#of course much of the commonality of irish names in the uk comes from the migration of irish families due to the famine
popsicle-stick · 2 years
idk if this illuminates anything about the accents, but i remember that stoker lived in dublin for thirty years before moving to england (iirc he lived in whitby for quite a while?). something unrelated to that seemed peculiar to me is that at some point mina says steep little closes, or “wynds,” as they call them in Scotland. like, completely random, but may indicate something about her?
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(second ask is ancient and has been mouldering in my ask box for a century. i'm so sorry!!)
i remember hearing something about stoker and oscar wilde, and how stoker retained his dublin accent after so long in the UK, and derided wilde for putting on an affected RP-esque accent. both of their different approaches to accent and identity seem to fit with how they saw themselves within british artistic society, too (i may not be correct on this so feel free if i'm wrong!)
irish or scottish mina is a popular hc - i do often hc her with scottish family (pre-orphaning) myself! - so this may be where she got that from. alternatively, she also does strike me as someone who's hungry for knowledge, and takes time to investigate and categorise local traditions and curiosities - she was fascinated by the local whitby folktales and provenance of the gravestones in the churchyard, and she's the kind of person who likes to keep note of such things! so that's another possible reason, but i do like both at the same time.
what i will say though is name origin ≠ nationality. /especially/ in regards to common gaelic names like murray - it's extremely common on the uk. so while it could indicate where she's from, it doesn't always necessarily.
(anecdotally, my own family has a gaelic name and my grandfather is somehow less genetically irish than the average british person. cringe!)
but yeah! i'm off topic - irish or scottish mina is a really interesting interpretation and it could really reframe the novel - but. i guess i'm just saying don't rely on names for it, if that makes any sense???
(interesting fact!! other places in the uk have their own unique terms those little alleyways, such as the opes of cornwall, ginnels or snickets in northern england, twittens in sussex, while the town of braintree, essex, knows them as gants)
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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24th June 2021: Blog 2 of 2-Second looks at South Stack and Cemlyn and more wildlife and photos from the cottage 
Following on from my previous post, then today turned into an afternoon of revisits of key places this week as do often do on holidays as we firstly had one last look at one of my favourite places in the week RSPB South Stack. Here it was nice to see the sea and the lighthouse on a more misty day than on Sunday it was more misty here, our first full day here when we came looking quite moody but so nice to hear, see and smell the coast with seabirds wailing away nicely. The usual sweet sound of Guillemots and at one point I thought I heard a Kittiwake call it’s onomatopoeic call I hadn’t seen any here before so I’m not sure. As well as taking in views of the place looking really lovely I took the second and third pictures in this photoset of views here and taking in nice flowers here like Sunday especially sheep’s-bit and sea campion and dandelions too I really enjoyed seeing two Razorbills at the bottom of a bit of cliff but fairly close. A key bird this holiday which I’d not managed to succeed with a photo of yet this holiday so I got my bridge camera onto these and took the first picture in this photoset of one. Seeing Guillemots and Razorbills in their droves sailing onto and around the base of the cliff through the air was a delicious sight to enjoy and summed up what I love about this area so much.
Then we had some glorious moments as after seeing them briefly on the first full day of the holiday and working quite hard for them a key bird of this reserve we got astonishing views of some Choughs, a pair then a group of three which could have been the same pair with another added and some were possibly young the nice RSPB person we spoke to on Sunday here said there are young about. Coming down from high up towards the visitor centre it was amazing to see these super red and black crows so well flying and settling on the patch of heath and hear them perfectly too. Their sharp and high pitched onomatopoeic call is always so evocative of the rugged coast I adore and everything I love about the whole experience of the coast so much so this really filled me with much glee. What a stunning moment with one of my favourite birds, we had well and truly seen them very well at one of their hubs now Anglesey within the UK now. I was pleased to take the fourth and fifth pictures in this photoset of the Choughs. Such a big part of the coast I love is seeing Ravens and Choughs different to the crows I would see at home immediately around us. And it was nice to see a big bold Raven with its loud bark call for the first time this holiday here today. I like the Ravens at the coast as well as placed like the New Forest where I adore seeing them. I liked taking in this place I have known for ages after coming in 2016 one last time this year, including the lovely statues/carvings of Puffin, Peregrine and Sheep as well as the lovely flowers by the visitor centre which I really enjoyed seeing looking nice and colourful on Sunday. A photo I tweeted tonight involves the Puffin carving. 
We then came to one of the star places this week again, the brilliant Cemlyn which we all became so fond of after the tern colony and more experience on Monday. As we arrived once more we were embraced by the sweet and stunning noise of the tern colony in full swing. We walked out to the tip of the headland and did see definitely Sandwich Tern and Common Tern possibly Arctic Tern too flying sweetly and closely over our heads. Phenomenal to see again. Oystercatcher, Curlew seen and heard well, Shelduck and Ringed Plover made greet sights here of birds that we see a lot of at home on the coast. There were some great flowers here again in the form of the ones in the sixth picture in this photoset possibly wild radish that’s the best match I could find for it which I enjoyed seeing on Monday too, of course more white clover, bird’s-foot trefoil, more lovely thrift, the first vetch I’d seen this trip a common one at home and lots of foxgloves once more. I took the seventh picture in this photoset of a really beautiful view here.
At the tip of the headland when some rain had come on we looked for what we had come this evening for, Manx Shearwaters that the nice Wildlife Trust man we spoke to on Monday said could be seen here flying by about 6pm. We knew from seeing them at Pembrokeshire in the past - we’ve seen them in Cornwall the last two years in fine weather too - that adverse weather wind and rain can bring the Manx Shearwaters in nicely. And tonight they certainly did come in well. We saw dozens flying by and got fantastic views of these amazing seabirds drifting over the ocean. They came staggeringly close into a little bay area before flying on over the Irish Sea. I even got the eighth picture in this photoset of one. I was so thrilled to see these and really take them in as one last wildlife spectacle this holiday, it was a bird that unlike Puffin, Black Guillemot et al. didn’t really become a target for this week until we were here and heard about them so this felt like a huge bonus but a bird I might not have seen elsewhere this year. So this was crucial in securing one of the best birds we have for me probably the closest I’ve ever seen it to the island that gives it its name Isle of Man and one on my B list of favourite birds for 2021 one of my birds of the year taking my year list to 169 making it outright my seventh highest ever year list now overtaking my 2013 and 2015 totals and it sits only two behind how many birds I had seen at this stage of the year during my highest ever bird year list in 2019 which I find so amazing and is testament to the injection of year ticks this week has given us with every target seen. It became a true sea watch as Gannet flew by too which was smashing to see and as well as the terns and a lovely Swift flew over.
On our last trip to Wales, Pembrokeshire 2017 I spent the final night of it looking at masses of Manx Shearwaters on a rainy evening and other seabirds from the boat around Skomer Island. And just like four years ago doing this again tonight was the perfect way to end this adventure and it’s among the closest views I’ve got of them since that remarkable night this one another remarkable night and arguably some of my best ever views of this bird.
Wildlife Sightings Summary: (South Stack) Three of my favourite birds the Chough, Razorbill and Guillemot, Herring Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Raven and lovely Rock Pipit. (Cemlyn) My first Manx Shearwaters of the year, two of my favourite birds the Gannet and Shelduck, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern, Black-headed Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Cormorant, Oystercatcher, Curlew, Ringed Plover, Stonechat, Swift, House Martin and a nice Argent and Sable moth flying around.
Favourite birds of mine Little Egret and Buzzard seen very well between the two locations was great again and we saw a Grey Heron after Cemlyn too. Seeing familiar birds at home which I hadn’t seen all week Starlings lined up on a wire at a petrol station tonight was a great moment too. And coming back to the cottage for our final night a bizarre sight of a Hedgehog in daylight was awaiting us this was a stunning moment I was able to get nicely safely close to what was my first Hedgehog seen this year and have an incredibly intimate moment with this precious and iconic mammal my third mammal year tick of the trip. This sighting deepened by appreciation for how wild the place we are staying in it. It allowed for my first ever photo of one too which I tweeted. And I also took the final two pictures in this photoset of the regular Song Thrush that’s been around singing its heart out one of my favourite bird calls I had been wanting to photograph one of the thrushes visiting the garden between this and Blackbird but not quite managed it so it was nice to have something to remember it by and a view as some cloud and mist lifted and allowed us to see the mountains we’ve become so fond of seeing potentially for the final time if its rainy/foggy in the morning.
The week away was simply incredible and one of my best times this year and I must say this about every part of the country we branch out to on holidays each year whether I know them or are new to me, most memorable holidays ever. For wildlife particularly birds and mammals it was a week of sweet reunions for species I hadn’t seen for years or some I did last year, dream moments and experiences, seeing species in a way I never had before and fantastic natural spectacles some of the best the UK has to offer. Landscape wise it was so typically Welsh with sensational views of vast mountains, dramatic coast and pretty river and woodland, and important marsh and lake habitat alike, right from the doorstep in the nicely wild and very comfy, homely and brilliant in all ways cottage we stayed in one of the best for me and further afield. Flowers, butterflies and dragonflies played a huge role in the holiday with foxgloves and red campion especially turning the place pink with some amazing moments with butterflies and dragonflies outside and other insects in the cottage such as the crane fly and moths. We had a lot of animals we got used to and loved seeing around and in the cottage just like the views with the Rabbits, Hedgehog, garden birds and even the sheep typically for Wales. The weather was varied we seemed to get a bit of most things but it added to and allowed the holiday to happen well we were lucky with it especially the sunny and warm days. Overall we obtained a strong sense of tranquility and ultimate relaxation and it was everything I’d want in a holiday. We saw all our targets wildlife wise which feels amazing, my Mum researched it all so well hours of work before coming away to know where all the species could be seen and how to get there which really paid dividends and we are so thankful for. I’m leaving feeling very endeared to Anglesey an area I loved from coming for one day before anyway I took it really to my heart and was reminded how much I love wider North Wales with a slice of Snowdonia in there and I definitely cannot wait to be back! Thanks for all your support for all my posts and photos which I am so pleased the cottage wi-fi allowed me to post on the nights. 
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anti-marxistcult · 6 years
Title is click-baity but good speech by Nigel 
She said at the start of this the leak of all these papers and lists of people, but offshore Holdings has come about because of the Society of investigative journalists. But what's not being said this morning I think is relevant, is that the funding of these investigations came from one George Soros. Now I say this at a time I'm going to come back to so what and it may have some personal interest for you as well. I say this at a time, when the use of money and the influence it may have had on the Brexit result or the Trump election has reached a level of virtual hysteria. Just last week, the Electoral Commission in the UK launched an investigation to find out whether the leave campaign took offshore money or Russian money. This came about as a result of questions asked in the House of Commons by one Ben Bradshaw, somebody linked to an organization called Open Society. I just wonder when we're talking about offshore money, when we're talking about political subversion and when we're talking about collusion, I wonder whether we're looking in the wrong place. And I say that because George Soros recently gave Open Society, his organization which of course campaigns for free movement of people's and supports supranational structures like the European Union, he recently gave it eighteen billion dollars. And his influence here and in Brussels, is truly extraordinary. Open Society boast but they had 42 meetings last year with the European Commission. They've even published a book of reliable friends in the European Parliament and there are 226 names on that list, including yours, sir, I thought you'd find this interesting. We even had last week Mr. Verhofstadt lobbying on behalf of Mr. Soros at the conference of presidents in a battle that is going on with Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary. If we're going to have a debate and we're going to talk about full political and financial transparency, well, let's do it. So, I should be writing today to all 226 asking some pretty fair questions have you ever received funds directly or indirectly from Open Society. How many of their events have you attended? Could you please give us a list of the meetings of all the representatives including George Soros, yourself and I think this Parliament should now set up a special committee to look into all of this and I say that because I fear we could be looking at the biggest level of international political collusion in history. 
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The rest of transcript under the ‘read more’ link: 
What a picture you paint. A European Union of peace, of prosperity, of contentedness and as you said you're trying to make it a little more perfect every day. Well it's  a very good advertising slogan but tell me what surprised me since your last State of the Union speech, there's been a seismic political event in Europe perhaps one even on a par with Brexit. Italy a founding member of the Union, the third biggest economy in the eurozone, now has a coalition government between the five stars of Millay that is polling over 60% of the vote and is posing a direct challenge both in terms of the management of the eurozone and indeed how the migration crisis is handled. You made no acknowledgement of that at all. No acknowledgement for the populist revolt that is sweeping through virtually every single member state. Instead you'll to carry on regardless. And I noted your continued use of the phrase "sovereign Europe". What you're talking about is a deeper centralization of power a centralization of power in terms of Europe's foreign policy. A centralization of power as you first laid out last year in terms of building a European army. More power at the center for taxation, all of this of course meaning less to be done at the nation-state level. And now another 10,000 European border guards paving the way for a federal border police in Europe. Well I tell you something, if you've got problems with the Italians now - you ain't seen nothing yet when you put that proposal to them. But it's all about centralization power, power, power, but here's the funny thing you appealed to our sense of European patriotism. So why is it the patriotism of the nation-state level is considered to be insolent? Bad? Nasty? Xenophobic? Probably racist into the bargain? And yet and yet patriotism at a European level is a good and a virtuous thing. And I'm afraid this idea of European patriotism this idea of putting that flag above their own nation state flag is for the birds. People do not have a profound sense of European identity. They have a sense of national identity and in a way that is the great dividing line between your vision of Europe and that increasingly that has been said by the electors, we wish to live in nation-states. Now on Brexit, Mr. Yunker, on the Irish border already there were huge differences between the north and the south, differences of politics of tax, of currency and of law. And we managed. And if we can get to a free trade deal well of course there will be no difficulties whatsoever and I thought you had some very positive things to say you said our vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market and its associated parts, I agree with you. Quite why Mrs. Maycheckers wants to opt back into much of it, I don't know, but you said twice that we need to come to a free trade deal, it's what European exporters want and it is, absolutely and it's what we want. Surely now the time is right, the ground is prepared for a Canada plus style trade deal between you and and between us. We leave political union but we carry on doing business on a tariff-free basis. We want it, increasingly I think, you want it let's get Brexit sorted and Mr. Velovstat you'll be happy, you'll see the back of us.
