#oh i forgot to finish my chess pieces thought. anyways it’s easy to get into that headspace but Fasach Never Does
sofhtie · 4 years
hmm no thoughts head fásach “the most dangerous thing is to love”
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definitelynotsuzumi · 4 years
Zapped to Another World [Chapter 3]
Chapter 3 is finally up! T-T I am really sorry for the delays and future delays since I am juggling between school and Genshin. 
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Despite the roof over your head and the cushy bed beneath you, you could not sleep.
You heaved a sigh as you reached your hand into your chest, detaching your Gnosis. If your knowledge was right, you were basically the 8th Archon. A phantom one, judging by Venti’s reaction.
“Oh good, you have not lost it yet.” A familiar voice echoed. You nearly rolled off the bed in surprise as you turned to face Artem.
“How? But I? Huh? What are you doing here?” You stuttered.
“Oh silly head. Or maybe I am the silly one for not letting you know. A Gnosis is a way that Archons can communicate with the Celestia. In other words, me!” Artem threw you a mischievous smile. He seemed a lot more easy-going. Was it because I agreed to this life? Or is it because his sister isn’t here?
You suspected both as Artem kicked back in the air.
“I am aware of that but…Doesn’t this make me…Irrelevant in this world? Weren’t there supposed to be just 7 Archons?” You knitted your brows as he casually floated around the giant room.
“Well, originally, yes. But things change!”
“So, what exactly am I an Archon of?” You looked back onto your Gnosis. As you had agreed to the “contract” when you fell, the Gnosis had transformed into what looked like a chess piece, with a sphere adorning the top of it.
“This world! Isn’t that exciting?”
Figures. The shape atop your Gnosis was shaped like a planet after all.
“…Honestly, not with the Fatui out to get people like me.” You sighed.
“Oh, if they try anything funny with the Order I have made, rest assured, us gods will deal with it.” Artem’s easy-going aura turned bloodthirsty.
You held your tongue instinctively as Artem laughed humourlessly.
“I am well aware of the Tsaritsa straying from her path and interfering. But I have faith in that Outworlder.” Artem hummed as he messed around in your room. He somehow managed to find lipstick paper in the drawers and had put it on. 
“And me. Surely there is more to my existence in this world. Am I right in saying that?” You grasped your Gnosis tightly in your hand.
“Well yes, you are the failsafe I have created. It was pure chance that I lost that game and my temper ehe~” He blew you a kiss with his extremely pigmented lips. 
You were tempted to shout. A pure chance that I got killed by that lightning volt, you mean!
“Aren’t you glad that it worked out?,” Artem closed the gap between the two of you, his eyes staring into yours. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes, as if he could hear your thoughts.
“I am glad for this second chance in life. But it is honestly concerning for someone like me…” You gulped back your fear of the god.
“Understandable. By the way, try to keep your existence as an Archon as downlow as possible. While the Archons may be aware of another one, they will not be able to pinpoint who it is exactly until they meet you. If they got rid of the failsafe, I will be forced to get someone to step in.” 
“…Do you mean the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles?” Artem blinked in surprise.
“Wow, I’m surprised a human from Earth knows about her.  Yes, yes you are right. Clever girl.”
You felt the cold claws of dread grip your heart.
“Communication is a 2-way street. If they can observe and interact with the Celestia, they can interfere with it. That means, if they tried hard enough, they can very well overthrow the gods of the Celestia.” Artem turned serious.
“That is why you exist now. The original plan was to summon a hero from Elysium as a failsafe but seeing as to how things turn out, well, here we are.”
“You talk as if it is my fault that we are here now…” You frowned, “You raged during a game of Uno. Uno, of all games! And caused a whole lightning to zap me into the afterlife. Not to mention, the guilt trip that you pulled just to bring me here.”
Artem rolled his eyes, as if you were snapping over a trivial issue.
“Now you just sound like Solaria. Blegh.” Artem faked a retch before returning to his serious expression.
“Sorry if I made it sound bad that you are here. I mean no ill-intentions. You didn’t deserve to die because of my temper.” Artem patted your head, exhaling heavily through his nose.
You heard footsteps come by your door. Artem gave you a wink as he disappeared into a burst of golden sparks. You hurriedly stored your gnosis to your chest again.
“Miss (L/N), I apologize for the disturbance. Master Diluc has instructed me to provide you with clothing.” A maid came by, a set of clothes and shoes in her hands.
“How kind. Leave them by the dresser. And send him my…thanks.” You watched as the maid bowed her head, putting them down on the oak dresser before scurrying out of your room.
Rising and feeling the silken fabric of a simple red frock, black shirt and a matching cape, you exhaled through your nose. You knew that you were caught up in something complicated and the feeling of helplessness came back to you.
Artem’s voice then echoed in your ears.
‘Find the Outworlder and see to it that he saves this world. If not, well…’ A vision of Mondstadt in flames with the familiar black-red cubes flashed in your eyes.
‘Let’s just say, the option of going into Elysium will be open.’
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You did not know when you had drifted off to sleep, but you were glad for those few hours of rest. You slipped out of your day-old school uniform and donned the fresh clothes Diluc had given. They felt light and soft, perfect for traveling under the sun. Given how the sun was blazing through the morning dew, you decided against the cape and slipped it into your bag as well.
Preparing your things, you were not a fan of how the bag of mora you had received from Solaria was getting lighter. Maybe I should become an Adventurer as well…
Walking down the wooden stairs of the Winery, you were surprised to see a huge spread of food on the table, with Diluc leisurely eating his way through a pile of steaks, potatoes and cheese.
“Have some, the people of Mondstadt call this Pile Em Up.” Diluc pushed over a steaming plate. You swore you saw it sparkle in the candlelight.
You tentatively sliced a piece. Meat and cheese at this time of the day seemed a little rich, but as the warm ribs melted in your mouth, you could not hold back a satisfied sigh.
“Your maids are excellent cooks.”
“…I cooked it.”
“Do you not believe that I can cook?”
Diluc gave you a bemused smile. You looked back down onto your steak. You mentally yelled at yourself to quit blushing.
“I-well, you don’t seem the type to cook so…I just thought…”You stumbled over your words. You could feel his eyes on you. You noticed a small, genuine smile forming on his lips. You have landed on one of the topics he admits pride in.
“Well, I do work as a bartender in the tavern at times, naturally I will need to be able to cook.”
A soft warmth formed in your chest as you smiled back. Finishing off the delicious plate of the juicy meat, you blinked in surprise as he offered you a pack of dried sunsettias and apples.
“The journey will be long. Please be safe on your travels.”
Huh. You always had the impression that he was cold and aloof, but Diluc seemed different than what you have seen in the game.
