#odion's students
gx-gameon · 4 months
Do you have any ideas for what happens when the guy with the fake Ra shows up?
Oh I am very excited to watch that episode again!
Because I have so many thoughts already.
First Jaden knows the Egyptian god cards. He grew up around Uncle Atem who has them in his deck. He’s seen them played before as Atem will break them out sometimes against Yugi, Seto, and Joey (though he never used Ra against Joey, Joey could handle it but Atem can only think about the duel against Marik)
But he’s grown up around them. He knows their strength and power, and how picky they are about their masters. They won’t let just any duelist wield them. You need permission from Atem or they need to choose you.
Anyone who’s tried to steal them and use them always meets a terrible fate.
Be also knows about battle city and has heard of the fake Ra card that Odion played and how it attacked both Odion and Joey.
So he’s well aware of the dangers of facing off against a real god card that’s been stolen and a fake god card that leases out.
But he’s also Atem’s nephew. While Atem hasn’t given Jaden permission to wield and of the god cards (yet) he also told Jaden that the gods would never hurt him. The gods and Atem are a team and they are quite protective of Atem’s family. If someone took them and tried to used them against Atem’s family he has no doubt that person would be struck down.
And this leads us to the episode.
Now again I need to rewatch it so this is fluid.
But the cards is a stolen copy (not the original card that is with Atem) from Industrial Illusions.
When Pegasus arrives with Chumley to handle the problem. And thank god Chumley is there to ‘introduce’ cause Pegasus was about to run over to him and call him ‘Jaden-boy’ or ‘the little prince.’ Luckily Chumley introduces them and Jaden acts like they’ve never met before and Pegasus remembers how important Jaden’s privacy is to both the boy and his fathers and goes along (it’s not that he doesn’t care about it he’s just forgetful since he thinks it’s silly, why not let the little prince shine? He’s already doing so as Yuki why not just reveal that he’s a Motu?)
But he explains the situation taking careful care to look at Jaden when he tell him about the ‘stolen copy of a god card.’
And Jaden knows he needs to call Atem and the others. And he does so. They are going to fly over right away.
The tournament is put on pause since a ton of duelist have been injured by Ra. Atem had told Jaden not to duel against Ra and to wait for them. But he sees the Duelist with the stolen god card challenge Pegasus. He knows that Ra would never hurt him, but he can’t say the same for Pegasus. So he steps in.
But to his shock Ra is attacking him and it hurts. Why? Then he hears it Ra crying out in pain and fury. Fury at being forced to serve a master it didn’t choose. Fury at being forced to fight and harm its chosen’s loved one. And Jaden figured it out… the field spell. It’s forcing Ra to obey a false master.
Jaden’s mad. Mad that this person is using Ra against its will. That he’s hurting other people (mainly students). He’s winning this.
Atem arrives, I don’t know if the others are with him because of short notice. But he is immediately lead to the Duel by his spirits, maybe even Ra itself calling out. And he’s furious when he sees Jaden facing down Ra. He’s about to jump in, when Jaden destroys the field spell, freeing Ra.
Atem is so proud, but also he’s upset. He told Jaden to stay out of this for a reason and he can see the spiritual fatigue Jaden is under from this duel. He still wants to step in but Pegasus stops him. Let the boy work, he’s already done the hardest thing, defeating Ra.
Atem stands by. He’s ready to jump in at any moment. But then Jaden does something he never expected. He summons Ra back to the field. And stems heart drops. The gods had sworn to protect his family, but if they saw Jaden summoning them without permission as disrespect? What if they attacked him for it?
He needn’t worry. Ra is more than happy to fight along side the boy who freed him. The fact that he’s Atem’s precious nephew is even better
the gods have a running beat going on who will be used by Jaden first.
Slifer was so sure it was going to be him.
Ra is going to be insufferable after this, he was first!
Slifer argues that it doesn’t count. Ra wasn’t in Jaden’s deck, and it wasn’t a real Ra card.
Obelisk agrees with Slifer. Doesn’t count. (He’s hoping to be given to Jaden when he finally becomes an Obelisk Blue student. (Poor Obelisk)
Atem is so proud of Jaden. He won, not only the duel but the gods favor. He’s so pleased.
He had been thinking about giving Jaden permission to wield Slifer as a graduation gift, as the boy had always favored the sky dragon. But he might have to consider giving him permission to wield Ra instead. (The gods are absolutely campaigning to Atem why he should allow Jaden to use them first)
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odionlearning · 1 year
Odion is a smart Odia medium learning app in Odisha that provides comprehensive knowledge and exam preparation material online for classes 8th, 9th, and 10th at an affordable price.
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
okay, so... the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters timeline of events is really poorly conveyed. We have a lot of potentially world ending events that occur in relatively short periods of time, but then how much time occurs between them is... could be days, could be months, could be years... except it can't be years because the main characters are still in high school and aren't even contemplating graduation until the movie where Seto violates the laws of reality at the end just so he can visit the afterlife and finally get that duel monsters rematch with Atem he's been craving. (Seto Kaiba is so extra and I like that about him so much.)
I'm pretty sure in the final season when Marik, Ishizu, and Odion talk about it being years since they last saw everyone is just because in real world time it had been well over a year (almost two) since the Battle City arc finally came to an end when the Memory World arc began airing. But in-universe time, it definitely couldn't have been much over a year.
At the start of the show, Yugi and his friends are sixteen years old. (At least, so says the wiki? About Joey and Tea, anyway, but they're all in the same grade so they're all approximately the same age.) In the US - since I'm dealing with the dub here specifically and the only time the dub seems to remember that Domino City isn't in the US is during the Waking the Dragons/Orichalcos arc - that puts them in either their sophomore or junior year of high school. (10th or 11th grade, for those unfamiliar with how US high schools steal that particular terminology from college students.)
Now, we know that Yugi's first duel with Kaiba had to happen during the school year because Seto's 'rare card???? is it THAT rare card???' hilarious eavesdropping moment happened in class. One of the only times we see him attending school during the show that I can think of, much to my amusement.
We also know that post Duelist Kingdom, they go back to school since they encounter Duke first in school, being an obnoxious flirt and blaming Yugi for all his problems. That boy is so lucky Tea didn't feed him his own favorite dice set.
So Duelist Kingdom itself could have occurred during the summer between their sophomore and junior years. Which, since they didn't seem to concerned about getting back in time for classes on Monday or anything like that, I tend to believe it did. Though it could have also conceivably taken place over a weekend at the start of their junior year but, given that I'm a software engineer with a reasonable understanding of what the hardware development process for the duel disks was probably like... well, let's stick that on hold a min.
Battle City took place in such a short period of time - one day for the prelim matches so that eight people could get six locator cards in time, then flying & dueling all night to arrive at Kaiba Corp Island, then dueling the next morning to complete the tournament before flying back to Domino City. Even with Noa hijacking things, they were only delayed a few hours. So the whole thing could have easily taken place over a single weekend with no worries - since Seto is still in High School himself, this is the sort of attention to detail I'd expect of him.
As mentioned above, it also had to be enough dev time between Duelist Kingdom and Battle City for the Duel Disks to arrive at their new incarnation, the arm hugger that shoots off two holo projectors apiece, allowing two or more duelists to create a dueling field together but doesn't constantly take the cards in play away from the duelists - which was clearly a design flaw of the original spinny-circle version that needed time, and likely rewriting the software to work for the new hardware design, to correct and thoroughly debug and beta test. (Another design flaw is that the spinny-circle version depended on a cable capable of taking constant flinging around without detaching and smacking someone in the face; the design seen in Battle City forward does away with that flaw too, as it instead uses wirelessly controlled holo projectors that recall to the disk at the end of the duel.)
So it makes sense that Duelist Kingdom was sometime in the summer, it took Pegasus a few weeks to a couple of months to recover from the trauma of losing a shadow laser duel that ended with his fake eye being yoinked out of its socket none too politely, which accounts for Duke still being freaked out after the summer ended and Pegasus was still incommunicado. And gives a good time frame for Kaiba to get the duel disks into a functional and marketable product by the time Ishizu shows up to manipulate him into setting a trap for her in the form of a duel monsters tournament.
Battle City also most likely takes place during the school year because, well... Yugi's first encounter with one of Marik's brainwashed minions - Bandit Keith - occurred on the way to school.
I'd place it either mid-fall (I say fall, not autumn, because where I live very few trees turn pretty colors this time of year; the leaves just turn brown and fall) or early spring. Fall seems like the most likely contender because Atem apparently avoids going back to the museum long enough for Mai to attend possibly several tournaments and have her PTSD from what Marik did to her and her jealousy of Yugi and Joey get turned into such a toxic, festering self hatred that she was easy pickings for the Orichalcos cult.
And either that happened days after the tournament (meaning Battle City???) based on what Weevil & Rex tell Duke when they first meet him claiming to be Yugi's friends. (Duke clearly knew they were being suspicious, but he also knows the weird shit his weirdo friends get into so he might as well figure out what's going on.) But since Mai had to have been in at least one tournament since then - more likely several - it had to have been anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
Also, Atem was totally procrastinating and running out of time investigating the Ancient Tablet of the Pharaoh at the museum. Which never ceases to amuse me. Especially since he procrastinates again after the Orichalcos arc for that much needed down time at the Kaiba Corp Grand Championship that the tablets are gone by the time he tries for a second time.
So if the tablets were put on display in time for the Winter holidays, it makes sense that their run at the museum would only last a few months and be over either at the start of, or the middle of, summer. Hence placing Battle City in the fall. This also gives the Kaibas plenty of time to build their first theme park in between Battle City and their next tournament to be hijacked by someone else's family drama.