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sparky373 · 6 years
My Brexit Post
https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/241584 Over 5 million signatures. Hopefully you've signed it already. If you haven't, hopefully this post will help persuade you.
I've debated with people and shared a lot of posts about brexit but I figured I should actually explain my views.
I believe very strongly that we are better off in the EU than not. I honestly think the best course of action would be to ask the EU for an extension of a long enough time to carry out a Peoples Vote that would hopefully come out with remain as the dominant choice.
The position we are in now is precarious to say the least. We are on the cliff edge of dropping out of the EU without a deal. Some may say that's not a bad thing. I disagree. So let’s go through this point by point:
Trade Pretty much any expert who's looked at it says leaving the EU already has and will cause economic damage. Leaving without a deal would be far worse. Just by leaving we are weakening our position in the world. We will no longer be part of a 600 million strong trading block.
For those who don't understand why this is bad think about Unions. Before they existed labour conditions and pay were much worse than now. Unions prove that banding together in collective bargaining is much more effective that trying to strike deals on your own. The EU together is able to strike much more beneficial deals than individual countries on their own. Following that logic any deal we strike post brexit will not be as good as we had in the EU. Going into negotiations with larger economies like China and the US we will be at a BIG disadvantage and will get far less favourable terms than we currently enjoy.
May's current deal has us leaving the customs union and the single market. Currently we enjoy frictionless, tariff free trade with EU countries. And an exit that takes us out of those adds expensive barriers to trading with our largest import/export partner. Fees that businesses themselves will have to pay. (Hence why a lot of small & Medium businesses are worried about this)
Movement Given there are millions of british people living abroad in the EU. Free movement is something that has benefited UK citizens. Post brexit their future is uncertain.
Ever wanted to retire to Spain or France? We leave the EU and it gets much harder. Seen a job in the EU or been offered one? Prepare to have to go through visa processes that we don't have to at the minute. Want to visit non-EU countries? All our travel agreements are as an EU country so those will have to be redone.
But it works both ways. The UK relies on EU citizens coming over here to work. The NHS? All those jobs you don't want to do or think beneath you? Seasonal workers? propped up by EU citizens. It will be harder and there will be less incentive for them to come over post brexit even ignoring the seemingly rising xenophobia.
Laws People say we don't have control of our laws. We do for the vast majority of things. Parliament forcing amendments through so May had to get approval for the deal rather than negotiating in secret and forcing through something no one agreed with? Our government did that with their sovereignty. Some stuff does come from the EU. For example the EU working hours directive that stops companies making us work over 48 hours a week without our explicit consent. Tell me with a straight face a tory government would have implemented that without being forced to. And even the stuff that comes from the EU we have a say in. We are an EU member. That means we get a seat at the table and we get to vote on and if necessary veto EU legislation Those MEPs we send over. That’s their job. If they’re not doing it (*cough* Farage) it's not the EUs responsibility. It's ours. we vote those people out and replace them with people who will do their job just like with the UK parliament.
Leaving the EU means we'd still have to follow their regulations when trading with them. If we leave but stay in the single market or customs union we still have to follow their regulations. There's just one difference: We'd no longer have a say in making those laws!
What’s the phrase? Oh yh: You've got to be in it to win it.
When Washington D.C. is asking for statehood and complaining about taxation without representation, why are we actively trying to put ourselves in that position?
People seem convinced we'll leave and be able to strike the best possible deal with the EU. The best possible deal? We've already got it. Norway model? Switzerland? Turkey? Canada? WTO? All worse than what we currently enjoy.
Am I saying the EU is this perfect utopia? No Do I think the best option is to stay in the EU, have a say, and change it for the better from within? Hell yes.
More and more people are realising that leaving is not the right thing to do. So why are we still on a course to crash out with no deal?
The referendum There are many reasons Leave took the referendum: Some people have legitimate concerns, some people are racist, others voted not for brexit but as a protest, others because of all the fearmongering and lies. The argument that the country voted for our current situation is patently false. The referendum asked leave or remain (a stupidly simple question for such a complex issue)
It did not ask do you want to leave without a deal? It did not ask do you want to leave regardless of what the deal is?
Some people have legitimate concerns about the EU, fair enough but is it not better to stay and try to fix those issues than leave and cause uncertainty and major economic harm.
Some people, by their own admission on camera, voted leave not because they wanted to leave the EU, but as a protest against the government. They did not vote for Mays deal. They did not vote for no deal.
Some people voted leave because they believed the lies peddled by the leave campaign and the media. Many, when the falsehoods were exposed, said they would have voted differently. They do not want Mays deal. They do not want no deal.
David Cameron did not promise the referendum because he wanted people to have a choice about EU membership. He promised it because he feared losing seats to UKIP. The Tories played party politics with huge generational changes, thinking Leave wouldn’t possibly win, and they lost.
The media splashed the lies all over their pages not because they thought them true but because the wanted to sell papers and rich people didn’t want to be subject to upcoming EU legislation attacking tax havens.
All the big names and CEOs that told you Leaving was the best choice? The vast majority of them are moving overseas to avoid the harm. Funny that.
Let’s take a look at the lies: £350 million a week for the nhs? Lie we can put the money we currently pay into the EU to our own people? So far what’s being promised is less than now. e.g. stronger towns fund. Lie No one’s talking about leaving the single market or the customs union? Lie Brexit will be a breeze with no downsides? Lie We'll be better off on our own? So far it looks to be a lie Britain will still be open for business? Even before we leave we are already losing jobs as companies and organisations move to other EU countries so they can maintain access to that market rather than stay here.
The leave campaigns were fined for their lies A court declared that if the referendum hadn't been advisory it would have been struck down because of the lies So why are we still ploughing ahead?
Demographics If you look at the distribution of votes in the referendum it was overwhelmingly the case that older voters voted to leave while younger people voted to remain. The people that would have to live the longest with the result wanted to stay. While the people who wouldn't have to deal with it for long wanted to leave. If you look at eligible voters a fair amount of the older people have died since the referendum, meanwhile there are a lot of people who were too young to vote then that are now eligible. These are people who are having brexit thrust upon them without having had a say. The demographics have shifted; The vast majority of polls now show that remain would win if the people were asked again. You can understand why younger people think the older generation fucked us over.
ReMOANers There's a common brexiteer argument that remainers are to blame for the current situation. 'They didn’t accept the result and get behind it', 'They're sabotaging brexit'
To them I say: Shut Up
In any other situation if you see someone putting themselves on a course that will harm people you try to stop it. Even if they don't see it as harm. It would be antithetical of me to just let someone walk off a cliff, and people would judge me if I did. So why is this any different?
Ireland The Good Friday Agreement is the treaty that has kept peace in Ireland and stopped 'The Troubles'. The UK government is legally required to uphold it. No-one wants to see it fail. But that's what brexit will cause. Part of the agreement states that there must be regulatory alignment and no hard border. It is literally impossible to leave the EU fully and honour that.
Leave the EU completely, including the customs union and single market? Hard border, regulatory differences. Agreement broken
Have a border in the Irish sea? Divides Great Britain and Northern Ireland potentially causing a breakup of the UK which no one wants and causes a whole heap of issues (after all Scotland voted remain in their independence referendum after being promised by David Cameron that we'd stay in the EU)
Stay in the single market and Customs Unions? People will complain we didn’t leave fully, we still have to follow laws & regs but have no say in them
Stay in the EU? Agreement intact, best possible deal.
There's a reason why Ireland and the backstop have been and continue to be such a difficult topic. Because it is next to impossible to reconcile leaving the EU and keeping the Good Friday Agreement intact.
Membership fees People cite the fees we pay, as reason for leaving. They think we pay in more than they pay back. And yet those same people don’t say the same about spotify, netflix, internet, TV,... Because people recognise that there are more benefits to a membership than how much investment you get. The access to trade partners, the say in law-making. The economic and political benefits we get from being in the EU are massive and if anything are more than worth the fees we pay.
Theresa May Right now Theresa May is being a gigantic hypocrite. The (non-binding advisory) referendum? once in a lifetime, the people have spoken, brexit is the will of the people and must be carried out no matter what
Her defeated deal? Brought back to parliament as many times as she can get away with until MPs vote her way. Holding the country hostage against the cliff edge of no deal. Spewing hate that is getting MPs who don't agree with her assaulted in the streets
It is not undemocratic to ask people if they've changed their mind, especially when circumstances have changed. If anything it is supremely democratic.
The people voted to leave? They voted based on lies. They did not vote for Mays deal, they did not vote for no deal so how is it wrong to go back to the country and ask if they're ok with what has been negotiated or if they want to do something else?
In fact given people had so many different views of what brexit would be, none of the options for leaving commanded a majority.
The people want you to get on with brexit? Data says they don't.
If nothing else revoking Article 50 gives us time to work things out without the cloud of uncertainty and damage hanging over us. In a situation such as this is it not better to stay in a position of safety and keep the status quo, rather than jumping off a cliff and hoping there's a land of mattresses at the bottom?
Brexit was never going to be a good thing, the people telling you it would be lied to you. It's not a bad thing to admit you were wrong or that you fell for their fantasy. What is bad is refusing to admit when you're wrong to the detriment of yourself and everyone else .
The deal that we have at the moment ceases to exist if we leave. If we get out and then decide we made a mistake and want back in, then that deal no longer exists. We go back in as a normal member. No rebate, no opt-outs, none of the extras that we have now.
Hopefully these arguments will have helped you realise that we're better off in the EU and we should revoke Article 50
If not, then I don't know what to say and I doubt anything will change your mind.
Sometimes when something goes wrong in a plane, a fighter pilot refuses to eject thinking they can fix the issue. Right until they hit the ground. Don't be that pilot.
For those of you that have, I'll link to the petition again. Given Theresa May's stubborn refusal to even entertain the idea of a People's Vote, this may be our only chance at saving the country we all love.
For those who don't want to leave but don't think signing will do anything, even if it doesn't work at least you can look yourself in the eye and say you didn't stand idly by while the country went to shit.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Endeavour Series 8 Episode 1 Review: the Inspector Morse Transition Begins
Endeavour Series 8 Episode 1 Review: ‘Striker’
Warning: this Endeavour review contains spoilers.
It’s 1971, and Oxford’s finest are, as ever, dealing with all of humanity’s worst impulses. Endeavour Morse (Shaun Evans) wakes up late from a hangover, leaving DI Thursday (Roger Allam) waiting in vain for his usual morning lift to work from his Detective Sergeant. It’s not behaviour we’d expect from our Morse…except, of course, it is, when you think about it. 
John Thaw’s Inspector was a man who suffered silently, and it’s that version of the character that the sensitive, easily hurt young man we met back in Endeavour’s pilot episode nine years ago is growing into. It isn’t going to be fun to witness, but it’s what we signed up for. The shocking events of series seven’s finale, in which any last vestiges of Morse’s innocence were snuffed out forever, are never discussed directly, but they’re here, nonetheless. As Morse bitterly remarks to Joan Thursday late in this episode, that situation ended how it had to. A master manipulator took away somebody he’d grown to love, and a brief idyll ended in disaster. The worst of it is, we know that it won’t be the last time he’s hit by such despair. 
That acid note of disappointment has been present for a while in Morse’s behaviour, but it’s sourer than ever now. The two cases he’s confronted with in ‘Striker’ don’t do a great deal to improve his mood, either. At first glance, they don’t seem to have much in common. A bomb blast rings out through the quads of Morse’s alma mater, Linacre College. A young secretary, Margaret Widdowson, has opened a lethal package and is killed instantly. 
As pathologist Max DeBryn puts it with his usual quiet compassion, she wouldn’t have had time to register what was happening. As we approach the end for Endeavour, time to flag up how great James Bradshaw’s been as Max throughout. An entire life conjured effortlessly through gesture and tone: instantly believable as a younger version of the character played by Peter Woodthorpe in Inspector Morse’s early episodes.
Read more
Endeavour Series 8 Promises 1971 Football Glitz, an IRA Threat and Morse Battling Inner Demons
By Louisa Mellor
Endeavour’s Russell Lewis on the show’s longevity: ‘We’re getting very near the end’
By Gem Wheeler
Similar plaudits are owed to Sean Rigby, who’s also faced the tough task of capturing a man already familiar to us from Morses past. The DS Strange we meet in ‘Striker’ is an altogether more dapper, organised man than we’ve seen him before; someone who, like Morse, is in search of a little more to fill his life than take-home murder cases and dinners for one. At least, that’s what we might deduce from the concerned look on his face as he opens his invitation to a Masonic function, for which a date is most definitely expected. 
It’s Joan Thursday, for whom Endeavour’s carried a torch for years, that Strange settles on as his potential plus one. She’s back home in Oxford again, working at a women’s refuge as part of her employment with Welfare. Joan’s flattered by the unexpected invitation, and – much to Strange’s evident surprise – she accepts. Would you believe me if I say that I called this particular development last year? Probably not, but it always seemed clear that something pretty serious had to happen to disrupt the budding friendship between Strange and his former housemate, given how fractious their relationship in Inspector Morse will turn out to be…
Morse is stuck with this episode’s other case: a phoned-in threat against the life of Oxford Wanderers’ star striker, Northern Irish international Jack Swift (Julian Moore-Cook). Football is entering its baroque phase in ‘71, with rising salaries and glamour girls galore. Morse, for whom sports, money and women are, shall we say, thorny subjects, isn’t exactly living his best life when he’s assigned to act as Swift’s bodyguard. In a world where players are given names like the ‘Doncaster Dynamo’ (your South-Yorkshire-born reviewer might have to pinch that one herself), the glory days of Keegan and Best are conjured, though they’re never referred to here. This episode is full of other old ghosts, however, and when the link between the two cases is revealed, we finally come to understand who really wants Jack Swift dead, and why. 
