#ot3: how many bisexuals does it take to change a lightbulb
bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
Old Endings & New Beginnings
This is the sequel/companion piece to @sean-falco 's Tattoos.
How Mel and Win ended things, how things changed between them, and how they added our special guy to their lives ☺️ (also showing how things are different between CB Mel & AU Mel like her having a different power, being on medication, etc)
Word Count: 5.6k (yeah...)
Warnings: angst af in the first part, some toxicity, non con mention, mental health stuff mentions, use of the word psycho, abuse mention implied, lots of sex/hook-up mentions, a couple lines of gaslighting just to protect the knowledge of nathan's power, infidelity mentions, dub con mention while Nathan tells a story about how he had sex with a woman in relationship and then almost got his ass beat, and then of course drugs, alcohol, and swearing
"I got accepted. Full scholarship. Books, housing. Everythin'." 
"So that's it, then," Win said. She wasn't crying yet, but her voice shook, "you're just gonna move three hours away?" 
"I have to… you know I have to. I've gotta get away from Wertham. Maybe not even forever. Just now. You know how bad shit's getting at home. I don't think this cut is ever going to heal. I can't do it anymore. I can't. They've got one of the best art programs in the country." 
"Okay?," Win cried out, "they've got schools in London, Mel! It's the capital of the country; I'm sure you could find something!" 
"I can't. You know I can't. I've got to get away from Judy and her husband. They're gonna kill each other, and I don't want to be caught in the middle of it," Mel hated that she was breaking Win's heart. 
"So?! We'll get a place! You could stay in halls! It doesn't have to be like this!" 
"Please don't make me choose," Mel said. She was on the verge of tears herself, "I love you, but I can't anymore… I just can't. Things haven't been right for a while, and I think you know it." 
"If you loved me, you wouldn't leave. You, of all people, with your stupid abandonment issues, should know that," Win didn't want to be sour to her. It just came out. 
"Win… please. Don't make this harder than it needs to be," tears were falling now. 
"You're the one making everything complicated. I could do long distance! I'll take my dad's car. We could Skype, I'll do anything!" 
Mel slid down the pole and hugged her legs close to her. They were under the flyover. In the spot they went to when they didn't feel like dealing with Judy. Or Karen. Or Delilah. Or even Win's dad. Rain or shine. Hot or cold. They'd even vandalized their favorite place to sit. One of the only poles that the rain didn't find its way to. They both had a feeling they wouldn't see the spot again for a while. Or forever. 
"I can't, Win. It'd hurt too much. I'll still Skype you. I still want to be best friends." 
"Why are you doing this to me?" Win cried. It reminded Mel too much of things her mum would say. 
Mel stood up, "you know what, forget it." 
"Please don't go." 
Fists clenched, tears falling, now it was Mel's turn to sound like her mum: "Then what the fuck do you want from me, Win?! We haven't had sex in over a month; you're always with your band! Sometimes I think you love Max more than you love me! You know I love your music, but how am I supposed to know who you might be hanging out with at the shows I can't go to? Forgetting to call me when you get home. You want to be a rockstar. Last time I checked rockstars weren't great at commitment." 
"That was because of your PTSD. I did that for you, and you're letting it blow up in my face?!" 
"Yeah, and I appreciate that, but I wanted to every damn day last week, and whenever neither of us were working, you were with your stupid band. I was at home alone, texting you, feeling so fucking lonely." 
"So you're going to cry over me telling you to choose me over school, and then tell me to choose you over my music? Real cool, Mel. And what the fuck, is all this about sex?! Last time I checked, you said sex was just a bonus and that you loved me for me. God fucking dammit, are you trying to tell me this whole time you just wanted a hot girl to fuck you so you could get over your shitty ex that thought you were too much of a psycho to have sex with?!" Mel was practically sobbing now. Win had never, ever, been this mean to her, and, yet Mel just took it. Like she'd done when she was little with the bullies, before she decided people didn't get to fuck with her. Like she still did with her mum. Mel felt powerless and like her heart was shattering into a million pieces. And Win continued, "And then fucking university?! You absolutely hate posh people. When'd you become Delilah?" 
Mel sighed, "you're the one that told me to apply in the first place. I thought you supported me…" Mel ignored Win's comment about Mel's only other consensual sexual experiences before Win. It hurt too much to think about. 
"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd actually get in!" 
That shocked Mel too. Win had always been so supportive of her art… 
Mel scoffed, tears still trailing down her face, "Cheers, mate. Guess you think my art's just as shit as everyone else does." 
"Your art's great, but it ain't like you draw normal shit. You're always trying so hard to be edgy. Just be your fucking soft, kind self to everyone, then maybe I wouldn't be the only person who doesn't think you're a freak." Win knew she'd taken it too far, at least two insults ago. 
Mel wiped her eyes with her hoodie sleeves, Win's old hoodie sleeves, "you know what? Fuck you, Win. Nearly three fucking years, and you're not even who I thought you were. We're over." Mel stormed off. Tears falling again. 
"MEL! MEL! PLEASE, BABY, I'M SORRY" Mel didn't turn around. 
You have 3 new messages. 
"I'm a bitch. Like truly a bitch. I'm so fucking sorry. Please call me back. Or answer my texts or anything. It's the second of the month I know you didn't run out of minutes already." 
"Can't believe I'm getting drunk without you. Maybe I should take some pages from your book and try hard drugs at least once." 
"I was wrong. You deserve to go to Bristol. I love you. You're my best friend. Please let me be your best friend again." 
4 months later 
"So that's it, then. You're really going. I'm proud of you, small fry. You're a big girl now, and I'm not just talking about your tits," Win smirked. They'd fixed things as much as they could with the circumstances they had. 
Mel shoved her and smiled. Even though they weren't girlfriends anymore, Win was still the only person allowed to talk about Mel's body because Mel knew it came from a place of love. 
"Yep, that's it. I'm gonna be a great art teacher." 
"As long as you don't draw gore or nudity in front of the kiddies," Win joked. 
Mel laughed. Laughing with Win always made her feel okay. 
"I was exposed to it at a young age and look at me," Mel grinned. 
"Oh yeah, show em all the exploding heads and tits, then." The girls giggled together as they'd done for years now. 
"Mel… can I have a goodbye kiss?" Win asked. Mel wanted to kiss her. Mel wanted to kiss her and never stop, but she couldn't. Not today. 
"No. I'm sorry, Win. How bout a drink?" 
Win gave Mel a sad smile, "you know if we get drunk, we're gonna end up fucking." 
Win was joking, but the connotations made both of them feel that stab of hurt in their chests. They'd had sex as "just friends" a little over a month ago. There were no bad words spoken between them that night (bad words as in mean ones; there was still plenty of swearing), but it almost hurt more than their chaotic break up. Knowing it was truly over. They already knew their talks of marriage, adoption, having their own farm in Wales like Mel's first step-dad had when Mel was young, they knew these talks were simply pillow talk. They were a same-sex couple in England in 2005-2008. Same sex marriage wouldn't even become legal for another five years, but by that point, they were already poly and realized no government had the right to tell them who they could or couldn't love or spend their lives with. 
"Just one or two drinks." 
"Fine," Win smiled. 
