#of course hes pissed at the gods
phoenix--flying · 6 months
"remember who the real enemy is" can we take a moment as a fandom to remember that kronos was the big bad and luke was just a puppet for him
like yes he did bad things but he was literally being manipulated and PUNISHED (canonically, he mentions kronos punished him in tlt) and this started when he was 17 THAT WE KNOW OF it could've started earlier since thalia was meant to be the prophecy child
like luke or not, PLEASE remember kronos is the main antagonist of the first series, luke was just a pawn like the other ta kids
thank you for ur time
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comradekatara · 22 days
i’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, and i wanna hear your thoughts on it:
jet is kind of sokka’s hama. he’s who sokka could have been, if he didn’t have katara to support him — much like hama is who katara could have been, if she didn’t have sokka to support her.
i just think there’s a few neat comparisons to be made with jet & hama (and their episodes as a whole).
hmmmm……. there’s a certain kind of appealing symmetry to this claim on its face — sokka and jet are both the leaders of children who must be ruthless and occasionally employ underhanded tactics to achieve their goals — but I actually think that notion does a great disservice to katara. yes, hama and jet perform a very similar function narratively; yes, hama resembles a “dark telos” for katara and thus a sort of trial, and so is stands to reason that jet would also be sokka’s dark telos and trial, since he thwarts jet’s plan much in the same way that katara stops hama’s bloodbending. but like… is that actually true? at all?? “jet” is not actually a sokka episode; it is a katara episode.
sokka doesn’t actually learn anything in this episode or grow in any meaningful way, he’s basically just correct from start to finish. sokka never once experiences the destructive impulse of prioritizing revenge over justice, he is never power-hungry, and he never feels the need to assert himself in a way that “proves” something to his oppressors. if anything, sokka’s worst impulse is his tendency for self-destruction. but you know who does sink into their grief and prioritize destructive revenge? (I wonder…)
both jet and hama exist as trials for katara, eminently appealing figures (hot cool boy who shares her pain and sympathetic elder who shares her burden) in her life who are not what they seem. sokka is immediately suspicious of both of them, and katara is immediately taken with them. katara’s ultimate trial is, of course, in “the southern raiders,” when she is overtly compared to jet by aang, and when she uses the tools of violence she learned from hama in a moment of pure rage and grief. katara prioritizing her humanity is the moment that she fully challenges her potential for becoming them. and it’s not because she’s listening to sokka and appreciating all that he’s done for her, it’s because of aang’s influence, the ways in which he has loved and supported and inspired her to love herself more than she despises her oppressors.
I think people have a tendency to assume that jet is sokka’s narrative foil, before he is katara’s, because they share a few superficial similarities and sokka stands up to him in a more productive way, but jet is nothing like sokka beyond those superficial aspects, whereas he specifically exists to foreshadow katara’s own descent. if anything, the mechanist sort of represents sokka’s dark telos, since he sacrifices his principles for the sake of keeping his people alive and he prioritizes technological innovation in the necessity of war over the preservation of important, sacred sites of cultural heritage in the name of science, which is an impulse sokka definitely possesses and needs to be curbed (by aang). and you could also claim that kya and yue are sokka’s dark teloi, as martyr figures who embodied his fantasies of heroism (which vastly differ from katara’s fantasies of heroism, of course).
but, i would also argue that sokka is himself a “dark telos,” to aang. sokka is the self-negating, depersonalizing, hollow and ruthless figure that aang can never let himself become. jet is a portent designed for katara specifically, a warning to never sink into her grief and rage too fully to wade back to the surface. but sokka is nothing like jet, and never has been. he may come out of his interactions with jet looking quite good, but that really proves nothing. katara isn’t influencing him to be less power-hungry and manipulative and vengeful — no one is; he simply isn’t like that. that doesn’t mean he isn’t himself a portent, however. and that, to me, is far more interesting than a more superficially pleasing yet arbitrary and reductive appeal to “symmetry.”
