#oc: natalie gunness
harveywritings92 · 1 year
{I’ve turned the eccentric medic! reader into an Eccentric medic oc Meet: Dr. Natalie ‘Rocky’ Rockwell.}
[Rocky got kidnapped during a mission, she’s in an old police interrogation room tied to a chair cheerfully humming ode to Joy, while watching her captors chat on the other side of the glass. as She carefully unties her binds, and turns her attention on the one man in the room watching her...]
{meanwhile on the other side of the glass.]
Thug one, playing cards with his buddy: Would you rather kill everybody you ever talked to or eat a sandwich?
Thug two, thinks it over:...Hm.
[in the room behind them, the singular man turns his back on Rocky to ask if he could leave? Cos she was freaking him out, only for Rocky to get up from her chair; jump on his back and strangle him with the ropes. He desperately tries to gets the others attention but they don’t hear him; he and the medic fall to the ground. A few seconds later Rocky jumps up dusts herself off and leaves the room with the man’s gun.]
Thug two: Eat a sandwich, why would anyone ever pick the other option?
Rocky, kicks the door in and cocks the gun: Guess I wasn’t hungry.~
[Cut to Ghost and König rushing into rescue Rocky only to be met by her pushing herself down the hall towards them using a fire extinguisher and office chair, König catches her as the chair was about to fall backwards.]
König & Ghost, looking down at her baffled: ...
Rocky, cheerfully: Hi boys!~ What took you so long? I was getting bored waiting here.
König: You’re alright?
Rocky: I won’t bore you the details of my miraculous escape, but yes. I’m fine.~ (voice falters a bit) Mostly...
{Ghost and König were staring a large bruise on her face and split lip.]
Ghost: Where are the men that took you?
Rocky, points to the room behind her: Tied-up back there, but You’ll be wasting yer time. (Starts spinning in the chair.) They already told me everything.~ 
König, crack his knuckles: We’re not going to talk them...
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rosesart11 · 1 month
Me and The Devil
Gordon, one of the oldest ghosts in the House on Phantom Drive, while on a calm fishing trip alongside his exceptionally large companion Nessie; has a strange visitor arrive at his door.
This is one of the first short stories I’ve written for Phantom Drive! inspired by unsurprisingly Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin. Gordon and Natalie’s dynamic is one of my top favorites of all of the characters that I also sadly don't think I’ll be able to highlight as prominently as much as I do here in the main story. Old man and his petty little shit nemesis is so funny to me.
Hope y’all enjoy!
Waves crashed against the shore, and grey clouds gently floated through the skies above the water. A gentle wave hit the side of the small boat, rocking it tediously.
“Nessie, you can’t be doing that… well, unless you want me to get hypothermia, I suppose,” Gordon commented as large ripples flowed near the boat. “I’m fishing girl. Do you need a treat, or are you just annoying me for the fun of it?” Another bump hit the side of the boat. This time, it was accompanied by a deep growl below the water. Gordon turned to face the source of the ripples. Out of the water emerged a beast coated with deep greyish-blue scales with large ears obscuring her eyes, again, she headbutted the boat (as gently as she could, of course).
Gordon squinted his eyes, “Okay girl, calm down are you bored? What is going on?” he asked reaching his hand into the water. Nessie let him pat her head as she emerged further from the water, towering over the boat. 
“Nessie, you need to be more clear than that, I don’t speak fish monster,”
“Alright, time for charades, I suppose,” Gordon thought. “Okay, Nessie again, do you want something to eat?”
Nessie stared dead into Gordons' eyes clearly, deep in thought. Eventually, Nessie very gently shook her head. “Okay, I will get you a snack later, but I’m assuming that's irrelevant,” Nessie’s eyes lit up with joy.
“Alright, back to the original topic, I suppose the one thing I haven’t asked is… Is someone here? I can’t imagine that being true though-” Gordon began before being interrupted quickly as Nessie vigorously nodded. Gordon felt his heart drop, “What??? Are they here??? Did they just show up?? You have to explain-” Gordon began again until he stopped himself. “God, im talking to a fish… Okay okay, just show me where they are, Nessie.”
Nessie nodded as Gordon tied a rope to the end of a boat and passed the other end to Nessie. She held the rope firmly in her large jaws and glided through the water towards the beach. “Alright… okay, stay calm last visitor here wasn’t even threatening… just wanted to share some tea. Just be calm and don’t overreact, and it’ll all be fine…”
As they reached the dock, Nessie let go of the rope and tossed it to the boat. Gordon tossed up to the dock and tied it to the docks. Nessie placed her head gently on the dock. Gordon sighed and patted her head. “I’ll be right back, listen for a whistle. Y’know the drill.” Gordon reassured Nessie nodded as Gordon headed out to the beach.
A door laid patiently for him when he headed into shore. The wind started to pick up as he saw it. Built of dark wood its patterns were detailed and neat. Gently crafted spider webs engraved in its wood as if weaved by a spider. Gordon’s eyebrow raised as he stared at the door. The silence broken by a knocking at the door.
“Hello? Anybody there?” yelled from the other side.
“Who are you? What are you here for?” Gordon shouted back, tensing up at the sound of the voice.
And without a moment's notice, the door opened. A woman stepped through the door, long dark hair swooped to the side shaven on the other. She wore a long coat with a fluffy rim and a shirt with a strange skull, vines, and flowers growing from its eye socket. Her blue eyes caught his attention, a piercing icy blue that stared straight through him. Strange fashion in his eyes for an appropriately strange visitor.
“Sorry for the lack of a warning, I’m new to the neighborhood you can say,” she said with an awkward smile. “I will say, I wasn’t completely expecting a whole beach to be here but honestly, great work here.”
“I have had a long time to work on it… now back to the question, what is your name?” Gordon asked again. 
The woman looked embarrassed, at least Gordon thinks she is. Her expression felt too exaggerated to be real, not his mind anyway. “Oh dear! Apologies for the lack of an introduction, I'm Natalie, it is a pleasure to meet you, sir.” She extended her hand towards Gordon.
“The name’s Gordon… hopefully, I will be able to say the same about you.” He replied, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. She smiled brightly at him, “I guarantee it.”
It was warm inside the lighthouse, gently lit by the lanterns and fireplace; a table with a few chairs sat in the center of the room. A gentle breeze flew in through the open window. Natalie sat politely in her chair, tapping her feet as she glared around the living room as Gordon poured a kettle of hot water into a few cups.
“Do you have any tea preferences? I think I pretty much have anything and everything you could want for tea,” he asked. 
“What a wonderful use for the infinite powers of the afterlife! Infinite tea flavors,” Natalie replied. “Black tea is a favorite of mine, well when I drink tea anyway”
Gordon nodded curtly, before pouring the leaves into the water. “I personally prefer green… I used to like black tea but its bitter taste just started to make me feel ill.” He passed the cup to Natalie.
“Ah! A coward’s taste I’d say” Natalie snickered. 
Gordon sighed, “Black tea is the opposite of an obtained taste for me is the more accurate descriptor”
Natalie nodded, “I get that… I used to love coffee filled with sugar and milk. Can’t stand it anymore, black coffee is really the best option now I’d say.”
Gordon nodded, “couldn’t get behind it honestly, my wife loved the stuff and tried to get me to try it. Tried it once, far too bitter”
“Even with milk and sugar?”
“Even with milk and sugar,”
“As I said, cowards taste,”
A silence fell over the room as they drank their tea. Natalie never looked towards him constantly looking around the room. “Is she still looking at me? She can’t be… what is this feeling though?” he thought. Eyes glaring directly at him despite there being none at all. Gordon sighed, “Calm down, you know nothing is watching… except probably for Nessie.”
Abruptly Natalie’s chair scraped across the wooden floor as she stood up. “Mind if I look around, this little lighthouse is fascinating!” She asked.
“... sure, just don’t touch anything alright?”
“Oh, of course, privacy and all that, we’re chill,” Natalie assured. 
Natalie stood up and looked around at old pictures, little trinkets from the past, some of Nessie’s scales lying around, and his old shotgun hanging on the wall. Gordon stood up and walked towards the window, leaving Natalie to peek around the living room. 
He looked out to the beach and, staring out from the shore patiently sat Nessie from the water staring right back. Gordon smiled a little bit at the sight of the beast and whistled. Nessie immediately sprung into action and jumped to the shore, reaching the window to peer down at him more closely (albeit waddling on the land like a silly seal). 
“Hey Nessie, everything’s good so far… Keepin' an eye out?”
Nessie nodded, looking past him. Gordon looked where she was looking. Natalie was looking at some old cups of his in a cupboard. 
“The girl’s name is Natalie if you’re asking” 
Nessie looked at him and let out a gentle growl deep from within her. Gordon's eyes raised, “not a good feeling?” he asked. 
Natalie turned around to face them with a loud gasp. “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?” She shouted in surprise. 
“Calm down, this is just a friend of mine” 
“A friend??? That's a giant fish monster”
“A very friendly fish monster, give her a fish or two and you’ve got a friend for life,” Gordon replied, he turned to face Nessie directly and reached to give her chin a few scratches. “And I have given her many a fish in my time here haven’t I?”
Nessie let him scratch her chin with clear joy in her eyes. Still, though she had her eyes locked onto Natalie.
“So… I’m curious, who is this in the pictures?” she asked cautiously, quickly swiping up one of the pictures. A portrait of a woman with shoulder-length hair and streaks of white hair. She had a very gentle smile on her face. 
Gordon froze at the sight of the portrait, “I will be rather honest and say I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me about her”
Natalie’s eyes raised, her eyes glimmered with intrigue like a cat who saw a mouse skittering through a hallway. “Are you sure? I mean, I won’t pry but I won’t judge at all,” she replied.
He sighed, “alright… fine,” Nessie turned to him in confusion and growled again. “Shhh Nessie it's fine, you can head outside.” Nessie slammed her head into him, staring dead into Natalie growling loudly.
“Are you sure she's friendly???” Natalie asked, taking a few steps back.
“Yes yes I wouldn’t lie about something like that, Nessie please back off” Gordon requested. “I will deal with her if your predictions are right, I’ll be okay” he whispered quickly.
That seemed to calm down the beast, as she stopped burrowing her head into his side like an attention-seeking cat. Her head slipped out of the window, Natalie and Gordon watched as she slithered back into the dark waters. It grew darker, and the rain started to pour outside the window.
“Now that thing is gone, would you answer my question if you’d be so kind?” Natalie asked.
Gordon sighed, “Yes yes… That’s just a picture of my wife, Delilah”
Natalie nodded, “Lovely name for a lovely-looking woman… I do have to ask though, why isn’t she here? Can’t she visit her husband once in a while?”
“I don’t need to answer that, that's not any of your business” 
A silence fell over the room, Gordon couldn't make eye contact with Natalie. Taking note of the shotgun on the wall instead, “You can never be too sure can’t you”. He flipped his attention back to her when she put the photo back.
“Y’know I get it Gordon, I don’t know what happened with Delilah but I had someone of my own too, she left me too.”
“... First off Delilah never left me, she was at peace when she died… I wasn’t, I will never blame her for being at peace-” “Oh! You misunderstand me, I would never blame her for being at peace… Delilah and Piper,” Natalie clarified.
“Second off- wait, what was her name?” Gordon asked “Piper… Piper was her name,” Natalie replied. She reached into her pockets and pulled out 2 golden yellow buttons. “I keep these on me to remind me of her, I never really got to get any photos with her in all honesty…”
“How disappointing, I’d hate to not be able to remember Delilah’s face…” 
“Oh I’d never forget Piper’s face, I don’t think I would be able to…”
Natalie started to trail off, staring at the buttons in her hands. “She was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met… one of the kindest too. I hope she moved on peacefully when she died”
Gordon’s eyes narrowed, “she sounds like a wonderful woman, did she die as well-”
“I don’t think she moved on in all honestly, she seemed troubled when she died… It gives me hope y’know? That I’ll see her again, I never got to say goodbye to her… not like how I wanted to” Natalie said, seemingly to herself at that point rather than to anyone in particular. Gordon shifted towards the shotgun on the wall, the way she looked at the buttons rang the warning bells in his mind, the way she looked at those buttons reminded him less of a woman in love, a woman grieving and hoping; but more like a predator waiting, hoping, and hungering for its prey. He reached for the shotgun and picked it up. 
Natalie sighed, “I really need to stop being so uncertain, I know she’ll come back to me… she always has, she always has… She has to”
“Natalie?” “Where did she go? I don’t understand” “Natalie??” “I swear where did you go-” “NATALIE” Gordon shouted.
Natalie shook her head and shoved the buttons in her pocket, flipping around to face Gordon. “Oh dear! Im sorry about that, just got lost in my own little world-”
Gordon reached to load the gun in his hand. “I feel bad for her”
“For who?? What are you doing-” 
“Piper, I don’t know her of course… but based on everything you’ve said she sounds like a wonderful woman”
“Yes of course she is, but what are you doing with that?” Natalie asked, her eyes widened.
“I want to hope she moved on peacefully, I can’t imagine what pain it must’ve been to be stuck with someone like you… However, I suspect that can’t be the case. Either way, I do request that you leave my home and domain,” He lifted the gun and snapped his fingers, and the door to the exit shifted turning into the dark intricate door Natalie had entered through. 
“What an overreaction! Just tell me to leave and I’ll leave besides I know you won’t take a shot,” Natalie raised her hands in the air. “In fact, I dare you, take a shot out of that little shotgun of yours and show me that you really can-”
The shot echoed throughout the beach.
Gordon looked at the holes in the wall and back at the wide-eyed Natalie, her hands shaking. “Take the warning, I won’t give you a second chance”
She nodded slowly, stepping carefully towards the door facing him. “I hope-” “Not another word, leave and don’t come back”
She nodded again, opening the door and shutting it behind her. 
Gordon took a deep breath and sighed. Putting the shotgun back on the wall Nessie slithered her head back through the window, her eyes wide with worry.
“It’s alright girl, just taking care of our guest… she won’t be coming back for a long... long time”
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
Chapter 1 - ‘The Best Aviator’
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Warnings: SUPER DUPER LONG!! But pretty interesting (y’all let me know on that opinion of mine!) arguments here and there, Jake and Jonathan having a bumpy ride, suspension grows around the Dagger Squad. Some suggestive themes about sex, but nothing more.
The next day....
Aviators’ POV
The next morning things were quite a different story on how schedules and daily activity was run throughout the Aviation base. First they were woken up extra early, to do morning exercises and studying. Then Bradley and Jake were escorted to the medical room to have Bradley’s mustache shaved and Jake’s golden hair shaved off too. Then everyone’s phones or any kind of technical device was to be confiscated, they were only allowed to use the controlled technologies on base. So before they turned them in, everyone made sure to tell their closest families and friends to contact them through the Naval telephones. (Poor Bob recited the Navy Base’s number to his mother like 20 times) Jake made it his personal mission to text Tempy a long message saying how he’d call her from Base, to not worry if he didn’t answer the cellphone, and to trust that he was more than excited to meet with her soon. When he saw that she replied with the sweetest and most supportive answer, he knew she was a keeper, and that he liked her even more. (He too made sure she had the number written down if not tattooed somewhere on her skin so she would t lose it. He swore that if he could he would do the same.) No one saw Maverick that morning, but couldn’t call him or find him, or they waited patiently and hoped to see him later. The whole Dagger Squad saw him like the ‘cool dad’ and depended on his presence and company, so they had grown eager sooner than later. 
Jake’s POV
“Jake turn that shit down!!
Jake put down his two 50lb dumbbells on the mat below him slowly, then took a full stand with a puffed up chest as put forth smugly,
  “I don’t think so, y’all said it was my turn to blast the tunes, so my turn it is- nuh uh! Mickey get your hands off the speaker, it’s mine.”
 Jake sauntered towards Mickey as he held up a threatening finger, wordlessly warning him to not dare touch the little speaker on the floor that screamed out loud like an orchestra. Mickey held his hands up in surrender before questioning,
 “Hangman c’mon, that’s the fifth time you play this song! What’s got you so... much more puffed up than usual?”
 Just in that moment Bradley walked in the base’s gym and answered Mickey’s question for Jake, with a matter-of-fact tone,
  “It’s cause he’s head over boots for that girl he saved at Hard Deck. But I don’t know if she’ll like him anymore... he looks like a freaking marine.”
Javy threw his towel at Jake as he shrieked like a girl while waving his hands,
 “Ewww!! Ugh!! Coyote shut up!!”
