I'm finally catching up on @odessa-castle's wonderful fic Nothing Like the Sun, which you should definitely read, especially if you're a Wyllstarion shipper.
Anyway, I mention this because I'm reading chapter 27 and I think I just read the most Astarion-coded sentence I've ever read in a BG3 fanfic:
"Well, if someone’s bound for the hells, anyway, is it so bad to be the one who sends them there?”
I'm just kind of stricken is all.
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anonyhex · 6 months
ooh, what’s The Charlatan’s Song?
So this is less exciting than most of my WIPs I think! (Although the title is a banger hahaha) It's a Wyll/Tav story.
So my Tav (Pimpernel) is based on a half-baked idea I've had for a D&D character I've never gotten to play. In the game I made her a halfling with the charlatan background, and she's a bard that claims to be a heroic figure from a minor noble house that was disowned after a torid love affair with a woman from a much more well-established house that was about to enter an arranged marriage. She dueled her love's fiancé and won (earning a scar on her cheek in the process) but was disowned because of the negative attention it brought her own house, and she now travels throughout the land saving people from their issues and then earning money through telling her tale in taverns.
It's all a lie, as the charlatan background indicates. Her family are farmers or ranchers and are quite poor. The scar on her cheek is from a simple work accident (one idea I had was it's an injury from a boar's tusk while she was hunting or protecting her family's livestock). Her parents were killed while on the road traveling to sell their wares and she's either the oldest or second oldest of a ton of kids, many of whom aren't adults yet, and since she was dissatisfied living out in the boonies she used it as an excuse to leave and finally live out an adventure like the books she loves. Another adult sibling of hers is now the parent figure for the rest of her siblings, and she sends a lot of the money she earns as a bard back to them. Oh, and originally I planned on her having the gambler background (which isn't an option in BG3)...because the other way she earns money is by cheating in games of chance and generally being a card shark. The real reason she moves around a lot isn't because she's always on the hunt for people to protect, it's because if she sticks around too long in one place she risks getting caught. She's seen a bit of combat because she lives on the road, but not NEARLY to the extent she claims to, she's low level.
So imagine my shock when I realize Wyll is ACTUALLY the person she claims to be--a true hero, who actually is the disowned child of a noble house. Didn't know his background at all until I started playing the game and was blown away by the coincidence once I got to Waukeen's Rest.
I originally intended to romance Astarion but fumbled that BADLY (she might be lying about being a hero but she still WANTS to be one, so of course she was constantly helping others and I did not read him well at all until I got to the scene with the blood merchant so he's constantly irritated with her despite constantly getting inspiration from her because they're both charlatans lol). And once Wyll started talking about enjoying to dance...I mean, she's a BARD HALFLING, of course she's going to bug him to dance with her, so it was pretty natural to fall into Wyll's romance instead. (This is also more or less how I started getting into Wyllstarion, since they were the characters I was interacting with the most.)
The thing is...obviously the game isn't set up to give me a chance to actually play out this whole elaborate backstory with Pimpernel pretending to be the type of person Wyll actually is, only to have to admit it later to him that she's been lying about who she is. It makes sense that I can't, how in the world would a game be able to account for that? The only way I could think of would be if they did something like what Bioware did with the backstories for Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect and Larian obviously wanted more open-ended characters for the players.
I really wished there was some way I could express what was going on with Pimpernel in the game, but I couldn't do it particularly well, so...I started trying to write it, and that's what A Charlatan's Song is.
“Oh Wyll, I never said she was a princess!” Pimpernel responded, in a tone that implied she very much was one. “Alas, it was quite a scandal. She loved me, but…well, if we had run off together, it would have damaged not only her reputation, but her family’s. So in the end, she refused me. And my family was quite mortified, and I’m one child of many, so it was easy to just…send me on my way, rather than keep me around as the family embarrassment.” 
“I’m sorry. That must have been difficult.”
“Oh, no no, I’m well suited for a life on the road. I’ve found I fit in much better in a tavern than I do in a ballroom, as much as I enjoyed my life there.” She shrugged. “And well…now you know.”
Behind her there was a slow, mocking clap. Pimpernel turned to look over her shoulder at Astarion, who was looking at her with a fang-baring grin. “Bravo! Quite deftly told, as you expect from a bard. It almost sounds like something out of a romance novel!”
Pimpernel swallowed and did her best to maintain her composure. “It does, doesn’t it? But it’s all true, I’m afraid.”
“Oh, of course, of course.”
Now he was digging into the chinks of her armor. She had something to lose, and he had been revealed and stayed safe. He had a natural royal flush, and she’d already played all her best cards.
She could only hope he’d decide to keep her secrets, for now.
So the PROBLEM IS as interesting as it would be to actually get to play this out in game...I dunno how to make her actually interesting as a character on the page without just huuuuge amount of exposition dump (I deleted a lot from this post!!) and internal monologues, and especially since I'm pretty settled in the no-Tav discord I'm just not all that interested in writing about my OC over the established characters in the game. I also don't have a good ending (my constant problem lol), especially since I still need to actually beat the game, so...ehhh...this one will probably stay abandoned at this point. Ah, well.
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judgementcazzy · 10 months
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wake up babe, new Cazador dialogue just dropped
Now with extra player options!
(partial credit/blame goes to anjael and odessa-castle)
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soul-eater-novel · 1 month
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Suikoden I Soul Eater Light Novel Translation - Chapter 20!
For your reading pleasure and enjoyment, below the cut is the full rough English translation of chapter 20 of the official 1998 Suikoden I Soul Eater novel (volume 2 of 3). Individual page translations and original Japanese text can be found in the chapter 20 tag. As always, feedback on translations is welcome. Eventually I want to run a Kickstarter to officially license and print these books!
Chapter 20: Tear-stained Victory
Once they made it back to the castle, Tir immediately called a meeting of the most prominent members of the Liberation Army. Everyone made their way into the meeting hall, looking worried. Mathiu located Tai Ho and Yam Koo, sworn brothers, in the crowd and went to speak to them. “Tai Ho, I’ve heard you’ve fished the waters of Lake Toran for a very long time.”
“Sure, this place is like my backyard,” he replied. 
“Then you must also know of the lake pirates?”
“Yeah, I know their leader, Anji. So what?”
Mathiu explained his plan to borrow the pirate’s forces to stop Sonya’s navy. Tai Ho’s face split into a grin. “Now that’s what I call fun. Big sis Sonya’s been so quiet lately, the pirate’s have been sleeping on the job, too. Hey, Yam Koo!” He turned to his brother behind him. 
“What’s up, bro?”
“Go over to Anji’s place and drag those guys out here.”
“Huh?! Bro, you ain’t comin’ along?” Yam Koo exclaimed, shocked. 
“I’m staying put. Got the feeling something interesting’s gonna go down here. Fine by you, right, Mathiu?”
“Certainly,” the tactician replied, his expression bemused. “Well then, Yam Koo, we are all counting on you.”
“Tsk. Yeesh, big bro’s as fickle as the sea...” Grumbling, Yam Koo disappeared down the stairs. 
The others had gathered in the hall in the meantime. Mathiu quieted down the crowd and began the war council meeting. The main topic of discussion was, of course, the issue of how to defend themselves against the armored cavalry. 
“What if we dug pitfalls on the battlefield?” threw out the thief Kirin, smirking. 
“What kind of fool are you?” scoffed Lepant. “The gulhorse posses incredible jumping capabilities. Even if they did fall in the pit, they would just as soon jump out.” 
“Gulhorse are animals. There must be a predator that preys on them.” Put in Kuromimi. “If we catch that creature, I bet we could unleash them on the gulhorse!”
“There is some merit to that idea...” Kwanda rumbled. “All information related to gulhorses is a classified military secret because of Teo’s unit. And even if there is a natural predator, it would take us time to track it down."
