#oh how a nice simple question can turn so creepy thanks to a slight change in pronunciation
robinmagic · 11 months
I haven’t studied Japanese for like 4 weeks and when I wanted to ask my friend what’s their favorite color, my dumb brain confused the い sound with the え sound so I said えろ (which is エロ)😭😭😭😭
I literally asked them what’s their favorite p*rn 😭😭😭😭🔫
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damn-stark · 3 years
A new friend & A new problem
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Chapter 9 of Different Light
A/N- I hope you all like this chapter :)
Warning- only slight angst, Slowburn
Pairing- Harry Potter x Malfoy!reader, Fred Weasley x Malfoy!reader
(Let me know if you want to be tagged)
“So your parents are fighting?” Fred wandered once George had separated from the both of you.
You sigh and stop in your steps so he could catch up beside you. “Yeah, just a bit, but it’s nothing to worry about.”
Fred nods while he puts his hands in his pockets, looking to the floor before glancing at you. “Really? Because, well Harry seemed to know a lot about it.”
What could you say to ease the situation? “I’m sorry Fred, but Harry is just easier to talk to.”?
No, that would make this matter worse. Even if it was true.
You continue to walk towards your common room, and Fred follows by your side, waiting for your response that you delayed a bit, just truly tensifying the situation even more. “It’s not that I didn’t want to tell you,” you begin slowly, “it’s just I didn’t think you’d really care.”
“Not care?” Fred scoffs, “I’m your boyfriend, of course I’d care, plus I understand having parents argue,”
You sigh and begin to gently rub your wrists, avoiding his gaze and looking to your approaching common room door. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you.”
“Yeah,” Fred nods slowly, “well you know you could tell me anything right?”
You stop just a few feet away from the door and turn to face him, leaning your back on the wall and watching him stop just inches before you. You nod in agreement to his comment and add a small smile. “I know.”
Fred smirks and looks down to your lips, taking another step towards you and grabbing your hand that was at your side and slowly sliding his hand all the way to your cheek, “how was your summer by the way?”
You shrug and sigh in an exaggerated manner, “boring. How about yours?”
“Interesting. Very interesting.” Fred replied cheekily.
“Oh?” You quirk your brow.
“Well you know with George and I starting our business, making our boxes and other stuff to sell here.” He lied unbeknownst to you.
You add a feigned smile and grab his free hand that remained at his side. “Well I will say that I missed you.”
“Is that so?”
Fred’s gaze drops again and this time he leans in to crash his lips on yours, pulling you closer to deepen the kiss just a bit before parting away and offering a cockier smile. “I missed you too, darling.” Fred steps back and his cocky smile turns mischievous. “By the way I do hope you could help George and I sell our Skiving Snackboxes.” He proceeds to take out a small pile of yellow fliers and pulls your hands out so he could drop them on your hands. “Just put these around school, yeah?”
You scoff and chuckle, looking to the flyers and then Fred, noticing he was being serious. “You’re serious,” you calm down and grow serious, “Fred, you know next year is my last year, I’m very busy this year studying for exams and trying my best to get the best scores.”
Fred finds some humor in your comment where you hadn’t and he doesn’t seem to grasp that you weren’t joking. “You got NEWTS last year, you’re in Snape's NEWT class and just about every class that you wanted. You’ll be fine.”
You furrow your eyebrows and take a step towards your common room. “Fred? You’re not being serious are you? Being an Auror takes a lot of work.”
“And yet you don’t have to please your parents all the time, Malfoy.”
You frown deeper and tilt your head slightly, “impress my parents? Fred I’m doing this for me. Just like George and you are doing that joke shop for yourselves. Yeah my parents may require me to do a good job at school, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m just doing what I want and what will make me proud.”
Fred frowns and nods, “I’m sorry.”
You sigh and keep backing to your common room. “I’ll hang the flyers, and try and help George and you when I can though, okay?”
Fred puts his hands back in his pockets and nods slowly, “okay,” he turns around and doesn’t say a simple goodbye, or goodnight, he just turns and begins to walk off before stopping to add one last thing. “By the way, get ready, this new professor is going to provide a lot of fun this year. That’s a promise, darling.”
A half smile tugs on your lips whilst you nod in slight agreement, “right. A lot of fun.”
“Your previous instruction on this subject has been disturbingly uneven, but you’d be pleased to know from now on you’ll be following a carefully ministry approved course of defensive magic.” The annoying pink lady explains in a squeaky voice that hid the fact that this all sounded monotone, like if she has rehearsed saying this hundreds of times. Her weird, creepy smile seemed that way too.
Regardless you look down to the yellow book down in front of you, and you part your lips and blink in disbelief at how childish this book looked. When you skimmed through the pages it got even worse, there was nothing on new spells, or spells at all actually. All there was on the book was paragraphs upon paragraphs about stuff you didn’t even want to bother reading.
Curiosity was getting the best of you and just as you planned to ask what was going on, a hand beside you flew up. Professor Umbridge plastered on a bigger feigned smile and pointed to the girl next to you.
You shift in your seat to look to your side at said girl, seeing her stand up and hearing her clear her throat before speaking in a soft, soothing and elegant voice. “Ma'am there isn’t anything on defensive spells here, it’s all….just a whole bunch of mess.”
Professor Umbridge giggled and it made you cringe, she walked up to your table and looked to the girl beside you. “Well that’s because we won’t be learning spells, there's no need for them.”
You scoff, “no need for them? I would think that learning spells would be our highest priority since you know who is back.”
Professor Umbridge snapped her head to you and her gaze turned icy as she glared at you. “The next time there's a question please raise your hand like miss?” she turns and points to the girl beside you and her smile turns more genuine.
“Clementine Zabini.” The girl you knew as Clementine answered sweetly, sitting back down as the pink lady turned around and walked back to the front of the class. “I’ll tell you,” Clementine continued in a loud enough whisper so you’d be able to hear her, “If Monday was a person, this old hag would definitely be it.”
You blink in disbelief and look at her just the same, noticing her red lips lift to a smirk. “And here I thought today was Friday.”
You scoff lightheartedly and glance back to the front of the class to pretend to be listening to the professor as she went on. “Yeah well as my boyfriend says, she’s a complete destroyer of fun.”
Clementine snorts and nods, “yeah I can agree. What do you think of her.”
“Well,” you shrug, “let’s see, beside frigenteing, I think she’s a bore and well a complete fake pink lady that seems to be up to something.”
Clementine nods and puts her book to pretend to be reading as she examines the professor. “What could it be?”
You shrug and prop your elbows on your shared desk, glancing at the girl next to you and noticing her robes match yours; the same green color, same snake on the side of her cloak. How come you hadn’t seen her before? Or really noticed her? She had the same surname as one of Draco’s only good friends, Blaise Zabini. And she was obviously in your same year—perhaps it was because last year, you only really focused on the twins as your sole companions and didn’t care for much else even if Hogwarts was a hundred times better than your previous school. Maybe with this new year, you being secluded to only a couple friends could change. Plus she seemed to have the same vibe the twins gave. That could be fun.
“I’m y/n Malfoy,” you introduce yourself kindly.
Clementine meets your gaze and offers you a kind smile, “you already know my name so I won’t even bother, but I will have to ask, your brother is friends with mine, right?”
You nod, “yes.”
“Hmm, well how poetic is that?” She continued as she neatly clasped her hands together and rested them on the table. “Our brothers are friends, and now we are.”
“Ladies in the back, I do hope you can write up here on the board what rules I’ve just said.”
Clementine and you turn your attention to the pink lady and you both offer a feigned innocent look, you shake your head and speak up first. “We can,” you both stand to do as she said and Professor Umbridge just watched the both of you with a narrowed gaze as you make your way to the front of the class. However neither of you actually knew what she had said.
Knowing that, you both look at one another from the corner of your eyes and then glance at the board, picking up chalk and lifting your hands to start writing. Before either of you could try to write down whatever rubbish you could think she’d say, you inch towards Clementine and bump her shoulder with yours, earning her discreet attention to then whisper a spell on the both of you without a need for a wand that would write what was instructed. Your gazes slid back to the board and you pretend to write, smiling proudly once you were done and saw Professor Umbridges taken back expression.
“I do hope it’s right,” you tell the pink lady once you’re back on your seat, trying to suppress your threatening smile.
The professor looks to the board and her eyes scan the rules of what appeared to be hundreds of times before looking back at you and nodding slowly. “It...is.”
“Good,” Clementine interjected smugly, smirking wider as the pink lady just returned to her teaching. “That was nice, y/n. Saved both of our arses over there.”
You shrug nonchalantly and prop your clasped hands on the desk. “Thank you.”
“Look,” Clementine pointed out, tapping on a spot on the desk beside her elbow, “I drew the horror on her face just now when she saw that she was wrong.”
Your gaze lowers and you have to bite your bottom lip to keep yourself from laughing out loud at the carved out drawing, and the name scribbled at the side of the drawing that said; “pink silly old witch.”
“You know,” you attempt to warn her, cutting off by her reassurance.
“Don’t worry, I put a spell on it, she won’t see it, just us and the other students who sit here.” She winks at you and in that moment you knew that she was going to be a great friend.
“I’ll catch up with you later, Clementine!” You wave as you start walking back towards Harry.
“Dinner?!” She shouted out and you nodded before spinning around and running to fall by Harry’s side.
“Hello, Harry.”
Said boy jumps slightly and looks up at you with a slightly frightened gaze.
Your lips twitch and you quickly apologize. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“No,” Harry lied, “you didn’t.”
You narrow your gaze on him, but let it go. “Okay if you say so.”
“New friend?”
You look over your shoulder to where Clementine was before for a second before turning back to Harry and nodding. “I hope so. I think it’s about time I had a friend in my own year. Albeit I don’t think professor Umbridge likes us that much.”
“I don’t think she likes anything at all,” Harry remarks bitterly.
You glance at him and can’t help but smile at how angry he looked at just the mere talk about the professor. “You should’ve seen her face when we proved her wrong today,” you snicker, “looked like she was going to get an attack of some kind.”
The corner of Harry’s lips tug into a small smile that doesn’t disappear as he changes the subject. “How are your classes going so far?”
You breathe out deeply and feign exhaustion. “It’s going to be tough this year. The easiest class surprisingly with Umbridge’s stupid change, is defense against the dark arts.”
“That class is compelelty boring and stupid,” Harry grumbles in a tone that caught you by surprise. “How are we supposed to learn to defend ourselves if we’re getting taught nothing but damn rubbish.”
In your disbelief at his new anger and the frown that had so quickly formed on his face you walk in stunned silence for a brief moment. “You’re right,” you pause and glance at how hard he was grabbing his books and that’s exactly when you notice a fresh scar on the back of his hand. “Harry what happened to your hand?”
Said boy without even looking at his hand just dismisses your concern. “It’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a scratch.”
“Just a scratch?” You scoff, trying to grab his hand to examine it better, but suddenly stopping as he pulled away swiftly and put some distance between him and you.
“I said it’s fine,” Harry continues, only growing your concern, “I need to get to class. I’ll talk to you later.”
Before you could say goodbye, Harry walks off in a hurry.
That was odd.
The twins announce in a booming voice, showing off their skiving snackboxes to passing students in the courtyard. All while you hand out the brightly colored flyers.
“Oh, hello, Malfoy, I didn’t know you worked.” Clementine teases as she stops by at the sight of you next to the twins.
“Well since I’m not getting paid,” you say out sharply whilst you glare at George and Fred. “It’s not work.”
“You’re doing it because you love us,” George butts in with a smug grin as he comes up behind you.
“Exactly, it’s an act of kindness,” Fred adds. “Besides when we go big, you get anything you want for free. That’s your pay.”
You roll your eyes and take a flyer and hand it to Clementine. “You won’t regret it.”
“That’s the spirit.” Fred exclaims as he pats your shoulder.
Clementine smiles and sighs, “fine, I’ll buy a box. It’d be a shame if I didn’t support a small business.”
George grins and pulls out an orange box to hand it to Clementine after receiving the needed amount of money. “You—”
“Won’t regret it,” Clementine finishes for George, “I got it.” Her eyes shift to a couple of passing first year Slytherins and her lips twist into a mischievous smirk; she gently elbows your arm and whispers, “watch this—hey wait!”
“What is she doing?” George asks as the three of you turn to watch what she was planning to do with a curious wonder that stopped you from trying to sell for that moment.
“I see you’re fellow Slytherins and I know how tough it can be so—”
“Oh,” Fred grins, “wicked.”
Clementine rambles on in a tempting manner that wins the kids over and gets them to take the box from her hands and try it right there. All of them innocently falling for her trap just like many other new year students did when George and Fred attempted too. And it's as funny as before as it is now, watching the students eat the candy and not expect to get pranked and temporarily change in appearance, or experience some odd feelings.
“Eh, that was wicked!” George blurts when Clementine returns, “Slytherins are usually the toughest sell.”
“More like an impossible,” Fred corrects him.
“Hey! I try!” You interject, feeling Fred grab your hand to head to your other spot to continue and sell their snacks.
“Maybe you could team up with us, that way you and y/n try selling to your house mates.” George explains in an over excited tone.
You scoff and shake your head. “Don’t bring her into this.”
“It’s not bringing her into this if we’re friends,” Fred continues.
Clementine smirks continues to walk beside the three of you. “Well when I’m not too busy with homework, or studying, we’ll see. It’s a maybe.”
“Maybe is almost a yes,”
“No it’s a maybe,” Clementine argues with George.
Just as Fred was going to pitch in, the moment the four of you turn the corner, the pink lady rounds another corner and almost runs into all of you. You try to just walk past, but she gets in the way and looks at all of you with that same wicked look.
“What is that in your hands?”
Fred steps up and attempts to ease the situation. “It’s just a group project we need to finish.”
“A school project?” She repeats with a raised brow. “So early onto the school year?”
“Well,” you add, “we are busy.”
Her eyes burn into Fred and you before her eyes drift down to your connected hands, proceeding to pull out her wand and use a charm that parted you from each other. Neither of you said anything after the action, you just looked at one another before backing away as she tried to get one of the boxes. “If it’s just a school project then it won’t mean anything if I just take a peek right?”
“Well if you take a peek then our project will be ruined,” George protests, hiding the boxes under his cloak.
Umbridge shoots him a cold feigned smile and uses her wand to pull the boxes towards her, she looks at all of you and smirks. Clementine glances at you and smirks, discreetly pulling out her wand and secretly using a charm to hide what was actually inside.
“See,” she innocently adds, “nothing but boring school stuff.”
Umbridge snaps her gaze towards her and shoots her a scowl. “Well I’m still taking this for further examination. You see I don’t understand how two six and seven years are teamed up.
Fred shrugs, “they’re smart.”
Professor Umbridge huffs and just turns and walks off with all the boxes, leaving all of you with nothing.
“Well that was a bust,” you grumble.
“Well I guess we’ll stick with more discreet ways.” George attempts to lighten the mood.
Albeit the next day a rule went up that read, “all Weasley products will be banned”, just like there was a rule that “boys and girls are not to be within eight inches of each other.” Not only that but there was more and more each day, she was slowly turning school into some kind of prison; no type of fun was allowed, she regulated the halls and classes, she checked uniforms, she kept all talk that had anything to do with anything bad, forbidden. She was changing everything and trying to take away professors, she was trying to be under control, and proclaimed that she would, that the ministry of magic would approve of it.
She was changing things for the worst.
“Have you noticed that Gryffindors, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs all talk with one another; they’re all so friendly, but when it comes to talking with a Slytherin it seems that they’re suddenly so quiet and competitive.” Clementine mused while the both of you “studied” in the courtyard; when in reality, you were just talking about anything that came, and watched as students from other houses all talked peacefully. “I mean why is that?”
You tilt your head to the side and study the students closer, noticing the big gaps left between Slytherins and the other students from different houses—“when I was put into Slytherin, the other houses ‘booed’.”
“See,” Clementine exclaims, “they put us aside. I know some fellow Slytherin can be a bit rude, but that’s only because they know the other students are being the same. I know a lot of friendly Slytherin; like you for example.”
A heat grows on your cheeks at her compliment and you turn to offer her a sweet smile. “Thank you, I think you’re very nice too.”
Clementine returns your smile and then looks back to the courtyard. “I mean they’re not all mean towards us, but a lot of them are.”
“Yeah I see what you’re meaning,” you sigh, leaning back and resting your hands on the grass, from the corner of your eye catching Harry and Herimone walking up to you. You fully twist your head and smile softly when they reach you. “Hi, guys, what a surprise.”
“Hi, y/n,” Hermione greets sweetly, glancing at your friend beside you. “Hello.”
Clementine offers them a simple “hello,” and let’s them speak what was obviously on their mind.
“Y/N, can we talk to you for a minute,” Harry interjects in an almost nervous manner.
“Uh,” Hermione parts her lips as her eyes nervously drift to Clementine. “Alone.”
“Oh,” you breathe out slowly, glancing at your friend and preparing to stand up to follow them, but stopping as you recall your conversation that happened just mere seconds ago. “It’s okay, I trust her. You can too.”
The pair hesitate and look at one another for a second before deciding to do as you say, sitting down to begin with this talk that brought obvious tension.
“Well,” Hermione starts, “you know how poorly Umbridge is teaching defense against the dark arts, and how she’s trying to rule this school with an iron fist and not let us practice any important spells. Well…” Hermione glances to Harry and without a word to do so he continues.
“Well since we know you’re good at defensive magic, we wanted to ask, or really I did, if you’d want to join our secret group where I’ll be teaching other students defensive spells.” Harry turns even more nervous and averts his gaze so he wouldn’t see what reaction you’d give, instead he talks to the ground. “And if your friend wants to join that’d be good too. The more the better.”
“But,” Hermione interjects, “it’s top secret, nobody outside of our group can know. We’ll be trusting the both of you with our secret.”
Without hesitation, or much thought, you sit up and offer a single nod. “I’ll do it, I’ll join your secret group.” You look to Clementine and quirk your brow. “What about you? It’s fine if you don’t want to.”
Clementine looks at the three of you before landing her gaze solely on you, taking a long agonizing minute before giving an answer. “I’ll join too.”
“Great!” Hermione grins cheekily, “thank you! I’ll tell you both when and where we’re meeting! Thank you y/n and….”
“Clementine.” Said girl says.
Hermione nods and offers one last sweet smile before she stands up along with Harry.
Albeit before Harry could leave he turns to you just as nervous as before. “Can we talk later?”
Your face lights up and you nod. “Of course.”
A/N-I just wanted to provide a faceclaim for our new character just so it’s easier for some of you to imagine the character :)
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Yara Shahidi as Clementine Zabini
Tagged- @peter-laufeyson , @swiftlymoniquesblog , @spideyyypeter , @gsvshsjsbs, @accio-prozac , @cherriesanwine , @kokomaesadie , @april-14-blog , @prettypinkpeachh , @pest-ill-ence, @ilovespideyyy , @m3ssytrash , @hogwarts-babe-blog @yodaboo , @missryerye
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Of Ice and Blood
Part 3
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Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to read this
There are so many left out details here that I did on purpose for future explanation within the fic for the element of mystery I'm trying to brew . Hope you don't mind! Enjoy reading❤
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
1.7k words.
Pairing: Tai'chi Kashharzol (Orc) x Pearl Blackbell (Human OC/Reader)
Warnings: cursing, violence, injury and fighting.
Without thinking, I drove my fist towards the voice, regretting it the instant I recognized who it was.
I shouldn’t have been surprised when I found my fist encased in his hand. He seems unfazed by my reaction, seemingly expecting it.
“Oh shi— I’m so sorry!”
How the hell did he sneak up on me without making a sound??
“Feisty- I mean, I should be the one sorry, for startling you...And for following you. I just wanted to, make sure you were alright.”
I blinked. He was concerned?
He spoke up when I didn’t respond.
“So, are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah. I’m fine. Just, disappointed.” I breathed in and sighed as he gently let go of my fist.
Oh, and his scent helps right now. He smells so...wonderful I don’t know why. It’s not like I’ve been surrounded by disgusting odors my entire life. I swear I’ve inhaled appealing scents like lilac, sandalwood, cinnamon, even rain has its particular smell! But Tai'chi, he—he’s something else entirely.
“Shouldn’t you be somewhere else like, I don’t know, maybe getting lunch with some of your friends or in a classroom?” I asked. I wonder why he would even bother to be in my presence. Anyone should be creeped out by the way I spoke up earlier. I mean, who does that? Plus, I did throw a stranger down to the floor. But part of me knows he deserved that.
“Want to talk about it?” He ignored my question. Tai'chi was now sitting cross-legged beside me, the oak’s root in between us. His deep azure eyes studying, watching me carefully.
“What you did back there, wasn’t something a plain, timid college girl would do.”
Wait. He knew I was pretending to be one?
“Yes, I knew.”
“You can read minds?!” I stammered out. He can read my mind this whole time?! Shit.
