#cradlesona au event
youreawizardharr · 5 years
Cradlesona Event: School Days AU
[the image used can be sourced here.]
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Welcome to Milreth
Name: Milreth Academy
Location: Central Quarter
Emblem: Two Staffs Clashing
Motto: "Ever Progressing."
Headmaster: William Latton
Academy Hours: 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m
Office Hours: 6:20 a.m - 6:20 p.m
Lunch Hour: 12:30 p.m - 1:15 p.m
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My piece for the Cradlesona AU event
Tagging: @lovingsiriusoswald
The uniform below can be found right here.
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The uniform Eirene has worn since she attended Milreth Academy as a first year student. She always wears the jacket during class hours, and takes it off during breaks.
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"Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly."
Basic Information
Name: Eirene Beverly Chapman
Age: 20
Date of Birth: July 9th
Bloodtype: AB
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 127lbs
Occupation(s): The Classicists
Affiliation(s): Milreth Academy
Alignment: Neutral Good
Item(s): a lanyard with her student ID
Academic Information
Year at Milreth Academy: Second Year
Academic Club: House of Arts
Choice of Course: Art & Design
Major: Fine & Studio Arts
Degree Needed: Master's Degree
The Overview: The coursework of a studio and fine art degree typically focuses on the branch of art students choose, such as painting, sculpture, illustration, animation or performance.
Favorite Subject(s):
Language Arts
Least Favorite Subject(s):
Grade Point Average: 3.8
Academic Credits: 390
Studying Habits:
Eirene prefers a quiet enviroment to study for exams, complete homework or class assignments, practicing with drawing on paper, painting illustrations.
She sometimes organizes study sessions for upcoming exams or class projects (to which she deems important for social interactions, boosts friendships, and helps others in areas they have a harder time with). Eirene usually studies with almost everyone, but studies with Harr and Loki mostly.
Eirene has an exceptional memory, so she doesn't have to write down everything she needs to do or to get.
Her sleep schedule varies at nighttime, mostly because of projects, assignments, writing essays, or exams.
She makes sure to eat healthier snacks.
Student History:
Eirene received a perfect attendance award for never missing a day, or being marked as tardy for being late to class.
A painting she did of the garden in the Civic Center was auctioned at a museum for an extremely high price.
She has wrote several short stories which were published and sold at bookstores across the Central Quarter.
Student Life:
Eirene doesn't have much of a social life, meaning she isn't the partying type, and likes to spend her time wisely by being productive than some of her friends.
She loves going to Milreth's enormous library, but avoids the cafe because it gets overly crowded during exam days.
Eirene enjoys taking long walks or jogging along Milreth's huge courtyard.
Whenever inspiration strikes, she loves drawing, writing, or painting whatever it is that catches her interest. Eirene usually submits these pieces for classes.
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Harr Silver ;
Harr is a third year student at Milreth Academy. However, he and Eirene are taking two completely different courses. With Eirene having chosen art & design, majoring in fine and studio art, where as he's taking a course on engineering, majoring in architecture. The two are constantly busy, but always find the time to spend together.
Eirene leans forward, continuing to run the tips of her fingers through black tresses. "Hey, Harr?" Her inquiry is murmurered, but the man in question hears her, humming to confirm he heard her. "Want to come over for a study session? You can bring Loki along, if you feel uncomfortable being alone with me." Harr opens his visible eye, staring up at his girlfriend of two years. "W-What do you need help with?" He looks away from her, a blush blossoming onto his face. "Are you having problems with math again, Eirene?"
She stops playing with his hair to stroke his reddening cheek. "You know I've never been particularly talented with mathematics, Harr. But you seem to have no issues with figuring out complicated math problems, am I right?"
The third year student sat up, shifting to address his lover. "I can help you in areas you have the most trouble with. If I have issues with drawing and maping things out, I know you will help me. We balance eachoth--- Eirene cuts him off, pressing her lips against his. Pulling away, she smiles happily. "You know I'll do anything for you, right, Harr?"
Loki Genetta ;
Loki is a first year student at Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course on business, majoring in business management & administration, minoring business sales. Loki wanted to take a course on business, so that he can work closely with Harr. Hoping that, when the two of them graduate, they can open up their own business in Cradle.
Eirene and Loki always hang out together on weekends or through group study sessions. If Harr is too busy, Loki will help Eirene with her standardized homework, and even allows her to practice drawing illustrations of him and watch her paint them, afterward.
Loki procrastinates completing his work alot of the time, making Harr lecture him about the importance of his education and that working hard will pay off once he graduates, even reminding Loki about them opening their own business in the Central Quarter, which inspires Loki to complete his work.
"Loki, have you completed your homework?" Harr inquired the pink haired teen, scrubbing a filthy dish with a soapy sponge. "Have you even started your class project? You know, your paper is due next week." Loki silently toys around with his unfinished dinner, causing the tips of the fork to scrap against the glass. "Eirene is writing my paper. And before you start nagging, she offered to write it for me. She said she wanted to practice writing, so I agreed in exchange for doing her math homework for her. I hate writing, you know that. I believe this is fair."
Harr rinces the plate once he finished scrubbing, setting it down in the dish rack. "Your education is important. I've told you this countless times. Both of you should be doing the work yourselves, so that you can learn to accomplish in areas you're weak in." The third year student grabs another plate to scrub. "Do you want to open up a business with me once you graduate from the academy?" Loki stood up from the table to scrap leftover food into the trash with his fork. "I do want to open up a business with you, Harr. I thought this course would be fun, but it's not fun. There's too much work involved." A sigh escapes from Harr. "Loki, you have to work for what you want. Life isn't going to hand everything to you. If you want to open up a business with me, work hard to achieve it. I will support your dream."