Now the Orichalcos arc happens next and they spend a great deal of time out of the country and even take a week long vacation with Rebecca and her grandfather. Clearly no one is worried about school and Duke was already abroad anyway when the whole thing started - likely promoting his Duel Dice Monsters game. So I'm calling it - Summer vacation time. So now we're at the in-between time for their Junior and Senior years of high school.
The Grand Prix/Grand Championship tournament picks up pretty much immediately after the Orichalcos arc, so it has to be in the summer too. And, arguably, the capsule monster arc can be squeezed into the summer too. (Admittedly, not the arc I care about the most and I still need to find it on Amazon since the place I was doing my rewatch didn't include the capsule monster episodes and no doubt made more sense for omitting it, but I love these characters I'm gonna watch it. Eventually.)
But then summer is over and tablets are gone and who knows how long the stuff the Pharaoh needs to do with the tablet are gonna take. So my guess? They head to Egypt during their winter school break of their Senior year. Which if Battle City took place in fall of their Junior year, means that it's been just a little over a year since the Ishtars made their family drama everybody's business. So all that 'we haven't seen you in years' stuff has to be dramatic exaggeration because it was just a year ago. Can't blame the Ishtar siblings wanting to pretend their drama was over a long time ago, though.
Which puts the... was it the second movie? I know there was at least one before it... hmm, looks like it was the third actually. Unless you count the movie that was really just a recap of the Yu-Gi-Oh season 0 series. But I digress; that puts the Dark Side of Dimensions movie near the end of their senior year as they're all contemplating what they'll be doing as graduation approaches. (I've seen the trailer and a recap description, but I admit I've yet to watch this one.)
All of which means that Yugi wears his school uniform during summer and winter break, that nerd. :D
(If I include the other two movies, then the Pyramid of Light probably does take place early spring of their junior year since it's a short while after Battle City but long enough for Seto's hyperfixation on the God Cards to have gotten out of hand. And I don't know when Bonds Beyond Time takes place because it's time travel and I haven't seen the spin offs, which is probably why i never watched this one - despite loving time travel nonsense - though I do now vaguely recall hearing about it. I never watched the Dark Side of Dimensions movie because I didn't know it existed until two weeks ago, but I will be watching it soon because it's got the OG cast and the plot sounds like my favorite kind of over the top ridiculousness.)
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missputotyra · 2 years
TWST x Yugi-oh  Academy Idea 1 - Introduction  and Duel monsters dorm 
This is a Shower Thought but a Really good one, Unless your someone who hate non Disney Franchise TWST ocs. You can ignore this.
Okay So an Academy based of Yugioh , I’m going to call it Duel Academy as a placeholder . It is a Mixed Gender Academy with a male dominate population.
The Students are know for being the best at Magic Duels as well as entertainment and Tech . They are know for Holding a large magic Duel tournament between The various academies called the “Battle city” . Night Raven Gets knocked out first every year due to how horrible they are at Teamwork . All the Staff and Students are based not just duelists of Yugi oh but the Monsters as well so students and Staff based off Blues White dragon , Duel terminal , World legacy .ect .
Idea for Staff
( Note : When I put down ” Seto Kiba” I mean Unnamed Oc character based on Seto Kiba not the actual Seto Kiba)
“ Seto Kiba “
but Yami Yugi , Pegasus or even Zarc could also be good Ideas for Headmaster but Seto Kiba I think is the Best Fit due the fact that he canonically made the Rules for it .
Staff idea
“ Crowler ”
“ Gishiki Noella”
“Gem-Knight Crystal ”
“ Yami Yugi/Atem/ Yugi Muto”
“ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“ Pegasus ”
“ Ishizu Ishtar”
“ Ai” - He Could Honestly as concept for a Student too
“ Yusaku” - I honest see a Character twisted of him being more a teacher
“ Dark Magician “
“ Dark Magician Girl ”
“ Blue Eye white Dragon ”
“ Red eyed black dragon ”
“ Astral ”
“ Zarc ”
“ Yusei ”
“Odion ”
Dorm Concepts/ Ideas for Student (part 1 )
The Dorms are Organized by Summon mechanics in the Game as well as Arc V dimensions ,Rush duels and The Animes . I’m not good at Naming so Some of these names to bad its really only a concept . First up is the Duel monsters Dorm
Created to celebrate the Young pharoh who Sacrificed himself to stop a grave threat to his kingdom and The Young man who lead the Rulers spirit to the afterlife . Dulinx is Founded on Loyalty and Friendship those who are Sorted in to Dulinx’s Dorm Are often Social Butterflies , have an easy time making friends or Have strong Sense of Loyalty . Dulinx Students Excellent in Support Magic and Making use of Magical Tools and Relic .
The Students Of Dulinx are often from a Region of the Scalding Sands called The Pharaohs Dunes and some come from somewhere call Duelle Terminus .
Most Students are based on Duel Monsters Characters in addition to
Monsters that debuted the duel monsters era or related card pack
Cards or Archetypes Duel monster era characters played
The Egyptian God Cards
Monsters Related to to them( ex The other Magican girls , The Additions to Harpy Ladies , The whole Blue eyes and Red eyes archetype )
Most them based are vanilla Monsters , Egyptian themed Monsters or Spellcaster type monsters
Dorm Leader Ideas
“ Yami Yugi/Atem/ Yugi Muto”
“ Maximillon Pegasus ”
“ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“ Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura”
“ Joey Wheeler/Katsuya Jonouchi“ “ Blue Eyes White Dragon ”
“ The Egyptian God Cards”
Vice Dorm Leader Ideas
“ Red Eyes Black Dragon”
“ Ishizu Ishtar”
“Odion ”
“ The Egyptian God Cards”
“ Ryou Bakura/ Yami Bakura” “ Marik Ishtar / Yami Marik ”
“Yugi Muto ”
Other Students Ideas
“ Mai Valentine “
“ Tristian Taylor ”
“ Tea/ Anzu”
“Rex Raptor ”
“ Serenity ”
“ Weevil ”
“ Duke Devlin ”
“Bandit Keith ”
“ Dartz”
“ Slient Magician ”
“ Slient Warrior”
“Harpy Ladies ”
“ Kuriboh ”
“ Flame Swordsmen”
“ Celtic Guardian”
“ Time Wizard”
Comment what you think of i it? and Any suggestion you might have.
Next Dorms : FuseX And Ritualisk
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millenniumblog · 3 years
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[ID: A chart describing the core values of each of the nine Enneagram personality types with YuGiOh characters correlated to each of the types.]
YuGiOh Enneagram Analysis, Part #2
This is a continuation in which we finally get to the exciting part: in-depth character analysis of all the characters pictured above based on the Enneagram Personality Types! The previous post lists all of the types and their traits and how to read various things about the Enneagram Chart.
I suggest you use CTRL+F if you’re only interested in specific people, because I do not feel like trying to code anchor points into this post x.x
Mutou Yugi
Yami Yugi (Atem)
Mazaki Anzu
Jounouchi Katsuya
Honda Hiroto
Bakura Ryou
Yami Bakura
Kaiba Seto
Kaiba Mokuba
Marik Ishtar
Odion Rashid Ishtar
Isis Ishtar
Kujaku Mai
Otogi Ryuji
Character Profiles
Mutou Yugi - Type 3: The Achiever (3w2)
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Yugi is The Achiever. At first, one might think he is too gentle and kind most of the time for achievement and success to be the core of his personality or central to his greatest desires. But that’s only because we link the idea of “success” or “achievement” too much with capital and material wealth.
Yugi doesn’t care that much about money, and while he likes to collect games and things that bring him joy, he does not care about accumulation for its own sake. For a lot of his life, Yugi put up with being overlooked and underestimated by friend and bully and rival and anyone else he met. What he desired to achieve by solving the Millennium Puzzle was to have more friends! The important bit there is that he wanted success, to obtain a result, even if that result was a wish for something with social rather than material value.
As a Type 3, Yugi is image-conscious, but it comes up from behind. He is not particularly vain as he doesn’t have a tremendous amount of self-confidence about his appearance. It may be a gag, but early on, Yugi is so short that he is sometimes mistaken for an elementary school student. He knows he looks young and small.
Nevertheless, Yugi expresses himself in whatever ways he can. It’s up for debate whether he wears a little bit of guyliner and whether his hair just grows that way because he has Main Character Disease. Even if we accept that his hair and big eyelashes just look like that, Yugi wears a collar-like choker and black clothing and buckles wherever he can, even under his school uniform. If this aesthetic was motivated from a standpoint of flaunting the school rules in order to rebel, I don’t think he would wear them underneath so inconspicuously. Instead, it would seem that his little under-his-clothes fashion expression is something he does for himself because there is something about it that makes him feel better or happy about his physical appearance or self-perception.
Even if Yugi does not use his intriguing fashion preferences to get attention, it is part of a greater set of traits that indicate that Yugi has a fear of being unnoticed, undervalued, or worthless to the people around him. To counteract this, he desires affirmation and distinction from others. He hopes to impress others and wants to be worthy of admiration.
A side note: A friend of mine who knows far more about Japanese fashion history than I do suggested that perhaps Yugi is interested in visual kei aesthetics, though he obviously never takes it up to eleven the way the performers of the related music did.
Yugi’s first impulse is to react based on his feelings.
If something separates Yugi from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame.
Stress Point:
When Yugi is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 9 - The Peacemaker. This could mean that the Peacemaker traits such as being agreeable and complacent could devolve into capitulation, undesired or inappropriate submission or surrender. At his worst, Yugi is afraid of being left alone.
Growth Direction:
As Yugi experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 6 - The Loyalist during his times of transition. This could mean that he will become more secure in his attachments to his friends, becoming less fearful that he could lose them due to one false step. He will also likely become more determined to stick with a cause, not to back down, and to be responsible.
