#howling and talky-barking
sage-nebula · 2 years
If I play video of my dog howling, it always makes her start howling again IRL. She's basically like, "I said it before, and I'll SAY IT AGAIN." Honestly gotta respect her commitment to her word.
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chaos64sprinkles · 8 months
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Sprinkles(me) In Art Pixel Animation!
Sprinkles: Bark, well I decided to remaster the pixel art of myself to be able to compare it to the rest of the other inanimate bats which are much more textured while this art pixel animation which was my first of the first art pixel animation I did in life, it had almost no type of design and it was also very short, very short, that the only thing I did in this gif was 'Bark!' You know, that's why I had to remaster it!
Sprinkles: About the art pixel animation about me, I am an inanimate bat whose personality is to be a dog or a wolf, I sometimes eat by sucking food, like eating everything at once, I was chosen to be adopted by Yin- Yang, who later decided to let him just take care of me and I got excited, then when Yin was drinking a milkshake, basically just Yin, he gave me a stuffed animal, Riggity Rex, so I could play with him, but he didn't He told me if it was just for me, because I bit, bit, bit, bit, bit, so much that the riggity rex's head was missing to the point that the yin noticed this and got frustrated with me and told me to leave after I had done that, inside I was upset and went same and then I realized that yin had adopted another inani-mate bat and named her with my name sprinkles, 2 still, this made me extremely upset for him, but I still had an ounce of being able to believe in him until I was received by Springy and the Walkie Talkie, where the crystal ball predicted that this would happen, at the moment at least how it would be later on the day of the jury vote, as MePhone4 says, even though it is today before that happens, I hope I really hope that can bring our income by going over to the side of the antagonists and receiving forgiveness from the yin-yang for having looked at them sending an alarm like a trap, while I think he will also ask for forgiveness from me after having shouted at me to go away and having replaced me with another inanimate bat in my place, although I left before the battle until I got lucky at the right time, otherwise I would never have been able to have such an experience here, messing with the DA that almost changed my life and gaining support to be able to return to the yin-yang asking for forgiveness (which didn't really happen but in part 2 I still believe inside, in my conscience at least), I liked it when I howled in the scene, but I'm still a little uncomfortable after the crystal ball prediction, but let's try to believe good things for part 2, I say against the non-vitational committee!!! >:(
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elm-writes-stories · 1 year
Cuphead: Isle of Memories Rewrite!
*Hey guys, I'm back with the first episode of Cuphead: Isle of Memories Rewrite! I am so hyped to make this story! I can't wait till you guys react to it! This episode is published on August 23, 2023. If you guys like the first episode, don't be afraid to heart it, reblog, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Warning: Blood and gore. Enjoy!*
Episode One: Blood and Bones
Canteen hurried out of the prison as fast as he could. He only had little time before Tremaine could take control of Mugman. He had to get Chalice and Saltbaker in the kitchen in some way, right? 
He managed to reach outside with heavy pants, searching around for something to distract the officers with. Canteen looked to see a padi-wagon that was used to put Saltbaker in at the front of the prison. He had to think for a second until an idea struck him once he saw a box of dynamite left unattended by the padi-wagon. With a happy gasp, the metal canteen hurried over and picked up the dynamite. He pulled out a lighter and lit up the stick, throwing it into the padi-wagon.
“HEY!” one of the bug cops barked. 
Canteen stumbled away from the padi-wagon. Before the bug cops could get close to Canteen, the wagon blew up into many pieces, distracting them. He stumbled up on his feet and bolted away from the prison and into the forest.
“Hey,” one of the bug cops called the officers on the walkie-talkie.
“What’s going on?” 
“Uh…I think some weird goggle-wearing canteen set our padi-wagon on fire.” 
“Oh, okay, we’re on our way!” 
Meanwhile, Canteen ran through the forest and heard whistles behind him. While running, his ankle stung in pain from being almost crushed by Saltbaker’s giant hand the other day when Saltbaker had gone mentally insane. He gritted his teeth and toughened it out, rushing through the forest. He knew he might be caught soon for causing such a loud distraction. Maybe it wasn’t the best choice for distraction, but if it could get the attention away from Chalice and Saltbaker to make a cure for Mugman, he’ll do it.  Canteen tripped off the edge and tumbled into the ditch with a yelp, hurting his ankle worse. He bolted ahead, limping through his run. Now he knew he was going to get caught for sure, but it didn’t hurt to try to outrun the cops with a broken ankle. He kept looking back, hearing more whistles coming closer and closer to him. He didn’t pay attention to what was ahead of him as he unknowingly sprint into the base belonging to the Howling Aces and ran into Bulldog’s leg. 
Bulldog whirled around and looked at Canteen. “Watch it!” 
Canteen rubbed his head to recover from hitting Bulldog’s leg by accident and looked up in fear once he saw Bulldog standing there with Sergeant O’Fera.
“Are you okay?” Sergeant O’Fera asked softly.
Canteen heard rustling of bushes. He didn’t have time to answer that as he got up and limped towards the side of the building, turning to the left and hiding behind the trashcans. 
Bulldog and Sergeant O’Fera glanced at each other in confusion as they saw the bug cops running out of the bushes, passing by them to get to the shore assumedly. Sergeant
O’Fera watched the cops running from the base as she headed towards where Canteen was at. 
Canteen glanced up and breathed heavily when he noticed her. 
“Were those cops chasing you?” She asked with a brow raised.
He nervously smiled. He didn’t need to answer for her to sigh in discouragement. 
“You got a lot of explaining to do,” she replied while picking him up in her arms. 
“R-Right,” Canteen stuttered nervously. 
O’Fera carried Canteen into the base with Bulldog following behind her. As they entered the base, Canteen noticed four pups fixing planes with one of them looking at Canteen. 
“Who’s that, Sergeant?” one of the pups asked as O’Fera set Canteen on table against the wall. 
“T-The name is Canteen. Canteen Hughes,” Canteen introduced himself while O’Fera grabbed the first aid kit from above him. 
“And what did you do that got the cops chasing after you?” O’Fera probed. 
Canteen took a deep breath. “Okay, this is going to be a long story.”
“Well, tell it anyway,” Bulldog demanded. 
Canteen sighed. “Alright. Alright. Here’s what happened…”
From there, Canteen began to explain to the Howling Aces of what happened at Sugarland, what he was told by Chalice, the Night Stalkers, Tremaine, and Hunter while O’Fera was bandaging his leg and Bulldog along with the pups listened to his story. 
Mugman had no idea how long he was out. He couldn’t remember what happened that placed him in this darkness. He blinked his eyes open and looked at so many stars above him. It was all so beautiful…but was this going to be a nightmare? Mugman sat up with a groan, rubbing the back of his ceramic head. It wasn’t until he blinked his eyes a couple of more times where his vision was clear. 
He stood up on his feet on the blue surface where he could see darkness below him. He shifted his glance over at the side and watched lost souls wandered aimlessly in this plane. 
“What is this place?” Mugman questioned, trying to understand why he was here. He could hear someone sniffling. He shifted his attention over to who was crying. It sounded so familiar. He squinted his eyes to spot a familiar red cat with black short hair, crying into her bloody clothes. 
“Cassi?” Mugman recognized with tears in his eyes. He rushed over to her, breathing heavily from running. “CASSI!!” 
She didn’t hear him calling her name. She was crying into her thighs, not aware of the tentacles of darkness slowly wrapping themselves around her small body. However, Mugman noticed with tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“CASSI!” Mugman screamed, finally getting her attention. 
Cassidy perked her ears up and gasped in shock to see Mugman there. As she stood up to reunite with him, she couldn’t move her body any further to run to him. She looked and saw the dark tentacles were wrapped around her body.
“Mugsy!” she cried out before being pulled under the blue surface. 
“CASSI!!” Mugman reached his hand for her, but he couldn’t grab her. He slid on his knees to where she was pulled under. He saw her fighting back the dark tentacles and reached up to the blue surface, only for her holding her breath as if she was underwater. “Cassi! Hey, I’m going to get you out of this! Okay? Cassi?!” 
He witnessed his lover being grabbed again by the dark tentacles and pulling her further into the darkness. “CASSI!!” He pounded on the blue surface, breathing heavily in fear for what will happened to her. “CASSI!!” He sobbed while tears were streaming down his ceramic cheeks. “PLEASE!! COME BACK TO ME!!” 
He sobbed more, his hands and knees pressed against the blue surface. “Cassi…” 
His body trembling until he felt something on his arms. He opened his eyes and noticed the dark tentacles started to wrap around his arms. He breathed heavily in fear while hearing voices around him. 
“You little animal.”
“Buddy, it’s me, Cuphead, remember?”
Mugman trembled from hearing the familiar voices. “What is happening to me?” 
Before he could even comprehend what was going on, he was pulled down under the surface. He gasped and tried to reach for anyone. When he looked up, he saw a bright light…but he didn’t know who was up there watching him. Mugman could feel more tentacles wrapped around him. He struggled while breathing heavily. 
“LET ME GO!” Mugman cried while looking down to see the tentacles tightening their grips around his body, causing his veins to glow orange. “NO! NO!” Mugman cried out in pain, his body convulsing. He didn’t want to have Tremaine inside of him anymore. He wanted to cry for help for whoever could hear him until he snapped his eyes open. He was back in Hell at the Devil’s throne with blood all over his body and around his mouth. The taste of blood and guts was on his tongue while he coughed it out. 
Mugman looked at his hands to see his once yellow gloves now bloody. From what? Who did he kill? The mug glanced over and noticed dead bodies of assassins with their stomachs torn open and their guts pulled out. Their intestines scattered across the red carpet floor while the blood pooled around them. He blinked in disbelief and then looked over to find his brother, Cuphead, covered in blood. Mugman tiptoed over to find that his brother’s stomach was also torn open just like those assassins with his own guts missing. His pupils shrunk in horror from seeing his brother like this. 
Mugman glanced around to see his family consisting of his father, Murray, and Elder Kettle, bloodied and their stomachs torn open. He looked to see Porkrind, Jerry, and Dice suffered the same fate along with Natalie, Aurora, Tabitha, Ribby, Croaks, and Brineybeard. The mug sobbed from seeing everyone like this. 
“NO!! NO!!! PLEASE!!!” He looked over to the other side to find Chalice and Canteen were torn apart by their stomachs, causing him to scream in agony. “NOOO!!! PLEASE!!! PLEASE!!! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t mean it!” 
“I told you that you will be the one that will end their lives,” a familiar cruel voice whispered in his ears. 
Mugman turned his head with tears mixing with blood around his mouth to notice Hunter cornering a toothy grin. He shook his head. “Stay away from me!” 
Hunter laughed cruelly and disappeared in thin air. Mugman could feel the tiger towering behind him. Before Mugman could turn around, he was grabbed by the arms and he could feel the burn in his veins. 
“STOP!” Mugman cried in pain while struggling against Hunter’s grip. 
“Oh no, torturing you is just so fun. Watching you getting weaker and weaker to the point where you would push your own lover away from ever helping you. Now, look at her.”
Mugman looked up and saw Cassidy laying limp in the arms of a silhouette of the Devil. The silhouette etched a wicked grin before carrying the red feline away from him. 
“C-Cassi?” Mugman uttered. 
He watched with tears in his eyes while feeling more burn in his veins. He screamed in pain, echoing through the chambers of Hell. 
“LET ME GO!!” Mugman demanded while clenching his jaw in pain. 
“Oh, I’ll never let you go. I’ll always be in your waking moments. I’ll always be in your dreams, making sure you will never heal from this. Your family is dead now thanks to you.”
Mugman could feel the lava tentacles wrapping around his legs, burning deep into his skin. He watched in anxiety that it was slowly coming up towards him. Mugman cried from the burns deep in his skin. He watched more bodies covered in blood with their guts spilled around him. Some were familiar and some were not familiar at all. His whole body now was covered in blood of everyone he killed as a beast. With heavy breaths, Mugman could feel himself slipping from sanity and his vision becoming redder and redder. 
“There you go, give into the beast you were made to be,” Hunter growled behind the mug’s ear. “Your hands will always be covered in blood whether you want it or not. This…Mugman…This is your fate.”
“Mugman…Mugman…hey, this is all in your head!” Mugman could hear a faint familiar voice calling out to him. The voice got louder and louder. “MUGMAN! SAFE PLACE! GO TO YOUR SAFE PLACE!!!” 
Mugman kept hearing that over and over while Hunter’s cackle echoed through the chambers of his mind. 
Mugman whimpered while closing his eyes, trying to imagine a safe place for him that no one could ever enter through. A place where he felt safe. 
“Mugman? Mugman? Hey, wake up.”
Mugman groaned awake and fluttered his eyes open.
“Mugsy, wake up. Dad’s making breakfast,” Cuphead’s voice uttered from beside him. 
Mugman rubbed his ceramic head while sitting up on the top bunk bed where both he usually slept at. He widened his eyes to realize that both Cuphead and Mugman were back in their rooms. He turned to his brother and stared at him with confusion. 
“Hey, you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Cuphead questioned. 
“C-Cuphead?” Mugman uttered while he was on the verge of tears. He hugged his brother immediately, who hugged him back slowly. 
“Uh, did you have a nightmare?” Cuphead asked awkwardly.
Mugman nodded his head. “It’s all better now.” 