1971 was a year of great turmoil and loss in Northern Ireland, the consequences of which resonate to this day. That complex political situation was, I thought, handled less sensitively than it could have been in this episode, but viewers from NI deserve the last word on that subject. A shame, as this is otherwise a series with a keen eye for its period. This episode gives us Max Bygraves’ song hailing the virtues of the UK’s new decimal currency (yes, really) and an appropriately jaded take on the seedier side of ‘70s Britain: the land of Get Carter and The Good Life, as much a mass of fascinating contradictions as it is today. It remains to be seen where series eight will take Endeavour Morse, but, on this evidence, a rough road lies ahead. 
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Endeavour series 8 continues on Sunday the 19th of September at 8pm on ITV.
The post Endeavour Series 8 Episode 1 Review: the Inspector Morse Transition Begins appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3z03aby
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bestpowerball · 3 years
Win the powerball 파워볼게임 using the law of attraction
Many people consider the Powerball 파워볼게임 분석 as a lucky game. The mathematical chance of winning the lottery is 14 million! However, a growing number of players use various techniques to improve their odds of winning the Powerball.
Not only an analysis of the mathematical and statistical numbers or logical selection methods, but more esoteric approaches to opening your mind, to increasing awareness and connecting your mind to the “universal source” or the “universal consciousness” arose from the growing popularity of the law of attraction following the success of the film “The Secret.”
The video was full of instances of the way individuals modified their thinking processes to bring some incredible things into their lives – from health improvement to business success, attraction of spouses, and, of course, attraction of houses, vehicles and the attraction of money.
This led to a surge in this line of thinking in the previous several years, with many trying to achieve success not only with the law of attraction, but also to enhance their speed and quality outcomes.
The employment of subliminal messages is an increasingly common method. Subliminal messages may infiltrate your mind and modify your beliefs totally. They can focus your attention on money attraction and guarantee that your unconscious notions of gaining money and gaining Powerball follow your conscious thoughts – essentially so that nothing stops.
Tracking Powerball results – From print to smartphone The results of the Powerball can now be checked and seen if you have become a millionaire instantaneous, thanks to advancements of the internet, digital TV and smartphones, which means you no longer have to depend on watching the draws live and wait until the results will be published in the newspapers of the following day.
Many daily journals broadcast the results of UK Powerball and also cover other Powerball draws, such as Euromillions and Irish Powerball. They are incredibly handy to check out results that are a day late, but when you can’t wait that long, there are a number of alternate alternatives to find out the results. 실시간 파워볼게임 bestpowerball.com
The iPhone 3G has been a big hit since it was launched in 2008. A great deal of this success was attributable to the broad availability of smartphone apps. Apple has recently claimed that over 85,000 different iPhone applications can now be downloaded, with many of them offering fast access to the latest Powerball results that enable consumers to check numbers wherever they are.
The current results of Powerball are also available from general news and Powerball websites, and some of the more advanced sites provide advanced results checking tools to automatically validate the results of UK National Powerball up to 180 days earlier. All you have to do is to choose and store the numbers played from the 49 selections. These programs will not only compare your numbers to the most recent drawing but compare them to the last 52 draws for Wednesday and Saturday drawings to determine if this combination of numbers won in any of these occasions.
Such automatic Powerball results controls are excellent when you uncover an old ticket because prizes may be redeemed up to 180 days after the draw date, so you may just find you have won a big sum by checking! The latest findings are available a few minutes after the draw; if you do not have access to a TV to watch it, the next best thing is here.
Naturally, Powerball results are also available online via mobile phones that allow Internet navigation so that those who don’t have an iPhone may view the results on their phones. If everything else fails, mobile phone users may only call friends or family members to get the results through TV text if they’re so desperate to find out whether they have won.
Pick 3 Powerball – I am 파워볼게임 사이트추천 sure that you played it
Pick 3 Powerball in the United States is a popular Powerball game. Its attraction comes from the simplicity of the game and the fact that you lose not much. It is not like other chance games where you have to go to a casino to play, win, play and lose everything in the same night. You must point a pistol on yourself in these games to get you to quit and call it a night. Pick 3 is comparable to many Powerball games since you predict a winning number, expect a draw and win a day or lose and say tomorrow again.
Pick 3 is so named because three numbers must be chosen
A combination made of them, and then wagered. If you pick the right decision, you can win up to $500. That’s when you bet a dollar. It may seem like a tiny profit, but given that you have just paid one dollar, so that you are less likely to risk and worry less, $500 is already a fortune for everybody.
You may play and win during the week at any time. Pick 3 is open from Monday through Friday. Because Powerball retail outlets are throughout the location, you can always play the game. You may do it directly or boxed.
In two ways, you can play 3 Powerball: straight or boxed. You have 엔트리 파워볼게임 the choice to play directly or boxed. You select a winning number if you play straight and you win if the draw is the same as the precise match. You pick a winning number and win when you play boxed if you obtain the same numbers in any sequence. You can leave the option on the Powerball computer if you do not believe your luck on the day, but still wish to bet. The computer picks the number for you when you make a “Quick Pik.” But don’t blame it if you lose. If you lose. It’s not alive! It is not alive!
Choose 3 is a game of chance with tactics and suggestions. It’s gambling, no matter how you see it. There is, however, a way to win in nearly every game without relying only on chance or luck. It’s not a way to cheat or beat the system. It’s pretty thinking. He uses maths. The global language is considered to be mathematics. This seems true even when selecting 3 is played.
how pick 6 안전한파워볼사이트 powerball works
You might frequently or internet seeks for ideas and methods to win pick 3. Usually these works are written by regulars. Either they play 3 Powerball for a long time and have extracted the common part of their winning games, which is why they win, or they’re new and they’ve applied the probability concept. It is likely that an event occurs based on the number of positive results in a set of results divided by the total number of alternative possibilities.
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Tuesday 16th March 2021
Here we go, your starter for ten as the famous TV quiz* says...
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This is the little bird who I can never manage to capture - any idea?
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Have some thinking time (not You, Guru) and we’ll return to this later.
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The scores on the doors** (another old quiz show reference)  - door 1 on our left, door 2 in the middle and door 3 up the bank is more of an alley than a door 😃
I’ve always liked this tiny glimpse of the lower garden through a gap in the shrubbery and since I trimmed the straggly growth we have two ‘archways’ which are proving really popular with both the birds and M Flambeau who all clamber through, as opposed to coming up the bank at the side, or just stand surveying their surroundings or perhaps contemplating life in general.
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(m) Pheasant was funny yesterday as he came up through the gap and literally limbo-ed under the branch. Actually, he didn’t really limbo in the true sense, he squished himself down very awkwardly though, when he could just have hopped over.
The new Romeo has been hanging around the garden a lot. I heard him this morning before I was up, he’s not crowing very loudly, more like a beaten up old car that’s struggling to start. Not that I should say anything, I’m not particularly a morning person either.
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Here’s another clue to the mystery bird of the day.
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I’m getting closer.
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It's not the smallest British bird (that's the Goldcrest), but it is the shortest. It holds an estimated 8.6 million territories in Britain, making it one of our most abundant birds, so it’s a bit of a mystery why they seem particularly hard to spot in our garden. That said, like the Goldcrest it is very quick.
Here we are, the best photo I’ve managed to date - and frankly, even that retains an air of mystery about it.
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The answer is Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes - apparently named as they were observed near to caves. Troglodyte - ‘cave dweller’ ) 
FUN FACT: In proportion to its size, the Wren has the loudest song of any British bird. 
The loud song from such a small throat is possible because birds have an organ called a syrinx with a resonating chamber and membranes that utilise virtually all the air in the lungs and can produce two notes at the same time.
Weight:7-12g   One male mute swan weighs the same as 1,400 wrens.
Wrens are a garden regular and can also be found across the UK in a wide range of habitats. Looking them up, they like deciduous woodland, farmland, heathland and moorland. They can also be found out on the islands, but are least abundant in Scotland and northern England, with the smallest numbers found in upland areas. Wrens usually eat close to the ground, using their pointed bill to snack on larvae, insects, spiders and other small morsels. They will eat seeds or berries and apparently also like tadpoles.
The breeding season for Wrens takes place during early spring, with males establishing their territories during this time. Each male uses moss and twigs to build a selection of domed nests for females to consider when they enter the male’s territory. If a female chooses a certain male’s nest, they will begin breeding once the nest has been lined (moss, lichen, other plant material and feathers) Nests are usually built in sheltered areas, including in nest boxes.
Usually around 5-7 eggs are laid, hatching after approximately two weeks. Both parents feed the young, which will fledge a further 15-20 days later. Second broods are common, and males often mate with more than one female.♦
Woodland Trust Org
♦ several of the nests constructed by the male may be taken by different females at the same time. Wrens, being such tiny birds are at high risk during harsh weather, but this breeding technique helps keep numbers buoyant and stable. 
The eggs by the way are small (obviously) smooth white ones, with red splodges, kind of similar to some Tit eggs but with a greater density of markings at the blunt end.
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The Wren is often described as a dumpy little bird. M’lud, I object. Just because a being isn’t rangy and lithe, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s dumpy. I think its compact shape adds to the cuteness factor and they’re very much in proportion, with the ‘cocked’ tail adding to that sweet impression.
It’s all a massive contrast to yesterday’s White Tailed Eagle isn’t it.
Weight: 3 to 7 kg Eagle / 7 to 10g Wren
Most importantly I’m just pleased to have photographic proof that the Wren is here in our garden, especially as I didn’t manage to spot one for the survey in January.
No Wren or Eagle while I sat typing this. I did hear Buzzards overhead earlier this morning though. We’ve had numerous visits from GS Woodpecker, a vast number of House Sparrow and Dunnock; Blackbird; Great, Marsh, Coal and Blue Tits have been; Robins, of course and two Nuthatch at the same time. The female Pheasants came briefly and it goes without saying that the Rooks are very evident both in the woods and the garden too. I’m expecting to see Long Tailed Tits, Stock Dove and Wood Pigeon later and most likely the male Pheasant. Crow has seen a Magpie, but I missed it.
Late Edit: male Pheasant, Wood Pigeons and Stock Doves here now and a Bee!
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Sir Christopher Wren architect, 1632-1723 (external link)
The surname ‘Wren’ really does derive from the bird
The English surname Wren (the Irish equivalent is Rinn, the Welsh is Uren) derives from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning lascivious, but was apparently applied to people who were small, busy, quick and energetic just like the little bird. Today, there are an estimated 22,500 individuals worldwide with the Wren surname, the USA having 13,000 of them, with Britain second at something over 5,000.
More unusual facts about the Wren from this Countryfile article Here (external link)
* University Challenge
** The Generation Game
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What’s in a Name?
First published in Demos Quarterly, March 2013
New academic research from Professor John Denham & Professor Richard Webber finds links between the origins of our family names, our geography, and our propensity to identify as ‘English’ or ‘British’.
Of all the concerns people carry about immigration, it’s fear of the cultural impact that is most strongly held. It’s also the one least easy for those of a liberal disposition to grapple with. Cultural reassurance is much less amenable to technocratic policy than, say, low wages, building more homes or even the promise of future controls. At the root of popular worries is the fear that ‘people like us’ will lose our identity in the face of large numbers of ‘people who are different’ and, crucially, ‘people who don’t want to be like us’.
For this reason, understanding what has happened with past waves of migration is important: the past may not be an entirely reliable guide to the future but it can give us some sense of how things work out. Even more critically, it can help us to understand how long it can take for things to work out successfully. In a recent study, we wanted to explore what happened to migrants to England from other parts of the UK, and to those who migrated from one English region to another.
Englishness only exists as an identity; it does not exist as a legal citizenship. Access to English identity is not unconditional. Contrary to popular myth, most people don’t think you have to be white to be English, but Englishness is widely associated with birth. Around three in four citizens think you can be ‘English’ if you were born here.
So new migrants into England may not be seen as (or feel) English, but their children and grandchildren are likely to have the choice of identifying as English. On the other hand, migrants from other parts of the UK are hardly cut off from their family origins or from symbols and organisations of Welsh, Scottish and Irish identity, whether in sport, music, culture or in politics. With a shared British culture available to most UK migrants (other than those with an Irish Republican background), most would not seem to be under huge social pressures to conform to any dominant English identity. We wanted to see what choices they have made.
Analysis of the Brexit vote in England has highlighted the divergence between Leave voters, predominantly identifying as English, and Remain voters, mainly identifying as British. There’s a similar divide between socially mobile graduates and those who have spent less time in education.
Anecdotally at least, a sense of Englishness is often built on attachment to a particular place or part of England. Our study also tested the possibility that families that have lived for a long time in the same area may be more English and less British than those with the aspiration and ability to move.
We drew on a YouGov poll of nearly 6000 residents of England, commissioned by the Centre of English Identity and Politics at the University of Winchester at the end of 2016. Respondents were asked whether they identified as ‘mainly English’, ‘equally English and British’, ‘’mainly British’, ‘Other’ and ‘Don’t Know’.
Using a database containing the 25,000 most common British surnames, categorised by the region of their highest incidence and by culture of origin, we’ve been able to study the national identities held today by people whose families (at least on the male side) came originally from Scotland, Wales, Ireland or from different regions of England.