Whatever ideas they might come up with, they were still up against the armored cavalry that no one had ever managed to defeat. They all racked their brains, but couldn’t come up with any plans that seemed feasible. Mathiu let out the breath he had been holding in a giant sigh.
At that very same moment, someone shouted loudly. “Wait, I’ve got it!” 
Tir raised his head. Flik pushed aside the other members to stand beside him and Mathiu. “I’ve just remembered! There is one way!”
Everyone broke into excited chatter. Flik continued. “This goes back to Lenankamp, at the hideout, before we were being pursued by the Imperial Army… At Odessa’s request, I had gone to the secret factory in the north to deliver the plans for a certain weapon.” 
“A weapon?” murmured Tir in wonder. 
Viktor joined the fray, also pushing past the others aside to join them. “Ya don’t mean... that, do you?”
“That’s right. The fire spears!”
“Fire spears...” Mathiu repeated softly. “What kind of weapon is that?” 
“I am not very knowledgeable on the subject, but it seems that dwarves somehow use a secret technique to harness the power of fire rune fragments to create a powerful spear that shoots out flames.” 
“With a weapon like that, we could...” 
Tir couldn’t help but recall the other weapons the dwarves had built.  The burning mirror Kwanda Rosman had used to destroy the village of the elves and the fire arrows they had used in turn to destroy the burning mirror. The sheer strength of both weapons was beyond his ken. The fire spears just might be able to destroy Teo’s cavalry units. 
“One moment, Flik...” Sanchez said, flustered. “I heard that when our old hideout got attacked, all of our other secret bases were closed up. Will this secret factory still even be there?”
“We will just have to take a gamble,” replied Mathiu. “Flik, do you know the way to the factory?”
“Round trip, I think it would take about twenty days.”
“We shall send our fastest. Now to decide who our envoys will be...”
Flik, Viktor, and Humphrey all volunteered to go and it was decided that Tai Ho would be in charge of the boat. 
Tai Ho guffawed. “I knew something interesting was gonna go down. I’ll go get the boat ready!”
The four of them left the room, ending the meeting.  Tir stayed behind and watched everyone leave. Suddenly, he called out to one man. “Master...”
Kai turned in response. He had taught Tir bojitsu—how to fight with a staff—when Tir was just a boy. “What is it, Tir?” 
Kai had aged, of course, but he was still a spry old man with a courageous gleam in his eye. Tir looked his old master right in the eye and said, “Will you spar with me once again, master Kai?”
Everyone still in the room turned to look at Tir in surprise. Kai’s eyes also widened in surprise. “Tir... so you mean to join this battle?”
Tir nodded wordlessly. 
I made up my mind on that battlefield. I will fight my father. I can’t just sit around twiddling my thumbs in the castle for twenty whole days. I have to immerse myself in something to drive away this pain in my heart… 
“Please train me, master Kai.”
“All right. Let’s go to the roof.”
Kai left the hall, carrying his staff in hand. Gripping his own staff tightly, Tir followed him. 
From that moment on, Tir devoted himself to studying bōjutsu under Kai’s tutelage. His body was bruised all over, his hands blistered. 
He did learn a number of secret techniques anew from Kai, but he was simply glad to be so bone-weary exhausted that he collapsed into bed and slept like the dead. 
While Tir spent his days training, Pahn crossed Toran Lake alone and made his way back to the castle. His arrival was met with cheers. 
He was covered in cuts and wounds. Cleo wrapped him in bandages. Laying in bed, Pahn sighed as he recounted his one-on-one battle with Teo. “Didn’t think there was any way I was comin’ out of that fight alive. Lord Teo must have let me get away...”
But Tir wasn’t so certain. After all, Teo had told Tir he would strike them with his full strength. 
Three days after Pahn came back, Yam Koo returned from his visit to the pirates with a guest in tow. It was Anji, the leader of the lake pirates. He sported a blue headband and wore a long, azure haori coat. He said he had originally been a Lake Toran merchant but, unable to stand the violence of the Empire, had gathered together like-minded comrades. This was how the lake pirates started. 
“Let’s blow those dirty Imperial bastards outta the water!” declared Anji, pledging two thousand of his men to the Liberation Army’s cause. Before returning to the pirate stronghold, he explained how he would attack Sonya’s fortress alongside his crew; Kanak, a fearsomely strong man, and Leonardo, who wielded a sickle and chain.  
After twenty days, Flik and the others returned. Together with Mose, the head of the secret factory, and his assistant Ronnie Bell, who was a female martial artist, they came bearing six hundred fire spears and safely transported them to the castle. 
The spears were long and silver, one size larger than Tir’s staff. There was a small globe on one end, apparently embedded with a rune fragment. The shaft of the spear contained a switch. When flipped, flames would spew out of a small opening in the tip of the spear. 
According to Flik, this ability was limited. Once the rune fragment’s power was used up, the spears would no longer be able to shoot flames.  
In addition to the fire spears, they also brought new volunteers with them from the north. These new recruits included Sarah, an expert laundress from the town of Kirov. Georges, whose skill lay in card games. Lester the chef. Melodye, a young woman who loved music, as well as Kun To, an acquaintance of Tai Ho and fellow sailor. 
From the ruins of Kalekka came the renowned tactician Leon Silverberg, who also happened to be Mathiu’s uncle, and Blackman, a farmer. They were joined by Mose and Ronnie Bell from the secret factory. 
At the factory, they also befriended the bandits Kessler and Ledon as well as the ninja Kage. Moreover, the sailor Kun To of Kirov brought with him two thousand men and women skilled with ships and added their numbers to the Liberation Army’s ranks.  
Having successfully driven off Milich, two thousand additional troops from the Kunan region also joined them. They were able to replace the soldiers they had lost in the previous battle, which boosted everyone’s morale considerably. Whenever he met one of their new comrades busily coming and going inside the castle, Tir was always amazed at their energy. 
Strong winds raged over Toran Lake when Tir and the others launched their boats bound for the Goran region. Tai Ho explained that this was typical of the winds in winter, born as the drastically different temperatures from the north and south met over the lake. 
The waves were rough, but the wind gave their ships a strong tailwind, and the Liberation Army approached the Goran region at a brisk pace. While the wind whipped around the bow of the boat, Tir suddenly thought—We don’t need to be in that much of a hurry... 
At that moment, a sharp pain shot through his right arm. He lost all feeling from the back of his hand up to his shoulder, then he felt a wrenching pain in his shoulder as if his arm had just been twisted. 
Tir grunted in pain and clapped his other hand to his shoulder, hunched doubled over down on the floor of the boat. 
“Lord Tir!” cried Cleo and rushed to his side. “What’s wrong?” 
Tir’s breathing grew ragged as he fought the pain, but it gradually began to subside. Taking a deep breath, he stood back up. “It’s nothing,” he murmured. “Probably just overdid it a little with the training.”
Worry still creased Cleo’s features. “Is that what it was? Don’t push yourself so hard you ruin your health, Lord Tir.”
“I know. Thank you, Cleo.”
But a deep unease still rooted itself in his heart. It was the same sense of dread and foreboding he had felt in Kaku. Only one element differed. This time, the searing pain in his right hand still remained, as if his hand were aflame. 
Though it was hidden by the glove he wore, that was the hand that bore the Soul Eater rune he had inherited from Ted. 
Tai Ho turned to Tir from the stern of the ship and shouted as the boat ran up against the sandy shore. “Lord Tir, we’ve arrived!”
The pain in the Tir’s hand still bothered him, but their preparations to disembark pushed it from his thoughts. The boats carrying the soldiers arrived one by one. Some unloaded the horses while others began offloading the fire spears. 
The dense forest between the sandy shore and the fields blocked their view, so they couldn’t see what state Teo’s forces were in just yet. However, according to the scouts Mathiu had sent ahead, Teo had deployed his men at the far end of the field, waiting for the Liberation Army to come ashore. 
