#official adv koushiro
izzyizumi · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure x And Cafe (Merchandise Collaboration) "Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary Cafe: Our Memories" + featuring Duo: Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi & Koushiro Clutching Protecting the Laptop
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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{Me, trying to research Koushiro's flower:
"Koushiro Why Are You Complicated!!!1!1!"} Because Koushiro Is Complicated---
(Japanese fan base side has been thinking it could be Sage but I'm also seeing things hinting that might not be fully it...?? ?)
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taichi-x-koushiro · 6 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ Koushiro{u} Izumi & Taichi Yagami (& Partners) {New official art from here!}
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I'm pretty sure Koushiro is in fact holding Lavender flowers!!!
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digitalgate02 · 3 years
Who’s your favorite Adventure character that isn’t associated with a specific Crest/trait? Which of the canon traits (Courage, Friendship, etc) do you think would be their strongest if they could be totaled up for each person like a video game stat?
Hmmm... Tough question.
My favorites are: Jun, Kido bros, Michael, Catherine, Rosa (not going to call her by "Chichos"/"Chicos" anymore lol), Yukio, Wallace* and Menoa.
* I counted Wallace because, while we associate him with "Destiny" this is not "officially" a crest (though 5 years ago they had made gashapon toys with both Miracles and Destiny in tag format, alongside with Kindness, another which had no tag depicted in 02 or any material)
Anyway, I decided to pick Menoa, Jun and Wallace for this.
For Jun, I think the best is her having the same crests as Daisuke -- Courage and Friendship. Because she's completely courageous and daring, also she gets along with the Inoue sisters on the same level as Daisuke and Miyako see themselves by equals.
So I believe she would be an excellent holder of those two crests.
As for Wallace, as explained beforehand, "Destiny" is not an "official" crest, so I do not count it and Miracles here. Hurricane Touchdown is his journey and we learn a lot from it, but the most important trait to be picked within the movie's story is how much Hope he had in getting Chocomon back without having to fight. And, at the end of the movie, Daisuke is the one to give him a reason to be hopeful about meeting Chocomon again.
And now... Menoa.
NOTE: Kizuna spoilers in the rest of this post, just warning.
For Menoa, I think many might think her crest would've been "Knowledge" because she's intelligent and such... But, Like Shiha had explained in this post and the crests relation to the Adv/02 kids, Knowledge is not about "intelligence" but "seek to learn more" and "curiosity" which fits more people like Koushiro and Iori.
So, my pick is Kindness. Why? Unlike Ken, who simply claimed his kindness was a weak point of himself and tried to get rid of it, Menoa embraces her kindness aspect so much to the point of turning it into something twisted and corrupted -- She wants so much to save everyone from her terrible fate that she does not realize that no one is asking to be saved because no one, except for a few isolated cases, needs to be saved.
When she's about to lose Morphomon, she mentions about how "now she could help everyone with her skills" which implies in her desire to wanting to help people at that age. It's a shame her twisted vision of adulthood and her own experiences with Morphomon losing her physical form had driven her crazy.
So, I think Kindness is the best choice for her. (also funny how this makes her have a parallel with Ken-chan oof)
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astralsunset · 8 years
Can I have my favorite Digidestined, Ken and Taichi, for the character ask meme?
Why I like them: Taichi’s been my favorite since I was a little kid! I’ve always admired his courage, for one, but also his ability to be vulnerable and not only own up to his mistakes but to learn from them. That takes a lot of bravery, in its own way. Also the fact that he is so goofy and fun and canonically so accepting of everyone. He’s also good at getting shit done when it comes down to it.
Why I don’t: at least in fanon the interpretation of Taichi as kind of a borderline fuckboy really gets on my nerves, ngl. In canon… hm. While I get that it’s a compartmentalization thing and that he usually stops this behavior when he’s called out on it, the fact that “consideration of his team’s emotional state” is basically the first thing to go out the window when he’s sufficiently stressed out would drive me nuts in an actual person. 
