#oc: nyxa ash
eddysocs · 9 months
Call Out Your Name (Fiona Goode x OC)
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Summary: When Fiona's cancer comes to claim her, Nyxa is ready to fight to get her back, no matter what it takes on her end.
Word Count: 888
Warnings: Temporary character death, cancer, blood, resurrection
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Though she knew it was coming, Nyxa wept when Fiona’s cancer overcame her. It couldn’t end like this. It wouldn’t. Nyxa fell to her knees and screamed until her throat hurt. She cried out to the empty room, her eyes turning to the window and looking at the moon as she invoked the name of the goddess, pleading with her to find a way to revive Fiona and restore her as the Supreme. Nyxa's prayers seemed to fall on deaf ears.
The tears came again, somehow even harder than before. The goddess of witches had refused her an answer, or even a sign. But that would not stop her. With Fiona laid in bed as if asleep, Nyxa dries her tears and steps out of the room, magically binding it to prevent all who wish to enter. She had to seek a willing ear and for that, she must leave the coven and search elsewhere.
The furious rapping on the door to Marie Laveau's caused her knuckles to ache, but she didn’t relent until the voodoo priestess answered. "What the hell do you want, witch bitch," Marie accused.
"I need to reverse death."
"Child, I don’t mess with that sort of thing. Not anymore." Marie made a move to close the door, but Nyxa wedged her Louboutin in, preventing the slam that Marie had intended to end this conversation.
"Don’t make me kill you," Nyxa threatened. Any other time, Marie would have laughed such a threat off, but there was a storm brewing in Nyxa's eyes and that made her threat far less empty than she would have liked.
With a heavy sigh, Marie relented. "Invoke Maman Brigitte. She’s in charge of the dead, and will be most likely to be sympathetic to your cause. Offer her pepper infused rum and ask her your favor. You might have to sweeten the deal. Now get the hell out."
Nyxa withdrew her shoe, scuffed, but replaceable, whereas Fiona was not. She made her way back to the sealed room, the rum having been rather easily acquired from a merchant in the french quarter. She fetched a silver goblet from the kitchen on her way up, and began the summoning.
"Maman Brigitte, Goddess of Death, come to me, hear my plea." Nyxa raised the cup towards the moon that still shown brightly into the room. She repeated her request twice more until a black smoke materialized in front of her. As it dissipated, it revealed the goddess. Nyxa knelt and offered her the glass of rum.
Taking the cup from her hand, she spoke. "What cause do you have to summon me?"
"I beseech you, restore Fiona to me."
"Your rum is good, but I fear it is not enough for me to fulfill your desire."
"Then what do you wish? Name it and it is yours." Nyxa wasn’t about to play like she wasn’t desperate. Whatever sacrifice was needed, she was prepared to make.
"I need a shepherd. When your time comes, your soul shall be indebted to me and you will usher souls to the other side for eternity."
Nyxa didn’t even need to think it over. "Yes." The word came out of her mouth naturally. What else was she going to do with eternity anyhow? She was probably bound for hell as it was. What Maman Brigitte was offering didn’t sound half so bad as the possibility of that. "As long as you can promise me that Fiona will be restored as she was in health and spirit, then I accept. What do I need to do?"
"It’s a blood pact. I’ll need your blood." Nyxa nodded and made for the letter opener kept in the drawer. She used it to cut her palm, and let the blood drip into the goblet of rum. She winced at the sharp pain of the force needed to make the dull blade cut her skin. She’d clean and wrap it later.
Maman Brigitte drank down the contents of the cup with no hesitation. The moon's light was snuffed out by a gathering of clouds and lightning flashed across the sky. By the time darkness settled again, Maman Brigitte was gone and Nyxa was left with Fiona.
The young witch rushed to her bedside. "Fiona! Fiona, please. Tell me she brought you back to me!" She felt more tears well up within her, and found that she couldn’t hold them back, the anticipation of disappointment was too much. Just as her vision began to blur, Fiona turned her head towards her. The sobs now were ones of joy. The voodoo goddess had made good on her promise.
Nyxa reached for Fiona's hand, taking it between both of hers. "What deal did you strike to save me," Fiona questioned disapprovingly.
"It doesn’t matter. I would have struck any deal to see you as you should be, as the Supreme of this coven."
"Ha! Don’t tell me whatever deal you made wasn’t just a little bit selfish. This coven surely doesn’t want me, no one but you, anyhow."
"Is that so wrong?"
