#of what he thinks and doesn't think about in regards to social issues and literature and other stuff
admiral-blackwood · 4 months
you all are giving alex way too much credit, I honestly think he just thought it was a funny idea to use exaggerated gen z slang
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clare-with-no-i · 3 years
I think the fat phobic thing is a reach. I know that JKR is not the most popular person in the world right now, but Harry Potter did not teach kids that being different in appearance means that there is sth wrong with you. Neville is described as being clumsy, chubby and nerdy and is one of the best characters in the series -with beautiful story about growing into yourself and that bravery can be expressed in very different ways. And what about Hagrid! He very much does not conform to societal norms when it comes to looks, he’s being ridiculed because of it by his peers, and yet he’s also one of the best influences in Harry’s life. Luna is described as a very odd looking individual and she’s one of Harry’s best friends. And thing about Weasley’s. I personally thing that JKR description of what growing up poor looks like was very good. I mean we see that this family is being met with scorn, people comment on hand me down clothes, old books, number of kids! This is very spot on. And JKR shows them as loving, giving, industrious people. That’s a very good lesson to kids. And in regards to Dursley’s. Sure, Dudley, Vernon and Marge are overweight. But it’s not that that makes them awful human beings. Does being fat makes Dudley an outcast? No, he has his gang of similar assholes. The trauma of his upbringing is a different story, and stems from inability to reprimand a child and setting a clear set of rules as well as neglecting to teach him compassion and love. You know, bad people come in all shapes and sizes. And HP has it’s problems, sure. But it’s also a children book written in the 90s and doesn’t have to combat every societal issue 🤷🏻‍♀️
ok so I think one of the places this is going wrong is misconstruing how fatphobia might function in literature: it doesn't just have to be 'this person is bad BECAUSE they're fat,' it can also be the fact that there are multiple characters whose appearances seem to be intrinsically tied to their badness—all but, if we're counting Neville, one character—and their size is used as a) the butt of a joke where they could otherwise just be critiqued for being bad people or b) a vehicle to humiliate and/or dehumanize them. need I remind that Marge is literally ballooned? as her comeuppance?
(IMHO Hagrid is a different story altogether because he's literally a giant and functions as a hyperemotional, often fumbling, caregiver. it's not an offensive portrayal but i don't think it's really the naysaying plus sized representation you might think it is. Like I'm not super impressed by the giant character not conforming to human societal norms, because he's repeatedly mentioned to be not human.
also: "He very much does not conform to societal norms when it comes to looks, he’s being ridiculed because of it by his peers, and yet he’s also one of the best influences in Harry’s life." is this supposed to be a good thing? are we supposed to be glad that he's being ridiculed for his looks and still a good person? is that really an authentically good portrayal of someone who doesn't conform to social norms, as opposed to just a person allowed to live in peace?)
I'm also confused about what, wrt Neville, negates the fact that JKR's portrayal of the many characters is fatphobic. like, yeah! I'll take the L and concede that I suppose not every character in HP who's chubby or plus-sized is a caricature of fatphobic stereotypes. does that automatically preclude JKR from leaning into and relying upon fatphobia to write certain characters? no it doesn't. here we see that tokenizing one character as a means of negating the treatment of other characters who share one singular attribute doesn't really work as a defense of a literary phenomenon
and to address some other things: first of all, Luna dresses oddly and talks like a sprite. the way she Doesn't Conform To Standards is not at all comparable to Dudley or Vernon or even Cornelius Fudge or Umbridge. second, yes, Dudley is supposed to be the product of a spoiling household—but he's also written as grubby, infantilized, over-indulging, and a number of other negative stereotypes about plus size people. his appearance is the butt of the joke in a way that another spoiled character from a different children's book, Veruca Salt, never deals with. it isn't necessary and it's lazy.
I uh. never mentioned poverty or her portrayals of class politics? yes, sure, maybe she did a good job of portraying what it's like to grow up in a poor household. and she didn't make the poor people evil. I've talked about this before, and I don't really feel the need to congratulate her for that here. like hoorah JKR you didn't demonize poor people in your supposed critique of systemic inequality. a win for the girlies!
