#oh alain haha
cviperfan · 6 months
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*me, looking around for Unicorn Overlord yuri like the John Travolta meme*
Fine i'll do it myself
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owls-den · 1 year
Hi! What are your favorite and least favorite pokemon human character ships and why?
Thanks for the ask! Oh, that's a tough one... I got quite a few ships I prefer!
In term of favorites, I really like PerfectWorldShipping, ComaShipping... In the new series, I'm really beginning to be a big fan of Liko/Dot and Murdock/Friede. For BW, I adore SourGrapeShipping (Burgundy and Georgia's dynamic is just m w a h) and... Well I kinda appreciate any ship with Trip tbh but I don't exactly have a favorite persay haha—I've been drawing some Trip/Benga stuff lately but I just think it's cute, idk if I'd call it my fave yet. (As for a personal crackship I love it'd be CalmPrinceMegaKnightShipping which is Calem x Alain. All started in rp and escalated) I know it's a lot! I got a lot of other ships, especially in SM that I like but yeah! (of course I've seen the HanaMusa comics and I loooove them sooo much too!!)
As for least... Well, honestly, as disappointing as this might be I don't think I have any I really dislike? I mean, at most I think that AmourShipping is overrated because to me there never really was that much chemistry between Ash and Serena. It felt very one sided. Other than that... I guess I dislike Ash/Latias??? I'm mostly saying that because of one of the last episodes of Ash's series where they seemed to canonize the events from the movie which honestly shocked me (in a "I laughed very loudly in reaction to it" way). But like, I'm fine with it, I just find it weird that it's "sort of" canon?
I'm honestly very open when it comes to ships. I respect everyone's ship, no matter if the characters had 2 seconds of screentime and/or if they never met. I find shipping different characters so fun cause characters bring different personality traits out of the other when interacting! It's one of the reason why I love the romance genre so much: the characters and their relationship changes thanks to their interactions.
Haha I'm sorry if that answer wasn't super clear! What are YOUR favorite ships?
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agendabymooner · 9 months
4, 8, 12, 19, 20
(Currently 3AM here how about there?)
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
- haha shiiiit~ a lot. I come back to my drafts every other hour/half hour and most of which are chapters of series or scenarios. BUT if I were to count them (including chapters that are already completed and ready to be posted), I would say around… 15-25 WIPs? Yeah. I’m batshit.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
It really depends on my mood 😫 As I said before, I make things out of pure enjoyment. I’m refraining from posting more social media snapshots of dad!F1 drivers because I feel like I’m just being lazy doing that. I do love me some dad!F1 drivers tho!
But right now, I’m trying to get back to the Hearth Sisters universe groove! That means I’m trying to find inspiration for the Toto Wolff series (Colour Me Your Colour), Max Verstappen series (To Loathe and To Love) and potentially more dad!Charles scenario (About Names)
Another thing I’m working to get back on would be the Honey Honey series! I feel like I haven’t been inspired to write/make posts about that LN4 series so now it’s my break… yeah.
OH! And yeah more dad!F1 fics! The chances of me posting standalone scenarios for F1 drivers as dads are higher than the chances of flooding your timeline with series chapters LOOOOL!
12. Do you have a playlist for your current WIP(s)? Share it!
I’ve only made two playlists for two series that I’ve made!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
I’ll give you two eheh
“It only makes sense,” Aimee shrugged. “Since either of us are presenting to his peers and their other guardians— why don’t we talk about his names?”
The Ferrari driver thought about it for a moment. His sons and their names meant a lot for the couple, with them being named after people that meant so much — people that both Charles and Aimee looked up to.
Sacha ‘PJ’ Leclerc, much like his brothers, was named after the people that gave meaning to Charles and Aimee’s relationship and their lives way before the kids came along. It only makes sense that the couple answer the questions of who were the kids named after.
Especially when PJ’s teacher, Julie, grew curious about the boy’s nickname. His name was Sacha yet the adults called him PJ— why?
“Okay,” Charles nodded, “we can do that.”
“One condition,” Charles continued, making Aimee nod.
His slight scowl was mimicked by little Alain as Charles spoke, “I’m not messing with the glitter glues.”
“No gwue!” Alain exclaimed as if he struggled with the glittery sticky material before.
I haven’t seen someone as excited to see me as Jenson Button. At first, I thought I wasn’t planning to head back to the race any time soon but because of my manager’s insistence — in her words, “You are Britain’s best darling!” — I attended the race in England once more.
Of course, I haven’t lost contact with Jenson. His insistence of “keeping contact” wasn’t anything harmful — and so I just went with it. Except I only kept my emails and responses to a minimum as he continued to pester me. Seeing him in the race once more certainly made my stomach flutter— he was just as handsome as I’d seen him last year.
What he told me however was surprising. He was invited to the event for the Pride & Prejudice premiere. He said this with his usual irritatingly handsome smile. I’ve never been in such a tizzy feeling before… at least until now that I’ve met him.
God. I’ve never been so whipped over a man before. He’s irritating, indeed, but he’s making me want him more. Not that I’ll ever allow my heart to break just like that. In fact, maybe he should work on it.
Our encounter after the race was what had everyone going mad. After all, it wasn’t every day they got to hear a man and a woman talk like they’d known each other for a long time despite only knowing each other through emails.
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
I have a thing for alliteration. Like same sound or letter at the beginning of every word in the sentence and all? Yeah. I love me some alliteration. So I would say my favourite title came from my Sebastian Vettel fic, “Sebastian and Sons (& Soufflés)”
Special mentions: Oscar Piastri SMAU series (Jollibee, Madrid and All That Romance Fiasco), “Daddy, Debriefed!” Series (The Leclerc Daycare & The Hamilton Daycare), Something Sinful Series (F1 smut!)
