#oh also I really need to start posting again bc I have a non sports hfx rn and it’s making me go insane omg
najeeharris · 1 year
Can’t get content better than this!
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indecisive-dizzy · 21 days
Hiiiiiiiiii pookiiweeeee :)
I’m thinking more about my whole high school DearDollops angst au, I have so many ideas for them ;v;
I’m thinking a lot about their friendship after the entire situation. It’s awkward and complicated but they’re trying their best
Eddie lets his hair grow out a bit, and Daisey pulls it back into a little high ponytail. It’s cute and Eddie appreciates it
They’re just a lot more affectionate now, mostly on Eddie’s side cause he’s nervous. Daisey tries to reassure him but they’re also nervous
They hang out a lot more, but conversations are not super easy to hold up anymore
It’s just Eddie yapping and Daisey listening, but it helps them get comfortable again
Eddie invited Daisey to hang out with him and the rest of the neighbors/his friends and they immediately called for a group huddle to talk about it
Daisey could hear everything they said but ignored it
Daisey calls him Edd. It flip flops between that and Eddie, but they mostly use Edd
I’m thinking after some really stressful and tiring after school sports practice (I still don’t know what sport I want Eddie to do), Daisey just walks to the field to wait for him and he immediately runs and tackle-hugs them
Daisey’s just walking over to the field and saying hi, and Eddie just goes “Daaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiseeeeeeyyyyyyyyy :(“ and tackles them into a hug
They probably eat Smile-Dip behind the school and look at clouds
They’re the kind of duo to spray people with silly spray during parties together
The teasing from both their friend groups are non stop. They mention hanging out once and immediately someone starts making kissy noises
Is that the queue that I’m making them romantic? Possibly-
I need to make incorrect quotes for them they’re too precious to me once they’re at this stage :,3
Hiiii Bestieee :]
Oh yay Aftermath Friendship! let the awkward begin lol (post typing me is adding a cut bc I think this is a tad long lol 😅)
ponytail Eddie my beloved that sounds so cute
Sorry did you mean Touch Starved Best Friends Have Recently Made Up And It's Awkward But They Really Want To Cuddle?
Eddie's yapping is fun to listen to at least, bc of the topic, his accent, or his enthusiasm. Plus I think sometimes he'll mention something and Dasiey manages to respond to it before he moves on, thus triggering a more back n forth convo. still def takes a while for it feel as natural as it did before
Daisey standing next to the group huddle looking into the camera (the wall) like they're in the office lol
He may be sore as heck but that will not stop Eddie from tackling Daisey. Pain be damned it's Hug Time.
Also. Mind if I share some sport ideas for Eddie? Ahem! Weightlifting, Volleyball, Cross Country, or Soccer! Cross country and soccer are kinda funny w/ his clumsiness but I like the idea of Eddie in running type sports. Tho he could be a soccer goalie! Weightlifting needs little explanation lol he a strong boy. and volleyball is fun w/ more clumsy potential but less running lol
Points at you! That's sounds adorable but now I wanna know what they'd both be like on smile dip high or whatever it is that happens lmao
They're both hiding behind the same wall thinking they'll jump spray some rando only to spray each other in the face with silly string XD
NO DANGIT You just gave me the mental image of Howdy turning around to do the fake making out motions Thing! you know what I mean Idk what it's called! Barnaby Loses his mind and needs to lay down he's laughing too hard. Eddie's face is redder than his hair and he's yelling ajdhajdjah gah these idiots I love them sm
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
I've always wondered about paige meeting a witch/darklighter hybrid? Because she is big on nurture vs nature but how would she react to someone who half of their existence is deadly to half of her? But at the same time they are both half witch?
okay but like!!!!! literally Literally we meet a fucking darklighter season 1 whose sole purpose was to knock somebody up like light magic has all these rules to follow but who’s setting the rules for dark magic? the source? the source doesn’t care oh no there are more evil babies in the world aaaa ?? it was the same thing with hecate it was the same thing with the manticore hell it was probably the same thing with cole. evil loves having lil half-mortal babies it stands to reason that the idea of an extra power boost from having a kid with say a witch (or hell even a warlock or any other mix up of the two) would only be a plus. it stands to reason that the girls should have run into So Many splits like. Especially darklighters!! given that we were literally told there’s like darklighters who specifically exist to just knock other people up (which also. girl what. boo.) i mean honestly? honestly? i don’t even think we need a hybrid just straight up someone with a mortal mother and a darklighter father like that alec/daisy situation who was raised by his mom for the majority of his life until his father found him and took him (maybe killing mom who’s 2 say) and tried raising him as a darklighter. but it’s like. you know. he was raised for the most part as a human kid and yes he had some powers teleportation and then like. instant kill. but like. those aren’t well no teleportation is but instant kill is not a fun power especially if you’re just supposed to be a normal dude!
and then i’ve talked about this before (this is where i would link the post If I Could Find It i searched for. 30-40 min. i do not know where it is. aaaaaaaaa.) i don't think darklighters are born with any innate imperative to kill whitelighters or anything, the same with demon warlocks etc. i think it's all a cultural thing like killing the most witches makes you like. idk you know popular celebrity within ur faction. like uhh u drive a whole bunch of whitelighters to suicide ur fuckin steph curry of ur darklighter clan the man can't miss. So. if we have a guy let's name the guy let's pick a name that means darkness. kieran!! okay so lil kieran was raised by mom and knows very little of his powers, and you know mom knows even less she doesn't even know his father's name. But!! mom is a future whitelighter, she's just a bit wayward at the moment, so her whitelighter cloaked her so that she can raise her son in peace n safety. but oh no!! mom's dead. and the cloaking on kieran was only an extension of mom's cloaking so now he's out in the open n here comes dad. and you know we'll say kieran's a bit of a fucked up kid nobody's perfect so like. he's never really quite fit in anywhere and he's always been terrified of his powers but when his dad offers him a people like him who understand him who can better hone his powers (we'll say he's in highschool) he's like this is lit!! and i get a crossbow! and he's always kinda taught that whitelighters are the enemy they're these abominations souls reanimated by the elders as weapons, stacked w powers, they can never move on, and they just have to behave as pawns to the elders whims. bc like. this kid was raised human he really doesn't get hunting whitelighters for like sport so his dad tries to keep him a little bit sheltered from the true nature of it all thinking that once the kid is older, once he gets the taste in his mouth he'll come around. so kieran spends ages 17 to like 23-25 underground in the underworld learning about darklighters learning about the lineage he's from but there's like. like he's a smart kid. and he knows there's something they're not telling him. so when he hears talk of two of his peers going on a hunt, he kinda tails them just to see what's what, only to see them maim a witch to kill their whitelighter, and who should their whitelighter be if not kieran's dead mom. and they leave both the witch and the whitelighter for dead bc like. kieran's mom can't heal with the poison in her veins it’s a slow working poison so they'll both be cold as the grave in 24hrs. and kieran like runs up to his mom like a) you're alive?!? b) you're a whitelighter?!!?!! and c) you know like what the fuck. because that's his Mom. she couldn't have like. told him. left him a sign. and you know like heart to heart blah blah blah and the witch is over here kinda saying like hi?? darklighter? what the fuck? and kieran's like aaaa because he can't help all he can do is like kill and the witch is like doesn't matter bring me a map and a crystal and using kieran's mom's blood scrys for the nearest whitelighter like u should be able to sense them go bring them to us and maybe i won't vanquish you, a threat kieran has literally never received, and quite frankly the terminology makes him a little bit uncomfortable.
and you know where else should the crystal land if not south bay social services, and you know kieran really doesn't know what he's looking for he's never hunted whitelighter so he was never taught to sense them but evidently it's in his power so he gives it a shot but like no. what's he even looking for? he has no idea. so instead he just runs up to this raven haired woman about his age like fuck it do you have a phone. and paige is like ??? who do you need to call who are you here for what are you here for do i need to grab you any forms and kieran's like fuck it if you go to this address you'll find to people in mortal danger. they need help. and then like. bolts. and paige is like what the fuck!!
and you know blah blah blah they manage to save the witch but they can't save the mom bc they don't know what poisoned her and it kinda makes the papers Because It's Fuckin Weird especially because the mom already died?? this woman literally must have faked her own death five years ago only to die from an unknown poison in a san francisco apartment. and then you know blah blah blah within a month or two it's revealed paige is a charmed one! a witchlighter! and then comes the reveal of darklighters and their poisoned arrows and paige is like wait. i've seen this before. and describes you know the scene with the witch and the woman and leo's like. i should name the mom. soleil. leo's like that was soleil she was a whitelighter, and piper's like wait why were you there, and paige is like i don't know there was this guy who told me to go to that address to save them and then like ran away, and piper and phoebe are like that's fuckin weird. and he approached u specifically? and paige is like yeah he pushed his way across the office to get to my cubicle. and piper phoebe are looking at leo like what does this mean what does this mean, and leo's like idk. and meanwhile kieran's trying to break from the darklighter clan but he knows he can't get out unless he's cloaked. so he goes back to try to find the witch he saved to ask her to cloak him but she says she doesn't have that power and he's like okay well who does and she's like only a whitelighter does and he's like okay could u find me one and she's like r u fucking joking. you want me to get a whitelighter here just so u can kill? and kieran's like what no i'm not i want out that's why i'm here i don’t wanna be a darklighter anymore, and the witch is like that's not a choice you have it's in your blood now the only reason i'm letting you live rn is because evidently you’re soleil’s kid she was a good woman i trusted her but i don't know you. and i don't trust you. and if you orb in here again i swear to god i will vanquish you. just so we can get you know a solid dose of light magic not trusting kieran, not based on his actions (hell even in spite of his actions) but purely based on his lineage.
so blah blah blah kieran start spending more and more time above ground and just trying to subtly distance himself from the clan which his father can sense and quite frankly like yes is concerned but is more just like. pissy because he's making him look bad, especially the fact he's gone this long without a kill it's making him look weak. so his dad's like fuck it we're going hunting together and now it's like. obviously non optional. you're gonna kill a whitelighter or you'll you know get the boot lose the only people who could possibly understand you so you know it's kieran and dad above ground and he's teaching him to sense for whitelighters teaching him what the skill is and kieran's actually picking it up quite well and honestly. honestly? he might make this kill. he can't survive alone. he doesn't even know who he is. and his powers are calling him loud and clear to a whitelighter. meanwhile paige is out on a mission with like piper and leo and immediately drops everything breaks from the pack starts running because there's that guy!! and kieran realizes that the call is coming from the raven haired girl. and that his dad is right behind her lining up the shot.
