#office cleaning naples
blueiscoool · 10 months
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‘Lost’ Botticelli Masterpiece Worth $109 Million Found in Italy
A painting by the 15th-century master Sandro Botticelli, recorded as missing since the 1980s, has been found at a home in southern Italy.
The depiction of the Virgin Mary and infant Christ was discovered in a home in the town of Gragnano, near Naples, according to the Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Unit of Naples.
The painting by the artist most famous for “The Birth of Venus” and “Primavera” is estimated by Italian authorities to be worth at least €100 million ($109 million). It was commissioned for the Roman Catholic Church in 1470.
The 58- x 80-centimeter (23- x 31-inch) work, painted in tempera on wood, had hung in a church in the Neapolitan suburb of Santa Maria la Carità since the early 1900s, after the church it was originally given to burned down.
When an earthquake damaged the church in 1982, the painting was given by the parish to a local family named Somma for safekeeping, according to a spokesman for the Italian ministry of culture, who said that there is an official decree on file that entrusts the painting to them, and they are not facing any criminal investigation.
For the first few years after the family was entrusted with the painting, local authorities checked on its condition, advising them on where to keep it and helping move and clean it.
But for some reason the checks stopped in the 1990s and the painting was listed on the culture ministry’s inventory of missing works.
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The list is frequently updated, and this summer the painting was traced to the Somma family, who had displayed it in their homes over the years, commander Massimiliano Croce said during the presentation of the find.
After tracking down the branch of the family that currently held the painting, the police worked with the local mayor, who was already aware of the Botticelli’s presence in the Somma home and helped mediate its retrieval, Croce said
“This is a work totally unknown to the public which will now be exhibited again thanks to the intervention of the State. We acted in an administrative manner, without resorting to the Prosecutor’s Office or a seizure, thanks also to the mediation of the mayor,” Croce said.
“The family continues to hold the title of the work, which, however, will be preserved in a museum,” Croce added.
The painting, which will need extensive restoration, shows the Virgin Mary, with blonde hair covered by a veil, holding a chubby baby Jesus on her lap — similar to other depictions by Botticelli, according to the culture ministry.
It is missing some paint and has been scratched, probably during the earthquake in the 1980s and in subsequent house moves.
It is not clear why the state stopped checking on the painting.
“The last time the authorities had inspected the private residence where the Botticelli painting was kept was over 50 years ago,” Croce said. “Since then, inexplicably, the painting had been forgotten by the authorities.”
It is thought to be one of the final paintings by the master, who died in 1510.
The painting will eventually be exhibited in one of the national museums in Naples, but restoration will take at least a year, according to the ministry.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau and Jack Guy.
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mrsgiovanna · 2 years
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Awakened (Vamp! Giorno Giovanna x Fem!reader)
This was meant for Halloween but here we are lol. This is a self-indulgent AU, CEO!Giorno and the frills that come with. All characters are depicted as adults N/SFW Minors please DNI
Tw: mentions of Blood, Yandere behavior if you squint, female bodied reader
WC: 2.8k
The sunlight streamed into your bedroom through the small gap in your curtains. Shining on your face, it roused you from your sleep… and your eyes shot open when you realised that if the sun was up while you were not, you must have been late for your first day at your new job. You raced through your morning routine and rushed through Naple's busy streets until you arrived at the modern highrise building that you had aced your interview in just a few days ago. Making a bee line for the elevator, you started adjusting your hair and clothes in the pristine mirrors as the doors begin to close only for them to open again allowing a tall, well dressed man with golden hair to enter. You quickly stop, but he's able to see the annoyance written on your face. 
"For what it's worth, you look fine-" 
"I… thank you," you said through a sigh, "I'm sorry, busy morning and it's my first day…"  
"I should officially welcome you in that instance-" just as the blonde was about to take your hand, the elevator pinged and another well dressed man had hurried over. 
"Mr. Giovanna, your associates have already arrived… as well as your new assistant." His eyes narrowed at you and he hissed about you being late through gritted teeth. Your eyes widened and you managed to mumble an apology before you realised that the man you almost rudely dismissed was your boss. 
Mr Giovanna… his name repeated itself in your mind as you discreetly looked him up and down, before following the angry looking man to what you presumed would be your new workspace. 
"My name is Pannacotta Fugo, I work closely with Mr Giovanna, and now you will as well," there was an intensity to Mr Fugo as he spoke to you regarding your duties. He made a special effort to emphasise how important your discretion was and took you through all of the company policies and procedures before letting you finally get settled into your workspace. Your desk was situated just outside of Mr Giovanna's office, and in a quiet moment you stopped to take in your surroundings, the clean, modern design of the facade of the building continued onto the interiors. Looking around, you couldn't help but smile, a new job in a sophisticated new building, surrounded by some of the greatest minds in the industry… What could possibly go wrong? 
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As the days progressed, you became more proficient at your job and had made a few acquaintances with whom you had regular contact. Mr Bucciarati was the vice president of the organization and you had seen him meeting with Mr Giovanna most frequently. He was easily the most elegant man you had ever encountered, with a charming attitude and smooth baritone voice. He always greeted you with a smile that brought a flush to your face. On occasion, he was accompanied by a stoic looking gentleman with silver hair and eyes that mimicked the most beautiful tropical sunset. A man of few words, Mr Abbacchio would simply nod at your sunny greetings and thank you for the wine you would bring out for their meetings. The people you had the best relationship with by far were Mista, Narancia and Trish. They were the live wires of the organization and while they worked hard, they played even harder. Nightly, they would extend an invitation to you to join them, however, you had politely declined each time, being swamped with tasks from Giorno. You didn't mind though, he was the boss and you wanted to impress him… his dashing good looks didn't hurt either.
There was something about him that captivated you, thoughts always drifting back to him, it was almost as if he was speaking directly into your mind. Today was no different and you had found yourself becoming more distracted as the day had progressed. The ringing of your phone had summoned you back to the present and you found yourself automatically smiling at the sound of his voice. 
" [Y/n] would you come to my office for a moment, there's something I'd like to ask you," 
"Of course, I'll be right there," you stood and smoothed out your clothes before going into his office. He greeted you with the serene smile you had become accustomed to and motioned for you to sit. 
"How have you been adjusting so far? I hope I haven't been working you too hard,  sure you must have heard about how quickly some of my assistants have left…" there was a levity in his voice as he spoke, but you managed to catch a flash of something else in his eyes, but it was gone before you could decipher it. 
"I don't shy away from a challenge, Mr Giovanna, and I've been learning so much I wouldn't dream of leaving now," 
"Always what I like to hear, please, call me Giorno, I insist… Now back to why I called you here, it's more of a personal favour that I need to ask, and you're more than welcome to refuse." Your heartbeat quickened and you readjusted yourself in your seat waiting silently for Giorno to continue. 
"There's a huge Halloween event for all of our esteemed investors, think about every indulgence you could succumb to and you would find it there… ridiculous really but one must keep them happy. My date dropped me at the last minute and I was wondering if you're free to accompany me?" Convinced that your heart was going to jump right out of your chests, you took a deep breath before speaking, your hesitation bringing out a flash of worry in Giorno’s expression. 
"I'd love to go… if you'd have me there, is there a specific way I need to dress or anything I should know?" No sooner than you accepted his invitation did a pang of regret enter your gut, it was too late to back out without looking unreliable so you took another deep breath to steady yourself. 
"You don't have to worry about that, I'll have something suitable sent over, just put it on and have a good time, you deserve a break as well," his serene smile was enough to quieten your hammering heart. 