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the-infinity-zone · 11 months
*Alain was practicing spells and opens up a portal* Haha! Finally! Let's see where this leads!
*The squirrel enters the portal and falls flat on his face.* Owww *He gets up and dusts himself off, looking around* Now...Where am I?
( if you want to rp, i'm at @alainthesquirrl, is this starter good?)
*The surroundings are all dark and have a blue tint* *a dark figure walks up to you from the shadows* "oh hello?" "I don't think I've seen you around here before"
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loominggaia · 1 year
...“Combatants, to your marks,” called Evan. “Ready, set, and begin!” The crew cheered as Skel and Lukas circled each other, each sticking close to the edges of the ring. “Come forth, Your HIghness, don’t be shy! It’s just a little tap, that’s all!” Skel beckoned cheekily. “Come near me with that thing and I’ll flip you like a flapjack, gobbo,” Lukas retorted with a devious grin. Elska bellowed from the crowd, “The fae one is brittle! You can easily overpower him, commander!” “Yeah, beat the green off that goblin!” added Balthazaar. “He’s got a bad knee, Luke! Juke him and he’ll fall right on his butt!” advised Alaine. Thoroughly offended, Skel shouted back at them, “Oh, shut up, the lot of you! Did a single one of you bet on me?” “No!” his crewmen replied in unison. “You dumb, dirty peasants! What do you know?” Skel replied. “I’ll make fools of you all!” With that, he charged forth and took a swing at Lukas. The bamboo cane audibly swished through the air as Lukas jumped back to dodge it. He danced around one, two, three more furious swings before bending backwards and performing a backflip, kicking the stick right out of Skel’s hands. It flew across the pit and clattered on the ground. “Ha! It touched him! Right there, on his foot! Did you see?” blurted Skel, pointing at Lukas’ legs. “Rule one: Strikes below the belt don’t count. Besides, he struck you,” Evan reminded him. Skel’s big smile immediately turned upside-down, brow furrowing in annoyance. “Oh, now you’re just making up rules!” he griped. “Rule two: No whining!” replied Evan. “Keep this up and you’ll be disqualified, mister!” Skel grumbled as he picked up the stick again, enduring the stinging laughter of his crewmates. “Okay, look, I won’t even hit back this time,” Lukas told him as they circled each other again. “If you can just get one good strike in, victory is yours.” “Don’t patronize me, you cur,” growled Skel, lunging for another swing. Lukas cartwheeled out of his path, then ducked to dodge a second swing. The crew made a racket around them, cheering solely for Lukas. The commander skillfully evaded his opponent for several minutes, and there was hardly a bead of sweat upon his brow. Skel, meanwhile, was quickly slowing down. His monocle was fogged by all the steam around his head, that which blasted from his mouth as his breath collided with the cold, winter chill. His breathing was labored, his muscles shaky, every swing becoming slower and sloppier than the last. Lukas darted to the opposite end of the pit yet again, but Skel barely gave chase before stopping. The goblin stooped over and clutched his chest, wheezing hard. “Are you alright, Mr. Skel?” Evan called to him. Skel panted back, “Yes, I…I…just give me a…minute…” “He’s done. Just call the match, Ev,” said Lukas. “No, no, that’s not how it works,” replied Evan. “It’s not over until someone forfeits or gets hit.” “That’s right…so…think fast!” Skel wheezed, then he lobbed the stick at Lukas. Lukas barely turned his way before it bounced off his chest and then fell to the ground. “Aw, come on, what was that cheap shit?” Lukas wailed. “Haha! You lose! You all lose! Victory is mine!” cheered Skel. He attempted a victory lap around the pit, but collapsed into a coughing fit after only a few steps. Several crewmen came to his aid, trying to lift him back to his feet. Wrenching himself from their grips, Skel barked, “Hey, hey, get your filthy hands off me! Gods only know where they’ve been! You can keep your germs to yourselves, thank you!” “Well, while you did win by technicality, this match was quite an alarming experience,” began Evan. “It seems to me you’ve been relying far too much on your telekinesis lately. You should speak with Dr. Che about a new diet and exercise regimen, and then I want you to start exercising your magic less and your body more.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir. I feel fit as a fiddle!” said Skel, levitating out of the pit with his telekinesis. “But hey, whatever you say. You’re the captain…”
--Excerpt from an upcoming Looming Gaia story. Lukas vs. Skel in the training pit.
There's only one person the crew hates more than Lukas, and it's Skel lol
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Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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mannatea · 3 years
ingrid x byleth A = this is so wholesome it almost got me in my one feel. i feel a little conflicted over ingrid as a character. like on one hand, she is a noble, and she’s always been treated well because she has a crest (and is therefore very valuable to her family) but the way this game is like “he fed me extravagant meals while he ate watered down soups” is... i dunno, i just feel like if you’re going to go the route of “noble family loses wealth” then Rose of Versailles did that way way better well with Alain (and with telling us very fucking little). yes i know it’s apples to oranges and all that, but all of these conversations with ingrid don’t really give off “her family was in poverty” vibes. if they could afford extravagant meals for her, there’s no reason they couldn’t let Father Dearest eat regular non-watery soup lol.
idk, i just feel like it doesn’t fit right. too hamfisted maybe?
naturally i can make it make sense in my head because i’m an idiot fanficcer who does stuff like that, but i’m currently just not the biggest fan of this sort of mixed-signals history.