Loki ran up the stairs to his room, the sound of the door slamming shut echoing throughout the house. Harr returns to washing the rest of the dishes, making a mental note to lecture Eirene at a later date.
Seth Hyde ;
Seth is a third year student at Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course in art & design, majoring in fashion & apparel design. He wants to be a fashionista, and expand his experience in the fashion industry of Cradle. Seth is confident in his ability to design fashion wear for women.
Eirene and Seth met by accident one afternoon (during break, to be more precise), becoming good friends with one another.
"You made a mistake." Eirene pointed out, gesturing toward the mistake Seth made. The man let out a shriek when he noticed the mistake. "How can this be?! I was certain I drew the curves correctly!" Smiling, Eirene takes the artbook from him, using her own pencil to erase the mistake and correct it. "No worries." She handed the drawing book back to him. "My name is Eirene Chapman."
He grins, placing the artbook down beside him. "My name is Seth Hyde. Want to be friends, Eirene? We can bond over artwork."
The two of them mostly hang out during breaks, sharing their drawing techniques, offering advice about improving styles, etc. Seth and Eirene brainstorm color palettes, and Seth watches Eirene paint his designs.
Jonah Clemence ;
Jonah is a third year student of Milreth Academy. He decided to take a course in art & design, majoring in drama & theater art. He's confident with his performances on the stage, and wants to be a famous, talented actor of Cradle. Eirene met Jonah when she was tasked to help set the stage for an upcoming event the academy planned for.
"This goes against my aesthetics." Jonah remarked, taking Eirene's artwork and throwing it on the floor of the stage. "Make it better." The second year student kept her mouth shut, feeling her eyes sting with unshed tears. Seth came up besides Eirene, picking up the scenery illustration she made. "What do you know about aesthetics, Cling of Hearts? I believe Ei did a fantastic job painting this piece. Do you know how many hours she's worked on it?" The fashion designer scolded the young actor. "Do you?"
The Queen of Hearts scoffed, regarding Seth with disdain. "No, but I don't care. Everything has to be perfect for this play, since I have the lead role. Second best is not an option."
Eirene forces a smile, reaching down to pick up an opened can of paint. "You think my work is second best? I put my heart into everything I draw, paint, and write. If you wanted someone better, then you shouldn't have wasted your time asking for MY help." She dumps all the paint on Jonah, throwing the can off to the side once there's nothing left, storming off the stage, leaving a shocked Seth and an angry Jonah behind.
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Okay, here we go...
Title: A Gentleman's Education
Ray Blackwell x Olivia Laurent (OC)
University AU
Warning: Implied masturbation, implied sexual act
Written for @lovingsiriusoswald 's Cradlesona School Event 
** Disclaimer: Ray is an eighteen-year-old Freshman in this fic.
Friday afternoon. 
He sat at his usual spot at the bleachers overlooking the large field where the cheerleaders practiced. By now, he had memorized their practice schedule and he had arranged his classes such that he had time to see her. 
Her. Olivia Laurent - the Twenty-year-old History Major, Dean's Lister, Cheerleading Captain, and very recently, he heard, the girlfriend of their University's Football Captain. She was the first person to welcome him during his Freshman Orientation and despite being set up on blind dates by his best friend, Ray would always find himself seeking her out. 
But she'd never notice a Freshman like me, he thought silently as he leaned back and closed his eyes. In the past six months since he and his best friend started studying at Cradle University, their dating averages had increasingly grown apart, but he was fine with it. After all, Fenrir was always a ladies man, while he, on the other hand, had his eyes set on one girl alone. Unfortunately, that girl had no idea he existed…
Or did she?
A cheerful voice snapped him out of his daydream and he opened his eyes to find her face inches away from his. Startled, he made to sit up but clumsily fell off his chair, much to her surprise.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry -, " she started to say, as she reached out to help him stand. 
"I'm fine. I'm fine, " he said, cutting her off. His heart hammered against his chest as he stood, and he pretended to dust himself up, to buy him enough time to calm down. 
"I'm sorry."
"Did you need anything?" He asked, hoping she wouldn't notice how his voice shook. And how could it not when the star of his nightly fantasy was standing a few inches away, and talking to him. 
She smiled at him shyly, her brown eyes concealed by her long lashes, and he took a deep breath. "Not really, " she started to say. "I, well… the team ended practice early because everyone's gonna prepare for the dance tonight."
The dance, he thought all of a sudden and winced. Fenrir kept bugging him about it all week. 'It's gonna be an educational event', his best friend kept saying. But between the tests he had to study for, the papers he needed to turn in, and the practices he had to watch, it had somehow slipped his mind. Now, everyone in school was probably going to be there except him. 
"Are you going?"
Once again, her voice brought her back to the present and he shook his head. "Not my style, " he shrugged, hoping she wouldn't see past his lie. "I'm gonna study. You know, use the peace and quiet to do something productive."
"Is that so?" The slender brunette smiled at him, as she inched closer to him, her finger tracing his arm. "What are you studying tonight?"
"History -, " he replied, swallowing hard. 
"What a coincidence, I'm a History major. Wanna study together?"
"Aren't you going to the dance tonight?"
"I could, " she said, before standing on the tips of her toes to whisper, "but I'd really rather be doing other things with you. You know, like 'studying'. Is it okay if we 'study' together, Ray?"
She said his name - and the way she said it reminded him of those nights she would moan his name in his head while he touched himself in the darkness. 
"Okay," he gulped, his forehead breaking into a sweat. He knew his face was turning red, and feared that wasn't the only part of him that was changing.
"Good. Shall we go to my dorm? I have a room to myself. I doubt anyone would bother us."
"But how did you -"
"Shush, Ray, " she said, taking the Freshman by the hand. "You see, while you were watching me, I was watching you, too."
