justmochi · 6 years
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yes if you didn’t know, Jenn and Jisoo are friends. practically lovers
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alika-4466 · 6 years
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26.01.19 💍
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ffsjihoon · 6 years
byun baekhyun
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ambitious, confident, cunning, and pureblood, byun baekhyun was placed in slythering as fast as the sorting hat touched his head.
now, as a seven year student, he has gained a lot of respect from his power, not only in hogwarts but also in the magic world, continuing the reputation of his well known family.
his favorite class is potions, in which he excels with great abilities.
he’s not a man of friends, but values loyalty over any other trait.
“The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.”
slytherin masterlist
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bebestay · 6 years
weird things RO has said/done
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has a habit of bowing whenever she says “thank you”
has once said that “heels were made by the devil”
impulsively got her left cartilage pierced
communicates in squeaks and other noises
“I am 157cm of sass and sarcasm, you thought that you were gonna win?”
“Damn right, I ate the last cookie. I’d do it again in heartbeat.”
“Hi, and welcome back to me screaming...AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
has dyed her hair multiple times since moving to Korea to train; colors include: pink, blue, purple, red, and silver
has decided that food is more important than her image
will slap her lap or the table whenever she’s excited
always travels with a plushie or a pillow
constantly has headphones on when traveling
has been voted the “Queen of BDE” in Abandoned Entertainment
owns the light-sticks for a few of her favorite groups & has the mini-versions as well
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group photos with the violet fam (and kind of failing)
I think I’m gonna start an Instagram for just their zepeto posts :0 what do y’all think?
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justmochi · 6 years
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alika-4466 · 6 years
Instagram update
I might be pregnant but I'm still killing it #1MonthPreggo #SlayGameStillOnA
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bumkeyk Wowwww 😍❤
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bebestay · 6 years
Relationship with other idols (RO ver.)
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Dorks. As cousins, the two really bring the stupid out of each other. While RO is known for her sass, sex appeal, and attitude, she becomes a different person around LEO. The two, when available, play games together and sometimes stream the sessions for the fans.
Support system. After leaving YG Entertainment and moving to Abandoned Entertainment, RO found her hype-girl in Ariel. The two became very close and are consistently seen traveling together to many events or shopping centers. Ariel has always made appearances in RO’s music video and vice versa.
Familiarity. When RO first arrived at YG, many of her fellow trainees didn’t speak English or didn’t bother to help her. It wasn’t until Rosé sat down and helped her after seeing her struggle in the company cafeteria. When RO left the company, Rosé was the first to call her and wish her luck.
Dancing Duo. The two really bonded after meeting on Idol Room and owning the Random Dance section. With their age gap being only five days apart, the two treat each other like siblings. She affectionately calls Q her older brother and her favorite dance partner.
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koala-oc-groups · 6 years
Star’s Habits
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Naturally pouts without realizing it.
Pouts when he’s confused.
Hums a lot.
Fiddles with his shirt when he’s uncomfortable.
He has this stuffed bear that he takes everywhere because he feels unsafe without, even to live stages and stuff, he usually keeps it hidden though.
Calls everyone kitten.
Teases everyone at all times.
Randomly kissing members when he feels panicked.
He sleeps curled up in a ball around his teddy bear.
Eats a lot of junk food when he’s upset or overwhelmed.
His ears twitch when he’s mad.
He narrows his eyes a lot.
Shakes his head a lot.
Flips his hair CONSTANTLY.
Stutters when he can’t think of the right word.
Whines a lot to get the attention of other members onto him.
Wraps his arm around any and every member.
Sings very softly, or very loudly, in the shower.
Eats crackers in bed and gets yelled at for the crumbs.
Cuddles all of the animals.
