#oc: tyranis
int9 · 1 year
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Dris Mondeixar • Cyn, Prince of Honeybloom • Carnelian Silverstring • Lord Tyranis Highrock
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corvidkidlet · 1 year
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A really shitty pic of a pencil sketch WIP for a new 5e character.
Text in the image from L to R is: "True Form full Body, ~9' tall Mortal form Same -[minus] tail + wings, Feathered wings (can't draw lol), True form Head mortal form only has one face displayed at a time, Titles: 3-faced Protector, Slayer of Tyrants, Light of the People, The Bountiful Harvest.
Im trying to come up with a good name for this character, please send me any suggestions (if anyone sees this).
Brief description: Lesser Celestial (homebrew) Paladin Cleric (Life, War, Devotion, Ancients). They were originally a harvest deity of a small village, but when the war started and a tyrant attempted to force the population to serve him, {name pending} gained a mortal form to drive out the evil from the area. They now are traveling around to destroy oppressive regimes and protect the people of the surrounding lands.
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wicked-virtue · 6 years
What does your character like in other People? (ALL OF THEM MWAHAHA)
(Heaven help me that is a lot of characters. Going to do it under a cut to save people’s sanity.)
Aeritria Locklair - Aeri rolled her eyes and brushed a lock of crimson and raven hair back from her features, “What do I like in other people? I don’t like other people. There are only a couple that I care to be around. If I have to choose though….Hmm… Like a screamer. They are fun. Not fond of the whiners or beggers, but give me a screamer any day.” Aki Arashi - Aki leaned in to try to hear the question over the loud music playing, “Hmm… Kindness and the ability to have fun. I like people who don’t take themselves too seriously. No one likes a stick in the mud.” Ikara Esho - Swinging her legs back and forth beneath the railing she was balancing on, Ikara grinned, “Oh… I like all sorts of people. I mean… my friends and adoptive family are all so… different. Unique! I like unique people! That and people who aren’t lazy. Laziness never got anyone anywhere.” L’ania Hena - L’ania sat by the small stream and thought on the question quietly, then tossed a small pebble into the water with a warm smile, “I like people who are more than they seem. Most of the people I consider friends are people that someone would assume dangerous or scary, but they can be some of the kindest, most thoughtful, and loyal people.” Mikh’a Epocan - Mikh’a pressed his lips together at the question, whistling for Mana to stop growling. “I’m not fond of most people. The people I like tend to be smart or talented in some way. Exceptional people. It takes an exceptional person to draw my attention and get me to leave my solitude.” Soren Gilmar - Soren twirled the small throwing dagger in his hand lazily, “Wha’  sort o’ people? Hmm… I suppose I don’ have a particular type o’ person I like. I mean, if it comes t’ women I like pretty ones tha’ have a fierce streak in ‘em. Guys… I suppose folks as ‘ave a story t’ tell. Someone who ‘as lived an’ knows life ain’ all black an’ white.” Tyranie Tiberiah - Tyranie stepped away from the group of younglings, letting one of the other teachers take over so she could take a moment with the question, “Hmm… I suppose I like folks with inner strength to them, also folks that treat ya how they want to be treated. I’m probably also a sucker for folks that need help in some way. Its not that I like that about them, but I suppose I like a person that knows how to ask for help when they need it, instead of being a blockhead like my friend Lloire who just gets himself into deeper trouble for not asking.” 
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sour-star-galaxy · 2 years
(Sorry for the several asks)
Do you have any Kirby OC?
nah don’t worry about it at all! i love getting asks lol! also yes I do, though they have multiple versions at this point lmao! but here they are: Jasper and Juniper! (their refs as well as moodboards!!)
by the way i am so sorry if this post looks awful i made it on mobile 👍👍👍👍
also i tried to say it but tumblr ate it so if you see me say this somewhere else in the post sorry: fun fact juniper is half moth half yellow-jacket (their moth side is based on a Vapourer Moth)
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I’ve kinda taken the focus off of their story and begun developing an original OC story with versions of them that don’t look like kirby characters, but basically their story revolves around Jasper and Juniper being childhood friends.
story under the cut because oops it’s kinda long.