He held up for a second before a boisterous laugh broke out of him and echoed through the circling trees, scaring away some birds perched above. I don’t know if I should be offended or flustered by his guffaw. It was so, so deep and rich and —
What the hell Pearl? What if he's reading your mind??
Tai'chi faced me again, sighing once he calmed down.
“To answer your question, no, I can’t read minds. But like I stated before, your face gives it away. Or your brows since you’re wearing a mask, but I can imagine your expression.”
I let out an incomprehensible noise.
“How did you find out I was pretending to be…you know,” waving my hands around.
“The moment we made eye contact this morning when you entered. And the way you shifted your body at the last second to prevent yourself from plunging into the trash bin, I knew you were something more. Your eyes and your actions show your experience in combat. A skilled warrior would notice these little things right away.”
My jaw fell open, and I’m sure he knows. He left me speechless.
Should I tell him I am a trained martial artist and a weapon wielder?
But we just met like 5 hours ago!
He seems trustworthy. And he’s an orc, didn’t they have a code of honor or something?
My thoughts ran wild I swear Tai'chi could hear my mind, screaming.
“Hey, it’s okay if you don’t wish to. And I must’ve sounded, creepy when I admitted I’ve been observing you. But before anything else, will you allow me to introduce myself, for real this time?”
“You mean your name isn’t Tai'chi?”
Letting out a chuckle, he replied, “I swear to you, my name is Tai'chi. What I mean is, I want you to know my full name. Do you understand what this implies, Pearl?”
I racked my brain for a moment, trying to recall what my parents said about orc traditions when my uncle, papa’s brother, married the orcess he fell in love with. Something about an orc’s real name being reserved only to those they’re close to?
“I guess so? But what exactly?”
“I want to become your friend.”
I couldn’t help the slight warmth creeping into my cheeks behind my mask. He can’t see it, can he? A friend, he says. A friend!
“Oh,” was all that came out. A pause and;
“Uh, I mean, I’d love to be your friend! I never had an actual friend before. I mean, have cousins, but we aren’t acquainted enough to consider myself their friend— I mean— uh, what should I do?” I blurted out a little rapidly.
He smiled. He actually smiled! Oh, damn, it was adorable!
Tai'chi was about to say something, but he snapped his mouth shut and grimaced. I was confused by his sudden change of mood, along with his scent.
Then it struck me.
The two of us shot up when multiple smells filled the air, making my stomach clench.
We were followed, not just one but six individuals. One of them was the pretentious human from earlier.
My day can’t get any better. And is that a baseball bat? Great. Fucking great.
I swear. I’m cursed to find trouble anywhere I go.
“Hello, freaks.” The guy in the middle began. “Whatcha doin’ out here in the forest?”
The others began spreading out and surrounded us.
“Planning something nasty I bet.” A human to my right spat.
“You will pay for what you did to me, you bitch. Just so you know, my father is the dean of this university. No one will ever hear a word of what I did here and what we will do to you.
'Dean’s son, David Silverstone, assaulted by an insane student in the woods within campus grounds. His friends graciously helping him fight off the lunatic until she passed out and was carried to an isolation chamber for monitoring, later finding out about her severe psychological disorder.’ Now wouldn’t that be a hit in the papers!” The bastard and his companions cackled and snickered, some of them stealing glances between my legs and I felt my skin crawl.
Tai'chi growled lowly, silencing them for a brief moment. He was getting mad but held his ground.
“And you,” the human pointed, “you beast. It won’t be hard antagonizing you, people will no doubt believe you were the one who violated the schoolgirl and left her in the woods to die.”
This fucking—
I felt a hand on my shoulder just as I was about to start, gently gripping, in hopes of trying to calm me down. He knows they were baiting us on making the first move. He shook his head, and an idea popped up.
Taking a deep breath, I attempted to make my voice as girly as possible, sounding so hilarious, like those overdressed, flashy high school girls with flowery perfume so strong I wrenched every time I get a whiff of it.
Provoking them would do.
“Oh, I’m so scared! Should I get on my knees and beg for mercy? Oh please, great and noble one, have mercy on my poor soul.” My voice laced with mockery and sadness, with my legs fake trembling and my arms flailing.
And did Tai'chi just snort?
“If you beg nicely, I will perhaps give you a chance to— ”
My sudden wheezing interrupted him and I laughed. Hard. I can’t believe he bought my terrible acting! I expected him to straight-up be offended rather than actually bite the false bait. He is dumber than I thought.
I was holding my middle by the time I was done. Tai'chi’s shoulders were moving slightly, probably chuckling and trying to hold back his amusement.
“Did you honestly take it seriously??? I can't— oh my God!” I choked out once more before I went on.
“There’s no chance in hell I’m gonna bow to you, not even one degree of an angle, you foolish, idiotic, spoiled, bastardized son of a bitch.”
His face was turning red out of rage and oh! Wasn’t that a sight to behold?
“You brat!” Turning his head to the others, he yelled, “What are guys standing there for?! Get them!”
Perhaps they didn’t catch my hands slipping on my beloved crimson knuckle dusters out of the bag when I was laughing then, tugging down my hoodie’s sleeve to hide it.
“Don’t move.” I told the orc, whose eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Just don’t.” I said with my voice firm. I will take them on my own. I can’t have him getting in trouble and people blaming him for being an orc. Imagine that. The ones who attacked him will be viewed as victims because they were up against him, an orc. Numerous humans will jump at the chance to throw dirt at their race, a single act of self-defense treated as a one-sided assault to humans, the thought of it being enough to somehow remove all of them from the city, but everyone knows it's not that simple. Dimwits.
I strode forward without earning his response, waiting for the first person to come at me.
I took my stance, although it was more of preparing half of my body since I was still hiding both of my hands.
They all seemed confused and hesitant, which was what I was going for. To me, and those with experience in hand-to-hand combat, this is one of the most basic stances, but fundamental, nonetheless. A simple form that can determine the outcome of a fight. With my right foot forward, left foot back, both firmly planted to the ground, and my dominant hand wearing my dusters. In their eyes, it was…wrong, foreign. Some may even say it’s an open vulnerability, showing how inexperienced the opponent is, but oh, it is the exact opposite.
I didn’t see Tai'chi’s expression, though. I was on alert and getting into my zone to peer at him, one motion that can put me in a compromising position. Did he notice my brass knuckles? Likely.
“Scared to hurt a little girl like me?” I enticed.
Finally, the one beside their alleged leader charged at me.
A typical amateur approach.
The guy, about two inches taller than me, threw a right punch, which was a huge mistake.
I smirked under my mask and dodged it not a second before it connected. Making him falter as I grabbed his arm and brought it down to my knee, dislodging his joints.
A high-pitched scream of pain broke out of him as he dropped down on the forest ground, gripping his bent-off arm, cursing, but refused to rise and fight me again.
I gave him one last glance before I looked back at the others.
“Who’s next?”
Those human shits just can't leave them alone! Interrupting their supposed-to-be official introduction! There's more to the orc that meets the eye *wink* Who is he exactly? Why was he so... observant?
Part 4 is actually on its third revising— and I'm still trying to come up on HOW to phrase my next words to lead to part 5. I let me brain take a break from spewing senseless words for now so I'll probably post the next part of this later or tomorrow
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! And I'd appreciate it if you have some advice for me, or just point out some mistakes I made! Thank you
Ps. This is really not perfect formal writing if you're wondering. I just type away whatever comes into my mind, and then proofread it to the best I can. And I hope you don't mind me using a lot of spaces. It... sort of makes my mind clear and continue moving forward, and it helps me when I'm reading it again, mentally taking note that with every line between spaces there's a slight pause and again, read it clearly like you were the one thinking it. I don't know how to explain how my own brain works but I guess that's that?
Tags: @kokokatsworld @crackinanutshell
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Campus Memories part 2
Notes: So this took like forever for me to do, only cause I didn’t wanna cut these scenes out of this part. I’m hoping later on to maybe do different routes? I’m just having a fun time writing something for the first time.
Words: Around 2k
The walk over to the science building was longer than I remember it being, occasionally glancing at the classrooms in passing I looked for any sign of the man I’m looking for. Deciding it might be easier to head to the faculty office to see if they have seen Eren. As I make my way closer towards the office I can hear two voices getting more distinct, standing out from the distant chatter of other students and faculty in passing. Rounding the corner I see Eren, or at least I think it’s Eren. With his hair still pulled back, putting most of his weight to one side as he speaks to the man across from him. The other man looks completely opposite to Eren, with his neatly styled blonde hair, freshly groomed beard and glasses resting above his nose. His clothes also give off a much more dominant presence than Eren, his button up looking freshly ironed with no creases, his fancy looking watch resting on his left wrist.
A light brown overcoat tossed over his left arm. Looking at the two and from both styles and how they seem to carry themselves it’s as if different cultures were communicating with one another, making me wonder how they could possibly know each other. Given their standing by the faculty office, maybe the man he’s speaking to is his professor? That could explain the ‘authoritative’ aura surrounding the blonde man, but Eren seems too relaxed to be speaking to someone with authority over him. Eren is clearly more carefree when it comes to not really minding his posture or how he presents himself in public, with a strong free aura about him, while the man in the suit who I can now only assume is the "Zeke" he talked to on his phone, is more dignified, and very "elite" with how his posture is perfect, everything looking tidy and sharp, like someone that doesn't leave any detail go unnoticed. 
As I get closer to the two I can make out words in their conversation. “Don’t be so overly dramatic Eren, you act like I asked you to walk miles.” The blonde man says with a slight chuckle. Before I had realized I was a few steps from them and I felt the man’s gaze catch my own. I go to speak but before any words come out he speaks first “Is there something we can help you with?” I hadn't noticed until now, but now that his strong presence is pointed towards me, I couldn't help but freeze as I was not expecting the sudden shift in focus he had, he didn't change his demeanor in any way compared to when he was speaking to Eren, but now that he's talking to me, I start to wonder how Eren can talk to him as an equal and not be crushed by the pressure he exerts.
 After what felt like an eternity I stuttered with simple words without even thinking. "A lost wallet? And you came all the way here to return it? Such a polite thing to do, I apologize for my scatterbrained brother's lack of attention bringing you trouble." He says as he politely bows his head to me in a respectful manner just before turning to Eren. "Well? I think you owe them an apology, don't you?" He says without giving it a second thought. The pressure I was feeling instantly went away as I noticed Eren's sudden realization of what was going on and how he suddenly bows his head down further than the tall Blonde figure next to him and without any control over his tone he basically shouts "Thank you for bringing this back! I'm sorry to trouble you! I will repay you in any way I can!" This sudden focus of both tall men bowing to me made me feel very self aware so I started reassuring them that it was no problem at all as it was just the right thing to do.
I sent Eren a small smile as I handed back his wallet and he thanked me once more before the man who I now know is Eren’s brother spoke up, “This might sound odd, but now that I’ve gotten a closer look at you, do you not work at the Coffee Cart?” I look at him slightly confused but nod “Oh yeah, I do, that’s how I found Eren’s wallet actually.” He nods his head, placing his hands in his pockets as he leans back slightly “I get my coffee there all the time, the owner happens to be one of my friends. Send Pieck my regards.” 
As I’m leaving the building I hear my stomach growl, when was the last time I ate? It must’ve been around when I first got to work this morning. Normally I get something to eat after my shift but I got caught up in returning Eren’s wallet. Deciding I might as well just get something to eat here since I’m already on campus before I head back to my dorm. While making my way closer to the cafeteria I hear a familiar voice behind me, I turn around to see Eren running towards me. “Hey! I hope this doesn’t come across as creepy. But I wanted to repay you for the trouble of finding me.” He pauses as he stops in front of me, looking a bit flustered. I raise my brow at him waiting for him to continue “Plus, Zeke wasn’t gonna let me leave without offering to repay you. Which I already planned to do! But uh, he suggested I treat you to some food given what time it is. So if you wanna go grab something to eat, Wanna come with me?” He looked down at me nervously shifting his weight from side to side. I adjust my bag on my shoulder and smile back “Sure, that would be nice. I was going to just grab something from the cafeteria before heading to my dorm anyways.” Eren’s eyes seem to light up at my accepting his invitation and he falls into place at my side “So, since we’re going to be eating together...what’s your name? I’m Eren by the way.” He pauses for a second before quickly adding “But you might know that from finding my wallet.” He lets out a nervous chuckle and scratches the back of his neck before turning his head to face me as we walk. “Oh, right! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name’s y/n, it’s nice to meet you Eren.” I hold my hand out to him to shake, his larger hand wrapping around mine, giving a quick shake.
“Cool, y/n, gotcha, I’ll be seeing you around then.” He adds as he lets go of my hand and we start heading to the closest fast food place we both agreed on, “Kenny’s.” The walk toward the restaurant felt short as we spent the time just making small talk, even exchanging contact info, laughing at silly things, even petty things such as pointing out someone's fly being open. Before we knew it we had already arrived at our destination, I even forgot we were getting food by how invested I was in our conversation! It was really unexpected that I would make a friend just from bringing him back his wallet but it’s something I wouldn’t change. Plus despite seeming intimidating upon first glance Zeke seems to be polite and clearly cares a lot for Eren, hopefully he wasn’t offended by me feeling intimidated by him. 
I reach out and open the door, holding it open for Eren, the scent of varying dishes hitting my nose as I look over to see the hostess leaning forward with her chin resting on her hand and other arm on the podium in front of her before she notices us. She looks at us for a second and with what seems like her best attempt at covering the fact she is tired and just wants her shift to be over, forces a smile before picking up two menus and sets of cutlery from in front of her “Table for two?” She questions plainly. I nod at her as she starts sluggishly leading us to our table and I glance around the restaurant. It’s nothing fancy, just a little family style restaurant with warm lighting, booths lining the outer walls, each one having its own window and light hanging above it. In Between the rows of booths there sit some smaller tables, the whole restaurant is coloured with neutral browns and other plain colours giving it a more homey feeling. More well known for their breakfast foods over their lunch and dinner options, a good place to go after a long night of partying.  The hostess stops by a booth and places down the menus and cutlery “Your server will be with you shortly” she adds before turning around and heading her way back to her post at the podium, yawning as she walks. Eren and I pick up our menus, scanning over them to decide what to order. I get pulled from my thoughts by a voice asking us for our drink orders before I go back to browsing the menu. Deciding on my order I close the menu and place it on the end of the table, looking across the table at Eren I raise a brow, noticing his gaze following after the server as he walks away. “So I noticed you've been distracted by him ever since he showed up to take our drink orders, do you... you know... swing that way? Maybe have a thing for our server?” I question, Eren quickly turns back to face me “What? No! It’s not like that” he quickly waves his hands to dismiss the idea “he's my friend Reiner, but he's always so focused on work he probably didn't notice I was around” he lets out a small laugh adding “that’s so like him too, I’m just waiting for him to notice so I can bug him about it.” 
Eren puts down his menu as our server, Reiner, makes his way back to our table and places our drinks down in front of us and picks up the menus. As he takes my order I take my time to take in his appearance, he’s tall like Eren is but he’s more broad and muscular, even more defined by his work uniform. He has short blonde hair neatly styled, golden coloured eyes and a neutral facial expression. He looks rather intimidating, but Eren doesn’t seem bothered. His voice is deep, he’s polite but seems to take his job seriously, in contrast to the hostess. Reiner then turns his focus to Eren and his eyes widen slightly before relaxing “Oh Eren, I didn’t realize it was you” he states, looking more casual than before. "Responsible as always, aren't you, Reiner?" said Eren in a sarcastic but respectful way. "Haha, I guess so, what brings you here anyways? I don't see you here often" said the blonde man, his tone way more friendly than before but not losing that polite feel to it, either he must have worked in customer service for a long time before, or he's just naturally polite despite his looks. "Just repaying y/n here for them helping me out." said Eren as both their gazes turned to me. "O-Oh, it was nothing much, really. Just doing what anyone else would do" I hastily reply as the sudden attention catches me off guard. "Not many people would just straight up go across the whole campus to return a wallet! Even more so with all its contents still inside! You are a really good person, don't demerit yourself!" Eren replies adamantly, as if me not acknowledging my actions was somehow disrespectful to him. "He's right, you know. Not many people would go through all of that just to do a good deed, I respect that." added Reiner to it, just as adamantly as Eren but without the same amount of energy behind it that Eren put into it, but at the same time without losing the impact. I can feel my cheeks warming up as I can't help but smile at the compliments and end up just graciously admitting my loss in this argument and accept the praise. 
Reiner then picked up the menus and went to put our orders in at the kitchen. I then shifted my focus back onto Eren to find he was already staring back at me, leaning his chin in his hand “So, what do you think of Reiner?” he questioned while raising a brow before taking a sip of his drink. “He seems nice, I wouldn’t have figured you’d be friends” I reply with a short laugh when Eren looks at me confused, “not in a bad way, you just don’t look like you would hang out” I quickly add, nervously ruffling my hair, hoping I didn’t just accidentally offend him. Eren starts laughing as I just stare at him and tilt my head waiting for him to speak “Yeah, Reiner and I only met through some mutual friends of ours, so I get what you mean,” he says between his laughs. I hadn’t realized just how hungry I was when our food arrived, and it seemed like Eren was as well given we didn’t talk much and mainly focused on eating. 
When Reiner returned with our bill Eren quickly grabbed it before I could even glance at the total “You really don’t have to pay for me, Eren” I insisted while reaching out to grab the bill from his hands before he moved it out of my reach “No way! y/n I told you that I was gonna pay you back for returning my wallet and that’s what I’m gonna do!” Eren pushes my hand back and then opens the little book holding the bill, his expression falling slightly as he reaches to grab his wallet and seems to be counting bills. He pulls out some bills and places them in the book before looking sheepishly between Reiner and I, a faint flush to his face and ears before he mumbles “I might be a little short on cash” I immediately reach for my bag on the booth seat and start to look for my own wallet as I hear a laugh, but it’s too deep to be Eren’s, I look over and see it’s Reiner but he’s clearly trying to muffle it with his fist “Eren hand me the bill, will you?” He questions after clearing his throat. “Well you aren’t too short, so I guess I can cover you this time. But you owe me” Reiner adds, reaching into his pants pocket for his own wallet, I quickly retract my hands from my bag and quickly wave at him to stop “y-you don’t have to do that! I can just pay whatever is left on the bill!” Reiner looks over at me with a smile “No, it’s fine, Eren said he was gonna pay you back right? He still is. He just now owes me a little bit for helping to do that.” Eren nods his head “Thanks Reiner, I really owe you one now. Seriously don’t worry about it y/n, I’d feel bad having you pay after I made you come here.”
 Reiner waves his hand to say goodbye to us as he leaves with the bill in hand, wishing us a good night. I quickly find my wallet and place a few bills on the table as a tip for him after Eren has already started to head for the door. When we reach the door Eren holds it open for me and once we’re outside he says “Hey it’s pretty dark out here now, would you like me to walk you home?” I glanced around, noticing the street lights had come on already. As much as I would enjoy spending more time with Eren as I head back to my dorm, I worry about how my roommate would react to seeing him. She’s not a bad person just can make some weird and embarrassing comments at my own expense and I’d rather not have her be like that when I just met him. “That’s really nice of you, and I really appreciate the offer but I think I’ll be good to go by myself. Maybe next time you can walk me back?” I smile up at him and adjust my bag on my shoulder, hopefully he doesn’t think my offer of walking me home next time is too forward or something. I just had a really fun time with him and hope to be able to hang out in the future. 
Eren spends a moment just staring down at me, his eyes searching my face but for what I’m not too sure. “Alright, but you have my number so let me know you get there in one piece.” My smile widens at his response, he doesn’t seem weirded out by my comment so that’s a plus.  “Okay, I’ll send you a text so you know I’m alive” I joke as I turn to head towards the dorm, mentally preparing myself for the teasing I’ll get from my roommate when she finds out why I didn’t head straight back to our dorm after work.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH20
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,714
- Author Note: I think i am going to change the time of my update, it would be around Sunday or Monday (MYT) , i am so busy with works :< and not to mention i have finished this fic since it is an old fic of mine ^^ so i dont have to worry about writing block ,(that answers my cliche writing, this was written in 2017 ) thank u for reading :(( idk that there are people reading this, but thank u <3
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Chapter 20
“WHAT THE HELL MIN YOONGI? YOU- OH GOD-ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” Seul yelled as soon as they were inside Yoongi’s room. His eyes stared boringly into hers indicating how he was not affected by his earlier action even a bit.
Seul paced back and forth in front of Yoongi while raking her brain to make sense out of this. Her first curled up into a fist as she tried to contain her anger inside “YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF YOUR CARELESS ACTION!” she grinded her teeth together with a dangerous glare at his way.
“Responsibility? What kind of responsibility?” his brows quirked in amusement and soon a devious smirk spread on his face. The tone of his voice was mocking her. Yoongi would never leave her alone, that’s for sure. He had gone through to this length just to ignore his feelings for Seul, yet it came to no avail. It was best to be himself, because after all that was his new year revolution.
“And it is not a careless action” he argued.