“Good!” Cuphead chirped while breaking away from his brother. “C’mon, Dad is making breakfast with Elder Kettle!” The red-strawed cup slid down the ladder of their bunk beds and hurried out of the bedroom excitedly.
“Cuphead, wait!” Mugman said while hopping down from the top bunk and rushing out of the bedroom and downstairs. As they reached downstairs, they saw Murray trying to flip the pancakes. 
“You’re doing good!” Elder Kettle informed with a bright smile. 
“Yeah, I have made these before, but I think I need some recollection of how to make breakfast.” 
“Well, hey, at least you’re helping in the kitchen,” Elder Kettle said before noticing Mugman and Cuphead sitting on the table. He nudged Murray. “Hey, watch this.” 
Murray scooted back for Elder Kettle flipped the pancakes to the boys while using his nose to blew the last one over his head. Murray glanced back and watched Cuphead raising his plate up, catching all of the pancakes. 
Mugman raised his plate, expecting to miss but still hoping that he would catch them. However, Mugman caught all of the pancakes on his plate. The mug was happy that he caught them…but there was something off about that. He never caught those pancakes before. This would’ve been the first time he had caught them. Mugman shook his head to ignore it. He watched his brother squirting all of the syrup into his pancakes and passing it on to Mugman. Mugman sighed, expecting to only get a tiny bit squirted out before…more syrup was poured onto his pancakes. 
Wait a minute, Cuphead usually takes all the syrup. 
Mugman blinked in confusion while watching his father and Elder Kettle talking. He then started to eat pancakes, but the syrup tasted bland and his mouth made a crunching sound instead of the chewing sound like normal pancakes. The pancakes also tasted…fleshy. He swallowed and looked down. He gasped in horror to find that the pancakes were not pancakes. There was blood covering the stacks of lungs, heart, small intestines, large intestines, and rib cages in pieces surrounding the stack. Mugman breathed heavily in horror while feeling blood covering his face. 
“Hey, Mugsy?” 
Mugman was snapped out of his vision to realize that now he was just eating pancakes. He had syrup covering his face instead of blood. He looked at his brother.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Cuphead asked. 
Cuphead…had just said that.
Before Mugman could even go back to eating or reassuring his brother that he was fine, Cuphead was transformed into Hunter, who smiled evilly. Mugman screamed in horror while looking around the kitchen to realize that his brother, his father, and Elder Kettle were on the ground, covered in blood. 
“You and this angel of yours has really got to learn that I can come into your safe place whenever I want, right?” Hunter growled. 
“GET OUT OF MY HEAD, HUNTER!” Mugman cried while gripping his own head. 
With that said, Hunter disappeared.
“Mugman!” Cuphead shouted.
Mugman breathed heavily. 
“You okay?” Cuphead asked again. 
Mugman shook his head, tears in his eyes. “This is all in my head, isn’t it?” 
“What are you talking about?” Elder Kettle questioned. 
“None of this is real…we-we never really came back home, did we?” Mugman uttered, tears in his eyes. “Our home is already ransacked by the Night Stalkers…we were really not home.” 
As Mugman was saying this, he felt his clothes damped with blood once again while blood was around his mouth. But instead of his family falling onto the floor dead like how they’ve been doing throughout his dreams, they were all standing around him and giving him soft gazes. 
“There is still hope though,” Cuphead replied with a soft smile. “You just got to keep fightin’ for it, bud.” A bruised was wrapped around Cuphead’s throat while his voice got hoarse while talking. 
Murray’s clothes had blood all over them, but it wasn’t from his death. Elder Kettle’s glasses were broken but he could still see through them regardless. Mugman closed his eyes and embraced his brother. 
“Don’t lose sight of us…” Cuphead said while hugging his brother back. “I love you, Mugsy. You’re the best thing I’ve ever had.”
“C-Cuphead,” Mugman sobbed before opening his eyes with a gasp to realize…that Cuphead, Murray, and Elder Kettle were gone. 
Mugman collapsed on his knees and sobbed in the dark void with the bright blue glow behind him. 
“You must have had a bigger battle,” the soft voice spoke. 
Mugman was about to turn around until he was stopped.
“No, don’t turn around. Please. Keep looking ahead of you. I want to keep you safe.”
Mugman started to sob more uncontrollably. “I’ve killed people…I didn’t mean to.”
“Oh, I know. I saw…” the soft voice said. 
“Did I killed the ones I love too?” 
“No, you didn’t. You were saved before doing so.” 
“W-Who are you?” 
“I—I don’t know. But I know that if anyone looks at me, I become a monster. For now, you can call me Angel.” 
Mugman wiped his tears away. “What’s happening to me?” 
“I don’t have answers that you seek,” Angel said sadly. 
Mugman was tempted to turn around, but he kept looking ahead and he saw a bright light. 
“That must be the portal to the waking world,” Angel replied. 
“Waking world?” 
“Yeah, you know, where you wake up. I suggest you walk through it. I’m sure your family is greatly worried about you.” 
“Will they see me as a monster?” 
“I…I don’t know.” 
Mugman clenched his teeth as the bright light came closer. 
“We all have to wake up eventually,” Angel replied sadly. 
The bright light came closer and closer. 
“A-Angel…” Mugman was soon engulfed by the bright light. 
Mugman gasped while fluttering his eyes opened. He soon felt the sudden warmness from the heavy blanket and the some clean clothes he was wearing. Mugman looked down and saw he was wearing blue pajamas that were silky, which was a strange feeling. When he was sitting up, Mugman looked at his hands gripping the edge of the blanket to see that he was wearing white gloves instead of his usual yellow gloves. Blinking in confusion, he looked around the room to find that he was in a lone room with two bunk beds with one across another. He looked out the circular window to find the dark abyss, squinting to see fishes swimming around. Wait…was he in a submarine?
Mugman heard voices and hopped off the bed. He peeked his head through the doorway to see the hallway lit up with lights. The voices had gotten more clearer the more he stepped closer to the voices.
“Man, you think these stains could wash off easily,” Dice complained with a groan. 
“Kettle, did the boys packed anything before they left?” Porkrind asked. 
“Uh…well, yeah…but I think they left their suitcases at the Ruth Mansion when the assassins attacked us,” Elder Kettle said. 
Mugman arched a brow and tilted his head. 
“You know, we oughta get this boy new clothes. It reeks of—”
“Shh, I think I hear someone coming down the hallway,” Jerry interrupted Dice. 
Mugman gulped. “Hello?” 
“Oh, it’s just Mugman,” Porkrind said with a sigh of relief. 
Mugman peeked into the room from what he could assume was the laundry room with Jerry, Porkrind, Elder Kettle, Murray, and Dice trying to wash off blood on his black shirt, blue shorts, yellow gloves, and brown shoes. He widened his eyes in horror and his body trembled. 
“Th-That’s not blood on my clothes, is it?” Mugman questioned. 
The men exchanged glances at each other and then back at Mugman. 
“Mugman, why don’t you take a moment to recover first?” Elder Kettle suggested. “We’ll tell you everything that happened down there when you’ve recovered, okay?” 
Mugman hugged himself, his pupils shrinking in horror. “Did I kill anyone down there?” 
The men softened their gazes, causing Mugman to tremble more. 
“We’ll tell you everything after you’ve recovered, okay?” Elder Kettle replied soothingly. 
Mugman shook his head in denial, his body shaking more. “No…No…”
“Mugman…” Murray called when he noticed Mugman’s veins glowing blue slowly. 
Mugman turned to see Cuphead, Natalie, Chalice, and Aurora approaching him with Tabitha widening her eyes at Mugman from behind the kids. 
“C-Cuphead?” Mugman uttered with tears in his eyes when he noticed Cuphead’s bruise around his throat. “Did I do that to you?” 
“It’s okay, buddy,” Cuphead responded hoarsely and approached his brother. “It’s okay.”
“There’s a bruise around your throat—”
“I ain’t too worried about it,” Cuphead replied while hugging his brother. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
Mugman started to sob into his brother’s shoulders. 
Natalie softly smiled at Cuphead and was about to approach him until Tabitha held both her and Aurora back from the cup brothers. 
“Mom,” Natalie groaned. 
“First, you’ve befriended a burden and now you’ve befriended a peasant and his rabid dog,” Tabitha growled. “Have you not learned your lesson with Cassidy? She’s a burden. You know this and yet you chose to befriend her anyway. Now look what happened to her? She weighed you down and bewitched you. Now! You’re friends with that peasant and his rabid dog of a brother. Was this to spite me, Natalie? If so, you’re doing a great job disobeying me.”
Chalice glared at Tabitha. “What’s your problem, lady?” She transformed into a ghost and floated up to Tabitha. “Natalie can be friends with whoever she wants to be friends with. And Cuphead ain’t a peasant and Mugman ain’t a rabid dog. So, you better watch it!” 
“AAH!” Tabitha screamed when Chalice transformed into a ghost. “AND A GHOST?! Natalie, what is wrong with you?! It’s Cassidy’s fault that you’re friends with them isn’t it?!” 
“You got a lot of nerve saying that after she’s dead!” Ribby said while entering from behind her with his frog brother, Croaks. 
“Wha’‘s goin’ on?” Brineybeard entered the scene behind the frog brothers. 
“Your crew is being disgusting at usual. We should’ve left that rabid dog behind in Hell. We would be safer!” Tabitha growled at the pirate. 
“Hey, he ain’t no rabid dog!” Croaks barked.
“Aye, he’s our friend!” Brineybeard added. 
“Yeah, besides, Tremaine is out of him now,” Chalice inserted herself into the conversation. “And we don’t know if Cassidy is dead or not! We’re going back to get her.”
“You want to rescue that piece of burden from Hell?” Tabitha growled. “She belongs in Hell! She’s a demon after all.”
“You know what, lady?!” Ribby barked with his fists clenched. “I have enough of you insulting Cassidy!” 
“Yeah!” Croaks added. 
“Whoa thar, lads, are we even allowed t’ punch a lady? Would that set bad example fer kids?” Brineybeard asked the frogs. 
“I thought you both were gentlemen,” Tabitha said with a smirk. “Apparently, you put on your suits and call yourselves rich, when you really are not. I bet you came from a poor single mother. It’s a shame that she died poor.” 
Ribby gritted his teeth. “Hey! You better not talk about our Ma like that!” 
“You better take that back about both Ma and Cassidy!” Croaks barked. 
“You are all bewitched by Cassidy’s spell! It seems that I am the only one not falling for it!” Tabitha snarled.
“Cassidy didn’t bewitched any of us!” Chalice shouted. “What is your problem, lady?!” 
“My problem is the following: you being a ghost is one of them,” Tabitha growled.
“Half ghost!” Chalice argued. 
“Whatever! And the mere fact that my own daughters was bewitched by that piece of burden that they both fell for being friends with a peasant and his rabid brother, who, may I remind you, killed thirty six people down in Hell! Why do you think there’s blood on his clothes?!” Tabitha barked. 
“Ye ‘ave been countin’?” Brineybeard asked with his brow arched.
“Of course, I have,” Tabitha answered. “And I know that if it weren’t for that burden, Mugman would never have Tremaine inside of him!” 
“Oh, now you’re blaming Cassidy for Mugman getting Tremaine?!” Croaks barked.
“Yes, I am!” Tabitha responded with dignity. 
As everyone was yelling at each other about who’s fault it is with Dice, Jerry, Porkrind, Elder Kettle, and Murray watching the fight unfold, Cuphead watched Mugman’s veins turning blue more. 
“Mugman?” Cuphead uttered. 
“WILL YOU ALL JUST SHUT UP?!” Mugman cried before the submarine shook from the waters outside. 
Everyone stopped shouting in a instant when the submarine began rocking side to side. Brineybeard held onto the doorway with his hands, having his arms wrapped around the frog brothers. 
“Mugman, calm down,” Elder Kettle uttered. 
“He’s going to kill us in this submarine!” Tabitha barked. “Throw him out!” 
“NO!” Everyone shouted simultaneously except for Natalie. 
“Mugman, hey,” Porkrind called before watching Mugman break down crying in Cuphead’s grasp. 
“I-I didn’t mean to kill anyone!” Mugman sobbed, holding onto his brother tightly. 
“Don’t worry, lad, all o’ the scallywags ye’ve scuttled are assassins,” Brineybeard reassured Mugman.
“Yeah, you’ve killed the bad people,” Ribby responded, which was calming Mugman down. 
“Could’ve killed his brother if that half-ghost child wasn’t there,” Tabitha said with a scoff.
“Why are you like this?!” Croaks shouted at Tabitha.
“We just got Mugman to calm down a little bit!” Ribby added. 
Mugman could feel the electricity zipping through his veins inside of him, crying in pain. He couldn’t control what was happening. He was too afraid of himself. Before he could even reign in on his newfound powers, he screamed in pain. Cuphead was shoved away by the electricity, causing him to tumble back against Murray. 
All of the voices calling his name and telling him to calm down…he couldn’t hear them anymore. He could hear his own screams in agony. His vision became blue and he could’ve sworn he had his old clothes back on that were covered in nothing but blood. He remembered what happened down there. He remembered his lack of control when he killed those assassins. He could’ve killed Cuphead if Chalice hadn’t stopped him and injected him with this…cure…? He could feel his heart racing and his body sweating. Everything was moving around until he could feel the waters rising above his ankles. 