They met while he and his family were on a vacation on Popstar. Juni and their family had escaped from Floralia bc of Queen Sectonia becoming a tyrant and were now living happily in Dreamland somewhere. Jasper and Juniper became great friends despite a big age difference (like 6 years ig lol), and Jasper promised to try and keep in touch after his family left. He did for a while, but… eventually he seemed to just vanish.
Then came the Haltmann Works Co. takeover. Junipers family was of course a bit worried because. Damn they left their old home to escape tyrany now look what’s happening some big mechanical takeover damn. but anyway lots of stuff happens that i never planned out, and Juniper is separated from their family somehow but meets up with Jasper!! hooray!!! until she realises like “wait how did you even get here” andddd whoopdeedoo Jasper got roped up in HWC as like from the moment he turned 18 his parents pressured him into working for such a big, strong, and profitable company. needless to say Juniper is pissed. shit goes down, they beat his ass because despite the fact they are Small they are very stubborn. other HWC employees are like “oh shit jaspers getting beat up by a 14 year old bug” and try to grab Juniper but they get away.
After that Jasper didn’t really do much. He kinda fell into a depression upon realising how much pressure his parents have always put on him to ensure he’d be “perfect” and never refuse them because “they know best”, and how much that hurt him in the end. He refused to work, and it got so bad to the point he was fired. After the Popstar takeover was complete, they would send him home.
BUT THEN STARDREAM EXPLODED BABY!!!!!!! Jasper got stranded on Popstar yippee!!!! Anyway he kinda just. tried to pretend he was some wandering traveler since he never really saw that many Popstar residents when he was working for HWC, and after a while of working odd jobs and never really finding his place, he goes back to Juniper’s family and explains everything. It takes a while but eventually he’s forgiven and they practically adopt him.
Nowadays he and Juniper go on quest-like adventures, doing chores for people like running to the store, or getting rid of a pest infestation, helping paint a fence, working at shops when store owners have important things to do but need someone to run the store in their absence, or more exciting things like going to the hospital after Juniper rammed her head into a lightbulb because moth brain saw light and went “holy crap” and it shattered and now there’s glass in their head!!! anyway they’re an odd duo who can get on each other’s nerves but they love each other very much
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Yoo guess who decided to do the companion codex meme
You have selected _____ to join your party!
Is your OC a Companion in the Dragon Age series? What would it be like for a player to select them to join their party for quests (or romance them, perhaps? 👀) (inspired by @little-lightning-lavellan 's oc meme)
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Alifalon "Allie" Souren (born 9:18 Dragon) is a Dalish mage and second to Clan Souren's Keeper. She is a romance option for a male or female inquisitor.
Her ability tree focuses mainly in Inferno and spirit when levelling early on. Later, she unlocks the Illusionist specialization, which includes spells such as Hypnotic Pattern, Chameleon, and Familiar Face. The main use of these spells is to debuff and disorient enemies for the Inquisitor, however leaving Alifalon weaker as well.
Alifalon is a member of clan Souren, a clan that tends to travel along northern Orlais. When asked about her time with them, Allie says, "It was nice, most of the Shem left us alone, too cold for them. Still, seeing human cities for the first time has been fascinating! Did you know that they have shoes that make you look taller? Miracle, those." She can be recruited by the Inquisitor after helping defend her clan from a demon attack; she claims that she owes a debt to the Inquisition, and wants to repay it by helping their cause.
Alifalon's romance can be initiated in Skyhold, in which overhearing a conversation between her and Varric, and choosing to confront her about it. If the Inquisitor reciprocates her feelings, the two kiss, and their romance begins.
- If the inquisitor doesn't romance Allie or Solas, idle dialogue can trigger between her and several companions implying she may be interested in him. The inquisitor can choose to either encourage or discourage them from persuing a relationship. This comes to a head after the confrontation with Mythal, where she is notacably missing her vallaslin; prying into it only results in her storming off upset.
Alifalon's personal quest requires that the Inquisitor track down a young Dalish apostate. She explains he was turned away by their clan after his magic was discovered, and she wants to find him before the red templars or venatori do. Hes found near Emprise du Lion, and its discovered he's been practicing blood magic to fend off templars. He can be recruited as an agent, taken to the Dalish clan in the Exalted Plains, left to his fate, or killed by the Inquisitor. Each option has an effect on Allie's approval, recruitment or escortment both grant approval, while leaving or killing him get disapproval.
