outdoorexperience · 2 years
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mountain bivouacđŸ€đŸŽâ€â˜ ïžđŸ” â›ș
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dimensionsvelo · 8 months
Collection hiver Odlo Zeroweight, technique et légÚre
Pour traverser l’intersaison 2023-2024, Odlo propose une collection Zeroweight qui fait appel aux technologies employĂ©es sur les gammes running et montagne de la marque. Pour faire face aux frimas et prĂ©cipitations hivernales de 2023-2024, Odlo prĂ©sente sa nouvelle collection Zeroweight. Tout est dans le titre en fait, faire du lĂ©ger mais du protecteur contre le froid et la pluie ! Pour cela la

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modnisleva · 4 years
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lignes2frappe · 1 year
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10 mai 2013. True Religion Apparel Inc. confirme officiellement son rachat par la firme d’investissement TowerBrook Capital Partners pour la somme astronomique de 835 millions de dollars !
À titre de comparaison, quand, en 2007, Jay Z a conclu le plus gros deal l’histoire du rap en revendant sa marque de fringues Rocawear, le montant de la transaction n’était « que » de 204 millions de dollars.
Bien connu du milieu de la mode pour avoir par le passĂ© dĂ©jĂ  pris le contrĂŽle de Jimmy Choo, Odlo ou Phase Eight, TowerBrook Capital Partners n’a Ă©videmment pas agi sur un coup de tĂȘte. À l’instant T, True Religion n’est en effet pas juste une marque de plus en vogue, c’est LA marque en vogue.
Son logo en forme de Bouddha qui joue de la guitare acoustique et ses fers Ă  cheval brodĂ©s sur les poches arriĂšre de ses jeans sont depuis quelques saisons omniprĂ©sents dans les garde-robes des cĂ©lĂ©britĂ©s, que ce soit chez les habituĂ©es des tabloĂŻds (Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan
), les acteurs et les actrices (Gwyneth Paltrow, Bruce Willis, toute la distribution de la sĂ©rie Desperate Housewives
), ainsi que l’entiĂšretĂ© du rap mainstream (Kanye West, Nicki Minaj, Future, Jim Jones et les Black Eyed Peas l’ont citĂ©e dans leurs textes, Chief Keef lui a dĂ©diĂ© l’hymne True Religion Fein, 2 Chainz a carrĂ©ment intitulĂ© l’une de ses mixtapes T.R.U. REALigion et a fait de l’ad lib « TRUUU » sa carte de visite
Surfant sur cette hype sans prĂ©cĂ©dent, True Religion a triplĂ© son chiffre d’affaires de 2007 Ă  2012, allant jusqu’à gĂ©nĂ©rer 490 millions de dollars par an.
L’avenir s’annonçait donc des plus radieux, la success story semblant mĂȘme n’en ĂȘtre qu’à ses prĂ©misses.
Ou pour citer Lynne Koplin, fraĂźchement nommĂ©e prĂ©sidente directrice gĂ©nĂ©rale : « Cet investissement de TowerBrook nous permettra de maintenir notre leadership sur le marchĂ© sur le long terme. Le prochain chapitre de notre histoire sera, nous n’en doutons pas, des plus fructueux, tant pour nos employĂ©s que pour nos clients et nos actionnaires. »
Sauf que bon, la suite ne s’est pas spĂ©cialement dĂ©roulĂ©e comme prĂ©vu. Banqueroutes, fermetures, restructurations
 ce fut mĂȘme tout l’inverse qui s’est produit, et ce, en quelques annĂ©es Ă  peine.
Comment ? Pourquoi ? Pour tout comprendre sur cet incroyable retournement de situation, reprenons tout depuis le début.
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Tomber pour mieux se relever
New York, fin des annĂ©es 90. Jeffrey Lubell, la quarantaine joyeuse, « mec rock’n’roll » fan des Grateful Dead, des Rolling Stones et de Joni Mitchell, commence Ă  se dire, aprĂšs avoir passĂ© deux dĂ©cennies Ă  bosser pour d’autres dans l’industrie de la mode, qu’il serait temps qu’il se mette Ă  son compte.
