#oh *boy* first fic for the fandom and it's a sad one cause ofc it is LMAO
kino-rogers · 7 months
He is always a call away (Tangerine/Reader)
Word count: 825 (reasonably short and sweet)
Song: 0800 HEAVEN | Nathan Dawe, Joel Corry, Ella Henderson (listen, I know the vibes don't fit but the lyrics inspired me to write this aha)
Short summary: Bullet Train happens and everything goes down as it does in the film. Reader is trying to process that Tangerine won't come home again.
Warnings: Canon typical swearing, angst, (light) past trauma mention
notes: thank you @nocturnest for jumping on this to fix my broken English and being a wonderful beta!! what an intro but uh [coughs] i'm already excited to write more for this fandom (bits in which Tangie is very much alive ehehe) anywaayyy, hope you guys like this!! - 🥝
It's not been the… easiest time - it has to be said.
Since that phone call from Lemon, you've been struggling with sleep. It doesn't show in your work, of course. Keeping up appearances has always come to you rather naturally. Some of it being from your repressed trauma, that even years of therapy barely scratched the surface of, but also because of your line of work too. It doesn't sit well to be an emotional wreck after every kill you're paid to do.
The call was from a number you didn't recognise. The passing sound of traffic suggested it's from a payphone as Lemon sighed heavily down the line.
"You lost your phone? On a train?" You answered the call lightheartedly and you recognized his sigh immediately, you hoped it was just a release of pent up tension over a job well finished. Although, the fact that Lemon was the one to call, put you on edge, hoping it's not coming through your pretend jolliness.
"He's gone." His statement was simple and sudden. The tone, stone cold, as his voice was raspy, possibly from crying.
"Who's gone, Lemon?"
Your throat ran dry as you swallowed around a lump. Your chest quickly tightened as you tried to piece together what he could have meant. You couldn't- no, didn't want to think about the most likely possibility.
"Tan-" He took a pause, cleared his throat before continuing. "Tangerine, was shot in the neck, he is gone."
It's not like you guys were dating, no, it wasn't anything like that. Neither of you had the emotional capacity for that. What, with your jobs requiring you to spend weeks, months away from each other at a time, sometimes in different countries, opposite sides of the world. But he was the first person, in a long while, that you genuinely cared for.
You turn to your bedside table, glance at the alarm clock there. Its digital display shines in orange numbers, 01:54.
It's a month, today.
You suddenly have a stupid idea. What would happen if you called his number? Last time you checked it was still live, it'd probably just take you to voicemail. Weirdly, your therapist at your last session suggested writing letters to him, in your bereavement. Bereavement. Such a weird word. You're not even sure that's what this is. But maybe leaving a voicemail would be an equivalent. Maybe he can listen to his voicemails, wherever he is. You scoff at the fleeting thought but reach for your phone anyway.
Tangie is still in your recent calls. You tap the saved contact and wait for it to ring.
You're not expecting anyone to answer, of course not. Your grief hasn't driven you completely nuts. But as the phone rings, you can't help but think about getting to talk to him, just once more. By some divine intervention, you'd be connected through to him, in the afterlife and you could tell him everything you couldn't the last time you spoke.
"-after the beep BEEP"
"Hi Tangie," You scoff in embarrassment, not really sure why you're doing this anymore. "I uh,"
You sigh heavily, all too aware of the silence the machine is expecting you to fill. You sniffle as you start to speak again.
"I know you won't hear this. That… Isn't really the point." You draw a shaky breath. "I know who did it though. Well, knew. Lemon and I took him out last week. What kind of an assassin's name is Ladybug anyway?" You snicker. Can't avoid the tightness in your chest though.
"I just… I dunno. Apparently I should be writing letters to you, as if I could send them off with a pigeon and they'd get to wherever the fuck you are. So, this is the next best thing. If this was anyone else, you'd tell me to fuck off and to suck it up. We always were on the same wavelength, when it came to feelings." Your chest deflates with a long exhale as you realise you need to stop dancing around whatever it is you're trying to say here.
"I guess I just wanted to tell you I really fucking miss you." You sniffle again, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. "I miss your stupid grin, your teasing, your annoyingly cocky attitude, your… The way you looked at me."