Combat Comments
Kills an enemy:
Oh, that's gotta hurt..
Did anyone else see that?!
Low Health:
(Out of Breath) Ah.. feeling a bit... woozy..
Could go for some healing right about now!
Low Health (Companions):
(Inquisitor) The Inquisitor needs a hand!
(Inquisitor, romanced) The Inquisitor isn't looking good- Er, you know what I mean!
(Solas) Fenedhis, somebody help Solas!
(Varric) The short one needs help!
(Blackwall) Are you alright, Ser Blackwall?
(Sera) Sera needs healing!
Fallen Companions:
(Inquisitor) Inquisitor down!
(Inquisitor, romanced) Vehnan, no! We need you up!
(Solas) Solas is losing a lot of blood!
(Varric) Varric, no!
(Blackwall) The Grey Warden has fallen!
(Sera) Sera, come on!
Companion Comments:
Varric: Big-ears? Girl could befriend an archdemon if she tried, I'm sure.
Cole: She's different; wrong, rigid, like trying to force a puzzle piece where it doesn't belong. She just hasn't found her place yet.
Cole (romancing Solas or the Inquisitor): 'Its like the human fairytales!' She misses Mama's stories.
Dorian: I've not met many Dalish elves before, she seems friendly enough. Though, I'm not quite sure how to respond to "You're alright, for a shem."
Solas: Alifalon, as far as the Dalish go, she seems less stubborn than most. She is quite inquisitive, I hope it doesn't become a habit.
Solas (romanced): (chuckles) She certainly is curious, isn't she? Alifalon is... not what I had expected, to say the least.
Sera: Allie's alright, I s'pose. Least she has a sense of humor, unlike most elfy elves...
Cullen: She doesn't seem to like the templars very much. I swear, she nearly jumped out of her skin the last time we spoke.
(No romance) Feeling that her debt to the inquisition has been paid, Allie leaves temporarily. She says she wants to go see more of the world, and returns with a newfound confidence.
(Romanced Inquisitor) Allie decides to stay with the Inquisition, despite her debt being repaid. She also happens to be holding onto a ring, just in case, though she worries about the implications of a more serious relationship.
(Romanced Solas) Similarly to no romance, Allie leaves the Inquisition for a short time before returning. Still mildly dejected over Solas, she will avoid the topic like the plague. When the Inquisitor finds out of Solas' involvment in recent events, she insists on coning along. As the inquisitor enters the final Eluvian, she asks they deliver him a simple message, "Goodbye."
Alifalon's greatest fear is tyrany.
In Skyhold, she can be found in the garden (if the Inquisitor upgrades the garden to be used for worship purposes, she will instead be found outside the stables)
She is pansexual
She has read, and is a big fan of, Varric's books.
Some of her party banter implies she has a twin brother
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taffytulip · 5 years
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So here’s one of my ocs you might remember, dunno if I posted him on my old blog or not. Bunty McGee. Here’s a little bit about him.
Bunty is 26 years old and still lives with his parents in Vicarstown. He occasionally goes around the island and helps others with their jobs or do small jobs for The Fat Controller.
Bunty’s home life isn’t very good, and it hasn’t been, as far back as he can remember it hasn’t been good since childhood. during his school years, Bunty would often be picked on for his feminine looks, and the way he spoke. think like a man’s voice but slightly feminine. Anyway, he would often get jumped by older kids, and come home covered in bruises, knife marks, and scratches.
Home life wasn’t all that great either. Bunty’s father Mark, is very abusive. Bunty’s mother Snow, just ignores everything and Bunty in general. One night, Bunty decided he was gay and was going to tell his parents. boy was that a huge mistake. Snow, as you’d expected, did nothing to stop the situation. Mark however, went absolutely ape shit on his son. throwing beer bottles, fists flying, and a trip to the hospital that landed Bunty there for at least three days. (That would aslo explain his bandages and scars.)
A few days after Bunty was released from the hospital, he met Salty and was entierly smitten. The two started talking, dated for three years, and are now happily married and living by the dockside, where Bunty is now free from the tyrany of his parents and can start a new life with the love of his life.
So yeah there’s his story. I’ve had Bunty since 10th grade and he’s one of my favorites. Oh and he likes to cross dress, BIG time.