“Uhm, thank you for everything you have done. I will pay it back some day!” You bowed before turning towards the path leading out of Dawn Winery.  
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“Uh…Uhmm….” You murmured in growing panic. Solaria had forgotten to pack a map! You were incredibly lost. A boy with white hair bolted past as you heard the sound of gibberish following behind him. You had a bad feeling about this.
“…Uh oh.”
You looked back. A group of very angry Hilichurls were running towards you and the boy.
“UH OH!”
You sprinted in the direction of the boy but you soon found yourself face-to-face with a cliff. The boy was nowhere to be seen.
You had to fight.
You turned around, grabbing an arrow that flew past your face. Everything seemed slower than you thought it would be.
Gritting your teeth, you pushed your arms in front of you. Your eyes shut themselves tightly as you willed for the area around you to freeze over. The screams of the Hilichurls stopped as you felt the icy winds against your cheek.
Cautiously, you opened your eyes to see them frozen solid. You walked up, tapping the ice with your knuckles.
It was as if they were made out of ice rather than being flash-frozen.
Whatever had happened, you were certain that you would be safe. Looking around, you noticed a blob of white hair in the bush near you.
“You alright there?” You called out. The boy poked his head out of the bush.
“A…Are they gone -AH!” The boy jumped as he saw the Hilichurls’ angry expressions before realizing that they are frozen solid.
“It should be safe and anyways, what is the use of a sword if you don’t use it to defend yourself?” You sighed, noticing a sword strapped to his side.
“They kind of caught me off-guard…” His expression of guilt made you feel bad as you awkwardly patted his head.
He reminded you of a little brother.
“What’s your name?” You asked as you took in the familiar garb he was wearing.
“I’m Bennett! I had a commission to retrieve treasure from the Hilichurls but…well…”He stole a glance at the Hilichurls, who remained frozen solid in their spots.
“I’m (Y/N) but I got lost…I forgot to pack in a map…” You sighed, scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
“Oh! I can help with that!”
Bennet fished out a crumpled piece of paper. It was a map! You were saved!
But just as you were about to thank Artem for his kindness, an arrow ripped through the middle.
The Hilichurls you froze over must have melted as you heard their angered screaming.
“Oh for f-“
Bennett drew his sword. You were familiar with his skill in the game as you saw him charging energy into his sword. Raising your hand, you willed for your power to protect him as he swung his sword. Flames rose as he struck down the Shield Hilichurl.
“Huh?” Bennett was confused when he realized he was not sent flying.
“Focus, Bennett, focus!” You yelled as you blasted the Hilichurls away from him. As much as you hated how his unluckiness seemed contagious, you did not want him to be hurt.
“Thanks!” Bennett beamed at you as he slashed down the Hilichurls. That seemed to be last of them as you finished off the Shield Hilichurl.
“Wow, thanks for saving me back there. Seriously, I owe you one.” Bennett made his gratitude known, thanking you profusely.  You sighed as you sat down on the grass.
Bennett took out the torn map and looked extremely sheepish.
“Don’t suppose you have an extra one?” You sighed again. Bennett shook his head in response.
“Hey, are you two okay? I just saw the bodies of the Hilichurls and I came by to investigate- Oh hey Bennett!” A girl’s voice greeted you both.
“Hey Amber! Yeah, I kinda got into a fight with them but she saved me!” Bennett excitedly introduced you to the Outrider.
“She’s uh…What’s your name again?”
“I’m (Y/N) and I’m trying to get to Liyue but I got lost. Bennett was showing me his map until they ripped it. Don’t suppose you have an extra in your pockets?” You wiped off the sweat as you stood up to greet Amber.
“Oh! I can help with that!” Amber gave you a neatly folded piece of paper.
“Please take care on your travels then. There is a rise in Hilichurl sightings in the area.” Amber saluted.
“Don’t suppose you’d like to join Bennett’s Adventure Team?” Bennett gave you a puppy-eyed dog look.
“Uhm…Well, I really need to make my way to Liyue…Unless you’d want to come with me and abandon everything you have here…”Bennett’s face fell. You instantly felt bad for the poor adventurer. You knew it was a tall order for you to ask him to come along. 
“Hey hey…I’ll be back soon. We can do more adventuring once I fulfil my mission, okay?” You smiled at Bennett, who brightened at your promise.
‘If I am still alive, afterwards,’ A dark thought flashed through your head.
Waving good bye to the two, you continued on your path, leaving Mondstadt behind.
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Diluc’s servant gulped as he approached a small cottage in the bamboo forest. Knocking the wooden door, he cleared his throat.
“Diluc sends his regards.” The door immediately opened to reveal a girl with dark brown hair.
“Oho! Finally! He calls! Did he happen to include an engagement ring by any chance?”
“U-Uh no, just this letter-“
“Oh how boring.” The door slammed shut.
“He includes payment with this letter.”
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?” The door swung open again. The girl swiped off the bag of mora the servant had prepared and wax-sealed letter smoothly.
Ripping the letter open, the girl scanned its contents carefully.
“As straightforward as always. Thanks for your hard work, I guess.” Waving off the servant casually, the girl smiled to herself.
“A recon mission for a stranger in red and black, huh? Well, well, well. Time to dust off the old umbrella.”
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shootwinterfest · 5 years
Give Me Kisses For Christmas
Shoot Secret Santa Gift by @maybesomedaysameen
As she walked into the Great Hall, Root looked around at the Christmas decorations. Hogwarts was always beautiful, but this time of year, the whole castle sparkled. Candles hung in the air above the tables, illuminating the garlands and ornaments suspended above the hall. On the small stage where the teachers sat, a huge tree glittered with its own ornaments and lights.
The ceiling showed the early afternoon sky, lazy snowflakes drifting down and fading to nothing. Outside, it was freezing, but inside the castle, it was warm and cozy. Root walked to the Slytherin table, her winter cloak flowing around her. She’d worn her uniform, even though classes had ended. It still felt wrong to wear muggle clothing around the castle.
Getting to her table, Root climbed over the bench and sat next to Shaw, travel mug clutched in her hand. It was the second day of the Christmas Holiday and she was ready to try an experiment. She’d found the recipe for Veritaserum in the restricted section on one of her late night visits. Technically, she wasn’t allowed in after she’d summoned a lightning storm in her dorm room, but ‘forbidden’ had never stopped her before.
Root was going to trick Shaw into drinking it and then ask if she liked Root, if she like-liked Root. She grinned at Shaw, putting the travel mug on the table between them. Shaw winked at her, a half-eaten sausage in her hand. There was a Quidditch match after lunch, and Shaw was a Slytherin Beater. She needed the energy. Root looked over her food options and started filling her plate.
“Great news,” Zoe said, sitting appearing across from them. “I found some old radio shows on vinyl and Headmaster McGonagall said she’d lend us her Gramophone. Not as good as a television, but it’s something.”
