kirbles · 8 months
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he is just so gorgeous during the weave scene, i had to make some edits of that smile!
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wyyrmwood · 1 month
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im not crying you're crying (I watched Logan for the first time so obviously I'm drawing his ghost waiting for Jean)
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randomwriteronline · 1 month
woe/rejoice. agori (and by extension glatorian) hcs be upon you
Agori exhibit subtle sexual dimorphism differently depending on which tribe they belong to (i.e. lebori males have brighter plumage, fezeri females are larger), while their bone structures are essentially identical. Gaquri are the only tribe able to naturally alter their bodies' production of their estrogen and testosterone equivalents. Actively transitioning and/or intersex individuals of any tribe can present dimorphic traits of one sex, traits of both sexes, muddled traits, or none at all
Their breasts are placed in the pelvic area, like horses, and the nips are the only visible part. To prevent chafing, lower garments have soft reinforcements at hip-height
They have short, nubby tails which have survived across their evolution despite having lost their original size and purpose. their movement is very limited and usually unconscious; since they remain the same length during all stages of life, they appear to "shrink" the more a person grows. children use them to better balance themselves when learning to walk
With the exception of Basari's and Fezeri's, Agori ears are very flexible despite their small size and can lean in almost all directions. Their shape varies across tribes
Their senses aside from touch are generally keener than humans'
Agori clothing tends to prefer function to form and does not have significant differences between masculine and feminine styles, although it wasn't always the case before the Shattering
Together with hugs, kisses and handshakes, each tribe has a unique display of affection or greeting pertaining to the head and/or face: Lebori preen each other, Gaquri rub cheeks together, Koniri gently nip ears, Fezeri butt the top of their heads, Basari scratch each other's nape, Potori shove temples against one another and Tapyri press the other's hand to their forehead. The gesture's intensity is usually toned down when done to someone of a different tribe to avoid discomfort or pain
If an object is in an enclosed space like a house, a vehicle or a box, Agori will point to it with their chins instead of their fingers
Vorox and Zesk still communicate in an extremely simplified version of a strict Basari dialect, although the phonetics had to be heavily changed to adapt to the shape of their mutated mouths. Malum has learned it and is currently the only fully sapient being somewhat fluent in Bara Magna Basari
Other tribes tend not to know Tapyri have hair
Koniri fur keeps warm, but becomes stiff in great quantities; Lebori down feathers are very soft, but struggle to retain heat on their own; Potori wool offers great insulation in most climates, but risks growing mold easily when humidity increases
After they (almost) went extinct, the sturdy carapaces of dead Bara Magna Fezeri were pillaged to make very durable high quality armor. because of this there are no intact pieces or Fezeri remains left, and the few plates that have survived since, no matter how worn or outright broken, are either made into family heirlooms or sold at exhorbitant prices. Sahmad has a large number of them (almost all buried) as he made a habit of targetting and capturing anybody who wore them specifically
Tapyri are unique when it comes to cleaning since their protective mucus naturally catches dirt and other particles for easy removal, meaning they only need to scrub or peel it off. Gaquri, Koniri and Potori take water baths while Basari, Fezeri and Lebori take dust or sand baths
Agori children are addressed with the pronouns ti/tir until they choose their own. its highly unusual for someone to use ti/tir for tir whole life, and the set is often used as a playful jab when a person exhibits childish behavior
Pregnancy is a very taxing endeavour: the process takes around a year and a half, but the parent's body will additionally need two or three years to recover from the strain of the experience as a whole, during which it will be physically unable to produce the necessary material to make another child. sudden spikes in stress or a constant stream of it during pregnancy is almost sure to produce a stillborn, and its very easy for older individuals to simply not have the energy to make it through childbirth once the time comes. this used to not be a problem, since Agori are very long lived and the whole planet was full of them, but the Core War drastically reduced their numbers and the hazardous conditions produced by the Shattering all over the planet made for a very dangerous environment to attempt having a child in, so births became extremely rare in the 100 thousand years before Mata Nui's return. the so called "children of Bara Magna" (which include Gresh and Berix) are few and far between, commonly having significant age gaps from one to the other
A wide number of male MU beings is perceived as feminine or adjacent by Agori, partly due to sexual dimorphism not being A Thing for most species, partly due to voice and countenance: Tahu, for example, is considered to be very lady-like. in his specific case this perception might however be also affected by the fact that he was modeled after Ackar, who used to be much more overtly femme in his youth* (check tags)
this is what ive got so far. peace and love on spherus magna.