Jake threw back the sweaty towel at Javy and wiped his face with his hands, trying to wipe away any evidence or remains of Javy’s sweat on him. He then patted his head reminding himself of the horror and tears he went through this morning as he shaved his gorgeous hair off. (Jake did it by himself so he could embrace the moment sadly without being made fun of) 
 Javy then only laughed out loud like if Bradley had told an inappropriate joke, or like if Bob had tripped over the same wire that rested across the floor of the gym for the past weeks. Jake rolled his eyes before sending Bradley shooting daggers through his now dark green orbs while countering,
  “I’m not head over boots... chill guys.”
Reuben took a sip from his energy drink as he teasingly wiggled his brows at Jake, who was looking like he was beginning to feel a little frustrated, only because they were telling the truth, and he wasn’t ready to admit that yet. But Bob being the usual kind soul he was, he pitched into the conversation’s topic to only end it as he expressed with honesty,
  “Don’t push Jake about his feelings, you guys know he’s not very prone to sticking to one person, let alone have feelings for one in particular. Right Jake?”
 Jake looked up at Bob with wide eyes,
‘Well Damn.. he knows me more than I do... but shit... it’s not like that with Tempy. With Tempy, I felt something different, I didn’t want to leave her, I just desired and craved more of her touch, my heart ached to hear her voice from her lips more than anything else. If I could only just leave this-‘
 “Hey guys what’s up??”
All the aviators including Jake who came back to the moment, all locked their eagle eyes on the one and only Jonathan, who walked into the gym to do his usual workouts. Most of the guys right away went to receive him in, only Jake and Bob stayed behind because Bob held onto Jake’s arm lightly as he whispered to him,
 “I know what you feel for the girl you saved is different and more special than anyone else you’ve ever encountered... I can see it in your eyes. So don’t screw it up, and take it one day at a time.. you got this.”
 And without another word but with a cute smile and with a fix to his glasses, Bob then walked away towards Jonathan to formally introduce himself. Feeling called out finally about it, Jake stood there for a few seconds, quite astonished, plus hearing that come from Bob, had to mean something, because Bob only spoke when something serious was up, and only spoke the truth about it. His mind had a flashback of last night, remembering Tempy’s touch and voice, his heart warmed up at the memory, and he smiled to himself before thinking,
 ‘Maybe I ought to give us a shot... I think she’d like that too.’
Jonathan’s POV
After making short talk with Bob, who Jonathan liked right away because though he was a little shy and quiet, he was actually pretty cool and smart. Jonathan then walked up to Jake, to do the same but also ask why he had to cover his ass from being caught by Chaos. He waited for Jake to put away the dumbbells and fully turn around to face him before he asked,
  “Say Jacob, why were you late last night? You left before I did.”
 With a roll to his eyes and shoulders, Jake put simply,
 “That’s none of your business, though I appreciate your help covering my ass. Just next time, don’t worry about me, I can take care of myself.”
 Jonathan felt that Jake refusing his help for any next time was arrogant, so he scoffed,
  “Why because you think you’re better than anyone that Chaos will let your mistakes slip? He won’t, let me make that clear for you. If not he’ll make something up.”
 Bradley and Javy stood by protectively, watching the scene unfold slowly. Mickey and Bob backed off by the signal of Rueben who came to stand in front of them. Jake cocked a brow and shook his head,
  “You’re still the same huh? Why do you hate me so much-“
 “Because you think you’re better than anyone! Just because you’re one of the only aviators of our generation to have two air-to-air combat kills.”
 Jake raised his hand defensively at Jonathan as he stated,
  “Listen pal-“
 Jonathan seethed,
 “Don’t pal me!-“
 “Fine! Lieutenant Danvers, let me put it simple for you, ok? If you can’t get to me, or if you can’t beat me, that’s not my fault. You just can’t catch up.”
 Bradley stood in a little as he lowly warned Jake,
  “Jake let it go, it’s ok-“
 Jonathan side looked at Bradley as he asked with an irritated voice,
 “Who asked you what is ok? Fucking back off Rooster-“
 Jake snapped at Jonathan, for no one talks to his buddy like that,
 “Hey leave him alone!-“
 He then turned to Bradley and the rest as he said calmly,
  “Just go guys, I’ll settle this civilly, I promise... it’s ok, y’all don’t have to see this.”
 Bradley looked a little unconvinced but the wing buddies took him and walked out, but before leaving Bradley shouted,
 “Where still flying together tomorrow for practice fight maneuvers right?”
 Jake sent him a thumbs up,
 “Yes sir, that’s a guarantee... though you need to go find Mav and let him know that we’re scheduled to go first.”
 “Will do.”
Jake’s POV 
‘What is this McQueen’s deal? Can’t he just be... cool for once?’
Jake eyed Jonathan with confidence but with a calm approach, not really feeling the desire to fight or be a dick, last night he felt really great and he wanted to carry that same feeling today and so forth. Jonathan looked up to his competition with crossed arms, ready to take him down in any way, and Jake saw this, and wanted to calm down the dog in him,
“Look Danvers, I don’t want to fight-“
Jonathan put his hands on Jake’s shoulders, steadying him to deeply look in his eyes as he interrupted with a pleading voice,
 “And I don’t either, but for any fight training we have to do or any shit like that, you back off and let me do my thing. I’ve been shut down too many times Jake... please.”
 Jake sent him a questioning look as he worded his confusion,
 “I don’t understand, can’t you just do your thing and let me do mine?-“
 With a firm shake to his head Jonathan insisted,
 “No, not when Chaos is making my promotion situation very difficult, and I don’t want to get into the details. So please... let me do the super fast flying and passing, he said he’ll be judging my scoring by your approval.”
Jake had never heard of Admiral’s letting the wingmen do the debating of whether or not their partners should pass, it was definitely new to him. But he couldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t let Danvers use him to pass up and on when he had worked his ass off through Cyclone to get his promotion test in. 
 ‘Oh no... I know what you’re doing...’
“I can’t do that Danvers... you have to give your absolute best and that I’ll score, from my experience of fighting and flying for my next promotion... is how I’ll see your worth of a promotion. If I can see you work as much as I did, and do it with utter precautions and not recklessly, I’ll seriously consider it and be honest about it.”
 Jonathan’s face dropped with disappointment and he let go of Jake’s shoulder as he tsked,
  “You won’t be honest... because you want others to see that you’re the fastest  and best, you won’t give me a chance.”
Jake stood up tall and did his best to pull his point across, trying not to be mean, (Bradley had been helping Jake with becoming a better person when approaching others, he was trying to practice that as much as possible.) To end the conversation with no more words or actions, Jake put forth,
“Listen it’s for your own good, you may be fast, but you can also not know how to control such a high speed, don’t do anything stupid to impress people who can’t see how good you are. Stop trying to be me, you’ll never be me. Do your thing. Fight, fly, and train for you, and I’ll see that. I’ll tell Chaos about what I see from you, but if you want a good report, you have to fly good. Do you understand?”
 Jonathan’s POV 
Jonathan was stunned by this new Jake, the one he knew at the academy was a jerk and by me would’ve told him to piss off, but this Jake, really was being very calm about this situation, and was actually trying to help him. 
  ‘Ok... he’s right. I have to do this for me and show him I can be the best. But Chaos will still be an ass about it... I know he will because he’s unfair and a begging jerk-‘
 “Are we good, Lieutenant?”
Jake eyed Jonathan with sincere eyes and waited for him to come back to the moment, to which he did when he replied,
 “Y-Yeah.. ok. Sorry, I’ve just been going through a rough time with a few thing and with Chaos-“
 Jake then chuckled,
“Hey hey... it’s ok, we all have problems and shit. We just have to soar above them all, that’s what I do. Now, I got to go do some flight maneuvers, I’ll let you finish up here and use my speaker, it’s Bluetooth anyways.”
 Jake then began to walk away, and Jonathan thanked him,
 “Thanks Jake... for not being a dick... and for being the best aviator I know.”
Jake turned back and saluted him,
 “I’ll always be the best, that’s why you come to me for anything... and I mean anything. And you’re welcome.”
Tempy’s POV... in the Temperance Residence 
“So Nati... how was it?”
Tempy paused from rolling the dough for the cookies she was making, when she asked her father with a curious tone,
  “How was what? Breakfast? Great! It was just as great as-“
 “I’m not talking about that young lady... I mean Jacob.”
 Tempy let her face show how shocked she was that her father had asked her about Jake, thinking that maybe he forgot about him or didn’t care,
 ‘Ok I guess he was very interested in Jake..’
 “Oh, well he’s very nice and polite, he actually saved my life at the Hard Deck.. he covered my bill when the bell rang because I left my phone on the bar, so I brought him over to pay him back after I recovered my wallet from the taxi... but he refused to take the cash- or anything actually.”
 Tempy tried not to blush or look flusters at the memory of what had actually went down last night, but the thoughts were shoved down when she heard her father chuckle,
 “Ha! Penny should’ve made you get thrown out, would’ve made us alike.”
Tempy put the balls of dough in the oven before chuckling,
 “You’ve been thrown out Pops? You?! You should know by now about rules in a NAVY BAR! You’re a Navy Seal for crying out loud-“
 “I’m a ex-Navy Seal... remember that-“
 “I know Pop but c’mon-“
Francis began to wave his hand off as he attempted to get him off that topic,
 “Ok ok, enough about me let’s not get off track here, what happened next with Jacob?”
 Tempy eyed her father but smiled, she knew she could talk all day about Jake, there was so much to like about him, even if she didn’t know him for long,
“Well...  Jake is unlike anyone I’ve met. There’s a lot about him that separates him from the rest. And I want to say I think you feel the same way.”
 Francis stayed quiet for a few seconds before stating seriously,
  “It was nice to see a good young man not stare at my daughter’s body like she’s a bag of meat... and that guy.. Jacob.. his eyes never left yours.. or your face. And he called me Sir, others called my ‘man’ or ‘bro’... so uneducated.”
Tempy smiled proudly to herself, to see the affect Jake had on her father, who was always so cold hearted about everything, but now she saw that he was only looking after her. He only wanted her to have a man that saw her like a treasure, not like a toy.
 “Thanks Pop... but I don’t want to assume anything about us yet... I don’t know what is what yet..”
 Francis nodded understandably,
  “I know kiddo... one day at a time, and like I always say-“
Tempy smiled before quoting one of her fathers greatest words,
 “Make the right call, or don’t make one at all.”
With a drumroll on the table Francis cheered,
“That’s right! Oh, did I tell you that your Uncle Darius is coming over?”
 Tempy took off her mother’s old apron that she had on while replying with a large smile,
 “Oh that’s great!! He’ll be happy I made cookies... he always liked coming over when mama would make them, remember?”
 Francis face turned a little sad, mirroring Tempy’s,
 “Yeah... I miss your mama, wish that stupid drunk hadn’t hit her with the car those 10 years ago... She’d still be here, baking the cookies instead while you and I would fight for the left over dough she’d purposely leave for us.”
 Letting go off what she had in her hand, Tempy came around the kitchen island to the side where her father sat on the stools, and hugged him tightly,
  “I know pops... I know. Today’s the day huh?”
 While hugging her father, Tempy looked behind him at the calendar that hung on the white walls, and there she saw the circled date on it, her mother’s birthday. Her eyes watered as she remembered the day that changed her life forever. She was at home with her pops who had just gotten back from deployment. They both were planning to surprise mama that he had come home early while she was out shopping for Christmas. But instead what they received was a call from the police that mama had gone into a terrible car accident. And when they both arrived at the scene, it was too late, the Angels had already taken her home. It took 5 men to rip Pops off of the drunk driver who had hit mama with his large truck, he was beating the guy up with all his anger, sadness and might. What officially calmed him down was the voice of a strong, but old African American man, who had the calmest eyes, named Darius Solomons. Darius took Francis and Tempy home, and stayed with them till they were fed a good dinner and confirmed that they would be ok for the night. And ever sense that day, Darius became great friends with Francis, for they both shared something in common, they were both Navy Seals but in different units, but they were still Seals. And he became the best uncle for Tempy, always getting her the best presents and company while her pop was on deployment out of country. Soon Darius was the one that had knocked on their wooden door, causing the hug between the father and daughter to separate, but they were now happy that their happy and comforting guest had arrived. Tempy welcomed, Darius Solomons, to sit with her father in the kitchen as she pulled out the cookies and began to serve them into a cute flower shaped platter as Darius spoke in his deep but soothing tone,
 “So little Temps... Your Pops was telling me about some young pilot boy?”
 Tempy let out a short chuckle while sending her father a shake to her head,
 “Nothing escapes you huh? But yes, Uncle Darius... his name is Jacob Seresin, a Naval Aviator he is... and he’s stationed here at this Navy base.”
  Darius raised his brows with approval as he hummed into the soft chocolate chip cookie he happily bit into. Francis nodded along as he added,
  “He seems like a pretty good kid, Darius. Very respectful too... maybe he’ll pass your interrogation test.”
 Tempy tossed a kitchen towel at her father as she playfully begged her Uncle,
 “If I introduce him to you, just be nice please and don’t scare him away, he’s really cute and sweet.”
 Darius laughed at Francis scrunched up face after he pulled off the towel from his face, and then said to Tempy sweetly,
 “Of course Temps.. I got your back sweetie pie. Are you even planning on seeing him again? Or more than that?”
Tempy thought for a moment as she sat down and flipped her hair out of her face, and bit into her cookie, filling her mouth without a care in the world while she sat across from the two old aged Navy Seal men who munched on cookies like children. She was already used to and comfortable with this kind of set up, these two men practically took her mother’s place and helped raise her in her teenage years. When Tempy went through her first period, these men did their best to be polite and supportive as best as they could as being men. Through her first teenage break up? Boy you bet they first comforted Tempy with ice cream and cheap romcoms they found at their local ‘mom and pops’ shop, then they found the little jock later and scared the shit out of him, threatening to do the fucking unimaginable. (they wouldn’t do it of course, because they were civil men, but they knew that their words alone would scare the boy enough to not ever hurt Tempy again.) So Tempy soon got her thoughts together, and answered as best she could,
 “Well, he did say that he got a new Admiral that seemed more strict, so he said that if flight training ends ealry and well without any set backs, we’ll meet up to discuss what we’ll do... or like what we can become? He said that he’ll call me as much as he can though, they confiscated their phones for some reason, but he had my number and I have his... so it’s a start.”
 Francis looked at Darius to seek the approval of his best friend, and he saw it when he wisely replied,
  “Well sweetie... just make sure that he’s not setting you back or playing you. Don’t want you waiting for him religiously while he’s out there not caring or remembering about you. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about... my two little girls had their men go through me first... so I learned what they were like real quick-“
 Francis then quickly added,
 “Plus your Uncle is an assigned Psychologist and Therapist for the Navy, he knows what he’s talking about Nati.”
Tempy took in their words and sat back and bit into her cookie as she thought,
 ‘I’m sure he isn’t doing that... I saw it in his eyes... I don’t want to call it ‘love’ yet... because it’s a strong word and means a lot... but looked like it... I could feel it... see it... he wouldn’t of tried finding a way of contacting me if he wasn’t seriously interested.. right?’
Chaos’ POV... back at the Navy Base
Chaos eyed Jake from where he watched him while sitting at his desk in his office. He observed how Jake was cleaning and tidying up his jet like an obsessed freak, squeaky cleaning every nook and cranny of that F/18 jet. It was like if Jake had built the damned jet himself, knowing where everything went and what it was exactly for, from the tiniest wire to the smallest button. A smile creeped up to his lips as his brains cells worked hard planning, and putting together a puzzle piece he thought could be completed easily. He then squeezed the hips of a particular sailor who was breathing heavy against his chest, trying to steady her trembling body as she hid her face into his chest. 
He then slowly turned the chair he sat on, and looked down at the file he held there, with the bold words it read,
 ‘Captain Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell’
‘Son of a bitch won’t be controlling these aviators anymore... I’m not Cyclone... I’m Chaos...’
 Then out of the corner of his eyes he saw a shadow from outside his door, he knew exactly who it was, and before they could knock to grant permission to enter, he took off the sailor who was almost passed out on his lap. She then picked up her things right away, already knowing the drill of what to do like if she was specifically trained for it. (Which she was) Before any other human on earth could take a breath or even blink, she was gone into thin air. And Chaos adjusted his uniform as he heard a knock come through,
Mavericks POV 
 Knock Knock Knock!!!
‘Well let’s see how this goes...’
