#5 times 1 time
darkshrimpemotions · 8 months
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Summary: Helping his master get ready to go to coffin is secretly Guillermo's favorite part of his job. Those moments when Nandor is vulnerable and trusting beneath his hands are a balm for all the indignities of this life he's chosen.
Now complete!
(yes I got the title wrong in the graphic, shhh it's fine)
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This is a Gift
5 times Astarion told Octavia "This is a gift, you know. I won't forget it" and 1 time she said it to him. Mildly NSFW in some spots and cw referencing sexual assault
“I only need a taste, I swear.” Just a taste. One little taste. You’re a sweet…not so little…thing. Please. One small taste.
Octavia hesitated for a moment and then sighed. “Fine. But not a drop more than you need.”
Finally. Finally!!! “Really? I-of course. Not one drop more. Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” He watched as Octavia lay back down on her bedroll, noticing she was as tense as a board. Relax. It shouldn’t hurt too much. I hope. When his fangs plunged into her neck, she gasped. Seven hells, if she does that simply from this, I wonder how she sounds when she comes. All in good time, sweetness. I think I have you wrapped around my finger. More. Must have more…
“Astarion, please—” she said with urgency.
And dinnertime is over! “Ah! That-that was amazing. My mind is finally clear. I feel strong. I feel…happy!” Astarion offered Octavia a hand and helped her to her feet. She is…quite beautiful in the moonlight. It’ll make what I must do easier, I suppose.
“I’m looking forward to seeing you fight.”
“Shouldn’t take long. So many people need killing. Now, if you’ll excuse me, you’re invigorating, but I need something more filling.” As he turned to leave, he stopped. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.” For the first time in a long time, I will trance with a full stomach. Thank you, Octavia dear.
“Astarion, look out!” Octavia screamed as a goblin archer took aim at the elven vampire. Luckily for him, he was able to dodge the arrow. Mostly. It tore the leather on my armor! That little shit! But if she hadn’t warned me, I’m fairly sure that would’ve been a critical hit.
After the battle ended, he walked up to the curvaceous tiefling and grinned. Lay on the charm. She adores it. So easy to please… “Thanks for the heads up, my dear. Now, how should I reward you?”
Her eyes widened. “Um, you’re welcome? I don’t need or want anything, Astarion.”
More charm. “Darling, there must be something.” He flashed his best grin and put a hand on one of his hips. They always want something. Just need to figure out what you want.
To his astonishment, she shrugged in quite possibly the most adorably awkward way ever. She’s such a sweetheart. “I just want you to be safe. That’s all.” Their conversation was interrupted by the Scratch familiar barking. “Looks like he’s found something!” She smiled and walked quickly to the dog.
She…doesn’t want anything. Only for me to be safe. Watching Octavia and Gale cheer Karlach on as she dug to get to whatever treasure Scratch found, he felt tears in his ruby eyes. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“Did you honestly think, boy, that you could evade me forever? Play adventurer with this…thing?” Cazador sneered, telepathically holding Octavia by the throat. I can’t move. Why can’t I move? Her tail thrashed back and forth. Her bright blue eyes were full of terror. “I thought I raised you better than that. No, I won’t use her for the ritual.” He leered at her, undoing the pins in her hair that Astarion had set that morning. “She’ll make a fine meal after I force you to watch me take her.”
No. Gods no. No. No! NO!
Her eyes somehow got wider. Try to break free, my love. You’re so much stronger than you think you are. “Astarion…” she managed to choke out. “Astarion…”
“Astarion? Love?”
It all happened in seconds.
He sat up straight as he woke from the nightmare.
He screamed her name.
He had not realized that while he was thrashing that he hit her.
“Ow! Astarion, calm down! It’s okay! I’m right here, love! It’s okay.” She pinched her nose with one hand and tentatively reached for him with the other.
What…fuck. Fuck. FUCK. I’ve hurt her. Shit. I never want to hurt her, and she’s…fuck. Monster. You’re nothing but a monster. He crawled away from her slowly, holding up his shaking hands. “Forgive me. I-I…”
“Is everything alright in there?”
“Fine, Shadowheart. Just having a bit of a nosebleed, but it’s already slowing down.”
“Just make sure Astarion doesn’t drain you dry.” She snarked as she left. Octavia peered through the tent flaps to make sure she was gone before she turned to Astarion.
Monster. Monster. Monster. Monster. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me, darling. I’m so sorry. I…I’m…” He felt himself uncontrollably trembling and wet, hot tears dripping down his pale cheeks.