“There’s a saying that goes, ‘attack when the army is in the middle of a crossing’,” said Cleo. “In other words, if you attack your opponent while he’s part way through crossing a river or a lake, with only half his forces available, you have the highest chance of victory.”
Stowing her throwing daggers in her belt, she continued. “Seeing as how Lord Teo is waiting for us to disembark, he must be very confident in his armored cavalry.”
“I guess so.” Grasping his staff with both hands, Tir jumped down from the boat. Tir did not yet know the power of the fire spears, but in his heart he had only one wish. 
Please, Father, just run away.
Mathiu sent the troops prepared for battle out onto the plains. From his position five hundred paces away, Teo awaited them, his armored cavalry units lined up in a neat row. 
Crowding behind those troops were the main cavalry units led by Alen, his red cape fluttering, and Grenseal, clad in green, his silver armor shining. 
The armored cavalry numbered about three thousand, and the main force roughly eleven thousand. On the other side was the Liberation Army. Viktor, Flik, and Humphrey led three fire spear units at the front, flanked by Lepant on the left and Valeria on the right.  
In the middle were the foot soldiers led by Kai and Varkas. At the rear were Kirkis, Lorelai, and Ruby’s archery units. Furthermore, though their military strength was limited, Luc also led a unit of mages. All in all, they numbered about twelve thousand. 
Teo’s army and the Liberation Army were on the verge of war. The soldiers were ready to fight. Tir and Mathiu stood together at the head of the army, a little ways away from the fighting units.
Teo rode out from among the armored cavalry units.
“Listen well, traitors!” he roared, drawing his sword. “Try as many times as you might, the result will be the same! None can win against my armored cavalry! You are spilling blood pointlessly!”
“I have no ear to lend to common thieves who put the name of the Empire to shame!” came a return shout from the unit on the left side. It was Lepant. “You are the ones who will be left in the dust of our gale! Listen to the voices of the oppressed and suffering people of this country!”
Their exchange made Tir’s heart ache, but there was no time or room left for sadness or suffering. 
Teo gave the order to his armored cavalry. “All units, advance!”
The gulhorses, well rested after their ten minute break, stampeded across the earth, leaping and surging like waves. 
Mathiu motioned to his subordinate to wave the flag and Viktor’s unit at the front advanced. “Witness the might of our fire spears!”
Three armored cavalry units lined up side-by-side awaited them.  The distance between the two armies narrowed to three hundred paces. 
Viktor’s forces stayed put. Soon the two forces were only two hundred paces apart. The three leaders raised their hands. On cue, the soldiers readied their fire spears. 
Only one hundred paces remained.
Flik, Viktor, and Humphrey shouted in unison. “Attack!”
In response, the soldiers used their fire spears. Tir gasped involuntarily. So did Mathiu beside him and the soldiers in the other units.
Flames shot out from the fire spears right before their eyes. The bright red flames gushed out, easily covering perhaps two hundred paces, the flickering tongues of fire eagerly reaching out to embrace the approaching armored cavalry units. 
The mounted soldiers were instantly engulfed in flames. The Imperial soldiers tried to veer to the side to escape, but were impeded by the three units led by Viktors and the others, which had fanned out in a straight line.
Others panicked and tried to retreat, but were unable to escape the flames and perished. The enemy soldiers who leapt into the Liberation Army’s ranks in a desperate attempt to avoid the fire fell prey to their swords. 
Unable to bear the sight of the fallen soldiers burning to death, Tir shut his eyes without meaning to. But even with his eyes shut tight, the stink of burnt metal and flesh assaulted his nostrils. 
Realizing it was the stench of burning human and gulhorse, Tir gagged and nearly threw up. 
“I never imagined the fire spears would be this powerful...” Even Mathiu was forced to turn his face away from the appalling carnage in front of them. 
The units continued emitting flames. Even when nothing no longer moved among the flames, they didn’t stop. The enemy had been completely overwhelmed by the fire. 
At last, the rune fragments were used up and one by one the fire spears’ flames winked out across the field. When all the fires had gone out, not even the field itself remained. There was only scorched earth, littered with fallen, blackened corpses. 
For a moment, the two armies stood frozen in shocked silence. Then the flags of the Imperial Army’s three central units waved, and Teo’s unit began to advance. 
“Shall we proceed, my Lord?” inquired Mathiu.  
Even as he nodded his assent, Tir’s heart screamed out—Run, Father! Please, just run!
But Teo’s unit was going to fight to the bitter end. With Alen’s unit on his left flank and Grenseal’s on his right, Teo himself in the middle led the charge against them.  
Mathiu quickly ordered their own units into position. Teo’s units and their three advance guard units collided. Alen and Lepant, Grenseal and Valeria, went head-to-head. Atop the still smoking earth, the clash began. 
As one would expect of Teo’s army, the soldiers maintained their composure and did not waver even when faced with the loss of the armored cavalry units. Even when hit by the three units led by Viktor and the others, Teo’s forces did not break. Instead of folding, they actually began to push back the Liberation Army’s units. 
“Now the real battle begins...” Mathiu murmured, closing his eyes. 
Tir remembered when he had first met Mathiu in the village of Seika. His eyes filled with sorrow, he had said... 
“I do not want to see any more people lose their lives under my command, whether they are enemies or allies.”
With an effort, Mathiu opened his eyes again and scowled at Teo’s army. He shouted his orders to his subordinates to raise the flag and transmit his commands. “Kai take the left, Varkas the right! Lorelai and Ruby’s units act as backup to each!”
The units received the signal and began to move accordingly. Kai and Varkas’ foot soldiers broke into a charge. Kai’s attacked Alen’s unit, while Varkas’ circled around to the side of Grenseal’s unit. Behind them, Lorelai and Ruby’s units filled the smoky skies with a rain of arrows. 
In rapid succession, a pillar of flames erupted amid the raging waves of soldiers. At the same instant, dark clouds gathered above them and unleashed a torrent of lightning down on the Liberation Army’s forces. Both units flanking Alen and Grenseal had begun to use magic. 
For the moment the wave of the Liberation Army’s forces begins to recede. Mathiu turned to Luc, who was watching the proceedings beside him with Tir and the others, and nodded. 
Luc stared at the fire and lightning plaguing the Liberation Army and snorted. “My turn at last, hm? I was beginning to wonder if I should just go home.”
Luc charged alongside the magic unit atop his horse. They placed themselves behind the three units led by Flik and the others. The magic users linked arms, forming a circle. Luc stood in the middle of the circle and raised his right hand to the heavens. “I’ll show you the power of the wind rune that dwells in my body!”
No sooner did Luc’s voice ring out then a terrible whirlwind formed and swept through the battlefield. The wind scattered the dark clouds and extinguished the flames. Luc blocked the magic of Alen and Grenseal’s units in one fell swoop. 
“All units, advance!” cried Mathiu, and once again the Liberation Army moved forward. Arrows danced through the air amid the screams of the Imperial soldiers. Kai and Varkas’ units attacked from both sides and at last began to gain some dominion over the Imperial forces. Valeria and Lepant’s units each began to move forward as well. 
The Imperial army’s flanks were collapsing under the incessant rain of arrows from both sides. 
“Father...” murmured Tir, averting his eyes from the battlefield. 
I thought I was prepared to fight against my father... I thought I was ready to face his defeat or my own, but... 
As Tir gripped his reins in his hands so tightly it hurt, Flik, Viktor and Humphrey’s units also began to move. Tir raised his face, his eyes wet with tears that would not fall, and advanced together with the three units. 