"You know… just because we can't be together now doesn't mean it's going to be like this forever. I'll always love you as my best friend." 
"I love you too," Win said. And the girls sat in silence, drinking their beers, holding hands. Just like they had done for years. 
Even before they decided to become a couple. 
Mel felt so grown up at 14 after everything she'd been through, and yet her outbursts were awful. She couldn't count the number of times her mother had told her to stop acting like a toddler. Her mum was too blind to see that she acted the same way despite being 16 years older. 
But Mel didn't have outbursts anymore. Not for years. Win had told her she wasn't weak for having to take her medication. Where Win and Mel came from, people didn't take medication to control the outbursts or to be able to focus to do anything really. Nobody ever went to the doctor, and especially not for mental health. The fact that they'd met in a mental health setting at all was a miracle. The fact that it was a group for teens that had dealt with deceased parents made it a little less humiliating, but Win and Mel individually when they started the group didn't want anyone to find out. They weren't weak women; they didn't want to admit they needed help, but they did, and they went through the journey together.
 So there they were holding hands. Each remembering different parts of their journey together, fondly with no malice at all. Win wondered if she'd ever have the privilege to hold Mel's hand like this again. 
It wouldn't be for a while. 
The girls called each other once a week, and as phones got easier to use and more affordable to message, they texted every single day. 
But it was different when Mel came to town on school break. They didn't always have the little intimate moments they had shared as friends before they were together. The truth was Mel was scared to hold Win's hand again. She'd hug her the first time she saw her when they'd hang out but not again unless one of them was upset and really needed it. And even then, Win would usually initiate it. The longer they'd been split up, the easier it got for Win. She threw herself into her music. Wrote some songs about the hurt and moved on. She was able to fuck other people without thinking about Mel. Hell, she'd even come to fall in love with someone else. For the first six months after their break up, Win never thought she could love anyone as much as she loved Mel, but when she met Nathan everything changed. She finally had someone sweet and silly that wanted what she wanted that wasn't going to leave her. Nathan was perfect for her. Some might have disagreed, but in their minds, they were perfect for each other. Win did laugh to herself sometimes at how she'd managed to fall in love with two people with such high sex drives. She knew Nathan and Mel would find a way to get along. 
Mel didn't have it as easy at University. Like Win had shouted at her months and then years earlier, Mel hated posh people. 
But she found her tribe at uni, and, yet, it was so fucking different than the friend group she’d found with Win, but maybe that was okay. Maybe, it was okay for her to see the other side. Maybe, she didn’t always have to be surrounded by those who got by from stealing and manipulating. She’d tell herself that that’s just how you survive in the world; that’s what she learned, but it was different at uni. The edge was off. Shit was still stressful, but not in a way that would get you killed if you talked to the wrong person. Her art friends smoked weed with her like folks did back home, but they did it because they were young adults, and that it was fun. They didn’t do it because they bummed some off their dad at age eleven and couldn’t seem to stop. Of course, Mel thought, she could stop if she wanted to. She simply didn’t want to. 
Yes, her uni friends were different, and sometimes she thought she was from a different planet than them, but she was happy at uni. She still had her best friend back home to laugh with when she'd gotten back to her room at the end of the night. Usually messaging online after Mel's roommates had enough of her talking and laughing late into the night. 
But her romantic life wasn't as good. Yes, they were plenty of beautiful people her own age to swoon over, but none of them stuck. She even enjoyed hooking up with people. She was honestly shocked at how true the rumors about straight girls at college were. She'd topped way more than she ever did with Win. She didn't like it as much; too lazy for her own good, but it made her proud that one day when she found someone she loved she'd finally be good at it. 
But she didn't love hooking up. She had every straight guy's dream of having these beautiful female roommates that would walk around topless, so secure with their bodies. But they weren't Win. Mel honestly hated how "perfect" their bodies looked. How boring their hair was. How stupid their hobbies were. She liked them. They were her friends, but they weren't Win. They'd never be Win. Win had even encouraged Mel to get over her fear of dating guys, but none of them made it past the first date. 
Mel was happier in Bristol than she'd ever been living with Judy. She was free. But something was missing. Win was missing. It wasn't the same having her on the computer screen, and Mel knew that. Mel was frustrated with Win ignoring her to focus on music, but the real reason they broke up was because Mel knew long distance was going to be too different. Some people could do it. Maybe they could have tried, but Mel couldn't bear the thought of having the option of Win making love to her and having to settle for wanking off over a camera in the bathroom, hiding away from her roommates. So things were great, but Mel's romantic life. Awful. Non-existent. The outside looking in, her sex life was incredible. Inside looking out, she was incredibly unhappy with it. 
Yeah, her itch was scratched, but not in the way she wanted it to be. Mel never liked hookups. She missed being told "I love you" as they did it. Being told she was beautiful and sexy instead of being told  "oh my god I never thought being with a girl could feel so good so much less of a mess hahaha" by girls that spoke like the queen. Being in the west, she didn't expect people to speak like they did in the less rough parts of London (sometimes as a treat, Mel's mum would take her to the posh Tesco for groceries instead of the local one). Win's accent was never as rough as Mel's, but she missed hearing a "normal" person during sex. 
So Mel was unhappy. But she still had Win.  Just not in the way she wanted her. And then even Win started acting strange which was on top of the fact Mel was convinced her meds had stopped working when the voices she gave to the animals she talked to were… different. 
The pigeons on campus usually flew away from she approached them, but after she got back from her mums' wedding to lucky number five, which had gotten rained out to Mel's amusement, they didn't. None of the animals did. It was like she was a modern day Snow White. It was bizarre, but she liked it. It reminded her of how much she loved the sheep back in Wales. 
But she couldn't enjoy it as much when Win seemed so on edge, but then, she wasn't again. She'd gotten community service; Mel agreed it was bullshit. Still forever offended Win had even hinted that Mel was anything like Delilah. She'd made friends. Mel wasn't super jealous. She was happy for her. Win deserved to make cool new friends just like Mel was,even if Win's friends were criminals. Mel herself was. She just wasn't stupid enough to get caught, but neither was Win. Stupid Delilah Mel thought. 
When Win told Mel her friend had died, It hurt Mel a lot that school was so stressful she couldn't go over to Wertham and hold Win while she cried. But then Win was happy again, "the hospital made a mistake," she had told Mel. 
"But I thought you went to his funeral." 
"It wasn't a real funeral," Win had said quickly and nervously. 
"But you said they buried him." Win's laughs were strange. 
"No, I said it felt like that. You've been taking your meds like you're supposed to?" 
"Yeah," Mel said. They usually wore off by the time she talked to Win at night. 
"So you've connected to the server yet?" Win quickly changed the subject to the game they were playing. 
"Yeah, yeah, just loading in now." 
It made Mel happy that Win was happy, but part of her was jealous. Win was always sending her cute pictures of her and Nathan. She was so damn proud of her adorable dumbass. And Mel thought he was stunning. She was fucking embarrassed when she'd had a sex dream about him. She'd never even met him. She didn't want to tell Win. She was too embarrassed, but Win got it out of her. Win wasn't jealous and didn't think it was weird. She thought it was fucking hilarious. 