Maverick stood outside of Chaos’ office, confident but slightly nervous on how or what he was going to be confronted, because he had quite the history with the Navy. He heard a low gruff voice command the words, ‘come in’, and upon that he entered with his chin held high, and stood as tall as possible. He swore he caught a whiff of what smelled like sweat and woman’s cheap perfume, but he let it slide off his mind and did his best to ignore the smell as he stood straight and affirmed,
Maverick looked up ahead, he was never one to stare down his superiors, only when speaking he will connect the eye contact. But that ended quickly when Chaos snapped at him,
  “It’s Admiral and you will look at me, Captain.”
 ‘Oh easy easy... ok... sheez.’
Maverick took a deep breath then locked his baby blues on Chaos’ dark brown eyes, holding in his breath a little as Chaos began,
  “So, it has been told to me that you have a history here at Top Gun, if anyone asked me, I’d say you’re one hell of a pilot that’s got some balls to disobey orders and still do some impressive shit.”
 Maverick nodded his head, feeling deep inside that something big was coming. And his nerves were right, as Chaos added,
 “Well, that ends today. By my direct order, you are grounded as long as I’m here, you will not be allowed to do any fighting maneuvers or flight training. You will be grounded and teach from what I give, and you’ll do this with supervision in the debriefing room. And if I ever, EVER see your ass in an F/18 or any other kind of aircraft, I will happily dishonorably discharge you from the Navy and take your wings.... is that clear, Captain?”
 Maverick’s heart felt stabbed, it was like if death had come to visit him, and took a chunk out of him. Maverick’s life was all about flying, being in the air and defining gravity with his stealth and irrevocable speed, it was his pride and joy... and now it was being taken away from him. 
  ‘This can’t be happening... come on Ice... where are you when I need you most... I’m even going to admit that I miss Cyclone.’
Maverick tried to hold back how bitter he was beginning to feel, and answered with a clear and calm tone, which was going against everything he felt. 
  “Yes Sir- Admiral... yes Admiral... though may I ask something?”
 Chaos groaned lowly,
 “What is it Captain?”
“Do I still get to plan out the training maneuvers and direct what they’ll be doing? I am their trainer after all, Admiral.”
 Chaos leaned back in his chair and shook his head with a sigh,
  “You don’t get it do you? I’m taking away your power and the control you have. Iceman gave you too much and now you think you own everything and have all the say for it too... but now.. you don’t. You’re dismissed.”
Maverick bit his tongue from saying anything, and instead left said with a hurt but overall deep tone,
 “Yes, Admiral.”
Bradley’s POV... somewhere on base
Bradley stood by himself near the men’s locker room, trying to adjust his flight suit and its zipper, when he heard a few whispers come from the distance, but what he concluded, was that someone was fighting in a low whispered tone. And Bradley being Bradley, he long forgot his flight suit situation, and began to creep towards the sound, doing his absolute stealthy best to not make a sound so his presence wasn’t discovered. And soon the voices got louder, meaning he was closer, and his stopped in his tracks when his hearing got him to stand in front of the woman’s locker room, a place he never walked inside of, so being at the door was his limit. 
 ‘Damnit I wish I could go in- oh shoot oh shoot!-‘
 Bradley stopped brain storming unnecessary thoughts when he clearly heard one of the women irritatingly say,
 “You know we’re supposed to be together when he does that! Cause then he grows unfair about the paying and the ranking, and I hate that, you know it!!”
 Bradley lowly gasped to himself and raked his fingers through his short curly hair as he heard further with great interest,
“Well it’s not my fault he likes me better and thinks I do a better sucking job!”
‘A better sucking job? What the hell is that about?-‘
 “Yeah well he said he liked my titties better!-“
 “Well he admitted he likes my ass more-“
Bradley’s continued to listen on but he grew more and more disgusted with what he heard, not believing his ears either. He was just about to grab his phone to record what he was listening to, when Natasha approached the woman’s locker room and caught him listening in. She grabbed Bradley from the back of his neck and faced him towards her as she scolded,
 “I didn’t take you for a Peeping Tom, Bradley-“
 Bradley was quick to grab Natasha by the hips and push her into the room next door. He closed it shut before he began to confess to an upset looking Natasha.
 “Nixy let me explain-“
 “What that you’re peeping on the other woman? Bradley I thought... I thought you wouldn’t do that if we’re trying to work things out for each other?”
Natasha’s eyes gave a look of hurt and disappointment, her forehead was a little scrunched up as her brain tried to figure out why she probably wasn’t enough for Bradley, but Bradley wouldn’t let her think on any further, because her thoughts weren’t accurate with what was actually going on. Bradley stayed quiet for a moment, then shook his head no slowly, while he walked up to Natasha and carefully put his hands on her shoulders, coming up to cradled her face as he shook away her worries of him cheating on her,
  “Phoenix... first things first, I’m not cheating on you, or looking at other women. I love you and only have eyes for you. Do you understand?”
Natasha let a tear slip down her cheek, as she nodded, believing his every word, upset that she could even think he’d do that to her. Bradley then pecked her lips lovingly but quickly before intriguing her with his next words,
  “Second... I have some serious tea.”
 Natasha gasped as she held onto Bradley’s flight suit by the collar,
 “What’s that?!”
 Bradley’s heart squeezed with awe at seeing Natasha’s now glowing eyes, and he pecked her nose before stating,
  “I think we got some serious shit going down... like amongst the new pilots and Admiral... I don’t know exactly what yet, I don’t want to- to start rumors you know.”
 Natasha nodded supportingly while her mind tried to circuit around what he was saying,
 “I know baby, I know... is that what you were trying to listen to?”
 Bradley looked down at their now intertwined hands, while admitting,
 “Yes ma’am... but I couldn’t get anything good, nothing made sense to me. But for now, stay away from them ok? The two women-“
 “Their names are Lieutenants Samantha ‘Blaze’ Quinn and Jade ‘Chick’ Rollins.”
 Bradley lifted his brows at the mention of their names, he wasn’t impressed honestly, but it was good to know them by name at least. He then added,
  “Ok them, and Jonathan ‘McQueen’ Danvers, although he seems like a good guy, but he’s still a part of the others... so be careful. Oh and Admiral, stay away from him and don’t be with him alone. I don’t care if he calls you into his office to talk ‘privately’. There’s no privacy, you take someone with you. If I’m not there, go with Hangman... I trust him. Or anyone else. Do you understand baby?”
 Natasha loved seeing Bradley’s protective side, it showed how much he genuinely cared and loved her, so she knew she’d do her best to listen to his important advice.
  “I understand Bradley, and thank you for telling me this, I appreciate it more than you know.”
 Bradley smiled proudly to himself, glad that he had a great girlfriend, that didn’t take his protectiveness the wrong way and think that he was just being mean and controlling. Just in that moment the speakers announced loudly in Walrock’s voice,
 ‘All Aviators on base meet me in the debriefing room in 5, if you’re a second late you will do push-ups until I’m satisfied.’
 Natasha kisses Bradley’s cheek before teasing,
 “I’ll beat you to the room first.”
 Bradley could only giggle with a fake gasp,
 “Sure you will, cause ladies are first.”
Aviators POV
When all aviators arrived and took their seats, Maverick’s dagger squad wore a smile and subtly waved ‘hi’ to their favorite person as they saw the infamous Captain ‘Maverick’ Mitchell standing next to Warlock. But Bradley and Jake were quick to notice that something was off with Maverick, they could see it in his baby blue eyes. Natasha quietly whispered to Bob,
 ‘I think somethings wrong.’
Mickey who had heard from behind them replied,
 ‘No shit... Maverick looks upset.’
Reuben frowned a little as he asked worriedly,
 ‘Do you think we did something wrong?’
Natasha replied,
 ‘If he was mad at us or something, he wouldn’t have winked at Jake, he usually takes his upset mood out on him, because Jake takes it like a pro and handles heavy shit. But he seems upset about something else.’
Jade ‘Chick’ Rollins heard the all whispering but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying, so it made her frustrated and scold them rudely,
‘Could y’all shut the fuck up! I should tell Chaos so he can make you drop and do-‘
Almost everyone in the room jumped in their seats at the loud slamming of a door, and grew a little stiff in their seats at the sight of the one and only Admiral George ‘Chaos’ Tannin, to whom they stood up for quickly without being told, afraid that if they waited for the order, they’re get in trouble for being told. Admiral sent them all a wicked look of pride, as he boasted,
 “It’s enough for me to know that you all fear me... now take your seats and listen clearly.”
 Maverick stood behind Chaos, and did his best to hold a steady posture and calm appearance, so his Dagger Squad wouldn’t see him as distressed as he felt. He even made sure to lock eye contact with everyone of them at some point to send them a reassuring smile, his nerves calmed a little when they mirrored his sincere actions. But the tension grew in the room and Maverick’s Dagger Squad’s faces changed as the devil himself began to speak,
 “So as of next week... there will be new changes... Warlock and Hondo introduced you to some of those this morning. Which is early morning drills in the gym, only 3 phone calls a day. Serious studying of the 5G fighter jets, for you will be taking exams on your knowledge of these jets. And overall... I will be your new instructor-“
 “What about Maverick?!”
 “Maverick’s our instructor!”
Those who stood up with shocked faces and angered voices were Jake, Bradley, and Natasha. But we’re silenced immediately when Chaos rose his hand to gestured for them to sit back down, and before he could say anything Maverick quickly spoke up in his Squad’s defense.
 “Guys, please... let him finish.”
Bradley and Jake who sat next to each tower glanced at one another before looking back at Maverick, who only mouthed to them,
 ‘Trust me.’
Chaos shot angry daggers at the three who dared to question his orders, and grew pissed immediately when he saw that they wouldn’t even look at him anymore. So he cut the speech to a chase and ended with a gruff,
 “So as I was saying, for the next weeks I will be giving the orders and instructions, the plans and how I want the fight maneuvers to be executed. And if there’s a mission, I’ll be the one directing how it goes down. Every single thing that happens inside this base will go through me. Maverick is grounded until someone says otherwise-“
 He then dared to look back at Maverick and smirk, before looking back at the Dagger Squad and putting forth,
 “Though that night he be a while if not ever... sense the savior Iceman isn’t around to save his ass anymore and pull strings for his little toy.”
 Bradley lost it at his words and stood up, slapped Jake’s hand away that tried to pull him back down as he shouted,
“That’s out of line!! Iceman only did what he thought Maverick deserved! Which is to fly-“
 Chaos’ face grew red as he shouted back furiously,
“You know what Lieutenant! That’s it! You and your blond boyfriend and you Phoenix can see yourselves outside with Hondo and do push-ups unlit I AM SATISFIED!! Maybe you’ll learn some God damn manners!! And the rest of you will stay in your bunkers for the evening.. and if you dare do anything stupid you’ll be joining them till midnight!!! Dismissed!!”
 All the Aviators scrambled away to their destined places, those who needed to stay at their buckers did, and the 3 Musketeers were outside already doing push-ups. Hondo saw what went down and didn’t like how Maverick and his Squad were being treated, so he went easy on the aviators and let them take breaks here and there without being caught. On one of those breaks while huffing for air and chugging down water (they actually threw it over themselves to cool off while Hondo connected a fan in front of them to freshen them up more) Jake told the Bradley and Natasha on a serious note with a low voice, that still showed how aggravated he was,
 “Something’s up this guy’s ass... and I’m going to find out what it is.”
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littleguysunlimited · 2 months
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Screenshot redraw of my GTAO oc, Coyote
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ereardon · 1 year
Jake Seresin masterlist
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*All of my fics are 18+. Please do not repost my work without consent or steal my work. Reblogs and comments give me life so please do interact if you'd like!
✤: Fluff
❂: Angst
❀: Smut
Full-length series:
❀❂✤ Slow Burn — Jake x OC [Kate] – Complete
After a one night stand with Hangman disrupts the fresh start you were looking for when moving to San Diego, the unexpected pregnancy forces you and Jake learn how to live with each other and tolerate one another. As the months go by, you slowly get to know the real Jake beneath the facade he puts on, but when old flames and work obstacles threaten to topple everything, your new relationship is put to the test.
❀❂✤ As It Was — Jake x OC [Abby] – Complete
When Jake Seresin calls to tell you he’s accepted a permanent position at Top Gun, you’re elated to finally be living in the same city as your best friend. But everything changes when Jake tells you his news — he has a new girlfriend, and he’s serious about her. And while you want to like her, for Jake’s sake, something about her feels wrong. Jake's arrival in San Diego also puts you in the direct path of Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, who has set his sights on you despite being Jake’s sworn enemy. Every move Rooster makes, Jake intercepts. What game are these two playing, and why is Jake more concerned about you moving on with Rooster than he is about his own relationship? 
❀❂✤ My Girl — Jake x OC [Natalie West] – Complete
Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
❀❂✤ The Backup — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
Dating is hard, especially in a city like San Francisco. That's why most of your dates end up with you in Jake Seresin's bed. He's the fallback guy. But keeping your friends with benefits situation with Jake is becoming harder to hide from your tightly knit friend group. And what happens when you start seeing a guy that you actually like, and the midnight booty calls go away?
❀❂✤Before I Knew — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
On your first night after moving to San Diego to spend more time with your brother Bob, you unknowingly have a one night stand with his teammate Jake Seresin. For the first time in his whole life, Bob has a closely knit friend group and you’re desperate not to rock the boat. But an unexpected and unplanned pregnancy upends your world, forcing you and Jake closer together, against Bob’s wishes. What will happen when you find yourself actually falling for the father of your unborn child? 
❀✤Homecoming — Jake x Reader — Ongoing
Returning home to California after six years abroad in England, you found everything has changed. Jake Seresin, your father's former college roommate and lifelong best friend, is now a widower and has purchased a new vineyard in Montecito, only a few miles from your childhood home. Your parents’ marriage is on the rocks, your brother is struggling with what to do with his life, and you’ve grown up and are starting your own counseling practice. So what happens when you find yourself falling for the man your father calls his best friend? And worse, what happens when your parents find out he’s falling for you, too? 
❂✤ You Again — Jake x Reader – Complete
It’s been five years since you last saw your childhood best friend and first love Jake Seresin. But fate, or coincidence, has you back in Jake’s life and he’s desperate not to lose you again.
❀❂✤ Snowed In — Jake x OC [Ella Finnley] – Complete
When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your long-standing hatred for him was covering up something else?
One shots:
❂ He'd Let Her Go — Jake x Reader – Complete
Jake meets the love of his life in college, but after years together he realizes the best thing he can do if he really loves her is to let her go.
❀ One Night in Tokyo — Jake x Reader – Complete
Calling off your wedding three days before wasn’t part of the plan. Neither was going to Tokyo alone on what was supposed to be your honeymoon. That’s how you ended up at the bar of The Shangri-La, drinking martinis. That’s how Jake Seresin found you. 
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pastelsprouts · 4 months
Creepypasta/Marble Hornet Head cannons My friends and I have developed in the past 9 months
- Nina is the go to person for Piercings. Her two favorite people to practice on are Toby and Sully. Toby because he can't feel pain anyways and Sully because he likes making the body his when he fronts
- Nina also gets crushes super easily. She's pan and if anyone is just a little nice to her she very well could get a crush. They usually go away pretty quickly unless your Jeff, Toby, or Kate
- Ben's British
- Ej comes from a family of 5 with his parents and two younger siblings. He was a mommas boy when he was human.
- Liu would shoot Jeff with Dr. Pepper filled water guns.
- Brian is allergic to pineapple
- Liu is an insomniac
- Lazari has a swear jar for everyone, it's her college fund. Jeff and EJ are the ones who pay the most
- Nina is very annoyingly charming, she always worms her way into people's hearts.
- EJ was born in Australia on an army base. He has the slightest accent while his siblings don't.
- speaking of siblings, he has a brother named Travis and a sister named Victoria. Victoria is an FBI agent while Travis does freelance work
- Jeff's an ass hole but he actually does care about his boyfriend (friends oc Kris)
- Liu can sing quite well, especially considering he has no training.
- Lulu stays away from the mansion, she's more often than not terrified and attacks anything that could pose a threat.
- Ben is a trans man
- Liu is also a trans man
-Lazari and EJ have a father daughter relationship. They're very wholesome
- Sally is co-parented by Slender and EJ at this point
- Liu, Jane, and Nina are found family. Jane and Liu were a duo first a while but they found an abandoned Nina in the woods and took her under their wing as a sister
- Sully isn't a demon or anything evil. He's just an alter that holds all of the trauma making him angry and vengeful. Sully is ace/aro, a gender, and uses He/It pronouns.
