edenlarkspur · 6 years
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and love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears
Fae and @doublepigeons’s Vella for oc kiss week
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telvani-archive · 6 years
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What you’re getting this year are badly edited sketchbook drawings that I did between Doing Other Things. That’s instalment one, I still have some to do 0: 
( @black-rose4, @vulpemarshmallow, @euxiom, @vixils, @juleselyot, @tel-branora)
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rennybu · 7 years
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more tired warden solidarity! my part of a kiss week trade with @theifwerelost of Bryony and her warden, Owen
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cutie-pinay · 7 years
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Smooches for Samaria (ʃƪ ˘ ³˘)~. And vice versa ❤. 
(Samaria belongs to @larknnightingale)
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The Prey
A lil’ something for the OCkiss week. Kaan belongs to @raymurata, while Velanna is mine! 
Glistening green eyes scanned out at the opening ahead as a new target walked into sight. Arms lifting, a bow slowly materialised before the elf as her other hand went to where one would notch an arrow. As she did this, an arrow materialised the same way the bow did, faint silver magic twisting and swirling into the shape of her weapon.
A smirk slowly crept onto her lips as she pulled back, ready to strike. She was aiming for the knee, ready to incapacitate and cripple this person before she felt a nudge beside her. Releasing the arrow, it flew, whistling through the air and straight by the human in sight, smashing into a nearby tree. Startled, the human turned and ran. Fast.
“Look what you did!” the elf squeaked, turning to the much darker elf who had a playful smirk on his face. She tried to grab him, but he stepped back. She tried again, but he stepped further. Making her bow disappear in frustration, she lunged at him, but he turned and ran.
“Oh, I see...” she grinned. It seemed she had a new target now.
If anyone were nearby, their footsteps through the forest would hardly be heard. They were light, brisk and barely audible, but the one thing that would give the two away was Velanna’s laughing as she chased the elf known as Kaan, along with the random shouting of playful insults that were in Elven. 
It wasn’t until Kaan had run into an opening that he thought he had lost the eccentric one. He paused and exhaled heavily, looking in the direction he had run from. His brow furrowed a little as he stepped forward.
His words were cut incredibly short as the white haired one lunged from behind, taking Kaan down to the ground in a heap and turning him over. Straddling his waist now, she leaned both of her arms on top of his chest and looked down at him, an oh so smug smirk on her lips.
“I think you’ve done enough, don’t you? I’ve got you down, now we just need to shut you up!” she said teasingly, causing Kaan to respond with a smirk of his own. He was going to reply properly, but looking up, he got distracted by her eyes. Bright, alive and a shocking pale green, they were something he always liked about her. She was a wild one as it was, but her eyes gave away her mood most of all, but this was the mood he enjoyed most.
Looking down, Velanna took notice of his staring. This moment of distraction gave her the opportunity to lean further down and press her lips to his, looking him directly in the eyes for a moment before closing them. Surprisingly, her kiss was gentle, tender and almost sweet, it wasn’t until Kaan leaned up to kiss her back that she sucked in a breath through her nose and sat up, pulling him up with her.
Sat in the middle of this opening with Velanna on his lap, kissing at his lips, his jaw and neck, it was then he knew what got her going. She liked the hunt, the chase, the thrill and the power.
He would certainly take advantage of this from now on.
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A dream finally come true; @flannelshirtandjeans ‘s Jay and my Ed in the same picture! Ed giving Jay a little friendly peck on the cheek. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY’RE SO CUTE
I’ve always wanted to see these two red haired cuties together and I’ve always pictured they’d be good friends.....
(Jay is like my fave sole survivor......)
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najarin · 7 years
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Two couriers who are paired with the same guy also love each other? It’s more likely then you’d think ❤ I’ll adore @dragonie‘s Jane for as long as I live, so here’s Shilo and her for OC Kiss Week
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paperfiller · 7 years
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When it’s death by bandits o’clock but you love your bro too much.