Soon after Win's community service had ended, Mel received an urgent call from her. Win had picked up a flyer at the community centre talking about offering a paying job to teach art to kids from the area. The job started only three weeks after Mel's last scheduled shift at the University bookstore. Maybe once upon a time, Mel would've thought the job was too good for her, but thinking about inspiring kids in the same situation she had been in. Using the same outlet that sometimes felt like the only thing she had. And at the same place she'd met Win. She wondered how many people had fallen in love at that stupid community centre or if that was just Win's thing. 
She would be with Win again. 
And Nathan. Who she'd only gotten a simple wave from over Skype when he and Win moved into her flat. Yet she knew so much about him. And she'd dreamed him fucking her. 
So she'd be with Win. The girl she was still in love with. 
And Win's boyfriend Nathan, who she may or may not have accidentally imagined when she was wanking. 
It was even worse when her new flat wouldn’t be ready for another two weeks. 
“It’s fine, Win, I’ll just stay with my mum,” Mel had said. 
“No, you’re not. I’ve discussed it with Nathan, and he’s alright with you staying with us,” Win replied. Mel liked Nathan, she really did, but sometimes during those two weeks, she wondered if he really was alright with her staying with them. Their sense of humour bounced off of each other so easily, but sometimes Mel wondered if it was her fault when he seemed genuinely mean. She tried not to let it bother her. And eventually, he chilled out. It was like he accepted her as a member of the gang. One way or another, Nathan and Mel ended up being alone together a lot. Nothing happened between them besides the beautiful spark of friendship. They were unstoppable. It made Win so fucking happy to see the two most important people in her life get on so well. It was like a house on fire. Once one of them had started laughing, none of them could stop. 
But also like a fire, Nathan and Mel together were kind of dangerous. They looked out for each other, but when they got drunk, it seemed like all thoughts were thrown to the window. They’d share secrets they’d never even dreamed of sharing while sober. But nothing sexual ever happened between them, despite the growing tension. Because they both loved Win. And that was the deciding factor: Win. And then everything changed for a bit. After the actual sex between the three of them. Mel decided her new flat was much more interesting than theirs. She couldn’t see Win and Nathan every day like she had. Because it was too much. She wanted both of them, and yet, she was sure she’d never have either of them. They were taken. By each other. She didn’t know what to do besides to go out dancing and try to forget it all. 
"Mel?" Nathan was shocked to see his girlfriend's best friend back at their flat so late at night. Even more shocked to see how… different she looked. After the conversation he had with Win, he wasn't afraid to admit Mel was beautiful. He thought she was most beautiful in the mornings when she'd just woke up, too tired to put on her armor and act like she was mean, no makeup, no bra. She was always so cute in the mornings. This Mel looked like the complete opposite of that. Her outfit would've turned him on if he'd seen her in a club like that before Win. Hell, it would've turned him on now, but looking at her face, she was a mess. It was obvious she was wearing a full face of makeup, but had cried half of it off. Mel wore makeup all the time, but Nathan had never seen her like this. 
"I'm sorry," she mumbled, "I didn't know where to go. I can… I can leave you alone. I just need to ask Win what my new flat number is." 
"She's asleep. Hey, come in. You look like you've had a rough night." 
"That obvious?" she asked. 
"Just come in. Your blankets are still on the couch. Crash here for the night," Nathan said, moving out of her way so she could come inside. Mel sat down on the couch and put her arms around herself. She was shivering, coming down from the MDMA she had taken earlier. 
Nathan looked towards the laundry basket sitting near the hallway. He quickly grabbed some of Win's freshly cleaned pajama bottoms and one of his t-shirts. 
"Here," he handed the clothes to Mel, "you can change in the bathroom if you want." 
"Not like you never seen me naked before," she shrugged and took the clothes to change in the bathroom. Ah yes, the threesome. The #1 thing that had been on Nathan's mind for the past two weeks. He felt so guilty about it until Win told her she couldn't stop thinking about it either. He wondered if Mel felt the same way. He wondered if that was why she stopped coming 'round. 
Mel walked back into the lounge looking like herself again. She had taken off the remnants of her makeup. 
"You want a hug?" He didn't know why he felt awkward asking her. He'd hugged her before, but not since the threesome. He'd eaten her pussy. He'd fucked her, but he felt awkward to hug her. Shit, he knew Win had taken her virginity, but in the eyes of society, it was him. 
She nodded. He took his arms around her, and she squeezed him tightly. He didn't feel awkward anymore. It felt like that's where they were supposed to be. 
"I'm sorry," she said again. 
"Hey, no problem. You know you can come over whenever. We've missed ye," he admitted. 
"I've missed you guys too," she said. She let go of him and sat back down on their couch. 
Nathan sat close to her, "I'm sorry if I was mean to ye when we first met. I was so jealous. Win told me all about ye. Didn't know how she'd still like me against a girl beautiful as you," he said. Mel felt her face get hot. Nathan thinks I'm beautiful? 
"She's told me about you too," Mel said. 
"Good things?" Nathan smiled. 
"Mostly," Mel smirked. 
Then it faded, "you had the right to be jealous… I really should just go." 
Nathan held her hand, "please don't." 
She was nervous. She wasn't sure what was going on. She was attracted to Nathan. She was attracted to Win. She was scared Nathan was making a move on her. As attracted as she was to Nathan, as good as he had made her feel, she couldn't do that to Win. 
"What did you mean by I had the right to be jealous?" 
"Win… I'm attracted to her. I never stopped loving her. I've tried to push it down, but I can't. I tried to forget about you- Win" 
Nathan interrupted her,"What was that?" He felt hopeful, but maybe it was just a slip of the tongue. 
Mel put her head in her hands, "nothing." 
"I need to talk to you. Win should be here for this, but she needs her rest," he said. Mel was afraid. 
"About what? I just told you I love your girlfriend, what could you possibly have to tell me besides "fuck off, get out of my flat"?" Mel felt like she was going to cry. Why did I tell him? 
"Win told me when you were younger, some of your friends were in a poly relationship and got made of for it. You said you didn't have a problem with  it… Win and I. We both have feelings for you," Nathan held both her hands and anticipated her response. When she didn't say anything he continued, "I get it if you're not attracted to me, but I'd still like to be friends. I know it might be weird. I know I'm not- oh," Nathan made a shocked noise as Mel kissed him. He smiled at her as she pulled away. 
Mel smiled back before she looked back down at her feet, "I… I had a hook-up tonight. To try to get over you and Win." 
He put his arm around her, "went badly?" 
"Her boyfriend came home." 
"Fuck. Been there, done that," Nathan rubbed her shoulder. 
A tear formed in her eye, "he called me every name in the book." 
"Eh, well sounds like a wanker. If he was any good in bed, his girl wouldn't be looking for pussy without him involved. Did you even know she had a boyfriend?" Nathan couldn't help but ask. 
"No idea. I was dancing with her, snogging her, and she asked me to come back to her place. So I did." 
He held her hand, "Yeah, nobody's mad at you, Mel. Guy was just pissed his girlfriend cheated on him. My story, on the other hand, woah boy." 
Mel let out a little laugh, "what happened?" 