I chose Wing Type 2 - The Helper for Yugi because he is very emotionally warm. He values friendship, and he wants to contribute good to the lives of his friends. He is willing to accept almost anyone as a friend and is almost too accepting of giving people second chances.
The rest of the profiles listed above are under the Read More to save your scrolls. Please check them out!
Yami Yugi (Atem) - Type 5: The Investigator (5w6)
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Please note that this analysis is based on the person he is and develops into during his time in the modern world more than anything about him prior to his amnesia in the ancient past.
Atem is The Investigator. Now, I know you might be thinking that this is a cop-out. Of course Atem is “the investigator” because he spends a good part of the series having the primary motivation of finding out more about his identity and his past. While that does play an appropriately large role in my assessment of him as having this primary personality type, that’s not the only reason!
Even when the Spirit of the Millennium Puzzle first awakened and had no conception of his identity and no scruples as to how he might develop or achieve his goals, he looked for a way to be useful and stabilize himself within his new environment. Being a past pharaoh with no understanding of his present circumstances didn’t stop him from striving to create an environment in which he was in control and one which he understood.
In spite of his apparent violent impulses and easily-stoked, simmering anger, he begins to protect what he understands as Yugi’s best interests and needs. While one might argue that protecting his new host body might be a simple pragmatic decision, it is apparent that Atem learns from Yugi and his interactions with others even before Yugi knows who or what Atem is, or even that he is there at all.
Contrasted with Yami Bakura, Atem starts out with more respect for Yugi’s ownership of his own body. While he certainly doesn’t ask permission to challenge Yugi and friends’ would-be assailants to Shadow Games, he doesn’t start to try and establish his own life beyond these excursions into the driver’s seat that are meant to protect other people. Otherwise, he holds himself back from much interaction with the modern world, even as he develops an emotional attachment to Yugi and his friends.
This would seem to indicate that Atem, as the Spirit of the Millennium Puzzle, feels the need to learn more and only really feels comfortable in environments he can understand well.
In being so good at playing established games and making them up, Atem is very in-his-head (cerebral) even when he is interacting and in-the-moment. He is an intense person who takes most decisions he makes seriously, whether it is agreeing to wager life against life in an instant or taking great care to make the right choice.
Atem fears (or hates) being helpless (trapped), useless, or incapable of doing anything about his or others’ circumstances.
Atem’s first impulse is to react based on his thought processes.
If something separates Atem from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be fear.
Stress Point:
When Atem is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 7 - The Enthusiast. This fits Atem perfectly, because when he is stressed after having been trapped in a puzzle for 3000 years, he turns everything into an adrenaline-seeking game. He was quick to act and slow to think, much more spontaneous than he otherwise would tend to be. He was reckless. At his worst, Atem is afraid of being deprived or in pain.
Growth Direction:
As Atem experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 8 - The Challenger during his times of transition. This could mean that he will become more confident that he can take his time and learn the lay of the land. It means that he will approach the need to win with positive decisiveness and willpower. He will choose worthwhile confrontations, rather than picking any petty fight at random to defend himself and his perceived encroached territory.
I chose Wing Type 6 - The Loyalist for Atem because when he is in control of himself, he tends to be more reserved, even to the point of being anxious about interacting in any way that does not seem familiar and comfortable. Atem becomes much more responsible as time goes on, and when he slips up and falls back on his worse instincts, he tends to pay for it and show regret. Plus, it’s in the name. He became loyal to Yugi and his friends even before he had been properly introduced.
Mazaki Anzu - Type 2: The Helper (2w1)
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Used a manga picture only because her anime hair is slightly worse imho.
Anzu is The Helper. Contrary to popular view of side-character or female-character status, particular in shounen series of this era, this does not mean that Anzu lives to help others alone. As a Type 2, she also has high expectations of those around her, for good or ill.
Anzu wants to be loved, and she wants to be in a position to express her true feelings (including love) to others. She wants to be respected as she is in the moment, and this might make her tend to resist criticism or to recognize reckless or manipulative behavior in her worse moments. She can be possessive of her loved ones, her goals, and her space, just as much as she can be generous.
Anzu can be selfish, but most of the time, she is interested in community. Of course, we know from all the memes how much friendship means to her, and she also cares about doing the right thing for others even if it doesn’t come easily. She wants the opportunity to be her authentic self, and she wants to facilitate others being their authentic selves. She has a tendency to expect people to return favors in kind, even if there isn’t a reason to believe that the other person understands or accepts her expectation. She is the queen of well-deserved guilt trips.
Anzu’s desire to go to New York, to be a dancer, and to receive recognition for her talents is part of a desire to be vindicated in her claims about herself. She believes that she can do it, and she wants to make others believe, too, no matter how much of a sunk cost it might seem at times.
Anzu fears being unworthy of love, being unwanted or unworthy of acceptance.
Anzu’s first impulse is to react based on her feelings.
If something separates Anzu from being her true self, having her basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, her most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame.
Stress Point:
When Anzu is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, she is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 8 - The Challenger. She will be wilful and even manipulative to keep control or engineer control of her situation. A good example of this might be the ways in which she tried to make Yami Yugi appear in the manga shortly after she realized he had an ‘other self.’ Hormones are a hell of a drug.
Growth Direction:
As Anzu experiences positive growth, she will become more like Type 4 - The Individualist during her times of transition. This could mean that she will become less dependent on external validation to maintain her sense of worth to others. She will balance finding herself with her desire to be loved, establishing a stable identity outside and alongside her loved ones.
I chose Wing Type 1 - The Reformer for Anzu because, most of the time, she values ethics and morality as she perceives them. However, she is more than willing to break unjust rules when she feels there is a good enough reason. She wants to be a principled person, but she is not a blind follower.
Jounouchi Katsuya - Type 4: The Individualist (4w3)
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Let’s keep going with manga art for him, because this one is cute.
Jounouchi is The Individualist. I want to copy-paste the little blurb about this personality type from Part 1, because I feel like picking it apart for Jounouchi is the best way to prove my point.
Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental
Basic Fear: That they have no identity or personal significance
Basic Desire: To find themselves and their significance (to create an identity)
Key Motivations: Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a “rescuer.”
First, Jounouchi changes his tune so quickly with Yugi when Yugi rescues him and shows that he cares in spite of Jounouchi’s hurtful behavior toward him. He is capable of very quickly changing his mind when he feels he’s been given a reason to.
In the beginning of the story, Jounouchi is self-absorbed because he is angry at the world. He doesn’t like himself until he is given a clear opportunity to show that he can be someone who does the right thing. He does not seek others’ approval directly, but he needs to see the mirror image of himself as someone else sees him to help anchor his sense of identity. He fears being absorbed into his background and upbringing. He probably fears that there is some inescapable pipeline to becoming a man like his father.
When he becomes friends with Yugi, he changes rapidly to channel his penchant for drama and a bit of aggression into defending Yugi and what he perceives as good causes. He has very intense emotions he expresses primarily through actions, demonstrating how he feels. However, if he has to give account for himself, he might run away or find a way to show rather than tell.
Jounouchi doesn’t mind or even likes to follow in others’ footsteps but leave his own, unique mark where he goes.
Jounouchi’s first impulse is to react based on his feelings.
If something separates Jounouchi from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame.
Stress Point:
When Jounouchi is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 2 - The Helper. How can being the Helper be expressed negatively? Well, it could be that a Type 2′s traits of being demonstrative and possessive could find their way out in ugly ways. Another example is that a Type 2′s biggest fear is that they may be unworthy of love. Jounouchi practically admits that one reason he fell into bullying others was because he did not think he was worth anything, and he was almost looking for confirmation of it or to make another share in his misery.
Growth Direction:
As Jounouchi experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 1 - The Reformer during his times of transition. This could mean that he will become more concerned with developing a consistent sense of justice, right and wrong, ethics, etc., and that he will choose to fight for those things. He will value being honest with and about himself and others.
I chose Wing Type 3 - The Achiever for Jounouchi because he finds such a positive outlet for himself through getting into games with Yugi. We also know that he enjoys building models out of kits. He likes to accomplish things with clearly-defined goals, even if he made them up, and he would really like it if he could be recognized for his efforts, even if that isn’t his primary goal in life.
Honda Hiroto - Type 1: The Reformer (1w9)
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You might think that Honda doesn’t have a personality in the anime, some of the time. However, this assessment is based on things that are established about him in the manga and how he conducts himself when he is allowed to do anything.
Honda is The Reformer. This might be a bit hard to buy from the name, given how Honda doesn’t tend to take the reins in most of the stories he is in. However, it’s important to remember that - perhaps more than Yugi’s other day-to-day friends - Honda is kind of a guest-star. He is the kind of person who is likel to be starring in his own show that nobody knows about, even if it isn’t that exciting.
We know he has at least one sister and that he was conscripted into keeping his nephew for a day once. In spite of the fact that this was played mostly for laughs, it shows that he is willing to do the right or expected thing. Takahashi’s descriptions of him in the manga opening pages also describe him as being ‘chivalrous’ in his natural state, and it would seem that he largely felt bad if bullying people with Jounouchi went too far.
Honda makes an effort to make things right when he knows how, even if he doesn’t always know. Honda tries to listen to his conscience, even if he makes choices that are off the beaten path of what society expects of him. He has a strong personal ethic, even if he sometimes compromises it for one reason or another.
Honda’s first impulse is to react based on his gut feeling (instinct).
If something separates Honda from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be anger/rage.
Stress Point:
When Honda is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 4 - The Individualist. He may start to put his whims or trying to make an impression ahead of his sense of right and wrong. He might feel he needs to define himself more than he needs to stand for something.