"I wish you were here right now so I could tell you I love you. I wish I didn't, I really goddamn wish I didn't care for you so much but I fucking love you. And I hate that I can't see your face as I told you, for the first time. Please call me back."
You bury your face in your pillow and you howl into it, sobs shaking your body as the voicemail recording is saved and you continue to wallow in your bereavement. You're supposed to be feeling better. You need to stop paying your therapist.
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wander-wren · 1 year
i was trying to avoid spoilers under the assumption that i would Eventually getting around to reading tbc and asc, but im bored and i want to watch videos about them and i probably wont read them for a long time, so i went to the wiki to see whats up!
my official take on tbc is that the concepts seem very cool, but i cant say much about the execution or smaller details ofc. ashfur being the imposter feels like a really good choice, i dont know if thats controversial, i'm like 3 years late to all this lmao but i thought i saw some posts about him not making sense.
i mean, his connection to squilf and bramblestar alone...plus, yeah, he wasn't super into the code in life, but all of the events leading to his death WERE caused by codebreaking, and with leafpool especially going to starclan after inadvertently contributing to Ruining His Life, he might get mad about it? i kinda get it. also the whole concept of him possessing ashfur is so so horrifying and sad to me and has anyone written fic about this from squilf's pov???
also, ALSO, i skimmed a light in the mist plot summary bc i was still bored but it seemed cool. i dont remember if people were mad about that when i came out, just that it was Everywhere. kudos to the erins for actually carrying a plot through six books instead of splitting it in half for the first time since, like, tpb. po3 and oots dont count bc they didnt Have a plot.
but i was trying to think about why the new gen (arcs 6-8) arent as popular/getting much attention and why the fandom is slowly falling off post-oots. which, there are a lot of reasons, but this is one of the main ones i haven't seen anyone discuss yet (tbf, again, i was avoiding spoilers until literally today, so).
like, think about the new prophecy, power of three, and omen of the stars. they all happen VERY close together and are deeply intertwined. lionblaze and jayfeather even get to be pov characters for 2 arcs instead of one! and no pov characters die! except flametail but eh!
then we get to avos. we lose needletail, what, three books in? then violetshine literally becomes a mom to one of the broken code protags, and, again, only reading plot summaries, but she Never Came Up. neither did twigbranch. alderheart did some, mostly by virtue of being a medicine cat and therefore important to the plot.
and now, in the broken code, we've lost bristlefrost. i havent gotten to a starless clan yet, that's next, but i know flamepaw/nightheart is sparkpelt's kid, and sunbeam and frostpaw are the kids of random side characters (at least, they didnt stand out to me?). i'm not saying it's inherently bad that they're not connected to the previous protags (you could argue its a positive for sure), but it's contributing to this feeling of disconnection in the new books, i think.
i DONT think we should keep doing firekin as protags. i am perfectly happy putting that line to rest. but we introduced twig and violet and needletail, those are brand new bloodlines and focusing on them instead would be really really cool.
what you did the first time worked, erins! do that again! like. they had the opportunity to decimate the clans in oots and essentially start with a clean slate for avos/tbc/asc, but they chickened out. changes to the code shouldve been FIRST. new mains unrelated to firestar shouldve been FIRST.
actually, avos did have that potential. that was Good and Correct except for the part where there were no significant culture changes and too many tnp-era cats are still around. but like, okay, firekin! we like firekin! alderheart is my BOY. he is familiar, or related to familiarity. GOOD. he brings in needletail, twigbranch, and violetshine, so they feel connected to familiarity too, rather than just "heres some kids of cats you've never heard of. care about them."
and then they just. gave us bristlefrost and shadowsight. more firekin, woo. forget about twig and violet, oh and needletail is dead btw. i'm sure everyone has talked and talked about the tragedy of finally getting a she-cat who doesnt want kits but it's TWIGBRANCH. ugh.
anyway, yeah. all the protagonists for the first four arcs were interconnected and important to each other and i'm not getting that at all with the new arcs and i think thats why its hard for me and other fans to like, care.
plus also firestar and other fan favorites died and the prequels immediately came out and stalled the continuity for a while at just the right moment when a lot of fans were poised to lose interest. and then they did. and here we are.