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last-necromancer · 2 years
Where does Tyrani come from? Is it some unknown planet or one of the ones we already know? Can't wait to know more about her! She's such an amazing and interesting OC!
Everyone is from the same planet, the planet's name and map coming soon tho~ No other planets are a thing.
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mayhem-manny · 3 years
Salutations my friends! I just finished the first character sheet for the intro comicbook I'll make to the series of Goblin Brigade! The story will follow this doll of a goblin here, Krikket Knucklegrease a spunky soon-to-be pilot that will kick off the revolution to take the skies from the bloody pixies and their damn cute lies! Along with her brothers Riggz and Grekko, the Knucklegrease trio will invent the first ever Gobitz flying machine! And free the gobitz and gobettez from the tyrany of the pixie king Denatrius the III or, as the gobitz call him, Dennizz. I'll be posting more as I continue to develop the story and the world of Goblin Brigade!
This is a project I've been working on and developing since college but I've never felt confident to do it until now, both as a comicbook and eventually a video game, maybe even an animated series? But now I feel like I can tackle this project head on!
#oc #goblin #fantasy #art #steampunk #pilot #cartoon #characterdesign #characterconcept #mayhemart
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chemistfail · 5 years
Ugh warrior cats
Sleep: My Chemical Romance
Shitty bad boy Ocs
Ashstar, Crashingwave, Ravenfall
The opening is Ravenfall waking up from his nightmares and trying to recount them to his husband but it's inter cut with his visions of the dead slashing his throats
"So say suffer all the children and walk away a savior or a mad man and polluted from gutter institutions"
hi ashy, how's that baby murder? I can totally just imagine him gesturing uselessly as he snarls at starclan. Trying to justify his actions to his actions.
"And through it all, how could you cry for me? Because I don't feel bad about it!"
Cut to Ashstar snapping at his son Lynxheart, wide eyed and trembling
"So shut you eyes, kiss me goodbye and sleep."
Fade to black to the night of the coup and Ashstar is on his last legs as his former mate, Smokeflower, jumps down and sinks her teeth into his throat.
"The hardest the part is letting go of your dreams"
He's dead.
"Three cheers to tyrany. Unapologetic apathy"
Crashingswave being disenchanted with his leader and attacking Saltstar
"And Sleep"
He disembowels her.
Cut to Ravenfall waking up and screaming into the night from the visions he's having
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mxltipurpse · 5 years
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s ’ c h n  t ’ g  a i   s p o c k
age 20s-30s. FIRST OFFICER of the uss enterprise. SCIENCE OFFICER of the uss enterprise. 60/40 VULCAN HYBRID. identifies as matrilineally JEWISH. INFJ, capricorn. interspecies ethics & diplomacy oriented. computational linguistics & fed law fluent. speaks MGV/ANC vulcan, spanish, hebrew (mdn/bib), fed, rihannsu (lesser-seas, high), yrevish, swahili, russian & japanese. secret adrenaline junkie.   