Once again with @neegan‘s lovely Jafar because the two menaces gotta stick together
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arimabari · 7 years
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@knottedthreads there is nothing I love more than Relie yanking the Tall Sad Man down for a smooch
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edenlarkspur · 6 years
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post-combat Arose and Kova (@elfroots420) for oc kiss week
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dragonie · 7 years
OC Kiss Week 2018, Day 1: Jane + Moz!
It’s the 8th here already, so I’m kicking off OC Kiss Week 2018 with my Courier Jane and mi amor @datura-tea‘s gorgeous Courier Moz! It’s my first time writing Moz, so I hope I did her justice, Peri! <3
    “So? Whatcha got for me?”
    Moz sprawled out on the threadbare couch, hair spilling over the armrest like a pink halo.
    Jane shrugged off her heavy duster and perched on the sofa with a knowing grin. Moz laughed, and shifted her feet to rest on Jane’s denim-clad thighs. Jane smiled, making no protest as she rifled through her satchel.
    “Check this out.” She pulled out a large roll of yellowed paper, and carefully spread it open. A blonde cowgirl winked back, wearing short cutoffs and a shirt tied to expose her midriff and posing beside a giant bottle of sarsaparilla.
    Moz gasped scrambling up onto her knees to get a better look.
    “Is this-” She looked at Jane in astonishment.
    Jane nodded.
    “Yep,” she said, looking rather pleased with herself.
    “A real intact Sassy Sue poster?” Moz stroked the crinkled edges almost reverently, and looked back up at Jane, a gleam in her eye. “Y’know, Sunset Sarsaparilla made a buncha them in early ‘77, tryna compete with the whole ‘Nuka-Girl’ campaign.” She looked back down at the ancient image, eyes wide in wonderment. “Stopped it pretty soon, though, ‘cause they decided it didn’t fit their image; went with the whole ‘Build Mass’ thing instead. These things were ‘sposed to be rare as friendly Deathclaws even before the bombs hit.”
    Jane smiled at her, admiring the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her passions.
    “Reckoned it’d look good in your collection.” She shrugged theatrically. “Even if she ain’t half so pretty as you.”
    Moz gave Jane a sly look, cocked an eyebrow.
    “Ha!” She carefully set the poster aside on the coffee table, grinning impishly. “Look who’s turnin’ on the charm.” She shifted her legs out to sprawl over Jane’s lap, wrapped her arms around the other woman’s neck. Her weight was comfortable, and Jane could feel the heat of her body through her clothes. Jane closed her eyes and bent her head forward as Moz sought her lips.
    Her kiss was slow and lazy, neither of them in any hurry, taking their time to savour every feeling. Moz’s mouth was soft and sweet, and her hand was warm against Jane’s cheek, insistent without being pushy. Jane wrapped her arms around Moz’s waist and back in kind, held her close. Jane loved the contact between them, Moz’s softness and strength, felt safe and loved in the other woman's arms.
    Moz deepened the kiss, and Jane’s hand slipped from her back up her throat, tangled in her cotton-candy-pink hair, drawing a shiver. Her own head was pressed into the plush back of the couch, but it was hard to mind that with Moz's lips so hot against hers, Moz's thumb stroking across Jane’s cheekbone.
    At last, they pulled apart, both flushed and a little out of breath. Moz rubbed her nose affectionately against Jane’s and giggled, cuddling up to Jane, still sprawled over her lap. Jane let out a chuckle and tightened her arms around the other woman, holding her close, letting Moz’s cheek nestle against her collarbone and enjoying this single, perfect moment of peace in the wastes.
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rennybu · 7 years
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i’ve been spurred to jump into oc kiss week a day early..... i love this event so much, i can’t wait to post the rest of what i have!!
here’s Spiridon ( @meat-mill ) and Mahon!!
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cutie-pinay · 7 years
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OC kiss week
Day 1: Ajina (@ajina-apprentice) Day 2: Ciana (@letsjoytheuniverse) Day 3: Esme (@middaystargazer) Day 4: Sapphira (@saltyoldgrandpa) Day 5: Zaro (@the-realm-of-nora) Day 6: Elise (@doctormctiddy) Day 7: Samaria (@larknnightingale)
Oh my goodness, this thing started back in the beginning of January and just finished it yesterday...Meera and I apologize for the delay (=v=)’’’ haha. 