Little by little, the three units approached Teo’s main force.  “Father…” cried Tir. “Father!!!” He could no longer think. Gripping his reins, heedless of Mathiu’s cries to stop, he leapt into the fray of battle. *** Table of Contents
★ Chapters 0-1 ★ Chapters 2-3  ★ Chapters 4-5  ★ Chapters 6-7  ★ Chapters 8-9 ★ Chapters 10-11  ★ Chapters 12-13  ★ Chapters 14-15 ★ Chapters 16-17 ★ Chapters 18-19
«-first // archive // Ramsus-kun Scanslations
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cathartictrash · 6 months
Snippet Sunday Monday
Thank you for the tag, @elemit!
Tagging @odessa-castle and @asterdurge. 💙
From Chapter 3 of To Have, To Hold. 🌶 CW: a splash of BDSM.
The look on his face, the look on his face. You will never forget the look on his face. It is desperate omnipotence. It is ruinous salvation. It is the triumph of a devil. He unlatches your belt and pulls it from you in one swift slap, its tail end flicking against your exposed stomach like a whip. He releases your arms only to pin down your hips, fangs grazing you as he sucks hungrily at the softly burning skin. 
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familyabolisher · 2 years
2022 reading list >:)
charlotte brontë, jane eyre
n.k. jemisin, the stone sky
victor hugo, les misérables
susanna clarke, piranesi
james baldwin, giovanni's room
tamsyn muir, gideon the ninth
tamsyn muir, harrow the ninth
emily brontë, wuthering heights
ursula k le guin, the left hand of darkness
oscar wilde, the picture of dorian gray
isaac fellman, dead collections
joan lindsay, picnic at hanging rock
shirley jackson, dark tales
gretchen felker-martin, manhunt
herman melville, moby dick
octavia butler, parable of the sower
shola von reinhold, lote
larissa lai, the tiger flu
alison rumfitt, tell me i'm worthless
julia armfield, our wives under the sea
shirley jackson, the haunting of hill house
miguel de cervantes, don quixote
toni morrison, the bluest eye
isaac babel, odessa stories
alexandre dumas, the count of monte cristo
daphne du maurier, rebecca
clark ashton smith, the dark eidolon and other fantasies
rivers solomon, the deep
akwaeke emezi, freshwater
e.m. forster, a room with a view
vladimir nabokov, lolita
ayse papatya bucak, the trojan war museum and other stories
sheridan le fanu, carmilla
e.m. forster, maurice
tamsyn muir, nona the ninth
vladimir nabokov, pale fire
shirley jackson, we have always lived in the castle
jorge luis borges, fictions
henry james, the turn of the screw
tamsyn muir, undercover
ling ma, severance
orhan pamuk, the museum of innocence
shirley jackson, hangsaman
vijay prashad, no free left: the futures of indian communism
eduardo galeano, open veins of latin america
hakim adi, pan-africanism: a history
paulo freire, pedagogy of the oppressed
a rainbow thread: an anthology of queer jewish texts ed. noam sienna
kwame nkrumah, africa must unite
vijay prashad, red star over the third world
norm finkelstein, the holocaust industry
robin wall kimmerer, braiding sweetgrass
vladimir lenin, the state and revolution
saidiya hartman, wayward lives, beautiful experiments
john aberth, from the brink of the apocalypse
erik butler, metamorphoses of the vampire in literature and film
amin maalouf, the crusades through arab eyes
anandi ramamurthy, black star: britain's asian youth movements
christopher chitty, sexual hegemony
shakespearean gothic, ed. christy desmet and anne williams
cervantes' don quixote: a casebook, ed. roberto gonzález echevarria
edward said, culture and imperialism
emily hobson, lavender and red: liberation and solidarity in the gay and lesbian left
audre lorde, zami: a new spelling of my name
ghassan kanafani, on zionist literature
afsaneh najmabadi, women with moustaches and men without beards: gender and sexual anxieties of iranian modernity
jamie berrout, essays against publishing
beverley bryan, stella dadzie, suzanne scafe, heart of the race: black women's lives in britain
jamaica kincaid, a small place
friedrich engels, socialism: utopian and scientific
trish salah, lyric sexology
melissa range, scriptorium
wendy trevino, cruel fiction
june jordan, selected poems
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dani-says-stuff · 1 year
✧ Nate Video Links ✧
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
basically just what i was talking about here since there seemed to be a bit of interest
***these are not dirty links, just the youtube vids***
(oldest -> newest and will be updated accordingly)
“The Origin”
The Full Movie Version
“Exploring Abandoned Dinosaur Amusement Park”
Old Sam and Colby Exploring Type Video
“Exploring USA's Coldest Ghost Town”
Alaska Series
“Overnight Survival in Alaskan Wilderness”
Alaska Series
“it was hard to say goodbye...”
Alaska Series
“We Passed Out While Flying Stunt Planes”
“Terrifying Clown Encounter at Haunted Clown Motel”
“Overnight in Most Expensive Hotel Room”
“Our Return to Haunted Cerro Gordo Ghost Town”
“Overcoming My Broken Back Trauma”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Military School”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles (i think?)
“Surviving Overnight On An Abandoned Island”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Beach Hotel”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Locked in a Haunted Prison Cell”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Chernobyl: The People Who Saved The World”
Full Movie Version
“Our Horrifying Night at Haunted Draculas Castle”
Hell Week
“Terrifying Ritual in Worlds Largest Catacombs”
Odessa Catacombs - Ukraine
Hell Week
“Our Haunted Night at Villisca Axe Murder House”
“Our Demonic Encounter at Haunted Sallie House”
“A Night Alone in Haunted Hospital”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Fairfield Infirmary
“A Terrifying Experience at Insane Asylum”
Madison Seminary
“Our Horrifying Night in Haunted Prison”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Ohio State Reformatory
“A Horrifying Encounter at Haunted Black Swan Estate”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Victorias Black Swan Inn
“The Hospital of Nuns: a Night Turned Demonic”
Yorktown Memorial Hospital
Hell Week
“We're Never Coming Back to This Haunted Plantation”
Myrtles Plantation
Hell Week
“Our Demonic Encounter with World's Most Haunted Doll”
Robert the Doll
Let me know if anythings wonky, but that should be it :)
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stxrslisten · 3 months
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a study.
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full name : onora cavalier ( born onora caliadne of rusalka )
name meaning : honor, radience, compasion, like a inspiring beacon
nicknames : nora, nana, cali ( by her mortal family )
epithets : the enchanting siren
titles : ambassador of the dawn court, former princess of rusalka
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : heterosexual
date of birth : on the twenty nine day of the eight month
age : thirty going on three hundred
zodiac : virgo
place of birth : mortal lands ( royal palace of the forgoten city of moros in the extinct kingdom of rusalka )
species : caldroun made fae
languages : common tongue, holy tongue, forgotten rusalkan tongue
allegiance : the dawn court
faceclaim : dominique devenport
height : 5′8″
eye color : blue/green
hair color : brown
dominant hand : right hand
abilities : immortality, winnowing, heightened senses, ability to manipulate dreams, a bewitching voice
weaknesses : vulnerable to certain magic attacks, individuals with higher level of magic, burn out
positive traits : spirited & clever
negative traits : secretive & guarded
hobbies : sailing, singing, swimming
charcater inspiration : elizabeth swann, nesta archeron, elena montero de la vega
parents : lord amedeo cavalier & lady invidia cavalier nee galene ( adoptive fae parents ), late king ardian of rusalka & late queen odessa of rusalka ( mortal birth parents )
siblings : late princess astara of rusalka, late prince eiran of rusalka
extended family : late usurper king urmas of rusalka
spouse : n/a
children : n/a
the kingdom of rusalka is more of a fairytale now after centuries of its damnation, but once upon a time three hundred years ago a princess of the name of onora was born daughter to a just king and brilliant queen. a kingdom were the female line inherited the crown, she was born to rule one day once her parents grew old and she was ready.
her childhood was nothing out of the ordinary for someone born under a crown. there had been lessons from history to mathematics and science as well as etiquette, the arts and as boring subjects as needle point. and while expectations had been placed over her frail shoulders, she had been happy, her parents had dotted on her and her siblings. she remembers those days with fuzziness, but with a light that always puts her in a good mood.
