sealiio · 3 months
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🏵️Fullbody commission for @dizzysongs
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barb8tos · 3 months
so I thought. if lights. why not. ✨️colors✨️.
hi @cheesylagoon i thought u might wanna see :P
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i can has lis oc?
i have a whole list of ocs I haven't drawn yet grhhrh
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orange-twilek-guy · 1 year
Been thinking sooo much recently about my oc Silvanis.
So I’ve made him some friends !! 😊
CT-0849 or ‘Splash’ is a member of the Coruscant guard. Like the other guy on this list they are frequently assigned to guard Silvanis’ office. Splash is Silvie’s favourite and Splash thinks Silvie is vod’ika shaped so eventually the two get along quite well. Splash is relaxed and a good mediator although occasionally he comes off too casual and accidentally offends a higher ranking being.
Splash is the height of an average clone and he has no visible tattoos or scarring despite being an older clone. He has white hair that’s in the usual regulation cut. He has the typical dark brown eyes. On his armour instead of the straight red lines on the arms his is wavy but that’s the only noticeable change he has from the classic Coruscant guard armour look.
Splash earned his name from being a horrible swimmer when they were taught as cadets on Kamino. So awful in fact that even though he did eventually learn to swim the memory of almost drowning a few dozen times keeps him away from large bodies of water.
CT-6656 or ‘Clover’ is also a member of the Coruscant Guard. He is a rigid follower of rules and tends to address everyone in a formal manner. Clover has a sarcastic sense of humour that many natborns find difficult to work out at first.
Clover is the height of an average clone and has the usual brown hair and brown eyes. He has a long scar from his nostril to his forehead from breaking up a fight while patrolling. He has a tattoo of a clover on the back of his neck however his longer than average hair covers it now. He has the typical paint of a Coruscant guard member
Clover received his name after Leaf(umm one of my other clones in big bag of ocs- Leaf typically works near the gardens and as such knows a lot more about plantlife than most clones) jokingly rubbed the then shiny’s helmet for good luck before placing a bet. Leaf won the bet and started to call his Vod’ika his lucky clover and sought him out before every bet to rub poor Clover’s helmet. No matter what Clover does he ends up with a spot on top of his helmet where the paint wears thin much faster than the rest of the paint job.
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jesterwaves · 2 years
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he's listening to abba :)
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quincyhorst · 1 year
KOQ HCs: Gareth Barrett #2
Gareth and Friends:
Like I said, because of the low image he had of himself and his struggles at socializing, Gareth spent a huge chunk of his life lonely. But at least things didn't had to be so grim for him.
For example, as a child he soon befriended Clover Fortune, daughter of the family the Barretts served. She was slightly older than him, just by 2-3 years, but that didn't stop on them being very attached to each other. Having a superior similar on age meant an easy way of learning butler skills; but even if Gareth tried very hard to serve Clover she didn't like seeing their relationship as master-servant. In fact, despite not being related by blood nor documents, she considers him deeply as a younger brother.
Aside from the main mansion, Gareth would also have some opportunities to meet new faces; such as in one of the many parties done by the Fortune's and their contacts. Being given the very simple task of serving little pastries to the invitees, that night he stumbled upon a girl who would become his best friend, Sienna Hayley. Being of similar circumstances, the two bonded quickly as both desired to make friends. Since she was a fan of baking, the two soon developed the silly passtime of having tea parties together, even at local school of Oldfolk. The procedure was simple, Gareth would serve the food Sienna would make, giving his friend time to eat by herself. However in many occasions she also offered him to join in too, not wanting to see him just standing there "like a pillar". A bit unusual for a butler, but it at least made his friend happy. Plus, Sienna's muffins are the best!
However, not everyone seemed on par with this idea, as one day both friends were sorrounded by some other Oldfolk students who had no good intentions at all. While Gareth was ready to try and defend Sienna, soon the rascals were scared away by a mysterious jockey that appeared out of nowhere. His name was Dale, and while he didn't care much about the two nor their parties at first, he couldn't stand seeing injustice nearby. With the surprising offer from Sienna to join them in, soon Gareth made yet another friend.
