#oc: kendis crawford gagne
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
9 for Kendis! ✨
Lonley~~ I'm Mx. Lonely~~
Lonely? Kendis has never heard of them. Such a foreign emotion, it does not happen to them.
Sarcastic though I am being, that's genuinely how they act. Though, they've been doing (a bit) better at recognizing and admitting this to themselves (though twc Kendis has a slightly easier time as they don't have as many strong connections as og Kendis and exile Kendis).
Because they dislike admitting to needing / being dependent
They don't really see what reason they have TO BE lonely, because they have so many things to be blessed and grateful about, ya know?
So, loneliness tends to sneak on them and tends to be suffocated with rather than acknowledged. For the most part, Kendis does .. mostly, sorta, heathily deal with it (particularly if she's not expericing burn out from being busy or you know people trying to kill her). She's very active so she jumps into new activities to either occupy her mind and - if in a scenario that allows this you know where they're not in exile - allows her to interact with people.
At times, though, this is more of a bandaid that a dealing with the source of emotions so she continues to feel restless -- and then frustrated. If she realizes that to any varying degree she'll deal with it by reaching out to loved ones (either by being like a needy cat or asking to spend time with them) or meeting to new people. IF SHE DOESN'T, well they'll keep slapping on bandaids and getting frustrated until something gives.
Ty for the ask @anotherbeingsworld
Send me a number and an OC and I’ll tell you what their like when they’re ....
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
tell us more about kendis pls. 👀👀👀
i need to know more about ur ocs bcs they're so interesting. you always develop them so well. 👁️👁️
I don't even know what to say? qwere roflmao. What do you want to know, anon? (THOUGH, thanks so much for the compliment :-D)
I've been writing Kendis since 2019. At least a version of her. The first concept of Kendis, the og of most ogs was never written, but she was a free-wheelin', hot mess. This was back in 2018. I THINK. I ended up tweaking her and creating Kendis Crawford-Gagne. The proto-Kendis. She was a bit sweeter, a lot more femme, more of the drunk girl you meet in the bathroom. A touch less chaotic. But very much selfish, stubborn, into science, and willing to go all out for a loved one.
This Kendis' mom died when she was young, she was raised by her older (half) brother -- and somewhat by her dad who loved her but was still grieving.
That Kendis was 18. KCL - Kendis Crawford-Louel - came about because I wanted an older Kendis. This Kendis was more queer -- I felt more comfortable in exploring her as a demi-girl (not right away, but eventually. Had to go through the crisis of 'can I as a cis person do this?'). I changed a lot of her backstory too so I think that changed a lot of how they presented themselves. And I think also that KCG was human and KCL was not also really changed their outlook in life, and thus behavior.
This all sounds very boring and tl;dr. LMAO. I'm sorry anon, I don't have anything intriguing to share. Hrm, I guess I could say:
og KCL is the youngest of four -- there is their half-brother Ben and two sisters from Ben's dad, that they consider their own sisters. And I tend to carry Ben over in their canons if they don't have siblings as a cousin or someone who used to baby sit her. Kendis changes a lot of they don't have youngest child syndrome lmao.
Kendis is almost always a creature. The only acception is TWC Kendis, but they have the speshul blud~~. og KCL is a three-beast (a creature of my making). kotsam Kendis is a draka. Exile Kendis is a mythosi (wolf). twc au Kendis is a werewolf.
And sometimes they're a creechur with elemental powers bc I'm extra like that
Kendis is usually demi-romantic bisexual. KCG was demi-sexual, bi-romantic. Kendis will always be on the ace spectrum and bi.
KCG and KCL were sickly as kids. KCG lost her mom. KCL lost their first (and only) love. It was ... a mess. LMAO. Austyn Blanchard. I still keep Austyn in most Kendis' backstories. Austyn is replaced by Syfyn in the Exile.
Kendis loves fashion. Money. Independence. Their people. Nature. Animals. Kids. They love trying new activies and hobbies, I usually go with hiking and pottery for them. I'm not sure why on the pottery.
Kendis (most of them) abhors violence against living beings (which ofc is a thing I've explored with them, because terrible) but isn't against fucking up privite and public property.