and so you know act now think later he grabs paige and they disappear into a cloud of black orbs and reemerge right behind his father and kieran calls his crossbow and shoots his father. in the shoulder. it's intentional. kieran has great aim. and he won't kill. and his dad's fuckin pissed and honestly about ready to kill the both of them when piper rounds the corner and blasts him to bits. and well. now kieran's definitely left with no family. so he says a quick apology to paige and orbs out. and piper and leo are like that one was a darklighter too!! and paige is like no no u don't get it. he just saved me. and they're like He What? why'd you follow him into this alley in the first place? and paige is like that's the guy! the guy the soleil & witch guy who told me to save them. and leo's like a darklighter working to save a witch and whitelighter? that's not right. paige i trust you i don't think you're lying but i don't think you know the whole story. he's a darklighter. they're evil. and paige is like then why did he save me? why did he save the other witch? why’d he try to save the whitelighter? and piper's like for all we know he's the one who shot her you saw his crossbow. and paige is like no this isn't right there's something we don't know here. blah blah blah they go to the original saved witch who informs them that while kieran is a darklighter he's soleil's son and paige is like !!! i knew it! he's an innocent we're meant to save him. and piper and leo are like respectfully, paige, no, that's way too dangerous. bonus round if piper's pregnant here pre- orb shield knowledge. and leo's like paige he can't help it it's nature it's just who he is. he can't be good. and paige is like why. why not. and leo's like he's half darklighter. and paige is like yeah and i'm half whitelighter. and piper's like fuckin yeah babe that's The Point he's a danger to us. and paige is like no the point is if it's all so predetermined if there's no fighting what we're born as they why was i awful. why was i a brutal cruel evil miserable child? you don't know me and you don't know the things i've done (pushing back the paige dead parent reveal for later) and it doesn't matter that i have literally angel blood i was terrible! there was nothing in my nature that held me back from that vicious side. i chose to grow. i chose to become the woman i am today and every morning i wake up and chose that it's not some predestined halo around my head it's me waking up every day and choosing to fight for the good in this and you know what i think he's part of it.
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yume-fanfare · 4 years
hi i am that anon from like 29th Dec (last dang year) who said i read ur tsuki no hime and loved it and that u understand Aizou. i have read more of ur stuff since then and now i NEED to ask you for writing advice, on both characterization and general writing tips since I didnt mention it before. Sorry about that! i just forgot i sent an ask and i do not get notifs at all (or does anon asks not get notifs?) Also, ART STUDENT! That's why the nice art and art leaning!! I feel smart for sensing it
oh yup, tumblr doesn't send notifs for anon asks! but i'm glad you did see the answer anyway
this post is hideously long, so answer under the cut!
so, on characterization: it is mostly a matter of what would they say, rather than what you want them to say. the joke about "the characters do what they want to" instead of what the writer wants is pretty much true if you want them to be in character lol (that's why sometimes a little bit of OoC isn't too bad)
checking the source material is the most important thing: look at prior similar interactions the characters have had and how they reacted
this is kind of hard with LIPxLIP, as there aren't that many translated texts about them but with honeyworks the most canon and reliable thing to use as reference are the mvs. the mvs are drawn in a way that can pretty much be understood even if you don't have the lyrics, and sometimes it's even better if you can't read them, to properly focus on the images better
look at their expressions closely: while aizou is always explosive in his anger, yuujirou often has a more indifferent expression. so, when they fight, aizou is probably the one to blow up first while yuujirou maintains his composure better. it's kind of the classic "this was only a brief passing panel but i am going to expand on it" www
but the thing about fanfiction is that it's always a bit of a character analysis in itself. you don't start writing having already a color-coded folder of possible situations and reactions a character would have for each setting. you just throw the characters in a scenario and then think from there onwards, and eventually you'll be able to have the folder of situations and what you think their reactions would be like. (though, this links back to the prior point, if the characters have gone through a similar situation in canon, use that as guide! plus, finding little references to canon when reading is always fun)
for general writing, i'm going to mostly talk about my own experiences and process! i'm in no way a professional though
the basic is reading a lot. not just books but also fanfic. in fact, since you're writing fanfic, i Encourage you to read fanfic. even if your story ends up novel length, the way of treating the story is different from that of an actual novel. for example, because you're working under the premise that everyone knows the characters already. the general style of fics is different as well.
in fact, the style is the main reason i'm saying this slfkslfkslkf
read a lot of stuff and find a style you like. think of it as sewing together pieces from here and there to make a frankenstein amalgamation: this person's metaphors, the comparisons from here, the descriptions from there
personally, i adore the "long one-shot with a long title formatted (like this)" fics that are mostly feelings and descriptions and as little dialogue as possible, and some that occasionally play with the "show don't tell" rule, and some months ago i read a book whose descriptions amazed me because you could feel what the character was focusing on the most, rather than being general descriptions of the situation (i actually have a lot of thoughts about descriptions but that's a post for another day). but also i really like dialogue and plot-driven stories, descriptions can get boring and before trying to break rules, you have to be really good at following them
but, let's go step by step: developing an idea
for this i'm going to mostly reference the multichap i finished a while ago as an example
i started with just a few vague concepts in mind: non-idol au with aizou who does some sport and likes music but is insecure about his singing and yuujirou who does some music related thing and encourages him to sing in a way that's somehow related to the hozier song to noisemaking (sing), because it's what inspired me to write in the first place
then, from then onwards i wrote down what would happen in the first chapter of the story bullet-point-list-style, including things like the roommates part or the clubs the boys were in (at first yuujirou was in the choir club lol the change was a last second decision that idk why i took) and then bits of dialogue here and there that would be The Turning Points. those first dialogues were for the fight at the end of ch 1, the apology-date in ch 3 and then some vaguely unused ones for the "yuujirou encourages aizou" part, as those were the first key moments i thought of
because, since it's enemies to friends to lovers, an important aspect was character development
not all fics have character development bc not all of them are long enough (if you're aiming for short and sweet then there's no need). but if they do, i recommend you write down how the character was at the beginning of the story and then how they were at the end and then fill in the middle later, think of what those key turning points that made the character change were (the more little things you add, the more gradual it'll be)
samishigariya illustrates this very nicely: the song starts and finishes with the same lines, but the ending ones feel more light-hearted. the beginning has pre-arisa ken and pre-getting-along-with-yuujirou aizou, when they were the lonely people the title mentioned, and the ending, when they're not lonely anymore. the in between can be seen in depth during the other songs: ken before arisa was a playboy who didn't take love seriously, but after meeting her he realized that games were not all there was to love; and aizou used to be quite cranky and high-key a loner, but then he "meets precious things and knows of love". i will not elaborate on that because this isn't an aiyuu post but Oh You Know
for the fic, aizou would go through that same process, more or less: someone who doesn't really form meaningful connections with people but who, in the end, would end up having quite a bunch of people who care about him as his relationship with yuujirou advances too
since the relationship was the main focus, i wrote a very simple outline for how it would develop throughout 5 hypothetical chapters that was just: 1. civil w each other but mostly bad > 2. bad > 3. half friends > 4. pining > 5. date
and then with that in mind and the bullet point list, the final basic outline ended up like this:
Tumblr media
there were scraped ideas and ideas that made it in later, but i believe having a simple outline, a bare skeleton to add things to, is important. stories need continuity, development requires a prior buildup
it's especially important in multichapter fics where you post as you write, you need to have a more or less clear idea of what's going to happen because you can't ignore scenes you've already posted
shorter stories don't need it as much, you can think as you go, but it's still helpful to know where you're going with things to avoid getting stuck
and, on getting stuck: don't be afraid of deleting things. if you can't figure out how to continue things, then delete the situation and start again. it might feel like you'd be wasting time but in the end, it is so much better than being stuck on the same scene for weeks
in fact, you don't have to write in order. jump to the next scene and you'll figure it out later. you Can write the scene you want to write and then build everything else around it
it's normal to write a scene and then realize it would make more sense later in the story, or that it would be better if you added another scene earlier, or sometimes you just find it easier to jump from one part of the story to another. rely on your outline to keep track of what you've written, what you have left to write and what's the best way to arrange your story. make your story understandable
which bring us to editing
there's a lot of much better posts on editing stories, but yeah ctrl+f is your best friend: don't repeat yourself too much. and be sure to vary sentence and paragraph length, as well as sentence structure, to give dynamism to the writing
now, i've mentioned before the show, don't tell rule, but i'm going to talk a bit more about it because it's quite important
once again there's a lot of posts that explain more in depth what it is, so i'm not going to expand too much on that, but, very basically, try to avoid things like "then some time passed and they became friends". explain it: what happened exactly? how did they become friends? if it's important, show it to us, instead of summarizing
since things like these make the story longer, it also gives room for more development and proper explanation for things that happen
for example, the fic was originally going to start with them already in the room, and the whole situation would have been explained in a single paragraph somewhere, but by actually adding the scene where they first arrive to the dorms and argue with the lady at the main desk, the story flows better and it let me actually describe their first meeting
and uuuhhh i think that's all? this took super long to write i hope i didn't forget any super basic stuff lol
i want to add that for enemies to lovers i greatly recommend this post bc it's super good but yeah i think that's basically it, if you have any more specific questions just shoot me an ask
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Karasuno Youtuber Headcanons
Haikyuu YouTube AU!! +plus some coffee shop stuff
Hinata Shouyou
Very chaotic 
Does challenges
Loud all of the time
Kenma is his internet best friend and they do collab live streams
They also play online video games together but Hinata socks at them
They both have fun though and people love seeing Kodzuken laugh
Collabs with Lev
Sports videos 
He has a part-time job at a sports store
His volleyball highlights 
Also surprisingly good volleyball tips and tricks
He, Yams, Yachi, Tsukki and Kags have a joint channel where they have sleepovers and do fun little skits
In one of those videos they convinced Tsukki to give Yachi a piggyback ride
It was so cute
The whole sleepover thing is very domestic and Yams makes dinner while the other three will wash up after
His fans think he's very cute
Kageyama Tobio
Volleyball highlights 
Collabs with Hinata a lot
"Quick attack tips ft the human tangerine"
Doesn't post often 
The occasional vlog or challenge 
People think Oikawa is his brother for some reason
No one knows why or where it came from
Oikawa has shown up in only one of his videos and it was during a volleyball collab
They spoke once but apparently, that was enough for fans to make this conspiracy that even though they have different last names they were brothers
Yes volleyball Collabs 
It's when they (everyone mentioned in this list) all come together and play a couple games
Him, Hinata, Daichi, Yaku, Bokuto, Oikawa and Iwaizumi play for the teams in their areas (since they don't go to college and Iwa's FS doesn't have a VB team) the rest play for their college team
He works at the same place as Hinata
his fans think he has two personalities because he acts so different with Hinata
I forgot to mention but Kags lives with Hinata
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Does get ready with me plus storytimes 
"Get ready with me pt3 ft the time I got lost at the mall"
Collabs with Tsukki/lives with
His editing is so cute
Lil effects pop up on screen
He works at a cute cafe
Gets to bake the cakes and breads for the place
He really likes it there
Even if he has to take a train and a bus to get there
baking videos
Teaching Yachi to bake and Hinata and Kags to cook 
"Teaching my friends how to adult pt 4 ft Kags, Hinata and Yachi" 
Vlogs when he's out with the others and they do it too
He and Tsukki live the furthest away from everyone and travelling up is a huge hassle but he literally doesn't care
Tsukki does but Yams doesn't 
This man would climb the sun for his friends 
Fans get really sad when its winter and his feckless fade
There's a cute video clip out there from one of the volleyball collabs of Oiks helping Yams with serving
He participates in Sugas mental illness awareness week thing 
Him and Yachi usually do the segment for anxiety and panic disorders
His fans think he is baby and forget how tall he is 
like damn this man is almost as tall as Tsukki
Tsukishima Kei
Reaction channel
Salty saltyshima
Judges everyone its so fucking funny
His reactions consist of him looking into the camera with a look in disgust and mumbling what the fuck 
has one vlog on his challenge and its cus Yams made him make it
Fans ask him to react to Hinata, Kageyama,kuroo and bokuto's channels those are a fan favourite 
He reacts to horror movies occasionally 
"Why do people find these scary pt12"
Those are funny
"Oh my God, just fucking run!" "What is wrong with you??!" "You are the reason I want to dye my hair" "I knew she was gonna die" 
Collabs with Yams featuring soft Tsukki 
Take a shot every time this man rolls his eyes or says "tch" 
Can and will debate with you 
Does something like BuzzFeed unsolved with Kuroo 
He's a sceptic 
Kuroo flinches at every noises
And Tsukki is here sipping his invisible wine not giving a fuck 
"But Tsukki someone died there"
"Someone probably died at the Chipotle we just ate at" 
He works at a book store 
Yachi Hitoka
Very shy and nervous
Anxious baby 
Does get ready with mes
Cute room decor videos 
Her video titles are so misleading 
"Rearranging my entire apartment because I have anxiety ft the Bois"
And then in the video, she is this 4"11 cutie whose living room is pink
Fans find her videos really cute
Goes to college for interior design and graphic design 
Does baking videos sometimes 
She cannot bake to save her life but watching her try is entertaining 
Sometimes her and Oikawa attempt to cook
"Making angel food cake with the grand king"
Her apartment building is across from the one Iwa, Oiks, Makki and Mattsun live in so when she needs some help and the boys are busy she'll go to them
"Painting my living room for the fifth time this year ft new friends???"