🌿 personal 🌿
Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Nᴀᴍᴇ ; s'chn t'gai spock Pʀᴏɴᴜɴᴄɪᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ; suh'χin tah'gaɪ spɒk Sᴘᴇᴄɪᴇs ; 60/40 vulcan/terran hybrid Gᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ; cisgender male Aɢᴇ ; 20s-30s Bɪʀᴛʜ Dᴀᴛᴇ ; january 6th/23 z'at, 2228 | 28th of tevet, 5988 Oᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ; first officer, science officer Nᴀᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ; federation kiran-vulcan, terran sephardic-argentinian Aᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ ; coastal shi'kahr Mʙᴛɪ & Zᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ ; INFJ, capricorn Hᴏᴍᴇ ; uss enterprise Eᴅᴜᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ; multidimensional physics, interspecies ethics & diplomacy, computational linguistics, advanced phonology and command dynamics, digital security, exochemistry, A7 computer classification, federation law. SFA 2255-2258. Sᴋɪʟʟs; 3d chess, suus mahna, d'alik'tal, anbojytsu (starfleet contact combat-self-defense), the ka'athrya, calligraphy, human comparative religions, human-history. open-mindedness. curiosity. wonder. Lᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇs ; in order of learning: vulcan (mgv/anc), spanish, hebrew (mdn/bib), federation standard, rihannsu (lesser seas, high), yrevish, swahili. learning russian and japanese. Hᴀʙɪᴛs ; meditates 3x per day, vegan, kinesthetic/experiential learner, secret adrenaline junkie, voracious reader. Pʜᴏʙɪᴀ ; being psionically neutralized. 🌿 Lᴏᴠᴇ Lɪғᴇ 🌿 Sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ; biromantic, demisexual Pʀᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ Pᴀʀᴛɴᴇʀ ; jim kirk Pᴀsᴛ Lᴏᴠᴇʀs ; leila kalomi, nyota uhura 🌿 Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs 🌿 Pᴀʀᴇɴᴛs ; s'chn t'gai sarek cha'skon maat'surak, amanda stemple grayson Sɪʙʟɪɴɢs ; sybok maat't'rea Uɴᴄʟᴇs ; s'chn t'gai silek cha'skon maat'surak, alan j. grayson, terry p. grayson, gabriel kajzer, michael weiss Aᴜɴᴛs ; kaithrae grayson, eliana weiss, odeya grayson Cᴏᴜsɪɴs ; simon grayson-kajzer, aryeh weiss, alex grayson Fᴏʀᴇᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ; s'chn t'gai t'pau cha't'ilanu maat'surak Pɪ'ᴛᴇʟsᴜ ; v'rah i'lai t'pring cha'menah maat'zorin Cʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ Bᴇsᴛ Fʀɪᴇɴᴅ ; m'kah v'nannan stonn cha'ileyek maat'taerut Oᴛʜᴇʀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ ; nyota uhura (dada mdogo) 🌿 Sᴇxᴜᴀʟ 🌿 Pᴏsɪᴛɪᴏɴ ; service top Kɪɴᴋs ; ya boy got a possession kink the size of the sun, thank surak Tᴜʀɴ Oɴ﹙s﹚ ; watching, listening, being obeyed, begging, restraint Tᴜʀɴ Oғғ﹙s﹚ ; s&m, spit/piss/shit, exhibitionism, degredation Pᴇɴɪs Sɪᴢᴇ ; ever read that fic by leslie fish 🌿 Pʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ 🌿 Hᴇɪɢʜᴛ ; a tall boy! 6'4" Wᴇɪɢʜᴛ ; 300 lbs, largely skeletal weight due to vulcan's gravity Bᴜɪʟᴅ ; thin and lean, like a runner Eʏᴇs ; dark brown, almost black Hᴀɪʀ ; black, short and wavy Sᴋɪɴ ; olive/tan. the combination of his mother's genetics and father's blood make him naturally on the dark end of levantine, especially in the sun. Cʟᴏᴛʜᴇs ; when working he wears his uniform, off-duty he tends toward loose slacks, muted-color tunics, or meditation robes. 🌿 Aʙsᴛʀᴀᴄᴛ 🌿 Eɴᴊᴏʏs ; zero-gravity maneuvers, eating with chopsticks, k'vass, jazz, chess boxing, quantum physics, ancient poetry Pᴏsɪᴛɪᴠᴇ Aᴛᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛᴇ ; CONSCIENTIOUS Dɪsʟɪᴋᴇs ; bullies, lack of discipline, ignorance, racism & xenophobia, tyrany, suffering, torture, death, pain Nᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ Aᴛᴛʀɪʙᴜᴛᴇ ; UNYIELDING 🌿 Exᴛʀᴀ 🌿 Pɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢ﹙s﹚ ; none Tᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏ﹙s﹚ ; none Sᴄᴀʀs Oʀ Aɴʏ Pᴀsᴛ Iɴᴊᴜʀɪᴇs ; nothing noteworthy Pᴇᴛ﹙s﹚ ; i-chaya (deceased)