Mugman could feel his tongue speaking a foreign language once again. He could see the battle around him. Everyone was fighting for their lives. There are people he knew and there are people he didn’t know who were fighting this battle. 
“Portae inferi apertae sunt.
Bellum veniet.
Munera tua te ducent ad gloriam.
Benedictiones numere antequam veniat interitus.”
“MUGMAN, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!” Croaks shouted, but it was muffled. 
“The gates of hell are open. 
The war will come. 
Your gifts will lead you to glory. 
Count the blessings before the destruction comes.”
Mugman breathed heavily, his body trembling. He felt held by someone, but he couldn’t see who it was. Mugman couldn’t hear the shouts from his friends, but he could hear war cries and witnessed the great battle in front of him in a kingdom he was unfamiliar with before blacking out.
“Mugman…Mugman! Wake up!”
Mugman groaned in pain and fluttered his eyes open. He blinked to find Cuphead trying to wake him up by shaking his shoulders. Mugman didn’t know what happened or what in the world did he do. The hallway of the submarine had water up slightly past the ankles of everyone else and it was tilted to the side. 
The mug blinked in confusion. “What-What just happened?” 
“Yeah, I’m a little confused myself,” Dice responded with a slight chuckle. 
“YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED!” Tabitha cursed at Mugman.
“Well, if you hadn’t provoked him, maybe he wouldn’t get upset,” Ribby argued with her. 
“Guys, would you stop fighting? You’re going to make it worse,” Jerry said. 
“I told you all to throw that rabid thing out of the submarine!” Tabitha barked at Brineybeard, Ribby, and Croaks. “But no, instead, you wanna keep that thing as your pet!” 
“Don’t you dare refer to my son as a pet!” Murray growled at Tabitha. 
“You know what, Tabitha, you need to get over yourself,” Porkrind growled. “Stop acting like you’re above everyone else.”
“I am above everyone else because I didn’t fall for that burden’s spell,” Tabitha said with a confident smirk.
“ALRIGHT, YOU KNOW WHAT?!” Porkrind lunged towards Tabitha to strangle her. Brineybeard stepped in between Porkrind and Tabitha, pushing him away from her. Jerry, Dice, Murray, and Elder Kettle held the overweight pig back. 
“Calm down, lad!” Brineybeard replied and then turned to Tabitha. “‘n ye better keep yer mouth shut if ye don’t want anyone t’ strangle ye in here!” 
Tabitha rolled her eyes. “Well, it proves more that his piece of burden has bewitched you all for a while.”
“DON’T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT!!!” Porkrind cried, tears running down from his only eye. 
“You got a lot of nerve to talk about his daughter like that in front of him after he lost her,” Jerry snarled at Tabitha. 
“I thought that once she’s dead, it would break a spell as to why people actually like her. But no, she still has a hold on him even after she’s passed on. A shame really,” Tabitha said with a sigh. 
“Porkrind! Not in front of the kids!” Elder Kettle reminded Porkrind before he could let out a curse word. 
“You know, I’m tempted to release him onto you and see how confident you are to say how much a burden his love one is in front of his face again,” Dice replied to Tabitha.
“Do it,” Porkrind demanded.
“Will you guys stop fighting for one second?!” Mugman screamed at everyone, now tears running down his ceramic cheeks and his eyes glowing blue. 
Everyone stopped shouting at each other and stared at Mugman, their shoulders tensed. The blue in his eyes faded and Mugman put his hands up. 
“Just stop fighting…It’s not going to make things better,” Mugman uttered.
“Not for you,” Tabitha said with a scoff. 
Everyone else except for Mugman glared at Tabitha. 
Natalie stayed silent while keeping Aurora close to her. 
Before anyone could say a word, they heard someone hop onto the submarine. They froze in terror, fearing the worst.
“Do you think it’s the Night Stalkers?” Ribby uttered in fear. 
“I thought we killed them all,” Croaks added.
“Shut up. Shut up,” Dice urged the frogs quietly. 
They heard footsteps coming over to the hatch and opening it, revealing sunlight. 
“Hello?! Is anyone down there?!” A familiar voice called. 
Chalice brightly smiled to hear that voice. “Canteen?!” 
“Chalice?!” Canteen hopped into the submarine, his feet hitting the water. “Whoa, what happened here—?” His sentence was swiftly interrupted by Chalice lunging towards him, hugging him with a laugh. 
“Oh my gosh! I’m so glad you’re safe!” Chalice replied happily. 
Canteen blushed and smiled, wrapping his arms around her. “I’m glad you’re safe too!” 
Both of them realized they were hugging each other with more blushes on their faces. Chalice moved away immediately along with Canteen. 
“Oh, uh, sorry,” Chalice replied while scratching the back of her head. 
“I-It’s fine. I’m just glad you’re safe. Wait! The cure—”
“Worked like a charm,” Chalice replied while referring to Mugman. 
Canteen sighed in relief and looked up. “Everything is okay down here!” 
On cue, Sergeant O’Fera peeked into the submarine. 
“Good! C’mon! Let’s get you out of this submarine,” Sergeant O’Fera offered while four pups peeked into the submarine. She nodded her head to them as the pups managed to create a chain to help the group out of the flooded submarine. First, Natalie got out with Aurora in her arms with Brineybeard picking the girls up and offering them up to O’Fera to pick up. O’Fera grabbed Natalie and Aurora set them down on the submarine.  The puppies helped Cuphead and Mugman out of the submarine along with Canteen. Once the group climbed out of the submarine with the help of O’Fera and the pups, they realized that the submarine was crashed against the rocks while it was slowly sinking into the water. O’Fera whistled for Bulldog up on the edge of the high cliff. Bulldog jumped down with his jetpack on his back and picked up Canteen, Cuphead, Mugman, Chalice, Natalie, and Aurora. 
He flew the kids up towards the high cliff with the pups carrying O’Fera up there with them. Brineybeard watched Ribby and Croaks climbing up on the rock side of the cliff and took out his daggers to do the same thing.  Dice flicked his card in front of them, making it larger for the rest to get on. Dice sat on it while inviting Porkrind, Jerry, Elder Kettle, and Murray to get on. Porkrind seemed hesitant for a moment before getting on the large card with Dice along with Jerry, Elder Kettle, and Murray. 
Dice gestured Tabitha onto the card, who rolled her eyes with a slight scoff and got on the card, but a bit further away from the men. He shrugged at the rest of the men and flew up with the card carrying them. 
Brineybeard, Ribby, Croaks reached up there last with heavy breaths from climbing. 
Tabitha got up and picked Natalie and Aurora up from Bulldog. 
“Mom,” Natalie groaned. 
“We’re done with these silly adventures with those peasants,” Tabitha grumbled. “We’re going home.”
“But Mom—”
“No buts.” Tabitha carried Natalie and Aurora away from the group with a glare over her shoulder at Porkrind. “I hope you get over that burden’s death eventually.” 
Porkrind growled, his eye filled to the brim with tears. When he was about to charge after her, Dice stopped him and shook his head to tell the pig that it wasn’t worth it. 
O’Fera glanced over at Murray. “What’s her deal?”
Murray shrugged his shoulders. 
“She’s got a case of a stick up in her butt,” Jerry explained. 
The pups gasped. 
“Oh no, is she okay?” one of the pups questioned.
“Does she need to go to the hospital?” the other pup asked. 
“He means that she’s a snob,” O’Fera clarified to the pups.
“OH!” the pups replied simultaneously. 
O’Fera glanced at the rest of the group. “I was going to offer you all a place to stay for a little while. Maybe make yourselves at home here while recovering from whatever happened down in Hell.”
“How did you—?”
“I told them,” Canteen explained to Elder Kettle before he could ask. “They offered until we can get back up on our feet.” 
“That would be wonderful,” Murray said with a light blush.
O’Fera nodded her head. “Then, let’s go.”
O’Fera led the group through the forest towards the Howling Aces’ base. 
“Hey, wake up! You don’t have much time! D’uh, c’mon! Ugh, c’mon!” 
Cassidy fluttered her eyes open to feel someone shaking her shoulder. Her vision was a blur to notice a fat purple…something…wait, no, it was a demon. His eyes were yellow with orange irises, his veins glowing orange but that didn’t change his meek demeanor. 
“W-What happened?” Cassidy asked while noticing that she was wearing a tight red dress that was sleeveless, a v-line down to her chest, and her red furry legs were exposed. She looked around to realize that she was laying on the red cushion in the library. 
Henchman held Cassidy up on her shoulders. “The boss took the bullet out of your skull and restored your brain. I’m not sure how…but I can tell you that you shouldn’t be here. You, as a mortal, are not allowed down here just as much as you are not allowed to be up in Heaven. You need to get out of here. I can help you. C’mon, before the boss gets back—”
The door opened behind Henchman, causing him to whirl around to see Devil approaching them. 
“Ah, Henchman, I see that you’re helping our guest be more comfortable,” Devil said with a smirk. 
Henchman faked a smile and sweated profusely. “Oh yeah, definitely.” 
Devil shifted his glance at the red feline with black hair illuminated by the fire in the fireplace with a wicked grin, showing all of his fangs. However that grin faded when he tried to contort his face into sadness. “Oh, poor girl, you must have been so confused. So afraid of me. You must be thinking of escaping, have you?”
Cassidy arched a brow. “Uh, who are you?” 
Devil gasped as if he was offended. “You don’t know who I am?! Well, I guess that bullet really did take half of your memory.” Devil smirked more at the thought. “I am the Devil. The ruler of souls. And you, my dear, are in my realm now.” 
Cassidy tilted her head. “What kind of souls do you rule?” 
“The lost ones, of course.”
“Then, how come they’re screaming in agony?” 
“It’s from their own self-infliction. It happens down here quite a lot,” Devil said with a grin. “Anyway, do you remember anything at all? Like how you got here or…?” 
Cassidy pondered for a moment. “Oh, I remembered Dad and Jerry. And that cute blue-nosed mug…I can’t remember his name, but he is a cutie.” She said this with a blush. 
“Boss, she shouldn’t be down here,” Henchman whispered to Devil. “You remember the deal with the Most High? If you keep breaking it…oh, the Most High…He’ll—”
“I don’t care what He thinks, Henchman,” Devil scowled. “Besides, her soul was contracted to me.” 
“What?” Henchman uttered.
“Oh, I’m surprised that I haven’t told you, Henchman. Her soul is contracted to me by her beloved father,” Devil said with a grin.
Cassidy arched a brow with her ears pinned down to her head. “Really?” 
“Oh yes,” Devil said while taking out a soul contract and showed it to her, showing Porkrind’s name along with Jerry’s. “They decided to sign your soul over to me and—”
Devil noticed Cassidy reading the contract without reacting to his words. 
“Why do the signatures looked forged?” Cassidy questioned. 
Devil swiftly pulled the contract away from her. “It’s not.”
“Really? Because the signatures looked nothing like Dad’s and Jerry’s—”
“That’s besides the point. Your precious family and friends gave you up. They all left you behind in here!” Devil said with his fist on his hips. “Wanna know why? Because they all think that you’re a burden! All of them!” 
Cassidy frowned and looked away. “That can’t be true. Dad and Jerry doesn’t think that. On top of that, they might be able to come back for me. I just have to wait.” 
“Oh, you think your dads are going to come back to you?! HAHAHAHAHA!!! So naive. It’s no wonder that you’re so easy to take advantage of for Natalie,” Devil replied with his fists on his hips. 
Cassidy widened her eyes to remember Natalie’s last words. 
Cassidy breathed heavily, tears streaming down her red furry cheeks. 
Devil smirked when he got a reaction out of Cassidy. “You remembered what she said, don’t you? She doesn’t think of you as a friend. She pities you. I’m sure that she’s not the only one who feels any kind of pity for you.”
“W-What do you mean?” Cassidy stuttered. 
“Don’t you know? Your blue-nosed mug only got together with you because he feels sorry for you.”
Cassidy’s memory of Mugman altered into him constantly ignoring her when she tried to reach out for him when she had a crush on him. 
“Your father only raised you because he pities your pathetic self,” Devil said, his lies becoming honey in her ears. 
The memories of Porkrind and Jerry were altered with Porkrind yelling at her and calling her a piece of burden all of her life, and Jerry looking at her with disgust. 
“Oh, and did I mention that your other friends, including Ribby and Croaks, have never wanted to do anything with you, but of course, just like everyone else, they pitied you?” 
Her memories were changed with Ribby and Croaks being hostile to her, while the others like Cuphead, Chalice, Canteen, and Aurora, were talking about how much she looked like a wet mop and how she was such a burden to spend time with behind her back. 
Cassidy slowly believed those memories and the lies the Devil told her. 
Devil watched her spirit breaking apart with an evil grin, her tears running down her red furry cheeks. He sighed and softened his gaze to express sympathy even when he had none. 
“Oh, poor sweet girl, the whole world must have thought you’re a burden, huh? You were cast off and mistreated for such a long time. No matter what you do, to be kind and to give to the world your all, the world will always take advantage of you. No matter what you do, you’ll never be good enough for anyone. You know, I know that feeling quite a lot. You and I are a lot alike as I thought. You deserved to get your vengeance. You deserved to be something that’s worth more than just a mere burden to mortals like you. And I have all of that. I can make you better than anyone else in the whole world. Make you become something that they will admire about you,” Devil offered his hand with a grin. “What do you say, Cassidy?” 