"Alright, buckle up. It's a wild ride," he grinned at her. He hoped at least one of the ridiculous unfortunate moments in his life could cheer her up and make her laugh, "so I'm this sixteen year old scrawny fella. I'd already lost my virginity and everythin', but this woman. Fuck. I hadn't fucked a girl like that. Kinda built like you, actually," Nathan glanced at Mel, and she was smiling at him, "anyways, she's an older sister of one of the year thirteens I was hanging out with. And one day she just starts talking to me all the time, and I'm just nervous she's gonna notice the boners I get around her. And I've seen her snogging this other lad. Full beard, lots of muscles, definitely fitter than me… at the time anyway," Nathan winked at Mel. 
"So we're all at this party, yeah? And she introduces him to me as her boyfriend. Weeks, Months even go by. And I know this lad. We were supposedly friends, but I didn't really like him, and then boom bam fuck, they're moving in together. He's at work. This bitch is having me move boxes for her, just me and her, and I'm like "oh yeah, I've seen this porno." But I wasn't really expecting much. She asks me to put sheets on her bed and I'm like "fuck no, I'm not doing that," but I told her okay because her tits were peaking out and I didn't know what I was agreein' t'. So I'm bent over on this king sized bed and you know what she does?" 
The story has definitely taken Mel's mind off of her own life for a moment. 
"What'd she do?" 
"She smacks my arse! And I'm like "woah, okay!," A girl had never done that to me before. She's got this shit eating grin on her face. And I swear I thought I'd gone to heaven, I thought I was dreamin'.  She says, "I want you to fuck me, Nathan." And my brain practically shuts down, I tell, "sorry?," She shuts the door, locks it, and says, "I'm gonna take your trousers off now." And my cock is like BAYOING," he imitates the action with his finger, "I mean I had a semi the whole time, but that's aside from the point. Alright so we're gettin' down to business and I swear I hear the downstairs door open but I'm trying too hard to not cum all up in there to even focus on anything. And then BANG BANG BANG on the door, "Shit," I'm thinking. We weren't necessarily bein' quiet. I try to hop up. Do anything to prevent my young death and she fucking grabs me. Practically puts me in a headlock and moans, "oh don't stop make me cum," and thank god I'm not like that anymore but I knew how to do that about as much as I know how to fly an aeroplane. And then he's shouting at her through the door. So I did what any sensible man would do and I kept fucking her," 
"You what?" Mel interrupted. 
"She didn't want me to take it out, the hell was I supposed to do? Anyway I'm so scared at this point, I wasn't even thinking about her anymore, I'm thinking about my escape plan so the other half of me is just glad I lasted this long. And he's still hollaring and I'm biting down on my lip so hard to not make any sound, and then the death sentence," he raised his voice a few octaves, " 'oh nathan, just like that,' and y'know I should've been spunking her up, but I couldn't! She had just incriminated me against this giant guy that could probably kill me by pinching me," Mel started laughing, and Nathan smiled at her. 
"So I swear to god. I'll never understand how I got out of there but this part is terrifying," he squeezed her hand, "he punched a hole into their brand new door and unlocked it, see that's when I finally escaped from the bitch's grasp and my dick fucking exploded all over me even though I didn't tell it to do that, so my thighs are covered in cum and I'm about to lose my life and I slid down this second story window with my clothes in my arms. Amazing how the goods didn't get damaged. My arse was cut and bruised up for a week. Swear the lads at school thought I was a gay, but then I told em the story. I was a legend after that." 
Mel blinked at him, "woah." 
"Oh, hi Mel," Win said with a smile from the hallway. Nathan and Mel were so focused on the story they hadn't heard her get up. 
"Sorry for waking you. I just need my flat number… I forgot it. And I know you wrote it down," Mel's smile faded a little. She was happy with what Nathan had told her, but she still didn't want to be a waste of their time. 
"No ye don't," Nathan said, putting his arms around her. Win lifted an eyebrow. Nathan directed his words to Win this time, "Mel had a bit of a bad hookup. Told her she won't have to worry about that no more. About what we talked about. She kissed me. She loves you," he smiled. 
"Don't I get one?" 
Mel hopped up. She hadn't kissed Win sober since before they broke up three years ago. She kissed her softly. 
"C'mon, loves, let's get back to bed." They all settled in. Mel spooning Win, Nathan spooning Mel. 
Win turned to face Mel, "glad to have you back, darlin'." Mel simply kissed her again.
"So we're all shaggin' in the morning, yeah?" Nathan said. 
Win chuckled, "I've still got a job to get to." 
"Okay? I'll set an alarm." It would be early, and none of them were early risers, but they needed a quick nap before they could celebrate their new relationship. And all of them enjoyed a lazy morning shag. 
"Sounds good to me, Mel?" Win asked. 
"Yeah," Mel said. Despite the disaster of the hook-up that happened hours earlier, Mel usually enjoyed them. Friends with benefits had definitely became her main outlet for sex at University. And she loved fucking. But deep down, Mel felt like there was a difference between "fucking" and "making love". She'd only ever made love with Win. And she hoped in the morning she'd get to make love with the two people in the world she knew she loved. 
13 notes · View notes
seanfalco · 4 years
The Deciding Factor | Misfits ot3 au
Companion piece to @bisexualnathanyoung‘s Old Endings and New Beginnings -- the conversation Nathan and Win have about their feelings for Mel.
word count: 1k
“Win, babe, what’s wrong?” Nathan asked, pushing himself up to his elbows to look at her, his brows furrowing with concern.
“Nothin’.  It’s nothin’,” Win exclaimed quickly.  Too quickly.  “What’s wrong with you?” she demanded instead, but Nathan heard her sniffle as she turned her face away and he scooted closer, turning her face back to him.  
“It’s obviously not nothin’.  C’mon, you can tell me anythin’, you know that,” he murmured, really starting to get worried.  She’d been acting strange for nearly two weeks now… ever since the night they’d slept with Mel.
Was she mad at him?  Was that it?  He’d been the one to suggest it, but she’d been quick to agree and take charge.  Did she regret it now?
“Win?  Please?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly and finally she turned to look at him, wet trails running down her cheeks and Nathan’s heart dropped into his stomach.
Quickly wiping at her eyes Win sniffled louder.  “If I tell you… you’ll break up with me,” she whispered and Nathan’s stomach only clenched tighter.  What was she talkin’ about?
She shook her head, trying to turn away again, but Nathan caught her, holding her in place.
“Nathan, I mean it.  If I tell you, you’re gunna hate me and I can’t… I can’t lose you.  I love you,” she exclaimed, desperation thick in her wavering voice.
“I love yeh too, Win,” Nathan insisted, holding her face between his hands, feeling her tears run over his fingers.  “I could never hate yeh, I swear.”
Squeezing her eyes shut as Nathan held her face she took a deep breath.
“Okay, fine.  But you have to promise me you won’t get mad.”
“I promise,” Nathan replied without hesitation, the earnesty in his voice convincing her.
“I’m still in love with Mel.”
Nathan knew that, or at least he had a feeling.  Love like Win and Mel had shared never really went away.
“But I love you too,” Win continued quickly.  
When Nathan didn’t respond she desperately clutched at his arms.  “Nathan?  Please say something.”