but like every story worth telling, tragedy struck the once unwavering kingdom of rusalka, sickness came knocking on its gates, many were lost to the ancient rare deceased. the young prince had been amongst the first to go, the queen followed not long after, but the real blow came when it took their king. onora had been shy from fifteen as she inherited a crown and a crumbling kingdom with a baby sister that looked at her for guidance. the young queen had been determined, and while she try her best to remain focused and find a solution to the deceased, a more dangerous enemy lived right under her roof.
her mother older brother who had always resented the law of female inheritance within their kingdom decided to strike then as he saw the moment to eliminate the two girls that stood on his way to the throne. with a small group of supporters and in the middle of the night with the defenses of the castle weakened urmas took the new queen and the princess and sold them to the pirate king of the erythrian sea with the guarantee that they would never return to the continent and so taking the throne for himself.
the sisters were together for a fleeting moment, onora had tried her best to plea, pray and beg to allow them to remain together, but the pirates did not allowed them to. astara was the first to be sold off, onora had know little aside from the fact that she had gone to the mortal lands across the sea from her home. she had sworn to find her way back to her even if it was the last thing she did. but the pirates had the worst saved for her, for the young queen that barely was in request of her dearest uncle.
onora had not know how long or how far they had sailed, somewhere along the way she had gotten sick, she was not sure if it was the same that had ailed her people or if it was something else, but it weakened her greatly. when she found herself back on land, foreign soil, the pirates had sold her to a creature of the fae lands to serve as a servant. her sickness had remain, not truly getting worst but not getting better either, it had been so for many months as she worked hard to remain in the good graces of her masters. the creatures were not entirily awful to her, but they were terrifying to a human girl who had never dealt with the fae lands.
a year into her captivity she had learned very little of where she was, a neutral central location of the continent of prythia near the borders of the dawn court. she had barely manage to get a sense of her location when her sickness began to progress once more. as the weeks passed them the once youthful girl became withered, barely able to move. the creatures took pitty on her, a girl who regardless of her sickly frame had served them well and caused no trouble, they had heard of the caldron and whispers of the healing magic. unaware that the waters of the caldron would do more than simply heal her.
onora still remembers being lowered into the murky waters, even in her delusion of feverish reality she had known it was some ancient magic that swallowed her. even as it filled her lungs and she began to trash for air within, onora had felt it in her bones, that the girl who she had once been would no longer be. she had felt herself being torn to shreds only to be pieced back together, the fear of death by some ancient dark magic she did not understand had made her claw at the caldron, she would not allow it to take anything from her, no, too much had already been taken from her.
when she had been tossed out and onto the floor, air filling her lungs she had been disoriented, dizzy and confused, she did not understand what had happened to her, what the change in her was. simply that she no longer felt sick. the creatures began the journey back to their home, they eyed her wearily and she did not understand even then.
they had almost made it out of the dawn court borders when they had been spotted, the creatures confronted about the fae girl that traveled with them. the words had echoed in her mind, and while she seemed to get another piece of the endless puzzle her life had become, she was still lost, alone, and afraid. but when her eyes met that of julian caadlawon, she had allowed herself to hope for the first time since the loss of her parents. the young lord of the dawn court had become her savior, taking her away from the creatures and shielding her in the dawn court not as a servant but as a guest. she told him her story and he began to explain to her what had happened to her in and after the caldron. she knew then, she could never return to the mortal lands even if she wished it, there was no place for her there.
while the dawn court had welcomed her onora had known she could not stay there forever idle, a few months went on, her sixteen birthday came and went. onora had met a few other fae in her time there, but she had often gravitated towards the general of the armies who had began to teach her how to defend herself, the bond between them had been natural, a mentor and a studen, a father and a daugther. when general amedeo had introduced the young fae to his wife, invidia, the older fae had fallen in love with the gentle onora. the two began to spend time together, until the two ancient fae who had never been blessed with children had asked her if she would like to be their daughter. onora had been beyond moved, she had cried before the words had left her, and so she renounce her birth name forgetting about the queen of rusalka, and becoming lady onora cavalier of the dawn court.
the years of an immortal seemed to slipped fast and steadily, life began to have meaning again, and although with the hardship and weight of the past, she began to be happy again. to make a life for herself, eventually becoming the emissary and ambassador of the dawn court, creating a place for her in the world.
onora forced herself to swim even when the waters reminded her of the worst times of her life, but overcoming that fear was what allowed her to move on, then swimming became a part of her, something she could not go too long without.
she never gave up on finding her sister, with the help of her fae parents and many years later onora was able to reunite with her mortal sister who at the time had been age by the years while onora had remained almost untouched. she returned freedom to her sister, helped her settle in the mortal lands and kept tabs on her until her very last breath.
she had forbidden herself from ever seeking information of her homelands, but almost two hundred years latter she had learned that the usurper king had drove the once bright kingdom into darkness, eventually it had been overtaken by revolts and the neighboring kingdom had conquered them, erasing rusalka as it had once been entirily.
a best friend
pen pals
emissary friend/allies
a pass betrothal
a cousin
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erinhime83 · 2 months
Angelus Dei Thoughts
I know I normally do these things the day after I finish a story, but, eh, I sort of wanted to have a few days where I got home from work and didn’t write, so…I’m doing it now.  I mean, I’m still not sure if this is something that’s interesting to people (read: my friends), but considering this was pretty much ten years in the making and I have some Thoughts, I figured I’d go ahead and do it to explain my thought process on the changes in the story.  ^^;
So…the rewrite of Angelus Dei actually started it’s planning as I was editing the first version.  So yes, it’s literally taken me over ten years to go to this, which is sad, lol.  I had noticed a part I had written about Tiana when Buttercup healed her that implied that some outside force had forced her into the form of a horse, and I was like…that’s weird.  See, Tiana had been a not-planned character.  I had the thought while writing that, lol, what if the run down horse they had picked up was actually a unicorn!  And not only that, the unicorn queen!  So I came up with the fact that she had been trapped and then sort of forgot about it.
But during the editing, I saw it and was like what if Aria had the same thing happen to her?  (Bit of an obvious spoiler, but they were cursed by the same person.)  And that lead me to decide that I wanted to rewrite the story.  Eventually.
The rest of the changed occurred over those ten years.  Like changing Raito’s name from Robert to Raito and giving the Lumentians Japanese names to reflect their Asian influence.  I had wanted to give Odessa a more Middle Eastern name, but never came up with one, and honestly, I don’t know what culture she in anymore, lol.  So the Lumentians have Asian name and look Asian, but everyone else has English names, and IDK.  But there was also giving Raito an older brother after finding a description of a version of the story that gave him one, and I thought that would be fun.  I had mentioned in the first version that he was the first surviving child, and I figured hey, why not make him the second?  And then just straight the second child.
One of the things that I didn’t get to, though, was showing how awful Kazuto was by having him attempt to steal Buttercup from Raito.  I ended up having her hide in her room while she was in the castle, which makes a lot of sense, since she’s not really accepted and she doesn’t want to offend anyone.  I do know that Kazuto and the king had personality changes as I was writing the story, because the king was supposed to be more like in the first version – tough and mean and hard on Raito.  But then I made him, well, not.  He loves and respects his younger son, although their ideals clash a lot.  And I sort of like that the king is trying to hold onto traditions that don’t really apply anymore, because he’s the first king to actually have anything to do with his children.
And that’s another thing, that I had been reading a lot of what is known as historical manhwas that are set in not quite medieval times that features royals and nobles and I felt I had a better way to depict the political atmosphere.  Not perfectly, but a better idea.  The whole ‘killing all the siblings until there is only one’ came up on the fly and was definitely manhwa inspired, lol.