"Do you have an address that I should meet you at?" 
"Oh no no, we'll leave from here, you can get ready in the penthouse, I'm sure everything you might need will already be there…" you found it odd that he was so sure of himself but swallowed your paranoia as you went back to your desk. 
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The hours flew by in the blink of an eye and soon enough, you needed to start getting ready. Giorno had left a key card to the elevator that would take you all the way up to the 90th floor where the penthouse was situated. You weren't ready for the sheer luxury that greeted you as the pristine doors opened. Large crystal chandeliers were dotted tastefully across the wide open plan area. You stopped at the large window offering you a breathtaking view of Naples in all her splendour. Looking around, you found a letter left on the counter with a single crimson rose in Giorno’s immaculate penmanship. It bore your name, so you opened the envelope taking in the instructions left in the note. 
Dearest y/n 
I must thank you once again for saving me from an embarrassing situation. You will find everything you need in the master bedroom. Take your time, and, come meet in the foyer when you're ready. 
You smiled at the propriety of his tone and softly padded around, looking for the master bedroom until you had come to a heavy, ornate door that almost seemed to open by itself as you touched the handle. Walking inside, absorbing the opulence, your fingers graze the surfaces until you arrive at the beautiful ensemble laid out for you in the bed. It took you a bit of time to get dressed, but it was worth it when your eyes hadn't your reflection. You looked like you had stepped out of a fairytale, flowers adorning your hair and golden motifs running up and down your burgundy gown. 
A woodland fae? The personification of spring? Persephone? Your last guess was confirmed when you had seen Giorno waiting for you in the foyer, spiked crown and all. 
"Ah you're a vision," Giorno's lips curled into a devastatingly alluring smile, plush and inviting… his movements careful, as if he was a deity incarnate with the level of charisma he exuded. 
He had led you to the awaiting limousine, and poured you some champagne. 
"Try to relax, tonight is about having fun… tonight I'm just Giogio," 
You took the glass with a small smile, looking at the gilded bottle you knew it probably cost more than your rent for the month and held it up waiting for him to think up a toast. 
"To… new beginnings," 
Your eyebrows pulled together but you clicked your glass against his and took a small sip, holding his eyes the entire time. His hand inched closer to you, until his knuckle nonchalantly brushed your thigh, and you had realised that the vehicle had stopped. 
That wolfish smile returned and you flushed, wondering if he somehow had managed to infiltrate your thoughts. 
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The atmosphere at the party was electrifying and a feast for your senses. It didn't take long for the other associates to find you and soon you were indulging in the best food and drink between dancing and revelling with Mista, Trish and Narancia. Even Abbacchio, who had asked you to call him Leone, smiled and relaxed with wine-reddened cheeks as he and Bruno spoke with a few patrons dripping in expensive jewellery. As the hours whittled away, you could have sworn everyone's expressions had taken on somewhat of a predatory gaze, each had settled with a partner, and the loud raucous shouts had been replaced by sultry murmurs and feather light touches. 
Air… you needed air- you had gone from feeling like you were at the top of the food chain to prey, unsure of who… what  had been hunting you. You had finally elbowed your way outside, allowing the soft cool breeze to waft over you. The moon was bright, full and illuminated the deserted street, you could have sworn you were alone.
"Is this overwhelming for you?" You turned around to face Giorno, the liquid silk of his voice was betrayed by the feral energy in his eyes. 
"I think I just needed some space, the energy changed in there so suddenly,"
"It's what happens at these kinds of places," 
"What exactly…" unsure of how to phrase your question you trailed off, still slowly drowning in the panic that tried to move your body away from that place. Giorno's eyes devoured you again as he spoke, and you could have sworn that there was a crimson glow to them, emeralds dipped in blood. 
"So perceptive… although I'd never have picked you otherwise, there's only so far a pretty face will take you, come, I've somewhere fascinating to show you," his voice was a purr that resonated with something deep within your being, so you had followed him despite every other alarm bell sounding in your head. 
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Giorno had led you back through the party, towards an elevator that had taken you to yet another penthouse. 
How many of these does he have? You thought, your eyes taking in the warm inviting interiors. 
"This is for everyone's use… these parties tend to get… well you've experienced it first hand," said Giorno, as he shed the cape and crown, looking more like the man you had worked for than God of the underworld. Suddenly self-conscious of your own headpiece your hands moved to remove it when he had asked you to leave it on. 
"You know, I always catch you sneaking glances my way, squirming at every little innocent touch, it's all so cute. But then again, it's always been that way with you… coquettish little smiles, oblivious to what they do to people…" his fingers trailed from your pert lips down your jaw to your neck, his eyes followed as if he were tracing the very veins beneath your skin. 
"Giorno I…" 
"Do you object?" His voice was a purr, and when you had hastily shaken your head it was all the invitation he needed. The soft material of the dress pooled around your feet as you slid off his jacket and shirt. He guided you towards the bedroom and eased you into the bed, making quick work of ridding you of your underwear until you lay bare before him. Any attempts at concealing yourself were thwarted when he pinned your wrists above  your head and let his mouth trail kisses over your body and then back up to your mouth. His kisses swallowed up your moans, your hands had found their way to his hair and his to your arousal soaked slit. 
"Already? let's take care of this then," groaned Giorno as he slipped his fingers into you one at a time, smiling broader each time, nipping your skin with his teeth as you clenched around his machinations. You were aware of his throbbing arousal that twitched against you as pretty little sounds escaped your lips.  When he was certain that you were stretched out enough, he gently lowered himself onto you, giving you a moment to adjust to him before building up a rhythm with your bucking hips.  
Having lost count of how many times you had peaked you were on the cusp of yet another release, tears streaking across your face, your body jerking at the lightest of touches when Giorno had pulled himself out of you, chuckling at your bratty whine. 
"So needy, bella, look at the mess you're making," he paused to take in your form, cursed under his breath and hissed "I must have you right now, forgive me," 
You were too spent to wonder why he asked for forgiveness but had gotten your answer when you saw his incisors grow and glint in his mouth before he gently plunged them into your neck. You thought the terror would have brought you crashing down to earth but that initial pinch was replaced with euphoria. As the waves of pleasure washed over you, Giorno had sheathed himself into you completely, and after a few well placed thrusts you both reached your climax, your mind going blank from simultaneously being drained and filled… and then nothingness. 
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Your eyes slowly opened to gentle sunlight streaming through the openings in the curtain. Propping yourself on shaky arms you managed to sit up when the haze of the precious night cleared and you remembered what had happened. Your hand shot up to your neck but the skin felt as it always did, not a hint of pain at all. 
"I made sure it healed while you were asleep… good morning sunshine," 
You leapt out of bed pulling the sheet with you, trying to stare down the amusement in Giorno's eyes, fighting (rather unsuccessfully) the heat spreading to your cheeks. 
"You're… a vampire?! And you're just sitting there reading the newspaper as if you weren't trying to kill me last night?" 
"Well I wasn't trying to kill you, I'd never do that, now please, join me," he said with an outstretched hand. Still wrapped in the sheet, you sat across him, basking in the sunshine. "Wait, why aren't you sparkling or bursting into flames? You're in the sun!" 
Giorno rolled his eyes with a groan, "I can't account for that sparkling nonsense, but our vulnerability to sunshine is a carefully crafted lie," he paused to look at the bustle in the streets before continuing "look at all of them, so carefree, unguarded, totally unaware of they kinds of creatures they're dwelling amongst," 
"I see, so… how old are you?" 