Growth Direction:
As Honda experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 7 - The Enthusiast during his times of transition. This could mean that he will loosen up and participate in his friends’ games more often. He might become more adventurous and take an interest in experiencing new things regardless of whether they “make sense” or are the “right thing” to be doing in the moment.
I chose Wing Type 9 - The Peacemaker for Honda because while he sometimes participates in “aggressive negotiations,” he seems to prefer when violence serves what he thinks is a greater purpose. He wants to set things right, and he does seem to value peaceful, easygoing time as much as he likes the adrenaline rush.
Bakura Ryou - Type 4: The Individualist (4w5)
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Bakura Ryou is a different manifestation than Jounouchi of The Individualist. This goes to show that people with similar desires or needs can have very different behavior. They can also have different priorities. While Jounouchi is the kind of person who will aggressively seek after what he wants, Ryou is more gentle, passive, or elusive.
He values aesthetic beauty, and he loves stories. He is interested in dark aesthetics much the way Yugi is, though his is more focused on spiritualist or Euro-centric occultism. He likes Ouija boards, and he is interested in the possibility of communication with the dead. This is probably owed to the fact that he takes comfort in writing letters to his dead mother and sister on occasion.
Ryou is an emotional person who has deep feelings. He cares greatly for his friend, and he wants to protect them. However, he has feelings of helplessness. One could attribute this to the way in which the Spirit of the Millennium Ring controls him and does not directly interact with him very often while having so much control over his body and life. One could also interpret him as being easily manipulated by promises of support and help. If given more choice, he might act on whims quite often.
He enjoys creativity and self expression as demonstrated through his enjoyment of being the DM in Western Tabletop RPGs. He also desires more personal freedom than his circumstances have allowed him to have. He probably feels quite out of control of his own life and may have even before he was particularly in touch with Yami Bakura due to the loss of half his family at such a young age.
Ryou’s first impulse is to react based on his emotions.
If something separates Ryou from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame.
Stress Point:
When Ryou is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front - separated from Yami Bakura’s personality and soul - he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 2 - The Helper. He may take on the role of a social engineer or otherwise manipulate people. He may become evasive about telling or believing the truth due to a fear of being unworthy of love or acceptance if those he cares for knew the truth. He may become people-pleasing in a way that is not true to his core personality for personal gain or survival.
Growth Direction:
As Ryou experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 1 - The Reformer during his times of transition. This could mean that he will begin to care more for the overarching morality of the situation than how he is to survive the situation without greater losses.
I chose Wing Type 5 - The Investigator for Ryou because he is interested in mysteries and the occult. He enjoys knowing something people don’t and may look to it as a way to feel special or important. He is fascinated with death and knowing what comes after. He wants to find hope in that. He also may feel a desire to be more competent and to better understand what he is going through with Yami Bakura without losing anything as a result.
Yami Bakura - Type 8: The Challenger (8w7)
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Yami Bakura, the Spirit of the Millennium Ring who is the soul of Thief King Bakura from Ancient Egypt, corrupted or attached to a piece of the soul of Zorc, may be a complicated entity, but he does have a mostly-stable personality through most of the series. He is The Challenger.
Even prior to his dealings with Zorc, Bandit King Bakura was invested in his own physical survival. He was very angry about the fact that his village had been sacrificed in order to help create the Millennium Items. He desired revenge against the royal family. He was influenced by the vengeful spirits of his massacred people, even before he came into contact with the chaotic, destructive entity of Zorc.
While it would seem that “Yami Bakura,” as the Spirit of the Millennium Ring, remains rather unaware of how his connection to Zorc is destructive to him. He has the dual motivations of summoning Zorc and destroying Atem because as the King of Thieves, he wanted to destroy Pharaoh Atem for his guilt by association with his uncle and father and Zorc desires for all the fragments of his soul to be together and whole once again so that he may, well, destroy stuff.
One could say that all parts of this Bakura are invested in power and influence. He is willing to run a much more subtle and long series of cons on Yugi, Atem, and the others, because he seems to derive some pleasure out of tricking them. He wants to be in control of his own destiny and even the destinies of others, due to his deep-seated resentments.
He fears death and wants a kind of immortality, no matter what he knows about himself or his own underlying motivations. Unlike Atem, the other Spirit attached to a Millennium Item and, therefore, a host, Yami Bakura values independent action to the point that he largely disregards Bakura’s desires or opinions on his actions, if Ryou is even aware of them at all.
Yami Bakura’s first impulse is to react based on his gut feeling or primal instinct.
If something separates Yami Bakura from being his true self (inasmuch as he has ‘one’), having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be anger/rage.
Stress Point:
When Yami Bakura is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 5 - The Investigator. One might argue that Yami Bakura’s base personality was that of an already stressed Type 2 - The Helper, but it is hard to say when his life was torn apart at such an early age. The negative aspects of a Type 5 may account for how secretive he is. It could also define the unhealthy relationship he has with Ryou as a host. He keeps both of them isolated to a great degree, and he thinks he knows what is best and refutes any possibility of the contrary. He wants to be one step ahead, and he is innovative in the ways he plots against the Pharaoh and others.
Growth Direction:
If Yami Bakura were ever to experience positive growth, he would become more like Type 2 - The Helper during his times of transition. This could mean that he would begin to care more about the thoughts and feelings of others. While it would not be healthy for an individual to find their entire identity in the perceptions of others, it is also unhealthy for an individual to care nothing for the thoughts and feelings of others. He may become more interested in proving himself and showing who he is and wants to be to others.
I chose Wing Type 7 - The Enthusiast for Yami Bakura because he seems to be in touch with his senses (or Ryou’s body’s senses, if you want to get technical) when he is in control. One need only observe him eat or thrill when a plan of his begins to go into motion to see that he greatly enjoys things in spite of his cluster of negative habits and emotions. He desires to avoid further pain, emotional or physical, by whatever means necessary, and his primary motivation against the Pharaoh is something he believes will help him discharge pain from the massacre he witnessed and survived as a child. He also does things purely for amusement in spite of having a fairly simple end goal.
Kaiba Seto - Type 8: The Challenger (8w7)
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Kaiba is a different manifestation than Yami Bakura of The Challenger. You might even notice that he has the same wing, meaning that their underlying desires and needs are quite similar. This doesn’t mean that they have the exact same priorities or liabilities but that they operate on a subconscious level in a somewhat similar fashion. Somewhat being the operative word.
We know from Mokuba’s account that, even after being orphaned, Kaiba was happier as a child. In spite of ‘getting what he wanted’ in forcing Gozaburo to adopt both Mokuba and himself as a packaged deal, his childhood then became one in which he experienced fairly extreme emotional and developmental deprivation. In grooming him to be the perfect successor and heir for Kaiba Corporation, Gozaburo kept Seto from having the variety of experiences he needed to fully round out his personality. Seto is highly intelligent and well-educated, but he had to emotionally withdraw and harden in order not to grieve his life away over what he wanted to be or what could have been. Instead, he filled the shoes he was expected to fill early as a means of grasping at power over his own destiny and independence from the direct control of his adoptive father.
He is protective of Mokuba, but he is also protective of himself. After all, he had no one else to do it for him. He wants to be self-reliant and to prove that he is strong. Likewise, he does not want to show weakness.
He fixates on winning Duel Monsters and being the best at that because it was one of the things that Mokuba was able to smuggle into him to find some shred of happiness. He wants to make his love of that into a strength so it is worthwhile for him to continue to love such a thing. It may actually be healthy for him to learn to accept that loss or defeat are not weaknesses in spite of being highly skilled and intelligent.
While he is so intelligent, Kaiba reacts based on instinct a lot. His instinctive drive toward some of his personality traits are sometimes at odds with his more cerebral skills and cultivated abilities.
Kaiba’s first impulse is to react based on his gut feeling or primal instinct.
If something separates Kaiba from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be anger/rage.
Stress Point:
When Kaiba is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 5 - The Investigator. Kaiba’s particular manifestation of this is becoming arbitrarily or unreasonably skeptical of anything that pushes him outside of his comfort zone or makes him feel a loss of control over his circumstances. He can be a know-it-all, even when he knows better and can see plainly that there is something greater at work. He prioritizes his own usual competence over empirical evidence that is presented to him of the more fantastical elements in his universe. He refuses to feel or acknowledge being helpless, regardless of whether this is the wisest move toward survival, which is uniquely important to him.
Growth Direction:
As Kaiba experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 2 - The Helper during his times of transition. This could mean that he will learn to value community, friendship, or love more than he allows himself to most of the time. It could also mean that he will do away with skepticism in the face of evidence and that he might be more open to abstract thinking and concepts.
I chose Wing Type 7 - The Enthusiast for Kaiba because he is quite acquisitive when it comes to things he is interested in or which help define his sense of identity. He does not care very much about it for image’s sake. It seems that his image, fame, and fortune, are a means to an end for him most of the time. He does not want to feel deprived or out of control. He insulates himself from the very possibility of feeling pain, sometimes by refusing to feel things fully. He also cares about playing a game which he presumably finds fun, even if he cannot quite express that properly. A hobby is a great keystone of his life, which is in line with these personality traits such as seeking sensual pleasure (in the most unattached way possible, to protect himself).
Kaiba Mokuba - Type 6: The Loyalist (6w7)
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Mokuba is The Loyalist. This may seem like another potentially lazy, no-brainer choice, but Mokuba’s loyalty to Seto seems to be both a necessary survival mechanism and a genuine part of his personality. He loves his brother very much, and he desires his approval even at his worst. He emulates him at his worst in order to try and mirror what Seto seems to want or need at the time.