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thebroccolination · 7 months
I should post more about Be My Favorite here. I still have so much love for it and so many thoughts.
Also I'm currently writing a fic about Pisaeng gatekeeping Kawi from his runaway mother who tries to bounce back into the picture a year after Kawi recovers from his Near Death Experience.
Like, I just enjoy the concept of Kawi's mother being this assertive, borderline narcissist personality who can't find Kawi on social media but tracks down this guy who's posted a lot of photos of her son and is like, "Hello, it has come to my attention that my ex-husband is dead, and my son needs at least one parent, so I am gallantly returning to be the one he relies on," and Pisaeng remembers this moment,
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and is like, "You will never see him again. lol."
It's a very fun fic to write because I feel like Pisaeng is exactly petty enough to gatekeep the man he loves from everyone who has ever hurt him even slightly.
Kawi's mother? Absolutely. That guy at work who snubbed Kawi when Pisaeng introduced him as his partner? Hell yeah. That brat who broke Kawi's crayons twenty-eight years ago by stepping on them by accident? BURN HER.
I love petty, unhinged Pisaeng. He's my favorite.
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ashmp3 · 3 months
I am so pissed awf literally hate working with men WHYYYY do you hire an architect and then say mansplain things wow my stomach started hurting i wish bad things upon you
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redstrewn · 9 months
Vere rants about the idea of MC considering Leander or Mhin to help them. Again he can just be using MC but I think it's fun to think he also kind of cares simply in a "holy shit how can someone be this dumb and helpless it's comical" way. Makes me think of MC whose considering Leander making him go like "Girl (gn). Girl. Holy shit you can do better than that lowlife oh my god. Please. You don't have to stoop that low."
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if I had a nickel for every time I watched a Nicholas galitzine movie where they bring up an important issue in society and then just swiftly brush it under the rug I'd have two nickels, which isn't alot but it's weird that it happened twice
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melrosing · 7 months
anyway in an absolutely wild turn of events I think I’m free of my hideous job and like. substantially richer for it??? lmao 2023 you really owed me
#ok so this a lot of personal shit but I’m just gonna incredulously vent into the tags#like I don’t even know how to describe what 2023 in this job has been like lol#since April they’ve been insulting and scrutinising and scapegoating me over absolutely everything#they were really angling for just firing me outright for never measuring up to their constantly shifting and increasingly bizarre goalposts#and it got so personal man they kept insisting that it wasn’t but my god#then my dad gets sick and it suddenly becomes awkward for them to keep insulting and overworking me#so they switch to just ignoring me entirely so they don’t have to reckon w what me and my family are going through#like they never ask how he is or how things are going just every Friday they say hey do you reckon you can take more work on again?#and THEN I get a gut infection and suddenly im being guilt tripped for taking sick leave and pestered for evidence#it was giving like ‘we had to give you time off for your dad but now you’re taking the piss’#to the point I DID reach out to a third party at the company and was like ‘I’m sorry but why the fuck are they treating me like this’#and she was like ‘confidentially this is disgusting and I advise you to report it’#WHEN SUDDENLY I get back from sick leave and it’s like ‘the business is falling short so we have to make some redundancies….’#and now they’ve had to pay me a SUBSTANTIAL sum to fuck off!!! I think I win???#like I was so close to quitting but thank god I didn’t because now I’m getting a sweet deal to fuck off with no notice lmao#i leave end of the month#at first I was shocked like y’all really doing this now??? but suddenly I’m like. this is the best possible thing that could’ve happened#I spoke to that third party again and she was like ‘I am so happy for you’ like omfg it was a curveball but we’ll take it!!!#I’m fucking outta here and in due course I WILL be writing on glassdoor how fucked they are
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Regulus is not an azula variant 🙃. Wow. I— wow. Regulus is not azula pls ffs.