That video was messy they were covered in paint
She has a wall of paint handprints of the people who have helped her
So far: hinata, kags, tsukki, yams, dai, suga, asahi, noya, tanaka, iwa, oiks, kiyoko, and kuroo
Can be seen in some of Matsuhana's skits
Works at the same cute cafe as Yams 
She participates in Sugas mental illness awareness week thing
her and Yams do the segment for anxiety and panic disorders
It was highly requested Yams taught her how to bake
Nishinoya + Tanaka
Definitely gaming
Also sports 
Work out videos 
Those dumbass who do the dumbest shit like concrete their heads into a microwave 
Please help them
Shares an apartment 
Noya can actually draw and does art ticks and tricks
His drawings are really good and he does commissions
He works at an art studio and helps out kids
Tanaka, however, sucks at drawing and people love to see him try
He works at the same sports store as Hinata and kags
They do prank videos 
collabs with Makki and mattsun 
Those videos are so fucking chaotic 
Asahi is usually the victim but after one of their pranks went wrong and Daich walked into it they stopped pranking Asahi for a while 
Collabs with Asahi and Kuroo and Bokuto
Sometimes with Yachi, if she needs the extra help 
Constantly post photos of each other sleeping 
Fans think they are fucking hilarious 
Sugawara Koushi
Chaotic storytimes how is this man even alive
Gets Embarrassed very easily which makes all if his storytimes really funny
"I tripped over at the airport...again"
Does advice videos
"What to do when……. Pt21" 
His channel has no consistency his videos are all over the place
Collabs with Daichi and Asahi lives with them
Does cooking videos 
Bleeps out with cute noises tho
He's shorter than he looks
Bc most of his videos are with Daichi who is also short when fans meet him its a bit of a surprise 
Collabs with Oikawa sometimes fans like to see them interact 
Collabs with Yaku!!
Goes to college for psychology 
College vlogs
Gets anxious when posting and overthinks a bit too much 
Organises mental health awareness week posts with Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Asahi, Bokuto, Akaashi, Yachi, Yamaguchi and Kenma
Basically where each of them post about me talking health for their assigned topic and some collab like Iwa and Oiks and Yams and Yachi
He does the first post which is where they all do a qna together and fans ask related questions 
Doesn't drive so Daichi drives him everywhere 
He is very good at taking care of people 
Fans think he was some sort of mother spirit in a past live
Sawamura Daichi 
Work out videos 
 Life Advice videos 
Has a bunch of bloopers because Suga doesn't know how to knock 
There is one blooper video where all it is just Suga walking in on him filming
"My roommate doesn't know how to knock" 
Car trips car trips vlogs
He does storytimes in his car
"How I lost my tooth" 
Slight lisp because of said tooth
This man drives a lot
If he's doing a storytime in his car and people start honking (not at him just in general) he will look into the camera as it zooms in and a fun Lil tune plays in the back 
Grocery vlogs
Personal trainer at a gym
Drives Suga to college
doesn't know how to feel about people calling him daddy 
Suga just laughs at him
Is hugely clumsy and trips over everything 
The coffee table has missing pieces because of how many times this man has walked into it
Drops his camera and phone daily 
Most of his fans are thirst and the other ones thank him
Azumane Asahi
I'm talking like troomtroom but actually good and useful life hacks 
Does camera work for Suga and started off with that
He looks scary but Suga is the one you gotta look out for
Does tips on how to deal with anxiety 
Posts calming videos to help you sleep 
Photography goals
There are many many compilations of Suga and Daichi bullying him made by fans
Flustered by thirst comments 
works at the same coffee shop as Yachi and Yams
Collabs with Tanaka and Noya
Gets bad post anxiety 
Anxious boi 
Participates in Suga’s mental illness awareness week 
His segment is on what to do to help someone having a panic/anxiety attack and what the differences are
Even tho Dai and Suga are more like the parents if those two are doing something stupid or risky Asahi can go from child to parent real quick 
Honestly, those two can be complete children sometimes
Very good at taking care of people
He never forgets a thing and he makes life hacks for forgetful people 
Daichi and Suga are constantly forgetting things
Asahi thinks he has enough footage of that two forgetting stuff, tripping and just being children in general that he could make at least 5 compilations 
Fans actually really like him
Kiyoko Shimizu 
She's so damn nice to everyone 
No one can hate her
Her make-up skills are afuckingmazing
Her looks are always perfect
Her works as a hair and make-up artist for a production school
She appears in Yachi's videos often
I don't really have a lot for Kiyoko 
27 notes · View notes
kayyeffsee-blog · 5 years
Bangtan fics that I’ve read and liked (will get updated)
uhh, so the thing is that a lot of jikook fics will be in here, as it is my otp. But I have  also put in many others. Thank you!!! (this goes in descending order, so newer ones will come on top, and i still have a lot of older fics, they’ll come at the bottom) (all fic titles in italics are my ult favs and all ships in bold have their plot and are not just implied)
On Patrol  and  On Patrol - Season 2 : jikook, yoonseok, namjin, police au, LOVE this series, check it out!
summary: Officer Jeon has his eyes on Mr. Adorable.Officer Min has a strange neighbor he can't seem to keep out of his life.Captain Kim finds comfort in his son's homeroom teacher. Well, cops need some loving too, right?
A Gilded World : i cannot believe this fic aint down there, yoonjin, must read, chaebol au (i love them), ULT FAV, kdrama au, with vmin who has a tiny storyline too, and side namseok, rated E, 169k words, bros jinkook, READ IT, the fic that got me interested in yoonjin.
summary: Jeon Seokjin has exactly four weeks to stop the impending engagement of his younger brother, doomed to a loveless marriage. The only way to stop it is to make a better match, more advantageous, more lucrative for the Jeon family. It's impossible. It's his only option.Min Yoongi does not want, will never want, will never ever even consider, marriage. It's not in the cards. He's stubborn enough to achieve the total ban on marriage talks. Except maybe his grandmother is a little more stubborn than he is, and maybe she's determined to see him march down the aisle.The chaebol arranged marriage au that exactly one and a half people asked for.
baby, love me hard and hold me tight : jikook, ceo kook, tsundere-yet-not-so-tsundere min, lots of smut, dancer jimin. summary’s too long.
all the light we cannot see : yoonkook, spaceship au, tsundere yoongi, wow i read a lot of those, rated E, 109k words.
summary (part of it):  (when jeongguk finally gets his chance to sail the cosmos, it’s onboard the ship of an aggravating man named min yoongi. he thinks it’ll be extraordinarily dull—but the universe, and the legend of treasure planet, have other plans.)
note: another not so common yet not completely rare pair, i honestly love this fic so much.
nobody's like you  : jikook, college au, pissed jimin,dense kook, a cute fic, rated T, 20k words. 
summary: if you have a crush but you don't know you have a crush, is it really a crush? and other great philosophical debates with jeon jeongguk.
or, jeongguk kinda fucks up and jimin can only take so much.
흰 여름 ('White Summer') : yoonmin, non-au, lil angst, rated T, 24k words. 
summary: “Diversity,” Namjoon had said when he had explained the concept to them. “Learning to love yourself, no matter what.” “We already did that,” Yoongi had pointed out. “Literally the same title.” But Namjoon, when he looked at him, had seemed strangely bright and somber at the same time. “Not like this,” he had said.Or, Jimin and Yoongi have to kiss for an MV. And deal with the fallout.
7 Minutes in Heaven : yoonmin, highschool au, fluff, mutual pining, rated T, 8.4k words, too long a summary.
♛ Chrysoprase ♛ : vmin, abo but with a twist, aristocracy au, ongoing, a piece written beautifully, rated E, 39k words, rich tae and poor min.
summary (partial):  Taehyung is a rich boy who gets captivated by a trapeze act from an unknown Omega at a theater show sending him on a ride of emotions--and ruts. 
   Mono No Aware : jikook, rated E, 104k words, divorce au, model agency au, summary’s too long.