After a sharp movement from British identity around the turn of the 20th Century, a settled pattern has emerged that was confirmed by our survey: the most common identity (38 per cent) is ‘equally English and British’. Either side of this, the ‘predominantly English’ (34 per cent) heavily outweigh the ‘predominantly British’ (19 per cent). This means that English is now established as the most widely shared national identity in England.
Surname origins shed more light on different groups within the English population. As expected, the most strongly English are those living in the region of their surname’s heartland. We can’t be sure that an individual respondent’s family has always lived in there, but this will be sufficiently common to explain variations in the responses. These most rooted English are more likely to be ‘predominantly English’ and ‘equally English and British’, and much less ‘predominantly British’ than the average. Geographically mobile people with an English name are still more English than average but to a less marked extent.
More surprising are the national identities of those with surnames of Celtic origin – see here. Overall, the Celtic community has not only widely adopted English as an identity, it too has come to prioritise its Englishness over its Britishness. 32 per cent of ‘Celts’ are predominantly English, 37 per cent ‘equally English and British’ and just 20 per cent predominantly British.
These results add some insight into recent political events. Brexit was a vote of English identifiers, and these are most likely to be amongst people who have been least geographically, and perhaps socially, mobile. At the same time, the figures show the weakness of Britishness as a single unifying identity for people from different parts of the United Kingdom. It’s a widely shared identity, but, even in England and even amongst historic migrants, less powerful than English identity.
Within the Celtic groups, people with Scottish surnames are most likely to feel predominantly English and the Irish least likely. The Irish are also more likely (14 per cent) to reject both Englishness and Britishness. Some will be Irish by citizenship, but it’s also likely that the history of Anglo-Irish relations limit the accessibility of English and British identities for Irish migrants.
Outside London, the pattern of identities is broadly in line with the national average, though the North East and Yorkshire are more ‘equally English and British’, the South East and South West least likely to be ‘predominantly British’, and ‘Englishness’ strongest across the East and West Midlands and Eastern England.
Often regarded as more homogenously British than the rest of England, London is actually sharply polarised – see here. There are more ‘predominantly British’ but markedly fewer ‘equally English and British’. Within the capital, those with English surnames are ‘more English’ than across England as a whole. The pattern of Celtic identities is also different, with London Celts emphasising their British rather than their English identity.
Our sample gave some insight into non-British surnames, though not in large enough numbers to allow a detailed examination. White, non-British surnames tended (59 per cent) to reject both English and British identities, presumably because they are new migrants or transient. BME respondents were more ‘predominantly British’ and ‘equally English and British’ than predominantly English.
The widespread adoption of English identity by Celtic migrants in England, albeit to a lesser than the majority population, suggests that migrants have come, over time, to adopt a similar mix of identities to those around them (helped no doubt by inter-marriages). The question is the extent to which this pattern will be followed by more recent waves of migration. We’d suggest that the same course is likely in areas where the migrant population is relatively small compared with the majority community.
It’s less clear what will happen where the influence of the English majority is less marked. It is positive that most migrants adopt British identity and the large minority of them some element of English identity. But the apparent polarisation of identities in London, with the entrenchment of English identity amongst English origin surnames should raise concerns. While there is no ‘correct’ identity, it is important that choices between English and British identities are open to all long-term residents and not determined by barriers of ethnicity.
Professor John Denham & Professor Richard Webber
Professor John Denham is Director of the Centre for English Identity and Politics at Winchester University. He was a Labour MP from 1992-2015; he held ministerial positions in the Labour Government, including membership of Gordon Brown’s Cabinet
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seachranaidhe · 5 years
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Tanistry: Irish History – Let’s talk about being Irish in Northern Ireland. I’d like to take a break from the regular content to have another brief chat about one of the most common discussions in the Tanistry Community-the way in which Irish people in Northern Ireland ought to feel or be seen by other Irish individuals. I’ll first and foremost state prior to the rest of this article that it’s my extremely staunch belief that all heritage, history and tradition on this island ought to be respected and preserved in one way or another; I’ll never really advocate for anyone’s heritage or identity to be attacked or undermined for the sake of another tradition’s supremacy. Long-time followers of Tanistry will be aware that I come from a traditionally Protestant Unionist background in East Belfast, and I’m well aware of the attitudes some of the more zealous people of North East Ulster have toward all things Irish-this at first made me somewhat insecure in my identity as Irish and made it difficult to share my passion for Ireland’s history. However, over the past number of years I have come to the decision that it is completely and utterly abhorrent that anyone ought to be anything but completely and proudly open about an Irish identity in Northern Ireland-in whatever capacity it may be. We all know that I avoid modern politics like the plague on my blog-I even have a rule permitting continued discussion of the Troubles for fear of it devolving into sectarian headcounts, and I refuse to publish articles about the period for fear of belittling those who lived through it. I continue to see many people in Northern Ireland feel marginalised or “secondary” in their Irish Identity to that of the British Unionist identity, something which doesn’t make sense to me. Of course, there are political and cultural institutions in Northern Ireland which directly attempt to undermine, insult or outright eradicate any vestige of Irish Culture or Identity wherever they can-but it is my opinion that these institutions have only as much power over you as you allow them. Should you feel a little awkward about using your Irish name, rather than the anglicised version? No, you shouldn’t. Should you “save face” and try to find a happy compromise with those around you so that your “Irishness” doesn’t step on anyone’s toes? Absolutely not. Are you any less Irish due to the fact that you live in Northern Ireland? No, you’re not. I’m staunchly of the opinion that a man born and raised in the bogs of Galway is any more Irish than a man raised in the heart of East Belfast. I believe anyone who was born and raised on the island of Ireland who identifies with Irish History and Heritage has the right to call themselves Irish, whether they live in Cork or Carrickfergus. Those who would go so far as to suggest that North East Ulster is inherently less “Irish” than the rest of Ireland has some reading to do, seeing as the northernmost province of Ireland was Gaelic Irish for longer than anywhere else on the island. An overwhelming majority of towns, villages and cities in Ireland have Irish roots, and the existence of other cultures and heritages within Northern Ireland do not eradicate this fact. Those who would suggest that Northern Ireland’s place within the UK are simply allowing bigots to write their identity for them. I’m of the opinion that Northern Ireland is only ever going to become “more Irish”-regardless of what squiggles on maps say. I believe that due to a continuing upsurge in adoration and engagement with Irish Culture and Heritage, more people identify with Irish history on this island than ever before. But does this mean that those out there-including those within the Tanistry Community-ought not to be allowed to be Irish and British, or simply British? Of course not. Ireland and Britain have been interacting for thousands of years. There are countless people with Brittonic ancestry in Ireland, just as there are countless people with Irish ancestry and Britain-and beyond. To rob these people of their identity for the sake of political point sco
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johnabradley · 7 years
For years, Prince William found himself in a state of shock, unable to deal with the tragic death of his mother Princess Diana. As the nation wept that summer in 1997, in private William couldn’t allow himself to grieve. Quite simply, aged 15, he locked his emotions away, burying them beneath routine and a most dutiful, demanding public life. Until now. Recently, William has started talking about his loss, opening up and admitting his struggle and its effects - now he is passionately calling for all men to follow his example through his mental health campaign, Heads Together. In what is undoubtedly the most candid interview he has ever given, the 34-year-old future King talks exclusively to GQ about his mother’s death, his relationship with the media, his work, his family and how he is determined to lead by example. Oh, that my mother was alive to see me now, walking into Kensington Palace on a sunny spring day, to take tea with the future King William. Born in the same year as the Queen, 1926, and given the same Christian name, Elizabeth, my mother “Betty” was a fervent monarchist; indeed one of my earliest political memories is of the row provoked when, about half a century ago, I refused to listen to the Queen’s Christmas Day message. She and I also used to argue about Prince William’s parents as the disintegration of their marriage provoked a bitter propaganda war between them and their supporters. Once I got to know Princess Diana, in a series of extraordinary meetings (see my diaries, volume one) before Labour won power in 1997, despite the nasty columns I used to write about her as a journalist, I became something of a fan. I was smitten indeed, and so took her side in the Charles-Diana rows taking place in homes up and down the country. My mother was more for Charles, seeing as how he was going to be the next king. It is not a conversion from republicanism that has sparked this meeting with the Prince - though “President Trump” would challenge anyone’s faith in an elected head of state - but a common cause, namely the desire to eradicate the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness. Prince William, his wife Catherine and his brother Harry, have chosen mental health as their main cause, and their Heads Together campaign has been successfully promoting the importance of being as open about our mental health as we are about our physical health. When they started off down this path, the republican in me was annoyed they could get so much traction for anything they did; but the Time To Change mental health campaigner was overjoyed. They have overseen the making of a series of short films showing the importance of talking about mental health problems rather than bottling them up. To my surprise, I was asked to take part in a film, talking with my partner Fiona about how my mental health troubles impact on us. Then, even more surprisingly, given how few extended interviews he gives, he agreed to be interviewed for GQ. I had met him a few times, on the British and Irish Lions rugby tour of New Zealand in 2005, for example, and more recently at a dinner where I asked him whether he would follow the lead of his grandmother when he became king, by never giving an interview as monarch. Here, I was keen to test two things in particular. One was whether his commitment to this cause was real and whether he had a proper understanding of the issues. You can make up your own mind on that, but after an hour and a half at the palace, mine was made up in his favour. Secondly, I wanted to see how close to the public persona the more private man in his own habitat might be. Would he speak with the same stilted style that seems to characterise his public speaking? He didn’t. Would he have a sense of humour? He did. Would he stand on ceremony? He didn’t. Was there any real passion behind the shy exterior? There was. Indeed, were she still here, I would have called my mum and told her, “Good news - I liked him.”
What son doesn’t miss his mother when she’s gone? As you shall see, almost 20 years on from that car crash in Paris, Prince William clearly misses Princess Diana intensely, saying it is only now he feels able properly to talk about her death, the extraordinary week that followed it, and the enormous impact it had on him and his brother. He doesn’t believe she had mental health problems, and nor does he think that he does. But the trauma he suffered losing her so young, and in such awful circumstances, partly explains why he is determined to get the nation talking more about our emotions, not least because, in life and death, his mother changed the way we express them.
AC: So what’s a nice future king like you doing with an old leftie republican like me?
PW: That’s a very good question Alastair [laughs]. To be honest, I really don’t care where people come from, I like meeting and talking to people from all backgrounds. And this is a good opportunity to talk about something that is very close to your heart, and very close to mine.
AC: And why is mental health so close to yours?
PW: Practically everything in my charitable life, in the end, is to do with mental health, whether it be homelessness, veterans’ welfare, my wife and the work she is doing on addiction; so much of what we do comes back to mental health. Also, if I think about my current job as a helicopter pilot with the air ambulance service in East Anglia, my first job there was a suicide and it really affected me. I have been to a number of suicides, self harms, overdoses.
AC: In what way did it affect you?
PW: Not just the person who lost their life, but the people they leave behind. One of the stats I was given was that, just in the area we cover in the east of England - my base is in Cambridge - there are five attempted suicides every day. Yet suicide is still not talked about. So people have the pain of loss, but also the stigma and taboo means they are sometimes ashamed even to talk about how a lover, a partner, a brother, a sister, a best friend, how they died. That stat - five attempted suicides in the East Anglia region alone - it blew my mind, I thought, “Oh my God, this is such a big issue.”
AC: I am a patron of the Maytree suicide sanctuary in north London, and you and your wife made a private visit there. What impact did that have?
PW: The thing that made an impression on me, it wasn’t just the feelings of the people, the pain they were going through and the care for them, it was that this is the only place of its kind in the UK. It may be the only one in the whole of Europe, and I thought, this is terrifying, it really is, there should be more places like this, where people can go when they’re desperate. I have spoken to suicide groups and having been through personal grief myself, I had an inkling of what to expect, but it was all so raw. When someone does end their own life, [there are] so many questions, people feeling guilty, why didn’t we see it, why didn’t we do more, and all surrounded by this massive taboo. I found it eye opening, so revealing as to what goes on in people’s minds.
AC: When you land in your air ambulance and you get out, what on earth do they say when they see you?
PW: We are only likely to be there if people are in deep trauma or unconscious.
AC: But the other people there?
PW: We are often the first on the scene. Also, I do hang back a little. We land, we secure the scene, I will be sorting the comms for the next flight, and then I might be running around helping with equipment and so on.
AC: Nobody ever has to explain, say, “Sorry, don’t worry about him”?
PW: Most people seem to guess, but I do keep as far back as I can and let the team do what they have to do. I maybe carry the stretcher, carry the kit, sort the comms for the next leg. It is all very fast paced.
AC: Why do the three of you work together on Heads Together?
PW: It is a bit of an experiment really. The Royal Family has not normally done this, three members of the family pulling together to focus on one thing. Normally things are quite disjointed, we follow our own interests and see where it goes, but we thought, well, if we tied it together and had a focused approach, how would that work? We wanted to see the impact we could have.
AC: You must get bombarded with approaches and requests? How do you decide what causes and events to support? Do you try to be strategic about it?
PW: Focused rather than strategic, I would say. When I settle on something, I want to dig deep, I want to understand what I am involved in, I want to understand the complexities of all the issues and, above all, I want to make an impact.
AC: Do you not get frustrated, though? Of course, there are advantages to your position but there are limitations too, because you cannot stray into politics. So you can’t do what I do and bang the drum for more resources and more action from government. Is that not really frustrating?
PW: It can be frustrating at times. I watch the political world, I am interested in it, at times I feel there are things going on I could really help with, but you have to understand where you sit and what the limits are; and with regard to what we do in our charity work, I like to think you can do just as much good but in a different direction.
AC: It’s great you guys are getting involved in mental health. Generally, my worry, though, is there is a danger that making improvements on stigma and taboos is seen as a substitute for services, not an accompaniment. Presumably you saying something like that goes beyond acceptable limits?