this isn't what i meant to make a post on but i did! woo
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tehohaews · 3 years
Hello unfamiliar person, questions: 7, 12, & 23. Also 34 (👀)
I can't believe they have wifi in turbo hell too 😩😩
7. Which character you’d like to be friends with
Tian and not because he's so pretty, okay that too but hear me out. I think I can be supportive and give good advice sometimes SO I JUST WANT TO TELL HIM THAT HE IS WORTHY AND THAT HE IS ENOUGH, is that too much to ask for 😩. Other than Tian I feel like I'd get along with Tul very well too. We both have the same chaotic vibes djdjjdjd
12.Favorite Phutian moment (Or the moment that made you SCREAM saying they invented love)
I'll change the answer in other asks just because i CAN jdjdjdj but for now I'm thinking it's the pinky touching under the blanket in ep3. That was the exact moment that made me fall for this show. I've said this before ig but I dont watch a lot of shows and I'm very very selective before watching anything. So when i first started watching atots (i waited until ep3 was out and then binge watched them) I already liked it from the opening line "I always thought that life was like a game". But that pibky touching scene was the EXACT moment that made me go this is it! This is the love of my life now. And I remember replaying that part and crying for 3/4 hours straight 😩😩 I even cried when I was binge watching the eps before ep9.
23.The moment you hated the most
Cheating Nam 😩 Basically that WHOLE bar scene. It was so unnecessary and I hated every second of it.
34.Who is someone you got to know because of the show or someone whose posts/works you enjoyed seeing in the tags
Jdjdjdjdj I literally included this question for me. I wanted to show some love and appreciation so this was an excuse to do it. Oh boy this is gonna be long.
@phapundao Do I know you? 🧐 Why is your name here? Jdjdjdj Okay I'm gonna "try" and be nice but no promises 😩. Nuria, we were actually mutuals for a long time and you were one of my favorite persons in the 2g circus. Even after the hype died down, I knew I could always count on you to keep 2g alive in the dash and I really did (and still do) appreciate all your lovely content. I'm glad we got closer in this atots circus cause it wouldn’t have been this much for without you. Even though I bully you,block you,yeet you on a daily basis I really do love you and your evil,overthinking and phupha simping brain and I wouldn’t trade it for the world 💕💕 okay yuck this is too cheesy have fun in ppd river can't say I'll miss you and your evil ass 🥱🥱
@billkinsdancing Wanna know a secret? I actually wanted to be friends with you ever since I noticed us becoming mutuals cause you seemed chaotic LIKE ME and then you sent me that tuty homophobic ask and the rest is history dkkdkdk Thank you for starting the protection squid and being the 2nd most chaotic person (next to me ofc). I love your rambles and your clownery and I will never forget us screaming in eo's asks after an ep quoting phutian 24/7. Thank you for existing and being your chaotic self 💕 I hope one day you'll get your tagging right 🥴
@atotsphutian LARA 😭😭😭 THE LITERAL LOVE OF MY LIFE 😭😭 I'm not lying when I say that you’re the sunshine of the fandom. THANK YOU SM FOR YOUR SMILING tian and phupha content,your torfun content and happy phutian sets!! On behalf of the yeeters, I'm sorry to have you make up for all the angst with happy sets djdjkdj BUT I KNOW THAT I COULD ALWAYS COUNT ON YOU TO MAKE ME SMILE. I'm really really really grateful to have gotten to know you because of atots cause you’re literally the kindest and sweetest person ever!!