“Radio shows?” Shaw repeated with her mouth full. Rolling her eyes, she tossed the last bite of her sausage onto her plate. “Jesus, I might as well have gone to visit my grandmother.”
“But then you wouldn’t get to spend time with me,” Root joked. She spread butter over a bread roll. It had been her suggestion to stay at school over the break. “I’m better than your grandma.”
Shaw snorted, pushing her plate away. “That’s debatable.”
Root didn’t take the insult to heart. She knew that Shaw liked spending time with her. That’s why she was going to give her the Veritaserum. Shaw was interested in her; she just needed a little push. Root bit into her roll and smiled happily.
A hand lightly touched her jaw, turning her face. Shaw raised an eyebrow, her eyes glittering with amusement. Licking her lips, Root blushed at the feel of Shaw’s firm grip. Tilting her head, Shaw picked up a napkin from the table with her free hand and wiped the side of Root’s mouth.
“Butter,” Shaw told her. She released Root’s face. “You’re a mess.”
Root just took a giant bit of bread, making sure that even more butter covered her mouth this time. “Whoops.”
“Wow,” Zoe laughed. “You two are so gross. Get a room!”
Shaw picked up a piece of fish from the large dish in the center of the table and tossed it at her. Zoe dodged with a squeal. She glared at Shaw, dipping her fingers into her glass of pumpkin juice and flicking the liquid across the table. This time Shaw had to dodge, sliding away from Root to avoid the splatter.
“Watch the uniform!” Shaw grabbed her napkin again, wiping off the bench. “I have a game soon. I need to look sharp for my fans.”
Shaw brushed imaginary juice from her uniform, and Root took the opportunity to look her over. She loved when Shaw played Quidditch, because the uniform suited her so well. The long-sleeve shirt accentuated her biceps, and the pants emphasized her thighs. She wore pants most days, instead of the usual skirt, but those were dress pants and these were flexible cotton, much more flattering.
She moved back into her place, her arm brushing against Root’s. Resisting the urge to lean against her, Root looked at her travel mug. This wasn’t the best idea. Root and Shaw had been friends ever since they’d both landed in detention with Professor Flitwick for starting a fire in his class. Technically, they’d been learning Lumos, but Root had bragged that she already knew Incendio and Shaw had dared her to prove it. Root couldn’t say no to a dare.
That had been their first year. Now, they were sixth years and still just friends. Root wanted more than that, but she didn’t want to risk their friendship. So, instead, she was contemplating a scheme that was actually a horrible idea. Shaw trusted her, and Root didn’t really want to force Shaw into anything. They’d always avoided the subject of dating.
Root had never told Shaw that she liked girls, and Shaw had never said it either. She knew she did, though. A few times over the years, Root had caught her making out with girls in dark corners of the hallways. She’d caught her with boys, too, but that didn’t make Root as jealous. It was seeing Shaw with girls that hurt.
Of course, Root had some doubt that Shaw liked her. It was impossible to know for sure. Without a truth potion, anyway. What if she did like Root, but didn’t want a relationship? Would she even say anything about it in the Great Hall? Maybe this should be done privately. With a sigh, she decided not to go through with her plan. She used her napkin to wipe her face off and finished her bread.
“Are you coming to the game?” Shaw asked her. “It’s a sure win for us. Hufflepuff’s seeker is garbage.”
Root smiled. “Of course.” She gestured to her Slytherin scarf. “I have to support my girl.”
An odd look crossed Shaw’s face and she turned away to stare down at her plate. Root opened her mouth to ask what was wrong, but a shadow fell across the table and distracted her. She saw their friends standing behind them and grinned.
Fusco was wearing his Quidditch robes, too, yellow and black for Hufflepuff. He was a beater, like Shaw. Reese, Harold, and Joss all wore Hufflepuff scarves, even though Harold was in Ravenclaw and Reese and Joss were in Gryffindor. Shaw looked at them and scowled.
“Oh, come on.” She waved to their scarves. “I know you have to cheer for both of us, but why do you have to wear his colors?”
“Us guys have to stick together,” Fusco told her. Her jerked his thumb at Joss. “She owes me a galleon.”
Joss rolled her eyes. “I’m going to burn this after the game.”
“I’ll help,” Zoe joked, grinning. “We’ll burn all the losers’ scarves.”
A bell rang from the tower above them, signaling the new hour. The Quidditch game was going to start soon and Fusco and his ‘fans’ hurried away, taking Zoe with them. Technically, the Quidditch season was over because of the winter break, but a game had gotten delayed after a bad flu had gone around the castle. After today, the castle would be almost empty as everyone who was only staying for the game went home.
Shaw sighed, picking up one last sausage and climbing off the bench. If she had the choice, Shaw would sit in front of feast until it disappeared. There was always the dinner feast, though. Shaw had also befriended the elves in the kitchen and she got snacks whenever she wanted them. She’d already asked them to pack a basket for the listening party they had planned later.
Root lifted her knees, holding her skirt as she swung her legs over the bench. Even after six years, she forgot that she wore skirts sometimes. There had been some embarrassing moments after late night study sessions or adventures, when she was too sleepy to care about modesty. Shaw smirked at her as she stood up carefully.
“Don’t forget your mug,” Shaw said, picking it up. She popped the lid open and sniffed it. “Did you put water in a thermos?”
“Yup,” Root lied. She shrugged, trying to look casual. “It’s got some, uh, herbs. For focus. Yeah, I need to do some studying today. Later.”
Shaw gave her a skeptical look. “Studying? During the holiday? I can’t let you be that nerd.”
Laughing, Root relaxed, glad that the lie had worked. She held her hand out. “Can I just have my drink, please?”
Shaw lifted the mug, but Root leapt forward, snatching it from her hands. Panicked, Root chugged it. It burned her throat and she knew right away that it had worked. She lowered the mug, gasping for air after her long drink. Shaw was staring at her like she had a second head.
“Ok, weirdo.” Shaw chuckled. She pointed a finger at Root, narrowing her eyes. “You’re not using that focus to study. You’ll focus on something fun, like Wizard’s Chess or eating cake.”
Root smiled nervously, trying not to speak. She wasn’t entirely sure if Veritaserum made you blurt out the truth, or if it just made you incapable of lying. Either way, if Shaw asked her a direct question, then she wouldn’t be able to get out of answering.
“Uh, Root? Is there something on my face?”
“No.” Root realized she’d been staring at Shaw. “No. Sorry. Um, we should go. To the game. It starts in… an hour.”
They left the Great Hall, heading for the Quidditch Field with the rest of the late lunch crowd. Shaw didn’t start a conversation, and Root relaxed. She liked that they could be quiet together. Sometimes, Root needed to get away from people, but she never needed to get away from Shaw. They could spend hours sitting in the same room, absorbed in their own activities.