PW: No, not at all. I can say that. If I attack government policy, no, I can’t, but I can certainly make that kind of point. What we can do is convene, bring people together, organise private meetings, get experts in one room who might otherwise not always meet, they tend not to refuse an invitation, and we can thrash things out.
AC: Is it very much Harry on veterans, Kate on addiction and young women, you on men in general?
PW: A little bit. Harry has the Invictus Games and focuses a lot on veterans. But we are not stuck in our boxes. We are all three of us trying to understand the tentacles of mental health, which go everywhere. I do think if you are focused about general aims you can have a much greater impact. So we do try to stay focused, not splurge around.
AC: Are you in the mental health space for the long haul?
PW: Medium to long term, definitely. What we would love to do is smash the taboo. Getting the London Marathon as the mental health marathon, that was a big thing, and I hope we are reaching a tipping point. But it is a bit like wading through treacle. It is tough. We are now looking at a legacy programme. We are not going to rush, and the mental health sector has to believe in what we might propose, so we are getting expert opinion and then we will pick and choose and decide what we do.
AC: Why don’t you do the London Marathon yourself?
PW: I would love to, but from the policing point of view, they tested it and they were like, “What?” I am keen to do a marathon but it won’t be London.
AC: What about getting a treadmill in here and doing it while everyone else is pounding the streets?
PW: It would be so boring.
AC: Be great television.
PW: I think I would have mental health issues if I was just staring at that wall. I do want to do it though - and the training. In the military we did plenty of similar things to marathons, like yomping over the Brecon Beacons with a ton of kit on your back. I am just pleased we got London as the mental health marathon.
AC: Do you have specific goals and outcomes for the campaign?
PW: Smashing the taboo is our biggest aim. We can’t go anywhere much until that’s done. People can’t access services till they feel less ashamed, so we must tackle the taboo, the stigma, for goodness sake, this is the 21st century. I’ve been really shocked how many people live in fear and in silence because of mental illness. I just don’t understand it. I know I come across as quite reserved and shy, I don’t always have my emotions brewing, but behind closed doors I think about the issues, I get very passionate about things. I rely on people around me for opinions, and I am a great believer in communication on these issues. I cannot understand how families, even behind closed doors, still find it so hard to talk about it. I am shocked we are so worried about saying anything about the true feelings we have. Because mental illness is inside our heads, invisible, it means others tread so carefully, and people don’t know what to say, whereas if you have a broken leg in plaster, everyone knows what to say.
AC: This is my vested interest speaking here, but what with the marathon and the other things, do you think you might stay in this mental health space for good?
PW: We want to see what impact we can have.
AC: You are making an impact now.
PW: I feel we’re going in the right direction, but not making as much impact as we would like. You know what it is like, you want to get there, grapple with all the issues, get there quickly, make the change that is needed.
AC: But in your position, can you do that?
PW: You can, but you have to do it carefully. Maybe we do make change but the way we do it is slower. We get the benefits of more publicity for the things we do.
AC: I do remember when your father’s letters used to come into Number Ten. Will you go down that route, with his very frank letters to ministers?
PW: [Laughs.] Could you read them?
AC: It wasn’t the handwriting that was the problem.
PW: I have written to ministers but purely to point them towards people I think they should see. So a charity might ask me if I can help with someone and I can help get them access to the people in government.
AC: So you don’t lobby but you introduce?
PW: There are issues I am interested in and I am happy to connect people to ministers.
AC: But you’re perhaps not as robust as your father?
PW: My father has always come at this from a depth of knowledge and a desire to help. He only gets involved in anything when he has those two things: knowledge matched to a desire to help. He genuinely cares. We can argue till the cows come home about whether what he says is right or wrong, but he lives this stuff every day, goes into minute detail, wants to help inform opinion and provide knowledge. I would love to know what the public really think, whether they feel shocked or pleased he gets involved. He has done this for a long, long time, and I think he has used his role really well to raise a lot of questions that people need to ask.
AC: So what might this mental health legacy be?
PW: One idea is getting mental health first aiders in schools. Teachers are under such pressure, they face so many challenges every day. They cannot be expected to be mental health counsellors as well, so we thought there must be a way of having mental health first aiders who can be attached to one or two schools.
AC: Is that something you would promote or fund?
PW: That is what we need to work out. It is a bit of a challenge, but we have a whole range of ideas we are looking at.
AC: Now, tell me about the idea of the films - and thank you for asking me to do one.
PW: Thank for you doing it. I watched it this morning.
AC: What was the purpose of them?
PW: This was predominantly about the importance of the conversation. The point we wanted to get over was that, often, talking is the best thing you can do - it can start the whole process of recovery. For a lot of people things brew up, particularly men maybe, they don’t want to talk about problems.
AC: When you were growing up, when you were still at school, did you feel you were surrounded by people who couldn’t talk about feelings?
PW: Yes, I think so, but I do think a generational shift has gone on. If I look at my parents’ generation, there was a lot more stiff upper lip going on. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for the stiff upper lip, and, for those of us in public life, times when you have to maintain it, but behind closed doors, in normal everyday life, we have to be more open and upfront with our feelings and emotions. Mental health in the workplace is a huge issue, and a sensitive area, and leadership is important here. When you see people in high-powered jobs in the City and big corporations who got there despite their mental health problems, that is a huge success story and it shouldn’t be seen as anything else.
AC: Or maybe people get there because of their mental health problems too.
PW: Absolutely.
AC: I feel I owe mine quite a lot.
PW: Absolutely, but what is really important here is that we are normalising mental health, so if a CEO comes out and says, “I went through this, I got through these dark times,” that is amazing, it normalises, it has an impact then in that organisation and beyond. But without that kind of thing, people tend to make excuses, avoid talking about issues that may be affecting them, pretend everything is fine.
AC: So as an employer, if one of your staff came and saw you and said, “I am really struggling,” do you think you would deal with that properly?
PW: Definitely. I am not pretending I am an amazing counsellor, or a specialist, I’m not, but I would take it seriously and if they needed help I would find it for them.
AC: Now, on the stiff upper lip, I can see why there may be a place for that. But listen… my mother died when I was 56, she had a full life, died quickly, relatively painlessly, but it was very upsetting. I am not sure I could have walked behind her coffin with millions of people around the world looking at me, without crying.
PW: No.
AC: So how hard was that?
PW: It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. But if I had been in floods of tears the entire way round how would that have looked?
AC: How can you not be in floods of tears if you feel like being in floods of tears?
PW: In the situation I was in, it was self-preservation. I didn’t feel comfortable anyway, having that massive outpouring of emotion around me. I am a very private person, and it was not easy. There was a lot of noise, a lot of crying, a lot of wailing, people were throwing stuff, people were fainting.
AC: As you were walking?
PW: Yes. It was a very unusual experience. It was something I don’t think anyone could have predicted. Looking back, the outpouring of grief and emotion was very touching but it was very odd to be in that situation.
AC: When you were up at Balmoral through the week, were you conscious of how big it all was down here in London?
PW: No, not at all. All I cared about was that I had lost my mum.
AC: So you were protected from everything happening on the Mall?
PW: Yes. I was 15, Harry almost 13, and the overwhelming thing was we had lost our mother.
AC: So when you came back, and you saw how big the reaction was?
PW: I didn’t take it in. I still didn’t realise what was going on, really.
AC: Did you grieve?
PW: That is a very good question. [Pause.] Probably not properly. I was in a state of shock for many years.
AC: Years?
PW: Yes, absolutely. People might find that weird, or think of shock as something that is there, it hits you, then in an hour or two, maybe a day or two, you are over it. Not when it is this big a deal; when you lose something so significant in your life, so central, I think the shock lasts for many years.
AC: My favourite soundbite of the Blair era was not from him, but your grandmother after 9/11, when she said, “Grief is the price we pay for love.”
PW: Yes, absolutely.
AC: But for you to say you felt you were in shock for years - how much harder is it when you are having to grieve or try to grieve with this extraordinary level of global scrutiny, and the endless ridiculous fascination in every detail of your and your mother’s lives.
PW: It does make it more difficult. It doesn’t make you less human. You’re the same person, it is a part of the job to have the interest. The thing is, you can’t bring all your baggage everywhere you go. You have to project the strength of the United Kingdom - that sounds ridiculous, but we have to do that. You can’t just be carrying baggage and throwing it out there and putting it on display everywhere you go. My mother did put herself right out there and that is why people were so touched by her. But I am determined to protect myself and the children, and that means preserving something for ourselves. I think I have a more developed sense of self-preservation.
AC: Yet the Heads Together campaign is all about saying we should talk, be more open about our emotions, out with the stiff upper lip, in with more talking.
PW: Absolutely.
AC: So is it different for you?
PW: Well, I am in the role I am in. But if I had mental health issues I would happily talk about them. I think the closest I got was the trauma I suffered when I lost my mother, the scale of the grief, and I still haven’t necessarily dealt with that grief as well as I could have done over the years.
AC: Who do you talk to?
PW: Family, friends, I talk to those around me who I trust.
AC: But it can’t be easy in your position to find people you can trust totally.
PW: It is hard. But I have always believed in being very open and honest. One of the few strengths I might have is I am good at reading people, and I can usually tell if someone is just being nice because of who I am, and saying stuff for the wrong reasons.
AC: Have you ever talked to people other than friends and family about your feelings?
PW: No I have not talked to a specialist or anyone clinical, but I have friends who are good listeners, and, on grief, I find talking about my mother and keeping her memory alive very important. I find it therapeutic to talk about her, and to talk about how I feel.
AC: So we are coming up to the 20th anniversary of her death. Are you looking forward to that? Or are you dreading it?
PW: I am not looking forward to it, no, but I am in a better place about it than I have been for a long time, where I can talk about her more openly, talk about her more honestly, and I can remember her better, and publicly talk about her better. It has taken me almost 20 years to get to that stage. I still find it difficult now because at the time it was so raw. And also it is not like most people’s grief, because everyone else knows about it, everyone knows the story, everyone knows her. It is a different situation for most people who lose someone they love, it can be hidden away or they can choose if they want to share their story. I don’t have that choice really. Everyone has seen it all.
AC: The first time I met your mother, in 1994, she said, “Why did you write those horrible things about me when you were a journalist?” I said, “My God, I can’t believe you read that stuff.” But she did. I was shocked that she had read it and also remembered it, it was years earlier. It made me think at the time that some people reach a certain level of fame at which media and public cease to see them as human beings. Do you think that is what happened to her, and do you think it has ever happened to you?
PW: Not with me, no. I think with her it was a unique case. The media issue with my mother was probably the worst any public figure has had to deal with.
AC: What? The intrusion, the harassment?
PW: Yes, but more the complete salacious appetite for anything, anything at all about her, even if there was no truth in it, none whatsoever.
AC: So you don’t have any sympathy with the argument that she cultivated her own friends in the media and fed the whole thing?
PW: I have been exploring this. Remember, I was young at the time. I didn’t know what was going on. I know some games and shenanigans were played, but she was isolated, she was lonely, things within her own life got very difficult and she found it very hard to get her side of the story across. I think she was possibly a bit naive and ended up playing into the hands of some very bad people.
AC: Media people?
PW: Yes. This was a young woman with a high profile position, very vulnerable, desperate to protect herself and her children and I feel strongly there was no responsibility taken by media executives who should have stepped in, and said, “Morally, what we are doing, is this right, is this fair, is this moral?” Harry and I were so young and I think if she had lived, when we were older we would have played that role, and I feel very sad and I still feel very angry that we were not old enough to be able to do more to protect her, not wise enough to step in and do something that could have made things better for her. I hold a lot of people to account that they did not do what they should have done, out of human decency.
AC: Were you not tempted to give evidence to the Leveson Inquiry?
PW: We discussed it, but decided in the end not to. Remember, we were the first to expose the phone hacking.
AC: You seem to get a hard time from one or two papers these days. Do you think there is a bit of score-settling going on?
PW: I don’t know.
AC: Do you get followed and chased by paps on bikes?
PW: Not often. But there is a lot of quite sophisticated surveillance that goes on.
AC: So even if not phone hacking, which is far from guaranteed, the press have moved on to other things?
PW: I suppose the one glimmer of light is that because of what happened to my mother, we do not get it as bad as she did. We still have problems, for sure, but do have a little more protection because of the ridiculous levels it got to for my mother - the fact she was killed being followed, being chased, I think there are more boundaries to their actions.
AC: Really?
PW: It is a little better than it used to be.
AC: During the week of her death, Tony Blair spoke to your father and he said to me afterwards, “This is going to be a problem, those boys are going to need help, they are going to despise the media, blame them for her death, yet the media will be a part of their lives.”
PW: Yes, they are.
AC: When you were in Paris recently, posing for hundreds of photographers with President Hollande, did you look at them and wonder if any of them were among the ones who chased her that night?
PW: I’m afraid those are the kind of things I have just had to come to terms with. It is so hard to explain, using only words, what it was like for my mother. If I could only bring out what I saw and what happened in my mother’s life and death, and the role the media played in that, that is the only way people would ever understand it. I can try to explain it in words, but to live it, see it, breathe it, you can’t explain how horrendous it was for her.
AC: Do you think the reaction to her death was a big factor in diminishing the stiff upper lip approach, and changed the way we mourn? Do you think the kind of reaction we saw when, say, David Bowie died last year, would have been the same without that reaction for your mother?
PW: No it wouldn’t. The massive outpouring around her death has really changed the British psyche, for the better.
AC: You do think it is for the better?
PW: Yes, I do think it is for the better.
AC: How much did that week after your mother’s death bring you and Harry together?
PW: We are very close.
AC: And that feeling of shock, sadness, you never felt it strayed over to what I would know as an illness, depression?