But like shown before, Oldfolk school did not always bring him friends. Although Gareth wasn't a person to make enemies, his cold exterior would give others the wrong first impression. And plus, the closest thing to a rivarly he would had was with the child of the Rotten, Lance. Though it was mostly because the helmet boy often tended to act quite snarky to others, boasting about his ties to royalty, but also specially towards Gareth due to their shared knight naming motif. IN FACT, knowing the tragic fate of the knight Gareth at the hands of Lancelot, this often gave him a sense of superiority, constantly joking about it to the keeper. However, for better or worse, Lance is one of the few people Gareth's not afraid of standing up to.
Despite everything at least, their rivarly never went too far. Specially with both boys knowing a stuff like a fight could damage intensely both the reputation of the Rotten, the Fortunes, and the Barrett all at the same time. Besides, they found a better way to express their rivarly without much harm: Soccer. I'll talk about Gareth's entrance to this sport separately, but let's say that both players are always striving to be better than the other, and often tend to have 1v1s.
However, there's a strange factor that also tones down their shared tensions, and that is... Clover herself. Whenever she's nearby or when she spectates any of OF's soccer matches, Lance's bickering atitude towards Gareth is reduced exponentially. The butler assumes is because she's older and thus more intimidating, but there's times where he notices Lance often staring at her way too much. Just in case, he's keeping an eye on him.
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aspirationfail · 3 years
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cyprejyo · 3 years
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Artfight attacks so far !!  kinda looking for new artfight mutuals to do revenge chains with !!! 
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rosethreeart · 3 years
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Fae sister designs!
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keingakobold · 6 years
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daily kobold doodle #43
Okay, so, I know @dravox1234 's request asked for 'a quick sketch' but when your reference material is from @sorcart you gotta step up, right?
This doodlebold marks the end of the celebration requests! Thanks for participating, and here's to many more bolds!
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bionic-penis · 6 years
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the gang’s all here!!
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daemonologic · 7 years
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jesterwaves · 2 years
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greetings bisexuals
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quincyhorst · 1 year
what about my boy Gareth (❤️‍🔥)??
(Hello anon, and thank you!! ❤️ )
❤️‍🔥- A romantic headcanon
(This contains OCs. More info about them here)
...Gareth is not a person to have many crushes, plain and simple. If making friends was already a challenge, imagine romances... It also didn't help with him not expressing himself much on the first place. However, there were some people on his life that he wanted to perhaps go further with.
...As an example: Let me confess it right away, but when he was younger he had a very tiny crush on Clover; the only girl of the household the Barett served. It wasn't much, just his 7 year old self being infatuated for pretty much the only girl he had around at the time. He still remembers that years ago, when the two were playing on the Fortune's garden, he gave her some flowers he had picked up. She did accept the gesture, although totally clueless about her butler's intentions (And with a reason, given she saw him in a different way).
But after that, nothing else happened, so the crush faded with time. Gareth only sees her as a friend now. Maybe it's his prior crush why he feels so weird with Lance trying to hit on her? Who knows (?
Overall, the topic of romance is something he'll mostly look from afar (Specially with his own parents flirting all the time), curious on experiencing it, but not ever feeling "ready" yet to do so. Hopeless romantic? Maybe....? Not sure.
Don't worry much about it, tbough. He'll eventually get some love too (?i
Note, but while I'll still keep this Ask Game open for any leftover emojis/characters, I will resume the typical posting for this account tomorrow. Nonetheless thank you for anyone who has sent asks so far!!! I've had so much fun replying to them ❤️
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aspirationfail · 3 years
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summer ‘21
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fiery-is-in-pain · 2 years
yo yo yo what's up! I wanted to take a short break from the Satan animatic to animate a few little silly OCs to the song that inspired their designs <3 I had a plan for the whole thing, but let's be honest, I have too many animation projects so I just did part of the song jvxnsv
Will Stetson's Snobbism
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cloversartmark · 8 years
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Day (9/365) Drew my oc Clover first time I have his hair is a nightmare to draw but I finally like how it came out
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