"You know, bad people come in all shapes and sizes." the book's villain is a bald snake man i get it
here are some articles written by people with much more expertise than me on the subject, in case you were in want of sources:
(a good thread from twitter) https://twitter.com/artists_ali/status/1417503461940375557?lang=en
also ffs you can not combat 'every societal issue' (one societal issue) while also not directly contributing to that societal issue? like, there's a middle ground between being an activist for body positivity and being fatphobic? it's called not pointedly making fat characters evil and then continuously mentioning their sizes as an accessory to this evil?
IDK. this whole ask rubbed me the wrong way and I get that I'm not exactly being saintly in my response to you but if you're going to come to my blog and patronize me about the ways that JKR is Not Actually As Bad as we think she is, I'm going to feel comfortable matching that energy.
like, I write fanfiction for this series—I don't categorically hate every part of it and spend my days picking it apart. but there are phenomena and motifs within the HP canon that are worth deconstructing because they can normalize both internalized and interpersonal cruelty, and when those come up, I have no trouble discussing them.
so. have a good one, go with god, eat your wheaties
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Why do you think the BHE crew + their fb group gatekeep 4s and soc-blind stacking so much? I understand that 4s and soc-blind users are less frequent than other types and instincts, but I don't know. The only avowed core 4s are two mods and the ex-SO from one of them. And the only collages typed as sx/sp in their ig account are by, again, two mods and the ex-SO again. There are some, but very, very few, whom have being typed as sp/sx. This, for me, is weird because according to their own literature is the three more common stacking, being sp/so and so/sp the more frequent. But, instead, there are tons of people being typed as sx/so, the least frequent (according to their site). I don't know, some things feel weird.
One could argue that soc-blind users don't tend to lingers in typology communities due their lack of needing to... well, connect. But, then, at least four of them have stated that they actually meet through typology forums. How can the mods be social blind and still building a huge community? It didn't happen by accident, they put effort on the site, the fb group, the pod... I don't know if I am making sense here.
I think the 4 thing and the social stacking thing are separate issues; one potential reason for them not typing many 4s or 4-fixers is that 4s don't ask for help. They are withdrawn types, which means they are self-reliant and not as inclined to ask for someone to tell them who they are -- they are busy projecting and cultivating who they are, every minute of every day. The one "for sure" 4 I know would never ask anyone else to tell her what her Enneagram type is -- but if you showed her a 4 description (not a 9-as-a-4 "happy" 4, but a real one) she would completely identify with feeling like a broken alien who got stuck here in a world where nobody understands her. It's similar to why so few 5s get typed -- they also don't ask for help as much. But the attachment types (3/6/9) want help the most, because they feel confused, may relate to multiple types (especially if 9, who "sees themselves in a lot of numbers"), and need others to affirm their evaluation; they also get "attached" to whatever type they think they are and can be defensive about it, since they are attaching to and using that type as a projection of "identity."
The second possibility is that tritype is not only nonsense and irrelevant, but a way to confuse the issue, explain away all inconsistencies, and make a wrong typing fit -- the ability to say "oh this person doesn't relate to this number, but that's just cuz of their second fix." IE, "I am a 4 with a 9 fix, so I don't broadcast my sense of alienation or negativity in order to keep others happy." Nah, you are just a 9 if that's the case. Actual 4s are frustration/reactive types, there is no repression -- repression is the realm of the 9.
Regarding the stacking issues... well, Emeka doesn't update the Instagram account that much, does he? I wouldn't know; I don't do most social media. The explanation might also be that social blinds wouldn't see the point of submitting collages (who cares what others think of me; I don't need their feedback) and that social-users are more inclined to share a lot of collages / make a lot of them, as a way to connect to others.