PW: I have never felt depressed in the way I understand it, but I have felt incredibly sad. And I feel the trauma of that day has lived with me for 20 years, like a weight, but I would not say that has led me to depression. I still want to get up in the morning, I want to do stuff, I still feel I can function. Believe me, at times it has felt like it would break me, but I have felt I have learned to manage it and I’ve talked about it. On the days when it has got bad I have never shied away from talking about it and addressing how I feel. I have gone straight to people around me and said, “Listen I need to talk about this today.”
AC: Like when?
PW: Last week with the air ambulance, I flew to a really bad case, a small boy and a car accident. I have seen quite a lot of car injuries, and you have to deal with what you see, but every now and then one gets through the armour. This one penetrated the armour, not just me but the crew who have seen so much. It was the feelings of loss from a parent’s point of view, the parents of the boy. Anything to do with parent and child, and loss, it is very difficult, it has a big effect on me, it takes me straight back to my emotions back when my mother died, and I did go and talk to people at work about it. I felt so sad. I felt that one family’s pain and it took me right back to the experience I had. The more relatable pain is to your own life the harder it is to shake it off.
AC: How has the passing of time helped?
PW: They do say time is a healer, but I don’t think it heals fully. It helps you deal with it better. I don’t think it ever fully heals.
AC: Is there a part of you that doesn’t want it to heal fully because for that to happen might make her feel more distant? So you feel the need to stay strongly attached? If grief is the price we pay for love, maybe you want to keep the grief out of fear that loss of grief means you love her less?
PW: One thing I can always say about my mother is she smothered Harry and me in love. Twenty years on I still feel the love she gave us and that is testament to her massive heart and her amazing ability to be a great mother.
AC: How different do you think the country would be if she was still here?
PW: I have thought about that, but mainly from my own perspective. I would like to have had her advice. I would love her to have met Catherine and to have seen the children grow up. It makes me sad that she won’t, that they will never know her.
AC: What about the public Diana?
PW: I think she would have carried on, really getting stuck into various causes and making change. If you look at some of the issues she focused on, leprosy, Aids, landmines, she went for some tough areas. She would have carried on with that.
AC: She was an extraordinary woman.
PW: She was.
AC: How hard do you find the scrutiny? I mean you can’t even do a bit of bad dad dancing without someone taking a video?
PW: [Laughs.] Honestly, I can dance better than that. It’s true though, camera phones, Twitter, there’s not much privacy. I don’t think it was too bad. It wasn’t as if I was falling out of a nightclub, totally wasted. I think people realise everyone has to blow off a bit of energy and tension every now and then.
AC: So how did you feel when some of the papers said you don’t work hard enough?
PW: Criticism is part of the turf, I’m afraid. I think the public are much more nuanced. I have my air ambulance job, I carry out the duties the Queen asks me to, I have my charities and causes and I am raising a young family, so I can’t let that criticism get to me.
AC: A couple of the papers do seem to have turned against you, though?
PW: There is a certain element of Fleet Street getting fed up with nice stories about us. They want the past back again, soap, drama.
AC: Do you see it as part of your job to avoid giving them that? A bit of normality, stability.
PW: I couldn’t do my job without the stability of the family. Stability at home is so important to me. I want to bring up my children in a happy, stable, secure world, and that is so important to both of us as parents. I want George to grow up in a real, living environment, I don’t want him growing up behind palace walls, he has to be out there. The media make it harder but I will fight for them to have a normal life.
AC: But surely you must accept it is an abnormal life?
PW: Totally, but I can still try to protect them as children.
AC: The Queen, your father, you, now George. Four people on the planet who might one day be the head of state in the UK. It is fair to say republicanism has lost, not least thanks to your grandmother. The monarchy seems to have bucked the trend even though we live in a non-deferential, anti-establishment age. Do you feel that?
PW: I do feel the monarchy is in a good place and, like you say, my grandmother has done a remarkable job leading the country - her vision, her sense of duty, her loyalty, her steadfastness, it has been unwavering. We now have three generations of working royals, four altogether, and having that movement through the generations allows for the monarchy to stay relevant and keep up with modern times. You are only as good as your last gig and it is really important you look forward, plan, have a vision.
AC: Do you not look at the Queen, yet another garden party, yet another investiture, yet another state visit, and think how on earth can she keep going?
PW: Yes I do.
AC: Do you, your father and the Queen ever sit down, just the three of you, and just natter?
PW: [Laughs.] What, about Lady Gaga or something? [Prince William had recently recorded a Facetime chat with Lady Gaga for the campaign.]
AC: I was thinking more about being head of state. I mean, how do you learn?
PW: You learn on the job. There is no rulebook. I sometimes wonder if there should be, but in the end I think probably not. Having that difference in how we do things makes the Royal Family more interesting and more flexible. If we all followed the same line, it would all be quite stifled. Our characters are different and the different opinions are important to have.
AC: Your grandmother has always believed in there being a bit of mystique attached to it all as well.
PW: Absolutely.
AC: Never ever given an interview.
PW: No. Never. I seem to have sold the pass on that one.
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Chapter Three - Spinning Fields
London, England.
Despite my better judgments, I ended up here in London, and I have never felt more like an idiot. The last time I spoke with Harry was 5 days ago, he was calling me out of the goodness of his heart, and I told him to promptly "Fuck Off".
Guilt is what drove me here, to another country to apologize to a boy I hardly even knew. I knew I shouldn't be here. Jessie would absolutely kill me if she discovered that I flew to the UK with the hopes of meeting up with some boy instead of I don't know... working on my album that needs to be completed within a month. My parents always did say I was more book smart than common sense smart.
Anyway, I guess it really doesn't matter how I got here or in how much shit I will be I when I get back to Tennessee, all that matters is I'm in London, where Harry is, and all I needed to do was find him... Find an international pop star, piece of cake right?
It was a bright and fairly warm September day, I walked down the street just taking in the wonderful London sights. I could see why everyone gushes over it. It really is a beautiful and whimsical place.
The best way to reach Harry would be to call him I suppose... it is a very large city. But something was holding me back. I haven't heard from him since I told him to fuck off. I haven't reached out to him either, so that is partially my fault as well. But, I have this gut feeling that he won't want to hear from me, and that just seems to rip my heartstrings out.
Taking a deep breath, I just fucking do it. I call.
Ring, ring, ring.
You've reached the voicemail box of .....
Hanging up the phone I let out a huff of air. Maybe he was busy prompting his own album. Yep, keep lying to yourself Mollie.
I looked across the street and saw there was a cute little park with a small pond. I crossed the busy intersection and went over. I sat on one of the black park benches and watched the ducks walk in lines. Small children would come over and feed the ducks every so often, making me smile. But I was almost bored to tears. So, I called again.
Ring, ring, ring.
You've reached the voicemail box of .....
And what do you know? Harry did not answer again. Frustrated this time I swiftly got up from my park bench and walked back out to the street. Harry Styles really deserved a fuck off this time around. I mean I was here simply to apologize for my drunken ways...
That's when I spotted it. Sullivan's Tavern. It was four in the afternoon, so it was an acceptable drinking time. Beer would help my frustration... So I went in.
The bar was cute with green walls and a brown bar with matching brown stools. It reminded me of my father's office back home, a very masculine vibe came off of this bar. But I didn't mind, all I wanted was a beer in my hand.
I grabbed a seat at the bar and the bartended came over with a smile and slapped the menu on the countertop in front of me. I ordered a blonde ale and began drinking happily. Half way through my beer, I spotted him. A blonde hair fellow with twinkling sea blue eyes. He had a cocky smirk, but I found it somewhat adorable. He finished off his beer. I finished off mine.
He signaled the bartender over to where he was, and ordered another beer, never taking his eyes off of mine. Once he got his beer and began drinking away, I signaled the bartender over and ordered another beer for myself. I could play this little game too.
After we both finished off our second round of beers. He flagged down the bartender again and this time the bartender came back with two beers. The blonde haired guy smiled and thanked him before picking up the two foamy drinks and walked my way before sitting down next to me.
"Hope you don't mind if I sit, thought ya could use some company."
"No, I don't mind." I smiled taking the cold drink and putting it to my lips. Not only was this guy cute, but holy shit that Irish accent is out of this world!
"Niall. Pleasure." He held his hand out for me to shake like a true gentleman.
"Mollie. Nice to meet you as well."
"I hope you don't mind me calling you out like this, but your American."
I had to laugh at this little comment, aside from my accent did I really stand out that much?
"Yes, I am. And you seem to be from Ireland?"
"Good job! Irish and proud. What's an American girl like you doing in London?"
"Just... visiting." I lied. No way was I telling this cute stranger that I was actually here trying to meet up with Harry Styles. He would think I was absolutely insane.
"Well who are you visiting with? Doesn't look like you're with anyone..." He actually turned his head to search the little pub for other people! I could feel my face getting redder by the second. How embarrassing. I look like a total freak.
"Yeah, I'm going solo for this one."
"Not a bad idea really. I'm not much of a people person myself." He nodded before taking a long and hearty swig of his pint.
"You seem to be okay at meeting new people."
"Nah. Not in the slightest. Most say I'm rude. I just thought you were cute was all."
This definitely earned a laugh and a blush. Niall was a lot more blunt than Harry had ever been.
"Well thanks, Niall. And thanks for the beer as well."
"No problem. I figured you American girls expect that and all."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!"
"Oh yes, we know all about you American girls and your ways, just expecting us to act like someone outta a Jane Austen novel. Ya know she died many years ago?"
"I might have gotten the memo on that one, yes."
Niall laughed a hearty chuckle before throwing back the rest of his beer. He nodded down where my beer was resting. "I'm glad you're a beer drinker. That's admirable."
"Not going to lie, I'm just starting to get into it. Really wasn't a beer drinker prior to recent events..." Shit. Mollie. He doesn't want to hear about this!
"Ah. Most people do come to pubs because of said recent events." Niall nodded at the bartender, the bartender catching his signal and coming back with two more beers for us. Was I really comfortable getting drunk like this with a complete stranger? In a complete foreign town?
"I'm a pretty good listener, if it suits your fancy."
"Nah. That's okay. You don't want to hear about my little problems."
"I don't seem to have anything better to do." Niall replied looking sincerely in my eyes. Okay, there is no way that this boy did not have a girlfriend. Could he be any more perfect?
Listen to me. I must be desperate. First, Harry. Now, Niall. I really needed to get my emotions under control.
The soccer game was going on in the background on one of the two television screens in the little quaint pub. Everyone was watching, bartender included besides myself, and Niall. We were engrossed with each other.
"I'm just having boy issues." I mumbled looking down.
"Boyfriend, huh?"
"Well, no. He's actually not. I don't think he would ever want me to be his girlfriend at this point."
"Yikes. You must be crazy, then, right?"
"No! Not at all you jerk!" This boy did have a way of making me smile. A charmer this one, truly.
Then I felt a slight vibration coming from the countertop. I looked at phone and couldn't believe my eyes. His name lit up on the screen, Harry.
"Well, what are you waiting for. Answer it." Niall replied before drinking more beer and turning his attention to the game he suddenly became interested in.
"Hi... I see you called." His voice was still husky, but it seemed distant. I really messed up this time around, as per usual.
"Yeah, I did. I'm glad you called back."
"Um. You'll never guess where I am."
"New York?"
I bit my lip. This is not the way I had planned for this conversation to go. What happens when I tell him where I am, he is going to think I am a crazy stalker. Maybe even one of those Lifetime movie killers. Honestly, all I wanted to do was just flipping apologize.
"Mollie, are you there?" His voice asked seeming a bit irritated.
"I'm in London..."
"I just figured I would let you know... you don't need to come see me or anything. I just-"
"No. I'll come see you." Harry sighed.
"Oh okay."
"Where are you?"
"I'm not entirely sure... I know I'm at Sullivan's Tavern."
"Sullivan's Tavern? How in the bloody hell did you find that place?"
"I was at this park... Do you know where I am?"
"Of course. I'll be there soon."
"Okay, bye."
"Mollie, wait.... Thanks for calling." Harry responded before hanging up.
I hung up the phone feeling more hopeful than ever. Harry obviously did want to see me if he was willing to come to this little pub for me. Maybe things would work out, and we would live happily ever after, right?
"Is your boyfriend coming then?" Niall asked with a grin.
"He is not my boyfriend." I mumbled, feeling somewhat shy now.
"Then hand me your phone." Niall replied with his flat palm stretched out waiting for my phone to be placed there.
"Um... okay?" I did. I gave this complete stranger my phone.
He took my phone, and entered his name and number. Then he flagged down the bartender and paid for our tabs. As he was getting up from his stool at the bar and he grabbed my chin, looked directly into my eyes, and whispered, "When you're ready for a good time. You know where to find me."
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direwolfblackrose · 4 years
@adoptivecommie Hi, I didn’t want to derail the original post and since it’s too long for the comments I decided to start a new post. Sorry in advance for a very long post.
I’m not sure how well known Robert Galbraith is in America, what I do know is while Galbraith is a Gaelic name, it’s not a common one according to google search (it’s not in the 100 most used Irish surnames, and unless you specifically type it in, it’s extremely difficult to find) Smith is literally the most common British surname, so I’m not sure how you came to the conclusion this was american-centric. If you have sources claiming how common Galbraith is as a surname I’d love to see them, I couldn’t find much. All I found was the meaning of the name and some people with that last name but no word on how common it is (in fact I had difficulties finding it while looking specifically for that surname). 
So, that said, the question is, how did jk come to know about the surname and it’s meaning? If you look up “British foreigner” and decide you want that as your pen-name (debatable but not the point), and you decide you want that translation in Gaelic (also doubtful regarding jk), then you would get a few different spellings as the name is derived from gall and Breathnach. My point is that, while the name absolutely exists it’s difficult to learn about. Established means "pre-existing" which no one doubts, my doubt was how she came to choose it.
