galeforged · 2 years
starter for @of-invisible-ties​​ || Hans!
Against all arguments to the contrary, in spite of his amiable and cordial disposition, Forwin wanted to kill a man. He wished to finish what Lord Xander started back when His Highness first apprehended this criminal. So tired was he of playing nice that, at times, risking it all proved oh so very tempting.
Three left to inspect the border. Hans returned alone, without Princess Corrin or her retainer in Gunter. ‘Rehabilitated’ his fucking foot! Even a blind man could see clearly what happened during this mission!
Unfortunately, the man had King Garon’s favour. Forwin knew there was nothing in this moment that he could do, even if he tried. Worse yet, that was the daughter of the King of Nohr, for Cichol’s sake, and her father hardly mourned her, instead appointing him as commander for his troops! Sweet, innocent Corrin, a light that shone in the dark of this world the court musician found himself trapped in, now snuffed out and cruelly taken away from him, and Hans was rewarded for it!
No more visits to the northern fortress to delight in her good company. No more songs to bring the wider world beyond her prison to her. No more heartwarming smiles from the princess to bear witness to. Fódlan burned last he recalled, and now this realm too slowly turned more and more into Hell.
Once again, Forwin was robbed of his peace and people he came to love, and now the man responsible wandered the halls of Castle Krakenburg as if they were his own. Still, the bard knew he must maintain an air of professionalism towards such a distasteful mockery of a human being, if only for the sake of the royal children—the ones who actually felt something when Corrin was lost—he regularly entertained.
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“Good day, Commander Hans,” Forwin greeted, nodding to the man in passing while he made to return to his quarters and focus on his songwriting. Goddess, though, wouldn’t he look so much more tolerable with an arrow shot clean through his eye...?
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soulcluster-moved · 1 year
🎰 if ur still up for these!
Send 🎰 for me to put our muses into a random list generator then post the first five as potential ships!
Frederick & Rhea - Huh! tbh I'm still a little unsure of what Frederick's 3H verse would be tbh but the dynamic itself reminds me of Frederick and Emmeryn
Pazu & Diamant - ....this works surprisingly well?? Since Pazu is a kid from a mining community and Brodia is known for its gems and such. Like ! Pazu could easily be a citizen of Brodia, maybe the corrupted attack his town and he joins up at some point and Diamant is like, must protecc
Ryuji & Kei - I forget how timelines work with Persona but would Kei even like Ryuji lol I get the sense Ryuji would drive him up the wall with how loud he is
Kaitlyn & Eligor - Oh! I have a horribly messy 3H verse for kaitlyn based around the idea of her attending the academy as a blue lion, maybe we could work off of that. Unless you wanna yeet Eligor into Dragon Age (always a need of mercenaries in DA)
Eirika & Frederick - how the turn tables! hmmm visiting royalty in ylisse? I think it'd be fun if their countries knew of each other
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nobilismare · 2 years
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@of-invisible-ties​ ; ask answered
‘  my  heart  feels  uneasy,  although  i  am  free.  is  it  supposed  to  ?  ’ (ivy and hortensia!)
“I don’t know...“ A lot has happened in a short time that Hortensia was still processing it all herself. From the fight that she thought led to Ivy’s death to ending up in Solm and turning against her... It was still strange to think the two of them were on the Divine One’s side now, without the pressure of taking care of Elusia — a feeling she still couldn’t let go. 
“We’ve lost everything we have known and we can’t go back to our country...“ She held her hands tightly, her eyes downcasted. They may be free from the Fell Dragon’s clutches but at what cost?
“Everything will turn out fine, right?“
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generalzelgius · 2 years
“ why don’t i make you a cup of tea, and you can tell me all about it? “ (hey, so you know that night zelgius killed greil? let's have him and sephiran talk about it.)
