#oh hey this is my first time drawing gear 5
songofstrawhats · 1 month
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Luffy Week Day 4- Emotion
One of the things I am most fascinated by in One Piece is the continuity between this small angry child, and the happy-go-lucky pirate he becomes.
I think it's all still in there, he just knows more now!!!
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venus-lou · 1 year
Mysterious dart
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König X F!Reader
Reader’s call sign is Hestia. Hestia is the Greek goddess hearth, home, and hospitality, she is known to be gentle, kind and forgiving. However, don’t let her kind nature fool you. Hestia will do anything to protect her family and community.
A/n: I’m still trying to figure out the in’s and out’s writing, so I decided to try writing something since I’ve been reading fanfic for a while now. Please leave me any constructive criticism and feedback. I’m not that confident in my writing, despite that I wanted to put something out there. There’s isn’t much action in this, cause I suck at writing action scene >.<
Warning: Smut 19+ MDNI, P in V, unprotected sex. Bad writing/grammer, reader smokes cigarettes, inaccurate military scenes, kinda plotless(?)
Word Count: 4.5k
Finally some peace and quiet. You leaned against the fence post right outside the training field taking draws of your cigarette every once in a while. The last few weeks you, Soap, and Gaz were out on recon in Russia infiltrating a base to get any information about their latest plans and missions. Thankfully everyone came back unscathed, Laswell and Price seemed pleased with everything we got.
Flicking the last bit of your cigarette on the pavement and stomping it out, you head the kitchen to make yourself a cuppa. “Hey König, how was your morning?” You quietly approached him reaching for your mug. When you started talking to König after his transfer to 141, he was quiet and kept to himself. After a few small conversations it seems like he got more comfortable with you and the team.
“Morning Hestia, it was okay.” König replied before going back to his tea. Your conversation with König usually is filled with silence, not an awkward one but more of a comforting one. It’s always nice to be in someone's presence without having the urge to fill the silence, both you and König always enjoy these moments. You added sugar and cream to your tea leaning against the counter next to König.
“Hestia! König! Debrief in my office in 5.” Price popped his head in the kitchen before heading back to his office. “Oh! Bring me a cup too!” You both heard him after the door closed behind him. Looking up to König, you smiled softly pat his arm. “I’ll get him a cup, you think it’s another mission?”
König stared at you while before answering with a simple yes.
Looking over your shoulder “Well if so, it’ll be our first mission together! I think we’ll be the new Soap and Ghost duo.” You chuckled as you both walked down to Price’s office. He was thankful for the mask as heat started to rise to his cheeks. Despite how it seems König sought after your presence, you brought a sense of calmness with you that he thrived for. After every mission he went on, whether you notice or not he always kept you in his sight.
You guys walked into the office “Here ya go Price, its your usual” leaving the mug on his desk you sat down in the chair next to König. “Thanks kid, I assume you guys know why you’re here.” Taking a sip and sighing from what you hope is contentment. König starts fidgeting with his fingers while looking between you and Price. “The last recon got use some useful info, there’s a small compound a few klick west from the factory you were at before. I want both of you out on recon, it seems like they’re cooking up a type of bomb. Up in 20, I want you guys in and out.”
After the debrief you quickly got in gear, trapped a few extra magazines and knives to your vest. With a med kit and a few epi pens, cause you never know if you’ll need it or not. It seem like every time its a ‘simple’ mission it somehow goes sideways like that time in Urzikstan. You’re kinda excited to be with König since you actually never saw him in action before. It was hard for you not to notice the 6”10 Austrian floating around the base, at first it was hard to start a conversation with him you didn’t want to overstep or make him uncomfortable. After a few attempts you notice a small change, he no longer shy away from you instead he seems content with your presence. “Ready Hestia?” Lost in your thoughts you didn’t realize König was walking next to you. Looking up you can’t help but feel giddy “Yep! I finally get to see you in action.” You smiled at him not noticing how he looked away scratching his neck. “Ha, yeah but we’re only there to get info. We probably won’t even see any action.” Gasping you dramatically pressed your hand your chest “Don’t jinx it! You never know.” He looked down at you before getting on the heli “I don’t really believe in that, but if it does come to that just know I’ll always protect you biene.” Hopping in after him, you tilted you head asking what biene means only for him to shake his head and pat the seat next to him. “Fine don’t spill your secrets.” You joked signaling the pilot that you’re all ready for take off.
Price mentioned that the compound is pretty small, after a few weeks of surveillance it seemed that there’s only 4 armed guards and 5 other personnel in the building. Once you reached you dropped off point, Zior the pilot notified us that thermal picked up the 4 guards and only 3 personnel inside. It seemed like a simple job, bypass the guards and get intel on whatever they’re making inside. All you know is that it’s some type of explosive material, König was ahead of you trying to find a way past the guards. It surprised you how silent he could be despite his large stature. With hand signals you both were able to quickly get inside unnoticed “Hestia, I’ll watch your six, Captain said everything should be on the 2nd level.” König whispered while you both started making your way to the second floor. Nodding you made your way through the different rooms, oddly there seems to be no one here. You started to feel an uneasy feeling in your stomach. “König, something feels wrong. Didn’t Zior said there was 3 bodies in here?” Opening the last door on the floor only to hear a loud thump behind you, “König?” Turning around you found him on the floor face down.
Shit, looking around you didn’t see anyone. You pulled him in the room and locked the door. “Shit, König please be okay.” You whispered, he was still breathing, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. “Hestia to Zior, we got a bit of a problem. König is out, it seems like they knew we were coming.”
“Copy Hestia, are you able to make it out?” Sighing, you looked around noticing the paperwork and computers. “I can’t carry König out, we’re at the end of the west wing last window. I’m gonna see if I can find anything. On the bright side we seems to have found the jackpot, be ready for evac”
“Affrim, I’ll be ready.”
König slowly got back on his feet, “oi Biene are you okay?” You turned around gesturing him to sit down “Yeah, I’m okay do you know what happened? All I heard was you falling down. Didn’t even see a single soul out there.” There was a look in his eye you couldn’t pinpoint. “König? Do I have to stick you with an epi?” Tilting your head after he started to mumble phrases in German after he sat down you notice the little dart in his hand. “Ya, I’m alright Biene, I think someone shot a dart at me. I don’t feel side effects.” With worry eyes and burrowed brows you looked at him before nodding. You both quickly gather several files and transfer documents to the usb Price gave you. Still no sign of anyone in the compound. Guards haven’t come rushing in, something about this was too easy to be true.
“Zior to bravo 0-1 everything alright? You got 2 coming into the compound, suggest you make it quick before things get out of hand.”
“Copy, We’re almost done here, König was hit with something, no effects yet. Trying to find what they fucking shot him with.” You radioed back before turning to König, he was breathing and sweating heavily. “König, let's get you out of here we got everything on the computer?” he nodded while you filled your bag with any files that might be useful. You hoped it was just a low quantity tranquilizer that hit him, then again if it was he probably wouldn’t be walking around right now. All you could think about was König, what they fuck was in the dart and why the hell did they just shoot him and leave?
Just like before getting out of the compound was simple, you didn’t question it all you wanted was for König to get back on base to the med bay. “König promise me you tell me if anything is wrong” you looked up at him after you both sat down on the heli. “Don’t worry about me Biene. I’m just glad we both made it out of there.” König tried to look composed as much as possible. All he felt was a heat radiating all over his body, every time he looked at you the heat increased. You sighed “I’m always gonna be worried about you König, we’re a team I’ll always be there when you need support. So please, don’t lie to me cause you think it’ll make me feel better.” Once you both arrived at the base you took König to the med bay before you debriefed Price on what happened.
“Hey Kid, a word?” Price was smoking a cigar outside the training field when you walked by on your way to see König. You nodded, pulling out a cigarette looking out in the field. “What’s up Cap?”
“Good job out there today, just wanted to let you know König is with the doc. We were able to find out what the dart had on it. All I can tell you is he’s safe, it’s not lethal but I need you to stay away from him for a while.” He turned to look at you while puffing out smoke. Once you proceed what he was saying, you paused before taking another drag of your cigarette. “What do you mean? Why can’t I go see him?” You begin rattling out questions while Price stood there looking down at you.
“Look kid, it’s complicated, we don't even know if it’s the correct drug he was hit with. Just know the doc is handling it, like I said it’s non lethal so he’ll be fine.” Price made it clear that he didn’t want you near König. You couldn’t figure out why and to be honest you didn’t really care you were gonna see him one way or another. You decided to wait a while, he’s with the doc he probably needed to rest anyways.
Taking a seat next to Soap at the dining table, you still couldn’t get König out of your mind. “Hey lass, still thinking about your lover boy?” Soap leaned over to whisper in your ear. “Shut up! You don’t even know what you're talking about.” Hitting him on the shoulder rolling your eyes at him. Soap and Gaz exchanged looks and shrugged their shoulders. “Hey, what that look about?”
“I don’t know lass, all I’m saying is you’ve been in your head ever since you both got back from recon so it has to be about your giant tree friend” Soap looked back at you with a spoon in his mouth. “You gonna finish th-“ you sighed after letting him eat off your plate. “I’m just worried, okay?" Price said I couldn’t go near him and I can’t figure out why. And his our giant tree friend don’t you forget that” you told them about your predicament. Gaz looked at you for a while before he smirked “Well, he’s technically just our comrade and you’re his Biene, isn’t that what he calls you? What does that even mean? Plus there’s probably a good reason why Cap doesn’t want you to see him.”
“You’re gonna still go see him though right?” Soap questioned you with his brows raised. “What!? Of course not, you know I always listen to the cap.” You smiled at them, tilting your head to the left. They both rolled their eyes and dragged out a “right” and went back to their meal.
They were right, they’re always right. You stayed up all night to make sure everyone was asleep or in their rooms. It was nearly 0230 when you took a peek outside your door. Once you made sure there wasn’t any movement in the hall you quickly made your way to the med bay. You just needed to make sure König was okay, you needed to see him with your own eyes. As much as you trust Price, you couldn’t get König out of your mind. Was he okay, what the hell was the drug and why didn’t Price want you near him. Luckily when you arrived at the med bay, the nurses seemed to be off attending another soldier. You hope they kept him in the same room you dropped him off at, reaching the handle you quickly peeked inside relieved seeing his figure in the room. He was laying down in the hospital bed with several wires connected to him. Seeing him didn’t ease your nerves, why did they have all these wires on him? Did they actually figure out the drug coursing through his blood stream? Locking the door and pulling a chair next to him, you sat down quietly taking his hand in your. You lightly traced the scars and lines on his hand trying to prevent your mind from spiraling. “Please be okay König…” you whispered, closing your eyes. After a while, you felt him squeeze your hand. “Biene, what are you doing here? Didn’t Captain tell you to not come by.” You heard his raspy voice fill the empty room. Looking up you couldn’t help but feel somewhat relieved. “König…I wanted to make sure you were okay. Why did Price tell me not to come see you?” Your eyebrows furrowed hoping he knew what was going on.
“it’s dangerous for you to be near me Biene…I might hurt you” He whispered looking down. “Please I need you to leave.”
You didn’t let go of his hand, you couldn’t. Nothing is making sense right now, you knew he would never hurt you. Why didn’t he want you here? “W- what you talking about? Do you know what the drug was?” You continue to question him wanting an answer.
“I- it’s ah- a drug is dubbed Rati, they think it’s a drug that increase someone’s ah-“ König tried to put words together mumbling the end of the sentence.
You pulled your chair closer trying to hear him, leaning in closer you asked him to repeat what he said.
“Biene, please… go away…”
You sat back in your chair, looking down at your hand intertwined with his, “I don’t think you want me to leave….tell me how I can help please König.”
He sighed, “ah fuck, I can’t take it anymore.” He sat up in his bed with his legs hanging over the bed still towering over you. There was a look in his eyes, the same look when you both were in the compound. “Biene, you want to help?” His voice was deeper, drawing out every syllable as he pulled you from the seat leaving you standing between his leg. You felt your cheeks and ears turn red, the room become hotter making you take quicker breaths. You could feel his shallow breath on your face, breathing in you can smell a mixture of musk and his cologne. “König?” You looked up to him, all you can see is his eyes behind the mask he usually wears. “Please tell me what I can do to help?” His hands grabbing at your hip pulling you in closer to him.
“Mmmh I need you so bad Biene…” He nuzzled his face between you neck, you couldn’t help but whimper at his touch. Your hand wrapped around his neck slowing pulling him away from your neck. “König, tell me if I’m crossing the line here.” You lifted up his mask just above his nose, leaning down slowly until he brought one of his hand to back of your neck pulling you down to meet his lips. You let out a moaned as he deepened the kisses taking dominance. His hands rubbing small circle on your neck and hip, he couldn’t help but pulled you in bed with him wanting you close as possible. “Fuck Biene, I want you so bad. Let me take care of you the way you need.” He muttered into your neck. He started rutting his hips into you sucking and nipping at your neck. You could feel his bulge through his pants, making your core quiver with anticipation. You know you shouldn’t be wet right now, but all those times you imagined how König would feel between your thighs. How his hands would trace your hips, using his fingers to prepare you to accommodate his size. How fucking massive he would look when he was over you holding your legs over his should-
Your thoughts were interrupted by his hands hitting your ass. “Where’d you go mein Liebling? I can’t have you floating off now can I?” He whispered as he rubbed the area his hit.
You whimpered “Ooh König, please touch me” you should feel embarrassed with how desperate you sound but you didn’t care. He pulled off the wires that was measuring his vitals, before he could do anything else, you took his face in your hands. “I want you to know, you don’t have to take your mask off if you don’t want to…I want you to be comfortable. I want to help you.” Silence soon filled the room after you said that, you couldn’t help but feel like you ruined the mood. Before you could fall into a spiral of regret, he took your hands in his before he looked down and removed his mask while his hands still enveloped your smaller one. “Maus, I’m always comfortable with you.” He laid you down before pulling your shirt off along with his. You couldn’t help but admire how he looked, your face traced to scars on his face, his cheekbone down to his lips. You pulled him back down begging for another kiss, you couldn’t get over how he felt. With his hand running down your down he stopped at your pants, looking back up to you. With a nod, he peeled you pants down throwing them somewhere in the room. “König…” you whined lifting yourself on your elbows “I’m supposed to be making you feel better” he couldn’t help but chuckle at your desperation. “Mmh Liebling, just you being here makes me feel better. Be a good girl and let me take you how I know you need it.” He started kissing up your thigh, pulling you over the edge of the bed. You could help but gasp at how easy it was for him to handle you, making you even more wet than before. Peeling off your panties, he let out a deep groan at how wet your little pussy looked. “Mein Liebling…look how fucking wet your are.” He dragged his finger down your slit rubbing all over your lips up to your sensitive little clit. Before you can say anything, he bent down, slowly dragged his tongue licking up the slick you left for him. He let out a loud sigh as he begin licking your hole as his thumb rubbed your clit. “Oooh König…you make me feel so good.” Moaning as you felt him rumbled against your pussy. “Please, König I want to feel you.” Looking up from his position between your thighs. “Mmmh, you have yo be more specific than that Maus.” He slowed down as he kept eye contact with you.
“I want your fingers please.” Satisfied with your response he rubbed his finger up and down your slit before slowly entering into your tight hole. “Mmmh, maus you’re so fucking tight. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He slowly went in and out while he sucked on your clit. You’ve never felt like this before, your fingers never felt this good. His mouth worked wonders on you, while his finger started to get more rough rubbing your most sensitive spot. “Cum for me maus, I want to taste you first. Be a good girl and give me what I want” You feel yourself get closer, clinging to every praise he gave you “Fuck König, I can’t take it anymore” moaning his name and bucking your hips. “I know maus, just let go for me. I’ll take care of you.” He felt you squeeze down on his finger as you cried out, continuing to draw out your climax only stopping when he felt you nudge his shoulder with your foot. He stood tall, above you licking his lips as he rubbed his thumb against your lips slipping his finger in your mouth. “Taste yourself for me Liebling” You pulled him by his belt loop, tugging his trousers down. Taking the hint he quickly toss them off and climbing back on top of you. You laid back down pulling him with you, kissing him you can taste yourself on his lips. Moaning as he bite your lip before pulling away, “Can I Liebling?” He whispered against your lip as you nodded your head. “I wa- need to hear your say it maus.” You bucked your hips against his, throbbing for him. “König, please I want you to fuck me please” He let out a breathy ‘fuck’ as he slowly slipped his dick inside you. Whimpering as he stretched and filled you up “Oh fuck you’re so huge König” Curling your toes as you felt him flush against your hips, you moaned out his name and lift your hips up against him after you got use to his size. He pulled out just enough to leave his tip in before thrusting back inside. His thrust were excruciatingly slow but each thrust had so much force behind it rocking you against the bed. You two were so close in every sense, you could feel him deep inside, while he took his time making sure he felt every inch of you. You both were surrounded by each other, mixing breaths, your hands tangled in his hair and his leaving bruised on your hip as he held you in place. You were getting close, you felt yourself squeezing down on him every time he rubbed that one spot.
“Oh Mause, you can cum for me. I can feel you squeezing down on me” He groaned out as his thrust become quicker, he slid one of his hand down to your clit. Leaning down he caught your moans with his mouth as he kissed your. His other hand holding the top of your head while he took you both to your climax. “König, you feel so good…I gonna fuck-“ you felt yourself fall off the edge hooking your ankled behind his back as his dragged out your climax. His thrust got sloppier, as he felt you clench down on him. “König, I want you to cum inside me please” You hooked your hand around his neck pulling him even closer to you. “You sure Mause?” He paused his thrust for a second “Bitte mich darum, Ask me for it” He whispered in your ear. “please König I want all of you. I’ve want you for so long.” You whined against his ear. He kept you flushed against him, as you felt him cum and throb inside. You kept your ankles wrapped around him as he moaned every time you clenched around him.
You felt him collapse on you, as you both laid with each other basking in the silence and comfort of one another. “It means bee” you head him mumble against your skin. You let out a small hum as your question what he meant. “Biene. It means bee, you’re always buzzing around taking care of everyone on the base. Without you there would be no flower, no fruit. You’re a vital role in my life, like how bees are important in our ecosystem. Du bist die Liebe mines Lebens” He held you close as he turned you both around. Laying on his back with you pressed up against his chest, rubbing your back as you both whispered sweet nothing to each other. “It’s nice to have such a calm nature always next to me” you mumble before drifting off to sleep. König look down at you, press a small kiss on your forehead before closing his eye. He no longer felt his heart racing, he thoughts weren’t running rampantly around his mind. For once he slept soundly focusing on your soft breath and holding you close against him.
You woke to a pounding on the door and someone yelling behind it, waking enough to recognize Price’s voice yelling for you to open the door you shoot out of bed. Scrambling to find your clothes, however you notice your were fully clothed and König sitting on the chair you were in last night. “Morning Biene” He had his clothes and mask back on, you assume he dressed you while you wear sleeping. “König, are you feeling better?”
“God dammit Kid! You better open this fucking door before I take it off its hinges and smack that giant tree with it!”
You both looked at each other before looking back at the door. “You have to tell me everything later, including the drug!” You whispered in his ear as you wiggled your way through the window right before Price slammed the door open. “Where’s Hestia?” He looked around the room with his brows furrowed. König scratched his neck before shrugging “Didn’t you tell her not to come by, maybe she off with Soap and Gaz?” You quickly rushed to the training room not wanting to wait for the conversation to end.
“Holy shit lass, what’re you running from?” Soap let out a little squeak as you rush by his side. Looking up at him you smiled “running? Well I am in the training room so…?” You noticed Price and König join the training room after Soap continue to tease you. “Hey Cap! How’s your morning? König are you feeling any better?” Price narrowed his eyes at you for a second before grunting out he need his tea walking toward the kitchen. You smiled at König “See I told you we’ll get away with it” He shook his head before pulling you outside to explain what the drug was before Soap said anything to him.
After Price got his cuppa, he notice two of you out near the fence sighing as he put his cup down. “You know they both liked each other for a while now right?” Ghost asked Price as he walked into the kitchen. Price hummed in agreement as he saw you laid your head against König and his arms wrapped around you. “Yeah, I just didn’t think a fucking aphrodisiac would start their relationship. We’re still figuring out why they even created the drug, let alone nicked König with it.”
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zylian · 1 year
Ash: Like u know the Mapicc, Subz, Vitalasy plan
Zam: what plan??
Ash: the Death Star?…….oh wait I don’t think that’s right
Zam, Planet, Leo: ?????????
Ash: why’s it have to be Zams base? Just pick another one at spawn that’s public
Planet: Nah it has to be Zams
Zam: WTF??????
Zam to chat: so apparently the ppl in like the four corners of the server are like talking up a plan and ashswag is in it but I doubt anyone in the eclipse federation is in it
Zam: Yeah he fought a 2v1 so he’s exiled from spawn
Ash: ooooooh that’s dumb so he just did a righteous suicide
Zam: (I did that too)
Ash: I find it funny how Parrot is snapping on everyone who hasn’t logged on in the past week
Leo: Parrot is so based for that
Ash: Poafa was like “yo zam send me a picture”
Zam: and Parrot was like “Ay maybe if you like log on”
Ash: Spoke says he’s on like 4 teams but keeps saying he’s gonna betray them so I just consider him solo
Planet: Spoke just plays for himself
Ash: Zam do u have a second layer on
Leo: it makes u bald bro, u look silly as f*ck
Zam: yeah but- Ur bald too I don’t know why ur talking
Leo: Yeah ur right
Ash: wth I have a full head of hair
Ash: Aren’t u on a team w “them”
Planet: Nah nah nah zam don’t listen
Ash: this guy is suspicious- maybe u should tell that to ppl planet
Planet: no no no it’s secret and it’s funny
Zam: I am so lost
Ash: I think I like Mapicc and Ro
Zam: oh ok!
Planet: HEY!! u can’t say that u can’t say that
Ash: I think I like Subz and vitalasy and Mapicc
Planet: what?
Zam: dudes adding to my trust issues smh
Zam to chat: first there’s this Mapicc and Ro guy who can stop time, second they have 20 hearts and duped gear so if they die it means nothing- and than there’s this planet lord guy who wants to find my base and has a plan for when he finds my base AND FOR SOME REASON both Ashswag and Leowook know about it-
Ash: exploits are boring when everyone uses it
Planet: but it’s just Mapicc and Ro
Ash: No it’s spoke and parrot all this mfs just exploit like I’ll just whip out the google doc
Leo: yah f*ck those mfs
Ash: yah f*ck em
Zam: Ash I don’t trust u ur like a wild card
Ash: can I be draw 4 instead
Planet: if u join my team it can be draw 5
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lostacelonnie · 7 months
Totally understandable ive been dealin with long work & other stuff so i feel ya. My energy levels have been all over the place. Ooh have fun in alicante! Right? Like hey im here sorry ive just been havin a time. Love discord. Hell yeah good times with good friends is always phenomenal news. Oh? Kudos for that there should be a badge for not having gulls try to steal your food. Australian magpies are notoriously asshole birds there's a whole chunk of time called swooping season where they get so vicious that mail people have to wear thick helmets to protect their head. Theres like. So much to learn in history & having adhd makes it hard so i have to pair it with like. A podcast or something to focus but it has grown on me recently too. Wish i could say the same of geography. Cool teachers are the lifeblood of learning i had so many cool science teachers. Thanks! Wolfie & kafka are my other goals of characters to get where i dont have them. Ive just been trying to catch up on the story & finally finished the luofu story. Building characters for me is just yeah this works i dont focus so hard on it anymore. No time for all that. I used arctic fox purple dye which allowed me to not have to bleach my hair so maybe thats an option? Im so ready for furina i have like. 335 wishes ready. I like team building in star rail its more. Relaxed than in genshin it feels like. Pela stays because her debuff is so helpful especially on the luofu. Bye pesky mara struck revival buff. May the courage to wear your choker in public come to you. I have & get compliments when i do. & may the future bring still easy exams for you
thankies ajskdglskjf as you can see it happened Again. ahhhh. school. AND THANK YOU IT WAS EXTREMELY FUN!!!! much better than my first trip there. got to eat SO much spanish food and omg i love all of it. not a single dish i disliked. plus i got to get my needed dose of the sea again! much more than my needed dose, in fact. we went to the beach EVERY EVENING. ive never been by the sea at night b4 and its such an awesome experience...... esp with the besties........... BUT AHEM. ANYWAY. YEAH DISCORD REALLY IS GREAT IN THAT WAY. and thank you o7 i also managed to avoid being robbed by them this time, despite the fact i was literally eating a salami sandwich next to an entire SWARM. every day i thank my luck for that. AND OH GOOD LORD????? HELMETS????? friendliest australian animal i guess 😭😭and ahhhhhh i feel you on that. luckily being diagnosed with the 'tism makes it so that teachers are obligated to let me draw during lessons so at least thats nice. and tbh with geography its funny cos like. i dont really Care about it but 1. its probs one of the easiest extensions and 2. i have an epic prof so i ended up liking it quite a lot as well. AND FOR REALLLLL tha AMOUNT of subjects ive never had a solid opinion on bc of how dependent it is on the teacher. for example my current teacher somehow managed to make me like PE. which feels illegal and yet. anyway, moving on! GOOD LUCK ON GETTING THEMMMMM wolfie has never left my team since i got her. shes op. the luofu story was so good................ tbh i dont rlly know what going on in hsr rn since i for real havent logged in since the release of luofu's last act and am not really planning to but Oh Well. i treat building chars the same way tbh [other than in honkai where i Do actually try to get good gear], i usually dont bother doing anything with my chars if im not outright struggling. not worth my time. AND AHHHHH THATS SO EPIC....... im still hovering around 175 since i havent really played recently but ahhhhh im hyped. and yeah i agree, i feel like its. Easier. to get a good team in hsr than in genshin, not to mention building it. since in genshin a lot of teams are dependent on 5* like raiden for example. who i Do Not Have, by the way. maybe one day. yeah pela IS great omg. AND THANKIES!!!! THE MOMENT I GET EVEN MARGINALLY MORE CONFIDENT ITS OVER FOR EVERYONE. and, once again thx o7!! i managed to get 100% on a chemistry short test so im gonna treat that as a good sign
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kenta-rin · 2 years
Ch 5-6
[I DID NOT WRITE THIS, just uploading for posterity]
Tips For Expanding Your Business On An International Scale
Chapter 5
hey it's me again. couple of notes here: first of all please drive safe and distracted driving is bad dont eat and drive. second of all theres a line here thats like, "jesses a disgusting american who loves fast food" and i just wanted to say, i love americans some of my best friends are american, and i love fast food some of my best friends are fast food, the only person im calling disgusting here is jesse mccree. i will never shame u for being american or eating fast food, i will only shame mccree. for existing. ok, next up last time we talked there was one fanart for this fic drawn by the wonderful nance well now there's... 6. unbelievable. i am so incredibly grateful & overwhelemd & humbled by the fact that MULTIPLE human beings on earth read my fic and were like, hey, that's good, i'm gonna draw that. thank you all so much... and thank you to everyone who's left kudos! and left comments! you're all so good, kind, wonderful, i dont deserve u... links to art in end notes
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
For the first time in almost a week, it’s not a voice calling his name that wakes Jesse.
He jolts up from his pillow, hand instinctively closing around the handle of the gun that’s still holstered at his hip. He’d fallen asleep without taking off his gear and he already regrets it. He feels grimy.
He hears the noise that woke him again: a knock on the door. The room is dark, but that doesn’t mean much; the love hotel (Jesse wants to cringe just thinking those words) has electronic blinds that are tightly shuttered. He glances at the clock.
It’s just after nine PM, and someone is knocking on the door of the hotel room no one is supposed to know he’s in.
“It’s me,” a voice calls through the door.
Jesse raises his eyebrows in disbelief. On the one hand, the way the voice is muffled makes its owner ambiguous. On the other hand, there’s only one person Jesse can think of who’d think he’d open the door to that kind of message.
He opens the door. It’s Genji. Of course it’s Genji. Jesse lets him in.
“Do you think it’s smart to come here? You don’t think your dad’s gonna be suspicious?”
Genji shrugs. “My father never knows where I am.” He has a bag slung over one of his shoulders. He dumps it on the bed as Jesse locks the door. “I brought you a phone so you can call your gang.”
Jesse practically snatches it out of Genji’s hands. “Give me a minute,” Jesse tells him, and then he retreats to a corner of the room and starts dialling. Genji settles himself down on top of the bed, crossing his legs and rifling through whatever else he brought. He looks like he’s settling in for a long stay. Jesse resolves to ignore him, for now.
The call to New Mexico rings for a distressing amount of time. He hopes they’re not blocking him because it’s an unknown number. It’s more likely that no one feels like picking up the phone, but Jesse’s trying to give his fellow Deadlock Gang members the benefit of the doubt in believing they won’t leave him to die in a foreign country out of sheer laziness.
Finally, someone answers. “Oh, thank God,” Jesse breathes. “It’s McCree.”
“McCree?” The voice asks, incredulous. “You’re still alive? Shit, boy, you must be tougher than we all thought!”
Jesse grits his teeth, trying not to read too much into that. “Yeah. Look, I need -”
“Hang on a sec, lemme get you on speaker. Boys, McCree’s still alive!”
When the call goes to speaker Jesse has to hold the phone away from his ear. The cacophony on the other side is ungodly. He can make out a few distinct shouts of “Atta boy!” and other sundry encouragements, but mostly it seems to just be wordless yelling.
“I won’t be alive for long if you don’t get me a goddamn shuttle back to America!” He shouts back down the line. He’s not even sure anyone hears him.
The noise dies down after a minute.
“He won’t be alive for long if we don’t rescue him,” someone says, to a chorus of hoots and hollers. Jesse clenches his fist around his phone because first of all, he’d just said that and they would have heard it if they’d been listening, and second of all, he wouldn’t need rescuing at all if they hadn’t sent him on a suicide mission.
“When can you get a plane out here?” Jesse asks, knowing he’s in no position to argue semantics.
“We’ve been making calls,” someone answers, and Jesse’s almost relieved to know that at least one person is taking this seriously. “The Hanamura airport’s pretty much impossible to get into without Shimada’s permission. You need to get outta that city, Jesse.”
Jesse leans his forehead against the wall nearest him. That is so, so much easier said than done. He glances over at Genji, who’s flopped back onto the bed and is playing with his own phone.
“If I gotta, I gotta,” he sighs.
“If you get to a big city like Osaka or Tokyo you can catch the next flight to the States, then we can arrange pick-up from there.”
Jesse’s starting to wonder what the point of having a gang is. They’ve basically told him to take care of himself throughout this whole crisis. He breathes a deep sigh.
“Got it,” he says. His annoyance shines through the short syllables, but he doesn’t give anyone a chance to reply. “I’ll contact you soon.” He ends the call.
When he turns back to face the room again, Genji bounces up from his reclining position. “God, that took forever,” he says cheerfully. Genji seems to find an inordinate amount of joy in Jesse’s life-threatening peril.
“I need to get to a city with an airport your dad doesn’t control. As soon as possible.” Jesse rubs at his eyes, feeling tired and cranky. When he looks at Genji again, Jesse sees a smile on his face that he doesn’t particularly like.
“So, what you are saying is,” Genji begins, his grin taking up half his face, “We need to go on a roadtrip.”
“No,” Jesse answers quickly, feeling dread filling him up. “No, God, I just meant - I need a way to get there, I didn’t mean that we should go together -” Genji continues to grin at Jesse relentlessly. “Oh God, please, my life is in danger, you should be taking this seriously!”
“I am taking this seriously,” Genji says, and he schools his face into a mockery of sternness for about five seconds before he’s smiling again. “You cannot drive yourself because you do not know the way. I can drive!”
“If you can drive then why’s Yuri always carting you around?”
“Because I like Yuri, and Yuri likes to be useful. I can totally drive. I’m good at it. I have a car!”
Jesse considers this. The son of the man who’s trying to kill him (and the brother of the man who betrayed him, but he’s trying not to think about that) is offering him a ride out of the city so that he can flee the country. Genji has a car, which is what Jesse really needs right now. He’s probablynot a great driver, because he’s eighteen, and Jesse’s skeptical about him “knowing the way,” because the Shimada family would probably fly in a plane to the grocery store (if they ever went to the grocery store, which they wouldn’t, because they could just send other people to the grocery store for them).
There’s always GPS, though. And cars mostly drive themselves, these days. Put ‘em on the road and watch ‘em hover placidly to their destination. As long as no one tries to blow ‘em up.
For a moment Jesse wonders if having Genji in the car with him would deter Shimada from blowing it up. He honestly can’t decide.
“How long will it take?” He finally asks.
Genji beams, knowing that Jesse has resigned himself to the roadtrip. “Probably only two or three hours. We will have to go slow. Be stealthy.”
Jesse thinks of that circuitous route Genji took him on through the gardens to get to the beach party. He can already feel a headache coming on.
“Genji, if I die because of you I’m gonna be pissed,” Jesse tells him, rubbing his forehead wearily.
Genji makes a face at him. “If you are going to be like that maybe I will just leave you here.”
Jesse exhales loudly through his nose. “Fine. I’ll behave. Where’s your goddamn car?”
“In the parking lot,” Genji tells him.
“Of this hotel?” Jesse asks, his eyebrows raising (and his blood pressure too, probably).
“Yes, but don’t worry,” Genji answers, apparently anticipating Jesse’s loss of temper, “it has an undercover mode.”
“An undercover mode,” Jesse repeats flatly.
“Yes. Normally it has these green flame decals,” Genji explains.
“Jesus Christ.”
“No, they are really cool!” The slang is a little stiff in Genji’s mouth. Jesse feels like he should be pausing for a laugh track. “But when I need to hide from my dad I can make the flames black so they cannot be seen.”
“Come on, I’ll show you,” Genji says, gathering his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. “We should leave here anyway. It is better to travel at night when you’re on the run.”
Jesse can’t argue with that, and he’s eager to get the hell out of this town anyway, so he grabs the suitcase he never bothered unpacking and follows Genji out of the hotel room. He wishes he’d been able to shower before committing to a couple of hours in a car, but he can shower all he wants once he’s safe in New Mexico. Relatively safe. Also, he probably can’t shower all he wants, because the gang pays their water bills sporadically and there’s no guarantee he’ll come home at a time when they haven’t been cut off.
Genji’s car looks just as generic as the next one parked in the lot, plain black with tinted windows.
“You know, people can still track the license plates and the registration number,” Jesse points out, but his heart’s not really in it.
Genji actually laughs in reply. “My father runs a criminal empire. The license plate is holographic and changes at random. There is no registration number.”
Jesse sighs and allows Genji to win this one, at least. He climbs into the car without further complaint. Genji settles himself behind the wheel, but he doesn’t start driving.
He’s not smiling, for once. There’s something hesitant, almost worried in his expression. Jesse tries not to presume the worst, but it’s a challenge.
“So,” Genji begins, fingers fidgeting.
“What,” Jesse prompts, not even a question; it’s nothing more than an exhausted gust of breath.
“Hanzo did not show up at the hotel room?” Genji asks, trying his best to seem casual.
“No.” Jesse has had more bad feelings in the past few days than he wants to count, but this is one of the worst. “Why would he?” His voice is almost as tight as the fingers clenched on his thighs.
