#of the imperial variety
chissgendered · 2 months
Any swtor peeps have an agent I can borrow? I got a bit inspired by my own post about the ImpInt breakroom where all the imperial agents go to eat their evil dry ration bars... I need people to seat in there
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lurking-latinist · 4 months
just opened the Imperial Radch tag and was reminded of the existence of Lt Tisarwat. She is a very startling person to have suddenly rush into your mind. Goodness I am a sucker for a horrible little lieutenant though.
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Mountain Apparition "Astonishing Kumomagusa"
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art by juwen971
This is Sannyo's first Spellcard. It is based on the Kumomagusa flower, native to the mountains of Japan (Saxifraga Merkii, Fisch.)
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Curiously, not all Kumomagusa have 6 overlapping pedals like Sannyo's, though some do. A spread out, 5 pedal variety is more common, though they are the same species, think of it as a 4 leaf clover vs 3 leaf, but not that rare. The overlapping 6 petal variety that Sannyo's Spellcard is modeled after is the mutated variety. (She does tend to go for the rare flowers, after all)
On the topic of variety, Kumomagusa also come in multiple colors beyond Sannyo's choice.
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And it appears a "western style" one has been breed to survive in the west in different environments
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Kumomagusa are a low perennial. Meaning they live for multiple years, but don't grow as tall as many perennial flowers tend to do.
Their natural habitat is generally stoney places that are well supplied with underground water in mountain regions.
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like all of Sannyo's flowers, they are naturally extremely tough flowers and grow in rough environments.
Moving on to Sannyo's actual Spellcard, the variety she's chosen is a red edged, 6 petal Kumomagusa, evenly overlapped and with rounded petals
Here are some in game images for "Heaven Shaking Kumomagusa" the Spellcard's Normal mode version:
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and here are some in game images for "Astonishing Kumomagusa". The Spellcard's Lunatic mode Version:
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The pattern is extremely beautiful and recognizable, but it's not known for its difficulty.
Link to the art below:
(juwen971's stuff is awesome, they really like drawing Spellcards)
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nemainofthewater · 5 months
Best character surnamed: Chi
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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katabay · 7 months
Do you have specific fiction authors that you like to read? What aspects of a story make you want to really dig your fingers in it? Is it horror?
I’ve got a couple! Keigo Higashino for sure. anything Naoki Urasawa does: I will be reading it. Priest (Guardian and Mo Du are all time favorites). also KJ Charles and Andrew A Smith!
ngl I don’t really have a concrete list of favorite fiction writers, I spent several days thinking about this one: like, I have favorite books for sure, but I don’t often find myself considering an author to be a favorite just because their book blew my mind. I’ve only read three of Andrew A Smith’s works, but he’s here because he gave an interview years that changed my entire approach to storytelling, and I still revisit it whenever I start editing a story.
honestly the big thing is that I like character!! I like compelling characters (extremely varied definition of compelling, it doesn’t have to be much, but it does have to have something) I like it when something goes full throttle into whatever it wants to be. I’ll watch a slow paced slice of life romance with the same amount of enthusiasm that I had for Devil Judge, and the 1vs10 beat down in Ipman takes up just as much space in my brain as the ‘let’s not see each other from now on,’ breakup in the Heirs (but for extremely different reasons lmao)
however. if I have to pick something more thematically specific: I like seeing people in power get what they have coming to them, I like explorations and confrontations of political and social injustices. kingdom is one of my favorite shows, and the horror is great, but it was the political-class-power aspect of it that solidified it as a memorable watch to me. kamen rider build did something fundamental to the circuitry of my brain. etc.
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techniiciian · 11 months
in modern verses matt has two service dogs. one is a pomeranian named mo & the other a doberman named iggy. matt got mo for as a gift to himself while iggy was gifted to him by han & luke. he loves them both very much & they are very good boys.
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jadwiga-abremovic · 7 months
Discourse is one person proclaiming that terfism is rejected in favour of Marxist feminism in the third world and all terfs only exist in online spaces, then another person saying that terfism is the default mainstream feminist opinion and all other types exist only online with third world world women all being terfs and correctly so.
Neither of these people have ever met a trans person, a queer person, a poor person , a feminist, a Marxist, or a person from the third world in their lives outside of the internet.
Because they're both 15, white, and living in surburban Wisconsin.
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tianshiisdead · 1 year
I see some ppl are following me from that post. Hope u guys dont expect Japan takes often because I don't have many JKSDLGHFDLH well I do have a bunch but nothing like that post
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alexythimya · 9 months
I'm reading some reddit thread about Babel where people are offended by the Letty character arc/ saying the book is just "white people are bad" and it's like 🤔 something something maybe Letty is the character whose motives you should be trying to pick apart more because there's something you can learn from them
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allurascastle · 2 years
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This is more acknowledgment and inclusion of asian ethnicities than I'm used to seeing in any media.
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serrated-snake · 1 year
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Pretty theoretical baby from one of my stock the pond pairs
Seafoam/cerulean/jade, arcane uncommon
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sariastrategos · 2 years
What music do you guys think Imperials and First Order members listen to?
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sage-nebula · 2 years
If I play video of my dog howling, it always makes her start howling again IRL. She's basically like, "I said it before, and I'll SAY IT AGAIN." Honestly gotta respect her commitment to her word.
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slam-dunkrai · 17 days
top five Gravity's Rainbow names from the first 90-ish pages:
Corydon Throsp
Teddy Bloat
Myron Grunton
Webley Silvernail (honourable mention to his friend Rollo Groast)
Reverend Dr. Paul de la Nuit
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Experience the unfortunately common phenomenon known as "people on the internet are dumb and it's making my head hurt"
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wahbegan · 2 years
I GUESS i’m happy that Warhammer: Darktide has Nurgle Chaos Cultists and it looks like some daemons as enemies instead of just random guys but hooo hum should’a been Tzeentch....or maybe slutty, slutty Slaanesh and idk Space Marine II promises an all-you-can-hack-and-slash buffet of Tyranids, but it just didn’t look...i’m not sure. I don’t know what, exactly, i keep expecting from a Warhammer 40k video game, but i never seem to GET IT
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