#octavia “fuck drunk” harrow
This is a Gift
5 times Astarion told Octavia "This is a gift, you know. I won't forget it" and 1 time she said it to him. Mildly NSFW in some spots and cw referencing sexual assault
“I only need a taste, I swear.” Just a taste. One little taste. You’re a sweet…not so little…thing. Please. One small taste.
Octavia hesitated for a moment and then sighed. “Fine. But not a drop more than you need.”
Finally. Finally!!! “Really? I-of course. Not one drop more. Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” He watched as Octavia lay back down on her bedroll, noticing she was as tense as a board. Relax. It shouldn’t hurt too much. I hope. When his fangs plunged into her neck, she gasped. Seven hells, if she does that simply from this, I wonder how she sounds when she comes. All in good time, sweetness. I think I have you wrapped around my finger. More. Must have more…
“Astarion, please—” she said with urgency.
And dinnertime is over! “Ah! That-that was amazing. My mind is finally clear. I feel strong. I feel…happy!” Astarion offered Octavia a hand and helped her to her feet. She is…quite beautiful in the moonlight. It’ll make what I must do easier, I suppose.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you fight.”
“Shouldn’t take long. So many people need killing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, you’re invigorating, but I need something more filling.” As he turned to leave, he stopped. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.” For the first time in a long time, I will trance with a full stomach. Thank you, Octavia dear.
“Astarion, look out!” Octavia screamed as a goblin archer took aim at the elven vampire. Luckily for him, he was able to dodge the arrow. Mostly. It tore the leather on my armor! That little shit! But if she hadn’t warned me, I’m fairly sure that would’ve been a critical hit.
After the battle ended, he walked up to the curvaceous tiefling and grinned. Lay on the charm. She adores it. So easy to please… “Thanks for the heads up, my dear. Now, how should I reward you?”
Her eyes widened. “Um, you’re welcome? I don’t need or want anything, Astarion.”
More charm. “Darling, there must be something.” He flashed his best grin and put a hand on one of his hips. They always want something. Just need to figure out what you want.
To his astonishment, she shrugged in quite possibly the most adorably awkward way ever. She’s such a sweetheart. “I just want you to be safe. That’s all.” Their conversation was interrupted by the Scratch familiar barking. “Looks like he’s found something!” She smiled and walked quickly to the dog.
She…doesn’t want anything. Only for me to be safe. Watching Octavia and Gale cheer Karlach on as she dug to get to whatever treasure Scratch found, he felt tears in his ruby eyes. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“Did you honestly think, boy, that you could evade me forever? Play adventurer with this…thing?” Cazador sneered, telepathically holding Octavia by the throat. I can’t move. Why can’t I move? Her tail thrashed back and forth. Her bright blue eyes were full of terror. “I thought I raised you better than that. No, I won’t use her for the ritual.” He leered at her, undoing the pins in her hair that Astarion had set that morning. “She’ll make a fine meal after I force you to watch me take her.”
No. Gods no. No. No! NO!
Her eyes somehow got wider. Try to break free, my love. You’re so much stronger than you think you are. “Astarion…” she managed to choke out. “Astarion…”
“Astarion? Love?”
It all happened in seconds.
He sat up straight as he woke from the nightmare.
He screamed her name.
He had not realized that while he was thrashing that he hit her.
“Ow! Astarion, calm down! It’s okay! I’m right here, love! It’s okay.” She pinched her nose with one hand and tentatively reached for him with the other.
What…fuck. Fuck. FUCK. I’ve hurt her. Shit. I never want to hurt her, and she’s…fuck. Monster. You’re nothing but a monster. He crawled away from her slowly, holding up his shaking hands. “Forgive me. I-I…”
“Is everything alright in there?”
“Fine, Shadowheart. Just having a bit of a nosebleed, but it’s already slowing down.”
“Just make sure Astarion doesn’t drain you dry.” She snarked as she left. Octavia peered through the tent flaps to make sure she was gone before she turned to Astarion.
Monster. Monster. Monster. Monster. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me, darling. I’m so sorry. I…I’m…” He felt himself uncontrollably trembling and wet, hot tears dripping down his pale cheeks.
Octavia slowly moved towards him, a warm smile on her face. “Hey, it’s okay. The bleeding’s already stopped, so that’s good. Do you want to talk about it?” She sat next to him and put her right hand palm up on her thigh. If I touch her hand, then she has permission to touch me. A nice little idea she had a while back so I could establish boundaries. My darling is so brilliant. One of his pale hands rested in hers, and he gripped it. Hard. She’s here. She’s fine. She’s safe. She’s perfect. She’s safe. She’s safe…
He shook his head. “No. I frankly never wish to think of it again.”