Cotton Candy  : highschool au, yoonmin, highscool band au, another GREAT fic, set in the 90s, 240k words, rated E.
summary (partial):  As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs.
Beta Tau Sigma : come FIGHT me, but this IS a classic, frat au, i scrolled through this long ass post twice, i cant believe its not down there, namjin, you need an ao3 acc to read this, anyways i suggest you to make one, crack, 123k words, rated M, shenanigans, side yoonmin with a tiny storyline, FAV. 
Before This Christmas : taegi, non au, amnesia, a great fic, rated T, 8k words, summary’s too long.
black versus blue : taekook, soulmate au, a LOT of angst, i LOVE this fic, hurt/comfort, dr tae, side yoonmin and namjin, rated E, 41k words.
summary: Taehyung had always dreaded meeting his soulmate, unlike the rest of the world’s population. He always hid the words scrawled in black cursive on the inside of his right wrist and felt terror at the thought of them turning blue, of his soulmate speaking them.
And as he sprinted down the packed Seoul sidewalk, hot tears streaming down his cheeks and sobs choking his throat, he knew he'd been right.
Or was he?
sick boy : vmin, LOTS of homophobia, fluff and angst, dystopian korea, its a really good fic, rated M, 8k words, side namkook and yoonseok.
summary: Jimin has always lived in a society where pride was held higher than anything else. His kind nature is unwelcome, and he spends most of his life alone.
Taehyung is the boy who dyes his hair every week, is too eccentric for his own good and is, most importantly, not like the rest of the town that they live in.
Look out the window, do you see love? : jikook, I LOVE THIS, kidnapping au, ceo kook, college student min, tsundere kook, heavy smut and drama, rated E, 100k words, summary too long.
a blessed touch, skin deep : yoonjin, slightly platonic, oneshot, fluff, massage au, but not the smutty kind, rated G, 3k words.
summary: Hoseok recommends his favorite masseur to Yoongi.
Yoonjin Massage AU, with side Hoseok/Jimin and Taehyung/Jungkook
the heart of a siren : jikook, pirates au, angst, enemies to lovers,rated E, 92k words.
summary:  Beware of what you take from the sea. She is not a treasure to be plundered, but a dark, vast void that will swallow you up and think nothing of it.
The Collabofornication : yoonmin, idol au, rapper au, lots of smut, 32k words, enemies to lovers, rated E, 32k words, summary’s too long, really good.
teeter totter : jihope, such a cute fic, 5+1, i love this one, neighbours au, 5k words, rated T.
summary:  five times jimin accidentally stumbles into his neighbour and the one time it’s very much on purpose.
Take Care : a short jikook, accident au, angst and fluff, rated G, 2k words, college au.
summary:  Roommates Jungkook and Jimin are in the midst of a friendship rift until an accident brings them together again.
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo : yoonmin, rated T, royal au, 34k words, cute, i really like this twist on classics kinda thing.
summary: Everyone (including Taehyung, Jimin's best friend) could only talk about the ball the royal family was going to give in honor of the princes. Every single one was thinking and worrying about which clothes they should wear and how to impress the two, very single, princes. Jimin? He could only think about the new regular, who had a sweet tooth and the cutest smile he had ever seen.
The Universe Has Moved For Us, Without Missing A Single Thing : minjoon, such a feel good fic, tsundere min, canon, with a bit of yoonjin, so good, rated M, 14k words.
summary: Jimin is tasked to create his next comeback with his least favourite producer at BIGHIT, RM.
He is petty and bitter from day one.
Or, is he just really bad at feelings?
yesteryear's charms : jikook, hp au, a lot of fun, enemies to lovers (if you dont know, im a sucker for this particular trope), rated M, 18k words.
summary: After losing a bet, Jimin has to perform the Jingle Bell Rock routine from the iconic Muggle film, Mean Girls, at Hogwarts' annual talent show, dressed in red pleather and black knee-high boots. He receives a bigger reaction from certain people (read: ult rival Jeon Jeongguk) than expected.
a dose of salt : jikook, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC, with a lot of taejin, doctors au, enemies to lovers, pls check it, its great, rated E, 145k words, ongoing, almost finished.
summary: Park Jimin is a renown cardiothoracic surgeon—a genius, a medical prodigy, the best surgeon at the hospital. He’s kind, friendly, handsome, and patient. He’s also the son of the hospital’s Chairman. But nobody needs to know that since he’s worked for and earned everything he’s accomplished on his own without the help of nepotism.Everyone loves him. 
Everyone but Jeon Jungkook, the hot new military trauma surgeon straight out of the army. The decorated veteran is brilliant and quick witted, but has a hot temper and absolutely zero tolerance for bullshit.
When Park Jimin makes a bad first impression on him, things get extremely salty between the two very different personalities.
playing with fire : vmin, ONE OF MY ULT FAVS, rated T, 30k words, college au, drama actor v, dancer min, enemies to lovers, SO GOOD, laser tag.
summary:  Despite never seeing eye to eye on things, Taehyung and Jimin find that they have more in common than expected through a game of laser tag, a play and a dance competition.
At 4 O'clock, I'll Stay : vmin, footballer (soccer) v, bar owner min, enemies to lovers, a good fic, grumpy min, rated E, 35.8k words.
summary (part of it):  the one where Taehyung goes to Jimin's bar to talk bad about his latest soccer matches and Jimin waters down his drinks by "accident."
Happy Ending : namseok, implied OT7, massage au, rated M, smut, 2.3k words.
Rose Quartz and Pink Opal : such a good fic, i love this, if its down there im sorry just tell me in the comments, jikook, rated T, 21.4k words.
summary:  “Everyone is born with either 1 or 2 small powers. If 1, then your soulmate has the other. They will swap the first time you see each other, and you will obtain both when you fall in love. If born with 2, you have no soulmate.”
tell me how to make this better : hurt/comfort, angst, vmin, non au, such a good fic, go check it, summary’s too long, rated T, 44.6k words.
loverboy : vminkook, a masterpiece, manipulation, assasin au, powers au, rated M, 9.7k words.
summary:  this much jimin’s figured out: sometimes, somehow, his words make people fall in love with him.
Never Judge a Book by its Cover : jikook, rated M, library au, 25k words
summary: Thanks to Jungkook's idiot best friend, he drowned the books he borrowed from the library. Now, he has to work there to work off his debt. He doesn't really like the job but that one boy that always has his nose burried in his books makes his days much better.Or in which Jungkook meets bookworm Jimin and falls harder than he thought he would.
note: squeelll, I love this fic!
we've got chemistree : jikook, rated T, 19k words, fake dating au. (can’t put summary bc its too long)
note: I love love love it. do check it out.
The Pink Envelope : yoonmin, no ratings, 12k words, highschool au.
summary: to a prompt I received on tumblr "Oh shit, sorry I got the wrong locker" When Jimin is sending love letters to his crush via locker but fails because it is Yoongi's locker.au where 6 of them are highschool students (Jin has already graduated)... and Jungkook is also in highschool with the rest of them (please don't ask me why I just want him to be there hahahaha)
note: cute and fluffy.
Him : jikook, rated M, 35k words, college au, dancer!jimin au.
summary: 'And like the dawn, you woke the world inside of me You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you' or “I mean a muse,” explained Yoongi, eyes traveling to Hoseok. “Someone that makes you feelthe shots. Not only take them.”Jeongguk snorted. “You’re just whipped.”“Maybe,” agreed Yoongi, winking. “But it works.”
note: touched my feels, lovely.
Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin : jikook, rated E, 34k words, non au, a/b/o au.
summary:  The world didn't think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin's handbook on dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook.
note: amazing! Omega jimin dont wanna be an omega, and tries really hard to be an alpha. easily one of my faves.
Blackjack : yoonseok, vmin, namjin, chat fic, game fic, slightly creepy but light hearted, happy ending, not your ordinary chat fic, LOVE this, puzzles, mystery, rated T, 78k words, summary too long.
Fake Sugar : jinkook, rated E, non-tropey sugar daddy au, competitive eater jin, rich jungkook, fake sugar daddy, 87k words.
summary: im sorry, its too long. but ill put part of it.
(Hedge Fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional Competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A trope and a half.)
note: a rare pair fic. (that rhymes, lol) i love the author, i have read all of his fics, i think. 
Worldwide Lonesome : yoonjin, rated E, 39k words, non au.
summary:  After the BBMA, Yoongi starts bringing guys back to the house.
note: i honestly love this ship and fic, it talks a lot about how closeted jin is and this fic has a great characterization for jin.
 Pause, Rewind, Play: jikook, non au, rated G, 3k words.
summary:  Jimin doesn’t know why it starts. Maybe it’s the eightieth post he’s seen today about him being rejected by Jungkook. But whatever the reason, Jimin starts to not care anymore.
note: loovve it, short and really good.
The Boy in the Music Box : yoonmin, mystical au i guess?, college au, rated T, 52k words.
summary: Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
note: another author i absolutely love, this fic is amazing. its one of the only fluffy ones that has made me weep! do check it out
pick me up, buttercup : taekook, soulmate au, crack au, 9k words, rated G.
summary: AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet. Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first."What the fuck, universe.
note: a very light fic, i love it so much. its really really good.
Cherry Tree : yoonmin, hanahaki au, angsty, rated T, 10k words.
summary: Yoongi always thought that Jimin looked like a cherry blossom, like Spring had manifested itself in the form of a human.Now he knows for sure.
note: really good, not a tragic ending i swear.
good game, well played : vmin, library au, college au, rated G, 23k words.
summary:  AN EXCERPT FROM PARK JIMIN'S PLANNER (ft. Jeon Jeongguk) -grammar reading :( -get pasta -buy the nice guy from the library ❤MY BIG GAY CRUSH❤ coffee
note: super good, college aus are one of my favs.
fairy brat : yoonmin, 3k words, rated T, supernatural au.
sumary: “I don’t know if you know but,” Namjoon says, “Hoseok’s roommate is a little… difficult. Yoongi hyung is a good guy, though, I promise.”“Anyone who lives with Hoseok hyung can’t be that bad,” Jimin says.Jimin could not be more wrong.
note: tsundere yoongi, really good!
The Perfect Japchae : yoonjin, 19k words, rated T, neighbours/college au.
summary:  In the eight months he’d lived here, neither of them had done more than nod in greeting when they passed in the hallway. Most of the time he just ignored Kim Seokjin and went about his own business while inwardly seething. A little voice deep down questioned why, exactly, he was so pissed all the time whenever he thought about his neighbour… but Min Yoongi really didn’t have an answer.
note: i love this pairing, such a good fic!!!
aye, love (you led me to a miracle) : yoonjin, rated T, 6k words, Cafe AU, tsundere yoongi.
summary: It’s six in the morning and all Yoongi wants is some fucking coffee.(Not to be, not to be assaulted with a possibly illegal stare and a smile that could probably bring dead flowers back to life, god dammit)
note: such an amount of fluff, i love it.