ANYWAY i can expand more on that at a future date if anyone finds themselves wanting it, but i don’t know enough to be too dedicated to my opinion just yet. and for the record, i mostly like ingrid.
did the paralogue were we captured the silver maiden fortress and man oh man do i think hubert is creepy. he’s like, rhea levels of creepy
cyril x byleth A = not particularly inspiring lmao
mercedes x byleth A = owo??? honestly i don’t hate the support but my gOD is it long. like SO long. and not even particularly engaging. even my husband was like ‘no offense but that’s so boring’ lmaooo it just goes on and oN and ON.
anyway arundel was sniped hardcore by ashe and ashe alone. what a badass i have trained him to be.
“you are not qualified to look into the darkness” fuck off man
“both the living and the dead cling to us” i mean dang claude my boy
“there’s no telling what they’re planning” i mean they could be sacrificing rhea, or like...turning her into an enemy, or even more possible considering some of the bullshit we’ve seen so far, using her body as a vessel to infiltrate us lol.
gotta say, so far i’m not really feeling that “edelgard is dimitri’s stepsister” thing works that well in terms of a “surprise” for the characters. maybe i’m missing something right mcnow, but this doesn’t really feel like it’s doing anything significant, or is even a necessary reveal. like what is it doing that it needed to not already just be something people knew about?
i also find it REALLY hard that kind of thing could just be hushed up without being a much bigger deal lol. you’re telling me the person who had the heir to the empire (insert star wars eu joke here) up and married the king of the kingdom and like,,, nobody noticed?
if this was part of patricia’s plan, or a scheme on her behalf or something, you’d think she would just lie about who she was right? unless the perfect kingly lambert was into some bullshit too ofc.
anyway hubert looks like a fucking vampire i can’t unsee it
“i do not agree with what you intend to do” 👀
dedue x gilbert C = “i have nothing left to lose other than his highness” hhh dedue ur so good. “i have only come this far by modeling my conduct after his stories of you” haha they saY DON’T MEET YOUR HEROES DEDUE... “i am lost and irredeemable” god gilbert get it together, you’re so annoying. love that you put yourself ahead of your wife and daughter. but some people just love wallowing idk
yES i aM BeiNG mEAN
ashe x ingrid A = omg he bought her a boOK.  “this knight is a woman!” omg ashe ur so fucking pure and nice. that was a pretty nice support chain overall. like it was fun but not too over-the-top. don’t know if i ship it or not, but at the very least they come off like buddies and i love that too.
ashe x annette A = “i’ve been meaning to throw it out for a while now” LIAR. i know part two will have ashe having gone back to get the doll she dropped I JUST KNOW IT.
mercedes x annette A = “i think i love you more than just about anything in the world!” ;__; hHHH i love them BESTIES FOREVER (or maybe more?? WHO KNOWS)
dimitri x ingrid B+ = this was really good BUT i wish there was a little more insight into how ingrid reached her position other than “i thought about it” lol. i did appreciate getting dimitri’s side of glenn’s death, though. like, it sounds glorious when it’s two sentences in a novel, but when you see the death, and you smell it, and you think of those left alive, it doesn’t feel so heroic anymore.
ingrid x seteth B = it was...okay. i feel like i’m getting steamrolled by the same two issues with ingrid and it’s kind of exhausting at this point. seteth is more tolerable with the advice-giving because he comes off as older and therefore wiser, but also because it just feels like he’s the kind of person to stop and think about how to help before actually helping.
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miragesbian · 3 years
Dragon Age 2 + inquisition for the fandom ask thingy (´⊙ω⊙`)! .
do em both do em both also typing these out sniped me
blorbo - sebastian vael's name pops into my head at least once a day
scrunkly - my d o g (i named him pumpkin)
scrimblo bimblo - ...sebastian again lol
glup shitto - obsessed w every random eyebrowless npc like alain lmao
poor little meow meow - hawke (holds him up like a kitten) his name is theodore and hes so sad
horse plinko - all characters are fair game to me
eeby deeby - id say meredith or petrice but otto alrik actually stands out for reasons so
dai same order
my own inquisitor baelfire
oh mlavellan in general bestie 💛
that lil demon u fight in the castle what changes his face a bunch haha
(gives sera a shake) HER
bael again :3
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
Elio: Erm, Hy.
Nelson: Hi.
Elio: You know what you're doing right?
Nelson getting into his racing overall: Ah haha, getting into my overalls.
Elio: Yeah, but no. I mean, erm, okay. Doesn't Jean remind you of someone?
Nelson: Huh. Bob Saget?
Elio: You know what . Yeah.
Nelson walks off.
Elio: I mean, no no no.
Alain: Hey.
Elio: Oh my- Oh!
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Do you have any headcanons for Archie/Maxie, Steven/Wallace, and Lysandre/Sycamore?
Oh hell yeah I do. These are three of my fave ships after all. So it is going to get a bit long whoops.
HardenShipping HCS
I like the hc that the two are exes by the time ORAS happens and it fuels their rivalry. I definitely also like the hc that the team they used to be on together was Team Rocket, but like back in its old days when Gio was this cocky young aspiring criminal mastermind and Delia and Miyamoto were also there… good times. Archie was a grunt and Maxie was a scientist! Lots of fun spicy times back then, until they both left the team to pursue their own ambitions and grew estranged…
After ORAS they merge their teams after getting funding/support from the Aether Foundation to establish a Hoenn branch, thus becoming “Team Aether” in a sense. Since Rayquaza represents the sky and aether is the element that exists above the terrestrial sphere (like where Rayquaza lives…) it’s a fitting route for them! Like their parent foundation, Hoenn Aether focuses on conservation and pokémon rehabilitation, essentially the goals of Team Aqua and Magma but without all the extremism. Archie & Maxie are the co-leaders now and while they’re an unconventional duo they make it work and get a lot done.