She nodded. “Do you want to sit here for a while? Do you want to feed? What can I do for you?”
“Hold me, my love.” Astarion was not entirely sure the words left his lips because he said them so softly, but she must have heard. Scooching next to him, one long arm went around his shoulders while the other held a hand. They sat in silence for some time before Octavia fell back asleep.
He watched over her, noting the small smile on her face.
“This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“Sweetness, do you mind if we take a raincheck for tonight?” Astarion asked hesitantly, watching Octavia read a book in their room at the Elfsong Tavern. The original plan had been a date night and lovemaking, but even though I wish to, I simply…I can’t. Not tonight.
She looked up from her book and smiled. “Of course, love. Do you still want to go out?”
He frowned. “No. I think for tonight I need some time to myself.” It’s not you, dear. Please don’t think it. I know how you are. You will and then you’ll feel awful, and I’ll feel awful.
“Fine with me.” She closed her book and set it aside. “Hmmm, maybe I could persuade Gale to teach me lanceboard—”
“Darling, please don’t torture yourself.” Who in their right mind would have Gale teach them anything, let alone lancecboard? He rolled his eyes. “Darling, love yourself.”
She rose from her chair, her expression a mix of amused and peeved. “Oh, hush you! Be nice to Gale. He’s a wonderful man and a lovely friend.” She shifted uneasily. “I just didn’t want to automatically say Halsin lest it make you feel bad…because I never want you to feel that way ever again.”
She truly is the sweetest. How lucky am I? He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “My dear, I’m always tickled pink when you’re with Halsin. And you always come back so delightfully,” smirking, his fingers danced over the base of her tail. A guaranteed moan every time! “fuck drunk.”
She moaned uneasily, her cheeks turning a dark pink. “I’ll, um, keep that in mind for later, love.” Quickly giving him a kiss, she maneuvered around him to grab her bag and checked her hair. “You relax tonight, okay? There’s still a lot ahead of us I fear, and I worry.” You always worry. Far, far too much.
“Then follow your own advice and relax, sweetness. Now, shoo! Go relax or rut or whatever filthy things you two do.” And soon, very soon I think, I want to watch. He kissed her and guided her outside their room, a deliriously happy grin on her face. Gods, her smile. Perfect in every way. She waved and then practically skipped to Halsin’s door. Astarion watched as she explained that her plans changed and then Halsin wrapped his thick arms around her and nearly lifted her off the ground. They both laughed and then shuffled into his room, the door closing with a bang.
As he laid back down and opened his book, he smiled. “Octavia, my everything---this is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“A-are you certain, my love?” Astarion asked with uncertainty. “Halsin darling? Is it true?”
Halsin nodded as he poured some tea. “Yes. Our family will be expecting a little one again in the summer, and this time—”
“The cub is yours, Star.” Octavia said dreamily, hands on her belly. “Just like we wanted.”
Five years since Ianfir’s birth. Three since we started trying for another.
Before he knew it, Octavia reached him in three strides and embraced him, her nose in his white curls. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. How the three of us have wanted another child, but my sweet treat has wanted this so badly. “I think the newest cub is a girl.” She smiled, still holding him. “Wouldn’t that be lovely?
A little girl.
With my eyes and her nose.
Pale ginger curls.
A tail that will wrap around my hand like Ianfir’s did when he was a baby.
She’ll have Octavia’s smile.
He wept into her shoulder. “Yes. Yes, it would. We’ll name her Helestina. It’s such a beautiful name.” Some time ago, Octavia surprised me with records she obtained from Baldur’s Gate---records of my birth, my graduation from law school, my installation as a magistrate, cases I had ruled on, and my obituary.
Helestina…was my mother.
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goldenboikuvasauce · 4 years
does your main vape nitain or drink kuva? (in no particular order)
nezha. vapes. then he runs around in circles like a chicken.
ash. his smokescreen is just his fat nitain clouds. lies about being a huge nitain head. will kill u in ur sleep if u tell anyone.
nidus. gets absolutely hammered on kuva to drown out his fear of never finding love. he wipes his tears from phryke shoulder eyes with his maggots.
limbo. chokes on nitain. comatoses after one shot of kuva.
saryn. she inhales corrosive gas only cos she's a fuckin bad bitch u cant kill her
atlas. he chews nitain pods cos the cronch
gara. she makes her own bongs and kuva glasses but doesn't really use em cos aesthetic
mirage. does it with friends so when they're inebriated she plays tricks on em
loki. see mirage's note. except his friends hate his tricks
volt. he hates kuva not cos u shouldn't drink and run, but because it makes him slower. he'll run around in circles with nezha tho.
mag. she doesn't like getting wasted on either so she gets her serotonin off putting magnets to her head.