Cassidy looked at his hand, teary-eyed. “And I won’t be a burden to anyone anymore?”
The Devil smiled and nodded. “Of course not. I’ll make sure of that.” 
She looked at his hand one last time with a form of skepticism. She didn’t notice Henchman gesturing her to not take the Devil’s hand before she reached her paw up to his hand to grab it. 
Once she grabbed it, she could feel the heat in her paw. She withdrew her paw away from the burn until she could see the orange glow in her veins. She breathed heavily in fear as the burning glow covered her body, causing her to scream loud enough for the demons in the underworld to hear her. 
The Devil’s grin widened once more to watch Cassidy writhed in pain, her fur darkened and her black hair growing longer and her bangs becoming thinner. She grew nine tails while her eyes were no longer normal. Once the pain subsided and she collapsed, Henchman looked on with horror with his teeth chattering. The Devil watched her rise up to her feet and her bones cracking at every movement with a smirk. 
Cassidy opened her red eyes with white slit pupils. She grinned sadistically with her teeth sharpened and her forked tongue hidden in her mouth. 
“Why hello there,” Cassidy finally said, her demonic voice taking over. 
To Be Continued...
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Edith doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to the monster attacks. 
She dodges a swipe from the rampaging beast’s claws as she ducks into a doorway among several terrified witches, heart pounding. The monster blows past the storefront, jaws snapping at the heels of another unlucky villager screaming (understandably) bloody murder. She peers out to follow the chaos, shakingly afraid and yet so so fascinated at the same time despite herself, as she has been by everything on the Boiling Isles for months (months, ugh, has it really been that long?)
A muffled voice sounds dim and tinny amid the whispering witches, from the folds of Edith’s cloak.
“Edith? Edith, are you there? Are you safe?! Over.”
“Look, it’s the hunters!” The little voice is drowned out by the shout of one of the witches, crowding themself up against Edith (she can’t bring herself to protest) to point over her head at the now fast-approaching wagon entering the square, horns blaring. Aboard it, a team of fortified witches with their staffs raised, ready to spring.
Beastkeepers, no doubt, here to put the destroying monstrosity in its place. 
“Edith?? HELLO?!” Edith’s gaze is wrenched away from the wagon at the sound of another transmission, and she fumbles the walkie as she pulls it out thanks to the commotion around her but she catches it in hands that shake and is finally able to answer, “H-here! I’m here in the market, over!”
“Are you safe? I saw animal control on its way to take care of whatever that thing is.” His voice crackles with static. “Over.”
From her vantage point (nevermind the witch practically climbing up her back) Edith can see the beastkeepers descending from their wagon to corner the snarling animal. It bares its razor teeth, hackles raised, not intimidated in the slightest. Into the walkie she responds, “I’m safe for now, over.” (She’s always hated having to say “over” at the end of every sentence like it isn’t intrinsically obvious)
“Copy. Stay where you are, I’m gonna see if I can make it past this blockade. Over.” 
She’s having trouble making out his reply over the hubbub. The beastkeepers make to restrain the beast with ropes that glow red and almost as angry as their target. One of them prepares to subdue it with some kind of sparking potion. Edith’s almost on her way to getting pushed out the doorway entirely by the crowd pressing up behind her but she grips the jamb tightly, eyes locked on the spectacle in the square. 
“N-no, it’s safer if you stay outside the village,” she stammers into the transceiver. “I’ll come find you as soon as they get this taken care o—”
The ropes holding the monster back SNAP like twigs in a fire. The roar that fills the square is enough to send Edith’s pulse plummeting all the way down into her stomach. Her grip on the device tightens. “Definitely don’t come over here!” Reflexively she’s trying to step back into the frightened crowd. “STAY WHERE YOU ARE just don’t come over—”
With a BOOM that rattles even the streets outside the market the furious, howling beast smashes itself into the storefront, just inches away from the doorway. Edith yelps (she’d be embarrassed if she were the only one doing it) and finds herself thrown to the ground, barely missing getting buried in the onslaught of debris and people. 
The walkie-talkie flies out of her hand to wedge itself under the rubble.
Through the mild ringing in her ears Edith makes out screams, roars, and the harsh voice of one of the beastkeepers barking orders at the others. She tries to blink away the dust in her eyes, scrubs her hands over them when that doesn’t work, and she’ll think later that it was in that temporary blindness that the creature got the jump on her, surely, because when she opens her eyes again there’s a mass of fur and teeth and claws and spikes gunning straight. For. Her. 
She gasps. 
Standing is still too shaky to achieve so at first she tries to scurry out of the way as fast as she can, before she’s finally able to brace herself on a slab of fallen concrete and book it in the opposite direction, thinking to herself that she’s never empathized with another person more than she does with that poor bloke who was getting chased in a matter very similar to this one just moments ago. 
It doesn’t last long: up ahead, another damaged storefront. The walls are cracked but standing, and though most of the doorway is barred by collapsed timbers there’s a pocket of refuge under them that spur in her an idea, one that she has no time to seriously consider because by now the monster’s practically nipping at her heels and she knows that he wouldn’t hesitate for even a second and so she takes as deep of a breath she can and—
One, two, three more running steps, an awkward stuttery jump and ouch, her hip hits the ground harder than anticipated but whoah-oh-oh: BUMP. 
She slides to safety underneath the cave of rubble, Indiana Jones-style.
The pocket is small enough that she can only sit up in it but for a moment she feels relieved, adrenaline coursing through, and she’s almost starting to laugh before the swipe of a claw catches her in the arm. 
The beast is still trying to get her, evidently undeterred by the too-small opening, managing to fit its claws in even if the rest of it won’t fit, and Edith bites back a scream and inches herself as far back as she can, clutching her arm, kicking at the incoming attackers.
(Well this is it for me it was good while it lasted)
Or maybe not.
Because in that moment, something SLAMS into the creature from the other side, sends it tumbling away from the doorway in howling protest. Edith only blinks at the sudden sunlight at first, mouth agape, trying to process what she’s seeing outside her would-be refuge. 
One of the beastkeepers, the leader: he’s stepping off the staff he just used to ram an out-of-control ragebeast ten times his size. In his hands he’s holding a spelled rope. And he’s staring down his target like it’s nothing more than an angry cat, expressionless. 
Wordless, too: the beast roars and charges once more, but the witch simply holds his ground, and with one arm he throws that rope in a clean arc towards the beast like a lasso, aiming it so it ties itself around the monster’s middle, though what he’s hoping to achieve here is a mystery, seeing as the beast is still very much able to keep running at him regardless, and, whoah, hey—if he doesn’t move out of the way it’s going to—
He does step out of the way, just in time for the beast to plow right past the spot where he would’ve been standing, and now he grabs on to the rope with both hands until it goes taut and the creature gags on its own momentum, sends itself careening towards the ground backwards, howling. 
He doesn’t give it the chance to hit the ground yet: no—with barely a grunt he jerks—jerks!—the rope to the side, and against all known laws of physics he sends the downed animal hurling across the ground to smash spectacularly into a blessedly vacant stall, wood and goods flying everywhere, raining down on the creature and the shocked onlookers.
The beast moans from its landing spot, thoroughly discombobulated. 
It’s in the ensuing stunned silence that the beastkeeper finally speaks.
“Stay back.” He aims it at the gathering crowd. Stoic. Blunt. 
Stolidly he steps towards the beast, still weakly writhing on the ground. 
He kneels down.
A golden spell circle gleams around his wrist as he holds up his hand to place it on the monster’s brow, not even hesitating. The monster growls, screeches, howls for a final time before the spell finally takes hold, a golden wave of magic rippling through its fur….
The beast falls silent. Still. 
The thrumming sound of its breathing fills the square.
Edith still crouches in the doorway, still wide-eyed, still silent. Months on the Boiling Isles and she hasn’t seen anything quite like this, even for all the magic and monsters in this world. Her breath is stopgapped in her chest.
Other beastkeepers run into the scene now, up to their leader, exchanging indiscernible directions. And though the chaos has died down Edith still feels her heart begin racing in her ears when she realizes the lead beastkeeper is now turning towards her, walking closer, closer, close. Instinctively she scuttles back—
Hands lifting a slab of wood, more light spilling into the cave. She blinks hard.
“Are you alright?”
He’s not that much older than her, she notices. Sober disposition. Dark grey eyes like stormclouds. The red cloak around his shoulders flutters slightly behind him. 
And there’s a dragon perched on his shoulder. Because of course there is.
“Are you alright?” he repeats.
Oh—she’s staring. She works her jaw awkwardly. “Uh, I, uh. I—y-yes, I, I think, ah…” Nevermind: she clamps her mouth shut, flustered.
He doesn’t seem to mind. No—he only holds out a hand, and she hangs back for only a moment
(ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum)
before she accepts it, and oh, he’s strong, he has her back on her feet before she can think to stand. 
She stumbles. He sets a hand on her shoulder to study her. 
(oh no oh no—am I blushing???)
“The Healing coven should be here soon.” He’s looking her over. “They’ll take care of that for you.” 
That’s right, her arm: she’d forgotten about it until now, and now that he mentions it it is starting to sting a little. Well, okay, it’s starting to sting a lot. She winces, cups a hand over the gashes. 
He’s walking away by the time she remembers her manners. “Th-thank you,” she calls out softly, aims it at his back. 
And by some miracle, he stops. He turns. 
(stop blushing stop blushing stop blushing)
She smiles.
He doesn’t smile back. 
Instead he only nods, once, terse. The dragon on his back chitters softly in turn and then they’re both walking away again, disappearing off into the sunset and the waiting team of beastkeepers, the prone animal now being loaded onto the wagon.
In their excitement to see the fallen creature the crowd leaves Edith behind, leaves her alone. In her sudden isolation she finds herself without the faintest idea of what to do now. Her arm aches. In the distance things are finally starting to quiet down.
She reaches for the holster on her belt.
Wait—where did it….?
The spike of adrenaline at finding her transceiver missing gives her an answer. 
Gasp. "Toilette!"
She tears off out of the market. 
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
a fun fact about me for the ask game: I have a one eyed cat named fishstick (but we just call her fish), and she has a very specific meow for when she misses me and my family. If I had to type it out it would look like: wowwOOOW. she’s a very good kitty. how about you? do you have any pets (or want any pets in the future)? - 💜
oh hello, to you and Fish!
that's one of the cutest things I've ever heard 🥺 I'm a sucker for talky kitties
I have a cat I raised (all black floof) that my parents now love and care for because my allergies got really bad a few years back, which is tragic. and I currently have a dog i rescued! a very sweet pitbull-mix named Wren, who doesnt bark or make any noise - except he howls to John Legend. dont ask me why?
let's be romantic together!
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hantheheart · 6 years
A Boy and His Dog: A TrollHunters AU
Chapter 1
On his 5th birthday, James Lake Jr’s father left him and his mother behind. His reasons were unclear and rumored to have been the result of an affair.
On his 7th birthday, the local shelter delivered a small kennel with his name on it. The letter attached claimed it was from his father. A final farewell, it said.
The letter addressed to Barbara explained it was actually from his uncle, Jim Lake Sr’s older brother. A last ditch effort to give the boy a good final memory of his father after waiting 2 years for him to come around.
Inside the kennel, a 2 month old border collie-golden retriever pup with the brightest, bluest eyes Jim had ever seen and a dark golden coat that reminded Jim of his mother’s nicest silk blouse.
He named her Lacey for the lace ribbon attached to her collar.
She followed him everywhere: She waited at the door when he left for school and was there when he got back; she sat beside him at the kitchen table; she had as much trouble as he did getting on his bed (his mother didn’t want her on the bed, but he loved burying his face into her fur.); she walked beside him when he and Toby went to the park.
When he was 12, Steve Palchuk shoved Jim into the canal and he broke his leg. Steve and his friends didn’t even get to laugh at him before Lacey had bitten the bigger boy’s leg hard enough to break through his jeans and skin. The three ran off screaming as Lacey scurried down the cement slope to the sobbing child. She curled up beside him and licked his face till someone finally spotted them while walking on the bridge above.
He spent 2 and a half months with a cast that every kid in school but Steve and his lackeys signed. Lacey whined at him every time he tried to walk until it came off, then licked his leg till he cried from laughing, then she licked his face.
When his mom decided he was old enough to go out on his own, Lacey followed him and Toby anywhere they rode their bikes to. It became a normal sight to see the gold and white pup outside the school, the library and the clinic when Jim visited his mom at work.
Where Jim Lake Jr went, Lacey would follow.
Not even destiny could keep a dog from her boy.
Jim wakes to the radio playing the same old station and groggily slaps the off button. Taking a moment to wake, he gets up to get dressed. Lacey yawns and stretches, watching sleepily as he moves about the room. Shirt, pants, jacket, socks and shoes, a quick brushing of his hair and one joking attempt to brush the fur atop her head into some silly style later, they head downstairs, a spring in Jim’s step.
She sits at her usual spot by the entrance to the kitchen as Jim goes about cleaning and whipping up lunch for himself and Toby, as well as dinner for his mother when she finally wakes up.