Kiran was a total accident and the two weren’t even fully reconciled/back to their old relationship when Maxie found out he was expecting. Legit she was conceived only a few months post ORAS whoops. Maxie claims he’ll never forgive Archie for it, but they both love their daughter and she was in many ways what fully brought both teams together (in both the reconciliation sense and the romantic sense as I ship the admins together as well haha.) 
Archie actually picked the name Kiran out (as conciliation for accidentally knocking Maxie up haha), as it can have multiple meanings in different languages. It can be from Sanskrit and means “dust” or “sunbeam”, tying into Archie’s heritage but also the Team Magma theme. As a Japanese name, the kanji used are 磯藍, meaning “seashore” and “indigo”, tying into Maxie’s heritage but also the Team Aqua theme. Archie is very proud of himself for coming up with it.
OriginShipping HCS
Steven and Wallace have been friends since childhood, having met through Steven’s father Joseph being old friends with Wallace’s grandfather Drake. They set out on their pokémon journey together, with Steven challenging the Hoenn League and Wallace aiming for that year’s Grand Festival. However, after Steven’s other father, Célestin, passes away that year Steven decides to go to Sinnoh rather than remain in Hoenn and be stuck at home with Joseph, who he had a strained relationship with at that point. Wallace of course goes with him, sympathizing with his friend as he’d lost his own parents unexpectedly in a storm some years previously.
While in Sinnoh the two end up befriending Cynthia, though she and Steven are initially rather antagonistic rivals. They’ll deny this as adults and claim they’ve always gotten along (Wallace is quick to correct them every time.)
The two were dating and had been for quite a long time by ORAS, though they hadn’t tied the knot yet. I do like the idea of them getting engaged during the events of the game, then getting married the summer after, either not long before the Delta Episode happens or right after. Steven would have been happy with a small event but Wallace of course wanted a huge wedding. I’m sure there was plenty of fun drama thanks to all the coordinators who attended (coughHarleycough).
When it came to choosing names for their children, Steven wanted rock names of course, while Wallace was more reluctant about those, wanting nice elegant names. In the end, they came up with two rock names and two non-rock names (one of each for both masculine and feminine names). Wallace did quality control the rock names though since he didn’t want Steven choosing any “weird” ones like Bort or something. Since their first children were twins, they used one of each - Maia for the girl (after May) and Jasper for the boy. Wallace ends up using the other name he picked out for their next child, a son named Alphonse. Steven was gunning for another child so he could use Larimar, but since that didn’t happen (Wallace was firm that three was enough) he’s set his sights on their first grandchild getting that name.
I hc Lysandre as being a bit younger than Augustine, so they first met in a more mentor/student capacity back in Lysandre’s research days. He admired Augustine’s research and was excited for the chance to work with him. They quickly became friends and that eventually led to romance. However, they became a bit more distant after Lysandre left to start his own company, mainly due to both being busier than ever and no longer working together. They remained a couple, but there was a bit of a rift there that led to Augustine not noticing Lysandre slip further and further into extreme views.
Their son was conceived shortly before Lysandre enacted his plan to use the ancient weapon, intended to be a final intimate moment before the world changed forever. Instead of that happening though, of course, Augustine was left finding out he was expecting after the final battle, when Lysandre was presumed dead. He had assumed his symptoms were due to grief and shock at everything that happened, but finding out the true cause was another rollercoaster of emotions. He keeps it a secret for as long as he can, but eventually others noticed and while he never does outright say who the other parent is… it’s pretty obvious to anyone since he had always happily broadcasted his relationship with Lysandre. When their son is born, Augustine chooses to name him Florian as a way to honor his (presumed) late partner.
Of course, in this verse, Lysandre wasn’t actually dead but had rather been spending time rethinking his life choices in “so you tried to destroy the world, what now?” bootcamp with AZ. He does eventually decide to come back like five years later and is certainly surprised when he finds out he has a kid. There are a lot of road bumps but things eventually work out and he and Augustine get back together. (There’s more on this in Florian’s profile.)
Augustine’s red socks were a gift from Lysandre for his birthday that Lys was very apologetic about since he thought they weren’t enough, so to prove that any gift from Lys was perfect, Augustine has regularly worn them ever since.
Alain and Calem are Augustine’s nephews in this verse and while their grandparents became their primary guardians after their mother passed away, Augustine was always more of a father figure to them, as was Lysandre after he and Augustine started dating. So, in some sense they had a bit of practice parenting before Florian came along, though due to everything their relationship with their nephews is complicated.
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nikibogwater · 3 years
What other anime have you seen besides FMA? - Willow the FMA Buddy
I guess technically my first anime was the Pokémon series (like most kids here in the US--unlike most kids my age though, I didn't see my first full episode until I was 13 and had access to Netflix). I adore the original Kanto series--mostly because of Team Rocket, but also Ash was such a little twerp lol. I also kept up with the XYZ arc when it was airing, since Pokémon X was a huge part of my gaming life at the time (I was bored for most of that season, truth be told, but I stuck with it because I just had to find out what happened to Alain and Mairin. How come all the best characters in Pokémon are the side characters?).
I watched the first season and a half of Sword Art Online on the recommendation of a friend (I was about 14 then, I think), but at best, I could only describe my feelings towards that show as lukewarm. I really loved the animation, and the premise of the first season was so interesting, and I remember the last two episodes of the first season carrying a lot of emotional weight for me. But the writing sort of fumbled halfway through, and then suddenly everything was weirdly sexual and kind of fetish-y for some reason and I ended up bailing. The general consensus I've heard is that that was the smart move lol.