this blog is compliant with the reboot movies. DSC won't be incorporated as i haven't seen it, sorry! i useVLDfor vulcan translations (following VERB+SUBJECT+OBJECT format). background muses (ppl i will play as bg chars/npcs periodically) for spock include amanda grayson (past), sybok (survived), stonn (past) and sarek (survived). (if you play any of these characters pls hmu, would love to plot!) spock hails from maat‘surak, whose clan matriarch is t'pau (survived) which means he was heir apparent to kir province before vulcan's destruction. first vulcan to have gone to starfleet academy. spock is my special boy. he is a 60/40 vulcan-dominant hybrid, created in a laboratory at the expense of billions of credits, and is resultingly sterile. spock is the first stable vulcan/human hybrid recorded. he is a proximity telepath, meaning he does not need physical contact. to read thoughts. apply non-linear gibberish liberally. amanda was a salonikan jew from buenos aires, and worked to develop what is now commonly used as the universal translator. she attended washington state university and held multiple doctorates in cryptolinguistics, ancient languages and telepathic codas. sarek is the scion of maat'surak and the ambassador of vulcan to united earth. his great-grandfather was the captain of the t'plana-hath, the ship which made 1st contact w/ zefram cochrane. i ship spock with jim kirk (and i am happy to play with every jim kirk all the time), stonn (strange dynamics), t'pring (strange dynamics), probably anyone who has chemistry! but i adore friendships and other types of relationship dynamics so pls hmu w t'pring, nyota, bones, pavel, your OCs, go nuts. can play him at any point in the timeline (sfa, vulcan, enterprise, STXI/STID/STB), etcetera. my style of threading is essentially every thread is its own contained AU unless stated otherwise, so he can pmuch appear anywhere.
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jasontyler85 · 7 years
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ADHD Entertainment THIRSTY THURSDAYS 06/01/17 in OC featuring TYRANIS, Ninja Gandhi, VIGR and MID DAY BLUES at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats in Santa Ana, CA! @adhdentertainment562 @diegosdtsa @tyranismusic @ninjagandhiofficial @jordansalfity @spoilsofwar666 @infected_voice @selloutscott @hbvanessa @wuky106 #vigr #thirstythursdays #ocmetal #ocmetalscene #ocpunk #ocpunkscene #socalscene #middayblues RSVP and invite your friends here: www.facebook.com/events/453962924947668 (at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats)
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nvctfile · 4 years
                            -    I must be doing something right …
well folks, this is it. by some miracle, 150 of you guys decided to click that follow button for little ol’ me, and for some reason after seeing all the shit I post, decided to stay. uuhhhh wow-  ya’ll sure need some higher standards >-< I honestly can’t thank you all enough for all of the love and support I’ve received !! I made this blog for Koko approximately two weeks ago, maybe three, and I never could have imagined the growth its received in such a short amount of time. while I am unable to thank each and everyone of you personally, I will try to highlight some of the people that really stood out to me and made my experience on Tumblr enjoyable.
♥ Special Mentions !! ♥
@blareldur - My partner in crime, my ship buddy, the person with whom I write the most, what do I say to you? Well, for starters, I want to sincerely thank you for the genuine friendship you’ve given me throughout my time on Tumblr- I honestly couldn’t have imagined how much we would end up having in common when I sent you that first DM. And now we talk almost everyday and keep each other up past their bedtime- which you really should work on, eyebags !!
@fcolsgcld - Teeeaaa !! Words cannot describe how much I adore you!! You are probably the sweetest most innocent person I’ve ever had the pleasure of speaking with!! I love how you bring out my inner crackhhead to the point where I’m just keyboard mashing to express my excitement! XD We compliment each other so well, and I really do think we click on a lot of things- you’re so easy to talk to for me, and always willing to lend an ear, and I do genuinely want to express my gratitude for that :D
@kanshouku - Hmmmmmm how do you spell “best OC ever” ? Your muse is one of the best I’ve ever seen in my life, and your writing is PHENOMINAL!! You, my friend, have influenced my own blog in ways you can’t even imagine. I adore writing with you, and you’re so nice and personable!! It doesn’t matter if it’s IC or OOC, anything that has something to do with you is amazing!! I hope you continue to be my friend!
@rolypolygum - I know we haven’t spoken to each personally all that much, but what little we have chatted about, I’ve enjoyed so soooo much!! Not only that, but you are consistent in hyping me the fuck up with liking my posts and sending me support any way possible!! Your shenanigans with a certain Suneater blog crack me up- I absolutely love- LOVE- Seeing you on my dash every day >-< 
                               MORE LOVELY PEOPLE BELOW !!