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          ❛   T-Tell you about it   ?   What is there... to say   ?   ❜  His voice was barely a murmur, his whole form trembling as if a terrible cold was chilling his very bones. Sweat beaded on his forehead and dripped down his face in waves. His brow was furrowed so tightly that lines crinkled his forehead, emerald hues narrowed, a deadly gaze cast upon the floor so frightening that even Medusa would have turned to stone.  ❛   I have made a grave error...   ❜  And it was one he absolutely could not fix. The damage he had done was irreparable. 
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐋/𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐂 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒.   |   accepting   |   @of-invisible-ties
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macuilsung · 3 years
@of-invisible-ties​​ said, punprompted:
Alois vc: Hey, Forwin, do you know what sprinters eat before a race? Nothing, they fast!
It didn’t take long for Forwin to understand the joke. Even quicker came an ugly snort before he burst out laughing-! Whatever mood he felt prior to the punchline was quickly forgotten, having dissipated under the wake of the Knight’s good humour!
‘They fast!’ he repeated internally to himself, for the musician lacked the ability to speak between relentless giggles! Why do others groan and roll their eyes Alois’s jokes? They’re too funny!
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“You—heh!—You alois know how to cheer me up!” There, a pun for a pun!
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nonpareiltactician · 4 years
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     Suddenly, he feels extremely uncomfortable. 
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bluestmoons · 3 years
Erk suppresses the urge to scream upon seeing Serra. He manages to say a polite "hello, Serra, how have you been?" before the crushing despair of being reunited with her fully occurred to him. He could already feel a migraine coming on. Through clenched teeth, he mutters, "Please ... tell me you're not thinking of hiring me again."
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   “O— OMIGOSH, is it really you? AHHH! ERK!”
   Her back had been turned to him, and she hadn’t seen him first — she’d recognize that scowl and frame anywhere. So it was him who walked up to her... oh, to think he’d approach her first! He really did miss her when she was gone! She knew it, of course, but reminders never hurt!
   Her hands are folded together like she’s about to pray, but it’s clear she isn’t — she’s just holding herself back from launching at him, as well as basking in the joy of their reunion.
   “What? No, of course not! I wouldn’t pay for the services of such a dear friend! I just know you’d volunteer!” Her eyes shut, as though deep within a gleeful thought. “You really learned a lot of humility and grace from our time together... that’s very deserving of praise, so... good job! And to think I get to see it in action so soon after reuniting!”
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eiriini · 4 years
@of-invisible-ties​ sent:  Alt! || Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
Future muse??? bc I’m being sucked into GBF hell: Djeeta!
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A smile comes to the woman’s face as she holds her hand out to Micaiah. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to scare you. We were hunting and Vryn thought he saw some apples.” She then turns to her small lizard-like friend, giving him a certain look. IT appears that this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Then again, they both adored the fruit.
“What are you and your team doing so far out here? It’s not often we come across an army.” There’s some worry in her voice, but face and smile stay strong. Brown eyes look around to her company, taking them all to memory. 
“Ah, I’m sorry! I should of introduced myself earlier. I’m Djeeta.”
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fatedsummoner · 4 years
@of-invisible-ties​ continued (x)
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“Eh, depends on your tastes I guess.” Kiran shrugged leaning back, quite used to her antics and watched Karelyn’s eyes gleam. His eyes rolled reaching over to swat her playfully. “Down girl.”
His head tilted thoughtfully. “You just want him shirtless,” He teased chuckling. “I mean honestly, I’m more into Ephraim, Cormag, Glenn, Tibarn, Frederick, Haar, Zelgius isn’t too bad either, Ryoma, Stefan, Ike, Camus, Oswin, Conrad...” Is Kiran shamefully listing them off? Yes. Does he have care? Nope.
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enekihou · 4 years
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“Pardon me, sir. Have you by chance seen a Pikachu run through here recently? It’s female, so there’s a notch in its tail. A trainer lost track of it and is terribly worried.”