Octavia slowly moved towards him, a warm smile on her face. “Hey, it’s okay. The bleeding’s already stopped, so that’s good. Do you want to talk about it?” She sat next to him and put her right hand palm up on her thigh. If I touch her hand, then she has permission to touch me. A nice little idea she had a while back so I could establish boundaries. My darling is so brilliant. One of his pale hands rested in hers, and he gripped it. Hard. She’s here. She’s fine. She’s safe. She’s perfect. She’s safe. She’s safe…
He shook his head. “No. I frankly never wish to think of it again.”
She nodded. “Do you want to sit here for a while? Do you want to feed? What can I do for you?”
“Hold me, my love.” Astarion was not entirely sure the words left his lips because he said them so softly, but she must have heard. Scooching next to him, one long arm went around his shoulders while the other held a hand. They sat in silence for some time before Octavia fell back asleep.
He watched over her, noting the small smile on her face.
“This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“Sweetness, do you mind if we take a raincheck for tonight?” Astarion asked hesitantly, watching Octavia read a book in their room at the Elfsong Tavern. The original plan had been a date night and lovemaking, but even though I wish to, I simply…I can’t. Not tonight.
She looked up from her book and smiled. “Of course, love. Do you still want to go out?”
He frowned. “No. I think for tonight I need some time to myself.” It’s not you, dear. Please don’t think it. I know how you are. You will and then you’ll feel awful, and I’ll feel awful.
“Fine with me.” She closed her book and set it aside. “Hmmm, maybe I could persuade Gale to teach me lanceboard—”
“Darling, please don’t torture yourself.” Who in their right mind would have Gale teach them anything, let alone lancecboard? He rolled his eyes. “Darling, love yourself.”
She rose from her chair, her expression a mix of amused and peeved. “Oh, hush you! Be nice to Gale. He’s a wonderful man and a lovely friend.” She shifted uneasily. “I just didn’t want to automatically say Halsin lest it make you feel bad…because I never want you to feel that way ever again.”
She truly is the sweetest. How lucky am I? He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips. “My dear, I’m always tickled pink when you’re with Halsin. And you always come back so delightfully,” smirking, his fingers danced over the base of her tail. A guaranteed moan every time! “fuck drunk.”
She moaned uneasily, her cheeks turning a dark pink. “I’ll, um, keep that in mind for later, love.” Quickly giving him a kiss, she maneuvered around him to grab her bag and checked her hair. “You relax tonight, okay? There’s still a lot ahead of us I fear, and I worry.” You always worry. Far, far too much.
“Then follow your own advice and relax, sweetness. Now, shoo! Go relax or rut or whatever filthy things you two do.” And soon, very soon I think, I want to watch. He kissed her and guided her outside their room, a deliriously happy grin on her face. Gods, her smile. Perfect in every way. She waved and then practically skipped to Halsin’s door. Astarion watched as she explained that her plans changed and then Halsin wrapped his thick arms around her and nearly lifted her off the ground. They both laughed and then shuffled into his room, the door closing with a bang.
As he laid back down and opened his book, he smiled. “Octavia, my everything---this is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.”
“A-are you certain, my love?” Astarion asked with uncertainty. “Halsin darling? Is it true?”
Halsin nodded as he poured some tea. “Yes. Our family will be expecting a little one again in the summer, and this time—”
“The cub is yours, Star.” Octavia said dreamily, hands on her belly. “Just like we wanted.”
Five years since Ianfir’s birth. Three since we started trying for another.
Before he knew it, Octavia reached him in three strides and embraced him, her nose in his white curls. “This is a gift, you know. I won’t forget it.” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. How the three of us have wanted another child, but my sweet treat has wanted this so badly. “I think the newest cub is a girl.” She smiled, still holding him. “Wouldn’t that be lovely?
A little girl.
With my eyes and her nose.
Pale ginger curls.
A tail that will wrap around my hand like Ianfir’s did when he was a baby.
She’ll have Octavia’s smile.
He wept into her shoulder. “Yes. Yes, it would. We’ll name her Helestina. It’s such a beautiful name.” Some time ago, Octavia surprised me with records she obtained from Baldur’s Gate---records of my birth, my graduation from law school, my installation as a magistrate, cases I had ruled on, and my obituary.
Helestina…was my mother.