I had also decided fairly early on that Buttercup’s family shouldn’t be farmers, but rather that her father was a blacksmith.  Given what she was, it made sense for her to help him I think initially, she was training to be a blacksmith as well, but I sort of nixed that when I decided to make her the second oldest and make her older brother be the one whose a blacksmith as well.  I wasn’t really expecting Seth to have a huge part in the story, but decided as I was writing him that I liked him a lot, and thus, he got to become a major character in the last bit.  I wasn’t planning on him coming with them back to the capital, but there ya go.
Odessa’s background is probably the one that I changed the most, obviously.  She was originally from a band of nomads traveling through Lumentis, and then for the rewrite, I was just going to have them run into her in a random town she’s living in for whatever reason.  But then, as I was considering seriously rewriting the story last year, I came across an idea involving the while princess in a towner guarded by a dragon trope where the dragon and the princess were friends and stuff and I was like…that’s neat, I should write a story like that.  But then started thinking of ways to incorporate it into Angelus Dei, because, hey, I have a girl and a dragon.
Of course, I waffled on the idea, but I wasn’t sure about making Odessa a princess.  She’s always just been a normal girl who happened to Bond with a dragon.  But after a while, I realized it sort of worked well with the story, and decided to go for it.  ^^;
The hard part was trying to think of how to make it work.  One idea I had was that, because of her Bond with Reaglis, Odessa had been in that tower for hundreds of years.  I mean, Raito had never heard about a princess disappearing in his time, so what if it happened a while ago, and Odessa was from the old kingdom and trapped there?  But I didn’t like the idea of Odessa being that old, especially since Clover isn’t.   So then I whittle down the idea until I came up with what I have, that Odessa was originally supposed to be the one Raito is supposed to marry if he’s not by twenty-five, and she was captures by bandits when she was on her way to meet Raito.  The bandits take her to this castle that has a legend about a trapped princess in it, knowing that the legend isn’t true but the locals avoid it.  Lo and behold, there is a dragon in there, and Odessa accidentally Bonds with him upon coming in contact with him, and the bandits abandon her and her nanny once they realize this.  Odessa and the nanny stay because a) they have no idea where they are and b) the Ta’Norian royal family isn’t going to be pleased with Odesa Bonding with a dragon.
Regalis basically raised Odessa, because her nanny fell in love with one of the villagers from the nearby village and left to get married when Odessa was fifteen.  She’s actually the innkeeper’s wife.  But that is why Odessa is a little eccentric, because she does know about etiquette and stuff because she’s a princess, but she’s also been away from people for ten years. 
I didn’t change much about Clover except making her like girls.  Originally, she was supposed to end up with her adopted brother, and Odessa with the leader of the nomad tribe, but I was getting a Vibe from their interactions when editing the original version, and I decided to carry that over into this one by making them a Thing as well. 
One regret I had about this was I had a bunch of characters that I underutilized.  Like, Selene, Fern, and the queen straight disappeared when they returned to the capital.  Hell, Fern was only seen in the beginning! I plan to explain Selene’s absence by the fact that she went home when the angel creatures started to attack, but she was also supposed to interact with Buttercup more so you’d understand that she was a villainess and not a victim of Raito ‘cheating’ on her.  I mean, she spent ten years in Lumentis expecting to become Raito’s wife, and he goes on a journey and comes back with a girl?  So I tried to make her Not A Good Person and Not Right For Raito to counteract that, but…eh. 
I was also kicking myself because I realized that Raito needed an attendant while I was writing the final chapters, since prince of the duke or whoever in manhwas always has an attendant, and I figured he had a generic one because he was the second prince and that I’d give him a proper one in Pater Dei.  But then I realized like two days ago that Fern should be his attendant, and I may go back and fix that, since he really should be in the story more.  >.<
The idea of the perspective shift still being in first person was something I had planned the moment I decided on a rewrite, because the third person POV wasn’t really doing it for me for the first version.  It was interesting because I had to shift some things around because I was using the old outline to write the new outline, but it worked out.  I wanted Raito and Buttercup to meet earlier, and it gave me a couple of (boring) chapters to have them travel around and meet Odessa and Ruby.  But I can tell Raito definitely suffers from woman-writing-a-man.  (In reality, he’s horny af for Buttercup once he realizes he’s in love with her, probably before that, but he doesn’t want to be like his brother and decided to take it slow, or something of that nature, IDK.)
But it was fun writing first person, because that’s what I normally like.  I had an easier time with Buttercup, though.  One thing that annoyed me was that I was expecting to end on Buttercup, not thinking about how half of 30 is an odd number, so I feel like the story is actually Raito’s story because he has more chapters.  But that’s fine.  I like Raito.  And I managed to make it work.
Oh, and one thing I found hilarious is that, at one point halfway through the month, I decided to compare word counts expecting me to have more with this version, and I had less.  I was confused and thinking it was because I had written more of the prologue then, but then I remembered that ten years ago, I had been writing nine page chapters and now I write eight page chapters.  Plus, I added an epilogue, which I didn’t do with this one.  In the end, this version had 160,860 words and the original had 171,812 words.
It weird to think that ten years ago when I had first written it, I had just started going out with my boyfriend that year, but I was still living with my parents because we moved in together the following year.  I think I basically ignored him that November, but I can’t remember, sadly.  I’m still impressed that I was doing nine page chapters back then given I wanted to spend a lot of time with him, lol.  But now I’m married with two kids, and It s weird, because it feels like 2013 was so long ago, but other stories from around the same time feel like I had done them just yesterday. 
I’m sure there’s other things that I wanted to talk about, but I tend to always forgot when I’m writing these things, lol.  I will say that my muse is still on the story at the moment, so I’m contemplating doing Pater Dei for November, since I have no real plan for what I’m going to do, sadly.  Right now, it’s between that and The Hero’s Party, and neither of them have a solid plot, so it could go either way. 
In any case, I did have fun with this.  I could have certainly made it better, but I’m pleased with how it ended up, and how I got to get my ideas out after ten years of waiting.
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mid-nightowl · 11 months
💖 & 🧠 for the fic writer ask game please? <3
hi hello!!! thank you for the ask!!! :) <3
💖 ahhhhh, tough question! i would say my fight scenes or writing action, whatever word you use to describe that type of writing lol. i once got told my fights were pretty realistic and fun to read, and i ran with it (absolutely inflated my ego ngl), i kind of pride myself on them though it also means they have to be perfect
🧠 oh man, i have a few that are just outlines but most usually have a few drabbles or scenes associated with them that i tinker with when bored. BUT i do have a spider-cat jaydick au that is only worldbuilding notes at this point (and im not actively working on), so please enjoy my notes on that :)
(stuffing it under a keep reading thingy bc its a lot, sorry!)
Spider-Cat Jaydick AU
Working Summary: After the death/retirement of Spider-Woman Barbara Gordon, Gotham hits a dark patch. But unfortunately or fortunately, another radioactive spider bites Jaye Todd-Wayne on a school field trip to Fox Corp/Wayne Tech. Knowing Crime Alley, Jaye’s home (despite being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne), is in trouble without a Spider guardian, Jaye decides to take it upon herself to be the next Spider. 
It’s not without its…problems.