I need you boy (you're beautiful) : jikook, chat fic, rated T, 18k words.
summary: (part of it)
t h e d e s t r o y e r: jimin who is ur future husband
ChimChimz: ok so like
ChimChimz: here’s the thingy
00ngi: omfg you don't even know who he is
ChimChimz: uM
note: love it, really good.
to be with you : jikook, rated T, non au, 4k words.
summary: 5 times jungkook tries (and fails) to confess to jimin and the 1 time he succeeds.
note: really cute fic, but i think ill not put notes on all fics now, im getting fed up
A Wish Your Heart Makes : kook/everyone, polyyy, smut, another venturing into newer waters fic, rated E, 16.6k words.
summary: "This can't be the right translation," Taehyung says, before Jungkook can do something crazy like just ask to suck Jimin's dick. Taehyung has his phone out, and is frowning as he taps the screen. "But I looked it up on Naver, and there might be something called sex pollen? Sex pollen? Like, plants?"
gladly beyond : jikook, 21k words, rated M, enemies to lovers fic, sports fic.
summary: too long, but jimin sees the tattoo of his “enemy” at a strip club.
note: another trope i love :)
Riptide : jikook, i actually visited this 10 times?!?, rated M, non au, 62k words, rated M.
summary (part of it):  A three year story [2013-2016] of coming together, breaking apart, and putting each other back together again. Jeon Jungkook learns about change, growing up, and the hardships of falling in love with a friend.
note: really love it
Hey, Baby, I've Got My Ion You : jikook, chem au, bad puns, rated T, 4k words.
everyone: fvck the maknae jimin: i'm trying - (aka: chem au where jeongguk jumps two grades and becomes jimin’s lab partner and maybe a little more than that.)
note: copper tellurium (loll)
honest you do : jikook, idol au, reality show au, 26k words, rated T.
summary: “Do you think you’ll be a good husband?” Jimin smiles. “I’ll really, really try.” 
Korea's darling, Park Jimin, gets married.
note: a great fic, honestly.
In the Line of Fire : jikook, are you even here?, if so ty, frat au, 11k words, rated E.
summary:  For some reason, Jimin was everyone's favorite target.
A truth universally aknowledged : yoonmin, college au, rated T, 6k words.
summary: "It is a truth universally aknowledged that Park Jimin has the most wanted ass out of the whole college."AKA 5 times that Jimin gets asked out and Min Yoongi butts in + 1 time where the tables are turned.
Unrequited : yoonjin, taejin, hanahaki au, rated T, 3k words, not a happy ending.
summary: The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned. 
Seokjin starts coughing up crimson-red rose petals.
pulling shapes just for your eyes : taekook, reality show au, rated E, really good (i cant be bothered to make a note lol), 110k words, a lot of sex.
summary: The number one rule when you're a producer on a show like Miss Right, Taehyung thinks, should be do not fall for the bachelor. It's such a shame Taehyung has never been good at following rules.
ringa linga : fluff, yoonmin, one-shot, best man au, rated G, 3k words, crack.
summary: Best man Yoongi needs to pick up the rings for his best friends' wedding. The problem? The clerk won't hand them over.
Enter lifesaver and fake-fiancé, Jimin.
note: light-hearted, really fun.
Heart of War : namjin, 173k words, royalty au, really frickin good, ongoing, rated M.
summary: For the protection of his people, Prince Seokjin has to marry his fiancé’s killer: the alpha king of the most ruthless and feared kingdom in all the lands with a reputation of being a cold blooded monster on the battlefield.
Worst of all, the omega prince doesn't even speak their language.
my heart flutters from the sugar high : taegi, I LOVE THIS FIC IT’S SO GOOOD, <cough> 5.9k words, rated M, canon compliant, crack, every so slighty tropey, just a teeennyy bit, fake dating au.
summary:  Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.
Seeking Alpha : jikook, I love this author, 17k words, rated M, a/b/o fic, but not the wolfy (lol) kind, i guess you could say ‘in a modern setting’, cracky.
summary:  It was meant to be a “fuck you” to the dating world as Jimin knew it. He was done with dating, fed up with alphas, so he put a message out to the world to say so. How could he have guessed the sweetest alpha ever would respond to it just to prove him wrong?
The Jeon Pack : jikook, a/b/o dynamics, THE BEST abo fic you’ll ever read, 70k words, rated E, the wolfy kind (heh)
summary: Jungkook's pack had survived centuries in the cold unforgiving forest. They followed strict traditions and laws to ensure their survival against nature and rival packs. Soon the responsibility of leading the pack would fall on his shoulders but before assuming the position of head alpha, he needed to choose an omega mate.
The problem was that Jungkook was in love with an omega that hated his guts.
浮世 U K I Y O : yoonmin, i’m pretty sure you’ve read house of cards and songbird and the sea??, this one goes in the same category, a breed of those two classics, Mafia au, rated E, almost complete, 366.9k words, oh and btw if you haven’t the above two ill link them right below.
summary: “Is that what they say about me? I'm stuff of nightmares?” “You own a city and you painted it with your colors,” Jimin says, his voice is quiet and his scent subdued. “Why wouldn't people have nightmares about you? You are scary.” “Are you scared of me?”Yoongi owns a city that he painted red until a man that doesn't seem to truly exist steals something from him. And all the strings lead to Jimin, a succubus who works in one of his brothels.
House of Cards : the LEGENDARY fic, vminkook, gets you right in the feels, dont waste your time here go read it, 394k words, rated E, mafia au.
summary: Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down."You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated."
The Songbird and the Sea : AGGHHHH, THIS IS THE BEST FIC EVERRR, made me love pirates, yoonmin, just read it, 255k words, pirate au, rated M.
summary: (wayy too long, go read it!!!)
time slip : jikook, rated T, alternate canon, 29k words, time-related fic
summary:  Jimin wakes up in the year 2017, which is very strange, considering the fact that last he checked it was 2013.
note: a great canon fic
A Glass of Water : jikook, but namjoon pov, a fresh fic (others aint rotten mind you), 8k words, rated T, college au.
summary: Namjoon is maybe a little over protective of Jimin and takes it upon himself to find out the identity of his new boyfriend. The others are absolutely no help.
Or, Jungkook and Jimin are dating and everyone knows except Namjoon.
You Broke My Heart (but I broke it myself) : jikook (haven’t you gotten fed up yet XD), anggstty, 19k words, rated M, alternate au.
summary:  Jimin's fiancé has abandoned him on his wedding day, and Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's first love and worst heartbreak, is back.
You Don't Bring Me Flour : short jikook, fluff and crack, college au, rated G.
summary:  In order to graduate, Park Jimin must convince cute grocery cashier Jeon Jungkook that this sack of flour is his beloved child.
Shooting Stars and Silver Moons : vmin, rated E, 20k words, fake-dating jikook, college au, bff fic.
summary: Yoongi and Jimin make a bet, Taehyung makes bad decisions.
(Or: "I'm kind of pissed you didn't choose me to fake date, I'm your best friend")
blindside : namhope, namseok, blind date au, rated T, i love this fic so much, 12k words.
summary:  Hoseok finally somewhat has a date. A blind date, but a date nonetheless.
The Shaman and the Exorcist : namjin, spiritual au, ghost au, but not the scary kind, college au, cracky, rated M, 145k words, apparently i visited this fic 21 TIMES (gasspp), i LOOVEE this too
summary: (too long)
in your eyes (it's where i wanna be) : yoonmin, tooth rotting fluff, rated T, 5k words, college au.
summary: Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
(Or: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter.)
i'll stick to you like glue-cose : jikook, rated T, 7k words, enemies-to-lovers kinda, really good.
summary:  Jimin merely wanted to study in peace, yet a certain five-foot ten frat boy - unfortunately also a past hook up - that epitomizes the very definition of smugness in one entire body whose ego is as big and full-scaled as the national debt, won't let him.
you're only brave in the moonlight : smuutt, bff au, vmin, college au, rated E, 14k words.
summary: There are reasons, very specific reasons that justify why—in three years of being hopelessly pathetically in love with his best friend—Jimin has not said a single word. Certainly hasn’t made a single move or attempt at a pass.But when it comes down to it, three years is a long time. A very long time.So when Jimin’s dam breaks, it breaks hard.(Or, Jimin asks Taehyung for help with taking photographs.)
(it's a paradise) it's a war zone : jikook, vacation au, really cute, enemies to lovers, rated T, 7k words.
summary:  murphy's law states that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong." jimin could maybe make peace with that if it didn't mean sharing a room and a bed with jeon jeongguk, the thorn in his side, for the entirety of his vacation.
once upon a timeshare : jikook, ex fic, rom com style, cute AF, 32k words, rated E.
summary:  Jungkook is in desperate need of a vacation, but spending two weeks in Namjoon and Hoseok’s timeshare in Okinawa with his recently separated ex of three years was probably (definitely) not what he had in mind.
Tie Me Down : taegi, lovvveee this fic, really fun, has drama elements to it, rated M, college au, 24k words.
summary: “I’ve just woken up with a fucking splitting headache, to find myself fucking taped to an office chair in a fucking living room that smells like unwashed socks and takeaway food. How am I? How do you think I fucking am?” “Wow. That’s a lot of f-bombs you’re dropping. Did anyone tell you that you need a healthy dose of positivity?” 
In which Yoongi’s life is a parody of Taken and Taehyung is just trying his goddamn hardest not to get arrested.
a sugar coated pill and a pick me up : soccer dad fic!!! namjin, kids taekook, rated T, really good, rated T, 25k words.
summary (only a part):  namjin are soccer dads who fall in luv
shōnen-ai love you : one of the most fun and cute (read: fluff) fics, vmin, rated T, manga fic, high school fic, 4k words.
summary: "What if I woo him with what he likes?" Jungkook frowns. "Knowing you, it's going to be a disaster." "I'm in pursuit of Park Jimin," Taehyung tells them dramatically, just as the bell rings and the teacher starts writing the first question on the board. "I'll do anything."
Doing anything means, apparently, studying BL manga.
My Cup of Tea : cute and short, minjoon, 6k words, high school fic, milk tea (lol) fic.
summary: One of Taehyung's many admirers tries to woo him by bringing him milk tea every day but Taehyung is lactose intolerant so it's always Jimin who drinks it.
From a distance away, the admirer watches.