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 7 years
Cure Wounds is a Touch Spell; OC Kiss Week 2018
WELCOME TO KISS WEEK EVERYONE!!! I did the smart thing and prepared early so I’ve got a few things to throw out there this time. :D First up is a piece jointly featuring @colonelcupquake​‘s half-elf warlock Casimir and @gomanyeo​‘s tabaxi rogue Sarai as well as my gnome cleric Fizz from my other 5e campaign run by my sister @diggitydawnbair! 
918 words, set before the campaign start and before Cas knows why Fizz also dropped out of bard college.
Casimir noticed the lute string beginning to buckle a second too late to say anything.
It sheared away from its peg before he could so much as open his mouth, whipping sideways with a discordant twang and a sharp sting of pain across the meat of his palm. Beside him, Sarai sprang away from the table with a furious hiss, clutching her hand.
“Fucking hell, Cas!”
She jammed the side of her little finger into her mouth and glared at him over the curve of her knuckles. Almost every inch of her fur was standing on end now, all the way down to her lashing tail, and Casimir had to snuff out a little grin into the collar of his shirt as he shook his hand out.
“Sorry,” he said. “Guess that string must have been old.”
He had bought them new, of course, barely two days prior. But with the railways down and the city exits drawn, he should have expected every merchant in the city to be selling their dregs.
The heavy sound of wood banging against wood came suddenly yanked their attention back to the now-open door, where a shock of bright red hair worked into two messy buns was peeking through.
“Did something explode in here?”
Fizz, as usual, pushed her way inside without waiting for an answer, making immediately for the table. Sarai pulled her finger away from her mouth long enough to fold her arms over her chest in bemused irritation.
“What in here do you think could possibly explode?”
“Dunno,” said Fizz, shrugging. “Lots of stuff used to explode back home. Bags, workbenches, clothing, food. I heard a loud noise and yelling, so I just assumed….”
Her voice trailed off as she propped herself high enough up on the beams of the table to see the lute lain across it. Her eyes followed the string that Casimir was uncoiling in one slow pan upwards, and she let out a long, low whistle.
“Got yourself good, huh Cassie?”
Casimir paused halfway through unwinding a peg to furrow his brow at her, and Fizz nodded down to his hands. When he looked, he finally noticed the long line of blood dripping down the crease of his right palm.
“Oh,” he said dumbly. “Shit.”
The gnome folded her arms onto the table and dropped her chin into them, snickering with obvious delight.
“You did manage to avoid almost putting an eye out this time, though,” she said brightly. “That’s a first!”
Casimir could see Sarai’s eyebrow climbing steadily higher even without looking, and turned to offer her a reassuring wave.
“It’s not a first,” he said quickly. “She’s just being dramatic.”
“These things do happen though,” Fizz went on, clearly ignoring his aside as she dropped back away from the table with a sigh. “Sometimes with good reason. Sometimes to tell us that we ought to be careful before sending someone capable along to fix the messes we’ve made.”
She worked her way slowly around the table as she spoke, one hand in her pocket and fiddling with something that Casimir couldn’t see. Her Common dropped off into a low mutter of some language that he didn’t know as she stepped up beside him, and for a moment, he swore that he felt….something. A presence, he thought, though not the usual heavy blanket of heat and sulfur that came with the demon. This one felt almost human, light and warm and heralded by a soft cadance that he swore sounded nearly like laughter.
Then it was gone, and Casimir came to with Fizz’s tiny hands tugging his bleeding one up against her lips with a theatrical little “mwah.”
A force like lightning shot across his palm the moment her lips met skin, so quick and hot that Casimir thought for sure that he had been shocked. He ripped his hand back on reflex with a strangled yelp.
“What -”
But nothing hurt. Instead, the strange numbness in his hand faded rapidly into an pleasant sort of warmth, in a way he privately likened to dipping it into a bath of nearly-hot water, and then away altogether. When he dared to peel his hand away from where it was cradled to his chest, the thin gash down the center of his palm was gone.