Favorite episode (scene if movie): The 20-21 combo (the MetalGreymon episode and the one where he gets to go home for a few hours) goes kind of without saying, but I love the scene at the card gate in episode 28 where he’s officially nominated as group leader. He’s so struck by everyone’s faith in him, and his first act as leader is to transfer all that faith straight to Koushiro because he’s smart enough to know he’s the only one who can solve the puzzle. :’)
Favorite season/movie: ADV/Our War Game, though what we saw of him in 02 I largely liked and for the most part I like what Tri is doing with his character. 
Favorite line: “HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A GREEN CARD!” - dub line that makes me lose it laughing every time and i don’t even know why, he’s just so offended i’m 
Favorite outfit: his Adventure outfit tbh. When his outfit near the tail end of Kokuhaku looked a lot like it I may have shouted “THAT’S NOT FAIR” out loud.
OTP: It’s kind of a four-way tie between Taishiro-Taiora-Taito/Taiyama-Taiorato, but as of late I think it might actually be Taishiro.
BroTP: Taichi and Mimi! I imagine they’d get along a lot like siblings and tease each other relentlessly but they’ve also got enough in common that they’d have a lot of fun together.
Headcanon: Taichi has never truly recovered from the shame that was Sora’s eleventh birthday present and the hairclip incident and now EXCLUSIVELY gives her gag gifts so he has a defense to fall back on if she tries to yell at him for not giving her good presents. Sora returns fire, and it pretty quickly becomes tradition for the two of them to give each other the cheapest, shittiest gift they can find.
Unpopular opinion: This is maybe a bit odd, but the common response to the SkullGreymon episode of “Taichi brought SkullGreymon forth because of his arrogance!” really doesn’t click with me? I don’t think arrogance is the right word, exactly. I think it’s more of a case of him cracking under the pressure of being the only one with a Crest (aka the potentially only one at that point keeping Etemon from killing them all) and more desperation than actual arrogance. It’s actually really easy to put myself in his shoes there. I’d still be judging him for forgetting to consider the feelings of Agumon and his friends - a recurring trait of his when under stress - but I don’t think arrogance is one of Taichi’s flaws, or at very least not to the extent I’ve seen attributed to him. (I actually think @fizzingwizard did a solid meta about this a while ago but I can’t find it, alas.)
A wish: I really hope tri follows through on his character development and has him turn his doubts about how the Chosen handle real-world threats and all into meaningful action. Give me a Taichi that’s on the way to becoming the ambadassador we know he is in the future!
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: this is more of a Toei thing than a Taichi thing but pleeeease - and this is coming from someone who really does like Taichi/Sora - do not make Taichi like Sora in canon. No shitty love triangles for the sake of cheap drama here, thanks. It’s not fair to any of the three of them.
5 words to best describe them: charismatic, motivating, brave, accepting, dynamic
My nickname for them: sunshine boy
And Ken is under the readmore just so this doesn’t get excessively long, haha.
Why I like them: There’s a lot there to like! A lot of Ken’s arc is him owning up to the less pretty parts of who he is as a person - the Spore/Seed amplified them a lot when he was the Kaiser, but they did come from somewhere - which is an arc that speaks to a lot of people. He gets a good amount of nuance and is very aware, post-Kaiser, that his actions have consequences. He’s a sweet kid, but there’s a lot more going on with him than that.
Why I don’t: Not so much a complaint about him but I didn’t like how his character arc eclipsed a lot of the other 02 kids’ arcs.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I thiiiink 02 episode 45, when he opens the Dark Gate. The whole part with him in the truck before is sort of included in this, but opening the Gate took a lot of guts, and seeing all the other kids fall in around him was really sweet.
Favorite season/movie: Revenge of Diaboromon/whatever it’s called in the japanese lmao i’m a dual sub/dub person
Favorite line: “You can’t take the ball from me like that.” - to Daisuke in the fourth movie. I’d argue that this is Ken when he’s most like himself, recovered enough to be teasing his friend and being a little manipulative but for a good cause.