@kaonoppakao SAM I'm gonna miss your atots bingos so so much. I always looked forward to them ever since you started and I appreciate you sending them to me,they really made my day. Even though you're now no.1 on the yeet list after you started making more angsty sets to get away from me in ppd bottom 😩 I appreciate all your content, your parallels, sometimes crack and memes. I'll miss talking about predictions with you too 🥺. Ily thank you for everything 💖💖
@serannes (was tempted to tag the dragon blog just so you didnt have to see this 🙄) ELLIS you art thief 😤 jk jk still can't believe that was how we first interacted dkkdkdkd I had a lot of fun terrorizing everyone with our yeet party and I'm glad to get to know you bcuz of atots. Thank you for your lovely content and for being your chaotic evil self. But most importantly thank you for introducing us to dreaz14 even tho they eloped with sakda 😩😩
@systoles-lfc Nads!! I've said this before but I appreciate each and every one of your metas,analysis™,theories, memes and even sad horny phutian posts!! Ily this fandom wouldn’t have been this much fun wo you!! Thank you for everything 💖
@sexyglances MARIA The real crackhead of the fandom!! I had the time of my life reading your metas,your tags AND YOUR MEMES OH GAWDD THE MEMES. Thank you for always taking the time to send me your atots bingos too and clown me in my inbox rdghdddtgg You made this 10 times more fun for me and I'm so grateful you exist 💖💖
@mixxiw FANZY!! Quan said you were a mix fansite and WHERE IS THE LIE!! Thank you for all your updates and content! I really really really appreciate them. You're a blessing to this site 💖
@faandomcentral I associate you with cats more than I associate you with atots but I love you and yes our souls are made of the same thing whatever that is (insult)
@tianphu KIT!!! Love all your content and I hope we can continue to be friends and bond over our shared love for both 2g and atots!!
@thebadmoonsrising hello i love you and your fics even tho I've said this a million times already jsjdkdkd
@viriyanon-guntithanon i love your metas!! I loved seeing them everytime after an ep when i went to the tags. Thank you so much for those 💖💖💖
@nct-oli ik we've been mutuals for like 17 hours but I love you with all my heart and I'm gonna miss reading your metas SO SO SO MUCH. They were one of my favorite things in the atots tag
Also @seetian (my url twin) and @ionlydidthisforatots aside from the fact that you two have the best urls here djjdjdj i love your blogs 💖💖💖 they're wonderful 💖💖💖
Also shoutout to every single content creator who I'm not gonna name cause I'm shy™. I appreciate each and every one of your content, thank you so much for sharing them with us.
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soupncrackwrs · 4 years
Okay so I had an idea for an AFTG fic but again I’m horrible at anything that isn’t hc’s so here we are (feel free to make this into a fic if you want just credit me) *Also all pairing in this are platonic besides andreil and mattdan soo, don’t like get out*
This spawned from that fact that one of my 3 PTP’s (platonic trust pairing) in AFTG is Kev and Neil
This is probably my PTP that has the most popularity in the fandom I’d say (my other 2 are Renee/Andrew/Neil and Neil/Dan which are both *really* hard to find ((at least on ao3)) so that sucks) but you’d be surprised how little it gets like actually focused on
Most times, platonic wise, Neil gets shown bonding with The MonstersTM, Allison, or Matt
I just happen to enjoy neil/dan, kev/neil,and renee/andrew/neil more
So I wanted a fic that really showcased kev and neils relationship
Now onto the actual headcanon
So neil and kevin are like best friends
They've been like that for a while
but they also like fucking despise each other
like they love and care deeply for each other and would probably die for the other if the situation called for it
but will that stop them from almost killing each other 24/7?
so they go to college together
along with all the upperclassmen (so matt+dan+allison+renee+seth) but not the monsters
andrew and neil have been together for a bit
they met around the same time kev and neil did so they've been together for a while (also while we're talking abt relationships, i don't ship renison ((am i the only one who believes that renee is a strong aro gal who don't need no man/lady/person)) but if you wanna make this renison, go ahead)
andrew goes to a different college tho ( for some reason i dunno)
and neil doesn't really like sharing stuff abt his personal life
we all know this
but a lot of the stuff he's done in his life involves andrew
so drew is brought up a fair amount
but when the upperclassmen ask who he is neil kinda just smiles and then moves on so they ask kevin and he's like
oh andrew is like one of my bffls he's a ride or die
(obviously not phrased like that)
and the upperclassmen r like 'ok he can be trusted he's a friend'
(little do they know hehhehhe-)
kev is tryna forget all his issues
so he decides to get hella pissed
wasted like he's never been b4
probably cause thea broke up w/ him last week but we don't talk abt that okay shhhhhhh
so he goes to the next party alli throws and
let's say it together kids
gets wasted like he's never been b4
to the point where the upperclassmen don't really know wht to do with him????