“Well.” Genji seems to be very interested in the bright neon of the love hotel sign judging by the way he’s staring out the window and refusing to look at Jesse. “After Yuri and I brought you here, we went back home. And of course everyone was looking for you. They had no idea where you could have gone. My father locked himself in his office and said no one should talk to him unless they had found you.”
Genji’s started speaking faster and faster with each sentence. “Nobody was paying any attention to me, so I thought I had gotten away with it. But then Hanzo cornered me on my way to my room. And he said he knew what I’d done. And I thought he was going to kill me or something,” Genji laughs nervously, “but instead he just asked where you were? And I was not going to tell him. But he said that he could not leave things the way they were. He said that… You... “ Genji blushes. Jesse’s fingers are like claws digging into his thighs.
“I have never heard my brother speak the way he spoke about you,” Genji says. “I have never seen a look on his face like the one I saw.”
Jesse closes his eyes. “You told him where I was.”
There’s a very long, telling moment of silence.
“But he did not come to the hotel room after all,” Genji concludes. Jesse’s not sure if Genji means that to be tragic or reassuring.
Hanzo probably didn’t come to the hotel room because he went straight to his daddy with that information. They’re probably gathering a small army to come and shoot Jesse at this very moment.
“We need to get the fuck out of here,” Jesse says, peering out the window and expecting men with guns to appear at any moment.
“Right.” Genji stills sounds nervous. He jams his finger against the ignition and the car purrs to life. Then he very, very slowly reverses the car.
“What are you doing,” Jesse asks flatly. He wonders if Genji missed the memo on the whole urgency thing.
“I do not want to hit any cars,” Genji explains. He’s sitting very stiffly in his seat, neck craning over his shoulder, taking it one inch at a time. Genji’s only eighteen. He’s probably had his license for a few months at most.
Jesse resigns himself to being shot to death in a love hotel parking lot.
Then Genji finally shifts the car from reverse to drive, and he slams the accelerator.
“Jesus H. Christ,” Jesse yells, scrabbling for a place to hold on to. He’s really fucking glad he’d decided to wear his seatbelt.
“I thought you wanted to go fast!” Genji yells back, but he sounds just as frantic and alarmed as Jesse.
He swings the car into traffic and the automatic sensors adjust the speed, a chiding Japanese voice saying something that Jesse’s pretty sure means ‘stop endangering people’s lives.’ Genji snaps something back, but the car doesn’t answer.
Genji starts messing with the GPS. “Where’s the nearest airport?” Jesse asks.
“Oh,” Genji says distractedly, fiddling with something. “It’s not too far, but I was thinking… First, we should go through a drive through.” He’s grinning again.
Jesse wants to smack him for not taking this seriously (again), but he actually hasn’t eaten since breakfast. He’s starving.
“Let’s get out of Hanamura first,” he compromises. “Then we can go wherever you want.”
Genji mulls that over for a moment, then starts tapping at the GPS screen. Jesse wants to tell him to keep his eyes on the road, but he’s pretty sure that would actually make things worse. The car is a much better driver than Genji is.
“Okay,” Genji says finally, leaning back in his seat. After a moment he startles and puts his hand on the steering wheel, like he’d forgotten he was driving it all. It’s pretty much just for show, and the car’s only going in a straight line so far, but once they need to turn Genji’s input will be required.
Jesse is honestly dreading that time.
“What should we talk about?” Genji asks brightly, eyes darting here and there at the scenery they drive by. Jesse wonders if Genji actually has a driver’s license. Maybe his father had one forged for him.
“We shouldn’t talk about anything,” Jesse says, leaning his head against the window. He’s ready and willing to pass this drive asleep. Then again, if he leaves Genji unsupervised he’ll probably never wake up.
“No, no,” Genji shakes his head emphatically. “We have to bond. That’s what road trips are for.”
Jesse is too afraid to ask about which movie, exactly, Genji learned his road trip knowledge from. What if it’s the 2002 classic starring Britney Spears, Crossroads? Not that Jesse’s ever seen the movie, of course. Only he can’t stop picturing these horrifying mental images of him and Genji doing karaoke to Joan Jett in denim short-shorts.
“Usually road trips are longer than two hours,” Jesse informs Genji grumpily.
“That can be arranged,” Genji says with a smirk that fills Jesse with regret.
“No! Genji, no, I’m serious, I could die. Your dad wants to kill me. Please help me get out of the country.”
Genji pouts a little. “I’m not going to let my father kill you. Have a little faith in me.”
Jesse stares at the eighteen year old World’s Worst Driver in the seat next to him. He’s torn between being touched that Genji’s offering to protect him and exasperated that he thinks he can.
They lapse into silence for the half hour it takes to leave Hanamura, which they do without incident, though somehow that doesn’t do much to relieve Jesse’s paranoia. Genji only breaks the silence when he points through the windshield at a big lit-up sign down the road.
“Fast food?” He asks, sounding way too hopeful.
Jesse’s tempted to put up a fuss on principle, but first of all he’s really hungry and second of all he’s a disgusting American who loves fast food.
“What do they have?” he asks.
“McDonald’s has the same menu all over the world, does it not?”
“Oh, you’re not going to take me somewhere uniquely Japanese? What kind of enriching cultural experience is this?”
“I enriched your culture yesterday, with ramen,” Genji scolds. “Besides, I can’t eat with chopsticks while I’m driving.”
“You shouldn’t eat with your hands while driving, either,” Jesse points out, but they pull into the drive through and get burgers anyway.
“How far is it to the airport from here?” Jesse asks with his mouth full.
“An hour and a half,” Genji replies, one hand on the wheel and the other shoving a handful of fries into his face.
“Is that the direct route, or the ‘stealthy’ route?” Jesse asks sardonically.
“Stealthy.” Genji grins so wide Jesse can see potatoes mashed in his teeth.
“You’re disgusting,” he says, wiping his fingers on his pants.
They continue to eat in silence until Genji finishes his burger and throws his ketchup-stained wrapper at Jesse’s head, which leads to a rant peppered with some of Jesse’s most creative curses. This, in turn, leads to Genji requesting that Jesse teach him more American swear words, which passes a long time because Jesse knows a lot. When he’s done, he asks Genji to teach him some Japanese swear words, and before they know it they’re in the city.
“I know you want to leave as soon as possible,” Genji begins to say, his attention fixed on the bumper of the car in front of them. Even now, when it’s around midnight, the traffic is incredibly dense. “But it might be a better idea to check into a hotel for tonight, buy a plane ticket online, and get to the airport tomorrow.”
“How do you figure?” Jesse asks. He’s in a surprisingly good mood considering he’s been stuck in a vehicle in dirty clothes for so long, but Genji’s putting him on edge again.
“What is your plan for when you get to the airport? Run up to the desk and start demanding a ticket for the next flight to America?” Genji chews on his lip. “That might raise some suspicion. And suspicion is not what you want right now. You are supposed to be lying low.”
Jesse rubs at his beard thoughtfully. “Alright. I guess you’re right about that,” he concedes. He’s not sure he’s gonna be able to sleep tonight, too worried about Shimada somehow tracking him down.
But in all honesty, for all the grief Jesse’s given him Genji’s gotten him out of Hanamura and fairly well-hidden here in this city. He probably shouldn’t have doubted Genji as much as he did in the first place, considering Genji’s had years of experience hiding from his father.
“I know a hotel around here,” Genji says.
“A love hotel.” Jesse says flatly. He can tell by the way Genji’s failing to suppress a grin.
“It is even better than the last one,” Genji says with a wide smile.
Better is, of course, a subjective concept. This love hotel has a baffling mermaid theme. It’s so lit up with neon that Jesse feels like it’ll act like a beacon drawing Shimada’s eye. The brilliance of it is that it does the exact opposite. Hide in plain sight. No one would suspect a man undercover to sequester himself in the brightest building on the block. Especially if that building has a giant sexy mermaid on its roof.
Genji, thank God and all the angels and saints, books them two separate rooms. Jesse has grown very, very fond of Genji over the past few days. That does not mean he wants their road trip to become a sleepover.
Genji follows Jesse into his room anyway, and Jesse would be embarrassed at the implication if there was anyone around to witness it, but the hotel hallways are deserted. Jesse is very glad there seems to be sturdy soundproofing insulation in the walls.
Flopping onto Jesse’s bed without compunction, Genji digs into his shoulder bag and pulls out a tiny laptop.
“So, flights to America,” he says conversationally. Jesse busies himself with peeling off his outer clothing.
“What’s the earliest I can catch?” He asks.
Genji clicks his tongue thoughtfully. “I mean, taking security into account, you’ll need to get there a few hours early… There’s one for New York City at 5 AM.”
“Yanks,” Jesse admonishes idly, his spurs rattling as he pulls off his boots. Genji laughs.
“You can fly directly to Santa Fe at eleven,” Genji says. Jesse mulls it over.
“Guess that’d be for the best,” he says slowly. He wonders if he’ll drive himself insane with paranoia between now and then. After the nap he took earlier he’s going to be wide awake, thinking every sound he hears is Shimada Clan thugs out to get him.
“Alright, I have purchased your ticket. Give me the phone I gave you, I’ll download the boarding pass to it.”
Jesse thinks, for possibly the hundredth time tonight, that Genji is going to get him shot. “You bought me my ticket to Santa Fe. With your credit card. That your dad is definitely tracking.” Jesse sucks on his teeth, trying to keep his temper. “When he sees that purchase he’s gonna kill you too, not just me.”
Genji shakes his head. “No, I did not. You think I’m a fool.” He snatches Jesse’s phone out of his hands impatiently. “I bought the ticket with my personal account. My father does not know it exists. The money is… my own.”
Jesse only raises his eyebrows in response. He wonders if Genji steals his father’s product and deals to his friends on the side.
“Don’t mock me for this,” Genji says, his eyes lowered shyly, and Jesse wonders what could possibly embarrass Genji Shimada, frequenter of love hotels. “I have a part-time job.”
The answer is so normal Jesse almost laughs, but he stops himself before he injures Genji’s pride. Where Jesse grew up, eighteen year olds whodidn’t have part-time jobs were the ones who got mocked. Got called lazy. Got called deadbeats. Got called “Jesse McCree, when are you ever going to get your life together and stop running around with that gang? You’re making your mother sick with worry!”
Genji continues, hurrying to explain himself, “I was spending a lot of time at the arcade, and one day I saw they had a help wanted sign, so I talked to the owner about it. I knew my father would never approve…” Genji gets a little bit of a glint in his eye. “Maybe that’s why I applied in the first place.”
This time, Jesse can’t stop himself from laughing. “My God, what a rebel,” he says. “Standing up to your mean ol’ dad by becoming a respectable citizen.”
Genji starts to laugh too. “I told you not to mock me,” he chides, faking a pout.
In a moment of brotherly affection, Jesse jumps onto the gross love hotel bed and squishes Genji. “I’ll mock you all I want,” he says, and tickles Genji’s ribs ruthlessly.
Genji starts crying almost immediately. “Stop! Stop!” He’s gasping out laughter, but he manages to tell Jesse: “You smell really bad! You’re so sweaty!”
Jesse rolls off the bed, offended. “I wouldn’t be so sweaty if you hadn’t almost killed me via automobile incident so many times.”
“I am a very good driver!” Genji protests, voice muffled because he’s busy wiping tears off his face. “You need to shower.”
“Well if you’d get out of my room, maybe I could,” Jesse points out, raising an eyebrow.
For a moment Genji glares at him from the bed, then he sighs and gets to his feet. “Fine,” he says. “I guess I will see you tomorrow.”
“Wait,” Jesse calls, just as Genji gets to the door. Jesse shuffles a little in place. “Thank you, Genji. Thank you for doing this for me.”
Genji looks thoughtful for a moment, then he grins. “It was fun,” he says, and then he leaves.
Jesse wanders into the shower grumbling to himself about how helping him evade certain death shouldn’t be fun.
He spends a half-hour under the spray of hot water, and he would spend more, just to pass the time until his flight, except that he’s used to taking five minute showers and he actually finds it boring to be confined in that little space with nothing to distract him but his own thoughts. He tries singing a little, but the acoustics make him sound really loud, and he gets paranoid about people walking by in the hallway somehow being able to hear him even through the soundproofing.
Jesse’d dragged his whole suitcase into the bathroom earlier instead of digging out his shaving kit, so he takes his time brushing his teeth, towelling off, pulling on a fresh pair of boxers, and generally dicking around.
When he finally unlocks the bathroom door and gets back in his room he’s managed to kill… about an hour. He still has about seven hours until he needs to get to the airport. He wonders if the hotel TV will let him watch anything other than porn.
It’s because he’s staring at the blank TV screen that he sees the silent figure move in behind him, raising a hand.
Jesse drops to a crouch, narrowly avoiding the arm that’s reaching out to incapacitate him, and twists his body to tackle his assailant to the ground. Jesse’s still wearing nothing but his boxers, doesn’t have a gun on him, doesn’t have a gun anywhere within his reach, which is fucking stupid. He should never have let his guard down.
The attacker slips out of Jesse’s clumsy grip like an eel, landing in a graceful crouch, while Jesse’s momentum leaves him much less gracefully on his hands and knees.
In the light spilling from the bathroom Jesse can make out his attacker’s face.
It’s Hanzo.
Jesse’s heart stops for a moment. Then, when Hanzo starts moving, it kicks into overdrive, adrenaline flooding Jesse’s system. He springs to his feet, determined not to let Hanzo get the jump on him.
Hanzo has trained in various martial arts and with various weapons his whole life. Jesse’s the quickest draw he knows and a damn good shot, but his only hand-to-hand training is in bar fights.
He has two advantages, as far as he can see: the first is that Hanzo’s not using a weapon, and the second is that he seems to be aiming to incapacitate Jesse, not to kill him. If Jesse had a moment to ponder the situation he’d definitely wonder about that, but as it is - Hanzo strikes like a snake and all Jesse can do is recoil, trying to avoid being hit.
The room isn’t big enough for Jesse to keep fighting like that, but at the same time, that might be an advantage for him. The love hotel isn’t a dojo; there’s furniture, there’s close walls. Back Hanzo into a corner and maybe Jesse can use his superior weight and height to pin him down, but…
He can’t concentrate on strategy when Hanzo’s flying at him with all the fury and grace of an enraged cat. For lack of better options, Jesse puts his dukes up.
The fight is - messy. Jesse jabs a punch at Hanzo just as a warning, trying to make Hanzo keep his distance, but Hanzo latches onto his arms and pulls Jesse in. They end up grappling each other around the shoulders, legs spread wide for balance.
Hanzo kicks one of Jesse’s legs out from under him, but the momentum of their fall leaves Jesse on top, using his weight to keep Hanzo’s arms down. They’re both already panting.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Jesse gasps out, searching Hanzo’s face. He can’t see anything in his expression but anger.
Hanzo slides a leg between Jesse’s and flips them in a move that almost seems effortless. All of the air in Jesse’s lungs hisses out of him as his back slams into the floor. He stares up at Hanzo, mouth hanging open.
“My father told me to kill you,” Hanzo growls. He lets go of Jesse’s wrists to slip his hands around his throat, but Jesse gets an elbow in his stomach before he can apply enough pressure. It takes three successive punches before Hanzo finally groans and rolls off him, giving Jesse room to back up, crawl to his feet again.
“You think if you kill me, your dad’s gonna magically start loving you?” Jesse spits, and - he probably shouldn’t have. Hanzo leaps at him, snarling. It’s a sloppy move, and Jesse sidesteps, using the force of the motion to push Hanzo up against the wall. “He’s never going to love you,” Jesse hisses into Hanzo’s ear, bending one arm against his back painfully.
“You do not know that!” Hanzo roars, thrashing. But Jesse’s bigger than Hanzo, even if he’s not necessarily stronger, and physics are on his side here. Hanzo tries his trick again, looking to loop his ankle around Jesse’s leg, but Jesse’s caught on to that play, has built up a counter.
Hanzo goes abruptly limp, but Jesse doesn’t fall for it. He increases the pressure rather than giving into his instinct to relax his grip. They stand there, nothing between them but their harsh breathing.
It reminds Jesse, in a sudden, aching moment of clarity, of the two of them wrestling in the water at the artificial beach.
He resists the urge to lean his head forward onto Hanzo’s shoulder, wary of being headbutted, but he does allow himself to say, “God, I don’t wanna hurt you.”
He’s a sappy goddamn fool.
“I guess there are a lot of things you do not want to do with me,” Hanzo growls.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Jesse asks him, but instead of answering Hanzo starts struggling again.
He jerks so violently in Jesse’s grip that he wrenches one of Jesse’s arms. Jesse draws back without thinking about it, trying to distance himself from the source of the pain. Hanzo reverses their positions for a second time, pinning Jesse’s hands to the wall on either side of his head.
Jesse expects this to be the moment where Hanzo finally closes his hands around Jesse’s windpipe and fulfills his duty to his father.
Instead, Hanzo stares at Jesse, and his expression is less violent hate and more… lost.
“I hate you,” he whispers. There’s not enough conviction behind it for Jesse to believe him.
“You’re not the one who should be angry here. You made me believe you… wanted me,” Jesse snaps back. “Just to get me to sign a contract. Your daddy asked you to be his little whore and you did it!”
Hanzo releases one of Jesse’s wrists to slap him across the face.
Somewhere beyond the shock of the sting Jesse realizes that he could use his free hand to knock Hanzo down, to incapacitate him, to buy himself time to go get Genji for backup, or to flee the hotel altogether.
He doesn’t. He’s still agonizingly, magnetically drawn to Hanzo. Even now, when he should hate him for betraying him, he can’t look away.
“How dare you,” Hanzo says, low and dangerous, the hand that slapped Jesse splaying across his collarbone and pushing him back against the wall. “I did nothing for my father. You came into my home… You spent three days doing nothing but flirting with me… You sent me,” Hanzo’s cheeks flush red, and he grits his teeth angrily against it, “a picture of your penis. And then… you left.”
“Your father threatened to kill me,” Jesse points out, anger surging in him. He’s not sure how Hanzo thinks he’s going to paint Jesse as the bad guy, here. Jesse’s done falling for Hanzo’s tricks.
“My father is Genji’s father too, but I have seen that you do not hate him,” Hanzo spits.
“When Genji heard your dad wanted me dead, he didn’t try to convince me to stay by fucking me,” Jesse throws back with equal venom.
“You think I had some kind of evil plot! You think I was laying a trap, that all along I was doing what my father wanted me to!” Hanzo’s shouting now, right up in Jesse’s face. “I did not know, Jesse! I had no idea that you would be so offended by my father’s crimes! I thought you had done your research!”
For a moment, Jesse is cowed. Naïve. People keep telling him that.
Hanzo’s eyes drop, for just a split second, to Jesse’s lips. “When I came to your room,” his voice is so much quieter, slower. “I thought that you and I would…”
He doesn’t need to finish that sentence. Jesse’s the one who sent the texts.
“So your excuse is that you didn’t mean to hurt me, you’re just a bad person,” Jesse growls.
Hanzo lifts his chin defiantly, meets Jesse’s gaze sharply. “You did not think so before.”
“Human trafficking is wrong,” Jesse says flatly, amazed that he needs to point this out.
“I have no control over that,” Hanzo answers defensively.
“You will, someday. You gonna do something about it?”
There’s a brief pause.
“I don’t know.” Hanzo looks lost when he says it, his gaze lowered, fixated on his hand against Jesse’s bare chest.
He looks young, suddenly. He’s twenty-one. He’s the son of a crime lord. He doesn’t leave the compound that often. ”He’s never going to love you.”
”You don’t know that."
Jesse starts to feel it: that ache again. The one that’s becoming familiar. And its ol’ pal. Virgin.
“Hanzo,” Jesse says, all of the anger drained out of him. Hanzo’s father sent him here to kill Jesse, and he hasn’t. He never even tried, not really. He could have killed Jesse when he was singing in the shower, or when he was carefully manicuring his beard, or when Hanzo snuck up behind him. He hadn’t even had a weapon.
“When you texted me,” Jesse begins to ask, hesitant. He’s not sure he wants to know the truth, not sure if he can trust the answer Hanzo gives him. “Were you lying?”
He can tell by the colour rising in Hanzo’s face that he understands exactly what Jesse’s asking. “No.” His voice is soft.
Jesse raises a hand, threading the ends of Hanzo’s hair through his fingers gently. “Your father told you to get to know me,” he says, because he knows that for sure.
“My father told me to give you a tour of the gardens the first day you were here,” Hanzo replies.
“That’s it?” Jesse asks. “What did you tell him? Does he know about the beach? About the messages?” His voice remains soft, but he needs to know.
“I told him about the beach, because he wanted to know why I came home so late. I told him I was getting to know you for the sake of our alliance.” Hanzo tilts his head to one side, eyes dropping down to Jesse’s lips again. “I was lying, then. Not to you, to him.”
Jesse lets out a short breath, trying to keep his head. He’s been in this exact same position with Hanzo before, admiring the sweep of his eyelashes.
“I didn’t tell him about the messages,” Hanzo whispers. Their little secret.
“How did he know, then? About us?”
Hanzo’s eyes drop to the floor. His face twists into something ugly, a scowl. “He suspects that I’m fucking every man who stays on the compound.”
Jesse’s heart stings, sudden and painful. “You’re not,” he says, and it’s a statement, but there’s a question in there, too. A request for confirmation.
“You were the first one I wanted to,” Hanzo breathes.
A virgin.
Jesse kisses him, finally. After days that have felt like weeks, stretched thin and taut with longing, Jesse dips his head and presses his lips against Hanzo’s.
Jesse goes gentle, slow, as he runs his tongue across the seam of Hanzo’s lips, but Hanzo makes a noise in his throat, opens his mouth, presses forward. Brings the hand that was pressed to Jesse’s chest up to cradle Jesse’s jaw, urging him closer.
Hanzo is needy, demanding. Jesse can feel himself starting to sweat.
Hanzo licks his way into Jesse’s mouth, sends shivers through Jesse’s core, presses him back against the wall with his insistence. Jesse’s legs fall open all on their own and Hanzo fits himself neatly in between. There’s nothing shy in the way he presses their hips together, and Jesse can feel Hanzo’s dick through his pants.
Jesse drops his head back, gasping for air. Hanzo nuzzles at his exposed jaw, his neck.
“I want to see,” Hanzo murmurs against Jesse’s skin. His fingers are hovering at the hem of Jesse’s boxers.
Jesse’s stomach drops. “You already saw,” he teases, trying to pretend Hanzo isn’t fucking destroying him.
Hanzo presses his face a little more firmly into Jesse’s neck, tilts his head a little so his lips brush against Jesse’s ear when he says, “I want to touch.”
Jesse moans helplessly. “You’re gonna kill me,” he says. Hanzo’s fingers are still flirting around his waistline, but Jesse pushes them away gently.
Hanzo looks up at him, wide-eyed and stung. Jess realizes there’s a parallel here, between this moment and a very unpleasant one they’d had before.
“Hush, darlin’,” Jesse whispers, though Hanzo hasn’t said a thing. “It ain’t fair - me in my undies, and you all dressed up…” He trails off, plucking at the collar of Hanzo’s yukata - less formal than the ones he wore on the compound, and cut shorter down his thighs, with pants underneath. All black. Assassin’s clothes.
Jesse smiles idiotically against the crown of Hanzo’s head. Hanzo’s daddy thinks he’s killing Jesse right now. God, but he is, in the best possible way.
Hanzo makes quick work of his clothes, dropping his shirt, unbuttoning his pants.
“Where’s the fire?” Jesse teases, eyes taking in every inch of skin that gets bared.
Hanzo makes an exasperated face at him, but instead of answering he pushes Jesse firmly back against the wall and kisses him again, and again, and again.
Jesse considers himself thoroughly chastised.
His hands drift to Hanzo’s hips, then slide back. This time he’s the one whose fingers are dipping just past the elastic of Hanzo’s underwear. Hanzo breaks off from his aggressive kissing; Jesse can feel a shiver run through him.
The first person to touch him there. Jesse feels unaccountably emotional for a moment. He distracts himself by slipping his hands down, grabbing two handfuls of Hanzo’s bare ass. Hanzo lets out a little startled noise, ducking his head to hide the way he turns red.
“Aw, come on,” Jesse mutters, his voice hoarse. “Look at me, darlin’.”
Hanzo does; he raises his chin in that defiant way Jesse’s come to know so well, and it feels like his heart is swelling in his chest.
“Gorgeous,” Jesse whispers, one hand abandoning its post to tuck a stray piece of hair back behind Hanzo’s ear. Hanzo makes a quiet noise of protest, but the way he looks up at Jesse, lit only by the stream of light that’s falling in from the bathroom, hair messy from their fight, eyelashes long, cheekbones high and sloping, bare skin all the way down his torso -
It’s undeniable. Hanzo is so fucking gorgeous. Jesse kisses him again, because he can, and the fact that he can makes his heart surge in his chest, so he does it twice.
And then Jesse turns his head a little, rubbing his nose against Hanzo’s temple, and tells him, soft and sweet, “Baby, I’m gonna make you come.”
Hanzo breathes in sharply; his hand, resting on Jesse’s shoulder, tightens its grip.
Jesse allows the hand tucked in the back of Hanzo’s boxer to wander to the front, dragging teasingly across Hanzo’s skin. Hanzo squirms, and Jesse wonders if Hanzo’s ticklish, smiles at the thought. He pulls his head back, wanting to see Hanzo’s face as he finally closes his hand around Hanzo’s dick.
Hanzo gasps like the breath’s been punched out of him. Jesse can’t help the smirk that tilts the corners of his lips up. He takes a moment to pull Hanzo’s boxers down, and they both look down at Hanzo’s dick. Jesse wraps his hand around it again, makes a show of pumping up and down while they both watch.
“Feel good?” Jesse drawls, into the intense silence of the room.
Hanzo looks up at him. His eyes are half-lidded with pleasure, his mouth wet and open like he’s shocked at how it feels. Jesse’d thought he’d been keeping his cool up til then, but with Hanzo staring at him like that - his dick twitches in his boxers and he closes his eyes, swallowing a deep, almost pained noise.
“Look at me,” Hanzo pants at him, echoing his words from earlier. A hapless smile spreads across Jesse’s face as he obeys, utterly fucking besotted.
And then Hanzo really takes initiative: he slides his hands down Jesse’s waist, pushes his boxers down his thighs. He looks, and Jesse momentarily forgets that he’s supposed to be giving a handjob. That sharp gaze is fixed on him, and it’s not the first time Hanzo’s seen his dick, but even that is making it harder to breathe.
Just having Hanzo’s eyes on him makes Jesse’s dick pulse. Jesse moans a little, half from embarrassment and half from being so fucking turned on.
He lets Hanzo study his dick for a few minutes before he starts making impatient little noises. Hanzo raises an eyebrow at him, drawing out another sappy grin. It dies an abrupt death when Hanzo puts his hand on Jesse’s dick.
His grip is tentative, feeling the shape of it, thumb gliding delicately over the head, smearing the precome gathered there. It feels so fucking good Jesse wants to cry.
“God,” he whispers, and he’d be happy to let Hanzo touch him soft and gentle like that all day, only he wants to come, and he wants to come with Hanzo. He wants them to come together.
He loops the hand that’s not still weakly grasping Hanzo’s dick around Hanzo’s back and pulls him forward a few steps. He presses their erections together, opening his hand to encompass both of them.
Hanzo makes a muted noise at the sensation, his unoccupied hand tightening once again on Jesse’s shoulder. His other hand moves over to Jesse’s hip, giving Jesse more room to spread his fingers. Jesse latches his mouth onto Hanzo’s throat, kisses softly, sucks at the skin.
He starts to stroke the two of them, his owns eyes fluttering shut at how good it feels. He wishes he could watch Hanzo’s face while he does this, but the noises are already too much. Hanzo’s breath is stuttering, both of his hands clenching convulsively on Jesse’s skin. Jesse lifts his mouth to breathe against Hanzo’s ear.
“You sound so good,” he whispers. Hanzo lets out a groan. Jesse’s not sure if it’s from the barely-there stimulation against his ear, or because Jesse’s picking up the pace with his hand, adjusting his grip to be a little firmer, a little tighter.
“I -” Hanzo gasps, trying to speak, but he can’t seem to catch his breath. Jesse releases his grip on the both of them, and Hanzo’s eyes fall open, looking for an answer.
Jesse closes his hand again around just Hanzo. He drags his thumb torturously across the sensitive area under the head. Hanzo’s mouth drops open. Jesse moves his hand up and down, slow and tight.
Hanzo’s hips buck. Jesse’s about to open his mouth, tease him a little more, but - Hanzo’s already coming, hot and wet on Jesse’s stomach.
Jesse’s dick pulses in sympathy, heat burning through him at the sight of it; Hanzo’s grimacing like he’s in pain, teeth grit and utterly silent. Jesse keeps stroking him through, keeps stroking him until Hanzo groans, pushes his hands away, drops forward bonelessly onto Jesse’s shoulder.
“You okay, darlin’?” Jesse asks, low and teasing. Hanzo makes a weak noise against Jesse’s shoulder. Jesse kisses his temple.
With Hanzo still leaning against him like that, Jesse grasps his own dick, starts to touch himself.
“Hanzo,” he murmurs. Hanzo turns his head on Jesse’s shoulder, an acknowledgement. “When I was texting you,” he begins, voice slow and thick as molasses, “Where were you?”
Hanzo buries his face back into Jesse’s neck. “Osaka,” he whispers.
“With your dad?”
“You touched yourself?” Jesse prompts, hand already speeding up, stomach already tense with excitement.
“Yes,” Hanzo breathes, and Jesse’s getting ready to ask another question, to play twenty questions, but Hanzo continues, “I read your messages under the table at the restaurant we were eating lunch at. When you sent the picture I went to the washroom.”
Jesse closes his eyes, his hand fast and tight, his tongue wetting his dry lips, his stomach clenching.
“I locked the door,” Hanzo tells him, step-by-step, “I touched myself. I thought of this. I looked at the picture and I wanted to touch you.”
Jesse groans as he comes, loud and long. He grips himself tight, riding the waves of his orgasm, and Hanzo kisses his neck.
He feels exhausted afterwards, like he hasn’t slept in years.
He manhandles Hanzo over to the bed, pushes him in under the covers.
For a moment there’s a look of doubt on Hanzo’s face, like he knows he’s supposed to be saying that he shouldn’t stay - but he doesn’t say it. Jesses climbs in after him, spoons up behind him. He thinks that he should have set an alarm. He has a plane to catch.
He can’t think about that. Not with Hanzo’s breath already deepening, warm in his arms. Not with sleep blacking out his peripheral vision, filling his sight with nothing but Hanzo, his inky black hair spreading across the sheets, achingly beautiful.
warmsierramist@twitter (takes place in the Darkest Timeline where hanzos dad has seen mccree's dick pic... bone-chilling... i love it, i love it, i love this art) almadraws@twitter (godddd.... sometimes the only way to cope with an awful, heartbreaking scene in a fic is to lovingly draw it out in beautiful detail i guess lmfao THIS IS PAINFUL TO LOOK AT and i love it.) almadraws@twitter (MULTIPLE!!! CAN U BELIEVE.... genjis shirt is so good, and, this picture is good, i LOVE genji saying lmao out loud, fucking same) rokudo@twitter (this piece of art, is beautiful, and i love it, but i keep picturing hanzo saying "oh jesse, if only somebody loved you" which actually, would be better dialogue than whatever i wrote in my fic, didnt frozen win an oscar, ive never even seen that movie) badookie@tumblr (beach party mccree and hanzo....... im so emotional about the painstaking accuracy of their outfits tbh and ALSO it wasnt like expressly written but actually yes you were supposed to be visualizing genji wearing a naruto forehead protector in the beach party scene, so if you weren't please go back and re-read, thanks. I LOVE THIS ARt....)
 Tips for Expanding Your Business On An International Scale
Chapter 6: these violent delights have violent ends Summary:
first 2200-ish words are porn sorry :^) then there's some plot.
thank you for reading
the best way to contact me is twitter.com/broyaji. if you'd prefer to contact me anonymously my personal blog is banken-man.tumblr.com
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Jesse wakes all wrapped up around Hanzo.
Despite getting off enthusiastically the night before, his dick is hard and throbbing against Hanzo’s hip. Hanzo’s still asleep, as far as Jesse can tell.
He strokes one hand down Hanzo’s bare arm, nuzzles his face a little deeper against Hanzo’s warm shoulder.
“Your beard feels unpleasant,” Hanzo says. Jesse can’t help the way he smiles at that.
With one hand on Hanzo’s shoulder Jesse rolls Hanzo onto his back, straddles his hips. Looks down at him. He’s caught up all over again in admiring all of Hanzo’s sharp, angular features. He lifts a hand to trace over the line of Hanzo’s cheekbone, then the thick cut of his eyebrow. Hanzo’s face reddens under the attention.
“Mornin’, darlin’,” Jesse purrs, voice deepened by the clinging grasp of sleep and his accent syrup-thick. Hanzo seems to become aware of Jesse’s hardness in that moment. He pushes his hips up experimentally, just a hint of pressure.
It makes Jesse gasp, his own hips arching into the friction. He brings his mouth down to Hanzo’s ear, kissing the shell of it, his breaths coming heavy.
“Are you going to fuck me?” Hanzo asks, soft and shy. Jesse can feel the way the words make his face heat where his nose makes contact with Hanzo’s skin. The way Hanzo’s voice drops, gets quieter like his mouth doesn’t fit quite right around the expletive makes his heart clench. He wants to ask, Who taught you a word like that?
It was probably Genji.
“Baby, I’m gonna make love to you,” Jesse promises, breathy and fucking romantic. He continues kissing behind Hanzo’s ear, moves his lips down to his jaw, his neck. His hand is on Hanzo’s thigh, conveniently bared by the cut of Hanzo’s boxers. The sensations make Hanzo gasp, his eyes already losing focus. He’s so good; he’s so fucking good, and Jesse could never deserve this.
“Please do not say that,” Hanzo murmurs, trying to kill the mood even as his legs are falling open under Jesse’s caresses.
“Which part?” Jesse asks, teasing. “You don’t like me calling you baby?” He runs his fingers lightly over Hanzo’s chest. “Or you don’t like making love?” He kisses Hanzo’s collarbones through a grin.
“Both,” Hanzo replies, his tone flat, at first, and then breaking when Jesse bites gently at his skin.
“Okay,” Jesse allows, easy. He leans back, gazing down at Hanzo from above. “I’m gonna make you feel good, though,” he says, like it’s a warning. Then, as he strokes a thumb over one of Hanzo’s nipples he whispers, “Darlin’.” His other hand finally stops teasing, closes around Hanzo’s dick, strokes once, twice, and he whispers, “Honey.” He leans down and presses his lips against Hanzo’s, and against his lips he whispers, “Sweetheart.”
Hanzo is so immediately responsive to the stimulation Jesse gives him. He takes deep, shuddering breaths, he shifts his hips, he arches his back.
Jesse hates to leave him, but he rolls out of bed anyway.
“Where are you going?” Hanzo asks, eyes snapping open as he sits bolt upright.
“Don’t you worry,” Jesse mutters. He’s on his knees digging through his suitcase. It takes him a long, frustrating minute to find his bottle of lube. He stumbles back over to the bed, rifles through the drawer of the side table. It’s a love hotel: there are condoms of every size provided. For a whimsical - perhaps foolish - moment, he toys with grabbing the largest.