Barbara as Spider-Woman Main Cast
Barbara Gordon = Spider-Gwen/Spider-Woman aka Gwen Stacy (Earth-65)
Commissioner Jim Gordon = NYPD Chief George Stacy
Harvey Bullock = Captain Frank Castle
Renee Montoya = Detective Jean DeWolff
Dinah Drake Lance = Mary Jane Watson (of the Mary Janes Band)
Alysia Yeoh = Betty Brant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Kori Anders = Glory Grant (of the Mary Janes Band)
Ted Kord = Peter Parker (aka Lizard, Earth-65)
Luke Fox = Harry Osborn (close friend to Gwen & Peter, Earth-65)
Lucius Fox = Norman Osborn
Jaye Todd-Wayne as Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider Main Cast
Jaye Todd-Wayne = Spider-Woman II or Ghost Spider (aka Miles Morales)
Talia al Ghul and Bruce Wayne = Rio and Jefferson (Davis) Morales
Damian al Ghul = Billie Morales (younger sibling to Miles)
Willis Todd = Prowler aka Aaron Davis (uncle to Miles)
Tim Drake = Ganke Lee
Stephanie Brown = Starling aka Tiana Toomes
Arthur Brown = Vulture aka Adrian Toomes
Dick Grayson = Black Cat aka Felicia Hardy
Selina Kyle = Black Fox (mentor to Felicia and Tamara)
Victor Stone = Boris Korpse
Donna Troy = Bruno Grainger
Roy Harper = Tamara Blake
Raven = Odessa Drake
Main Villains
Joker & Harley Quinn = Carnage and Venom
Cluemaster (Arthur Brown) = Vulture
Two-Face (Harvey Dent) = Green Goblin or Two-Faced Goblin
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot) = Kingpin
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley) = Doc Ock
Selina Kyle = Black Fox
Bane = Rhino
Black Mask (Roman Sionis) = Mister Negative
Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries) = Electro or Scorpion
Clayface = Hydro-Man or Swarm
Scarecrow = Sandwoman (whose sand causes nightmares from Earth 2099)
Firefly = Shocker
Mad Hatter = Mysterio
Ted Kord = Lizard I (deceased)
Killer Croc = Lizard II
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) = Kraven the Hunter
Grant Wilson = Grim Hunter (Kraven’s first son and Kraven the Hunter II)
Rose Wilson* = Ana Kravinoff (Kraven’s daughter)
Carmine Falcone/Falcone Crime Family = Hammerhead
Maroni Crime Family = Tombstone
Moxon’s Empire/Lew Moxon = Silvermane
*Originally had Rose Wilson as Deadpool but I think she would work better as Kraven's daughter
Other Cast: (could potential appear or be saved for later)
Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) = Kate Kane
Cindy Moon (Silk) = Cassandra Cain
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) = Helena Bertinelli*
Madame Web (Cassandra Webb) = Ma Gunn
The Tinkerer (based on the game Spider Man) = Lonnie Machlin or Dana Harlowe
*Helena could either be Daredevil or Glory Brant (of the Mary Janes Band), whether you want to have her as a vigilante or just a civilian
Additional Notes:
Barbara’s main villains were Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard, Shocker, and Mysterio. The only villains present during her tenure were: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard I, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Kingpin, Black Cat, Silvermane, Tombstone, Hammerhead, Electro, Swarm, Prowler, and Shocker. 
>>Barbara knew Kraven the Hunter was active and a villain via Dick, but never fought him personally. 
>>Barbara mainly fought her big three: Doc Ock, Shocker, and Lizard. She also handled a lot of mafia/gang related crimes, in conjunction with her father’s work. 
>>Barbara’s toughest battles were with Lizard I (mainly emotional) and Doc Ock.
Jaye’s main villains are Green Goblin/Two Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, Venom & Carnage. The villains present during her tenure are: Doc Ock, Vulture, Lizard II, Mysterio, Sandwoman, Black Cat, Kingpin, Shocker, Electro, Rhino, Venom & Carnage, Kraven the Hunter, Grim Hunter & Ana Kravinoff, Prowler, Swarm, Mister Negative, Hammerhead, Tombstone, and Silvermane. 
>>Jaye mainly fights her big four: Two-Faced Goblin, Kingpin, Mister Negative, and Venom & Carnage. Jaye also handles a lot of gang related activity but for different reasons than Barbara--whereas Barbara acted very much like a police detective, Jaye was trying to protect Crime Alley (aka Barbara worked with the police and Jaye does not). 
>>Black Cat, Doc Ock, Lizard II, and Ana Kravinoff are technically “villains” but Jaye has good working relationships with them. 
>>Jaye’s toughest battles are Venom & Carnage and Two-Faced Goblin (mainly emotional).
>>Jaye was adopted around 12-13, and grew up with Bruce and Talia (and later on, baby Damian), but also Uncle Harvey, Bruce’s best friend. Harvey, unfortunately, will be attacked and scarred by Tombstone (Maroni) and become the Two-Faced Goblin. 
>>Unclear if Jaye knows Willis is Prowler. 
>>Madame Web and Starling are newest additions to the hero community in Jaye’s time, and did not meet Barbara. Starling (Steph) knew of her because of her father and Madame knew her through her clairvoyance, but neither of them had ever met her face to face or interacted with one another.
And the lil drabble that started it all:
Out of all the leftover characters and remnants from Barbara’s time as Spidey, Black Cat is the only one she doesn’t mind.  Granted, he’s still a pain in the ass.  But, he also doesn’t try to kill her. Maim? Maybe, if she gets on his bad side. Use as a cat scratcher? More times than she can count, for no reason beyond “he was bored.”  He’s never gone for the jugular though and that she can appreciate.   And even she can admit, Barbara had good taste in men.
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imaginarianisms · 3 months
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full name :  helaena i targaryen. other names :   hel, hela, helaena the gentle, helaena the sweet, helaena the dreamer. age : 17-21 (main). species : human; dragondreamer & dragonrider (main); human; draconic & insect alterhuman (modern). gender : femme presenting cis woman (main; canon.) likely some form of xenogender relating to her special interests; a xenic woman. (modern). sexuality : caeddemiomniromantic omniasexual.
origin : the red keep, king's landing, the crownlands, westeros. (main; verse varies); america (modern; verse varies). current location : the red keep. (main; verse varies); americas (modern; verse varies). nationality : westerosi (main; canon); american (modern). ethnicity : the blood of old valyria (house targaryen, house velaryon, possibly house celtigar), with semidistant mixed first men & andal (house hightower & house florent through the maternal line who're heavily mixed indigenous & were initially an indigenous house in our& lore) & summer islander (house velaryon through viserys through the paternal line) ancestry (main); white (or at the very least white seeming) with semidistant black & indigenous heritage. spoken languages : high valyrian & the common westerosi tongue, high valyrian sign language & westerosi sign language & flower language when communicating nonverbally. (main; canon); english, french, latin, & american sign language. (modern). family : viserys i targaryen (father), alicent hightower (mother), criston cole (paternal figure), daemon targaryen (paternal uncle), baelon targaryen (paternal grandfather), alyssa targaryen (maternal grandmother), jaehaerys i targaryen (paternal great grandfather), alysanne i targaryen (paternal great grandmother), otto hightower (maternal grandfather), alyrie florent (maternal grandmother), gwayne hightower (maternal uncle), rhaenyra i targaryen (older half sister), jocealyn velaryon (half-niece; @lilagonzaldrizoti), jacaerys velaryon (half-nephew), lucerys velaryon (half-nephew), joffrey velaryon (half-nephew), aegon iii targaryen (half-nephew), viserys ii targaryen (half-nephew), aegon ii targaryen (older brother; brother-husband), jaehaerys *!* (son; nicknamed 'cricket'; aegon ii), jaehaera *!* (daughter; nicknamed 'ladybug'; aegon ii), maelor *!* (son; nicknamed 'firefly'; aegon ii), aemond targaryen (younger brother), daeron targaryen (younger brother), dreamfyre (her blue she-dragon; the winged dream), reks (her frog she'd found in the gardens of the red keep and brought into the castle as a child), egg (her cricket), kassa (her 'russian' blue domestic cat), vanilla (her glen & rat terrier domestic dog mutt she'd found wandering in the red keep after the blood & cheese incident & keeps the abused animal under her care who in turns becomes her proto service dog) amari dayne (handmaiden; a friend's oc), odessa florent (handmaiden), septa vaenna velaryon (her childhood companion, handmaiden & septa; @velcryons), desmond jordayne (her sworn shield; @sevynhells). partner(s) : aegon ii targaryen (brother-husband; forcibly married; strained; canon), has conflicting feelings for septa vaenna velaryon her longtime childhood companion.
