#oc: stjarna
eumenidaes · 1 year
Happy Valentine’s Day here are some adopted kids for Steadfast (made with this picrew)
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Stjarna Vermeil (she/her) is based on the Aesop the Astrologer That Fell in the Well. She’s a forward thinker often too caught up in plans for the future to truly be in the moment. She’s a Faunus with a fox tail
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Harvey Ironwood (they/them) is based on the Ant from the Aesop of The Ant and the Grasshopper. They’re a hard worker and brilliant tactical mind, even though they do have a tendency to spread themself too thin as they try to do more than they have time for
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viewer-of-many · 10 months
Ok so, new OC: dragonfruit refresher that’s a mix of Valka from HTTYD and Tiger Lily Cookie
Molle Stjarna(Antirrhinum Molle, a species of dragon flower, and Stjarna, the Old Norse word for star[because dragonfruit refreshers are a Starbucks product])
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dholwrites · 2 years
A Helping Hand
Erenville asks for some help with his gloves.
Relationship: Erenville x (OC) Junior
Ao3 | Insp.
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“Would you be willing to help me out of these gloves? They get so stuffy.”
The gleaner holds out his hand, clearly hoping for some help when the day’s work has tired him out. Yet Junior found himself completely transfixed by what he saw. The miqo’te could not deny the fluttering in his heart; his mind and eyes wandered as he tried to ingrain everything into his memory. 
The moon has not yet reached its peak, its grace casting everything under the sky in a silvery sheen. From the miqo’te’s position, it perfectly lines up behind the viera like a halo, similar to an angel from the heavens above. A celestial being who had picked Sharlayan to be the perfect backdrop for his descent. His dark curls tug attention towards his golden eyes and they glimmer with amusement. The city’s lights did not hold a candle to the color; Those yellow hues shine like twin suns and they bless everything he sees with gentle warmth. 
Junior reaches out to take Erenville’s hand, slowly working from finger to finger to loosen the leather until it easily slips off. His fingers lightly tickle the palm before he retreats to set the gloves beside his own. The gleaner’s free hand reaches out to touch his face, drawing mismatched eyes to look back up at his own. His thumb purposely brushes against his cheek yet Junior’s mind had already drifted lower.
“You know, Stjarna,” A smile makes its way onto his face as he leans in until their noses barely brush against each other. He could feel Junior’s breath shudder as he exhaled, “my eyes are up here.”
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latenitewaffles · 1 year
I don't use tags often but I DO tag my OCs, AUs, and other story ramblings. This post'll be updated in the future.
Blogkeeping Tags
Spidersona Tags
Pokemon Tags
#hugi-feroxi or #hugi-von-stjarna
Persona Tags
#game-on-[character first name]
Splatoon Tags
#sam-ghile /Captain 3/Agent 3
#archie-mikau /Agent 4
#shelly-uchiura /Agent 8
#matt-takowasa /Agent 8.5
#dex-o'neil /Neo Agent 3/Neo 3
#silver-terygii /Little Buddy
Fire Emblem Tags
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nightsongs · 10 months
I've changed my carrd layout to one that I can include bios on, so I am working on getting those done!
I've also trimmed down my muse list and added a new in-progress oc, so here's the current roster:
Muriel (The Arcana)
Chloe Vellane (D&D/general fantasy)
Mithril Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
Stjarna Rue (The Arcana)
Rhythorn (D&D/general fantasy) - this is my new orc oc heheheheh
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keleravna · 2 years
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@tes-summer-fest day 1: dreams
pov: your best friend was a bastard son of the emperor that you watched die but now he's kinda maybe dead too cause he sacrificed himself but even years later, you dream of him so often that he doesn't feel dead to you, but rather unreachable which you find even worse
but are those just mere dreams?
(click for better quality)
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20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Thanks Zuza!
I don’t have a particular favourite author, I have about forty and it would be honestly cruel of me to to pick one.