Lacey whines and walks over to paw at his leg, eyes big and pleading. Jim chuckles and reaches down to rub the dog’s ear between his fingers.
“Don’t worry, I remembered to pack something for you.” To prove his words, he pulls a treat from the box on the counter and tosses it into the air. Lacey is quick to jump up and catch the little bone-shaped biscuit.
An omelet is quickly whipped up in true Jim Lake fashion, then he heads to the stairs with the tray of breakfast, Lacey going on ahead of him to nudge the door open.
She heads back downstairs as Jim does a quick cleanup and tucks his mother in properly. Slipping her way into the garage, the dog finds her boy’s helmet hanging off his bike’s handlebars and carries it by the straps to the bottom of the stairs.
He comes down with a soft smile that broadens at the sight of his dog wagging her tail faster at the sight of him. He takes the helmet, patting Lacey’s head as he puts it on.
“Thanks Lacey.” She yips and leans into his touch happily. Lacey happily trots over to the garage door and watches Jim glance from his magazine of Vespas to his beat up old bike. He sighs and sets the magazine down, moving to pick up his bike.
The garage door is barely open before Lacey squirms her way outside and trots over to Jim’s best friend.
“There’s a good girl!” Toby grins, leaning down slightly to rub the dog’s face between his palms. They both look up as Jim huffs about raccoons raiding the garbage again, but Toby quickly turns his attention back to petting the happy pup, cooing at her about how she was such a good girl.
“We’re late for school, Jimbo!” Toby says, turning and picking his bike up, giving Lacey a final pat for the morning.
“Sorry Tobes,” Jim says as he sets the trash can back up. “Busy with the lunches.” He tosses a milk carton up, nearly missing. “One for me, one for mom, and-” Jim reaches into his bag and produces a little brown bag, which Toby takes with a excited grin. Lacey yips and walks around Jim’s legs with her tongue lolling, panting happily.
“Ah!” Toby takes a deep whiff. “Mmm, balsamic mushrooms, meatloaf, chunky, sun-dried tomatoes.” He peeks into the bag.
“And cardamon.” Jim says, rolling his bike on past, glancing down with a light laugh at Lacey staying right beside him.
Toby ‘ooh’s in surprise. “Takin’ a chance there, Chef Jim.”
“What’s life without a little adventure?” Jim looks back as he steps up on his bike.
The two start their usual bickering about Toby’s “diet” so Lacey’s attention wandered, dropping into her chase pose of rear in the air as her sights settle on a butterfly on the front yard. She hops over and swipes at it, yipping excitedly as she bounces back and forth.
“C’mon Lace!” Jim calls as he starts off down the road. “We’re gonna be late!”
“We’re already late!” Toby corrects, trying to catch up.
Lacey spares a last glance at the butterfly, then bolts off after, barking. She breaks into a sprint, cutting across a few yards to catch up with the boys.
“Take the canal, Tobes!” Jim calls, taking the beaten dirt path with a quick turn. “It’ll save us five minutes!”
“N-n-n-not the ca-nnaaaaallll!” Toby’s voice distorted by the bouncing of his bike on the rocky path. Lacey sprints on past him, barking loudly as if to encourage the boy.
“Oh, live a little!” Jim calls before jumping over an oddly placed ramping of the path.
“It’s living that I’m worried about!” Toby calls, huffing as he looks from his best friend to the over excited dog letting out a howl as she jumps over the same ramp.
“Come on Tobes! Don’t you ever want a little more excitement?” Jim grins as Lacey catches up to him, running alongside him with legs moving so fast they blur.
Toby chuckles dryly and shakes his head slightly. “No!”
Jim grins and pedals even faster, jumping over the edge of the canal wall. The world almost stands still as he basks, just for a moment, in the feeling of weightlessness as he and his bike almost hang in the air before dropping about half way down the side and skidding to a stop at the bottom and looking back to wait for Toby.
Lacey is quick to slide down the side and then trot up to Jim with a bark. He knows she can’t technically, but he swears she’s smiling as he ruffles the top of her head.
“Come on Tobes!” Jim calls, attention being quickly diverted as a distorted voice calls out his name from some… oddly placed pile of stones that definitely didn’t come from the canal.
Dog and master pay no mind as Toby comes flying down the side, screaming. Jim slowly sets down his bike as Lacey puts herself between him and the odd pile, ears back and growling softly in the back of her throat.
Jim glances back as Toby finally stops, falling flat on his face before removing his helmet and slowly approaching the pile. Lacey whines and hurries to stay as close to his side as she can without tripping him up.
“Tobes. Hey, Tobes. Did you hear that voice?” Jim asks, the other boy jogging over.
“What voice?”
As if on a cue, the voice calls Jim’s name again, loud and haunting, surprising all three. Jim and Toby yelp, falling onto their bottoms. Lacey yelps and bolts behind Jim, whining loudly and nudging his shoulder with her nose.
“That!” Jim quickly crawls back to the pile. “That-that pile of rocks knows my name!”
“It’s a pile of K-spar! Minerals don’t talk!” Toby points out, quickly crawling over as well. “There’s gotta be a walkie talkie or something in here!”
Jim picks up some of the rocks, looking at them curiously. Suddenly, he notices a bright blue glow under one rock. He carefully removes the rock. A bright, glowing, odd looking device that is weirdly reminiscent of a large pocket watch seems to call for him.
“Huh… it looks like an amulet.” Jim remarks softly as holds up the device, turning it this way and that as Toby starts shouting, demanding whoever might be playing this joke on them to come out.
Lacey whines and leans over Jim’s shoulder to sniff the amulet, before whining and cowering behind him.
“Hello? I’m listening.” He holds the device up to his ear, Toby quickly moving closer to hear as well.
Not far off, the school bell goes off, startling both boys.
“Ah! Final bell!” Jim shouts as they race back to their bikes, Lacey scrambling to follow after them.
“We’re so late, our kids are gonna have detention!” Toby yells as they run.
“Come on Tobes, we can still make it!” Jim jumps on his bike and starts pedaling, Toby following as quick as he could. Lacey barks as she runs ahead, stopping atop the canal wall to watch them, nearly squeals in panic at the sight of glowing eyes in the sewer grates behind where they’d been.
“Lacey?” Jim looks back, the eyes vanished now, then shakes his head. “Come on, we gotta go!” He urges and the pup quickly follows him towards the school, looking behind them the whole time.
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we-arethenewheroes · 6 years
Cry of the night -part1
genre: angst, slight fluff, werewolf!au
warning: swearing, mention of blood and open wounds
pairing: BTS Jin (werewolf!jin) x Reader
synopsis: You are a night guard of one of the biggest forest. You know the woods like the back of your hand, every animal, every plants, every creature...
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You watch the sunset on the balcony of your house. You watch every tree, and the vast forest before your eyes. But something seems off. The sun is fully set as you feel rain falling on your head. Great, another rainny day..
You go back inside as you grab your coat and go to your station.
"Station 4 to station 1, just arrived, over" you say on the radio of your station as you turn on all your screens. Trackers, mouvement sensors, cameras, audio.
"Station 1 to station 4, got it, now get ready for work, something is off, over" I knew it !
"Yea I know, I feel it"
"You won't believe it but, new animals are in the forest"
"What ? What animal-" you say, as you hear a would bark and wolf howls.
"It's in your area you need to check how many wolf their are, I don't think their is many but be careful"
"Got it, over and out" you say as you turn off your radio and grab your coat.
You wonder in the forest with your flashlight, looking for the wolves. I heard them 5 minutes ago ! Where are they...
At that moment, you see a wolf, with black shinny fur and big brown eyes, sitting 5 feet in front of you, looking right through you eyes, it didn't seems like a wolf...You're like hypnotyze by it, it's eyes.. As time goes by you hear many foots step around you. You check around and watch as you see a dozen of wolf circuling around you. You turn ack to the first wolf you saw but didnt find anything. you search for your walkie-talkie in your pockets, but only to find emptiness.
You gather your courage and start running to your station. You hear the wolves going after you, barking and growling. You run through the forest as you see the black wolf attacking the others, as if it was protecting you. You watch him attacking the other, and trip on a tree root coming out of the ground, letting a wolf plant his teeth in your legs, bitting the hell out of your muscle. You scream of pain, and hit it head with your flashlight, forcing it to let go. You lean on the tree behind you, back on the trunk checking the wound, bleeding. You start to feel dizzy, but don't see any wolf around, just the black on, breathing heavily with wound and blood on it shinny fur. You watch it as it leaves behind you.
A moment later, you see a young tall men coming from behind the trees. He just had a shirt and a jean in this cold rainy night. He had black short hair and was muscular, had wide shoulder and was very handsome. As he walk to you, you find his eyes very familiar.
"Who are you ?" No answer.
"Please tell me who you are, I need to identify you" You say as get up you look at him. You flinch in pain barely standing
"You shouldn't be standing with this wound." He say as he help you stand. "I'm Jin, let me help you," He say as you two walk to your station.
You're at your station as Jin helps you with your wound. You flinch in pain.
"I'm sorry" He say as he sit beside you
"It's not your fault, those wolves were fierce"
"It kinda is..." He stand and look at you "I'm gonna get going"
"Where ?" You look at him "You don't seem like you have anywhere to go..."
He sigh and sit beside you. "You're right, I don't have anywhere to go now... I kinda had a fight with my pack- I mean, family.."
You look at him, "Then you should stay at my house for now, its at 10 minutes from here, you can go there and rest"
He nods "Yea, thank you, um"
"Y/N" you smile at him
He smiles back, get up, and go to the door "Be careful, with your wound..." He say as he lives the station.
Jin enter the house, it's pitch black, but he finally find the light switch, he's welcome by the living room and open kitchen, light embracing the light green color of the walls and wooden floor. The house is small, perfect for one person. He can see the wild forest from the balcony window, and see from far the light of your station.
He quicly makes his way to the kitchen, searching for a glass and water. He explore the house, discovering many rooms on the first floor, and stops at your bedroom.It look a little messy, with cloth on the floor and the closet light on. The big bed in the middle of the room looks very comfy. He sit in it, lay in and close his eyes for a minute, but fall asleep in a not very comfortable position.
You enter your house, pain in your leg. You look around to find Jin. Maybe he left..? You go to the kitchen, notice the cabinet of glass open and the water bottle out of the fridge. You check the guest room and bathroom without finding anyone. You then decide to head to your bedroom to sleep for a few hours, to find Jin asleep in your bed, curled up, looking cold. So he was here...
You smile to yourself, and go sit next to him to wake him up.
You shake him lightly "Jin, wake up"
He slowly open his eyes, remembering the previous night, quicly sitting up "Oh I'm sorry I fell asleep in your bed-"
"It's okay, but you could've sleep in the guest room, it would've been more comfortable" you say, smiling at him
He smiles back "How is your leg ? You should sleep to you worked all night,"
"It's fine, but I think I'll have to go see a doctor." you say, looking at your leg. "You can go and eat something in the kitchen. We can figure out how you'll get back to your home after I take a shower"you say as you make your way to your bathroom.
Jin sit in the kitchen, as he wath the eggs and bacon cooking on the stove. Go back to my home ? I got kicked out of my pack to save you ! How can I go back ? I'm the only werewolf they can't understand-
"Smell nice here !" You say as you join Jin in the kitchen and sit in front of him.
He smiles at you, putting the eggs and bacon in two plates, giving one to you and sitting back and start eating.
"So, where do you live?"
He almost choke on his foid and look at you "Where... I live ?..."
"Yea ! so I can drive you back" You say, smiling at him
He sigh, looking at you "...I don't have a home"
You look at him "But you said-"
"I got kicked out... for saving you" He look right at your eyes.
"Saving me ? When ? I-I don't understand-"
"Last night. I saved you from the other wolves."
"I don't understand. The black wolf saved me-"
You look at him, wondering. Was he... the black wolf ?
He them stand up, breath out before closing his eyes, changing his form to his wolf one before your eyes. You quickly stand up.
"Oh my god ! What the fuck-" You slowly crouch and look at him "...Jin ?.." He then transform back to his human form, looking at you. You stand up and look at him.
"How is it possible I never saw that before ! Are you a werewolf ? How ? "
He sigh "Yes, I'm a werewolf. I came yesterday with my pack, but when they saw you they tried to attack you... I could'nt let them... I'm the only werewolf so they can't understand but... I knew you were special... You saw me, not as a wolf, and I know that your recognized me after,"
You could'nt say anything. He was right, you recognized him, and knew as well that he was special to. You felt a special connection between us, something you never felt before. You then realised,
"Wait, so you don't have anywhere to go, because of me ?..."
"Not only you, if i didn't so anything-"
"No, You saved me ! Its my fault.." You say, looking at him.
"Hey, Y/N, its not you fault" he says, taking your hand in his. "I made that desicion, to save you,"
you sigh, and look at him "You'll stay here,"
"What ?" He say looking at your eyes
"You'll live here, with me. its the leats I can do."
"Really ?? I can stay ??" He says, smiling wildly "Thank youu !!" He say as he pick you up from the ground
You laugh, looking at him "put me back ! I wanna go sleep"
"I'm taking you tonyour bedroom" he say as he make his way to your bedroom, still having you in his strong arms.
He tucks you under the covers and smile at you "Sleep well Y/N"
"Thank you, Jin. For everything." You say smiling at him.