so they call up neil like yo pick up kev he's drunk off his ass like always but we think he's doing it cause he's sad this time'
so neil, being the good and sweet angel (not) that he is
goes to pick up kevin
and like he finds him on a coach almost catatonic just rambling to himself
so neil picks him up and drags him away to his car
and ofc all the upperclassmen r trying to help
so while neil is putting kevin into his car kev randomly just stops talking
(which is weird cause he's kept rambling this entire time)
and he looks neil in the eyes and goes
'i love you neil'
and neil just like takes a second
because he's not used to people showing him love even tho so many ppl rlly do love him (this boy is2g-)
and then quietly says
'love you too kev'
and finishes buckling him up
all the upperclassmen have been watching this going on the entire time and they read into in the exact wrong way
(they're trying their best, my baby dumbasses, but they're just wrong)
and think this is a romantic love confession between frenimies *instead* of the declaration of mutual respect and affection between 2 bro's that it is
matt is the first one to voice this after kev and neil leave and he is
he is super excited that his bro has found someone to love just like he found dan and is super excited to like talk abt love and go on double dates n stuff
and every one else agrees
which is why they're all super disappointed that by the time a week goes by, nothing has changed between them
so dan matt and allison decide to do something about it (renee+seth ducking out because'it's rude to meddle' and 'why tf would i care abt jostens love bullshit')
they try to set up kevin and neil a bunch of different time s
once with the offer of a study session that they all say they can't make it to, leaving neil and kevin alone
another time with the offer of kevin and neil going to the movies w/ matt and dan
(neil ends up busy w/ a skype date with andrew that he can't pass up cause they're always so busy and he has to see his boyf so kevin just ends up 3rd wheeling matt and dan)
and once with allison straight up just telling neil that he and kevin should get coffee some time
which neil respond to with
'we already get coffee together?'
so dan matt and alli are stumped
they don't know what to do with these 'lovesick' idiots
they're problem gets solved tho don't you worry
so the next weekend, andrew is gonna come over to psu and stay for like a week
neil is oVER THE MOON
And kevin is really happy too
so the upperclassmen take this to mean that these boys have finally gotten the hint and asked each other out
so imagine they're suprise when the next time the group goes to get lunch (which they do with each other every wednesday )
a super short blond emo joins them
and no one really acknowledges it?!?!?!?!?!?
until renee is just like 'hello andrew, how are you?' knowing smile on her face
and the upperclassmen are just like 'oh it's the famous andrew, that makes sense' but then they're like 'wait how does renee know andrew?!?!'
they ask and renee is just like 'neil gave me his discord. he thought we'd get along well'
-and then they're just like okayyy renee totally has a crush but well let it slideee
at the end of lunch neil is just like 'oh wait i never properly introduced him-' -cause you're a mess, junkie' -fuck off andrew' then just turns to the upperclassmen and says
'guys this is my boyfriend andrew'
and the foxes just silently freak out
because neil is in love with kevin? it's so clear? why did neil go and get a boyf when he has his love right in front of him??????
so after lunch, matt dan and alli ask to talk to neil privately
(andrew, kev,and renee all talk together while seth like, looks at his phone)
and they're like 'neil why'd you get a boyf??'
and neils like 'wdym?'
and alli says 'why'd you get a boyf if your so obviously in love w/ kevin?!'
and neil just LAUGHS at them
straight up cackles
and then the upperclassmen are like whaaaaattttt????
we saw your declaration of love at the party??
and you're both really close and seem to genuinely like and be interested in each other??
what gives????
and neils like
'me n kev are besties
that was a platonic declaration of love
i'm demi and me and drew have been together for like 3 years now'
and the upperclassmen are just like 'ooooooooooooooooohhhhhh sorryyyyyyyyy'
it's the first time alli has ever lost a bet (it was w/ seth abt neils feelings for kevin)
neil tells andrew abt it and the shortie just snorts and is like 'kevin would fuck a racket quicker than he'd fuck you'
neil is like 'i'm basically exy personified tho, soooooo'
drew tells him to shut up
(he does when andrew asks yes or no, just nods his head and smiles)
renee knew all along and is happy for her friends
kevin just wants to play exy he's been deprived the entire post
So yeah that's the entire headcanon. If you want some music to listen to while you write or just in general i recommend "I lost a Friend" by FINNEAS and "Corduroy Dreams" by Rex Orange County. they don't really have anything to do with the story, they're just real good :) Thanks for reading. see y'all later
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