I tried Gurren Lagann a few years ago (also on recommendation--this time from my brother) but had to nope right out of there after about five episodes because I couldn't cope with the hyper-sexualization and objectification of one of the main characters. Sure, maybe this is just me being a prude or whatever, but I personally just can't get swept up in a story if I'm constantly being slammed with the message that my female body is first and foremost a tool for the entertainment of men, no matter how great the characters/storytelling otherwise is.
That same brother felt really bad for recommending me a show that made me feel icky, so he made up for it by steering me towards Steins;Gate. I don't really remember much about it, since it wasn't something I felt compelled to re-watch, but I do remember enjoying it quite a bit. I mean, I didn't understand any of it (something about time travel by putting a phone in a microwave???) but my goodness I had a fun time with it. Also it had a story element that reminded me of Fire Emblem: Awakening, which is one of my favorite 3DS games, so yeah.
I also saw the first...10? 15? episodes of One Piece after a lot of pestering from one of my cousins, but was too overwhelmed by the length of the series and not invested enough in the premise to keep going. I don't really remember anything about it except Pirates and one guy had three swords and the kid was super stretchy, I think?
Little Witch Academia is probably my second-favorite anime after FMA. Rather a jarring shift in tone, I'll admit, but it's just such a sweet and uplifting show. No, it's not terribly groundbreaking in terms of storytelling or characters, but it's just so gosh darn upbeat and cute, and I can't help but smile any time I watch it. Also the animation is smooth as butter.
Do the Studio Ghibli films count as anime? Because I've seen quite a few of those and oh my gosh the ARTISTRY! *chef's kiss* I have yet to see a Ghibli film that didn't make my jaw drop. I also checked out A Silent Voice last year, and that movie shook me in the best possible way. I should probably look into more of Kyoto Animation's films.
I guess I can't say I've seen a ton of anime. Certainly not enough to call myself an otaku, at any rate, haha. I actually first started learning the basics of art by learning how to draw manga/anime-style characters, so I have a very soft spot for this particular style of animation regardless. Thanks so much for the ask, my sweet Willow! I'd love to hear any anime recommendations you might have. ✨
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eliotheeangelis · 4 years
6, 47 and 51 for the ask game :) - f1forthegays
Thank you so much!
6. Do you have a movie that changed your F1 perspective? 
Hmm, no, not particularly. Maybe I haven’t seen enough! I did most of my F1 learnin’ from books and the internet :D
I enjoyed the Senna documentary when that came out but I have several issues with it; firstly it’s quite, ehm, misleading on some aspects (eg the “onboard footage” of the 1988 Monaco pole lap was actually from 1990, as there were no onboard cameras in the McLaren in 1988), and secondly it’s very unfair to Alain and doesn’t show much of their reconciliation after 1993. It just makes me sad to think that the first impression new fans get of Alain is quite negative
47. Which of the circuits would you like to replace?
Oh, definitely Sochi, Barcelona and Abu Dhabi. Sorry to those circuits but they’re very dull. Off topic but I absolutely LOVED all the new tracks this year. I hope we can bring back Mugello and Portimão in future!
51. Which was your favourite line up?
Haha! Obviously Alain and Ayrton but maybe only in 1988 before everything went to shit! In the years I have been watching (2007 onwards), Lewis/Jenson and Lewis/Fernando were my favourite teammates. I also have a very soft spot for Niki Lauda and John Watson in 1982-3.
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sage-nebula · 4 years
do you have any songs for Alain? i wanna listen to a playlist :3
I’m going to be honest with you: Whenever I discover a new song, the first thing I do is study it to figure out which character / ship I can associate it with so I have daydreams ready to go whenever I listen to it, haha. I don’t always succeed with every song, and some are such bangers I listen to them anyway, but that is generally what I do.
So needless to say, I do indeed have songs that I associate with Alan, Lizardon, and sometimes their loved ones. In no particular order:
1.) “Unforgettable” — Godsmack 
“With blind eyes open wide . . . (I’m seeing it.) A lifeless life never comes alive . . .  I feel the rise inside me, it’s untouchable. Like breathing fire in me — it’s unforgettable. I feel the rise inside me, it’s touchable. I’m feelin’ higher . . . it’s unforgettable.”
“again” — Adriana Figeuroa, YUI
“I wanna scream just to prove I’m alive — ‘Cause I’m ready to begin and I’m ready to try. No longer blind, I have finally opened my eyes. Listen to my cry! I won’t play it safe, I’m going, I won’t stay. To repay the ones I love one day. (I’m on the way.) I’ll fight ‘til the end — I will be the one to rise again!”
3.) “Fight Song” — Rachel Platten
“Losing friends, and I’m chasing sleep. Everybody’s worried about me. In too deep . . . say I’m in too deep. It’s been two years, I miss my home. But there’s a fire burning in my bones. I still believe . . . yeah, I still believe. And all those things I didn’t say, wrecking balls inside my brain. I will scream them loud tonight — can you hear my voice tonight?”
4.) “Where No One Goes” — Jonsi, John Powell
(Alan & Lizardon)
“Let the wind carry us to the clouds, hurry up, all right. We can travel as far as our eyes can see. We go where no one goes. We slow for no one — get out of our way.”