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izzyizumi · 1 year
DAISUKE: Hikari-chan, I haven't forgotten about what happened to Taichi-san and Yamato-san. I want them to see Agumon and Gabumon again. I'll make sure that happens. mE, LYING ON THE FLOOR SOBBING AT THIS 02 LIVE DRAMA READING THAT IS OTHERWISE A BUNCH OF CRACKINESS: aaaaAAAAAAA
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thresholdbb · 11 months
I love it when they bust the SIMs Beacons out. Like it’s dark, make sure you help light your scene partner
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hershelwidget · 10 months
Ok before I go eepy have a Barnacle
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Nono. nono hes fine. he’s literally a-okay look at how calm and not terrified he looks. no see you don’t get it, this is how polar bears naturally look when they’re happy and feel completely safe. source? dude just tr
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skydaemon · 2 years
buddy daddies killing off all these women i will forgive you if and only IF kazuki's wife is revealed to be alive and evil
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
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"God told me that if I had any wishes, that they would grant just one." - Kobato {Kobato}
"...I... I still... haven't granted it. ... Your wish... I promised... ...that I'd grant it... ...I promised..." - Kimihiro to Yuuko {Holic}
"I answered that I wanted to live." - Kobato {Kobato}
"I'll do whatever I can because I want to be here." - Kimihiro {Holic}
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"What is happiness {/to you}?" - {Chobits}; Dark Chii {as Red 'Atashi'} to Chii {Pink 'Atashi'} {Card Captor Sakura: Clear Card Arc}; Lilie Shinomoto to Sakura {Sakura relating this to a canon Non-human Character}
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"My wish is for you to go on existing. That's ALL I want." - Yuuko to Kimihiro {Holic}
"But the one Tsuyuri {Kohane} cares about most is YOU." - Doumeki to Kimihiro {Holic}
"{Doumeki} didn't want {YOU} to vanish forever." - Yuuko to Kimihiro; on Doumeki {Holic}
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"To be happy... that's a rather vague goal, don't you think?" "{YES}, but that's what makes it {interesting}. All the more interesting... in that most people would consider it {IMPOSSIBLE}." "{Impossible}. How so?" "Well, you need a {life}... a {soul}. And if you're not alive... If you don't have a {soul}... what then? Then happiness is just a story... in a fairy tale book." - Zima to Dita; {Chobits}
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"Even if a {combination}/{of two [or more] people} Looks a bit 'odd' on the outside... They can still be happy on the inside." - Ichiro Mihara {Angelic Layer} x {Chobits}, to Chitose Hibiya (later Chitose Mihara {Kobato})
"The greatest happiness for me is to let the person I most like have the most happiness." - Tomoyo; {about Sakura} {Card Captor Sakura}
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"One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was a butterfly. He fluttered and fluttered, flew and flew. He so loved the feeling of freedom… That he decided that he was a butterfly. But when he woke up, he wasn’t a butterfly. He was a human after all. Then the man thought… “I wonder if I, The Man, dreamed that I was a butterfly… Or if this moment is truly the dream. Maybe the man I am now is a dream that a butterfly is having"" - Haruka Doumeki, who primarily communicates to Watanuki through dreams; relating a story, about dreams {Holic}
"Some things are worth caring about." - Doumeki to Kimihiro {Holic} {Heavily implied to be about Watanuki}
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"{Yuuko said} 'at this rate', {Watanuki would} 'disappear'" - Implied by Doumeki {Holic}
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"I don't love Chii because 'I wanted' to 'make love' to {Chii}.
'I wanted' to 'make love' to {have sex with} Chii because I LOVE {CHII}." - Hideki Motosuwa, on Chii {Chobits}
"Chii Persocom." "Yeah" "Chii is not human." "Yeah"
"Can't do SOME things. ..." {Implied as: 'Have sex with'}
"YEAH." - Hideki; - Chii to Hideki {Chobits}
"Happiness... That is..." - Someone Just For Me {Chobits} (Storybook)
"Maybe the man I am now is a dream that a BUTTERFLY is having"
"Because if we can all find that special person{/people}, then the world would be a happy place. The love that we all feel may not be the SAME, but it won’t matter if it’s the ‘someone just for you’." - C.L.A.M.P {Chobits}
"Happiness doesn't just come in one shape." - Ichiro Mihara {Angelic Layer} x {Chobits}, implied relevant to Ichiro and Chitose Hibiya (later Chitose Mihara {Kobato})
"I wanted to create, with {C.C.S}, a series with a girl who saw {MINORITIES} as normal. For example, Syaoran and Eriol are foreign exchange students, but to Sakura they’re the same as {people} who transferred in from a local school. Similarly, Sakura believes in all the forms of love {Sakura} sees. Towards the end {of C.C.S's 1st series} I had several characters give advice to a worried Sakura, showing that there are many kinds and forms of love. I wondered how the series would be received, since it ran in Nakayoshi, but it was received better than I expected. - Nanase Ohkawa (C.L.A.M.P) {x}
"Ohkawa: (…) I am glad that the readers are happy that Sakura and Syaoran got together, but that anyone would think it’s {just} because they make a normal {combination}/couple… it’s a little disconcerting. Sakura didn’t chose Syaoran because {Syaoran}'s a boy close to {Sakura} in age. If Syaoran had been a girl, if they had been far apart in age, as long as {Syaoran} was still Syaoran, I think Sakura would have fallen in love with {Syaoran}. It’d sadden me if you thought they’re a good {combination} because they’re 'normal'." - Nanase Ohkawa (C.L.A.M.P) {x}
"Normal? What’s normal? To only do what the masses do? And what is the benefit of that? Where is the problem in adopting a custom that is ‘abnormal’ if it has no negative affect on the world at large?" - Yuuko {Holic}
"I don't see anything wrong with being what everyone calls 'not normal'." - Yuuko to Watanuki {Holic}
-Observations made when rereading many C.LA.M.P Lores (To Be Re-Compiled, Someday)
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Doumeki, probably:
"I don't love Watanuki because I wanted to 'have sex with' Watanuki."