I've written Kendis as a parent before and I love. Of course, they were a single parent. Kendis and romance is --- roflmao. (I don't usually do romance with my characters. But Kendis. lmao. Ahhh, Kendis.)
Kendis isn't touch averse (they've had sex) but Kendis is very big about being the one to initiate touch and having people check in with them always before touching them. Touch can make them feel clausterphobic at times -- or not exactly touch but people pressing into their boundaries/personal space. I once took a love language quiz and they scored 0% for touch. Even Andy didn't score that low. LMAO.
Kendis is probs one of my characters with the most sympathy, but they're also probs one of my most frustrated. And selfish. It leads to fun times.
This was actually fun, so thanks <3
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grapecaseschoices · 11 months
Did I miss a chapter in kendis lore? Who's austyn? 👁️👁️🫣🫣
I also had another question where do u find such gorgeous face claims? And how do u come up with such great oc designs? 👀👀
you're so cute. Kendis lore 233we q<3
Well, since you asked [and I don't get to talk about austyn a lot] Okay, so TL;DR TIME.
Og, OG Kendis - Kendis Crawford Gagne - lost her mom. Rather young from cancer [if I recall right]. It definitely impacted her a lot. However, when I ended up playing Kendis in another RP game, I really liked the backstory we [me and her older Ben's wrietr] had for the mom [we ended up getting her played too for a bit which was FUN!] i was like what if she lived~~ But I also wanted the impact of lost in Kendis' history [bc im unimaginative and couldn't think of another trauma point --- though I ended up doiing so, but that's another story], I came up with Austyn.
Austyn Blanchard basically - or actually - was Kendis' first love. But she died when Kendis was eighteen thanks to drunk driving [I can't remembebr if I said Austyn's or the other driver's. probably both]. Austyn was very much teen Kendis' opposite? In a sense that her family was wealthy - where as Kendis' had been lower middle class and was moving toward middle middle by the time Kendis came around/grew older - and popular ... where as Kendis' mother was seen as an outsider and that weird witch woman. Because she was bi and Kendis' parents were polyam.
Anyway they weren't in each other's circle but came to know each other bc Kendis babysat Austyn's younger sibs. They fell in love but it was hard for Kendis to say the L world and Austyn could never publicly date a woman because her parents were super christian, and a face of that community. [They had plans of being together after HS!!] But then Austyn died. LMAO.
It's in part why Kendis ended up going through to medical school, because that had been their dream. Austyn as a lawyer and Kendis as a doctor [for KCG it had been bc her mom's death. Death leading to healing and ambitions etc etc]
Anyway, it DEVASTATED Kendis. And if it wasn't for her brother Ben -- yikes. Anyway, they moved past it but they also ... kinda didn't lmao.
[I also played around with the idea that Austyn might've been the reincarnated love of Kendis' past life*. But I never settled on it because I'm not a big fan of soulmates.]
If you want to be sad, here is their playlist. And their tag.
[I shall answer your question in another post bc this shit is long.]
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
Kendis is over 6ft tall???! Omg and I thought she couldn't get any finer. All of your ocs are so fine, like excuse me the audacity to create such amazing ocs should be a crime. 😩
That being said how do Kendis and Kai like their eggs in the morning. I've got two hands to hold both of theirs. 👀👀👀
Because I will not be made to choose between them. 😌😌
But Kendis has honestly been living in my mind rent free lately. Could we know some more facts about them? I would love to learn more about their family background and their hobbies. 👀👀
All twc variations of Kendis are 6'2" -- but Regular degular Kendis tends to be 5'11" [all Kendis' wears heels so they're well above six feet at any given time -- Think Jessica Pearson styles]. But maybe I should make that uniform? I just like Kendis shorter than their big brother, parents, and uncle -- let them have that! Kendis is the baby and is far too fast grown. qwere But I'll think upon it.
This made me laugh. Thank you! You're such a sweetheart, anon! I am very flattered. Though facts, Kai isn't prone to drama but he would rather yeet himself than be in a polyam with Kendis. Even as her metamor.