If she had told him that when Mel first came back to Wertham he woulda been jealous.  He had been jealous, even just of their friendship.  The thought of sharing Win’s attention had really actually bothered him a lot.  And yeah, he’d whined and pouted and been a little clingy, but he hadn’t let on how much it had bothered him.  He didn’t want her to feel bad.  Like she had to choose between them.
But now... now, things were different.  He cared about Mel.  They’d become friends.  Close friends.  And he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that night.  Sure it had been a drunken spur of the moment thing, and hot as all fuckin’ hell, but it hadn’t felt wrong.  When he’d suggested it he’d been thinking with his cock, half expecting it to be awkward but it hadn’t been.  
And it wasn’t just the sex, he found he missed Mel comin’ round, he missed her sense of humour, so similar to his.  He missed the way she snorted when she laughed, really laughed hard.  He missed the way Win would light up when they were together.  And yeah, okay he missed the way she looked without a bra on.
The fear in Win’s voice tore him back to the moment and he pressed forehead to hers.  “It’s okay,” he said, squeezing her hand and she jerked back to gape at him, grey eyes wide.
“It’s… okay?” she exclaimed, confusion lacing her voice, her eyes searching his face incredulously.  “Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?” she asked and Nathan couldn’t help the soft chuckle that left his lips.
“I mean it!” he insisted.  “I-I have somethin’ to tell you too,” he confessed.
He’d been holding this guilt since that night, feeling like such a skeeve for thinkin’ bout his girlfriend’s best friend like that.  For missin’ her like that.  But her admission suddenly made him feel less guilty.
“I… I think I might… I might fancy Mel too,” he said, bracing himself as he forced the words out.
“Oh?”  Win uttered, her expression unreadable and worry clutched Nathan.
“Y-yeah.  I haven’t been able t’stop thinkin’ bout that night,” he murmured and Win nodded.
“Me too.”
“I miss her,” Nathan said.
“Me too,” Win whispered.  She swallowed, hesitantly looking into Nathan’s face, her hands seeking his.  “Are we both in love with Mel?”
“Looks that way.”  Nathan hesitated, “D’you think she feels the same way?  I-I mean, at least bout you.  I don’t even care if she likes me like that or not, but I could make it work,” Nathan exclaimed earnestly.  “If it’d make you happy.”
A small smile spread across Win’s face before she cut Nathan off, throwing herself into his arms, her lips connecting with his and his words melted into a soft moan as he fell to his back, Win’s tongue sliding against his.
“I love you,” she exclaimed breathlessly and Nathan chuckled, stroking her cheek, feeling fresh tears, though this time he had a feeling they were tears of joy.
“Well, that was not how I was expectin’ that conversation t’go,” he said, snaking his arms around her back.
“Yeah, me neither,” Win murmured, biting her lip.  “But I’m glad.  I feel so relieved.”
“Me too,” Nathan sighed, feeling a weight lift from him.
“So what do we do about this?” Win asked, pressing her cheek to his chest, smiling to herself as he ran his fingers through her hair.
“Fuck if I know,” Nathan sighed, “I guess we hafta talk to Mel.  Tell her how we… feel.”
“Yeah,” Win agreed, “I’ve been trying to get her to come over but she’s been so busy.”
“Or she’s avoidin’ us,” Nathan pointed out.
“That’s a definite possibility,” she muttered.  “Hey,” she exclaimed suddenly.  “I thought you didn’t like talking about feelin’s and shit.”
“Yeah well, maybe you’re rubbin’ off on me, babe,” he murmured, grinning up at her.
“I can rub somethin’ off,” Win smirked.
“Oh?  Now you’ve got my attention.”
Win laughed as he rolled her beneath him, kissing him back and feeling lighter than she had for nearly two weeks.  Now all she had to do was try to get Mel to come over again, hoping she might feel the same.  To say she never thought she might have the possibility to date both the loves of her life was an understatement, but now it was looking more likely than ever.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Win & Mel or Win & Mel & Nathan
ot3: How Many Bisexuals Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb | Win Lewis x Nathan Young x Mel Albright
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Technically Win and Mel broke up for a while, but they ended up back together because they’re obvs endgame (along with Nathan ofc)
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Each branch of the throuple definitely went from best friends to lovers and it honestly didn’t take long for them to fall for each other.
How was their first kiss? - Win & Nathan’s was desperate and full of pent up longing, Win & Mel’s was hungry and overeager, and Mel & Nathan’s was sweet and a little teary (Mel was crying, I believe lol)
Who proposed? - Nathan
Who is the best man/men? - Simon? lol  (He was surprised too)
Who is the bridemaid(s)? - Kelly & Alisha
Who did the most planning? - We’ve not talked about their wedding, but I feel like Win might do the most planning.
Who stressed the most? - Win, maybe Mel?
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 (Probably an outdoor ceremony with a fairly casual reception?) | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Karen & Delilah, not sure if Mel’s mum Judith would be invited or not
Who is on top? - Usually Win or Nathan
Who is the one to instigate things? - Each of them pretty evenly
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Usually not super long, depends on how much foreplay they get or if they get straight to the deed.  But maybe 20-30 minutes?
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - What’s fair is fair.  Luckily there is three of them, so it’s not hard for them to help each other out.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 (Someone’s cuddling at pretty much at all times) | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - Three (Mel has two & Win has one)
How many children will they adopt? - Maybe at least one?
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Nathan, but only because he can just magic them clean lol
Who is the stricter parent? - I feel like it would be Win
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Mel or Win (Nathan’s usually the one to initiate the dangerous stunts)
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Mel
Who is the more loved parent? - Gasp, all of them! (But I’m also tempted to say Nathan bc he’s the fun one)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - None of them?
Who cried the most at graduation? - I don’t think there’d be a dry eye between the three of them.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - good luck with that, all their parents are criminals lmao
Who does the most cooking? - Mel, probably
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Win
Who does the grocery shopping? - Win & Mel
How often do they bake desserts? - Hmm, maybe every week
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat lovers
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Mel, maybe?
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Nathan
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Still Win lol
Who cleans the room? - Win, but she’s not exactly a clean freak either
Who is really against chores? - Nathan
Who cleans up after the pets? - Mel (she can understand what they need better than the others bc she can talk to them)
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Nathan
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Win
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Win
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Mel (I know they get three kittens, but they probably get a dog at some point, probably when they move to the farm)
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Not super often, but more so when they have kids.  Nathan can use his power to decorate elaborately for them.
What are their goals for the relationship? - To grow old together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Win
Who plays the most pranks? - Mel & Nathan
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bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
Ot3 Drabble
@sean-falco posted about our AU so here's a little thing I wrote.
"Win, you still awake?" Nathan whispered, careful not to wake the other woman in his arms.
"Yeah, what's up?" Win responded, just as quiet.
"Do you… do you still have Seth's number? I know him and Kelly have moved on, and he doesn't deal powers anymore, but they always come back for Christmas-"
"Nathan," she interrupted him, "where are you going with this?"
"I don't think I want to live forever if we can't live with Mel. But I know that was our plan. And I know I'm a klutz. If you don't want me to, I don't have to get rid of it."