He then leave the room, letting you sleep.
A/N: Thank you for reading the part1 of Cry of the night ! part2 coming soon :)) If you have request for REACTIONS, SCENARIO or SHIPS and stuff, please submit :) Hope you like it !💚
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crewhonk · 7 years
Henderson To The Rescue
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Summary: In which Y/N Henderson saves a drunk Billy Hargrove from certain death. 
Words: 2,263
AN: I dont know if im a fan of this yet, but i hope you guys like my return from hiatus! I’m planning a few things right now and i have a week off from school so its lit. 
Pairing: Billy X Henderson!reader (slow burn, third person)
The first time Y/N Henderson met Billy Hargrove, it was on a cold April night. The cold air whipped through the front door when she opened it, and the hair on her legs stood on end in response. The wind blew her thick brown hair over her shoulders and suddenly the thick University of Toronto sweater she wore was no competition from the biting wind.
“Um, hello. Can I help you?” She smiled, showing as many white teeth as she could— her mother and her brother had always told her that her smile was a winning quality. And as far as she knew, this boy was something she wanted to win.
At her smile, he brought out his own smile, showing off sharp canine teeth and a tongue that swiped across his bottom lip. “I’m here for my baby sister. Maxine Mayfield? Goes by Max.”
Immediately, her smile dropped from her face and her posture grew rigid and straight-backed. Dustin had told her things about this man and she knew he was a time-bomb ready to go off. “Billy Hargrove,” she said. She watched his smile drop from his face and a look of frustration flashed in his eyes. “I’ve been told a lot about you. You can wait out here, I’ll go get Max.”
She turned and slammed the door in his face.
Later that summer, Y/N felt as if she should have stayed in Toronto. At least in Toronto, there were good sports, and cityscapes to explore forever and expensive coffee to drink. In Toronto, there was more to life than farming, and police stations and liquor.
There was also more than fighting God Damned Demogorgons.
“Steven! Get back to the car! They’re gone for now, but we don’t know when they’ll be back, and we are all out of ammo.” She screamed, running parallel to him in the forest. The rifle was gripped so tightly in her fist she felt as if the barrel of the gun would crumple under the pressure.
“What did I say about calling me Steven, Y/N?” He yelled back, his bat bouncing off his back. He jumped over a log and pressed himself against the tree, the side of the pistol barrel to his nose and breathing heavily. She was pressed against the tree adjacent to him and closed her eyes, shaking lightly.
“I will call you what I want, Steven. Now, go to the car. I’ll meet you at the Byers. I just need to get a walkie set from The Castle, and I’ll be there in ten minutes flat. Make sure those kids are safe.” You heard a growl from somewhere behind both of them and Y/N squeezed her eyes tightly, willing the fear that bubbled in her stomach away.
“Tell Dustin I’ll see him in ten minutes, and that I love him.”
“I’m not going to tell him that you love him, Y/N. You can do that yourself.” The growls were growing closer, and Y/N pressed herself harder into the bark.
“Steve. I’m going to need you to listen to me, for once.” You laughed, nervousness creeping into it. “Go to the car.” He hesitated before nodding once and sprinting East. She took a deep breath, cocked your rifle, and sprinted in the opposite direction.
She ran through the woods, and for some reason, the only thing she could think about was how impressed her high school gym coach would have been. She was never the athletic type. Y/N took after her mother, identical curls, and identical full figure. Sure, the gym membership at her UNI was paid through her tuition, but when a small town girl is let loose in a big city alone food will be eaten, and drinks will be consumed. So, long story short, Y/N was built like a Brick Shit House.
She sprinted down the forest path and leaped over rocks and fallen trees. She was on a roll, and if she knew there weren’t any demo dogs behind her, she would have stopped to pat herself on the back. That was until she ran headlong into a wall of flesh. She had tackled someone in the middle of the forest and what was even going on anymore. She was straddled on their lap, and the body underneath her had been knocked out of him.
She rolled off of him and finally looked at the person she had tackled, and the sight she was greeted with made her want to turn around and fight the dogs. It was Billy Hargrove, and he was very very drunk.
“Woah. An angel just came out of nowhere and tackled me. Is this a sign from God Himself?” He laughed, reaching for the still-lit cigarette and the empty bottle of beer on the forest floor. He swore when he discovered that it was empty and rolled around to rest his face on a moss-covered rock. There was another growl following his jumbled words, and this time it was so much closer than she would have liked.
“Hargrove. Dude. We need to skedaddle like, right now.” You urged, slinging your rifle over your shoulder and pulling at him to stand up.
“Skedaddle. Skedaddle. That’s a good one Princess.” He laughed, and it rumbled from deep within his chest. It had suddenly gone very quiet in the woods, and the silence that surrounded the both of you made you want to run.
“Billy. You need to get up.” You growled and pulled harder. He finally lifted his head from the rock and looked up at you.
“Hey! It’s the hot Henderson!” He crowed happily. The laughter was cut off when you slung the rifle around your torso. “Woah Woah Woah! Okay! I’ll get up okay?!”
“Stay down!” She whisper-yelled, aiming the rifle and firing at one of the monsters that had appeared from the shadows. She nailed it right in the snout and it flew through the air away from her. When she heard a howl from behind her, she spun and shot her gun three times, not being able to shoot it in the head, but hitting it instead several times in the muscle on its shoulder. When it had slowed down, and eventually retreated you flicked the safety on your gun so it wouldn’t accidentally shoot anyone and turned once more to Billy.
“Okay, we’re running now!” She yelled, not bothering to try to pull him up with her but instead jumping over his intoxicated body and sprinting for dear life. When she heard him crashing through the bushes behind her, she only pushed herself further and harder. She had completely abandoned the idea of getting her brother's walkie-talkies from the Castle and instead made a beeline for the house.
“Where are we going?” Billy yelled, trying his hardest to keep up with her. She certainly didn’t look like it, but Y/N Henderson was fast. When she didn’t respond, he put his head down and pushed his legs harder, feeling the familiar burn in his chest and the taste of copper on his tongue.
Once they had been running for quite some time, they finally broke through the tree line. Y/N was already facing the way they had come, and she reloaded the large gun quickly— Billy assumed she had done this before— and motioned her head for him to get into the shack-house behind her.
“Get in the house. You’re going to need to knock on the door twice, once and three times. It’s the password that’s going to get you in and safe. I’m right behind you.” Y/N yelled at him, shooting the remaining monsters that had been brave enough to continue chasing them.
“You saved my life, and I’m not leaving you.” He growled, grabbing her bicep and pulling her towards the house. Instead of protesting (“don't be a dumbass, Billy.”), she decided that it would be in everyone's best interest to listen to him. They sprinted up onto the porch and locked on the door six times, waiting patiently for someone to come to the door. “Why isn’t anyone answering?” He whispered, shooting an anxious look over his shoulder.
“I don’t know— Hello? Dustin? Steve? Eleven?” She yelled, banging on the door with her palm.
“Eleven? Like the number?” He asked, dropping all tension from his shoulders in raw confusion. Y/N simply shrugged in response and knocked the secret knock once more.
“Come on guys!” She yelled once more, praying to whatever God was out there that the door in front of them would unlock and open for them.
As if he was listening to her thoughts the locks clicked and the door swung open. When there was nobody on the other side, Billy let out a nervous squeak (‘theres nobody behind the door!” “It’s fine, Hargrove- you’ll get used to it.”). Y/N rushed the pair of them in the house and the door shut behind her, the locks already clicking and the chair shoved under the doorknob by the time she had managed to put her gun on the floor and take her jacket off. She motioned for Billy to follow her deeper into the house, ignoring his hesitation. She knew the last time he had been here, it had not been pleasant for anyone involved. Y/N followed the voices through the house to one of the rooms near the back. She turned the corner, and almost immediately was assaulted by a horde of tiny people.
“Y/N! Shithead, why did you take so long?” Dustin yelled, punching her in the arm once he pulled away from her embrace. She pulled him in closer and kissed his head, holding him to her chest and hugging him tightly.
“I love you so much, Dusty.”
“I love you too, can you get off of me now?”
“Y/N. Please.”
“Y/N. Please.”
It had been an hour since Billy and Y/N showed up to the Byers home, and after much screaming, and much explaining, the kids had finally fallen asleep in Will’s room, Steve had taken Jonathan’s old bed (Nancy and Jonathan had long since left for New York with no intention of returning), Joyce had retreated to the kitchen and was chain-smoking, and Jim was out doing whatever Jim did best. This left Billy and Y/N to there own devices, and they found themselves sitting on the front porch sitting side by side and staring out across the driveway in silence.
“Steve took my showing up pretty well, huh?” Billy whispered voice raw from yelling and defending himself. He lifted a cigarette to his cut lips and cracked his bloody and bruised knuckles. Steve had immediately dove for Billy, and after several minutes of fighting and swearing, Jim and Eleven had managed to tear the two Alpha males from each other. After they had been patched up (Billy needed more medical care than Steve did for once), they had sat down, drank a beer and shook hands.
Y/N took the cigarette from between his fingers and took a long drag. “Don’t tell Dustin I did that, he would kill me.” She coughed.
“Yeah,” she continued. “Boys are really fucking weird. You throw hands and suddenly you’re friends? Can you explain that to me?”
Billy chuckled and leaned forward on his knees. “I wouldn’t say we’re friends, but the beer was a peace offering. Girls are the weird ones. Why do you call each other names behind there backs and then act all sweet and shit to each other's faces? With men—“ He was cut off by a loud laugh from Y/N. “With men— shut up, Y/N— with us, we have everything on the table. Everyone knows how everyone feels.”
“Yeah, and once they all know how everyone feels you guys whip out your dicks and measure them side by side.” Y/N laughed. She looked over to Billy who was already looking back at her smiling. She hummed, and rested her cheek on her hand, not breaking eye contact with the mullet-clad boy.
“You changed my life within twenty-four hours, you know. You showed me that I’m part of something far bigger than myself.” He said, stubbing out the cigarette on the toe of his boot and lighting another one.
“Don’t be so cheesy, Hargrove.” She said, leaning into him and nudging her shoulder hard against his.
“How could a dame like you know how to shoot a gun and life knowing that there are demons on this planet.”
“Well, my senior year was a mess— with all the happenings with the Upside Down and all. Jim taught me how to shoot, I protected Dustin and Nancy and Steve and Jonathan. Then I left home and never looked back. Now I’m here, right back where I started.”
“I mean, I can totally tell my friends that a college girl from Canada saved my life when I was drunk in the woods.” He laughed, letting you take the fag from his fingers and claiming it for your own.
“Now that’s a story, Hargrove. And for the record, I’m a university student.” Y/N’s eyes drifted back over to the driveway, and Billy watched as her eyes traced over every constellation in the sky. Billy never thought he would be attracted to someone who was such a brick-house-gunslinger-Canadian, but here he was nevertheless— fighting monsters and smoking with pretty girls.
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fantasyideas1 · 2 years
Aphorisms Experience is quantogenesis (quantum acceleration of genetics in order to see the accelerated evolution of a species of life or a person). A way to look into the future. Poems Poetic passion, radiance of light from touching your great body, great beauty, legendary aesthetics, balance and harmony in your body, happiness filling the meaning of life, feelings of love are immortal, echoes of eternity are cries of love from the subconscious, irresistible obsession with you, I feel your beauty whole body, insight from love all the seconds of eternity, awareness from love knows no bounds, you are the best thing in this life, I wish, I want to be with you all eternity, freeze in the arms of paradise, bohemian aesthetics, bark with delight, I need handcuffs so that I don’t caress you, your body orders me to give tons of caresses, seductive sadists, higher dimension, higher feelings of love, deep addiction and love, your body is a portal to paradise, endlessly sexy. jokes Vampires are mosquitoes. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
The heart is the microphone of sincerity.
Intuition is the walkie-talkie of conscience.
Experience is quantogenesis (quantum acceleration of genetics in order to see the accelerated evolution of a species of life or a person). A way to look into the future. jokes
A tough guy says: I'll tear your dick off. A very gay fatality.
A girl tells her boyfriend: they send me photos of penises. The guy replies: you too? They send me crap too. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
1. The heart is a phone, the numerology of the code of fate, this is a phone number. 2. Supreme ecstasy, your beauty awakens base instincts, each touch to you is a billion times exciting than before, I plunge into sincere love, it is a trillion times sweeter to look at you, an endless poem of compliments long for eternity, a bath of passion. 3. Dawn and sunset of the chance of life, transient imperceptibly, the howl of the soul, and the melodies of thoughts, the rain tries to drown sadness, life offers billions of fictitious meanings of life. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
1. Shopping and madness is when you are in a glass cube of a mime. 2. Fast food is when you try to fart all day to make your stomach look smaller. 3. Inflation turns all goods and girls into an art museum. Let's go to the store and look at the exhibition of new products. 4. Inflation has turned materialism into an art museum, you can’t touch the inscription everywhere, there is even a marketing guide, but his words do not affect my wallet. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
This fat man is your friend, he ate from stress, after the fourth lepasuction you will begin to recognize his face.
Have sex on a copier? Photocopy the slideshow of memories. Poems
Apocalypse of passion, shock excitement, a source of endless love, I love you as if I loved you always and forever and endlessly. Quotes
How to roll up to a girl in an original way, my method is a spider: like pantomime, it’s like you put a web into her and pull her towards you.