- Sully hates men
-speaking of the system, Liu had already had a system long before all the Jeff stuff. Most if the alters have gone format after tho leaving only him and Sully
- Jeff is obsessed with one piece
- Liu is an awful driver
-Lazari can't bake to save her life, she enjoys it anyway. EJ encourages her and makes sure everyone eats what she makes, even if it probably isn't edible. He's a little shit once you get past the gentle giant part of his personality
- EJ has better eye sight than he did as a human. That being said he doesn't actually see, he 'sees' the way you do when you day dream... So he sees everything but nothing at the same time
- Natalie and Toby had an extremely healthy breakup. They're still really great friends.
- Nat is very gay, she loved women especially if they could kill her
- Lazari is really trying to play matchmaker with Liu and EJ. She has not figured out that as if December they're together
- EJ is very cat coded. Purs, hisses, sleeps all the time, and pushes shit of counters
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spideysirens · 1 year
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My Gotham City Sirens
Catwoman 🐱, The Sphinx 🏛 (Riddler's counterpart) and Black Swan 🦢 (oc by @2-guns-b1tch )
In my AU unfortunately we can't have the original Sirens. Ivy is 100% against humanity, and would never team up with anyone. And Harley is a dude, he probably STILL wants to be in the team anyway and texts the girls every night.
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Also did this meme because Sphinx would be uneasy to make friends at first, but after she and the girls get closer she would become the kind of control freak friend that wants to protect you no matter what.
The best comparison I can make to Sphinx and Selina is Misty and Natalie from Yellowjackets lol
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hanjyukutamago · 2 years
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hello it's me again an pls bear wih my cod oc dumping also i love to torture my own ocs sooo
please feel free to read these reader-insert style:D
sergeant natalie hasegawa-osborne
(no one really knows her japanese last name because it's not in the documents)
alias: mouse
born: mie, japan
(her parents were in japan due to their family business then boom there she is)
(they went back right after to the uk so she hasn't really experienced growing up in japan)
some headcanons i've thought about nat:
comes really handy for stealth missions
having only 153cm (5'0ft) in the height department, she had to work harder than everyone else to prove that she's not any less useful than the taller guys
her mom insisted her to be able to speak japanese so she speaks it with mama and english with papa
as a 3/4 asian family, of course they didnt support her decisions of going to the army. it's either being a doctor, lawyer, or a successful business women
but she lied to them that she's in the paperwork department so no guns and bombs
they knew that she lied but kept pretending they don't because just do your thing we know we can't and won't be able to stop you
is bad at social interactions. overthinks about how other people thinks about her. a people pleaser.
but it's the army. there is no time to do such thing. having recruited into the 141, she started to pick up other members' traits and personality, balancing out her social anxiety.
is not that young anymore but since everybody is taller than her she tends to act like a little sister and treats everyone as if they're much older than her
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kitsumidori · 1 year
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Some more Borderlands oc's/sort-of next gens? In a way???
Sebastian: After playing though the Gun, Love and Tentacles dlc, I've been playing with an idea that Vincent and Elenore had descendents (since I figured that their the founders, their probably old as dirt and gain immortality from the whole Gythian thing)
And due to his ancestors actions, he was born with the Gythian curse, this caused the majority of his relatives to ostracize him and his parents. His mother and father were always there for him and told him that he is destined for greatness, until they passed away while Sebastian was still at a young age.
Skip to present day, Sebastian is now a young adult, and was chosen by Wainwright Jakob as his apprentice to take over the Jakobs corporation after him.
He also has a big, not-so-secret crush on Natalie after bumping into her while she was in Eden-6 to get her revenge on her uncle.
Mary Ann: A soft-spoken lady in Promethea, Mary Ann works as a maid in the local maid café, until Malawian shows up, claiming the café as Malawian property. The people of Promethea will never forget the day that Mary Ann was able to chase the soldiers out with a few worker bots, all armed with legendary rocket launchers.
She's also Tina's current girlfriend. The two meet online in a BnB forum and the two hit it off pretty well. Tina thinks that having a voice of reason would balance her explosive personality and Mary Ann could use some craziness in her simple life.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Hey! I’m writing as Fast Five fanfic including my OC Val, so it got me wondering.
How would your OCs act in the movie?
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Beck is like if Brian and Dom managed to biologically have a child, he's kind of an idiot, jumps into danger head first, but he's incredibly loyal and a badass with a gun
Natalie is almost like Black Widow, using her beauty to get what she wants. Think of the Gisele and Han at the beach scene
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barclaysangel · 2 years
So I have this OC that is the first born daughter of Tiffany and Chucky named Natalie Charlotte Valentine
Tiffany was unknowingly pregnant with her when Charles Lee Ray was gunned down and killed in 1988. Natalie is basically involved in the events of Bride and Seed (making her 9 years old during Bride and 15 during Seed). She’s basically a mixture of Glen and Glenda, she will and has brutally killed, but does regret the innocent people she killed for her parents. Eventually, she goes off on her own because of how much she hates Chucky and was tired of Tiffany constantly bringing him back, but still visited for her twin siblings.
I created this OC back in June, I’ve only shared information about her to one person (love ya @streets-in-paradise ). The reason I’m talking about this now is because my darling friend Lucy would like me to start writing for Natalie (particularly her forbidden romance with Andy motherfucking Barclay), but I’m not sure if anyone would be interested in getting to know my new favorite OC.
Would anyone like getting to know Natalie? You could send me asks about her, literally ask whatever you want about Natalie, headcanons or random information, and I’ll gladly tell it. And maybe if enough people are interested, I’ll start finally writing Natalie, the girl who’s just trying to find herself and no longer be what her family wants her to be~
Also, her faceclaim is Chloe Bennet :)
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ladyelissarose · 2 years
Prologue- ‘I Think I Like Her’
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Warnings for this chapter: mentions of sex, some questionable situations, dagger squad being cool, AND THIS CHAPTER IS SO LONG BUT VERY INFORMATIVE!!!!
Jake’s POV
“Hey hey boys let’s bring it in!! Where’s my whiskey!!?”
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin hollered like a proud man as he walked into Hard Deck wearing his signature Naval beige khakis and his smug smile, taking each stride with smooth steps and a slight movement to his hips, towards the Dagger Squad’s favorite pool table. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw looked up to the Ken Doll Aviator with a smile as he held up his small crystal glass of a cool piña colada, replying back with sass, 
  “Jake... looking good as always... that’s why I got you your whiskey already.”
Reaching his hand behind him, Bradley then pulled out a fresh glass of golden whiskey, just for his favorite tease, Jake Seresin. If his smile could grow more, it would, as Jake took the glass thankfully with a wink reserved just for Bradley,
  “I knew I could count on you Bradshaw... thanks buddy pal.”
 “Anytime Sunshine, now have a seat, Bob and Nix just started a new game of 9-ball.”
 Jake happily situated himself next to Bradley, as he saw Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd  and Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace get in position for their game. Bradley and Jake had planned for all their aviator buddies to get together at Hard Deck for the evening, just to chill out and not think about the hard work they had done that day. Soon Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado, Reuben ‘Payback’ Fitch and Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia made their way to the group with large grins and holding their own choice of drink. Javy clapped Jake’s back and ruffled Bradley’s hair as he cheered,
  “Sorry for being late, but the hottest boys in town have finally arrived gentlemen! So who’s playing?”
 Reuben fist bumped Bradley and Jake as he answered for them while watching Bob hit a perfect shot,
  “Nix and Bob are up, you and I go next for a rematch from last time.”
 Jake remembered the time they had to call the game short when Admiral Beau ‘Cyclone’  Simpson decided to call them back to base earlier than usual. After handshaking Mickey, Jake guided him to sit in the chair next to him, as he put forth,
 “Reuben almost had you Javy, let’s see if he can get his win this time, or if you make a comeback! And why were you guys late anyways? We all left my place at the same time.”
  Javy grabbed a random wooden stool and sat in front of Jake and Bradley as he began to explain,
  “So turns out they’re moving Cyclone for a bit, switching out Admirals I believe it was. And well, I guess the new guy came in today, because that jerk called me in and said my bunker was a mess, so I had to go and clean it up.”
  Bradley let out a short huff,
 “No way, you’re bunker is one of the cleanest, besides Jake’s, what was so dirty to him?”
 Shaking his head lightly with a scoff Javy put forth,
“He said my corners weren’t tucked in all the way. Like can you believe that!! He’s an ass!!”
 Mickey punched into the conversation as he replied,
 “He seems to be picky, and worst of all, he brought in a new Dagger Squad to collide with ours-“
 Bradley spit out his piña colada as Jake shrieked with wide eyes of shock,
  “HE WHAT-“
Wiping his mouth from the juice that trickled down his chin Bradley added,
“Who the hell is this guy!?”
Reuben passed Bradley a napkin as he put forth dreadfully,
  “His name is Admiral George Tannin, goes by the callsign ‘Chaos’ and I’ve heard he’s a tough one, tougher than Cyclone.”
  Jake groaned with disappointment along with Bradley. Bob then came around and tapped Reuben’s shoulder signaling that he had won the game while pointing towards the pool table shyly. Bob wasn’t one to shout and cheer when he wins, (he actually feels bad that the other lost to him) but Bradley and Jake cheer for him as they looked over at the table seeing Natasha point out how he did it,
  “So Bob actually had a great strategy this time, he was able to skip the ball so it could land in that hole he picked, can you believe that!?”
 Bob let out a shy smile as Jake congratulated him,
  “You did good son! That’s what I’m talking about!! Here, let me go get you a drink-“
 Natasha was quick to quip in as she reminded him,
 “Not whiskey it makes his tummy hurt Jake, do some coke and rum.”
 Jake sent Natasha a wink as he promised,
  “I know Nixy, don’t worry I know my boy well. Now Bob, sit tight and enjoy the feeling of victory, I’ll be right back.”
  Bradley pinched Jake’s arm with a tease as he passed by him,
  “You’re such a sap.”
 Jake smacked his arm playfully replying,
  “I know I am, but only for you guys.”
Tempy’s POV
The loud music playing on the Jukebox was long ignored by a certain new customer that sat on the barstools at the main bar in the one and only Hard Deck of Fighter Town, Miramar. Her copper colored bourbon was long forgotten as well when her small cellphone was held in her soft hands instead, as she determinedly typed away. An overly large, navy blue jean jacket kept her pretty warm and safe from the cold AC that was directly hitting her, and she kept her legs that were only sporting plaid shorts, hide under the bar. She let her feet swing a little as they were held above ground, letting the tips of her simple black Converse (her fathers old Converse) barely graze the wall. Once she hit ‘send’ on her phone, Natalie Temperance, who was a 24 year old woman, with mid-length brown hair that rested on her back with dying curls that she had hair sprayed a thousand times earlier that morning so they’d stay tight and pretty, (but after a whole day of airports and flights, yeah they were definitely messy) You see, Natalie just came into San Diego from Rhode Island, after graduating from Naval Justice School from that state. She decided that before settling into her job as a JAG, she’d spend her free 3 weeks with her father, who lived in Fighter Town, his retirement place to stay. And right now, she was texting him and letting him know that she had arrived, but her father had replied saying that he was at therapy, and that he would be out later that evening. And sense Temperance left her key with him, she couldn’t go home just yet, so she stopped by the Hard Deck, figuring it’d be a nice place to settle at for now. So now, here in Hard Deck she sat in her plaid shorts, white t-shirt, and overly-sized jean jacket, with her backpack next to her on the ground that held all her belongings. Natalie left her phone on the bar, as she then took a sip of her once abandoned bourbon, but mid stopped when she heard the most adorable, Texan accent speak so smoothly to the beautiful owner of the bar, Penny Benjamin herself. 
  “Hello once again, ma’am. I’ll take a fresh Coke and Rum for my boy, Bobby.”
Natalie subtly took a glance at the tall, blond man that stood next to her, with his bulging biceps in sight as he had them rest on the bar when he leaned forward onto it. (She craved to take a bite of them, and kick the vein that went up his arm, for they looked so.. just so good) His smooth, dirty blond hair was brushed back, (maybe by his fingers if he ran them through it a lot) a clean shaven face with a nice jawline and perfect nose. What was supposed to be a quick glance turned into unintentional staring, but that was because Natalie had never seen such a gorgeous man. And at this point she had only seen his side profile, but still thought that he had to have been sculpted by the beauty gods and goddesses themselves. Natalie kept the glass at her lips, forgetting to drink on or even put it down, as she was caught into a trance. But she immediately snapped out of it, when her mind registered his words, that were definitely directed to her, as he still faced forward and sweetly said,
  “Your staring darlin’, just take a picture and it’ll last longer, go ahead.. I don’t charge.”
 Natalie gulped down her drool and bourbon that threatened to spill out at his words, and then profusely apologized with a big effort of not stuttering out of mere embarrassment,
  “Sir I’m so sorry, I don’t know what hit me.”
 Jake let his held tilt back slight as he set free a low chuckle, as well as the caged up butterflies in Natalie tummy. 
  ‘Damn what an adorable laugh too- oh my god he looks even better facing me!’
Jake’s POV
Jake had finally turned his full face towards Natalie, as he replied,
  “I think my looks hit you sweets- oh.”
‘Damn what a fine lady... where the hell did she come from?’
 Jake let his eyes roam around Natalie’s appearance, silently admiring how different yet beautiful she looked, not realizing that he made her feel slightly insecure about herself, thinking he was judging her looks. He then saw how Natalie looked back at her drink shyly while trying to fix her hair with one hand while the other pulled on her jacket. From hanging around girls for so long, Jake knew girls by the book, and could tell, that Natalie’s moves were those of a shy person, trying to make better their looks to impress him. At other times with other girls, Jake would laugh it off and liked to see them struggle to pretty up for his standards, but with Natalie, it was like totally different, because she was already so beautiful and perfect, regardless how she looked right now. Hence why Jake was quick to point forward with utter honesty and tactfulness,
  “You look absolutely great today, and I-I like your jacket.”
Natalie stopped fiddling with her chain necklace and could only stare in surprise, no one in her life ever complimented on something that wasn’t her plump boobs or juicy ass, so hearing this was definitely new, and more than welcome. With a small smile Natalie replied,
  “Thanks, this is my dad’s jacket, holds lots of memories he says.”
Jake sent Natalie a warm smile as he saw how proud she was to sport her father’s treasures, 
 “I bet it does...”
 He could see Natalie appreciated his words by the way she eyed him sweetly, he then realized that he hadn’t introduced himself, and so did she at the same time, hence why the said at once,
  “I’m Jacob Seresin, but you can call me Jake.”
“I’m Natalie Temperance, but you can call me Tempy.”
 Both gaped at each other for a second before Tempy began to giggle like a teenager, which caused Jake to go along, when her giggles became too contagious. Tempy’s POV
But all the fun was cut short, when a loud bell began to ding,
Tempy looked around nervously as she tried to catch up to the moment, not realizing what was coming. Until Penny came up with the coke and Rum, and pointed to a sign behind her that was a few feet away, that read clearly,
  ‘Disrespect A Lady, The Navy, Or Put Your Cellphone On My Bar.. You Buy A Round’
 Tempy’s jaw dropped as she let out a low whisper while looking at her cellphone, comfortably resting on the bar,
 ‘Oh hell no...”
The crowd cheered loudly behind her, making her think,
 ‘That’s gonna be a heavy bill... bunch of drunkys.’
With pleading eyes Tempy begged Penny,
 “Ok ok, give me a chance. Let me get my card.”
 Penny sent Tempy a wink as she put forth,
  “I can wait.”
 Quickly forgetting her new crush at the thought of paying for the whole bar, Tempy went to digging her hand into her small backpack, beginning to search frantically for her debit card, unbeknownst to her, she forgot it in the cab she took to get here, after she gave it to the Uber so he could charge her for the ride. And when she couldn’t find her wallet, she let out a gasp at the realization,
 ‘FUCK!! I freaking forgot my wallet!! Well shit.. I’m screwed, screwed because I lost it.. and cause I can’t pay.’
Dropping her bag onto the ground with a heavy sigh, Tempy couldn’t help but honestly put forth,
  “I forgot my wallet, I don’t have it here at all, I-I don’t even know how I thought I was going to pay for this drink.”