Fiona hummed, as if thinking it over, but didn’t reply. Heaven forbid she show a little bit of gratitude even after having just been brought back from the dead. Nyxa didn’t care. All she wanted was Fiona, and that’s what she’d gotten.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs
Nyxa Ash: @hallospaceboyy, @hermosoharry, @iticaboopsyou, @isingonly4myangel, @bowiesdaughter, @brienneseveruscalawayfanfiction, @unwrittenletter
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waterloou · 4 years
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Helloooo all! I’m bringing back oc Saturday for these trying times to showcase some brilliant ocs! If you’d like to nominate your oc or somebody else’s, feel free to shoot me a msg, ask, or tag #ocextravaganzasaturday ! Also, there’s an option to submit a blurb!
OC Extra vaganza Guidelines
Below are links/blurbs for the featured ocs this week! Go check them out!
Akysa Eros created by @ahsokatonas
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Fandom: Star Wars
Young Gods
Anakin x Akysa
Character Poster
Akysa is such a kickass badass lady who is incredibly powerful. Go give her some love!
Aiden Gilbert Calloway created by @annibunnysworld
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Fandom: Umbrella Academy
Halloween Couples costume
Aiden is a happy, loving, and caring dude. He takes care of his loved ones and is very loyal! Go give him some love!
James Anderson created by @humangrumpycat
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Fandom: Riverdale
Greek Mythology moodboard
Anderson runs his hands through his hair, resting them on the back of his head, taking a deep breath.
He looks at the files on his desk, pursing his lips as his eyes switch between the three uneven stacks.
He lowers his hands, hesitating for a second before he picks up the open file.
The door opens, and Anderson watches Minetta storm into the room.
'Come in,' he sighs, dropping the file on the smallest stack.
'Who the hell are you?' Minetta grunts.
'James Anderson. Your new deputy.'
'I didn't know I needed a new one,' Minetta snarks, crossing his arms.
'I was told two of them quit,' James comments. 'Actually, I was told a lot of people here quit.'
Minetta sighs as he sits down.
'Well, welcome, I guess,' he says.
'But I'd appreciate it if you first meet with me before you decide to take files to your office,' Minetta states.
'I wasn't in the mood to wait for three hours,' Anderson replies. 'And it turns out I really needed those three hours,' he adds, gesturing to the stacks on his desk.
'Dare I ask why?'
James rests his elbows on the desk, his hands intertwined.
'The Council isn't so happy,' he starts. 'They haven't been since sheriff Keller messed up the investigation of the Black Hood, and the mayor promised you'd be better. But then "Riot Night" happened. So, they sent me.'
As Paramore said: “you are the only exception” No I will not elaborate.
Go give him some love!
Kala created by @ocfairygodmother ( @princess- -kala)
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Fandom: MCU
(Edits and such can be found at the princess kala tumblr linked above)
Vindicated (ao3)
Kala is strong, fierce, and easy to sympathize with. She’s witty and lovely and just wonderful! Go give her some love!(and vindicated! It’s a great fic!)
Lennon Wright created by @billy--hargroves
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Fandom: Riverdale
Basic info
Reintroducing Lennon Wright
Lennon x Sweet Pea
(Lots more can be found under the Lennon Wright tag)
She’s strong, opinionated, and honestly deserves better than the life she’s been handed. She’s wonderful and brilliant! Go give her some love!
Maisie Barker created by @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle ( @vannahthehufflepuff )
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Fandom: Harry Potter
Maisie and Bennett
“‘S’cuse me, comin’ through!” Maisie yelled as she raced through the corridors, adrenaline pumping through her veins, trying to get through a crowd of students, “Make way!”
She was almost at the end of the corridor when she ran straight into her best friend, Bennett, because she was too distracted looking over her shoulder.
Bennett toppled over first, Maisie following right after her. Bennett had fallen onto her bum, with Maisie sprawled across her lap.
“Merlin, Maisie,” Bennett clutched Maisie’s head, keeping it from hitting the ground, “What on Earth are you doing?”
Maise scrambled up quickly, extending a hand to Bennett to help her up, “I stole a… love potion… from Alena Foster’s… supply,” Maisie said, in between deep breaths, “She sent Malfoy and his goons after me. I think I’ve lost them.”
“A love potion?” Bennett raised her eyebrows, “For who?”
Maisie just smirked, “Dunno yet. Maybe Annie? Get her to shut up about Wood for five minutes.”
Bennett gave Maisie a look, “You know she’d hex you to England and back.”
“Not if she was infatuated with me, she wouldn’t.” Maisie winked. Her eyes suddenly went wide as she looked over Bennett’s shoulder, and she pocketed the love potion immediately.
“What’s that in your pocket, Barker?” Fred Weasley asked as he sauntered up to them, George beside him.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Maisie teased, trying to play it cool.
