#oh also kumpir
cinnonym · 1 year
Regarding jacket potatoes: I think it is perhaps because they are still wearing their little jackets, or skins. As opposed to some other situations where they would be peeled. This seems like what the US calls a baked potato, except we have slightly different toppings: cheese, sour cream, chives, bacon bits. Lots of butter, of course.
Oh!! That is an excellent theory and makes total sense to me, thank you for weighing in!!
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smimon · 9 months
More questions to giant k
Fav season? Why?
Least fav season? Why?
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
How was the adjustment phase?
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Jay my friend saving the day again with a pile of nice questions 🥹💛
Fav season? Why?
Must be summer because he can just walk shirtless and not worry about wearing the same one t-shirt for the 100th time 😅
Least fav season? Why?
Was gonna say winter which is I guess true for irl Jere but actually giant K would enjoy the thought that he can serve as a portable heater for his friends and just shove them under his jacket in case they don't dress warm enough for the weather 🤭
So maybe it is autumn instead, when the weather forces him inside buildings more often than he would like :/
He still hasn't experienced spring as a giant so the ranking might still change 👀
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
He's probably enjoying baked potatoes more than fries, chasing each and every single fry through the plate must be irritating when they are so tiny to him, and cutlery won't make things any easier...
I bet he loves kumpir!
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Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
🥹 This will be detailed in one episode but he did set up a group call thing with Häärijä and Jesse, asking them to come keep him company but still not quite understanding what happened.
Jesse was the first to arrive because Häärijä quickly went shopping for groceries (they thought he's sick or something). He and Jere first assumed they must be hallucinating, until they realized they are not 😅 and Häärijä never noticed something changed but still made sure his friend is being taken care of 💛
How was the adjustment phase?
Well, once he realized he is very likely not going to shrink anytime soon, he took extra effort to feel comfortable in his new shape as soon as possible.
So he did a lot of physical activity until the movements felt right again, like aerobics and swimming and zumba and Just Dance. And asked his gym to provide weights heavy enough for him to not go out of shape.
And definitely tried to squeeze on purpose into every hole and opening and space that seemed just barely big enough for him, so that he could learn his limits before he got stuck somewhere accidentally when least expecting it. Mostly places that are not meant for human presence at all. He would notice a wardrobe or a car trunk or two trees growing close to each other and go nyoom! without a single thought.
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
Can't answer because spoilers for final episode 🥲
Can I say that he grew through the power of love like Clifford the big red dog? Would you accept such an answer? XD
Well there is one way it could go away with time, but it would take years and also it does not seem likely at this point (will be detailed in the finale). So it is permanent for now.
The magical forces that caused it technically could revert it if persuaded enough. But they are proud and stubborn magical beings who believe their actions were only good and right and mere mortals disagreeing with them is not enough to make them undo such a magical masterpiece! (The finale will be very fantasy genre haha)
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
Oh he would never want to get so big that it would be impossible to hold hands with his friends 🥺 and the forces of magic are not cuel, they won't do this to him 💚
His current size is a result of a few coincidences and misunderstandings and some ignorance too 😅 once he and his friends learn the truth they will probably sit and stare in the void for a few hours
He needs his clothes tailor-made 🥺 everything he owned before the change also grew, but new clothes need to be specifically made for him. If he were to return to his previous size, the new bigger clothes would shrink too! Magic is so thoughtful!
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Wouldn't it be the funniest thing 😂
Imagine Kä confidently going for a walk in an unknown neighbourhood believing he has a good sense of orientation since he can see so far. And five minutes later calling Jesse for help and unable to even describe where he is 👍
Thanks for asking 😊💛
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matshoemels · 7 years
I CAN'T believe Massachusetts the most beautiful state of them all is not included in this ask list. But in its heartbreaking absence Idaho and Florida please!
I KNOW RIGHT??? MASSACHUSETTS IS THE BEST STATE IN USA HOW. DARE. THEY.Idaho: I can eat potatoes in any form tbh I even eat them raw but my fave is poutine and chips & curry. KUMPIR is also a great type of potato.Florida: GOD NO WHY WOULD I WANT THAT OH MY GOD NO WHICH MONSTER WROTE THAT ASKS???Thanks for asking babe ♥️
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