I do have a LONG-STANDING favourite fic however and that is While You Waited in Darkness by @the-nerdy-stjarna this fic has lived fully rent free in my mind for YEARS and deservedly so. It’s a “what if fs hooked up before maveth and Jemma was pregnant whilst she was there” fic BUT HONESTLY IT IS SO MUCH MORE. I sometimes just remember bits of it and jfc it’s just so good, for some reason in particular the line “No offense, but neither you nor Fitz seem to have been kissed by the tall-and-giant fairy.” runs through my mind on a regular basis and always makes me laugh. Treat yo self and read it.
I also have to give a shout-out to Murder by Mistake by @recoveringrabbit which is slowly and solidly becoming a firm favourite through the pod-fic read by dearoldworld (who I don’t believe has a tumblr pls correct me if I’m wrong) it’s a FS 1930’s murder mystery AU and yes it is even better than it sounds. There is mystery, some WONDERFUL oc’s, and jesus the pining. THE P I N I N G. It has taken all of my self restraint to not go and read ahead. It is such a beautifully and incredibly written fic and the narrator just has a wonderful natural storytelling voice and she does the most amazing accents and asdfghjkl it honestly makes my day when it’s updated. There’s only 9 chapters left and I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna do with myself when it’s finished. I have a long standing theory about who the murderer is and why they killed who they did and it’s gonna be SO SATISFYING IF I’M RIGHT. Anyway, pls go and read this fic, or listen to it, I like listening when I’m dotting about doing odd jobs and at this point I really have listened to every chapter multiple times.
FanFic asks
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handwriting tag /// thanks a bunch @agnodice-writes!! rules /// describe the handwriting of some of your ocs and tag seven people
wip; white walls checkered floors
aislinn: used to write in perfect cursive, of course after a while of not writing because of [redacted] it wore off. to tick off everyone she makes sure no one can read her writing by doing it in the most tiniest script known to man.
noah: although he prefers talk to written, he writes with a hand of a god. you can’t be a storyteller if you cannot write, am i right??
nafi: what writing?? hmm?? i was too busy to learn how to scribble thank you very much. pretty much illegible.
stjarna (aka star): that fancy loopy cursive that your embarrassed to show your friends. none has lived to tell the tale of her writing. 
katje: oh man?? writing?? you mean that people actually evolved from grunts to actually transcribing thoughts on flat sheets using a stick?? cool bro.
felix: man, it’s been an age since he last wrote. at this rate, it’s probably chicken scratch by now. bonds with nafi over that.
the shapeshifter (i haven’t gotten to finding the perfect name for him sorry): writes like how you normally write?? doesn’t know what all the fuss is honestly.
and to tag some people. hmm, i don’t know (i’m too tired to tag people rn). how about anyone who wants too? yeah, this is a lot of posting from me in a considerably short amount of time, got to post a lot more original stuff (can you believe i never introduced this wip properly?? i got to get to that right away). laters, my friends from different ends.
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
My mom´s a space pirate queen pt.1
Word Count: 1,44
Pairing: None
Warnings: brainwashing, curse words
A/N: another Story with OCs
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„You´re stupid. He´s not dead“ the blue girl scoffed.
Nebula laughed, she couldn´t believe Loki´s mother gave him up, now he would understand her suffering.
„But, but he told me...Ego...he killed him, like all of his children!“ Erlanda yelled at her with tears in her eyes.
„But he wasn´t his child“ The blue girl smiled, the queen didn´t know.
„How dare you lie to me?“
Erlanda now broke down on the floor, frustrated, desperate, Loki was dead and there was nothing she could do about it.
The noise that came out of her mouth wasn´t hers anymore, her voice cracked and she just gave broken sounds from her lungs. She couldn´t take it anymore, the great warrior was defeated.
Then she screamed out and threw a stone, which laid  near her and landed on the green sand.
Nebula was shocked, never has she torn down the walls of such a strong queen before, but she
wasn´t proud, it was quite the opposite, she was sorry.
This feeling pulled her lungs together and it was like she couldn´t breathe, she knew exactly how Erlanda felt and she couldn´t stop the tears from falling down.
In anger she tried to wash them away with her palm, but they just kept falling.