"I've lived through a few… events, witnessed a couple turns of the century," answered Giorno. 
"And are they all… you know?" His wry smile was enough of an answer. You had spent the better part of that morning quelling your curiosity and Giorno had answered all your questions willingly. Man or monster or some amalgamation of beautiful beast, the being that sat before had captivated you in a way that no other had before. Unbeknownst to you, a similar thought had been flickering in Giorno's mind too, hundreds of years on this earth and even more lovers and none had left an impression as indelible as you had in the limited time that you had spent with him. The words had escaped your lips before you properly had a chance to think, but none was as shocked as he was. 
"I want you to turn me" 
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Week 6: Hola Barcelona!
Hi everyone! This week I started my work experience with the Punta Campanella Marine Conservatory. Our first day consisted of an orientation and brief explanation of the park and what their projects are currently. Our job supervisor, Domenico, is understanding and so enthusiastic about our experience this summer. 
To get to work, we must take a bus ride to a town nearby called Massa Lubrense. The buses can be chaotic at times, but you get better at it as you go along. The bus ride is around 20-30 minutes which is nice compared to other friends who have to travel 1-2 hrs to reach their work experience in Naples. 
My actual first day on the job was on Thursday. I took the bus to a marina with two other interns to meet Domenico at the docks. Our job was to record information on what fishermen in the area were catching and document their price, weight, species, etc. It was nice to meet some of the locals in the area and learn more about the coastal environment around Sorrento. After this, we had a quick coffee break (it is common in Italian culture to have a coffee with your colleagues) and went to the office. In the office, we put all the information we collected in an excel sheet along with the pictures we took. We then went down to their visitor center and helped clean out some aquariums.  I am very excited for how this experience will go and next week I will be visiting the Ieranto Bay to do some research! 
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This weekend my friends and I took a trip to Barcelona. As this is my only trip outside of Italy, I was pretty excited. I also have some family members in Barcelona so I was pretty happy to be able to meet them after not seeing them for a couple years. We booked our tickets through Student Universe( recommended if you are looking for cheap flights) and everything went smoothly. To get to the Naples airport, we took a 10 euro shuttle from Sorrento which took around 2 hours. The first night we arrived in Barcelona at around 12 am so we did not do much till the next day. 
Our first stop the next morning was to Park Guell. We grabbed some lunch and then used the metro to get to the park. The Barcelona metro is pretty simple to use and I would recommend getting the pass for 10 rides for 11 euros  if you are staying for multiple days. The tickets for the park were 10 euros and I would advise  to buy them in advance as they tend to sell out the day of.  After this we got lunch and headed to our  tour of the Sagrada Familia around 6pm. 
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Going inside the Sagrada Familia was something I will never forget. It is so beautiful and going around the time the sun sets made the stained glass windows look absolutely magical. Most of us were left speechless and I could spend hours just looking around. It was interesting to learn about all the details the architect Antoni Gaudí had envisioned for the church and how they are still continuing its construction till this day.  After this, we went back to the airbnb, had dinner, and then headed out for the night! 
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The next morning, I got to show my friends a great Venezuelan food place near where we were staying. I noticed that there were many Venezuelan restaurants in Barcelona, but this place had my favorite traditional dish, cachapas! We then caught the metro to a main street called Passeig de Gracia to see the houses of Gaudi, Casa Mila and Casa Batllo. Barcelona is filled with Gaudi’s creations and you can notice his influence in every aspect of architecture in Barcelona (even the lampposts!). 
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For dinner, we had traditional food from Spain, paella and tapas. The seafood paella was so good and my favorite dish was the garlic shrimp! We also had sangria de cava which is a traditional wine from the area. That night we decided to go to the Dow Jones bar. This bar was so cool as it mimicked the stock market so prices for drinks would go up and down similar to stocks. There would also be a market crash every half hour where the drinks would go back to their baseline price. 
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For our final day in Barcelona, we went to Parque de La Citadella in the morning. The park is located right near the Arc de Triomf and after I took the metro to have lunch with family who live nearby. After lunch, I met up with my friends at Las Ramblas and visited the Mercat de La Boqueria. This street market had the best fruit and juices I have ever had. They also had many sandwich places and different types of food. From here, we picked up our luggages and headed on our way back to Naples.
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Barcelona was such a fun city to discover and there are so many things to do. It was definitely an enjoyable weekend and I can’t believe I am almost done with my study abroad. Until next time!   
Josefia Frydenborg
Environmental Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento
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wisdomfish · 2 years
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The Danger of Unbelief.—In one of the popular books of the present day there is a story told of “The Sunken Rock.” A vessel, named the Thetis, was cruising in the Mediterranean, in search of a shoal or bank, or something of that kind, said to exist beneath the treacherous waters. The captain, after he had adopted all the means he thought necessary, having failed, abandoned the enterprise, declaring “that the reported danger was all a dream.” An officer on board formed a different judgment, went out by himself on an expedition afterwards into the very same latitude and longitude, and there discovered a reef of rocks, which he reported to the Admiralty, and it was inserted in the charts, the discoverer being rewarded with a high appointment. The intelligence came to the captain’s ears; he would not believe in the discovery. He was a shrewd, clever, practical man, but unscientific, incredulous, and obstinate. “The whole thing is a falsehood,” he exclaimed; adding, “If ever I have the keel of the Thetis under me in those waters again, if I don’t carry her clean over where the chart marks a rock, call me a liar and no seaman.” Two years after, he was conveying in the same vessel the British Ambassador to Naples. One windy night he and the master were examining the chart on deck by the light of the lantern, when the latter pointed out the sunken rock on the map. “What!” exclaimed the old seaman “is this invention to meet me in the teeth again? No; I swore I would sail over that spot the first chance I had, and I’ll do it.” He went down into the cabin, merrily related the story to the company, and said, “Within five minutes we shall have passed the spot.” There was a pause. Then, taking out his watch, he said, “Oh, the time is past. We have gone over the wonderful reef.” But presently a grating touch was felt on the ship’s keel, then a sudden shock, a tremendous crash—the ship had foundered. Through great exertions most of the crew was saved, but the captain would not survive his own mad temerity, and the last seen of him was his white figure, bareheaded, and in his shirt, from the dark hull of the Thetis, as the foam burst round her bows and stem, He perished, a victim of unbelief. So perish multitudes. ~ Preacher’s Homiletical
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soulofstarstungl · 2 years
When The Clock Stops Ticking - Goncharov (1973)
Goncharov/Katya, Goncharov/Andrei
Rating: Mature; 577 Words
The scene of Katya's final betrayal, but instead of both of them missing, only Katya misses.
A/N: This movie does not exist. That being said, this scene in canon has both Goncharov and Katya missing their mark, and it's supposed to be about the fact that they still care for each other despite finding themselves on opposite sides. I think that's bullshit! This scene, to me, is about them realizing that their relationship has fully fallen apart. Katya's shot breaking the clock and Goncharov's shot breaking the window? They've both broken through the illusion that their marriage is still salvageable. I think Katya knew it beforehand but was in denial, meanwhile Goncharov well and truly had no clue up until this moment.
“Time stops for no one, Katya,” Goncharov told her, raising his gun, “not even us.” There was no hurt on her face when she lifted her own gun, only resignation, as though she’d known all along how this would end.
Perhaps she had.
In his quest for power—for the rise of a better, stronger foothold in Naples, they had grown distant. The mafia took up more of his time, now, and he and Katya rarely saw each other. Often, now, he found himself looking to Andrei for his counsel rather than his wife.