He picks out the appropriate size, instead. Safe sex is no joke.
When he fits himself back into the vee of Hanzo’s legs, he finds that he’s ruined the mood a little with his practicality. He smiles ruefully, ducks his head a little. Resumes his lazy kisses. Hanzo remains recalcitrant against him for almost a minute, but all Jesse has to do is slide his hand back up Hanzo’s thigh before his legs are yielding open again. He’s so easy it sends shocks of pleasure down Jesse’s spine.
Maybe after last night he’s not exactly a virgin anymore. But when Jesse closes his hand around Hanzo’s dick again and hears that wounded little gasp, feels the tension in his spine, Jesse’s brain starts chanting it all over again. A virgin, and now, something new: Mine.
Jesse probably couldn’t stop kissing Hanzo if he tried. He has an agenda, knows at some point he’ll have to draw back, take stock of the situation, move on, but right now he’s in this haze of contentment, chest full of this glowing heat that occasionally sparks when Hanzo does something clever with his tongue - God, he’s a quick learner - or rubs his thigh - probably by accident - against Jesse’s groin.
He lifts his head, tries to steady his breathing. It sounds easy in theory, but when he pulls away Hanzo makes a soft, disappointed noise and opens his eyes little, gazing blearily up at Jesse through his eyelashes. Jesse groans, but he forces himself to sit back.
“I’d love to lie in bed with you all day,” he murmurs, opening the foil condom packet. Hanzo gaze sharpens as he watches, and he shifts against the sheets. Jesse thinks he must be nervous. He rolls the condom onto Hanzo’s dick wondering if sex has ever made him feel so ridiculously tender before. “But I gotta leave, so we better get this show on the road.”
And the thing about that is - it must have been the wrong thing to say, because Hanzo goes absolutely still under him. It’s possible that he even stops breathing.
“You’re going?” Hanzo asks, voice a hoarse whisper.
Jesse hadn’t been thinking much about it, but the sadness of it hits him right then. “I gotta,” he says, brushing a strand of hair behind Hanzo’s ear. With a bitter smile, he reminds Hanzo, “Your daddy’s still out to kill me.”
Hanzo frowns this awful, fierce, thoughtful frown that turns his eyebrows into angry slants. Then he surges up out of the bed, catches his arms around Jesse’s shoulders, and pulls him down for one of the most intense kisses Jesse’s ever had the pleasure of experiencing.
It goes on, and then it goes on a little longer, and then Jesse realizes they’re in danger of falling into that same hazy trance as before, so he pulls back again and flicks open the cap of the lube. Hanzo’s attention zeroes in on it immediately.
“I thought that you would be the one to -” He can’t quite seem to finish the thought, cheeks reddening a little.
Jesse can’t quite figure out what the best answer would be. We don’t have enough time is too callous, would kill the mood all over. I wanted your first time to be as pleasant as possible would probably scare Hanzo off fingering, which definitely isn’t what he wants.
I really like taking it up the ass would just make him sound slutty. Which he is, but. Well.
Jesse elects not to answer, instead shifting back onto his knees and spreading his legs. It’s probably a good thing Hanzo can’t see what he’s doing from this angle, because he’s definitely rushing it and that’s not the ideal way to teach by example.
It feels good anyway, and Jesse’s mouth drops open as he works his fingers in. Hanzo’s eyes smoulder darkly as they dart from the slackness of his jaw to the movement of his arm.
“Does it hurt?” Hanzo asks, voice rough. He’s started stroking himself a little.
Jesse clenches his jaw against a whine, has to close his eyes. “God, no,” he breathes. Having Hanzo watch him makes the stretch so much better, makes the elusivity of that angle irrelevant, because he feels like he could come just from this, just from having those eyes fixed on him.
He’s getting a little carried away. He eases his fingers out, opens his eyes, blinks a few times. “It hurts when you’re not used to it,” he amends. “If you don’t know what you’re doing. You have to be careful.” Hanzo’s a virgin. Jesse shouldn’t lead him astray.
Hanzo’s half lidded eyes tell him he’s not really listening anyway, isn’t viewing this as a learning opportunity. His hand has unconsciously started moving a little faster on his dick. Jesse feels very pleased with himself.
“You ready, baby?” He asks, solicitous. He remembers that he promised he wouldn’t call Hanzo baby. Hanzo doesn’t seem like he’s even noticed. He’s nodding, planting his feet against the sheets. The pace of his breathing has picked up. Jesse can see it in the rise and fall of his chest.
Once again, that feeling that he could never deserve this, that overwhelming tenderness. Jesse closes his eyes against it. He settles himself carefully over Hanzo’s hips. He positions Hanzo’s dick. When he finally eases the head of it in, his eyes snap open.
The look on Hanzo’s face is - lost. Astonished. Anguished. When Jesse eases himself further down, Hanzo throws his head to his side, eyes shut tight. Jesse’s insides are clenching around Hanzo, and he knows it’s probably bordering on overwhelming, but he can’t stop himself. It’s been so long since he’s been properly fucked. And God, he’s going to - he’s not going to waste this opportunity.
He sinks himself down fully and lets out this full-throated moan at the exact same time as Hanzo keens like he’s in pain. And then, when Jesse’s not expecting it - Hanzo’s been so placid, so docile, lying there and being so good - Hanzo suddenly fucks his hip up wild and desperate. He impales Jesse so deep that Jesse curls forward gasping for air, shocks of pleasure shooting through him like electricity.
“Christ, Hanzo,” he pants, and Hanzo looks at him, wide-eyed, just as stunned, and then he does it again.
Over and over, Hanzo bucks, using his feet on the bed for leverage, hands twisting in the sheets, and what can Jesse do but ride him, take it, yell every time the angle hits that spot, that spot he can’t reach with his fingers, God, this is everything he’d hoped it would be, virgin, virgin, virgin,but in all things Hanzo is proud, shockingly strong, indomitable.
Jesse’s starting to wonder if that tender feeling that keeps filling him up is some kind of close relative to love, which he’s sure would horrify him if he could fucking think, but he can’t, so instead he bends his body into some awkward, unsatisfying angle because God help him, he just wants to kiss Hanzo.
It doesn’t last, though, not this time, because Jesse misses the way he felt so full before, so he sits himself back up, and when Hanzo slots back into place, warm, full, deep, fitting perfectly into him, Jesse throws back his head in pleasure.
“Jesse,” Hanzo groans.
It hits Jesse like a lightning bolt, it makes him clench and shudder and convulse on Hanzo’s dick, it makes precum spill out of him. He never knew hearing his own name could elicit pleasure like that, but it does, and he wants to hear it again, wants to hear Hanzo desperate, blatant in his wanting, wants to know that it’s because of him.
“Jesse,” Hanzo starts to chant, just his name over and over. His hips are starting to stutter and Jesse knows he must be close, and he doesn’t want this to end but it has to, and when it does it’s gonna be fucking glorious.
So he takes himself in hand and jerks off quickly, only has to stroke himself a few times, the feeling of it a counterpoint to Hanzo’s jack rabbiting hips, the flex and grind of them as he keeps trying to push himself deeper, and Jesse can’t stand how good it feels.
He comes, body rigid, crying out ridiculously loudly, and thank God they’re in a love hotel, actually, with its soundproof walls, because Jesse’s coming like he’s in a porno, throwing his head back and bouncing his hips and shouting Hanzo’s name.
Jesse looks down and sees Hanzo’s eyes fixed on him, a look of awe on his face. There’s a muscle in his jaw twitching and his fists are knotting the sheets and that’s when Jesse realizes Hanzo’s coming too, his hips pressed flush to Jesse’s ass and making tiny movements, not much more than muscle spasms. He’s buried deep, so deep, and it makes Jesse start groaning all over again.
In the aftermath he finds himself wondering: is it sad that it was Hanzo’s first time, and this is still the best sex he’s ever had?
Hanzo’s a quick learner, though. The concession must be made.
Jesse pulls himself off of Hanzo in one move and flops backwards onto the bed. He thinks he would be happy to never move again.
Apparently Hanzo doesn’t feel the same way. He sits up, back alarmingly straight considering the rigorous exercise they’ve just been through. He pulls off the condom and then, to Jesse’s horror, he gets out of the bed.
“Where are you going?” Jesse asks. He wishes he sounded less forlorn. He’s never considered himself the clingy type, but he’s barely even been allowed three minutes of afterglow.
“I am going to shower,” Hanzo says. He shuts the bathroom door behind him. Jesse feels - stunned. First of all, Hanzo’s not the one who’s asshole is still wet with lube. Very rude. Very bad sex etiquette.
Maybe Jesse’s fucked up somehow. That would be pretty par for the course. He’s just not sure… He’d thought he’d done pretty well. He’d been pretty satisfied with his performance.
He’s lying there agonizing about it when there’s a knock on the door. Jesse glances at the clock on the bedside table. It’s half past eight. He’s also not wearing any pants, or underwear, and, actually, now that he’s taking stock of the situation his ass is still gross and sticky. He closes his eyes and breathes a deep, anguished sigh.
“Room service!” Calls the person at the door. There are several problems with that. One of them is that Jesse hasn’t ordered any room service. One of them is that the person behind the door has somehow intuited that he speaks English. Yet another is that he’s fairly sure that love hotels don’t have room service.
Jesse gingerly gets out of bed and pulls on the boxers he’d discarded earlier. On the bright side of things, he’s not walking with a limp.
He puts on the most deprecating look he can muster as he pulls the door open. Genji’s modelling some truly radical bedhead and still wearing the clothes he wore in the car yesterday.
“Just wake up?” Jesse asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m eighteen,” Genji explains, waving an arm. “I never wake up before noon unless my life depends on it.” That comment would probably be a little funnier if it hadn’t been for the fact that Genji’s father would kill them both if he found them.
Genji cocks his head to one side suddenly. “There’s someone in your shower,” he says, uncertain. As if he’s not sure Jesse’s aware.
Jesse shuffles his feet awkwardly. “Your brother followed us here.” It seems weird that Genji has no idea. Last night feels like it was years ago. He can’t believe he was grappling with Hanzo in this hotel room less than twelve hours ago.
Genji’s eyes fall, unfortunately, onto the mussed bed sheets. He makes a weird face like he can’t decide what kind of expression he wants to use. Jesse can feel his face going red. There’s no way he’s going to be able to deny what happened here.
“Okay,” Genji says. He carefully averts his eyes, staring blankly at the door Jesse is still holding open. “Well. We should. Get ready. And head out to the airport. I was thinking around nine. See you then.”
And Genji leaves. Jesse feels even worse than he did before. He’s somehow fucked up and made Hanzo mad (is he mad? Or is it some other emotion? Jesse can’t tell) and now he’s alienated Genji too. At least he can be certain what he did wrong in Genji’s books.
It had sort of seemed yesterday like Genji wanted Jesse and Hanzo to… Get along? Make up? He’d given Hanzo the address of the last hotel, after all.
Then again, getting along didn’t necessarily mean fucking each others’ brains out. Which Jesse can’t even be happy about, because Hanzo’s still locked in the bathroom, and God, how long has he been in there, anyway? Jesse’s ass is starting to dry and the lube is getting uncomfortable and with each second that passes he’s starting to feel closer to a temper tantrum.
When Hanzo finally emerges from behind the closed door, a cloud of steam wafting all around him, he's dressed again - in the same clothes as last night, but you couldn't tell that by looking at him. His hair is drawn back into a sleek ponytail. He looks put-together and sharp-angled; his jaw is tightly clenched.
In short, he's the very picture of restraint. No evidence of what they'd done earlier remains. No sign shows that he's the same man Jesse had under him on the mattress, the one Jesse kissed and kissed and felt tenderly for.
Jesse can't stand to look at him. He pushes past into the bathroom.
His normal five minute shower routine gets stretched into ten as he tries to clean up the mess Hanzo made. He grimaces at himself in the mirror afterwards, brushes his teeth fiercely. He dresses in plain clothes that won't attract attention at the airport, won't get him stopped by security. A white button-up shirt, blue jeans. Yes, he wears cowboy boots with them, but they don't have spurs.
He’ll look like any other American tourist, probably. He shoves all of his belongings back into his suitcase and exits the bathroom.
Hanzo has made the bed. He's probably ashamed, Jesse thinks. He doesn't want anyway to know what happened here. Not even the maids at a love hotel.
Jesse’s chest clenches. This is all he amounts to: another shameful secret for the Shimada clan to hide.
God. He's not gonna let that happen.
“What, are you mad at me?” Jesse snaps, because Hanzo’s standing there by the bed not looking at him.
Hanzo actually winces, as if the words have hurt him. But he doesn't make any reply.
Jesse’s fists clench. He crosses the room in a couple of strides, buries a few fingers in the front of Hanzo’s shirt so he’s forced to look Jesse in the face.
“What do you want from me?” He asks. He’d thought he was angry. The way his voice comes out is just sad.
Hanzo, despite the proximity of their faces, drops his eyes to Jesse’s chin to avoid making eye contact. He's quiet for so long Jesse thinks he's trying to get away with not answering.
Then he says, “It was supposed to change things,” and his voice is so soft. Fragile. This is a confession Jesse has forced out of Hanzo with a fist gripping his shirt.
“What do you mean?” Jesse asks. His voice has gone rough. Hanzo’s eyelashes are drooping. Shame, like always. Frustration. Tears are shining in Hanzo’s eyes. Hadn't Jesse predicted, days and days ago, that Hanzo would be the type to cry out of frustration?
“When I had sex with you,” Hanzo looks up into Jesse’s eyes, suddenly fierce and sharp and edged with anger. “It was supposed to change things. You wanted me to. You wanted me to give you my virginity, so I did. But it didn't change anything.”
Jesse - doesn't know what to say. He doesn't understand. “What was it supposed to change?”
Hanzo pulls out of Jesse’s grip so he can turn away. Jesse can see that he's the one with clenched fists this time.
“You're leaving,” Hanzo says.
“Yeah,” Jesse agrees readily. It had never been up for debate. “As long as your daddy’s around to try and kill me, I can't stay.”
“You're leaving me,” Hanzo clarifies. He half turns his head, glares at Jesse out of the corner of his eye.
Jesse doesn't have any quick draw answer to that. He can't say that he'll come back, he can't say that they'll see each other again someday. Even if they were true he couldn't say them, because they don't fix anything.
They don't fix this, they don't fix anything. This is big and broken. This thing between Hanzo and Jesse - or maybe he's being too self-involved. Maybe it’s Hanzo himself. All that misery and loneliness and self-loathing. Jesse’s leaving it all behind.
“I wish I wasn't,” he says. That doesn't fix anything either.
Still, the corner of Hanzo’s mouth pulls up a little bit. It's not really a smile.
There's a knock on the door. Jesse opens it. Genji takes a good, hard look at Hanzo - who looks spotless, not a hair out of place, dressed to kill in his black clothes - and says nothing. The three of them leave the love hotel in total silence.
In the parking lot, Shimada is waiting for them, with twenty armed guards.
He smiles.
Genji looks at Hanzo. Jesse thinks, What was he doing in the bathroom all that time?
When they were in bed together, there was a moment. Jesse’d said, I’d love to lie in bed with you all day, but I’ve gotta leave. Hanzo had gone still. Stopped moving. And after that, he’d changed. He’d gotten more aggressive. He’d been - distracting.
Jesse is a fucking fool, and he’s been reminded of it constantly the last few days. He keeps falling for these little tricks. It’s gonna be the death of him. Shimada’s standing there with a gun - well, Shimada doesn't have a gun. But his henchmen does.
Ha ha. Jesse’s starting to get a little loopy. Caught up on the details.
Hanzo shifts slightly where he's standing, a few steps ahead of Jesse. He's put himself in the line of fire. On purpose.
Jesse’s eyes catch on Hanzo’s ponytail.
He wants to laugh. A fool.
Hanzo spent that time in the bathroom blow drying his hair.
Now he's putting himself at risk of being shot by his own father to save Jesse’s ungrateful, undeserving ass.
That tender feeling? Fuck it, it’s love. One week is enough. One week is enough to know that Jesse McCree would blow up a country to get back to Hanzo, because it doesn't fix anything but it matters anyway, because it has the chance to make Hanzo smile.
That's so goddamn sappy. That's the most romantic thing Jesse’s ever thought in his life. Shit, it’s love, isn't it?
He pushes Hanzo out of the line of fire and puts his hands up.
Shimada beams, evidently pleased with his obedience. He makes a gesture at Hanzo.
Hanzo’s fists clench again, and by now Jesse knows that means he’s feeling defiant.
“Just do it,” Jesse mutters to him. Hanzo glares.
Genji picks up the slack, folding Jesse’s arms behind his back and making it look really realistic. Which is to say - “Ow, Genji, that hurts.”
“Shut up, prisoner,” Genji breathes, and then marches Jesse over to his father.
“What pleasant surprise,” Shimada says. He doesn’t sound very pleased at all.
The knowledge that he needs to act fast presses persistently and uselessly at the back of Jesse’s mind. He doesn’t have a gun on him. Of course he doesn’t. He’d been on his way to the airport. As far as he can tell, Hanzo isn’t armed either. Jesse’d gotten pretty closely acquainted with that outfit last night, and there were definitely no swords or guns hidden under the fabric.
Genji… Genji’s wearing jeans with little patches sewed on. Jesse recognizes Hello Kitty on the back pocket. There’s also a blonde-haired, blue-eyed anime kid who looks familiar. Little headband across his forehead. Jesse can’t remember what he’s called.
Anyway. Jesse can tell Genji would be worse than useless in a fight. He’d be distracting.
Jesse stands before Shimada, mind racing. He’s slightly bent over from the way Genji’s holding on to him. The grunt beside Shimada begins to raise his gun, aiming for Jesse’s head.
Genji relaxes his grip on Jesse’s arm. Jesse honestly can’t tell if he did it on purpose or not. It doesn’t matter; it’s enough. He breaks his arms free and grabs the gun. One hard tug and the gun comes into Jesse’s possession. One pivot and the gun is pressed tight against Shimada’s temple.
Shimada’s bodyguards all freeze, weapons half-raised.
“If you move, I’ll shoot,” Jesse says. His voice is completely level. This is not his first hostage situation. Beneath the hand gripping Shimada’s shoulder tightly, he can feel the way Shimada’s breaths are short and shallow. The man isn’t immune to fear after all.
Genji’s car is still in the parking lot. Jesse makes eye contact with Genji for a second, twitches his head toward it. Genji hesitates. Jesse has no idea what goes through his mind in that moment. He’s staring at the gun pressed to his father’s head.
Before Jesse can really start to worry about it, Genji climbs into the driver’s seat and starts the engine.
Jesse’s eyes meet Hanzo’s. “Get in the car,” he orders, adjusting his grip on the gun. Hanzo’s eyes, like Genji’s, seem drawn to the point where the muzzle meets Shimada’s greying hair. Hanzo climbs into the passenger seat.
“Time for a family road trip,” Jesse mutters to Shimada. He forces him to turn so that Jesse can keep the bodyguards in his sight while they walk backwards toward the car.
For a moment after the door shuts the four of them sit in silence. It’s like they’re all waiting for a cue. Jesse’s mind is racing. He doesn’t know when the thugs outside are going to start shooting, but he feels like, inevitably, they will.
“It sure would solve a lot of my problems if I blew your brains out,” he tells Shimada conversationally.
In the front seat, Hanzo and Genji both go tense.
He doesn’t understand it. Despite everything, they’re both terrified of their father dying.
“Drive, Genji. I got a plane to catch.” Jesse keeps the gun pressed to Shimada’s head, ready for the first sign that things are going south.
The car lurches into motion. Apparently, stress isn’t good for Genji’s already erratic, dangerous driving.
“Christ, Genji, I’m holding a loaded gun back here,” Jesse gripes. Genji replies with a wordless noise of distress. Right, Jesse probably should have handled that one a bit better.
The car proceeds more or less smoothly out of the parking lot from there, merges into traffic on the street. Jesse tries to carefully divide his attention between keeping the gun trained on Shimada and watching out the back window for signs that the armed guards are following. There’s no doubt in Jesse’s mind that they’ll follow; they’re too loyal, too well-trained to give up on their leader. The question is still how Jesse’s going to get out of this alive.
It occurs to him as the vehicle slows for gridlock traffic. “Hanzo,” he calls. Hanzo turns to face him, brow pinched with anxiety. “Come back here,” he orders.
Once again, Jesse is met with that tense moment of hesitation where he doesn’t know if his order will be followed. The thing about Genji or Hanzo disobeying him is that he won’t shoot them if they do. Shimada rebelling against him is no problem. In fact, it might actually be a relief.
But if Genji stops driving the car, or Hanzo refuses to crawl into the back with him… Then he’s stuck. No back-up plan. Probably doomed to die in Hanamura, the way the Deadlock Gang expects him to.
Hanzo undoes his seatbelt and gingerly moves between the two front seats.
Shimada strikes like a snake, hands grappling at Jesse’s wrist for the gun.
The car erupts into incoherent yelling. Traffic has started moving again, so Genji has to keep his eyes on the road. There’s a loaded, cocked gun being wrestled over in the back seat. Shimada has a grip on Jesse like a pitbull and won’t let go. Hanzo crouches there, frozen with indecision until a stray limb catches him in the face, and he reels back for a moment before launching forward to join the fray properly.
It ends when Jesse gets an elbow in Shimada’s stomach, bending him over double in the seat. Hanzo has the gun. Jesse’s panting. One of them is bleeding, but it’s not clear who.
Hanzo makes eye contact with Jesse over his father’s head. Jesse doesn’t look at the gun. He refuses to look at the gun. If Hanzo’s about to shoot him, he doesn’t want to know.
They stop at a traffic light. Jesse pushes the door beside him open. He seizes Shimada, who’s still clutching at his stomach and wheezing, gets a hand around his collar, and throws him out the door of the car. The man stumbles a few times, completely taken by surprise, and then he trips and falls.
In a few minutes, his henchmen will find him there. They’ll get him back into one of their cars and continue to chase Jesse to the airport. The chances of Jesse making it out of here are still close to zero.
Hanzo practically crawls into Jesse’s lap, staring at his father on the side of the road with his mouth half-open. He turns his head, meets Jesse’s eyes again.
Something like understanding passes between them - it’s only like understanding, because it leaves Jesse totally confused about what’s been understood. It doesn’t matter much, really, because the next thing he knows, Hanzo’s leaning forward a little, pressing their lips together.
Earlier that morning, Jesse’d thought he’d never been kissed so intensely by anyone as he’d been kissed by Hanzo. Now he’s thinking he’s never been kissed so softly.
Maybe that tender feeling is mutual.
Hanzo jumps out of the car. He grabs his father by the arm and drags him off the road, into an alley and out of sight. As he disappears, Jesse sees him pull a phone out of his father’s pocket.
Jesse suddenly realizes what he was supposed to understand from that look. Hanzo’s buying him time.
He pulls the car door closed. Genji starts driving again. There’s a weight in Jesse’s lap. When he inspects it, he finds the gun. Just in case.
Jesse touches his lips like he's trying to feel the impression Hanzo left there. He’ll probably do it again, a week from now, thousands of miles away. He'll probably keep doing it. For months, maybe. Keep trying to remember what it felt like.
He’s going to live through this. He’s going to survive Hanamura. Genji weaves through traffic with the help of his GPS, but he keeps his eyes fixed firmly on the road. Jesse keeps looking out the back window, but he doesn’t see anything suspicious at all. No cars following them. No gunfire. Nothing.
That doesn’t mean he can relax. Even when they pull onto the winding drive that leads to the airport, he doesn’t relax. He sits forward in his seat, puts his hand on Genji’s headrest.
“Thank you,” he says. It’s not nearly adequate. Genji’s knuckles are white with the way his hands are clenched upon the steering wheel.
Jesse sighs softly as he pulls away. They stop in the drop-off lane. Before he can shuffle out of the car, leaving the gun behind on the seat, Genji grabs his shoulder.
“It was nice meeting you, Jesse McCree,” Genji says, managing a smile. It’s not the same carefree smile Jesse’d seen at that beach rave party - God, that feels like years ago. But it’s a smile Jesse is glad to return.
“If I’m ever back in Hanamura, I’ll look you up,” he says. Genji laughs.
Jesse gets out of the car. At least half of him expects someone to shoot him dead right there. Nothing happens at all. Genji drives away under the stern instruction of a traffic attendant. Jesse enters the airport and wanders his way toward the departures area.
He approaches the security lineup with no luggage, just the phone Genji gave him in his hand. It has his boarding pass and fake passport information loaded onto it. One of the sleeves of his shirt is stained red with blood. A quick catalogue of his body tells him he's not bleeding, so it must be from somebody else. He has no idea who.
The security officer at the checkpoint takes one look at him and summons someone else - someone who speaks English, he discovers.
Jesse speaks slowly and tries to stomp out his accent to better be understood as he explains: “I took one of them shuttle buses to get here, and I fell asleep on the way.” So far, so good. Nothing too suspicious. Innocuous.
“When the bus stopped I slammed my face into the window and gave myself a nosebleed. I had to use my sleeve to stop the bleeding,” he holds up his arm demonstratively. The security guard grimaces.
“I was so distracted that by the time I realized I didn't have my luggage, the bus was already gone. I can't afford to pay the exchange fee for my ticket, so I need to get on my flight now. Guess I’ll probably never see my suitcase again.”
If I was her, I wouldn't let me through, Jesse thinks glumly to himself.
But he must look as pathetic and hangdog as he feels. The security officer grimaces again - sympathetically, this time - and waves him through.
“You have to do something about that shirt,” she warns him. “They won't let you on the plane if you're covered in blood.”
That seems like a sound general rule. Jesse thanks the officer profusely as he passes to the other side - to safety. Maybe. They won't let Shimada through with weapons, right?
The paranoia doesn't leave him. It probably won't for a long time. Jesse buys a ridiculously expensive shirt with some kind of cute anime character on it from a kiosk aimed at tourists. Genji would get a kick out of it. They should have exchanged numbers. Jesse could have sent him a picture.
In the airport bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror in that special airport bathroom lighting that makes everything look grey, washed out and tired, Jesse gets hit by a crushing wave of sadness. He's trying not to think about - anything. About the words - it was supposed to change things. About other words. Virgin. Mine.
Neither of those words are true now.
Jesse puts the t-shirt on. He throws his old shirt on the garbage. He thumbs the phone on and checks the contacts list. There’s only one name in the address book: Genji.
Jesse takes a picture of himself and that silly anime shirt in the bathroom mirror and sends it.
Forty-five minutes later, he boards his flight. Thirty minutes after that, the plane takes off.
Jesse closes his eyes. One week in Hanamura. He's still alive, but irrevocably changed.
thesis: the way the fluorescent lights take everything from you - standing alone in the airport bathroom, nothing left but this lousy t-shirt; to be reshaped by love is a form of violence.
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hermitblurbs · 2 years
Steampunk AU 1 / 2 / 3 (here) / 4 / 5
“Mumbo!” Grian shouts as he walks in the door, mug in hand. “I broke him!”
Mumbo looks at him. Grian looks back, cross legged not on the very convenient benches he has in his workshop for sitting, no, but on one of his wooden worktables that was clearly across the room when he left. Scar’s old arm (he could hardly call it an arm, with the shape it’s in) looks like it’s a puff away from falling.
The android himself is in a sitting position, chin to collarbone and everything else lax. His chest’s still open.
Mumbo takes a long drink of steampunk red bull.
“Well I did say he wasn’t quite ready to be up yet.” He approaches the duo, guiding Scar back down onto the table. The way his spine bends and holds reminds him of a pipe cleaner. “How was he? I’d say I hope you wrote something down but I can’t really read your handwriting, can I.”
“Well I can’t read your weird cursive either, so no matter what it’s a lose lose.” If his wings were on, they’d be shifting as Grian settles with his return. He’ll never show it, but he never does like being alone in the workshop. As the wings are, indeed, offline, they lay dormant on his back. Mumbo will never ask why his friend needed the prosthetic. He was just happy to build it.
Mumbo sets down his mug and instantly goes elbow deep in the robot.
“Was he glitchy? Did you notice any issues in his software, like—“
“He could think! Like, draw inferences. Assume. The whole shebang. And it seemed like it was normal for—“
“Woah, take me out for dinner, first.”
Mumbo screams, completely taken by surprise by the robot staring at him. Still elbow deep in machinery, may he add.
“No need to freak out!” Scar says, continuing to hold still so Mumbo can begin attempting to retract his arm without pinching anything. “It’s just me. Your good buddy Scar. Mumbo, right? You have a great mustache.”
“Uh, that’s me. Hello. Sorry for the rude awakening, Scar, but could you give me just a moment?”
“Why of course!”
Mumbo very inconspicuously turns to Grian as he wiggles his gloved hand through still gears. They seem to be holding well and clean; that’s rather nice.
“You never mentioned he could speak!”
“You never asked,” Grian says without missing a beat.
“I didn’t, did I.” He mumbles, and lets the workshop fall to silence. Silence here means the rumble of cogs and clocks and the hum of fans, so really it’s not-silence. His hand pops out and he rubs the almost-pinched spot on his wrist in thought.
“You two are really lovely, but I for one would like to get off this table and preferably get something across my insides.” Scar props himself up on his elbows, then his hands, a mimicry of how Mumbo first found him. He swings his legs around to stand, and—
The mug is knocked off the table, falling towards the several scattered wires and only half-protected redstone trails.
This time, Mumbo and Grian scream.
A hand snaps out, wrapping around the handle of the cup and tilting it so the spill only inches closer to his redstone, but doesn’t actually touch. Mumbo breathes out a sigh of relief in sync with his winged friend.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Says that robot they pulled from the wastes. “I wasn’t looking at what was around me, it happens all the time, you wouldn’t believe the things that have happened as a result.” Mumbo was still in awe of the fact that, back however many years Scar is old, mechanics decided to code in personality. He’s got a question and a laugh on the tip of his tongue when Scar sets the mug on the table and immediately knocks it off again.
“Oh, my comparators,” he mourns blandly while Scar rattles off apologies.
“Hey, at least it wasn’t me this time,” Grian pipes up, leaning an elbow on his shoulder and giving him a couple pats on the back.
“Well I can’t quite argue with that.”
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The Long Con Part Two
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader Rating: T Notes: Thanks for all of the encouragement on the first couple of parts of this 🥰💕 I hope y’all had a good week! 💖 Warnings: Cursing; some angst Summary: “Shitty liars need to practice, Pike.” 
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“Alright, I’ve got a list,” You said, shrugging off your bag and setting it down beside Marcus’ couch. “A list?” Marcus repeated, coming back from the kitchen with a glass of water for you, “Of what?” “Thank you-- Things that we need to sort out before we get to Austin. Look, you’re a shitty liar, right? Your words, I’m paraphrasing,” You tacked on, reaching into your bag and pulling out your notebook and a pen.
“Uh-huh,” Marcus agreed amusedly. “Right, so  hopefully if we sort out our details now, you won’t feel so freaked when we’re down there. And you won’t be trying to cobble together facts on the fly. That would get incredibly messy— especially if we’re going to pull this off all week.” “A full week of lying to my family,” Marcus sighed, “Talk about a long con, huh?” You glanced up at him from under your lashes, amused. “God, you’re such a boy scout. And technically you’ve already lied to them, you started the second you told Marnie that you were bringing me— though that’s technically not a lie anymore. Just...Don’t think about it as lying, pretend you’re undercover or something,” You shrugged, flipping your notebook over to your list of questions. “So I’d be lying to myself about the lie? Isn’t that compounding it?” “You’re overthinking it, Agent.” “You might want to start calling me Marcus.” “Right,” You muttered, “I will...Remember to do that.” “So what’s on the list?” Your eyes darted up from your list as you watched Marcus shrug out of his suit jacket. You’d seen Pike in less-than-pristine states before, especially throughout the Coleman case. You’d seen him with his tie loosened, his sleeves rolled up, and when you were half-tweaked on caffeine in your cramped office, it was… more than a little distracting. You leaned forward, picking up the glass and taking a pull from it before setting it down and settling back again. “Basics first,” You said, “How we met. I say we stick with ‘work’.” “That’s not a lie.” “I know, I thought you’d like that.” “I do.” “Okay. How long have we been together?” “Uh...Few months at least-- Five?” “I can handle five,” You jotted it down, “How come you haven’t mentioned me to them before?” You glanced over at Marcus, smiling a little when you saw his panicked expression. “Or have you gotten this one already?” You added. “No, I haven’t-- Work has been busy? Again, I think that would be sufficient, so-- Hang on.” You raised your brows as Marcus leaned back against his couch. You could practically hear the gears turning in his head. “What’s happening over there?” You asked. “We should change how long we’ve been together to...Maybe two or three months? If we’d been together for five and I hadn’t said anything, my family would be very suspicious.” You nodded, scribbling out ‘5’ and writing ‘2-3’. “‘Kay. Are there any significant past relationships - serious girlfriends, fiancés that I should know about? I don’t need full details, just, like, broad strokes so that if someone mentions something, I’m not completely in the dark.” “One ex-wife, one ex-fiancé,” Marcus answered without hesitation. You nodded a little, jotting that down, and stilled when he added, “My ex-wife will be at the wedding.” “Good to know. Is that contentious?” “No,” Marcus shook his head, “No, it ended amicably.” You considered Marcus, his puppy-dog eyes, soft smile and kind nature, and you couldn’t imagine it ending any other way. “She’s still close to my family,” He tacked on. “Oh,” You laughed a little, “Great. That’s gonna be fun for me.” “What do you mean?” Marcus frowned. You shot him a look. “Your family is still close to your ex-wife. You’re bringing a new girlfriend home. You don’t think this could get a little tense? Or is your entire family just as nice as you are?” Your brows rose as Marcus laughed a little, his head ducking bashfully at the question. “We try not to judge,” he conceded, shrugging, “I’ve brought a couple of other people home since the divorce. They’re not going to jump to conclusions.” You hummed, glancing further down your list. Your stomach twisted at one question, but it was one that you knew that you had to ask. “Speaking of jumping to conclusions,” You shifted in your seat, “Is there anyone in your family that might run a background check on me?” “A background check?” “Yeah,” You nodded, “I mean, I know my records are sealed and wouldn’t pop if someone ran a normal background check on me, but if anyone in your family is in law enforcement like you and...And went poking?” “No, they wouldn’t,” Marcus shook his head. “You sure?” “I’m positive.” You lowered your eyes, biting the inside of your cheek to stopper asking for a third reassurance as you jotted the note down. “...You don’t trust easily, do you?” Marcus asked softly. The question turned your blood icy for a moment. But for as much ire as it raised in you, you were careful not to take offense. You knew that he wasn’t trying to get a rise out of you - you were doing the guy a favor, and it would be pretty ill-advised of the man to piss you off at this point. “What ever gave you that idea?” You teased instead, giving him a look out of the corner of your eye. Marcus’ lips twitched with a smile and you returned it. “Alright,” You added, looking through the rest of your list, “Let’s see what else we’ve got before we start drilling this stuff.” 