She simply smiled, "Are you sure that's what you want? You're so proud of your immortality."
"Yes. Maybe it'll be hard, but I want to grow old with you. With both of you. I know I'm hot stuff, but I don't want to stay like this forever. Well, like this," he motioned to their cuddling situation, "yes, but not me being some twenty year old while my wives are all old and gettin' the senior discount."
"Your wives?" Win chuckled.
"Yeah, my wives."
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bisexualnathanyoung · 4 years
I’m not saying that i would read a win x nathan x mel fic, but i would totally read a win x nathan x mel fic lmao - the dynamic they would have is supreme
I know!!!! Joz and I already set up a backstory and basically talked about them all night long. It makes me really happy that someone else is invested enough in our characters to actually want this!!! 💗❤️💗❤️
@sean-falco !!!
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seanfalco · 4 years
Three’s a Crowd, but Only Sometimes | Misfits ot3′verse
a/n: so here it is, the infamous threesome fic, mentioned in both @bisexualnathanyoung​‘s Old Endings & New Beginnings & The Deciding Factor. I had a lot of fun writing this.  I just love threesomes y’all, I admit it.  And I know it’s oc stuff, but if y’all sleep on this smut, you’re missing out imo, bc I think it’s some of the spiciest shit I’ve written in a while. pairing: Win Lewis (oc) x Nathan Young x Mel Albright (oc) warning(s): oral - f&m receiving, vaginal sex, face riding, fingering, recreational drug usage, language word count: 3.8k of pure smutty goodness
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“Hey pass me some of that,” Nathan exclaimed, flailing his hand impatiently at Mel who currently had the blunt they were all sharing between her lips.  Inhaling deeply, she unhurriedly leaned toward Win and blew the smoke lazily into her waiting mouth before passing the blunt to Nathan who frowned, his eyes flicking from Mel to his girlfriend, who leaned back against the edge of the couch contently.
“Oh sure, do blow backs with her,” he cried, gesturing at Mel before Win leaned forward, plucking the blunt from his fingers to press purposefully between her own lips, repeating the action with Nathan, leaving him grinning impishly and Mel rolled her eyes.
“What, you jealous?” Win asked, giggling softly as she nudged Nathan’s shoulder, crawling closer.
“No,” he exclaimed defensively.  “It’s just not fair that th’two of you make it look that hot,” he replied, half joking.
At his words Mel and Win shared a look and instantly fell into a fit of giggles til Nathan joined them, no longer able to hold back his own laughter, the weed and alcohol lowering their inhibitions.
Mel had been staying with them for a couple weeks now.  Initially she’d been waiting for her flat to be ready, needing a place to stay and Win offering, but now she still came round nearly as often, seeming to prefer their place to her own.  
During that time Nathan had finally begun to warm up to her, his initial reaction one of jealousy, never having been very good at sharing Win’s attention, but once he got past that, he found Mel was actually a lot like him, and he found he enjoyed her company.
As he brought his beer to his lips, taking a long swig he watched the two women lounging on the floor in front of him, Win murmuring something to Mel who snorted a laugh and Nathan couldn’t help but let his gaze linger, running over their curves appreciatively, already feeling his cock start to stiffen as unbidden thoughts swirled in his head.
“Y’know what we should do,” he blurted out, pulling Mel and Win’s eyes, both of them turning to look at him curiously.
“Yeah, and what’s that?” Mel asked, fighting back another burst of giggles.
“We should have a threesome.”
The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them and he winced, hoping he hadn’t just ruined the mood, though the very thought sent blood rushing to his half hard cock even faster, his pulse climbing as his mind rushed down avenues he’d only half considered before.
For a long moment neither woman spoke and Nathan began preparing himself for rejection, til Win drew her bottom lip between her teeth, clearly deliberating as her eyes flicked to Mel, who looked suddenly aroused.
“Sure, why not,” Win said with a half shrug, a tiny grin playing at her lips as she grasped the hem of her shirt, lifting it over her head in one fluid motion as both Nathan and Mel gaped at her.
“Holy shit,” Nathan muttered, not quite believing what was happening.  He’d fully expected them to scoff at the idea, Mel calling him a pervert and the conversation going back to normal, not… this, both girls already half undressed and Mel’s lips on Win’s, kissing her hungrily.
“You gunna sit there and stare or are you gunna join the party?” Mel exclaimed, breaking the kiss to glance over at Nathan.  “This was your idea in th’first place,” she reminded him, her cheeks flaring red and Win grinned. 
“Yeah, c’mon babe,” she purred, her hand trailing down Mel’s waist as she held his gaze.
God, she did always had the best fuck me eyes, Nathan thought, his mouth suddenly dry, but he quickly tore his eyes away to hastily undress.  
By the time he was down to his boxers, his cock already straining against the fabric, Win was pushing Mel to her back and sliding her knickers down as she kissed her, a soft moan leaving Mel’s lips as Win’s hand slipped between her thighs.
“Oh, fuck,” Nathan groaned as he watched open mouthed as his girlfriend kissed her way down Mel’s exposed body, wasting no time in spreading her friend’s legs and nestling between them, her eyes flicking to his before her tongue peeked between her lips to find its destination, Mel letting out a choked moan.
“Oh God, yes,” she sighed, her hands sliding into Win’s hair.
As Win began to eat Mel out Nathan eased his boxers down, his cock springing free and he reached for it, desperate to jerk off to the sight of Mel writhing beneath Win’s expert mouth, her growing moans driving him crazy.  
“This is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he murmured weakly and Win lifted her face, fixing him with a stern look. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself, Nathan Young.  Not yet,” she instructed smugly and Nathan frowned. 
“Are y’tryin’ to kill me?” he spluttered, Win’s lidded gaze holding him hostage and he obeyed with a disappointed groan, his hand leaving his throbbing length reluctantly.
“Good boy” she cooed, sending a shiver up his spine, her fingers massaging Mel’s cunt as she spoke, her eyes fixing on his cock as she pointedly wet her lips.  “I promise you’ll be rewarded.”
Before Nathan could answer, Mel lifted her head to look at Win, a pout pulling her lips.  “Winnie,” she whined, her hips rolling impatiently and Win huffed a soft laugh before bending to resume her tongue’s exploration of Mel’s cunt, Nathan giving a soft whimper as he watched.
“God, you taste amazing, babygirl,” she murmured, once more sitting up, much to Mel’s disappointment.  “Nathan, you wanna taste?” she asked instead, and he gave a start.
“Me?  Y’sure?” he asked faintly, suddenly rather nervous.  Sure, he’d been the one to suggest this, but now he was afraid if he did the wrong thing, maybe Win would break up with him.  Maybe it was a trap.  But then again she was the one who’d jumped right into it, practically encouraging him to eat her best friend out.
“Yeah, hot stuff,” she purred, moving out of the way so he could take her place, her face rather flush.  “Make her cum for me.”
“You don’t hafta tell me twice,” he murmured, pausing to kiss Win, shoving his tongue in her mouth eagerly, tasting Mel on her lips before he was situating himself between her open legs to taste the real thing.  She looked up at him with an unreadable expression and Nathan’s nerves returned.  Did Mel really want this?