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hansolz-moved · 2 months
hey let's have this conversation again since the like/reblog ratio is getting SOOOO much worse. if you like content, reblog it. the people who follow you cannot see when you've liked a post, unless your likes are visible and they are routinely going through them, which i assure you they are not. by reblogging content, you are making it visible to other accounts. fanart, gifs, edits, etc. may be fun to make but they are very time consuming and it is much appreciated that if you enjoy them, you take the brief moment to reblog them to show that appreciation - and it helps. as fun as they may be, it is often kind of discouraging for posts to not do well because for every one person that reblogged it, five left a like and kept it pushing
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hinamie · 4 months
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dead man walking
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 1 year
i think everyone who's ever had migraines should be financially compensated forever btw
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heartorbit · 3 months
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searching for a star that's still unknown to anyone!
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
5 Times the JL Learned Batman was Married and the 1 Time They Met the Spouse.
One. Two. Three.
“I am sure that it is clear to everyone that the mission was almost a complete disaster.”
“Almost?” Superman asked with a smidgen of a smile.
Hal thought it was brave and very, very stupid of Superman to ask that while Batman was glaring at all of them like he’d squish them if they were just small enough for him to step. And if it wouldn't get his boots too dirty.
Batman’s glare narrowed to focus on Superman alone. “We’re alive. Barely.”
“No,” Batman shut down Supes’ argument with a barked word. “No. While you might be unconcerned, not all of us are indestructible, Superman.”
That finally made Superman lose any amusement that he had and he look away from Batman, properly cowled. Hal felt a little sorry for the guy, but also Supes deserved that. Not all of them were naturally bullet proof and Batman didn’t even have any powers (it seemed).
“Everyone write up a report: what went wrong, what little went right, and what we should do differently. We will discuss it next week. Expect there to be more training sessions scheduled soon,” Batman ordered.
And then he turned and left with an overly dramatic flare of his cape.
“What?” Hal asked.
“He’s just… leaving?” Superman asked. He sounded a little lost.
Batman didn’t just leave when there was work to be done.
Diana rested a hand on big blue’s shoulder. “I believe you rather overstepped, my friend.”
Oh he was more hurt than any of them knew.
Hal jogged after the retreating form. “Hey, hey Spooky, wait a sec!”
Batman’s shadowed form almost hunched forward on itself as he stopped but didn’t turn around.
“Just…” Some of Hal’s bravado left him now that he was actually having to ask; luckily Hal had bravado in spades. “I wanted to make sure you were too badly hurt. You took some hard hits out there and like you said, not all of us are bullet proof.”
Hal wasn’t sure if Batman would answer. More, Hal wasn’t sure if Batman would answer him of all people. They had found more of an understanding with each other lately: Hal let Batman do the planning and Batman trusted Hal (a little) to break the plan in the field, but they still clashed a lot.
Then Batman let out a weary sounding huff of air. “There is nothing major. Everything will heal, though I could use plenty of ice and a good whiskey.”
Hal let himself chuckle at that. “Man, I feel that. A good whiskey, or lots of bad beer, sounds good. I just wanted to make sure. You’re rushing out of here like there’s a fire on your ass. Would hate for you to be bleeding out or something.”
Another long pause that Hal tried not to fidget through.
“It’s late. I would like to get home to enjoy my anniversary while there is still any of it left.”
“Your— oh, shit, yeah man, get out of here!” Hal said, waving Batman away.
What the hell, Hal wondered as he watched Batman sweep away for a second time, Spooky was married?
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angrycheesegirl · 4 months
I think the biggest thing we lost when Fallout went 3D was the ability to target the groin in V.A.T.S. I cannot overstate the importance of being able to shoot someone in the dick in Fallout 1. There is nothing more personal, more gratifying, than landing a 95% to the groin. "We don't need that option anymore, we're not so juvenile" well I am. Give me the "Shoot Dick" option.
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kiisaes · 2 months
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fuckass birthday cake
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 261
“So is no one going to talk about the eldritch space child or…” 
“I mean, do you want to get between a child and Batman? I think the only one who could even get close right now is Superman…” 
“No you’re right, I think- oh my god the eldritch space child is playing with batman’s bat-ears and he’s not doing anything about it what the fuck I thought only Robins could get away with that-” 
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circusballoon · 13 days
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jumping aboard the Loop plush bandwagon because I'm still here just thinking about Small Loop but the plush's green glow is so funny to me I gotta do it
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bittwitchy · 6 months
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some new sad girl guy spring dialogue for sebby!
also bonus bc its summer 13 now and i already gave him a bouquet
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briz-z · 1 month
klaus is so fascinating to me because even though he’s barely involved in the main plot, he has arguably the most bonding moments between all the siblings
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5 times, 1 time (Part One)
Masterlist goes here
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kathonyy · 3 months
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teaitis · 1 year
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Silly little darling!
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