“Drilling?” “Shitty liars need to practice, Pike.” “Marcus.” “Hey, it was better than ‘Agent’.” “At least I’m not the only one that needs practice.” -- 
“Run it by me again,” You requested, tucking one leg up under yourself and leaning back against the arm of the couch. Marcus sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face. He’d ditched the tie, had popped the top few buttons of his shirt, and his sleeves had been rolled up around his elbows. The man looked a little haggard - it was precious. He straightened up, brow scrunching before his head tipped to the side just a little. “Okay. Okay, we met a year ago when I moved to D.C... You work with the Bureau, assisting on cases, mostly art forgeries.” You nodded encouragingly, waving him on. “We started dating two and a half months ago,” He’d settled on that, finally, not wanting to pick two or three, “After we spent so much time together on the Coleman case. You’re an art history professor, you...Have been engaged twice before,” He added, pointing a finger at you. You rolled your eyes a little bit. “Keep going,” You ordered. You raised a brow as Marcus’ brow furrowed a little more, his head turning just a bit. “You don’t have any siblings, you’re not close to your family, and we have not set any plans for the future in stone...Yet.” “Why do you keep tacking on that ‘yet’?” “Because my family knows me. They know I think about those things, and they know I don’t get into relationships unless I really think there’s something there. If they feel me pulling back on that, they’ll think it’s because I’m worried about scaring you off.” “You’re bringing me home not only to meet your family, but to stay there for a week and for a wedding-- which your entire family will be attending. I think that’s a healthy fear,” You retorted. Marcus smiled a little bit, raising his hand in concession. “How’d I do?” He asked. “Much better. You didn’t close your eyes halfway through to remember the details and you stopped ticking things off on your fingers. You do this thing, though, when you’re getting ready to lie, it’s like watching someone wind up for a pitch.” “What do I do?” “You do this--” You imitated Marcus’ furrowed brow and tilted head, “It’s subtle, but you always do it.” “You think my family’ll notice?” “Only if you play poker with them.” Marcus chuckled, slouching back against the arm of the couch and scrubbing his hand over his face. “God, I’m beat,” He muttered. You nodded a little, shutting your notebook and getting ready to tell Marcus that you would get out of his hair. “Wanna go get some dinner?” Was his next question. -- “Did you seriously just order pancakes?” You asked, brows raised. You’d wound up at a diner not too far from Marcus’ apartment - somewhere where the staff seemed to know and were very fond of him. “Yeah,” Marcus nodded firmly, “Dinner is the best time for breakfast.” You chuckled a little, reaching out and taking up your soda. “So, engaged twice?” He asked. You rolled your eyes a little. “Once in college, when I was young and...Quite stupid,” You admitted, “And then once a couple of years ago.” “What happened the second time, if you don’t...Mind?” Marcus cringed a little as he asked. It took you a moment to answer, and he rushed to add, “You don’t have to tell me.” You shook your head. “It’s okay,” You promised, “I, um… I told them that I had a record.” Marcus’ expression softened. “You hadn’t told them before?” “We moved really fast, which I usually don’t when it comes to relationships. I don’t know, usually that stuff is always on my mind when I’m with someone, but with them it never really felt like it mattered. When I did tell them, though, it…” Your eyes lowered to the table as regret twisted in your stomach, “It broke everything.” “Did you tell them what happened?” “They didn’t give me the chance.” The two of you were quiet for a few moments - Marcus digesting this information as you sat in the swirl of bitterness that it had dredged up. “Anyway,” You shook your head, drawing the both of you out of it, “Guess it shouldn’t really matter that they left when they did. I realized later that, given their reaction, they were going to leave no matter when I told them… How much of that you disclose to your family is up to you.” Marcus didn’t say anything for a few moments, searching your face. “Know what I never understood?” He finally asked. “What?” “Why they never nailed any of the people buying from you or your grandmother.” You shot him a skeptical look.  “You know that it’s not punishable by law to buy a forgery or be a rich piece of shit.” “You were a kid,” Marcus frowned. You considered this for a moment, directing your eyes to the ceiling to find the best way to order your thoughts. “...I was a minor,” You contended, “But I was old enough to know that what we were doing was wrong. I… I knew that we were duping people, I knew that it was illegal. I knew the paintings were forgeries, and I knew that the people that we were dealing with were dangerous. I’m just lucky I wasn’t tried as an adult.” “You were raised to do all of that and then left hung out to dry by the person that was supposed to protect you,” Marcus argued quietly. You swallowed thickly, hurriedly looking to the table as you felt tears spring up in your eyes. You tried not to think about these things most days. And for Marcus to have this level of empathy, of understanding...You were sure that the man had glanced through your case file at some point when he started working with you, but hadn’t expected this. Most people didn’t look too far past what you were doing to try and understand how you’d come to be in your position. But then, most people weren’t Marcus. “...No wonder I don’t trust easy, huh?” You tried to joke after you’d blinked the tears away and lifted your eyes back to his, a thin smile on your lips. Before he could say another word on the matter, the food arrived.  
The two of you tucked in quietly, After a few minutes, you nudged his foot with yours. 
“Tell me about Marnie? And her fiancé, um… Hazel, right?” You requested. 
Marcus’ face pulled with a fond smile, and you felt ease wash over you again. -- “So, just let me know what the wedding colors are so I don’t wind up wearing a dress that matches them and we should be all good,” You reached for your bag as Marcus pulled his car up in front of your apartment building. “Sure thing.” “And if you think of anything else that your family might ask about us, you know, so we can plan ahead.” “I will.” “Okay-- Oh! Uh… Are you a big PDA guy? Like, is that something your family’s going to expect?” “I tend to be kinda touchy, yeah, but I can tone it down.” “Well, what are we talking about here? Hand-holding, hugging?” “Yeah,” He nodded, “And probably a hand on your shoulder or your back, maybe a kiss on your cheek or forehead or…” Anticipation thrummed through you as his gaze darted to your lips. “‘Kay,” You nodded a little, feeling your heartbeat tick up in your chest. “We don’t have to--” Marcus started to reassure, but you waved him off. “It’s totally fine,” You reassured him, “I trust you.” Marcus smiled at you, a gentle smile overtaking his lips. “Glad to hear it. I’ll get you those wedding colors as soon as I can.” “Thanks,” You smiled, “Night, Marcus.” “Goodnight,” He chuckled as you got out of the car. Tag list: @hufflepuffing-all-day-long​​​ ; @spideysimpossiblegirl​​​ ; @blueeyesatnight​​​ ; @elen-aranel​​​ ; @yespolkadotkitty​​​ ; @artsymaddie​​​ ; @phoenixhalliwell​​​ ; @lunaserenade​​​ ; @winniedaboo​  ; @empress-palpat1ne​​​ ; @randomness501​​ ; @nutmeg-20​ ; @leonieb​​ ; @the-feckless-wonder​ ; @lou-la-lou​ ; @captain-jebi​ ; @supernaturalgirl​ ; @naturenebula21​ ; @evelynseventyr​ ; @giselatropicana​
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lovely-ateez · 3 years
Vampire Shift~
ꕥPosted: 5/23/21
ꕥGenre: Fluff, Smut, Angst, College!au, Horror!au
ꕥPairing: Fem!Reader x Vampire!Jongho (feat Wooyoung and Minho from skz)
ꕥWord Count: ~5.9k (whoops)
ꕥWarnings: Horror themes, Language, Thigh riding, Unprotected sex, Mentions of blood and blood sucking (please lmk if I missed anything)
ꕥTag List: @cappujinho @bobateastay
ꕥA/N: I hope you all don’t a more spooky concept! Halloween is my favorite holiday and even though its May, it’s always spooky season to me lolol. Also! Feel free to listen to Vampire Shift by All Time Low while reading this (it’s only on YouTube I cry) since this is inspired by the song :)
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It was a terrible idea, really, to work the night shift at a gas station alone. Even more so when you’re a young woman whose only defense is the pepper spray on her key chain and 911 on speed dial. Alas, college bills don’t pay themselves and every spare opportunity to get cash was one I had to take.
The digital clock sitting on the counter next to me briefly flashed, indicating another hour had gone by. It was currently four a.m. and it was safe to say I was losing my mind. I’d worked for five hours now, and not a customer had come in. That was the only advantage, really. So long as no one was around my boss let me finish any assignments I had, which came in handy on more than one occasion.
I was only six paragraphs into a five page report and had been staring at my laptop screen for over an hour, feeling beyond brain dead. I was assigned the topic of financial statements and country trade deficits, and wanted to cry every minute I thought about it. I was half convinced to pay someone to write the report for me.
The ringing of a bell indicated a customer opening the door and I closed my laptop to peer around the counter, ready to greet whoever entered. The first man to catch my attention was wearing sunglasses which fazed me, but I tried not to stare. The man that followed had black hair with blond underneath, a combination that I strangely liked. Both men were donned in all back, their faces stoic. They were attractive, I had to admit, but neither were my type.
And then, the last man entered. He looked over to me as he walked through the door, giving me a nod and a slight smile. His slicked back black hair matched his black ripped jeans and highlighted his red leather jacket. He was so handsome he looked like he jumped out of a magazine and I had to suppress a ‘wow’. A string of butterflies fluttered in my stomach and I did my best to ignore them, not even knowing his name.
The three of them wandered through the aisles until I could no longer see them, and I scolded myself for being so thrown off that I forgot say any form of a greeting. I sighed and turned my attention back to my laptop, opening it and blankly staring at the screen. My ears perked when I heard the men’s hushed voices.
“Y’oughta get that girl’s number. I saw the way you looked at her.”
“Yeah, Jongho. She’s pretty cute. If you don’t get her number you know I will.”
“Shut up.” One of the men, Jongho apparently, responded with a laugh, “Let’s just get some snacks, okay? It’s gonna be a long night. Also I’m buying tonight so get whatever.”
A smile crept on my face and I looked down, fiddling with my thumbs.
They think I’m cute. Maybe Jongho’s the one in red?
I heard the bell ring once more and a girl entered who I vaguely remembered from high school. She was popular but for good reason, probably being one of the nicest people I’d ever met. Our circle of friends overlapped slightly so I’d spent a fair amount of time with her. She was smart as a whip and gorgeous all the same, which seemed to stay with her. She looked bright, long red hair falling around her face, freckles still prominent as ever.
We met eyes and she smiled, “Hey y/n!”
I smiled and waved, “Hey Annabelle. How’ve you been? I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Good! I got into my dream college and it’s been great, although I’ve had to take some pretty hard classes.” She giggled, walking towards me. It’s honestly not too far from here. You go to Westgate University, right?”
I nodded and I put my laptop aside. She spoke again, genuinely excited for me, “That’s awesome! Congrats!”
“Thanks,” I smiled, “I’m taking it you got into Orholt?”
“I did! I was really-”
One of the men that entered earlier—the one still wearing sunglasses—shouted the redhead’s name and caught her attention, “Hey Anna do you want a Redbull or a Five Hour Energy?”
“Redbull! I’m not a monster.” She laughed.
The man nodded and walked toward us with several drinks and snacks in his hands.
“Oh! I want to introduce you to my boyfriend!” Annabelle turned to the man still wearing sunglasses and reached for his arm, “This is Minho. I met him at Orholt.”
Minho gave me a slight nod as I introduced myself and he placed the food and drinks on the counter. I began to scan the items, the mindless routine that I was used to by now. The loud sound of laughter made me look up, seeing the two other men approach us and place their snacks down as well. I watched them long enough to notice the way two-tone—my new affectionate name for the man with blond and black hair, I decided—shamelessly checked me out, a cocky smile on his face when I caught him. I just let out a small laugh before resuming my task, watching his confused reaction in my peripheral vision.
“Oh my god I totally forgot to introduce you to my friends.” Annabelle giggled and pointed to two-tone, “This is Wooyoung.”
“Hiya, Wooyoung.” I said with a confident smile, enjoying the way he still had a slightly confused look on his face.
“And this,” Annabelle nodded towards the man in red, “This is Jongho. Both him and Wooyoung go to Orholt, too.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jongho. I’m y/n.”
“Very nice to meet you.” The man smiled before he sent me a wink.
I had never been a particularly shy person, but as he did so my eyes darted down as I felt my face flush. I didn’t notice the gears turning in Annabelle’s head as she put the pieces together.
I placed the final items in the bag, raising my head as Annabelle addressed me,  “You know I’m having a bonfire tomorrow night at my place and you should totally come!”
I stopped to think, first trying to remember if I worked the next day, then wondering if I was willing to go the bonfire when I realized I didn’t have to.
She sensed my hesitancy and her face fell, “Aw do you work tomorrow night? It’s a Saturday!”
“Oh no, I don’t. I...” I stopped to think for a minute. Although I likely didn’t know anyone else who would be there, I was familiar with Annabelle’s house, which brought me a bit of comfort, “Are all of you going?”
Annabelle gave a knowing smile, “Yes. All of us will be here.”
I nodded, accepting the credit card Jongho gave me, quickly after handing them the bags, and returning his card, “I’ll go.”
“Yay! We’ve gotta head out but I’ll send you the details. You’ve still got the same number, right?”
“Yeah I do.”
“Alrighty! I’ll see you tomorrow then!”
Annabelle left with a wave, her boyfriend on her arm and Wooyoung behind her. To my surprise, Jongho didn’t leave with them, the cocky look on his face all but telling me why he stayed.
I looked at him with wide eyes, playing innocent. “Can I help you?”
He placed an arm on the counter, his dark eyes seeming to put me under a spell. The confidence he was radiating was almost palpable and I felt myself being pulled to him. It was intimidating, to be honest.
“You’re really cute and I want your number.”
I let out a surprised laugh, “You really don’t beat around the bush, do you?”
“No, not really,” He propped his other arm on the counter, leaning towards me and raising an eyebrow, “So what do you say, doll?”
A smile crept on my face as I mirrored his actions and leaned towards him, “You gonna memorize my number? Or do you have a phone I can put my number into?”
Jongho’s smile got brighter as he reached to grab his phone, handing it to me. “You’re a firecracker, aren’t you?”
I shrugged, “I’d like to think so.”
When I handed his phone back, our fingers brushed and I could’ve sworn I felt sparks shoot through me at the simple interaction.
“Well I need to head out before the rest of them get too annoyed,” He nodded towards the exit where Annabelle, Minho, and Wooyoung left, “But it was enchanting to meet you, y/n.” He bowed, drawing a laugh from me.
“Ah yes. You as well, absolutely delightful.”
He gave me a smile, “I’ll text you later.”
"Sounds good. I’ll hold you to your word.”
“I’d expect nothing less.” And with that, he was out the door, leaving my heart a fluttering mess.
Me [8:37pm] So is there a dress code for tonight?
Annabelle [8:42pm] Nope! Wear whatever you’re comfortable with. I’m wearing this if it helps at all!
Annabelle [8:43pm] 1 Image Attached*
Me [8:45pm] So leather jackets and crop tops?
Annabelle [8:48pm] Haha sure! We can match!
Me [8:51pm] Lol bet. See you at eleven :)
Annabelle [8:51pm] See you then!
I started the process of slipping on a white cropped top followed by my light washed ripped jeans. I knew I was getting ready far earlier than I could have, but something about new events made me anxious and I had to make sure I looked nice. I giggled at the black leather jacket I was throwing over my shoulders, not having worn it since high school. In the middle of debating whether or not I should add another layer of mascara to my lashes, my phone dinged.
New Number [8:59pm] Y/n this better be you. This is Jongho and I’m texting you for a really important reason and I need you to reply quick
Me [9:00pm] Yeah it’s me. What’s going on are you okay??
New Number [9:02pm] I’m gonna go grab some food before I head to Anna’s. You wanna come with?
Me [9:02pm] Oh my god don’t do that to me, you buffoon. You scared me so bad rip
[New Number name changed to A Cute Buffoon]
Me [9:03pm] But sure I’m down lol. Here’s my address btw
Me [9:03pm] 1 Location Shared*
It occurred to me perhaps a bit too late that I was sharing my address with someone that I’d met only once and in a gas station.
I mean, he’s friends with Annabelle so he’s gotta be good right? God I hope so. I thought to myself.
A Cute Buffoon [9:04] Then it’s a date :) I live pretty close so I’ll be over in 10. That work for you?
Me [9:06pm] Fine with me!
A Cute Buffoon [9:06pm] Sounds good. I’ll see you soon ;)
I set down my phone and thanked myself for already doing my makeup. I checked myself out in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance and proud of how well my makeup turned out. I grabbed my bottle of perfume and spritzed the liquid in the air, letting it gradually fall on me so it wouldn’t be too overpowering.
You look beautiful, babe.
The waiting game was harder than I thought, not knowing what to do except awkwardly sit around and play an assortment of phone games. When exactly ten minutes had passed I heard my doorbell ring and I lifted myself from my couch, grinning at his punctuality.
I opened the door to see Jongho holding a bouquet of flowers, a smug look on his face. “Lovely to meet you here, stranger.”
I wanted to make a joke back but I couldn’t seem to think of anything, too surprised by the flowers in his hands. It wasn’t anything extravagant, the small bouquet of violets, but I felt my heart swell.
It’s perfect. He’s perfect.
My voice was small when I spoke, “No one’s ever given me flowers before.”
His eyebrows furrowed as a confused look painted his face, “Really?”
I nodded, taking the flowers from his outreached hands and smelling their sweet fragrance, “They’re beautiful.”
My eyes flickered to his, the tender look on his face making me feel as if I was melting on the spot, “You’re beautiful.”
I squealed, my face undoubtedly turning pink while my mind short circuited. I’d never become so shy around someone before and the only thing I could think of to say in response was another ‘thank you’ followed by ‘I’ll go get a vase for these.’
I opened my door further, rummaging through my cabinets for a vase when I noticed Jongho was still standing by the door, “You can come in, you know? That’s why I opened the door.”
He laughed nervously, “Sorry about that. Force of habit, I guess.”
I raised my eyebrows in a teasing manner, “What? Are you a vampire? Can you only come in if someone invites you?”
I thought I saw a flicker of shock on his face for a moment, but it was gone before I could register it and I shrugged it off, my eyes finding the perfect vase for the flowers.
“It’s just how I was raised.”
“I get that.” I placed the flowers in the vase, giving them a bit of water before walking up to Jongho and gently patting his cheek, “Your good manners are appreciated.”
He laughed in surprise, full gummy smile on display as he playfully swatted my hand away from his face, “Alright, alright. Let’s head out already.”
I made a sound of agreement before noticing a slight pink on his ears. I was temped to tease him, but ultimately decided to save it for later. If I could fluster him once I knew I could do it again.
The diner we went to was one I’d never heard of before, let alone been to, and I was beyond frustrated that I didn’t even know about it’s existence. It was an adorable fifties style diner and even the attire the waiters were wearing fit the theme.
“This is the cutest place to ever exist, I’m convinced.” I said as we sat down on the same side of a bright red booth.
“I really hoped you would like it. This is my favorite restaurant ever and they have fantastic milkshakes. If you’d like to share one for desert, I’m all for it.” A wink.
I bit my lip and hid my face in the menu that was placed in front of us, thankful for any method of escape.
“You’re so cute.”
“Ahh no don’t say things like that.” I giggled from behind the menu.
His hand grabbed the top of the menu, pulling it down so he could see me, “Why’s that?”
“Because you make me nervous. Like a good nervous!” I tried to explain, which only resulted in becoming even more embarrassed, “I-I mean I’m excited to be around you but I’m also nervous. I hope that doesn’t sound weird.” I cringed at myself. Never in my life did I think I’d be blushing and stuttering over some man, but my god did he prove me wrong.
“Not at all,” he reached over to take my hand in his, “because I feel it, too.”
Before I could properly react our waitress came over, taking our order and effectively saving me from becoming a human tomato.
We handed our menus back to her after ordering and she looked at us with a soft smile, “You two make a cute couple.”
While I was a bit too stunned to say anything, Jongho didn’t seem to have the same problem and went along with it, “Thank you, ma’am. That’s kind of you to say.”
When she left, Jongho leaned closer to me, “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable by saying that we we’re a couple. I thought that-”
“No, I didn’t mind it!” I bit my tongue after likely saying that way too fast with far too much enthusiasm, but I meant it, “I didn’t mind it,” I said again, softer this time.
The tips of his ears once again turned a faint shade of pink, “Good to know.”
The food was as wonderful as it possibly could’ve been, their fries alone being one of the best things I’d ever consumed. Just as Jongho suggested, we shared a milkshake, which led to shy eye contact and laughter and my crush becoming stronger by the minute.
Just as Jongho paid and we were about to leave, a certain song began to play and he looked at me with an air of mischief, holding out his hand to me, “Dance with me.”
I took his hand, trying to hide my smile but failing. He led me away from the table and next to the jukebox. The area surrounding it was more open, probably with the intention for people to dance near it. He grabbed my waist, holding the hand of mine that wasn’t placed on his chest and looking at me in a way that could make any woman fall in love on the spot. We swayed to the music and I couldn’t help but feel full. Like I’d found all that I’d ever need.
Put your head on my shoulder~
“Do you know this song?” He asked with a smile.
I scoffed, “Of course I do! It’s one of my favorites.”
“It’s one of mine, too.”
Hold me in your arms, baby~
I mouthed along to the words as I felt the need to prove it to him. As if to one up me, Jongho began to sing along, his gorgeous voice amazing me.
Squeeze me oh so tight, show me~
That you love me, too~
I blushed as he looked at me while singing along, becoming a bit flustered himself when the lyrics clicked with him.
Put your lips next to mine dear~
Won’t you kiss me once, baby~
As if we were in sync our eyes darted to the other’s lips at the same time. I could feel Jongho’s breathing becoming heavier before he said in a hushed tone, “Can I kiss you?”
“Please.” Was all I could respond before I pressed my lips to his, fireworks igniting inside me when he kissed me back. His lips were so soft and warm and as crazy as it sounded, he felt like home. I felt him smile against my lips as the music continued to play.
Maybe you and I will fall in love~
The fire was loud, crackling and lighting up the faces of all those crowded those around it. It was essentially the only source of light in the dark of the night, except for the distant lights still on in Annabelle’s house. My hands were interlocked with Jongho’s as we sat around it’s warmth, both of us finding it hard to separate from one another.
Conversation was flowing all around us, and I was relieved to find that everyone I had talked to was kind and welcoming. I was more nervous than I realized, but having Jongho next to my side alone calmed me. Someone around the fire mentioned an old story involving Annabelle and I began to wonder where she was, having not seen her since Jongho and I first arrived. I mentioned I was going to look for her and he nodded, at first wanting to join me but then getting pulled into conversation with one of his former classmates. I told him I’d head off on my own and he nodded again.
I looked around what seemed to be the entire property and still there was no sight of her. At that moment I heard yelling coming from her house, startling me. I felt my blood run cold when I recognized one of the voices as Annabelle’s. The yelling didn’t sound like it was out of fear, but instead more aggressive, out of pure anger. Without thinking I ran inside, hoping to calm the situation but instead found what seemed to be out of a work of fiction.
An unfamiliar man was on the ground, obviously trying to get away from a hidden figure before him that seemed to be cloaked in darkness. He let out a sound that I’d never heard a human make, one that I couldn’t even compare to something I’d heard before, and a shiver ran down my back. As the figure took a step forward I recognized it as Annabelle, or what seemed to be some version of her. Her normally grey eyes were now bright red, sharp fangs on display as she snarled at the man. A group of people were surrounding them, alarmed looks on their faces but hardly trying to intervene.
“What the hell?” I whispered, my eyes wide as I tried to back away without anyone noticing. But of course, I just had to step on an empty soda can, all eyes pointing my way. As I looked at the people around me, their expressions seemed to mirror mine and I swallowed, suddenly feeling immensely claustrophobic.
I met eyes with Annabelle and she seemed to change in a flash, her eyes returning to their former color and fangs disappearing. She looked more panicked than I had ever seen her which only scared me more. She was always able to keep her stressors under control, but as she stared back at me, I saw a version of her I never had before.
I was barely able to form a sentence, adrenaline coursing through me at a rampant rate, “Um...” 
Annabelle slowly walked towards me, “Oh—hey! Sorry I disappeared for a while but how’s the party going? Are you having fun?” Panic was still evident in her voice but I knew she was trying to keep a hold of the situation.
“I...I don’t-”
A stern voice came from left, and I nervously turned to meet Jongho, an unreadable expression crossing his face, “Y/n.”
“Yeah?” My voice squeaked as I began to regret agreeing to come along in the first place, still hyper aware of all the eyes on me.
“Come with me.”
His eyes softened at my panicked state and he held out a hand, “Please?”
I was hesitant, but being anywhere away from the crowd and whatever Annabelle turned into seemed to be a good idea. I took his hand and watched as he exchanged a look with Annabelle that seemed to calm her. Turning on his heels he led me back to the bonfire, sitting in a chair and motioning for me to do the same. Seeing no one around us gave me a feeling of both anxiety and comfort, and I wasn’t quite sure which feeling was winning at the moment.
“Well I’m sure you have plenty of questions.” He started, “I won’t lie to you and try to convince you what you saw wasn’t real, because it was, but I need you to know that no one is going to harm you. That guy is Anna’s roommate and they get into an argument at least once a week. Sometimes it can be nasty, but they never get physical and neither would ever hurt anyone unprovoked. No one here would.”
I was silent for a few minutes, trying to process what I saw on top of the time bomb of information he dropped on me. “Is she...is everyone....are you a vampire?” I whispered the last words, almost too stunned and afraid to say out loud.
He smiled slightly, his kind eyes making me feel safe. “Yes. We’re what you’d call vampires.”
I took a breath, almost afraid to hear the answer to my question, “Am I in any danger by being here?”
“No, everyone here is good. They don’t pose any threat. There are plenty of dangerous vampires but we stay away from them. Besides,” He placed an arm around my waist, playfulness in his eyes, “If there were, I’d protect you from them.”
“Oh? And how don’t I know you’re not dangerous?”
He leaned closer to me, clearly enjoying this, “You don’t, I suppose. Doesn’t that make it fun?”
“That’s very much debatable,” I smiled for a moment before a frown took over, “Everyone just seemed really...I don’t know, startled I guess?”
Jongho let out a loud sigh, looking down at the ground for a few seconds before looking back up at me, “Humans aren’t normally invited to these parties. It’s assumed that everyone here is a vampire. The perfume that you’re wearing, whatever the hell it is, is masking your scent. If I didn’t meet you before today I wouldn’t have known you were human. I guess Anna didn’t tell everyone, either.” He placed a hand on my knee and looked at me with kind eyes, “How are you feeling?”
“Surprisingly calm considering that I just learned vampires exist.”
Jongho laughed, “Yeah I’d say you’re taking it pretty well. Like I said earlier though, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of questions, so fire away.”
“Yeah I have a few.” I hesitated, hoping he wouldn’t be offended by my question, “Exactly how old are you?”
“Oh are you gonna age shame me?”
“No but it’s probably an important thing to know...since we kissed and all.”
He laughed again and leaned back in his chair, placing his arms behind his head,  “How old do you think I am?”
I used his question as an excuse for my eyes to wander over his body. He was beyond attractive, very clearly fit and he knew it, which equal parts pissed me off and turned me on. As hard as I tried, I kept finding myself being pulled to his thighs. Even through his jeans I could tell he had strong thighs and I had to press my fingernails into my palm to keep from drooling. “From your appearance? Early twenties. From what age fiction usually tells us vampires are? I’d guess you’re a hundred and three.”
Jongho nodded with a smile, “I’m not quite that old but that’s a fair guess. You had it right the first time. I’m a pure born and we actually age, but we don’t age as quickly as humans. I’m twenty.”
“Pure born?”
“It means both of my parents are vampires.”
I nodded as another question came to mind, a smile on my lips. “Do you sparkle in the daylight?”
“Oh my god,” He covered his face with his hands, a mixture of a groan and a laugh escaping his mouth, “No, we do not sparkle in daylight, “His hands came to rest on his knees, “But it sucks that we really shouldn’t be in direct sunlight for over two hours a day. That’s normally the rule to go by. It’ll burn us if we’re in it for much longer than that.”
“So do werewolves and witches and everything like that exist, too?”
“Yeah pretty much. We don’t all get along, but we have to coexist. It’s something we’ve struggled with for a while, unfortunately. Basically everything you’d believe to be supernatural exists.”
I was silent for a while, not really knowing what else to say.
“Y/n? Are you doing okay? If you’re not comfortable being here I can drive you home right now or if you’d rather be alone I can call an Uber or—”
My heart skipped a beat at his kindness. “No, I’m okay. I guess I’m just surprised I’m learning about this just now.”
“We do a good job of hiding it. Also it was probably a given, but keep this as a secret if you can. Having a lot of people know about our existence can be risky.”
I gave him a silent nod, unintentionally leaning closer to him. The sound of approaching footsteps made me jump into Jongho’s arms. I didn’t know why I found comfort in him, knowing that he could be dangerous as well, but he’d been nothing but sweet to me. I had no reason to fear him.
Annabelle approached us but stopped, taking a few steps back when she saw how I was buried in Jongho’s arms.
“Hey y/n.” She rubbed her arm, looking down as if she’d done something wrong.
“I guess Jongho probably told you everything at this point. I’m really sorry if I scared you and I understand if you don’t want to be friends anymore.” Even in the dark I could see tears beginning to stream down her cheeks and I felt a pain in my chest.
I got up from Jongho’s hold and wrapped my arms around her, feeling her stiffen, “I trust you, Annabelle.”
Those four words seemed to relax her and she returned my hug, still sniffling, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. We aren’t supposed to tell anyone and I thought you might hate me—”
I pulled back, “Why the hell would I hate you? You’re still you.”
She laughed through tears, gripping me tighter, thanking me over and over for not pushing her away.
We’re gonna be okay. It’s all gonna be okay.
Not too long after, Jongho drove me home. The ride was more silent than when we were headed to Annabelle’s house, but the air wasn’t heavy or uncomfortable. Feeling tired, I laid my head on Jongho’s shoulder, faintly hearing ‘sleep well, baby’ before drifting asleep.
When I woke, I was in my bed. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and found a little note placed next to it that read:
I hope you don’t mind that I carried you inside. I tried to wake you for like five minutes but you were out cold. Anyways, I had a really good time with you yesterday and I hope you had fun too :) Text me when you wake so I know you’re okay. -J
I looked at my clock and saw that it was still early, but I texted Jongho anyway.
Me [3:00am] Not sure if you’re still up, but I really enjoyed yesterday, too. I’m exhausted so I’m gonna go back to sleep but I just wanted to say I’m okay and everything is good :))
A Cute Buffoon [3:00am] Sleep well, darling. We can talk in the morning
It had been roughly a month since Jongho and I started dating, and while I felt like I knew him pretty well, we had only known each other a little over a month, on top of the fact that he was a vampire which was essentially an entire separate culture. I’d asked him most questions I had early throughout our relationship, but one in particular kept replaying in my mind.
We were currently sitting on the couch in my apartment, cuddling each other. The TV was on but neither of us were really watching it. I was far more interested in the warm body in front of me, and based off of how Jongho was looking at me, the feeling was mutual.
I bit my lip, anxiously mulling over the question I’d wanted to ask him for weeks. I didn’t know how he would take it, let alone how I would bring it up, but I needed to ask at some point. Knowing he could probably sense my nerves, I gave in. “Jongho, can a human turn into a vampire?”
He hummed, turning to face me. “Why do you ask?”
“I just...I didn’t know if it could happen or not.”
Jongho chuckled, “Yeah it’s possible. It’s a long ass process to go through though, and there’s a lot that can go wrong, so it rarely happens.”
I shifted in my seat, trying not to appear overly interested. “Why is that? What can go wrong?
He smiled and raised a brow, his cocky persona resurfacing, “You sound so eager to know, dear. Do you want to become a vampire?” His eyes briefly flickered towards my lips before he tilted his head, dragging his soft lips across my neck. I let out a gasp when I felt the tips of his teeth lightly scraping the skin, “Or maybe you’re just looking for an excuse for me to put my mouth on you?”
Like with anything that exuded him, I felt myself becoming quickly overwhelmed, my mind now hazy and distant. I shut my eyes in an attempt to gain some semblance of control over myself.
“Your thoughts are swirling, doll.” Jongho began leaving gentle kisses along the side of my jaw, “Don’t think too much. Just let me take care of you. Okay?”
“Okay.” I said through a short breath, knowing we’d just have to have the conversation another time.
We’d had sex before, so it wasn’t like this was new territory for us, but every time felt like the first, leaving me just as out of breath each time.
He lifted me and placed me on his thigh, dragging me across his flexed muscles. I felt my eyes roll back at the simple motion, my need growing at an embarrassing rate. I grabbed his shoulders as I began to drag myself against him, whines and whimpers spilling from my lips.
“God you’re hot,” Jongho said through hot breaths, beginning to kiss my neck, no doubt leaving marks.
“Thanks I try.” I managed to say, pleased when Jongho laughed.
“You don’t even have to, and it’s completely unfair.” His hands moved under my shirt and danced along my skin, “It’s like you’re an angel come to life.”
I let out a loud moan, feeling tears well in my eyes from his praise, “You always make me feel so beautiful when I’m with you.”
Jongho responded with a smile, carrying me to my bedroom and laying me down on the bed while hurriedly discarding both of our clothes.
“You’re always so eager, babe.”
He nuzzled my neck as he climbed on top of me, his hands finding my own and holding them, “As if you’re not.”
“I never said I wasn’t.”
He then moved in between my thighs, teasing me with his fingers as he ran them along my wet slit, occasionally rubbing my clit, drawing small whines from me.
“Jongho please just fuck me already.”
“Sweetheart, do you even think you’re wet enough for me?” He cooed.
Feeling frustrated, I pushed my fingers inside myself with ease, pulling them out and spreading them so he could see my essence dripping down my fingers, “I don’t know you tell me.” I said with far more sass than I intended.
Jongho’s eyes widened at the sight and wasted no time positioning his cock at my entrance, pushing in and letting out the most beautiful groans.
Neither of us ever bothered to use protection because, to put it simply, vampires couldn’t get humans pregnant. It was only possible when both partners were vampires, and we took full advantage of that.
“Fuck—baby you feel amazing. You’re so warm and tight ohmygod.” Jongho moaned as he began to move, thrusting in and out of me at a steady pace.
I clenched around him, loving when he was vocal. His sounds helped get me off just as much as his actions, at times it seemed.
“You feel...really good...too.” I said through heavy breaths. And as much as I wanted to last longer in bed, with Jongho, I never could.
“I don’t know if it’s because you’re a vampire and you’ve got like magic powers or something or maybe you’re just a sex god—but holy shit...I’m close.”
He threw back his head and had the audacity to laugh, something I really couldn’t stay mad at with how good he was making me feel. “Babe it’s been like six minutes.”
“Don’t be an asshole.” I joked, my laugh turning into a moan. It only spurred Jongho on, making him angle one of my legs up higher, hitting deeper inside of me.
“I know you’re close, baby. I can feel it. Cum for me, baby girl. Let go for me.”
He reached down to tease my sensitive nub, drawing quick circles until I was seeing stars, chanting his name like a prayer.
After Jongho came down from his high, he disappeared into the bathroom as he always did, coming back with a warm towel. As he pressed the towel to my thighs I tried to ask again.
“So...about the human to vampire thing?”
“Well,” Jongho sighed, “I didn’t think I’d be able to distract you forever.” He smiled, “It’s mostly done because couples want to stay together. The thing is though, the vampire obviously gets a taste of the human’s blood and it can be hard to stop once you’ve marked them, especially since smell is such a big allure for us.”