Il convainc sa femme Kymberly de sauter le pas, et quelques mois plus tard, le couple crĂ©e deux marques de jeans, Bella Dahl et Jefri Jeans. Leur relative inexpĂ©rience dans l’entreprenariat leur vaut toutefois de connaĂźtre de sĂ©rieuses difficultĂ©s financiĂšres, tant et si bien que trĂšs vite ils se font racheter par un duo d’investisseurs, Kerry et Steve Jolna.
Pas dĂ©couragĂ© pour autant, Jeffrey dĂ©cide de rebondir en 2000 en utilisant une partie des fonds mis Ă  leur disposition pour fonder une nouvelle marque, Hippie Jeans. Les frĂšres Jolna ne l’entendent cependant pas de cette oreille et poursuivent les deux tourtereaux en justice pour rupture de contrat, concurrence illĂ©gale et infraction Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle.
Kym et Jeffrey contre-attaquent, s’estimant injustement dĂ©possĂ©dĂ©s de « leurs enfants ». S’ensuivent deux annĂ©es de procĂ©dure judiciaire qui se terminent le 28 janvier 2002 par la victoire des frĂšres Jolna.
Qu’à cela ne tienne, les Lubell en ont encore sous le pied et Ă©migrent en Californie, des rĂȘves plein la tĂȘte.
« Avec mes deux prĂ©cĂ©dentes marques, j’ai fait des erreurs » admettra Jeffrey. « En repartant Ă  zĂ©ro, je me suis dit que je prĂ©fĂ©rais tout faire moi-mĂȘme plutĂŽt que de me taper un partenaire qui, parce qu’il a investi de l’argent, se permet d’avoir un avis sur tout. »
Le couple met ainsi sur pied la sociĂ©tĂ© de gestion Guru Denim Inc., une structure qui va leur permettre de lancer en dĂ©cembre 2002 une nouvelle marque qui n’appartient qu’à eux, True Religion.
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La religion du jean
TrÚs vite, les différentes piÚces du puzzle se mettent en place.
Jeffrey et Kym Lubell dĂ©posent leurs valises dans la petite ville de Manhattan Beach (35 000 habitants), recrutent un designer et un chargĂ© de production, et se mettent sans plus attendre Ă  l’ouvrage.
Leur credo ? Des jeans, encore des jeans, toujours des jeans.
« La seule vraie religion dans le monde, ce sont les gens. Et partout dans le monde, les gens portent des jeans. À nous de nous concentrer sur la coupe, la qualitĂ© et le style pour qu’hommes et femmes se sentent le mieux possible dedans. »
Pour atteindre cet objectif, True Religion mise d’entrĂ©e de jeu sur le premium avec des jeans coĂ»tant entre 170 et 300 dollars – des prix particuliĂšrement Ă©levĂ©s pour l’époque, trĂšs Ă©loignĂ©s de ceux proposĂ©s par la concurrence.
Jeffrey Lubell n’en a cure. Ce qui compte pour lui, c’est d’abord la qualitĂ© du produit. Le reste ne vient qu’aprĂšs.
« Si vous voulez acheter du pas cher, allez chez Wal-Mart ou chez Target » s’agace-t-il.
Outre la qualitĂ© du tissu vendu comme supĂ©rieur, et de surcroĂźt « made in USA », l’idĂ©e est que le consommateur bĂ©nĂ©ficie d’un produit reconnaissable au premier coup d’Ɠil.
Il y a donc ces coutures trĂšs Ă©paisses, les fers Ă  cheval, et bien sĂ»r, le fameux Bouddha « World tour » qui apporte une touche new age Ă  l’ensemble.
L’un dans l’autre, True Religion c’est le textile un peu cool, un peu vintage, un peu cowboy, qui s’adresse à tous les imaginaires.
La formule plaßt, et en moins de deux ans, les résultats se font spectaculaires.