occupation : princess turned queen & dragonrider. (main; canon). student, disability rights activist, & gaming influencer & a member of aegon's band (modern). religion :  syncretic view of the gods of old valyria & the faith of the seven; agnostic. height :   5'5". body type : paleskinned, initially skinny but at the age of thirteen she was plumper than most targaryens & her pregnancy with the twins added to this a tad; chubby, curvy & plump, thick thighs & a soft tummy, she often smells like her perfumes with her signature scent being lavender, she lost a bit of weight due to the trauma of the blood & cheese incident but she's still as soft, squishy, cuddly & cushy as a pillow. disabilities & neurodivergencies : autism, AVPD & PTSD later in life due to her trauma; verbalflux & may become nonverbal due to overwhelming stress. hair : silver-gold moonglow straight-wavy hair that's usually done up in braids that her mother alicent taught her years ago when let loose reaches down her back. eyes : bright eyes; lilac eyes. tattoos : n/a (canon); has a small faceless green spider on her cheek (modern). piercings :  emerald earrings & golden star & moon shaped earrings (main; canon). scars : has faded stretch marks across her belly from her pregnancies which she's insecure about, on her inner thighs while first claiming & riding dreamfyre. (main).
educational background : a princess & dragonrider's education & educated in the mysteries of the faith; hel eventually becomes knowledgeable in many different topics, notably biology, astrology, botany & the communication by way of flower language due to constantly being in her maternal grandfather otto's study and reading from his library considering he's a learned man & becomes incredibly interested in the occult, notably with valyrian sorcery & alchemy & necromancy & spellcraft, which house hightower have been rumored to partake in. (main; canon); college. (modern). social media : n/a (canon); most general social media, definitely has a tumblr somewhere, also shares a youtube & a twitch channel with aegon & aemond where they stream videogames together. (modern). smoking :   n/a. drinking :   social but doesn't particularly like it because she doesn't like the taste. drugs :   n/a (canon), cannabis for medical & recreational purposes (modern).  athletics : a wonderful dancer, quick runner (she's a lot faster than she looks, especially considering she used to run away from overstimulating situations as a young girl!) & an excellent rider of horses & her dragon dreamfyre. hobbies :   singing, dancing, music, drawing, painting, writing, literature, languages, history, botany, flower language, embroidery, the study of animals, bathing in scalding hot baths, humanitarianism, equestrianism, sailing, swimming, sweet things, baking, spending time with her children, astrology, divination, dragonriding, dragonlore & occultism (main; canon) streaming, gaming, ASMR, vtubing (modern). favorite drink : peach juice & apple juice. favorite food : red apples, cheese, grapes & peaches; has a weakness for cookies & cake. favorite music : classic (canon); indie, folk, dreampop, classical, punk, rock (modern). clothing style :  classical gowns of the age, wears mostly gowns of silks, satins & myrish lace, furs whenever necessary and jewels, mostly emeralds & sapphires, and dresses mostly in shades of blue, pink & purple before her marriage & then blue, green & gold after her marriage, rarely wears the black & red of house targaryen. often wears blue & green veils or hairnets or hoods over her hair. wears an emerald green necklace with earrings to match & a crown that looks like a halo. she mostly likes to wear blue dresses & riding clothes with celestial themes & earrings of a golden moon & stars to match. she wears three rings: her wedding ring, a golden sun to represent aegon & sunfyre, a smaller blue ring to represent herself & dreamfyre & the smallest, a green ring to represent alicent & the greens faction. (main; canon); casual, cottagecore, whimsigoth, & academia. (modern).
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Tagged by: stole it from ourselves& !! Tagging: anyone who breathes !
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jellyfishline · 3 months
WIP Ask Game
Got tagged by @acephalouscreature, thanks! I love these things lol.
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
My WIPs:
Foreign Objects cha2
Wandering Star
a desk is a friend your heart makes
All the Anchors
Oath of the Gate
young duke Wyll
Clerical Error
Tagging: @wufflesvetinari @ushauz @odessa-castle @foxflowering @anonyhex and also @ anyone else who wants to do this!
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months
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❝ All right then, throw down your weapons, and I’ll see that you’re well-treated. ❞ -Paul for Odessa // @impercre
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He must be joking.
Toying with her, undoubtedly, but this is almost farcical. Still, if he wants to play the role of the noble host, the master of this cavern he considers a castle...
She's played steeper games with worse men, with far less in hand. So she exposes naked palms, bereft of blade or blood. The supplicant before the saint, on her knees for him, head tilted back to behold his glory.
Oh, she finds him wanting.
He's young. Younger than she even imagined, and boyish even in that, with hair that begs to be pulled. The boy is a miracle, but not because of his strength, or the greatness of his army.
How Dune did not leave him a pile of bleached bones is a riddle for the ages.
"You are a credit to your House, Muad'Dib," she breathes at last. Worn fingers kiss at the tips, callouses nesting against one another as the heel of each hand meets. "I have no doubt you are a man of your word."
The word tastes strange on her tongue. There's bodies in his wake, to be sure, but this does not make a man. Her cousin is not a man for the gladiator pits. The Atreides boy is simply a young conqueror with his own dead to bury.
War may not be the way to lay his father to rest, but like all boys, she imagine his passions lead him places that adults would not traipse, even with an army at their back. The current handling of his crusade has proven that much. That makes it a bit easier to judge her options, moving forward.
No one is coming for her. The Atreides boy is the one thing that matters now, who decides whether well-treated means she lives, or only that her body makes it back to Rabban with most of its parts intact.
"Shall I kiss your hand now, as your forefather once made peace with Achilles?"
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bilbao-song · 1 year
Top 3 Bee Gee albums and why :D
1. odessa because it’s just so intricate and beautiful and also because i have such intense memories from the very first time i ever listened to it and that was like. idk a very chaotic time but also a time i’m unreasonably nostalgic about lmao. besides a lot of my favorite songs are from odessa!! you’ll never see my face again might as well be my theme song at this point
2. idea largely for the same reasons as odessa :( it’s just so beautiful and so dear to me lmao. it also has a vibe that reminds me of rankin bass christmas specials, which i’m pretty sure is just a Me Being Insane thing, but it’s an automatic plus nonetheless
3. it’s so hard to decide number three!!!! it just depends on what mood i’m in :( like, it could be cucumber castle or mr. natural or spicks and specks et cetera et cetera…….currently i’m inclined to say cucumber castle but i’m biased bc that’s what i’m listening to right now
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uptonil · 6 months
finding tumblr audio posts from 10+ years ago is so insane. we used to have yeah yeah yeahs and crystal castles. and the kills. and odessa by caribou.
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anonyhex · 6 months
Grabbed from @odessa-castle
Rules:Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it. Tag as many people as wips.
I'm not gonna tag people because these days I mostly interact with other writers on discord so I'm not sure who all would be here. ^^;; but please feel free to grab for yourself! BG3:
Brucan Bulb ch. 2
Confessional scene spitballing
All Just a Trick of the Light
The Charlatan's Song (ch 1?)
(kink meme) Wyll/Astarion, post-game, adjustment period outline
Chrono Crusade:
Chrono failed rule 1
Chrono SL 2 Trauma Boogaloo
On Edge first sorta confession
On Edge priest roleplay scene
On Edge chp 8
'Holiday' fic - Joshua/Azmaria
Joshua/Aion sketch -- On Edge scene, post-Rosette illness
Joshua/Aion sketch - writing practice
Chrono and Fiore sketch July 2018
Okay everything else looks like homework from when I was in college....I think.
(...I am a little dismayed at how many docs are random unorganized stuff for On Edge...)
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