I feel Kendis tends to have their eggs scambled [soft] or overhard, but they're down to clown when it comes to food. Kai is coffee and pastry. But if he must have eggs, probably hard boiled!
As for Kendis facts:
I don't remember what I've shared of Kendis ... and I have like five different versions ... maybe more. Who can count?
But let's see for AG/vvicked Kendis [who I usually mean when I say OG - though there is K. Crawford-Gagne who is more femme and just younger, but still stubborn and selfish lol]:
I think that Kendis is the youngest of four -- technically. She has an older half brother, and she is her dad's only child. But she was also raised around his half-sisters from his dad.
Kendis is very much Younger SiblingTM. Though their mom was tough [a park ranger who came by her 'mountain bwitch' accusations honestly], she mellowed some when Kendis came around. And her dad is a human carebear. So in a way Kendis was spoiled. They were also had respiratry issues as a kid.
But Crawfords aren't always the best with dealing with emotions and talking things out .... and her siblings had a LOT going on [their dead beat dad, bad relationships, her oldest brother's trauma, etc], so in a sense though Kendis was the baby, spoiled, they were also over protective. And had a lot of 'don't wanna be a burden' issues that helped shape who Kendis is today [oh, and she had some shit aunts, gossipy town members, and an eventual dead best friend -- etc, etc, is it gay to have a dead bestie?, etc]
It wasn't always functional but it was full of love. And pets. And Montana sky.
Kendis got into a lot of trouble tho. They were a bratty overprotective menance. Their oldest sib got them out of jailtime once. bb!Kendis didn't believe in hitting a person [though they'd threaten], but your property? Grass.
Hobbies: Lessie. Eat lmao. Baking, cooking, throwing parties, hiking, organizing shit, pottery. They're down to try anything once.
Ty for asking! I've missed this pest <3
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
find the word tag 🔍
@laufire-writes tagged me .,... idk when lmao. with the words:  COSTUME, DECAY, MAGNETIC, FAVO(U)R.
Kendis’ lips curved into another grin; this a pale manifestation to the sudden, bright bubble of excitement that threatened to burst through her. “Right!! Like, all right, the whole waking up with someone else’s memories is like some deep shit. But come on! You also wake up a whole superhero! Think about the things you could do! The people you could save? I know this is kind of out there, or maybe it’s not. I mean. Like, come on.” As they’d been saying ‘out there’ was re-defined. Why couldn’t people go and redefine what it meant to put good back in the world? “People could get costumes! Secret identities and like alla that.” 
from an old thread in 2019 where (og) kendis and a heart sibling talk about the sudden influx of past lives & powers.
She took a careful step closer, and cocked her head like a bird inspecting the scavenged sight left before it; clinical --- displeased. She huffed out a little laugh, a disparaging sound. “That little bitch.” She closed her eyes slowly and breathed in just as carefully. “Crafty.” Lupe murmured, curious. Crafty yet disrespectful. She supposed that summarized who and what the town had been dealing with for months. “The body isn’t decaying.”
Lupe turned to the group -- she almost looked impressed, still very much displeased, yet impressed.
She mulled her words for a moment before she continued to explain: Even a body set to be preserved by human means was set to decay, eventually. But the means preserving Cass were far from human. It was almost as if magic was holding her death hostage.
another old thing, about last year; a mini-narrative. one of my characters Lupe - whose abilities involve death - is analyzing a body of someone she knows that’s been fucked with magically.
She hesitated before her gaze moved toward his, dark eyes met brown, as if unbidden. Even though it had been lured toward his like the attractive sound of 'psspss' to a cat. He asked and she felt compelled to answer; not like a puppet on a string, not like metal to magnet -- but rather a faced tugged close by a warm hand. There was the choice to pull away but was it really a choice when the best option felt like saying yes? 
Their breath caught as something warm filled their chest -- he still smelled like citrus, like sharpness and brightness was at the core of him and couldn't be washed away by the grime of 2023. Something warm tried to fill their chest but panic drowned it over. 
Kendis tried to swallow but took, stumbled, a step back. He had such pretty eyes. And maybe it was because they were smarter now, because Kendis a few years ago would've thought their eyes were open and fallen into their own hubris -- as they had with Dove. 