Mokuba wants to feel supported and guided by his big brother, and he holds him in high esteem as a person to learn from, even if at times Seto doesn’t live up to being a good role model. However, Mokuba thrives on the opportunity to be responsible and engaged in what is going on around him. Even at his young age, he wants to help his big brother run his company in whatever ways he is allowed. In fact, one might think that in terms of personality he has more aptitude for the job than his brother, even if his brother is a genius.
In spite of often being placed in vulnerable positions, Mokuba doesn’t give up easily, and he feels a sense of commitment to and faith in Seto and, later to some extent, Yugi and his friends.
Mokuba desires reassurance that things are going to work out, and he is willing to work hard to make them turn out okay.
Mokuba’s first impulse is to react based on his thought processes.
If something separates Mokuba from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be fear.
Stress Point:
When Mobuka is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 3 - The Achiever. In times like this, he desperately wants to be recognized by his brother and anyone else that would help him feel secure. He is willing to do anything, regardless of how unscrupulous or dangerous, to get back to a sense of security.
Growth Direction:
As Mokuba experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 9 - The Peacemaker during his times of transition. This could mean that he will feel more secure without needing constant reassurance. He may become more able to accept what is without the need for it to be externally affirmed that it is safe and that he is accepted and moving along the right path. He may also encourage social harmony with others.
I chose Wing Type 7 - The Enthusiast for Mokuba because he desires happiness openly as part of his need to feel secure. He doesn’t want to miss out on being included in his brother’s life, or in any of the exciting things going on around him, even if it requires him to grow up fast and experience considerable peril, at odds with his desire for safety.
Marik Ishtar - Type 2: The Helper (2w3)
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And I’ll prove it! “Regular” Marik is a traumatized individual, and we had a front-row seat to some of it in canon. Because of this, it was hard to identify the “core” of his personality. The way I did this with the Enneagram system was to consider Yami Marik an independent soul/personality which was a direct manifestation of Marik’s trauma, repressed feelings, and stress response. Working backward, a person who behaves like a Type 8 primarily when stressed is probably a Type 2. Therefore...
Marik is the Helper. It may sound crazy, but this has to do with what Marik values deep down. What does he want? What did he need, whether he got it or not?
Marik wanted to be loved by his family. Marik wanted to experience community and the outside world. Marik wanted his siblings’ friendship and love for him and each other to be functional and rewarded with the just rewards of having such positive feelings. However, his hopes and needs were dashed at every point, except that his adoptive brother remained loyal to him even as his mental health fell apart and literally splintered into two people. Sometimes, love isn’t enough, as they say.
If only it were this easy to fix mental health and trauma issues in the real world, but after Marik realizes what is important to the world and to his own identity, he is able to banish, destroy, or subdue “Yami Marik” - a kind of pseudo personality of his or an aspect of himself that was his worst - and return to being quite a seemingly happy and balanced person who wants to start again and do his best to rebuild his life and family.
Marik’s first impulse is to react based on his emotions.
If something separates Marik from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame. (This explains why he repressed so hard that Yami Marik formed, possibly.)
Stress Point:
When Marik is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 8 - The Challenger. However, he did his best to dissociate and repress these feelings due to his horror at his own actions and his grief at the fact that his most basic needs were denied in a systematic way during his upbringing. See below for further analysis of his “Stress Personality,” which somehow, because anime, gained its own soul or independent manifestation of sorts.
Growth Direction:
As Marik experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 4 - The Individualist during his times of transition. This could mean that he will finally feel loved and worthy of love and be able to move on to the development of an independent identity that is based on what he wants and needs, rather than the legacy and trauma of his past and family history.
I chose Wing Type 3 - The Achiever for Marik because he is driven and image-conscious. I mean, look at him. He also wants to be recognized for his abilities, successes, and needs and wants.
Yami Marik - Type 8: The Challenger (Sort of.)
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Yami Marik is the Challenger.However, he is not a whole person or a proper entity apart from Marik. Instead, he is Marik’s darkest traumas, reactions, and repressions made manifest as a different form. This means that he is a “Stress Personality” of sorts with fairly singular, obsessive focus on lashing out.
Yami Marik’s first impulse is to react based on his gut feeling or primal instinct.
If something separates Yami Marik from being his true self, having his basic needs met, his single-minded goals, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be rage/anger.
Stress Point:
Yami Marik is the “Stress Point” along the “stress line” for Marik, so he is already doing this all the time.
Growth Direction:
Yami Marik cannot experience positive growth due to the nature of his/its existence. However, if he were, he would become more like Type 2, which is actually what Marik is anyway. This doesn’t always work out in the Enneagram system, but it does in this case.
He doesn’t have a wing because he is very single-facet.
Odion Rashid Ishtar - Type 6: The Loyalist (Insufficient Data)
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We don’t know a lot about Rashid, who for some unfathomable reason was renamed Odion in the dub. It is difficult to do a full profile for him, but based on what we have seeen, we can tell surprisingly more than one might expect.
Rashid is the Loyalist. He was willing to tolerate abuse from his adoptive father, and in spite of the way he was treated, he harbored no resentment toward his adoptive siblings when they came along, in spite of their existence making his prospects even worse. Even if it was a misguided effort, he remained loyal to Marik and by his side even as he seemed to go mad and went on a crazy quest for revenge. He never rejected Marik.
It would seem that, as a Type 6 and the ‘older brother,’ in his position, he found a way to create his own sense of security through relying on the acceptance of his adoptive mother, even after she died. He created his own sense of responsibility toward his siblings, Marik in particular. He resisted anxiety and insecurity in every way he could.
Rashid’s first impulse is to react based on his thought processes.
If something separates Rashid from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be fear.
Stress Point:
When Rashid is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 3 - The Achiever. He was willing to do Marik’s dirty work or to complete any task for his ‘adoptive father’ in order to obtain the sense of security and fulfilled responsibility that he needs to feel comfortable in his skin. He spent his whole life being desperate to be acknowledged for his efforts.
Growth Direction:
As Rashid experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 9 - The Peacemaker during his times of transition. We even witness his willingness to move in this direction when he helps Marik make “peace” with himself and his demons/defeat Yami Marik.
This is the part I cannot determine for Rashid because of how much he shaped himself around Marik’s needs when we observed his behavior.
Isis Ishtar - Type 9: The Peacemaker (9w8)
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Isis (Ishizu makes no sense, it’s katakana for Isis) is the Peacemaker. It sounds great, but Type 9 has positives and negatives just like all the other personality Types. It’s great that she wants to create or facilitate harmony, peace, and social cooperation. However, she also accepts that this may involve people adhering to traditional expectations even if they go against what an individual wants or needs.
It may be due in part to her possession of the Millennium Necklace which allows her to see the future (???) sometimes, but it would seem that Isis is uniquely capable of accepting what is, no matter how bad of adverse. She does want her family to survive and to be at peace, but she also did not have the innate desire to resist against the unfair aspects of their upbringing that Marik wanted to push back against. She may value peace over freedom or independence, and she feels a responsibility toward the collective and the world.
Isis’s first impulse is to react based on her gut feeling or primal instincts.
If something separates Isis from being her true self, having her basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, her most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be anger/rage. She doesn’t seem to reach this point very often, though, due to her strong acceptance of the status quo.
Stress Point:
When Isis is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, she is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 6 - The Loyalist. While she cares about the emotional well-being of herself and others, she was willing to try and find the greatest possible measure of it under the unjust rule and abuse of her father toward herself and her brothers, for example.
Growth Direction:
As Isis experiences positive growth, she will become more like Type 3 - The Achiever during her times of transition. This could mean that she will begin to differentiate her own accomplishments from her responsibilities and sense of peace or calm. She may begin to care more about being loved/liked as she enacts what she sees as her role in life and to achieve things which are not solely related to her purpose in the way she thinks things will proceed.
I chose Wing Type 8 - The Challenger for Isis because she is accustomed to if not particularly interested in a sense of control or power. Even when this was pretty demonstrably not the case, her stewardship of the Millennium Necklace gives her the confidence to proceed as though it just is-what-it-is while also pushing others to fulfill their appropriate role.
Kujaku Mai - Type 3: The Achiever (3w4)
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Mai is the Achiever. She wants to be distinguished from the crowd. She values and cultivates her physical appearance, and she uses it to achieve her goals among any other tool in her arsenal. She wants to be successful at almost any cost. While she can have warm feelings and value doing the right thing, she has experienced enough disappointment, alienation, and abandonment to feel that she has been worthless to other people. She tries to turn that sense around and to devalue what others mean to her to protect herself.
Mai enjoys the admiration of others because it makes her feel that her worth is being acknowledged. She often likes to do this in ways that make it difficult for her admirers to “take away” their approval, often being the first to “leave” the spotlight until the next time she needs positive affirmation.
Mai’s first impulse is to react based on her emotions.
If something separates Mai from being her true self, having her basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, her most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be shame.
Stress Point:
When Mai is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, she is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 9 - The Peacemaker. For example, if she feels guilty about the ways in which she protects her emotional well-being which might be considered unfair to others, the unhealthy way for her to respond would be to put on a front of whatever she needs to do to restore immediate personal harmony without dealing with the core of her issues.
Growth Direction:
As Mai experiences positive growth, she will become more like Type 6 - The Loyalist during her times of transition. This could mean that she will become more deeply committed to friends, loved ones, or values or causes. It could mean that she will develop a more centered sense of responsibility toward something that is important to her. It would mean that she would be working toward finding and valuing a sense of security.
I chose Wing Type 4 - The Individualist for Mai because she is certainly the kind of person who enjoys being independent. This can exist whether or not she is mentally healthy about it! She has a strong sense of the image she wants to cultivate, both in her physical appearance and fashion choices and the other types of aesthetic beauty she places around herself. She finds something satisfying about the “harpy” image and themes her deck around it for example. She consciously chooses and creates her image and identity.
