#oh boy i hope i dont get dogpiled for this one
curiositypolling · 10 months
This poll is a bit different but I’m curious about it and that’s why I made the blog so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
follow for more occasional dumb polls :)
since I know this might be a viewpoint some people havent seen before, here’s the explanation for the ‘I want queerphobia in my fake worlds’:
I see the first option touted as ‘the ideal queer representation’ a lot, but as a queer fantasy writer I much prefer the culture of societal outcasts that band together, and narratives of people saying ‘fuck society’. Of course I want queerphobia to be completely gone irl, but it’s much easier for me to relate to characters who have gone through it, than to relate to characters who are treated like everyone else. a queer person treated like normal has not remotely been my experience, and so I prefer to have queer characters not treated normally, both so I can relate to them and so you can root for them and say ‘yes! change the system!’
This is fiction, the characters don’t have to live in an ideal world, the irl world sucks in many ways and exploring how it sucks is a huge part of making fake worlds.
all of this of course is with the caveat that it’s done well. A queer or ally writer writing a world with queerphobia as a way to show people defying society can be a good thing, is much different to a bigot writing queerphobia in to show it as ‘how things should be’, or someone doing it because that’s the only way they can envision a new world (as having the same bigotries as this one.)
(also no I will not tag this as ‘the q slur’ or anything similar)
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angeloncewas · 3 years
omg hiii returning to ur askbox for Discourse Reasons :) im so sorry I havent sent u anything recently ive just been busy but ummm just a disclaimer this is /nm and i think this just all has to do with us having different expierences for various reasons but i have seen a lot more dt stans absolutely shit on sbi for no reason or shit on them just bc an sbi stan (a lot of whom even like dt) made an offhanded/poorly worded criticism of one/all of them and it's just been. very upsetting? bc i used to like dteam a lot more but now it feels hard for me personally to engage in dt fan spaces/content bc a lot of those same people posting about dt are the people who ive seen actively take something that wasnt That Deep in poor faith and just shit on sbi to piss off the op instead of realizing the ccs have literally nothing to do with this stuff and if you have a problem with the stans you dont need to take it out on the ccs. obviously this can go both ways, sbi stans arent innocent in this, i just know ive personally had to block and unfollow a lot of people for shitting on sbi when their anger was actually targeted at stans who half the time werent even actually spreading hate, just criticism. this is probably just bc of who i follow but that doesnt make it any less annoying to see dteam stans pop up out of nowhere on my dash just bc they came for an sbi stan for something that wasnt actually an issue until they decided to make it an issue (ie somebody expressing their own reasons why they dont like dteam with proper tagging so fans dont see it unless they literally look for it and then still somehow ending up getting dogpiled) which then turns into like a 3 day long discourse between the two sides of mcytblr.
anyways, thanks for listening to my 2 cents! like i said, /nm i was just getting really frustrated about this earlier and then i saw you talking bit about it so i am taking adventure of ur willingness to respectfully discourse and doing so lol
hope you've been well!
Tooth :D I hope you've been well too - no worries about not being around, I've also been v busy. Just glad you're still here tbh <3
I definitely have had that experience on Twitter, not here, but I'm really sorry you have. It sucks that we've both had ANY sort of experience like that, considering how adamantly people proclaim mcytblr to be the most superior of the platforms, but I digress.
"if you have a problem with the stans you dont need to take it out on the ccs" is just so right... and honestly vice versa too. Like as much as I am a fan of the creators, they're so removed from us that I feel like so much regarding them is so... distant. Whereas you and I (or any two people, I mean) are right here, right now, and if we have a problem (or don't !) it's really between us.
I know it can be frustrating to see people against the creators you like, but dteamblr (they're not really an organized group, but summarized for the sake of) comes close to dttwt in defensiveness sometimes. And I get it, I get the urge too, but it still does cause problems with people who are trying to exist within their own space and I do think that the worst dteam stans - on every platform - are some of the most concerning people in this fandom. I don't know how we've normalized threats and the like but OH BOY. Chill a little.