He took a long breath, “Then the human will almost always pass out, and needs to be taken care of for the next couple days because they’ll be so weak. Another problem is that the scent of their blood will be amplified during those days and it’ll be harder for the vampire to not, you know...” He looked away, not able to say the words. I knew what he meant, we both did. In some cases, vampires would kill their human partners for of their blood. Sometimes it was beyond their control. Just a primal need that would betray them. “Then their scent is more easily detected by other vampires and the whole thing is just kinda a mess. I think I’ve only heard of five attempts and only one of them was successful.”
I nodded, not really knowing what to say.
“And then on top of it all, it can be harder for the human to adjust and it can put a lot of pressure on the relationship. Human and vampire relationships are dangerous.”
His face was serious as he ran a hand through my hair. I looked up at him and leaned into his touch.
He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, a shy behavior I hadn’t seen from him before, “I guess it’s important for you to decide then.” His eyes met mine again, “Is this still something you want to continue?”
“Our relationship?”
“Of course, are you crazy? You mean the world to me.” I swallowed, realizing he hadn’t voiced his own thoughts, “What about you? Do you want this?”
“I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want.” He smiled and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, his eyes sparkling.
“Hey Jongho?”
He hummed, looking at me.
“I want to spend forever with you.”
126 notes · View notes
Dad & Uncle Luke vs The Troublesome 5
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Matt Simmons/Luke Alvez 
for @cmpocsource​‘s cmcocaw2 // day 2 (june 22): favourite platonic ship 
Warnings: none
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: this is my first cm piece in a while so do forgive me if it’s a bit shitty :) also I didn’t proof read so go with it :) 
Kristy headed up to see her grandparents on Thursday afternoon, promising to be back on Saturday, which meant Matt was at home taking care of the kids. He loved when he got to spend time with them because he felt like he missed so much of their lives due to work.
He was used to 4 kids but now that Rose was born, he had his hands full. The two boys, Jake and David were troublemakers. They were never quiet and if they were, you knew something was up. LIly and Chloe loved to colour and draw - on anything they see, including the walls. Rose was only a few months old and she didn’t cause much trouble unless she decided to cry - she had a strong set of lungs.
It was only a little past 6pm when Matt called in reinforcement.
“Hello ?” his voice rang through the phone as Matt rocked Rose back and forth.
“Hey man, I know it’s our weekend off but I was wondering if you’d be able to come over and help me?”
“Is everything okay?” Luke asks him, voice filled with concern.
“I- technically yes. Kristy went up to see her grandparents for the weekend and I've got all of the kids here with me and I underestimated how much work this was gonna be” Matt sighs, setting Rose down gently in the crib.
Luke laughs, already tossing some clothes into a duffle bag. “I’ll be there soon. Do you need me to bring anything ?”
“No, I'm good. Thank you”
They had each other’s backs in the field, surely Luke would have his back now. How hard could it be for 2 grown men to take care of 5 children ? 
Can’t be that hard.
It wasn’t long before Luke showed up at his doorstep, duffle bag over one shoulder and box of pizza in the other hand. 
“I wasn’t sure if you had made dinner yet” Luke smiled at his friend when he opened the door.
“You’re a heaven sent” Matt chuckled, stepping aside and letting Luke come in. “I really appreciate you spending your weekend here. I’m sure you have better things to do with your time.”
“No worries man, really didn’t” He laughs, setting the box on the table. “Where’d you leave Roxy ?” Matt goes to get the plates from the cupboard after calling for the kids.
“Penelope was more than happy to watch her. She also said to tell you that she sends her love” he smiles.
David and Jake were the first two into the kitchen. “Uncle Luke!” they shouted together, tackling him in a hug. The 2 boys were on the floor on top of Luke who was laughing and hugging them.
“Hey guys, I brought pizza.” The boys perked up at the mention of pizza, the way to a boy’s heart really was through their stomach. The twins came running in next, clothes covered in marker and crayon.
“Dinner ?” Lily looked at her dad, he lifted her up onto a chair and then repeated the action with Chloe.
The kids were all seated and eating, Matt and Luke sat on opposite ends on the table. David and Jake were telling them about the fire drill they had at school.
“So we got to go in the truck and press the sirens” David says between chews, Jake nods. “Yeah! And- and we tried to roll the hose and it was so heavy dad!”
Rose begins crying just as Matt goes to answer the boys. He lets out a deep sigh and goes to get up but Luke beats him to it. “I’ve got her, finish eating” he tells him, patting his shoulder as he passes by him and heads up the stairs to her nursery.
Rose was still in her swaddle, crying her lungs out. Luke picked her up carefully and set her on the changing table before undoing her swaddle. He watched as she stretched, her little arms raising above her head.
“Hi mama, how was your nap?” he cooed, smiling at Rose as he picked her back up. He returned downstairs with her in his arms, watching as the kids ran out the back door and into the yard.
“Half an hour! Then I want all of you inside and getting ready for bed!” Matt shouted, propping the door open. Matt turned to see Luke behind him, “hi my love” his hand reached out and rubbed her back softly.
She made a little sound before Luke sat on the couch with her. Matt steps outside when Jake calls him to help set up the soccer net they had. Matt then gets roped into playing with them and next thing you know, it’s 9pm and the 5 of them are running inside as the rain comes down.
“Alright, go wash up and change. I’ll be up to tuck you in” he smiles at the kids as they make their way up the stairs.
It was unusually quiet in the living room, an odd occurrence in the Simmons’ house in general. Matt was just about to go check on Luke and Rose when his phone chimes.
From Kristy: Hey babe, how’s everything going ?
To Kristy: Fine for now, called in reinforcements
From Kristy: Who’d want to get roped into helping you watch the kids for the weekend ?
Matt was texting her back as he made his way over to see Luke passed out flat on the couch with Rose who’s also asleep against his chest. He smiles to himself and snaps a photo for Kristy.
To Kristy: *1 Image Attachment* He did
From Kristy: Oh my god adorable
From Kristy: Give the kids my love, I love you.
To Kristy: I love you too
Matt left Luke on the couch with Rose, heading up to tuck the 4 kids into bed.
Saturdays were always busy in the Simmons house. Both Jake and David had soccer practice at 10am while Lily and Chloe had to be at dance class at 10:30.
Matt looked at the schedule Kristy had left on the fridge in despair and fear. “Okay, how am I gonna do this?” he mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Anything I can do ?” Luke’s voice startled him for a second. Of course Matt knew he was in the house but he didn’t think he would be up already.
“I don’t know how Kristy does it,” Matt admits, facing his friend. Luke gave him a smile while pouring himself a cup of coffee. “What’s on the schedule for today ?”
“Jake and David have soccer at 10 and the girls have dance class at 10:30.. on the opposite ends of town” he sighs, glancing back at the schedule.
“I have my car, you know. I could take the girls if you want ?” Luke offered, Matt paused- Luke did come over to help him but he felt bad to ask him to do that.
“Are you sure ?” “Yeah man, it’s no problem”
The sound of footsteps filled the house moments later, the 4 kids coming down the stairs and began asking what was for breakfast. Matt and Luke got them settled in for breakfast, explaining to them what the plan for the day is.
Matt headed up to get Rose changed and ready for the day seeing that she can’t do it herself.
“I’m taking the girls to dance class and your dad is taking you two to soccer practice” Luke explains as the two boys help him clear the table. Jake and David were bickering about who could kick the ball from one end of the field into the goal.
“Go grab your gear, we’re leaving in a few.” Matt smiles, stepping back into the kitchen. “See if your sisters are ready too!” he shouted after the running boys.
Within a few minutes, everyone was out the door. Lily and Chloe strapped into their seats, Matt giving them a quick kiss to the cheek each before letting them go off with Luke. Jake, David and Rose were with him, on their way to soccer practice.
The day went by pretty quickly. From soccer practices to dance class and then home to shower and head back out because Matt had promised to take them to the park. By the time they finally got home from the park, the kids were coming down from a sugar high due to the ice cream and junk food Luke had bribed them with while Matt wasn’t looking.
They had stopped for something to eat mid way through their park trip, meaning that none of them were hungry except for Rose who needed a bath and a bottle before bed.
“Can we watch a movie?” Jake asked his father, and his siblings joined him. The 4 of them looking up at their father, their best puppy dog eyes and pouts in their little faces.
Matt chuckled, smiling at his kids, “what would mom say if you tried that ?” a chorus of “yes” and “yeah” filling the house. Matt paused, he knew Kristy would send them up to get ready for bed but he was the cool parent or so he thought. He felt like he should say yes just because he didn’t spend as much time as he wanted to with them.
“Fine but only one movie. Go pick while I get Rose ready for bed. If you need help with popcorn, ask Luke”
“Uncle Luke!” Lily and Chloe shout, running towards the kitchen as the boys go in the other direction towards the couch.
When Matt returns, the house is quiet. He swears he wasn’t up there that long. “Guys?” he calls, making the way through the house. Luke whispers for him to be quiet as he steps into the living room.
The kids are all passed out on the blanket fort they made on the floor. Matt smiles, letting out a sigh as he sinks into the couch next to Luke. “How long have they been out ?”
“15- maybe 20 minutes” Luke hums, scrolling through his phone. “Who are you so into texting right now ?” Matt asks him.
Luke glances up at Matt over his phone, a slight red tint on his cheeks. “Oh, um- it’s just- it’s Garcia”
Matt hums, “Huh, how are things with Roxy ?”
“Roxy ?” Luke questions, mind obviously blank for a moment.
“Your dog?”
“Oh! She’s fine” he trails off, like he wasn’t sure about his answer.  
Matt chuckles, smiling at his love struck friend. It has been a few weeks since Penelope left the BAU and everyone had heard about their date, so it was only itne until they officially became a couple. Matt knew Luke and Penelope were mostly definitely not talking about Roxy based on that blush on his cheek.
“Your wife is superwoman by the way” Luke mumbels, eyes still on his phone.
“Hm ?”
“Taking care of 5 kids while working and being by herself for most of the time ?” Luke drops the phone on his lap. “She’s superwoman.”  
Matt smiles, “yeah, she is.”
“Glad you both think so” a voice says behind them. Both men jump,their reflexes kicking in as they stand and turn towards the voice. Kristy is standing behind the couch, her hands up playfully.
“Didn’t mean to scare you two” she smiles, making her way over to give Matt a hug. “Thank you for helping him,” Kristy smiles at Luke, “you’re more than welcome to spend the night if you’d like but we have it covered if you want to go.”
“I think he’s got somewhere to be” Matt pipes up, Luke’s brows furrowed looking back at Matt. “I do ?” he questions.
“I believe there’s a blonde technical analyst waiting for you somewhere.”
“You know ?” Luke smiles, the amusement evident on his face.
“I figured it out first,'' Kristy says proudly. Matt laughs softly, “it’s true, she did”
Luke smiles at the couple, saying goodnight to them before picking up his bag. Matt walks in outside to his car, leaving Kristy inside with the kids.
“Tell the kids I said goodbye, okay ? i’ll come by another say and hangout with them or if you and Kristy need a night, I’m more than happy to take them”
“Think you can handle all 5 of them ?” Matt’s brow raises, his arms folded across his chest.
“I’ll probably get some help from a blonde technical analyst.” Luke laughs.
taglist: @tenemily​ @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @fanofalltheficsx @luke-alvez @iconicc @kidmulaney @pumpkin-stars @captainxholmes @multixfandomwriter @sluttytears @thelukealvez @scandinavian-punk @taralewiz @morcias @shotarosleftpinky @mrs-dr-reid @hqtchner @averyhotchner @willlemonheadsupremacy @mggsprettygirl @simxican 
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blouisparadise · 3 years
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Here is a list of amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of January. Between the third month of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest and all the other fics that authors posted throughout the month, it’s clear that this was a great way to start off the year of bottom Louis fics!  Happy reading!
1) Leave It All Here In This Bed | Explicit | 1071 words
One of Louis’s many sleepless nights.
2) Games Are Only Fun If You Win | Explicit | 1554 words
Louis and Harry have a bet. If Louis wins that means he's off laundry duty. If he loses well.
Let's just say Harry won't be complaining.
3) If It Makes You Feel Alive | Explicit | 1691 words
Louis is horny one night on the tour bus so he and Harry fuck while trying not to get caught by the others.
4) Beg Me Silently | Explicit | 2140 words
“So, your boyfriend…is he planning a magic night for you at home?”
Louis snorts. “He’s not, actually. He’s pretty hardworking, you see, so he comes home late.”
“Such a shame.” Harry walks towards Louis, so close that they’re sharing the same space. “You’re so beautiful, Louis. If you were mine, I wouldn’t make you wait for me.”
5) Birthday Wishes | Explicit | 2895 words
Note: This is part 3 of this series.
The one where Harry takes Louis to dinner for his birthday, and gifts him with a vibrating butt plug he wears to the restaurant. Fluffy birthday sex follows.
6) New Year, New Beginnings | Explicit | 3577 words
Note: This is part 4 of this series.
The one where Louis and Harry unexpectedly end up at the same New Year's party. Louis makes Harry jealous, and Harry shows him just how bad of an idea that is.
7) Heaven In These Sheets | Explicit | 3557 words
Bunny Hybrid Louis has it out for his boyfriend’s phone.
8) Pits Of Love | Explicit | 3934 words
Harry smells Louis' sweat for the first time after they've moved in together. His alpha goes a bit wild.
9) First Blow Hits You Cold | Explicit | 3986 words
Louis wears a shirt with a big ass H on it for his livestream, and Harry really, really likes it.
10) Close Your Eyes And Surrender To Me | Explicit | 4209 words
Note: This is the sequel to this fic.
Harry hummed and pressed his lips to Louis’ forehead. “I am very stressed, but I also know you’re stressed and tired too.” He glanced to Louis’ face seeing the confirming nod. “But, if you’re sure you’re up for it.” Harry smirked, waiting for Louis to say it was okay before he laid the boy down on the bed and hovered over him. “I really love this color on you. You look so pretty. Always do.” He spoke quietly, rubbing his hands over Louis’ soft thighs and moving them to his tummy. He then moved his hands up to Louis’ hair. It had been a while since Louis’ last haircut and it was now long enough that he could tie it up in little ponytails and even little braids. Louis currently had two hair clips in his hair. One was gold with little stars on it and the other gold with a moon. “I love your hair princess. Do you feel pretty?” He asked.
11) P Is For | Explicit | 4349 words
Note: The pairing for this fic is Louis/Pedro Pascal.
Louis and Pedro, winter in New York, a coffee machine, and bilingualism.
12) Pull Out Your Heart | Explicit | 5028 words
He wants to apologise, the five letters sit on the tip of his tongue but he does not. It means nothing to either of them.
13) Loving You's the Antidote | Explicit | 5070 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 302: Alpha Harry & Omega Louis are divorced but still spend each other’s heat/rut together because they only really trust each other but things get complicated when Louis (or Harry, author’s choice) spend it with someone else. Cue angst with a happy ending.
14) Sweet Talk With A Hint Of Sin | Explicit | 5095 words
“What the hell are you wearing?” Harry had the nerve to ask, and Louis bristled slightly.
“Well, what the bloody fuck does it look like?” Louis snapped, breaking his seductive demeanor momentarily because he was wearing this ridiculous get-up for Harry. He had thought that this would go over well.
And now that the moment was here, it was going anything but.
Harry’s brain seemingly malfunctioned, completely unbothered by the fact that he was now standing in an actual pool of red wine, or that there might even be broken glass directly next to his feet. He was focused solely on his boy splayed out on their bed. “Are those ears?”
“Yes,” Louis mumbled, reaching up to finger the burnt orange fur of the fox ears. “And a tail,” he said, shifting to lay on his stomach so that his perky ass was on display, showing the way his lube slicked hole had been prepped and was now hugging the impressively sized plug attached to the fox tail.
15) New York's Beauty | Mature | 5274 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 104: AU where Harry is an alpha wolf and Louis is a hybrid kitten. They were roommates. While they were arguing about something stupid, Harry wanted to bend Louis over the kitchen table and knot him right there. He slowly accepted his feelings and extreme desire for Louis, so he started to tease the hybrid until he would beg Harry to fuck him. They fall in love.
Louis needs to feel comfortable with the camera so harry fucks him until he is blushing and calm and gentle.
16) I Went Astray To Make It Okay And He Made It Easy | Not Rated | 5537 words
Note: This is a sequel to #17 on this list.
Harry makes sure to put on his blue truckers hat that has 'if you ain't a fisherman, you ain't shit' printed on it to hold back his hair out of his eyes. He remembers when he came home after buying it and Louis went on for days about much he looked like such a Dad. He made sure to fuck him hard that night and show him that he's a fucking DILF not just a Dad. 
17) You Make My Heart Beat Like The Rain | Explicit | 6611 words
Note: This is the prequel to #16 on this list.
"You're stunning, eh?" Harry whispers, his Canadian accent thick with lust. It usually slips out when he gets horny because he knows it turns Louis on. Harry presses his lips into the curve of his neck. His hot breath makes Louis shiver. He opens his eyes and sees Harry's bigger, tattooed arms wrapped around him, completely engulfing his smaller frame—and, fuck, maybe he is up for it.
Why does his boyfriend have to be such a fucking DILF? He blames it on a twitter thread he read a few weeks ago.
18) Baby, Let Me Love You Goodbye | Explicit | 6837 words
Harry and Louis are going through a divorce after being together for 10 years, so Louis comes over to collect his things, and, well…what’s a little goodbye sex, just one last time?
19) A Place To Call Home | Mature | 8113 words
The thing is, he’s pretty sure he’s found home in a person in his life, someone who’s been essential in everything he’s done since he was seven years old. Through every broken bone, through every breakup, through every failure; through every triumph, personal and professional, and every goal he has scored in his time in Man U, there’s been someone there for it all.
That’s his best mate. Harry. A twenty-two year old with the kindest heart known to man, a slow drawl that is entirely too endearing, with the dreams to open up his own flower shop. A quiet and earnest boy with those he doesn’t know, and open and honest and absolutely lovely with those he loves.
It all hits him, really, the night of their final game of the Premier League. Again, timing is not his forté. They’re gearing up, ready to hit the field for the second half against Liverpool that determines their ranking in the League, when his brain decides to come online (after seventeen years, apparently), and conveniently supply him with the revelation that oh yeah, you’re kind of in love with your best friend.
20) To Love Without Reason | Explicit | 8854 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
“Come on in, soldier,” Louis pats Harry’s chest and walks away, leaving Harry to follow behind.
Harry stands in the living room, looking around at Louis’ dwelling. Family pictures placed high on a shelf, certificates of Louis’ practice, and other trinkets that make Harry entirely too nostalgic.
“I have to warn you,” Louis says as he puts the kettle on, the water droplets from his hair trickling down the golden skin of his back. “The door jams if you lock it so you'll have to leave it ajar.”
Harry acknowledges with a soft hum, too entranced by Louis’ glistening skin to form a coherent reply.
21) It's A Game We Play In The Sheets | Explicit | 9426 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
“Louis is… He’s a boy I’ve been talking to.” He bit his lip, grin evident. “After I watched one of his videos during a Harry Reacts a few weeks ago I messaged him and…”
His sentence was cut short by the sound of a timid little “Hi” being whispered into his ears.
Harry closed his eyes for a second, pausing to take in the online presence of the real-life fairy, before he opened them and smiled. “Hey Lou. Ready to play with me?”
22) One Track Mind | Explicit | 9911 words
“You have a lot of friends, huh?”
Harry nods again. “A few.” The muscles of his bicep flex under Louis’ touch, and the alpha looks a bit drunk from the feeling, his eyes blinking slower and lips quirking at the corners. He’s leaning in, his alpha scent surrounding Louis from all sides.
“Mm,” Louis hums, squeezing his fingers tight, just to hear the sharp way Harry inhales. Then, when Harry is least expecting it, Louis returns the earlier sentiment—leaning up on his tiptoes and pressing his weight into Harry for balance, drawing his lips up close to Harry’s ear, and whispering, “Why don’t you go tell them goodnight.”
23) See You When I Get Home | Explicit | 10308 words
"What are you thinking about?" He repeats Louis' question from earlier.
"You." Louis' reply comes out in a moan. It shocks Harry, and his brain scrambles for the right thing to do, the right thing to say. He doesn't even know how to feel, or if he even heard Louis correctly.
24) Floating | Explicit | 10435 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
The one where Louis has control over water in every form but he doesn't know what to do with it. Harry is here to guide him.
25) I'm At Your Mercy Now (And I'm Ready To Begin) | Teen & Up | 10552 words
Where Louis' soulmark was leaked, Harry keeps his private. They're both famous popstars. Louis is waiting for his soulmate, Harry has a feeling it's him but Louis is completely oblivious.
26) You And I 'Till The Day We Die | Explicit | 10807 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in the 80s)
27) Moonlit Sky Over Gentle Waters | Explicit | 11377 words
Harry left his hometown to sail the seven seas and returns seven years later, yearning for something — or rather, someone — that he isn't sure he can have.
28) Late Night Devil Put Your Hands On Me (And Never, Never, Ever Let Go) | Explicit | 11524 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a demon that feeds off of people’s nightmares. He finds his next meal in Louis’ dreams where he changes and molds them to become scary nightmares. Soon harry learns Louis is a lucid dreamer- he can act on his own in his dreams. They interact in the real world and have sex in the dream world. when the demon catches feelings for louis, he wants to live.
29) If You're Feeling Lonely | Explicit | 12807 words
The guest list is on the desk. Louis runs through it and stops a third of the way down, a familiar name catching his attention.
Harry Styles.
All he needs to do is confirm whether Harry Styles is the same Alpha whose scent left such a memorable impression on his body.
30) Want You To Play With Me | Explicit | 14335 words
"I'm quite not finished with you yet." Harry whispered right on the shell of his ears and squeezed the girth of his cock, making Louis shudder a sloppy puff of air as the tickling sensation ran through his spine, Harry was intoxicating. "Let me play with you a little more, Lou. I promise I'll give you what you want. Be my good boy, hm?" He slowly annunciated every word and licked a warm line on the nape of Louis' neck — Louis curled in his arms at that. Submitting himself a little bit more.
"Always wanna be your good boy." Louis whispered back and enveloped Harry's hand in his.
31) No Good Unless It's Real | Explicit | 17021 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Louis is a very busy farmer who’s just trying to make it to his next nap and Harry’s the new hot vet that’s determined to infiltrate every area of his life.
32) Tennis Court | Explicit | 18285 words
Louis and Harry are co-workers and Louis is sure Harry hates him because he always refuses to help him with his heats.
33) Joker Is Wild | Explicit | 18444 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 390: A reality show AU where Louis, Harry, Liam, Zayn and Niall are selected to stay at confined in a luxury mansion for 1 month, where they are required to have explicit, graphic sex at all times, like a porn Big Brother kind of show. Every week there are several different sexual tasks and trials that they must overcome together, which all ends in orgasms for all of them. When the boys all discover Louis is strictly a bottom, and a slutty one at that, they all can’t wait to get their hands on him. Bonus if other hot celebs are there too, like Shawn Mendes, for example. Includes lots of hard gay sex, rimming, blowjobs, gang bangs, ass worshipping (Louis ass, of course) and double penetration.
34) Baby, Let Me Love You Goodbye | Not Rated | 20249 words
Louis almost calls Harry daddy. Cue denial, feelings, and way too much dirty talk.
35) Give So Much (Not Enough) | Mature | 24610 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
“For my little lion,” Louis slid the smoothie bowl in front of Oscar, letting him dig in with his little hands. “And for daddy.”
He didn’t process the bowl in front of him, the push across the table causing a raspberry to roll off and fall on his lap, because Louis calling himself mummy may make him feel all sorts of mushy emotions, but Louis addressing Harry as daddy was suddenly having a very different effect on him. Since when did Louis saying daddy out loud render him speechless?
“Daddy’s still sleepy, but we’re up bright and early right Ossie?” Louis’ cooing shook him out of his daze. The man coughed, picking the raspberry off his lap and swallowing it with unintentional, and very unnecessary, eye contact with Louis. “Well, is it better than your protein smoothies and why?”
Harry chuckled, spooning another heap of the strawberry banana goodness into his mouth, “Way better sweetheart.”
A friends to lovers au with tons of mama Louis and domesticity.
36) Short And Sweet | Explicit | 29658 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Louis is a shy university student in a world scarce of male omegas. He's always dreamt of having an alpha despite his sheltered upbringing, fantasizing about being loved and cared for. He's immediately smitten by the mysterious alpha with curly hair, broad shoulders, and the addictive coffee scent.
37) Under Thorn And Bramble | Explicit | 31931 words
Note: The pairing of this fic is Louis/OMC. This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 445: A historical AU where Louis is working as a servant on a farm. The family that owns the farm is exceedingly cruel to him and he is often exhausted and in pain from his work. A mysterious stranger boards at the farm and is very intrigued by Louis, but Louis doubts his interest in genuine. Any pairing fine.
38) Pink In The Night | Explicit | 32324 words
His finger was tapping on Louis’ chat before Harry could even think about it, eyes reading over the last text he’d sent Louis. I miss you. Do you miss me?
Harry had felt so pathetic that December night, alone in the dark room of the Japanese apartment he’d been staying at, the strong smell of alcohol clinging to his clothes.
Louis hadn’t replied, but Harry wasn’t surprised; he had texted Louis a few times before while he’d been away, but there had never been a response.
It pained him to admit that this was their new normal.
39) Coeur De Pirate | Explicit | 34207 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
He tilts his chin up as the Captain strides across the deck, his footfalls falling loudly against the planks. The crew watches them from afar.
Stepping into his space, the Captain wraps an arm around Louis’ waist and pulls him in. He lowers his head to breathe his words against Louis’ cheeks. “I won,” he whispers, “I’ve come to claim my prize.”
40) If The Sun Don't Shine | Explicit | 36330 words
In a world where you meet your soulmates in dreams, Louis has spent the last three years going to bed hoping to finally meet his, only to end up disappointed time and time again. It all changes with a violin.
41) The Pirate And The Piper | Explicit | 38396 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
The one where Harry is Hook, Louis is Pan, and nothing is what it seems.
42) Begged And Borrowed Time | Mature | 40198 words
Prompt 60: Time travel AU where Louis somehow gets thrown back in time and ends up in the dark ages, during the reign of the Styles family.
43) I Ain’t Gonna Fence You In | Mature | 40645 words
Louis Tomlinson is a 18 year old city boy who is forced to spend his summer before his senior year at his aunts farm. There, he meets Harry, a 19 year old country boy his aunt hired to help around the farm.
Maybe the farm isn't the worst place to fall in love?
44) Don't Want No Other Shade Of Blue | Explicit | 43285 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 339: it was foretold that Alpha Prince Harry would be mated to a beautiful male omega with eyes that could rival the stone amethyst, but Omega Prince Louis refuses to believe it.
45) No Easy Choice, But You’re Mine | Explicit | 44963 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Louis is an omega hitman with one last job that goes a little sideways. Harry is the alpha bartender that looks a little too closely and cares a little too much.
46) Sedative Duty | Explicit | 46588 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Pop-star of the moment Louis Tomlinson is on his third-world tour. He decides to hire renowned professional dominant Harry Styles to unwind while on the road. In an effort not to raise suspicion by the crew, fans, and press, Harry pretends to be his bodyguard. He ends up being far more than that.
47) Just Always Be Waiting for Me | Explicit | 46837words
Note: Please be sure to check tags for any trigger warnings.
Harry Styles is a librarian at a private school who is not very devoted to his job but is very devoted to Louis Tomlinson, the resident English teacher, and has been ever since they met six years ago beneath a lonely streetlight.
Louis Tomlinson is a self confessed bookworm whose passion for Peter Pan, the literary classics and Harry Styles' happiness knows no bounds. He's self sacrificing, somewhat self loathing and haunted by a trauma he can't talk about.
Mutual pining abounds in this fic where a Peter Pan quote is never just a Peter Pan quote, caretaking is a love language and a platonic nude is never actually platonic. Louis has a kiss that belongs to Harry but he also has a painful past that might end up hurting them both.
48) Since The Future | Explicit | 48947 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
"It's done."
The words were barely above a whisper when they left Harry's mouth, but they hit Louis with the force of a freight train. It was done. Holy fuck. They had created a time machine. And tomorrow, they were travelling to the future.
49) Dirty Laundry Looks Good On You | Explicit | 50581 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
When Louis Tomlinson finds his clothes lying in a sad soapy mess on top of the washing machine in which they are supposed to be, he acts upon his anger and retaliates. What he doesn’t expect is having to deal with a six-feet tall, curly-haired and dimpled man in return, who seems to arouse confusing feelings within him and to make his life take an unexpected turn for the better (or worse?).
50) Hamartia | Explicit | 66970 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Six years is a long time for Louis to mend his heart back and erase every lingering, stubborn memory of his ex-lover, Harry Styles. But when news of the war being over spreads across the world like wildfire, and he stumbles upon the alpha he vowed himself to never see ever again, he realises that not even a lifetime will be enough for him to pick up the scattered, broken parts of his soul. He's far from expecting the alpha he loved to be struggling in the same way.
All the ointments in the world might never soothe the pain out, but it doesn't take long for them both to come to the conclusion that, maybe, the only medicine to their heartbreaks are what caused them in the first place.
51) Feeling Borrowed, Always Blue | Explicit | 68214 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
Louis has been dreaming of his wedding since he was young - he just never expected it to happen like this. words
52) Mind Over Matter (You Under Me) | Explicit | 73825 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest! Check out the full collection here.
It’s dark outside when Harry finishes practice for the day.
53) Rogue | Not Rated | 94992 words
Louis is a rogue Omega who's suffered through rejection and abuse for the biggest part of his life. He stumbles onto the Styles pack, quite possibly the kindness one he's ever met.
54) Chandeliers And Fake Smiles | Mature | 145010 words
On the brink of winning their first Grammy; up-and-coming rock band One Direction find themselves in the midst of the biggest scandal of their career - right before tickets for their world tour go on sale. in order to save their reputation, Louis Tomlinson must find it in his heart to forgive pop singer and heartthrob Harry Styles after his first impression rubbed him entirely the wrong way. after all, they cannot sell a relationship if it looks like they hate each other.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
The day he understood what Death means - Batfam x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : The youngest Wayne makes a shocking discovery...And will need his parents, siblings, and the one and only Alfred, to recover from it. /Drabble.
I don’t know. I was thinking about this. How when you’re a kid, realizing that one day you’ll die, but worst, that the people you love will die, is sort of traumatic...And wanted to write about it. So. Here we are, with little Thomas eh. I hope you will like it :) :
My masterlists blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives​
If you have no idea who Thomas is, he appears in those stories (long story short he’s the youngest kiddo, biological of Batmom and Bruce) : The Great Mall adventure, Master of Diaper Shaky steps and bad teaching, Polichinelle, “Go away, you’re confusing my baby”, Wild Child 2, “We want them back”, How do you make babies ?“ and Mom got lost again”
Realizing your loved ones are not immortal for the first time can be traumatic. 
Especially if they’re amazing, if they’re your heroes, if you admire them beyond all measure, if they love you unconditionally just like you love them so damn much, and if you can’t even imagine your life without seeing them every day.
If you can’t even fathom the fact that maybe, one day, they won’t be there when you wake up and go look for them. And that they will never be there again. 
And so it was particularly quite the shocking discovery for little Thomas Clark Wayne, 5 and a half years old, to find out about that certain thing called...”Death”. 
It happened on a moody, rainy Summer day. The weather outside was awful, even for Gotham City. And it meant that Thomas was calmly playing inside, rather than getting up to some shenanigans in the garden. 
His parents were home, it was one of those rare day they both had off. 
Which always filled little Tommy with joy. It wasn’t often he could get them both with him !! In the end, the fact it was rainy outside was good. It meant they’d probably all snuggle up later in the day, and watch a film, a mug of hot cocoa in their hands. 
You would probably throw a blanket over him, and keep him close, sandwiched between you and his dad. His father would fall asleep half-way through the film, which would annoy you and Damian. 
Damian would join for sure. Sitting next to you. Yes. He would. Maybe Tim too, if he wasn’t too busy with college ? Oh he would surely make the time to come. And Cass ? Yes. Yes Cass would be there, sitting in her usual spot, on the floor right in front of you (or maybe Tommy). Because she knew you’d gently run your hand through her hair, and your youngest son slowly took the habit to do the same. Which was so soothing to Cass...Duke would certainly be there, he never said no to a good movie. 
Maybe, because it was a rainy day, Dick and Jason would come too ? Unlikely, but Thomas could hope. He loved having his entire family in one spot. 
They’d ask him to do his “puppy eyes” and convince Alfred to join them too, and not work. 
Alfred had an armchair reserved just for him. Right next to the couch where Bruce would sit, leaving enough space for Ace to lay down (Damian’s dog, Titus, always preferred to be near his master, who would more often than not be sitting next to you, laying his head on your shoulder, even as he was not a child anymore...Yes, Titus sat next to Cass, at Damian’s feet, letting his head fall down in Cass’ laps). 
Ace...Ace didn’t feel well yesterday, and this morning, the “dog doctor” came. 
Thomas heard him say they needed to give him a...an “indection” or something ? (An injection, really) So he’d probably get better. Shots were supposed to get you better or to avoid you getting sick, that’s what you told him. 
His dad looked upset, but it didn’t alarm Thomas much. Because his dad was always upset when him or his siblings would get a shot, he hated going, so it was probably the same thing. 
Come to think of it, Thomas hadn’t seen Ace since the “vekerinarianan” (or whatever it was pronounced) came earlier in the day. 
He suddenly wanted some “doggle” (dog cuddles), and so he put down the toys he was playing with, and went to look for him. 
Maybe, he could also round up the rest of his family so they’d start movie time earlier ? 
Hyped to have some family time, as he considered his dogs family for sure, he went on the hunt to find Ace, and gather everyone else. 
If only. If only he had known...
“Aaaace !! Aaace ? Ace boy, where are you ?” 
This was odd. Usually, Ace would come running if he heard the little one’s voice. That dog loved children, and he made it his mission to protect all of them (bonus point if he had some snuggle, and a few treats, while doing it). 
Bruce told him long ago to protect his kids...So Ace was always there. 
Maybe he wanted to play hide and seek ? Thomas would play that game with Titus and Damian, Ace never seemed very interested, but maybe he changed his mind ? 
“Ace ? Aaaacceeee ?” 
The boy roamed the manor, but every room Ace would usually hang in were empty. 
Finally, he decided he’d ask his parents, who would usually hang out in...oh, they weren’t in their usual spot either. In their bedroom, maybe ? 
Thomas ran as fast as his little legs could carry him, sure that he would find Ace, and his parents, asleep in the master’s bedroom. When they had their day off, his mama and daddy would often take long naps together.  
Thomas immediately knew something was wrong when the door to the room was wide open. Slowly, he approached the place and...surely his parents were there. 
But something was off. 
His dad was laying in the bed, back to the door, his head laid in your lap. One of your hand was caressing his head soothingly, while the other was drawing calming circles on his back. 
Definitely something was not normal. You’d do that to your kids when they were sad, or sick...Was daddy sick ?! This gave Thomas a little fright. 
You whisper something into Bruce’s ears, and he doesn’t answer, just shaking his head to say “yes”. And so you stand up, after giving him a kiss on the cheek, and...You spot your youngest son. 
You smiled at him reassuringly, and go to him. 
