening to Nathan complain through my open window, we finally made it back to the community center without getting caught. Somehow. I thought the night was finally over once we’d got the bodies into the storeroom, but, as it would turn out, it was only beginning. 
“Nice cap,” Nathan said as he tried to remove the hat from Kelly’s head only to also remove her wig, revealing her to be bald. It was shocking, but with everything going on, I wasn't too taken aback. 
“No!” She screamed before running off. I quickly grabbed the wig and cap and went after her. Nathan tried to say something, but I was already walking off. 
“At least, tell her I’m sorry!” He shouted after me. 
Once I caught up to Kelly, she ran off again to hide behind a corner. 
“Go away,” she said, “I don’t want anyone to see me like this.” 
“I have your cap and your wig,” I told her. She held her hand out to take it. I gave it to her, and a moment later, she came back out to face me with her wig and cap back on. 
“Nathan said he’s sorry by the way,” I added. 
She groaned, “He’s such a twat. I don’t know what you see in him.” 
“What are you talking about?” I asked. 
“You know what I’m talkin about. You fancying him and everything,” she said. 
“I do not fancy him!” 
“Well, that’s the biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard.” 
“What do you mean?!” I started, “I don’t fancy him. Maybe I think he’s kind of attractive, but that’s it. I think he’s a twat just like everyone else does.” 
“You think about him more times a day than I could keep track of. Even if you don’t know it, you fancy him,” she said. Maybe she has a point. 
“Ya I do,” she said. 
“It’s not like it matters. He’s just a stupid boy. I’ll get over it. I always do,” I said, crossing my arms. 
“Why ya say it like that?” She asked. 
“Guys don’t like me, and if they do, it’s not like that, it’s because I’m ‘one of the lads.’ It’s pointless trying to have feelings for someone,” I sighed. 
“Well have you tried actually tellin’ them how you feel?” She asked. 
“Yes, and it ends in them saying they were just joking around, and I’m done with it. I’m not dealing with that again,” I explained to her. 
“Well, maybe this time’s different,” she said. 
I breathed out, “I highly doubt it… Enough about me, what about you? You’re bald for fuck’s sake. Are you alright?” I asked. 
“The doctors don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t feel sick. My hair just started fallin’ out in the shower this morning,” She told me. 
“Are you stressed? That’ll fuck your hormones up and all kinds of weird shit starts happenin,” I said. 
“Probably. With the storm an’ everythin’, how could you not?” She responded, “I guess we should probably head home, yeah?” 
“Yeah, See ya, tomorrow?” 
I made my way back to the community center. I took my phone out, scrolled down my contacts, and clicked on Nathan's name. It rang… and rang… and rang. 
This is Nathan. Leave a message. Or don't. I probably won't listen to it. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I looked through the door and saw his foot hanging off the ledge at the top of the stairs. I banged on the door and waited before hitting it another two times for good measure. He finally opened the door. 
"Jesus, I thought someone was out here tryna kill me," he said leaning up against the door frame, "what're doing up here this late anyway?" 
"Came to check on you," I said. 
"Why would I need checking up on? I'm fine! Did you tell Kelly I was sorry?" He said, messing with a chain around his neck. 
"Yeah. She says you're a twat, but I think she forgives you," I told him, leaving out the details of the other things she said. 
"Oh, thank God. It's bad enough around here without Kelly trying t' kick my arse," he said, "Well since you're here, you wanna come in?" He said.
"No, actually, I was wondering if you wanted to come round to mine. I've got some box wine and can get us some free fish n chips if you like," I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. Why am I so anxious about this? 
"How classy!," He joked, "Sure, I'm down. Not like I have anything better to do." 
"Ah, is this your glamorous place of employment?" He said as we made our way to the chip shop. 
"Yep, coming up three years. I was supposed to be promoted to manager soon, but then I had to cut my hours in half because of this bullshit. Thankfully my boss understood the whole ASBO shit wasn't my fault. Anyway… stay here. I'll grab us something to eat." 
I popped around the back and came in the kitchen door. 