“THEN WHY ARE YOU KISSING ME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION? THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME! We still haven’t talked about the kiss that you stole from me before?” she was boiling inside, and he could see her cheeks were tainted red.
Yoongi cleared his throat “I don’t have the answers with me right now” the answer got Seul ticked off even more. Rude, Min Yoongi.
“Are you being serious? People don’t kiss just because they feel like it. You are crazy Min Yoongi!” she snorted.
“I swear I don’t have the answers with me right now. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY I KISS YOU!” Yoongi defended himself eyeing the younger girl intensely.
Seul had a disbelief look “YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY, AND YOU STILL KISS ME?”
“Need I to remind you... this thing started because of you. You were the one who sexually harassed me first, or can I say in polite way... You kissed me” he rolled his eyes.
“Right, I kissed you because I need to save my ass unlike you. You kissed me for what? Revenge? Or do you have feelings for me?” she rubbed her temple easing the tense on her forehead. To Seul, Min Yoongi is confusing as hell not that she could read through him. He was too mysterious. His blank expression was not helping at all, only add to the pain throbbed on her head.
Flustered Min Yoongi clenched his teeth together getting annoyed over Seul’s little interrogation “If I have feelings for you so what?” he snorted sarcastically.
“WHY IS IT WRONG? You out of all people have no right to question my feelings”
“I didn’t say I like you. I said If I have feelings for you which appear to be none” his words stabbed her heart making her glowered in annoyance. “Then good, because you are annoying me” she flailed her arms to her side with a soft huff.
Yoongi hissed under his sharp breath, letting the anger inside him to subside “Look, we really have to stop meeting like this” he murmured.
“You have to stop kissing me first, then we will stop meeting this way” she sassed.
“I told you I don’t have the answers to why I am kissing you god, why are you so pushy?” Yoongi deadpanned. Watching how persistent Seul was to get the answers to her equations, he did not want to give stupid reply just yet or else everything would turn upside down over night.
“I am not being pushy, I have the right to know. You are kissing the lips that owned by me not by someone else. It is only logical to question your motive. So, tell me Min Yoongi-ssi” Seul straightened her body as she built her confidence to look straight into his eyes “Are you making a move on me because if you do, I will reconsider it. That is if you ask nicely and being bluntly honest to me” she raised her brows waiting for Yoongi’s reply.
This girl really…Why am I getting cornered. Yoongi groaned in frustration.
“I am not making any move on you”
“Then, first explain the kiss” Seul was determined to settle this shit between her and Yoongi. The things had been circulating for months, and his unexplainable actions after the first mistake that she committed only bring more harm to her heart. She no longer wanted to live her life this way.
“Do you want me to kiss you again? Why are you intrigue by the kisses!” Seul clasped her hand over her mouth instantly upon afraid that Yoongi might make any move on her again. She was not ready to feel his lips hovering over hers again. That sinful mouth of his brings more harm than good.
He smirked unknowingly at her reaction, giving him an upper hand to win this mouth battle. Much to his surprise Seul caught up too soon when she fired him back “Just because you are a horrible kisser” she lied. Yoongi is a good kisser even better than her. She just did not want to admit to it because by admitting to her subconscious it simply mean she’s accepting his action.
And, it would be a bad move.
“What a foul mouth for such a tasty lip”
Her eyes rounded with sheer embarrassment. “Tell me or I am going to scream and let everyone know you are trying to take advantage on me” she threatened to cover up her embarrassment.
“You won’t dare”
“Don’t push me” her eyes now meeting his again into an intense staring competition. None of them wanted to back away since it will only taint their egos.
“Then do it” crossing his arm, he kept his gaze on her as she moved backward with a playful smirk before opening her mouth ready to scream. Pinching his eyebrows together, he looked displeased by her determination and he knew Seul would not back down that easily.
Yoongi hated the idea of attracting unnecessary attentions from the members outside considering the stunt he pulled in front of Taehyung and Hoseok moments ago. Seul is a real troublemaker. “SHUT IT BEFORE I KISS YOU AGAIN” scowling angrily, Yoongi made his way to where she stood.
To her surprise, her empty threat put his stop at halt. Yoongi was standing still holding back his anger as he rubbed his hair making him 100 times sexier than he was.
“Fuck..Fine..You are different, it triggers my curiosity” she tilted her head demanded more answers from him only to receive a death glare from Yoongi. He continued nonetheless “The kiss is not just a kiss. I might.. I repeat, I might feel something else whenever you are around. Ugh fuck, ever since that day I couldn’t get you off my mind. I tried but the thought of you and the kiss that we shared was affecting me” he shoved his hand inside his pocket coolly. It sounded like he was professing his love for Seul, however he did not want to sound desperate and creepy.
A heavy lump on her throat made her breath hitched for a moment, as Seul responded changing the tone of her voice “You might, and it doesn’t mean anything right” she mentally screamed with the possibility of superstar Yoongi fall for her.  
He glared “I made it clear earlier. I don’t know” Yoongi blurted out with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“When will you know?” she chewed her lower lips nervously.
“Stop asking question! I DON’T KNOW”
“This so-called talk is not working. Now, out you go” Yoongi motioned Seul to the door with his hand. Never in his life to feel this affected by a simple girl like Seul. Barely did nothing there only to tease him with her sassiness that equally good as him tainted his ego. Before he succumbed into this rainbow thoughts that he had for Seul, this girl must be push away from him for the time being.
Her dominant side was severe.
For the first time in his life, he was intimidated by a girl.
“Are you chasing me out?” she gasped dramatically.
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “I am so done with your shit” he turned her body facing the door as one of his hand twisted the door knob, lightly pushing the girl outside. Seul almost tripped on her own feet, however Taehyung encircled his arm around her waist swiftly making sure her face would not kiss the ground.
A loud slam from the door behind them made her eyes squeezed tight until Taehyung’s not so angelic voice but still angelic to her ears brought Seul out of her dreamy state “Are you alright? What happen to you and hyung inside?” he asked worriedly.
Seul balanced herself with the help of Taehyung and sighed heavily “I am fine. Thank you. Your hyung is not keen of having people inside his room, doesn’t he?” she chuckled nervously to ease the awkwardness between them.
“Mmm…. I think he can be pretty aggressive when it comes to protecting his personal space”
“Right..” she muttered weakly after using the last ounce of her energy fighting Yoongi, she felt her mouth dried from the dreadful banter she had. Thankfully, she was so close in finishing her task for the day. Seul wanted to leave as soon as possible. The presence of Bangtan’s members in the house were suffocating her. Neither Hoseok nor Taehyung dared to bring up the things that they witnessed earlier which was a good thing.
They should ask Yoongi but not her.
Seul was not in the right mood to digest anymore Min Yoongi issues in her mind.
“Are you sure hyung did nothing to you inside?” another angelic voice almost similar as Taehyung but only this guy had a soothing smile on his face. His smile alone helped to calm down her racing heart.
Seul returned his concern with a warm smile “Thank you Hoseok-ssi. Nothing happen so don’t worry” Hoseok nodded.
“Hoseok” he corrected before continued, “This formality makes me feel uncomfortable. By the way, I still have to thank you for taking care of me last time. Thank you, Seul-ah,” his friendly tone was so welcoming and Seul grew fond of Hoseok’s presence in the room.
“Don’t be, I really hope you feel much better Hoseok. You look pretty worn out that time. Don’t overwork yourself. My mother really flipped out upon hearing the news” Hoseok chuckled gleefully, pressing his lips together showing his gratitude once again. “Oh, can I continue doing my job? I had enough dramas to deal in one day so allow me to complete my job before I leave” she glanced at Taehyung and Hoseok as if seeking for their permission.
Taehyung finally broke his silence “I will do my own laundry so go straight to your last task” he suggested.
“Are you sure? I am paid to tend this job. That is not good idea Taehyung” she found herself calling his name a little too friendly and dropped the formality without she realized. Not to sound overly confident, by the end of the day everyone would make her call them by either their names or ‘oppa’. Therefore, instead of going through the same process all over again she would gladly do it to avoid any problems in the future.
He shook his head frantically with his cute signature smile once again taking her breath away. Why is he so unreal? Seul complimented mentally. She had decided to comply to Taehyung’s words and went straight to clean Jungkook’s room. The maknae shared it with no one but still the room was in huge mess.
Jungkook owned two computers and there is music equipment at one corner filling up the room. A small space for him to sleep had clothes scattered messily on it. Seul made a mental note to place a small laundry bag next time so the youngest of the group could store his dirty clothes inside it. She wondered if he even slept on the bed, it seemed to her Jungkook would be the type of guy whom fell asleep on his chair after some long dreary game sessions. After making sure Jungkook’s game controller were placed neatly on the table, Seul made her way straight to the kitchen.
Jimin told her in advance to not cook today since Jin and Jungkook would come back with groceries. The eldest man in the house insisted to cook them good food today therefore Seul took out the side dishes like kimchis prepared by her mother this morning into their fridge.
Smiling to herself, she was relieved to see everything was in order and squeaky clean.  Seul decided to leave since she’s late to work already. Stood in the living room was Jimin with his stupid cute dorky smile, “Are you leaving already?” he whispered almost inaudible, yet she managed to catch it.
“Yes I have to get to work. I will see you around Jimin”
“Seul wait” Jimin pulled out a cute box from his pocket and handed it to her.
Confused, she took it hesitantly “What is this Jimin?”
“A Christmas present, I wanted to give it to you but I didn’t get to meet you..I hope you like it” he exclaimed shyly. Jimin put a lot of thought in purchasing the gift because knowing Seul, she might feel burdened by it. To see her beautiful smile as she admired the presents in her hand made this thing less awkward.
“Thank you.. I don’t know what to say. It is…wow..Thank you Jimin” her cheeks felt hot over this simple gesture by a guy like Jimin. Do not overthink, he is a nice guy. He did this because he feel indebted that I am cleaning their place. She assured herself to not get ahead of herself.
“Your welcome”
Human emotions are funny and can be pretty confusing. In his case, Jimin was unsure of himself. Did he do this to befriend Seul or for his personal gain? What was his personal gain again.
A day without phone meant the death to Seul. She thought she left it at home even though after a thorough search, it was nowhere to be found. She looked for it everywhere at her home and workplace, well except the boys’ place. Would it be possible that she dropped it there yesterday?
As much as she wanted to check her phone at Bangtan’s place, she feared the boys would be home at this time. Even though by having one of the members contact gave her an advantage, but she could not remember Jin’s number at all. How’s she going to contact him?
Groaning in frustration, Seul rested her chin on the table murmuring unclear protest in process. She screwed up big time. This was as frustrating as the night Mr JK left her hanging with the new year kiss. It had been a month since the incident, yet he’s nowhere to be seen.
She put a false hope on him.
Seul planned to confront him the next day after the incident, however to her dismay he did not show up like he usually does. She waited and waited until the shop was about to close, only to disappoint her even more. Shut it. Her main concern was supposed to be for her lost phone not the lost Mr JK.
The sound of the bell from the main door rung diverted her attention towards the next customer. She stood up getting ready to give a deep bow but instead she’s welcomed by the sight of familiar figure. The infamous Mr JK stood before her in his black sweater, black coated jeans and black snapback completing his fashion along with his signature black mask making him to appear like a fugitive.
Their eyes met, and it rendered her speechless. He lost so much weight in comparison to the last time they saw each other and for an odd reason her heart ached in response upon witnessing this. She had been missing him to be honest, however she tried not to overthink about it since it only pain her.
Jungkook took few slow steps towards Seul not breaking their eye contact, his feelings were raging inside. Day by day he wished to see Seul again just one more time to tell her how much he missed her. As if the world stopped for a moment, Seul found herself was drawn into Jungkook’s intense gaze.
She felt small and was a little conscious over the look that he gave her. Her heart pounded against her chest raging to come out by anytime soon. Within a second, Jungkook was standing in front of her like a perfect sculpture gazing down at her face making her squirm a little due to the intensity. His arms were soon wrapped securely around Seul tugging the shorter girl into his warm embrace.
Her lips agape in wonder, embracing her own thought. Seul small hand found her way to his chest, as she clutched onto it, burying her face in his chest. “I miss you” he murmured lowly. His hand moved up to her torso then, holding her in place at the waist as he took a moment to enjoy holding Seul in his arms.
Her eyes were brimming with tears, and it gave her a roller coaster feeling. Yes, she missed him. Yes, she was mad at him for leaving her just like that. Yes, she was happy to see him again. Yes, she was confused of herself.
How’s she going to survive 2017 if she failed to sort her own feelings?
Jungkook pulled away after a moment, running one of his hand to give a soft caress on her fluffy cheeks “I am sorry for disappearing. I should have come sooner. I was too caught up with my job, I couldn’t find time to see you” he confessed.
“Why..are you doing this to me. You left me without any words. Do you think that is funny” she gulped the heavy lump on her throats as she was aching to bawl her eyes out this instant.
“I really wanted to see you Seul, I am sorry for leaving you without any word. That night was overwhelming I pondered upon it hard these past few weeks. I started to question us” his whispers were genuine giving some sort of conformity to Seul.
Seul blinked her tears away, looking straight into Jungkook’s eyes “You cant just barge into someone’s life, make them feel special and then leave” she looked as if she would cry, shaking her head again as her lips quivered piteously.
Jungkook looked on her tears with eyes full of regret, he had hurt his woman, and this was not right the thing to do when it was started to fall to its own place. He glanced around the store making sure there was no one there since it was almost 2 in the morning, luck was on his side. There was another part time worker with her, to their sheer luck he was cleaning the kitchen behind leaving only the two of them there.
“I am not barging into your life just to make you feel special and then leave Seul. You are special and important to me. I want to make things real between us” he exclaimed while one of his free hand loosening the mask covering his face.
His determination really got him, and this was the perfect time to reveal himself to Seul. If he’s planning to take this thing to the next level, firstly he must unravel the secrets and started sharing it with her. This girl deserved the truth.
Daringly, he leaned forward, left hand stroking her cheeks lovingly as he finally pulled down his mask revealing his face to Seul. Her mind froze as soon as her eyes landed on Jungkook’s face trying to decipher the image once again.  She could not bring herself to say this aloud even though she was confident it was the same person that she assumed it to be. Even without his makeup, she remembers the details on his face. From that perfect jawline aligned beautifully along with the scars near his cheekbone was the real evident to feed off her curiosity.
“Jungk-“ Jungkook didn’t need further encouragement as he reached for her face, caressing his thumbs over her pouty bottom lips, before locking her lips with his. Seul’s grip tightened on his shirt, allowing herself to melt into his kiss.
His tongue probing and stroking her inner warmth dizzying Seul. The kiss with Jungkook has always been so intense as if he’s pouring his heart and soul into it. Even though after learning the truth Mr JK was Jungkook all along, she couldn’t help but wonder how an introvert guy like him had the courage to make a move on a stranger especially a woman this way. He stepped out from his comfort zone just to convey his feelings.
Jungkook gentled his mouth, softly nuzzling her lips before finally pulling away. She stroked his neck, breathing softly against his lips as she opened her eyes once again meeting his sparkling gaze. Seul would never be tired staring into that innocent doe eyes.
“I am Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you” his soft chuckle was adorable.
Seul still couldn’t believe that Mr JK is the Bangtan Sonyeondan’s Jungkook. Now that really messed up. Technically, she had a short so-called fling with one of his members, would it be bad to kiss two best friends at one time though she was still unclear with her own feeling for any of these guys?
“Jungkook…I think we need to talk” she threw him a worried glance caused the latter to shift uncomfortably. He despised that look, it meant he was about to get rejected. That was the sole reason why he was hesitated to reveal himself to Seul. He did not want to push her away from him. Due to his glamorous life, some people in his life included his best friend started to drift away from him because of his fans. Some fans could be a little too possessive making it hard for him to appear in one photo with his friends without hurting the other party.
Therefore, it was rare to see him being photographed with others other than his members. Jungkook would only appear in a group photo and in rare occasion he would post his personal selfie for the fans. Other than that, he lived his life under the radar.
“Jungkook…Seul…” the familiar voice caught them off the guard shifting their attention toward the individual who had a solemn face at the door step.
“Jimin hyung…” averting his gaze from meeting Seul, Jimin felt the anger bubbled up inside of him. Rather than anger, he would call it as jealousy. Seul face hardened as she cursed in her head not liking this thing a bit. Crossing her fingers, she hoped nothing bad happened today.
“How long have you been standing there?”
Jimin scoffed as a sign of disapproval “Long enough to witness your romantic adventure” the tone of his voice confused the latter.
“Hyung.. do you know Seul?”
His eyes fell on silent Seul, as he strutted slowly to their direction “She is our caretaker, Jungkook. Does Ji Seul even rings a bell in your head” Seul did not dare to look at Jimin knowing his nasty glare was basically ripping her sanity, full of hatred and anger.
Jungkook gasped “WHAT? SHE IS OUR CARETAKER?” his pitch raised an octave higher. “How can I not know this?” he mumbled to himself registering the information that he heard.
“Of course you don’t. She is sly as fuck. Alluring everyone into her own little world, making us liking her one by one” her head snapped, looking at Jimin with a disbelief look. His accusations were contradicting to his action toward her previously.
How can someone change so drastically?
What change him?
Bewildered Jungkook was alarmed by Jimin’s choice of words. The hyung that he knew would never use inappropriate words unless something ticked him off. In this situation, he did not know why Seul’s presence angered the older guy.
“The lips that you just kissed was the same lips that kissed Yoongi hyung” Jungkook face contorted in pain, everything that he heard today overwhelmed him.
Jungkook croaked softly “Hyung…what is this all about” he inquired.
“I heard from Tae and Hobi hyung. Yoongi hyung and Seul have kissed before and apparently it isn’t their first time” Seul felt tears in her eyes. What did she get herself into? The soft and sweet Jimin was no longer there.
“So Jungkook tell me, will you let yourself being fooled by a bitch like her”
“HYUNG! DON’T SAY THAT! She doesn’t even know my name and face until today! I made the move on her first”
“Does she not know you? Really Ji Seul?” Jimin chuckled bitterly.
“If I had known it is Jungkook, I would never get involved with him” Jungkook heart was stabbed by her words though he knew she didn’t mean it. She was hurting. It was crystal clear.
“All you woman says the same thing. Lies after lies”
“Tell me what do you want me to do Park Jimin! I don’t want to be dragged into your stupid world, I am doing this for my mother. My crappy luck brought me to you guys and it never stop since then. I wish for once everything works normally just the way it used to be. I live a decent life before all of you come into the picture. I made it clear that I wanted this relationship to be strictly professional. But you guys were pushing me to the edge leaving me no choice” her tears slipped. Jungkook watched her with a heavy heart and his urged to pull Seul into a hug topped his loyalty for Jimin.
“I learned to accept all of you. I made new friends from this, Jin is a good friend so does Namjoon. Yoongi is confusing but it never dawns on me to plot any mischievous plan to seduce him. I enjoyed Jungkook’s company because for once I have someone real to talk to instead of my family and best friend. I may not know Taehyung and Hoseok that well, but they make me feel welcomed and appreciated. And you Jimin…I thought we could be friend…Guess I am wrong” she choked on her own tears, tearing Jimin’s heart apart.
What have I done. Jimin clenched his fist.
“Seul…” Jungkook was about to utter something but was cut off by new presence in the room.
“You fucking screwed this up Park Jimin” Seul mustered her strength to look up searching for the source of the voice. Jungkook and Jimin followed her gaze to the welcoming sight few metres of them.
The squad is here.  All of them.
Yoongi’s eyes flared up in anger, and his expression was unexplainable. Obviously, he was displeased to see his girl got hurt. Now, he’s referring her as his girl, this need an explanation.  Stood beside him was calm Namjoon and Jin, throwing their sympathy glance at Seul. Not to mention, when their eyes collided with Jimin it turned into a hyena glare making the younger guy to shrink in fear and guilt.
On the other side was Taehyung with an unamused face, shaking his head mentally judging his best friend for taking such rash decision. He was not supposed to tell him about the kisses, he did not expect Jimin would act thing crazy.
To answer that question, the only possibility would be Jimin had a feeling for her.If that is the case, his action was an act of jealously.
“What are you guys doing here…” Seul grumbled.
Hoseok retorted “We heard everything. We are here to clear up the mess”
“And this is will be a long night. Pack up, you are coming with us” the leader ordered with a stern voice.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
hoax - Saeran Choi
This is the last part of my folklore one shot series and it’s bittersweet :/ you realize I’ve been doing this series for over two weeks now? Wild. Thank you for supporting!
Summary: After escaping from Mint Eye, you still work and chat with the RFA. Saeran feels betrayed. Slight angst to fluff, extreme AU, let’s be honest I’ve never played another story (I have read a synopsis and didn’t like the ending so I changed it hahaha)
AU: Saeran recruits you to Mint Eye by asking you to test an AI chatting app he made. Little do you realize at first you’re chatting with real members of the RFA. None of them know Saeran or anyone behind it, just you. You and Saeran are able to escape Mint Eye and help the authorities bust the headquarters and the RFA party is tomorrow.