Ray smiled back at the beautiful vixen in front of him and allowed her to lead the way. For once, he didn't care about a silly dance, which his best friend regarded as an educational experience, because tonight he was going to get a real gentleman's education. 
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*** I did it! I actually wrote this in thirty minutes. I hope you like it. ***
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leychee · 5 years
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shdcbjsdhcb of course it’s blurry thanks tumblr click to see a clear image
Adriana Lee
Year/Course: 2nd Year, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Design
Favorite Subject: Fashion Sketching/Event Planning
Least Favorite Subject: Finance/Merchandise Buying
Affiliated Organization(s): Fashion Club, The Cradle Arts of Fashion Foundation
Study Habits
one of the smart students, but procrastinates with individual assignments
is great to work with in group projects though because she doesn’t slack off (actually ends up doing most of the work sometimes lmao rip)
either studies in the morning if she has free time or studies at night after her busy schedule
always on that green tea to stay awake cuz honestly what is sleep
scribbles down whatever she can during lectures, then fills in what she’s missing and organizes her notes in a different notebook
while studying for exams, she goes to bed at the same time as she usually does and wakes up early to continue instead of studying through the whole night
hates missing class and will never miss a day or be late unless she has no choice
buys cute stationery and actually uses them lol
does her best to stay positive and not have expectations that are too high. she has a good grasp on what she can do and what she can’t do at the time
Student Life
event coordinator for school’s fashion club
holds fashion shows: the fall semester fashion show takes place in November - applications open from June-July and last-minute signups in August
holds events where members can display their designs and sell their clothing
The club take requests from professors, staff, and fellow classmates whether they want something new made, repurposing, or something needs some fixing up
sometimes lends a hand to other clubs that need help with coordinating their events
also takes interior design and business classes for fun
always has her sketchbook, sewing kit, fabric samples, and color samples in her backpack
are you hungry? she has pastries. need something to nibble on? she’s got snacks. this girl always has some food on her
likes helping out the costume designers prepare the costumes for school plays/performances
made a presentation in front of the school board to open a program where people can donate business suits/formal attire for students who can’t afford to dress for success
is currently working on convincing her family to open up internships to their company for students at her university
interns at a design firm for hands-on training
plus it’s a paid internship, which she likes so she doesn’t have to be dependent on her parents too much
Shenanigans with Other Students let them be dumb young people
on her locker door, there’s a small mirror, calendar, and a mini pouch she puts snacks in
she taped a cute little paper bag underneath the holes/slits on the door, so it can catch the notes Fenrir slips inside her locker
Kyle scolds Lance for not getting enough rest, so he makes Lance take naps in the nurse’s office
Adriana found out when she stopped by to get a bandage from pricking her fingers with sewing needles too much
the two of them made a secret agreement to draw on Lance’s face one day while he’s taking a nap they’ve failed at every attempt so far
when she’s the one Kyle’s scolding for not getting enough rest, she stares at him with a blank expression until he tells her to stop being weird, then makes her escape
sometimes hangs out with Jonah and Edgar at a cafe when they have time between classes
gets really excited when Luka or Sirius brings food to school
often asks Seth for advice or his opinions on her design sketches and sample garments
tries her best to free up time to watch Fenrir at soccer practice and visit games
has a lot of receipts on Ray thanks to Loki, but then Ray also has receipts on Adriana because of Loki and neither of them know Loki’s messing around with them
when her schedule gets really hectic, she falls asleep in the classroom or club room often and finds Fenrir’s jacket around her shoulders whenever she wakes up
sometimes when she, Ray, and Fenrir hang out, she purposely becomes a third wheel so she can watch and think about how cute their friendship is
one time the guys were playing chicken fight and next up it was supposed to be Sirius with Luka on his shoulders and Lancelot with Jonah, but Jonah didn’t want to harm his precious little brother
they didn’t have a problem finding a new player though because Adriana volunteered to get on Lance’s shoulders just so she can t-pose Sirius
she wasn’t about to pass up that opportunity
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5-of-spades · 5 years
Elizabeth Marlowe: Student overview
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Elizabeth Marlowe
* - see at the end of the profile for further explanation 
Year/Course: 4th year ,Chemistry major with minor in Dance and Ballet Favorite Subject: Chemistry lab requirement 108 and Pointe I  Least Favorite Subject: Chemistry 96 Affiliated Organization/s: Dance group, University of Fine Arts;  Student History: Enrolled before majority of the known cast, leader of the dance group at the University, often in charge of organization of school events in terms of entertainment, graduated as a valedictorian of her generation alongside her brother.
More under the cut
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Student Life: As one of three children of the Marlowe family, Elizabeth was compelled into choosing a major with most connections to Alchemy*, as she is is expected to inherit the position  of her family’s research agency into this, still non-integrated, science. A star student through all her years, she is often spoken highly of by her professors and peer. Her high social standing played a role in securing her a large circle of friends and came with many advantages, such as securing her a scholarship. However, despite rumors that her family’s name was the reason behind  it, Elizabeth has earned her scholarship completely on her own. At a young age she showed incredible talent for dancing and was allowed to pursue the hobby as long as she didn’t falter in her education. She is seemingly the picture of a perfect student but deep underneath all of her facade there is a deeply rooted regret over her inability to break out of her golden cage and pursue what she truly wants. Some male students discuss how the new dancer in the popular bar has resemblance to her but no one has been bold enough to outwardly ask her that.
Study habits: The type of students that manages to take notes in every single class and organize them by importance and color and sits in first rows. Archetype of a popular smart girl everyone knows and either likes or dislikes. Hands in her assignments and tasks three days after being given the same. Very studios and dedicated to her studies. Passionately practices every evening. Elizabeth seems to have a perfect balance between studying and dance practice and maintain a social life along with it. As a leader of the dance group she is very strict and rarely tolerates mistakes in their routine and choreography, but her group mates have gotten used to it. 