„He´s alive“ she whispered, talking wasn´t an option when you cried, or else your voice would crack and you´d end up on the floor like Erlanda.
„But you need to save him“
Nebula had herself under control again and now grabbed Erlanda by her shoulder to look her in the eyes to show she wasn´t lying. „He´s not dead?“ Erlanda wiped away her tears and looked up.
„I don´t even know why you thought he was dead in the first place!“ Nebula now yelled, Erlanda had to listen.
„He´s the child of Ego, but he isn´t a celestial, he had to die“ „No, he´s not Ego´s child, he´s the son of Laufey. Ego just made sure you forgot so you wouldn´t search for him“ „But that doesn´t make any sense, if he isn´t Ego´s child, Peter is, and he hasn´t searched for him yet“
„That´s because you protected him, you were always gone when he appeared, I always lasted a bit longer after your adventures, so I saw him, every time“ „This needs to end!“ Erlanda screamed.
„Queen Erlanda?“
„Yes, child?“ „You´re the strongest mother I´ve ever met, you truly are a queen“
Nebula hugged her and then vanished in her ship.
Erlanda was left alone and numb, what had just happened? Loki was alive and Ego searched for Peter, now she had to save them.
She closed her eyes and felt Loki´s energy, his heart race, she was with him, she was his eyes, his ears, his fists.
The blonde ran into her ship and hurried to get to her son.
„Loki!“ She pulled out her sword and shield as she ran towards him.
He layed on the ground and bled.
„Who did this to you?“ she asked as she fell down on her knees in front of him.
„Malekith“ he whispered, watching Erlanda´s hands glow in a light shade of blue. Erlanda spoke soft words of magic to heal Loki and then placed her hand on his wound, it worked.
„Where is he?“ Loki recognized the voice of the queen, his maid. „You are truly beautiful, my queen“ a deep voice appeared behind her. The woman turned around and looked in the eyes of Malekith, the dark elven king.
„I truly am a queen, likely to kill anyone who hurts my kind.“ Her eyes were as cold as the blade she held in her hands, ready to kill Malekith.
„But he isn´t your kind, he´s just an ugly frost giant“ The expression on her face went numb, her eyes furious, her grip tightened around her sword as she lept forward and thrust the blade through his chest with a battle cry.
„Don´t ever call my child ugly again, he´s my kind, my blood“
Erlanda whispered as the king´s dead body fell down on the ground.
„I owe you“ Loki said as he watched Erlanda in awe.
„Tell your father, queen Erlanda saved you“ she smiled.
„You are the queen of the frost giants?“
„I am“ „You´re said to be dead and you don´t seem like one of their kind“ „You don´t either“ „How do you know about my origin?“ „Ask your father“ „My father is dead“ „I am aware of that.Ask your brother´s father“ „I will, thank you.Will we see each other again, Brynja?“ „I would like to spend more time with you, but I need to do something else first“ „And what is this mysterious thing you need to do?“ „I need to return to my son, Peter“ „You can bring him to Asgard any time you like, you will always be welcome in my kingdom, it will be yours too“ „It was once, but Odin rules over Asgard“ „No, he won´t if I´m done with my plan“ „Your plan?“ „I will wreck Odin and will make Asgard mine, the kingdom of a true king“ „I always believed you´d make it“ Erlanda felt proud of her son, he would have an own kingdom and she wouldn´t be banned anymore.
„Will you stay a while?“ Loki asked suddenly after a moment of silence.
„I wish I could, but I´m banned“ Erlanda was sad, all she ever wanted was to spend time with her children and protect them. „And I´m said to be dead“ Loki smiled, he turned into a handsome man.
„I think we could risk it“ the queen giggled.
„Thor has already returned I think, they will be distracted“
Loki and Erlanda made their way to Asgard to celebrate the victory.
„That´s a beautiful horse“ Erlanda noticed.
„Thank you, her name is Stjarna“ „Sounds mighty“ „She is“ He helped Erlanda to sit on the white horse and they rode into the gates of Asgard.