Even if she somehow learned about the name, you're assuming that jk would know it's a Gaelic name, would care about a Gaelic name, and would choose a Gaelic name. This is the same woman who, in the Harry Potter world lumps Ireland under Britain. Not Northern Ireland, the entirety of the Irish island, including Eire, and this is a very big thing. In the entirety of the Harry Potter novels there are 2 characters people would recognize who are canonically Irish: Salazar Slytherin (actually whether he is Irish or British is unclear, but let’s say he’s Irish to double the count and because the idea was a founder from different parts of the UK+Ireland) and Seamus Finnigan. Salazar is know for throwing a hissy fit when the other founders wouldn’t uphold “blood purity” and leaving after creating the chamber with a basilisk to kill muggleborns. Seamus Finnigan, on the other hand has a characterization that begins and ends at "he constantly blows shit up" and then dies in a civil war. I’m not sure how much you know about Irish history or about the Troubles, but as jk started writing her books in 1990 and the Troubles ended (officially) in 1998 (with her first two books published in 1997 and 1998), I don’t think these are coincidences. The Troubles would have been in the news quite often, after all.
What you’re saying is that she would choose a surname in a language that Britain very much wants dead. I don’t believe that the surname’s Gaelic meaning is a reason she would choose it. Which brings back the question why would she choose it?
I’m not going to go on about her tweets but they should be considered as they show her ideas towards people who aren’t heterosexual and cis or that the only “canonically” known gay characters are literally murderous monsters, but they are things to keep in mind. Unfortunately saying you have lesbian friends does not stop you from being homophobic (or transphobic).
All these things are, of course, little things and none of them alone would explain my point of view, but they add up. It is, after all, a straw that broke the camel's back. While I do hope that her name choice is just a horrible coincidence, for which she didn't check on google, in light of her tweets, and her overall attitude, I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt.
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d2kvirus · 5 years
Dickheads of the Month: February 2020
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of February 2020 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
The issue with the Tory government being stuffed with morons and sociopaths is that it leads to solutions such as their new immigration policy which equates anyone earning less than £24k a year with being an “unskilled worker” so therefore not eligible for a visa...when in reality that is unreasonably raising the bar, which becomes immediately obvious when you realise that the majority of entry-level positions within the NHS are paid less than that per annum.  But fret not, they also have a solution in the sudden gap of 8m in the workforce, namely having the “economically inactive” fill the gap...even though that figure is primarily made up by the elderly, the terminally ill, and students who are currently working on that “low skilled” issue whose post-graduation salaries are estimated at around £18k a year 
Unelected bureaucrat/organ grinder Dominic Cummings had a genius idea for proven liar Boris Johnson’s first cabinet reshuffle: eliminate anyone who might possibly have any semblance of an idea of their own (plus Esther McVey) and install a bunch of unthinking drones into the cabinet who will all follow his specific instructions...which sounds a lot like communism, doesn’t it?
We should almost thank Andrew Sabitsky for proving exactly what Dominic Cummings’ directive of “misfits and weirdos” really meant, namely that what Cummings wanted was somebody whose track record includes saying that black people are intellectually and genetically inferior on multiple occasions, calling for forced contraception for the lower classes and attending eugenics conferences, and that’s somebody who fits the profile of being appointed special advisor to the Prime Minister
In the latest example of The Department of Work and Pensions appearing to exist for the sole purpose of committing an ideological genocide on the lower classes, it emerged that they had been destroying reports of former claimants who committed suicide after their benefits were stopped - and had been doing so since at least 2015
Has anyone noticed that proven liar Boris Johnson didn't show up in Yorkshire with a mop and bucket when it was flooded again?  Or did anyone notice that, when the official line was given that he didn't want to cause a media frenzy by showing up and instead wanted to put his feet up at a lakeside mansion to do...whatever it was that he was doing, it appears to have forgotten that he didn't mind showing up in flood-hit areas with the resulting media frenzy when there was an election campaign going on?
The estate of George Orwell will want a word with Lee Cain following his role in proven liar Boris Johnson’s “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” moment where he divided journalists into two groups before a Downing Street briefing, before telling journalists from one of the groups - who were from the Mirror, Independent, Huffington Post and PoliticsHome, that they should leave as they are not welcome
In the latest example of Question Time being an echo chamber for the far-right, they bussed in two-time National Front candidate Sherri Bothwell to sit front and centre of the audience and be the person to ask the first question of the show...if going off on a rant about how we should close our borders constitutes a “question” - although it does constitute a blatant violation of editorial guidelines
Smirking cretin Priti Patel demonstrated her statesmanlike credentials when facing a question about forced deportations in the House of Commons...by getting the hell out of the chamber before she could even hear the full question, presumably because staying in the chamber would potentially involve having to face scrutiny or criticism and that’s not how the Tories work
It’s no surprise that the FBPE mob responded to the first anniversary of the formation of The Independent Hashtag Group for Hashtag Change UK Hashtag Ltd by hand-wringing about how a potential force for good in British politics failed, because if they didn’t they might have to accept that their blindly believing in one “centrist” neoliberal careerist after another, from Chuka Umunna to Jo Swinson to Jess Phillips and numerous other examples aside, played a large part in why man of the people/proven liar Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is currently Prime Minister
Good to see the Chinese government coming up with the best possible solution to the Super Magic Chinese Megaflu of DEATH epidemic by...adding World War Z to the ever-growing list of books banned by the Chinese government.  I don’t know why, though, it's not like it says Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh or anything...
Of course the English media responded to the Irish election result, where the incumbent Fine Gael lost out to a combination of Sinn Fein gaining the most first-choice votes and Fianna Fail getting the most second choice votes by reporting why this was the case...oh who am I kidding, of course they bloody didn’t, they only looked at through the usual English-centric prism and assumed that Britait was the reason why Fine Gael lost out, completely ignoring there was a unique consensus between all three parties that Britait is A Bad Idea that has also led the bigheaded gobshites from across the water to treat the irish like some second-class citizens who should shut up and fall in line behind their imperialistic masters
Once again the point-missers of the internet seem to think that you can use suicide rates as the basis for a game of Top Trumps, as there was a depressingly vocal section who responded to Caroline Flack’s suicide by comparing the number of suicides related to Love Island to the number related to The Jeremy Kyle Show as if it’s a football match and Love Island is currently “winning” 3-2
It was a busy day for smirking cretin Priti Patel as she had to simultaneously deny *deep breath* that MI5 have been actively withholding sensitive information from her as they see her as a threat to national security (and have grounds to see her as one...), that she hasn’t been bullying Home Office staff since getting her feet under the desk, that she didn’t force anyone out of the Home Office because they wouldn’t blindly follow every insane directive she could think of and it’s just a coincidence that attempts were made to remove Sir Philip Rutnam from the department...at least until Rutnam called her a liar, that is
Self-appointed voice of all Jewish football fans David Baddiel was as predictable as he was vocal in his disgust at the Oxford English Dictionary changing the definition of the word “Yid” to include Tottenham fans, leading to him howling about how Spurs fans have no right to reclaim the word while pretending that he doesn’t know the reason why Spurs have reclaimed the word, namely their regularly being serenaded with chants about Auschwitz, gas chambers and the Holocaust by Chelsea fans since the 1970s due to the club’s Jewish identity.  Chelsea fans such as...David Baddiel
Littlest Englander contender Douglas Carswell gleefully took to Twitter on February 1st to say the UK hadn’t collapsed into a pit after leaving the EU...meaning that either he doesn't understand that the UK is still in the EU as part of a transition period, or he knows this but knows that his followers don’t know this so thinks doing a victory lap during the warm-ups is normal
You would think that The Jewish Chronicle admitting that they fabricated stories of Louise Ellman being an antisemite and having to pay her damages would have gained more traction, but by complete coincidence they were being drowned out by David Baddiel and Stephen Pollard coincidentally throwing out a lot of think pieces about how Tottenham fans are the Third Reich unlike those nice, reasonable Chelsea supporters... 
Of course Blizzard were going to have to issue a statement addressing the launch of Warcraft 3: Reforged going so well that the game has a record Metacritic user score of 0.5 at one point, but Blizzard being Blizzard the “apology” was more along the lines of saying they were sorry that fans didn’t get the game they wanted, in other words trying to transfer blame onto them that the game shown in the teasers bore no resemblance to those in the finished game while pretending that there hasn’t been a cascade of criticism about their new policy that says any user-created mods will become Blizzard’s own property, in other words admit fault...which they never will
The latest non-logic from the BBC states that, if a Tory MP refuses to appear on any of their programming, they will cancel the appearance of whichever Labour MP that was also booked, in other words responding to the Dominic Cummings issuing a media blackout by silencing the Opposition in his stead
What better advertisement for Australian policing than Mark Thompson taking a moment to forget that he was Detective Inspector for the murders of Hannah Baxter and her children when her estranged husband set their car on fire before killing himself and instead decided to suggest that maybe she nagged him too much and that’s what led to the tragedy
Becoming a homeopathic mentalist hasn't done Gwyneth Paltrow any favours, considering that the second that there was so much as a whiff of criticism about he waffling about coffee enemas solving all ills on her Netflix show she responded by howling about how valid criticism from qualified health professionals is “clickbait” and not, say, valid criticism from qualified health professionals
Nobody seemed to explain to Dele Alli that posting a video on social media cracking jokes about coronavirus isn't a good idea as people are going to see it, and more than anything else spend a good couple of days flooding Tottenham’s Twitter feed with “DID YOU KNOW DELE ALLI MADE A RACIST POST ON SOCIAL MEDIA???” more times than anyone is willing to count
What a great piece of advice Ninja gave to everyone, namely that if you lose in a video game the only sane and rational response is to get angry and, if you don’t, this makes you “weak”
So much for “Mad” Mike Hughes and his attempt to prove that the earth is flat by using a homemade steam-powered rocket, as instead he made a reasonably-sized crater in the San Bernardino desert which proved that the earth is pretty goddamn hard when you plow into it from several thousand feet in the air while going at an estimated 350mp
Good to see that Jess Phillips is handling her failure in the Labour leadership race well, with her mouthing off at an event commemorating female journalists by harrumphing that it’s a pity that Labour has never had a female leader...while both Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy remain in the leadership contest
And finally, a little more puffed up than usual, is Donald Trump and his sociopathic response to the Republicans allowing him to slither out from the sights of impeachment which was rewarded by him bringing down the axe on anyone who put the party (or, you know, country) ahead of him, which somehow looks less deranged than him mouthing off about Parasite winning Best Picture at the oscars because something something trade deal
0 notes
sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Friday 19th February 2021
The Big Robin Investigation Part 2
NB: scroll down for a set of inter-blog notes
I didn’t actually put Robin facts on the blog yesterday, I guess because the bird is so familiar to us.
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So for the record:
The scientific name for Robin is Erithacus rubecula, with our British species being in the subspecies melophilus
There are about 6.7m breeding territories in the UK
They’re a small garden bird measuring approximately
Length: 14cm  Wingspan: 20-22cm  Weight: 14-21g
Robins feed on worms, seeds, fruits, insects and other invertebrates. They’ll often hang around when you’re digging to see if you turn up worms for them, or if you buy food they really enjoy mealworms and suet pellets; or you can put out some dried fruit, bits of mild cheese and they do like left over pastry and cake. If you have a garden regular and build up trust over time, some will even come and take food from your hand.
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Robins are ground feeders and really struggle to access the suet balls in the hanging feeders, although a couple have worked hard, persevered and mastered the technique they need.
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Broadly speaking, depending on the weather, the breeding season begins in late March and lasts until July. A normal clutch size is 4-6 eggs with an egg laid each day. These birds are very sensitive to disturbance and will immediately flee the nest if they feel threatened. Females incubate the eggs for 13 days, the young fledge after another 14 days but cannot fly for a few more days. Robins have two broods a year, occasionally three if conditions are right and although they are territorial they aren’t worried by other species near their nests. The young leave the nest in May but don’t tend to travel further than a few miles from where they hatch.
Over the years we’ve only had them nest in the purpose built open fronted Robin box twice, but I have found nests in the shrubberies and once even in a waist high planter that I’d filled with rubble to a depth that would support a bowl. That remained unplanted in the end, of course. The strangest place I’ve personally seen a Robin’s nest was on a shelf at a garden centre. It was in the indoor part, but very open and airy with the doors open all day. Staff had put red and white tape around a seclusion zone and as far as I know, the brood was raised successfully.
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Robins are known for nesting in some unexpected places. < external link
To my next point. I’ve got Robins in three categories now:
Resident - birds as above, who stay close to the site of their birth.
Migrant - birds who take to different climes for the harsher Winter weather. We might find some Scandinavian Robins coming to our gardens. Central Europe might host Russian birds and small numbers (less than 5%) usually female, British birds may hop across the Channel, possibly even as far as southern Spain. The birds are usually female, I imagine, as males tend to hang on to their home territory. It has been shown that many migrating Robins are faithful to both their summer and winter territories, which may be many hundreds of miles apart.
I’ve read that migrating Robins, who mostly, but not exclusively, fly in daylight hours, will fly for hours at a time, between 62 - 125 miles a day and at speeds of up to 30 - 36mph.   
We also sometimes find ‘vagrant’ birds, which are birds who either break with known tradition, or accidentally stray from their intended course.
I’m excluding the other category here, the ‘disappearing’ birds who seemingly go into hiding during the moult after the breeding season has finished, to grow new and strong flight feathers and prepare for the Winter ahead.
More Photos of Some of Yesterday’s Birds  
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Spades - note the small patch of black on its lower red breast (our RHS) This Robin is easy to pick out from photographs.