Goncharov thought about Andrei drawing closer to light up his cigarette and how their eyes hadn’t strayed from each other while they smoked. He thought about Andrei telling him to put his head back on straight, leaving him with a wave and the words, I'll come back when you've figured yourself out, but don't take too long. We’re all running on borrowed time, Goncharov. He thought about their last meeting where Andrei asked him what he really wanted before leaving him behind with a shake of his head.
You say you don't make mistakes, but this? This was a mistake, Goncharov. I can't do this anymore.
First Andrei, and now Katya.
Time was slipping through his fingers like sand as he tried to hold on to his people, trying to juggle building an empire and his commitments to them and failing.
Was this it? Was he doomed to die in his own office at the hands of his wife?
He still loved her, even as they betrayed each other, even though he knew one of them wouldn’t be making it out of this room alive. He loved her, but it wasn’t enough. He’d made his choice, and this was the price he had to pay—the blood debt he owed.
The clock behind him struck six, and they fired at each other, the gunshots drowning out the sound of the clock’s tolling.
She missed.
Goncharov stared down at his wife’s body, the gun in his shaking hands still smoking from the shot. He stumbled over to his desk, dropping into the chair and pulling a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, tossing them between his hands. Her body was hidden behind the desk at this angle, and for a few moments, he could pretend she was still alive instead of a body on the floor.
As he smoked, the copper tang of blood slowly got overlaid by the smell of tobacco smoke, and when he finished his third stick, he sighed, the sound loud in the silence of his office. The ticking of the clock had been silenced, the grandfather clock opposite his desk marred by a bullet hole in its face, glass shards scattered at its foot.
Funny how, even with time stopped, we’re still running out, he thought, turning his face away.
He should be calling someone to clean up—move Katya’s body, mop up her blood, maybe find a nice rug to cover the stain on the floorboards—but he stayed where he was, smoking through his pack of cigarettes until the puddle of blood had spread far enough for him to see it from where he sat.
When he finally stood, it was with a heavy heart and the understanding that the mafia was all he had now. Everyone else had left him: first Andrei, and now Katya.
Was this worth it?
The clock strikes for everyone, even you.
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What to Expect from Commercial Property Management Services
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Maintaining commercial real estate requires a lot of time and effort, in our busy lives we don’t get much time to take care of ourselves let alone find time for property management. These days, commercial property management companies are becoming a popular choice among property owners. Whether you own an office building, retail space, or industrial property, these companies ensure that your property remains in top condition at all times. Here's what you can expect from professional commercial property management services:
Tenant Management
One of the main responsibilities of a commercial property manager is tenant management. They have to find and vet potential tenants, handle lease agreements and address any concerns that the tenants may have. Addressing tenants’ concerns and doubts beforehand helps in maintaining high occupancy rates and ensures tenant satisfaction, it may also lead to long-term leases and stable income.
Maintenance and Repairs
To keep the property in good condition, it is essential to do regular maintenance and promptly repair any small problems before they turn into bigger problems in the future. The scope of work of a property management company typically includes periodic inspections, cleaning, landscaping and handling any repairs that may be needed. By keeping the property well-maintained, managers help preserve its value and appeal to potential tenants.
Financial Management
Overseeing the financial health of the property is a major aspect of commercial property management. This includes various tasks such as collecting rent, paying bills, managing budgets and maintaining detailed financial records. Property managers have to provide owners with regular financial reports, giving them a clear picture of their investment's performance and helping them make informed decisions.
Legal Compliance
Handling the legal aspects of property ownership can be complex, especially for the general public who usually isn’t very well-versed with law. Thus, it’s better to leave it to the professionals. Property managers ensure that your property is in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, including safety codes, zoning laws and environmental regulations. With a professional handling the legal work, you can be at ease that your property meets all legal requirements and you won’t face any potential fines and legal issues.
Marketing and Leasing
To have a steady source of income, it is essential to keep your property occupied. At times, it becomes difficult to find tenants, during such situations property managers use various marketing techniques to attract potential tenants. They post online listings and use social media to network and reach out to individuals looking for property available on lease. Plus, they also handle lease negotiations and renewals, ensuring that the lease terms are favorable to both the property owner and the tenant.
Vendor Management
Commercial properties often require the services of different kinds of vendors for maintenance and repair work. Property management companies have their team of trusted vendors including maintenance crews, security personnel and cleaning services. So when a property needs some kind of maintenance, property managers call these trusted vendors to ensure that they provide quality services at competitive prices. This helps in maintaining the property’s condition and also ensures that all services are performed efficiently and reliably.
If you are looking for a reliable commercial property management company then look no further than Barron Collier Companies. They offer professional services for commercial real estate in Naples, FL, ensuring that your property looks its best all year round. 
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aimtopleaseland · 6 months
Transform Your Business Space with Commercial Landscaping Services in Naples, Florida
When it comes to enhancing the exterior appeal of your business premises, investing in professional landscaping services can make all the difference. In bustling cities like Naples, Florida, where commercial establishments vie for attention, having an eye-catching outdoor space can set your business apart. That's where Commercial landscaping services Naples FL come into play, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses in the area.
Commercial landscape solutions Marco Island FL encompass a wide range of services designed to beautify and maintain outdoor spaces for commercial properties. Whether you own a small retail store, a corporate office building, or a sprawling industrial complex, professional landscapers have the expertise and resources to create stunning outdoor environments that leave a lasting impression on clients, employees, and visitors alike.
One of the primary benefits of opting for Commercial landscaping Naples FL is the ability to customize services to suit your specific requirements. From initial design concepts to ongoing maintenance, experienced landscapers work closely with clients to understand their vision and bring it to life. Whether you're looking to create a lush green oasis with native plants and water features or prefer a more minimalist approach with clean lines and modern elements, skilled professionals can turn your ideas into reality.
In addition to improving aesthetics, Commercial landscaping services Naples FL also offer practical benefits for businesses. Well-maintained outdoor spaces not only attract customers but also contribute to a positive working environment for employees. Studies have shown that access to green spaces can boost morale, increase productivity, and even reduce stress levels among workers. By investing in professional landscaping, businesses can create an inviting outdoor area that promotes both relaxation and productivity.
Moreover, Commercial landscape solutions Marco Island FL can also help businesses save time and money in the long run. Professional landscapers have the expertise and equipment needed to efficiently manage all aspects of outdoor maintenance, from mowing and pruning to irrigation and pest control. By outsourcing these tasks to experts, business owners can focus on their core operations without having to worry about the upkeep of their outdoor spaces.
In conclusion, investing in Commercial landscaping services in Naples, Florida is a smart choice for businesses looking to enhance their curb appeal, create inviting outdoor environments, and improve overall efficiency. With customizable solutions tailored to meet your specific needs, professional landscapers can help transform your business space into a vibrant and welcoming oasis that leaves a lasting impression on all who visit.
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7 Guidelines Every Small Business Owner Needs To Know
Are you a small business owner?
Have you been considering starting a small business? 
Are you looking for guidelines that can help you build a solid foundation for your business?
Every business owner is faced with the same business questions at one time or another. Not dealing with the questions can cause problems, they can even create hurdles that can eventually put you out of business.
Being proactive allows you to grow your business on a solid foundation. Understanding these questions can make the difference of whether they become a problem.
Reviewing the seven things to know from our free eBook, 7 Things Every Business Owner Needs to Know, can help create a positive working environment which allows you to grow your business while tackling these potential problems.