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Le monde chico
AprĂšs une annĂ©e 2003 confidentielle (2,4 millions de dollars de ventes assortis d’un lĂ©ger dĂ©ficit), True religion Ă©clot rĂ©ellement en 2004 (27,6 millions de dollars de ventes, 4,2 millions de bĂ©nĂ©fices), avant d’exploser en 2005 grĂące Ă  une sĂ©rie de deals Ă  l’international. DistribuĂ© au Japon, au Canada, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Australie et en Nouvelle-ZĂ©lande, ses ventes dĂ©passent la barre des 100 millions de dollars, tandis que son bĂ©nĂ©fice frĂŽle les 20 millions de dollars !
AdoubĂ© dans la presse spĂ© (Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar
), True Religion dĂ©barque dans la cour des grands et commence Ă  vendre ses vĂȘtements dans les chaĂźnes les plus prestigieuses du pays afin de capitaliser sur son cĂŽtĂ© Ă©litiste (Nordstrom, Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales
Sa progression ne s’arrĂȘte toutefois pas lĂ .
AprĂšs l’inauguration d’un premier magasin dans son fief de Manhattan Beach en 2005, fort de ses moyens nouveaux, True Religion inaugure une politique d’expansion des plus agressives : quatre ans plus tard, la marque possĂšde plus de 100 points de ventes rĂ©partis aux quatre coins du globe.
Mieux, chacun de ces magasins participe à renforcer son identité avec un décor là encore immédiatement reconnaissable : des boiseries partout, du plancher et une ambiance mi-zen, mi-saloon.
Brillant de mille feux au début des années 10, True Religion se permet non seulement de regarder droit dans les yeux tous les gros noms du denim (G-Star, Diesel, Levis Strauss
), mais peut à terme raisonnablement espérer de tous les dépasser.
« Toute personne sur Terre un brin dans le coup est un client potentiel de True Religion » résume Jeffrey Lubell.
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Les premiers nuages, puis la tempĂȘte
Si en public l’ambiance est Ă  la fĂȘte, en coulisse plusieurs voyants se mettent Ă  clignoter, Ă  commencer par le divorce de Jeffrey et Kym en 2007 aprĂšs 20 ans de vie commune (le dĂ©part de Kym quelques mois plus tard scellera la fin d’une Ă©poque), ou en 2009 l’échec de True Religion Ă  pĂ©nĂ©trer le marchĂ© asiatique malgrĂ© des investissements consĂ©quents.
Rien d’extrĂȘmement alarmant en soi, si ce n’est qu’un vent d’inquiĂ©tude commence Ă  se faire sentir lorsqu’en 2011, pour la premiĂšre fois de son histoire, les profits ne progressent pas aussi rapidement que l’annĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©dente.
DĂ©sireux de rester dans une bonne dynamique, investisseurs et actionnaires poussent le prĂ©sident Mike Egeck au dĂ©part. C’est malheureusement l’effet inverse qui va se produire.
Résolument opposé à ce licenciement, Jeffrey Lubell rentre en guerre avec ces derniers. Toujours plus branché mode que business, comme avec les frÚres Jolna, il est défait.
Non reconduit Ă  son poste de directeur de la crĂ©ation en 2012, il quitte la compagnie – en Ă©change cette fois d’un package de six millions de dollars en guise de lot de consolation.
Lynne Koplin est ensuite nommée directrice générale par intérim. Un an plus tard, TowerBrook Capital Partners entre dans la danse.
L’ironie de la chose, et la cause du drame qui s’annonce, c’est qu’en dĂ©pit du dĂ©part de ses fondateurs et des vellĂ©itĂ©s rĂ©formatrices affichĂ©es, True Religion s’arrime Ă  la formule qui a fait son succĂšs depuis bientĂŽt une dĂ©cennie.
Dans un univers de la mode en proie Ă  un changement drastique des tendances et des comportements, cet immobilisme ne pardonne pas.