 Penny’s face just about dropped at hearing the news, she really thought Tempy would’ve had it on her. And if it was any other day, she honestly would’ve let it slide, but the fact that the entire, full packed bar knew about Tempy paying up and now knowing she didn’t have her card, she couldn’t hide it. It was only fair that Penny carried on with the rules like she did with any one else, if not there could be problems. So unfortunately she had to go on with the rules, and ring the bell. Penny watched Tempy’s face go from looking sorry to utterly shocked when she walked towards the large bronze bell, and rang it loudly three times,
It was like if a touchdown was made at the SuperBowl, for the whole crowd went loud.
Tempy almost fell out of her seat at the sudden uproar, but contained herself as she began to hear the words of cheer,
Two random ladies from the crowd began to march towards Tempy proudly, and the men around looked at her smugish and kinda proud to see this cute little girl have  hands on her to throw her out. Over the noise Tempy heard Penny say,
 “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
Tempy let out a sweet smile, understanding her mistake of forgetting her wallet, not knowing the rules, and the fact that the rules applied to anyone, no matter what.
  “It’s ok! This will be a great memory, and thanks for the bourbon!”
 Penny didn’t understand how Tempy had such a forgiving heart, others at times would put up a big fight, or curse awfully at Penny, but not Tempy. Soon the women arrived close enough and put their arms on her, ready to pull her out of her seat, until a tall, muscular man came in between the women and Tempy as he spoke simply,
  “I’ll pay for it, no need to toss the pretty girl out like if she’s a rag doll.”
 The women stared at Jake in shock, and the whole crowd seemed to of silenced themselves at the interaction. Turning around to face Tempy, Jake extended his hand and placed it in hers, with his card,
  “Here, I know it’ll all cover. Take it.”
Tempy stood up and tried to hand the card back thinking that it was crazy for him to take the responsibility of such a grand bill, she almost begged him not to,
 “No no, please, Jake. It’s ok, it’s my fault I had my phone on the bar all afternoon-“
 Jake lowered his head to her level and near her ear as he whispered with a low growl,
 “Just take the card please, I don’t want to see you thrown out. I’ll defend you.’
 Tempy’s heart just about melted at his kindness and at the sound of his persistence, so she nervously took the card from his warm hand, as she replied with eyes filled with awe,
  “Thank you.”
Standing up to his full height which caused him to look down at her, Jake sent Tempy a warm smile with a wink,
  “No problem sweetheart, go ahead.”
When Tempy turned around to face Penny and hand her the card, she saw how Penny sent Jake a look of appreciation and mouthed to him, ‘Thank you so much’
Penny took the card from Tempy happily as she put forth,
  “You’re a lucky star, karma paid you well for your kindness and honesty.”
Tempy could only give a small smile as she retrieved the card from Penny,
  “Thank you, ma’am. This place is lovely by the way.”
Penny felt appreciated as she thanked Temperance, 
 “Thank you, honey, have a great night, hope to see you again.”
 “Oh, you will!!”
When Tempy grabbed her bag from the ground and decided to go find Jake, she quickly found him near by already looking at her with a grin. Jake was the first to start walking towards her and take the card she handed him as he put forth,
 “Thank you.. Let me walk you outside.”
He let his arm out which Tempy took and let herself be guided by him outside the bar, feeling butterflies erupt in her stomach at the feeling up his hard rock bicep rest under her hand. She began to fall for how kind and confident he was, he didn’t care who was there or what, he stuck his head out for those he cared about, and held his chin up high while he did it. 
 Jake’s POV 
Upon walking outside, Jake held onto Tempy’s arm with his free hand as he walked them down the steps that were there (such a gentleman) and when they got down the last step, Jake looked around, expecting for Tempy to call out which vehicle was hers, but he was instead met with her sudden ruffles sounds of her looking through her bag as she stated,
  “I need to call a cab, my dad is still busy right now.”
Jake thought for a moment before looking back at Tempy,
 ‘Maybe I can take her? Would she think that’s creepy? Fuck it-‘
 he then offered,
  “Would it be ok if I took you home?”
He felt a love dart hit his chest when he saw her face beam at him with gratefulness,
 “Oh Jake, that would be really kind of you-“
 “HEY JAKEY BOY! You leaving so early??”
Jake and Tempy turned their heads towards the handsome, mustache man, Bradley,  who stood at the entrance with his hands holding both doors as he stood there. Jake then realized that tonight was supposed to be a ‘hangout’ time, 
‘Shit I won’t be able to take her.. I promised them I’d be here all evening and not leave with a girl... damn it why did you have to be here at the wrong time gorgeous?’
 Jake’s face dropped as he looked back at Tempy with now sad puppy eyes, regretting saying his next words,
 “Listen Tempy, I promised my friends that I’d stay here for the whole afternoon because I usually leave them hanging-“
 He then took out his wallet again as he pulled out some 20s,
 “but here’s some cash to pay for your Uber-“
He felt Tempy’s small hands grab at his as she pleaded once again,
  “Jake please not again it’s too much-“
He then placed the 2 20s in her bags outside pocket as he insisted while looking her in the eye, showing her he wasn’t kidding,
 “Just take it, you’ll need it if you don’t have your wallet.”
 Seeing how he wouldn’t give up, Tempy gave in, and accepted his sweet actions, and returned the kind gesture, when she then took out a pen from her bag, and got his hand in hers once again,
 “Let me give you my number!”
Jake practically gasped like a high school boy over his crush as he blushed,
 “Oh great! Thanks!-“
Now this time Javy stood next to Bradley as he called out to him desperately, not wanting Jake to leave them like he always did. Tempy scribbled down her number insanely fast but it was still readable, she then reassured him,
  “You go with them, it’s ok. I’ll be perfectly fine, you can text me later, when you’re home.”
 Jake smiled down at his hand as he began to read her number and the little flower she drew on his hand, knowing that she’d be the one to text him first, for what he pulled earlier,
“Will do Tempy, and thank you.”
“No problem, and thank you a million... now go before your boys scream again like fan girls.”
  “You got that right!”
 Then without thinking Jake planted a kiss on Tempy’s cheek before running back inside as he shouted to Bradley and Javy,
  “You boys are so impatient!!”
Bradley and Javy watched Jake walk completely inside after he took a double look back at Tempy, before waving ‘bye’ and walking towards the pool table. 
Bradley’s POV
Bradley saw how extra giddy Jake looked, and could only wonder who was the ‘special girl’ tonight. For usually, after hitting on girls, Jake was more puffed up and even a little too cocky, but this time, he was all putty and a huge, smiley softie. Bradley looked outside from the doors large windows, and could see the ‘special girl’ wave off to the Uber that had just arrived for her, and watched how she skipped to the door and opened it, then got in and left. 
  ‘I wonder who she is? And why is Jake so extra giddy? Maybe she’s an old friend?’
Bradley was just about to walk away from the door, when he caught his eye on a tall, ugly older man who showed up, coming close to the door, with 3 other people with him. Bradley quickly opened the door to let them in,
  “Here you go, Sir.”
The 3 other people walked in, who were a man and two women, but the older man stayed still and eyed Bradley with disgrace as he meanly said,
 “It’s Admiral George Tannin to you, Lieutenant Bradshaw.”
 Bradley just about jumped back in some shock as he asked,
 “You know me?”
Tannin scoffed as he put forth,
 “Who wouldn’t recognize your porn-stache face Bradshaw? Looking like a jock just like your old man, Nick. I want that shaved off by tomorrow, and go home, you got curfew now for pissing me off-“
And if Bradley hadn’t pissed off the Admiral now, Jake finished the job when he interrupted him by asking Bradley,
 “Bradley you whined about me holding up time and here you- oh, sorry sir didn’t realize you were with him-“
 Tannin then stood up to Jake as he tried to appear bigger, (but Jake of course was bigger) as he scolded Jake,
 “I don’t think you’re interrupting me Lieutenant Jake Seresin-“
 Jake’s eyes went wide but was cut off when Tannin added,
  “Yes, I know you too pretty boy. Shave that damned hair off, looking like a boy instead of a man.”
 Jake straightened his shoulders as he replied in a short term,
 “Yes sir-“
 “It’s Admiral, you twit.”
Bradley saw how Jake’s fists clenched behind him as he held onto his wrists behind his back, and could only try and lighten the situation as he put forth,
  “We’ll all be on our way home, Admiral. Let me call my squad.”
 Tannin then nodded proudly, like if he had won some kind of game of control. Smiling with a sorta wicked smile, he put forth,
 “Thank you, Bradshaw. Now I want you all back at base before 22:00. And tomorrow morning you all better be in the debriefing room by 7:45 sharp. You pretty boy, no hair, and you porn-stache, no stache. Now get.”
  Jake was the first to run off to the pool table and he rapidly said once he arrived,
 “Guys lets go, I’ll explain once we’re out and in our respectful cars.”
All of them looked at Jake in shock as the saw his face and behavior now upset and in a slight worry state. But nonetheless they packed up their things and began to walk towards the front, until Jake and Bradley pushed them back. Jake pointed towards the Admiral that sat by the door with the two young women right at his sides, like freaking gum stuck on his shoe. They cringe at the sight of these two woman practically drooling by his side. And the other guy that came with them, sat at the bar getting drinks from Penny. Bradley and Jake then suggested that they leave through the back door, so they wouldn’t have to face the insults of Tannin. (Such protectors and mommers of their squad) 
Aviators POV
 Once in their cars, and one their way home to pack their bags to go to base, Jake was the first to connect them all in one call as he began to rant,
  “Reuben your right, new Admiral is one son of a bitch. He wants me to shave my fucking hair off.”
 Natasha gasped as Mickey put forth,
 “No freaking way!!? What a loser!”
Bradley pitched in as he sadly told Natasha,
 “Babe he wants my mustache off-“
Natasha was quick to step up as she warned,
“OH NO HE DOESN’T!! That fucking stays on babe.”
 Reuben settled it as he put forth sadly,
 “No Nixy... it has to go... who knows what he’ll do if Bradley disobeys a direct order.”
Natasha let out a groan as Bob questioned with an upset tone,
“But isn’t the stache allowed! That’s Bradley’s signature look, so he could look like his good papa, Nick.”
 Javy answered for Bradley,
 “Well according to stupid Tannin, it doesn’t cut out for him, he says he wants it off. I told you he was an ass.”
 Mickey then pointed out,
 “I think those 3 other people with him are the new aviators... they look kinda meanly too.”
 Jake scoffed,
 “Shit, I bet they are... I seriously can’t believe this.”
 Everyone kinda stayed quiet after that, before Bradley broke the silence,
 “I definitely think they’re all jerks... but I’ll see you guys tonight at base, I’ll be there at 22:00 sharp, and please don’t be late guys, I don’t want to see you guys doing push-ups and shit. And just know I’m calling Mav about this.”
 Jake pleaded,
 “Please do, Brads. Goodnight y’all, got to go.”
 Everyone then said their goodbyes and ‘I love yous’ (only because Bob had made it a point one time to say that it was important to express such because they were more than just friends, they were family)
 Jake’s POV
After ending the call, Jake’s phone beeped loudly, letting him know he got a message, so at a red light he picked up his phone, thinking it was Bradley or Javy. But he grew a large smile as he read the message,
 ‘Hey sneaky, I found your number in my bag! So I thought I’d text you and let you know I’m home! My dad left the keys outside for me. Want to come over to pick up the cash? Just got my card back, so I want to pay you back.’
 Jake knew he wasn’t going to ever ask her for money or anything back, he just couldn’t, but he still took up the offer to see her as he replied,
 ‘Sure! That sounds great! Can I come over now?’
Seconds later he got the reply,
‘Yes! I have a free house till 10, it’s barely 8:30, so you’re free to come around before then!’
‘Great! Send me the address, I’ll be there soon!’
Jake fist pumped the air when he saw her send her address, and ended with,
‘Drive safe!!’
He saw the light turn green, but he waited to go until he sent,
 ‘Will do!!’
Minutes later Jake had arrived, coming to park his Old Chevy truck at the curb on the corner where her house was at. Jake felt warm inside at the sight of such a cozy home. It was a brown bricked house, with white edges and two large windows in the front, a large wooden door with a glass window in the middle. Yellow rose bushes sported each sides of the house, and the lawn looked very well kept, almost to perfect like if it came out from a beautiful painting. Jake began to imagine what life would look like once he had settled down and had a less-stressful life, a cute little home for himself, that wasn’t as big as the one he had back in Texas at his parents Ranch. Someplace cozy and safe that he can come home to after a long day, maybe come home to a warm tomato soup with grilled cheese, or walking into the greatest scents of carrot cake to pumpkin pie, Jake sighed to himself happily as he thought,
 ‘I wonder what that kind of life looks like... must be nice... cozy... lovely... I wonder how Tempy sees her future... after settlin’ down and stuff-‘
“Who are you?!”
Jake jumped at the thundering voice that shouted at him all to suddenly,
“Holy shi-“
Jake didn’t even finish his cursing sentence when he turned quiet at the sight of a tall man in a black t-shirt that was tucked in his dark colored jeans, wearing black biker boots with a helmet placed on his head with the visors down. He then approached Jake as he barked out in a sterner tone, 
“Boy you better answer me-“
A swing to a door sounded loudly before a sweet voice called out quickly,
 “Pops it’s ok, he’s here to pick up something for me, he-he’s a friend.”
Jake turned around and saw the one and only beauty that had his heart in a million knots. Tempy stood at the door and held it wide open as she eyed her father with pleading eyes of, ‘please be nice’. Jake was already falling into cloud 9 while gazing at Tempy, but was yanked down when he heard a rough sigh come from behind him,
“Fine... come inside with me, young man. And follow me.”
Jake sent Tempy a sorta shy smile before following the tall man inside.
 Tempy’s POV
 Tempy held the door opened for them as they walked in, and blushed hard while closing it when Jake sent Tempy a quick but great, grinning smile. 
 ‘He’s such a sappy guy... cute too.’
 Tempy then ran up to her father and hugged him tightly as he cheered happily,
  “It’s good to have you home Nati, welcome home and congrats.”
  The tall man kissed her head a she replied while hugging him tighter,
  “Thanks pops.. it’s good to be home too.”
The tall man chucked to himself at Tempy’s words, as a father it was hard to let his daughter go so she could chase her dreams, but he was more than proud to know she had succeeded. He then let her go with a last kiss to the head, and then called out to Jake while walking away.
  “You and I, the kitchen.”
Before Tempy could do anything else, or say anything, they were long gone, for Jake had followed her father to wherever he went, like a soldier in command, but Tempy knew that that was the effect her father had on anyone. She could hear her father’s deep voice come from the kitchen as he talked to Jake, quick to start interrogation.
  “So young man, what’s the name, and rank, Sailor?”
 Jake’s POV
‘Wow.. ok he knows I’m Navy... I can handle this, don’t be nervous, you’re a fucking Naval Aviator for crying out loud, if I can take 10 Gs, I can take him.’
 Jake tried to relax his body posture so he wouldn’t look intimidated or tense, as he replied smoothly and respectfully as possible,
  “I’m Jacob Seresin, Lieutenant in Navy Aviation, o-or Top Gun, sir.”
The tall man, with shining black-grayish hair and piercing hazel eyes, looked away from the fridge door where he grabbed two root beers, and took a look at Jake’s name tag, and the golden wings that laid proudly and beamingly on his chest. He could see the way Jake held his breath, as he hummed to himself first, then took a few seconds to answer, and finally looked away while replying,
  “A Naval Aviator huh? You have my respect... I left that choice behind, for fear of heights.”
  Jake let out a quiet breath of relief, as he took in the tall man’s words, grateful that he hadn’t got a worse commentary. When the tall man turned around and faced Jake with the root beer, Jake didn’t skip a second before extending his hand and saying,
  “It’s nice to meet you sir.”
The tall man placed the drinks down on the white counter top, before taking Jake’s hand firmly, and shaking it nicely, as he spoke slowly but confidently, like if he knew that with every breath he took, Jake slowly felt smaller and smaller, overwhelmed by the respectful power that this man seemed to possess.
  “It’s nice to meet you too son, I’m Francis Temperance, Naty’s father. And I was Chief Petty Officer...  as a Navy Seal.”
 Jake stopped shaking his hand, while being taken aback,
‘A Navy Seal? No way.’
  “Oh, thank you for your service, sir.”
“Appreciate it son... and thank you too.”
Francis let Jake go and only smirked to himself, proud to know he had an effect as he saw Jake’s expression of admiration. He then handed Jake the beer bottle after he opened it with his fingers, and picked up a file that was on the nice, cedar wooden dining table, that was decorated with sunflowers in the center. Jake then took a quick swig, groaning in delight from the sweet taste, and catching Tempy’s figure as she walked in gracefully towards her father,
  “Pops are you leaving again?”