You and Saeran had escaped to your old apartment on the edge of town. Mint Eye was still a slight concern, but Saeran had done a great job taking them down for the most part, leaking their information and location and reporting them to the authorities. He even offered to give testimony in court if necessary, which granted him immunity from anything he may have had to do under the influence of the organization.
The two of you had a lot of concerns, but the RFA party was tomorrow. While Saeran took his shower, you went through your closet to find something suitable to wear. He joined you in his towel, still dripping wet, looking for clothes to put on, clearly not expecting to see you there. “Oh! You scared me,” you jumped, surprised to see him... especially to see him so nude. You felt embarrassed but pulled yourself together; again, you had more pressing issues. “Which is more appropriate for the party? This pink one is a little more informal, see it’s kinda flowy. Then there’s the royal blue one. I’d say it’s more professional. It’s tight fitting and look!” You pulled out a belt. “It has a belt to go with it.”
He looked surprised for a minute. He very gently reached past you and grabbed a pair of sweatpants you had bought him. “I-“ he shook his head. “Can you let me get dressed first?”
You nodded, diverting your attention to the outfits as he got changed. “Okay,” he started. You turned to look up at him. He tried to speak, then quickly shut his mouth. He huffed out a puff of air. “You still wanna go?” He whined.
You hung the outfits back up and walked towards him, grabbing onto his hands gently. “I helped them plan it all Saeran. It would be irresponsible not to.”
“But we’ve had such a stressful few days- and I don’t wanna be away from you.” He was pouting at this point.
“Then go with me!” You offered, excitedly. “We could coordinate outfits. It’ll make my life way easier.” The RFA had only ever interacted with you through the RFA messenger group and were pretty unaware Saeran existed. “I’ll just introduce you as my boyfriend; they’ll be happy to let you in.”
“...I can’t do that.” He was staring at the floorboards, extremely focused.
“Why not? It’s not like they know you. They won’t be mad that I’m bringing a plus one.”
“They do know me,” he sighed heavily. “Why can’t you just stay here with me?”
“How do they know you?”
He shut his mouth tightly. He didn’t seem like he wanted to answer. You let go of his hands and walked over to sit on the bed. “It’s okay... you can tell me. I promise I won’t be mad at you.”
“Super promise?” He plopped down next to you.
You grabbed his hand and hooked his pinky with yours. “Super promise.”
“Seven’s my twin.” He blurted out, as though he felt if he thought about it too much more he could would back out of telling you. “He left when we were like teenagers. I haven’t seen him since.”
“Oh...” were the only words that could come out of your mouth. They did look alike. How did you not notice? “I mean. You dyed your hair. You’ve grown a lot. You still think he’d recognize you?”
He shrugged. “He knows my name. It’s not like it’s a super common name either. He’d know.”
“I could call you Ray at the party. Or something else if you’d prefer.” You offered.
“You want me to go that bad?” His features softened, the smallest curve of his lips giving away the smile he was trying to hide. “You know I can’t say no to you.”
You tackled him in a hug. “Yay! You wear green I wear pink?” You asked. He could only chuckle and nod.
He had been messing with his bow tie for the past half hour, despite it being expertly tied. “You’re stressed,” you commented, keeping your eyes on the road as you drove to the party. “What’s wrong?”
He hit the dashboard lightly in frustration. “They’re going to be all over you and talking to you. I know how much they like you. How much they trust you. I bet they all have a crush on you... even the girl. Even my brother.”
“Well I have a crush on you so who cares,” you giggled.
“Me!” He yelled in frustration. He sighed. “I’m sorry, that was kind of loud. I’m still trying to work on that.”
“You’re doing a great job. I’m proud of you Saeran.”
“How can you say that? How can you be so nice to me after everything I’ve done to you? After I lied to you and I locked you in your room and I endangered your life and I’m jealous of people you haven’t even met yet.” He leaned his head against the window. “I’m a mess.”
“You’re allowed to be a mess. You’ve been through a lot. I promise, my eyes will only be on you tonight,” you smiled warmly, glancing at him and meeting his eyes for a second before looking back to the road.
“I’m sorry. You know... it feels like a part of me is me and a part of me isn’t me and I’m still trying to sort it out. And then I’m haunted by all those...” he shook his head, “horrible memories from back there. It’s just hard for me trust. But somehow you broke down all those walls, huh?”
“It’s because I love you. So much. And we can hide your identity for the party but honestly if the RFA didn’t accept you? Screw them. I accept you. I think you’re great.”
“You... you’d choose me over all of them?” He seemed shocked.
“‘Course I would.” It was simple to you, but it meant the world to him. You didn’t have to look to know how wide he was smiling; you could feel it in your heart.
“I think I wanna go as Saeran. If something bad happens, you’ll be by my side, right?” He was anxious, but your presence comforted him.
You reached over to grab his hand, keeping your other tight on the wheel. “Forever and always.”
You had just pulled into the party. It was so elegant looking. A valet took your car. Jaehee was checking the guest list. You gave her your name and she grinned, pulling you into a hug. “Who’s this here with you?” She asked, saying hi to him.
“This is my boyfriend Saeran,” you held his hand tightly. “I hope it’s okay he came along; he’s helped out behind the scenes a lot.”
“Of course! Come on in.”
Saeran sighed a breath of relief, but you knew you weren’t through the gauntlet yet. You never let go of his hand, walking up to meet all the members in person. When you made it to Seven, he literally dropped his drink, the glass shattering on the floor.
“Don’t move,” the twins said in unison to you. You giggled.
“I wouldn’t want you to cut yourself,” Saeran finished. Luckily someone who was a part of the staff came over to help clean it up. Saeran recommended your get together relocate and, quite literally, carried you, only a few inches off the ground granted, away from the mess, despite your protests that you were fine.
“I’m sorry... are you... Saeran?” Seven asked, his voice nearly a whisper.
“I am...” he looked away. “I...” he ran a hand through his hair. “I have a lot of thoughts and feelings right now and don’t know how to sort through them so I just want you to know I’m trying my best here.”
Seven pulled him in tight for a hug. Saeran didn’t move, didn’t wrap his arms around him back or anything. After realizing this, Seven pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” Saeran apologized, his hand moving absentmindedly to grasp yours. “I’ve been watching you. Well... that sounds creepy. Well I guess it was. I, uh, have been through a lot these past few years.”
“We’re still working on it,” you explained gently to Seven. “He hasn’t really had it easy. Maybe you could help too though?” You asked, directing the question toward Saeran.
“Yeah... again, I have a lot of... bad feelings toward you. And I want to fix them. But that’s what they put in my brain, so it’s going to be hard,” he was practically squeezing your hand now to keep himself calm and not spiral into a nervous wreck or an angry mess.
“They?” Seven asked, confused.
“We can hash it all out another time maybe?” Even by glancing at Saeran you could tell he was tired. “I know we just made our rounds, but we might go home.”
“No, I completely understand. In fact, I can cover for you both if you’d like.” Seven’s eyes were watery. “Saeran... please take care of yourself. As soon as you’re feeling okay enough to meet up... I’d really like that.” He directed his attention to you. “Thank you for being here for him.”
“Of course. I’m more than happy too. I want to. We’re a pair now.” You were more saying this so that Saeran could get it in his mind, obviously not Seven, but both the twins smiled at you. “It was nice meeting you in person, Seven. Tell everyone I’m sorry for ducking out early.”
Saeran uttered a simple goodbye before the two of you made a stealthy escape. The second you got into the car you relaxed. He took off the bow tie immediately, undoing the top button of his shirt. “Did that go well?” He asked, seeking your approval.
“It went better than I could’ve hoped. You feel okay?” You hadn’t started moving yet; you wanted to check in with him beforehand.
He nodded vigorously. “You weren’t kidding when you said you only had eyes for me. You don’t even look at my twin like you’re attracted to him.” He was slightly smug about it, shifting in his seat to sit up taller.
“You’re right. Why would I need to look at anyone else when I have the kindest, most handsome man in the world by my side?” And on that note, you started driving. You were sure things would be alright: not just between you two, or just between Saeran and his brother, but everything in general. The trial, the RFA. everything.
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dearosamu · 4 years
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SYPNOSIS: she, a dancer with personified problems all the while more that intrigues osamu dazai who came into her life amidst the chaos that is [name] [last name].
six - seven
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dazai ended up staying in at home instead of going to work. he felt that he may not be needed today or rather, he may have attended one of mori's oh so important but utterly boring meetings that he loves hosting so much. since [name] felt unobligated to accept his generous offer of financial support, at least he'd have someone else to attain his support - namely akutagawa.
it was a pretty bland day. he lazed around his home before deciding on doing something semi-productive. he had a few of his many cleaners come by to tidy up a good portion of his home - it was theoretically impossible to clean a massive pent house by himself  - while he tended to his own private study, picking away at his piles of paperwork he had yet to look over. he still had time for those. maybe, if he felt like it.
he wanted to hold off on paperwork even more, but a simple phone message sent to him by his business partner wasn't going to let him slack off and waste precious time doing nothing. so, he spent a good few hours holed up in his study, somehow managing to finish weeks worth of paperwork.
dawn came upon him sooner than he would've liked, but his day did a complete one-eighty as soon as he heard a ding on his doorstep.
to his surprise, there stood a familiar woman with [h.c] colored hair and a young boy who clinged onto her side tightly. [name] and yumeno.
he would've teased her for this shortcoming, but her agitated and close to desperate expression silenced him before he could utter a single word. the thought of how she found out his address passed by the brunette's mind. he'd just ask her later.
"please take care of him for me." [name] requests - more like demands - dazai. "just for tonight."
"[name], why are yo-"
"his usual sitter has gone out of town and i didn't know about it until now. chuuya and tanizaki are working and akutagawa can't deal with children. i don't know who else i can trust to take care of him."
"just because i'm here doesn't mean i trust you that much."  [name] cuts him off again.
"yumeno has .. taken a liking to you somehow. i'm taking his word for it." [name] gives yumeno a gentle push towards dazai. now, dazai ached to give her a hard time. a few snarky comments here and there, but he simply took yumeno in, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"keep him safe, don't let him lose his doll and get him to bed by ten."
[name] made a move to turn around and leave, but stopped herself from pushing forward. she mutters something under her breath, but decides against repeating herself out loud.
she just continued to walk until her figure could no longer be seen.
"wah~ you have such a big and nice place, osa-chan!" yumeno exclaims upon settling himself on dazai's soft and comfortable cushion couch.
dazai is called by many things. he's also a man of weird, yet enticing talents. being a babysitter for a thirteen year-old boy was definitely not on sub par on his to do list. he turns his gaze towards the younger male, motioning with a nod of his head.
"yeah, i do. do you want anything? i think i have something sweet for you. unless you want an actual meal, i got some leftovers in the fridge." though, dazai implies leftover pasta and some sandwiches an actual meal. not exactly practical for the current time of day.
"it's okay, i'm not that hungry," yumeno sends dazai one of his appalling smiles. dazai feels a trifling feeling of dread. why can't this child smile normally?
"let's play a game!" yumeno jumps up from his position on the couch, slightly tossing his precious doll in the air before hugging it close to his chest.
"game?" dazai questions, perplexed. yumeno hums in agreement. "do you have anything fun to play with?"
"i don't have anything that you can play with. why not just play with your doll?"
"marga is precious to me. i can't possibly ruin her pretty state," yumeno replies while stroking a side of the doll's face gently. dazai ignores the weird ministrations of the kid - and how he handles that creepy looking doll with care, opting to sit on the free spot beside him.
"got any board games?" yumeno turns towards dazai.
"no, i don't have time for silly things."
"what do you have time for then?"
"i plan the course of strategic development for my company."
"you're doing that thing again," the kid gives a small giggle. "you're talking all smart!"
"i do like to pride myself as an intelligent individual," dazai gives a small grin in agreement. at least someone was acknowledging his intelligence.
"mhm! even though i have no idea what you're talking about." the young male beams. dazai snorts at the comment. of course he doesn't. he's thirteen after all.
"hey, osa-chan," yumeno tugs at dazai's dress shirt. "i want you to lift me up!"
"a lift? wha-..!" without warning, yumeno jumped on dazai's back, giggles coming out of his mouth at the sound dazai makes.
"h-hey! don't jump at me so unexpectedly!" dazai maintains his balances as he adjusts his position to hold yumeno piggy back style.
"gallop along, my noble steed!" yumeno laughs as he lifts his doll, marga, in the air.
"please don't call me a noble steed," dazai sweats before proceeding to jog around his living room with yumeno on his back.
"you know, for a skinny guy, you sure do seem strong!"
"want me to drop you brat?"
"i'm kidding!!" yumeno laughs as he tightens his hold on dazai in slight fear his words may come true. dazai rolls his eyes in a playful way. [name]'s son seemed like a handful. it's a wonder that she can handle one troublesome brat. "you can put me down now."
dazai bends down a little to have yumeno off his back, in which the latter diverted his attention to his fifty-five inch tv. yumeno points to the black screen, grinning.
"can we watch something on your tv?"
a few hours had passed by since [name] dropped off yumeno. it was nearing ten pm, meaning dazai had to get yumeno to sleep soon. he returns to the living room after retrieving a fresh cold beverage from his kitchen, only to notice a small figure slumped against his couch.
he gets closer to find yumeno passed out while the tv still played a random show he was watching an hour ago prior to his drowsy state. dazai chuckles at the sight, placing his glass on the coffee table near the couch to pick up his sleeping figure to transfer him in a guest room. yumeno wouldn't budge and only moved to get in a more comfortable position on the couch. dazai  gave up on trying to move the sleeping male, seeing as he didn't plan on leaving the couch anytime soon and fetched him a spare blanket instead.
his doorbell rang again upon the next two hours. there stood [name], who now wore very different clothes from hours before. she sported a black and white striped skirt that only reached her upper thigh, accompanied with a white over-sized shirt tied to a knot that clearly wasn't hers to cover up whatever was under it. she held a cropped jacket on one arm while the other was placed on her hip, impatience and stress were evident on her face.
"where's yumeno?"
"he's asleep on my couch," he moved a bit for space for her to come in. "don't you have any spare clothes?"
"i got off late and as you can see, i was in a rush." [name] huffs.
"why don't you just borrow one of mine?"
[name] turned her gaze to him indecorously. "what, you want me to dress in your hobo fashion?" she snickers.
"hey! i'll have you know i have attained my fashion sense from someone who actually dresses nice! unless your preference in fashion is the same as that stupid slug, i can see where you get your poor taste from," dazai scoffs.
"if you just wanna insult me with the clothes i'm wearing, i'm obligated to just take yumeno now and step out that door," [name] barks through gritted teeth, clearly annoyed.
dazai ignores her and drags her to his room, shoving her inside. "there's my wardrobe. just pick whatever you like. though it may be a bit large, at least it's proper than your current attire."
[name] rolls her eyes. "do you ever not avoid saying stupid comments for no reason?"
dazai shrugs at her and motions for her to get changed. [name] raises an arched brow to him.
"well? get out! i'm not letting you watch me change, fuckin' pervert!" she pushes him from his leaning position on the door and slams it shut. she's a brat too, treating dazai that way in his own house. she's real lucky that he's o̶b̶s̶e̶s̶s̶e̶d̶  infatuated with her.
he went back to the living room to wait for her to get finished, scrolling idly on his phone for any updates on work that he needed to tend to and going through his other social media.
"done," he watches [name] walk downstairs, wearing one of his black shirts and slacks that were probably too small for him already, seeing how it managed to fit her nicely.
she looked good in his clothes.
really good.
[name] tried to ignore his obvious stare that he didn't even bother hiding. what a weirdo.
"got a spare bag i can use to dump my clothes?"
dazai nods wordlessly and leaves for a moment to fetch a small spare satchel bag from his study. [name] takes it from him without a word, choosing to carelessly stuff her clothes inside it.
"it wouldn't hurt you to at least say a 'thank you', you know," dazai pouts at her, crossing his arms in a child-like manner.
"i don't like you enough to act all nice and friendly."
"you kissed me the other night though."
"obviously to get you to shut up." [name] groans. "and please, do not mention it again to me. ever."
"why though?" dazai questions while placing his hands on his hips. "you insinuated it without me doing anything. and frankly, despite what you told me hours before, you might actually trust me enough to take care of yumeno."
[name] doesn't give him a reply nor bother herself to spare him a glance. dazai steps even closer.
"why do you keep denying me? you know that there's more to it, right? why can't you just tell me?"
"just shut up already!" [name] glares at him. "there is nothing, alright? i have nothing to say to you." [name] pushed pass him to walk over to yumeno's sleeping form, nudging his shoulder to wake him up.
"yumeno? sweetie, it's me. wake up," [name] softly coos at her son. yumeno rubbed his eyes from drowsiness, sluggishly trying to sit up but ended up leaning against his mother.
"h-huh? but, i'm still so sleepyy.." he yawns.
"sorry, yumeno. we have to go now, we don't wanna overstay our welcome," she mutters the last part mostly to herself, but dazai wouldn't allow her act like that.
"why don't you two sleepover? i have a guest bedroom for you two, i don't mind."
"why are you so persistent on having us stay here?"
"i still don't understand your hostility towards me, but i'm trying to get on your good side, alright? i took care of q-chan for you already. at least let me do this for you," dazai insists. [name]'s narrowed eyes softens at this, glancing down towards yumeno's sleepy face. no matter her pride, she'd always put him first before herself.
she sighs, reluctantly agreeing to stay and sleep in dazai's house."fine. not like i had a choice anyway."
soon after that, [name] and yumeno had transferred to the guest room. yumeno already tucked in and continued on his deep sleep. [name] sits at the edge of the bed, humming to herself as she tucks away a strand of hair that were on yumeno's face.
dazai stares at the pair with an emotion he can't understand well himself. he sighs and turns to head back towards his own room. that is until he heard a voice call out to him.
he hums in acknowledgement, letting [name] know he was listening.
"i.. i'm sorry for how i acted. you're being generous and kind enough to take care of him, as you said and you even went as far as offering us your place." she huffs before continuing. "it was uncalled for-"
"it's alright," dazai gives her a small grin. "i don't mind at all. just tell me if i go too far next time, 'kay? he turns to the side, hand rising up to cover a yawn coming out.
"it's getting pretty late, i should head back now. good night," he bids her a good nights rest before finally heading back. a hand on his shoulder stops him in his tracks.
"you didn't let me finish," the female clears her throat, mumbling something under her breath.
"huh? what was that?"
".. i said thank you. and good night." she promptly closes the door right then.
dazai stands there for a few moments before walking back upstairs to finally get to his room, chuckling to himself.
he really can't understand her sometimes.
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
<---Prev   Next ---> Core
“I’m not a coward.” Killer hissed. Shatter opened a portal
"Than come on chicken!" She hops through the portal and lands right in front of shade.
Shade jumped. “The hell?!” He hissed at Chara. “Chill out.” Error said with a sigh.
"Hello to you too shade" she rolls her eyes. "Error! Hello, I didn't get to talk last time. What have you been up to?" She goes over to shine and looks at her pet
Skink has grown quite a bit, he was the same size as Shine “Well, Ink has been complaining on how her game has become dull and needs some ‘spicing up’” Error shrugged. “ Whatever that means.”
"nothing good I'm sure" she looks around. "Where is she?"
“She left a bit ago, said she’ll be back soon.” Error replied. (2 turns)
"uh huh," she gets a chill thinking something is going to happen. She looks to shatter.
Shatter seemed to have the same feeling as she looked around. 
sense she's right by shine all she does kinda go closer to her in a protective mannor
The ground spiked up, hitting Shatter directly in her soulstone.
chara sees shatters soul stone break. "INK ALL OF YOUR STUPID IDEAS MEAN NOTHING AS LONG AS CAN RELOAD. SO THE JOKES ON YOU" she looks around for her
Ink was on top of the roof. “Not if I overload your save file to now.” She said with a smirk as shatter turned to dust.
"Good luck trying you piece of sh**! Oh god I hate you! Void cult yeah right" chara climbs up to face her.
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Ink paused for a moment. “Where did you learn that...”
"I thought you knew EVERYTHING." She sneers her eyes glowing
“Not when I’ve been stuck here.”
"whatever I don't care about your excuses. I'm going to make you hurt, you're going to tell me about this cult. And then I'm bringing shatter back. " chara surrounded ink with red knives
“I can bring her back, but not unless I get something in return.” Ink replied
"Like you need anything" the knives are right by her skin grazing her
Ink’s blood was black and reformed instantly into new skin. “Enterainment.”
"Maybe you should stop being a perv and mind your own business for once in your life" she makes the knifes cut back at her, they form jags more like a saw
She saws through inks arm only for it to slowly reform. "Error wanna help me out?"
“Kid, I’ve tried, she doesn’t feel pain unless she gets burns.” Error said.
"Like, actual burns or chemical burns?"