I get that they're both the youngest and both the favored child. And that their parents did want them as heirs more than their older siblings. But i refuse to put zuko-azula dynamic on the black brothers. Because yall I don't think regulus was actively trying to make sirius' life a living hell by legitimately trying to hurt him just so the odds were in his favor. I don't think regulus was trying to sabotage sirius' efforts or actively hunted him down.
I think regulus and azula both needed help that they didn't get but azula to zuko is NOT regulus to sirius.
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youngpettyqueen · 3 months
I love this argument that Julian and Garak are having about Earth vs Cardassia political styles and I especially love that Garak is like. shocked at how impassioned he is about this topic
#star trek: ds9#a stitch in time#julian bashir#elim garak#this is JUICY#this is fascinating#fascinating fascinating fascinating#like. yes of course Julian is all for Earth democracy and he wants Cardassia to follow in that#but more importantly he wants GARAK to follow in that#he keeps trying to convince Garak to come to Earth!! and this is established as being a recurring thing#and I love that Garak is VERY resistant to this#obviously the way this is presented is clouded by Garak's own annoyance but this does track with Julian as a character#where he thinks he has the solution and he's confident about it but he doesnt have all the context#so of course he thinks democracy would solve Cardassia's political problems#and sure yes Cardassia at this point does very much need a change in its political systems#but the way Julian explains it- as written in this section- comes across as incredibly condescending#and I LOOOOOVE that Garak is pissed about it!!#because while I think Garak sees that things on Cardassia need to change- what would Julian know about it?#what would Julian TRULY know?#so hearing him confidently explain that the answer is Earth and Federation-style democracy#like it's just that easy#no wonder he gets pissed!#because he cares! he cares about Cardassia and his people so much it hurts!#and being reminded of this takes him by surprise!#especially that he's mad at Julian of all people#I love this insight into how he views him and Julian as having drifted apart#I did not read it like that in the show itself#god I cant wait to rewatch with this in mind
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gifti3 · 3 months
I was trying to do a little catch up in nightbringer
I finished lesson 20 and they like joke(?) about moving to the human world and staying at the MCs home if they cant stay in the devildom
And i just wanna seriously consider the logistics of MC trying to house 7 other people
Most of us are probably living with other people (who may not be okay with sharing a space with so many strangers suddenly) and/or dont have a giant sized place
And this is assuming the mc is staying at a house and not an apartment....
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thegoldenavenger · 5 months
Here's a quick. Thing. They're All God's (except LBH) AU. This is like, the ending. no i dont explain anything. i just wanted lqg to get melted down and rebuilt. you know, as gods do. this does have an open/unsatisfactory endind just fyi haha
When he loses the first time, Liu Qingge refuses to acknowledge it. It doesn't matter, after all, as long as he tries again he can change something. He returns the second, third, fourth, fifth times.
He has lost count when he realizes that the something he has changed is in him. With the same heaving blood soaked breaths he coughs up at Luo Binghe's figure, something has been changed in him.
Of course. He cannot be the God of Breakthroughs if he cannot break through.
He keeps losing.
Each battle he marches into is another dig at his once spotless reputation. He feels his divinity and grace slough away from him like dried mud. Still he faces Luo Binghe every day.
It forges him into something else.
When Shen Yuan reawakens, not dead but Ascended, Liu Qingge stops his fruitless battles. 
Shen Jiu is with him. At some point the God had shed the title of Qingqiu as trees lose their autumn leaves. Still the God of Bitter Fall and Uneven Ground, of Unfair Advantages, but now also of Cunning Thought and Persistence. He hasn't changed, Liu Qingge realizes. He's just revealed more of who he is.
Shen Yuan is, as always, Shen Jiu's compliment: God of Bountiful Harvest and Smooth Travels, and of Cutting Words and Sloth.
Shen Yuan has, thoroughly, molded himself into the perfect God for his precious demonic pet. Luo Binghe will never want for a single thing ever again with the God of Easy Living walking by his side.