This time they were -- This was... No.
"I need to go.  So I'm gonna ... leave. Bye." They turned abruptly and began walking away.
listen, this is the best i got. at least this one’s THIS YEAR. formerly titled: ‘The Ugly Meet Cute. Or is it The Cute Meet Ugly?’; originally Fitz and Kendis’ first meeting but we tweaked it, and they ran into each other two times before this (at Pride!) lmao
"I did not know!! Delilah, I swear it upon your mother, I did not know. I am not to blame. I could not lead them anywhere, it was all by chance. It is the gods, it is the gods!!"
"You would not.
"Delilah, please."
"Do not whisper your begging, bitch. Let your gods hear it, let them know, and understand that I will grant their "righteous" rebellion the same leniency that they placed upon my family. Beg me for the mercy that they did not grant Kyrios or our children -- in all the fucking lands, in all the fucking homes, they chose mine to rebel in. My husband may have been ambitious and arrogant, but his connections to the praetor were no stronger than any other man seeking favor. They could have struck any other family. Yet they came to my city. How odd, how odd, indeed."
funnily i have a lot of threads/narratives with the word favor, most of them involving kendis -- and i think a majority of THOSE involving their various past lives. this one centers around one of the most recent ones delilah and is a snippet from a narrative that showed her downward spiral to ‘villainy’ (i mean yes she killed a lot of people - and some of the “wrong” ones - but they killed her family first, so is that BAD?)
tagging i have too many writers (not ACTUALLY complaining) 234rew umm @equusgirl-writes  @writerray @wayhavenots @shady-saint @thelittlestspider @lizzybeth1986 @impossible-rat-babies and really and TRULY whoever wants to (also ignore if you want <33) !!
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
2 for OC awards please 👀
2. Whiniest bitch?
All of them, in their own way. You know when you're watching a show. And the character is GENUINELY going through it. You feel for them. But they have some of the most FOOLISH monologues/interal thoughts. And you're like BITCH YOU LIVE LIKE THIS/GET THEE IN THERAPY!
Very few of my characters complain externally to be truly a whiny bitch but --
If I have to pick one, I would say Kendis. Not in the traditional sense (though, yeah they can definitely play the baby sibling card -- less as they get older), but in the if she dislikes something enough and wants to make it a problem, it will become a Problem. And at times Everyone's Problem. Probably my most petty bitch. And one of the best at demanding attention, so I put them here.
honorable mention: 1. Renold Kelly who does do a typical '~~wHy!!!1111~~~' whiny tone to get attention (bc negative attention is better than no attention ...) and is a spoiled rich childTM; they probably fit this best in the most traditional sense. but kendis is just ... Energy. 2. Reuben Casseus -- doesnt whine so much as lashes out he's probably the one of my three sidesteps to most vocally do so (and loud).
Ty for the ask hun!
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
I like what seems to be Kendis' prideful/bragging attitude lol.
Thank you. Me too (when I don't want to strangle them). Kendis was one of the first characters, probably the only, character I have I feel that I can say is genuinely egotistical and not eVuHl~~. Like I've had neutral (and even a few good) characters that are prideful and ambitious and selfish, but Kendis is .... bratty. For a lack of a better word.
Kendis in a nutshell:
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
👾 👀
Send me a 👾 and I’ll give you a random song off of an OC playlist with an explanation!
okay, im going with this song bc it's in both og kendis' playlist and her family playlist. but heavy by birdtalker.
oh man, the crawfords in that game had a lot on their shoulders. they lost their mom young -- which caused their middle sister to skip town. their oldest sib, their brother, had a lot of weight on his shoulder d/t childhood trauma ... losing his mom, and having to step up and being a parent for kendis bc it was a hard time for kendis' dad. kendis often grew up feeling like a burden bc her brother made sacrifices to help take care of her. and that's not even touching ben's half sister on his dad's side.
anyway, they had/have a lot of heavy things on their shoulders. a lot of regrets, a lot of loss, a lot of heartbreak, a lot of insecurites. so ofc the song fit their joint playlist.
but the song fit kendis bc despite as how independent and stubborn she is (i think ive said this before, but whenever i play kendis in an IF'willfull/willpower' is often her highest stat by far [followed often by chaos/kindness], so yeah), she has a 'whither thou goest' vibe as well. and though she's also JUDGMENTAL AF, she's very 'tell me all the terrible things you've done and let me love you anyway' for her loved ones.
so the song's vibe of put your sins and troubles down, im with you. is very her.