1) Cash Flow Management
The number one key to a successful business is cash flow management. Reducing your overhead by trimming expenses of any unnecessary expenses is a practice of most established businesses.
2) Tax Planning is a Year Round Activity
To effectively plan for taxes, remember tax planning should be a year round activity. When managing losses, it is critical to work with a CPA who understands how to offset them against other income. Staying on top of your taxes means working with your taxes all through the year.
3)  Human Resources and Payroll Issues
If mistakes are made with payroll processing, it can be can be time consuming and expensive. The rules are complexed. Poor documentation can cost you money, so having clean, updated payroll files are a must. Hiring a payroll service can be a great solution.
4)  Small Business Accounting and Information Technology (IT)
One of your most important decisions you will have to make is choosing the correct accounting software package for your company. No matter which accounting software package you select, it’s mandatory to back up all your files. Always work with an IT professional to make sure your system is working correctly, and backing up the files.
5) Advertising vs. Web Marketing
Times are changing, and so is marketing. Newspapers, Yellow Pages, radio, and TV are not bringing in the same results web marketing does for the money spent. Google, along with the many other search engines make sure that all your activity is measurable.
6) Meal and Entertainment Deductions
Documentation is the key for tracking meal and entertainment expenses. Remember to document each receipt with the individuals that were present, the business that was discussed and the date of the meeting. Know your guidelines for documentation and stick to them.
7) Travel and Uniform Reimbursement Policies
Reimbursement of employees for expenses incurred while away from the office on business are how most employees handle travel.  However, reimbursements are treated differently whether an accountable or non-accountable are in place, so know the difference.
Check Out Our Library
For more information regarding these seven guidelines, download our free eBook,  7 Things Every Business Owner Needs to Know, from our online library.
Work With Professionals
Contact us online or call our Naples Office at (239) 384-9688 or our Fort Myers Office at (239) 278-0762.
This information is based on facts, assumptions and representations as stated and authorities that are subject to change. We will not update this information for subsequent legislative or administrative changes of future judicial interpretations.
LEGAL NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: The information within this blog is for informational and educational purposes only and is not tax advice and should not be used as such. The facts of each individual situation can have significantly different outcomes when applying tax law. The hiring of a CPA is an important decision not to be based solely on advertisements.
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newstfionline · 11 months
Sunday, October 29, 2023
64% of Americans support getting rid of seasonal time changes (Yahoo News) Every year, millions of people in the United States sigh and begrudgingly set their clocks backward one hour on the first Sunday of November and forward one hour on the second Sunday of March, all in service of daylight saving time—gaining or losing an hour of sleep in the process. Now a majority of Americans say they’ve had enough and are ready to ditch the biannual custom. A recent survey commissioned by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 6 in 10 Americans (64%) support eliminating seasonal time changes, with 27% of respondents saying public health and safety was the top factor for elected officials to consider when discussing legislation about daylight saving time.
Acapulco residents are fending for themselves in absence of aid (AP) In a city without water, electricity or gasoline, where desperate people have been allowed, even encouraged, to take essential goods from damaged stores since Hurricane Otis smashed Acapulco, state police officer Raúl Gallardo stood guard over a mountain of excess. Gallardo explained the distinction authorities have been making—in some cases—between what people can take and what would end up in his pile. People can take “what you can consume—water, tuna, mayonnaise, that you can take,” he said. What isn’t allowed is big-ticket items—“appliances, for example,” he said, swiveling to point at the refrigerators behind him. “What’s not within the basket of basic foodstuffs, you can’t take.” Acapulco’s desperate residents cleaned out the city’s largest stores in three days. It was not isolated to any particular neighborhood or carried out under cover of darkness, but widespread and in full view of authorities, who have conceded they do not have the resources or in most cases the will to intervene.
London hate crimes rise again in wake of Middle East conflict (Reuters) Antisemitic and Islamaphobic incidents have almost doubled in just over a week in London, police data showed on Friday, in the wake of the attack by Hamas militants on southern Israel nearly three weeks ago and subsequent bombardment by Israel of Gaza. There have been growing tensions in Britain and elsewhere since Hamas gunmen rampaged through Israeli towns and Israel besieged Gaza in response, with pro-Palestinian demonstrations and vigils held by Jewish groups in solidarity with hostages, some of whom are British, who were taken by the militants. Commander Kyle Gordon said there had been 408 antisemitic incidents recorded in the British capital so far this month compared to 28 in the same period last year, while there had been 174 Islamophobic offences compared to 65. In both cases the numbers were almost twice as high as those given a week ago.
Earthquakes beset Italian town as supervolcano rumbles (Reuters) The talk in shops and coffee bars in Pozzuoli, a port town outside Naples, is not about soccer or politics, but of the fear that has gripped residents since a supervolcano sparked a swarm of earthquakes. Over the past weeks the government has been planning for a possible mass evacuation of tens of thousands of people who live around the vast volcanic area known as the Campi Flegrei, or Phlegraean Fields, from the ancient Greek word for burning. There were more than a thousand quakes in September, most of them minor. But a 4.2 magnitude earthquake on Sept. 27, the strongest jolt in more than 40 years to rattle the volcanic field, sparked fears that what scientists call a “seismic crisis” may be underway for the first time since the early 1980s. When a similar crisis struck four decades ago, it lasted several years and forced the temporary evacuation of 40,000 people from Pozzuoli, known as the hometown of actress Sophia Loren.
Their Sons Went Missing Fighting for Ukraine. They Want Answers. (NYT) Hundreds of women draped in Ukrainian flags, carrying banners and balloons, chanted on the street around the corner from the president’s office last week. Blocked by police officers and sandbags, they called on President Volodymyr Zelensky by name. “Zelensky! Zelensky! Zelensky! Zelensky!” Public complaints about the conditions soldiers are suffering at the front, and the rising numbers of dead and missing, have been a phenomenon seen in Russia since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last year. But last week’s demonstration was a rare venting on the Ukrainian side, from families desperate for news of soldiers who have gone missing in action over more than 20 months of fighting. The number of Ukrainians missing in the war runs to 26,000. Fifteen thousand soldiers are missing in action, the Interior Ministry said earlier this month and 11,000 civilians. Relatives of missing soldiers have become increasingly frustrated by the government’s failure to provide answers.
Residents in rural Australia urged to evacuate as bushfires rage (Reuters) Authorities on Saturday urged thousands of people in Australia’s Queensland state to evacuate as bushfires that have destroyed at least 30 homes continued to threaten rural towns. More than 35 bushfires were burning on Saturday in Queensland, with the town of Tara, about 890 kilometres (550 miles) north of state capital Brisbane, among areas most at risk, according to fire authorities. Australia faces a high-risk bushfire season after the onset of an El Nino weather event, associated with extreme events such as wildfires, cyclones and droughts.
Israeli says it is expanding its ground operation in Gaza (AP) Israel said Saturday it is expanding its ground operation in Gaza with infantry and armored vehicles backed by “massive” strikes from the air and sea, including the bombing of Hamas tunnels—a key target in its campaign to crush the territory’s ruling group after its bloody incursion in southern Israel three weeks ago. The Israeli military released grainy images of tank columns moving slowly in open areas of Gaza and said warplanes bombed dozens of Hamas tunnels and underground bunkers. “The forces are still on the ground and are continuing the war,” the army spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said Saturday, indicating that the next stage has begun in what is expected to evolve into an all-out ground offensive in northern Gaza. The new stage in the campaign began late Friday, with the bombardment knocking out communications in besieged Gaza, cutting off the 2.3 million people there from contact with the outside world. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the nation Saturday night that the military has opened a “second stage” in the war against Hamas. “It will be long and difficult,” he said. The Palestinian death toll in Gaza on Saturday rose to just over 7,700 people since the war began, with 377 deaths reported since late Friday, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. A majority of those killed have been women and minors, the ministry said.