ConcurrencĂ© par le pas cher (la fast fashion) et le confortable (le sportswear), True Religion est en sus attaquĂ© sur son propre terrain, celui des jeans Ă  plusieurs centaines de dollars, par l’avĂšnement des « luxury brands » Ă  la Balenciaga, Fear of God & Co.
Pire, engoncĂ© dans ses veilles pratiques, True Religion nĂ©glige complĂštement le virage du e-commerce avec un site internet et un marketing d’un autre Ăąge – en 2010, les commandes en ligne gĂ©nĂ©raient moins de 3% de son chiffre d’affaires

RĂ©sultat, en quelques annĂ©es, c’est tout l’édifice qui s’effondre.
DĂ©ficitaire Ă  hauteur de 78 millions de dollars rien que sur 2016, True Religion cumule un total de 471 millions de dollars de dettes (!) et n’a d’autre choix que de se dĂ©clarer en faillite Ă  l’étĂ© 2017.
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Le grand huit
Contre toute attente, le move s’avĂšre particuliĂšrement rĂ©ussi.
DĂ©sireux de sauver le navire, TowerBrook revend la quasi-totalitĂ© de ses actions pour injecter un maximum de liquiditĂ©s dans la machine, tandis qu’un nouveau partenaire entre danse, la banque Citizens, qui investit une centaine de millions de dollars.
RĂ©duite Ă  120 millions de dollars, la dette est rĂ©Ă©chelonnĂ©e jusqu’en 2022.
Bien que pas encore sorti d’affaire, True Religion Ă©vite de mettre la clef sous la porte.
Pas de chance, l’épidĂ©mie de Covid-19 stoppe net cette belle dynamique. Le ralentissement global de l’économie lui vaut d’enregistrer 50 nouveaux millions de pertes en 2019. Pour la seconde fois, True Religion connaĂźt les affres de la banqueroute en avril 2020.
Ce coup du sort amorce cependant la vraie renaissance de la marque.
NommĂ© Ă  la tĂȘte de la sociĂ©tĂ© en octobre 2019 aprĂšs avoir servi comme cadre entre 2006 et 2010, Michael Buckle opĂšre cette fois un vĂ©ritable changement de cap. Conscient que jouer la carte de la nostalgie n’est pas suffisant, il opte pour une baisse drastique des prix et un renouveau des designs.
« Il Ă©tait impĂ©ratif pour nous d’écouter ce que nos clients avaient Ă  nous dire. Ce qu’ils voulaient, d’oĂč ils venaient, ce qui les intĂ©ressaient. À partir de lĂ , il a fallu nous repositionner. Oui, True Religion est vendu moins cher qu’il y a dix ans, mais la marque n’a pas pour autant perdu sa symbolique. »
C’est d’ailleurs dans cette optique de concilier le prĂ©sent et le passĂ© que True Religion s’est offert en 2021 une collaboration qui a beaucoup fait parler avec Supreme, puis a cĂ©lĂ©brĂ© cette annĂ©e en grande pompe son vingtiĂšme anniversaire en faisant poser Chief Keef dans ses publicitĂ©s.
RĂ©chappĂ© in extremis du club des ringards Ă  la Juicy Couture et Ed Hardy, True Religion s’enorgueillit dĂ©sormais d’un chiffre d’affaires qui flirte avec les 200 millions de dollars.
Certes, chacun pensera ce qu’il voudra des rĂ©centes collections que beaucoup qualifient de merguez, certes, les chiffres ne sont pas ceux des annĂ©es fastes, mais Michael Buckle prĂ©fĂšre voir le verre Ă  moitiĂ© plein.
« Ce que nous voulons, c’est peser 500 millions par an d’ici Ă  quatre ans. Rien ne nous interdira ensuite de devenir une marque qui pĂšse un milliard. »
Qui sait, rappeurs et cĂ©lĂ©britĂ©s se laisseront peut-ĂȘtre tenter de renfiler les tonnes de jeans qui dorment dans leurs placards depuis dix ans ?
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Publié initialement sur Booska-p.com le 30 décembre 2022.