“I do believe that’s why I asked, yes,” Fred crossed his arms over his chest, a cheeky grin spreading onto his face, “Give us a peek.”
Maisie didn’t notice George sneaking behind the girl, a finger on his lips so Bennett wouldn’t say anything.
Maisie had realized what George was doing too late, and he pickpocketed her with ease.
“Damn you, George Weasley,” Maisie stomped her foot as George dangled the small bottle in front of her.
“Is that a love potion I see?” Fred started to tease, “Who’s the unlucky lad? Or lady? You know I don’t judge.”
“Oh, shut up, you,” Maisie crossed her arms, turning her nose up at the twins, “It’s none of your business.”
“Awfully secretive, Barker…” Fred tutted, taking the bottle from his twin and looking it over, “Is this for me? Do you loooove me, Barker?”
Maisie felt herself blush from head to toe, but she let out a scoff, rolling her eyes, “You wish.”
Fred just stared at her, a smirk on his face.
“If you must know,” Maisie yanked the bottle from Fred’s hand before he could react, “Alena Foster annoyed me today, so I stole one of her best sellers, and that’s all, thank you.”
“Whatever you say, Barker,” Fred’s smirk was spreading wider by the second, “I know you want a piece of this,” He gestured at his entire body, chuckling and dodging as Maisie tried to punch his arm.
“Oh, I’m gonna get a piece of you, alright!” Maisie yelped and raced toward Fred, who took off in the opposite direction, cackling as Maisie chased after him.
George just snickered quietly, wrapping an arm around Bennett, “Maybe one day they’ll figure it out.”
“Those two?” Bennett giggled softly, “I suppose we’ll see.”
“We can only hope.”
I love Maisie, I love Maisie, I love Maisie. She’s so funky and fun and playful. She’s also so sweet and caring and charismatic. Go give her some love!!!
Nyxa Ash created by @myocmultiverse
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Fandom: American Horror Story
Fiona and Nyxa
First off, her full name is Nyxa Persephone Ash and that name is rad as hell. Second, we love a lesbian witch who is mysterious and intelligent. Go give her some love!
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eddysocs · 2 years
American Horror Story OC Masterlist
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Name: Carol Summers
Face Claim: Sarah Gadon
Love Interest: Jude Martin
Fic Title: Pray You Might
Plot Summary: Committed to Briarcliff by her family in hopes to 'cure' her homosexual tendencies, Carol Summers fights tooth and nail to be freed from her unfair imprisonment. Suffering cruel treatments, she seeks an ally in her cause, and finds an unlikely one in Sister Jude. Will their bond lead them to a successful escape from the asylum, or will they both succumb to Briarcliff and lose every sense of themselves?
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Name: Cassandra Reagan
Face Claim: Zooey Deschanel
Love Interest: Constance Langdon
Fic Title: Before Her Eyes
Plot Summary: Paranormal researcher, Cassandra Reagan, needs a change of scenery. So, when she moves to California, and into the rather infamous Murder House, she sees it as a new chapter. She may be haunted by her past, but with a new home, and a budding romance with her new neighbor, maybe she'll find her answers to the old mystery of what killed her family. But will she fall victim to the Murder House's morbid history in the end?
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Name: Hannah Howe
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka
Love Interest: James Patrick March
Fic Title: Hotel Hell
Plot Summary: A girl staying at the Cortez for one night as part of a cross country trip, Hannah doesn't expect anything much from her stay. But she gets the wrong room. Room number 66 contains a demonic entity and its sights are set on Hannah as soon as she walks in. When the demon enters her body, she has to fight to keep it from taking total full control of her. She'll have to enlist the help of the Cortez's ghostly founder if she has any hope of surviving.
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Name: Jaeda Hill
Face Claim: Alisha Wainwright
Love Interest: Wilhemina Venable
Fic Title: End Of Days
Plot Summary: Jaeda Hill was never meant to make it to Outpost 3. The Cooperative didn’t select her, but she’s rescued from the nuclear winter and brought there anyhow. She’s surprised to find Wilhemina Venable is the one who ensured her safety. They haven’t seen each other for quite some time and as they battle to survive the apocalypse, old flames may just reignite.
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Name: Joan Hudson
Face Claim: Christina Hendricks
Love Interest: Elsa Mars
Fic Title: Up In Lights
Plot Summary: Fleeing her home state of New York after the brutal murder of her ex lover, and vaudeville partner, Johnny, Joan heads south and finds herself in Jupiter, Florida. Here she finds Elsa Mars and her troupe. Enticed by the chance to slip into obscurity for a while, she seeks employment with the band of freaks and is welcomed after winning over Elsa.