Joseph started the Facebook page -- he's a social-dominant; but I don't think most of the soc-blinds interact on social media much. But yes, they are building a following -- as a source of revenue (sp), because they want paid (a lot) to tell you who they think you are, based entirely on visual typing. They have assumptions about how certain types act, take photos, dress, what they put on their Instagram pages, and present themselves, and type you and/or celebs based off these things rather than internal motivations or core desires. If you wrinkle your forehead a lot, or are visually facially expressive, you are a 6, etc. They look at your Instagram page to see what stacking you are, then they watch your video on mute to visually type you, and then having decided what type they think you are, they listen to your video to see if what you say confirms their assumption.
If you feel something is "off" about them, use your discernment. Trust your instincts. Question everything you learn from them, to see if it makes rational sense. If it doesn't (such as "most people are sp/so, but we have mostly sx/so collages in our Instagram"), then take note of that inconsistency and use it going forward in being skeptical and seeking more evidence. If something seems wildly off, don't trust it.
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nakasomethingkun · 3 years
Ezaaaaaaa OMG I just binge watched Enchante and it's such a gem of a show! I watched Cherry Magic because of you too so it's not like I went into it thinking that it wouldn't be good, but it surprised me just how much I'm liking it! Episode 8 was so good and so worth the wait, but now I'm worried about what's going to happen in the remaining 2 episodes 😭 I don't want anything bad to happen to Theo and Akk just when they got together 😭 What do you think is going to happen in episodes 9 and 10?
Yessss my plot to get people hooked on queer asian shows is working hohoho
Hey there!! I'm so glad that you're enjoying Enchante!! :D
that is a great question.... there are a few things that come to mind. first, I think the show is going to tie up any loose ends with the ambassadors. we'll see how Saifa is gonna be living his dream of becoming a singer for the simple price of playing cupid lmao, and we're definitely gonna be seeing Phupha and his mom (based on some clips in the BTS special). They're also gonna want to show what tf is up with Tan and how his relationship with Natee is gonna progress, since it's obvious that he likes Natee. As for Wayo - it looks like his arc is mostly resolved, but I can also see him having a brief interaction with our main boys so that he can get some closure with Theo, given that their last interaction was them throwing hands. Idk. Idc that much about wayo lmao
second, there's the issue of the literature major being phased out.... which I seriously wish will not happen!! because my baby Theo worked so hard on the zine fair!! but. I'm also prepared for the possibility of it happening, because it would be a pretty good source of conflict or dilemma for Theo's character and his relationship with akk e.g., will he change majors? I don't see it happening, given how stubborn he is and how much he loves literature. So will he change schools? Maybe :'( but it'll definitely be a struggle, since Theo obviously would want to always stay close to Akk.
third, they might include some reactions from theo's parents regarding his newfound romance, but I don't think it'll be angsty, since they've established that Theo's mom is okay with her son being queer. They might throw in the whole social class difference thing, but that wouldn't make sense. If status difference was gonna be an issue, theo’s parents would've never let him be close friends with akk in the first place. we already know that Im and Egg are gonna react like the supportive teasing queens they are in ep 9, so I'm looking forward to that :D I always love me some sibling dynamics!!
finally, and probably most obviously, they'll introduce Sun's character properly. He's definitely gonna play a big role in the last 2 episodes. He seems to genuinely like Theo based on the interactions we've seen of him and Theo, but we don't know yet what the nature of his feelings is. I think he's gonna show up in Thailand and trigger a whole crisis in Akk. We know from the trailer that akk is gonna have self-doubts about whether or not he's worthy of Theo, which is just so :((( I hope this doesn't entail him and Theo breaking up tho, because THEY JUST GOT TOGETHER. i'd be so mad if they broke up so quickly lmao. but i do think it'll be good to address Akk's insecurities, and I do think that it makes sense that his inferiority complex wouldn't disappear overnight after he and Theo got together. those things take time, you know?
I can also see them throwing in something that would make theo go back to France :( but if they do, my only wish is that akk will go with him lol
honestly, idk, anon. I personally think that the show has been well-paced so far, so I'm holding out hope that the writers won't throw in too much shit in the final 2 episodes unless it can all be resolved nicely and meaningfully. With all these things needing to be addressed, I hope that they won't have time to come up with some nonsense to drive theo and akk apart lol. so maybe we won't have to experience the penultimate-episode-angsty-break-up curse!!