Favorite outfit: his winter 02 outfit, solely because it’s not the grey one.
OTP: Daiken! Like… y’all. Y’all. 
BroTP: Aside from Daiken again, Ken and Iori! I feel like they’d get along really well and philosophically have a lot in common if they really sat down and talked to each other. 
Headcanon: I just dumped a bunch here a few days ago!
Unpopular opinion: I mean, I see him characterized as a lot more… I dunno, fragile and Dark Magical Girl-y in fanfic and so on than I think he is. I’m not really sure what the popular opinions for Ken are. :’D Also tbh I’m not as interested in the Kaiser part of him as I’d think other people are but again, not sure what most people’s stances are here.
A wish: for him to show up in tri already
An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: I’d rather him not do a Kaiser 2.0 thing in canon. I think someone could pull it off if they were very careful - the Kaiser persona was kind of a coping mechanism and all and I could see how that could come back - but I think he’s had enough of that and also would have learned from the last time.
5 words to best describe them: introspective, sensitive, clever, soft-spoken… ugh i need a fifth one. penitent???
My nickname for them: whispers kenneth
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izzyizumi · 1 year
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D I G I M O N Adventure ~ Koushiro{u} {"Izzy"} Izumi T.C.G Parallel C a r d + Tentomon + P U R P L E (Crest Activated) DIGIVICE {Official preview art from here!} (+Clean version!)
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure {Series}/{Franchise} ~ Digimon Con 2024 Merchandise Reveals + 25th Anniversary "DIGIVICE" + Koushiro[u] Izumi & Tentomon
[Note: Text is machine auto-translated]
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koushirouizumi · 7 months
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{D I G I M O N} ~ K O U S H I R O & T E N T O M O N
{From here!}
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taichi-x-koushiro · 7 months
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Digimon Adventure ~ 25th Anniversary Pop-Up Shop + Taichi Yagami & Koushiro{u} Izumi (+with Agumon & Tentomon) (Higher quality art from the character stand previews!)
{Note how Koushiro has mainly ORANGE (Taichi), Dark fuschia pink (Hikari) and green (Mimi) splashes, with a significant amount from Taichi too} (Koushiro also seemed to land a hit or two on Agumon!)
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
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Edit by @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT RE-POST WITHOUT PERMISSION} (Please ASK to Use+Share!!)
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Updated 25th A n n i v e r s a r y A R T}
+For ADVENTURE Exhibition in J A P A N!! {Aug 10th~25th 2k24!!}
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koushirouizumi · 6 months
Me: Today is Making Fun of Yamato{+Takeru} hours M E: Who am I kidding, EVERY DAY is Making Fun of Yamato (& Takeru) Hours
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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D I G I M O N Adventure tri. (Implied as more Post-tri) {x T{e}xt P o s t(s) M e m e} ~ K O U S H I R O x T A I C H I
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure[s] ~ Miku&Tentomon / Digimon Adventure Official Collab Shirt photos of @izzyizumi {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove Caption!} {DO NOT USE or share elsewhere without my Permission (Unauthorized use is prohibited!)
Pic I got showing official Miku+Tentomon shirt I received (back in Aug. around 0801!) though I think I had received it just a bit later, so I wasn't able to wear it at that time!
(The img also came out a bit blurry, but I tried re-sizing this one, I may take more later!) The color was actually nicer than I expected (for Yellow!) {so I was really happy with this!}
This is the Small size but only because I don't think they even HAD a Size M in stock but if they did (I might have to consider grabbing another one of these, Someday...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
{D I G I M O N} A n d r o m o n {in 45 Sec.'s}
"{It} was saved{/rescued} by Koushiro and Kabuterimon"
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{Re-airings [JP only] of Adventure{s} films [sans 02 films], ALL of Tri, and Kizuna!}
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