“God, Nathan, are y’gunna eat me out or are y’just gunna stare at my tits?” Mel huffed, though she was as red as Win, maybe even more so.
Taking a deep breath he dove in, lapping eagerly at her clit, hoping his performance would hold up, especially after Win, but Mel seemed to like it, soon writhing beneath him, her hands finding purchase in his curls as she bucked her hips against his mouth.
“That’s right, babe, lick her pussy like you mean it,” Win murmured, her breath hitching, and Nathan wondered if she were touching herself as she watched them, her soft moans distinguishable from Mel’s.  
The thought of Win getting off to what he was doing, mixed with Mel’s rising moans was almost too much for him, his balls aching for release, but he didn’t stop until Mel was arching against him, pressing her cunt harder against his mouth, her fingers digging into his scalp, pulling at his hair in a way that made his cock twitch and he moaned lewdly into her pussy.
“Oh, shit, Nathan!” she keened, the sound like music to his ears, and he gave her clit one last teasing flick with the tip of his tongue as she squirmed, pushing him back.  “Fuck!” she gasped, breathing heavily, and he sat up, grinning smugly down at her as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Before he could speak, unsure whose turn it was next and hoping it was his, Win was back in his arms and he ran his hands down her waist, pulling her against him, her skin like heaven against his throbbing cock and he rutted against her stomach as he kissed her, their tongues dancing eagerly as he moaned into her mouth, wanting so badly to come.
Pulling back, however, she glanced over to Mel, who by now had sat up, taking her hand and pulling her closer, turning to kiss her next.
“Mel, baby, will you help me?” Win murmured, nuzzling Mel’s nose with hers, her eyelashes fluttering.  “Can you suck Nathan’s cock for me?  Make him feel good. He’s been such a good boy, hasn’t he?” she asked and Mel’s eyes widened.
“Y-yeah, I can do that,” she stuttered softly, wetting her lips before getting on all fours, her hand gripping his length as she experimentally licked him, taking him into her mouth and drawing a low groan from him.  
Tearing his eyes from Mel, he found Win watching him carefully and he swallowed thickly, still half afraid she was going to change her mind, but God did she look turned on, her lip drawn between her teeth as she watched Mel’s mouth glide along his length, her head bobbing a steady pace.
“She has a nice mouth, right Nathan?” Win whispered, her voice slightly strangled, as if she were wishing Mel’s mouth were on her and Nathan nodded his head, his mouth falling open as Mel’s hand hesitantly moved to cradle his balls, kneading lightly so as not to hurt him, and the sensation mixed with the wonderful feel of her velvety mouth had him tensing.
“Touch me,” Win begged, her voice cracking and Nathan realized she had yet to receive any attention, having made sure he and Mel were being taken care of, and he quickly pulled her closer, reaching up to cover her tit with his palm, kneading it as he kissed her sloppily, pinching and rolling her pert nipple before his hand traveled further down her body, slipping between her thighs.
“Holy fuck, you’re wet babe,” Nathan exclaimed with a start.  “You’re practically drippin’,” he observed.  “Is that all from just watchin’?”
“Maybe,” she answered and a heady rush of pleasure suddenly gripped Nathan, his climax swiftly building. If Mel kept sucking him like that he was gunna blow his load in her mouth, and he didn’t know how to feel about that, though she’d came against his face not long ago.
“Oh, fuck, I’m gunna—!” 
“Mel, stop,” Win commanded suddenly, and she obeyed, pulling his cock from her mouth with a soft pop, leaving Nathan hanging and he gasped loudly.
“How come you let her come but not me?” he exclaimed, gesturing to Mel, who sat back on her haunches, an amused look crossing her face as Win merely smirked.
“You wanna cum?”
“God yes,” he groaned, almost a whine, and before Win could speak, he pulled her into his lap, sliding into her with ease with how wet she was and the surprised sound that left her lips brought a feral grin to Nathan’s face.
“How d’you like that, huh?” he asked smugly, bouncing her on his cock roughly, her tits bouncing in time with his wild thrusts and he glanced over her shoulder, catching Mel’s eye.  Her mouth had fallen open as she watched, the scene swiftly turning her back on.  
“F-fuck, Nathan—!” Win cried, throwing her head back as she hung on to his shoulders, but there was no way he was gunna be able to hold out for her, already too close from Mel’s mouth.  Blowing his load with a loud groan, he buried his face between Win’s tits, much smaller than Mel’s but no less perfect, and he gasped a breath, holding Win tightly to him, his cock swiftly softening inside her.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold out,” he murmured, lifting his face, but he was met with a sweet kiss and he reacted by instinct, kissing her back before she slid from his lap.
“Want me to help you finish?” Mel murmured, her hands running over Win’s sweat damp body, squeezing her tits as she pressed her forehead to Win’s.
“Yes, please,” she whispered with a nod, relinquishing control to the other woman and Mel grinned brilliantly, lowering her to her back before crawling over to her backpack and rifling around in it til she found what she was looking for.
“Nathan,” Mel exclaimed and he lifted his head from where he lay, eyeing the rainbow coloured dildo in her hand, frowning slightly.  Had she used that to get off in their bathroom while she’d stayed there the past few weeks?
“Hmm?” he asked, still drained from his orgasm.
“Where does Win keep her harness?”
At his confused look, Mel rolled her eyes, pulling her long hair over her shoulder.  “For her strap on?  I know she has one.”
“Oh!” Nathan exclaimed, gesturing toward their bedroom.  “It’s in the top shelf of th’dresser, with her knickers,” he answered and Mel stood, hurrying to retrieve it.
When she returned, already wearing it, dildo strapped to her waist, Nathan’s eyes widened and she smirked at the look on his face.
“What, she never use this on you before?” she teased and Nathan had to clear his throat before answering, feeling his face warm.
“Yeah, ‘course!” he exclaimed and Win smiled.
“Nathan likes it when I fuck him.”
“Yeah, I thought so,” Mel muttered.  “You look like you know how to take a dick, though… a small one,” she added, eyeing him as if she were imagining pegging him as well, his cock giving a lazy twitch at the thought, already starting to harden again.
“Hey Winnie,” she purred as she crawled atop Win, who reached for her, running her hands up Mel’s arms.  “I’ve had some practice since we…” she trailed off suddenly, her lips twisting and she cleared her throat.
“Fuck me, Melly,” Win begged, reaching up further to caress her cheek and Mel leaned into the touch, her eyelids fluttering for a moment before she seemed to steel herself, positioning the tip of the dildo at Win’s entrance.
When she slowly slid into her, Win let out a strangled moan, her body arching toward Mel’s and Nathan swallowed thickly, his mouth falling open.  It seemed like every moment of the night was just getting hotter and hotter and his cock was having no problem getting hard again as he watched.
Mel’s hips slowly met Win’s, sheathing the dildo completely before pulling back out and pushing in again, Win moaning softly, her eyes flicking to Nathan for a moment to gauge his reaction before finding Mel again, gasping as her friend bucked into her harder this time, lifting Win’s leg as she picked up the pace, leaning forward to kiss her as she fucked her.