The brutal logic of tying colorful pieces of string around children’s wrists in Gaza (Washington Post) Amid close to three punishing weeks of Israeli airstrikes, a bleak practice has emerged in Gaza. Some parents in the embattled, besieged territory are scrawling the names of their children on the limbs of the little ones. Others are tying makeshift identification bracelets or little colorful pieces of string around their wrists. There’s a simple, brutal logic: As the Palestinian death toll soars past 7,000 killed, including close to 3,000 children, according to aid agencies, morgues and hospitals are overwhelmed. Muslim clerics have approved mass burials for the unidentified dead, but families hope that clearer markers of identification may prevent that fate for their slain loved ones. “If something happens,” a 40-year-old father told Reuters, “this way I will recognise them.” The war has plunged the lives of ordinary Palestinians in Gaza into crisis. They have endured 16 years under Israeli blockade, but now find themselves largely without fuel, water, electricity and other basics for survival. Israel unilaterally ordered the evacuation of civilians from northern areas of Gaza for their own safety, but many have died in airstrikes farther to the south.
Saudi Arabia Warns U.S.: Israeli Invasion of Gaza Could Be Catastrophic (NYT) Saudi officials have firmly warned the United States in recent days that an Israeli ground incursion into Gaza could be catastrophic for the Middle East. Senior Saudi officials have raised concerns that a ground invasion could turn into a disaster for the entire region, according to one Saudi official and a second person with knowledge of the discussions. The exchanges came as tensions rippled outward from the Gaza Strip. Essentials like water and fuel are increasingly scarce as Israel bombards and besieges the enclave in response to the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, the armed Palestinian group that rules Gaza.
Students on the Run, Schools Taken by Troops and a Generation’s Catastrophe (NYT) Universities and primary and secondary schools across Sudan remain closed six months after the war began, jeopardizing the future of an entire generation. With an estimated 19 million children out of school, Sudan is on the verge of becoming “the worst education crisis in the world,” the United Nations Children’s Fund warned this month. Teachers across the northeast African nation have gone unpaid and young people out of school have been exposed to physical and mental threats, including recruitment into armed groups. Universities and government educational offices have been destroyed or used as defense positions, and at least 171 schools have been turned into emergency shelters for displaced people, according to a spokesman with the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. “If this war continues, the damage to the education system will be irreparable,” said Munzoul Assal, who until April was a social anthropology professor at the Faculty of Economics and Social Studies at the University of Khartoum.
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kailumvillalobos · 11 months
Residential and Commercial Cleaning in Naples Florida
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For over 20 years, Perfect Cleaners has offered home owners a variety of home cleaning services in Naples FL. We are here to assist you in every way, working hard to provide you with high-quality cleaning at the best possible price. Now offering residential, commercial, office cleaning and window washing services in Naples and South West Florida.
Perfect Cleaners
4195 3rd Ave NW, Naples, FL 34119
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internetmastery · 1 year
Fort Myers, Naples, Cape Coral Cleaning Company Celebrates 42 Year Anniversary
My good friends, Dave, Sharon, Jeff and the entire Crystal Clean crew are proudly celebrating 42 years in business, here in Southwest Florida! YES!
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Crystal Clean is a professional cleaning company that provides high-quality cleaning services to the residents, businesses, and builders of Fort Myers, Naples, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Estero, Lehigh Acres, Sanibel & Captiva Islands, all here in Southwest Florida. With over 42 years of experience in the cleaning industry, the company specializes in a range of commercial and residential cleaning services.
They offer complete cleaning services including:
Condo common area cleaning
Janitorial services
Office cleaning
Construction cleaning
Pressure washing
Window washing
Roof washing
Coronavirus disinfecting/treatment
Residential (house) cleaning
Rental unit cleaning services
Biohazard cleaning
Green cleaning
Hurricane & storm clean up
Most important, at least in my opinion, is that they truly value creating, building & sustaining the BEST relationships — their values are aligned with so many:
Unconditional Love
just to name a few!
Their theme — FAMILY - CLIENT - COMPANY — speaks volumes for how they approach business, SO GOOD!
Crystal Clean is also hiring, and they have a fantastic onboarding process that welcomes their new team members in the best possible way! If you're interested in finding out more about Crystal Clean, simply visit their website at:
and if you're interested in working with an amazing team of professionals, visit their "Jobs" section of their website.
I'm sending the entire Crystal Clean crew positive, loving, healthy energy, vibes & thoughts!
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allaboutthemix · 1 year
Interior Designer Naples FL
Designing a Functional and Stylish Home Office
Working from home has become increasingly common, and having a dedicated home office space is more important than ever. As an interior designer in Naples, Florida, I know the importance of creating a functional and stylish home office that not only inspires productivity but also reflects your personality. Let's explore some essential elements to consider when designing your dream home office in sunny Naples. [Interior designer Naples FL]
Location and Layout: Finding the Perfect Spot
The first step in designing your ideal home office is to select the perfect location and layout within your home. This will ensure that you have a dedicated space that promotes focus, creativity, and comfort.
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Choosing the Right Space
In my experience, it's crucial to select a quiet and well-lit area of your home for your office. Consider rooms with natural light, away from noisy areas or distractions. If you don't have a spare room, don't worry! There are plenty of ways to carve out a functional office space within your existing living areas, such as a cozy corner or an unused nook.
Creating an Efficient Layout
Once you've chosen the perfect spot, consider the layout of your home office. Think about where you'll place your desk, storage, and any additional seating or workspace. Make sure there's enough room to move around comfortably and that your layout promotes an organized and efficient working environment. It's all about making your home office a place where you can be your most productive self. Comfortable and Ergonomic Furniture: Supporting Your Work Habits Selecting the right furniture for your home office is essential to ensure a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. Trust me, your back and neck will thank you for it!
The Perfect Desk
Choose a desk that fits your space and working style, whether you prefer a traditional desk, a standing desk, or even a convertible option. Ensure it has enough surface area for your computer, paperwork, and any other essentials you need to stay organized and focused. [Naples FL interior designer]
Supportive Seating
Investing in a high-quality, ergonomic office chair is a must. Your chair should provide adequate lumbar support and be adjustable to suit your height and posture. You'll be spending hours at your desk, so make sure your seating is comfortable and promotes proper alignment.
Personalized Style: Reflecting Your Personality and Tastes
In sunny Naples, Florida, you can draw inspiration from the beautiful coastal surroundings to create a stylish and personalized home office that reflects your unique tastes.
Coastal-Inspired Design
Incorporate elements of coastal chic into your home office design with light, airy colors, natural materials, and beach-inspired accents. Think soft blues, crisp whites, and sandy neutrals to create a serene and inviting workspace.
Add a Touch of Naples Charm
Don't forget to add personal touches that showcase your love for Naples and South Florida. Display local artwork, photographs, or souvenirs that remind you of your favorite Naples destinations. Your home office should be a space that inspires and motivates you, so make it truly your own.
Storage and Organization: Keeping Your Workspace Tidy
An organized and clutter-free workspace is essential for productivity. Invest in functional storage solutions to keep your office neat and tidy, making it easier to focus on your work.