Otogi Ryuji - Type 7: The Enthusiast (7w8)
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Ryuji is the Entuhsiast. He obviously doesn’t mind the attention he receives for the way he presents himself aesthetically. He is considered attractive, knows it, and enjoys himself. His concern with his physical appearance is probably owed to the external benefits more than being primarily about a personal draw to an aesthetic. He is willing to change with the circumstances, expectations, or opportunities around him. He is interested in new, exciting experiences.
He values being satisfied and content and, conversely, fears pain and deprivation.
When he is first introduced to Yugi and the others, he is determined to get vengeance for his father’s loss of his business (or the loss of Pegasus business deal, depending on source). However, he is fairly easily persuaded to change his mind. This could be a positive or negative trait, but he is open-minded almost all the time.
He enjoys sensual pleasure, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be kinky. That’s one reason I chose the above picture for him: he seems to be good at and enjoy cooking!
Ryuji’s first impulse is to react based on his thought processes.
If something separates Ryuji from being his true self, having his basic needs met, or seeing a way forward, his most prominent negative emotional response is likely to be fear.
Stress Point:
When Ryuji is cornered, in a bad mood, hurt, or otherwise driven toward putting up a front, he is likely to display negative manifestations of Type 1 - The Reformer. He forms quick, fast opinions about what the way to make something right is, whether or not he has all the information. He acts impulsively to mete out personal justice without looking at the big picture.
Growth Direction:
As Ryuji experiences positive growth, he will become more like Type 5 - The Investigator during his times of transition. This could mean that he take more careful consideration in forming his opinions. Being open-minded is great, but being too quick to act on a whim or firm up a plan can often get someone like Ryuji into trouble.
I chose Wing Type 8 - The Challenger for Ryuji because he is assertive and enjoys the respect of others. He also values protecting who and what is important to him.
Aaaand we’re finished for now!
This post is really long, and it took me at least 12 hours of research, writing, and consideration to make. I hope you like it and that it might even be useful for you in creating YuGiOh fic!!! It is fine if you don’t agree with every point and even if you discuss it with me, but please don’t yuck my yum and insult my hard work to entertain and help you.
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duelistas · 4 years
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Full name: Ishizu Ishtar Nickname(s): N/A Title(s): Tomb keeper, the millennium necklace’s wielder, museum curator Gender: Cis female Height: 5′5 ft / 1,67 meters Age: 20 (Battle city) / 21 (DM ends) Zodiac: Aries Spoken languages: Fluently speaks modern arabic. Speaks english with an accent, and has a good grasp on japanese.
Physical characteristics
Hair color: Jet-black Eye color: Deep blue eyes Skin tone: Black Body type: Voluptuous, large chest and wide hips. Voice: Tatiane Keplmair (Brazilian portuguese dub’s VA) Dominant hand: Right Posture: Stands straight up, may cross her arms or rest her hands on her hips Scars: N/A Tattoos: N/A Birthmarks: N/A Most noticeable feature(s): It is hard to say, seeing how heavily clothed Ishizu is almost all the time. It’s very rare for her to show much of her body, due to her outfits.
Place of birth: Somewhere within Egypt Hometown: Undisclosed location Birth weight/height: Average First words: Either daddy or mommy. Siblings:  Odion (or RIshid) Ishtar, setp-brother adopted a few years before her birth. Malik Ishtar, younger brother born when she was 4 years old. Parents: Both are deceased. Mrs.Ishtar passed away due to natural causes 2 years, into Malik’s life. And mr.Ishtar was murdered by Y!Malik, she and Odion witnessed the whole thing. Parental involvement: Ishizu’s birth wasn’t quite well received by her parents. Her relationship with them was complicated, even though at a first glance it may seem like there was nothing out of the ordinary. Ishizu’s relationship with her father was almost nonexistent, and her mother clearly was discounting onto the girl her frustrations. Children: N/A
Adult life
Occupation: College student, museum curator and until Atem’s derpature she was a tomb keeper. Current residence: Lives in a small appartment in Domino city, Japan. Close friends: Insert here some college classmate Good Friends: More college classmates, maybe some former mentors from way back in the day or professors. Relationship status: Single by default, unless stated otherwise. Financial status: They are wealthy, they can afford a good and stable lifestyle. Criminal record: N/A
Sex & romance
Sexual orientation: Bisexual, although she has yet to figure that out about herself. Preferred emotional role: Submissive | Dominant | Switch Preferred sexual role: Submissive | Dominant | Switch Libido: When she is single, it is extremely low. She is still bound to feel it naturally, but overall sex is something that bothers her due to it being a huge taboo in her life. Turn ons: Biting/spanking & scratching, pulling hair, foreplay, teasing. TBH she is someone whose sexual life, can be molded to match/fit in with her partner’s needs. Turn offs: Anything that could really injure her parnter, humiliation and degradation in general. Love language: Gentle/affectionate touches, whispering lsweet-nothings, being in her partner’s company. Relationship tendencies: By the time she gets together with someone, she should have already overcome a ton of past taboos and issues she used to have. All in all, the start isn’t as awkward as most would be led to believe.
Character’s theme song(s): Pixel Dreams Hobbies to pass time: Read books, go out shopping,casually plays DM; Mental illnesses: N/A Physical illnesses: N/A Left or right brained: Left Fears: She fears Yami Malik’s return. The fact she also no longer has her visions of the future to guide her, scare her a lot about what her life has in-stored for her. Self-confidence level: It’s enough for her to carry out her days, without any major qualms or issues. Vulnerabilities: At times she can be a little too passive, and there are also other times she just can’t bring herself to face her issues/problems.
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ijmecs · 3 years
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IJMECS Vol. 11, No. 8, Aug. 2019
A Review on Student Attrition in Higher Education Using Big Data Analytics and Data Mining Techniques
Syaidatus Syahira Ahmad Tarmizi, Sofianita Mutalib, Nurzeatul Hamimah Abdul Hamid, Shuzlina Abdul Rahman
Appraisal on Perceived Multimedia Technologies as Modern Pedagogical Tools for Strategic Improvement on Teaching and Learning
Salako E. Adekunle, Adewale Olumide S., Boyinbode Olutayo K.
Evaluating and Comparing the Performance of Using Multiple Controllers in Software Defined Networks
Mahmood Z. Abdullah, Nasir A. Al-awad, Fatima W. Hussein
An Approximate 4-2 Compressor based on Spintronic Devices
MohammadAli Shafieabadi, Fazel Sharifi, MohammadMehdi Faghih
A Machine Learning based Approach for Mapping Personality Traits and Perceived Stress Scale of Undergraduate Students
Ahmed A. Marouf, Adnan F. Ashrafi, Tanveer Ahmed, Tarikuzzaman Emon
Assessment of Students’ Academic Performance Using Admission Entry Requirements under the Computer-Based Test and Paper-Pencil-Based Test in Kaduna State University, Kaduna – Nigeria
Sa’adatu Abdulkadir, Emmanuel Amano Onibere, Philip Oshiokhaimhele Odion
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ryouverua · 6 years
In the tags of one of the asks I sent you, you commented that Yami no Yuugi might be the SHSL Gambler if he was DR and Yuugi would be SHSL Card Game Player or something. And now I've been thinking about SHSL talents for Yuugiou characters. I have my own ideas, but I'm really curious what talents you'd give everybody
Oh man, let me get Duel Links open so I don’t miss anyone LMAO
I’m sure this was done a hundred years ago when DR first came out and doing crossovers were all the rage, but let’s see what I can come up with? (I’ll address your next ask too, but I’ll add more detail there ~ you’ll see). Anyway, there’s gonna be some serious overlap but I’ll try to branch out where I can. Also this is an item-less universe, but since the items are such big parts of their characters, it’ll definitely inform the talents.
Yami no Yuugi - SHSL Gambler (his talent will be similar to Yuugi’s, but his denotes the dangerous situations he fought through)
Yuugi Mutou - SHSL Gamer (he has an incredible knowledge of games, though you don’t get to see much of it outside of the first 7 manga volumes/Season 0 - and not that Chiaki doesn’t deserve her title, but I do wish we got to see her do more traditional gaming like traditional card games, TRPG, and the more ridiculous ones of the YGO manga like the battling tamagotchis and rock’em sock’em robots)
Katsuya Jounouchi/Joey Wheeler - SHSL Good Luck (I’ll save that for the next post)
Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardner - SHSL Ballerina/Dancer (Hiyoko has the specific subset of Traditional dancing so if Anzu was to have to specialize, it would be ballet)
Hiroto Honda/Tristan Taylor - poor guy, I think he might end up being a reserve student or ultimate custodian lmao… though perhaps SHSL Motorcrosser could work?
Ryou Bakura - SHSL Sculptor (I thought hard on this one, and it took a lot to keep me from going to the TRPG area, but think about it - he sculpted all the figurines for his Monster World games, and created the entire Egypt diorama from the last arc, including all the characters and tokens to go with them. Who else would earn that title but him?)
Yami no Bakura/Thief King Bakura - SHSL Thief, because I deserve a softball though ultimate procrastinator can work for just Y-Bakura lmao
Malik Ishtar - SHSL Supreme Leader (honestly, he’s a better fit than Kokichi, though you could argue that if Kokichi is a big YGO fan then he might… literally be emulating him/pulling lines from Malik/Yami no Malik, honestly? But the kid (Malik) created an international criminal organization that both creates fake cards and steals/sells rare ones on the blackmarket. He… has definitely earned it)
Isis/Ishizu Ishtar - The obvious choice is SHSL Clairvoyant but I’m going to propose SHSL politician as a suitable alternative because she’s already working for the Egyptian government at 20. That’s pretty damn impressive.