“Mel,” Win whimpered, her arms tightening around the back of her neck, drawing her closer and Mel let out a choked sound as their lips collided, almost a sob, but she kissed her like a woman possessed, her movements becoming desperate, fervent, like all she wanted to do was make Win feel so good and Nathan watched them writhe against each other, their tits now fully pressed together.
“Melly, make me cum, please?” Win murmured as Mel slammed into her, fucking her harder.
“God, you’re so fuckin’ beautiful,” Mel whispered breathlessly, “I missed you.”  Her words were nearly lost amid Win’s sudden cry as Mel rode her through her orgasm and Nathan crawled closer, reaching around to fondle her chest as she stilled, looking down at Win with an unreadable look.  When Nathan’s arms snaked around her, his hands finding their destination she gave a slight jump, her face flaring red.
“You’ve gotten better at topping,” Win observed, stretching beneath her, Mel’s dildo still inside her and she grinned, watching her squirm in Nathan’s embrace.
“Yeah, well, I told you I’ve had some practice,” Mel huffed, glancing away, a soft moan leaving her lips as Nathan rolled her nipples between his thumb and fingers.
“Win, babe, I’m nice an’ hard again,” he said, cocking an expectant brow down at her and she grinned, pushing herself up to her elbows. 
“Then let’s do the grand finale,” she purred, holding Nathan’s gaze and his grin grew.  “Think you can handle th’both of us at once?” she asked.
“Course, I fuckin’ can,” he boasted and Mel snorted, but she didn’t say anything else, instead helping Win up.
“Okay, Nathan, lay on your back,” Win instructed and he gave Mel’s tits one last playful squeeze before obeying, spreading himself out on the floor, cockily folding his hands behind his head to gaze up at both women.
“Like whatcha see?” he asked, giving them a sly wink.
Rolling her eyes though her lips curled slightly, Win grabbed a pillow from the couch to toss at Nathan.
“Put that under your head, y’dork.”
Mel snorted at Nathan’s affronted yelp as the pillow smacked him in the face, but he did as Win said, and once he was ready she turned back to Mel expectantly.
“Climb on that dick, babe.”
“What?” Mel exclaimed, gaping at Win.
“I know you wanna try th’real thing out,” Win said, leaning in close so Nathan couldn’t overhear, giving her a knowing look, definitely not having forgotten the dirty dream Mel’d confided in her she’d had about Nathan before they’d even met.
“Win,” Mel hissed, cut off as Win kissed her.  
“I want you to feel good, Melly,” Win murmured earnestly and Mel reluctantly nodded, anxiously climbing astride Nathan, hovering over him.
“Y’ready for me t’rock your world?” Nathan exclaimed with bravado, sliding his hands up Mel’s thighs to circle her waist.
“You better not be all talk, Young,” Mel said with a nervous smirk as she lowered herself onto his waiting cock, a sigh falling from her parted lips as he filled her.
“Trust me, I’ve never had any--” he cut off with a frown, his eyes darting to Win for a moment.  “Okay, okay, I may have had some… complaints, in th’past,” he admitted, while Mel raised her eyebrows at him, not wanting to bring up some of the stories Win had told her, one of which involved a bloody nose.  “But just ask Win, I’m an excellent lover!” he boasted, waggling his eyebrows up at Mel.
“That’s right,” Win murmured, stroking Nathan’s cheek, flushing slightly, avoiding the look on Mel’s face for a moment, a strange flutter filling her chest that was growing harder to ignore.
“So are we gunna get on with this, because as much as I love a good cock warmin’ session, I’m ready and rarin’ t’go, ladies,” Nathan exclaimed, flashing a grin at Mel before turning back to Win.  “C’mere and sit on my face, love!”
“If you insist,” Win murmured with a grin, crawling over him, facing Mel, who was beginning to look nervous again.  “You ready?” Win asked softly, taking Mel’s hands and threading their fingers together.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” she said, squirming on Nathan’s cock, moaning softly as she rolled her hips and Win’s mouth fell open as Nathan’s tongue delved her folds, eagerly exploring her sex.
“Fuck,” Win groaned, grinding against his mouth, her eyes not leaving Mel’s as she ground against his pelvis, pulling his cock deeper.  
Beneath them Nathan moaned, his hands moving from Mel’s waist to slide up the outside of Win’s thighs, and the two women began to find a rhythm, matching their movements to each other as they took their pleasure from Nathan, who from the sounds he was making was definitely in heaven himself.
“That feel good babygirl?” Win asked, squeezing Mel’s hands and Mel nodded wordlessly.  
“Fuck, yes.  I--”
Whatever she was about to say was interrupted by a sharp moan as Nathan bucked up into her suddenly, taking her by surprise and she groaned, grinding faster against him, her tits bouncing with each movement.
“I can’t believe we’re doin’ this,” she admitted, her mouth falling open and Win grinned.
“I hope that’s a good thing?” she murmured, her breath hitching as Nathan drew her clit between his lips, sucking and flicking with his tongue.
“I--I, oh God--” Mel exclaimed, again cutting off before she could answer, instead letting go of Win’s hands to grab her face, pulling her in for a sloppy, rather intense kiss, shoving her tongue in her mouth as her climax drew closer, building in her gut, Nathan’s cock hitting her in just the right spot as she rode him with abandon now, and she wondered if he was close too.
Win tensed suddenly, moaning into Mel’s mouth as she kissed her back, her body shuddering, Nathan’s tongue bringing her undone, her climax gripping her in her oversensatized state moments before Mel’s washed over her, the two of them riding through them together before Nathan finally tensed beneath them, bucking up into Mel as he came with a cry, Win collapsing to the side so he could breathe.
“Holy fuck!” he gasped, completely spent, whimpering as Mel quickly slipped off him, falling to the carpet next to Win, breathing heavily, searching blindly for her hand and Win gripped her too before turning to Nathan, pressing her face to his.
“That was the fuckin’ hottest thing I think I’ve ever been a part of,” he exclaimed, his chest heaving and Win huffed a breathless laugh herself.
“God, you were amazing, babe,” she assured him, wiping his face before bending to kiss him, still holding Mel’s hand in hers, feeling her friend crawl closer.  “You were both amazing,” she amended, pulling back to look at Mel, pulling her into her arms between her and Nathan, the three of them collapsing into a giant sweaty pile in the middle of the living room. 
However, as Win and Nathan quickly fell into a comfortable slumber Mel lay awake, chewing her lip, replaying everything.  She was struck by just how much she’d missed fucking Win, kissing her, being held by her.  It felt like the gaping, never-quite-healed hole in her chest that had opened when they’d broke up had reopened, and the thought that after tonight she’d have to go back to just being friends felt like the cruelest thing ever, top that off with how much she wanted Nathan, her best friend’s boyfriend.  It was almost too much.  
She’d never slept with a guy before, and she’d been lowkey crushing on this one for a while now, despite the complicated nature of their relationship, despite her feelings for Win.  He’d felt so good, made her feel so good, all while Win had been right there, making sure she was being taken care of, the love in her eyes overwhelming.  But Win loved Nathan, and Nathan loved Win, and this was just a drunken, high, spur of the moment impulse for them.  In the morning they’d go back to being a happy couple, and Mel… Mel, would be their friend, who they’d happened to fuck.
Maybe this was a mistake. 
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