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youreawizardharr · 5 years
Cradlesona Event: School Days AU
[the image used can be sourced here.]
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Welcome to Milreth
Name: Milreth Academy
Location: Central Quarter
Emblem: Two Staffs Clashing
Motto: "Ever Progressing."
Headmaster: William Latton
Academy Hours: 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m
Office Hours: 6:20 a.m - 6:20 p.m
Lunch Hour: 12:30 p.m - 1:15 p.m
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My piece for the Cradlesona AU event
Tagging: @lovingsiriusoswald
The uniform below can be found right here.
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The uniform Eirene has worn since she attended Milreth Academy as a first year student. She always wears the jacket during class hours, and takes it off during breaks.
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"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly."
Basic Information
Name: Eirene Beverly Chapman
Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 9th
Bloodtype: AB
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 127lbs
Occupation(s): The Classicists
Affiliation(s): Milreth Academy
Alignment: Neutral Good
Item(s): a lanyard with her student ID
Academic Information
Year at Milreth Academy: Second Year
Academic Club: House of Arts
Choice of Course: Art & Design
Major: Fine & Studio Arts
Degree Needed: Master's Degree
The Overview: The coursework of a studio and fine art degree typically focuses on the branch of art students choose, such as painting, sculpture, illustration, animation or performance.
Favorite Subject(s):
Language Arts
Least Favorite Subject(s):
Grade Point Average: 3.8
Academic Credits: 390
Studying Habits:
Eirene prefers a quiet enviroment to study for exams, complete homework or class assignments, practicing with drawing on paper, painting illustrations.
She sometimes organizes study sessions for upcoming exams or class projects (to which she deems important for social interactions, boosts friendships, and helps others in areas they have a harder time with). Eirene usually studies with almost everyone, but studies with Harr and Loki mostly.
Eirene has an exceptional memory, so she doesn't have to write down everything she needs to do or to get.
Her sleep schedule varies at nighttime, mostly because of projects, assignments, writing essays, or exams.
She makes sure to eat healthier snacks.
Student History:
Eirene received a perfect attendance award for never missing a day, or being marked as tardy for being late to class.
A painting she did of the garden in the Civic Center was auctioned at a museum for an extremely high price.
She has wrote several short stories which were published and sold at bookstores across the Central Quarter.
Student Life:
Eirene doesn't have much of a social life, meaning she isn't the partying type, and likes to spend her time wisely by being productive than some of her friends.
She loves going to Milreth's enormous library, but avoids the cafe because it gets overly crowded during exam days.
Eirene enjoys taking long walks or jogging along Milreth's huge courtyard.
Whenever inspiration strikes, she loves drawing, writing, or painting whatever it is that catches her interest. Eirene usually submits these pieces for classes.
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Harr Silver ;
Harr is a third year student at Milreth Academy. However, he and Eirene are taking two completely different courses. With Eirene having chosen art & design, majoring in fine and studio art, where as he's taking a course on engineering, majoring in architecture. The two are constantly busy, but always find the time to spend together.
Eirene leans forward, continuing to run the tips of her fingers through black tresses. "Hey, Harr?" Her inquiry is murmurered, but the man in question hears her, humming to confirm he heard her. "Want to come over for a study session? You can bring Loki along, if you feel uncomfortable being alone with me." Harr opens his visible eye, staring up at his girlfriend of two years. "W-What do you need help with?" He looks away from her, a blush blossoming onto his face. "Are you having problems with math again, Eirene?"
She stops playing with his hair to stroke his reddening cheek. "You know I've never been particularly talented with mathematics, Harr. But you seem to have no issues with figuring out complicated math problems, am I right?"
The third year student sat up, shifting to address his lover. "I can help you in areas you have the most trouble with. If I have issues with drawing and maping things out, I know you will help me. We balance eachoth--- Eirene cuts him off, pressing her lips against his. Pulling away, she smiles happily. "You know I'll do anything for you, right, Harr?"