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editorialistcom · 2 days
Brands Like Lululemon to Try
Lululemon has become synonymous with high-quality activewear, known for its stylish and functional pieces that cater to a fitness-conscious audience. However, the market is brimming with brands that offer similar aesthetics and performance. Editorialist.com has curated a list of brands like lululemon ethos, providing consumers with a variety of options to choose from. Here’s a glimpse into some of these alternatives that are worth exploring.
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Top Brands Similar to Lululemon
Girlfriend Collective: This brand stands out for its commitment to sustainability, using recycled materials to create its activewear. It offers a range of high-waisted leggings and supportive bras that are both comfortable and chic.
Nike: A powerhouse in sportswear, Nike offers a diverse range of athletic apparel that spans various disciplines. Its innovative designs, like the Flyease sneaker, cater to a broad audience, including those with special needs.
Live the Process: Rooted in the journey of self-evolution, Live the Process offers activewear that supports physical, emotional, and intellectual growth. Their pieces are designed to be as functional as they are fashionable.
Fabletics: Known as one of the best Lululemon alternatives, Fabletics provides a wide range of lifestyle and casual apparel that doesn’t compromise on style or comfort.
Public Rec: For those who prioritize comfort in their casual wear, Public Rec is an excellent choice. Their apparel is perfect for both lounging and light workouts.
Ten Thousand: This brand is the go-to for functional workouts, offering durable and high-performance gear that can withstand the most rigorous exercise routines.
Alo Yoga: Specializing in yoga wear, Alo Yoga brings a sense of serenity and style to your yoga practice with their well-crafted pieces.
Odlo: For outdoor enthusiasts, Odlo provides activewear that’s designed to handle the elements, whether you’re hiking, skiing, or engaging in any outdoor activity.
Aeance: As a sustainable brand, Aeance is dedicated to creating eco-friendly activewear without sacrificing style or performance.
Why Choose Alternatives?
Opting for brands similar to Lululemon allows you to diversify your activewear wardrobe with unique styles and potentially more budget-friendly options. Each brand brings its own unique flair to the table, whether it’s through innovative designs, sustainable practices, or specialized apparel for different activities.

View more: https://editorialist.com/fashion/brands-like-lululemon/
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scontomio · 1 month
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💣 Odlo Maglietta Donna Performance Light a Maniche Corte đŸ€‘ a soli 23,99€ âžĄïž https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/odlo-maglietta-donna-performance-light-a-maniche-corte/?feed_id=231880&_unique_id=6628aa0fbd581&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Odlo%20Maglietta%20Donna%20Performance%20Light%20a%20Maniche%20Corte L'articolo descrive una maglietta funzionale a maniche corte per donna di Odlo, ideale per attivitĂ  sportive intense. Realizzata con materiali di alta qualitĂ , offre traspirabilitĂ  migliorata del 20% e libertĂ  di movimento ottimale grazie alle zone di ventilazione integrate senza cuciture. Il modello 188151 garantisce prestazioni eccellenti tutto l'anno. Acquista ora e goditi il comfort e le prestazioni di livello superiore! #coupon #odlo #tshirttopebluse #offerteamazon #scontomio
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mo198277 · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Odlo Scott Men's L Cycling Pants Seat Upholstery Bib Pabts Bicycle Short.