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Name: Natalie Gunness
Face Claim: Eliza Dushku
Love Interest: Countess Elizabeth
Fic Title: Within These Walls
Plot Summary: Natalie Gunness arrives at the Hotel Cortez as a horror blogger, there to document the hotels history as well as her own potential paranormal experiences. Her assignment was supposed to last no more than a week, but she finds that the Cortez isn’t done with her yet.
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Name: Nyxa Ash
Face Claim: Samantha Robinson
Love Interest: Fiona Goode
Fic Title: Supreme Ascension
Plot Summary: Nyxa shows up to Miss Robichaux’s fashionably late, making quite an impression on the other girls and particularly on Fiona Goode. Her time at the academy will forever alter her and make history unlike any witches have ever known.
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Name: Poppy Clemson
Face Claim: Mia Goth
Love Interest: Dandy Mott
Fic Title: Send In The Clowns
Plot Summary: Poppy grew up on a farm in Tennessee, but after a string of missing young men crop up in her little hometown, Poppy is on the first road out of Lynchburg and remains on the run until she reaches Jupiter, Florida where she runs into Dandy Mott prowling around the local freak show. Charmed by the country lilt in her voice, Dandy brings her home with him like some kind of pet, but the two will soon find out that they have more in common than they thought.
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Name: Sable Chen
Face Claim: Lyrica Okano
Love Interest: Stevie Nicks
Fic Title: Affinity
Plot Summary: Sable Chen is a powerful witch, and she could have been a supreme, but she was meant for other things, at least that’s what Fiona Goode would have her believe. Fiona is always talking about her 'special purpose' and at last she seems to find it when Stevie Nicks comes to call on the coven. Something about Stevie's aura and energy call to her and Stevie can sense the same in Sable. When Stevie departs the coven, she takes Sable with her, neither sure of what their bond might mean for them, but both willing to explore it.
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eddysocs · 2 years
Nyxa Ash Masterlist
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None yet
AHS Coven Promo Poster
None yet
Incorrect Quotes
None yet
Intro Aesthetic
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Call Out Your Name 💧
When Fiona's cancer comes to claim her, Nyxa is ready to fight to get her back, no matter what it takes on her end.
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Angst = 💧 Fluff = 🧸 Suggestive = 🫦 Explicit = 🔞 Dark = 😈 Humor = 🃏 Pregnancy = 🤰🏼
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eddysocs · 3 years
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Introducing: Nyxa Ash
Fandom: American Horror Story: Coven
Face Claim: Samantha Robinson
Full Name: Nyxa Persephone Ash
Nickname/Alias/Pet Names: Nyx
Age: 26
Myers Briggs Type: ENTJ
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Powers/Abilities: The Seven Wonders
Love Interest: Fiona Goode
Collections: Moon Related Items
Style/Clothing: Chic, black with dark colors. Often skirts and dresses. Designer brands, expensive materials. She likes luxury.
Signature Quote: "You haven’t had sex until you’ve had it under a full moon and you’re positively dripping with magic."
Plot Summary: Nyxa shows up to Miss Robichaux’s fashionably late, making quite an impression on the other girls and particularly on Fiona Goode. Her time at the academy will forever alter her and make history unlike any witches have ever known.
Forever Tag: @softgamerking, @vivis-ghost-wife, @randomfandoming1, @perfectlystiles, @ocfairygodmother, @oreostars, @foxesandmagic, @butcherofblackwater, @boyiega, @itsjustgracy, @anotherunreadblog, @fiercefray, @misshiraeth98, @malice1329, @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle, @codenamekryptonite, @bravelittleflower, @witchofinterest, @raith-way, @farrradays
Nyxa Tag: @lilmonsterbxtch, @hallospaceboyy, @hermosoharry, @iticaboopsyou, @isingonly4myangel, @bowiesdaughter, @brienneseveruscalaway, @unwrittenletter, @xxcathysxx
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eddysocs · 4 years
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Samantha Robinson as Nyxa Ash in American Horror Story: Coven
Forever Tag: @softgamerking, @vivis-ghost-wife, @randomfandoming1, @genius2050, @tinkerbellbleu, @puccasanluv, @perfectlystiles, @ocfairygodmother, @oreostars, @foxesandmagic, @butcherofblackwater, @boyiega, @itsjustgracy, @anotherunreadblog, @fiercefray, @misshiraeth98, @malice1329, @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle, @codenamekryptonite
Nyxa Tag: @lilmonsterbxtch, @hallospaceboyy, @hermosoharry, @iticaboopsyou, @isingonly4myangel, @bowiesdaughter, @brienneseveruscalaway, @unwrittenletter, @xxcathysxx
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