Seto Kaiba - SHSL Businessman/CEO (differs as he recreated/rebuilt the company he took over as opposed to inheriting and continuing it the way Togami did. A slight, but important, difference). Could also be SHSL Inventor or Programmer, honestly.
Pegasus J Crawford - SHSL Painter. Oho, you thought I was going to go for Mindreader? Nope! He did make all the original card art himself! (also damn it Angie how did you land such a broad title as ‘Artist’…)
Mai Kujaku/Valentine - SHSL Card Dealer (and I bet she and Y-Yuugi have crossed paths lol)
Insector Haga/Weevil Underwood - SHSL Entomologist (I’M SO SORRY GONTA BUT IT FITS….)
Dinosaur Ryuuzaki/Rex Raptor - SHSL Palaeontologist
Ghost Kotsuzaka/Bonz - SHSL Occultist
Ryota Kajiki/Mako Tsunami - SHSL Marine Biologist
oh right
Rishid/Odion Ishtar - SHSL Tattoo Artist because I’m actually The Worst
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shadow-gamers · 6 years
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From left to right, top to bottom;
Ken Ushio Ken is the son of Tetsu Ushio. He does not have a good relationship with his father, being frequently beaten by him for not being "tough enough." He is a member of Tabs' little band of friends who play tabletop RPGs, and he's specifically known Tabs since high school. Tabs was the only person who wasn't scared or nasty to him, and he decided to pull away from his father's influence and make himself into a better man. He was hesitant at first upon meeting Tabs, but her amiable nature eventually drew him in. He admittedly finds Yugi rather terrifying, despite Yugi only being friendly to the young man. Papillon Underwood Papillon is the only child of Weevil Underwood. He claims to be Tabs' greatest rival, however one-sided it seems. He's a competitive player who will resort to cheating if it means getting what he wants. He wants to get revenge on the Mutou family for his father's "disgrace." He's very egotistical and thinks he's the greatest player, but he's also a very sore loser. Moriko Kitamori Moriko is the daughter of Reiko Kitamori, a Card Professor from YuGiOh R. Mori is an amateur competitive gamer, who just started yet seems to have a lot of talent. She ended up befriending Tabs at college, where they both have the same class. They often share their love of games, with Mori in particular favoring tabletop games. Her dream is to bring tabletop RPGs to the virtual world, so people from across the world can play interactive and custom RPGs. Matthew Wheeler Matt is the son of Joey Wheeler and Mai Valentine. He doesn't have much interest in Duel Monsters, despite being in love with the game as a child. His best friend is Ethan Taylor, since childhood and they're frequently up to no good, sneaking out at night all the time for nights of fun. He's a grade above Nora, yet despite knowing each other since childhood, they're not really friends. Matt thinks of Nora as a puppy that needs to be cared for, so he took her under his wing. Even though he tries to act distant and aloof, he has a good heart. It just takes some digging to get to it. He's stubborn as they come. He has a massive crush on Nora's older sister, Tabia. Trevor Woodson Trevor is the adopted son of Gekko Tenma, one of the adopted sons of Maximillion Pegasus. Having struggled with his esteem and health, Trevor finds himself mostly spending time alone in his room playing computer games by himself. He ended up befriending Tabs while he was in the hospital, and they've been thick as thieves ever since. Trevor is very talented in composing music, bringing his launchpad everywhere he goes so he can create music that fits the mood. He's also Tabs' right hand man in terms of her antics. He often credits Tabs as being the one to bring him out of his shell. Damien Devlin Damien is the son of Duke Devlin. Being very much a lady's man, he is rather popular at school. He helps run the family cafe and ended up making it rather popular with young high school students. However, he keeps a secret buried deep within that only his family knows of; he loves dressing up in costumes. He dreams of going into theater as an actor, claiming he's got the looks and talent for it. He has an older sister who he frequently teases. Ethan Taylor Ethan is one of three sons born to Tristan Taylor. He's the middle son, so he feels left out, considering the age gap between his older brother and younger brother are rather big. Ethan likes to make mischief with his best friend, Matt, who he thinks is super cool. He also hangs out with Mei and Nora, due to being in their class. While he admittedly finds Mei creepy at times, he thinks she's rather interesting. With Nora, he's very open and honest about his thoughts about his family. He feels only Nora would get his problems, and she's a really good listener. He's not good at card games, but he's working on it. Naomi Gardner Naomi is the younger sister of Ezra, and the daughter of Odion and Tea. She takes after her father in terms of patience and attitude, but her mother's temper still boils deep in her veins. There are few people who bring out that temper, and those people need to stay clear of her fists because strength is another trait she inherited from her dad. She works out regularly and took kick-boxing as a hobby. She currently works as a barkeeper at a local pub. Tobias Wheeler Toby is the son of Serenity Wheeler and Marik Ishtar. However, Toby doesn't actually know who his father, because Marik was terrified of siring a child. He feared he could become like his own father, and he worried that he might hurt his son or his son might hate him. Because of this, Marik supports Toby from afar, never outing himself as the father to keep Toby safe. Toby is an energetic and sweet child, and he's a huge fan of Yugi Mutou. Joey calls Toby "fanboy" due to this trait.</b>
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royalewin-blog · 5 years
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Odion Ighalo angered a student football team while he was participating in a solo training session over the winter break.
Whatsapp: http://rwbola.wasap.my Wechat ID : Royalewin Telegram Link : https://t.me/RwbolaCS Web : Royalewin88 .net #RoyaleWin #sportnew
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odionxabadi · 6 years
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[ RAMI MALEK, CISMALE, HE/HIM ] Oh look, there’s ODION ABADI the THIRTY-FOUR year old HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY TEACHER heading into the Dixie Stop. You know, I heard whispers that they can be pretty darn AWKWARD and ATTENTIVE and they kinda remind me of BIKE RIDES, BUTTON-UPS, VINTAGE LOVE SONGS.
tw: mental disorder, toxic relationship i guess, suicide mention
hello all!! i’m anya and i very rarely bring a whole new character to a group but that’s what i’m doing w odion so watch him grow with me!!! also i haven’t written in like half a year so pls be gentle
he’s a local history teacher at the high school, he teaches mostly juniors and seniors so general history, holocaust, civics, stuff like that
he’s one of those teachers that doesn’t understand the kids but enjoys being on their level. u need him to fortnite dance for a viral tiktok? he’s ur guy. he will do anything to get on the kids good side but they don’t even take advantage of him he’s just Good Energy
he’s such an old dude on the inside. he listens to music that isn’t even on vinyl (while yes he does sometimes) he mostly listens to the kind of music that was on 8TRACKS like he’s such an old dude. it’s just v nostalgic for him he adores it
he’s a v minimalistic kind of dude like the inside of his apartment? all white and minimal he’s v modern and vintage at the same time
he’s also as green as can be because he <3′s the earth but he’s also wiccan!!!! he ain’t good at it, he’s just learning about it so he isn’t v open about it because he wants to learn way more before being self-proclaimed or any of that
he bikes everywhere like he’s that guy
he probably has never touched a weed
maybe gotten drunk three times in his life
his students like love him because he will try to look into anything they like. he don’t like sports but he’ll spend hours to DAYS reading up on the history of the seattle seahawks if a kid tells him he likes them. he’s one of the teachers u get that remembers every detail and really looks at u as a person
he’s also helped a lo of kids out mentally because they trust him because he’s such a good listener. he literally leaves his door wide open during his free periods for people to come in and complain. he’s like the most unlicensed therapist
he’s like the guy to talk to the trouble kids who get into fights because he can get through to them
he’s v sentimentalist he has his mom’s childhood bear and her wedding ring not to propose with but just to keep her around since her passing <3 mama’s boi
ON A SIDE NOTE even though he’s a lovely lil angel he’s like exhausted every day because he’s trying so hard to better himself.
in his mid to late twenties he was in a relationship with a girl he loved, but he was v bpd (i have bpd don’t worry i won’t be disrespectful about it) he wasn’t taking care of himself; took himself out of therapy because he thought he was doing great, got off meds because he was doing great without it (hc: he has a slight twitch when he’s upset bc effexor fucked me up like that so it’ll fuck him up too lol)
she and him were great a lot of the time they were like best friends and she was his first and they were perfect and all that, but she cheated on him. kinda a lot. like she did the sob story every time and he forgave her (literally heart of gold) and it’d be fine for a few months and then he’d find out she did it again, etc. fucked with his head a lot and his self worth, he nearly went back to his teenage depression ways (i’ll explain in his bio that i’m writing) but he decided against it for her. in a good episode for them and a bad mental episode for him, he was at an all time low. he called her, telling her he wanted to end his life and she didn’t help much. she said the typical ‘i don’t want you to hurt yourself, you need to call someone’ but in the Borderline Personality Spirit it wasn’t enough for him. his brain twisted it to feel like she should’ve threatened her life too if he was threatening his. clearly she didn’t love him as much as he thought she did because she wouldn’t kill herself if he did?
it caused a bit of a tension between them, they were awkward for a few days where he couldn’t stop apologizing and she said it was okay but it didn’t feel okay. in another low out of desperation, in the kitchen he did it again. he told her he wanted to die and she didn’t reciprocate. he pulled a knife out (not on her) and told her she should go down with him, that’s what two people in love would do. even though she hurt him again and again and again with the cheating, she got the last laugh and left him for that. can’t blame her he was terrible for her but yeesh U KNOW
after that he took his mental health much more seriously, keeping track of his meds and going to therapy. but he’s too ashamed of the bpd side of him, so he just says he has depression. it doesn’t excuse the intense feelings he has and the dissociation because of the bpd, but no one has to know about those lmao whip emoji
ON THAT MCFREAKING NOTE he also has an older sister lina and a niece who he loves more than anything her name is riza (YES after his mother what a little love) she doesn’t visit often because they’re back home in washington but u know..... when she comes by it’s like his whole life is PURE
i’ll think of more i just rly wanna PLOT so if u like this i will message u or just message me whatever works!!!