5.) “Stand By You” — Rachel Platten
(Lizardon @ Alan)
“And love, if your wings are broken, borrow mine so yours can open, too. ‘Cause I’m gonna stand by you. Even if we’re breaking down, we can find a way to break through. Even if we can’t find Heaven, I’ll walk through Hell with you. Love, you’re not alone, ‘cause I’m gonna stand by you.”
6.) “Boys (Lesson One)” — Jars of Clay
(Professor Sycamore @ Alan)
“In time, to wonder where the days have gone. In time, to be old enough to wish that you were young. When good things are unraveling, bad things come undone. You weather love and lose your innocence . . . And there will be liars, and thieves who take from you. Not to undermine the consequence, but you are not what you do. And when you need it most, I have a hundred reasons why I love you.”
7.) “Fade In / Fade Out” — Nothing More
(Alan & Professor Sycamore)
“Just the other day I looked at my father; it was the first time I saw he’d grown old. Canyons through his skin, and the rivers that made them carved the stories I was told. He said, ‘Son, I have watched you fade in. You will watch me fade out. I have watched you fade in, you will watch me fade out. When the grip leaves my hand, I know you won’t let me down. Go and find your way — leave me in your wake. Always push through the pain, and don’t run away from change. Never settle, make your mark, hold your head up, follow your heart.’”
8.) “Full Disclosure” — Zach Callison, Rebecca Sugar
(Alan @ Professor Sycamore & Manon)
“Life is precious on the planet Earth. And that means you, and I have to protect you. What if somehow you get hurt?  What do I do? I don’t want that for you. What am I going to tell you? You’re better off not knowing the trouble I’m in. I don’t want you to worry about what I’ve just seen, about where I’ve just been. You don’t have to be a part of this — I don’t think I want you to be. You don’t need this. You don’t need me.”
9.) “Bleeding Out” — Imagine Dragons
“You tell me to hold on, you tell me to hold on. But innocence is gone, and what was right is wrong. ‘Cause I’m bleeding out, and if the last thing that I do is to bring you down, I’ll bleed out for you. So I’ll bear my skin and I’ll count my sins and I close my eyes and I take it in— And I’m bleeding out, I’m bleeding out for you.”
10.) “Shooting Star” — Owl City
(Lizardon & Alan)
“Way up in the air you’re finally free. And you can stay up there, right next to me. All this gravity will try to pull you down, but not this time. Gaze into my eyes when the fire starts, and fan the flames so hot it melts our hearts. Oh, the pouring rain will try to put it out, but not this time. When the sun goes down and the lights burn out, then it’s time for you to shine. Brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are. Fill the darkest night with a brilliant light, ‘cause it’s time for you to shine.”
11.) “Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)” — Florence + The Machine
(Manon @ Alan)
“You made a deal, and now it seems you have to offer up. But will it ever be enough? (Raise it up, raise it up.) It’s not enough. (Raise it up, raise it up.) Here I am, a rabbit-hearted girl, frozen in the headlights. It seems I’ve made the final sacrifice. I look around, and I can’t find you. If only I could see your face.  I start rushing towards the skyline; I wish that I could just be brave.”
12.) “The Game is Over” — Evanescence
(Alan @ Lysandre)
“Had enough, I’ve really had enough, had enough of denial. I’m not all right, but I’m not gonna lie: I don’t know that I ever was. All alone I’ve waited, all alone, held it in as I played by your rules. I’ve been biting my lip, but I’m losing my grip, I’m coming down, down, down. Sweet words, they mean nothing, they’re not true, ‘cause the game is over. Your sweet words mean nothing, save your breath, the game is over.”
13.) “Monster” — Frozen Broadway Musical
(Alan, during Flare crisis)
“Was I monster from the start? How did I end up with this frozen heart? Bringing destruction to the stage, caught in a war that I never meant to wage. Do I kill the monster . . . ? Father, you know what’s best for me; if I die, will they be free? What if after I’m gone, the cold gets colder, and the storm rages on? No! I have to stay alive to fix what I’ve done. Save the world from myself, and bring back the sun! If I’m a monster, and it’s true, there’s only one thing that’s left for me to do. But before I fade to white, I’ll do all that I can to make things right. I cannot be a monster. I will not be a monster! Not tonight!”
14.) “Healing Now” — Sick Puppies
“I wrestle with my thoughts at night, anchored to the ropes I tied myself. I dream about war, I live without peace. A cell without bars, free air I can’t breathe. I choose to believe, in the face of my doubts, I am what I see — I am healing now. When a sky full of tears falls to the earth, I’ve gotta believe we’re healing now. Now before you give up, before it gets worse, I have to believe we’re healing now.”
15.) “Don’t Forget” — Toby Fox, Adriana Figueroa, FamilyJules
(Lizardon @ Alan)
“When the light is running low, and the shadows start to grow, and the places that you know seem like fantasy. There’s a light inside your soul that’s still shining in the cold, with the truth, the promise in our hearts. Don’t forget, I’m with you in the dark.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Not an ask but more of a question.... I love your idea of a Poly Capone x Napolian x Reader would be, but how would the massive age differences work? Like....The reader with Al would probably have 73 years of difference between them.... But the reader would probably be able to get him upto speed with the future.... But with Napolian? He's got at least 100-200 year difference with both of them! That's mind boggling 😵😵😵
I love the way your mind works, that didn’t occur to me XD Oh, but don't thank me for the Poly Capoleon, that was all the requester! ^^ 
Hmmm, lemme think. I really like this question. 
Okay! Since they didn’t have the tablet, they have not been conscious until the night Dexter brought the tablet to the Smithsonian- so luckily neither Al or Napoleon are really supernaturally ahead of you, intelligence-wise like a lot of vampire-human relationships. Of course, Napoleon is still a famous general and Al is a criminal genius, but that's... sorta... more normal... I guess... 