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 3 months
Podcast: Marketplace Business als Teamsport - mit Andre Wolters von Odlo
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Heute zu Gast ist Andre Wolters. Andre ist Head of Global E-Wholesale bei Odlo, der bekannten Marke fĂŒr FunktionswĂ€sche und Outdoor Sportkleidung & -accessoires. Im GesprĂ€ch mit unserem Host Florian Vette erzĂ€hlt Andre, wie er wortwörtlich WĂ€nde eingerissen hat, um die optimalen Prozesse fĂŒr das Online und Marketplace Business von Odlo zu schaffen. Welche Umstrukturierung von Abteilungen und Teams war notwendig, um verschiedene Online Sales Channels besser betreuen zu können? Wie hat Odlo es geschafft, dass alle Teams an einem gemeinsamen Ziel statt an abteilungsspezifischen, individuellen Aufgaben arbeiten? Welche Marketplaces sind fĂŒr Odlo relevant und wie steuert Odlo das sehr breite und stark saisonale Produktportfolio erfolgreich auf diesen MarktplĂ€tzen? Besonders spannend: Andre berichtet, wie die Folgen des Klimawandels sich auf die Marke, die vor allem fĂŒr im Wintersport verwendete FunktionswĂ€sche bekannt ist, auswirken und wie Odlo darauf reagiert. Du möchtest keine Folge verpassen, hast noch Fragen oder willst gerne Kontakt zu uns aufnehmen? Dann folge oder schreibe unseren Hosts Florian Vette und Moritz Meyer ganz einfach bei LinkedIn. Weitere Informationen zum Thema Amazon & Online-MarktplĂ€tze findest du auf unserem MOVESELL Blog oder in unserer YouTube Academy Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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generalalmondbagelflower · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Odlo Evolution Warm Thermal Long Sleeve Crew Top.
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myblogscmi · 9 months
Europe Sporting Goods Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Health and Fitness Awareness
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The Europe Sporting Goods Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 153.7 Bn in 2022 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. A) Market Overview: The Europe Sporting Goods Market includes a diverse range of sports equipment and apparel, catering to various sports such as football, basketball, tennis, golf, and others. These goods are designed to enhance performance and provide comfort to athletes and enthusiasts. The market offers a wide range of products, including footwear, clothing, balls, protective gear, and fitness equipment. The growing awareness about health and fitness among individuals is one of the primary driving factors for the market growth. With an increasing number of people participating in sports activities and adopting fitness regimes, the demand for sporting goods has witnessed significant growth. These goods aid in improving athletic performance, protecting against injuries, and providing comfort during physical activities. B) Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Europe Sporting Goods Market is the rising focus on sustainability and eco-friendly products. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and are actively seeking products that align with their values. As a result, companies are introducing innovative products made from sustainable materials such as recycled plastics, organic cotton, and bio-based fabrics. For example, Adidas AG launched a collection of running shoes made from recycled ocean plastic in collaboration with Parley for the Oceans. This trend is expected to drive the demand for sustainable sporting goods in the market. C) PEST Analysis: Political: The political stability and favorable regulations in European countries support the growth of the sporting goods market. Governments often promote sports activities, leading to increased participation and demand for sporting goods. D) Key Takeaways: Market Size Related Content: The Europe Sporting Goods Market is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 6.8% over the forecast period. The increasing health and fitness awareness among individuals is driving the demand for sporting goods. For instance, the popularity of fitness activities such as running, cycling, and gym workouts has surged, leading to higher demand for appropriate footwear, clothing, and equipment. Regional Analysis Related Content: Europe is the fastest-growing and dominating region in the sporting goods market. The region has a strong sports culture and a large population actively participating in various sports activities. Additionally, events such as the UEFA European Championship, Wimbledon, Tour de France, and the Olympics drive the demand for sports equipment and apparel. Key Players Related Content: Key players operating in the Europe Sporting Goods Market include Adidas AG, Nike, Inc., Under Armour, Inc., PUMA SE, Amer Sports, Odlo, Hammer Sports, Polar Electro, KETTLER, and WaterRower. These players focus on innovation, product development, marketing strategies, and collaborations to maintain their market position and cater to the evolving customer preferences. In conclusion, the Europe Sporting Goods Market is expected to witness significant growth due to the increasing health and fitness awareness among individuals. The rising demand for sustainable and eco-friendly products is also driving the market. Europe, with its strong sports culture and active population, dominates the market. Key players in the market are continuously striving to meet consumer demands through innovation and collaborations.
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chris-mga2022mi5016 · 10 months
Intern places
Industrial Light & Magic - London and 5 more locations
Wētā FX - Wellington New Zealand
FABLE fx - Sweden
These are some places I looked at for my internship.