 Jake watched the interaction go on as if he wasn’t there, but it all felt very homey and comfortable, oddly enough, he didn’t even feel like he was in the way or out of place as they went on communicating,
  “Yes ma’am, I forgot to bring my progress sheet to Solomons... and he needs it today. But I’ll be back home probably later than 10... so don’t wait for me, go to sleep sweetheart, you’ve had a long day. Tomorrow will be fresher for you so we can celebrate your arrival.”
 Jake held in his gasp when he suddenly heard Tempy squeal with delight, but then quickly felt his heart squeezed with awe as she let her face shine with a beaming smile,
  “Oh Oh! Are you going to make your famous French Toast!!?”
 With a pointing finger her father warned,
  “Nuh-uh... no guessing... I remember your #1 favorite breakfast , out of all the ones you call your favorite-“
 He then turned his attention towards Jake as he asked,
  “Jacob, would you like to come tomorrow for breakfast? My daughter doesn’t have any other friends or company, it’s just her and I.”
 Tempy’s POV
Tempy stayed quiet for a few seconds, watching how different her father was behaving and how welcoming he was. Francis, has never done that, he was more mean and stern. In the past, he had already kicked out the boy Tempy would bring in, not even letting them in the house, let alone giving them a beer. But she smiled warmly to herself, when she saw how sweet he was being, it was different, but as she had felt earlier before, it was more than welcome.
But her smile dropped sadly, when she heard Jake reply in a calm but sad tone,
  “I appreciate the offer, I really love a good breakfast. But I got a new Admiral today, and he has given us curfew to be in before 10, and we’ll he wants us stuck at base. I’ll have to pass for that sir, I’m sorry.”
  Francis POV
 ‘Well that fucking sucks... I really like this kid.’
Francis clicked his tongue as he playfully put out,
  “That’s alright son, there’s always another time. And It’s always those new Admirals huh? .. being a bunch of talky jerks, putting in new rules when they can’t follow their own. Did you know that they add news rules to cover up the ones they don’t follow?”
 Jake gulped down as he shook his head,
  “No sir, I didn’t know. But I’ll keep that in mind and something to look out for.”
Francis sent Jake a wink,
 “You should son... Now, I must get going before that man Darius Solomons sleeps on me.. that old man.”
Then he quickly hugged Tempy and pecked her forehead before walking to Jake and taking his hand to shake while warning,
“But I’ll let you two be, no shenanigans, and Jacob get back on base early, don’t worry about missing my breakfast, my house is open to you at anytime.”
 Jake finally let a full smile grow on his face for Francis as he thanked him,
  “Thank you, it’s more than appreciated.”
He then began to walk out, and called out to Jake,
 “Lock the door for me, Jacob. I’ll see you later Nati!”
 “I’ll see you soon Pops! Say hi to Uncle Solomons for me.”
 “Indeed I will.”
Tempy’s POV
Soon the door was shut and locked by Jake came back inside after he insisted to walk Francis to his old Jeep Sahara.
 Tempy had already pulled out a large amount of cash from her bank account, by still grabbed her card as she met Jake in the living as she put forth,
  “I pulled out $300, is that enough or how much did Lady Penny make you pay?”
 Jake mid stopped walking towards Tempy as he held his hands up while looking around like if he was lost,
 “Ummm... I don’t remember I don’t have the receipt... I don’t even remember paying a bill today.”
 Tempy let out a cute chuckle as she made the move to walk up to Jake while holing up the money,
 “Well, if you don’t remember then I’ll have to remind you-“
 She then tried to stuff the wad of cash in his back pocket, but Jake was quick to dodge and move away while he joked,
 “I don’t remember paying anything tonight, I don’t know why you’re trying to give me money pretty lady.”
 Tempy didn’t let up as she continued to try and put the money somewhere on him, all while laughing,
  “Jake take the money it’s a lot you paid today!!”
 “No it wasn’t!! I only paid 5 bucks for my whiskey! Or wait, my brother Bradley did!!”
Tempy laughed out loud at how ridiculous they looked now, running around the living room as Tempy tried to give him the money. 
 “Jake take the money please!! You didn’t have to pay for me!”
 “Pay for you? Sugar I didn’t do anything-“
 “Jake it was more than $250 I saw the bill!!”
 “No you didn’t, you must have been dreaming while staring at me!!”
Tempy bit back a laugh as she remembered staring down at Jake earlier that day, but what she didn’t realize was that he had stopped running, and she crashed into his front. 
  Jake’s POV 
This crash sent them both to the ground, with her resting her hands on his broad, muscular chest with her ass on his meaty lap, and Jake’s hands flew to catch her hips, first to steady her, and second to not accidentally rub her against his crotch. Both of them went quiet immediately at their awkward moment, but neither dared to move either, weighing one another’s next words or decision. But Jake took those seconds of silence to admire the beauty that rested above him, his mind began to steer him away from reality,
 ‘Damn isn’t she a fine sight for sore eyes... just look at her, pink cheeks, bright eyes, cute... kissable lips, nice hips that are a perfect place for my hands-‘
 “Lieutenant Seresin... you’re staring.. take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
 Jake blinked his eyes twice before snapping back to the moment, taking in the fact that Tempy used his own words against him. He squeezed her hips lightly, as he chuckled,
  “You’re stealing my lines... but you’re right, let me grab my phone-“
Tempy smacked his chest playfully to hold his attention before finally stuffing the cash into his shirt. Jake let out an exaggerated gasp while starting to handle his buttons to take out the money,
 “Little Lady I’m no stripper! You just stuffed my shirt, when you’re the one giving the show I see.”
 Tempy was quick to grab his hands and hold them above his head, stopping him from going on, as she put forth,
  “First, I’m not putting on a show-“
 With his eyes gazing around them to point out the position they were in, he interrupted her, 
 “You are, you’re on my hips and you keep moving-“
 Tempy’s eyes grew wide with embarrassment and tried to move, until Jake held her in place and calmed her nerves with his soothing voice, 
 “nah-ah... don’t move, you’re fine. Just let me go to take this cash out- oh!”
 Tempy moved her hips quite harshly against him, to stop him from withering around, causing a great affect on him when he groaned loudly,
 “Dooooooooon’t do that!”
Tempy did it again as she teased with a little voice,
 “And why not? I thought you said I was putting a show, so I am now.”
 Jake locked eyes with Tempy, and thought for a second, before putting up a deal, a deal he knew she’d take, because she was as desperate as him for more touch, and now sexual satisfaction.
Tempy could feel his burning and darkening gaze and see the wheels turn in his brain as he took a few seconds of silence, she couldn’t help but move again, to get him to talk. And it worked when he spurted out,
  “Hey - ok! Here’s a deal, I got to go in about 30 minutes... you give me a show.. a good one, and I’ll let you keep the cash.”
 Tempy huffed out a laugh, while letting his hands go. She felt a little pinch at being seen like a whore or such, because she was more than that, but she shook those thoughts away, when Jake was quick to rephrase, afraid he had hurt her feelings, which was the last thing he wanted,
  “Listen sweetheart, I know you’re more than someone who gives sex for money... I can see it in your dignity and they way you hold yourself up.... I just want a way to give you your money back, because you won’t let up...”
 Tempy let her eyes fall onto the rewards Jake had on his chest, and ran her fingers across his gold wings, as she put forward,
  “You’re right, I’m more than that.. I’m Lieutenant Natalie Temperance for the Navy-“
 “Fuck that’s all you have to say!”
Jake heard Tempy let out a shriek of surprise when he flipped them both to where now Tempy was under him, and he was above straddling her hips and holding her hands above her head. Jake leaned down close to her face, being able to feel her now rapid breaths coming from her nose as he asked so politely but seductively,
  “May I?”
Tempy glanced at Jake’s pink lips while she wet hers, and shook her head while looking back into his bright greens eyes,
She closed her eyes when she felt his lips finally touch hers, molding perfectly onto hers as they moved in sync. There was no tongue or nothing more, just lips, but it was more than enough, as soon they began to deepen it and grow more hungry for it. Jake then pulled away, smiling to himself when he saw the way Tempy chased after his lips with a small pout. But he then got off of Tempy and began to pull her up as he said,
  “Can I take you to be-“
Tempy then grabbed Jake’s hand and started to pull him down the hall, ushering him into her room before closing the door and locking it, Jake stood in the middle of the room as he waited patiently but eager to do anything that involved his hands on her. Tempy saw the desperation in his eyes, and tried to tease him more, as she then walked up slowly, to him who stood in front of her queen sized bed. She eyed him with curiosity of what he was capable of, and finally let it all go,
  “I’m all yours.”
Jake’s eyes went wide and his hands immediately pulled her towards him, then picked her up as he sat her down on the tall bed, beginning to try and take off as much clothing as possible. In between he attacked her neck and face with kisses, but Tempy could only giggle at him as she put forth while letting her hands roam on him, trying to get a hold of all of him,
“Jake baby slow down, I have all the time-“
 Jake desperately tried to undo the belt on Temperance’s plaid shorts as he said with deep breaths,
  “Well I don’t my dear, my Admiral gave us curfew... that I do not wish to break, if I do then it’s hell.”
 Temperance giggled at the sight of seeing a once brave, and cocky aviator now turned into a whimpering and putty mess as he struggled to shimmy down her own shorts with his strong and calloused hands. Giving him a sweet kiss on his now sweaty forehead, Temperance assured him,
 “I’m sure it’s fine to break the rules at least once... if they make you do push-ups you’ll become bigger no?”
 Jake heard her words, and looked away from unbuttoning the shorts to stare into her dreamy eyes for a moment, enthralled by her chase to get him to spend his every second of existence with her. Her eyes shined like stars, as they looked down at him with wonder and happiness, only making his dream and wish to be to dance on the stars of her eyes, forever so he’d never see night or anything gloomy.
 Tempy had also been caught into the eye gazing trance with Jake, and only desired to memorize his eyes and feeling of him on her, so she could always be comforted and held strong. Jake’s confidence boosted Tempy’s confidence, his boldness to be and speak gave her the push she needed, to be in the position she was in right now, with a sculpted beauty standing between her legs. Temperance then squeezed Jake’s thick arms for more effect on her words, showing him she liked what she touched on him, making him drop the thought about his curfew immediately. At any other time with any other girl, Jake would’ve done things his way and have a quickie no matter what the girl’s protest was. But with Temperance, saying ‘no’ to her felt like it would sound so bitter and taste poisonous coming from his lips. So with a subtle growl Jake nipped at Temperance’s neck, earning him a sweet giggle from her lips as he admitted,
  “Baby, you’re trouble... but I like it.”
 Seconds later Jake was successfully able to take off her belt and unbutton her shorts, he then let Tempy pull them down her cute thighs and let them rest at her ankles. Tempy let out a short squeal of surprise when Jake immediately picked her up by the waist and threw her on the bed, quickly crawling onto her with his hands grasping at her waist, loving how perfect his hands fit on her curves, like if she was made for him. While this happened they attacked one other with hot and opened mouth kisses, and Tempy worked on getting Jake’s belt undone as he let his hands roam around her trying to satisfy his growing need for her. Soon her hands rested on his black boxers, not reaching down lower until she asked him sweetly,
 “May I?”
Jake have Tempy a hard kiss before replying,
  “I’m all yours right now, take what you want and need.”
 Tempy wished he said, ‘I’m all yours forever’ but she was more than grateful to have ‘right now’ than ‘never’. 
Jake then wrapped his thumbs around Tempy’s panties as he asked with dreamy eyes,
  “May I have the honor of unwrapping this gift?”
 Tempy threw her head back and let out a sweet laugh as she replied,
  “So sappy, but yes... I’m all yours for as long as you need.”
 Jake gave Tempy a happy smile, before leaning in to give her another kiss, while tugging down her panties gently, holding back the urge to rip them off, but he chose to be careful, as if he was afraid to break her, break her beautiful, diamond self. Tempy took into note his gentleness but his strong eagerness at the same time, it was both intriguing yet lovingly intoxicating, something she wish she could never get rid of. Both of them didn’t realize that this moment, they’d become one another’s life or death... or even both at once.
 Bradley’s POV
Back at base, Bradley had just arrived and was about to walk to his side of the barracks, when he heard some unpleasant noises. 
 ‘What the hell is all that whining??’
Without thinking much of it, Bradley began to walk towards the noise, all too curious of what is really was and what was it’s source. And as he creeped closer and closer, he neared a closed door that had its blinds closed, but with a small light inside. Bradley looked up at the words on the closed, glass door, whispering  the name of the occupant of the office,
 “Admiral George Tannin, aka Chaos... ok what the hell?”
The whining then got a little louder, but this time a small man slipped out with a groan, and that’s when it clicked for the poor Bradshaw. He covered his mouth as he gasped to himself with shock and disgust,
 “Shit he’s banging someone in there!! That’s fucking-“
 Just then Javy popped around the corner and caught Bradley, so he whisper shouted to him,
 “Bradley what the fuck are you-“
Bradley jumped out of his skin and began making shush noises and putting a finger at his lips,
 “SHH SHH!!!-“
“Shut the fuck up!! He’s banging someone in there!”
Javy’s eyes went wide and he began to run towards Bradley, until a certain person grabbed the both of them, and pulled them into an abandoned office before closing the door and resting against it as he whispered yelled,
 “What the hell guys!! Want to join them!?”
 Bradley and Javy looked up to see the tall brown haired, blue eyed guy that sported a face of fear, it was the new Lieutenant guy they had seen with Tannin and the ladies back at the bar. Bradley immediately walked up to him as he pointed out,
  “Hey I saw you at the Hard Deck-“
Bradley pauses when he was interrupted,
 “Yeah, I’m Lieutenant Jonathan Danvers.. callsign McQueen.... don’t ever walk up to him again like that.... I’m working on it. Don’t worry.”
 Javy perked a brow as he asked,
 “Working on it.. so it’s happened before?”
 Jonathan nodded as he put forth,
 “Yup... but like I said, I’m working on it. Don’t step in.. for the sake of your jobs and lives.. now let’s get to bed before he catches us three in here. Might think we’re doing crazy shit because you guys are panting like dogs. C’mon.”
Jonathan then opened the door and walked out, without saying another word. Bradley and Javy stood still for a few seconds as the processed the past few seconds they lived. Javy was the first to speak up as he suggested,
  “You should tell Jake... he’s more prone to want to do something. Plus he’s not here yet, and this Chaos might finish soon cause he’s a fucking old jock. I’m following Jonathan back to the bunk room, make the call and hurry back.”
 Bradley nodded, then pointed out,
 “Yeah.. I will... McQueen doesn’t seem like a bad guy, he just saved our asses.”
“He doesn’t... but we’ll see.”
Jake’s POV 
 Tempy and Jake laid side by side on her bed, taking deep breaths while going through the aftershocks of one of the best and greatest euphorias ever. Tempy was seeing stars and Jake was looking at a star, as he let his eyes rest on her, admiring the way her sweat covered chest moved up and down, trying to slow itself to normality. Jake then turned on his side, and let his fingers brush away the hair that had fallen on her face, so he could see her blissed out expression. Once her hair was moved away, he found her eyes already looking for his, as a cute smile grew on her red, bruised lips from the hard and passionate kisses Jake gave her. Her cheeks were a light pink and her eyes even seemed to glow brighter. No words were said as they let their eyes focus on one another, Tempy laid on her back as she admired Jake’s state, his once brushed back blond locks were now in all directions, his lips were a little swollen but still looked like they needed more kisses and bites, his cheeks were so red, and his eyes... his eyes were shining with such a glistening green. Tempy then grabbed his hand from her waist where he had left it and kissed his knuckles before saying,
  “You look so much hotter right now.”
Jake shyly smiled, letting the color on his cheeks grow darker, as he felt himself fall harder for her sweet words. Usually he wasn’t a sucker for flirtatious words coming from a girl after sex, but with Tempy, it was like a whole new dose of great energy coming in. ‘I think I like her’
Jake lowered his head and pecked her lips softly, then her forehead as he admitted,
  “Baby princess, no words can describe you right now... you surpass it all.. you’re too beautiful.”
 Jake cradled her cheek and Tempy leaned into his soft touch, loving how quick he was to switch from bold and dominating, to a total softie and sweetheart. His marks left on her bare skin was something she desired that could be tattooed there forever. His comforting words of affirmation and affection didn’t feel fake, it was like if he had known her all along and cared about her well being and pleasure all at once. And Jake loved, how giving and fun Tempy was, her touch left behind loving traces that only begged to be given unending attention. Her words weren’t said for the heat of the moment, or even her loving sounds, they were all natural and so free, melody to his ears they were. They both continued to make out softly and gently, until Jake’s phone rang out loudly, separating them both as it broke the ice quite abruptly,
Tempy and Jake sat up as they began looking for his phone, while she was laughing with questions,
 “What the heck is that?”