Ink signaled for Error to be quiet
"You can speak errz, she doesn't own you."
( did killer follow or is she still back at the other place)
(She stayed back.) “Yeah but she can certainly kick my ass.” Error responded, remembering last time She got in the way of one of Ink’s games
(I am just now realizing how much Ink is like the other mother from coralline)
(Yeah that sounds about right) 'I'm surrounded by cowards.' She looks upset. 'Its around this time I wish I was bigger and or could teleport' she tries to tackle ink off the roof anyway with the use of orange magic
Below is a shallow lake so that would answer her question of water Resistance
Ink turned to liquid, dodging.
chara checks ink
(Endurance 10/10 Speed 9/10 Physical attack 1/10 Special attack 9.5/10 Physical Defense 7/10 Special Defense 9.5/ 10)
chara puts up a ring of fire around ink
Ink looked at this. “Really?”
All I can picture is chara saying "go ride a rollercoaster" all angry like in that balloon shop video
"Just because you're op as fu** doesn't mean you have to make fun of me!" She waves her arms
Ink looked at Chara before her eyes flared and the flames went out.
"You know, I say 'I hate you' a lot but for you I really mean it." She shoots forward and slashes into her ink that just moves out of the way. "Help me error damn it!"
“Again, I know better than to do that.” Error said. “Yeah? But I don’t!” Shade hissed climbing up.
chara's pretty shocked that shade wants to help. "Well, ah gee. Thanks kid,"
Ink turned to Shade, a slight glare on her face.
Chara wonders if she were to fuse with shade and then go back in time if she could revert it. 
 Shade shot towards Ink, who turned to liquid to dodge.
chara goes in from the other side trying to leave her no where to go.
Ink went in between Chara’s legs and reformed behind her.
 Chara sighs. And turns to her. "Why did you do it. She's my friend, how is this fun to you!" she looks like she actually might cry.
“Because, it’s illogical.”
"fun has NOTHING to do with logic. What world are you living in? Why hasn't the protesters of these world's come to destroy you? I've never been justice oriented but you don't deserve to live." She's been attacking her the whole time getting no where
Ink grabbed Chara’s throat. “You can’t kill something that wasn’t truly alive to begin with.”
Chara struggles kicking and clawing at in not being able to breathe.
Ink then dropped her, not going to kill Chara yet
Chara catches her breath rubbing her throat. She looks over to shade tiredly
Shade was slipping off the roof.
she growls and looks up at ink. "What do you want."
“I already told you, entertainment, you play my game, I bring your friend back.”
 she rolls her eyes and sits down loosing her balance "What does that entail?" She mummbles
“You can continue your little journey, but...” she thought for a moment. “You are to kill all fusions.”
"That's stupid."
“Think of it as a challenge, 18 fusions, for the eighteen pieces.”
She growls "That's nothing but a waste of life. Especially sense the fusions I've met aren't even hostile." She pulls up her save file "I'm not playing your game." She thinks of a few minutes ago and starts to try to jump back.
Ink smiled. “I must say, I am impressed.”
She gives her a side glance as if telling her to go on
“I’ll bring her back. In due time of course, but you do have my word on that.” Ink said.
"I take your promises as well as I take asy's as to say not at all. But I do want to know what you're impressed by? I'm groveling at your damn feet"
“That you refused my offer, most versions of yourself jump at the idea of a mass genocide.” Ink said.
"Ah I see, I take pleasure in making those hurt who deserve it. I'm no sociopath. Like you." She puts a hand over the reset button. "See ya on the other side freak." She salutes and pushes it.
She was when they came out of the portal. “I’m not a coward.” Killer hissed.
"So you say killz, so you say." She grabs shatter's hoodie stopping her from going in the portal
Shatter flinched. “Woah what’s wrong?” “So now you know why I’m not going?” Killer said in a snarky tone
"You could say that. Okay let's make this simple." She pulls shatter all the way back. "Im going to say a quick bye to the kits, and you open the portal back up after I'm done alright? Just stay here. "
“Ok, will do.” Shatter said, still confused. Ink watched from the roof. “You know, resets are such a pain, ruin so much planning.”
Chara's through the portal and it shut, she glares up at ink for a moment before saying "Don't talk to me." Putting up a hand and going over to shade
“About time you came back!” He said.
"Yeeeeeah about that..." she rubs the back of her head trying to think how to say it. "The thing is we're planing on keeping you two with... well with error." She looks to error " you can baby sit right?" She says with pleading eyes
“I have been... I’m not there mother, don’t wanna be either.” Error replies not looking up. “Come on Error. I think it will do you some good.” Ink added. “No way Ink, kits are grabby, and thanks to you, I can’t handle that.” Error hissed softly 
"I-... I don't even want to know what you mean by that." She shakes her head. "But thank you error, you're a life saver. I'll find. Someone else I guess."
“Yeah, whatever.” (Yeah, ink hurt Error the last time she intervened in one of her games, so much so that Error has ptsd from it.)
he calls to shine. "Hey kid get over here!" Back to error. "You should get away from ink. She's nothing but a head ache and you know it"
Shine ran on over. “Easy for you to say, you don’t have to clean up after her.” Error said
"Maybe if you stop giving her attention she'll take a hint that EVERYONE HATES HER" she turns to ink at the last word. She gives shine a hug when she makes it over.
Shine actually started purring softly when she got hugged, extremely happy to have affection. “So? What if they do? Won’t change much.” Ink said
"Being liked is more enjoyable than anything in the multiverse. Of course you'll never know that." She pats shines head and walks over to where the portal was. "Shatter I'm ready!" She has no clue how shatter's powers work so she just yells and hopes she heard.
Shatter opened the portal. Error looked to Ink, thinking.
"Bye error, think about it, kay?" She smiles and gets the kits through the portal and follows.
Shine was still nervous about Killer. Shade happily greeted Tonic.
Tonic looked ecstatic to see them. Chara claps once and says. "So! The whole void cult, ink knows about it. Also ink killed shatter. I feel that keeping the kits with us is kinda awash now. No one's going to be safer or in more trouble if they stay." She shrugs. "Or we could drop them off with nightmare."
“Night would eat them within a week, on purpose or not.” Killer said.
"Oh yeah I forgot her weird eating problem..." she clicks her tounge. "Well kids what's your opinions?"
“Can we stay with you?” Shine asked “What about that laughing lady?”
"What the hell is laughing lady?"
(LJ) “No she was creepy!” Shine whined, hiding behind Chara.
"Oh LJ? Yeah that's not a bad idea"
“Thank you.” Shade said. Shine whined softly
"Have a better idea kiddo?" She looked behind her to shine. "You don't want to stay with us we're not nice."
“Yes I do...” shine mumbled
"What is it?"
“I wanna stay with you guys!” Shine spoke up
"Yeah I heard you the first time. But we're going to be running around killing big groups of cults. I kinda don't want you there for that. Nor would skink."
“Take me with you please!” Shine whined
"Pfff, why?"
“B-because....I dunno!” Shine whined louder, clearly annoying Killer.
Chara noticed and lead shine a couple paces away from the group "Listen shine, you deserve to grow up having fun. You don't want to see me and killer mess up the universe and practically brainwash others."
“But-But you are fun!” Shine said 
"HA fun? yeah no kiddo, you'll have a lot more fun without us. plus you have skink! you'll be fine"
“B-But...” shine stuttered.
chara looks at shine quietly and then sighs. "we'll come see you later. alright?" 
“Promise?” Shine asked.
"ehh. sure. as long as i'm not dead by than or something." she shrugs
Shine then hugged Chara. “Okay, as long as you come back.”
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(yeah i'm not great either. i'm going to put a couple pics here and i can only do it one at a time so sorry! if you have other ideas for some moves for frisk do tell)
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chara hugs back. "heh, that's funny i thought you guys didn't like me very much
“Shade doesn’t.” Shine said.
"do you know why?" she lets go and starts to head back over to the group.
“Something about ‘irresponsible jerk’?”
"the irresponsible jerk being me? i don't get it." she cocks her head."
(for color changes you could have kris and chara and the vessel you make at the beginning of deltarune DANG it would be so cool)
“Me neither.” Shine said. “I said put me down!” Shade hissed at Killer who was holding him up by his foot.
"i leave you for one second killer" she sighs jokingly. "put him down."
“Not until he apologizes.” Killer hissed. “Never!” Shade hissed back
"what he do?"
“Called me a ‘blind psycho bitch’.” Killer hissed.
chara shrugs "i thought you had thicker skin than that killz"
“Oh can it.” Killer hissed. Lifting Shade higher off the ground.
"let's get the kits out of here before killer does something dumb." she tells shatter.
Shatter’s eyes glowed purple as she freed Shade from Killer’s grip
"know what hold up, i wanna take them to that island and test out something if that's good with you guys." she stretches and starts picking various plants and putting them in her pockets.
“What island? The one where we fought?” Shatter asked.”
"nah, the one with the waterfall we were just at"
“Got ya.” Shatter said, opening a portal.
they go through and chara instantly turns to tonic. "okay!" she sits on the floor infront of them. tonic blinks confused. chara pulls out all of the plants and lays them out. "that thing we read about you said you were a support thing so i wanna see what you can do with dumb materials like these." "okay?" tonic says
Shatter watched, actually interested in the experiment. 
chara gives tonic a stalk of grass seed, tonic absorbed it into their paws. tonic turns a light green shade and chara makes a grumpy face. "i don't want simple healing! i want some kind of resistance to lava and crud. i know you can do that, it said so." she shoves a few more twords tonic that they take, most of them deepen the shade. leaves and weeds. when tonic got to a mushroom it was different, a bit of blue magic went to tonic's core and stayed seprate from the green. (i must sleep, bye)
Shatter thought for a moment. Before summoning an egg. “Try this.”
tonic had a little sigh not exactly enjoying the little experiment. the egg gave an indigo shade that stayed in their paws.
It was the egg of a lava lizard, an aquatic creature that would dive into lava pools and turn the molten rock into armor. Shatter senses that he was uncomfortable. “You ok?”
the indigo had a tint of purple to it, almost like it didn't know what color it should be. tonic nods to shatter. "that might be what i'm looking for" chara says. "give me your hand" she grabs tonic's hand
Shatter, just to make sure nothing went horribly wrong, turned into a lava lizard and went into the stream
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 chara took off tonic's hand as they held up their arm to not let the liquid out. chara went over to look how shatter was doing holding the potion ready to try it out.
Shatter nodded, the molten rock warming up her scales
chara drinks the potion and tosses the hand back to tonic. chara's skin glowed purple for a second and she went into the water. she felt perfectly fine. "haha! yess!!" she went to swim down trying to find an opening to the volcano; 
Shatter was swimming much faster than Chara, and allowed her to hold onto her tail.
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 she held on and the two of them swam under finding a crack where warm water was coming out of chara let go and started to move away some of the rocks around it.
There was an air bubble, she could hear someone talking. “You feeling better now? Good, you had me worried.”
she gives a questioning look to shatter and tries to go closer
Shatter broke some of the rocks to allow Chara to surface
she makes it into the area and shakes her hair and clings to a rock to keep her up. the person who was talking probably noticed her instantly.
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The person was facing away, petting a phoenix
 "hey you, what you doing in here?" she asks. climbing on the rock.
 The person turned to Chara. “Oh I was just helping Rodon here heal.” She said with a smile
"why are there people everywhere? i swear like what? or stars, whatever." she hops across the rocks over to where neon is. she slides over and pokes the phoenix
“Well, I’m no star,” She said (with a 😅 face). The Phoenix squawked and nipped Chara’s finger.
chara moved before it could bite her. "alright, what are you?" she looks intrigued.
“Well, a carbon life form, but Ink kinda made the whole, ‘carbon life forms are soulless and evil’ thing seem universal, or I guess multiuniversal.” She replied
"cool! you're like that jerk! you can tell me how to torcher her!" her eyes sparkle. "error's too chicken to tell." tonic was looking down into the water with the kits and sees shatter resurface.
Shatter shook off the water, turning back into herself. “Well, that’s pretty mean....” the person said. “I don’t even know who you are.”
"where'd chara go?" tonic's confused. "does it really matter who i am? everyone knows she deserves it."
“She found a pacifist star to chat with, she’ll be fine.” Shatter said. “Well...she can’t really help being the way she is.” The woman said
chara shakes her head confused. "excuse me? she killed my friend to 'spice things up'. SHE CAN'T EVEN ENJOY a story so she's doing this for no reason. she's the worst thing in existence!"
“Woah, woah, ok, ok. Sorry, I didn’t know that.” The woman said
"yeah," she folds her arms. "care to share now? i'd be quite grateful." tonic nods and looks to the kits. "do you want to try going in the water?" the bit of potion still off their arm no sure what to do with it.
“Water, it burns carbon, it’s a chemical reaction, hydrogen burns carbon.” The person said. “Me!” Shine cheered.
tonic happily handed it over to shine. "i was actually thinking about that thank you. too bad she's so hard to pin down in anyway." she pauses. "is this phoenix yours?"
Shine drank it. “Well, I can actually help on that.” The person said. “And no, rodon lives here.”
"woah really? you'll help? you just said you don't even know me."
“Well, unlike Ink, I’m not soulless. It’s called sympathy.” The person said. “My name’s Neon by the way.”
"well damn, alright i won't complain. i'm chara." she kinda feels bad she didn't specifically say that her friend isn't dead anymore but... eh.
Neon smiled and climbed out of the volcano, the lava not harming her
chara not willing to get burned to death doesn't risk going the way neon did and swims up the almost boiling water back to the rest of them. "guys! we've got help!"
“Really?” Shade asked. Shine was splashing and playing in the water
"yeah she'll get around her soon i assume. she's a carbon 'star' just like ink and she said she'll help us break her."
“And why should we trust her?” Killer hissed. “Because I’m not like Ink.” Neon said.
"you don't trust anyone killz. you're right we'll keep an eye on her but be positive! cool things could happen with her help"
“I understand your mistrust, but don’t worry.” Neon smiled. Shine yelped and went out of the water as the potion wore off.
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( here's a bad idea, swap ink that has too many emotions and has to drink acetone a lot to make them less extreme.) tonic went over to shine "are you alright?" chara nods. "yeah killer don't worry! okay so ink says she's always listening or whatever so the only way that i can even think of finding her is to specifically ask her to come here. so i'm asking. currently." she shrugs knowing it's not going to be that easy.
“Burn...” shine whined. “Yeah not that easy.” Neon shrugged, “she doesn’t literally always watch, she listens to the creators, who are currently rambling about another version of Ink.”
"i can help you with that, no worries." tonic starts to heal her up ('they're currently rambling about another version of ink, lol i don't know why that's funny to me) "oh" chara says. "wait how do you know that?"
Shine had burns on her legs. (Because it’s what we were doing) “I can hear them too.” Neon explained.
( that's what I mean! It shouldn't be funny! ) "uh huh... can you like... ask them to shove ink over to us?" Tonic fishes healing and shines legs feel better than ever.
“You two heard Chara, are you gonna make it that easy?” Neon asked seemingly no one. (Which Ink? 😈) “My creator asks ‘which ink’” Neon sighed. “She never makes things easy.”
( Lol this is so weird, HI NEON) "... know what. I don't trust them at all maybe we should forget them." "You know which ink" she rolls her eyes
“You’re creator calls my ability weird and says hi to me.” Neon explained. “Hello, Zora.” Shatter sighed. “Can I use you as a link to find Ink?”
Chara's just confused
“Sure you can try.” Neon shrugged as Shatter’s eyes turned purple.
Tonic trots over to shatter
(is that so?) “She’s at the marble ruins?” Shatter said with a questioning tone
tonic seems to know that place and looks at their watch thing which hasn't done anything resently
Killer seemed suspicious. “Can’t be that easy.” “Lotus is there...” shatter sighed. “That sounds about right.” The watch was on Draco. 
Chara cocks her head. "Well let's go!"
Shatter sighed and made a portal
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they get to the marble ruins where lotus is. chara slides up next to her and greets her. "hello! where's that jerk ink!"
She slid next to a teen in a black cloak. “What the hell are you planning to prank us with this time?” Lotus asked in a bored tone. “Hey Lotus! There was some bu-.....” another chars yelled as they rounded the corner.
"ooo hey a me!" she hops up and down. "HI!"
Lotus looked at them both, her eyes glowing. “Ok, that makes sense.” She said, before going back to tending to the plants. “Uhhhhh... ok, this is weird.” The other Chara said(let’s call him oc for now)
 "well get used to it, there's a lot more weird where i came from." tonic joins them and so do the kits "but sieriously. i assume you're lotus? shatter was talking about you and I NEED to see ink asap."
“I know already, and I can’t detect ink, she has no soul. I can see people for what they truly are, and see how long they are supposed to live for.” Lotus explained, her voice lacking much emotion. OC huffed. “Yeah, it sucks because you have destroyed three of my hosts, THREE!”
"pff, sucks for you." turning her attention to lotus "yeah? that's pretty fancy... know what hold on-" chara goes and grabs killer's arm. "tell me about her if you'd be nice."
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“Why just tell you when I can show you?” Lotus suggested with a sigh, her eyes glowing as a silhouette off a creature formed around Killer. Inside of that silhouette was one of a girl who seemed to be crying. Killer herself seemed in a trance when Lotus was doing this. “Another corrupted soul... so cool.” OC said with a smile. (Creature in picture)
"that's not 'cool' that's my friend ya jerk." she sighs. "is there anything i can do to help her?"
“Well, see the lighter part, the girl? That’s her true self, it’s just hidden. She had done this to herself.” Lotus’s eyes stopped glowing, Killer shook her head as the silhouettes disappeared. “They are when ya get to see them fight, so gory.” OC smiled.
chara glares at oc "... i don't like you." she looks a lotus. "even if she did do this to herself can't i help?"
“You won’t be the last.” OC smiled. “Well yes, there are some traditions to ‘cleanse’ a soul of such corruption, but that would change the person you know.” Lotus explained, before a familiar face showed up; Papercut. “Hey, Lotus, you have the new knife I left here?” She said, yawning like she had just gotten up.
chara wasn't thrilled to see papercut not wantting to get into a fight with her knowing she'd loose. "i don't want to just 'fix her' i want her to just feel better."
“Have you asked her what she wants?” Lotus asked.
"i meannnn, not really?"
Neon wandered off, catching Shade’s attention. Shine was nervous. “And I left your knife in that old shop, with the pink roses.” Lotus told Papercut. “Thanks.” Papercut said leaving
"well aren't you popular." she turns to killer. "well? what do you what?"
“I’ve told you before, I’m fine like this.” Killer said. (A Corrupted shell can also be used to as a safety shell, it makes the host feel protected)
(got ya) chara stares her down. "i don't think i believe you."
Shatter sighed, looking around. “Believe me or not, it doesn’t change how I feel.” Killer said bluntly.
chara clicks her tongue. "whatever." back to lotus. "so you said you don't know where ink is?"
“I do.” Oc said, “I pranked her this morning.” He laughed. “It was awesome!”
"would ya show us?" tonic tapped her foot thinking she should follow neon and so she does that.
Neon was looking around, walking into one of the ruins, “there you are.” She said, finding Ink. “Well I can’t leave until I heal, now can I?” Ink replied her wing was all burnt up, “She went into one of the buildings, I burnt up her whole wing, it was epic.” Oc smiled. (Oc is my headcanon of Chara btw)
(yee i was assuming that) tonic has the instant urge to heal ink but they refrain. "well damn i guess we better get going before she heals. why are you stronger than me! that's not fair!" she pushes oc forward wanting him to lead to the place
(you should tell me how oc looks >:3 )
(Well He is after a Genocide timeline, he’s tall, slim build. Massey hair that almost covers his eyes, which are blood red.) Neon sighed. “Well, I can’t say you didn’t deserve it.” OC chuckled, leading them to some of the buildings, looking in each one.
chara follows, looking back at her group noticing two are gone. "shade where'd those two go?"
(dang it all. i don't even know this kid and i already picked a song for him)
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(i take it back, he's toby)
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(i don't know how to express how much i love your ink. she is gorgeous. in fact .... lol. i made a star that's infatuated with her and follows her around.)
(Shine was the one who stayed, and he has a striped shirt with 2 or three stripes, and he is around 6’1” so tall boy.) Shine shook her head. “T-they followed Neon.” “I walk through a doorway and get water dunked on me, yeah I deserve that.” Ink replied “No, it’s a result for messing with this stories flow, your not linked to the creator like the rest of us, so you can affect the flow in ways she doesn’t like.” Neon explained (Actually in the church they talked about expectations, so maybe I should tell you mine about you?)
tonic nods accepting neon's explanation. chara groans. "well which way?"
Shine pointed to the building.
chara goes to that building "ah there you all are!" ?? "why are you talking to her neon?"
“Kept her from fleeing, did it not?
"suppose so." chara throws a knife at her other wing. tonic stepped aside not wanting to watch a torture session.
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Ink hissed at this, the wing raw and burnt from OC’s prank.