Pastel : POLLYY, not really my cup of tea but i wanted to explore you know, jungkook/everyone, i liked it kinda, bdsm, baby kook, daddy kink, rated E, 188k words, bottom jk.
summary: Jeongguk learns the age-old lesson that you can't run from who you are, or who you like, for that matter.
There are a LOT of fics left, I’ll slow update.
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sirsapling · 4 years
I got tagged in a bunch more things I didn't respond to fast enough, so UNDER THE CUT THEY GO. 
I have too many things to respond to, so I won't be tagging, but consider yourself tagged if you want to do any.
Tagged by the wonderful @bardingbeedle​
Pass the happy!🌻🌿 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!
Lying in warm blankets in an cold room. Bonus points for snow outside.
A fresh Buzz cut
Talking to @bardingbeedle​
Having long, passionate rambles about the Marvel Ultimates
Hashbrowns, bacon, maple syrup, maybe a pancake, and a sausage too.
Tagged by the chaotic @s-hylor​
top 3 cities you want to visit: Toronto, again. Colorado (I know its a state not a city I just want to visit ashes AND GET SNOW). And I would like to go back to Italy again. (I also want to visit, just, all of my fandom friends but I don't want to drop all their locations lol)
favorite marvel character: Ults!Steve Rogers and then Ults!Tony Stark. Not counting stony, Anthony the brain tumor, and not counting clones, Gregory Stark.
white chocolate - yay or nay?: Love it, love it, love it.
favourite board game: God Save The Queens- A board game about Bees I invented with 3 other people at University last year for a project.
how many countries have you been to: 10, I have been very luckily graced with the ability to travel to Europe with school a lot.
(Wales, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, America [Florida, Boston, New York], Spain, Portugal, Italy, and finally Canada.)
favorite thing to do on a rainy day: Anything indoors I might usually feel guilty about doing when its sunny. Tv or games particularly
favorite holiday: Christmas. I am a Christmas slut, call me festive sapling I LOVE Christmas.
pen or pencil: Pen. I once bought 7 in lisbon at the same time bc they were perfect and I didn't want to run out.
favourite kind of soup: Cupasoup Chicken noodle, I don't really like soups tbh, I like broths, and gravy type things I make too much of and eat like a soup (like golden Currys or korma sauces)
your typical order at a cafe or coffee shop: Caramel Frappucino or an iced Mocha. If I'm gonna pay a fuck tonne for coffee I'm gonna get a drinkable dessert.
favorite ride at an amusement park: Any slow rides that show you shit, like spaceship earth at EPCOT. I’m not really a speed dude.
the color of your sneakers: RED, red shoes are the shit folks, a good pair of red converse goes with everything.
favorite pbs show (or little kids show if you didn’t have pbs):  Uh I used to watch pokemon then winnie the pooh every single night. But little little kids show I used to watch a show called 64 zoo lane with my grandma so I have fond memories
Rules: name your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
Tagged by the wonderful @ashes0909​
Natasha Romanov - Marvel Cinematic Universe
Carol Danvers - Marvel 616
Janet Van Dyne - Marvel Ultimates
Izumi Curtis - Full Metal Alchemist
Martha Jones - Doctor Who
Garnet - Steven Universe (if she doesn't count bc, space rock, Connie)
Rosa Diaz - Brooklyn 99
Ann Perkins  - Parks and Rec
Princess Caroline - Bojack Horseman
Pam Poovey - Archer
LOOK I know there was a lot of cheating here, but I don't have non marvel fandoms really, and I have a hard time remembering a lot of the TV I enjoyed.
Rules: Share your top 10 AO3 additional tags. Tagged by the mysterious @nigmuff​
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look I don't know if I have enough tags to make this a justified representation, but the ones shown are v much on brand.
Fanfic trope meme
I was tagged by the delightful @capnstars​ and @crownofstardustandbone​
slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or !!!secret dating!!! // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut AND fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it  // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or !!!!middle-aged romance!!! // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates  // sci-fi or magic au // body swap or genderbend  // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
Look guys, I’m boring. I like domestic 30-40 year olds in secret relationships. We knew this.
And now buckle the fuck down folks because I'm about to answer 50 questions about me no one is gonna stick around and read.
tagged by @bardingbeedle​ the only person who would put up with reading this much about me.
What is the colour of your hairbrush?
I have a buzz cut, I don't have a hair brush anymore.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too warm. I have been warmer than most people my whole life, and I often need to sleep with a fan on.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Working on a sketch for an MTH fill (update from the end of this: I have spent an hour doing this fuckin thing)
What is your favourite candy bar?
Bounty. My favourite candy is Reese’s Pieces but I like a bounty. Or like, and chocolate without fruit in it tbh.
Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Yes, one of my parents referees Championship Football here in the UK. I have been to a few of his games. I also went to the London 2012 Paralympic closing ceremony, if that counts.
What is the last thing you said out loud?
‘Oh, this will last me a few days’ I was talking to my mother about 1/2 a can of pringles, I was lying.
What is your favourite ice cream?
Vanilla. I am boring. But the best ice cream i’ve had was a cream/milk flavoured gelato in Florence, that shit slapped. I also like cheap strawberry ice cream when no one is trying to put strawberry bits in it.
What was the last thing you had to drink?
Dinner. A spinach, banana, summer fruits and coconut yoghurt smoothie (with extra raspberries). Its my nightly dinner to cheat more veg into my body.
Do you like your wallet?
Very much. It’s about 7-8 years old, it is faded to hell but it has spiderman and a pony ride stony pin
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What was the last thing you ate?
See above smoothie comment, but if that doesn't count, a sugar free mint polo.
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Nope. I don't buy as many clothes as I want to, bc mens clothes in larger sizes are hard to find or expensive here.
The last sporting event you watched?
F1, I don't keep up but I watch a little with my dad every now and then.
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
BUTTER. They don't really have it here, and I don't go to movies much when in the states. But @festiveferret​ introduced me to it when we saw Ant-man and the Wasp, and much like poutine and Tim Hortons, I still crave it.
Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
My dad. 
Ever go camping?
Yes, I was a Scout. I have done enough camping to not want to do more, it was fun when I wasn't organising it.
Do you take vitamins?
Yes, but not as often as I should, and as much as my mother bothers me too.
Do you go to church every Sunday?
Nope, not even when I considered myself christian. I go only go to church for other peoples events, and I’m an agnostic now.
Do you have a tan?
I cannot tan. I just can't, I burn lobster red in 5 minutes outside without literal sun cream for BABIES
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Chinese food, It was easily what taught me to like more foods also, I don't eat tomato so I can't have most pizza. I love a good garlic base/bechamel, but you can't really get that here easily (yes yes I could make my own but that ruins half the point of pizza)
Do you drink your soda with a straw?
I don't drink carbonated drinks, because its like drinking pain. The fuck is wrong with all of you.
What colour socks do you usually wear?
Various colours, but I consider red on the left, blue on the right, my lucky socks. No I don't know why, but I take all exams and interviews wearing them. It’s just a thing.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I don't drive, but if I did, No. Theres a lot of questionable laws out there but Traffic laws aren't one of them.
What terrifies you?
Pfft, most things from spiders to rollercoasters. But more seriously, Being shouted at. Shout at me and I start hyperventilating, its a thing. Also not knowing if someone is mad at me. I’m not good at reading people,
Look to your left, what do you see?
The wallet shown earlier, and the sugar free polos mentioned after that.
What chore do you hate?
Vacuuming. It makes everything in my body hurt. I would rather clean toilets.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
What’s your favourite soda?
See above. I do not like your pain liquid. Apple juice for life.
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
Either delivery or kiosk, I don't like talking to people where possible, I often need tweaks I don't want to have to remember to repeat.
Who’s the last person you talked to?
Favourite cut of beef?
I don't generally eat beef, lamb, or most red meats. I love crispy chilly beef, but as anyone can point out its bc your generally don't feel the texture of the beef.
Last song you listened to?
Everybody Wants to Rule the World | Tears for Fears | Pomplamoose
I’m on a Pomplamoose kick, and I also just love this song anyway.
Last book you read?
Understanding Comics (The invisible Art) - Scott McCloud
Favourite day of the week?
Friday nights. The weekend is ahead and @loraneldin​ and I take to wrangling our beloved usual suspects through another week of Ults Book Club.
Can you say the alphabet backwards?
I can barely say it forwards.
How do you like your coffee?
With milk and sugar, or ultimately, in a Caramel Frappuccino bc I'm a bitch like that.
Favourite pair of shoes?
I have walking boots that don't make my flat ass feet feel like they’re dying. OR my black and green crocs (Fight me, they’re useful).
The time you normally go to sleep?
9-10 is what I'm working on, but I fluctuate depending on if I'm working on something or not.
The time you normally get up?
5-6 If I have a choice in the matter, but often 7-8 if I didn't get to bed at the right time. I’m more about getting the right hours in for my diet than time specifically.
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
Sunset is the prettiest, but I like to be awake to see the sun rise.
How many blankets on your bed?
One big thick comforter, because that's the uk standard, and I get too hot otherwise.
Describe your kitchen plates
Two types, big wide white ones with a navy blue rim. They are so large I never use them, and little Navy saucer plates I use a lot.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?
I don't drink, so no. I drink apple juice or Shirley temples when I'm in pubs/bars
Do you play cards?
Sometimes, I like to teach people to play Old Maid. It’s the monopoly of card games.
What colour is your car?
Again, I do not drive. 
Can you change a tire?
I am aware I just said I don't have a car, but I do know how to change a tire. Everyone should go learn its pretty simple.
Favourite job you’ve ever had?
I have only had one job really and two job experience jobs. I did experience in a school library for a week and that was v fun and chill. I did all the jobs they had prepared for me in 2 days so I alphabetically reorganised their fiction section for the rest of the week. I LIKE ORDERING.
How did you get your biggest scar?
I no longer have a gallbladder, so I have 3 scars across my torso from that, the biggest right in the middle of my ribs. Non surgical wise I have matching scars on my knees from ripping holes in them when tripping. I have weak ankles and also I got both of those at different times.
What did you do today that made someone else happy?
I gave my spare animal crossing Iguanodon skull to a wicked artist I follow on twitter so he could complete his dino park. 
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maisietheyellowlab · 6 years
My Dog Breed Selection Process
Yesterday I got this message from an anon:
“I saw your getting a Koolie!! Nice!! They're such pretty dogs. And actually if you don't mind I have a question for you? Feel free to not answer. But you have a lab and are getting a koolie, two different breeds obviously, so do you have any tips for someone trying to find a breed? It'll be my first purebred dog and going to the shelter is hard enough because all the dogs are so cute so how do you narrow down the list for the perfect dog? Idk if you had a list - but how'd you decide on a koolie?”
and I quickly realized this was gonna be a long post, so here it is. This whole thing:
This is the general procedure that brought me to my breed choices:
First come up with a list of “must haves” “nice to haves” and “must not haves” for the type of dog you want (size, coat type, shedding, energy level, trainability,..) (as @katieisstilltumbling / @winedogs already pointed out in the original ask).