“Hey little buddy. You should give a big hug to Daddy, he’s very sad today.” 
You say, walking past him and ruffling his hair. 
From the direction you were taking, you were going to the kitchen, and Thomas just instantly assumed you were going to brew some tea for his dad. When Bruce was sad, you’d always brew some tea for him, from his mother’s garden (which was kept up nice and clean by you and Alfred, now). 
Worried about his dad, Thomas slowly walked to him and climbed on the big bed. Bruce turned around to see what this new weight was, as he knew you had just left and...He smiled. 
Of this wide pure genuine smile he gave his family only. 
But there was a hint of sadness behind his eyes, and Thomas didn’t like that one bit. So the little boy crawled to his dad, and nestled next to him, wrapping his little arms around his dad’s neck and holding tightly. 
Bruce engulfed his son in his own arms, holding onto the little one, burrying his face in his hair. There was always something comforting, in the smell his kiddo had. It was a mix of your smell, which was always soothing to him, but also something more...Something soft and sweet. 
Just like his son. 
Little Thomas was the epitome of a sweet child. It was a miracle, a man like him made a child this cute and happy. Ah, but he wasn’t raising him alone of course. There was you, and his siblings, and Alfred... 
After a pause of the little boy holding his dad, he whispered slowly : 
“Daddy, why are you sad Daddy ? Please don’t be sad, it makes me sad too.”
Thomas unwrapped his arms from around his dad’s neck, and squished his little hands on Bruce’s cheeks. Which made Bruce sigh fondly, chuckling a little as he said, honestly (he shouldn’t hide this sort of things) : 
“Because Ace is gone.”  
There’s another silence, during which Thomas tries to understand why is the fact Ace went somewhere so sad. He cannot figure it out, so he asks : 
“But, he’ll come back daddy. Like always. Yes ? Ace is a good boy.” 
Bruce is clumsy in his grief. He always been. He’s not sure how to broach the subject to his son, how to explain to him their dog was just too old and sick to make it...He doesn’t know how to explain death to him. 
“Was ?” 
“Ace is gone for good.” 
“What do you mean Daddy ? Where did he go ? Why couldn’t we see him again ? Did he move out, like Dick ?” 
Oh. Oh the sweet innocence of a child that is maybe a little too sheltered by his family (he’s the youngest, the one they’re trying to keep away from the horror they see every day as much as they can...Although he’s still trained, all of them hope he will never become a Robin, or worst, a Batman). 
“Did he move out, like Dick ?” 
Sweet, sweet Thomas. Not able to even fathom that Ace is never coming back...and why would he ? How could he know what his father meant ? 
“No, no he didn't move out. He left us, to a place we can’t follow him to.” 
Another short pause. And you could see the gears in little Thomas’ head turning. After a little bit, he asks :
“...The toilets ?”
This makes his father chuckle, even in this sad times. But he continues : 
“No. Not the toilets. He...He went really far away, where we can’t ever see him again.” 
This idea is so foreign to your son, that he raises himself on one of his elbow and exclaims : 
“Why would he do that ? Does he not love us anymore ?” 
Obviously, the thought is distressing to the little bird. So Bruce says : 
“No no no, of course he still loves us...loved, us. But he had to go.”
“But why ?” 
“Because he was getting very old, and sick.”
“But we don't mind daddy, right ? We don’t mind ? He doesn't have to go away for that, I don’t care if he doesn’t play like he used to, I want him to stay ! Tell him daddy, call him on the phone to tell him to come back.” 
Bruce is lost. How ? How can he explains what death means ? He thought about this moment coming many times, but never told him anything as he thought that he had time to know what it meant. He had time...
How do you tell a child that one of his favorite “person” in the world is dead ?
“Unfortunately buddy, we have some sad news.”
His savior. You, as usual. With two cups of tea, and a cup of hot cocoa on a tray. As you went downstairs to get some “pick me up” for Bruce, you knew your son was gonna need it too. 
“What news mama ?” 
“Ace. He died today.” 
You actually thought about it as you were preparing everything for them. How to talk about this ? You decided to go with “honesty”. Not brutal honesty though. You weren’t about to traumatize your son. 
But you thought it was important he knew what happened to Ace. As a child, you hated how your brothers tried to make you think your ferret ran away to Las Vegas or something of the like. 
You understood this sentiment, of course. But you also remembered how betrayed you felt when you finally understood “death” and realized your beloved Mister Will Ferret was NOT in Sin City having fun, but just died...
The truth was important. 
Especially about such subjects. 
Children weren’t dumb. And they had every right to know certain truth.
Did you wish your son could stay innocent for longer ? Of course. But he still had a right to know what happened to his dog. To be treated like a person and be explained things. 
People, too often, treats children as some kind of idiots who wouldn’t comprehend complex things anyway, and who have to be protected at all cost from anything...
Kids were clever. You had a bunch of them to prove it so. But above that, although you agreed kids had to be protected...You weren't one of those person who thought you should lie to your children in order to do so. 
 Because one day, he’ll know what death is. He’ll know what happened to Ace. And what if the fact you lied that day, settles a slight distrust in him towards anything you’ll ever tell him ? Just like it did with you and your brothers ? 
No. You thought at first it was a good idea to delay such a conversation. But why ? Because it would make you more comfortable ? That didn’t sound very fair in regard of your boy.
Everyone always talked about “the birds and the bees” talk, but never about something that was even more inescapable than that...
You give him a few seconds to take in your words. “Ace died today.” You wait for his reaction. He seems to think about it, having vaguely heard of “death” before...finally he asks : 
“What does it mean ?” 
He’s sitting up in the bed now. Bruce did the same, encircling his arms around his boy protectively (old habits die hard). But he’s determined to explain things to him too. You and Bruce were always rather in sync, about how you should raise your children. 
“It means he will no longer be with us. He passed away to something else.” 
“To what ?” 
“No one really knows.” 
“Will we see him again ?” 
“Why ?”
“Because he’s dead.” 
“And being dead means you can’t see anyone anymore ?”
“Being dead means you are not living on this Earth anymore, so yes, you cannot see them anymore.” 
“It means we can’t see him ? And what do you mean not on Earth ? Is he in Space ? Can we see him if we go to the watchtower ?” 
“I mean in our life, we will not see Ace again. He won’t be with us ever again. He’s not in space, he’s just gone.” 
“Because he’s dead ?” 
“Because he’s dead.” 
“So, being dead means we don’t get to see someone ever again ?” 
“Ever ever ?” 
You decide to leave any conversations about a possible after-life aside, as it’s clear this, he’s not quite old enough to comprehend. So you keep on talking about the truth, with the support of Bruce. 
“Yes. Ever ever.” 
It takes Thomas a few minutes to take in all those new informations. Bruce is sitting on the bed, legs crossed, behind the boy. And your son is clearly lost in deep thoughts...Up until finally, finally tears are starting to well up in his eyes. 
“But I didn’t even say goodbye !”
“Unfortunately, we don’t always get to say goodbye...” 
“But mama, how will he know I loved him so much if I didn’t even say goodbye before he left ? How could you let him go before I did ?”
“I’m sorry, if I could chose I would’ve-...He knew you loved him and-”
“Are you going to die too ?!”
The dreaded question. Dreadest of them all, really. But you can’t lie to him. Not now that you started to explain things. 
“Yes. Everyone dies one day.” 
“But but but...but I don’t want you to die ! And Daddy ?” 
Bruce nods, and...and that’s when it finally happens. 
The awful moments your sweet innocent boy realizes what death sort-of means. That one day, none of his parents will be in his life anymore. Than one day, he’ll lose his siblings, and Alfred. 
Just like he lost Ace. Because he was “old and sick”. But...Thomas knew a lot of sick people ! And a lot of old people ! Were they going to die too, without him being able to say goodbye ?!
And so the tears started to fall. And oh, oh did they fall. 
Bruce held his son against his heart, drawing soothing circles on his back, just like you usually do. And you came to sit next to them, encircling them in your arms as well. 
Thomas was trying to talk, but nothing came out very clearly as he cried, cried, cried and cried some more. 
When he finally calmed down, he was slowly falling asleep, crying drained him of all his energy. That night, there was no “movie time”, but comforting snuggles with his parents... 
Thomas had finally discover what “Death” meant.
“Oh my God Thomas !”
Bruce’s heart drops.
The entire scene goes in slow motion, and the fearless Batman can see his entire life flash in front of his eyes, as his tiny son is running towards him, while a few thugs were about to shoot automatic weapons at him...
“There’s a kid ! There’s a kid !”
“Who cares, we have the bat right at our mercy, just shoot !”
“I can’t shoot a kid...”
“Should we shoot ?”
The few seconds of surprise after Thomas bursted in allow Damian to swoop down, and to get rid of everyone. Slowly, a serious face on, your son walks to his dad and, solemnly, he says :
“This was too close, father. And...Thomas...”
“I know Damian, I know.”
Your little boy was inconsolable, clinging to his dad.
They didn’t even have to ask him how he got there. It was obvious he somehow snuck into the Batmobile (which wasn’t that much of a surprise, although it was already quite a feat...Thomas was small, but also very stealthy, as he was taught to be).
He was only five, and it wasn’t really clear to him yet his dad was that “Batman” everyone talked about, that his siblings were also vigilantes...But he knew that when they went out at night, they were often in danger.
And that night. That night right after the one Thomas learned what Death was...He snuck in the car, so he would make sure “she” would not take her dad away ! Or her brothers and sister !
Only Damian and Bruce were in the car, on patrol together. The rest of the kids were scattered across the city, and you were taking care of the bat computer (nowadays you were the one doing so to give some relief to Alfred).
Thomas took the habit to fall asleep in the cave, in a bed there just for him...and he must’ve snuck into the car. 
It was nobody’s fault. It was very unlike the boy, to do such a thing.
He got into the car. When Damian and his father got out of it to apprehend a few of Two-Face’s thug, he stayed behind, looking at what they did...but when he saw those men about to shoot his dad (a proper ambush), he jumped out, punching every buttons (which was quite dangerous itself) to find which one opened the door, and then he ran to his dad...
The surprised probably saved Bruce. But it also almost killed him with a heart attack. 
What if those men didn’t hesitate long enough for Damian to take care of them ? What if they shot anyway, ignoring the surprising appearance of a small child ? What if they had recognize who that kid was, too ? (Unlikely, this was a time where Thomas was still quite sheltered from media, as you tried to give him a childhood as normal as you all possibly could). 
What if they shot anyway...
Bruce doesn’t think he would’ve survived the death of his youngest son. He was sure, actually, that he would’ve killed those men. 
That is, if Damian didn’t do it first. 
But it didn’t happen. It didn’t happen, but it was so close. So close. 
Later, when everything calmed down, Thomas would explain he jumped in the car to “keep death away”, to protect his daddy and brother. To make sure Death wouldn’t take them. 
And that's when you all understood Ace’s death, and the discovery that everyone dies one day, one way or another, truly was “traumatic” for your baby. 
From that point on, you made sure that Thomas would be in the cave...but this event. This event really unfolded a problem you knew you’d have to tackle truly one day. 
You just had no idea yet how to help your son. 
Damian had told Jason the debacle that was yesterday. About his parents explaining to their little brother what it meant to be dead. And about how it lead to Thomas sneaking into the Batmobile and running in front of danger to “protect” his dad. 
Because of where he grew up, Damian always knew what death meant. And he never cared much (or convinced himself he never cared much). He understood from a very young age what all this shenanigans was...
Jason did too. He found his mother, dead, when he was three years old. He grew up surrounded by death, in the gutter of Gotham. He knew. He did. 
But Thomas. 
Thomas was a “normal” 5 years old boy, as normal you can be in such a family. He trained a little, and sort of knew about his dad being “Batman” (but it seemed he didn’t understand he was ACTUALLY the Batman people talked about in the city). 
He spend most of his nights in a little area made just for him, with a bed and such, in the batcave (he hated sleeping upstairs alone, so he would sleep in the batcave and you’d pick him up to bring him in  his bed once you’d go to bed, and/or once the rest of your family would get home). 
So for a little one like Thomas, who was pure and sweet and nice...It was a shock, to know one day he’d lose the people he loved. 
He was inconsolable, at Ace’s funerals (thrown at the back of the Manor).  
He couldn’t get over the fact he didn’t get to say goodbye, and that he would never play with his dog anymore. 
It made it worst, that Ace’s death made everyone else sad. That dog truly was a member of the family... 
“I know you're feeling very sad. I'm sad, too. We all loved Ace so much, and he oved us, too.”
You told him a few times, tryin to put words on his emotions and helping him understand...God, to Damian, you truly were the most amazing mother. Always knew what to say, how to say it, when to say it.  
But Thomas was still blue, and it was so unlike his usual bubbly personality. 
And so, both Damian and Jason made it their mission to distract their little brother, and...it worked. For the most part. It really worked. 
Amongst all his siblings, Damian and Jason were the ones that loved having a little brother the most. Not that the others didn’t, of course ! They just were a little less willing to play for hours on end with a little kid. 
They were rather busy. Jason and Damian always found ways...They were an unlikely pairs at first glance. Most people would think Damian was the closest to Dick, and Jason too. But no. They were equally as close to all their siblings, in different ways. 
But Damian and Jason, they had an extra connection. Jason was there, when Damian was a baby. He didn’t remember his own name, and was used by the Al’Ghuls after they resurrected him...But he was still one of the only person in Damian’s life that truly valued him. 
Fate, right ? A funny thing. After all, how small did the world have to be for two of Bruce’s sons to meet in such a way ? A hidden son, and one he thought dead, at that ?! 
In any case. They were closer than most would think. And they also were linked not only by the Al’Ghuls, but by how they were both ripped off of an actual childhood, and therefor wanted to make sure their little brother had one too (Cass was the same, but more subtle, and discreet). 
And so...
They played, made art pieces, jigsaw puzzles, watched his favorite movies, cooked...Anything to take his mind off of “Death”. 
That little boy would overthink too much, for such a young age. 
But overall, Damian and Jason did a good job distracting him from the pain. 
They did an amazing job. 
You were so proud of how they took care of their baby brother (and it would give yourself more time to go cheer up the “Oldest Wayne”, your dear husband, who definitely had a hard time getting over his dog’s death...). 
Only, there was one problem...And that problem was that neither Damian nor Jason, just like everyone else, were immortal. 
And this, this, Thomas would realize very soon. 
“More compresses, Master Tim !” 
“On it Al !” 
The loud noises woke Thomas up. You knew. You knew you should’ve gone up to bed earlier. Tuck him in, and wait for your family to come back. 
Ah. But when they all arrived in the cave, ALL of them, including Dick who did not live at the manor anymore...You knew there was a problem. 
And indeed. Jason had been badly hurt. Not something that couldn’t be fixed, but ah, once again, too damn close. 
Everyone was on the tail of a high profile serial killer, the newcomer called “Dr Pyg”, and...Collateral damage. It happened, in this line of work. 
It wasn’t easy. Especially when it was one of your baby. But you had to keep a leveled head, as you helped Alfred fix your boy. 
You had taken medical trainings early in in your relationship with Bruce. For obvious reasons. And there was rarely a day it didn’t come in handy. 
In any case, all the noises around woke Thomas up. 
Before. Before he knew what death truly meant, he would’ve been worried. He would've cried. He would’ve been distressed. Of course. 
And one of his siblings would’ve taken care of him, reassure him, soothe and console him, and little Thomas would be ok again. 
Before he knew what death truly meant. 
He was so small anyway, most of the time he’d forget things, or just not understand them...but he was five now. Close to the age of reason. And definitely aware of his surroundings enough now to pay attention, and remember things. 
And he knew what death truly meant. 
He clung to Jason for dear life, even as everyone reassured him he was actually ok. Jason himself was conscious, he had been badly hurt but nothing he hadn’t seen before. 
He needed some rest for sure, but it was fine, really. 
It wasn’t fine for Thomas. He yelled, threw the biggest tantrum he ever threw, yelled some more that they should stop. That he didn’t want them to die. That whatever they were doing...He begged them to stop. 
Never before in your life, had any of you witness Thomas being in such a state. He was inconsolable. You couldn’t calm him down, no matter what...
And once more, it’s only because of exhaustion that he finally relaxed. But yet, still in his sleep, he clung to Jason’s sleeve, as if afraid his brother would be gone when he’d wake up. 
It tore yours and Bruce’s heart apart, to see your baby like this. But to be honest...neither of you knew what to do...
“Where’s Damian mama ? Where is he ?” 
Thomas was truly panicked. 
The first day, he thought maybe his brother was busy with school and such. The second day, he started to worry. But now ? Three days in a row with Damian not at the dinner table ? Or in his room ? Or in the batcave ?! 
It made Thomas anxious. What happened to his brother ? Was he...was he...DID DEATH TAKE HIM AWAY ? 
“Where’s Dami mama ? Where is he ?!”  Thomas kept asking, crying. And it took you moment to finally realize what your son must’ve thought. When you did, you picked him up and calmed him down, explaining Damian was simply over at Jon’s for a few days... 
And from that day on, you’d make sure to tell him why anyone would be gone for any amount of time. 
That night, Bruce and you talked about what you could do to help Thomas get over his consuming fear of losing one of you. 
But nothing really came to your minds. 
And it was awful, to feel like a failure like that. 
Later on, your Damian would tell you you were NOT failing at parents because you were a little lost about this. After all, none of your other kids got into quite a crisis like this one. He said maybe considering a therapist could do ? But oh, oh Thomas was so little. 
And if words were out that Thomas Wayne, barely five years old, was seeing a therapist ? The scandals would be unending, and would it really help your son ? 
Damian joined in in the search for a way to soothe his baby brother. He never said “no” to cuddles from him, but lately...Lately, Thomas almost became overbearing, as he made sure he’d always sort of have his eyes on everyone. 
And it wasn’t healthy, for such a little boy to worry so much. 
Damian missed his carefree baby brother. He knew he had to eventually grow up, of course, and that he’d have some hardships but...he was just five and a half ! He wasn’t suppose to be so scared of death ! 
And so he thought, nights and days, of a way to soothe him. But just like you and Bruce, this matter was quite delicate...
It seemed like Cass was the only one able to truly console him, and make him relax. She would sing him songs, just like you did to her when she felt sad. 
She would tell him tales of Death as a good thing, inspiring herself from many legends from around the world. 
She would try to put perspective on everything, in a way you truly admired. 
She never spoke too much, your Cass...But when she did, every words were carefully chosen and crafted into truly beautiful things. 
And it would soothe your boy. 
But only as long as he was with Cass. And he couldn’t always be with her. 
You didn’t have her talent to tell those tales, and your singing was working only for a few moments to put him to sleep but...you couldn’t always have him sleep. You had to think of more viable options. 
Nonetheless, when Thomas was really too anxious, Cass would be there. 
Relieving everyone of their worry, as she could calm her baby brother in matter of seconds. In those  moments, you wished time could stop. You truly did...
Thomas would cling to you and his dad the most. His siblings were often out and about, but you two ? Well you took some time off to be with your youngest son, to be there for him in this odd times...
And you weren’t sure it was such a good idea, in the end. 
He would often just snuggle up to you or Bruce, listening to your heartbeats, which would calm him...You’d normally never say no to hugs from your children. But this was all starting to become so unhealthy for the little one. 
What could you do ? What could you do ?!
Duke was panicking. 
Thomas was doing fine today, and Duke felt like he royally fucked up. 
Thomas was worried about Duke, telling him to be careful and that his heart would break if Duke ever died...Which melted Duke’s heart. 
It made him feel so loved and accepted. And he wanted to help little Thomas so much...
That’s when he made a rookie mistake. 
After all, he was still quite new at this “big brother” thing. 
“There are things worst than death.” 
Is what he told him. What was he thinking ? Reflecting on things, Duke realized he didn't think it through. To him, it was a soothing way to say death wasn’t that bad. But...Ah, ah it made Thomas cry. 
“What ? What is worst than not seeing you guys ever again ?!”  
At that moment, Duke hadn’t realized quite yet how much he fucked up. So he said : “Well, my parents can't remember me, can’t remember who they are...They’re not dead, but they’re not here anymore. They’re physically here, but they don’t know me, they don’t know how to hug me, they can’t be my parents anymore...Yet they’re still alive.” 
The horrified look on Thomas’ face is what gave him a hint that this really wasn’t a good thing to say...
“No no no wait Thomas, don’t cry please, I was trying to tell you...Wait Thomas, please, no. Oooh buddy, buddy I’m so sorry.” 
It almost made Duke cry too, to witness the one he considered his little brother in such distress. He wasn’t trained for this ! He wasn’t trained for this !!!
This was the first time Duke truly felt like an older brother, truly felt like he understood this important role. He had to think before saying something. He had to protect his baby brother. He had to find ways to soothe him...
“Ok here we are, here we are everything is a-okay, you’re ok, things will be ok...” 
Duke picked Thomas up, and started to rock him back and forth slowly, just like his own mom did to him...He mixed the way his mom used to put him to sleep, with your soothing singing. With words he borrowed from you. 
“I’m here, I’m here. Don’t worry I’m here, I won’t go anywhere. Things will be ok baby boy, things will be ok. You’re gonna be ok. I’m not going anywhere. I didn’t mean any of it...” 
Duke had been living with you for a while now. He came to see all of you as his second family, even as his parents were still alive, and a constant chain holding him back at times...a chain that broke right at this moment. 
Thomas was his little brother. He truly was. 
And Duke was determined to be there for him. Especially after he made him cry. 
“It’s ok Tommy, cry all you want. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to cry.” 
You always told him that. It was ok to cry. To be angry. To want to break everything. To want his mom...
But you were his mom too now. You were. And you had such a way with words. Such a soothing touch. Even as he was grown up now, you always knew what to say. You always did. 
“You’re ok, right ? Yeaaaah you’re ok. See, things are fine, we chill, we chill.” 
Duke was slowly swaying from left to right, Thomas in his arm, slowly lulling him to sleep, calming him down. His voice seemed to have the same effect than yours...Because he was calm. And because he meant it.
The love. 
The love he had for this little boy. 
It poured out of him, easily, naturally. 
He loved that kid so much. And he wanted him to be ok. And it seemed like Thomas ? Thomas felt it. He felt the love. Just like Duke felt the love of all of you...
That little bean put himself in such a state at the mere thought of Duke dying, of one of his brother leaving...And Duke. Duke realized he felt the same. 
Couldn’t imagine any of them dying. 
And so he poured love in his every word, and swayed from side to side, calming Thomas, and making sure he knew...He knew that, he was right there. 
Right there. 
“You’re getting old, Alfred.” 
You said jokingly, as you beat him at chess. And oh. Oh what a mistake you just did. 
“Old ? I don’t want you to die Alfred, I don’t !” 
Thomas was playing next to you. You hadn’t thought about his “trauma” for a little while as he seemed to feel a little better lately...But oh, he plunged right back into it there. 
Because of you. You felt absolutely awful...
“I’ll fight Death for you Alfred ! I will ! I won’t let her take you !!” 
It took a while, as it became usual now, to calm him down. He was ready to throw hands with Death. Fierce that no one would take his “grandpa”. But he was still very scared and sad...
“I’m a terrible mother...”
You told Bruce that night. And he held you against him, consoling you, saying it wasn’t your fault and that it was just friendly banter with Alfred as usual...
“You are the literal opposite of a terrible mother, my love.”
“But Broosh, I made him- I-” 
You sniff, unable to control your sobs as you remember your poor little boy holding Alfred and yelling at Death she can’t take him. The poor butler himself didn’t even know how he could do anything to calm him down...
“We’ll find a solution my love, we’ll find a solution...” 
This entire night, Bruce stayed up although he was exhausted, so he could soothe you and take care of you. Skipping patrol (knowing though the city was safe with his children out). 
At some point during the night, Thomas came to your room. 
It was often, lately, that after a nightmare he’d come running to you. His nightmares would often be about losing you...
You had finally fallen asleep, in your husband’s arms, and Bruce gestured to your boy to not make too much noice. 
Sweet little Thomas acquiesced, and slowly came to the bed, taking the hand his father gave him. 
Bruce was about to fall asleep too, knowing you had finally found sleep...But now, he wasn’t going to. Not until he made sure his son was asleep as well. 
All he could do for now, was being there for you two. Try to soothe you as best her could. As best he could...
Sleep was restless and full of nightmares. 
Dick would try to often visit his parents and siblings. As much as he could, which wasn’t always easy, with his work in Bludhäven. But nothing is more sacred than family...He realized that over the years.
During those moments, it would be rather normal for Thomas to go settle in his oldest brother’s laps. He would make the most of seeing him.
So today, as Dick was in the kitchen trying to make himself a cup of coffee, it was no surprise when little Tommy came to see him.
You had bought a new espresso machine, and Dick had no idea how it worked...Slowly, his littlest brother came in, dragged a chair next to him, and used it to climb on the counter.
He then started to make Dick’s cup of coffee, without much of a word being exchanged. Dick smiled widely, his little bro was so cute and clever. In no time, he had make a great cup of coffee for him.
But...Something seemed to bother him. Tommy was an exuberant child when around his family, but he had been quiet right there. He didn’t jump in his brother’s arms like he usually does, and he wasn’t telling him all about what he missed since last time he came in !
Was it still this all thing about being worried about death ? 
“Are you ok little wing ?”
Ever since Jason, “Little Wing” or “Bird” became the common denomination for his younger siblings. A term of endearment that they all (secretly or not) loved.
Tommy seemed to think a little, while raising his arms, signifying he wanted Dick to pick him up.
Dick did, of course, and they went to sit at the kitchen counter, and as usual, Tommy settled down on Dick’s laps. He turned around and, after another short pause (Dick always knew when to stay silent, and wait for the other person to speak first) said :
“Dickie, are mom and dad not your mom and dad ?” 
“Mm ?” 
“Your real mom and dad, they died ? You can’t see them no more now ?”
There was a lump in Dick’s throat. Not because he thought about his parents no. He actually came to peace with their death long ago now. And though he missed them every day, it didn’t hurt as much as it used to. 
He was lucky to find another loving family...From which that little worried kiddo in front of him was an important part of. 
“Yes, I can’t see them anymore.”
“It hurts ?” 
“It used to. Now less. I miss them, but I wasn’t alone.”
“Because you have our mom and dad ?”
Dick ruffles his hair fondly. 
“Do you wish you’d still have your real mom and dad ?”
“Mom and dad ARE my real parents too. I was lucky enough to find new ones. Not everyone is as lucky, like dad. He was alone for a long time” 
“What about Alfred ?” 
“It took dad a while to realize that Alfred was a second father to him” 
“So...Will you be my second dad if dad goes ?” 
Dick feels another lump in his throat. Bigger this time. 
He couldn’t even imagine the day he’ll lose this “second dad”, this one he had now called “dad” for longer even than his own biological father...Dick was 8, when he came into yours and Bruce’s life. 
He spend more  years with you two than with his “real” parents. You never replaced them, no. You just..became his parents too. 
He would never forget his biological parents. But he would never diminish the impact his adoptive one had. The love you and Bruce gave him. 
Would he be good enough to be Thomas “second dad” ? After all, he currently had about the age Bruce had when he adopted him...
But Dick couldn’t imagine losing Bruce too. Losing another father. No. He couldn’t. He couldn’t. 
Thomas was already moving on, asking more questions : 
“Will I find another mom and dad too if mom and dad die ? Or will I be alone like dad ? Will I have Alfred forever ?”
“I-I don’t know buddy.”
“What if I lose all of you at the same time ? I will be all alone then.” 
“You won’t.”
“But what if I do ?” 
“I’ll always be there.” 
“You can’t know that, can you ?” 
“Maybe, but this will never happen. You will never be alone.” 
“You really think so ?”
“I Do. And I promise little wing, I promise...You won’t lose all of us. You won’t.” 
Dick held his brother even tighter against him, and missed the unconvinced expression on Thomas’ face. 
Your youngest son was still utterly terrified of losing any of you. But his terrible fit would pass now, he would calm down more easily, and wouldn’t cry until exhaustion...But it didn’t mean he wasn't afraid anymore. 
“Death” was still a constant on his mind. One of the biggest question. Without much answers. 
His mother and father said no one knew what happened after “death”, but Thomas wasn’t convinced. So he went to the only one he knew would tell him the truth, and was most likely to know...Tim.
His older brother was currently in the garden, studying for his finals. But oh he’d take a break for his little brother, of course. 
Especially lately, as said little brother was overly worried and needed constant reassurance. 
“Hi Timmy.” 
“Hey little one.” 
“Bothering you ?”
“You are not bothering me, never.” 
“Can I ask you a question then ?”
“Of course.” 
“What happens when we die ?” 
Not something Tim could say he expected to be asked. Even as he knew Thomas was sort of obsessed with this lately. And ah...Ah he started to get lost into physiological effects of death, into science, into things Thomas could definitely not understand...
And into things he didn’t care about. 
Thomas had no interest in knowing what happens to the corporeal side of things. To our bodies. He wanted to know where “we” went. Where the being went. The conscience. 
Of course he wouldn’t word it that way, but it was easy to understand that it was what he meant when he said : “where do we go when we die ?”. 
After a long time of Tim getting lost in many complex explanations about decomposition (what the Hell Tim ?), he finally stopped as he saw that Thomas was most definitely lost.  
“Where do we go after we die ?” 
“Yes. What happens ? You must know, you know everything !” 
The faith his littlest brother put in him made him feel warm inside but...unfortunately on this subject he had to disappoint him. 
“I..I don’t know about this, actually.” 
Thomas looked crestfallen. Was nothing sacred anymore ?? Death existed, and the one he thought would always have a solution to everything didn’t know something that important !! 
“There’s many theories.” 
“What’s a theories ?”
“One theory, multiple theories. A theory is...an idea of how things might work.” 
“What are the theory ?” 
“Theories, plural.” 
“What are the theories ?” 
“Well. Some people think that you go into some kind of afterlife. It depends the culture, and the religion, and...many other factors. But there’s usually a few places we can end up.” 
“And we’ll see the people who died there ? We’ll see them again ?” 
“Supposedly so.” 
“Is it sure ?”
“No, it’s just a theory.” 
“You said a theory is an idea of how things might work.” 
“An idea that might not be proven.” 
“What’s the point then ?” 
“I don’t understand...”
Of course he didn’t, he was a smart little boy...But still just five. Tim sat down to his level, and looked at him in the eyes : 
“Well. You have to understand that um...No one knows what happens after death. So we have to make theories, things that might or might not be. You understand ?” 
“Well, since we don’t know, we make things up. But maybe those things are right. Maybe they aren’t.” 
“So the answer is we don't know ?” 
“Yes. But there are theories ?” 
“Ok. So aside from the place we see others again, what are the theories ?” 
“Well (...)” 
Tim was a patient boy. For hours and hours, he tried to explain every single “theory” people might’ve had about what happens after Death. And Thomas listened carefully. 
Finally, Tim was done, and his brother said : 
“So...No one really knows, and there’s a lot of theory...ies. Theories.” 
Thomas looked so discouraged. Tim was very well aware that none of what he told him really helped his brother, or reassured him...But ah. Tim was known to not lie. Which was a good thing. And he couldn’t possibly have a free conscience if he had told his brother just one theory of the after life, the nicest one, just to reassure him. 
Of course, he wanted to reassure him. To distract him. But he would do so another way. Lying to him was not it. 
Still, it was so disheartening to see this sweet little boy so crestfallen. 
“Um, Well...I guess some people know.”
Thomas looked up at his brother, hopeful, waiting for him to continue. 
“Like Constantine. But um, he’s sort of crazy. And dad doesn't want him around the house for...reasons you’ll understand when you’ll grow up. And-”
Ah but Thomas wasn’t listening to Tim anymore, and his monologue as to why maybe John Constantine wasn’t such a reliable source.   
“Constantine” huh ? Interesting. Ah. Sometimes, Tim forgot how smart his little brother truly was...for a five years old. And how he took after his father, when it came to memory and attention to details. 
This constant worry went on for quite just a few days. A few very eventful days, that were so...exhausting. Thomas was constantly scared for your lives, and would cry if anyone got hurt too much. 
He would follow you around, and be way too stressed for such a little bean. 
Everyone came to hide their injuries from him, tried to distract him from what they were doing when out as the Bats...But it was becoming a real problem. 
How ? How could they make a little five years old understand that he couldn’t forever be afraid of death ? It was impossible. None of you, not even you, had the right words. There were no right words anyway. 
You could tell him whatever you wanted, it’d never make him stop thinking about Death taking one of you with her, taking one of you far away from him. 
“A place he cannot follow you to.” 
How ? How could you help ?!
But the change had to come from within him, you would soon realize. 
About a week after Ace’s death, and a truly painful few days of everyone being lost and unable to help the baby of the family... he suddenly spoke up, at dinner time : 
“Mama, mama, if one day you die, I will bring you back. I promise. Same for daddy, and Dick, and Jason, and Cass, and Tim, and Duke, and Damian, and Alfred. I don’t know if we can bring dogs back, but humans yes ? And worst case scenario, I’ll conjure your spirit so I can say goodbye, and then I’ll know we’ll see each others again !”
“Wh-What ?” 
“Stunned” doesn’t quite cover how you felt at your son’s sudden tirade, at dinner that night. Everyone was here, a rare occasion. Your one dinner a months that was mandatory for all your kids ! To make sure you’d all have moments together. 
And boom. Came this monologue out of nowhere, from your small little five and a half years old son. 
Stunned. Not a strong word enough to describe you, or your other children. 
But Bruce. Oh Bruce. Bruce was frowning. Narrowing his eyes in a way you knew perfectly well...It meant he was angry at someone. 
“Who told you all this, son ?” 
“Mister Constantine.”
A growl. A scary growl. From deep within your husband’s throat. You would NOT want to be John next time he’d see 
“How did you talk to him ?” 
“I used your phone.” 
“I don’t have his number on my...Wait, the bat phone ?!” 
“Yes. The one you call uncle Clark on !”
“What the-...how did you-ugh ?!” 
There were so many questions. So many. 
“I copied what you do, on the phone. And I asked it if it could call the Constantine.” 
“The Constantine”, this better not be a stupid way he called himself in front of his son, Bruce thought. Ah, and curse the fact he kept having kids that were too damn smart for their own good ! 
Kids this days. Growing up with technology. Able to work a batphobe at age 5 and a half !! 
“Hope I helped little man - John Constantine”, said the note that came to the manor a few days later. Which made Bruce fume with rage, but Thomas beam happily. 
Bruce was already planning to go after John, and force him to say what he told his son. But...But...
To be honest. Whatever he said. You didn’t care. You knew, more than anyone else, that “Death” wasn’t as definitive as it sounded at times. And you knew for certain there was something after you died. What ? You couldn’t be sure. But something. Another place. Or maybe reincarnation ? Who knew. 
Deep in your heart though, you knew that no matter what, if you ever were to die...You’d see your family again. You weren’t sure how or where. It was just a certainty in your heart. A gut feeling. 
Yes. You didn’t care what John told your son. If it could help him accept that everyone will die one day. Didn’t mean he wasn’t afraid of losing you anymore. Oh no. But at least...At least he knew worrying about it lead nowhere. And to truly enjoy the moments of the present. 
Whatever John said, it helped your son. That’s all that mattered. And as Thomas would grow up, you knew he’d understand things more and more. 
He already knew he was luckier than many people. He had a loving family. They were all there with him for now (minus Ace, whom he missed every day). A lot of people couldn’t say the same thing. 
