#oeuvres art
chellodello · 3 months
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In a mirrored world are you beside me? All my life, D̶̛̝͇̬̰̥̼͓͙́͗̍̆̉̿͠i̶͉͖͎͉͔̖̜͑͑͛̏̈́̽s̸͙̰̏̓t̴̛͔͖̤̤̯̆̓̉̃́̄͘͘o̷̻̻͖͓̩̩̩̓̃̓͑̐͋̽͝r̴͈̞͋͆̈́̂̐̓̄t̶͕̜͖̭̤̜̖̓͛̉̽̍i̸̱̩̻̜̯̭̱͗͆͑o̶̖̯̪͊̀̈͆ņ̶͓̼̱̭͖͓̣͐̉̈́̂͆͠
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spacecovvgirl · 10 months
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The Garden of Earthly Delights (triptych, right panel), 1490-1500, Hieronymus Bosch // Berserk (Volume 34, p. 172), 2009, Kentaro Miura
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francepittoresque · 26 days
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30 août 1817 : mort du peintre Mathieu Cochereau à l’âge de 24 ans ➽ http://bit.ly/Mathieu-Cochereau Né près de Châteaudun et neveu de Pierre Prévost, auteur des Panoramas, Mathieu Cochereau, illettré jusqu’à 13 ans, annonce dès sa première jeunesse des talents qu’il perfectionne sous la direction du célèbre David, son premier tableau lui valant une pluie d’éloges et ayant été retenu pour figurer à l’exposition de 1814
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hanspeter-imp · 6 months
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Hanspeter Imp
Red sky sun s now evening
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badecetee · 4 months
Neydi Güç, kimler için vardı kimleri sevindirirdi? Güç.
Ben, ben bu zamana kadar çok ezilmeye çalışıldım. Bazen sesimi kıstılar, bazen ses tellerimi söktüler. Ama ben hiç bir zaman enkazın altında kalmadım. Enkaz, enkaz ve enkaz.. Soğuk,çamurlu ve acımasız enkaz. Enkazlar bazen insanın evi olabilliyormuş Albay. Enkazlar üstüne yıkılmaya devam ederken, zevkle izleyeceksin enkazları. Kadehini kaldıracaksın. Zafer, bazen görülmeyendir. Görseler zafer olmazdı zaten,onu da çalarlardı. Arkana bakmayacaksın. Arkanda olanlara, arkandan gelenlere. Gölgeler etrafında olacak fakat sen gölgelere bile aldırış etmeyeceksin. İstediğin her şey, avcunun içinde olacak. Zor olan yok,imkansız olan yok. Başaramamak, vazgeçilmez kılmak yok. Bu gezegen sizin gezegeniniz ve kimse sizden izin almadan oraya ayak izlerini bırakamaz. En güçlü sizsiniz. Enkazın altında kocaman bir şehir kuracak olan siz olduğunuz gibi.
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theartprinter · 2 years
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Wilhelm Gallhof - The Coral Necklace (ca 1917)
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etherealoeuvre · 6 months
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Freehand Portrait Practice (2024) - Ethan Harvey, Digital Illustration
Ethan pretty much stopped drawing regularly in college. Beyond a few note margin sketches or the odd drawing assignment, sketching for fun became a thing of the past.
Through intervening years, Ethan would draw every so often, but never took it seriously. Consequently, Ethan decided that 2024 would be the year to start practicing freehand drawing once again. They produced this collage one night as an attempt to turn practice into something a bit more polished.
Sometimes art is abandoned a little sooner than others. Oh well, just more entries for the Ethereal Oeuvre.
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ellapitr · 2 years
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Et la fonte des glaces ?
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aanana965 · 2 months
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barcoland · 1 year
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Good morning everyone, the bird of happiness🙃🙃🙃 has just arrived in my garden…
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guillaumechocu · 2 months
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COLLECTION PRIVEE Quelque part dans le Morbihan, chez une collectionneuse. Je suis heureux que mes oeuvres aient trouvé leur nouvelle maison ! 💒
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spacecovvgirl · 10 months
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Ranger Merah, 2021, Roby Dwi Antono
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francepittoresque · 8 months
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14 janvier 1867 : mort du peintre Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres ➽ http://bit.ly/Jean-Auguste-Dominique-Ingres La vie de celui qui fut l’élève de David, lauréat de l’école des Beaux-Arts et chef de l’École française est un exemple, non moins que son oeuvre : une lutte de l’homme contre la pauvreté et contre les obstacles qui ne manquent guère au début de la carrière ; une lutte de l’artiste contre l’indifférence du public, les dédains et les injustices de la critique ; une lutte du chef d’école contre les tendances opposées aux siennes
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hanspeter-imp · 6 months
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Hanspeter Imp
Vermeer delft
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o-link · 3 months
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The Little Prince is a French-language work, the best known by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
The Little Prince - Wikipedia
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bazarpoetique · 1 year
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"Wandering Jane"
Acrylique sur papier texturé toile 300g/m². (30x30cm).
L'originale est ici 👇
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