Elliot Marlowe - twin brother, sees him as her biggest competition in her academy success and often competes against him in various fields that are or aren’t related to their majors and minors, loves him dearly and sometimes helps him out of trouble he gets into as well as cover for him for his professors or parents, gets tutoring lessons from him in Maths, they have been seen sneaking out late at night but the place they go to has not yet been established
Elise Marlowe - younger sister, very protective over her and often dotes on her alongside Elliot, very weak for her puppy eyes look and can never get angry at her, worries if other kids are bullying her and often has others check on her, both her and Elliot get tutoring from her in Chemistry
Lancelot Kingsley - childhood friend, often teases him for being shorter than her (he surpasses her when after she graduates), dotes on him as well calling him her little brother alongside Elliot, practices dancing with him and often is the one reminding him he has to eat properly and pushing him to socialize more alongside Sirius, Harr and Jonah, teases him about when he’ll get a girlfriend
Jonah Clemence - childhood friend, discusses about various trends and fads among Red nobility, often takes him out for outings where they try out different desserts, occasionally helps with choreographies for his plays or acts as a dancing support/extra, finds him slightly over the top but in an entertaining way, sometimes dotes on him just to see him act out
Edgar Bright - despite being the future Jack, treats him more like a smaller brother but doesn’t hang around him unless Elise is with them, finds him eccentric and weird compared to nobility’s standards but still makes time to check on him if possible, likes that he keeps Elise company during her studies
Kyle Ash - a young prodigy, doesn’t see him around except on rare occasions, knows she will work in future with him but doesn’t bother to establish any sort of meaningful connection, saw him as a threat to her academic record before she realized she will graduate before he overtakes her
Zero - very suspicious about him considering the rumors about him, doesn’t help the fact Edgar is the one taking care of him, she keeps her distance from him but won’t hesitate to greet him if they shall meet in the hallway
Ray Blackwell - sees an greets him occasionally, a fun-loving guy which she finds about from her own outings, finds him somewhat charming in a innocent young childlike way, surprises her by being very serious in his studies despite his abundant social life and affinity to get into trouble, saved him a couple of times but not without asking for a favor in return
Sirius Oswald - knows him exclusively through doting over Lancelot but finds him pleasant to be around but thinks he acts too over-protective and has very idealistic view of the world, thanks him for every bouquet he provides for her dance recitals and orders more over time, teases him for acting old for his age, helps Lancelot and Harr drag his wasted friend by calling Elliot to help them
Luka Clemence - knows him as Jonah’s younger brother, doesn’t spend too much time with him but can’t help dote on him sometimes along with Jonah, his quiet nature is suspicious to her but doesn’t hang around him often, greets him in the hallway but doesn’t go further than that
Seth Hyde  - loud and eccentric but he has an abundance of ideas and even if she is rather disgruntled about it, she comes to him to get an inspiration for her next dance piece just by watching him work, isn’t too fond of letting him fiddle with her dance outfits but considers it’s a fair deal
Fenrir Godspeed  - sees him around Ray, also loud and too vibrant for her taste but he seems to have his heart in the right place, knows about his family’s business, sees him out often and helped bailed him out of trouble together with Ray, and again asked for a favor in return
Harr Silver  - knows him exclusively through Lancelot, very interested in his magic potential for furthering research on alchemy and often asks a lot of questions about his magical powers and their manifestations to gather more information but doesn’t press him for answers when he doesn’t feel like talking about it, thinks he is a very polite and noble man but too naive and idealistic, reminds him to eat properly as well
*while Alchemy is completely disregarded in Land of the Reason as an actual or substantial science, I believe that in Cradle Alchemy is a real possibility that can be utilized as long as a person performing the act possesses magical capabilities of any kind.The strength and type of magic is irrelevant to minor processes but more durable and stronger or more complex processes require more magical strength and specific type of magic for it to work. Alchemy is still flawed science and a lot of research is being made for better understanding. The practice in some areas of Alchemy clashes with work of Magic Tower but Marlowes have monopolized the research in early days of Cradle’s creation, making a deal with the Magic Tower that their research cannot replace the production of magic crystals of the Tower and therefore such types of research are strictly confidential, only available to top 3 ranked officers: King, Queen and Jack with the 10 of Hearts acting as executor of their will. Since then it has been a family tradition passed down through generations. As a rule, male heir is sent to the Army after graduation, one child has to pursue career in Alchemy and the remaining has to take over family’s pharmacy cooperation. Since Elise has secured her position as a heir of pharma cooperation in early years, Elizabeth is involuntary pushed into majoring in Chemistry to be able to take over the Alchemy research.(more omitted because it’ll be explained in her profile)  
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mayareth · 5 years
School Days AU Cradlesona
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The event is here, yay! I’ll do Margareth first, since she is my ”real” Cradlesona, but maybe I’ll do a school days version of Cassiopée and Grace too later.
Year/Course: 2nd-year political science degree with a minor in law.
Favourites Subjects: International relationships and History of politics (and everything to do with foreign languages, history and geography in general).
Least Favourites Subjects: Philosophy and General political economy (and everything to do with math, science and art in general).
Affiliated Organizations: Association of Political Science and Administration Students (APSAS) and Union of the Students of Cradle Central University (USCCU it defends the student's rights and organise diverse events and protests).
Student History: She had the opportunity to enter to the Cradle Central University thanks to the Godspeed family recommendation. Her adoptive parents hadn't enough money to pay her a five-year cycle so she chose to go for the three-year cycle. However, her teachers saw how hard she worked and offered to help her to access to the full cycle. Margareth is also one of the leaders of the USCCU.