It’s one of the reasons Root had fallen in love with her. It was so easy to be with Shaw. She never asked Root to be anything she wasn’t, to be any less. They could talk about anything, and Shaw always seemed interested in her thoughts. Root was grateful to have found such a great friend and she was glad she hadn’t gone through with her plan.
Now, she just had to make it through the night without confessing her feelings. Luckily, Zoe and Joss weren’t leaving until tomorrow morning and they’d be a buffer. Root could just bring up a controversial topic, like what shop in London made the best kebabs, and the three of them would go for hours.
After a short walk through the snow, they got to the Quidditch Field, and Root gave Shaw a smile. She wasn’t allowed in the locker rooms because she wasn’t on the team. Rules didn’t really stop her, but Martine was the captain this year, and she hated Root. One accident in Potions, and Root had made an enemy. Waving goodbye to Shaw, Root started for the steps to the stands, lifting her heavy winter cloak out of the way.
She was stopped by a hand on her arm and she followed it back to Shaw. “Something wrong?” she asked, frowning. She looked up at the tower the steps were in, seeing the familiar green and silver of Slytherin. “Am I in the wrong section?”
“No,” Shaw answered. She pulled her hand away, running it along her ponytail. “I just wanted to say that you look good today.”
Looking down at the same robes she wore most days, she laughed. “I look the same as I do every day. Do you suddenly have a thing for robes and cloaks?”
Rolling her eyes, Shaw pushed Root lightly toward the stairs. “Whatever, nerd. Just go.”
Root watched her walk into the hallway that led to the locker rooms, wondering what that was about. Shaw never complimented her in such a straightforward way. It was usually “copying my style? At least you look good in ponytails” or “Want to do our homework together? You’re the only one in our year I can stand.” Root had gotten really good at de-coding what Shaw meant, and it was strange to get a clear message.
Shaking her head, Root hurried up to the stands, finding Zoe. They didn’t really like anyone else in Slytherin besides Shaw, and they spent most of their time in the Gryffindor common room, especially now that Joss was a prefect. She gave them the password every time it changed.
Quidditch was always fun to watch, but Root loved when Shaw was playing. She was so confident in the air, and with a bat in her hand. Her ponytail streamed from her helmet as she flew, whipping in the wind. Occasionally, she’d glance at Root, winking or just grinning. She loved to show off, hitting beaters clear across the pitch. When they played Hufflepuff, she’d always aim for Hersch.
The game was over in two hours. Slytherin won by an embarrassing number of points. They’d had nearly 200 by the time Harper caught the Snitch, a clear win no matter what. Fusco gave Shaw the middle finger instead of a handshake and Shaw whacked him in the arm with her bat, nearly knocking him off his broom.
After following the crowd down the stairs, Root leaned against the wall outside the Slytherin locker room, turning her travel mug over in her hands. She hadn’t been able to talk to Zoe too much during the game, but she’d tried a few times to lie. Zoe had asked her the name of the Hufflepuff Chaser, and Root had tried to say Fusco, but when she opened her mouth, ‘Hersch’ had come out instead. She’d also been unable to say the wrong score, or that she needed to leave and go study.
Clearly, she’d made a good potion. Veritaserum was pretty advanced, and usually only N.E.W.T students knew how to make it. It had been easy for Root. The hardest part was waiting a whole month for it to finish maturing. Patience wasn’t her strong suit.
The locker room door opened, and Root looked up. Shaw saw her and nodded, hiking her bag on her shoulder. She’d showered, apparently, her long hair loose and hanging around her shoulders. Her uniform was also gone. Instead, she wore muggle clothing, black sweatpants and a thick Slytherin sweatshirt.
“You look great,” Root said instead of a normal greeting. She blushed. “I mean, you obviously showered. You smell really nice.”
She felt her face heat up even more and looked away, cursing herself silently. Sticking her travel mug under her arm, she wrapped her cloak around herself and walked toward the exit. It was warm in the hallway by the locker rooms, but it would be freezing outside. The sun had just started setting and it was taking the meager warmth with it.
“Thanks,” Shaw muttered behind her. She moved to Root’s side and followed her out into the snowy grounds. “I know that Zoe hates when I get sweat on the Common Room’s couches.”
“Zoe also hates when you leave your stinky socks lying around,” Root said, smiling. “That never stops you, though.”
Shaw snorted. “No, it doesn’t.”
They walked back to the castle, talking about the game, and Root somehow managed to keep herself from complimenting Shaw again. It was going to be hard to keep her thoughts to herself until the potion wore off. She could distract them until they started the radio shows. Then, knowing Joss, there wouldn’t be any talking allowed.
Once they got back to the castle, they made their way down to the dungeons and the Slytherin common room. Since it was just a girls’ night, Joss was coming to them. Root led the way up to their room, thankfully shedding her heavy cloak and hanging it on the coat rack.
She kicked off her shoes as Shaw dropped her bag onto her bed. They’d been roommates since first year and knew each other’s habits well. Shaw liked to empty her bag before she got comfortable, putting her uniform in her clothes hamper and her shoes in the wardrobe. Then, she’d disappear into the bathroom for a bit, coming back out to fall on her bed and wait for someone to make her be social.
Root liked to change into comfortable clothes immediately. She started undressing, feeling better with every piece gone. Once she was only in her bra and underwear, she moved to her wardrobe, opening drawers until she found her pajamas. They were thick flannel, red gingham, and the most comfortable thing she’d ever worn. They’d been a gift from Shaw three Christmases ago, after her final growth spurt.
She finished buttoning the shirt and dug her wand out of her cloak pocket before climbing into her bed. Her travel mug sat on her side table, taunting her. She waved her wand at it, turning it to dust. Being in bed, wearing her pajamas, made her want to just go to sleep and wake up once the effects had gone away.
Shaw came out of the bathroom and dramatically flung herself up onto her bed. Rolling onto her back, she let her head hang off the edge, staring at Root upside down. Root lay on her stomach, feet kicking in the air as she waited for Shaw to say something. With another flick of her wand, she conjured spectral butterflies.
They watched them flicker around the room until one landed on Shaw’s nose. She swatted it, turning it to smoke. With a sigh, she rolled over onto her stomach, too, looking around the room.
“When is Joss coming over?”
“I don’t know,” Root answered truthfully. She remembered to watch her words. “Zoe didn’t give us a time.”
“Great,” Shaw mumbled, rolling her eyes. “That means she wants to spend hours making out with Reese. God knows when we’ll start the shows.”
“I would never kiss a boy,” Root said, unprompted. She gasped, her face warming up. Licking her lips, she tried again. “I like girls.”