Loki Genetta ;
Loki is a first year student at Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course on business, majoring in business management & administration, minoring business sales. Loki wanted to take a course on business, so that he can work closely with Harr. Hoping that, when the two of them graduate, they can open up their own business in Cradle.
Eirene and Loki always hang out together on weekends or through group study sessions. If Harr is too busy, Loki will help Eirene with her standardized homework, and even allows her to practice drawing illustrations of him and watch her paint them, afterward.
Loki procrastinates completing his work alot of the time, making Harr lecture him about the importance of his education and that working hard will pay off once he graduates, even reminding Loki about them opening their own business in the Central Quarter, which inspires Loki to complete his work.
"Loki, have you completed your homework?" Harr inquired the pink haired teen, scrubbing a filthy dish with a soapy sponge. "Have you even started your class project? You know, your paper is due next week." Loki silently toys around with his unfinished dinner, causing the tips of the fork to scrap against the glass. "Eirene is writing my paper. And before you start nagging, she offered to write it for me. She said she wanted to practice writing, so I agreed in exchange for doing her math homework for her. I hate writing, you know that. I believe this is fair."
Harr rinces the plate once he finished scrubbing, setting it down in the dish rack. "Your education is important. I've told you this countless times. Both of you should be doing the work yourselves, so that you can learn to accomplish in areas you're weak in." The third year student grabs another plate to scrub. "Do you want to open up a business with me once you graduate from the academy?" Loki stood up from the table to scrap leftover food into the trash with his fork. "I do want to open up a business with you, Harr. I thought this course would be fun, but it's not fun. There's too much work involved." A sigh escapes from Harr. "Loki, you have to work for what you want. Life isn't going to hand everything to you. If you want to open up a business with me, work hard to achieve it. I will support your dream."
Loki ran up the stairs to his room, the sound of the door slamming shut echoing throughout the house. Harr returns to washing the rest of the dishes, making a mental note to lecture Eirene at a later date.
Seth Hyde ;
Seth is a third year student at Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course in art & design, majoring in fashion & apparel design. He wants to be a fashionista, and expand his experience in the fashion industry of Cradle. Seth is confident in his ability to design fashion wear for women.
Eirene and Seth met by accident one afternoon (during break, to be more precise), becoming good friends with one another.
"You made a mistake." Eirene pointed out, gesturing toward the mistake Seth made. The man let out a shriek when he noticed the mistake. "How can this be?! I was certain I drew the curves correctly!" Smiling, Eirene takes the artbook from him, using her own pencil to erase the mistake and correct it. "No worries." She handed the drawing book back to him. "My name is Eirene Chapman."
He grins, placing the artbook down beside him. "My name is Seth Hyde. Want to be friends, Eirene? We can bond over artwork."
The two of them mostly hang out during breaks, sharing their drawing techniques, offering advice about improving styles, etc. Seth and Eirene brainstorm color palettes, and Seth watches Eirene paint his designs.
Jonah Clemence ;
Jonah is a third year student of Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course in art & design, majoring in drama & theater art. He's confident with his performances on the stage, and wants to be a famous, talented actor of Cradle. Eirene met Jonah when she was tasked to help set the stage for an upcoming event the academy planned for.
"This goes against my aesthetics." Jonah remarked, taking Eirene's artwork and throwing it on the floor of the stage. "Make it better." The second year student kept her mouth shut, feeling her eyes sting with unshed tears. Seth came up besides Eirene, picking up the scenery illustration she made. "What do you know about aesthetics, Cling of Hearts? I believe Ei did a fantastic job painting this piece. Do you know how many hours she's worked on it?" The fashion designer scolded the young actor. "Do you?"
The Queen of Hearts scoffed, regarding Seth with disdain. "No, but I don't care. Everything has to be perfect for this play, since I have the lead role. Second best is not an option."
Eirene forces a smile, reaching down to pick up an opened can of paint. "You think my work is second best? I put my heart into everything I draw, paint, and write. If you wanted someone better, then you shouldn't have wasted your time asking for MY help." She dumps all the paint on Jonah, throwing the can off to the side once there's nothing left, storming off the stage, leaving a shocked Seth and an angry Jonah behind.
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