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안녕 여러분 :)
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i’m sorry for not posting recently ><
i’ve been really busy with finals and the holiday season. hopefully by the next year i can start up regularly again.
it’s been taking me a bit to refine IRIS’s character, but her “get to know” will be the next thing i will post ^^ in the next year i hope to finish all the character profiles and rewrite some of the intros again. i also plan to post more info about the group, their discography, comebacks, and also a special surprise (spoiler: a trailer :o). later on i also want to start writing a cohesive storyline which i’m really excited about. also i want to start making art and character sheets for my girls, so look forward to this too :)
also i wanted to mention since i’ve been seeing some stuff on my dash about not stealing faceclaims etc etc, to make your characters original... honestly before i made tumblr and before i knew that i wasn’t the only one doing this, before i found other oc accounts, i already had my faceclaims laid out... i wanted my faceclaims to be idols because i wanted to make sure i had photos, videos, etc. to be able to use in the future. i just feel like this is all fun and games and fictional anyway, so everybody should be able to do whatever they like - use whatever idol or instagram model or face you want, ship whoever you want. don’t feel bad about using faceclaims that may be used already, but of course don’t steal other people’s characters outright cause that’s not okay :( just have fun and be creative!
i hope everybody has a good christmas season and happy new year :)
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justmochi · 6 years
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REAL NAME┊Lee Gyunghui 이경희 but legally changed it to Lee Moonji 이문지
SPECIALTIES┊Vocalist, Actor
BIRTHDAY┊January 2, 1993 ↦ capricorn
HEIGHT┊162 cm (5 ft 3¾ in)
LANGUAGES┊Korean, Chinese, English
FACE CLAIM┊jjekkany
COMPANY┊SM (formerly), IMU Entertainment
TRAINEE┊7 years
DEBUT┊April 21, 2017
She is the CEO of her own entertainment company
Koko debuted in April of 2017
She pursued an acting career in 2018
She’s a former SM trainee
Koko can play the piano
She is adopted
She lived in China through her teen years
She prefers sexy concepts over cute concepts
She has restless legs syndrome
Koko invested all of her savings into making her own company. Her fans admire her hard work
She is very clumsy
Koko’s ideal type: A man who I can be myself around, and to take care of me.
As you get closer to Koko, you will learn that she is wild and outgoing.
She tends to have rough patches where she is in the dumps and it takes a while before she can recover.
Sometimes she overworks herself to give her fans the best she can give.
Koko tries to be sexy and intimidating to the public, but when you get her alone, she is the softest cinnamon roll ever.
She could never hurt a fly, and if she did, she could not live with herself.
She absolutely loves making people smile and is happiest when she is around her friends or fans.
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alika-4466 · 6 years
Instagram update
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bebestay · 6 years
Lost in New York
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Pairing: Bang Chan & Lori Bautista (platonic), ft. Stray Kids
Synopsis: While in New York for KCON, Chan got separated from his own group and ran into Lori who had been separated from her own group. 
“Chan!” Lori called out, getting his attention. “Wanna tell the camera what happened?”
“I lost the kids,” he admitted with a shy smile.
“And I lost mine.” The two laughed as they continued down the sidewalk. “We lost our kids and got lost in New York. What a day it has been and it’s not even noon.” She looked up at Chan. “We’re horrible parents.”
“We’re not that bad,” he said, earning a look from Lori. “Should we call someone?”
“I don’t have an international plan nor do I have any wifi for my apps, you?” He shook his head. “Well, damn.”
“So, it’s been two hours since we last checked in with the camera, we’ve done some shopping, almost adopted a stray cat, and now we’re grabbing lunch at Mickey D’s.” She set the camera down, both of them just barely in frame. “You got recognized a couple times, didn’t you?”
“Do you really call it Mickey D’s?” She nodded, stuffing her face with fries. “And yup, but not you though.”
“I’m still fairly new to the scene, so it’s understandable. Plus, it’s a feat that my group is able to play at KCON anyway.” She chuckled. “How do you think your kids are getting by without you?”
“Woojin would’ve stepped in by now to make sure they stay in line. What about your group?” Chan chuckled again, stealing some fries from Lori’s plate.
“I think my kids are doing just fine. The only one who would be so lost is Kiko, she barely speaks English but MeiMei should be helping her just fine.” She wiped her face as she noticed Chan stealing her food. “What time do you have to be back at your hotel?”
“By five, I think? Aren’t we in the same one? Hilton, right?” She nodded. “We’ll just head back together.”
“It’s around three now,” Chan informed the camera, “and we decided to head back to the hotel early because someone’s,” the camera shifted to show Lori on his back, “feet are tired.”