Shaw stared across the room at her, face unreadable. Root stayed as still as possible. She felt like she could spook Shaw if she moved too quickly, or said anything else. Over the years, Root had learned that Shaw had a very strong fight-or-flight reaction. She hoped she hadn’t ruined their night.
“Boys are gross,” Shaw finally said, looking away. “Reese even more, so. I’d rather die than kiss him.”
Root laughed, the tension draining from her body. “Zoe just likes that he’s tall.”
Shaw shrugged. “I like tall people.”
“I’m tall,” Root blurted out before she could stop herself. Shaw tilted her head, giving her a thoughtful look. Taking a breath, Root opened her mouth to just tell Shaw that she liked her, but Zoe walked into the room and she lost her nerve. “Zoe!”
Shaw sat up, apparently distracted by Zoe’s entrance. “When are we doing this? It’s almost dinner time.”
“Hold your horses,” Zoe told her, crossing between their beds to get to her own. “Joss is going to come down after the feast and we’ll set up in here.” She stopped at her desk and pulled out a small scroll. “It wouldn’t be much of a girls’ ‘night’ if it started before it was even dark.”
“Good point.”
Sitting up, Root looked down at her pajamas and sighed. “It’s not acceptable to eat dinner in pajamas.”
“Since when has ‘acceptable’ stopped you?” Shaw asked her, grinning. “Everyone’s gone, anyway. Just put the shoes on.”
Returning her grin, Root scrambled out of bed to her wardrobe. The pajamas had come with a pair of bunny slippers, large ears standing straight up. Root hardly wore them because she didn’t want to get them dirty, but now seemed like the perfect time. She dropped them to the floor and slid her feet into them, wiggling her toes to move the ears.
“I love when you give me gifts,” Root said, happily. She closed her wardrobe and turned to face the other girls. “I like knowing you think about me.”
Zoe gave her an amused glance before continuing to write on her scroll. She was probably writing down a piece of gossip she’d just heard so she wouldn’t forget. Realizing that she’d said something weird again, Root sighed, rubbing her forehead. Maybe she should just stop talking altogether. Looking at Shaw, she met her narrowed eyes. She seemed to be thinking about something and Root gave her a nervous smile.
“Dinner?” she asked them, pointing at the door with her thumb. “I’m hungry.”
Shaw nodded, sliding off her bed. She picked up her wand from where she’d tossed it on her pillow and slid into the front pocket of her sweatshirt. That reminded Root to get hers and she picked it up off her bed. There weren’t any pockets in her pajamas and she wasn’t sure where to put it.
“Here,” Shaw murmured from beside her. She took the wand from Root, their hands brushing. Shaw’s hand was callused from riding her broom, and her soft touch always accentuated rough skin. She put Root’s wand in her pocket with her own. “I’ll hold it.”
She walked away before Root could thank her, disappearing out the door. Root rubbed her hands together, trying to save the feeling of Shaw’s hand on hers. Zoe put her note back in her desk and headed for the door. She hooked her arm through Root’s, dragging her out of their bedroom. They caught up with Shaw quickly, the three of them ready for dinner.
As they walked, Shaw kept a close watch on her. It made Root hyper aware of herself, and she made an extra effort not to speak. Zoe chatted idly about Joss and her new boyfriend, but Root barely heard a word of it. All of her focus was on keeping herself from saying something embarrassing.
When they got to the Great Hall, Zoe peeled off to sit with other friends and Shaw and Root made their way to their usual spot at the Slytherin table. It was weird to see the Great Hall so empty, even though Root had spent every holiday break at the castle. It was always packed during the school year and the quiet of the holiday was loud in the large space. There were even fewer people than there had been at lunch. Apparently, the Quidditch game ending caused a mass exodus.
They sat down and Shaw immediately started stacking food on her plate. Root laughed, taking food at a reasonable pace. Shaw was a bottomless pit, always hungry and never gaining weight. Root had been watching her exercise for years, and knew how many calories she burned. Taking a large bite of turkey sandwich, Shaw shifted in her chair, pulling up a leg and facing Root.
“So,” Shaw said with her mouth full, “I have a theory.”
“Yes.” She narrowed her eyes, squinting dangerously at Root. “I think something is different about you.”
Root’s eyes widened and she busied herself cutting a piece of steak into bite-sized pieces. “Something is different about me.” She closed her eyes, cursing herself. She quickly tried to think of something that was different about her other than ‘I can’t tell lies.’ “I… usually wear my skin color hearing aid, but I’m today, I’m wearing my black hearing aid.”
She stuffed a piece of steak into her mouth to avoid saying anything else. A glance at Shaw told her that her excuse wasn’t good enough. Shaw took another bite of her sandwich, chewing slowly as she looked Root over. If Shaw asked again, Root could say she was wearing pajamas at lunch, or she’d forgotten to floss.
“That’s not it.” She put her sandwich down, leaning her arms on the table and sweeping her eyes over Root again. “You’re acting weirdly.”
Root clenched her jaw and didn’t answer. Anything that came out of her mouth right now would be bad. She chewed with determination, staring down at the table. Swallowing, she picked up a glass of water, taking slow sips.
Shaw’s gaze landed on the glass and a slow smiled spread across her face. She shook a finger at Root, clicking her tongue. Chuckling, she leaned toward Root and lowered her voice.
“You’re drunk.”
Root frowned, surprised at Shaw’s conclusion. She put her glass down. “I’m not drunk.”
“Don’t deny it,” Shaw teased, winking. “That wasn’t water in your travel mug, was it?”
“No,” Root answered, sighing. “It was not just water.”
Shaw laughed, clapping her hands. “You dog! I can’t believe you didn’t share! I didn’t even smell alcohol. Was there a charm on it?”
“No,” Root said again. She shook her head. “It wasn’t alcohol. I’m not drunk. I promise.”
“Then what?” Shaw demanded, crossing her arms. “Something is going on. You never compliment me.”
Root frowned. “I compliment you.”
“No, you don’t.” Shaw shrugged. “I don’t care. I’m just saying that you don’t.”
“I think you’re wonderful. You’re beautiful, smart, talented, and a great friend. I think about you constantly, and you look really hot in your Quidditch uniform.”
Root gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t believe she’d just said all that, unprompted. The other compliments had been casual, and she could pass it off as friendship, but friends didn’t call each other hot. She could feel her face and neck grow warm, and new she was completely red. All this blushing was going to give her a headache.
Shaw just scratched her chin and looked away, turning back to her food. “Thanks.”
Taking a deep breath, Root looked around the Great Hall for an out. She wasn’t sure what was worse, Shaw turning her down or Shaw only saying ‘thanks’ to her compliments. It didn’t have to be a big display, but Root would like a clue into what she was thinking. Sighing, she reached across the table for a cinnamon roll, deciding she felt more like dessert than dinner.