"I wanted to 'make love' to Watanuki because I love Watanuki"
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{Holic x Drug & Drop Cross-over} (Read panels right-to-left)
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I am Once Again thinking about Tazercraft Laputa Au....
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otrtbs · 2 years
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queen-of-the-boos · 1 year
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Curse you all /j
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izzyizumi · 1 year
U.S. Dub 2020!Tai: You GOT THIS!!! Now GO!!! Izzy, softly: ...A-Are you sure? TAI, SOFT BUT FIRM: *NOT A DOUBT* IN MY *MIND*. IZZY: ...!!
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koreposion · 1 year
.....I sure did choose the fuckin pen ever to clean up this comic with
Yeah I'm just gonna post it all at once because for some reason I deiced to have the first page have some detailed parts???? Though the rest of the comic is fairly fuckin simple.
My hand hurts...I want more spaghetti, I WANNA DRAW SOMETHING CUTE
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John Otto bringing them phat beats since '77
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poodlejoonas · 2 years
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milo-is-rambling · 9 months
Me vs outlining a perfect plan for my day in my head which I can be the only one allowed to change the schedule vs my mom asking me to do 2 simple tasks
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#she was like hey can you take the trash out I was like ughhhh okay yeah give me a min (I was still ordering weed)#my mom less than a minute later : hey if you want to break down all the cardboard out there I’d appreciate it Me: actually I’d rather not I#was about to shower right after I put this weed order in#then she gets all pissed at me bc I never do what she asks and blah blah blah blah blah#like. girl. I know she can’t see in my brain but I was not awake last night watching cleaning videos and psyching myself up for a day full#of cleaning my room and showering and doing laundry and cleaning funks cage and doobs cage and making my bed and dusting my ceiling fan and#taking apart my box fan to clean it and cleaning the water pitcher in the fridge and deep cleaning#like GAH I HAVE SO MANY PLANS TODAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DO NOTHING AND JUST SIT ON MY ASS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP#ripping my hair out and screaming banging my fists on the floor#I literally was like yeah I’ll take the trash out no I will not break down boxes right now and she went off on a whole fucking thing like#just shut up.#I hate it. why do I make plans in my head of the exact order I have to do things and if one person suggest doing anything differently or#pushing my schedule back further than I wanted to myself I get so annoyed I explode into a ball of flames#I wanted to shower dry off pick up weed let out funk refill the humidifier clean the bathroom mirrors throw sort and clean the bathroom#shelves sweep start a load of laundry clean off my desk which means cleaning and organizing my closet or my desk dresser thing to fit the#crap on my desk and I have to clean and reorganize the space next to my desk so I can fit my boombox there bc the humidifier took its place#next to funk and like I want to just cry why does everything have to be so fucking difficult for me why is everything simple for everyone#else and for me every simple task is composed of one million baby tasks that I have to do in the correct order forever or everyone around m#will think I’m stupid and dumb forever like WHAT THE HELL WHY IS IT SO EASY FOR EVERYONE ELSE IN MY LIFE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU JUST DO THING#IN WHATEVER ORDER AND IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT DO YOU MEAN A 20 MINUTE SETBACK DOESNT COMPLETELY RUIN YOUR DAY#AHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT#BUT INSTEAD. I WILL GO TAKE THE TRASH OUT. AND NOT BREAK DOWN THE CARDBOARD BC THAT MEANS GETTING MY KNIFE AND MY HEADPHONES AND PUTTING MO#CLOTHES ON WHICH IS COUNTERINTUITIVE#TO THE WHOLE ABOUT TO TAKE A SHOWER THING#UGHHHHHHH#I am the worst human on the planet and I deserve infinite suffering#fuck this whole thing I’m pissed I’m gonna listen to music and rage clean after I pick up weed and shower
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