Anyway! There is still, of course, a culture / time shock. With Al, they probably go through the same motions that Amelia and Larry did, with the 20′s-30′s slang and such (Amelia Earheart went missing about 10 years before Al Capone died, so they probably knew of eachother through newspapers and such.) but Napoleon was legit born into the ancient regime of before the French revolution. DEMOCRACY???! (Al would get a kick out of telling him about the American Revolution. Taxes?? NO. They bond.) 
Okay heres where I magically become a historian, watch. 
Al: 1899-1947 
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Age - Due to Jon Bernthal being 33 when he did Al, and Al not knowing about his take down, death, or the fact that he becomes 'fat', we'll assume that the spot in his life that Al is stuck in as a cardboard mjseum piece is when he was 33. In real time, when Al Capone was 33, it was 1932 (Correct my maths if I am wrong, please XD), which is just after the Prohibition, but before World War 2- Great Depression time. 
Also, jazz, blues, gospel, and folk music, swing jazz, and RADIOS are growing in popularity, but he's still sorta in the 20's state of mind. Which was flappers, automobiles, nightclubs, movies, bootlegging, and jazz. 
That’s the kinda mindset Al is in right now. 
He is also an educated man, so he probably knows his share about the French Revolution and Napoleons empire. 
Now, our(NATM's) Al acts really old fashioned, and no amount of teaching him about your world is going to change that. He doesn't like TV, he wants to play cards instead. Stuff like that, he acts like a Boomer except worse because he is older. 
(As far as some prejudice goes, I think Al is a total feminist, being a 20's man, he respects his elders and wont hurt children, and he doesn't have any particular racist feelings about any other ethnic groups. He of course wouldn't be used to the equal rights and voting rights and such, but he's just like 'Good on ya')
Okay! Moving on to Napoleon. 
Napoleon: 1769-1821
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Age - Due to Alain Chabat being 51 when he played Napoleon, we're gonna say Napoleon is 51 as well in this moment in 'time'. So, he's about to die basically. The real Napoleon died when he was 51, in 1821. So this version of Napoleon, knows most of what happened in the real Napoleons life except his death. 
Okay! So, at this point in his life, he should be living on Saint Helena(And island South Atlantic) where he was exiled to by the British. 
He's going to have the most issue with modern world- its a culture shock for him! But he's also very intelligent, and our(NATM's) Napoleon is fasinated by everything. He wants to know all about your world, and Al's world! Flapper? Bootlegging? Radio? Meme? TOUCH SCREEN?? Take it slow, boy is ancient XDD 
He doesn't wanna go slow, though, he wants to consume all the information immediately, because he’s curious and also he hates feeling so behind, so you and Al may be in for a week or more of non stop learning in the archives (What better place to learn though, right?? The Smithsonian!!) until Napoleon’s head totally explodes. Just make him sleep and bring him lots of water. Al will have to carry him to a comfy rest place at multiple points. 
He’ll feel behind every now and then for the rest of his ‘life’ probably, but watching Al get confused about memes (And you assuring him that there is plenty you want to know about his time) makes him feel better. 
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Okay, I hear you saying ‘Yes, I just read all that boring stuff about history and culture- but age difference, Hannah,’. Yes, okay, we’re onto that now, I’m sorry XD 
Even without the... you know... being from different centuries, there is still a huge age difference. No matter how old you are, one of them is either going to be older or younger then you. Al is thirty three, and Napoleon is fifty one. Of course, in the ‘olden times’, especially Napoleons era, it wasn't a big deal for there to be huge age differences between a couple. So he isnt really bothered by it- except to ask you if you are okay with it, because whether he knows or is unaware about the new prejudices against age difference, he doesn't know how you feel about age differences and needs to- our Napoleon is a gentleman. 
Ordinarily in Al’s era, I think they were starting to get wierded out by certain age differences, but I honestly don’t think Al really cares except to tease either you or Napoleon a bit or a lot. Just good fun- and also he really liked it. 
They’re honestly perfect for age difference relationships XDD They’re both gentlemen! ^^ They’ll ask how you are with things every step of the way. 
I ah... might’ve gone too far with this question… haha. Thank you though, I had a lot of fun answering it! 
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nightslain · 4 years
RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !   good  luck  !
Tagged by: @notte-la-lagna​ 💕💕💕
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FULL  NAME: Leon Belmont
NICKNAME/S: Lion of France, Cherub, Kitten, Sunflower--
AGE: 22
BIRTHDAY: 22nd June
ETHNIC  GROUP: Celtic French 
LANGUAGE/S: French, Breton, Gaelic, Romanian
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS: Verse dependent (usually taken)
CLASS: Upper class
HOME TOWN / AREA: Carnac, Brittany. 
CURRENT  HOME: Wallachia.
PROFESSION: Knight / Vampire Hunter
HAIR: Jaw length, honey blonde and soft in texture; very thick and falls smooth nearer the crown of his head before it unravels into a halo of unruly curls around his cheeks and ears
EYES: Pale icy blue, almost silver in bright daylight.
NOSE:  Straight and petite, rather slim with a high bridge.
FACE:  Heart shaped and very soft; he lacks a lot of angular bone structure and has a very gentle, feminine appearance as a result.
LIPS:  Average; paler pink in tone, pronounced cupid’s bow.
COMPLEXION: Fair, but he tans to a more olive complexion in the summer. Gains a lot of freckles across his face and body when exposed to the sun.
BLEMISHES: A prominent dark cluster of freckles above his right ankle that are comparative to a birth mark.