Death was an odd thing. Especially in the World you lived in. 
It wasn’t as definitive as some would say.
Your family knew that more than anyone else.  
Death was an odd thing, that wasn’t always the ultimate end...
This, one day, Thomas would truly understand. 
The end 
And here we are :). Just a quick thing again, my bigger story (fake boyfriend trope with Bruce hehe) is coming soon. But in the mean time, felt compelled to write about this. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and liked it ? Not my best work :/, another quick drabble written very late at night eh. But nonetheless, fun to write ? Hope it’s not a disappointment, it’s just a thing to make ya wait for a more elaborate thing that I took a lot of care writing. Anyway it’s 4 am, time for bed :).
If you did, don’t hesitate to leave a little feedback or/and to reblog :). If you didn’t as well really, it’s always good to know what’s not good so I can improve (just stay civil please). 
PS : Bonus point if you get where I’m trying to arrive at with those last few words about how definitive death is :p. 
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1ddotdhq · 4 years
◟̽◞̽ Tues 24 Nov ‘20 🐠
Grammy Nominations and Live Shows OH MY!!
LOUIS’ BACK!!! And I don’t mean “oh he liked something on Instagram” or “oh he tweeted about a RHCP concert”, I mean he’s going to be doing a VEEPS LIVESHOW! And so we solve the mystery of the Spotify vids (they were a stage!): a few hours before the announcement, he tweeted, “Hope you’re all doing alright. Exciting stuff coming up!!”, and then left the masses to wonder what could possibly be happening and when. Three anxious hours later: “So excited to announce that I’m getting my band and crew back together to put on a special show for you all that will be streamed December 12 [!!!adkhfkadhfjj!!!] and will be available for 28 hours after. The show will support 5 important causes very close to my heart”. The causes Louis Tomlinson Live From London will support are FareShare (they redistribute food to communities in need), CrewNation (the LiveNation COVID crew fund), StageHand (similar to CrewNation, but UK based), Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, and paying Louis' own touring crew! The tickets go on sale TOMORROW. If you can't afford one, Luke Massie (founder and CEO of Vibe Tickets) is giving funds away on twitter to fans who want to watch the show! “I’ll do my best to help as many of you as I can see him and his amazing crew perform,” he said. Louis has said that there is no cap on the ticket sales, so I’m taking him at his word and hoping that Veeps is prepared for what's about to happen (they're REALLY not lol.)
And that’s not all!! The press release for the show promised “songs from… ‘Walls”...alongside a few surprises” (I - could it - new music????), as well as “an exclusive range of new merchandise” that comes out tomorrow! The merch proceeds will go to the charities listed above. And! The Telegraph published an interview! Louis promises AN UPCOMING NEW ALBUM (“I had basically penciled down a plan before corona took over our lives”). He says again that he wants to move into the KMM style rock sound, “I think there were some songs where I took slightly more risk and owned what I love, saying, this is who I want to be..there is a certain energy in [KMM], in its delivery, in its attitude, that I want to recreate. People are struggling at the moment so I want to create a raucous, exciting atmosphere in my live show, not a somber, thoughtful one.” He says that he wants this next album to be more optimistic, because that is who he is, but new songwriting is HARD during a pandemic: for him (like for all of us), his days have fallen into a routine, and so he has no ‘new experiences’ to draw from. And, once again, Louis brings up John Frusciante and how he “fucking wishes” he could chat with him. Louis - drop your RHCP stan account PLEASE! We also learned that fans were RIGHT in speculating that he’s been in LA recently (though likely not for the reason the Telegraph wants us to think). About his travels, Louis says, “[The spot he goes to] is remote and kind of weird, and I’m going to go there for three days and write. I don’t know why I’m so drawn to it... it’s got some very interesting (peculiar?) locals who live there...it feels like you’re going back in time when you’re there.” ANY COMMENT, @/visiteroda??? And, in a rare look ahead, Louis reveals that he wants to manage an all-women’s rock band playing instruments (hey, friend, you know where women could play instruments? YOUR OWN BAND, MY DUDE! Just a suggestion). He said that his process with Syco had become “challenging and frustrating” because the kinds of artists he wants to develop aren’t “ready-made” - he sees a lot of artists that were “rough and ready” but labels want to see “something that works straight away”. But with Syco dust in the wind he can get back to it: HELL YEAH! The band he’s currently got his eyes on is Fickle Friends (an indie Brighton all-female rock band); he says this is the kind of band he wants to manage, “because there’s no one in that space. And I know eventually if I don’t do it, someone else will!”. Guys, I say this a lot, but really, Louis is about to make some WAVES in that space and I can’t WAIT to see it play. But first the concert, please!
AND!!!!!! Harry has been NOMINATED FOR THREE FUCKING GRAMMYS!! GUYS, HE MADE IT! The categories he is up for are: Best Music Video (Adore You - the TASTE), Best Pop Solo Performance (Watermelon Sugar), and BEST POP VOCAL ALBUM! I know that we’re always like, Grammys mean nothing, and how can we feel otherwise 1D was never nominated, but this is a MILESTONE in his career, and I am so happy to see his work getting the recognition it deserves! There were no nominations for him in the general field this year (artist or record of the year) BUT just you WAIT. Everything that Harry does makes me think that he is gearing up for a very long and successful career and I am. Very Happy for him. And so is everyone else! Harry’s friends, family, colleagues, and labels have all been quick to congratulate him on his well deserved recognition. In other Harry news, we got some stills from an Austrailian movie called “Holding the Man” which bear remarkable similarities to the Golden music video. (Were Harry's Vans really in there as a tribute to the film or did that part just work out very well for him??) The movie and the song don’t have anything in common thematically except being gay, but it really looks like a visual homage to this film (or, my personal theory, a fix-it fic to give it a happy ending!). And! Harry was papped on the DWD set with Florence Pugh again today, in a suit and an opulent background - it’s hard to make out Harry’s face, but I think we can guess that it's beaming in pride, as it should be.
GQ Spain did a piece on Liam’s Hugo capsule, praising it for being “the utilitarian style” (“the star trend of 2020”). They’re very nice about it, and seem to be genuinely interested and like the color scheme of the clothes: “the monocolor look...is an irrefutable argument in men’s clothing”. They also praise the collection for being an example that “you don’t need to spend hours in front of a mirror to dress like the best dressed men on the planet”. All of these were meant to be compliments, I SWEAR! Niall was around on Twitter yesterday, reminiscing about the time when some fans asked Justin Beiber to take pictures of them with Niall, it's true Niall that IS hilarious and also good psychic timing: that's EXACTLY how relevant Justin Beiber should be (yes I AM bitter the Weeknd was ROBBED). He also congratulated Shawn Mendes for his documentary, “So proud of this boy. He’s smashed it and always so humble. Well done to everyone involved.X”. I have not seen this documentary but if there are any more “Camila Cabello orders bananas at sushi restaurants moments” PLEASE let me know!
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fenheart87 · 3 years
Tall Cappuccino
Felt good to finish something and it started the ball rolling on other WIPs that I've been neglecting. Enjoy this humorous one shot based off my mom and her best friend creating a "coffee code" to talk to about cute guys and it backfiring. Did not work as well as it does for these two though.
“Girl, you need to get over Greg-” Alya started, opening the door to the coffee shop and holding it for Marinette and a few other customers.
“His name was Fillippe.”
“Or whatever his name was and get back out there! You are so sweet and beautiful and your parents have the best pastries in Paris-”
“Are you proposing marriage to me or my family?” Marinette frowned playfully when Alya reached out to pull her ponytail.
“Hush you, my point is we need to scout for potential dates for you. We can treat it like undercover research, a much better version than those schemes from our lycee days. Oh, we can have a codename for the hot guys we see so we’re not obvious about it. So where do we want to start looking?” The reporter stepped in line, glancing at the menu with half hearted interest.
“My dreams?” Marinette scooted forward so a barista could pass through, the balance of that many drinks was an amazing feat.
“I’m just saying you need to open your horizons and take a chance. You could get any guy’s number you so much as smile at and while I’m glad you don’t use your powers for evil, you need to use them to snag a boyfriend.” “All lies, do you think the caramel mocha will have caramel or just be a poor imitation?” Marinette pondered aloud, scanning the drink specials but not impressed by anything.
“You’re so coffee obsessed… Hold on a minute, what if we made a code using coffee to scope out some guys? Then maybe you obsession for coffee will lead you to true love instead of just a heart attack!” Alya grinned at her suggestion, not in the slightest put off by the dark glare coming from the shorter woman.
“Fine, since you’re so adamant about it, you buy me coffee every time we meet up to find my ‘perfect cup of coffee’ and you have a deal.”
“See, you’re already getting into it!”
The agreement took a couple weeks before they could actually start looking as both women had jobs that kept them busy and spare time didn’t match up often. A couple weeks later saw Marinette walking into the coffee shop named The Brew and savoring the rich smells of freshly crushed coffee beans. Alya had texted her that she made it first and had ordered a large cup of the newest creation for her and to not be late if she didn’t want cold coffee. Spotting her friend’s red hair, Marinette made her way over to the table and dropped herself into her chair.
“You are a zombie before coffee, it’s kind of creepy.” Her best friend pushed forward the cappuccino topped with whipped cream and sprinkles. “Drink up, I need your brain working to remember our code or we’ll never get anywhere.”
“I told you not to over plan it and you did anyways didn’t you?” Alya nudged the drink closer until she had to pick it up to keep it from falling in her lap. “Fine, three minutes.”
“I know girl, now you enjoy that and I’m going to get you a muffin and I want a scone.”
Marinette eyed the drink in suspicion but took a sip anyway, it was mocha with chocolate chips. Sighing in relief that the sprinkles were harmless decoration, until she would get to the part where she risked inhaling them with her coffee, the designer took a few more drinks. Slowly she could feel the warm feeling spread, her mind finally kicking in gear and half of it planning out her work for the day and the other half worrying about what insanity her best friend cooked up.
“Okay, so you like cappuccinos the best and you like chocolate chip muffins. Cappuccino is like an 8-10 and muffin is 5-8, hot chocolate can be a 3-5 and water is anything less. That’s how we can judge the drinks and get a better idea on what your perfect drink is.”
“You are terrible but okay, free coffee is hard to say no to.”
The first day was a total bust, no Alya I’m sure I’m not interested in girls, and they tried two coffee shops before they had to get back to their lives. Meeting up whenever they could was nice because it brought them closer instead of being too busy to talk longer than a few short calls or messages here and there. Although Alya enjoyed sending pictures and asking for a coffee rating of random guys, to which Marinette would reply with the matching emoji and sometimes even send some artfully taken pictures back.
A random Tuesday found them back at The Brew and for once Marinette beat Alya to the coffee shop. Deciding as it was midday and not early morning, she could wait for her coffee supplier to get there before ordering, Marinette found a table. Pulling out her phone to check for any updates from her best friend, and seeing none, she pulled out her current draft sketches and set to fixing or modifying the parts that didn’t blend with the look she was going for. Every so often the bell would ding and draw her attention, even going so far as to take a picture and send it with an emoji to Alya who was still stuck at work.
“Okay, this isn’t working but why?” The designer mumbled to herself, attention broken easily as she needed a distraction and turned her gaze to the door. A mistake because the man that walked in was stunning in the subtle smokey way, ripped jeans and well loved hoodie complete with steel toed boots. After her designer side was satisfied she skipped to his face and lost her breath. Blue, blue eyes brought out by the blue tipped hair and easy smile as he waved to the baristas in greeting. Quickly she opened her phone and texted Alya a hastily typed CAPPUCCINO. In perfect but dramatic timing her best friend loved so much, Alya walked in right as she sent that text.
“Hey girl, sorry to keep you waiting. There was an issue with the main story and printing and it was a nightmare! You didn’t have to wait to get a coffee, I would’ve paid you back.” She took off her jacket and hung it on the back of the chair along with her reporter messenger bag. “Oh well, I’m here now so what do you want today?”
“That tall cappuccino.”
“You and your obsession girl I swear. Should I surprise you with the flavor?”
“Nope, I want that tall blueberry cappuccino.” Marinette tried to hint towards the cute guy who was giving his order at the counter.
“Tall blueberry cappuccio?” Alya studied her for a moment, following her eyes to the blue haired stranger. “Oh, oh, got it! Good taste girl, you sure want the blueberry cappuccino? Different from your usual tastes.”
“Were you not the one who said I need to broaden my horizons and try new things with an open mind?”
“True, well then I’m hungry so I’ll be back.” Alya joined the line and left Marinette waiting anxiously. To distract herself, she focused on her sketch that was being stubborn. A ding from her phone had her admitting defeat and putting away her sketches in the folder she carried. Turning on her phone, the designer saw a picture message from Alya titled hot cappuccino. Clicking on it, the picture loaded to show a very fine rear encased in well loved black denim which happened to be the exact same pants her tall cappuccino happened to be wearing. She was going to kill her best friend.
"They don't have any muffins but you can share my scone if you want." Alya returned to her seat, offering the scone to Marinette who declined.
“Excuse me, I overheard you mention that you were interested in the tall cappuccino with blueberry so I thought I would bring you one.” Said tall blueberry cappuccino had stopped by Marinette’s side of the table and waited with a smile, with drink in hand. Alya pursed her lips in amusement, hiding her laughter by taking a sip of coffee. The designer’s desperate look of ‘oh god why me, help!’ was missed by the stranger as his name was called for the rest of his order.
“One scone and croissant roll for Luka, who had the order for the blue caps!”
“Ah, that’s me,” He smiled at the dazed woman, setting the drink down. “I hope you enjoy the drink. It’s a favorite of mine and Joel makes it the best if you want to order it again. Have a good day ladies.”
“Mm, very nice cappuccino.”
“Alya, no! You just can’t leave me like that!”
“Babe,” Alya looked around and lifted her feet to look under them, “where exactly did I go?”
“You know what I mean!” Marinette groaned and hid her face behind her hands. “I totally had no response and I was not expecting that at all. He must think I’m lame.”
“There’s always the next cappuccino or you can always reorder the blueberry.” The reporter relished in the drawn out groan from her best friend, finishing off her scone.
The pair ran into Mr. Blueberry Cappuccino a few more times over their next several outings to scope out possible dates or let Marinette vent about her failed ones. The Brew was becoming a second home and the employees were starting to remember the woman and their orders. Today they even had their favorites prepared only to find out it all had been paid for.
"Already paid for honey, someone must think you're cute." Joel winked in a flirty way, making Marinette laugh as his boyfriend smacked his shoulder on the way by.
"Uh-huh, what makes you say that exactly?"
"Well honey, not just any man buys a pretty lady a drink. And not just any man continues to do so when his lady of interest is missing a very big clue." Joel smiled and waved to an elderly couple as they left, turning to grab some muffins for the table of six for the kids. "He's not being very subtle and I feel like you don't know when someone is into you versus just likes what he sees. So, pay attention to your drink this time and please make or break his heart."
"Whatever you say Joel, whatever you say." The designer finally took her drink back to the table where Alya was already working.
"Sorry girl, I have to edit these and figure out the order by tomorrow. Any good drinks lately?"
"Bunch of water, glad to finally get a taste of my cappuccino again. Can you believe they won't let us have anything but water? Like I get it around the fabric and materials but not even in the break room." Marinette ranted waving her hands slightly until she knocked over her cup. "Oh! Geez I am such a klutz."
"Girl, when are you going to find a good luck charm to counter all that bad luck?"
"You know that's not it!" She hurried to clean up her mess, a barista dropped a rag on the table as they passed by with a tray full of muffins. Carefully she cleaned up her minor spill and waited off her cup only to notice there was a blue smudge on the outside. Taking a closer look, it seems like smeared numbers. A ten digit number. "I think it's good luck disguised as bad luck because I need to be more creative and get out of my own head. I'll be right back!"
"What? Marinette, what the heck?" The reporter watched in concern as her best friend went up to the counter and waved Joel down to ask him a question. Said barista laughed loudly and patted a disappointed Marinette on the head and gave her a refill.
"Someone has been trying to get my attention but since you always buy my drink per our agreement, he can't pay for it so he asks Joel to leave his number on the cup. Which I've been throwing away without noticing. And he won't tell me who it is!"
"Oh? Mysterious admirer vying for your attention using the thing you love the most in this world? Well do go on." The tanner of the duo teased, smiling at the half hearted smack to her arm.
"This just means I need to come here as much as I can and catch him. Or make Joel tell me."
"Marinette?" The new voice caused her to turn around to see Juleka whom she was partnering with for her latest project.
"Hey Juleka, did everything fit okay?"
"Yeah, just like always. I thought your coffee addiction was only an early morning thing?"
"Oh no, this girl could drink twice her weight in coffee and still accept another cup." Alya butted in, laughing as Marinette turned a bright shade of red.
"Why don't you go get us refills, you're not working on your project anyway."
"Fine." The reporter sighed playfully before heading to the counter.
"Sorry, best friends are always crazy."
"No worries… So what's your favorite drink so far?"
"Blueberry cappuccino, haven't really given it a fair try though since I only got a couple loo- sips before I had to leave."
"Uh-huh, a tall blueberry cappuccino huh?" Juleka glanced towards the counter where her brother was ordering, his stupid hat covering his signature hair and shot a quick text to change their order. "Ever going to try again?"
"Maybe? I seem to have attached an admirer, Joel has been writing his number on my coffee cups."
"Yeah he likes to play cupid. Kind of like how he helped me find my strawberry frappe." The dawning look of surprise turned to embarrassment very quickly. "Also, if he doesn't man up and give you his number directly, ask me and I'll straighten him out."
"Okay?" Marinette squeaked out but she was very confused as the up and coming model sashayed to the counter. A tall man moved to let her reach for a couple cups and left him with a stern glare.
"So any idea on how you're going to grill Joel as to who your mystery guy is?" Alya inquired, resting her hip against the table.
"I have no idea. I guess il just wait until my tall blueberry cappuccino shows up again." With a sigh, Marinette began packing up her papers only to be stopped by a cup sitting directly in the middle of her papers. A large drink, the blue swirls and aroma of their dark roast cappuccino tickled her senses.
"Hey so Joel told me I should uh man up so to speak and introduce myself." The designer's gaze followed the cup to the hand holding the cup, up an arm and right into the mystery guy's eyes. Who happened to be her tall cappuccino. "I uh must confess I knew about the whole code thing from the first day and I tried to have Joel help me out by putting my number on your cups but since I never got a text or call, I figured either you weren't interested or hadn't realized."
"Do you know how small he writes? It's impossible to read tiny alien chicken scratch."
"Yeah he did that on purpose. Sorry about that but I'd still like to get to know you, if you're still interested in a certain tall blueberry cappuccino?"
"Cappuccino is my favorite."
"Well Luka is your top favorite then."
"Good, Marinette is yours."
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
Honestly... Willie and Alex need a child.
Well they maybe don’t need a child. At least not at the present moment, and if its within the canon of them being ghosts. It would be cool if they’re older and in an AU that they adopt a child. 
But if we’re going by them as ghosts, I could definitely seem them taking in a ghost kid later on. 
Imagine how traumatic it would be for this kid to have died so young and can’t go back to their family. 
Willie would stumble on the kid walking around the streets, looking so lost and upset. When they locked eyes on Willie as he drew near, his stomach dropped. If they could see him then... 
“Hey kid,” He hopped off his board and kneeled in front of them, “What’s up?” 
And then the kid would be shy at first. Their parents did tell them not to talk to strangers. But their parents were nowhere to be found... they couldn’t even seem them when they tried going home. Why couldn’t they see them...?
Willie could sense the kid’s panic and tried to put them at ease. He took them to various spots around town to hopefully keep their mind of what was troubling them. 
Not a total fix, but Willie died young. He got it. But he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be this kid’s age and being on their own. 
He was going to do his best to entertain the kid until he figured out a way to give them a home. 
He took them to the playground, pushed them on the swings and helped them out on the monkey bars. 
He took them to the movies. (It broke his heart to not get them any popcorn or candy. The kid was having a hard time grasping that they couldn’t eat anything anymore). 
By the time the movie ended, Willie knew he had to get the kid off the streets and somewhere more suitable. And even though Caleb was gone and the HGC was under new management, a club was no place for a kid...
So that was how he ended up at Julie’s (the first time the kid poofed -“Can we do that again?!”)
By then the kid was comfortable with Willie and he was able to scoop them up into his arms as he knocked on the door. 
Reggie opened the door and greeted them, “Hey dude,” then he noticed the child in Willie’s arms, “And little dude.” 
Then his eyes widened, and his gaze bounced between the two of them, “Oh,” he uttered, once he realized. 
His smile dimmed slightly before he quickly ushered them inside. 
Alex was the only other person in the studio. Luke must have been in the house with Julie. The drummer was on the couch when they walked in. 
“Hey Willie,” Alex quickly rose to his feet once he noted the kid, “Hey, uh, who’s this?”
“A new friend,” Willie set the child down, “This is Alex. And the guy at door is Reggie. They’re my friends. They’re nice.” 
The kid nodded and waved shyly at the other ghosts. 
“Hey, Hot Dog. Can we talk?” 
Then Willie left the kid in Reggie’s care and the bassist proceeded to draw pictures with them, “I’ll be right back.” 
Willie and Alex poofed up to the loft so Willie could still keep an eye on the kid. 
“Are they-?” 
“A ghost. Yes,” 
“Damn,” Alex glanced over, “How old-?” 
“Doesn’t matter anymore, does it?” But the truth was Willie didn’t ask. He didn’t want to know. 
“So what are we going to do?” 
Willie fumbled with the zipper of his windbreaker, “We?” 
“Yeah, we. Or were you gonna hand them off to someone else?” 
He shook his head, “No. I don’t think I could trust anybody else with them at the moment.” 
“Ok,” Alex could hear Reggie and the kid giggling about the pictures they were making and he smiled, “You know I’m going to have to ask Julie. But I’m sure she would say yes,” 
“If it gets too much for you, for them to be here. I’ll find somewhere else. This could be a temporary solution, until we figure something out,” 
“You like them, don’t you?”
“They’re growing on me...” 
Alex places his hands on Willie’s shoulders, “Then they’re staying here. Me and the guys, we know better than to turn someone away in need of a home.” 
“Thank you, Alex,” Willie smiled, “I’ll always be around to help. Just because it’s your place doesn’t mean-” 
“Why can’t it be yours too?” Alex blurted out. 
Willie stopped, “You... want me to move in? With you?” 
“Y-Yeah. I mean, me and the guys. And Julie. But... yeah,” The blonde stammered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, “I mean, so you can take care of the kid too,” 
“That’s 5 ghosts in a garage. Are you sure Julie’s going to be cool with it?” 
“Please. The second she takes one look at the kid, she wouldn’t say no. And besides, she likes you too. She says you don’t cause trouble,” 
“Did she forget about the whole ‘getting-you-stamped’ fiasco?”
“You landed us a gig at the Orpheum... she knows you’ll do everything you can to fix it,” 
“Thanks...” Willie blew out a sigh, “And... yeah. If you want me to-” 
“Yeah, for the kid-” 
“-right. For the kid. I’ll move in,” 
Alex beamed, “Wow. Great. So, uh, welcome to the garage then,” 
Willie returned the sunny expression, “Now let’s go tell the kid the good news,” 
They poofed back downstairs to Reggie and the kid struggling to hold in their laughs, their pictures hidden behind their backs. 
“What’s going on?” 
The kid whipped out their drawing, “Look, I drew you and Hot Dog Man!” 
And fair enough, there was a crayon drawing of Willie on his skateboard and Alex with his fanny pack. Willie could see that there was a hot dog peeking out of the fanny pack as well. 
Willie looked at Alex, raising an eyebrow, and the blonde was trying so hard not to groan at another person adopting his embarrassing nickname. But he smiled and knelt down in front of the kid, inspecting the drawing. 
“This is amazing. A masterpiece. Don’t you think so too, Willie?” 
“I agree. This artwork should be displayed,” 
And true to Alex’s word, Julie met the kid the following morning and loved them instantly. Luke too. Already itching to play with the kid and teach them music.  They all were. 
The kid not only got Willie looking out for them, but everyone. 
But the kid was closest with Willie and Alex, because they spent the most time with them. 
When Willie was busy helping new management run the club, Alex was the one taking care of the kid. 
Alex, already the mom friend of the group, was the one to set up rules and gave the kid some structure in their life. 
He would scold Luke for jamming past 9pm because that would be the kid’s bedtime (”Ghosts don’t sleep, Alex” “They need to rest! Let them have some sense of normal, guys”). 
And he was adamant in continuing the kid’s studies and got everyone involved. 
Reggie would be in charge of teaching them some math. Julie would go over some science books she had from elementary school. And Luke would teach writing and reading. 
Alex held the fort down at home, but Willie was the one to take the kid out around town a lot, exploring all parts of LA. 
The kid loved art, so Willie was stoked to bring them to the museum that he took Alex to. 
(And they screamed there too, but the kid was now under the impression that it was acceptable to scream everywhere. And Alex was cross with Willie for a while after that...)
Willie even taught them how to skate, but was super protective and made sure he got them proper gear and a brand new helmet (”Willie, they’re already a ghost. They don’t need-” “It’s part of the learning experience...”). 
But how proud Willie was the day the kid was able to balance on the board on their own. 
And sometimes, Willie and Alex were able to take the kid out for the day together. And they would usually go to the beach. 
Once, the kid ran ahead and started kicking the waves that crept up the shore and Willie chased them. The skater picked them and spun them around, and Alex remembered his heart swelling at the sight of the two of them together. 
“Hot Dog Man! Help me!” The kid giggled as Willie playfully captured them and tickled them. 
Alex ran up and grabbed the kid from Willie’s hold, “I’ve come to rescue you!” He set them down before telling them to climb on his back, “I’m now your noble steed. Let’s go!” 
Willie smiled fondly seeing Alex giving the kid a piggyback ride and ran along with them, howling as the cold waters reached up and drenched their feet. 
It wasn’t easy, practically raising a kid. There were definitely difficult moments. 
But with Alex at Willie’s side, and Willie at Alex’s- it made it all worth it. 
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wizardofrozz · 3 years
Welcome to Westview!
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Warnings: swearing, slight implied smut (barely), mention of past violence
A/N: This chapter is a little longer but I couldn’t find a spot to break it up that I liked lol. Taglist is open 😊
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Chapter 5
Bucky POV
Steve, Clint, Loki, and I hurried up the steps of the library, hoping to find Vision before the meeting started. The four of us stumbled into the main room, seeing a table of men talking softly; I spotted Vision’s light hair first.
           “There he is,” I whispered, jabbing an elbow at Loki, who stood next to me.
           “Hey, Vis,” Loki called, starting towards our friend.
           “Hey, guys!” Vision called, waving us over.
           “Who are these guys?” a man next to Vision with a mustache asked.
           “Oh, these are a few of my buddies. This is Loki Laufeyson” -Vision rested a hand on Loki’s shoulder as he sat next to him- “then Bucky Barnes.” I took a seat on Loki’s other side, waving when Vision brought attention to me. “Steve Rogers.” Vision pointed to Steve, who took the chair at the other head of the table opposite the man with the mustache. Steve smiled softly, waving as his eyes flicked around the table. “And Clint Barton.” Vision pointed to Clint, who sat across from me.
           “Heya, gentlemen,” Clint greeted, leaning back in his chair, spreading his legs, getting comfortable. The other men around the table mumbled ‘hellos’ or waved at us, still visibly uneasy.
           “So, new business?” Vision spoke up.
           “New business actually means another round of Danishes,” the man named Norm said. I sighed, quickly realizing these guys were just as bad as the woman. Loki passed me the box after pulling a treat out for himself, smirking at me.
           “Gossip club, anyone?” Loki mumbled. I snorted, holding back my laughter as I picked up a raspberry Danish for myself, and Steve then passing the box to Clint.
           “I thought we’d be talking about neighborhood safety, not a kid’s treehouse,” I chuckled. Loki dropped his head, covering his mouth as he chewed, hiding his smile.
           “Anyone else get the wrong idea?” Steve asked, leaning forward.
           “I was thinking the same thing,” Clint snorted, taking a bite of his pastry. A fit of laughter from the other end of the table caught our attention; the four of us turned our heads, trying to catch up on the conversation.
           “Hey, care for a stick o' Big Red?” the guy I recognized as Wanda and Vision’s neighbor Herb said.
           “Well, hold on there a second. Didn't you hear the man? He doesn't eat food,” Norm cut in, stopping Vision’s hand short.
           “Is gum food?” the man with the mustache asked.
           “Well, my understanding is that it's purely for mastication,” Vision stated matter-of-factly.
           “Oh boy,” Loki whispered, hiding his smile. Steve looked at his lap, a small smile on his lips, and Clint threw his head back, covering his mouth; I elbowed Loki and kicked Steve’s leg, glaring at Clint.
           “No, I don't do that,” Herb shot back, visibly uncomfortable.
           “Ah, well, when in Westview…Cheers,” Vision took the gun, putting it in his mouth.
           “Stop him!” I hissed at Loki, but it was too late.
           “This could be a problem,” Loki mumbled, his eyes glued to Vision.  
           “Who knew you were such a funny guy?” I heard Norm chuckle in the background.
           “It’s gum; what’s the problem?” Clint whispered, leaning over the table.
           “And to think you came here all hot and bothered about protocols and nonsense. We actually thought you were serious!” Herb laughed, clapping a hand on Vision’s back. Loki tensed next to me when he heard the audible noise of Vision swallowing.
           “That’s the problem!” Steve hissed, falling heavily back into his chair.
           “So what? He swallowed it, big deal,” Clint said, tilting his head, still not understanding.
           “He’s a machine”-Steve leaned over to whisper to Clint- “he has gears, not a stomach.” It took Clint a few seconds, then his eyes widened, his panicked gaze flicking to Vision.
           “Shit,” Clint mumbled, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
           “You okay, Vis?” Loki asked, leaning closer. Vision’s brows pulled together, bringing a hand to rest on his chest as he blinked a few times. “Vis?” Loki tried again.
           “I…*hiccup*…think so,” Vision croaked.
           “This isn’t good,” Steve mumbled, the panic in his voice sending his voice up a few octaves.
           “Hey” -I grabbed his forearm with my left hand - “he’ll be fine.” Steve sighed, nodding after a few seconds before his shoulders started to relax. I smiled at him, squeezing his arm; the soft whining noise of my arm filled the room, and I watched the lights in the library make the dark metal of my hand twinkle.
           “What the…” I gasped, ripping my hand away from Steve. My hand started to shake as I inspected the metal plates slotting together on my fingers and my palm. My heart rate jumped, beating against my ribs as panic set in and the once soft whining in my arm became deafening. I screwed my eyes shut, trying to catch my breath; I slowly opened my eyes, finding the slightly lighter skin of my palm facing me. I blanched, opening and closing my flesh fist that was metal only a few seconds ago. I glanced up and Clint was staring wide-eyed at me, but he quickly turned to listen to what Steve was saying.
           “What’s wrong?” Loki mumbled, elbowing my arm lightly. Steve looked away from Clint when Loki spoke, his gaze boring into the side of my head.
           “Does my arm look funny?” I croaked, glancing at Loki.
           “No?” Loki said, his brows pulling together in confusion. “Are you okay, Bucky?”
           “Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine,” I stammered, inspecting my hand again.
           “Okay?” Loki mumbled, flicking his gaze to Steve.
           “Well, I think that’s all we have time for today, gentlemen,” Herb’s voice cut in, stopping my internal meltdown.
           “We’ll catch you guys at the talent show later,” Norm said with a smile, pushing away from his chair. I set my hand on the table, wondering why I was staring at it so intensely before smiling at the men at the other end of the table.
           “See ya later, guys,” I said, nodding once. “Help me carry Vision,” I mumbled, leaning closer to Loki.
           “On it,” Loki whispered. “Hey Vis, we have to get you ready for the talent show.”
           “Talent show?” Vis giggled, stumbling as he stood. “What talent do I have?”
           “You and Wanda are doing a magic show,” I assured in a soft voice, firmly gripping the back of his arm. Loki did the same on the other side, helping me lead Vision towards the door. Steve and Clint brought up the rear, glancing around to make sure no one was shooting us odd looks.
           “Magic!” Vision exclaimed, giggling again, stumbling through the door.  
           “Shoo, don’t yell,” Loki warned softly.
           “But no one” -Vision wretches like he might throw up- “can know *hiccup* about Wanda!”
           “You’re going to pretend,” Loki reminds him, patting his hand.
           “This is going to be a mess,” I sighed, dropping my head forward.
           “You can say that again,” Clint grunts from behind me.
           “Come on, Vis. Wanda is waiting for you,” I grunted, dragging Vision along. Vision swatted my hand away, stumbling forward to start up the steps. Loki’s head dropped back, his eyes closing as he pulled in a deep breath.
           “(Y/N) and Nat are going to kill all of us if he messes this up for Wanda,” Loki groaned, running a hand through his short hair.
           “Don’t remind me,” I grumbled, rubbing my temples. Seeing Wanda glaring at us from behind the stage, I winced, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’ before dragging Loki towards the crowd. I pushed Loki towards his seat across from (Y/N), plopping into the chair behind Loki across from Steve. Clint and Nat’s table was in front of us; Clint turned around, raising an eyebrow at Loki and me.
           “I take it by the look on your face that Vision isn’t any better,” Steve whispered.
           “No, and Wanda was not happy,” I sighed, bracing my elbows on the table. I lifted my head to talk again, but Dottie hurried onto the stage, drawing everyone’s attention.
           “I want to thank you all for coming out to support Westview Elementary. For the children.” Dottie smiled, waiting for the crowd to respond.
           “For the children,” the audience chorused. I shot a look at Steve, raising my eyebrow but caught the same fearful look on Steve’s face. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing (Y/N) fidget in her seat, and peek at Nat, who was picking at the tablecloth.
           “What the hell?” Loki whispered over his shoulder to me.
           “I second that,” Clint mumbles, leaning back in his chair.
           “We were about to ask you two the same thing,” Steve added. Dottie drew our attention back to the stage, but I couldn’t ignore the somersaults my stomach was doing.
           “And for our final act... I give you, Wanda and Vision.” I sucked in a deep breath, noticing Loki, Steve, and Clint doing the same thing as Wanda walked on stage.
           “What’s wrong?” I faintly heard (Y/N) ask Loki.
           “I’m going to say this: it was not our fault,” Loki whispers back. I anxiously waited for Vision to walk out, but nothing happened for a few seconds, and Wanda was looking tenser; suddenly, Vision threw the curtains open.
           “Oh! Yeah! I've got to go! Hello, Westview! Good afternoon. It's so lovely to be…” -Vision knocked his hip into the railing of the steps- “I'm so sorry. Excuse me. I am Glamour, and this is my delightful assistant, Illusion.” Vision’s words slurred together as he swayed in place, lazily gesturing to Wanda.
           “I am Glamour, and he's Illusion,” Wanda corrected, exaggerating her voice, playing the part.
           “Yeah, what she said. Today, we will lie to you, and yet you will believe our little deceptions because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe.” Vision shrugged, flopping his hands to the side in front of him. “Flourish!” Vision pulled one hand pack, facing his other palm towards the crowd like he was shooting something from his palm. I dropped my head onto the table with a dense thud, resisting the urge to do it again.