excalibaby. he's not allowed near either cos he just uses his 4 when he's off his rockers
umbra. what do u think is his pipe. he smoked nitain before it was cool. damn kids.
octavia. she makes her best tracks off nitain hits, that's what she thinks and you're not allowed to say otherwise cos she'll play baby shark on repeat while u sleep
titania. she has her own supply of herbs and teas from new loka. nitain and kuva are for the tainted
oberon. he gets invited to all the parties cos he grows a lot of good shit. the radioactive procs the supply has are hilarious during sessions.
harrow drinks kuva for religious purposes. that's what he says. u are not to question whether or not he's drunk during missions. during gatherings he's seemingly nowhere to be seen until he sways over to a balcony looking down, shouts "SLUTS" and takes a huge swig at his glass and fucks off.
garuda sips kuva responsibly after a long day of slaughter.
nekros. he is allowed a little treat after a long day of looting from the dead
hydroid. his squidward lungs aren't made for nitain so he'll drunkenly sing railjack shanties over octavia's tracks. His favourite classic is baby shark
gauss. snorts speed. not the space variant. Just straight up speed.
valkyr. gets lit off kuva and tries to break in to the infirmary room to EAT the helminth
hildryn. too good to succumb to either. serotonin comes from flexing her sexy arms and legs.
rhino. really loud at kuva keg parties. has a tendency to try to eat his friends when drunk. weird, he doesn't get why but he hongry. he likes to dance too but when he starts stomping everyone scrambles out the room.
grendel likes nitain but doesn't like the munchies. grendel likes kuva cos throwing up is funny for others to clean up.
ember. don't let ember get lit. literally.
baruuk. he doesn't partake in recreational nitain or kuva. but if there is a brawl, he's pitching in. no one will remember, and no one will believe it
inaros. he downs one shot of kuva. nothing happens one more shot. nothing happens. another shot. nothing happens. another. nothing happens. another. nothing happens. another. nothing happens. another. he is in his sarcophagus.
feel free to add more or block me
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umbra-yoshi · 8 years
Warframe but like in high school
Atlas: Senior. Workout buddies with Rhino. Has a rock collection. Surprisingly good at cooking.
Ash: Senior. Bros with Excalibur. Closet weeb. Thinks Banshee is attractive.
Banshee: Junior. Loves listening to dubstep. Headphones never come off…NEVER. Very quiet and shy.
Chroma: Senior. Has a large pet lizard that he feeds live chickens named “Draco”. Plays Dragonborn in Dungeons & Dragons. Has multiple dragon posters.
Excalibur: Senior. Plays Quarterback on the football team. Has high grades. Also closet weeb. Has a crush on Mag.
Ember: Junior. Has a thing for Valkyr. Throws lit firecrackers at people. Smokes weed.
Equinox: Freshmen. Creepy twins. Finish each other’s sentences. One wears black, the other wears white. ALWAYS together.
Frost: Junior. Has a thing for Ember. Is always wearing a hoodie because he’s cold…all the time.
Gara: Sophmore.Got to this school on an art scholarship. Really into making glass sculptures. Can be a real hipster sometimes. Alot of the time. Likes to hang out with Loki sometimes but doesn't partake in his blazing. She uses other methods.
Harrow: Sophomore. Really into occult stuff. Has Demonic pentagrams on his notebooks and lockers. “Do you have time to talk about our Lord and savior, Satan?” is the line he uses to break the ice. Taken a liking to Nekros. History teacher’s favorite. Scares the hell outta Mag. (Poor girl.)
Hydroid: Sophomore. Likes pirates of the Caribbean. Wears a pirate hat everywhere. Perverted. Tells terrible pirate related puns.
Inaros: Sophomore. Has a beetle collection. Timid. When threatened throws pocket sand. Nekros’ younger brother.
Ivara: Freshman. Loves Archery. Reads comics. Green Arrow and Hawkeye are favorite heroes. Pro Hanzo in Overwatch. Always falls asleep in class.
Khora: Junior. Really loves cats. Her cat follows her to and from school. Has joined circles of other *clears throat* "animal enthusiasts". *COUGH* Has this secret Dominatrix thing goin' on. Has this crush on Valkyr.
Limbo: Junior. Wears a Tux everywhere. Thinks he’s good with the ladies. Not very good with the ladies. Terrible at Math.
Loki: Sophomore. Ash’s younger brother. Plays pranks with Mirage. Has a criminal record for Vandalism and Public indecency. Also smokes weed.
Lotus: Principal. Knows everything about the students. Chooses to do nothing about it. Inexplicably always drinking coffee. Plays handheld games (like DS and PSP) during work hours.