“You’re pretty hot, too.”
Root’s hands froze as they tore the roll apart. The sentence had been so quiet that she thought she might have imagined it. Shaw was eating her sandwich again, not looking at Root. It had never felt awkward to be together, but Root was about ready to run away. She wasn’t sure what to do, and just sat still, her fingers still inside the cinnamon roll.
“If it wasn’t alcohol,” Shaw mumbled around her food, “what was in your mug?”
Shaw’s eyes widened and she coughed, dropping the last piece of her sandwich on to her plate and hitting her chest with her fist. Root handed her a glass of water, watching her gulp it down. Gasping, she put it on the table and wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her sweatshirt.
“Veritaserum?” she repeated, surprised. “A whole mug of-“
“No! I’m not an idiot. It was just a few drops in water.”
“Still,” she breathed. She crossed her legs in front of her on the bench, facing Root fully. “That means you can’t lie right now, right?”
Root nodded, pushing her hand behind her ear. “It only lasts twelve hours, so I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.
Shaw counting on her fingers and grinned. “I have until one am to learn all your secrets.”
“Oh no,” Root laughed, holding her hands up. “Don’t take this as a challenge.”
Another odd look crossed her face, and she licked her lips. “Do you keep a lot of secrets from me?”
Taking a deep breath, Root wasn’t sure how to answer. She didn’t know what the truth was. There were things she hadn’t told Shaw, but did that mean they were secrets? Shaw didn’t know about her feelings, or her late night trips to the Astronomy tour to stargaze, or the bone deep need she had to prove her worth and skill. Root didn’t talk about that, about how much she ached to be an adult and really explore the limits of her magic.
“Only a few,” she said, giving her a small smile. “I like having something of my own.”
Shaw nodded sharply, her lips pursed. “Yeah. I get that.”
Root licked her lips, fiddling with the stem of her goblet. It felt like she should offer a secret to Shaw, but she didn’t know what to say. There should be a spell that made you say the right thing at the right time. Shaw would love that. Root smiled, and tapped on Shaw’s knee.
“Here’s a secret,” she breathed, leaning close. “I saw you kissing Kelly after a Quidditch game last year.”
Shaw sniffed, shrugging. “Did you? Whatever. I’m not embarrassed.”
“You never are.” Root tapped her knee again, grinning. “I like that about you.”
“Ok, drunkie,” Shaw snorted. She pushed Root away half-heartedly. “You’re the one without shame. Wearing gingham pajamas and bunny slippers to the dinner feast?”
Root gasped, her mouth dropping open. “You told me to!”
“I know,” Shaw joked, her nose crinkling with mirth. “Gotcha.”
They laughed, and Root felt relieved that they were still joking. Whether or not she admitted her feelings tonight, she wanted to have fun. It was nearly Christmas and midterm exams had been difficult. They deserved to have a good time over the break.
“Hey,” Zoe said, appearing on the other side of the table with Joss. “Ready?”
Root nodded, and climbed over the bench, grabbing her cinnamon roll. “For the road,” she told Shaw. “I don’t like wasting food.”
“Well, in that case…” Shaw spread out a napkin and put a sandwich in the middle of it. She carefully placed two bread rolls, and two sausages on top and tied it into a neat package. Picked it up, she winked at Root. “For the road.”
By the time the four of them got to the Slytherin Dormitory, Shaw had eaten almost everything she’d packed away. Root’s cinnamon bun was gone, too, and she licked her fingers clean, savoring the sweetness. There was a pack of cookies beneath Shaw’s bed that Root might bring out later. Nothing said ‘Christmas’ like sweets.
They walked through the Common Room to the dorms, and Root looked up. The Slytherin Common Room was below the Great Lake, and Root loved to watch the various creatures that lived in the lake. She’d made friends with a few merfolk who knew sign language, and sometimes when she couldn’t sleep, she’d lay against a glass wall and watch them tell stories.
“Want the last sausage?” Shaw asked, bringing Root’s attention back to their group.
She shook her head, following the others up the stairs. “No, thanks. You eat it.”
Shaw nodded, finishing it in two large bites. Root laughed at her, amazed as always by her bottomless stomach. She climbed onto Shaw’s bed, kicking her slippers off and pulling the covers up over herself.
Zoe was setting the Gramophone up on her desk, carefully handling one of the vinyls she’d found. There was a large basket on Shaw’s trunk from the house elves. Shaw rubbed her hands together excitedly and opened it. She pulled out various Christmas cookies and cakes, putting them onto Root’s bed.
“Tonight, we dine like kings!” Shaw announced loudly. Joss came over to look at the selection and Shaw grinned proudly, as if she’d made it all herself. “I love Hogwarts.”
“Me too,” Root agreed. She burrowed into the blankets, pouting at Shaw. “Bring me cookies?”
Rolling her eyes, Shaw picked up the package of snickerdoodles and climbed onto her bed. She gave them to Root before taking her shoes off, putting their wands on her nightstand, and getting into bed, too. Scooting close to Shaw, Root took a cookie from the package, taking a bite and humming with pleasure.
“Alright,” Zoe said, winding the Gramophone. “The first one is a murder mystery.”
The night passed uneventfully, with jokes and kebab debates. Root almost forgot that she was still under the effects of Veritaserum. They listened to old radio shows for hours, eating sweets and laying in bed. Like Root had predicted, Joss kept them quiet during the shows. Shaw didn’t even try and get any secrets out of her.
Root found herself dozing off around 10, warm and comfortable in Shaw’s bed. They’d fallen asleep in the same bed before, and Root always said that Shaw’s bed was better than hers. It must be bigger, or have a better mattress, or some enchantment that made it nearly impossible to leave. The best benefit to being in Shaw’s bed was, of course, Shaw herself.
Throughout the evening, Shaw and Root had gotten closer, and now Root lay in the circle of Shaw’s arms, their legs tangled together, and her head on Shaw’s chest. She couldn’t bring herself to feel shy or nervous. It felt so right to be held by Shaw like this, and Root just wished she could press a kiss to Shaw’s collarbone.
She was almost asleep when the last record finished and she groaned as Shaw shifted beneath her. “No,” she mumbled into Shaw’s sweatshirt. “I want to fall asleep against you.”
Shaw stiffened for a moment before settling back into the bed. She pulled away for a moment and then came back. Her arm moved and Root opened her eyes just enough to see the food on their bed floating back over to Root’s. Smiling, she wrapped her arms around Shaw, brushing her face against thick fabric.
“I’m going to sleep in Joss’ room,” Zoe said quietly. “Have a good night.”
