oceanwildatelier · 7 years
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It has been a while.. but I made a new spread.
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thecrackedamethyst · 7 years
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How can I grow via my worst quality 😈 - collection. Put that selfishness and indulgent side if me to good use. Direct it to something I can contain and control, instead of willy-nilly everywhere. #oceanwildatelier #amethystoracle
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Day 9 - YOUR MIND Opposition - My mind is a jumble of conflicting and contradictory ideas. It is a complex landscape that is not always easy to navigate. The more opposing ideas I have on a subject, the more I learn about myself while trying to come to a cohesive conclusion. Deck used: Oracle of Oddities (2nd edition) © Claire Goodchild
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Self-Love Tarot Challenge
Day 24 (of 31): Why will I be loved?
Deck: The Illuminated Tarot
Draw: 6 of Diamonds
My interpretation:  I’m a “feeder”. I nourish people and bring them together over food. I aim to bring harmony to any situation and encourage cooperation and seeing things from another’s point-of-view.
This card, which just happens to be my favorite from this deck, couldn’t be more accurate. It’s one of the reasons that I wound up in the kitchen (both professionally and as my personal command center).
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aellasbethsstuff · 7 years
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Day 4 | What is your best quality? The Lovers (reversed) What a strange card to come up reversed! To me this speaks to my deep compassion but to not be swept up and all consumed. Hmm. Reflections. @oceanwildatelier
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Day One of @oceanwildatelier‘s Self Love Tarot Challenge!
Who are you?
I drew the Star. This definitely feels right; I like to try to look up, look into the darkness, look at places that other people are scared to, so that I can show others and be a teacher and guide to them. 
I also dream a lot, and although not every dream makes it into reality, it’s still fun to imagine some of the possibilities out there!
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rosaofswords · 7 years
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Self Love Challenge ft. the Disciples Tarot
5. Your worst quality?
Just as much as I put my value in my work and what I do for myself and my beliefs... I am just as intense in what I give to others. I put a lot of my identity and worth into what my loved ones (and those I admire) think of me. I will give and give and give, and then when I am rejected or unseen it feels like my heart strings are being ripped at, not just pulled. 
It’s not that loving people is bad, it’s that in loving them I should not give them ownership over my self worth.
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sunflowertarotcat · 7 years
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I haven't forgotten that I started this! I was just so busy last month that it fell low on my list. I had to move at the end of May and it wasn't until nearly the last week and a half that I found a place. Now that I am settling in, I should have enough time to finish what I started. So now, for me anyway, it's a June self Love Tarot Challenge. 😓 I will pick up where I left off in May and go from there. ☺️
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an-stoirm · 7 years
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Day 13 . #oceanwildatelier . "How you WANT to see you" Decks: Animal Spirit Oracle and Wild Unknown Tarot . . Dragon and Wheel of Fortune. I want to see myself as powerful and in charge of my fate.
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duchessofsongbirds · 7 years
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@oceanwildatelier‘s Self Love Tarot Challenge
Day 24: Why you will be loved 42. Bliss--Contentment, Satisfaction, Security
“Dirty Lie” The Secret Sisters
Bliss again! I will just be a fucking delight to have around. My laughter, happiness, and warmth will make me a good influence, a joyful friend, and loving support. It will be easy to love me. The light I radiate will be a balm.
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oceanwildatelier · 7 years
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And I made a second one today!!
Well I made it last night, but I made it pretty today!!
Please enjoy this one as well <3
And just an update, I am still working on that Tarot Challenge as well <3
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thecrackedamethyst · 7 years
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How I WANT others to see me - lava lamp. Mellow, interesting, ultimately awesome. I made an awesome deck you guys. #oceanwildatelier #amethystoracle
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Day 11 - YOUR SOUL Power - My soul is the source of my power and strength. It is the essence of who I am as a person. It is the source of the things that make me uniquely me. Deck used: Oracle of Oddities (2nd edition) © Claire Goodchild
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Self-Love Tarot Challenge
Day 23 (of 31): Why I am loved.
Deck: The Illuminated Tarot
Draw: Queen of Diamonds
My interpretation: First of all, I believe this wholeheartedly, as the Queen of Pentacles is my significator, and the card that my tarot reading friends tell me IS me. So...
I have and radiate a sense of security and connected to the world. I’m creative and resourceful, as well as dependable, nurting, warm-hearted, generous, sensuous, and an all-around earth mama.
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thedragonscholar · 7 years
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I joined @oceanwildatelier ‘s Self Love Tarot Challenge
5)Your worst quality?
WHY IS EVERYTHING THE END OF THE WORLD??? (because I have anxiety, that’s why). I’ve repressed/I’m repressing lots of things.
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whichwitchami · 7 years
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Oceanwildatelier’s self love challenge
Day 30: Love that will help healing
The Two of Skulls reminds us to keep everything in balance. It is easy to let ourselves become consumed by one thing over the other. We must be gentle with ourselves and remember that balance is what brings wholeness to our lives. We can have too much (or too little) of a good thing. 
Eternal Love reminds us that there is no force in the universe stronger than love. Love heals all, love trumps all. No matter how dark it seems, there’s someone that has loved you, does love you, and will love you. 
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