♥  People That Lowkey Scare The Shit Out Of Me With Their Chaotic Energy  ♥
@rcging-muscle @ccpperflame @friedsewerrat @snake-oiled-chief @h-toga @siireniis @scneatrr @manifestedsun @blocdstained @bcnnymama
♥  People That Inspire The Fuck Out Of Me With Their Bomb Ass Writing ♥
@anarchyhorde @freklcss @unanimuse @quirkycombatants @manicvoice @miellamor @helsaiwa
♥  People That I’m Almost Certainly In Love With Through Their Dash Activity  ♥
@tokotsuku @punkedhero @ofmightyflames @offragrance @shiagraki @shoukotsu @hobakusho @decayman @wingedwax @allquirked @bittersncw @spitecremated @oneinamirion @quirkthief @sp--inner @tears-like-snow @mcgicianman @veroxins
♥  People That Make Me Squeal When They’re Online  ♥
@snugglyporos @bakdoe @thousandbirds @wriithium @encoffiner @cardinalpinion @hxwk-eyes @simetrasmind @duoplicitous @aoiiryoku
♥  The Aesthetic Hoes That Catch My Eye Every Time  ♥
@mortifier @chisakure @alkhemya @cremaeted
♥  People I Wish I Wrote With ( More )  ♥
@qvru @darastrixethe @dad-for-one @mortisfurem @thebranchingouttoheroism @bcdtouch
♥  New Followers That Blow Me Out Of The Water  ♥
@anuniversedivided @crasurc @cremaze @implexaanima @thelunarrabbit @swornpeace
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nvctfile · 4 years
Things I like to know about RP partners.
I like to be called: Right now I go by Tyrani
My favorite color: PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE
Gender: Female
One thing you should know about me: I’m an artist !! I do occasionally plan on drawing my own icons, but another thing you should know about me is that I’m laaazzyyyy
One thing you should know about my muse: She’s a depressed piece of doodoo that is also addicted to gummy candies
First language: English !!
Second language: Currently working on learning Italian, just cause its such a pretty language :)
age range:   under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 |  30+ |  70+
am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | depends if it’s not smut.
my favorite/most common thing to RP is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | other
oc friendly?: yes | no | depends
RP blog: does | doesn’t contain OOC posts
tagged by:  I stole it from @starcrestd !!
tagging: @kanshouku , @blareldur , @rolypolygum , @freklcss , @anarchyhorde and whomever wants to participate 
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nvctfile · 4 years
    hello. hey. hi. is me-
                I am in the process of making a relationships page
                 on my blog; if you would like to be listed there, please 
                like this post. this goes for both canon characters as 
               well as OCs. if we haven’t interacted before, I would 
                prefer we work some interactions in before I list you 
                anywhere. if we have interacted but only marginally, or 
                haven’t plotted anything out, I don’t mind if you wish to
               be listed, but please mention what type of relationship 
                you want established. people I interact with extensively 
                have no need to do as such. 
- Tyrani 
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jasontyler85 · 7 years
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ADHD Entertainment THIRSTY THURSDAYS 06/01/17 in OC featuring TYRANIS, Ninja Gandhi, VIGR and MID DAY BLUES at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats in Santa Ana, CA! @adhdentertainment562 @diegosdtsa @tyranismusic @ninjagandhiofficial @jordansalfity @spoilsofwar666 @infected_voice @selloutscott @hbvanessa @wuky106 #vigr #thirstythursdays #ocmetal #ocmetalscene #ocpunk #ocpunkscene #socalscene #middayblues RSVP and invite your friends here: www.facebook.com/events/453962924947668 (at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats)
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jasontyler85 · 7 years
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ADHD Entertainment THIRSTY THURSDAYS 06/01/17 in OC featuring TYRANIS, Ninja Gandhi, VIGR and MID DAY BLUES at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats in Santa Ana, CA! @adhdentertainment562 @diegosdtsa @tyranismusic @ninjagandhiofficial @jordansalfity @spoilsofwar666 @infected_voice @selloutscott @hbvanessa @wuky106 #vigr #thirstythursdays #ocmetal #ocmetalscene #ocpunk #ocpunkscene #socalscene #middayblues RSVP and invite your friends here: www.facebook.com/events/453962924947668 (at Diego's Rock-n-Roll Bar & Eats)
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