Idk. I hope you find joy in dt spaces again because it's not fair that people took that from you :/ and I hope the people of dteamblr stop going for peoples' throats all the time; sometimes it's okay to just let it be. Not everyone's gonna like you or the creators you do, and making a problem out of it or something like it is just petty.
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ghost-moon-child · 7 years
hii how've u been? oof u should get more sleep!! but hmm, i love cats but im allergic so i guess dogs too? ive got 3! i love them
Why hello! Omg sorry for not talking more! I’ve been great what about you? I hope your well^^ Oh i’m getting more sleep thank you:) Cat’s are ok:3 I KnOw! Blobfish deserve more recognition:( Snakes are cool, I like snakes, we have lots here in summer in Australia:D 
Now your soft kpop questions: (tbh i’m very soft atm from some pics and music of Astro and Sf9 so i’m very soft and squishy rn>
Exo: My bias is Baekhyun and it would be nice with him but tbh I can see Suho or Kai since their pretty quiet/shy and would be really gentlemanly and sweet, and I just see them being the ideal star gazing date material.
Bts: My bias is J-Hope but i’d pick Jin, like come on.He’d make some snacks, and he’d bring his pink sweater, be really sweet and thoughtful/ mindful. Wouldn’t talk to much and would cuddle afterwards. 
Got7: My bias is Youngjae and yeah i’d go with my otter boy cause he would crack a joke every one and then and his laugh would make me smile so much (more than it already does) and I can see him shyly singing me to sleep afterwards and it would be really cute with him, like his such a goofball and lil squish>
Astro: My bias is Moonbin and yes i’d love to go with him! He’d make sure there's food and would be really nice to cuddle with (omg i love him) and like Youngjae would probs sing you to sleep and it’s be SO NICE! and he’d just hold me in his arms, with his heart beating ahhh so relaxing:) But I can also see myself with like all of them. YA KNOW I JUST PICK ALL OF THEM! YOU CAN’T PICK ONE! TBH THEIR ALL PERFECT! AND WE’D JUST DOGPILE AND CUDDLE (can I be squished in the middle?? plz??) 
Monsta X: Wonho duh. UHH HE KILLS ME!! ULT BIAS RIGHT HERE!! Ok so tbh yes Wonho would be amazing wait..same answer as Astro. All of them. End of story. 
Sf9: Oh god. here we goXD Ok biases: Inseong, Zuho, Ro Woon and Taeyang. DONT JUDGE ME IT WAS REALLY HARD PICKING ONE!  and tbh probs Inseong. He’s kinda shy plus a huge cutie! ah such a squish!! He’d obvi sing and cuddle but also just make me feel really comfortable and he wouldn’t make it awkward and he’d make it such a memorable experience. 
Seventeen: My biases are Minghao, Mingyu, Wonwoo and Jeonghan. I tried to pick one from each unit but hip-hop killed me!! I couldn’t choose, my bias unit is performance tho. Yeah imma just go my bae Minghao. He’d sing in Chinese (kill me now Ily his Chinese and omg he’s my bae apart from Mingyu!) And if he sang Chinese ‘My I’ I’d marry him right there no joke. Ok he’d start off really shy and a lil squish but eventually warmed up or he’d just be savagehao the whole timeXD 
Day6: Ok my bias is Wonpil, the literal sunshine:) And yes he’d be really sweet to go with but tbh I see Young K being a good choice. Such a dorkXD no but he’d sing, buy food, have blankets and stuff and would be thoughtful and caring about the date. 
ok i’d continue but literally all the answers were more or less the sameXD omg still so cute tho>sadly But like on camera yes. Multiple things, the main one being BTS Namjoon. From ‘the most beautiful moment in life’  era. Here’s the link: 
It’s him talking about the meaning behind it and omg it’s so important and has stuck with me for ages. Also just like idols who focus and spread awareness of mental health and being in these families, communities of people who all have one thing in common, loving these people and them loving us just as much. Omg I could go for days but i’ll stopXD Sorry for the long answer too! What about you? What are your answers to your questions: what idol would you stargaze with? why? 19. has an idol or group said anything that has stuck with you?. I’m interested in seeing your answers^^ Use as many asks as needed XD Have a wonderful day kss and thank you for your lovely asks that I always receive:) Take care~
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