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cardiaccrisis · 7 years
GCC249 - Miscellaneous Notes
These are a bunch of notes that didn’t make it into the story for one reason or another!
(GC249 - Cross Cultural Communication is my collegeAU!Thiefshipping fanfic on AO3 and you can read it by clicking here!)
In GCC, Atem was born into riches. His family has millions (maybe even billions), and he has no idea that it's because his uncle runs a drug gang in Mexico. He's just the weird uncle who loves going to take vacations south of the border.
They actually had real schedules planned out btw:
Marik's schedule:  2 classes MWF afternoon, 1 morning and 1 afternoon TTh
Physics MWF afternoon (1-2:30pm) English MWF evening (5:30-7pm) Calculus TTh morning Intro to Engineering TTh afternoon Bakura's schedule: No classes MW, 3 classes TTh, 1 class F Calculus TTh morning Principles of Programming TTh noon Intro to Ethics TTh evening Intro to Computer Systems F noon
Bakura is an avid couponer, he's always using the five-finger discount. He's a Mexican orphan whose family/village was killed on the orders of a drug lord.
His name is Bakura (Del) Rio, and he steals Ryou Bakura's identity fairly easily when he comes to Mexico with his father, who's an archaeologist studying some ruins. 
Bakura stole Ryou's identity by installing a key logger on his computer, knows all his passwords and used his SAT scores and name to migrate into the US and get into a university. ALTERNATELY, Ryou gave him a copy of the documentation he uses to travel between countries without his dad and Bakura uses it to cross the border (but not before he stole Mr. Bakura's stash of freshly-discovered Mayan artifacts and his wallet). He sells the artefacts on eBay from the public library to raise the money for counterfeit identification, which he uses to get real US IDs. 
Ryou chatting with Bakura online and Bakura ranting at how fucking annoying Marik is. Ryou just listens, grinning, then asks Bakura how hot Marik is on a scale of 1 to 10. Bakura tries to dodge the question, then finally admits 9. Ryou's like ....Nine??? Bakura reluctantly admits 9 1/2. Ryou's surprised because Bakura has only ever rated dudes at 7 or lower. 
Marik used to run a gang (in Egypt) in high school that actually involved college students and even some professionals. It was mostly weapon smuggling. Odion, his adopted brother, disapproved, but helped with everything. He reformed after Odion almost died during a heist (only Ishizu's intervention saved Odion's life, regaining her Marik's respect). 
Ishizu became an ambassador of the Egyptian government in Japan and brought Odion with her to keep him out of the country (thus preventing them from running into any of their old gang associates). She localizes her name, and Odion completely changes his. Marik moves to the U.S. to go to college, not wanting to learn another language. Since Marik considered Odion to be more like his lackey, he was very stand-offish, but afterwards tried to be more friendly in the way he interacts with Odion. They're still not 100% used to the new dynamic when Marik leaves for America.
Marik takes to calling Bakura Bakurita and Bakura isn't entirely sure what to make of it, as he doesn't like the idea of being called a diminutive, but gets a pleasant feeling in his stomach whenever Marik calls him that. Marik notices that Bakura doesn't seem to mind unless it's in public, so when they're alone he likes to call him Bakurita and seeing the slight blush on his cheeks. He notices though that the closer he and Bakura get, the less often Bakura calls him Marikita. Marik asks him about it, wondering why Bakura wasn't using the pet name, and Bakura is forced to admit that Marikita is not exactly a flattering term.
Bakura starts switching it up nickname-wise calling him Mi amor, mi corazón, mi Rey, Cielito, Amorcito, mi sol/solcito, mi tesoro, mi vida, mi estrella/estrellita, etc. 
Marik is a little bit obsessed with Bakura's ass ever since he saw him wearing jeans that had shrunk in the wash. He keeps trying to come up with ways to get Bakura to bend over near him, and he almost faints one time when Bakura was walking back to his room after a shower and the towel around his waist slips while he's trying to dry his hair. Once, after they've been together for some time, Bakura almost destroys him by giving him a lap dance and telling him he'll stop the instant Marik touches him. Marik also later finds out that he melts into a puddle when Bakura gives his back some loving, and Bakura loves to indulge him on this one. 
Bakura's weakness is his neck, he can't resist when Marik kisses and nibbles at the soft skin. Marik figures this out early on and has no qualms exploiting this weakness whenever he wants Bakura's attention. Bakura combats this by wearing a scarf or a turtleneck whenever he really needs to get stuff done. Marik would hate this, except once Bakura's done with whatever he's doing, he usually seeks out Marik and sits on his lap, grabs his hands and places them on his ass, then kisses Marik fiercely. This is their favorite position since it means Marik can easily devour Bakura's neck in kisses and soft bites while feeling up his ass, and Bakura can stroke along Marik's back. 
Extra scene ideas:
- Scene where Marik walks in on Bakura at his digital altar on Dia de los Muertos. He had videotaped his own altar from three different angles and has it on his computer screens while he plays appropriate music on his headphones. This prevents Bakura from noticing Marik's entry until it's too late. http://revelsinmalevolence.tumblr.com/post/134003483082/witchy-altar-idea
-  Scene where Marik gets back at Bakura for the makeup app prank by doing his makeup irl. White winged eyeliner, gold eyeshadow and gold lipstick? Bakura maybe picks out the colors for Marik to use
-  Marik noticing how Bakura often goes for walks to "clear his head", going to the richest/most touristy areas and turning with pockets full of wallets. Marik finds this out when his wallet develops a hole and he asks Bakura if he happens to have an extra, and Bakura has a whole fucking box of wallets. Bakura regularly visits hotels to look in the lost-and-found box for "his" lost charger, and he takes the most expensive one(s) to sell online (plus any rings and jewelry that happen to be there). Maybe he dresses up before he does this, using makeup to hide his scar and wearing a black wig to hide his recognizable gray hair
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kyraticouture · 7 years
also this whole duel quiz and duel school thing is wild. like, just imagine pegasus, odion or yami bakura sitting there trying to solve a quiz with the other "students". pegasus be like "i'm the creator of this game. why do i have to participate in this?"
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ikennaluke · 5 years
Odion Ighalo 'kicked off university pitch because they didn't recognise Man Utd new boy'
Odion Ighalo ‘kicked off university pitch because they didn’t recognise Man Utd new boy’
The January loan signing saw his personal training session interrupted when was asked to leave the pitch by students who had booked it for practice, before support staff intervened Go to Source
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toptecharena · 6 years
Eedris Abdulkareem doesn't have nice words for the police force over detained journalist.
Eedris Abdulkareem has slammed the Inspector General of Police, Idris Ibrahim over the continuous detaining of journalist, Samuel Ogundipe.
The veteran rapper took to his Instagram page on Friday, August 17, 2018, where he took slammed the Inspector General of Police for detaining the journalist. According to him, the IGP will have countless sleepless nights over the arrest of  Segun Ogundipe.
“A Journalist would rather be tortured, jailed or in the extreme, killed rather than disclose his source. To the Journalist, it is sacrosanct, it is cardinal, it is the peak of his ethical responsibility to never disclose his source. Many have gone to jail and it is considered a badge of honour in the profession.  Mr IGP, the young man, Samuel Ogundipe will give you hundreds of sleepless nights and super high blood pressure if you are waiting for him to expose his source.
  “He would rather go to jail and when out, will be held in honour, promoted, sponsored by international organisations, remembered and used as reference by students of journalism and journalists world over. Mr IGP sir, what will you be remembered for beyond your transmission gaffe, will you even still be in the police force after this dispensation? What will you be remembered for? Putting a Journalist in jail? Disobeying the president? Oppression and suppression of truth? It sure doesn’t end here, Sir. Conscience is an open wound, Sir,” he wrote.
  Reports have it that Segun Ogundipe has however been released. Eedris Abdulkareem is a known vocal rapper who is never shy to call out both celebrities and the people at the corridors of power.
ALSO READ: Eedris Abdulkareem says new generation artists are disrespectful
Eedris Abdulkareem says younger artists will regret having baby mamas
  Eedris Abdulkareem has a word for young Nigerian artists on their new found “Baby mama” syndrome. In an exclusive interview with blogger, Linda Ikeji, the veteran rapper said “Another thing is having several baby mamas because they will all regret it when they grow up. Don’t let you kids kill themselves because of jealousy”, he concluded.
Eedris Abdulkareem also praised Nigerian artists for making the country proud with their exploits both locally and internationally but took a swipe on them on the kind of videos they create.
Go to Source Author: Odion E. Okonofua Eedris Abdulkareem: Rapper slams Inspector General of Police over detained journalist Eedris Abdulkareem doesn't have nice words for the police force over detained journalist. Eedris Abdulkareem has slammed the Inspector General of Police, Idris Ibrahim over the continuous detaining of journalist, Samuel Ogundipe.
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amakvitaa · 8 years
Fed Poly Nekede Fraud Alert Notice To Students
….It has been brought to the notice of the management of Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri that some persons MR. EDENOKUN WILLIAMS with UBA account number 2089791657, FidalityBank account number 6238543134, phone numbers:07037870706; 09036233246 and MR. OSAGIEDE ODION PETER with FIRST BANK account number 3107754959 have been parading themselves online as the AUTHORISED REGISTRAR of Sure…
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