Student Life: Everyone sees her as a very organized person, thanks to her good grades, but that's not the case AT ALL. Margareth tends to work late at night to finish her work on time and she often starts to prepare them very late. Margareth doesn't go to party regularly but she will gladly attend to some if she is invited to by other students. Encourage the students to protest when they are not respected or heard by the head of the university or by the government. Will gladly volunteers on charity projects (often with Grace). Margareth will barely sleep during the exam session but once it’s over, she will spend all her free mornings in bed!
Study Habits: Start to study around 8 pm so doesn't get much sleep (5 hours maximum per day during the exam session). Margareth hates to summarize her lessons so she will prefer to study the entire book than to rewrite something shorter. Has some difficulties to take notes during the classes since she doesn't want to use abbreviations. Saturday is a no-work day for her, apart from the ones during the exams. Margareth’s greatest fear is to have to do group projects. She can't stand no to be in total control of her work. If it's good, she wants the compliments all for herself but if it's a fail, she is willing to take the entire responsibility and never have to drag the others into her mess. Also, she doesn't want any other deadlines than the one where the project has to be hand over to the teacher. With the years passing by, Margareth learnt to manage her anxiety. Still, she will act as if she was stressed before an exam while she is pretty calm compared to certain students. She is that girl who will study a little AND very late at night but have better marks than yours.
1. With the other characters
Ray Blackwell: They attend some classes together (foreign languages and philosophy) and got close pretty fast since they got paired to do the first group project and are from the same faction. Both are members of the USCCU. They can often be found together in the library, reading, sharing books and researching information. Run into each other at parties (it was more likely Fenrir who arranged things to make them meet every time they hang out). They finally started to date each other after a fancy ball at the end of their first year at university.
Lancelot Kingsley: Despite being close to the Red faction (while she is more of a Black girl), he is a good friend of Margareth. They often work together for group projects since they attend to nearly all of their classes together (when Lance come to school of course). Both of them are really appreciated by their teachers and are among the best students of all their promotion. A lot of lunchtimes are spent together, debating different issues of society (it makes Ray jealous sometimes).
Fenrir Godspeed: He knew Margareth before going to the university since he often goes at her bookshop with his family and stayed friend with her since then. Try to drag her to parties and desperately want Ray to confess his feelings for her. Margareth sometimes workout and go running with him. Both Ray and her attempt to make Fenrir eating tomatoes.
Jonah Clemence: He was jealous of Margareth at first, seeing her spending so much time with Lance but once he got to know her best, she became a member of his very close circle of friends. They train together to improve the way they speak to a large crowd. Jonah and Margareth also always eat a millefeuille together for their birthday tea time.
Luka Clemence: Margareth went to talk with him because she needed some cooking tips and advice to keep a healthy vegetarian diet. She heard he was one of the best students in his major (Jonah also mentioned him a couple of times). He was very shy at the beginning but then he opened up to Margareth and found themselves cooking together pretty often. Despite knowing she is a friend of his hatred old brother, Luka talks quite often with her because he is aware Margareth won't repeat anything compromising to the future Queen of Hearts.
2. With my other Cradlesonas
Grace: They don't attend the same classes at all (since Grace is studying surgery) but they see each other at parties and, more importantly, at charity events and during USCCU meeting, as Grace is also one of the leaders of the union. We can't say they got along very well at the beginning, Margareth judging the future Lady Clemence as superficial and haughty and Grace seeing the future Lady Blackwell as boring and cold. As they got to organize meeting together, they started to talk more often and became really good friends, seeing each other nearly every day, chatting about the way their day had gone or even gossiping sometimes.
Cassiopée: They were designated to be roommates from their first day at Cradle Central University. Despite having opposite personalities and major orientations (Cassiopée is studying engineering), they quickly became close friends, sharing everything from clothes to secrets. In the end, they even found out their boyfriends were best friends. They work out together several times per week and Cassiopée sometimes help Margareth during charity events (despite the fact she doesn't appreciate Grace). Cassiopée also made small weapons for Margareth in case she got assault when she is alone.
They evolute depending on which year you’re in and on your faction (Black/Neutral/Red). You can choose but you don't belong to an army while you’re at the university. Fights aren’t allowed and all the teachers must keep neutral opinions! However, since Margareth is on a political science degree, I thought most of the students of this option, at least, must already have an opinion about which side they’re in.
First three years:
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Black Faction - Red Faction - Neutral
Two last years:
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Black Faction - Red Faction - Neutral
FINALLY!!!! I’m so late and I have the worst excuse in the world: I was lost in the uniforms. I really wanted all the factions to be equals and it took me DAYS to find the perfects uniforms. Also, I know I shouldn't have included factions but that was so tempting! Hope it's not too late, I’ll try to do Grace and/or Cassiopée this month and even to write a fic (maybe even NSFW, who knows?)
Tagging @lovingsiriusoswald and @emeraldtawny since it’s based on her University AU Headcanons
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cradlesonanetwork · 4 years
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Hello everyone! its been a while. On the 23rd of this month was the anniversary of when cradlesonas where made by the lovely @lovingsiriusoswald​! And the 28th is the Cradlesonas Discord servers anniversary! And so starting today we will be starting the Masquerade Event, and it will end on the 28th of July but you can always extend the dead line, the event is not exclusive to the given time period.
Event Details:
A masquerade is happening and you're invited! Make sure you bring a mask to hide your identity~
Event Reminders:
This event can be as flexible as you want; it can even be mixed in with other Aus. There are no specific rules with this event, do whatever your heart desires!
What tags to use:
#cradlesona masquerade
#cradlesona event
feel free to tag the blog @cradlesonanetwork too!
Who can participate?
Anyone can! doesnt matter if you dont even have a cradlesona but just a bunch of ocs!~ Youre more than welcomed to join.
How can I participate?
You can do basically anything and everything, there's alot of forms of art may it be creating art,making character references,using Picrew (make sure to include their links!),fanfics,moodboards,or even playlists! 