Root didn’t hear Shaw answer, so she just stayed where she was, relishing the closeness. They’d never fallen asleep like this before, and she wasn’t sure if she’d wake up to find Shaw gone. Yawning, Root pushed her hands under the back of Shaw’s sweatshirt, pressing them against her skin, slightly sweaty from the hours of lying in bed.
“I still have 15 minutes.”
“Hmm?” Root sucked in air through her nose, struggling to stay awake. “Til what?”
“Until you can lie again,” Shaw answered. She brushed a hand over Root’s hair, tucking it behind her ear. “Did you think I forgot?”
Root had hoped she did forget. No one had talked for a while, and she’d managed to keep her mouth shut. Shaw’s fingers ran through her hair again, nails scratching lightly on her scalp, and Root melted into the bed.
“Your hands feel amazing,” Root breathed. “Keep touching me.”
Shaw’s hand stilled. “Can I ask you a question?”
Root felt her stomach drop, the warm, sleepy mood leaving her. She nodded against Shaw’s chest. “Of course.”
“Do you…” She took a slow breath. “Do you… like anyone?”
Chuckling, Root looked up at her. Shaw almost looked scared, her jaw clenched and her eyes narrow. She wasn’t really scared, and even if Root said no, she’d be fine, but it was nice that she wanted to know if Root liked her. When Root didn’t answer right away, Shaw clicked her tongue and smoothed her face.
“Whatever. I don’t care. It doesn’t- “
“I’ve been in love with you for four years.” Root sighed, closing her eyes. She hadn’t meant to say that. So much for playing it cool and just saying she had a crush. “Since you fixed my nose after Martine broke it second year.”
Shaw’s eyes widened. “Four years? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, you started kissing people the next year, and I figured if you liked me, too, you would say something.”
“I thought you would say something!” Shaw pulled away, scooting down the bed so her head was level with Root’s on the pillows. “You never hold back when you want something.”
“I’d rather be your friend forever than lose you.” Root sighed, taking her arms back and pulling the blanket up to her chin. “I hate seeing you kiss other girls. You should be kissing me.” She smiled. “See, it’s the truth.”
Shaw rolled her eyes. “That’s not how Veritaserum works. It just makes you say what you think is true. Doesn’t make it a universal truth.”
That hurt her. She knew how Shaw was, blunt and unempathetic, but it still didn’t feel good to hear her say they shouldn’t kiss like it was obvious. Root blinked, fighting back tears. She thought this would be her best Christmas ever, but it was starting to be her worst. Pushing the blankets down, she sat up.
“I’ll sleep in my own bed,” she whispered. “Forget I said anything.”
“What?” Shaw sat up, frowning. “Why?”
“You don’t like me back. It’s ok. It just really hurts.” She started getting out of the bed. “I’ll be fine tomorrow. We can pretend this never happened.”
Shaw grabbed her arm, keeping her in the bed. Closing her eyes, Root didn’t look at her. If she saw Shaw looking even the tiniest bit apologetic, she’d break completely. She took a deep breath and tried to tug her arm away, but Shaw wouldn’t let it go.
“Root,” Shaw said, pulling on her arm. “Don’t be an idiot. Of course I like you back. Just because I explained how Veritaserum works doesn’t mean I don’t want to kiss you. You’re so dramatic.”
Root laughed, wiping her eyes with her free hand. “I’m not dramatic. You just can’t read an emotional situation.”
Her hand dropped off Root’s arm. “Is that bad? You’ve never said anything about it.”
“I don’t care.” She looked over her shoulder now. Shaw was frowning at her, eyebrows drawn down. “I don’t care about any of it. I like that you’re always clear-headed and observant. It’s refreshing, and honest. It just gets annoying sometimes.”
Shaw stuck her tongue out playfully. “Well, your relentless optimism can be annoying, too. Try finishing a scroll with you at two in the morning. I’d need five cups of coffee to keep up.”
Root got back into bed, pulling the covers over her legs. Instead of laying down, she rested her back against the headboard, gazing down at Shaw. “So, what now?”
“What do you mean?”
Rolling her eyes, Root tugged on Shaw’s still loose hair. “Are we girlfriends? Are we pretending this never happened?”
Pushing herself up, Shaw close the distance between them, kissing Root and climbing onto her lap. Their bodies pressed together and Root opened her mouth to deepen the kiss, her eyes fluttering closed. Shaw’s hands tangled in her hair, and she wrapped her arms around her waist.
The kiss was better than she’d imagined, somehow familiar and dangerous at once. It felt like the start of something new, a new way to grow and change. At the same time, they were still the same. Still best friends, roommates, partners. Shaw pressed one last kiss to her lips and pulled away.
“Why did you drink Veritaserum?”
Root blinked at the sudden question. “Just an experiment.”
Looking at her watch, Shaw sighed. “Two minutes passed one. I’ll never know.”
“It’s the truth!” Root laughed, relieved that she was free of the truth potion. She’d answered truthfully anyway. “Trying to test my skills.”
“Oh,” Shaw chuckled, winking, “we’ll test your skills.”
They kissed slowly, like they had all the time in the world. After all, they were only sixteen and had their whole lives ahead of them. Once they graduated, there would be Ministry training, and work after that. Whatever they did, and wherever they went, they would have each other. That was the best Christmas present Root could ask for.
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Three OTP Questions: Ita and Cullen
@serial-chillr tagged me idk how many days ago(as you can see, me getting to tags days later is a common theme with me...there’s no fixing it at this point. I am stuck in my ways lol) and I saw it as the perfect opportunity to write about my newest diabeetus fluff pair Ita Tethras and Cullen.
I really had to amp up the fluff after reading @elveny‘s work, so I could regain some semblance of emotions....still not able to feel proper emotions bean. Thanks for that! lol
I saw other people filling the questions out in different ways, and it’s when I saw @pikapeppa‘s interview with Fenris and Rynne (lowkey love them so much btw) that I wanted to copy how she formatted her answers.
Anyways! I’m going to pass the tag on to @ranawaytothedas, @elveny, @rivainisomniari, @lyrium-lavellan, @faerieavalon, @solas-disapproves, @soulconsumingginge, @dharma-writes, @perhapsrampancy, @roseategales, @in-arlathan, @icanscribblestuff, @jacklyn-flynn, @kita-lavellan, and @schoute. I think that’s everyone? Sorry if I forgot you! Just consider yourself tagged and just berate me for forgetting lol
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Also my first time really writing Cullen...so hopefully I got his voice down somewhat decently lmao
[Interviewer is escorted into a spacious cottage by the former Commander of the Inquisition troops. They sit down in the chair opposite of the couch, where Cullen joins the former Inquisitor. He rubs his hand across the small baby bump and kisses her temple before draping his arm behind her.]