Smart Storage Solutions
Incorporate shelving, file cabinets, and desk organizers to store your documents, office supplies, and reference materials. Make use of vertical space with wall-mounted shelves or a bookcase to maximize storage without compromising on style.
Keep It Organized
Develop a system to keep your workspace organized, such as color-coded files or labeled storage containers. Regularly declutter and reorganize your space to maintain a clean and inspiring working environment.
Designing a functional and stylish home office in Naples, Florida, requires thoughtful consideration of location, layout, furniture, style, and organization. By incorporating these essential elements, you'll create a workspace that is not only comfortable and ergonomic but also reflects your personality and love for the beautiful Naples surroundings.
Lighting and Ambiance: Setting the Mood for Productivity
Proper lighting and ambiance are crucial for creating an inspiring and productive work environment. Let's explore how to balance natural and artificial light to achieve the perfect atmosphere for your home office. [Interior design firms Naples FL]
Make the Most of Natural Light
In Naples, we are fortunate to enjoy an abundance of natural light. Take advantage of this by positioning your desk near a window or a glass door. Natural light can boost your mood and energy levels, making it easier to focus and stay productive throughout the day.
Supplement with Artificial Light
While natural light is a great asset, it's essential to have adequate artificial lighting for evenings or cloudy days. Invest in a combination of ambient, task, and accent lighting to create a well-lit and inviting workspace. Consider adding a stylish desk lamp or floor lamp to provide targeted light for specific tasks.
Bringing the Outdoors In: Incorporating Nature into Your Home Office
One of the many benefits of living in Naples, Florida, is the stunning natural beauty that surrounds us. Incorporating elements of nature into your home office can improve your mood, reduce stress, and enhance your overall well-being.
Add Greenery
Introduce plants into your home office to purify the air and create a calming, natural atmosphere. Choose low-maintenance options like succulents, snake plants, or pothos that can thrive indoors with minimal care.
Biophilic Design Elements
Incorporate natural materials, textures, and patterns into your home office design to promote a connection with nature. Consider using reclaimed wood furniture, woven rugs, or nature-inspired artwork to bring the outdoors in and create a sense of harmony and tranquility in your workspace.
By following these tips and incorporating your personal style, you'll create a functional, stylish, and inviting home office that helps you stay productive and focused while working from home in beautiful Naples, Florida. And remember, if you need assistance in designing your dream workspace, I'm here to help you every step of the way.
Check out our website to get more information about Interior Design Naples FL!
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naplespowerwash · 2 years
Pressure Washing: A Guide to Keeping Your Home Clean and Safe
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 Pressure washing is the best way to keep your home clean and safe. The process is simple and efficient, making it easier for homeowners in Southwest Florida to maintain their spaces. But what exactly is pressure washing? How does it work? There is some basics way of pressure washing. Pressure washing involves high-pressure water sprayers to blast away dirt, grime, mold, mildew, and other debris that has built up on various surfaces. It is used on siding, windows, decks, driveways, patios, sidewalks, pool decks - you name it! Pressure washers come in various sizes and strengths, depending on the job. You can even rent or buy smaller handheld units for smaller jobs around your home or office. 
Safety should always be at the top of the priority list when using pressure washers. We should take proper precautions by wearing safety gear, such as safety glasses, gloves, etc., to protect ourselves from debris. Make sure that the area is clear of people and pets before beginning so that no one gets injured from flying debris or splashed with chemicals used during the process.
 Washing types of equipment:
Pressure washing equipment uses powerful water jets capable of removing dirt quickly without damaging surfaces like wood decks or car finishes. This makes it ideal for cleaning outdoor areas like driveways where oil or grease stains need removal without damaging any surrounding surfaces. In addition to being effective at removing tough stains, it can be utilized to restore surfaces to their original shine, such as concrete driveways, which have become dull over time due to heavy foot traffic or exposure to elements such as sun or rain.
 Pressure washing cleans your home quickly and safely while restoring surfaces to their original shine. It’s important, however, to remember that safety should always come first when using any high-pressure cleaning equipment, so make sure you have the appropriate protective gear before starting any project around your home or office space. For those uncertain about using pressure washers themselves, hiring a professional with experience in the field is recommended for the best results without putting yourself at risk of injury from improper usage techniques. With Naples Power Wash, you can rest assured that our team will handle all your pressure washing needs professionally and with care, leaving your space looking its best every time!
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pixtourz · 2 years
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Home for Rent - $15,000 - Luxury Naples Rental! Pool & Lake View! Virtual Tour: http://vtours.pixtourz.com/2320d65d/ Gorgeous LUXURY 30 day RENTAL!  Come Enjoy Paradise in this Exceptionally Beautiful Single Family Pool Home. 4 Bedroom 3 Bath "Serene Waterfront Views thru-out.! Better than an Hotel! Feel like you're in Paradise from the moment you walk in! Located in the sought after "Kings Lake" community in Naples. Walk & Bike Friendly.! Gourmet Kitchen, Stainless Bosch Appliances, Eat in Kitchen with amazing LAKE VIEW!  Separate Dining Room, Skylights throughout the property. Master Suite w/King, 2nd & 3rd Bedrooms w/Queens & 4th Room Queen Sleeper Sofa Office/Den. Large Outside Screened in Lanai with Pool, Table & Chairs, Lounge Chairs, Outdoor Sectional & Grill. Tons of Space to RELAX & ENJOY the gorgeous Naples Sunsets poolside. Just 7 minutes to downtown 5th Avenue, Tin City & Bayfront, Naples Pier & Beach, King's Lake Plaza,  Publix, Aldo's Italian, Taco's & Tequila's, Massage, Hair & Nails, Starbucks & more. Rental includes 2 Bicycles, Portable Beach Kit w/Beach Chairs & Buggy for your Beach "Stuff", Streaming TV, Internet/WIFI, Pool Service, Lawn Service & every other week House Cleaning Services. 6 person Max occupancy. 1 Pet with Approval & Deposit. Property Type: House Building Type: House Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Lot Size: .31 House Size: 2622 Year Built: 1984 MLS#: 222067072 For more information call (239) 220-5119
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research--blog · 2 years
Disinfection Robots Market Worth $2.79 billion by 2028
According to a new market research report, “Disinfection Robots Market by Type (UV Light, Disinfectant Sprayer, Combined System), Technology (Autonomous, Semi-Autonomous), End User (Hospital, Transportation, Hospitality, Industries), and Geography - Global Forecast to 2028” published by Meticulous Research®, the disinfection robots market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 30.1% from 2021 to reach $2.79 billion by 2028.
Download Free Sample Report Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5234
Disinfection robots automatically disinfect the air and surfaces of hospital environments and significantly reduce the duration and resources spent on disinfection while lowering the risks of exposure for healthcare personnel. Hospital-acquired infections are a major concern for the healthcare industry worldwide. Every year, millions of patients get infected, among which thousands of patients die due to complications resulting from the infections contracted in the hospital. Disinfection robots are mobile robots that can navigate independently or with the assistance of an operator. As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the usage of disinfection robots has expanded beyond hospitals to public transit and other public venues such as shopping malls.
The key factors driving the disinfection robots market are the increasing prevalence of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) and their high economic burden. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HAIs in U.S. hospitals have resulted in medical expenditures of approximately $28.4 billion each year.