“It’s my ringtone honey, my brother Rooster is calling me- oh it’s right next to you baby-“
Tempy ripped it out his his pant pocket and handed it him right away, to which he gave her cheek a kiss as a ‘thank you’  then answered it,
 “I know Bradley I’m on my way, I had-“
He then winked at Tempy to add meaning to his words,
 “something great to do-“
“Jacob it’s not the time!! Stupid Chaos guy is doing crazy shit and the new Lieutenant is covering you until you come! Hurry the fuck up!!”
Tempy heard the commotion over Jake’s phone, and she began to fix Jake’s pants and shirt before handing it to him and beginning to help him dress, while he held his phone and replied,
 “Shit! Ok ok, I’m on my way. Tell him thanks who ever he is. I’m like walking out and maybe 5 minutes away from base. Tell me the rest when I get there. Bye!”
 Jake hung up an helped Tempy finish pulling up his pants as she then brought his shoes. He felt terribly bad for having to drop her like this, his eyes showed his worry and sadness as he apologized,
 “I’m so sorry for leaving you like this-“
Tempy stopped his nervous rambling when she put her palm at his lips while comfortingly saying,
 “It’s ok... I promise. I had a great time. And I know it’s important you go to base, I know the drill too.”
 Jake let his shoulders relax, then he puckered his lips and kissed her palm, she let it drop as he said,
  “Thank you. I’ll make it up to you- I-I promise. I don’t want this to be a one thing. And- well... - Shit is that to fast?”
Tempy nodded no,
 “No it’s not.. I wanted to say the same. I’m free at any time, please stay safe sailor.”
 Jake fixes his collar while looking back at Tempy, who stood in the middle of her sea life aesthetic room hugging her waist while only wearing her navy blue panties. Jake felt like he was looking at the greatest master piece of Mother Nature, and wished the picture of it could be engraved on his brain forever. He then walked up to Tempy, and grabbed her hand as he led her to bed,
  “Let me tuck you in quickly before I go.”
Tempy let out a quiet ‘ok’ as she jumped into bed and got under the covers, still feeling how warm the area was, smelling like Jake and his expensive cologne. Jake smiled happily and kissed her lips before snuggling the blanket on her more. 
  “Sweet Dreams my baby princess, I’ll see you soon.”
 “Goodnight my savior... see you soon.”
Jake then turned away and walked out, closing her door gently after turning off her light. He then soon found his way out of the house and made sure all her doors were secured shut, he didn’t dare want to risk anything bad if he had left something opened. 
 Jonathan’s POV
Jonathan waited by the front door, waiting for whom they said was ‘Hangman’ coming in. Jonathan kept watch only because knew Chaos’ every moves, his every different kind of step and what sound it made, how loud he breathed, he had memorized every move, for always ‘just in case’. And this time his skill were used so he could be on the lookout, waiting for the last sailor to come in. And soon he saw the particular sailor run towards the door as almost fall in because Jonathan had opened the door when Jake had leaned in to push it. Jonathan yanked Jake off the floor by the arm as he scolded,
 “Could you be any louder?”
Jake’s POV 
Jake let out a huff of laughter while trying to stable his standing,
 “Yeah no shit.... Danvers?”
Jake had recognized Jonathan Danvers, and felt every nerve in his body twist in annoyance as he took in the appearance of the one pilot he didn’t like at all. Jonathan wore the same face as he whispered back,
  “Seresin.... I should’ve let you be caught by Tannin... maybe you’d get your promotion taken too.”
And with that Jonathan left, leaving Jake a little confused, no longer annoyed.
‘My promotion taken too? What happened to him?.... huhhhh.... always such a weirdo, let’s see what new surprises he brings me.’
 And surely... Jonathan Danvers’ life would bring quite a lot of surprises to Jake’s life, in every aspect.
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ghostcaterwaul · 2 years
Overview of My OCs
Putting this under a read more thing because it’s… pretty long even though it’s not even their full bios.
Btw, I'm aware that some of the faceclaims are problematic people, I chose those faceclaims without knowing they were problematic but that's just... How those characters permanently look in my head now so I'm really sorry if some of my faceclaim choices bother people but I'm not likely to change them.
A Chaotic Love (Working Title)
Mallory Blythe A sheltered 18-year-old with a strict religious upbringing. Jeremy’s love interest.
Jeremy Wolfe Typical damaged bad boy with a dark past from the wrong side of town. Mallory’s love interest.
Suburban Secrets (Working Title)
Lieselotte “Lottie” Moon Impulsive and arrogant teenager. “Not like other girls”.
Heloise Moon Lottie’s younger sister. Super smart. In all AP courses.
Devyn and the Roses (Working Title)
Devyn Valentyne Electro-glam punk vocalist and guitarist. Levi’s love interest.
Levi Rose Glam goth Bassist. Devyn’s love interest.
Natalie Rose Goth girl. Keyboards/synths/drum machine. Levi’s sister. Is super possessive of him.
Untitled Occult Detective Series
Elliot Alexander Non-binary punk sci-fi nerd. Saw a UFO when he was 12. Wesley’s significant other.
Wesley Williams Indie emo hipster hacker. Sees dead things. Caffeine addict. Elliot’s boyfriend.
The 100 OCs
Misty Sawyer One of the 100. Arrested for attacking her abusive father. Sweet soft fragile bean. Has Classical-Like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Katie Jane Garside [in the 90s])
Liam Thorne Misty’s best friend. One of the 100. Arrested for helping her hide after she attacked her father. The therapist friend. Has a Z Nation AU and a Stranger Things AU. (Faceclaim: Landon Liboiron)
Elijah Stone One of the 100. Arrested for vandalism. Rebellious, hyper, a bit chaotic. Has AUs for multiple fandoms. (Faceclaim: Dominic Harrison AKA Yungblud)
Nimue kom Floukru Born Storm kom Azgeda. Was too soft and precious for the Ice Nation. led to join Floukru and changed her name to Nimue as a way of running from her past. Became a healer after joining Floukru. (Faceclaim: Lily Rabe)
Z Nation OCs
Vixen Ran away as a teen before the apocalypse. Did some illegal stuff to survive like selling drugs and firearms with an abusive boyfriend. Also has done survival sex work. She was working as a stripper when the apocalypse hit. (Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario)
Riot O’Reilly Grew up with an artist for a mom and a biker for a dad. Dad died in a motorcycle accident when they were 5 years old. was the singer in a touring DIY queerpunk band called Rotten Rainbow Warhead Dolls From Planet 420 and was playing a show when the apocalypse hit. Dyes their hair as often as they can with whatever they can find (even if it’s not exactly hair safe, has even used sharpie ink) to maintain a sense of normalcy. (Faceclaim: Bex Taylor-Klaus)
Izzy Strange A Malkavian glitter punk vocalist with BPD and substance addiction.
Sybil Kross A Malkavian artist with PTSD and abandonment issues. (Faceclaim: Kimberly Freeman)
Multifandom OCs
Jet Gray Goth boy. Videographer. (Faceclaim: Kett Turton [as Clive Webb in Gypsy 83])
Olivia “Olly” Gray Jet’s younger sister. Goth girl. Plays guitar. (Faceclaim: Heather Baron-Gracie)
Leo Anderson A survivor of institutional abuse. drug dealer. Sings and plays guitar. Lives out of his car and often couch surfs. (Faceclaim: Colson Baker AKA Machine Gun Kelly [as Wes in Roadies. If you can find me a faceclaim with that exact hair and MGK's jawline, I might change this faceclaim tbh because I cannot stand MGK now. I've learned too much.])
Emily Walsh Musician. Had to play marriage counselor for her parents from a very young age. (Faceclaim: Tessa Violet [specifically with pink hair])
Other Fandom OCs
Ophelia Power Rangers in Space OC. Purple ranger. Space sorceress born on planet Xoia. Has an otherworldly feline creature from her home planet as a pet named Indigo. (Faceclaim: Sóley Sigurþórs)
Deirdre Doyle The Originals OC. Witch. Lots of trauma. (Faceclaim: Kat Dennings)
Other OCs
Adelaide St. Claire Louisiana Creole trans woman living in New Orleans. Voodoo practitioner. (I’m currently researching everything to do with Voodoo and plan on hiring a sensitivity reader for whichever work I include her in. I promise I won’t fuck it up!)
Astrid Shelley Old lonely widowed witch that lives in the woods on the edge of town. Agoraphobic. Has a familiar, a black vulture named Edgar. (Faceclaim: Anna-Varney Cantodea)
Luca Giger 400 year old vampire. Was sex trafficked at the age of 12, is now voluntarily a full-service sex worker. Was bitten at 20 years old by a client. (Faceclaim: Bartek Borowiec)
Arthur Julius “AJ” Montgomery III Dark academia OC. Artist, writer, musician, stoner. (Faceclaim: Timothee Chalamet)
Stitches the Carnie Ghoul (CW: Horror OC. Proceed with caution) Murderous people-devouring necrophiliac. Keeps some of her victims’ corpses as dolls that she has tea parties with inside her circus tent. (Faceclaim: Peggy Giggles)
Jezebel Bathory A succubus. (Faceclaim: Rose McGowan)
Gwendolyn Lightweaver An angel turned human as a punishment. (Faceclaim: Katherine Shepard AKA Sylvaine)
Ozraphaeus “Ozzy” Embershroud A demon with a pet hellhound named Mordred. (Faceclaim: Ville Valo)
Willa Meadowsong Faerie OC. Seelie court (Faceclaim: Tori Amos)
Gossamer Greywood Faerie OC. Unseelie court. (Faceclaim: Xilmordas)
Alice Hansen An artist, writer and multi-instrumentalist who struggles with undiagnosed mental illnesses and substance abuse. (Faceclaim: Holly Henry)
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ereardon · 2 years
My Girl [Chapter 2][Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC]
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Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West]
WC: 3.4K
Warning: Age gap, cursing, slight smut, mention of death
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You couldn’t stop thinking about Jake’s hands. The veins that stood out underneath his tanned skin, his thick fingers that you wanted wrapped around your thigh as he fucked you. It wasn’t until someone tossed a file on your desk that you snapped out of it. 
“Hello? Natalie?” 
You looked up to see Rebecca, another associate, standing above your desk. The two of you had started around the same time and became fast friends. Finance, particularly asset management, was predominantly male so it was nice to have another woman around to cut through the bullshit. 
“Shit, sorry,” you said, grabbing the folder and pulling it onto your lap. “What’s up?” 
Rebecca smiled and perched on the edge of the desk, crossing her mile long legs. “OK spill. Who is he?” 
You blushed and tried to hide it with the folder, but Rebecca pulled it away from your face. 
“Seriously, tell me,” she said in a whisper as a partner rounded the corner. Once he was out of earshot you two rolled your eyes. Patrick Donnovan was notoriously anti-socializing and he had been the last partner to sign on for both of your hires. He was, to put it lightly, the worst. 
“His name is Jake,” you said and Rebecca tried to hide a squeal. She had been with her boyfriend Harris for almost five years and told you repeatedly that she had to live vicariously through her single friends. “We met like three weeks ago at the grocery store. He’s so fucking hot, Becks, you wouldn’t believe it.” 
She kicked her feet in their stilettos and you laughed when one crashed against the filing cabinet under your desk. “Do you have pics?” 
You shook your head. You’d tried to stalk Jake on social media, but he didn’t have an Instagram or even a Facebook. It only served to underscore the age difference. But then a thought popped into your mind and you grabbed your phone. “Wait,” you said and Rebecca leaned over as you pulled up Instagram and searched Top Gun’s flight school. There was one page, largely educational, but you scrolled down a few times to a group photo, Jake standing in the back in an olive green flight suit and a pair of aviators. You pressed your finger to the screen. “There, second from the right.” 
“Holy shit,” Rebecca said, prying the phone out of your hands and zooming in with her finger. “I would leave Harris on the side of the road if this man ever even looked in my direction.” 
You laughed and wiggled your fingers and she reluctantly gave you the phone back. “There’s one thing though.” 
“Oh God, there always is, isn’t there?” she said. “Alright, what’s his red flag?” 
“Less of a red flag,” you replied. “More baggage I guess? He has a daughter. Her name is Ellie, she’s four.” 
Rebecca’s eyebrows shot up. “A kid? Wow.” 
“I know.” 
“Have you met her?” 
Another head shake. “No, but he wants me to. On Thursday.” 
Her eyes went wide. “That’s huge.”
“I don’t know shit about kids,” you huffed, tossing the folder onto the desk. You grabbed the to-go coffee cup from near your keyboard and gulped down the last third of it before tossing it in the trash with a sigh. “What if she hates me? What do I say to her? What the fuck do I bring as a gift?” 
“Oh didn’t I mention?” you said. “It’s her fourth birthday party that he’s invited me to.” 
“Holy shit,” Rebecca said, leaning forward and letting out a small cackle. “Wow this guy is really into you if he’s inviting you to his daughter’s birthday.” She paused. “Wait, what about the mother?” 
“I literally never thought about it,” you said quietly. “He just told me two days ago. I was so caught up in the whole kid thing I didn’t even think about his ex-wife.”
“So he’s divorced?”
“I just assume so. I know shockingly little about his personal life apparently.” 
Rebecca stood and smoothed out her dress. “You should just ask. It’s better to know than play games in your mind and get yourself all worked up.” 
“Ugh, you’re right.” 
“Also the ICID contract is ready for review, that’s what’s in the folder.” 
You slumped back into your chair as she walked away and pulled up your last message exchange with Jake. Part of you wanted to bail on Thursday, but you knew what message that would send. Instead, you pulled up Google and searched for the closest kid’s activity store. 
The next night, the doorbell rang just as you were flipping a load of laundry. You squinted at the fluorescent clock on the microwave. It was after nine. 
Cautiously, you tiptoed down the hallway and peered through the glass pane to the side of the door, saw Jake standing there bouncing from leg to leg. 
You swung the door open. “Jake?” 
“Natalie, hi,” he said. “Can I, uh, come in?” 
“Of course.” You opened the door wider, ushering him in. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your cheek and you smiled. “What’s up?” 
He looked nervous. Or more accurately, he looked frazzled. You were starting to see a pattern. His shirt was rumpled, the ties on his sneakers were a bit loose and his hair looked like he had been running his fingers through it. “Ellie’s sick, so I have to cancel tomorrow night.” 
“Oh no,” you said, reaching out and placing your hand on his upper arm. “Is she OK?”
He shrugged. “I think it’s the flu, but her fever is pretty bad.” 
You looked around. “Wait, where is she right now?” 
“She’s at home with a friend of mine. She’s sleeping, I had to run out for more medicine and thought I’d stop by on my way to tell you in person that I’m really sorry.” 
“Honey,” you said softly, “there’s nothing to be sorry about.” 
He raked a hand through his hair. “I just, I didn’t want you to get the impression I chickened out or something.”
You smiled. “Jake, no, of course not.”
“Because I like you a lot, and I do want you to meet her,” he added. There was a pause. “But I am worried I kind of jumped the gun.” 
The moment the words left his lips you felt relief flood your body. “If we’re being honest, I was a little nervous,” you said and you watched the tension melt from his features. “Maybe we hold off for a little while? I feel like you and I are still just getting to know each other.” 
He nodded, his tanned face softening into a smile. “I think you’re right.” 
You shifted forward, winding your arms around his neck and Jake grinned, one large hand coming to your waist as he leaned down to kiss you. His lips were smooth and he kissed with an intensity that made every inch of your body ache with yearning. You wanted him, desperately, small mewls escaping your mouth and you felt Jake chuckle against your lips. 
“God, you’re sexy, Sugar,” he whispered, one hand dipping lower, squeezing your ass. “Whining like that when I kiss you.” 
Pulling back, you smiled shyly and Jake traced a finger over your cheek. “I can’t help it,” you said softly. 
“Never apologize for that,” Jake murmured, dipping down and pressing a quick kiss beneath your ear, his hands now on your sides, thumbs grazing the undersides of your breasts. You pressed your thighs together, knowing you weren’t wearing a bra and he could feel the soft curves beneath his fingertips. When he pulled away, there was a dark lust in his eyes. “Sweetheart I want you so bad, but I really should go. Wish I could stay longer.” 