Ita: Welcome to our home. It’s still a bit of a mess from the move. But what is this interview for again? [looks up at Cullen] Cullen [sour look on his face as he pulls her closer]: I believe Varric mentioned something about the nobility wanting to know about our ‘star-crossed’ romance or some such nonsense. Ita [disgusted noise]: Fucking nobles. Cullen [chuckles]: Agreed.
1. How did they first meet? Ita [barely containing laughter behind her remaining hand] Cullen [shakes his head and chuckles]: Maker’s Breath, love. Do you ever not find this amusing? Ita: Nope. It’s the perfect storm: a haggard and awkward templar, a brothel, a merry band of misfits following an apostate, and a mabari. You have to admit it’s funny. Cullen [snorts]: Where do you fit in with that perfect storm? Are you part of the merry band of misfits? Ita: Of course. Where else would I be? Cullen: If I remember correctly, you weren’t supposed to be there. Didn’t Hawke scold you for leaving Merrill’s house? Ita [squeaks and covers his mouth]: Hush! You can’t prove anything. Cullen [laughs and places a kiss on her fingers as he pulls them away]: Of course…I had gone to the brothel in Hightown, because one of the templar recruits had gone missing. I was hoping to glean some information from the…women there. [clears his throat and rubs the past of his neck] Ita[snorts]: And I, being the naturally curious loveable scamp that I was, had followed my dad, Hawke, and the others to the brothel. We didn’t talk that day. I was hiding behind Fenris the whole time…I don’t think you even knew my name until months later. Cullen: Varric and Hawke mentioned it the day they helped me with the camp outside of the city. Ita: Oh yeah, I remember that one. It had the demons right? Cullen: Yes.
2. What did they think of each other at first? Ita: Oh I was utterly terrified of him. [chuckles] Anders taught me at a young age templars weren’t to be trusted. The second time we met you could cut the awkward tension with a rusty spoon. Cullen: I…a spoon? [pulls back and gives her an incredulous look] Really? Ita: Well the last time we saw each other wasn’t exactly a ‘Bye! Don’t forget to write!’ kinda farewell. [looks over at interviewer] We fled Kirkwall thinking the Divine was sending an Exalted March. Hawke thought if we fled the city it would force the Divine the split up her forces….and the Conclave. I thought I was dying, and even if I didn’t I didn’t know if the Chantry would let me live. You were the last person I thought I was ever going to see again. And during that time, you were honestly the last person I wanted to see. Cullen [sighs and rubs the back of his neck]: No. You are right. My time in Kirkwall fed into my fear of mages. Towards the end, I was not kind to you. Ita: Luckily I got past the fear and wanted to ride you like a halla…bareback [snorts and kisses his jaw] Cullen [laughs and kisses her temple]: Thank the Maker you were...how did you put it the other day, ‘incredibly horny for a man in uniform with a tortured past’ I believe? Ita: So horny [sighs wistfully]…how else do you think I got pregnant so fast? Cullen[chuckles]: As she said, she was a child when we met. The second time we met…[coughs] Ita [sits back and looks up at him]: I know that cough. Spill it Commander. [pokes his side] Cullen: Maker’s breath. Do I have to answer this one? Ita: Yes! Why are you afraid? Think I’m going to make fun of you? Cullen [gives her a pointed look] Ita: Okay, fair point. I swear on Andraste’s sacred knickers I won’t make fun of you. Cullen [chuckles]: Alright…the second time we met, I won’t disagree there wasn’t an awkward tension. But all I could think about when I saw you was how relieved I was you were alive. I had missed the conversations we had before Meredith...[looks away from Ita] Ita[sighs and glances at interviewer]: Before Meredith threw me in the Circle as a hostage to get Hawke to do what she wanted her to do…and before you treated me with such disdain. [turns his face to look at her] Cullen, I have forgiven for what happened at Kirkwall. I wish you would forgive yourself. Cullen [exhales and bumps his forehead against hers]: I know. Ita: Though if you’re really wanting to make it up to me, I can suggest a few things after this. [wiggles her eyebrows and smirks] Cullen [laughs]: I shall endeavor to try my utmost to make it up to you. Ita: Oh Commander. [fans herself]
[Interviewer clears their throat, trying to steer the conversation back to the interview. Both look at them as if they were caught in a compromising position. The two cough and mumble something as they each turn their attention back to the interviewer.]
Ita: Sorry.
 3. Were they immediately interested / attracted or did that come later? Ita: Well, as we’ve already established I was a kid when knew each other at first [pats his stomach] and 18 year old me was just horny for everyone. I didn’t really develop feelings for him until after the fall of Haven. He was the one who found me. [smiles and lets out a low hum as Cullen kisses her temple] I was in and out of consciousness for I have no idea how many days. Cullen [presses his lips to the top of her head]: It was three days. Ita: Ah. Well there you go. During that time, it seemed like any time I woke up he was there. He was so gentle every time he touched me. I’d listen to him pray to the Maker any time he didn’t realize I was awake…I’m convinced that’s why it’s so easy for him to get me into bed. All he has to do is start talking and my clothes just disappear. Cullen: Your clothes do not just disappear. They are strewn about the house. Ita: Half the time it isn’t my doing! Ever since I started showing you haven’t been able to keep your hands off of me. Cullen[chokes]: Maker’s breath, Ita! Ita[snorts]: What? I’m not complaining. I believe I have said, quite enthusiastically, how much I enjoy it…and I’m pretty sure I said it twice this morning. Cullen [groans and hides his face behind his hand]: I do not think that is the type of answer they are looking for, love. Ita:  Ah well. It’s the one I’m giving…your turn, husband. [pats his stomach] Cullen[clears his throat and looks over at the interviewer]: I am not sure when it is I developed feelings for her. Ita: Really? Why? Cullen[turns and looks down at her]: There was a physical attraction that day at the Conclave. You weren’t a teenager anymore…Maker’s breath I am going to sound lecherous. [sighs] You were a beautiful woman, but I found myself thinking back to the you I knew in Kirkwall. I tried to get closer to you in the hopes the you I knew was still there. Ita: Wait, is that why you suggested chess the night before I closed the Breach when I couldn’t sleep? Cullen[stammers]: I…Maker’s breath. [clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck] After we talked about Kirkwall, I wanted to see…and you remembered where the pieces were on the board from our last game in Kirkwall. I knew then you were still you. I think that might have been the night I fell in love with you. [chuckles] Ita[looks over at the interviewer]: I’m sorry, but we’re going to have to finish this tomorrow. I really want to kiss my husband right now, and I don’t think you want to be here for that. [winks and turns her attention to Cullen. She grabs him by the collar and climbs onto his lap, as she pulls him in for a kiss.]
[Interviewer hastily gathers their papers and leaves the cottage.]
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