 We thankyou all for this wonderful year and cant wait to see what everyone comes up with! If you have any questions, you can send us a message or an ask! <3
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
Cradlesona: School Days AU Event
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Hello everyone!! We'll be starting the School Days AU event soon! The event would start on August 2 (for the normal timezones) / August 3 (for people living in the future), until August 9 / August 10. However, if you wish to extend, feel free to do so! The event is not exclusive to the given time period.
This event is inspired by the school days event on IkeRev JP and many, many uniforms on Pinterest.
First official event for Cradlesonas! In this event, showcase your personas study habits, youth and interactions with the suitors in school or university setting! This event can be as flexible as you want; but keep in mind that there must be strong themes of student life in your works.
There are no specific rules with this event! Although as much as possible, there should be no war drama whatsoever. The military lives of your personas and suitors should have little to no mentions, since this AU would focus on the years *before* they take their positions in the canon universe. Faction feuds are okay!
For the suitor's attitudes, I recommend @emeraldtawny's university au hcs on tumblr, or you can go on your way too!
Who can participate?
Anyone can enter! Even if you don't have Cradlesonas and just several OCs, you are more than free to enter the event.
How can I participate?
You can create art, character references, use Picrew, fanfics, moodboards, playlists, just about anything that would get your creative wheels running! It doesn't have to be the best of works, as everyone has different forms of creativity! We can improve at every progress we make. Also use "#school days cradlesona" as a tag! I'll do my best to see everyone's and reblog it, don't be shy to tag me here!
Can't wait to see what all of you make! Get out there and be creative! 💗✨
Here's a folder of references you're free to use!
reblog to spread the word~
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the-cashewpeia · 5 years
The Magical Bond (Harr x Valerie)
Title: The Magical Bond
Pairing: Harr Silver x Valerie Horizon (Cradlesona)
Additional characters: Loki Genetta and Sirius Oswald
Genre: Angsty
Note: Dreamer's curse AU (Cradlesona September's event held by @cradlesonanetwork )
Word count: 1990
Thank you @plumpblueberry for helping me beta read my messy work ❤
Another works here!
Gone. She's gone.
Harr didn't really count how many hours had passed. But all he could remember was how Valerie's tears stained her red face, pain succeeded to prevent her smile from forming, before she stormed out of his house.
"Okay. If all you want from me is to leave, then I'll leave. Don't expect me to come again. Ever!"
Her last words were interrupted by sobs and chokes, but Harr could recall every syllable that came out from her mouth.
The black haired wizard slumped on the floor, as his legs gave up after sprinting to everywhere he could think of. He had run from Lake of Tears, to her family cottage, to Central Quarter, to Cradle's public library, in all places his mind could remember. But it didn't work. She had already gone. Just like that.
He sat there, in the living room, recalling every sweet memories they'd share in the said place when the once closed door opened noisily. Harr automatically turned his head, but soon his expectation crushed the second he realized who the guest was.
"Loki." The mismatched-eyed man frowned upon realizing his depressed and disappointed tone. Even his hoarse voice betrayed him to keep his cool.
"What are you doing here? And where's Val? I thought she had already come here before I arrived."
Loki's train of questions left his tutor's mind in a blank state. He couldn't answer those questions. How would he knew what the answers were; he ran all across the Cradle just to find them!
A pair of different orbs staring at still silent Harr. The black haired man shook his head weakly, as a string of words left his parted lips.
"I... I don't know. She left... I... I told her to leave...."
"Why don't you hear me! Oh, I wish you just get out of here!"
Harr quietly sobbing his heart out, regretting every harsh word that spat out to her face. He even still remembered how her calm facade broke, as his words left a new scar to her already wounded heart. As he pictured her wet face, a stream of warm liquid flowed from the corner of his visible eye and left darker spots on his clothes.
"You... you're the worst! I thought... I thought you won't...."
Oh how he wished that he could return to that time and prevent himself from said those forbidden words. How he wished to made her stay and finish all what she wanted to say to him. How he wanted her to punch him instead of leaving him behind like this.
The Cheshire Cat blowed quickly, as his odd-colored eyes shot the older man a sorrowful look. He never witnessed Harr in such state, moreover after him and the said 'Val' got together some time ago.
"I... I've tried to find her everywhere, but...." Harr trailed off, refusing to admit a fact that....
She was already gone.
His mind begging him to stop looking for her, yet his heart and body turned down that idea.
What if she was hurt? What if she met some dangerous thugs? What if she was lost and couldn't find her way? What if....
"Harr." Loki called his name softly, "she'll be fine. You know that."
Yes. Of course he knew. She was the 9 of Spades anyway. Of course she was strong enough to defend herself without anyone's help.
But he couldn't stop to worry. Not before he attested that she was really safe and sound with his own eye.
As Harr was lost in his own thoughts, Loki watched him quietly without moving an inch. He was drawn in the Joker's pool of sadness. It wasn't only that. The younger man could see how much tiredness was consuming his body, yet the thought of his lover preventing him to stay still.
How Loki wanted to tell his tutor to take a rest. But knowing the answer, he decided to plan another strategy.
"Harr, you've heard about Dreamer's Curse?"
The said man shot no response, as if to give Loki a cue to continue.
"It said that whatever wish you hoped for at exactly 11:11 would come true." He eyed the wall clock, its short hand pointed between 9 and 10, "I think you should--"
"You think I'll sit around doing nothing and just hope that she will come back?" Harr's brows scrunched, "no. I won't do that."
Without giving Loki a chance to reply, the ravenette wizard stood up and stormed out of the house. His tall form disappeared within a second, as a blinding light engulfed him, leaving the younger man alone in the warm house.
