palitoxtremo · 11 months
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opinionatedoctopus · 1 year
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Me like 2 more weeks into this job probably
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scifur · 9 months
A game my group made, I mostly did the 2D arts and a bit of lighting :D
You play as a little octopus and prevent him from being sad
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my favorite animation that you see for a split second u-u
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honeybeewhereartthee · 11 months
Spoiler for my stories
At Crazy boutique
Certain purple eyed demon have a very stressful day with his so called customers today. First comes the mayoi Ayase who was looking around before he realize some items have gone missing when he clean the location later because his being quite suspicious just window shopping!
"MY ANCIENT GOLD COINS FOR SALE IS GONE!!" He cannot exclaim this out in the open or his other customer will give a bad review but as he look around for that thief, he saw newly painted white walls ((it was destroyed before when the huge Kraken form of Sea OOPSIE DAISY crash it through Sea did pay what's needed with Blood paying the thing in crash since Sea paid with pearls [note: when they caught the flying crying Hallow before] ))
His eyes stared at the image of someone that is life like drawn. It somehow remind him of you but it seems it's another MC of another universe. The painting is so beautiful yet so sad but---
"s...sir... You can't do that...." Purple tap the painter who's illegally painting on his wall even how beautiful it was.
"ah... In sorry... I'm sorry if I did that..." The demon cannot help but panic when he saw the customer/painter starts to droopy like ink as tears falls from his eyes that turn pure black like a black hole. "I... I can't help but draw... When I see white space...." The Inkling weeps before he turn into pure ink goo unable to retain his form he wiggle in the floor like a water slime.
".... " The purple eyed demon can feel his customers are eyeing him and he can feel his review is dropping each moment as the cry of the Inkling that his suppose to be bullying for drawing a masterpiece!
"t-then please draw here! It's a sketchbook that will never run out of paged made by finest wood in the demon world and celestial alike!" He sigh as he try to console the crying Inkling as he take out his one of his expensive items to let the painter paint what he want as he went to his knee to give the sketchbook the blob of ink become a small octoink creature looking at him and the sketchbook. "O--oohh... Thank youuu.. how kind!" The octo ink creature jiggle like a delicious jello-- Purple smack his face internally as he realize he becoming hungry as his stress level increase.
As he try to compose himself he heard an explosion.
"FUFU! ANOTHER MASTERPIECE IS MADE!!" exclaim a mad doctor who have use the potion he have on sale for who knows what his making on the other side of his store. Suddenly purple who saw the mess the purple and pink smoke made into the fabrics from Celestia made him think the sketchbook is nothing to the amount needed to pay for that!!
'did I do something bad to hallow or something, why am I getting Reaper bad luck now?' the demon wants to quit.
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enderbot-magic · 4 years
Hey you all know the tartarsona I had? This is the version with the war.
And the splatoon 3 version of them!
After the Chaos v Order splatfest, they got ticked off at Order losing and at Octavio for choosing Chaos; so they blasted the Inkantation throughout Octo Valley and let all the Octolings out. They ran away/were kicked out afterwards.
Transparent, made using autodesk sketchbook:
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Now, they wear the mask of the statue and manage the transportation in splatsville. Things get to places on time because of them.
More unnecessary stuff
They have both squid and inkling tentacles for the “hair style”.
The mask is hard to see though so they started up moving weirdly (hands waving, awkward steps, wavering in place for balance).
The weird movement became A Thing and now it’s a little exaggerated because they embrace it.
They skitch their own vehicles via rollerblades they built into their feet. They tell nobody else to do this.
Switches from dorky talking to complex speech.
“Wassup fellooow OCTOINKS/MOLLUSKS/CEPHLAPODS?!” “This city is in a state of anarchy and is an utter disgrace the preceding dominant species.”
Getting into music as a side-gig now. Trying to “work out the kinks” because since they were taught by Octavio, the music they produce controls people. They don’t want that.
Octavio’s looking for them.
Lowkey extremely lonely but stays alone.
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royalxiii · 5 years
Since inktober is trademarked, are we gonna start calling it Octoink? Or are we going to a different month, like Inkvember, Inkcember, Inkuary, Inkuly?
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maripr · 6 years
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Octo Expansion was amazing So I finally created my octoling OC. My inkling was missing her girlfriend ~
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nuclearlala · 8 years
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S Q U I D S  A N D  O C T O S
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arthopper-jake · 9 years
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"Merry Inkoctober!" #sketch #drawing #inkoctober #illustration #pencil #octoink #octopus
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palitoxtremo · 1 year
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Inktober day 2
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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palitoxtremo · 11 months
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