           “We’re dead,” Loki stated.
           “Yep,” I mumbled.
           “It was nice knowing you,” Steve huffed.
           “You just do it; you don't say it out loud, honey,” my enhanced hearing picked up on Wanda’s whisper and Vision’s scoff.
           “And now my wife and I will delight you in your dumbstruck little faces. Flourish!” Vision bellowed. I lifted my head just in time to see Vision starting to fly, a pleased, drunk-looking smile on his face. The audience around us began to gasp except for the six of us; Loki, (Y/N), Clint, Nat, Steve, and I all tensed, staring wide-eyed at the stage.
           “We need to help her!” (Y/N) harshly whispered to Loki, starting to stand.
           “Wait,” Loki shot back. Suddenly a pulley system appear, connected to the back of Vision pants; I let out the air I was holding in as I watched Vision now dangling in midair.
           “Ha! See there? He's using a rope,” Norm shouted from somewhere in the audience. Wanda giggled, moving the sign from in front of the pulley; she started to move the crank, smiling brightly.
           “Wanda, what's... Oh, no! Oh! No! Wanda, please! Darling, let me down!” Vision shouted, flailing. “I’m feeling pukey!” I couldn’t help but laugh along with the crowd, momentarily forgetting the issue. “Ooh!” Wanda finally let Vision down, who stumbled a little, trying to regain the little composure he had.
           “Maybe this won’t be too bad,” I chuckled.
           “Uh, what's next? Oh! Yeah, this is... This is gonna be great!” Vision got excited, hurrying towards the piano, a goofy smile spreading across his face. “A staggering feat of strength!” I nearly choked on my spit when Vision lifted the piano, making noises to encourage the audience as he smiled, proud of himself.
           “Illusion... Uh... Uh... Illusion, Master of Enigma, allow me,” Wanda called, hurrying towards her husband. My eyes widened, and I heard Steve gasp when Wanda took the piano from Vision; Wanda turned to the side, showing the audience that it was only board, giggling and winking at the crowd.
           “Whoops! You weren't supposed to see how we did that trick,” Wanda joked, wiggling her hips. I felt something bounce off the back of my head; I turned around to see (Y/N) glaring at me.
           “You are so lucky our friend can think on her feet!” she scolded, continuing to glare at me. I dipped my head to hide the embarrassment blooming on my face; Loki, Clint, and Steve all sported a similar expression. I tensed again when Vision hopped off the stage before Wanda could turn around again, making a beeline for Herb.
           “Oh, Sherbert! Yeah, this is my old mate, Sherbert. Stand up, Sherbert,” Vision bellowed, hurrying to where Herb stood, confused. “Say hello to the crowd!”
           “It's Herbert, er- Herb,” he corrected, eyeing Vision suspiciously.
           “Dear God,” Loki mumbled, scrubbing a hand over his face.
           “Pipe down, Sherbie, and pick a card. Any card. Yeah, put it back in the deck. I'm not looking,” Vision urged, holding the deck of cards out. Herb pulled a card out, looks at it then placing it back in the deck so that Vision could shuffle them. “All right. Watch this,” Vision quipped, smiling. Vision pulled a card, showing it to Herb with a pleased look on his face. “Is this your card?”
           “Uh, no,” Herb mumbled.
           “I beg to differ,” Vision slurred. Herb shook his head ‘no’ only making Vision irritated. Vision started pulling cards out, asking if it was Herb’s card, and none of them were; panic shot through me when Vision’s hand started moving faster, too fast for human eyes to keep up with. Vision made it to the last card, holding it out to Herb, clearly annoyed. “Is this your card?”
           “Oh, it is!” Herb exclaims with a smile.
           “Can’t get much worse, right?” Loki whispers, leaning his chair on two legs to get closer to me.
           “Please don’t say that I’m begging you,” I groaned.
           “They’re almost done, Buck. It can’t get much worse,” Steve tried to reassure me. I looked back at the stage to see Vision stumbling onto the stage.
           “And now, for my next trick...” Vision reached up for his hat that was sitting turned over on the stage, missing the rabbit inside.
           “Oh goodness me,” Wanda mumbled, watching her husband.
           “Who stole my hat? Oh! Oh, stop that rabbit! I gotta pull a hat out of it!” Vision starts for the rabbit, but Wanda had beat him to it, holding the animal to her chest.
           “Maybe we leave the poor bunny out of this one, shall we?” Wanda pleaded. Vision seemed to agree before his face lit up, and he bent down to pick up his hat.
           “Well then, I will just have to pull this hat... out of myself,” Vision giggled, holding the hat in front of his stomach.
           “Damnit, Loki,” I growled, bracing my elbows on my knees, cradling my head in my hands.
           “In my defense, I didn’t see that coming,” Loki mumbled back. The audience gasped around us as Vision phased the hat through his body, yelling in triumph after doing it.
           “How many more tricks do they have left?” Clint called over his shoulder.
           “One,” (Y/N) ground out, her jaw clenched.
           “And now, ladies and gentlemen, for our grand finale, I bring you, The Magnet of Crysteries!” Vision yelled, throwing his arms out.
           “The Cabinet of Mysteries!” Wanda corrected, gesturing to the box that rolled onto the stage.
           “Yeah, yeah. What she said. I will now make my wife... disappear.” Vision opened the doors to the cabinet, showing the crowd that it was empty but closed them before Wanda could get in; I watched her head drop slightly, sighing.
           “Are you sure you don't want an audience volunteer named ‘My husband Ralph?’” Agnes called from the crowd. I shot a dirty look her way, glaring at the back of her head, noticing the rest of my friends shooting her similar looks; Wanda must have seen because she covered a laugh, turning her face away.
           “No. Abracadabra!” Vision laughed, hitting a magic wand into the door, reminding me of a child.
           “Uh, sweetheart?” Wanda chuckled.
           “Oh,” Vision mumbled, looking back at the cabinet where Wanda was supposed to be. After a few seconds, people in the crowd started yelling, ‘what’s in the box?’ and I could visibly see the irritation on Wanda’s face. “Yeah, what’s in the box?” Vision asked Wanda, his face scrunching in confusion. Wanda took a deep breath, and they open the door to reveal another woman I didn’t remember meeting.
           “Geraldine?” I heard Nat mumble, raising an eyebrow. Wanda, Vision, and the woman Geraldine bowed as the crowd cheered and clapped for them.
           “Let’s get outta here!” Vision yells, running off the stage. Wanda closed her eyes momentarily, and then her gaze landed in our general direction when they opened again, glaring before hurrying after Vision.
           “Up. Now,” (Y/N) growled, her gaze moving between Clint, Loki, Steve, and me. Nat stood next to her, her arms crossed over her chest as she took turns glaring at each of us. All four of us flinch before standing; our heads bowed as we followed the girls backstage. The six of us made it to the bottom of the steps in time to hear Vision talking.
           “Ah, I'm not as funny without it, am I?” he grumbled, sounding disappointed.
           “Not really,” Clint snorted, earning a smack on the back of the head from Nat. Clint yelped and quickly moving to rub the back of his head.
           “Wanda,” (Y/N) called, hurrying up the steps with Nat on her tail. “We’re so sorry. The boys are idiots.”
           “It’s okay,” Wanda sighed. “They couldn’t have known, but Vision should’ve known better.” Wanda shot Vision a look, and he dipped his head, trying to avoid the wrath of his wife. “Don’t blame them,” Wanda assured them, pulling them into a hug.
           “Let’s get out of here before anyone says anything,” (Y/N) urged, shooing Vision towards the four of us. The eight of us clustered together, hurrying down the sideway, trying to avoid anyone catching us.
           “You two, stop right there,” Dottie called from the stage, pointing at Wanda and Vision.
           “Go!” Wanda whispered, shooing the rest of us. (Y/N) grabbed mine and Loki’s hands while Nat grabbed Steve and Clint, dragging us across the street, back towards our homes. The walk was eerily silent; Nat and (Y/N) dropped the hands they had and were walking with their arms linked. Steve, Loki, Clint, and I exchanged worried glances periodically, waiting for the explosion.
           “You boys are lucky,” (Y/N) called over her shoulder. I searched her face for any trace of anger or irritation, and surprisingly I didn’t find any.
           “It didn’t turn out that bad,” I tried, bracing for anything.
           “It was quite funny,” Nat pointed out, looking at (Y/N).
           “Okay, are we in trouble?” Loki asked, raising an eyebrow.
           “No, Wanda’s not mad, so you boys got lucky,” Nat giggled.
           “But you four need to pay more attention to your friend!” (Y/N) scolded, looking over her shoulder at the four of us. “He’s a machine; he doesn’t really know how to be human,” she whispered. The girls stop in front of the Barton house, turning to face us; the four of us shuffled in place, each mumbling an apology.
           “Come on, birdie,” Nat giggled, reaching a hand for Clint. Clint rolled his eyes, shaking his head but clapped a hand on Loki and Steve’s shoulders and smacked my back before grabbing her outstretched hand.
           “Later, boys,” Clint called, saluting us as Nat pulling him towards the house. When Nat and Clint disappeared, Steve, Loki, (Y/N), and I walked across the street, stopping between our homes.
           “Let’s go home, trickster,” (Y/N) sighed, snaking an arm around his waist.
           “See you tomorrow, boys,” Loki said with a slight nod. Steve and I waved before heading for our door; I gestured Steve through and closed the door behind me, slumping against it.
           “That was a train wreck,” I sighed, scrubbing at my face.
           “That’s an understatement,” Steve groaned, throwing his upper body over the back of the couch. “Thank god it’s over now.” I pushed off the door, my eyes raking over the curve of his behind as I walked towards him; I positioned my pelvis behind him, leaning into him.
           “James,” his warning muffled by the couch cushions.
           “Mm, you’re not helping,” I growled, resting my hands on his hips. Steve pushed himself up again, so his back was flush with my chest. “This is your fault,” I chuckled darkly into the shell of his ear.
           “No, you’re just insatiable,” Steve snorted, relaxing into me. My eyes slid shut as I started to sway, wrapping my arms around his waist, moving Steve with me, humming against his throat as we moved together.
           “You got me there,” I mumbled against his skin. We swayed to nonexistent music for a couple of minutes until I started to get greedy, pulling him tighter against me. Steve huffed out a laugh, spinning in my arms despite my protest.
           “I need a shower; care to join?” Steve whispered, cupping my face so I would meet his eyes. I kept my eyes closed for a few seconds before groaning again, slowly opening them; I jumped back, bile burning at the back of my throat when I saw Steve’s face again. Steve wore an unfamiliar uniform with a large star on the chest, and his left eye was swollen almost shut, and there was a small cut below that eye which was bleeding. Another cut started at the corner of his mouth on the right side, his lip was busted, and a nasty cut curved over the top of his right eyebrow. ( x ) My chest constricted, making it harder to pull air into my lungs as my eyes flickered over his face; a crippling wave of panic and guilt tore through me. I choke on a sob as I stumbled into the wall next to the steps, tears clouding my vision. “Bucky?” Steve begging, stepping closer.
           “No!” I cried, trying to move away from him. Somehow I knew this was my fault, I did this, I hurt Steve, but I had no idea what happened or what I did to him. I sobbed loudly again, sliding down the wall, covering my face with my hands; my body shook as I tried to make sense of the situation. I flinched when I felt Steve’s hand on my wrists.
           “Bucky, please!” Steve begged, pulling on my hands. He managed to pull my hands away, and when I opened my tear-filled eyes to look at Steve, I blanched; Steve looked fine again, his skin was smooth with no dried blood, and he was wearing his dark sweater. I grabbed the sides of my head, crying out when a sharp pain exploded through my head; I cowered against the wall as the pain pulsed through my brain. “Bucky,” Steve cried, sounding desperate. As quickly as the pain started, it stopped, leaving me shaken; I tentatively looked up at Steve again, cringing at the tear stains on his cheeks.
           “Steve,” I croaked.
           “What just happened?” Steve blurted, cupping my face.
           “I-I don’t know,” I whispered, my voice cracking. “I’m scared, Steve.” Tears pooled in my eyes again, and I buried my face into Steve’s chest. We sat on the floor, clutching each other until I could talk again and try to explain everything to Steve, but the memory quickly faded.
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Chapter 6 | Series Masterlist
@marvelfansworld @imagine-yourself-happy​ @lovelokiqueen​ @neenieweenie​ @shadowolf993​ @alluringshawn​ @somegeekychic​ 
32 notes · View notes
fanartfunart · 3 years
Fly Away
Episode 6: Riposte
Ao3 - First - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
(Féline Sombre & Paon Lilas designs)
Summery: An AU where Adrien never went to in-person school, not getting the cat miraculous, and found the peacock miraculous. - Marinette and Sabrina try out for D’Argencourt’s fencing academy, and a mysterious person challenges Adrien for a spot in the academy.
“You've been reviewing the fencing rules all weekend, it's going to be great!” Tiki exclaimed cheerfully. Marinette smiled and nodded.
“Oh! Marinette!” Sabrina waved cheerily, holding her fencing helmet under her arm. Tiki squeaked and hid in a fencing helmet as the other teen ran up to Marinette. 
“Hi? Sabrina?” Marinette said slowly, looking around the room, “...Is Chloé here?”
They nodded, “Yep! She’s going to be watching!”
Marinette grimaced. Great, now she had to worry about Chloé judging her too. She shook her head, “I… didn’t know you were interested in fencing?”
“I thought it’d go well with my self defense training. It should be fun too! For lots of reasons! Chloé and I roleplay as superheroes sometimes... Well, actually, Chloé’s always Ladybug-” Marinette made a face, but Sabrina didn’t comment on it, “and I used to play the villains. But now that Paon Lilas showed up, I finally have a superhero to play as! …. Anyway, while I researched the sport, I noticed much of his combat style is informed by fencing-” she shifted into a fencing stance, making a few combat poses (which did in fact, remind Marinette of Paon Lilas), “You can tell by the way he moves.”
“You roleplay as… Paon Lilas? Why?” Marinette frowned, crossing her arms, “What about Féline Sombre? They’re cool.”
Sabrina straightened their posture, smiling almost nervously, “...You think Féline Sombre’s cool?” she shook her head, “I, uh, do too... but... I uh- I... Paon Lilas matches my color scheme! Blue and purple!”
Marinette sighed, “Of course… Well, good luck Sabrina-” She grabbed a fencing helmet, and dropped it on her head. Marinette yelped, stumbling back, noticing something inside the helmet. Tiki stared at her from inside with wide eyes. After the initial shock, the kwami had to cover her mouth to contain her giggle.
“...You okay Marinette?” Sabrina asked.
She gave Tiki a glance and took the helmet back off to allow Tiki to subtly hide in a better spot. “Yep. Yep, don’t mind me, just- thought a loose hair was a spider for a second…” she pointedly brushed some of her hair away from her face and grinned awkwardly. She ran from the room to get in place with the rest of the prospective students.
“I am the fencing master, Mr. D'Argencourt. Instead of the estimated one open spot, we have two, due to an… unexpected drop out…. The coward,”  Mr. D’Argencourt said, flourishing his saber, “So, in order to select the best possible candidates, I will observe the beginners performing a number of attacks on the experienced students,” he gestured to the group of the current students, “Get into position!” 
Marinette squeaked as one of the students walked towards her, “Actually, maybe I’m not cut out for this…” 
“If you’re worried about why Landon dropped out, it’s because of the akuma attacks, not because of the classes. He and his mom are moving out of Paris,” the fencer explained. 
“Oh thank goodness- Oh well, I mean, not for Landon because that must be hard- I- It’s just- I mean, the akumas certainly aren’t great- ” Marinette sputtered. She sighed, and offered her hand, “I’m Marinette.”
The fencer raised his helmet. Adrien smiled, “I know. It’s nice to see you here.”
“Wh-” Marinette’s brows furrowed, “Wait, weren’t you sick? Why are you doing sports?”
He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’ve been feeling better since last week. And, uh, skipping class… wasn’t an option. Don’t worry, I talked to Mr. D’Argencourt beforehand. If I ever raise both of my hands in surrender, it’s because I got dizzy or something, and we’ll stop. He’ll get you rotated with a different partner.”
Marinette nodded firmly, “As long as you’re being safe.”
“Get into position!” D’Argencourt commanded. 
Adrien smiled at her and dropped his helmet back over his face. With a quick instruction on her form, Adrien stepped back into his side of the strip, waiting for Marinette to get a hang of what she was doing. They fenced for a while as Adrien explained how saber fencing worked. Eventually, he regretfully had to request a time out.
Marinette pushed her helmet up, “You feeling okay?”
He nodded, pushing his own up, taking in a deep breath of the unrestricted air, “Just winded, I’m gonna get some water and I’ll be good to go for another bout.” 
When Adrien returned, the class was bunched together. He easily spotted Chloé in the crowd (being the only person not in fencing gear) and walked next to her. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, Adrikins!” Chloé hugged him, and really, he’d rather not have had the air squeezed out of him at the moment, but resigned himself to it anyway. “This kid in red showed up and says they’re the best fencer everywhere they’ve been- but don’t worry, they’re obviously not as good as you.” 
He raised a brow but said nothing. 
“All right!” D’Argencourt exclaimed to the newcomer, “I may consider your admission, shall you defeat one of my students.”
The fencer in red strode forward, “Which one of you is the best combatant?” the fencer demanded. The crowd parted, and Adrien found himself alone in the center. He glanced towards Marinette, who gave him an awkward thumbs up.
D’Argencourt gestured to the primary fencing strip, “Adrien, please give our visitor a lesson in chivalry.”
He halfway suspected D’Argencourt had entirely forgotten he wasn’t at his best, but, if everyone thought he was the best here, who was he to disappoint? He nodded, “Yes sir.”
Chloé could care less about fencing. It’s all sweaty and involves clashing and clanging metal together. But, it's her Adrien's sport, and Sabrina seemed to think it was fun too. Least she could do was watch in support. With Marinette’s incessant questions and the answers other students were giving, Chloé could somewhat follow the bout. Really, who did this random red rouge think they were? Trying to take her Adrikin’s place as the best fencer in the Academy? 
“Uhhh… Abstention!”  D’Argencourt called. The fencers returned to their starting line.
Adrien pulled his helmet up to breathe, and looked up at the fencer in red, brows furrowed in determination. He dropped the helmet back over his face. 
“Tired yet?” The fencer taunted.
“Just getting started,” Adrien called back, straightening his stance.
“... Shall I request we do this the old fashioned way then?” they turned to D’Argencourt, “We'll be much more at ease without the machine.”
D’Argencourt considered it, “Adrien?”
He smiled behind his helmet, “Fine with me.”
Chloé focused on each move and clash and blow. Freed of their attachments, the fencers moved with agility and panache. Jumping, spinning, clashing. Some boring person muttered “Aren’t they supposed to stay on the strip?” The fencers raced up the stairwell and Chloé made her way to the front to watch them closely. Chloé didn’t pay much attention to the fact that Marinette was the only other person who had kept up with the fight. Nor did she pay attention to the fact that Sabrina had been clearing her path among the crowd before.
The fencer would lunge, Adrien would parry. Adrien feinted a step and pulled back, drawing them in, and the fencer would leap out of the way of his counterattack. Blades clashed and clamored. Adrien knocked the fencer through the doors of the Library. Marinette stood in front of the opened doors as the pair fought, watching intently.
“Out of my way,” Chloé huffed, shoving Marinette to take her spot in watching the pair fight. She yelped as a book cart was sent her way and she narrowly jumped out of the way, “Hey!”
Neither fencers paid any attention. (Which, ouch, really? Is she not important enough here?) 
“Let’s finish this!” the red-clad fencer announced, and they both lunged. Chloé blinked and both sabers were being pulled away from the other fencer’s chest. 
The fencers turned to look at Chloé. “Who got the first hit?!” The figure in red  demanded, “Who?”
Adrien pulled off his helmet and rubbed the spot he’d been hit, grimacing slightly.
“Er…” Chloé frowned and the group finally caught up to them, whispering curiosities. “Adrien?” 
“Wait, you’re not even one of my students….” D’Argencourt noted, “Are you sure?”
Chloé huffed, tilting her head up, "Of course! And I'm sure my father, the Mayor, would love to explain to you why I’m right~” she side stepped closer and lowered her voice, “You already lost the election to him, do you really wanna lose your job as well?"
Adrien frowned. “Actually, I think they touched me first,” Adrien said, turning to D’Argencourt.
“Er- Referee has the last word!” D’Argencourt exclaimed, “This victory is… certainly an honor to the D’Argencourt Academy!” He chuckled nervously as Chloé grinned.
Adrien frowned and watched as the fencer walked away and thrust their saber into the ground. “I’m going to offer them a decisive match,” he said, and raced after them. 
“Hey! Adriekins, why are you following them? You won!” Chloé sighed and followed him, rolling her eyes. 
Adrien pulled the fencer’s sword from the ground and ran towards the fencer’s car. “Wait! Your saber!” 
Chloé raced down the entrance, “Come on Adrikins, you won, what’s this...” she halted as she looked up. The red clad fencer removed their helmet and…well she was unfairly pretty. Dark hair and dark eyes and a dusting of freckles like stardust on her cheeks... “About…”
Adrien continued forward anyway, “Let’s do a, er, decisive match?” Adrien offered, smiling.
“Like she said-” The fencer said, gesturing to Chloé, “You won. There’s no such thing as second chances in my family. Goodbye.” She turned and got into the car. 
“Hey! What’s your…” The car door slammed and the car drove off. “...name.” He frowned and glanced down at the red saber. 
Chloé shook him. “Who was that? I must know immediately.”
He sighed, watching the car retreat into the distance. “Well… I saw her ring, it reminded me of something... Give me a second-” He grabbed his phone and looked up the imagery of the ring.
“Oh curse the passage of time,” D’Argencourt grumbled, “We will finish the last rounds of candidate selection next Thursday. Er, you four-” He pointed at Marinette, Sabrina, and two other students, “You’re in for the last rounds. Everyone else, farewell, no need to return,” he waved the group of prospective students away and the group dispersed. 
Sabrina was suddenly next to Marinette. Marinette yelped as she noticed the other teen so close. “You’re in the last bracket! That’s awesome!”
Marinette raised a brow, “Uh… Thank you. Congrats to you too.” 
They smiled, “Yeah! I’m super excited!” she bounced in place, “I can’t wait to master the blade.” 
Somewhere outside, Chloé screamed.
Sabrina gasped, “Chloé! I’ve gotta check on her!” Sabrina ran off, brow furrowed in determination. 
Marinette frowned and ran off in another direction, finding somewhere to transform. Chloé’s screams usually meant akumas.
“Adrien!” Chloé cried out as the akumatized villain pointed their sword at him. Adrien was on the ground, holding the red handled saber against Riposete’s sword.
“I’m taking you up on your offer for a decisive match!” Riposte exclaimed.
Adrien strained against the sword. He gave up and rolled out from under her. “I can’t fight you like this!”
“Fight!” she demanded with another slash. Féline Sombre tumbled in and knocked the sword away with her staff. 
“Hey now, play nice,” Féline said, shifting to get in front of Adrien. 
“I’m not playing,” Riposte said, “I will show you all just who the greater swordsman is!” 
Adrien groaned and scrambled to a stand, moving through a blur of dots in his vision, only to run into someone. Strong hands balanced him. “Careful,” Ladybug said.
“She’s after my Adrikins!” Chloé explained to Ladybug, hiding behind a pillar, “You need to protect him!”
“I can protect my-” his body decided this was a perfect time to betray him. He stumbled and coughed. ...Probably too much exertion today.
Riposte knocked Féline Sombre back, and rushed towards Adrien and Ladybug. Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around Riposete’s sword and yanked. Riposete’s arm was pulled away from Adrien, but the yoyo slipped off.
“It’s fused to her hand?” Ladybug exclaimed.
Féline Sombre got back up and vaulted towards Adrien and Ladybug. 
“I guess you can’t dis-arm her!" Féline Sombre chuckled awkwardly. 
"Puns? Seriously?" Ladybug shook her head, “Féline, get Adrien somewhere safe, I'll keep her occupied.” 
"Can do Bug, come on Adrien," Féline grabbed him around the waist and he yelped as they extended their staff into the air and the ground twirled away from him without his input.
Riposte growled under her breath and sliced a pillar and kicked it towards Ladybug. She stumbled back and lassoed the pillar before it could fall into her. Riposte was already bounding off after Féline Sombre. Ladybug sighed and hooked her yoyo on a nearby chimney to follow after.
"I really need somebody who's better at distraction than I am."
Féline Sombre landed on a bridge, gently dropping Adrien. She looked around, "Okay, okay, we're probably far enough to pause and make a plan of action. If she's looking to fight you then hiding might be your best bet, but that could become dangerous if she finds you and you're somewhere you can't escape-"
"No, hiding is great!" Adrien grinned awkwardly, already stepping away. He glanced around for places to transform. "I can do that! I'll just-"
Riposte landed just a few feet away from them before Adrien could run away. "Stand and fight, you coward!"
"I’m not going to fight you like this!” Adrien protested, “You're not yourself! What's the honor in this?"
Riposte lunged forward and he ducked, rolling out of the way. Féline Sombre twirled on their staff and kicked Riposte away. 
Riposte growled and slashed the lampposts. Féline Sombre’s eyes widened as the old metal lamps crashed and caged her against the edge of the bridge. They strained against the metal, “Adrien look out!”
Riposte immediately turned to him. She advanced quickly and he scrambled back, automatically shifting into a fencing form, red handled blade in hand. Riposte slashed at his feet, forcing him to leap up onto the edge of the bridge. 
Féline Sombre called for their cataclysm. Riposte prepared to strike at him. Féline wouldn’t be able to interfere fast enough. He knew it. 
“If you really are Paon Lilas, transform, Adrien,” Hawkmoth muttered under his breath, brows furrowed in concern. Because if he didn’t, what did that mean? His son was in danger and he put him there. Does he have to hope for yet another failure? Is it a failure if his son is safe? He practically growled under his breath, pushing such things out of his mind. “Come on. What are you waiting for?”
Adrien closed his eyes. He jumped. Riposte’s sword crashed on brick. Wind whipped around him. He held his breath and splashed into the water below. 
It was cold. His lungs were already protesting. He opened his eyes and spotted a red figure dive in after him. Ladybug’s arm wrapped around him, securing him as she pulled him up and secured her yoyo to land. He hacked on coughs as soon as they breached the water.
Ladybug dropped him on the ground and he groaned.
"You're kinda reckless, aren't you?" Ladybug noted with some sort of half smile on her face.
His lungs hated him. He wheezed with a cough, "I trusted Féline Sombre not to leave me."
Ladybug frowned at him briefly. She glanced towards the bridge as Riposte looked down at the waters below. Féline Sombre gave Ladybug the quickest of a wave, and she ran out of sight, presumably to detransform.
"Come on," Ladybug said. She picked him up (really these superheroes have got to stop doing that, it's making his vision blur) and bounded away.
"What about Féline Sombre?" Adrien exclaimed, closing his eyes and tightening his grip on Ladybug’s shoulders to keep the dizziness from overwhelming him.
"They'll be back, we need you somewhere safe before Riposte figures out you're not in the water." Ladybug landed and gently put him on the ground. He looked around, finding she had brought them to a park. 
He coughed more, shaking from the wind-whipped, damp, cold settling in his bones. Ladybug frowned at him again strangely. 
"How are you doing? ...You seem ill."
He forced a smile, "Just the after effects of my little dive I think. I'll be fine."
Her expression changed strangely yet again and she nodded, “Okay…” she looked around and nodded to herself, “here,” she grabbed Adrien’s hand and tugged him towards a statue, “Hide behind here. I’ll uh, come get you when we deakumatize Riposte.” 
Adrien nodded and watched as Ladybug dashed to the edges of the park, activating the phone in her yoyo. “Duusu,” he whispered, “we should help them-”
“You’re sick,” Duusu said, coming up and pushing against his cheek, “I’m sure Ladybug and Féline Sombre can handle it from here, right?”
Adrien frowned, glancing back towards where Ladybug was talking to Féline Sombre on the phone. “Maybe…” he muttered, “but it’s also the easiest way to get Adrien out of the way while still doing something, right?”
“You’re not in the way,” Duusu whispered.
Adrien grumbled anxiously, watching from behind the statue.
“She’s coming your way, bye Bug!” Féline Sombre exclaimed as they ended the call.
“Bye Kitty,” Ladybug searched for the silvery akuma with a frown. “Hm, better safe than sorry- Lucky Charm!” Ladybug called. The charm produced a metal wireframe chair. She tilted her head. “A...chair. Am I supposed to sit around for Riposte to come attack Adrien?”
Riposte dove in, sword aimed, and Ladybug yelped as she tumbled out of the way. 
“Where did you hide him?” Riposte demanded, flourishing her weapon. 
“You think I’d tell you?” Ladybug scoffed, briefly glancing to where Féline Sombre was inching forward. Hidden. Waiting for an opening. “This is just between us. Unless you’re scared to test your mettle against me?”
Riposte huffed, turning her full attention to Ladybug, “Oh? I’ll defeat you swiftly and then I’ll take your miraculous!” Riposte lunged and Ladybug twirled to block with the chair, gasping as she noticed the sword slip between the backrest supports. Riposte was too fast however, and the sword slipped back out before she could do anything about it. 
Féline Sombre vaulted in on her staff and kicked Riposte from behind, into the park fence. They shifted into a fencing stance, staff aimed like a sword, “You wanted some fencing, right?”
“Who told you all these puns?” Ladybug frowned, glancing at her redheaded partner.
“Would you be mad if I said all the puns is because I’m kinda missing Paon Lilas’s jokes?”
Ladybug made a face, “What? No, but-”
“Your face says otherwise!” Féline Sombre exclaimed, chuckling.
“Oh hush!” Riposte exclaimed as she lunged towards Féline. Féline Sombre used her staff to block the sword and shifted to get behind her.
“So Bug, what’s our plan?” Féline asked, extending her staff to hit Riposte again. They twirled out of the way of the counterattack.
“The sword!” Ladybug said, “That’s got to be where the akuma is. But she’s too fast!”
Adrien frowned, “I- I can’t just watch. Duusu-” he was caught off by a cough.
Riposte huffed and leaped out from the middle of Ladybug and Féline Sombre, skidding backwards. She turned her head to the sound of a cough. “Of course,” she sent a slash through the statue.
Ladybug gasped, “Adrien!”
Adrien dropped to the ground, then leaped up over the broken base of the statue. He tightened his grip on the fencing sword, frowning towards Riposte. “You want a fight? Fine. Let’s fight.”
Riposte grinned, “Finally.” She lunged and he doubled back, towards Ladybug and Féline Sombre.
Ladybug looked between the fighters and Féline Sombre and ran forward to meet them, smiling. “Féline, I’m gonna need your ribbon soon.” Adrien continued to retreat and block.
The cat hero tilted their head briefly but pulled the ribbon off. Féline Sombre moved in around Riposte’s other side. 
With the heroes in the right positions, Adrien drew in another attack from Riposte and called, “Ready?!” He twirled, switching positions with Ladybug. Féline Sombre came around with the ribbon and secured the sword into the metal bars of the chair’s backrest. They ran and tugged backwards to keep it secure as Riposte struggled in the snare.
“Prêt, Allez!” Adrien and Ladybug announced as they both used their combined weight to snap the sword trapped in the chair’s back.
Ladybug grabbed the back of the chair as Adrien fell into the seat, keep him from falling with the chair. Adrien blinked, “Huh, handy.”
Ladybug smiled at him as she grabbed his arms and pulled him up to a stand.
He looked up and down at her and barely flickered a smile at her. He turned towards Riposte with a frown.
“Wow, impressive fencing,” Féline said.
He shrugged, “I’ve been in fencing since I was really young.” 
Ladybug caught and purified the butterfly. “Bye bye little butterfly...” She grabbed the Lucky Charm, frowning towards Adrien, “You didn’t have to do that. You put yourself in danger.”
“What happened?” Kagami muttered, looking up in confusion.
Adrien frowned and glanced down at the ground before shaking his head, ignoring Ladybug in favor of the fencer. Ladybug sighed and called for her miracle cure.
He leaned down to the fencer and offered a hand. “You were akumatized,” he said softly, “It’s… a… whole thing. It’s fine now though.”
Ladybug walked over to Féline Sombre. They high-fived and smiled at each other.
“Hey, Adrien,” Ladybug said, “...take care of yourself…” she smiled, and waved as her miraculous beeped, “Bug out!” 
Féline Sombre waved goodbye to Ladybug and turned towards the two civilians, “Do either of you need a lift home?”
“I have a chauffeur,” Kagami said.
“Same,” Adrien chuckled awkwardly.
Féline shrugged, “Alright! In that case, I should probably head out too. See you later!” She vaulted away and Adrien turned back to Kagami.
“So…” Adrien muttered.
“Listen I-” she sighed and glanced at the ground.
“I’m sorry” both teens said. 
Adrien laughed and offered the saber, “Here’s your saber back… Maybe, uh, we could do a proper rematch?”
She shook her head, pushing it back towards him. “No, I lost. Keep it.”
“Chloé really doesn’t know anything about fencing. I personally think it was your point. Besides… red’s not really my color.”
“She certainly acted like she knew.”
“She can be… enthusiastic, she just… she means well, just goes about things wrong.” Adrien sighed and shrugged, “but I… I think- If you want, we could uh, be friends?”
She looked almost shocked, “You… You want to be my friend?”
“Of course! I- Here, let’s start over-” Adrien huffed a smile and offered his hand, “My name’s Adrien. What’s yours?”
She paused, glancing between his face and his hand. She took the offered hand and shook it. “Kagami.”
“Nice to meet you, Kagami.”
“...Yeah. Nice to meet you too, er, Adrien,” she smirked, “You better get ready for that decisive match.”
He laughed, “Oh, I will.”
Fencing swords clashed. One fencer lunged, and the other spun and hit. The buzzer sounded.
“Point!” D’Argencourt called, “Sabrina Raincomprix, welcome to the academy!”
Sabrina pulled up her mask and smiled at Marinette as she disconnected herself from the buzzer cord. Marinette raised her mask up with a sigh. They saluted with their sword and Marinette did the same.
“Good game,” Marinette muttered with a sigh, preparing for whatever mocking she would receive.
“You did awesome! It was a close game, you almost had me there."
Marinette raised a brow. "Uh. Thanks?"
Sabrina sighed, "It's really too bad there's only two spots, I was looking forward to sparring more with you. Next time there's an open spot you should definitely try again."
"I… you really think so? Chloé would've hated seeing me outside class on a weekly basis."
"I- I’m not Chloé’s clone, I... don’t hate you. I’m...sorry if I’ve ever made it seem like that," they sighed, and offered a hand, "Seriously. Good game, Marinette."
She smiled awkwardly and accepted the handshake. "Same to you, Sabrina."
Marinette walked into the equipment room and Tiki zipped out.
"You did great, even if you didn't get in. You can always practice on your own or get Adrien to help again!" Tiki cheered.
Marinette sighed and nodded, "True. ...I think that fencer- Kagami? and Sabrina wanted it more anyway. I wouldn't change a thing… and… Sabrina was weirdly nice."
"Without Chloé around she seems much more open."
"Yeah, I guess. ...Actually- huh. I guess they've never exactly been outright antagonistic… I guess I just… associate her with Chloé that much…" Marinette shook her head, "Weird."
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