Harr blinked his eye as his feet finally touched the ground. He eyed the dim hallway, trying to recognize a certain door before opening it wide, revealing an older man before him.
Wrong door.
"Sorry, Sirius." The said man attempted to close the door, but was unable to a pair of strong hands forcing it to stay open.
"Harr." Sirius, the older man known as Queen of Spades, asked, "What are--"
"I need to find Valerie."
Hearing the reply that left Harr's mouth, Sirius finally realized what happened today, as he recalled how hard the 9 of Spades tried to push him away whenever he picked the chance to ask. He didn't need to know all the reasons behind that action. All he knew was that the two were having a fight. A rather big fight for a silent couple.
"She's gone." Sirius' monotone voice reverberated in the wizard's ears.
She's gone.
That's the words he grew to hate the most. That's the words that were running around his head all day, yet he refused to believe.
"She just left the headquarters some minutes ago, after I told her to take a few days off." The older man clarified his last sentence, "you know? She came here, asking for a mountain of work to do in her actual day off."
His explanation woke up the sleeping memory in Harr's mind. He remembered how Valerie appeared first in the morning behind his door, smiling from ear to ear, as she said that she finally had a chance to rest properly, before the counting days of war between the two armies broke.
She chose to spend the short time of her holiday with him.
"Why didn't you listen to me! That's dangerous!"
Yet he shoved her away without seeing the reason.
"I know! But I've trained for this. For joining the war and save our people!"
Sirius sighed, his violet orbs searching the composure that left in his old friend's eye. Now knowing fully how did this quarrel happen.
"She must have told you about joining the front lines, despite her being an archer." Harr nodded, as Sirius let out another sigh.
"I told her it was dangerous. And then she got angry, she said something about how she had prepared for the battle and it's time for her to protect people. I... I...."
A weight rested on Harr's shoulder. He realized that it was Sirius' hand.
"I know that you're worried. But I won't accept her suggestion, if I knew it would put her in more dangerous situation. After all, all she will do is to be a backup for our Ace's squad and she will stick to hers as well." Sirius' gloved hand patted his shoulder softly, before it fell to his side.
"Well, it's late. And I think she won't be anywhere far from the Black Bridge." With that parting words, Sirius left the office.
I think she won't be anywhere far from the Black Bridge.
The last sentence gave the ravenette wizard a spark of hope. As the shadow of his old friend disappeared into another room, his visible eye turned red. The blinding light once again enveloped him in its embrace, as the man now stood before the large bridge decorated with black flags.
She's not here....
His visible eye was looking for a certain navy haired woman. But the said person was nowhere to be found.
She mustn't have walked too far from here.
So with that thought in mind, Harr paced his feet towards the forest, as another hope of finding her midway muttered under his breath.
The gentle night breeze accompanied the long steps of the wizard, as he strode faster than before. For now, he could only hear the sound of rustling leaves and his own steps as the sky grew darker and the road grew quieter. It must've been very late, yet he still couldn't find any trace of her whereabouts.
A little bit more and I will catch up to her.
These words kept playing in his head, as the slow walk turned into a run. Worry began to grow when he made a way into the forest. He already sprinted so far away, but where was she?
"Valerie...." Her name slipped past his lips, "where are you?"
Are you safe? Did you get lost somewhere? You haven't....
A string of unwanted thoughts running in his mind. He took a deep breath, before shaking those perceives away.
I hope you're in a safe and warm place.
He kept sprinting his way through the familiar path, not even thinking to give himself a second for a break, as his mind was only screaming her name. His visible right eye was looking for the woman's petit figure or anything that hinted her whereabouts. Until at last his legs stopped when a recognizable laugh wafted through his ears.
"Stop it, Loki! It's... hahaha... It's not!"
Harr turned his head, as his house came into view. With a hopeful mind and thundering heartbeat, he quickly climbed the stairs and opened the door. There the woman he looked for all day stood with her back facing him, seemed unaware of his presence, as her attention focused on The Cheshire Cat.
The navy haired woman soon let out an aghast shriek, as a pair of strong arms snuck their way around her shoulders. She didn't need to guess who was the owner, as he was the first one to let his voice out.
"Valerie, I'm... I'm sorry...." He tightened his embrace as his head fell on her head.
"Harr, I...."
The said man didn't give Valerie any time to spill her thought, "I should have listen to your reasons before judging anything. I know you wouldn't make any rush decisions, but I'm...."
"I'm... a coward. I'm afraid that you won't come back and so I said mean things to prevent you from leaving...."
Valerie could feel the wetness through her hair. She was so shocked for a second that she didn't even know what to do.
"Harr." She gave the man's arms a light squeeze, before she spun her heels to face her lover. A small smile painted itself on her lips, as she buried herself deeper in his hug.
"You weren't saying mean things. All you had said before were true." The woman stopped for a while, inhaling the fresh scent of night air from his robe, "I was making a rushed decision because I wanted to be in the front lines. So I tried to find any possible reasons to prove that I'm worth it."
Harr loosened his embrace as he found Valerie tightening her own.
"You're more than worth it. You're a strong and clever woman, and that's why Black Army trusted you."
A soft hum replied his words. He smiled through his sniffles, feeling more than happy as their fight died down, leaving the couple drowned in each other's affection.
In the other room after sneaking out from the lovers' eyesight, Loki formed a smile as his mismatched eyes followed the hands of a decorated pocket watch he found in the market. They were pointed to 11 and 5.
I guess they don't need The Dreamers Curse. After all, the bond they'd form was the magic itself.
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cradlesonanetwork · 5 years
Cradlesona Event for September: Dreamer’s Curse AU
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Hello everyone!! We'll be starting the Dreamer's Curse AU event soon! The event would start on September 1 until September 30! However, if you wish to extend, feel free to do so! The event is not exclusive to the given time period.