Chara throws some purple webs down wrapping Ink up "so so so. Do you feel guilty for any thing you've done?" Under her breath. "Dang it I'm starting to sound like sans"
 “No, of course not, I cannot feel guilty in the first place.” Ink hissed, Shine whined slightlyz
She goes close to ink and summons an ax. "I'm going to MAKE you feel guilty. You're not above conciquences and I'm going to prove to you that exact fact." She slams the ax ink her leg
(Into her leg)
“Not gonna happen.” Ink hissed breaking some of the webs and reaching to Chara, she just needed to consume some carbon to get back to full health
Chara growls and a starts attaking somewhat wildly and signals to tonic who shakes their head not wanting to do what chara asked them to before but after chara threw a knife at tonic as a warning they gave up and used about half of the liquid inside them to cover ink, it basically would react like water.
Ink screeched at this, burning up.
"that's what you should feel like constantly! You deserve it!" This time as she couldn't move she cut off her boiling leg successfully.
Ink grabbed Chara’s arm her hand almost bone. She pulled Chara in
Chara tried to form a knife but her magic is low so she trys to claw her hand away from ink
Around that time a glitchy portal appeared with a defending pop (get ready, template gets annoying, also ink knows template plenty well.)
(Ok, gotcha.) Ink scratched Chara’s arm using the carbon in her blood to heal
Chara kicks her in the gut managing to get away as ink’s hand snapped off of her arm turning into ink and falling on the ground. Chara whines for someone to help her with ink. Neon, shatter, killer she doesn't care but she needs to get this done before she heals all the way
Neon wasn’t completely okay with the idea, and actually wanted Ink to heal. Shatter felt similar, seeing this as going to far. Killer hated Ink, so gladly joined in with her knife.
The two of them work on that until chara gets hit in the head and falls to the floor, template was invisible and tried to nullify killer as well.
Chara tries to get up but passes out
Killer went numb, backing up. Ink’s skeleton was made of diamond like material
"ink! Oh my god are you alright?!" Template kneels by her though he doesn't have anyway to heal her. "
“I’ll be fine, just need carbon.” Ink said, digging up some carbon from the rocks, using it to remake her body. “Good to see your finally back.”
"Seems I can't leave you alone for a second anymore!" He growls at killer and tonic who were the closest. Tonic backed away to shatter. "What's wrong with you all?! Leave ink alone!"
“Technically you have been gone for 7 months.” Ink replied. Killer shook off the numb, hissing back. “And why are you defending the squid?!”
"I cant keep track if time." To killer "Because she didn't do anything to you! She's my ma- my friend. She's my friend." (He was gonna say mate but they're not.)
“Friend?” Killer started laughing
Template had blush roll over him as he's easily flustered. "Yes. Now get lost unless you want your soul stone shattered."
Chara slowly shook off the bludgeoning she just got and looked at the new star. Chara’s livid as ink is no longer basically only a skeleton. She splashes the water on the floor at ink and slides over to get another hit in. Template stomps down on charas hand and kicks her away to neon.
“Is that a challenge?” Killer hissed before seeing Template attack Chara, she then lashed out, actually trying to bite him. Neon caught Chara, her palms burning at the water.
Template made killer's soul stone indigo and increased the gravity on her. She's pretty resilient to his attack as she's right by his neck as he guards himself with his arms he pulls at her hair with the arm not pushing her away.
Killer landed a bite, the black dripping from her eyes getting into the wound as she released.
Chara shook her hand as it almost feels broken. She grimaces and gets away from neon noticing the burns. Template is very defencive but every move he makes he does get weaker. "Toxins. The way of the coward" he states and pulls her down to the ground deforming her soul a little.
“No, the way of brain over brawn.” Killer hissed, resisting as much as she could
He rolls his eyes and the gravity gets stronger as his hatered slowly grows. "Are we going to have a problem or will you leave my friend alone?" The ground cracks under killer.
“As long as you leave Chara alone...” Killer hissed, cracking under pressure
The pressure was released seemingly agreeing to killers demand. he went back over to ink and sat by her.
Ink looked at Template. “You sure do know how to make situations interesting.”
he blushes and looks away shyly "Heheh, I try."
Killer looked at Chara, “You ok?”
Chara lifted her hand to show killer, it was mangled and a purple shade. "That felt really good." She says sarcasticly.
It kinda flops over grossly. "I don't have enough dt. Someone wants make me a save star?"
 “Sh*t, yeah I know that feeling.” Killer cringed. “Neon, can you repair it?” Killer asked. “Yes, yes of course.” Neon said, fixing the hand. “Although that variant may be troublesome.” Ink hissed softly.
Chara didn't like the feeling of the healing as her hand was pretty numb before and now the pain is in the main dealing she makes groans and bites her arm to keep her from screaming. "Do you mean the killer or chara variant?" He asks quietly.
“I mean Neon.” Ink replied, watching her heal.
"...perhaps." he watches as well. " do you want to stay here to watch or do you want me to take you somewhere to heal? " "I can keep an eye on them if you like."
“It would be appreciated if you keep watch while I heal.” Ink said to Template
He nods. "Will do." Chara snaps "ARE YOU DONE YET" as she holds back tears
Ink turned into a liquid and fled. “And done. Sorry hands are complex...” Neon replied
Chara pulls her hand away as the pain stops. "It's fine.. thank you."
(Can I just say it's so precious how killer cares for chara ;u; what a good girl)
(If she heard you say that...) “Ok, good. I was worried.”
( BUT SHE'S SO CUTE! SHE MUST KNOW!) she looks at neon not sure how to read her. "Why didn't you help just now with ink? And you shatter? You guys just stood there!"
“Ink isn’t that much different than me, so it’s... unnerving to say the least.”
"What about you shatter?"
“Honestly my reasoning is stupid, sorry.”
"I still wanna hear it."
“Something told me not to.” Shatter explained
"... huh?" Chara doesn't get it at all. "You're kidding right?"
“No, told you it was stupid.”
"What told you? I don't get it."
��My gut.” Shatter said. “Always good to listen to that, Papercut said, coming over to see what was happening
"Well my gut tells me that my friends probably should have helped more than they did." She stands glancing to template. "Now we have to find her again." She looks to papercut, "not that I mind but I also kind of do, what do you want? Frankly you're creeping me out."
“Nothing much, just waiting for Rotten to show up.” Papercut smiles.
"Uh-huh... Alright so here's the question for shatter and neon. If we find ink again will you help or not. We shouldn't waste our time with it if we'll just get a repeat of what just happened. I'd much rather level up with the kits."
Neon shook her head. “I will.” Shatter nodded
"Kay~" she stands "i'ma go see if I can find lotus again. Killz would LJ or one of your other friends like to try out that cleansing ritchual or are they all happy how they are like you?"
“Probably Nightmare.” Killer said.
"Cool. Shall we than?" She grins "maybe she'll give us something for our efforts. Like watching the kits haha." She looks around trying to find oc
OC was sparing with Rurik. “Yeah, I can teleport us.” Killer said
"Thank you, you're a life saver Yuma." She grins and walks through the portal. Template followed like he said he would from a desent distance.
Killer took them to Nightmare who was asleep again
"Nightmare!hey boss! We got some cool news!" She shouts up at her.
Nightmare opened her eye. “Yeah? What’s up?” She yawned
Chara climbs the tree quickly and sits on a branch. "We met a star that can clear you from your corruption! How cool is that!"
Nightmare sat up quickly. “What?”
"You heard me"
“Where.” Nightmare said sternly
She looks back down. "Killer, doll, mind taking us back?" She hops down the tree.
“I’m not a doll.” Killer said, before teleporting them all back
Chara snickers and they're back at lotus. "It's her, she'll help you."
Template is starting to get impatient, he wants to see if inks healing alright but he knows she'd be mad at him if he just left. So instead he taps his foot and draws in the sand with a stick.
Nightmare went up to Lotus. “You really can help me get rid of... this?” Nightmare asked. Lotus nodded
(so i totally don't remember what nightmare said happened to her sister, want to remind me?) tonic hopped over interested to see the process
(Well Dream helped save a human child from falling off a cliff, when the father saw this he thought Dream was trying to hurt the child and pushed her. Her impact on the rocks below broke her soul stone.) Lotus’s eyes glowed as she revealed Nightmare’s ‘true self’. Much like Killer, a corrupted shell, a sad center.
( well gee that's sad.) template is disturbed by the corruption and he kinda scowls in their direction
Lotus then summoned her scythe, carvings of a rose vine was in the handle.
the watchers stay silent at the anticipation
Lotus slashed through the corrupted shell, Nightmare’s coating cracked and fell off as pieces. Her real self had night black hair and deep violet eyes,
tonic takes some of the shell that was dropped. chara goes closer to night inspecting her. "how you feel boss?"
Nightmare looked over, before looking at her hands, “a-amazing... I’m... me again.” She smiled
chara grins back happy that she's pleased. "pretty cool lotus. pretty cool indeed."
Nightmare stretched back, hissing since there was still pain, but was still happy.
"where'd you learn how to do that?" she asks
“Well, I’m a reaper, so I just reaped the corrupted part of the soul.” Lotus shrugged. 
"that's really strange. but hey i guess it works!"
"so night." she's obviously expecting nighmare to do what she asks. "sense we oh so kindly led you to this little reaper and now your feeling good how about you watch the kits?"
 “I can also control souls, including lost ones.” Lotus said
"oh yeah?" chara being herself instantly wants this power. she makes a scythe. it gets a black hue that radiates off it. simmilar to what lotus's had.
Lotus’s scythe glowed a soft red. “The scythe isn’t the source of my power, kid.”
(idk if you missed it but chara asked night to baby sit the kits) "well duh." chara says. "ya gotta start somewhere. here let me see..." she spins it and tries to get the shade lotus's magic is.
(Oh I did miss it, Nightmare accepted) “It’s all about the main slash, you need to use your entire upper body.” Lotus instructed
"similar to an ax i assume?" she does her best slash she could manage.
“Not exactly, you curve more.” Lotus explained.
"curve more. got it." she holds the sythe back far behind her and leans into the swing. "hows that?" "not to disturb your lesson chara.. but shouldn't we go find ink?" tonic says as they absorb the shell.
Neon thought for a moment, as if listening. (Skull lagoon, 😈) Shatter agreed with Tonic.
template didn't like the sound of that and instantly goes to the little cave behind a wall of vines that ink was resting in. "but this is fun!" she whines. she sighs "but you're right. this is time sensitive. let's go." she says unhappily. "you two are staying with nightmare." talking to the kits.
“Ok!” Shine smiled. Ink was almost back to her full game. “They are at the skull lagoon.” Neon told the others
"you're handy." she says to neon. "glad you stuck around" template portaled a little bit away from ink as to not hurt her ears with the pop his portals make. he moves the vines away and is relived to see she's looking alright. "they're on their way. apparently the little agreement we had didn't last long."
“That makes two of us.” Neon smiled. “It’s fine, the soil here is high in carbon,” Ink responded, absorbing just a bit more.
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acrobaticcatfeline · 5 years
Logan and His Little Bumble Bee (Single Dads AU)!!!
Word Count: 2170
TW: Breakup mention, uhhh, Logan has a major distaste for his ex? Oh Logan is pan in this and his ex is a female. Minor character death mention, bad self care, I think that’s it? And most of that is in the second paragraph and doesn’t come up again, but let me know if I missed anything!
Notes: This was produced in spite of my brain not wanting to create. I have a week off I’m not letting it go to waste stupid writers block! Pardon me as I go do... more research and writing for the hogwarts au fic I’m writing. I hope y’all enjoy this!!!
Pairings: past Logan and a female unnamed character that I suppose I will have to make now, slight mentions of pining logicality, familial logince, familial moxiety
Summary: “Roman darling, we have to wash your prince outfit ok?” logan sanders is having a heck of a month you know? suddenly hes a parent and has a promotion and honestly its the most stressed hes been since he was in college but you know he gets moments like these sometimes where he can just hold his little bee and maybe things will be alright.
“Roman darling, we have to wash your prince outfit ok?”
Judging by the screams, it was not ok, and Logan was at the point of sticking himself in the washing machine. He’s tired and the past month of his life has been hell. Last month his ex-girlfriend dropped Roman off at his house as a surprise. Yeah imagine how surprised you’d be to now be the sole guardian of a child you didn’t know existed because your ex was petty enough to keep it from you until she got bored of him 2 years later. So he became a father in a matter of minutes, he got a promotion at work, but that involved working more hours, leaving him with the problem of how the hell was he going to be taking care of a 2 year old when he had work usually 10 hours a day instead of what he used to do. Then he had a bomb dropped that his uncle died. That was… not easy news to take for certain. It was worse that his funeral was halfway across the country, meaning he couldn’t go, and he was stuck at work with a baby and was mourning the loss of his family member and at this point he wasn’t sure if he was able to take it anymore. He hadn’t had a full nights sleep in two weeks, he hasn’t eaten properly for just about that long as well, eating fast food on his way to work every day, usually having coffee for lunch and having something weird thrown together from what he has in his house which for the past week has been cheese ramen while his kid gets the perfect diet because yes, he’s currently a hot mess of the highest caliber, but he refused to let himself be bested by a toddler. He refused to let his ex be a better parent than him, which just so happened to make him love the kid out of spite. And that’s how he got here.
“roro, please? I’ll let you wear your bee onesie?”
And the screams stopped in their tracks. Thank god, Logan had already taken the largest dose of ibuprofen he allowed, and he could still feel the migraine approaching. The baby boy in question was sitting in the grass in Logan’s backyard, playing with some dolls and cars. He turned towards Logan and started crawling over to the tired man sitting in the grass. When he got to him, he sat again and reached up with grabby hands, signaling he wanted to be picked up. Logan obliged, swooping up the little kid and starting to stand up. Roman poked Logan’s cheek softly before planting a big kiss there. He smiled widely, very proud of himself, and Logan felt his cold unfeeling heart melt at the sight.
“oh gosh how could she have given you up. Even if you are a little terror sometimes,” he pinched Roman’s cheek softly with a smile as the little one giggled cutely. “you’re still so sweet and cute. Yes, you are Ro! So sweet and cute! Just like a little bee huh? Ready to be a little bee roro?”
The toddler giggled loudly and nodded before making a grab for Logan’s glasses. Logan quickly twirled him upside down for a moment before swooping him back up.
“no no no! no grabbing dads glasses Ro! I can’t see without those! No no, but we can play with yours okay? You want your glasses?”
Logan had made it into his old office, now a nursery for Ro, and grabbed his bee onesie and his fake glasses that Roman loved to play with. He sat Roman down and changed him rather quickly, luckily once Logan convinces him to listen, Ro is very obedient and behaves very well. He’s a good kid, Logan gets livid thinking about what possible reason she had for giving him up. He picks up Roman again, laughing slightly when Roman tries to wrap his tiny arms around his neck. He quickly grabs Roman’s prince outfit and drops it in the wash with the rest of his clothes, starting it finally.
“what do you wanna do little buzz boy? You wanna go to the park? I have time to go to the park. Hasn’t your sitter taken you before? Do you like the park Robee? Hmm?”
Roman giggles and nods. Logan feels a slight tinge of sadness at the simple response. Roman was 2 years old and babies were supposed to be able to say things that sounded like words by 18 months old. Roman never spoke, he giggled and nodded and shook his head, and understood what Logan said, but he never tried to speak back. The bitter part of him wanted to blame his ex, pretend it was her bad nurturing that led Roman to choosing not to speak, but he knew rationally that sometimes kids had speech impairment and wouldn’t start talking until maybe even 3, but it still worried Logan. Everything he read said it might be autism, but he had his doubts as he worked with autism regularly and had to be well versed with the DSM-5 for his career. He would often repeat words a lot, say the words for what Ro wanted, hoping that he would at least say something. He was going to go to pre k this year, but Logan didn’t feel ok with sending him off to school without any form of communication. That was a set up for something to go wrong, what if the other kids teased him? What if the teachers were bad to him! He would have no way of knowing! That terrified Logan, so he decided he would wait. He had enough money to hire a sitter for another few years while he helped Roman speak. He did fear that he would miss his first words, but he had to work, if he didn’t there was a lot of things he would do instead of… being in Florida psychoanalyzing people all day.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves his job, but it was stressful, and he was regularly reminded that just because he’s a qualified professional, doesn’t mean he isn’t more similar to his patients than he was comfortable with addressing.
Logan grabbed his baby bag, refilling whatever the sitter had used the day prior. He strapped Roman into the backpack sling he had, put it on so Roman sat on his chest, preferring being able to actually see his kid, and grabbed the bag and a few other things, being his phone, wallet, and keys. The park was a short walk away and his weekend adventures with Roman were usually the most exercise he got during the week, so he slowly made his way there, stopping occasionally to make a silly face at ro.
“you wanna go to the playground Ro? Or the field?”
Roman held up 2 fingers, and there it is again. Yeah Roman may not talk, but he definitely understands what he’s saying. He’s a really intelligent kid, and Logan may or may not be ridiculously proud of him. They found a rather quiet area in the field and Logan took off the sling and let Roman out of it, letting him wander around. Roman pressed on Logan’s leg softly to help him stand up. He then takes off running, and Logan stays seated, watching his little bumble bee play. Its not until he hears someone clear their throat next to him that he sees another man, a quite handsome man actually, with a baby that seems to have a question. He stands hurriedly.
“oh my, I'm sorry I zoned out a bit I'm running on 2 hours of sleep please forgive me, is there something I can help you with?”
“oh yeah! Oh, sorry to disturb you, you do seem exhausted. Um I was just wondering if you know whose little boy that is? My kiddo is being fussy and wants to play but I always want to check with the parents first, heheh!”
“huh? Oh, that one over there is mine, if your son wants to play, I'm sure my Roman would be happy to join him! How old’s your little one?”
The other mans smile widens and he sits down, letting his son go off to play with Roman. Logan sits down next to him.
“oh, my little Virgil? He’s almost 4! Also, hello, my name is Patton! How old’s Roman?”
“nice to make your acquaintance Patton, I'm Logan. My son is a little older than 2.”
“aww! Really, I thought he was at least 3! He’s pretty big for his age, he looks strong and healthy!”
Roman and Virgil come running over, and Roman is giggling heavily and runs straight into Logan’s arms eliciting a small ‘oof’ from Logan as he wrapped his arms around his child. Virgil also was giggling as he ran into Patton's grasp much faster, knocking them both over. He looked over concerned but lost the worry as he saw Patton laying down and laughing twice as hard as Virgil was, hair sprawled around his head and oh hey there's Logan’s gay showing oof. He turned away, hiding his face in a hug with Roman.
Of course, Roman had to be the curious tike he is right then, pulling out of the hug and patting Logan’s cheeks in confusion. He poked and prodded and pinched because he was Logan’s little scientist and that’s how you figure out things you’re confused by. Logan had a mind to be embarrassed but gosh his Roman is just so cute and curious and man he loves him.
“daddy daddy!!! He’s so funny, he doesn’t talk but he’s funny!!! He’s like me!!! can we play again later?”
Patton sits up, and Logan restrains himself from pulling the leaf out of his hair.
“aw we have to ask his dad first but maybe! Logan, could we set up a playdate later?”
Heck Logan stop being gay for a second, staring at him is creepy, answer him you doofus!
“uh, yeah sure! Ro seemed to enjoy himself, so why not. I only have weekends off, but he has a babysitter that would love to have another thing to do with the little bug. Um, here, let me give you my number and theirs.”
Logan quickly repositioned Roman so he could reach into his baby bag for a pen and paper. He quickly scrawled it out then handed it to Patton.
“oh, you’re left handed? Neat so am I! can I see that paper too? I should probably give you my number so Ro’s sitter knows it.”
Logan hands it over and a few minutes later Patton's phone starts going off.
“oh geez that’s my alarm, I gotta go, some family is visiting for the weekend, it was nice meeting you Logan! I look forward to seeing you and your itsy-bitsy bug boy again! Bye bye Roman! Virgil say bye!”
And they turn and leave, and Logan lets himself watch for a few short seconds before turning back to Roman. Roman’s face becomes a smile again and he hugs Logan tightly.
“what's up bug? You wanna keep playing or do you wanna go home and take a nap with dad?”
And Roman giggles and hides in his chest before-
“DAD!!! Play dad!!!”
And Logan can feel his jaw drop and he has to quickly fix his expression because Roman starts looking shy.
“Roman! You just! Oh my god you just said your first words!!! Roman I'm so proud of you my little love bug!!!”
And Roman smiles widely again and bounces up and down.
“bug!!! Bee bug!!!”
“yes Roman, yes bees are bugs oh I love you so much roro I'm so happy! You make dad so happy roro!”
“happy dad!!!”
“I, I need to tell your mom! She’ll be so proud of you Ro just like me!”
“noooo! No mom! Mom… mom bad!”
And Logan’s face drops. He swoops up Roman and hugs him tight. He doesn’t want Roman to think that, his mom, his mom still loved him, he’s sure of it… she was being responsible and having someone else take care of him… or at least that’s what Roman should think.