I want to see your sadness I want to share your sin I want to be your blood And I want to be let in Don't you just Don't we all just Want to be together
Leave what's heavy What's heavy behind Leave what's heavy What's heavy behind
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
5, 7, and 10 for the PC awards!
5. OC Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive
I know this says MAN but the answer is OBVIOUSLY Kendis. Kendis is hands down my most best dressed character, period.
They definitely hold the Haitian/Haitian American honor of 'dressing to work like you're going to church, dressing to church like you're going to a wedding, etc'. Even when Kendis dresses 'down' the outfit is fire. Kendis also fits in a lot of different styles -- they tend to lean heavy on the dapper meets quirky futch look (which varies from dark academia to brightly colored suits with a bold flower pattern ) but they dip deeply into afropunk, baddie, and stud attire as well. At the end of the day, if it's colorful, it is Kendis.
And it's not just the outfit, it's the hair. Even having her hair shaved doesn't stop Kendis from dishing out Lewks.
Here are some (more) examples: 1, 2,  3 , 4
Not to mention Kendis has had four fcs (don’t ask) and they’re all STUNNING people -- you get to see two in the links.
Honorable mention: 
1. Andy. Have we met Can Yaman? (male chest cw) He is probably one of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen. Like this gif is Andy inspo. The gait, the swagger, the unbotheredness that outfit -- all Andy. 
Some samples of Andy oufits: Here. Here (and sunglasses). And here (Cigar included). (Also here.) Man is almost always besuited. I don’t think he owns t-shirt or jeans, or if he does, it’s when he’s doing labor. He is always on point, and despite these examples (I’m just too tired to look), he adores pastels and rocks them. Andy dresses like a GQMF and he almost always has Cool Sunglasses. So, of course he’d be honorable mention. 
2. Nicola. I love a good goth/grunge/witchy vibes look. But I love those looks better on fat girls, especially when they get booby. And my girl isn’t afraid to get booby. You know she and Yakov are the best fitted pair in the school. 
7. Who wins Outstanding Plot Fucker Upper?
I don’t fully know what this means. Is it more likely to ruin mine/the main outline? Or which one is to ruin a PlotTM ICly (in game)?
If it’s the second it’s probably Kendis, Carmela, and Reuben. Especially the first and the last. Two characters that have literally pointed two fingers at the Big Bad/Big Bad’s Group/Powerful Person and moonwalked out of the room. I mean, well Reuben tried to run out at high speed -- but. 
If you mean most likely to look at my plans for them and go FUCK YOU? Probably Reuben. I NEED HIM TO FUCKING RELAX SO I CAN PUT HIM IN A POLYAMORY RELATIONSHIP!!! If I play Reuben the way I truly want to, he would have 0% with everyone, so I have sorta speed run his development and press him into certain scenarios to fit where I need him to be, where I want him to be, and the pacing of FHR. 
10. Best Kiss?
I already answered this here.
But here is a less bloody snippet of Henry and Colette:
He kissed her again, with urgency, before his lips pressed lightly at her jaw, on the upsweep of her cheek, on her brow. Each brush of his mouth was loving and gentle, like a ray of sun peeking through the curtains. He was no longer seeking and yearning, instead, he was delighted in finding that the strength of his care, the strength of his passion, the strength of need and want, were returned. She was a terrifying woman to love and for him, to him, she was as resplendent as she had always been. There was only room for happiness in Henry at this moment. Happiness and that continuous, and ever-evolving, love for her.
(Fun facts, that thread has over nine thousand words, twenty-three of them involve the word ‘kiss’ and the last word is kiss, lmao)
Ty for the ask bb!
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