His eyes felt too wide as they moved from his suddenly unblemished palm to where Fizz was sauntering towards Sarai, who took a full step backward.
“Fizz,” she said in a low, menacing growl, “Stop. I’m warning you…”
But if Fizz had ever taken a warning seriously in her life, Casimir certainly had never seen it. She snatched Sarai’s hand from where it was folded against her chest, managing to pull it down just far enough to drop a little peck on the smallest finger before Sarai hissed and lept a full two feet back. Her fur, which had started to lay flat, was standing outright again.
“Blugh!” Fizz stuck her out tongue and shook her head once, hard. “Oh, gross. Your fur gets everywhere! Don’t you ever brush it?”
Without waiting for an answer, she turned to Casimir and jerked a thumb back to where Sarai was inspecting her now-healed finger.
“Be careful kissing her,” she said in stage whisper from behind a hand, “Or you’re gonna get a hairball.”
Then she spun on her heel and breezed right past the both of them, whistling an off key tavern song as she strode out of the door without another word.
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andveryginger · 7 years
OC Kiss Week: Day 1
Day 1: First Kiss
Takes place at the CorLion smuggler hideout on Yavin, shortly after Hamilton – father of Annya and Adela – was shot by some of Saresh’s lackeys, somewhere about halfway through KotFE. Maggie Shade is an old family friend and former Havoc Squad medic. She now serves as the medical officer for CorLion… and unofficial mom-aunt to Ahn and Adela. If she and Hamilton argue like an old married couple, that’s just a coincidence and symptom of long friendship.
Hamilton watched as Maggie Shade paused before him, folding her arms across her chest, brow creasing. She regarded him in silence for a long moment before turning with a huff and stalking back in to the medbay. He stood watching her retreating form as it faded into the shadow.
His own brow furrowed as he mentally recounted the conversation. What the Hells did I say, he wondered, to drive her off like that? To his mind, there had been nothing offensive; he was just theorizing as to what his next step might be in his investigation of Chancellor Saresh and her seedier companions. Sighing, he shook his head and followed her. He found her standing before her desk, lips pursed as she reviewed his medical file on her datapad. “Maggie, what the – ?”
“Don’t,” she bit out. She didn’t look up at him. “Just… don’t, Ham.”
The old man scrubbed at his silver hair with the towel draped around his neck, still sopping up kolto before it dripped into his eyes. He didn’t need his Force sensitivity – slight though it was – to sense the frustration radiating from her. “Don’t what? What is it, exactly, that I’ve done?”
He could see her swallow visibly and she shook her head. Her attention didn’t deviate from the datapad. “It’s fine. Leave it alone.”
“No, Maggs, it’s obviously not,” Hamilton replied. He tugged quickly at the towel, whipping it from around his neck and tossing it onto the bed beside him. His hands came to rest on his hips. “I’m not nearly as strong as my daughters, so I can’t read your kriffin’ mind. You’re gonna have to tell me what I did.”
Maggie drew a deep breath, lowering the datapad as she turned to him. Her green eyes were slightly glassy, frustration and hurt apparent in the slight crease between them and the downward turn of her lips. But there was something else there, amidst it all, something that the two had pointedly avoided for decades. “If you don’t know, Ham….”
He stood and looked down at her. “You’re… worried… about me.”
“When Fee first brought you in, you were on your feet – snarky and cantankerous as always,” she began. She directed her gaze downward, head slightly lowered. “You collapsed three steps in, and then had to marinate in kolto for three days.”
Licking her lips she looked up at him, crease in her brow flickering as she struggled to choose the right words. “That meet was a trap for you, set by some very nasty people who expected you to die – they might even think you. are. actually. dead. Now, you’re still damp from the kolto, and you’re already talking about charging back in?” Her voice had risen considerably, voice taking on not only the frustration, but exasperation and disappointment. “Of course I’m upset. And worried. And…” She drew a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “And scared. Of you and for you, you kriffing idiot!”
Hamilton frowned. “You know I can’t just… hide from it all, Maggs,” he said. “I-I owe that much to Adrie and to Adela. To my own damned planet, shelled out husk that it is. It’s still home, Maggs, and it always will be.”