You gave him a soft smile. “It’s OK, I understand.” 
Jake kissed your temple and turned to the door, but you stopped him. “Wait! One second, I have something for you.” 
He paused and you rushed off to the guest bedroom, emerging with a small pink backpack. It was glittery, and you had asked the workers to embroider Ellie’s name in cursive at the top near the handle. You had filled the bag with games, books, a few toys, a fuzzy blanket, and an assortment of candies that you hoped Jake would let her eat. You didn’t know Ellie, but you could just picture an adorable little girl with Jake’s features wearing the glittery backpack on her small shoulders.  
“Here,” you said, rolling it forward and giving Jake the handle. “For Ellie, when she feels better.” 
Jake looked down at the backpack, the big ribbon bow you had tied on the top handle, and then up at you. For a moment, you thought maybe he was disappointed in the gift. “It’s more than just a backpack,” you rushed to say. “There’s games and stuff inside. I don’t know what kids like, Jake, I’m flying a little blind here, I don’t even have nieces or nephews….” 
His hand dropped from the handle and he stepped forward quickly, pulling you into his arms and cutting you off mid sentence. His hands cupped your face as he leaned down to kiss you. When he pulled away, you saw the small creases in the corners of his eyes as he smiled. “You’re fucking perfect, did you know that?” he whispered. His eyes were trained on yours and you felt yourself melting under his touch. 
“Go,” you murmured, pushing him playfully. “If you keep looking at me like that there’s no chance I’m going to let you leave here tonight.” 
Jake laughed and pulled away, biting his lip as he grabbed the backpack and looked back at you. “I’ll call you tomorrow?” he asked softly. 
You nodded. “Goodnight, Jake.” 
You watched him sling the small pink backpack over his shoulders as he walked down your driveway to his Range Rover. Somehow it was the sweetest, sexiest thing you had seen from him yet. Your lips tingled where he had touched you. 
You were down bad for Jake Seresin.
Jake called the next night right at ten. 
“Hey,” you said, setting the phone down on speaker next to the stove where you were stirring a pot of pasta. “How’s Ellie?” 
“Took her to the doctor today,” he said and you heard the exhaustion in his voice alone. “It’s the flu, but her fever was really high so I’m just watching it. If it gets really bad for a longer duration we have to go to the ER but I think she’s on the mend.” 
You set down the wooden spoon on the top of the pot and breathed out a sigh of relief. “OK well that’s good. Keep me updated?” 
You could hear the gentle squeak of a door opening on Jake’s end, like he was checking on Ellie. After a moment, you heard him walking. “I’m sorry again for canceling,” he said. 
“Jake, God, do not be sorry. Poor Ellie being sick on her birthday.” 
“I know, I feel awful.” 
“You’ll have to make it up to her.” 
“Definitely. And she was really excited about the funfetti cake,” he said softly and you smiled. 
“Wait so that cake mix you were buying when we met was for her birthday?”
Jake let out a chuckle. “I had to do a practice run. I’ve never baked a thing in my life and I didn’t want to ruin her birthday by making something inedible.” 
“You’ve never baked before?” you asked, straining the pasta into a colander in the sink. 
“Never. That was always her mom’s thing. She was a lot better at that stuff than I was.”
You paused and so did Jake. It was the first time he had brought up his ex in the conversation. You weren’t sure where to take it from there. Biting your lip, you grabbed the phone and turned it off speaker. 
“Jake…” you started and he quickly cut you off. 
“Sweetheart, I should go, I can hear Ellie fussing in her room. I’ll text you, OK?” 
He said it in such a rushed way you wanted to believe him, but part of you was convinced it was a lie. Something you couldn’t argue that would get the both of you off the phone so he didn’t have to explain his divorce to you at that moment. “Yeah, of course. Goodnight, Jake.” 
“Night honey,” he said softly, ending the call. 
You leaned back against the countertops, the steam of the pasta fogging the window above the sink. 
How could you ever live up to the woman Jake had, at one point, chosen to marry?
Jake’s house had a wrap-around porch and three rocking chairs in the front. You settled on one as Jake shut the door quietly, carrying two wine glasses and an uncorked bottle of red. He sat down on the seat next to you, placing the glasses and bottle down on the small table. 
“Thanks for coming to me,” he said, pouring you a glass of wine and holding it out. 
Your fingers brushed his as you grabbed the stem of the glass. “Of course. Your house is really nice.” 
Jake leaned back in the chair. “I always loved the idea of a front porch. My grandmother’s house had one, and we’d sit out there at night after dinner, talking, playing cards. It was always the best time.” He looked over at you. “I promise someday soon I’ll actually invite you in.” 
You smiled. Ellie was asleep inside. Jake was supposed to have a babysitter, one of his coworkers, but they flaked and instead of canceling your date he had invited you over after Ellie’s bedtime for a drink. “I’m going to hold you to that.” 
It had been six weeks since you first met Jake, but sometimes the way he looked at you still made you feel weak. 
You had also yet to sleep with him, which only served to magnify the sexual tension.
Part of you was worried it had something to do with you. But the reasonable part of you knew that between his work schedule, your hours at the firm and Ellie, there just wasn’t much time to sneak in alone time let alone naked alone time. 
You stood up, wine glass in hand, and leaned against the railing of the porch, looking out. Jake’s house was on a hill that sat above a park and small wooded area, highly irregular for San Diego. It was a breath of fresh air, literally. 
“How was work?” you asked, turning around and Jake gave you a soft, tired smile from his chair, taking a sip of wine. 
“Long,” he sighed, putting the glass down and coming to stand in front of you, his large hands on your waist. You could feel the warmth of his fingers on your skin between where your shirt rode up and the top of your cutoffs. “I don’t want to talk about work,” he whispered. 
“What do you want to talk about?” you replied quietly. 
“Are we dating?” he blurted out and you looked up in shock. Jake seemed embarrassed, the tips of his ears growing pink, and his hands fell from your waist, one hand running through his hair nervously. “Shit, I didn’t mean to say it like that.” 
“What did you mean to say?” you asked slowly. 
He pushed his hands into his pockets. “Well that’s what I wanted to say, I just intended to make it come off a lot more casual and cool,” he murmured and you laughed, which caused his eyes to light up. 
“Well I don’t know, are we dating?” you said. 
Jake tilted his head. “I like you, Natalie. A lot. I’m not seeing anyone else. I don’t want to see anyone else. But if you are, I would understand.” He looked back at the house before turning to you. “I’m asking a lot of you. To wait to meet Ellie. Everything we’re doing is on my schedule and I’m painfully aware of that. You’re young and beautiful and so intelligent and I just want you to know that I care about you and I respect your time.” 
You reached out, stroking one hand down his face. “You could have just said yes,” you whispered. “But that was much better.” 
His lips met yours as you tugged on his shirt collar, pulling him forward, his hands gripping the porch railing on either side of your body as you leaned back against the white wood, feeling the railing dig into your lower back. When you broke apart, Jake grinned. “Will you be my girlfriend, Natalie West?” 
You smiled. “I think I already am.” 
Jake’s lips were back on yours, and you tugged gently at this hair before attaching your lips to his neck, drawing a moan from Jake’s mouth. His hands slid beneath your shirt, cupping gently over your bra and you found yourself rubbing your core against the knee he had slotted between your legs. 
You pulled your lips from Jake’s mouth, dropping your hand to his belt and fumbling with the buckle before sliding it open and pulling down the zipper. Jake groaned and pitched forward, and you palmed him over his boxer briefs. He was hard, and massive. You tried to hide your surprise as you reached down further, brushing over the full length of his cock. There was a small wet patch at the tip of his cock, and you rubbed a small circle over it, causing him to twitch. Just as you were about to slide your hand below his underwear, Jake reached out and grabbed your wrist. 
“Shit, wait,” he said softly and you looked up in surprise. “I, uh, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
He redid the zipper on his shorts and pulled the belt together, taking a step back and inhaling deep. 
“I haven’t had sex since my wife passed away last year.” 
“What?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as loudly as it did. You both turned and looked at the house through the front window for a few moments to see if there was movement in the hallway, that Ellie had woken up, but it was clear. “Sorry, what?” you repeated, softer. 
Jake sighed and ran one hand down his face. “My wife Lizzie died last November. I haven’t really dated anyone seriously since.” 
“Jake,” you whispered. You weren’t sure if he wanted to be touched or held, but that’s all you wanted to do. Hold him and brush your fingers through his hair. “I’m so sorry.” 
He shook his head but you could tell he was getting choked up. “It’s been hard, you know, with Ellie. And I just, I haven’t really wanted to date anyone else.” He looked up. “Until I met you.” 
You stepped forward, taking his hands in yours, feeling his fingers curl around your own. “Thank you for telling me.” 
Jake gave you a light squeeze. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
“Don’t be. You told me when you were ready.” 
He rubbed his hands over your forearms. “It’s not that I don’t want to be intimate with you, Natalie. I do, I really do. It’s just, I’m so out of the loop on how this works. I haven’t dated in a decade. Lizzie and I, we got married really young. She was the only woman I ever slept with.” 
You could feel your eyes boggling out. How could someone as ridiculously attractive as Jake have only slept with one woman in thirty-five years? 
“Am I freaking you out?” he asked quietly and you heard the sadness and anxiety in his voice. “God, I’m scaring you away aren’t I?” 
Reaching up, you pressed your hands to his face. “Jake, no. I’m not fleeing for the hills. I’m not wearing the right shoes for that.” 
He laughed.
“You’re a really rare kind of guy,” you added. “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you before.” 
“Is that good or bad?” he asked. 
You smiled, draping one arm over his shoulder, Jake’s eyes locked on yours, his hands gripping your waist tightly. “It’s good. It’s really good.” 
When he sealed his lips on yours, you knew that even if you had to wait six more weeks or six more months, Jake Seresin was the kind of guy worth waiting for. 
Tag list: @xoxabs88xox @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @novagreen04 @townmoondaltwistle @rosiahills22 @indynerdgirl @entertainmentgal8 @misshoneypaper @topguncultleader @double-j @amortentiadrops @double-j @hangmandruigandmav @momc95 @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @blue-aconite @brehonodea @crthurston @angelbabyange @jason-toddsthighs @secretsicanthideanymore @entertainmentgal8 @starkleila @boringusername3 @mandylove1000 @lilyevanswhore @mizzzpink @showmethewayhomehoney @lovingjakeseresin
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hawkinsmafia · 5 months
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day 06 : “Don’t even try to talk to me.”
featuring Dustin Henderson & oc Natalie Henderson
summary: Dustin does not want a new roommate, even if he’s the only good thing in his sister’s life right now
rating: general
wc: 462 (whoops again)
cw: mention of guns and associated violence
an: written for the 200 Words Challenge. Dustin and Nat’s relationship is one of my favorites to play with.
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She stared at Dustin’s closed door for a long moment, weighing whether it was worth it to try talking to him yet. Rapping her knuckles softly on the hollow wood, she called out, “Dusty, can we talk?”
His reply came immediately, full of fire. “Don’t even try to talk to me right now, Nat!”
Nope, not worth it. But Natalie was a firstborn daughter, and her brother was her only friend—or… her first of two, now, maybe—so she persisted.
“You can’t stay mad forever, Dustin.”
“Watch me.”
“He didn’t have anywhere else to go,” she tried to reason with him. “His stupid fucking father abandoned him in that hospital, and his stepmom doesn’t have room, and his friends—”
“He doesn’t have ‘friends’!” Dustin interrupted. “And why do you think that is?!”
That hollowness formed in Nat’s chest again, the sucking, vacuous empathy that had made a habit of pulling her back toward Billy again and again. “I don’t have friends either,” she said, the words coming out so softly she wasn’t sure if Dustin even heard them, until there was a click of the latch and his door slid open.
“He almost fucking killed Steve,” Dustin said, his expression flat as he stared at his sister. “He would’ve if Max hadn’t put him under.”
“And yet Steve came to visit him at the hospital.”
“…No way.”
“A lot. Once or twice a week. They’re friends now.”
“No, Steve would’ve told me. He would’ve told me if he’d decided to be a fucking moron and make nice with that psychopath.”
“It was Steve’s suggestion that I bring Billy here.”
“What?! Why can’t he go live with Steve then, if they’re such good friends?”
“Because of Steve’s dad.”
The corners of Dustin’s jaw flexed as he ground his teeth for a moment.
“Hey, stop,” she said, gently touching his cheek, “you’ll pop a wire out again.”
His jaw relaxed again, but his lips were still pursed sourly. “Fine,” he said after a moment, his voice hard and abrasive, “whatever. I don’t care. But I’m not going to be his friend, and if he gives Lucas any more shit, I’m borrowing Nancy’s gun and I’m shooting him. I’m sick of everyone I care about being in mortal peril and I’m not fucking around anymore.” He paused, and his tone softened. “And you need to watch yourself around him. He’s like a master manipulator, especially with girls.”
“Don’t worry about me, Dusty.”
Dustin blew out a hard breath. “I can’t believe Billy fucking Hargrove is gonna be living in my house. Sleeping in the guest room, like he’s a fucking guest or something.”
“Tenant,” she corrected. “Billy fucking Hargrove is your new roommate.”
“Thanks for this. Guess I’ll sleep with my door locked from now on.”
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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lewis-winters · 8 months
was thinking about hubris and the different ways they differ in characters I love... then tried to see what kinds of hubris my OCs have... and after a deep dive into all of them I have written down the ones that give me the most brain damage:
amabeal - Though the narrative rewards her hubris, it's still fucking hubris. Nothing says 'I'm better than the gods' than literally eating them as revenge for their hand in the murder of her archangel brother, before turning around and actively plotting to murder her father, the Ultimate God. Or facing Death Incarnate and proudly admitting that she'd been masquerading as him for years and playing with the lives and deaths of mortals for her own personal amusement. She later on meets the entity between worlds, the eldritch horror of eldritch horrors, and greets It like an old friend before challenging It to a game of Uno to keep It from drawing her into eternal sleep. She doesn't win, but that doesn't stop her from trying to gaslight It into thinking she did, anyway. Because she is insane and doesn't know when to quit.
isabel makiling - The Christian God preaches freedom while His children bring about chains. The Christian God enslaved her people, and cast them aside when they needed Him most. The Christian God eradicated the Old Religions through fire and peddled false promises in their stead. Now, war has come to her land and to her people and with a gun made out of a gas pipe and a knife used to cut down weeds, she will fight tooth and nail for what the Christian God will not. There is no force in the world, divine or otherwise, stronger than her anger, fiercer than the monster she carries around in her chest. She is better than this false Christian God; He, His children, and those who follow in their stead, will know her rage.
shoshana - Nobody else will fight for her place in the world and her people but her. Nobody else has the strength to do what needs to be done. Nobody else knows how to survive quite like she does. Those under her care will learn to be like her, but not in the way she'd had to. She'll break those that need to be broken, if it'll make them strong enough. She'll make weapons out of the weakest children, if it'll give them a fighting chance. Those under her care deserve her best, and if her best comes with a side of harsh reality, then that's to be expected. Better coming from her, who doles cruelty out in controlled bits and pieces, in amounts that are almost mercy in their deficiency, than the world that unleashes it all at once. She is in control. She is always in control. Anybody who says otherwise is wrong.
natalie morse - Her brand of hubris is small compared to everyone else, but it's still there. A walking well of contradictory extremes-- literally, if queer religious trauma was a person. She believes, wholeheartedly, that whatever god is out there is punishing her specifically, because she was and is wrong on all fundamental levels and therefore must be deserving of said punishment. She will also fist fight said god for the people she loves, because when you're already damned, losing the people who dare to love you, despite your obvious wrong-ness, scares you. But god certainly doesn't.
pasiphaë elago - Literally her whole thing is hubris. She has the boundless confidence of a Paladin, with zero mitigation from the humility that comes with devout worship. A Paladin's divine power comes from the belief that their world view is the world view; but as a godless Paladin, the tenants of her faith don't come from a holy book; they came from her very soul. She created them herself, from the ashes of her suffering, and she believes in them enough that she draws divine power from it. If Gale Dekarios' hubris makes him believe that he is equal to the gods, Pasiphaë's hubris makes her believe that her disappointment in the gods and their actions are enough to make the heavens tremble. She doesn't want their forgiveness, she believes they should beg for hers. The only thing stopping her from going absolutely apeshit is that she is inherently a kind person and actually hates seeing people suffer. But that's it. She is hanging on by a fucking thread-- actually. No. The THREAD is hanging on to HER.
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