@of-invisible-ties​ || ♥ ‘d 
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f-ortuity · 5 years
@of-invisible-ties​ replied to your post:
Sigurd vc: Seliph, please ... it's not like I'm going to bring down an axe on her.
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          “I know you wouldn’t do that, father. It’s just...”
          “--I worry. Not about how you will act, but over Ishtar. I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable-- or under any sort of pressure to do something.”
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nobilismare · 3 years
@of-invisible-ties​ | x
Hubert: try it and you'll regret even attempting to throw the first punch
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“I am not afraid of you, Hubert. I also know that physical fighting is not your strength but I suppose you are not against cheating.“
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emblemcrowned · 4 years
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@of-invisible-ties​ ➥ "Nyle, your mother says I'm practicing my breaststroke too much." This was, of course, about the upcoming summer festival. Innes would never allow himself to be any less than in perfect form. "I told her it's to ensure that I swim circles around the competition, as is my right to. And she rolled her eyes." He sighed. "Could you help me convince her?"
       Ah, the summer festival. The Frelian prince still remembered how mortified he was the last couple years, for the very same reasons. A hypocrite, he was indeed, as one who also strived for perfection in all areas. To be a worthy king. Still, he rolled his eyes, probably very much like his mother had, according to Innes’ story.
       Gods above, preserve him.
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       ❝ Convince her yourself, Father. ❞ He replied bluntly, brushing back his deep teal tresses. ❝ A perfect king doesn’t need his son to fight battles for him, would you say? ❞
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echoedfates-archive · 4 years
🎬 I could see you writing Libra or Sumia!
Ooo I’d not really considered either of them. I think I prefer Sumia but in terms of developing a muse, there’s more to play with in terms of Libra. As in, I feel I could do more headcanon building wise to make him stand out from canon and have my own spin on him. That’s not a comment on the characters’ complexity, more just my own comfort zones.
Though in terms of giving them a voice on the dash, I feel like I’d enjoy Sumia more for casual interactions? Not sure about full threads because especially Libra, I hadn’t given too much thought to these two. If I ever did write Sumia though, you bet I’d give her plenty of relationship fleshing out to make up for the lack of supports.
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macuilsung · 4 years
@of-invisible-ties​ | continued from ask!
Of all the rotten luck—words Forwin dared not utter aloud, yet a feeling Hubert was acutely able to discern from the musician’s facsimile smile alone. Still, there was some odd comfort in being told he was not the only one spurred with anxiety before the vassal... but that didn’t change the fact the other’s presence was still as imposing as it was sinister.
Which was very.
Sothis above, why couldn’t Byleth have chosen the Blue Lions? Or the Golden Deer? And why pair himself with Hubert right off the bat? Sure, they’re a team now, but the young bard couldn’t shake the feeling he would sooner be “found dead” if it meant mission success. Heck, given the dark history of House Vestra? The runaway from House Gerth knew he should expect as much.
Doubly aware that these jitters are doing him no favour in keeping quiet, Forwin fought back against his apprehensions and resolved to speak up before long.
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“Here I thought you would concern yourself with my skills on the battlefield before you ever would my music,” he quipped. “Listened in a few times when I thought I was alone?”
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exalted--zealotry · 4 years
🎬 maybe Walhart or Naga?
Muse Recommendations // STILL ACCEPTING
Walhart is one that, in all honesty, I probably should have seen coming. I can definitely see where you’re coming from with this, though! While Walhart and other members of the Rudolf archetype weren’t exactly what I had in mind when coming up with the character of Anri, I can definitely see how quite a bit of how I write Anri could also work for Walhart.
Naga’s interesting, though; with how I hc Anri’s feelings towards her, her side of the spectrum is definitely something amusing to think about. Considering her presence in the Kaga timeline, and how her intervention has shaped the course of history for those games multiple times, there’s obviously a lot of history to unpack there, and getting into the head of, essentially, a god which she totally is she’s fooling nobody could be tricky, but also very interesting.
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