“no, no Roman she… Roman she loves you so much you know that. She’s not bad she’s just not ready to take care of you.”
“you too! You too but… I… here. You here. Mom bad. Mom gone.”
And if Logan started crying that was no one’s business but his own. Besides, this wasn’t the time, right now he had to deal with a ridiculously self-aware 2-year-old.
They would play in the grass for another hour, and Logan would blink the tears in his eyes away and prepare to have one heck of a conversation with his ex when they got home. Right now, though? Right now, he was reveling in the short amount of time he had with his son.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in my writing!!!
Thank you for reading I will see you later ladies lords and nonbinary royalty!!!
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gosh-im-short · 5 years
3 with Calum pls thank you 💗
sure thing, sweetie! 
  The loud bass shuddered through your chest as one of the lights flashed momentarily in your vision. You blinked and your eyes focused back on the man you had been guiltlessly staring at- Calum Hood. You had met him through a mutual friend and once you met him… you instantly had a crush. And who could blame you? 
The tan man was tall, dark headed, had gorgeous brown eyes, and the squishy cheeks with the sharpest jawline you had ever seen.
 And his voice? Oh. It was angelic. You mindlessly sipped on the cup of alcohol you had received from the party of one of your friend’s friend. You’ve never met the guy but whoever hires a dj and sets up lights and a dance floor can’t be bad right? You couldn’t deny that you kind of liked parties like these. The kind you can blend in if you want and also stand out if you want as well. And you also couldn’t deny that you had been starring at Calum far to long. 
Just watching him talk to one of his friends over the loud bass. Was that a little creepy? Yeah maybe. But at the moment, you’ve had maybe a little too many drinks to think about your actions at the moment. But when else would you get a chance like this just to admire him? He was wearing a white shirt with black polka dots, a leather jacket, and black jeans along with black converse. He wore simple clothes yet they looked like a damn suit on him. Wow. You were kinda a little tipsy huh? 
You set your drink aside even though you hadn’t finished it. You did not want to pass out on the floor again. Not again. 
But as soon as you set the cup aside, one of your friends popped up next to you. “(Y/n)! Isn’t this great!” She shouted with her curled wand, brown hair bouncing along with each word. 
You just mustered a nod as she… oh boy. She was hammered. She grinned at you before her eyes shifted to the male you had been staring at practically the whole night. You… had actually told her that you had a crush on her ex-roommate from college. And now with that sly grin of hers as she turned her green eyes over to you. Oh. Oh no. 
“You’ve been sitting there all night and I think you need to get out on the dance floor and dance.” What is she doing. Before you could protest against her desire, she grabbed your hand and managed to pull you off of the stool you had been perching on the whole night. Then her steps were moving towards him. Oh no no no. You did not sign up for this. But against you trying to subtly yank your hand from her grip without making a scene, she hauled you over to Calum. He stopped talking to his friend and set his gorgeous brown eyes on yours before he shifted his eyes to your mutual friend.
 "Hey! You remember (Y/n) right, Cal?“ She asked with a wide grin as she looked at you and at him. Oh she’ll get it later. 
"Uh yeah I do.” He said with a small nod as he sorta shifted his feet appearing uncomfortable. Oh… this is not a good thing.
 "Well she has been sitting by herself the entire time without anyone to dance with isn’t that a shame?“
 "Uh yeah it-" 
"You really think so? Wonderful you can dance with her." 
Wait what. Before you could comprehend it- you stumbled forward and knocked into him. She just shoved you. What. Calum blinked a couple of times as he straightened you from falling and simultaneously setting his cup aside. He turned his gaze back down at you before he smiled. 
"Guess we should huh?” You felt your stomach twist pleasantly as you smiled back. 
“She won’t let us not dance." 
He let out a brilliant laugh that made your smile increase as you took a slight step back. He wordlessly offered his hand to you and you accepted. 
Then he guided you onto the floor with him as Bruno Mar’s Finesse started to play on the speakers. You grinned widely as you moved with your own motions on the dance floor. You felt like you were going to faint just being this close to him. Was it his smile? His laughter? Or the alcohol effecting your brain? Probably all three. But it seemed as soon as the song started it was over and a more slow song started to play. You blinked a little surprised at the change before you happened to look over at the dj station and… goodness gracious. She has struck again. She just grinned and made some kind of gesture that made you confused before- oh. 
Your cheeks flushed as you found something around your waist and making your eyes snap up to the tan skinned man in front of you.
 The man with his arm around your waist. Oh snap. You swallowed as your throat was now very dry at the simple look in his eyes. He… he seemed so focus. He was focused on you. Was this a dream? You felt like you were going to swoon. Then a slight smile came over his lips. 
"You know… someone told me that you have a little crush on me.”
That little-
“It does make sense why you were staring at me tonight." 
Oh… shoot. You swallowed as heat rose heavily to your cheeks. 
"You uh.. saw that?” You asked quietly and embarrassedly as gosh darn it. He caught you. He let out a chuckle that you briefly felt vibrate through his chest.
 "Yes, I did. You’re not very subtle, well… not as subtle as me I guess.“ 
"As you?” You questioned now confused instead of mortified. 
“Yeah cuz you see… I’ve been looking at you too. And not because of my drink.” He spoke in a softer tone that still came over the music. “Because uh… well… this is not how I planned this, but uh… I like you, (Y/n). You’re nice and funny and cute in your own way and you obviously like me so umm… wanna kinda just hang out together? Alone?" 
It took a few seconds for his words to process through your ears before… wait.
 "Like.. like a date?” Now his cheeks were flushing- and not from the alcohol. 
“Yeah.. a date.” Whether it be from the alcohol or some bold blessing, you smirked a tad. 
“Wanna make it kinda official then?” You asked him as your eyes briefly flickered to his lips to just make your intentions noticeable. Then his lips quirked up into a smirk.
 "Oh yes.“ And as the slow song you danced to came to the bridge, he leaned down and just gently captured his lips with yours. You closed your eyes and leaned up more. You rested your previously loose hands onto his arms and slid them up into his neck. You felt his arm pull you closer as he set his other hand on your back. The kiss stole your breath away and unfortunately made you pull back sooner then you would have liked. Calum reopened his deep brown eyes to look down at yours before his lips pulled up into a grin. 
Then you heard someone wolf whistling and you both looked to see your friend waving and grinning. Oh yeah. She was definitely getting payback later. 
holy this is longer than I thought it would turn out to be but tada! hope you enjoyed
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ellygoesnyooom · 7 years
Chapter 2: First Impressions
Here’s chapter two of the AU/Fic Eleven Days! I hope you guys enjoy!
The sun was barely illuminating the forest around him as Seven ventured further in, the beam from the flashlight once occupied by Yoosung illuminating the ground beneath and ahead of him. His heart raced with anticipation of that feeling again, and also a dull sense of fear. What exactly was it that was doing that to him? It wasn’t like anything he felt before.
The sounds of wildlife waking up for the upcoming day started to fill his ears. Birds started singing their songs to each other. He spotted the silhouette of a squirrel scurry up a nearby tree trunk, pausing to look at him before racing up the tree and into the branches. An owl let out a sleepy hoot in the distance, the sound echoing around the area. He could hear the same trickle of a river nearby that he heard hours before, with Yoosung. But, this time, he was alone. He was on a mission, and he was determined to complete it. He didn’t have enough time to stop and enjoy the sounds; he pressed forward.
“There,” he whispered in satisfaction, the sensation returning to his chest. The tug seemed to be coming from deep within him, and he wasn’t sure why. All he knew was that he must be heading the right direction.
He took note of his surroundings as he walked, sweeping the beam of the flashlight around and memorizing landmarks so that, once he found the source, he could turn around and follow them home. He spoke every one of the landmarks out loud to remember better. “Boulder covered in moss. Three trunked tree beside the river. Fallen pine tree.”
This forest really is beautiful, in an eerie way, he thought distractedly as his eyes wandered around in the strengthening sunlight weaving lazily through the trees. Morning fog twisted around the trunks of the pine trees towering over him, leaving a dewy residue on the plants he trod through. There were little evergreen trees that appeared to be struggling to grow in the limited light that would filter through the trees above them. All around smelled fresh and earthy. It was a nice change, compared to his stuffy bunker.
He started to hum contentedly to himself as he stepped over rocks, fallen branches and trees, and roots littering the forest floor. The tug was growing stronger in his chest, spreading the warmth from his chest down his arms to his fingertips. He couldn’t explain the feeling, other than a feeling like sun kissing the surface of your skin as you lay out on a towel at the beach, or sitting in front of a bonfire. Except, it never got overbearing; no, it only felt better and better.
He could see a clearing up ahead through gaps in the trees and pressed further switching off the flashlight in the process as the sunlight was bright enough for him to not need it anymore. A  slight smile spread across his face at the warmth spreading to his legs as he approached. He must be close!
A little gasp forced it’s way into his mouth when he finally reached the edge of the clearing. It was small, but that wasn’t what caught his eye; it was the small house sitting in the middle of it that shocked him. It looked old, the wood siding grey and lackluster. A stone chimney poked out from the back of the house, a small amount of smoke drifting from the opening. The front had a sloping roof covering a small front deck, uneven stones piled on top of the other serving as steps. A pile of what appeared to be firewood was stacked of to the side. The window he could see into showed no light, no sign of life. The only sign that someone may be there, or that someone had been there recently, was the fading wisps of smoke from the chimney.
He cursed himself for not bringing some sort of protection with him when he came out here; why had he not thought of this? People disappeared here!
Curiosity beat out the fear, and he took a step out from the safety of the trees, only to dive back behind the tree and flatten himself to it as the door opened and a woman in a long, billowy white dress stepped out.  He dared a glance around the wide trunk, his heart lodged in his throat. The woman had her back turned to him as she held the door open for what appeared to be a large cat, or maybe a raccoon. The animal pranced out the door and bounded down the steps, holding its long, bushy tail up in the air as the mysterious woman turned and followed suit, much slower. Cat, he decided as a mewl echoed around the clearing and hit his eardrums.
She crouched down beside the cat, murmuring something to it as she scratched the cat’s head lovingly. Her hair was long, and wavy. It was so long that a good part of it collected in a pool of brown around her feet, which were bare, on the ground as she crouched. She stood again, glancing around the area with large, inquisitive eyes. She looked his way and he hid promptly, holding his breath and standing stiff as a board against the tree. Maybe if he pretended he was the tree, she wouldn’t see him?
“Sir, I know you are there. You can come out now.” Shit. A nervous chuckle bubbled past his lips as he slowly stepped out from behind the shelter of the tree and into the clearing. He thought maybe he should raise his hands to show he was innocent, but that seemed like overkill.
“Uh, hi? I promise I wasn’t being creepy or anything, I was just exploring and, uh came across your… vacation home?” She shook her head, a smile on her lips. Was it in amusement, or was it pity? Or something else? He couldn’t tell. “Cabin?” Another shake of her head, her hair falling over her shoulder. Now that she was standing and he wasn’t hiding behind the tree, he could really get an idea of how long her hair is. It was well past her rear, ending in the middle of her thighs. “...house?”
“Yes. I live here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know… I…” Why was he so flustered? And why didn’t he feel the urge to run and get away from this mysterious woman?
She let out a breathy giggle, stepping closer. “Don’t worry. A lot of people end here on accident.”
“How?” He asked without thinking, furrowing his eyebrows. “It’s so far away from the road.” She just shrugged. “I don’t know how, they just do.” She shrugged, her eyes glancing at his face. “When is the last time you slept? You have huge bags underneath your eyes.”
“Oh, um… good question,” he laughed nervously as her eyes scrutinized his every move. “Three days?” Her eyes widened before her eyebrows furrowed and she narrowed her eyes in what appeared to be disapproval. “That won’t do. You need rest, quickly. Do you have any idea how bad it is for you to skip out on sleep?”
“Yep, I’ve experienced a lot of the effects. Not fun, I would not suggest.” A goofy grin spread across his lips as she walked closer and gestured for him to follow before turning around and practically gliding across the clearing to the house. He immediately followed, finding it odd there wasn’t hearing a warning bell in the back of his mind. He didn’t know her, yet she just felt… trustworthy? He wasn’t afraid to follow her, and felt comfortable. He knew he she was a stranger, but he wasn’t nervous. He just quietly followed her into her house.
The interior was very simple and cozy; a few chairs gathered in the far right corner around a small stand with a tall candle on it, unlit. Across the room sat an old fashioned wood stove, kettles and pots surrounding the area and a small stack of wood beside it. A kitchenette sat in another corner, with a small wooden table in front of it. There wasn’t a fridge or a stove, or a sink, really.
She guided him past that and to the stairs. Every other step squeaked, and the passageway was narrow, but the girl didn’t seem to mind as she pushed forward and up the stairs.
They opened up to one large room. There were two beds across from the other, both twin size and covered in grey quilts. A few windows allowed for the morning light to filter in, but she quickly walked to each, reaching up to draw them shut. “You can sleep here,” she told him, patting the bed she stood by, on the right side of the room. “The other one is mine. You can leave your stuff at the foot of the bed. Don’t worry, I won’t steal it or anything.”
He sat down on the bed, pressing his palms flat to the surface. “What’s your name?”
A soft smile curved her lips upwards as she sat on the bed adjacent to his and clasped her hands. The cat from before suddenly appeared, trotting up the stairs and launching himself up on the bed beside the woman. “I’m Y/N, and this,” she stroked the cat’s long fur, “is Nero.” Seven nodded, taking his shoes off and reaching down to settle them neatly at the foot of the bed. “I’m Seven. Or Luciel, either works.” He shrugged his jacket off and set it beside his shoes. “Nice to meet you, Luciel. I’m going to head out, I have a few chores to do around the forest here. You rest up, okay?”
“Thank you, Y/N. This is very generous of you.” He wanted to ask why she was being so nice, as he was a stranger, but he bit his tongue before he could spit the words out. He was very tired; he didn’t feel like trekking back through the woods again to find his car and drive the two hours back home.
“It’s not a big deal. I don’t often have guests over.” She spoke so calmly. Her voice was soothing and relaxing, and it made him even sleepier. He let out a yawn, and she chuckled softly. “Rest up, Luciel. If you wake up before I’m back, feel free to make yourself at home here.” Y/N stood up and sent him one last smile before turning, disappearing down the stairs. He listened as she got down the stairs and exited the house, leaving him in silence.
“Wow,” he spoke out loud, letting out a confused chuckle as he shed his pants and slipped underneath the covers, pulling them up his body and setting comfortably on his side. His eyes slipped shut quickly as exhaustion finally set in, allowing him to slip into sleep for the first time in three days.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 
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btsboiz-blog · 7 years
How To Be Perfect Men (Part 5)
Pairing: reader x hoseok (ft. all of bts)
Genre: romance/fluff, slight angst, college au
Summary:  Hoseok and his friends come up with a detailed guide on how to ‘get the girl’ based on past experiences. He ends up using the guide to win you over. What neither of you realize, is that you’re more similar than meets the eye.
Word Count: 1733
part 5 / 9
loosely based on this song
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Hoseok bounced his leg up and down in anticipation as he sat in the library, currently alone. He had heard back from you quick, saying that you’d be there as soon as you went back to your dorm and changed. He smiled at the fact that you said your appearance was “unacceptable” and you looked “homeless.” Hoseok thought your nervousness was cute, thus explaining his own nervousness.
Soon after you sent your last text, you entered the library and dropped your bag next to the seat that you plopped down in. “Sorry it took so long, I wanted to change after I got off work.” You puffed out your cheeks and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Where do you work?” Hoseok shifted his seat so it was facing you and you blushed, beginning to feel nervous again.
“I work at that little 24 hour diner off campus?” You stuttered, sounding more like a question than a statement. “It doesn’t pay much, but it gets me by…” You trailed off, not wanting to go into much more depth.
Just as Hoseok was about to respond, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quietly apologized as he looked at the screen without answering. “So, my friend Namjoon is throwing a party tomorrow night. You should come… with me.”
You’d been to college parties before, but only staying a couple minutes, realizing they usually weren’t worth staying at. You were hesitant to answer. “I mean… If you want me to come… then sure?” Realizing that you sounded uninterested, you added to your answer. “I’d love to go with you.”
You watched Hoseok’s face light up as he looked at you, then back down at his notebook. He started talking about God knows what, because all you could focus on was his features. His big, brown eyes, his bright smile, the way his lips turned up when he spoke. Those things alone were enough to make you zone out.
“Hellooo? Earth to Y/N?” You snapped back to reality and saw Hoseok staring at you, but not in a weird, creepy way or an annoyed way. It was almost as if he was fond of you? “I was asking if you knew the basics,” he chuckled. “You know, like supply and demand, opportunity cost, things like that?” He kept looking at you and you shook your head.
“By basics do you means high school level? It’s been a minute…” You laugh trailing off. He lightly laughed with you and moved his chair closer to you. Your breath hitched as he reached over your lap to reach your bag sitting adjacent to you. His eyes met with yours and you were praying he couldn’t hear your heart practically beating out of your chest. You coughed awkwardly and grabbed your bag from his hands, pulling out your textbook. “So, opportunity cost?” You tilted your head towards him as he opened his notes.
Hoseok’s smile never left his face the whole study session and neither did yours. For some reason, you were beginning to like economics a little more.
“You can put the cups on that table over there,” Namjoon pointed to a long plastic table in the corner of the room, as he hung up string lights in the kitchen. “I hope we have enough drinks for everyone.”
“You don’t have that many friends, Joon, don’t get ahead of yourself.” Taehyung scoffed as he moved the furniture out of the way, giving people plenty of space to do whatever it is they were going to do.
Namjoon ignored Taehyung’s comment, and faced Hoseok. “Who’s all coming tonight?”
“I invited a girl from my economics class.” When Hoseok answered, he didn’t even think about what he was saying. To be honest, he didn’t care what any of the boys had to say about it. “She’s cool, so be nice.”
“I invited that one girl with the blonde hair. You know, the girl who always wears Pumas.” Jimin said as he adjusted the hat on his head.
Namjoon looked at Jimin as if he’d seen a ghost, and technically he had. Or heard the ghost, so to say. The ghost of what could have been. “Misun? You invited Misun? What were you thinking?”
Jimin shrunk back. “Yeah, why? What’s wrong with her? I always thought she was cute.”
Namjoon definitely thought the same. “It’s just that we aren’t exactly on the best terms.”
Before anyone could say or do anything, Jungkook entered the room. “Oh no, I can’t see him but I know that Hoseok’s getting the notebook out now. ‘Rule #5, don’t be Namjoon and you can succeed with girls.’”
Hoseok was quiet, but he nodded when all the boys’ eyes landed on him. “You wanna talk about it, Joonie?” He mocked, clicking the pen and starting the entry.
“Misun, can we please just talk about this?!” Namjoon was almost in hysterics. He knew falling for her wasn’t part of the plan, but it just happened.
“What’s there to talk about? We are nothing more than fuck buddies, you said it yourself in the beginning! God, was this part of your plan? What were you thinking!!” Misun was grabbing her clothes off Namjoon’s floor, struggling to put them on in a hurry.
“Babe, please, what are you saying? I love you, don’t be like this!” Namjoon was grabbing her shirt, her shoes, anything to stall her.
“You love me? What are YOU saying? The first thing you told me coming into this was no strings attached! You said WE wouldn’t catch feelings for each other! Was this all a trick? You thought sleeping with me all the time would make me fall for you? You’re disgusting.” Misun was walking towards the door, even though she was barely clothed. Namjoon grabbed her wrist, trying to stop her.
“It wasn’t my intention to fall for you, Misun! But the more time we spent together, the more I got to know you, and the more I fell for you. You can’t tell me you don’t feel anything for me.” Misun fell quiet.
“Please let me leave, Namjoon.” Her eyes wouldn’t meet his and her voice fell. In that moment you could hear a pin drop.
Namjoon let go of her wrist and handed her the shirt he had been holding hostage. He watched her walk out of his door and essentially his life. He slid down the door as he wept into his hands. He thought she had feelings for him too, and that’s what hurt the most.
After Namjoon finished telling his story, no one had anything to say. All the boys avoided Namjoon’s eyes and there were no witty things to be said by anyone. Hoseok cleared his throat as if to alleviate some of the awkwardness in the room. “What a great way to start the party guys.” Yoongi said as a way to change the subject.
“Uhh… I guess… Rule #5 is don’t have fuck buddies?” Jimin shrugged.
Namjoon rolled his eyes. “I’m not still hung up about it or anything, don’t make this more weird than it already is. And don’t feel special either, I had no intention on telling any of you guys this story.”
Though Hoseok hadn’t said a word yet, he had all the information he needed.
5. Know what you want going into any kind of relationship, and don’t expect more or less.
“Guys, I hate to break this writing session up, but I think I just heard the first car pull up outside.” Jin said, pointing to the front door. The boys quickly set up the last of the refreshments and Hoseok placed the notebook back in his bag.