Animal Logic, Buck, Pixar, The Mill, IAMSTATIC, Creature, Circus.
Here are additional places I looked up at.
I've also looked up at some local places to work for Internship
Odlo vfx, ApexVFX, Oareeses.
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tipsythrifters · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Odlo vintage cross country ski tights with Pocket navy size large.
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redcliffscloset · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Odlo Seamless Sports Bra NEW Size XS Medium Support Gray.
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fibre2fashion · 1 year
UK's Coats Digital boosts Odlo's productivity by 10% with GSDCost
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UK-based digital solutions company Coats Digital has announced that Odlo Romania SRL, which is the fashion manufacturing arm of leading sportswear brand, Odlo International AG, has reduced the time it takes to produce its core styles by 13 per cent, resulting in a productivity increase of 10 per cent since its adoption of GSDCost in July 2021.
Odlo has subsequently increased its profit margins; greatly improved on-time deliveries; enhanced team member motivation and earning potential; and been able to confidently take on significantly more new order requests as a result of the GSDCost implementation, according to a joint press release by Odlo and Coats Digital.
Founded in Norway, Odlo offers performance sportswear across six categories: functional sports underwear, outdoor performance, running, cycling, activewear and Nordic disciplines. The inventor of performance sports underwear and the three-layer principle, Odlo boasts a 70-year heritage, an annual turnover of $28 million and a strong commitment to innovation, and social and environmental sustainability. Its ambassadors include Swiss-Ski (Nordic), FĂ©dĂ©ration Française de Ski (Nordic), Ski Association of Slovenia (Nordic), Norwegian Biathlon Association, Japan Biathlon Federation, and the Scott-Sram MTB Racing Team, among many others. The company’s manufacturing arm, Odlo Romania SRL, based in Romania, produces over 2.4 million pieces a year and supports a workforce of just under 500.
Read more about UK's Coats Digital boosts Odlo's productivity by 10% with GSDCost
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cool-akashy-maximize · 2 years
Global Base Layer Market Business Share, Competitive Analysis and Growth in Future, Analysis by Forecast to 2029
Global Base Layer Market: size was valued at US$ 8.15 Bn. in 2020 and the total revenue is expected to grow at 3.4 % through 2021 to 2027, reaching nearly US$ 10.45 Bn.
Global Base Layer Market Overview:
The market research study Global Base Layer Market analyses and assesses the market's position during the forecast period. It is a comprehensive examination that focuses on primary and secondary drivers, market share, leading segments, and geographical analysis. Key actors, big partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions, as well as current innovation and corporate strategies, are also examined in the research.
To Get A Copy Of The Sample of the Global Base Layer Market, Click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-sample/122316
Global Base Layer Market Dynamic:
The Increase in the adoption of a healthy lifestyle is managed by participating in sports. Rising health concerns and changes in fashion trends are resulting in a rise in Base Layer Market. The Base Layer Market is related to the Sports and Fashion Industry. With changes happening on a short-time basis in these markets, Base Layer Market is booming.
It is observed that children are exposed to different sports at a very young age. Sports either as a pastime or as a full choice career stays with people throughout their life. This has resulted in increased demand for sportswear products that are relatable to the current sports world.
Market Scope:
Using both primary and secondary research approaches, we researched the Global Base Layer Market from every viewpoint. This helped us gain a better understanding of current market dynamics such as supply-demand imbalances, pricing trends, product preferences, customer habits, and so on. The data is then compiled and analyzed using a range of market estimation and data validation techniques. Furthermore, we have an in-house data forecasting engine that forecasts market growth through 2027.
Following the successful completion of market engineering, which included calculations for market statistics, market size estimations, market projections, market breakdown, and data triangulation, extensive primary research was conducted to gather information and verify and validate key figures. Top-down and bottom-up procedures, as well as numerous data triangulation methods, were frequently used throughout the market engineering process to perform market estimating and forecasting for the overall market segments and sub-segments discussed in this research. In order to give vital information throughout the report, extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis is done on all statistics gathered during the whole market engineering process.