Be very honest with yourself and consider that while the dog has to be a good fit for you, you have to be a good fit for the dog as well!
Then go through a list of dog breeds and/or take a few “what’s the right breed for you” type quizzes OR if you really like a dog sport check out the breeds that usually do well in that sport (e.g. mushing: Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes,..)
→ see which of those you like and check their breed descriptions
→ check blogs, forums, videos, fb groups of owners and breeders of that breed, see if you still like what you see
→ if there are any events where you might be able to meet the breed irl (dog shows, trials, breed meet ups…) go there and talk to owners! (this step is not always possible but it’s very helpful if you can do it!)
→ check if the dogs of that breed fit your “must haves” and “must not haves”
→ look up breeders
→ contact a breeder, ask about the breed, their dogs, what kind of owner they like for their dogs, ask if you can meet them and their dogs
→ when you meet irl, see if you like the breeder and their dogs
→ if you’re now sure you want a dog of that breed, tell the breeder you’re interested in getting a puppy from their upcoming litter
→ be patient and respectful
→ get puppy
→ done!
So, here’s an example of my personal breed-selection journey:
Dog breed selection process 1 - Labrador Retriever:
The first step at all was trying to think of the dog breeds I'm generally drawn to/think they're cute and looking them up, checking out youtube videos where owners talk in depth about the breed and being real honest with myself if the breed would fit into my lifestyle. For example, I always liked Cocker Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Border Collies, Labs and Dalmatians.
Second step was going thru breed lists online and checking them out, trying to see if there's more breeds I like, but maybe haven't seen or heard of before.
Third thing I did, was take some Dog Breed Selector quizzes online, to see if I'd like any of the dogs that would come up as recommended to me. Ofc this is not to be take too seriously, bc you can be a perfect home for a border collie, but the quiz results won't match you to Border Collies, just because you didn't tick the box that said »I have an enormous yard.«
So at that point I had somewhat of an idea what I would want in a dog, and I had a list of traits in my mind that I applied to my top ~10 breeds.
It was something like this:
Must haves:
Medium size
Tolerates cold&hot weather
Easy coat maintenance
Easy to train --> biddable or will to please
Medium/high energy
Suitable for hikes&canine sports
Good around older children
Good for first time owners
Not very sensitive
Okay with being left alone for a few hours regularly/not prone to separation anxiety
Good with people and dogs
Average lifespan longer than 10 years/as long as possible
Breeder in my country
Nice to haves:
Doesn’t shed a lot
More of a quiet type of dog
Litter in the next 6 months
Likes water
Longer than average lifespan
Must not haves:
Guards people/property
Very large or very small
Prone to health issues
Very independent
Very sensitive
High maintenance coat
Prone to DA or HA
Pure working line
Ideas: Australian Shepherd, Toller, Border Collie, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Brittany
I started looking for breeders of those breeds in my area and looked through all the websites I could find. I looked at their dogs, their breeding practices, the offspring and of course, litter plans.
At that point I felt like a balanced Aussie might be the way to go, so I contacted and met up with a breeder. Turns out we didn't really click and the way that she described the breed and her personal requirements for her puppies' owners left me feeling very overwhelmed, so I decided agains getting a dog of hers. I looked at some other breeders websites, but the more I researched the more I also started realizing that an Aussie might not the the best choice for me any the household I was living in at that time.
So here I learned a very important lesson. Not only do you have to find a suitable dog, you also have to find a suitable breeder. A responsible breeder will stay in contact with you for the res tof the dog's life, try to point you in the right direction, will be a source of help regarding the dog's development, health and training, so you need like them and they need to like you back. So I added another bullet point to my puppy search list:
a breeder that is helpful, friendly, nice to be around
Dog breed 1, try 1: Aussie →  not a good fit.
I eventually narrowed my selection down to Goldens and Labs, because they were generally easier for first time owners than the rest of the breeds, less prone to sensitivity and there were announced litters in the next few months.
In the end I went for a Lab, because they seemed a little more sturdy and had slightly less health issues, as far as my research showed. Then I contacted two breeders, I think, and I went with the one that felt more right. Oh and also, I thought the parents of the litter looked better, bc that's honestly a big factor too. You're gonna live with this dog for 10+ years, why not choose the one that fits your criteria as much as possible.
So that was it, this is how I chose Maisie's breeder. She's great, helped me a LOT during the first few months when I needed it most, and we're still in touch, I visit her every year. It feels like she's my aunt or smth, she's really nice.
Dog breed 1, try 2: Lab → WIN :D
Dog breed selection process 2 - Australian Koolie:
The second time around I approached the breed selection a little differently, since I had already met more breeds of dogs irl by then and also had an idea of what I’d like in a second dog from experience with Maisie. A part of my decision to go for a herding dog came from what I want to do with them - I want to try more canine sports that include jumping, so a dog with a lighter build and more will to please. That kind of dog will enjoy those activities more and be able to do them more safely than Maisie.
Must haves:
Medium size, lighter build
Tolerates cold&hot weather
Easy coat maintenance
Will to please
Medium/high energy
Suitable for hikes&canine sports
Suitable for jumpy sports
Okay if sensitive, would prefer less sensitive tho
Okay with being alone for a few hours if needed
Good with people and dogs
Isn’t bothered by obnoxious Lab behavior very much
Average lifespan longer than 10 years/as long as possible
Working/ working x mixed line
Breeder in Europe
A helpful, friendly breeder
Nice to haves:
Doesn’t shed a lot
Not noise sensitive
Not very sensitive in general
More of a quiet type of dog
Litter in the next 6 months (hahahahhaha I’ve been waiting for a little over 2 years at this point)
Likes water
Likes snow
Likes toys and food as rewards
Longer than average lifespan
Must not haves:
Guards people/property
Very large or very small
Prone to health issues
Very independent
High maintenance coat
Prone to DA or HA
Pure show line
Ideas: Aussie, Border Collie, Rough Collie, English Springer Spaniel, Welsh Springer Spaniel, Toller, Koolie
I’d met enough Aussies by that point to realize they weren’t exactly what I wanted in a dog, but I still really liked Border Collies. This time around I wasn’t intimidated by higher energy level anymore, but I was still a bit worried about sensitivity and the fact that most BCs I’ve met low key hated Maisie. There were a few who liked her, but many didn’t so I kept looking for a better fit (I thought it wouldn’t be fair for the new dog to be stressed by Maisie just existing and being herself..it wouldn’t be fair to either). I was considering Tollers too, but there weren’t any litters announced at all, and I knew of literally one breeders, so I kept on looking. I had a hard time with finding Rough Collies without extreme show coat and had trouble finding non extremely showy Springers around here as well.
I think I found out about Koolies when I was going through herding dogs, and it was a new breed I’ve never heard of or seen before. They were rarely included bc I was mostly looking at very generic lists I think. I read the description, watched a few videos and really really liked them. They had all the traits of aussies and BCs I liked, but weren’t as sensitive as BCs generally are or as prone to guarding as Aussies tend to be. I found two breeders in driving distance, contacted both, one was kinda weird with replies and said she doesn’t want to sell pups outside her country, but the other breeder was very nice and helpful in her replies and that’s how I started talking to the breeder of my future puppy! I met her and two of her dogs about two years ago and loooved them. They also aced the “can tolerate a playful (obnoxious) Maisie” test, the main thing BCs struggled with.
So unfortunately I couldn’t get a puppy from the two litters that were born in 2017 and 2018 bc my life circumstances weren’t suitable for a puppy at the time, but now I am READY and basically just waiting for the puppy to be born sometime this year.
Dog breed 2, try 1: Koolie → win!
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deadmanzp · 4 years
aftg asks; questions by triquetrine
these are so interesting so i did all of them.. i want to come back after a year and see if id still answer the same! 
op is the post before this or also tagged “misc” 
neil josten: favorite/most iconic line?
first one that comes to mind I’m not sure is a favorite or iconic line? but it’s a line i think about a lot and it always hurts to read. it’s when they're at the cabin in TKM. 
“He didn’t care how much it hurt so long as he could pull Andrew closer, and he let Andrew take him apart until he couldn’t think anymore.”
that comes at the very end of Chapter 14 and gosh just the paragraph that line comes from and the paragraph before…. the fact neil thinks andrew doesnt care about him the way he cares/feels about andrew is like….. CMON MAN but also i just love the pining angst of it. i like this line especially because the line right before it mentions neil working his “bandaged fingers into Andrew’s hair”. so the “he didnt care how much it hurt” to me always carried a double meaning of 1. the physical pain he felt bc of his injuries but also 2. the pain of unfamiliarity abt his feelings towards andrew and thinking it was unreciprocal AND THAT HED HAVE TO “WARN” ANDREW like the implication.. of neil thinking abt their “relationship” possibly ending bc andrew doesnt feel the same and maybe wouldnt want to be entangled in whatever neil was feeling …… IM LIKE neil knows andrew so well and him being so sure abt this but hes like …. WRONG …. e
nathaniel wesninski: one thing you would change about the books? (plot, characters, etc)
there is very little id change about the books if at all. mainly bc while i know there are upsetting things that happen/the charas do, i think all of those things make the series really interesting to analyze and talk about. i will say a moment i hated was when neil touches andrews scars when andrew makes it clear he doesn't want neil to pry about them. i know neil offers his scars in turn when he's trying to convince andrew to let neil look over kevin but that was controlled. he let andrew touch them and find out about them of his own volition. neil touches something directly related to the trauma andrew had just experienced again when he had 0 permission to do so. while i always get mad at neil for this when i read it i still dont think id change it or get rid of it. im not really sure how id change it anyways and i think andrews relationship with his scars (and himself in general) is probably what allows him to brush it off(?)/never bring this up (plus maybe neil offering his scars was enough for andrew) but i havent thought too hard about this. but ya i remember i got rlly angry w neil the first time i read this scene and i still get mad abt it when i reread.
andrew minyard: if you could be friends with one of the characters, who would you pick?
i mean realistically i wouldnt be friends w jocks ILL BE REAL LOL and i think as much as i love the monsters, theres no way id be friends w them haha uhm but prob dan would be most realistic! maybe even katelyn tbh.. 
kevin day: if you played exy, what would your position be?
oh i think dealer! in sports i liked being able to do both defense and offense bc it made me feel i had more control over the field, like i could always do something if there were any holes
dan wilds: favorite moment/scene?
definitely the hotel reunion scene. theres so much to it; it drives me nuts!!!!! but honestly there are probably a lot of really good moments im forgetting. to me the whole series is really enjoyable and every scene has something i could say about it haha
matt boyd: song you would love to see in a live-action adaptation?