„Stop them!“ Odin discovered them, he didn´t seem happy.
Erlanda smiled up to him, she knew she won.
Knights attacked the pair and Loki was devastated.
Why did they attack them, Erlanda was a queen.
Maybe it was because he faked his death.
„Catch the whore!“ Odin yelled.
„She´s a queen!“ Loki defended Erlanda.
„Don´t believe a word she says!“ They now were in chains and in front of Odin.
„Why shouldn´t I?“
„I´m your mother!“
Erlanda couldn´t take it anymore and layed a hand on Loki´s forehead to show him the truth.
He saw how she got married to Laufey, how real their love was, even though their marriage was arranged, he saw how she gave birth to him, how Odin took him away from her.
A single tear rolled down his cheek, as he saw, listened and realized.
He realized all the lies he´s been told, suddenly it all made sense, he knew he was destined to be a king, now he knew why.
His mother was the strongest person in the whole galaxy.
„I´m sorry, my child.I wanted to tell you“ „No, I knew it, I knew all the lies I´ve been told, I knew I am a righteous king“ „You are“ „Show me my brother“ Erlanda smiled and again layed her hand on his forehead.
This time the images got darker, he saw Peter´s birth, Mary, Erlanda seeking help in Asgard and getting banned, he saw her searching for Peter, finding the Ravegers, he felt love, he felt Erlanda not being ready for it, he saw her as a captain of a space ship, Peter sitting next to her.
He felt happiness, a broken heart, which hasn´t been fixed since then, trying to fill up this emptiness, he knew exactly what that felt like.
„You cannot appear like this!“ Freyja told Erlanda as they were alone.
„I came to save my son, after all these years, you lied to me!“ Erlanda couldn´t believe her whole life was a lie.
After she bore Loki and grieved her husband, she came to realize her baby was dead too.
She didn´t know Odin kidnapped him to treat him like his own son.
After the battle she was held captive, but Freyja freed her and from then on Erlanda was a maid.
So technically she always was with her son, she just didn´t know.
„You need to leave, you shall not plant images of your witchcraft in my son´s head!“ Freyja let her fury out.
„He will die...“ Erlanda whispered, defeated.
The woman stared at her feet, not willing to show Freyja her tears.
„You will not threaten my son. Leave!“ She screamed one last time.
Erlanda did as she was told and never returned to Asgard.
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ao3feed-fitzsimmons · 7 years
Monkey’s got a nosebleed
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xyp6MI
by stjarna
Daisy talks to Fitzsimmons’ daughter about getting her first period.
Words: 5105, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Jemma Simmons, Skye | Daisy Johnson, FitzSimmons (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Leo Fitz (mentioned) - Character, Fitzsimmons' daughter, Hope Fitzsimmons (OC)
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz & Jemma Simmons
Additional Tags: girl talk, aunt daisy is the best, Menstruation, getting your period, Bus Kids - Freeform, Swearing, Daisy's a pottymouth, Fitzsimmons mentioned but not focus
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xyp6MI
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latenitewaffles · 1 year
Oh the oc of mine that I used to tag as "hugi von stjarna" is now "hugi feroxi"
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keleravna · 3 years
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what if i werent lazy and i played shivering isles haha
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keleravna · 3 years
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the hero of kvatch
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nightsongs · 3 years
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Keir Bearfall / Delphi Reilly Brennan / Stjarna Rue
Made using this!
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dholwrites · 2 years
Falling Apart
Pairing: Erenville x OC (Junior)
Note: Depictions of a panic attack. Fluff
Junior squeezed himself into the cramped space between the crates. The smell and dust tickled his nose but did little to hinder his mission. He needed to getaway. The world was too loud, too cold, and uncaring to the tears streaming down his face. With the noise drifting further into the distance, he pressed his back against the wall and brought his palms to his eyes. Every breath turns into gasps and stutters as he struggles to calm his rapid heart.