Liu Qingge wants to avoid them both. Everyone else is already aware, but from these two he wishes to hide his failures for just a little longer. However, the core of him is settled in such a way that he cannot find it in himself to pull away.
They want to see him.
It's no surprise that when Yue Qingyuan invites him to a banquet, Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan are there as well. As ever, Yue Qingyuan's bias shines through.
"What did you do?" Shen Jiu snarls from across the banquet hall.
"Who— oh Qingge!" Shen Yuan turns and catches sight of him as well.
Tension rises in Liu Qingge's body but—they've already seen. And if, somehow, they are too dense to understand, any one of their God siblings will explain it. Poorly. So Liu Qingge stays.
Shen Jiu is, of course disgusted. Shen Yuan intrigued.
"I thought once gods Ascend they do not change." He comments curiously.
"They don't." Shen Jiu hisses. "They can adapt perhaps. Split. Acquire or shed new epithets or old ones as we have. But they do not change. If they stop being what they are, then that God simply ceases to be."
"It's as it is." Liu Qingge shrugs. "I'm still a God—"
"Of cycles." Shen Jiu accuses.
"Reliability!" Shen Yuan insists. "Qingge is always dependable."
"It is no great thing if you can only depend on him to lose." Shen Jiu's dark gaze is calculating and Liu Qingge understands that, somehow, Shen Jiu knows the whole story already. That he simply needed to see Liu Qingge to fit the pieces together.
"He doesn't lose!" Shen Yuan defends, loyally. "Qingge has always been there when we needed him!"
Silence descends on the banquet hall like an awkward blanket.
"What, did—have I missed something?" Shen Yuan asks, glancing sharply around.
Yue Qingyuan, belatedly, ushers the rest of his guests out. Liu Qingge supposes he must be grateful that Luo Binghe isn't here to enjoy rubbing Liu Qingge's nose in it. Shen Jiu will, assuredly, have no problems doing it instead.
"It's exactly as Shen Jiu says." Liu Qingge starts. "Fighting Luo Binghe has irrevocably changed me." He says.
What he doesn't say: I cannot win against him now even if he deigned to throw the fight.
Perhaps, to Shen Yuan, the change isn't so dramatic. Shen Yuan had never wanted Liu Qingge to win that battle anyway, and Liu Qingge has ever been Shen Yuan's most reliable God-Brother.
Once upon a time, Liu Qingge was a War God. There were and still are many gods of war: strategy and prowess, blood and conquering, weapons and trade.
Liu Qingge was the breakthrough. The final push. The turning of tides. The culmination. He had never failed to turn a lost cause into victory, there had never been a battle lost to him if he meant to win it.
But then Shen Qingqiu became two, and then Luo Binghe built a shrine and Shen Yuan wasn't prepared for his tribulations and then—
Liu Qingge is a War God. Of Cycles, Shen Jiu says. Of Reliability, Shen Yuan insists. He is the God of forlorn hope, of having only one spear and one sword, of hunting phoenixes in mirrors. The same battle retread for the same reasons.