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Global Base Layer Market Segmentation:
By Product Type, this segment consists of a type of material used for making a Base Layer. Different purpose and need require different clothing materials that are used for manufacturing Base Layer. Synthetic material like nylon is used for manufacturing sportswear which makes a big chunk of the Base Layer Market. Synthetic Base Layers are used in large proportion in casual and formal apparel. Other materials used for making the base layer are Cotton, Silk, and Merino wool.
By Process, this segment consists of different methods used for the manufacturing Base Layer. Global Manufacturing of Base Layer is dominated by Machine Crafted Method. By this method, Base Layer is manufactured on large scale, a preferable process for business. Medium to low scale manufacturing of Base Layer is done by methods like using traditional Handloom and Hand Crafting Base Layer.
Global Base Layer Market Key Players:
‱ The North Face ‱ Gore ‱ Odlo ‱ Falke ‱ Nike ‱ Adidas ‱ Under Armour ‱ ANTA Sports ‱ Helly Hansen ‱ Rab ‱ Mizuno ‱ LiNing ‱ Skins ‱ Tommy Copper ‱ Icebreaker ‱ AMETRA ‱ PIERRE YVES Fashion ‱ Shree Sai Trading Limited ‱ Sofitex S.R.L. ‱ Unigrand Group Ltd.
Primary and secondary research is used to identify industry leaders, while primary and secondary research is utilized to determine market revenue. Primary research included in-depth interviews with key opinion leaders and industry professionals such as seasoned front-line personnel, CEOs, and marketing personnel. Secondary research included a review of the leading manufacturers' annual and financial reports, whereas primary research included in-depth interviews with key opinion leaders and industry specialists such as experienced front-line personnel, CEOs, and marketing personnel. Secondary data is utilized to determine percentage splits, market shares, growth rates, and global market breakdowns, which are then checked using primary data. The players highlighted in this report are as follows:
Global Base Layer Market Regional Analysis:
The report covers both qualitative and quantitative data and gives an in-depth look into the Global Base Layer industry area by region. It gives a segment-by-segment overview and forecast of the worldwide Global Base Layer market. It also estimates the market size and forecasts for five major regions from 2021 to 2027: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and South America. Each area's Global Base Layer market is further subdivided into regions and segments. The report investigates and forecasts many countries, as well as existing trends and prospects in the field.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Global Base Layer Market:
We researched and analyzed the Global Global Base Layer Business Expansion Strategy post-COVID-19, by organizational strategic analysis, landscape, category, utilization, and leading countries, which encapsulates and analyses the global Global Base Layer industry's potential, providing statistical data on market trends, growth regulators, major challenges, PORTER analysis, and market entry strategy analysis, prospects, and forecasts. The fundamental purpose of the research is to offer industrial businesses a strategic analysis of COVID-19's influence. Simultaneously, this study looked into the markets of major countries and highlighted their market potential in post-pandemic scenarios.
To Request Customization of the Global Base Layer Market Report, Click Here: https://www.maximizemarketresearch.com/request-customization/122316
Key Questions Answered in the Global Base Layer Market Report are:
What are the most promising high-growth opportunities in the global Global Base Layer sector, as defined by product category, End User, and Region?
Which Global Base Layer market segments will expand the fastest, and why?
Which regions will have the fastest growth, and why?
What are the primary elements influencing Global Base Layer market dynamics? What are the primary drivers and obstacles in the Global Base Layer market?
What are the Global Base Layer market's weaknesses and threats?
About Maximize Market Research:
Maximize Market Research is a multifaceted market research and consulting company with professionals from several industries. Some of the industries we cover include medical devices, pharmaceutical manufacturers, science and engineering, electronic components, industrial equipment, technology and communication, cars and automobiles, chemical products and substances, general merchandise, beverages, personal care, and automated systems. To mention a few, we provide market-verified industry estimations, technical trend analysis, crucial market research, strategic advice, competition analysis, production and demand analysis, and client impact studies.
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