“I know that, Hamilton,” she replied. “And while I’m not Corellian, it’s my home, too – because Gar and Ahn and Theron are usually there… because you’re there. But this is so different than running supplies and picking off guards. This is espionage and intrigue; corrupted governments and hired assassins.” Her hand came to rest on his shoulder. “As Ahn’s father, you’re already a target. Please – turn the data over to Jace. Let him run it from the inside. Don’t give them another reason.”
The silver-haired smuggler drew a deep breath. He had been involved in the Corellian Resistance since the early days – helping run logistics and establish supply lines. Maggie had been part of special forces then, entrenched on Alderaan, slogging along the front. It had eventually been his daughters that wound their way into the intrigue, running missions and other, more discreet operations. So he had to admit she had a point: Spy games had never been his forte. And at least Jace had the right contacts to do something with the information.
Finally, he nodded. “All right. I’ll… talk to Ahn, see what we can get set up. Turn it over to her and let her and the spy-boy handle it,” he said. He looked up to her, sweeping a stray strand of hair back from her face, his hand coming to rest against her cheek. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Maggie. And I’ve never wanted to scare you.”
She swallowed again, shaking her head. Her voice emerged as little more than a whisper. “I know,” she replied. “We’ve been friends for so long… Is it worth the risk? Worth maybe losing what we have?”
He pursed his lips and shrugged, dragging his thumb over her cheekbone. “I don’t know,” he said quietly. “But we’ve spent decades trying to ignore this and it’s not going away.”
“Hamilton –”
“I love you,” he said, a knot rising in his own throat. “You know I do – the way you poke fun and worry over me and patch me up when I pull something stupid. The way you stood by me and helped me stand up after Adrie died, and Adela was gone. I couldn’t have done that without you.
“You’re my best friend, Maggs, and I love you. I have for a very long time.” He shook his head. “I didn’t want to hurt you – and I sure as Hells don’t wanna run you off.”
“Dammit, Hamilton!” Maggie huffed, tears brimming over. They rolled down her cheek, some spilling onto her shirt, the others wiped away by his thumb. “What if this doesn’t work? What if we don’t –”
A rueful smirk twitched across his lips. “Live happily ever after – or as close to it as reality gets?” She nodded. “Do you really think it’ll be all that different than it has been? You’ll still give me hell, still patch me up, maybe even talk me outta doing something stupid before I get hurt. You’ll just… get to kiss it better.”
Drawing back, she shoved him off and he reeled backward. “You bastard,” she muttered. She reached out as he stepped back, grabbing a fist full of his shirt and tugging him toward her. His hands went to her hips as he steadied himself, her lips crashing into his.
The anger and surprise faded slowly and the two melted together: Her arms slipped around his neck, fingers raking through his silver hair, as his slipped around her and pressed her closer. Far from awkward, Hamilton couldn’t help but think how natural it felt to hold her – how well her curves melded to his contours, the way her mouth fused with his.
A mournful groan escaped him as she pulled back. Her forehead came to rest against his, fingers interlaced at the nape of his neck as they paused, taking the time to breathe. She looked up at him and, as he looked down into her eyes, he noted the blown pupils, the gentle flush to her cheeks. “I love you, too, you big idiot,” she said with a laugh.
Relief swelled in his chest, mingling with the affection and intensity they had forced themselves to ignore for far too long. He chuckled, kissing the tip of her nose. “Worth the risk?”
“I hope so,” Maggie replied. She adjusted her arms, shifting in his embrace. A smirk curled across her lips as she felt his reaction and he felt her lips move against his as she spoke. “I think that, if you don’t take me out of here now, we might be forced to christen one of my medical beds…”
His grin slipped decidedly lopsided. “Well, you do need to check your patient, Doctor Shade.”
And then his mouth sealed over hers. Maggie would never look at that particular bed the same way again.
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This time with zombie Ed and @lookinlikeaking ‘s Train, two characters who have some long history and I love dearly. Ed’s very shy and doesn’t have a mouth so gentle forehead touch instead of a kiss
i wanna picture there’s an au somewhere where they date and are happy after the shit they’ve both been through
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