About an hour before the party started, Hoseok texted you to meet him at the party instead. You were skeptical at first and almost changed your mind. But, then you remembered that this was Hoseok you were talking about. You weren’t ever this quick to call things a crush, but you were almost sure that this is what it was.
When you arrived, there was people inside and outside. You quickly made your way inside and spotted Hoseok almost immediately. When he saw you, he instantaneously started walking towards you. “Hey, Y/N, I’m glad you could make it!”
He moved in for a hug and it took you by surprise. You gasped as his warm embrace surrounded you, but you quickly hugged back. “Thank you for inviting me, it was really sweet of you.” You smiled at him and he scoffed.
“Please, it’s nothing. C’mon, I want you to meet my friends.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the kitchen. Your heart started beating fast, and you mentally cursed at yourself. Nothing is going on, calm down, he’s your friend and he is just introducing you to more friends.
“Everyone, this is Y/N, the girl from my economics class I was telling you about, Y/N, this is everyone.” Six boys all said a cheerful hello to you but all you could focus on was the fact that Hoseok said he talked about you. You managed to voice an almost equally enthusiastic, but nervous, hello to them back as you went around and learned each of the boys’ names.
Throughout the whole night, you and the seven boys stayed close to each other for the most part and you all got to know one another. Hoseok didn’t leave your side no matter what and always dragged you away when an energetic boy by the name of Taehyung tried to tell a story about “Hoseok’s most embarrassing night” and how he apparently “will never live down the nickname ‘boob inspector’” which made you laugh, but Hoseok got into a defensive state.
“I didn’t mean to go into the girls’ locker room! I was a freshman how was I supposed to know?!”
You and the boys laughed as he sat there, red-faced as ever. “It’s simple, dude. Read the sign.” Yoongi was in a fit of laughter as Hoseok pushed him off a bar stool.
He looked to you, and although he was embarrassed, he smiled ear to ear because you were smiling and getting along nicely with his friends. He didn’t want this night to end with you, and luckily when he walked you back to your dorm and kissed you goodnight, you kissed him back.
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myenchantingkpop · 7 years
Build A Boyfriend - Jackson
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Tuesday afternoons were eventful. Especially when you could sit back on your couch with smoothies, highly amused at your friends antics.
“Oh come on! Just let me do his hair! Just the hair I promise!”
“No Casey! You always choose the hair! You chose my boyfriends hair!”
“Yeah but it looks good doesn’t it?”
“You know what nobody asked you.” May sassed.
You took a sip from your fruit smoothie before setting it on the side table and deciding to intervene.
“Ladies ladies! Let’s solve the rationally and maturally.” You suggested watching them look at each suspiciously.
“Rock paper scissors. Ready go!” You shouted watching as they intensely began the game.
“Ha! Rock beats paper May!”
“Best two out of three!”
“That was best two out of three! I won fair and square May. I get to choose the hair.” Casey grinned victoriously at May who glared at her crossing her arms.
“Okay.” Casey muttered pushing her glasses up her nose and settled onto the brown leather cushions that sunk holding her weight comfortably.
Casey clicked around for awhile before letting out a loud dramatic gasp making you and May jump in fright.
“I just found the perfect hair color. With those eyes and that skin yes girl we are getting places.”
You exchanged a look with May who reflected your look of puzzlement.
“And voila! Your boyfriend is complete! All he needs is a name! Here you go y/n!” Casey handed you the laptop grinning at you like a kid in a candy store.
You carefully balanced the laptop on your forearm scrolling through all the changes Casey had made. Unsurprisingly. The hair was chosen as a mixture of ash and platinum blonde that was a messy, shaggy look. The eyes were chosen as a rich mixture of mocha and hazelnut. His skin was to be slightly tanned and his build toned so he could ‘pick you up and kiss you without a struggle.“ May’s words not yours. His height surprisingly wasn’t 6’ like you thought, but only 5'9”. It wasn’t a bad height and Casey had quoted “you said you wanted a boyfriend taller than you so that what you got.” You now mentally had to prepare yourself for the personality side that was chosen by the one and only May. God help you..
Mysterious, but in a sexy way. Not creepy. Loving, possessive, protective, but not too much on the possessive side. Loves to cuddle and hug. Proud of his girlfriend obviously. Can’t baggage a man who is afraid to be seen with his girl. Plates sports. Has the voice of a god. No scratch that has the voice of a god and raps like a god. Slightly husky voice works too.
You turned your eyes onto May who was on her phone with an eyebrow raised and with the are-you-being-serious-right-now look. Casey nudged May who looked up at you innocently. You rolled your eyes as she grinned at you knowing you would leave her section alone. You scrolled down to the end where one box was completely empty waiting for you to type in the final step to unite every aspect of the form.
Many thoughts swarmed your mind, filling with ideas like a sink fills with water. The ideas slowly trickled through your short term memory until it suddenly halted like traffic a a red light. As fast as lightning your fingers flew across the keyboard typing a seven letter name that was sticking to your memory like glue.
It was only a matter of time until he would show up at your door as preached by both May and Casey. All you had to do now was wait.
Three days. That’s how long it’s been since you submitted the form to the company. Why was it taking so long? May said it only took a few hours to two days at most. Your form wasn’t complicated in the slightest. It’s not like you asked for him to have wings and to be able to fly. You had gotten the email saying it was successfully submitted, but where was he? He should’ve arrived the other day according to the new tracker device like they had at dominoes. The boyfriends would have a remote thing per say and it would show the company where they were and the boyfriends the way to the person to made them. Once they had made it they would click the successful button and then leave the device for the company to pick up. Simple according to the email you received. But the questions circled your mind like a storm waiting to pick up speed. So here you are pacing your room as your friends watched worriedly from the couch.
“Come sit down love. You’re gonna make a hole in the carpet.” May gently coaxed you to sit.
Taking one look at her you sighed and complied to her wishes and sat down on the couch.
“I just don’t get it. Wasn’t he supposed to be here day ago? Yesterday at the latest? Whar id something happened to him?” You whispered.
“The company would’ve emailed you about it.” May answered rubbing your back.
“What if the tracker broke? Then what?”
“The company would’ve sent people to his last location and informed you.” Casey whispered gently.
“What if….what if he isn’t coming? What if this is all fake or a sick joke?”
The girls went silent. May was the first to break the silence.
“You know it isn’t fake. You’ve seen my boyfriend.”
“Yeah but I didn’t see him delivered or even know you even did a form until you blurted the website out at lunch the other day. How do I know you aren’t lying to me?”
They were speechless which unknowing to them made you confirm your suspicions. You scoffed slightly standing up brushing off you clothes. “I need to get back to work, my break is over.”
“Y/n-” May started but you shook your head and walked out of the break room, letting the door close softly behind you.
Hours later you clocked out of work just wanting to go home and curl up on the couch and read a good book. You threw on your jacket and walked out the glass doors into the evening air of Seoul. You sighed staring at the buildings around you, unconsciously people watching. You groaned quietly as you saw a group of boys up ahead, one if then being May’s boyfriend. Oh goody.
You took a deep breath and trudged forward, intent on completely ignoring the group of boys as you secretly glanced at their faces. Out of the corner of you eye you saw a head of shaggy ash-platinum blonde hair. Your head whipped around in a double take. It was just a coincidence you thought. That website is complete bs. There’s no way that was the Jackson you thought you created. Well until he looked up and locked eyes with you. Mocha hazelnut irises bore into your y/e/c colored ones. He feigned a look if surprise before a smirk crawled onto his lips and you hated to admit it but that made him ten times hotter.
He was leaning against the wall a leather jacket across his shoulders, defining his muscles against the leather. He wore black ripped jeans that contrasted his gray shirt and tan combat boots. A cigarette hung out of his lips and his tanned hand came up to grasp it as his head tilted back slight to blow the smoke into the night air. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a device that was small enough to be a phone ad he nodded to himself before locking eyes with you again. The smirk was back as he pressed something on the screen and pocketed the device before pushing off the wall, stomping out his cigarette, and swaggering his way to you.
You felt yourself take a step back. Sure he looked like the Jackson you created, but he was still a stranger. Jacksons smirk grew in amusement with each step you took back. You took another step back and gasped as you felt your foot come in contact with air and you body began to bow in gravity’s favor. You shut your eyes waiting for the impact of the street and the possible impact of the crazy drivers of Seoul. Except you didn’t feel any impact except for the suddenly warmth that surrounded you.
“Easy baby girl. Wouldn’t want to get hurt now would we?” A deep voice whispered in your ear. You opened you eyes and jumped at the close proximity of your face to the Jackson look alike. His arms were wrapped around your waist, preventing any escape on your end.
“What cat got your tongue sweetheart?” You broke out of your day and pushed him back but he didn’t budge in the slightest.
“A thank you would be nice y/n.”
“How do you know my name?” You questioned suspiciously wiggling in his embrace.
He didn’t say anything but the small device made another appearance and what shocked you was your name and picture displayed on the screen. Jackson smiled at your surprise and he leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on your lips. He pulled away leaving you breathless and his husky voice broke the silence.
“Now that were on the same page darling, I’m Jackson if you didn’t already know. It’s lovely to meet you doll. I can tell we’re gonna get on just perfectly.”
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loosescrewslefty · 7 years
Once Upon A Dream
Is it possible to die of fluff overload from something you wrote yourself? because I swear I need life alert after this shit.
dedicating this one to @megatraven, since I know these two are your jam.
Femslash Feb 05- Stars
“Seriously girl?” Alya shook her head in dismay as Marinette giggled and playfully threw a pillow in her direction. “Any place in the world and money’s no object, and your ideal date is cuddling at home on the couch?”
“Well sorry not all of us are 'spin a globe and fly to wherever your finger lands’ types.” Marinette retorted, sticking her tongue out at the brunette.
“As much as I love agreeing with Alya, she’s actually got a point this time.” Chloe said, ignoring the dirty look Alya shot her for her jibe. “Dream Dates are supposed to be special. Cuddling on the couch is something you can do any day.”
“Well maybe I think cuddling on the couch with the person I love is special, no matter how often I can do it.” Marinette retorted crossing her arms and turning up her nose to the duo.
“Or maybe you can get some standards, Dupain-Cheng.” Chloe shot back with a smirk. What's so bad about getting spoiled every now and then?”
“Literally you are the last person in Paris who should be asking that question. You realize that, right?” Alya teased, tossing Marinette's pillow at the blonde.
“I think it's sweet, Marinette!” Rose offered with a glowing smile.
“Why thank you, Rose!” Marinette replied with her own grin. “It’s nice to know someone else can enjoy the simple pleasures in life~!” Rose giggled as Chloe and Alya both whined in protest at the slight on them, smiling apologetically at the dirty look Chloe shot her for managing to win the pig tailed girl over.
While most of their old classmates were still surprised and confused at the drastic change in Chloe and Marinette’s relationship from vicious rivals to fiercely close, Rose was secretly thrilled at the way their relationship had evolved over the years. Chloe had grown into a much kinder person ever since she and Marinette had begun hanging out, and she and Marinette seemed to have so much fun sassing one another and play fighting rather than actually going for each other’s throats.
It was a little unfortunate that things between Chloe and Alya weren’t progressing quite as smoothly. They got along much better than they used to, but both girls made no bones about the fact that Marinette was the center of their worlds, which lead to a rather tense rivalry between the two for the designer’s attentions.
It was a little worrying, but Rose was sure three girls would smooth things out sooner or later. They all cared about one another too much not to.
“What about you, Rose?” Marinette asked, smiling encouragingly at her friend as she offered her another of her father’s eclairs (Rose had a weakness for them, and Marinette had sniffed that out in no time flat). “What would your Dream Date be?”
“Me?” Rose asked, humming as she tried very hard not to look at the tall, dark haired girl at her side (she didn’t quite succeed, but was quick to look back to Marinette after her guilty peek). “Well, If it were my Dream Date, it would be dancing under the stars right here in Paris! Can you imagine how romantic it would be, the Eiffel Tower glowing and the music playing as you embrace the person you love?”
“Except you can’t see the stars here in Paris.” Chloe pointed out dryly. “It’s too polluted.”
“Chloe!” Marinette huffed, glaring at the heiress.
“I’m not saying it to be mean! It’s true! Papa’s trying to get some laws through to change it, but right now the air quality here is still terrible, and the smog is too thick. Hard to have a romantic dance under the stars when there’s no stars to see.”
“It’s alright.” Rose laughed, patting Marinette’s arm when she saw her gearing up to argue. “I know it can’t happen the way things are now. But that’s why it’s a dream date, right?”
“So Marinette wants something that’s too simple, and Rose wants something that can’t happen.” Alya shook in head in bemusement. “I’ll tell you what, you two are a pair.”
“Ah, don’t listen to them Rose. I think that sounds like a beautiful dream date!” Marinette praised, earning a giggle from her smaller friend.
“Thanks, Marinette!” She said with a grin, before turning her attention to the silent girl at her side. “What about you, Juleka? What’s your Dream Date?”
“Me?” Juleka asked, pointing to herself as her cheeks darkened from pasty white to red. “Uh… I don’t… well…”
“Oh come on! You HAVE to have a Dream Date!” Chloe pushed. “A romantic stroll through the catacombs, maybe?”
“Chloe!” Marinette scolded sharply as Juleka flinched inward, casting her eyes down to the ground. Rose felt her heart drop to her shoes as she laid a consoling hand on the other girls back, only half her attention on the other blonde, who looked surprisingly abashed when she realized how much her taunt had affected the shy goth.
“I only meant she could stand to be a little more confident!” Chloe mumbled, half apologetic and half defensive. “If she likes that kind of creepy horror stuff, then she should own it! At least a catacomb date is more realistic than seeing the stars in Paris, and less ordinary than cuddling on the couch!”
“And less horribly cliche than a five star dinner followed by a romantic parade down Paris so everyone can see how much you’re adored.” Alya chimed in with a smirk, earning her a pillow to the face for the second time that night.
“It’s not a parade! It’s a romantic stroll through the streets, followed by violinist while we are serenaded by Jagged Stone, then a ride on a horse drawn carriage back home!” Chloe reminded the brunette primly.
“Yeah, who would ever mistake that for a parade?” Alya asked, rolling her eyes. Marinette gave her a slight knock on the shoulder for her jibe, but had to hide a giggle behind her hand as she did so.
“Keep that up, and I won’t invite either of you to my wedding with Ladybug.” Chloe warned the pair, sticking her tongue out at Alya. For some reason Rose didn’t understand, Marinette practically died laughing at that threat, which caused Alya to look an odd cross between indignant and amused as Chloe grinned smugly at them all. Even Juleka shook with silent laughter at the heiress’ declaration, and- not for the first time- Rose was left wondering at the joke she was apparently not getting.
“Pretty sure I can line up a hot date to get me into that bash, Chlo.” Marinette said with a confident grin.
“And I’m not gonna cry any tears over missing that party when I’ve seduced Ladybug into divorcing your skinny blonde butt and taking half your fortune to fund my ‘whirlwind world travel romance’ date.” Alya confided with a smirk.
“Oh please. Like Ladybug would even look at any other girl as long as she has me to make her happy.” Chloe retorted, blowing a raspberry.
“You two keep arguing and Ladybug will wash her hands of both of you.” Marinette warned the pair with a pointed look. Chloe and Alya both looked thoroughly chastised at that warning, which apparently satisfied Marinette enough that she turned back to Juleka with a smile. “Okay, your turn, Juleka! You get to decide the next question!” Juleka gave Marinette a shy, grateful grin for providing her with an out, then quietly mulled over her options while Rose tried not to feel too disheartened at her side.
It would have been nice to know what kind of date Juleka would like, even if it was a walk through the catacombs. Because honestly, Rose was prepared to walk through Hell itself if it was for Juleka.
Almost a month later, Rose found a superheroine on her windowsill.
Admittedly, this wasn’t entirely an uncommon thing in Paris anymore, since there were now four superheroines fighting day and night to protect their beautiful and vibrant city from the evils that attempted to plague it. But Rose couldn't help but give a delighted gasp when she recognized the girl outside her window nonetheless. Her hands trembled as she undid the latch and threw the window open, nearly spilling out onto the street below in her excitement.
“Titania!” She breathed out, cheeks going pink as she stared up in wonder at the girl. “What's going on? Why are you here? Do you need Briar Rose again?”
“Easy!” Titania begged with a laugh. “I don't need Briar, but if possible I’d like to borrow some of Rose’s time.”
“You would?” Rose asked, curious and excited all at once. The Butterfly heroine had approached her before to thank her for serving as her main Champion, but never like this.
“Will you come with me?” Titania asked, holding her gloved hand out to the small blonde girl before her. Rose grinned widely as she put her hand in the taller girl’s, giving a squeak when Titania pulled her closer and picked her up bridal style.
Large semi-translucent violet wings with black lines patterned on it like lace and White eyespots took form behind Titania, making her look like her namesake. Turning back to the streets of Paris, Titania stood tall and unfurled her beautiful wings in an all too impressive display.
“Hang on tight, okay?” Titania told her. Rose had absolutely no problem complying to the request, snuggling close and wrapping her arms around Titania’s shoulders as the wings began to softly beat, carrying them up into the sky.
Of the four heroes who possessed the power of flight, Titania was undoubtedly the slowest. Rose knew this well since she was better acquainted with the superheroes and their powers than most, as Titania’s main Champion and the only civilian to work with them regularly in the midst of battle. She knew how all of them flew. Queen Bee like lightning blur across the Parisian sky in a fight, and Talon Bleu the most powerful flyer, with stamina that easily outpaced both the Bee and the Butterfly, while Ladybug was the most balanced, adept and clever, with fewer exploitable weaknesses then the others.
But by far, Rose loved flying above Paris in Titania’s arms the most.
True, she wasn't as fast as Bee, and couldn’t fly as long as Talon or possess the stunning precision of Ladybug, but there was grace and charm to Titania’s style of flying. It felt peaceful, like floating in a cool, calm lake on a hot summer day.
It was all too soon that the flight was over, and Rose was gently deposited on the ground in the middle of a rooftop garden.
“Oooh, are we having a midnight picnic?” Rose asked cheerfully, grinning eagerly at her companion.
“Not quite.” Titania replied with an enigmatic smile. “Have I ever told you what my power does, Rose?”
“Well, you make Champions, right? Give people superpowers so they can fight evil? Like turning me into Briar Rose.” Rose answered.
“That’s part of it.” Titania admitted, smiling softly, summoning her butterflies to rise out of the nearby plants and flutter around them softly on silent wings. “My Miraculous allows me to guide people out of the darkness and into the light. I find the best part of people, their strength and beauty and the courage they all have inside of them, and bring it out so it can shine. I’m not like Hawkmoth, I don’t turn anyone into anything, I just bring them up to the surface for everyone to see. That is what my Champions are. What Briar Rose is.” Rose flushed a little at the candid remark, thinking back to the photos she had seen of Briar Rose and how beautiful and remarkable she looked as Titania’s Champion. How confident and powerful the Butterfly made her feel.
That was really her? All of it? Truly?
“Th-that’s…” Humbling? Uplifting? Overwhelming? Yes to all of that, honestly. But before Rose could decide which word to choose, the butterflies around her began to glow, flying up and out of view, and a familiar magic pulsed through the air.
As the magic took hold and did it’s job, Rose suddenly found it impossible to breathe as she stared in awe at the sight above her.
“I can see why you wanted this. I never imagined the sky could look so beautiful.” Titania mused, smiling as she stared up at the stars at Rose’s side. “It won’t last, but I wanted to do this for you. To thank you for everything you’ve done for me.” It took everything Rose had not to start crying then and there.
Bringing the light out of the darkness. Rose realized numbly. She used the same magic she has for making Champions to clear away all the smog, so I can see the stars. She… I...
Rose never wanted so badly to kiss someone in all her life.
Giving a watery giggle, Rose turned to Titania and held out her hand, smiling at the superheroine’s confused look.
“Please?” She asked, tilting her head. “I’ve always dreamed about dancing with someone under the stars in Paris.” Titania smiled at the request and took Rose’s hand, settling her other hand at Rose’s waist as Rose took hold of her shoulder and started to hum a familiar song.
Not for the first time, she was tempted to let Titania know that she knew. That she was okay with who she was under the mask. More than okay, honestly. She wasn’t at all surprised that the shy, quiet goth she had know for so long had a hero inside of her that had been waiting to spread her wings and soar, and she was grateful that Juleka would want her to be a part of her story, her partner even.
But she knew that Juleka wasn’t ready for that yet. Titania was still new to her, her first chance in her life to speak and be heard, to be seen rather than just fading into the background as she had so often growing up. She had promised herself that she would wait until Juleka was ready to tell her her secret, and properly introduce her to the adorable little fairy that she kept at her side. Difficult as it was to wait, Juleka needed this- needed to feel confident and strong and ready- much more than Rose needed to fully understand the double life the other girl was living. She could wait. And, until that day…
“But if I know you, I know what you’ll do… you’ll love me at once, the way you did once upon… a… dream...”
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