Furthermore, technological advancements in the field of robotics and their increased adoption in emerging economies are some of the major factors that provide significant growth opportunities for market players. However, certain limitations of disinfection robots, including the high initial capital investment coupled with additional repair and maintenance costs, are expected to hamper the growth of this market to a certain degree.
Impact of COVID-19 on the Disinfection Robots Market
The WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on 11th March 2020 and directed countries to take immediate actions to detect and contain the transmission of the disease. In order to curb the spread of infection, hospitals worldwide started adopting disinfection robots to carry out efficient disinfection without the need for manual intervention. The utilization of disinfection robots drastically minimized the risk of exposure. According to the International Federation of Robotics (IFR), the COVID-19 pandemic increased the demand for professional cleaning robots, including disinfection robots, by approximately 92%.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5234
Additionally, disinfection robots are increasingly being utilized in other public areas to curb the spread of the highly contagious SARS-CoV-2 virus. For instance, the robot Breezy One by Fetch Robotics, Inc. (U.S.) is used to disinfect the airplanes in the Albuquerque airport. Similarly, numerous restaurants started using robots for service in restaurants and disinfection purposes. For instance, in 2020, NCH Healthcare System, a non-profit healthcare system based in Florida (U.S.), deployed their germ-zapping robots in six restaurants in Naples. These robots use pulsed beams of UV light to disinfect dining areas.
Furthermore, numerous hotels in Tokyo (Japan) admitted and housed mildly affected COVID-19 patients in an attempt to reduce the burden on hospitals. These hotels used robots for greeting the guests and disinfecting the areas used by the patients. Also, various shopping malls, offices, and food retailers have started using disinfection robots for sterilization and ensuring the safety of their staff against exposure to infection.
Thus, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of disinfection robots tremendously and is expected to positively impact the disinfection robots market.
Disinfection Robots Market Overview
The overall disinfection robots market is segmented based on type, technology, end user, and geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes the market at the country level.
Based on type, in 2021, the ultraviolet light disinfection segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the overall disinfection robots market. The large market share of this segment is primarily attributed to the increasing demand for these robots due to their ability to neutralize various types of viruses, quicker turnaround time, and efficient disinfection of disease-causing microorganisms.
Based on technology, in 2021, the fully autonomous disinfection robots segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the overall disinfection robots market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the advantages of the technology to provide cost-effective disinfection with minimal or no need for manual intervention, self-navigation, and smart safety features such as auto-shutdown when a person enters the room.
Quick Buy – Disinfection Robots Market Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/65317608
Based on end user, in 2021, the hospitals segment is estimated to account for the largest share of the overall disinfection robots market. The large market share of this segment is mainly attributed to the increasing demand for disinfection robots by the hospitals due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 outbreak and the benefits offered by disinfection robots, such as quick and efficient disinfection without the need for manual intervention.
Geographically, in 2021, Europe dominated the global disinfection robots market, followed by North America and Asia-Pacific. The large market share of this region is attributed to the rising prevalence of hospital-acquired infections, increasing adoption of disinfection robots due to the COVID-19 pandemic, favorable government initiatives, and the presence of top players in the region.
The report also includes an extensive assessment of the type, technology, end user, and geography, and key strategic developments adopted by leading market participants in the industry over the past four years. In recent years, the disinfection robots market has witnessed numerous product launches, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, and acquisitions.
The key players operating in the global disinfection robots market are SESTO Robotics Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), UVD Robots (Denmark), PDI, Inc. (U.S.), Xenex Disinfection Services Inc. (U.S.), Nevoa Inc. (U.S.), Badger Technologies LLC (U.S.), Skytron, LLC (U.S.), Omron Corporation (Japan), Fetch Robotics, Inc. (U.S.), Finsen Technologies Ltd (U.K.), Taimi Robotics Technology Co. Ltd (China), Akara Robotics Ltd. (Ireland), Siemens AG (Germany), and Milagrow Business & Knowledge Solutions (Pvt.) Limited (India) among others.
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/disinfection-robots-market-5234
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smithplastering1 · 2 years
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Water damage destroys not only the floors but often the walls on your property. We always found ourselves groping in the dark on what to do next. With a quick action plan, we can minimize loss by getting to know how to handle wet dry walls – or calling in a restoration company in Naples immediately. Essentially, we can prevent this from happening to avoid additional damages to our property or homes.
Leaking Roof
Gutters are clogged
Damaged or Faulty Windows
Broken or Leaking Pipes
Leaking Roof
Leaky or damaged roofs can allow water to get inside your home. Typically leaky roofs are hard to detect since most start with loose shingles and through overtime causing the material to be exposed which caused a leak.
Gutters are clogged
A clogged gutter should never be taken for granted nor overlooked. This happens when gutters get clogged by water it will spill over to its sides and slowly seep through roof leaks, damaged siding, or a damaged foundation. Regular roof cleaning is important to ensure your gutters are free from leaves, scraps, and debris.
Damaged or Faulty Windows
When strong winds batter your home, always check your windows from the inside for possible leaks. Possibly, its structural integrity is degraded or has a faulty installation for newly installed windows.
Upgrading your windows would offer a lot of benefits, including improved energy efficiency.
Broken or Leaking Pipes
Leaking or broken pipes is one of the most common causes of water damage to a home. When pipes leak in a loft or under your floorboards you may not notice it at first until it becomes widespread that you got dampness and molds all over your walls.
You may know you have leaking pipes if your water is discolored (brown or yellowish), low water pressure, or your water bills spiked beyond normal. Have a regular inspection of exposed pipes in your home to avoid water damage from occurring.
Condensation is another most common cause of water damage to homes or even business offices. Several instances may happen to your A/C units such as a clogged drain, dirty evaporator coil, or a cracked drain pan that can lead to water damage to your home. Over a long time, condensation will spread to walls, ceilings, and floors around the house.
Water damage is a pain in the neck if you don’t deal with it quickly. On the brighter side, if the damage is not too extensive, it can still be repaired easily and less costly. Here some common ways you can prevent water damage from ruining your drywall.
First is painting over it. When the water has damaged the drywall and the surface has been just discolored but not broken or bubbled, it can still be fixed. Simply paint the stain to remedy the damage. However, first, let the wall dry out for a few days to let the stain fade away. Once it faded you can paint over it.
Secondly, water damages on ceilings can be dealt with by removing the water on drywalls. In removing the water on the drywall you can use a sharp object and sticking it to the drywall. In this way, the water will pour out itself over the drywall.
It is important to remove the water because the longer it stays in the drywall, the more the damage will spread. The cost of the repair will triple up if the extent of the damages is widespread. It is recommended to call in the professionals for they have the equipment, tools, and experience in handling drywall water damages.
There are many ways water damage can cause havoc to a home. Even with the best precautions, it would still be hard to safeguard by preemptively preventing it in the first place. If you are not certain- better be safe than sorry and have your home checked out. Call on Smith Plastering to act quickly so that they can restore your property or home to its normal condition.
When it comes to drywall expertise Smith Plastering has the years of experience, the right equipment and tools, and a professional team of technicians to provide high-quality service with satisfaction guaranteed in drywall finishes.
Smith Plastering Inc., since 1997, is a locally managed and family-owned operated business specializing in exterior and interior finishes for residences and businesses around Naples or in Collier and Lee counties.
We can provide drywall repair and restoration services caused by water damages to your property or home. Our team of technicians can finish the job on time with satisfaction guaranteed.
Call Smith Plastering at (239) 594-7537 today to request drywall repair services in Naples, FL and surrounding areas.
Smith Plastering also specializes in exterior and interior finishes:
Metal framing
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