Mag: Freshman. Trusted by Lotus to keep everyone in check. Never acts out. Straight A’s. Makes Nyx jealous because her boobs are bigger. Loves Astrology and Physics. Has science blog. Smallest in school
Mirage: Senior. Teases Loki with “Perverted acts”. Loves playing pranks. Blew up Principal’s bathroom and didn’t get caught. Rarely shows up for class. Likes to dress Mag up in outfits.
Mesa: Junior. Plays Overwatch with Ivara, mains McCree. Loves to tell you what time it is (you know damn well what I mean) Has a bunch of old Cowboy movies. Remembers every scene of Walker Texas Ranger.
Nyx: Senior. Small boobs, big brain. Everyone listens to her, Sorta the disciplinarian.
Nekros: Senior. Always wears all black. Never smiles. Childhood friends with Saryn. Unaware that almost every girl and Limbo (excluding Nyx, Saryn, Ember, Khora, and Mirage) is afraid of him.
Nezha: Sophomore. Only Transgender in school, loves to tell everyone about it. Burned down the gym one time and didn’t get caught. Wrote his name in fire in the school courtyard.
Nidus: Junior. Owns every zombie movie ever. Likes to wear zombie makeup to school. Jumpscares Mag all of the time.
Nova: Freshman. Best at astrophysics…beats Mag actually. Has a weird thing for blowing shit up. Respected by Ember. Tutors Rhino and Valkyr.
Oberon: Junior. President of Nature club. Loves butterflies. Extremely dense but has an A in biology.
Octavia: Junior. Banshee and her are the female equivalent of bros for life. Made Banshee’s Spotify playlist. Makes her own mixtapes. Plays said mixtapes on morning announcements. Lotus would do something about it if she didn’t really like the music.
Ordis: Sophomore. Fairly nice guy on the outside but has some pretty weird/demented thoughts on the inside. Unfortunate that he also has tourette's syndrome. Convinced the Equinox twins that he was the same as them just sharing a body.
Rhino: Senior. Jacked! Pretty dumb. Great football player.
Saryn: Senior. Owns a Katana for God knows why. Pretty chill. Student Council president. Smokes weed and drinks. Developed feelings for Nekros. Created the dogmatic teaching of “Biggest boobs makes the rules”. Also not very liked by Nyx.
Simaris: Junior. Is in charge of a bunch of clubs. Gets REALLY in people's personal space, rapping off the club benefits if anyone shows just a passing interest in joining.
Stalker: Sophomore. Emo. Probably planning school shooting. Hates everyone but Nekros. Has a really creepy crush on Mirage.
Suda: Science Teacher. It's almost creepy how much she knows about science. Hates the History Teacher and all of his "ludicrous theories".
Titania: Freshman. VP of nature club Huge crush on Oberon but will never say it. Even dressed up as a butterfly to get him to notice her only to be outshined by his butterfly costume.
Teshin: Gym teacher. Doesn’t give a fuck.
Trinity: Junior. Goody two shoes. Helps out the school nurse. Wants to be a doctor. Asked Volt to play Doctor. Volt thought she wanted to like practice medicine which they did…sorta.
Vauban: Senior. Engineer. In robotics. A’s in physics. Heard of sports at most. Always in charge of fixing everyone’s….everything. Lotus even bribed him to fix the computersin the lab rather than paying for an actual professional. Worked out in the end.
Volt: Junior. On track team. Listens to Sonic the hedgehog soundtrack while jogging. Crush on Saryn. Avoids Trinity actively.
Valkyr: Sophomore. Good at gym but not much else. Anger issues. Pummeled Hydroid to a pulp for looking at her butt too long. Rhino’s younger cousin. Kinda scared of Khora.
Zephyr: Junior. Owns a pet hawk that creeps out everyone considering it follows her every command. Does parkour and hanglides.
Wukong: Freshman. Practices gymnastics. Practices martial arts with the Bo staff just to say he can. Showed up to practice drunk one time. Has a pet monkey named Pyjak that he puts sunglasses on and takes selfies with.
Clem & Darvo: College kids that hang out near the school. The suppliers of all of the contraband that goes around the school.
Amaryn (New Loka Lady): Vice Principal. Lotus’ advisory and all-around babysitter. Struggling to find a way to hide Lotus' video games from her.
Cressa Tal (Steel Meridian Lady): English Teacher. Claims she hates men yet has a new boyfriend every few weeks. Every class is like a sad romance novel.
Arbiters of Hexis: Mean teachers I forgot to cover.
Ergo Glast (Perrin Sequence guy): Math Teacher. So boring he sometimes puts himself to sleep while he’s at the board teaching.
Red Veil dude: History Teacher. During class he makes random Conspiracy theories. Everyone thinks he’s crazy.
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