SCARS: Many littering his torso, shoulders and back, most acquired from battle and from his training regime as a child.
TATTOOS:   A scar-like tattoo in the inside of his left wrist in the shape of the Gebo rune.
HEIGHT:   5′11′’
BUILD:  Broad, muscular frame, toned and has a sculpted appearance out of dress.
FEATURES: Long, full eyelashes and a slender high-arching brow, very rounded and youthful face
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE:  Loose about his face, combed despite its wavy texture often making it appear windswept and a touch unkempt. Sometimes worn tied back and twisted up when he needs his hair out of his eyes and face when battling or working.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK:  Either quietly stern when in a position of commanding authority from his men, or traditionally adorned with a more tender and thoughtful expression. Most often seen with a fond smile.
USUAL  CLOTHING: His knightly garb consisting of his armour, chainmail and tunic when he is out on duty, or otherwise his more casual clothes for inside the home and attending get-togethers, consisting of flowing high-collared robes, sashes, cloaks and ornamental jewellery.
FEAR/S: Abandonment, loss, failure, the rejection of his family, the inability to protect his loved ones
ASPIRATION/S: To sire a family of his own to carry on his legacy of keeping the world safe from monsters is, naturally, his biggest goal. Being a good father has always been his goal from the very beginning of his knighthood, albeit.
POSITIVE  TRAITS: Patient, compassionate, thoughtful, generous, approachable, nurturing, strong-willed, resilient
NEGATIVE  TRAITS:  Stubborn, impulsive, hot-headed, emotional, gullible, overbearing
ZODIAC:  Cancer
TEMPERAMENT:   Phlegmatic
SOUL  TYPE / S:   Artisan
ANIMALS: Lion, saker, stag
VICE  HABIT/S: Among his worst habit is undertaking too many tasks or burdens that aren’t necessarily his to care about; he often stretches himself thin and sometimes creates more problems than he began with. He doesn’t have many vices when it comes to food, drink or other physically manifesting habits.
FAITH: Christian
AFTERLIFE?:  Definitely.
ALIENS?:   Possibly!
ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE:  Though he was born into wealth and flourished in it for much of his life, he has no qualms about abandoning it all when push came to shove. He is equally happy living as a noble as he is a common man, but he was glad to have gathered sufficient wealth upon putting down roots in Wallachia to provide for his growing family.
EDUCATION  LEVEL: Trained from age six in all facets of knighthood which covers an incredibly broad number of subjects and skills. He was given a privileged education given the standards of the time.
FATHER:  Raoul Alaine Belmont (Deceased), Demetre Cariveau (foster father, living)
MOTHER:  Emeline Belmont (Deceased), Rosamonde Cariveau (foster mother, living)
EXTENDED  FAMILY:   None that he has met
NAME  MEANING/S:  Leon is a name that is Greek in origin, but also comes from the French word “Lyon” and translates, evidently, to Lion; however, the earliest recorded usage of the name “Leon” by a historical figure was that of Leon of Sparta in the 5th century. The name is also thought to have diverged from the Greek name Leonidas, which was also the name of a famous Spartan King, meaning “son of a Lion.”
HISTORICAL  CONNECTION?: Leon’s history is very muddied and uncertain due to the absence of any living relatives. He is not highly aware of his lineage outside of the fact his family have served as knights to feudal lords for several generations, and they have been rooted in French soil for as many of them as are recorded.
BOOK:  Many.
MOVIE:  Can’t say he’s seen any, haha!
5 SONGS: Ailein Duinn - Meav, The Night We Met - Lord Huron, The Valley - The Oh Hellos, Light - Sleeping At Last, So Far - Olafur Arnalds
DEITY: Helios
MONTH:  August
SEASON:  Summer
PLACE:  Mountains, forests, cliffs, the shoreline and the sea, his lavender fields
WEATHER: He enjoys bright summer sunshine and warm afternoon storms
SOUND: The sound of the sea tumbling over the beaches
SCENT/S: Lavender, florals, spice, leather, rain
TASTE/S:  Enjoys sweet things the most
FEEL/S:   Hands through his hair, silk on his skin, brushing lips, whispers in his ear, warm sand under his feet
ANIMAL/S: Birds, deer, snakes, rabbits, dogs
COLOUR:  Red, orange, white, yellow, gold, brown, blue
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celestinovietti · 5 years
5, 14, 25
Thank you! ❤
5. 2 drivers to take to a deserted island: I think I would like to take Tom Kristensen because in all honesty, I'd want to transcribe his autobiography because he's had an amazing career and I would keep me busy. I'm not sure about the other one - maybe Lewis so I could write his updated autobiography too.
14. Drivers I've met: in my job, I've been fortunate enough to have met and spoke to the entire FE grid for the past two seasons - my favourites include Sam Bird, Mitch Evans and Oliver Rowland because they provide good banter and are v v funny lads. I met all the Porsche lads at WEC when I was a fan but no f1 drivers (though I did bump into Nico Rosberg in Monaco once haha). To be honest, the only person I've ever got proper starstruck over since I started doing journalism is Alain Prost.
25. Friends I've met through motorsport: oh god, I think the majority of my friends are through motorsport. It takes up such a large portion of my free time so it makes sense!
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failingcomedian · 5 years
Irwin!! The only mineur guy in my bar! What a coincidence that we both have blogs that somehow connect outside of our worlds with alien people! -Alain
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"Oh shit! Hey Alain! Didn't think I'd see ya here. What a coincidence indeed, haha."
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"Also yeah! Interesting place here. Think you'll enjoy it too, pfft."
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