Man is a molecular sculptor and architect. The world of people is a dense layer of molecular lies, a dense layer of energy from the desires of the subconscious.
Golddigger and a kept woman are a scam. Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
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damn-aesthetic-blog · 7 years
Wind howls in the midst of the night; light posts whirring with little conviction. Trees absentmindedly sway from their roots - mocking the cold winds. Lights are off in the buildings close by, no one brave enough to stray from the morning lights: thus letting them be comfortable enough to roam about. The only lights on where street posts and the lone bar in Hawkins - empty besides the bartender muling in their own sadness and lack of energy.
  Most nights are like this. For ten years the town of Hawkins has been a place of silent brewing. The events that took place at the Hawkins lab were released to the public but at disclosure of the Police department. It was a relief that there wasn't more corruption forming in Hawkins, but the damage was still done.
  For starters, Eleven had sacrificed herself to save the Dungeons & Dragons group - this extending to potentially Hawkins and bigger masses of life.  The AV club was able to (through much shock and drained minds) go back to their respective homes. Able to recover from that of the Demogorgon. But Will Byers was traumatized. He couldn't go outside by himself for extending periods of time without fear of being taken back by the Demogorgon. Joyce Byers wouldn't let Will go anywhere without knowing his location, or let him leave Hawkins for the fact that he wouldn't be in safe enough premise. Over the years, Will gained more independence from his home thanks to counseling and relief finally settling in with the Byers.
  Dustin and Lucas were okay enough - some anxiety was stirred, but not permanent. Lucas often felt guilty for being negative towards Eleven, and Dustin for not appreciating her as much as he could have. Besides that, they were able to function and progressively become much more social and successful over the years. They both attended university in Indiana and studied engineering.
  Micheal Wheeler was another scenario, though. After the events in 1983, Mike was in worse shape than Will. With Eleven disappearing after saving Mike, he couldn't accept himself and so he blamed himself for her death. Instead of going to University with Dustin and Lucas, he stayed in Hawkins and sulked. Hell, after 1983, Mike stopped going to D&D nights and stopped the game altogether. He tried hanging out the AV club members but eventually stopped hanging out with them in general. Later on, once they had started high school, he had already quit the AV club and changed his whole demeanor. What was once the nerdy, tall, and lanky Mike turned into a lone character who wore black and was taller and skinnier than before. When the others tried to call Mike to ask what was wrong or why he wasn't  talking to them anymore, all he would reply with was "My name's Micheal.".
  Mike, for the whole following year, for 351 days, he tried to call Eleven on his walkie-talkie in hopes she'd still be alive. That maybe she didn't die when she saved him, but instead was hiding from something, or maybe she was nearby but couldn't reach out for help.
  Throughout high school, the AV club continued to grow closer to one another, while Micheal Wheeler went farther down the whole than he ever had. By graduation year, he was one with the Popular Crowd. While Dustin, Lucas, and Will were focusing on school and science fairs, Mike was quickly raising his alcohol tolerance. He was constantly going to parties and getting shit faced. The AV boys dated and found relationships all through high school and college. This was the one area that Mike never dabbled in. For as many parties Mike attended, and as many girls would hit on him he never once showed any interest -  instead, becoming irked and leaving whatever he was doing.
  So when Mike found himself with the opportunity of a university, Mike didn't go. He stayed in Hawkins; but not for long. Three months later, Mike (after a rough night of extensive beer pong) packed all of his belonging and flew out to California to escape the hell which was his home. He still couldn't forget about the girl he fell in love with first; her curious gaze, her fair skin, or her timid smile. At the same time, though, he didn't really expect to. He wasn't sure if he even really wanted to forget, either.
  What he didn't expect nor want was to later find himself getting pulled over by Chief Hopper in the town of Hawkins.
Driving through the main street of Hawkins, Indiana was an old, yet familiar rush for now 22-year-old Micheal Wheeler. He had returned due to the excessive begging of his Mother and sister, Nancy to attend Christmas with the rest of the Wheeler's due to missing holidays with them since his Senior year of high school. They weren't expecting him until the following week, but he figured he mind well go as soon as he could - hence as soon as the population starting to blare Christmas music in the malls and start the deal, he decided to pack his car full of his clothes and belongings; deciding to shack up with his parents as long as he needed until he was able to afford a new place time. He'd grown tired of the blaring sun and decided he wanted to go somewhere colder. New York, Maine, somewhere different.
Mike also looked much different than high school. He was somehow even taller before; chillingly somehow skinnier, too. His hair was shaggy and it's usually straight demeanor changed to wild curls. His cheekbones had hollowed out. He was practically the real-life Edward Scissorhands. He was dressed in loose sweats - a sad attempt to hide his thin frame and lack of mass.
As he was nearing one in the morning, he saw the glimmer of the bar. Deciding to grab a beer to loosen up from his long journey from the West, he pulled up to the curb; half attempting remembering to shut the car's door behind him. Upon entering the bar, he was met with two simple things. One is that he was the only one who seemed to be alive due to the lack of activity. The second thing is that the bartender looked a hell of damn familiar.
Walking up the counter, Mike was meet with the tired face of Steve Harrington. With a faint smirk, Mike shook his head in silent laughter and sat at the counter. As Steve raised his eyes to finally address his only customer, he jolted slightly in surprised and let out a gasp-like noise.
"Micheal? Are you telling me Micheal Wheeler just walked into my bar after God knows how many years since you just left? And you're skinnier than before too? Damn, Wheeler. Only you could manage that too, huh?" Steve ushered as he leaned over the counter and embraced Mike.
  During Mike's more 'adventurous' times and moments, he had grown close to Nancy's ex-boyfriend Steve Harrington and a newer male figure introduced to Hawkins by the name of Billy Hargrove. Besides the bickering and ego-based fights between Billy and Steve, the three proceeded to become Hawkin's most notorious for trouble and the party scene. Whether it was graduation parties, or getting arrested for fights at the cinema over pride, they were the most talked about through Mike's grade. Even with his new friends, though, Mike was still troubled. Once he decided to leave Hawkins, he didn't tell anyone he was leaving; no exception for he newfound male companions.
Letting out a chuckle, Mike hugged Harrington back. "Yeah, I did I guess."
Pulling back to look into his old friend's eyes, Mike looked back towards the bar's counter and nodded towards one of the beer kegs. "Pour a glass for your old pal?"
Looking back to where Mike was looking, Steve understood what Mike was implying, he shook his head as he moved over towards the keg with a somewhat distressed laugh.
"You haven't changed a bit since your youth, huh?" Steve said as he handed Mike the brew.
Throwing it back, Mike placed the now empty glass on the counter and looked Steve in the eye with the same look he's projected since his Freshmen year. "Of course I've changed, Stevey Boy. There aren't many different ways to be addicted to alcohol though, is there?" Mike barked with a huff.  
Steve huffed back and looked at Mike until he met his eyes.
"Micheal, why did you leave Hawkins four years ago?"
Looking at Steve with an unknown emotion, Mike moved his eyes to look at his empty glass and starred for a moment. Sighing in exasperation, he pushed the glass back to Steve and nodded to him. "For the same reason, we even know each other, Harrington. For the same reason, I hung out with Hargrove. For all the same reason I did anything in Hawkins. Because I couldn't stand this place, Steve. When I look around, all I saw was how alone I am. Yeah, I've got my buds and my family, but it's still not right, man. Even now, I feel out of place. Like I'm not in my body".
Like she's still here. Like I should still be looking for her.
Steve shook his head once again and went back to cleaning the glass he was cleaning before Mike had come inside. Refilling Mike's glass, Steve went back to cleaning the bar here and there - this continuing for several rounds of beers and small talk for the two men to catch up with one another.
After an hour more of this, Mike gave Steve his new phone number and promised him that 'they'd hang out soon' and promising he was fine to drive due to his 'iron stomach', Mike stumbled to his car with no eyes to witness. Throwing himself ungracefully into his car's driver seat, he started up his engine and continued to swerve into the driving lane.
Trying to keep a steady wheel but not being able to be fully focused due to his physical state, Mike began to swerve in the road; entering and exiting the opposite driving lane for oncoming traffic. With tired eyes, Mike's vision started to blur and he felt himself drifting off while he was still in town - getting lost due to new streets and road signs; confused as to where his family home was.
Mike was jostled from his current state when blue and red lights entered his vision and the sound of sirens blared into his eardrums. Pulling over as steadily as he could, Mike cursed as he put his car into park and slammed his hands into his steering wheel out of frustration.
With his heart thumping in his chest, he was directed to look to his left at the knocking on his window with a flashlight shining into his car. Mumbling curse words to himself in half-annoyance, half-pain due to the bright light, he rolled his window down and peered at the officer that pulled him over.
Or to be more accurate, the Cheif that pulled him over. None other that Cheif Hopper had pulled him over, and Mike's own shock was mirrored by Hopper.
Clearing his throat, Mike put on his most believable poker face and nodded to the Cheif. "Why, hello, Hopper. How are you?" Mike said with the least amount of slurring that he could conjure.
Grunting at his poor excuse for hiding his alcohol-ridden influence, Hopper yanked open Mike's car door and didn't even bother with his Miranda Right's. Shacking Mike into handcuffs, Hopper dragged Mike out of his vehicle and shoved him into his police car with some effort due to his limpness caused by being wasted.
"You know, Wheeler. I wasn't expecting to pull you over tonight. Nor was I expecting you to ever become this stupid. Fucking hell, you've really let yourself go. The high school you was smarter than this. Fucking hell, you're somehow lighter than you use to be."
Trying to talk was useless since at this point, all Mike could muster was grunts and groans; slowly slipping into a slumber that he couldn't fight off anymore.
this idea came to me today and i decided i mind as well write it. hope you enjoyed this somewhat. reblog and all of that stuff for an update, if y'all want one.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
5 favorite things about your puppy! 🐕🌟
Only FIVE?! Well, let’s see . . .
1.) My top favorite thing is that she’s always happy to see me and she loves me so much. She hates when I leave the house without her and like, on the one hand, this is a bit of an Issue because she gets destructive because of it it isn’t routine. Like she’s okay when I go into the office regularly, but when I haven’t had to go into the office regularly and then suddenly go into the office again (or to the pharmacy to pick up a medication refill) she destroys something and usually ingests at least half of it. So that part sucks, but on the other hand, she’s always SO happy to see me when I come home, she lives sitting up on the couch beside me, she cried with happiness when I came back from Japan, she hates car rides but will fight to go on them if it means she gets to go with me somewhere, etc. It means so much to me that there is someone who loves me so much. I say I would die for her, and that’s true, but also that would destroy her emotionally so I live for her instead, which is much better for her.
(And before anyone asks: No, her destruction is not boredom related. She has like 20 toys all within easy access for her. It’s separation anxiety. I’ve done my best to treat it with aromatherapy and other methods, but I’ve never been able to treat it completely because that would require hiring a behavioral trainer, which is just not affordable for me since they’re like upwards of $400 a session in my area. She’s thankfully always passed what she’s eaten, and I’d rush her immediately to the vet if she had any issues, but yeah, it’s separation anxiety that is manageable if it’s routine separation like me going to work, but that always flares up again during periods like these when I work from home for a while and then have to go back into the office. She’s just a very high-strung dog, it is what it is.)
2.) She has these talky howls that she does that are just the CUTEST. Like she’ll start a howl, right, but then it ends in these little like . . . talky-barks. Like “awoooorowrowrowr.” It’s SO cute, she’s done it ever since she was a bitty baby and had her squeaky puppy voice (her voice is much deeper now that she’s grown, of course). Sometimes I get her to howl JUST to hear it, it’s my favorite.
3.) She Has To Be Dramatic. She Has To. She is the most dramatic about EVERYTHING. Like if I bamboozle her (such as by playing hide-and-seek and jumping out at her, or playing peek-a-boo) she has THE MOST dramatic reactions. She JUMPS into a play bow, she rolls over onto her back while growling and mouthing at my hands (and yet if I put my hand into her mouth and say “bite me then” she pushes my hand out with her paw like “tf are you doing”) . . . recently she has taken to not jumping on the couch if there is one (1) object remotely in the space of where she is. Like the couch can be completely empty except for my Switch controller and she will Stare at me until I move it for her. She could easily jump on the couch still, but nope, the Switch controller is clearly In The Way and she won’t jump as a result. Ridiculous. I love her.
4.) Her ears are big (and floppy) enough to cover her eyes, and she has a BEARD. I didn’t know she’d have a beard when I adopted her and there was always a chance that she’d grow into her ears, but nope, she never fully grew into her ears and she has a BEARD, she is a BEARDED LADY, and I love all of that so much. And it’s especially funny because as a bearded lady you would think she is distinguished, but nope. She is a rowdy girl. She has no dog friends because every time she tries to make one she yells in their faces and tries to tackle their heads and they don’t like that for reasons that are obvious to everyone but her. And yes, I took her to puppy classes when she was young, and no, those did not help, alas.
