#offensive tattoos
faithinlouisfuture · 10 months
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hot boy devastatingly gorgeous man summer 🛥️
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ineed-to-sleep · 9 months
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birb-boyo · 1 year
When you show your male friend who just started playing Breath of the Wild a cool hot dilf man(Time) and he goes like, “Is that from that Linked Universe thing?”
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dumping-ideas · 1 year
I noticed there's a definite downgrade of status in every Tsukasa banner & lim card:
First banner: King
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First lim: Prince
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Second lim/Second banner: Knight
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Third banner: Commoner
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I joked that he'd be a hobo in his next lim/banner but Tsukasa said nope
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He went ahead and become a dragon god
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I feel like this is a dumb question but I'm gonna ask anyway.
Can anyone tell me if the tattoo Klaus got in Vietnam and actual tattoo that vets from Vietnam got?
Because I'm cosplaying him for fan expo in my state but I don't want to disrespect anyone.
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I don't know if I'm just not searching the right things but I haven't found anything for this tattoo specifically
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catkyunie · 5 months
To the ‘discourse’ behind the Fix On face tattoo, I have one question; why do you care so much? It is their bodily autonomy to put what they please where and MINGI has literally said that he doesn’t care if Atiny get Fix On tattooed. If anything, I think he’d be flattered?
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l3onify · 5 months
I turn 19 in a few months and I was planning on just getting a semi-colon butterfly tattoo- but then I remember the los Illuminados logo, and resident evil has been such a big part of my life the past year, and partially why I’ve been doing so well mentally.
past the chit chat, I made something in pics art with the logo and a semi-colon that’s in the resident evil font on the newer games.
I think it’s cool, and it meshes two important parts of my life together. The fact I’ve been through so much and I’ve made it this far, and the game franchise that has affected me in more ways than one :3
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eru-iru · 8 months
Stupidest question ever but what do Bedman’s pants look like?? You only ever see them for a short moment
i have never drawn bedman's pants before but here you go
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Proud member of team give everyone in avatar tattoos and piercings
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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redraw of this post but i inverted it because it looked better this way lmao
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#postlyn#postlyn art#emily rodda#roddaverse#deltora quest#barda of del#//#if you dont know i have a hc that barda got a sleeve tattoo in the broome style at some point post-DQ3#currently my hc of broome tradition is women have tattoos on their heads#and as star-bribery first headcanoned they extend further and further down their back as they grow older#and then men have sleeve tattoos because they can <3#sometimes on their chest too#in ''modern'' broome aka during lief's reign things are more flexible#being in broome is about embracing yourself and being happy#there are no tattoo gatekeepers#except maybe outsiders who are like ACTUALLY THATS OFFENSIVE or wahtever and then a broome person would be like actually shut the hell up#and then challenge them to a dance off / fight#anyway#transmen might choose to have tattoos on their chest <3#i havnet really thought about tattoo removal actually but i do think that broome tattoos are a source of pride to them#it's culture and makes them happy and stuff#it's normal#so idk maybe someone who transitions further in adulthood might be uncomfortable with their head tatts#maybe they wont#who knows#i believe that generally though broome folk would be pretty chill with the way theyd interact with each other#adn if anything theyd just be like#yo youre trying something different?!?!? good on ya bruh love that for you#i also have a headcanon that theres a range of products used for the broome patterns#tattoos are the permanent patterns obviously
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
just found out rebecca hall is married to the hot malewife from the gilded age and good for her!
First off this made me laugh out loud "the hot malewife from The Gilded Age" truer words were never spoken
And yes! I realized this recently, too. Good for HIM, too, and I hope they work together in a new project of hers soon. Passing was criminally overlooked, and Rebecca is one of those female directors that I need people to look at... Because female directors aren't just Emerald and Greta........
It also kinda tracks because Rebecca and Carrie Coon give off similar energy. No wonder he plays so well with Carrie.
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lesbianhallieparker · 11 months
i want a tattoo that wraps around my forearm and up to my bicep but i DONT want it to be botanical unless it’s rly cool and unique and not the basic vine/branch/leaf shit everyone gets. but i have no ideas for what i want
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angelwarm · 1 year
my first tattoo was part of a sigil for summoning an angel which in hindsight is kind of stupid but before i came out my mom interpreted it to be some secret gay symbol and really did her research. she came to me in tears and was like i know this is the act up symbol with an inverted heart to represent being a lesbian. and 18 year old me who knew nothing about queer history yet was like "what's act up?" so now that's what that tattoo means to me lmao
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interesting that "trench" deleted his twitter full of neo nazi followers, wiped his instagram, and removed all references to bring a "proud trench wolf" from what little social media presence i can find. this is after his original twitter was seemingly deleted and remade a few months before his debute. i don't know how legitimate this reporting about him being "out on injury" [before wrestling at all or really... doing anything requiring much physicality?] is, but if there are some company conduct/social issues at play i would Not. be surprised
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paladudette · 2 years
pray for my safety in the coming year i’ve made the horrible decision to get another big portrait of either frank or gerard. anyway drop suggestions of what i should do LOL
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silvergoldsea · 28 days
by Ely Shipley
I give up touch. My hand holds stems of air, while I remember the long hair I wore as a not-girl child.
I give up touch to feel safe in a body. How could I be the girl they saw the man I am? Somewhere beyond language
we are touching only the long hair
of the cool stream meeting the lake
and I remember
sky when I look down into its surface, my face only veil, and below, rocks fish
my shadow. My pulse. Sun and moon set and rise. Everywhere branches tangle. Mist from the lake catches in my beard. Once a butterfly rested there. The moment I said I’m not a flower, she lifted away and I was all bloom.
What is our essence and who drinks its nectar? A small god surely lives in my throat a kind of temple. I have fed him flesh from the forest floor and he cradles my eyes and he grows me up into the green of trees. I know he’s gold though he’s only ever been visible in dreams. He appears as my mother, childhood pets, a first love, a ghost story whispered over flashlight in a backyard tent, neighbors whose names I’ve lost.
Here is where I try to hear him.
Here is where I study how to love him bring him elderberry, oxeye daisy, row of purple foxglove, leopard slug, mock orange, morning glory, mountain lettuce.
It rains here often. I learn to be water in a garden. A handsome solitude is not the same
as loneliness. It’s here I call my little gold god
beloved, friend.
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