Oggghh this is so hard… esp since it takes place in 2007???? Idk.. iconic artists then i suppose ghfgkjhf BUT i think general vibes i think itd be so cool if paramore (time relevant), ptv (also time relevant), and mitski were on the soundtrack……. Ya…….. 
nicky hemmick: which made you more emotional, neil at evermore or neil in baltimore?
neil in baltimore for sure… neil at evermore i can't remember what i felt the first time i read it (maybe pain LOL bc he was doing it for andrew and i felt like riko wouldnt keep his promise) but in my latest reread i was unimpressed by it (mostly bc i think riko is boring and unimpressive). i think i mightve said evermore in the past though….. maybe... neil in baltimore is like … GOD neils emotions are so strong during all of that its really juicy haha. i think like him being angry bc he was on the cusp of having everything he couldve ever dreamed of; the desperation of wanting to fight back and get away; even just the fear of being in the same room as his father for the first time in so long... all really juicy 
aaron minyard: a character you will defend to your death?
defend…. im not sure is the word i would use and i dont think i really believe in defending any of these charas “to death” bc of how flawed and complex they are; id like to acknowledge when they did wrong. i think id “defend” any of the characters if i saw anyone misinterpreting or misunderstanding them.. theyre all really interesting even if they didnt get too much spotlight. except maybe riko. hes incredibly boring to me. and also nathan ig and any of his crew just bc there is Nothing abt them rlly...
katelyn: which minor character do you wish you could see more of?
uhhhmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm….. idk maybe… jeremy…. gjfjgkdngmdghs just bc him and kevin r so funny.. i was thinking maybe jean too but…… idk a diff kind of kevin relationship lol (yikes) (pain) but really im satisfied w jeans screen time. i think ichirou is interesting but again i think he didn't rlly need more. maybe erik actually. im interested to know what nicky is like with him :0
allison reynolds: favorite headcanon about the foxes?
actually something i recently thought abt was neil and photography. iirc? andrew gives neil a camera in the ec and i also imagine kevin eventually gets another camera too (i loved that detail when we saw his room at the nest) so i thought abt neil and kevin sharing/trading pics they take of (mainly) scenery. i imagine neil takes pics of anything he wants to remember/keep while kevin is more prone to taking pics of subjects related to some nerd history stuff (lol) so thats why they trade scenery pics mainly. but i like this small connection bc i want more to their relationship than their exy obsession and i imagine they have room for more now that riko is gone and i just like this other commonality btwn them. i think maybe they mail the developed pics to each other maybe w small descripts/notes but thats it. and i also imagine it kind of just is something that started happening.. neil and andrew r on a roadtrip and some building reminds neil of kevin so he snaps a pic and eventually sends it to kevin w some note. kevin replies 1. either a text being like that is nothing. > neil: shrugs brushes it off but figures he is welcome to send more when kevin sends his own picture back or 2. kevin simply replies back similarly w his own photo. i dont know.. maybe this goes beyond what their actual relationship would be like but i do like the idea of them just bein like… dude friends u know so i want them to have more than just exy and a traumatizing experience between them. 
as for common headcanons within the fanbase…. i do like the allison + neil haircuts thing.. although im not sure if i imagine it the same as most haha i feel neil would know how to cut his own hair from his life on the run (though theyre not Good or bad just like ok u know like passable generic w/e) i think hed definitely be tense the first couple times but he has experience w allison being close from needing to be covered up w make up after winter break so i think she would be allowed. 
renee walker: favorite non-canonical ship? (renison, jerejean, etc)
uhmm to be honest none really… im way too attached to canon to be able to dismiss any established relationships. i think kevemy (??? is that the name) is rlly amusing but i dont want them together necessarily haha i used to rlly like renison mainly bc im a lesbian and i want “main” chara wlw relationships lol but i recently read something abt how bi allison doesnt rlly sit well w some bc she outs andrew and neil during the hotel scene.. i also agree this is kinda :/ if she was bi Mainly bc i feel a lot of ppl (or at least this is what i gather from renison stuff ive seen) portray allison already being established bi? if this makes sense. i think if renison/allison realizing shes bi is a later development id feel better abt it but usually renison is already established so ya her outing them does bother me…. BUT aside from this, thinking about them as characters and what their partners (would) look like… im not sure if theyd rlly choose each other.. but i still enjoy seeing them together in art and in fic bc in the end…. im a sucker for women lol….
seth gordon: most underrated dynamic? (matt & neil, wymack & andrew, etc)
my first thought was wymack and andrew bc i rlllllyy like their dynamic especially after reading their ec stuff. i loved their first meeting (andrews terrible sandwich??!?fhdhfjd) and when andrew breaks into wymacks apartment BUT i think ppl mention them enough its not underrated. i Actually think renee and andrews dynamic/friendship is rlly underrated/overlooked!!! especially after reading the son nefes ec i love their dynamic a lot… 
some son nefes moments of them i liked:  tw // rape
renee convincing andrew to go with her to see matt after his trip to edens
how many knives do u carry / one more than u IS SO FUNNY and just andrews persistence abt fighting renee is also rlly funny to me
tw // rape : the moment when andrew asks renee if she killed her rapist/abuser that whole convo was good… 
their convo in the rain w their tea
i cant remember when this happens or rlly exaclty what was said but renee offers andrew something (some help??) and he says i dont need (w/e it was) and she says something along the lines of  i know but it wouldnt do any harm or SOMETHING like that.. i like this bc she acknowledges their abilities while showing shed still like to offer some help. im p sure she does this another time too (w neil???? or someone i cant remember maybe it was andrew again) and i remember liking it too. she has a way w words and talking (also seen in her convincing andrew to see matt)
BUT regardless of ec stuff i think their relationship/dynamic seen in the books is rlly good too. theres def enough to be intrigued by them and i always have been? so i'm reeeaallly happy son nefes exists i loved reading it..
david wymack: which ncaa team would you play for?
oh to be honest i dont rlly remember many of them but of the Three (ravens, foxes, trojans) prob trojans. i remember i even got them in a uquiz once… 
abby winfield: which character was the most realistically written?
first that came to mind was aaron actually.. i remember before when i didnt rlly like him or care abt him it was actually bc he was too “boring” to me. i always thought he had the most realistic reactions to things which is what made him boring to me amidst the ridiculousness of, well, everything in aftg lol… i still think he is really realistically written but now i dont think hes boring haha
besty dobson: how many times have you read the series?
fully i think…. only 3 times… i wish this were a higher count but i actually feel guilty everytime i try to reread it.
riko moriyama: coolest exy moment? (kevin’s last-minute point against the ravens, andrew shutting down the goal, etc)
uhhmm uhmm i def think kevin during the final game against the ravens…. hes so cool haha but i KNOW there were a lot of game moments that i thought were really cool so i cant rlly say…. oh also i love neil being defense in that game too rlly juicy wish i could pull up obscure moments bc i know i rlly enjoyed reading the games but terrible memory...
jeremy knox: which do you like reading more, domestic!foxes or chaotic!foxes?
uh i guess chaotic? not rlly sure exactly what that could entail but i do like… their chaos.. when they have fights and squabbles and stuff… this includes the high tension moments. ALTHOUGH i do like the tiny lines in the books when we see the monsters just doing like random basic everyday life stuff like playing video games or whatever. i like…. imagining them... fhdjfjshfjs… as for fic def chaos. i feel domestic is usually too softened….. 
jean moreau: favorite friendship?
oh i think this goes back to andrew and renee. but other than them… i do like neil and matts friendship.. though probably not the same as its typically portrayed 
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hashtag-has-adhd · 5 years
Day 12: Productivity, RSD, and Getting Stuck
I have homework I need to do but instead I’m here, posting about the homework I have to do...
But, to be fair, I spent all of yesterday w a friend, celebrating her 21st birthday by running around downtown to get as much free stuff as we could. We’re doing it again in two weeks for my birthday woo.
But that also means I was not very productive yesterday and today is The Weekend so that good old procrastination is sneaking up on me again and it’s hard to make myself do things without an impending deadline. Like, I only have classes on MWF, so TuTh I can do homework and study and all that jazz, but Friday happens and I’m like, I don’t need to have things done until Monday! I can relax! Except tomorrow is Sunday and that means I have Significantly Less Time To Relax! So yeah, I gotta do some math and answer my reading questions for Japanese except this chapter is about sports and I am Not A Sports Fan so this chapter is boring and I Can’t Relate so it’s literally the last thing I want to do. And I also really don’t want to solve any differential equations. Like, they seem cool for modeling things in the Real World, but... I don’t care. I want to teach high school math. I’m only taking this class because it’s a requirement for my major. I hate it sososososo much. I’ve only been to two lectures and my professor seems like a great guy but oh my god I hate this material I hate calculus I hate hate hate hate hate it so much and I don’t care at all about modeling things in the real world I don’t care about rates of change or modeling the amount of chemicals in a pond or calculating the acceleration of a falling object while taking drag into account. I hate everything about differential equations and I just want to go back in time and deck Newton and Leibniz and the Bernouli brothers all in their faces because It Is All Their Fault.
One aspect of ADHD that I’ve always struggled really badly with is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and I’m seeing a new therapist soon that can hopefully give me some Tips on how to deal w it bc that’s not something that adderall can fix. It’s a little hard to explain but like... when I try to tell people about this, I kind of explain it like my brain is wired differently than a non-ADHD brain, so when someone isn’t expressly positive towards me, unless they reassure me that I am not the problem, my brain is literally wired to believe that I Am A Problem and I need that extra reassurance. But I recently made my list of 6 goals that my doctor told me to come up with, and one of them is to be kinder to myself so I’ve been actively trying to tell myself that yes, I have RSD as a part of my ADHD and that means my brain lies to me sometimes. So idk if it’s really helping but it feels like it is.
And lastly, I had an Epiphany today. There’s a convention at the very end of October/very beginning of November that my friends and I like to go to and I want to make a cosplay of Bernadetta from the new Fire Emblem, but I don’t think I can make her by this con bc I’ve never made my own cosplay before and I also have classes and building better study habits taking up a lot of my time. So I was kind of stuck bc I figured if I can’t finish Bernie by this con, I might as well not start, but... 
There’s nothing stopping me. If she’s not done, she’s not done. I have three other cosplays I can wear. And I got unstuck. So yeah. That happened, and it usually takes me a lot more work and external help to get unstuck, so having my own epiphany about it was a nice change of pace.
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