"Two fish and chips, please!" I smiled at my coworker. 
"Thought you couldn’t come in tonight? Then, you show up ten minutes before closing to ask me to feed you?" He asked me as he threw the food into takeaway boxes. 
"Shut up and take your 20 quid. Thanks for covering me." I said as I took the boxes and handed him what I had to bribe him for covering my shift. 
I came back to the front of the shop and handed Nathan the boxes. 
"That was quick," he said. 
"It pays to have connections," I winked at him. We chatted and joked about how mental the last few weeks had been on the way to my flat. 
"Thanks for carrying those," I told him as I unlocked the door. 
"No problem. Thanks for feeding me," he smiled. God his smile is so precious. 
I plopped down on the sofa and he set the food on the coffee table. He sat down next to me and started shoving chips into his mouth, "Didn't you say something about having wine?" He asked with his mouth full. 
"Oh, yeah," I got up and filled a couple of plastic cups with the boxed wine. Everything in my flat was second hand. I didn't care to stock my cabinets with wine classes. 
I sat the cups down and brought the whole container to the table. 
"Oh, the class continues!" He said, picking up the plastic cup and gulping down some wine. I sipped mine, pretending like I had an ounce of class in my body. I didn't. I opened up my takeaway box as I noticed Nathan was pushing his away, having already finished. 
"Can I have some more of those chips?" He said, already dipping his hand into my box. 
"Yeah, go for it," I responded. I was surrounded by the smell of fish and chips day in and day out, so I wasn't too keen on eating too much of it. I finished a bit of fried fish and a couple of chips before letting Nathan finish the rest of it. 
"Those chips were better than I expected. You figure your tits are so big from eating this for the last three years?" he said, nonchalantly. I let out a laugh. 
"No, I think that's genetics," I said, raising my eyebrows at him. 
"Oh, so your mum's got massive honkers too? You were saying she always had men around. You think she'd have me?" he said to me, holding in his laugh. 
I shoved him, “If you saw my mother, you would not want that.” 
“She can’t be that bad,” he said, “She made you, after all… so, her number, please?” 
“Get out of my flat, you weirdo,” I said to him, flicking him in the ear. 
"Okay, okay, okay," he smirked, "I'll stop trying to fuck your mum." 
"I can't deal with you," I said as I filled my cup back up with wine. 
“Oh, you love it," he said getting close to my face and scrunching up his nose. I chugged the rest of the cup of wine and felt my anxiety go away for the first time in a while. 
"You know… if you need somewhere to live, you can stay here," I smiled at him. I hadn't known him for very long. It was a stupid idea, but I had my baseball bat, my knives, and the brand new lightning fingers to protect me if he turned out to be a creep. 
"No, no," he responded, "I'll find somewhere, alright? I'm perfectly fine in the community center." He took another swig of wine. 
"This is somewhere," I told him, looking into his eyes. 
"I don't want to burden you, alright?" He said, looking away. 
"You wouldn't be. I get so lonely… and scared being here by myself. It'd be nice to have a big, strong man around to protect me," I smiled, running my fingers down his arm. 
"Hey, you're the one with superpowers. What could I do to protect you?" He laughed. 
"Please just stay," I pouted, "the sofa turns into a bed. It's hand me down and old, but it works." I planned on offering to give him a place to stay, but not on acting this desperate. 
"Oh?" he said, raising his eyebrows, "maybe if you show me how it works, I'll think about it," he said, lowering his tone. 
I got up and pulled him off the sofa. I pushed the coffee table to the side, spilling some of the wine, and then pulled the sofa into a cot-like full bed. 
"See," I smiled at him, "I'll get you some sheets." I grabbed some sheets from the storage closet, pulled a couple of pillows and a blanket off my bed, and made the bed for him. I sat down on it, "I'm exhausted now." 
"How exhausted?" He asked, assessing the situation. 
"Pretty exhausted," I said, yawning and throwing my hands above my head in a stretch, "I think I'm gonna go to bed, let me know if you need anything." I stood up and started walking toward my bedroom as he threw himself onto the pull out bed. 
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