5.) She’s a SNUGGLEBUGGY. She doesn’t give kisses, which has always made me kind of sad (but honestly is probably for the best because she loves to eat random garbage off the ground all the time, that ruffian), but she LOVES TO CUDDLE. When she got too big to curl up on my lap as she did as a bitty baby she got mad at ME because she thought I shrunk my lap so she couldn’t fit anymore. She still loves to sit on my lap though, and lay as close as she can get, and even though she doesn’t give kisses she likes to headbutt my face before snuggling into me, which I’ve always wondered is perhaps maybe because when I give her kisses on her head that’s what it feels like to her? Like I’m gently headbutting her? So then she does it back to me. She loves pressing up against me and doing doggy leans and curling into a cuddle donut even though that means she whacks herself in the face with her tail because she’s usually wagging her tail at the same time. She is my precious snugglebuggy and I love her so much. ♥
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nervyghost · 7 years
Inspired by this post made by @theonecalledthetasigma
It really inspired me to write something darker than what I usually do, so here’s my interpretation of ten. This will probably be a lot longer than I anticipated, but I’m excited to be writing something spooky for October!
There he was again. 
His tall frame seemed to float down the London streets, barely visible in the thick fog rolling between the buildings. His caramel colored coat swung like a banner at his every movement, his impossibly dark eyes searching for something he would never find. 
Rose Tyler trailed a block behind him, her jaw clenched tightly. She knew who he was, oh yes. She knew what he was. 
His hair bristled, a thousand needle-sharp points standing bolt upright atop his head. His hands were stuffed deep into his pockets, his breaths fogging up the air. He looked nearly normal, though the odd sway and bounce of his walk made him look just out of place enough to give off a weird vibe.
Not a single soul was in sight other than him. 
Rose tightened her death grip on her gun, feeling the cool metal against her fingers. She quickened her step. Cold sweat dripped down her back. She took a deep breath, the cold air biting into her uncovered skin. The hand that wasn’t holding anything shook profusely. 
She blamed the cold. 
She was feet away from him now, and he hadn’t yet turned around. She could see his shoulders rise and fall with his every breath. 
She wanted nothing more than to make it stop.
He froze suddenly, catching her off-guard, his head jerking upright. His hands flew to his sides in a defensive stance. She fought not to cry out as he turned to face her.
He looked almost like a little lost puppy, but a glint in his eyes told her that this wasn’t the case. Not this time. 
She cocked the gun and pressed it against her cheek, prompting a sigh from the creature. 
“Go ahead and shoot.” He growled, his teeth wickedly sharp. “Just end it already.” Fear rooted her to the spot, her finger toying with the trigger, but not pulling it. He blew out a breath from between his teeth. “Knew it." 
"You’re not in a position to be making demands, bastard.” She snapped. He raised his eyebrows. 
“Really?” He snarled. “I’ve got a gun pointed at my chest, and you’re telling me what I can and can’t do?” He took a step forward, drawing himself up to his full height. She staggered backward. He barked out a laugh, the sound chilling her to the bone. “You’re the same as all the others. You threaten me with paper defenses, but you’ll die all the same. You picked a bad night to try and do me in.” His voice was acidic in nature, oozing into her head and making her feel anger she had never experienced before.
“I bet you don’t even remember their names.” The creature took another lumbering step forward. She could see dried blood coating its fingers. 
“Don’t you accuse me of forgetting!” She watched him closely, not letting the gun fall from her hands. “I remember all that die at my hands.” Her heart pounded as he stepped forward once more, his steely eyes peering down at her in fury. She took a few shaky steps backward. His gaze stayed trained on her the whole time, as if daring her to make a move, silently mocking her cowardice. She wanted to bolt right then and there. This- This monster could have killed her at any point of their interaction, but it hadn’t yet. She gripped that thought like a lifeline. 
Remember why you took this case!
A tiny voice piped up in the back of her head.
A cool breeze blew through her hair and she loosened her grip on the trigger. “Tell me about Martha.” She ordered. He visibly shrank, his shoulders falling slack. His fierce gaze faltered. The only sound was the wind howling in the deserted street. “Tell me, damn it!” She bit, fighting not to let her voice crack. “Tell me about my best friend and what you did to her!" 
Anger flared in his eyes. 
"Martha Jones didn’t die!” He spat her name like it was poison in his mouth. “She was the only friend I had.” He continued creeping closer as he spoke, allowing her to see all the cuts and slashes in his rumpled pinstriped suit. All the dried stains of blood clinging to his sleeves. 
“Don’t you dare call her your friend!” She barked. 
“She was all that I had!” He pointed a finger at her. She inhaled sharply, knowing how deadly just one touch could be. He suddenly seemed to realize what he was doing. A growl of frustration tore from his lips. 
He jerked his hand back, forcing it back into his pocket. The sound of fabric tearing accompanied the action. “I didn’t want to hurt her.” He nearly whimpered. “She understood. I made it clear that I didn’t want her to touch me. So,” He swallowed hard. “So she never did." 
This wasn’t what she was expecting. She didn’t want to lower her guard, but he seemed- regretful. Scared even, but more than that- alone. She didn’t want to ask, but the words seemed to be coming by themselves.
"What happened?" 
"We were at a marketplace.” He laughed bitterly again. “Usually try and avoid that kind of thing. I learned that the hard way.” His eyes fell closed, another harsh breath hissing through his teeth. “It was going well. I was having a good time. She was too. I let my guard down." 
When his eyes opened again, they were soulless. "She forgot my warmings. She tried to hold my hand.” He visibly shuddered. “I-I,” His voice broke. “I tightened my grip as a reflex. Her hand seemed right. And then, there was blood everywhere." 
"And then you ran, didn’t you?” He nodded. “Her blood coated my hand. I could hear her screams over the noise of the crowd. I still do, sometimes." 
"We managed to get to her before she bled out.” His eyes flew open wide. Fear glinted in his brown irises. 
“Did she-” Rose shook her head.
“She’s still alive.” She confirmed. He let out a long sigh. “She told me about you. She said that you wanted to stop being alone, but you didn’t tell her what you were. You didn’t tell her that if she touched you, she would be torn apart- literally.” She locked eyes with the beast. “Now, what of Donna Noble?" 
He was upon her before she could even cry out. Blood dripped from where his hand connected with her arm, his breathing rough and ragged. His face was mere inches from hers, his hot breath ghosting against her cheek. He dug his hand deep into her shoulder, nearly connecting with bone. She could hear her muscles squelching as blood ran from her arm. 
She pushed the gun against his chest. 
"Off. Now.” She commanded. He stared down at it with a dull interest. 
“Never mention her name again, got that?” He rasped. He twisted her arm tightly, his needle-sharp grip ripping through her skin. She cried out in pain. He pulled her hair and drew her face close to his. “Don’t you EVER ask me about Donna Noble. Don’t you even breathe her name again. You don’t deserve to.” Spittle flew from his lips and struck her cheek. “HEAR ME?" 
She nodded, and he let go, shoving her to the cold concrete. Warm blood pooled around her. All she could see was his lanky frame stalking away down the alleyway, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets like before. "Wait.” She croaked, trying to rise to her feet. He scowled down at her. His teeth gleamed like daggers. Blood dripped from his needle-sharp claws. 
“Just close your eyes.” He advised. “It’ll be over sooner.” “Meet me tomorrow. Blue box chippy.” She wheezed, gripping her shoulder as she staggered upright. “Four o’ clock. Be there." 
"You can’t control me.” His foot connected with her ribcage. She yelped in pain. “You can’t even talk to me. YOU DON’T KNOW WHO I AM.” He was shouting again, his shape actually fluctuating in the fog, blurring around the edges and becoming impossibly large. His eyes seemed to glow yellow. “YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I’VE BEEN THROUGH." 
She fumbled for her walkie-talkie, jamming down the button, her fingers slick with her own blood.
"Badwolf reporting.” She clutched it to her ear, hoping against all hopes that someone would answer.
“This is the impossible girl, report, Badwolf.” Tears started to fall from her eyes.
“Mission partial failure. He was hostile. He attacked.” Her friend’s official tone instantly fell, and she could see her clutching the case file in her mind’s eye.
“Shit, Rose.” Clara’s voice wavered. “How bad is the injury?” Rose grunted in pain.
“He tackled me. Everything burns. Losing blood fast.” Her breathing was labored and loud. “He left." 
"We’re sending Martha. Hang tight.” Ugly yellow spots danced across her vision.
“What?” Her eyes followed his thin form as he continued walking. 
“He wasn’t hostile until I mentioned Donna. He just snapped.” Clara didn’t respond outright. The words had to sink in.
“And then he attacked?”
“Yeah.” Her words came out as a wheeze. “Yeah, he kicked me a few times, too." 
"Jesus,” Clara mumbled. 
“But, I did get information from him.” He was nearly gone, his silhouette cloudy in the fog. “He didn’t mean to hurt Martha. And he-” She took a deep breath. “He might meet me tomorrow. Blue box chippy at four.”
“There’s no way you’re going to see him again, got that? Not alone." 
"Clara, he’ll attack again if I don’t try and stop him. He didn’t maul me outright. I’ve got a chance." 
"It’s too risky.” Rose managed to lean against one of the buildings stretching around her. She could hear the siren of the Torchwood van ringing through the street and sighed in relief. 
“She’s here.” She clicked off the walkie-talkie, silencing Clara’s protests. She began to limp in the direction of the noise, holding one hand over her eyes when the headlights appeared down the street. 
The van screeched to a halt in front of her, Martha leaping out before the vehicle had fully stopped. She practically collapsed into Martha’s arms, the other woman quickly becoming covered in her coppery blood. Rose, however, hardly noticed. Because she could still see him lurking in the shadows, his wild hair blowing in the breeze. His icy gaze stayed trained on her, his lips quirked upward into a sick smile. 
“C'mon. Let’s get you fixed up.” And then, he was gone.
He watched the van peal down the street, the bloodied human who had seemed to know so much about who he was disappearing around a corner. He could still hear her voice ringing in his ears, repeating the same phrase over and over again.
Be there.
He shook his head like an animal to try and banish the thought to a far corner of his mind, but it just got louder.  
Four o’ clock.
He looked down at his bloody hands and wiped them on his coat, leaving twin red smears down his sides. Why didn’t he end her? 
It wasn’t like her throat wasn’t exposed, one quick bite or touch would have done it, blood gurgling up from her throat and cascading down her chin. He growled in frustration, shoving one hand through his messy hair. 
Her brown eyes had connected with something in him, and even though he didn’t like it, he knew he’d end up at the chippy at four. 
To discuss what, he didn’t know. 
Probably the humans who had died because he didn’t tell them what he was until it was too late. 
Probably to discuss his best friend who had died in his arms. 
He slumped next to a rubbish bin and put his head in his hands, drawing his knees up to his chest. His converses skidded on the cracked concrete. 
He decided.
She dies tomorrow.
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foxdragons-kiss · 8 years
The Lost Boy
I’m including a WARNING for people who have had children or loved ones vanish into the wilderness, just in case.
There were dozens of people out in the woods with lights, calling out the boy’s name and listening for any sound of a reply. State troopers, game wardens, search dogs, snowmobiles, volunteers on foot and in cars, even a helicopter equipped with thermal imaging were working together to find him. Organizers kept everyone on task, assigning jobs to groups of people. People who lived thirty miles away and more kept turning up to help in whatever way they could. Those who weren’t involved in the search itself still kept their eyes peeled for any sign of the boy, offering support to the rescuers by helping the organizers. Neighbors and perfect strangers kept bringing gallons of hot coffee and donuts and food donated by local and not-so-local businesses. Everyone was praying for the best outcome.
However, some were already starting to mentally prepare themselves for the worst.
The boy was last seen running into the woods at noon and hadn’t been seen in the ten hours since then. Temperatures were just barely above freezing when the search had begun, and it had been dropping steadily ever since. The wind wasn’t howling, but it still held a bitterly-cold bite that jarred the bones with steady gusts. Coyotes were making themselves heard. Their barking yips echoed between the bare trees, competing with the creaking rattle of leafless branches. The nearly-full moon offered light but no warmth, no reprieve from the sinking feeling permeating peoples’ minds as the night wore on.
It was nauseating to think about, but it’s a known fact that the longer someone is lost in the woods, the less likely they are to come out again.
Winter is unforgiving.
The boy’s mother sits in a darkened room, entirely alone, watching the helicopter circling over the woods. Her expression is unreadable, her thoughts indecipherable. Everyone felt terrible for her, but at the same time, they knew they weren’t capable of understanding the true horror of having a child lost in the woods.
Just then, a call comes over the radio. It’s about the boy.
Everyone with a walkie-talkie feels their heart stop, every muscle wired with tension, nerves stretched to the snapping point. After the announcement, one cop runs inside the school building they’ve been using as a headquarters. Everyone inside turned to look at him. The same questions burn through their minds in a flash.
What’s going on now? What happened? Did they find something?
Is he alive?
The look on his face is enough. There’s no need for words.
The news acts as a catalyst for an emotional bomb. Pandemonium breaks out across the ranks of rescuers and volunteers. Cries and shouts ring out. People cling to each other as feelings that have built up over the last few hours are finally allowed to break free and overwhelm them.
They found the boy.
He’s alive.
This story comes from a recent personal experience, so I apologize if it’s full of angst but I just had to write it out. If you so wish, you’re free to use it as a prompt. Just make sure to drop my name in the tags somewhere, please.
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