“Shut up and just carry me.”
“How do we tell JYP that we lost Chan in New York?” Felix asked as they returned to their hotel.
“Simple,” Minho said. “We don’t.”
The group approached their suite, hearing the TV run from inside.
“Did someone leave the TV on?” Woojin asked, opening the door and finding Chan settled on the floor playing a game on the provided console. “Where have you been?!”
Chan held up a finger, prompting the group to stay quiet, before pointing behind him. Lori was leaning against him, her cheek resting against his back, arms around his waist, and sleeping. She made a small noise at the rise in volume but settled back into sleep, burying her face into his back.
The group smiled, happy that their leader was back, but also that their friend was getting some well-deserved rest before their performance tomorrow.
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koala-oc-groups · 6 years
Coffee.... Date????
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Pairing: Kumo X Dean
Scenario: Kumo and Dean go out for coffee like they normally do and Dean makes Kumo very flustered.
Request: Yes, but also no. It was more like me and my best friend Markie wanted a Kumo X Dean interaction and this is a v soft scenario.
Word Count: 590
Kenshin quietly enters the cafe and looks around to see if he can find Dean. When he doesn’t his heart sinks into his chest a bit. He starts to head back out until someone grabs his wrist. He turns and looks who it is, it’s Dean. He let out the breath that he wasn’t even aware he was holding. Dean pulls him into a hug.
“I’ve been waiting for you Kenshinnie!” Dean says as he guides Kenshin to where Dean wants to sit.
“I’m sorry I’m late Dean, practice didn’t end when it was supposed to.” Kenshin huffs.
“Awe, that’s okay baby boy,” Dean says with a soft smile.
Kenshin’s eyes widen and his face turns bright red. Dean has never called him baby boy before and he has no idea how to react. He kind of stiffens until Dean puts his hand on Kenshin’s knocking him back into reality.
“Are you okay?”
“Sorry...” Kenshin says with his cheeks still very red. “I just didn’t expect you to call me that.”
Dean raises an eyebrow before he smirks. “Call you what? Baby boy?”
Kenshin clearly melts and he nods cutely looking even more flustered than before.
“Then how about I call you that more often?”
Kenshin squeaks softly and hides his face in his hands. Dean leans over the table and makes Kenshin move his hands.
“Don’t hide your blushy face, it’s adorable,” Dean says softly before leaning back again.
Dean then gets up and gets their drinks, Dean didn’t even need to ask Kenshin what he wanted, he always gets the same thing every time. They come to this cafe at least once a week for the past three months. Dean comes back with the drinks and Kenshin is fiddling with his shirt.
Dean hands Kenshin his drink as he asks, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, Dean, just a little worried.” 
“Why are you worried Kenshin?” Dean asks before tilting his head.
“I’m worried about my debut. What if my company find out....”
Dean sighs. “Is this about you being...” he looks around, “Ya know, not straight.”
Kenshin nods and Dean gets up and walks over to him. “Listen to me,” he says softly. “If they do not accept you, and they try to kick you out of company just come to me. You’re talented as hell. I won’t let that be wasted on your fear. Yes, it’s a realistic fear but you will be fine. Okay, baby boy?”
Kenshin smiles weakly and gives little grabby hands toward Dean. Dean hugs Kenshin.
“If your company ever gives up on you, just know I’ll always be here for you and I will always support you. You’re one of my best and closest friends after all.”
Kenshin nods, “And that’s why I keep coming to these... Coffee dates?”
“Coffee date?” Dean asks with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle.
Kenshin looks a bit panicked. “I thought that’s what these were??”
Dean pats Kenshin’s head, “Then you can keep thinking that if you would like.”
They then went on to talk about anything and everything as they drink their coffee. When they finish Dean takes Kenshin back to his dorm like he always does.
“I’ll see you next week?” Dean asks.
“Of course!”
“Good. Message me when you get up to your room baby boy. That way I don’t forget to message you when I get back.”
“Of course Dean, I always do,” Kenshin says with a smile. 
Kenshin then happily goes up to his dorm room as he watches Dean drive off.
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