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Hearts - the facial red progresses to the lower shoulder area like epaulettes 
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...not to be confused with this Robin who also displays a distinctive heart shape. It has far less red on its face and breast, and the ‘shoulder’ area is grey. The heart is quite a common shape or I would call this one the Two Of
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Clubs - the red breast is almost a square shaped bib
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Diamond - Clubs and Diamond are not such distinctive shapes but follow the card suit naming process. I thought I could stretch my imagination to ‘see’ two diamond shapes side by side(ish)
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And of course, as seen on yesterday’s blog, the distinctive Joker.
Yesterday I mentioned Martin Garner, the late Ornithologist as I’d come across a piece of his where he says
visiting Chris Murphy's Northern Ireland garden in winter 1998. Backing onto a bird-filled woodland, a magnet for Crossbills, Redpolls and the Irish Jay (ssp. hibernicus), it was always worth a look. On this occasion there were reports of Mealy Redpolls in with the local Lessers. I eventually managed to see two or three Mealies, when a pale Robin caught my eye. I told Chris I thought he had a 'Continental Robin' visiting his garden. Curiosity aroused, he watched the bird, alongside eight other 'British Robins' for several days. In the spring, he visited Sweden and, on his return, reported that his pale Robin was identical to many he'd seen there. A check of the Irish Bird List indicated that there was circumstantial evidence of their occurrence, but that there were no confirmed records of Continental Robin in Ireland. I think they were occurring, as evidenced by the bird in Chris's garden, just presumably, and understandably, overlooked.
Now this fits exactly with my own thinking, our garden being much closer to mainland Europe. The high number of Robins in our garden can definitely be split into two groups. They seem to be ok alongside each other, but when seen in twos, will definitely be with their own sort.
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Two British Robins?
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Group of Continental Robins?
See notes in previous entry.
I’m really very well ware of all the grey areas and that this is purely speculation on my part, but I do like to try and explain a mystery if not solve one. No doubt I’ll take many more hundreds, if not thousands of photos trying to work it all out. Whatever the reason for so many Robins in our garden, I’ll keep reading and watching with interest and really hoping for a population explosion this Spring rather than a mass exodus.
The birds who’ve been noted to return to the same Summer and Winter territories will have been the birds who survive the average age and who’ve been ringed for observations and data collection.
Last night we had left over chilli con carne with rice and a side salad of marinated mixed tomatoes, cucumber, radish and avocado all mixed with a homemade dressing. I didn’t have any sour cream so topped the chilli with a little creme fraiche further soured by some drops of lemon juice and some sliced spring onions.
0 notes
10 January 2020
Happy New Year!
Is it now too late to wish people happy new year? Hope you've had a good start to 2020 nevertheless.
2020 started with a couple of interesting data-related stories. First, there was the accidental posting of personal addresses as part of the New Year Honours list (useful thread from Owen Boswarva here). I think it underlines that for all the (sensible) discussion of data strategy, data ethics and everything else, there are a lot of practical questions - not least how you turn all of that strategy and ethics into something practical for those on the frontline of using and publishing data. One hopes it won't be used as an excuse for less data being published in the future.
And second, there was of course That Dominic Cummings Blogpost And Job Advert. On the data side of things, my main takeaways from Jeni's excellent post were that this can't be whizz-bang-buzzword-bingo for Number 10 projects and that government needs to fix the plumbing as it goes along, and that it isn't just about the data, which can never tell you everything (see also Hannah Fry's take on that). There's much more on what it means for the civil service, etc, from Gus O'Donnell, Matt Jukes, Mark O'Neill, Jill, Josh at Apolitical, Rachel Wolf, Stephen Bush, Giles, Jonathan Portes, Cath, Charlotte Pickles and Tom Chivers.
I had hoped to write something a bit more coherent beyond a bunch of links on all of that, but the team and I are currently putting the finishing touches to Whitehall Monitor 2020, our annual look at the size, shape and performance of Whitehall. We've got a great launch event lined up for lunchtime on Tuesday 21 January - the invitation will go live here later today.
There's no Speed Data on this week's Inside Briefing podcast (I'll be back next week), but catch up on the most recent sonifications here.
And finally, it was brilliant to see something we did a few years ago - on government organograms - come back around: some lovely visualisations by Peter Cook of government organograms.
See you next week
Today's (bumper edition of) links:
Graphic content
Looking back, and looking forward
The list of 2019 visualization lists (Maarten Lambrechts)
Ten charts that tell the story of 2019* (FT)
A year in Graphic detail (The Economist)
Some Of Our Best Work From 2019 (FiveThirtyEight)
The 56 Best �� And Weirdest — Charts We Made In 2019 (FiveThirtyEight)
Everyone from the @PostGraphics team is sharing their favorite projects from 2019 (Washington Post)
The Year in Graphics (Bloomberg)
The Year in Graphics: 2019* (Wall Street Journal)
2019 Was the Year Data Visualization Hit the Mainstream (Nightingale)
What markets and models expect in 2020* (The Economist)
Environment and energy
Sizing up Australia’s bushfires (Reuters Graphics)
See Where Australia’s Deadly Wildfires Are Burning* (New York Times)
Visual guide: see how Australia’s bushfires are raging across the country (The Guardian)
UNEP: 1.5C climate target ‘slipping out of reach’ (Carbon Brief)
Temperature anomalies 1880-2017 by country (Antti Lipponen)
Electric insights (Drax, via Marcus)
Climate Impact by Area (electricityMap, via Marcus)
Boom in global sand trade fuels fears over conservation* (FT)
How the voters voted in the 2019 election (Ipsos MORI)
Land, people and political maps (Alasdair Rae)
Mapping the 2019 UK General Election (Geographical)
Labour's secret list of target seats for the election (Sunday Times)
Cabinet reshuffle - sonification (me for IfG)
Cabinet reshuffles since 1997 - sonification (me for IfG)
The government majority, explained (Ketaki for IfG - with GIF)
Why The Democrats Have Shifted Left Over The Last 30 Years (FiveThirtyEight)
The Opportunity Atlas (US Census Bureau, Harvard University, and Brown University)
How the opioid epidemic evolved* (Washington Post)
Impeachment of the tweeter-in-chief (Dueling Data)
Here’s where the US government is using facial recognition technology to surveil Americans (Recode)
Who Will Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination? (FiveThirtyEight)
Chinese Restaurants Are Closing. That’s a Good Thing, the Owners Say.* (The Upshot)
Donald Trump sees sharp increase in support for economic policies* (FT)
A new study suggests that street gangs inflict broad economic harm* (The Economist)
Nearly a quarter of Americans have never experienced the U.S. in a time of peace* (Washington Post)
Civil service staff numbers (Institute for Government)
Organograms (Peter Cook)
Never ever: Exploring the increase in people who’ve never had a paid job (Resolution Foundation)
Tackling the under-supply of housing in England (House of Commons Library via Jon Stone, via Marcus)
I've coloured the roads of some urban areas by their name. (Giuseppe, via Pritesh)
Everything else
La géolocalisation des comptes Twitter selon les @ des titres de la #pqr (Jose Biosca)
Violence in the Syrian “safe zone” (Reuters)
What a Decade of Netflix Did to Hollywood* (Bloomberg)
Most-often mentioned foreign country in New York Times headlines vs Le Monde (via Alexandre Afonso)
Meta data
Looking back, and looking forward
Stats that then! A look back at 2019 (ONS)
Statistics of the Year 2019: Winners announced (Royal Statistical Society)
Statistics of the Decade 2010-2019 (Royal Statistical Society)
Don’t glaze over. This statistic holds the key to UK prosperity (The Guardian)
Stark statistics make clear why so many are feeling worse off* (Paul Johnson in The Times)
Checking Stats of the Year 2019 (Anthony B. Masters)
Podcast: GDS in 2019 (GDS)
Data and Justice in 2019 — Who can afford big tech, and who can live without it? (Global Data Justice)
10 Storytellers Who Informed Our Outlook on Tech in 2019 (Omidyar Network)
Announcing the 2019 Data Literacy Award Winners
The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade (Audrey Watters)
The 2020 digital government wishlist (NS Tech)
The 2020 vision for open government* (Apolitical)
The 14 most important design ideas of the decade, according to the experts (Fast Company)
A decade of revolt (Vox)
Informing the election: 2019 (ONS)
In 2020, let’s stop AI ethics-washing and actually do something* (MIT Technology Review)
Why ‘data provenance’ will be the new media-transparency issue in 2020 (Digiday)
Data regulator hones in on TikTok as it makes child safety top priority for 2020 (ITV News)
Too big to fail? Tech's decade of scale and impunity (The Guardian)
The Decade in Advertising: Targeted ads exploded, and the damage has been devastating (Slate)
The decade tech lost its way* (New York Times)
The Old Internet Died And We Watched And Did Nothing (BuzzFeed)
The Architects of Our Digital Hellscape Are Very Sorry* (Wired)
Alienated, Alone And Angry: What The Digital Revolution Really Did To Us (BuzzFeed)
Time to seize the data opportunity (Hetan Shah for Bright Blue)
Science: what breakthroughs will the 2020s bring?* (FT)
Personal data
Matt Hancock Still Doesn’t Tell You How Your Data Is Used – December 2019 (medConfidential)
New Year Honours - data breach (Owen Boswarva)
New Year honours data breach may lead to less government transparency (New Scientist)
Fresh Cambridge Analytica leak ‘shows global manipulation is out of control’ (The Observer)
Administrative Data: Misuse vs. Missed Use (ADR UK)
GDPR Enforcement Tracker (CMS)
GDPR is working exactly as everyone who knew the first thing about ads thought it would (Antonio Garcia Martinez)
Implementing a 21st century approach to digital identity (Jerry Fishenden for Computer Weekly)
Personal Data Is Valuable. Give Pricing Power to the People* (Wired)
AI 'outperforms' doctors diagnosing breast cancer (BBC News)
Artificial intelligence needs global ground rules* (FT)
A HEALTHY USE OF AI? (RSA, via Martin)
THE INVENTION OF “ETHICAL AI": How Big Tech Manipulates Academia to Avoid Regulation (The Intercept)
Lack of guidance leaves public services in limbo on AI, says watchdog (The Guardian)
Big tech
Tech Nations: Welcome to Apple* (Tortoise)
'I want this book to be politically useful’: the explosive memoir exposing Silicon Valley (The Guardian, via Alice)
Tech Giants Are Engaged in a New Scramble for Africa (World Politics Review)
China's Tech Landscape: A Primer (Institute for Global Change)
UK government
Whitehall Reimagined (Policy Exchange)
Give chief information digital officer teeth, thinktank recommends (UKAuthority)
NHS gets £40m to cut login times on its IT systems (The Guardian)
Jeni Tennison on Amazon’s access to the NHS website – how has it come to this? (ODI)
Visa applications: Home Office refuses to reveal 'high risk' countries (The Guardian)
UK at ‘end of queue’ for data deal with Brussels* (FT)
Critique (@Cybermatron)
‘We have a huge problem’: European tech regulator despairs over lack of enforcement (Politico)
When Europe enforced its privacy law in May 2018, we set out to examine how it would work (Nicholas Vinocur)
EU competition chief struggles to tame 'dark side' of big tech despite record fines (Sky News)
It's fascinating to see UK DP professionals who still haven't processed what the election means (Tim Turner)
How to talk about data
Community Data Dialogues (Sunlight Foundation)
How to explain to CEOs why fixing the plumbing matters (Eddie Copeland)
Farewell and Thanks from the Web Integrity Project (Sunlight Foundation)
Seeing Transparency More Clearly (Public Administration Review)
Everything else
What hath digital good intentions wrought (Sam Smith)
The greatest trick technology companies ever played was persuading society to surveil itself* (New York Times)
Data journalism is helping restore faith in media in South Korea (NHK)
Royal Institution Christmas Lectures 2019: The Hidden Power Of Maths (Hannah Fry for the BBC)
Can technology plan economies and destroy democracy?* (The Economist)
Why Irish data centre boom is complicating climate efforts (The Guardian)
Data and bus franchising in Greater Manchester (Tom Forth)
The Exit Poll, BBC Election Night and systemic media bias (LSE British Politics and Policy)
The Right Frame (Anthony B. Masters)
Here's why you should apply for a job in our data visualisation team (ONS, via Rob Fry)
JOB: Band A - Senior Policy Advisor (Open Innovation Team)
JOB: Director of Skunkworks (NHSX)
JOBS (Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation)
JOB: Project manager, MyData Europe 2020
JOB: Algorithms Management and Policy Officer (City of New York, via Marcus)
EVENT: Is it ethical to use predictive analytics in children's social care? (What Works for Children's Social Care)
And finally...
Happy new year!
Britain’s best of 2019 (YouGov)
Almost half of people stick to a New Year’s resolution* (The Economist)
Sport and leisure
Beethoven's Fifth (Literland)
The Gambler Who Cracked the Horse-Racing Code* (Bloomberg)
The all-time top flight table for English football... (SPORTbible)
Cool accidental data visualization of missed shots on the goal at an ice skating rink (Rachel Tatman, via Nick)
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Greggs vs Pret (FT via Tim Bale)
The Peri Reverend... (Fergus Butler-Gallie, via Tim)
The world in proportion to sheep (Amazing Maps)
Everything else
RAIL MAP online
What’s in a Font?: Ideological Perceptions of Typography (Communication Studies, via Haydon)
'I am going to say quiet words in your face just like I did with Trump': a conversation with the Zuckerbot (The Guardian)
I’ve found the master plan of every academic! (Stephen Aguilar)
168 ways survey respondents spelled @PeteButtigieg (Kevin Quealy)
"The length of the working day. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow. The USSR will have the shortest working day in the world and the shortest working week" (@sovietvisuals)
Alternatives to SI units for describing data size (Alastair Rushworth, via Sukh)
This “Event Risk Radar” is a bad idea* (FT Alphaville)
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