AU Details: Every wish you make at 11:11 comes true -- be cautious of the time or you'll wish something you'll regret.
Event Reminders: This event can be as flexible as you want; it can be mixed with other AUs, the curse can be on anyone, and it doesn't have to be just one person who has this. You're also free to create your own interpretation of how the curse was made. There are no specific rules with this event!
What tags to use:
#cradlesona dreamer's curse
#cradlesona event
feel free to tag the blog @cradlesonanetwork too!
Who can participate? Anyone can enter! Even if you don't have Cradlesonas and just several OCs, you are more than free to enter the event.
How can I participate? You can create art, character references, use Picrew, fanfics, moodboards, playlists, just about anything that would get your creative wheels running! It doesn't have to be the best of works, as everyone has different forms of creativity! We can improve at every progress we make.
Reblog to spread the word~
Can't wait to see what all of you make! Get out there and be creative! For more information, send us a message or an ask 💗✨
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cradlesonanetwork · 5 years
October Cradlesona Event
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Hello everyone!! We'll be starting the Mythology Halloween event soon! The event would start on October 1, all the way until the very spoopy day, October 31! However, if you wish to extend, feel free to do so! The event is not exclusive to the given time period.
Event Details:
Showcase your Cradlesona's inner hero / heroine! Dress them up, write their legends, make their theme songs, convey their mood boards and many others!
Event Reminders:
Your Cradlesonas can be a god, cyclops, faerie, hero or any creature! This event can be an AU or a Story Event! Create a completely different story or make them party! This event can be mixed up with other AU's and events too. You can use real life mythologies, or go your own way -- its as flexible as you want it to be!
What tags to use:
#cradlesona mythology
#cradlesona event
feel free to tag the blog @cradlesonanetwork too!
Who can participate?
Anyone can enter! Even if you don't have Cradlesonas and just several OCs, you are more than free to enter the event.
How can I participate?
You can create art, character references, use Picrew (make sure to include their links!), fanfics, moodboards, playlists, just about anything that would get your creative wheels running! It doesn't have to be the best of works, as everyone has different forms of creativity! We can improve at every progress we make.
Can't wait to see what all of you make! Get out there and be creative! For questions, feel free to send us a message or an ask!
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
If We Were Meant To Be - Sirius Oswald x Sophia Olympia [Cradlesona]
School Days AU Event
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Character Death
Check out her profile || student au profile
Tagging: @thecoolsquirrel @wishiwasfictionaltoo @leychee @5-of-spades and the other people on cradlesona discord because you guys threatened me ahead of time;; and @plumpblueberry to get back at all the angst you tagged me in 😤
✧༝┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉༝✧
"If we were meant to be, you'd look my way." He'd mutter under his breath as he gazed on her, working away with her painting -- each brush stroke mystifying the scenery on the school field. As if on cue, she stopped all movements and glanced his way with a small smile growing on her lips. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, to make his day better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd accept these flowers." He thought as he prepared himself to ask her out. He knocked on her dorm room, as told by her younger sister that she was free that day. The moment her door opens, her glow outshined the beautiful flowers as she expressed her gratitude. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, to make his day better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd be mine." He whispered against her ear as she squirmed underneath him, anticipation rushing through her veins at every kiss. Through heavy, ragged breathing she smiled. Cheeks glowing red with wild desire swirling in her eyes, she declared that she was his and he was hers. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, to make his night better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd forgive me." He prayed. He learned what hurt her most and he silently begged for the fallout to end. He didn't want to lose her, so he gathered all of his strength to talk to her once more but before he could move, she was at his door. Eyes swollen and cheeks stained with tears, she gave him a smile and apologized for lashing out so suddenly. She admitted her faults and he admitted his, the sun finally peeking out from gray clouds. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, that made the day better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd let me be the man to protect you." He reassured her. Heavily wounded from her cruel cousin's assault, he took each blow of his rapier for her. She held his hand tightly and kissed the top of his bandages, hoping his wounds would heal faster. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, to make his day better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd be the one I get to grow old with." He proposed. Through the many years they've grown stronger for each other, too good and beautiful to let go now. From his view, he witnessed the rare transition of realizing to shock to joy on her face as she eagerly accepted. She had thrown himself in his arms, too happy to express what she felt in words. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, to make his life better.
"If we were meant to be, you'd be with me, through thick or thin, in sickness and in health, for poorer or for richer, 'til death do us part." He vowed with pride. He noticed there was not a moment where her smile faltered — making the most beautiful woman in the world be more breathtaking than she already was. She recited her vows and when the priest had given them the permission for their union, he removed the veil that took away his wonderful view. He cupped her cheeks and gently pulled her for a long, passionate kiss as the church bells rang. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, that made his life perfect.
"If we were meant to be, you'd be the perfect mother of our children." He comforted her as he drew gentle circles with his thumb on her swollen belly, to wash away the anxieties of imperfection. He held her close and muttered more, until she had fallen asleep with a soft smile. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all. A momentary bliss, that made their future better.
"If we were meant to be, you wouldn't leave me." He chokes on his own breath. He was standing in front of the marbled stone that engraved his beloved's name. Cradled in his arms were their little angel, sleeping peacefully with the uncanny resemblance of her mother. Heartbreaking for it was too soon. Their love blossomed since their youth, but it was never enough. He gazes at his little breath's innocence, her amethyst eyes fluttering as she slowly woke up. It took a couple moments before he realized the wonder of it all — in her eyes held her mother's love. A life-long bliss, that made him know that she would always be with them with undying love and guidance.
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
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School Days AU Event is starting now!
First Cradlesona event is here from Aug 2/3 until Aug 9/10! Don't forget to use the tag #school days cradlesona or feel free to tag me here so I can share your works too!
Have fun! Can't wait to see what you all make 💗
More info and references here!
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