#kamaeteWRITES#svsss#i have so many thoughts for this au but i dont actually want to write it haha#lqg gets a major downgrade explicitly because sy wants lbh to win SO BADLY#sj is PISSED btw#lqg's new status does not affect sy AT ALL because sy is like 'oh lqg is never defeated uwu so of course he will win (unless it's v lbh)'#and the universe is like 'yeah sounds right'#so sy never sees an appreciable difference#SJ on the otherhand instantly recognizes the drawbacks of this#sj knows the moment lqg gets in a battle where someone needs him to lose badly enough that their prayer can impact the threads of reality#lqg will lose#since he's lost his 'i am literally the god of winning' halo#knowing this of course means sj (also as a god) (who can impact reality) is ACTIVELY making it worse!!!! because he cant stop worrying abou#lqg losing.#lqg is doing his best to NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANYTHING#it's up to yqy and everyone else to stop him from getting into anymore echo-battles that will reinforce an untoward reputation#lqg Hate This more than anything#he wants to fight and win against lbh SO BADLY but the universe literally wont allow it now#lbh could let lqg push him off a cliff and the universe will conspire to also drop lqg to cushion lbh's fall#literally unless the GOD OF LIVING WELL (best revenge btw) stops backing lbh's ridiculous protagonist halo lqg cant win#that's the actual story btw! shen yuan actually realizing how broadly he impacted lqg's fate specifically#yeah he was going to die originally because The God of Winning can't lose which means he just Died instead#but now sy has to grapple with how affected lqg is with his new god domain#half the story would be sy realising that and the other half is sj trying to alternatively strangle lqg to try and get that to echo#that is sj wants to also become one of those people lqg is just destined to lose to#(will never happen—sj is too used to lqg winning against him. it's what sqq used to rely on#so that he never Fell like any of the other demons. lqg simply would Not Allow him to.)#and also putting in the work to get lqg's reputation as spotless shiny as it used to be so he can still basically function as their spear#anyways. like sure only having one spear and one horse is difficult#but if it's lqg's spear and horse there's nothing to worry about.
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crepusculum-rattus · 1 year
hc phil standing in a room full of powerful deities and yet he’s the most important one there
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suguru-getos · 9 months
Fuck you Gege fuck you Sukuna fuck everyone again.
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Oh, you played Yakuza 4? *holds gun to your head* Name all the important plotpoints
please i have a dog dont do this to me hes very small and defenseless and pees when i have to leave the house because he has separation anxiety
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Sexism? Implicit homophobia? Double standards? IN MY FAMILY?? 🙃🙃🙃
Bro 1 either got really drunk and stayed over at his friends (likely) or is MISSING (unlikely), but he didn't even send a text and didn't come home overnight and my mother is FLIPPING OUT and like low-key it's a little funny bc he's 23 and she's been letting him come home at all hours since highschool, I'm talking like, hes regularly crawling in when I'm getting up to leave for work, and sure he can do whatever he wants idgaf he no longer takes even a modicum of advice from others (tho it's super annoying when he wakes me up coming in at 4am since we're the only two in the basement)
HOWEVER, like, do u think he's gonna get any flack for this? Absolutely not. If I'm 30 min late coming home from work IN BROAD DAYLIGHT AT AGED 26 I get in SO MUCH SHIT. God forbid I fall asleep on the bus and forget to text that I'm running late. Or walking home from my Nonna's at night (less than 1 block) I have to text to say I lived, but none of my male cousins or brothers do, despite some of them being MINORS. Or like. I can't even take the subway at night without my mother constantly texting and begging me to let her pick me up like a child (aka tmg concert getting out at midnight but I very specifically stayed sober since I was alone) but nooo my brother can go bar hopping at all hours and she'll just. Go to bed and let him leave.
He can just do whatever the fuck he wants because he's a BOY and he's also our mother's FAVOURITE (the rest of the siblings all agree on that one, me and bro 2 are like 🤝 least loved & most criticized children solidarity), and he's also capable of SUCH anger, he's largely apathetic to the general world and highly selfish, but when he gets mad he he's MAD tbh I fear that anger a bit and so now no one will criticize him at all? He gets away with EVERYTHING and I can't even leave stuff out in the house where I LIVE WITHOUT GETTING SHIT
Also like he was living with his gf and not going to church and all that, and I literally Do Not Care At All, that's his business, but again the hypocrisy of it all from the parents, when theyre supportive of him - literally bought and moved their shared bed - even tho he's "going against their professed values" or however my father wants to phrase it, but god forbid I just EXIST as a queer person, even if I'm single. Like. HELLO???? I can never be out ever
Like yes I'm glad they're not assholes to him but also WHY DO I GET SO MUCH SHIT FOR LITERALLY MY BENIGN EXISTENCE
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betta-phish · 10 months
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