A new world and path have opened up before him; a better job, more people to befriend, and even a bigger living space than he would be willing to afford. All this and more because his ramblings were somehow found to be useful? He’s helpful? The miqo’te hesitate to believe that this isn’t a dream when Erenville told him that the things he can share would aid in his studies in the field. Yet it came with the heavyweight of responsibilities, its claws digging under his skin and bringing back his doubts and fears.
Buried in his thoughts, Junior didn’t realize that Erenville had found him until familiar hands gently coax him out of his hiding spot and into the Viera’s arms. The refreshing scent of pine and wildflowers soothe his hiccups yet his vision remained cloudy with tears that refuse to stop. He could only let out a weak protest as he was picked up bridal style and carried out of the room.
The Sharlayan Gleaner did not second guess his next destination and it was just his luck that they didn’t run into anyone along the way. He snuck a quick kiss to the top of his head when he could feel Junior’s arms wrap themselves around his chest. Erenville cradled the now quiet miqo’te into his room, kicking the door close before setting Junior onto the edge of his bed. The other’s tail has curled around his leg, his knuckles turning almost white from gripping his green overcoat. 
“Junior,” Erenville whispers as if the name would shatter like glass, his hand reaching up to brush away the tears still clinging to his long eyelashes. “Stjarna… Do you want to lay down?”
The answer he got was a slow nod after Junior reluctantly pulls away. The distant look in the purple eye looking into his own would have been enough. This quiet and almost resigned personality is a heavy contrast to the bright and bubbly person he grew to love. It made his heartache to see the former retainer like this, to the point he is tempted to wrap him in his arms once more. Erenville is not completely sure what sent him running from the room as if he was cornered, but he had an idea of the kind of past Junior lived through to put him in this state.
The Viera takes the chance to help him before he could protest; unlacing and tugging off his shoes, tucking him into the bed, and even kissing his forehead. The sound of rustling clothes and weak sniffles was the only thing to fill the air until he was done. The lack of tears eases his heart but Junior has yet to say a word is still a concern. Erenville finally moves away to draw close the curtain in the room. Just as he was deciding between getting a glass of water or pulling up a chair, he felt a pull from at the end of his coat. 
“Don’t… go.”
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dholwrites · 2 years
Erenville wakes up to an empty bed.
Relationship: Erenville x (OC) Junior
The gleaner isn’t even sure why he woke up initially, the world does not sound weird and he is comfortable in the cold bed. Ah. That is why. Erenville reaches across the other end of the end to find the sheets toss from the space where Junior slept. Dragging himself out of bed and pulling on a robe, he finds his way down the stairs to find something, or rather someone, wrapped up and sitting at the chair by the window. 
The mass from under the blanket took a moment to move. It sluggishly shifted around until he could see a curious purple see peek out to look at him. Erenville could barely take a straight face as the cover starts to fall off and reveal the light blush spreading across Junior’s face. Only when he drew closer did he notice that the bicolor gaze is half-closed and bloodshot from exhaustion. The tiredness has sapped his energy from him. Feeling sympathetic, he brushes as away the messy bangs to kiss his forehead, “Is something troubling you?”
“I… keep waking up,” Junior quietly purrs as Erenville continues to shower him with gentle affection. A kind hand running through his hair and enough kisses for every star he could see. The Viera pulls away and lets out a hum for him to continue, but Junior’s hands are already reaching out to bring him back. “I keep having dreams of my family, they had shown up and then… I woke up.” 
A voice at the back of his mind tells Erenville that Junior is skipping a few steps in his storytelling. But he feels that it’s best to not unpack that box this deep into the night. He takes a quick glance at the chronometer, squinting a bit due to the low light. His attention is drawn back when a pair of insistent hands tugs at his shirt. “How about I make you something to drink and we get you back in bed?”
After a cup of hot chocolate, he would get to watch as the other’s head would drop and snap back up as he realize that he is falling back to sleep. In this drowsy and cuddly state, Erenville easily picks him up, blankets and all. Junior melts into his arms, the side of his face pressed against his chest while his arms wrapped loosely around his neck.
The miqo’te was asleep before they even reached the top of the stairs, lulled into a blissful dream by a steady, soothing heartbeat. 
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