#which is GREAT sometimes it’s why he can care so much about cami it’s why their and sico’s friendship is So Important
fandomnsfw · 1 year
The Harlequin To My Joker - Klaus x Reader
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Pairing: Klaus x Reader
Prompt: (Request) ‘hi! can you do it with Klaus Mikaelson ?! 😊 thank you’
Warning: Rough sex, spoilers to suicide squad and all around sarcastic humour! Don’t like don’t read.
You walked through the room after another set, making your way to the bar. You stop for a few people who wanted to tell you how great you performed tonight but eventually you made it over to Cami. Once she turned to see you she grinned from ear to ear before pouring you a whiskey.
“Great set today.” Cami complimented as she slid over your drink.
“Thank you honey. How’s your night going?” You questioned, sipping your warm whiskey. You drank warm whiskey because it helped keep your voice loose when you were singing. As much as you’ve never liked whiskey it helps. You preferred a good red wine, however it always closed you throat so you tried to stay away from it completely, for fear of losing your voice.
“It’s good but Marcel was looking for you earlier.” She grunted before sliding someone a beer.
“That I was.” You heard Marcel’s smooth husky voice behind you say.
“What can I help you with Marcel?” You turned coming face to face with not only Marcel but also Niklaus. You rolled your eyes when he shot you a pantie melting smile.
“I need a spell.” Marcel whispered in a sickly sweet voice.
“You mean Niklaus needs a spell.” Gritting you teeth you got up and walked up to Niklaus.
“Niklaus darling if you want a spell, be a man and ask yourself.” You smirked up at him when his jaw clenched.
“Very well love. I need a spell.”
“I’ll think about it. For now would either of you gentle care to dance before my next set?” I grinned cheekily up at Niklaus who was a lot taller than you, even in heels. Marcel grabbed you hand, dragging you to the dance floor silently. You were dancing with Marcel until your next set, afterwards making you way to Niklaus and Marcel.
“Right I’ll do the spell but I’m going out with Cami, Rebekah and Hayley tonight so come see me tomorrow.” You smiled as Hayley and Rebekah made their way through the doors. You looked over at Klaus who was slowly making his way over to you.
“Where are you going?” Nik looked at Hayley and Rebekah as he spoke but you knew he was talking to you just as much.
“We’re going to the new club that was opened yesterday.” Cami spoke as she appeared behind Klaus.
“You’re going….clubbing?” His eyes were wide like he’d never heard something so stupid. You rolled your eyes before dragging Cami out, knowing Hayley and Bekah would follow.
You knew your group of friends was a little strange but that didn’t stop you all. One human, one witch, one original and one hybrid. Really it’s possibly the scariest group of female in the quarter. But that’s what was great about your group of friends. We never had to hide anything from each other.
Everyone was in a long que when you arrived but Bekah soon got us inside, compulsion can be handy sometimes. As you walked in you were shocked by the fact it was very different from any club near or in New Orleans. It was quite well lit for a club but the shocking aspect was the poles and cages around the room that contained half-dressed dancing females. You glanced over at Bekah who was nodding like it was good enough, Cami who had the same expression as you and Hayley who had a grin on her face.
“Jesus who owns this place?” Cami choked as she saw a guy getting lap dance.
“That would be me.” You heard a playful voice speak from behind you.
“KOL!?” Bekah and Hayley’s expression now matched yours and Cami’s.
“I may have watched Suicide Squad one too many times.” Kol voiced like it was the best excuse for why he opened what was basically a classy strip club. Cami looked at him with confusion which made me answer the unspoken question.
“It’s a DC film.” You supplied.
“Kol watched it three times in a week.” Rebekah added.
“I do not need to know what you do in your spare time.” You sighed before massaging your temples softly trying to sooth the head that was currently sneaking in.
“Hey Y/N you could totally be a great Harley Quinn to Nik’s Joker!” Kol cooed at you teasingly.
“I couldn’t agree more! Especially with that Jersey accent.” Bekah snorted sarcastically.
“I will give you a witchy migraine Rebekah. I’m not as sick as Harlequin and Nik is worse than the Joker.” You growled before storming off towards the bar, you stood at the bar thinking about the jokes everyone had thrown at you but you knew they were right. You were a lot like Niklaus and you could be just as sick as him sometimes. Cami always said it was deep rooted issues from my past but you always waved her off saying you were fine. You knew it was mainly the accent that made everyone joke about it though so you ignored them. Once you got the bartender attention you ordered a cocktail sipping the red liquid once it arrived.
When a song from the suicide squad soundtrack came on you literally face palmed the bar surface. You knew immediately it was Kol’s doing, you slammed your glass down and decided to dance anyway. As much as you hate the constant Harley Quinn jokes you loved the film and soundtrack. You saw the girls dancing so you joined them smiling as Hayley patted you back in a comforting way.
“I’m fucked up, I’m black and blue. I’m build for it, all the abuse.” You sang along as you danced with Bekah. After the song had ended I felt someone pat on my shoulder I turned to see Kol who was smirking.
“Puddin’s here and he says it’s urgent.” Kol joked but you knew who he meant. You rolled your eyes and followed Kol silently. Once you spotted Niklaus you noticed his face was not one of a happy Klaus.
“Wait before I leave. Say it?” Kol asked as we arrived in front of Niklaus who now looked highly confused.
“Which scene?” You snapped your teeth clenched as the words came out.
“The electrocution scene!” Kol grinned happily, he had the biggest crush on Harley Quinn which he always got teased about but he didn’t care.
“What are ya gonna do ya gonna kill me Mr.J?” You looked at Kol waiting for him to leave.
“Oh I’m not gonna kill ya...I’m just gonna hurt ya…Really…Really bad.” Kol smirked at you and waited for your response. You rolled your eyes but responded anyway.
“Ya think so? Well I can take it.” Your accent thick and once Kol preened at how he once again had gotten his own way he walked off. I turned back to Niklaus who was trying not to laugh but failing miserably.
“Did you just…Quote….H-Harley Quinn?” Nik gasped between laughter.
“Did you just admit to watching Suicide Squad?” You retaliated with a smirk gracing you face and he soon stopped laughing.
“Aww is Klausy embarrassed?” You mocked putting on your sickly sweet Harley Quinn voice.
“Shut up.” Klaus snapped before grabbing his drink from the table behind him.
“What do you need Klausy?” You teased as you took his drink downing in soundlessly.
“Would you mind posing for me again?”
“You took me away from my night out to ask for another painting session!?” You screamed throwing the glass against the wall.
“Yep.” Klaus smirked up at you from the couch as you stood up.
“Excuse me miss but I think I’m gonna have to ask you to lea-” A man yelled as he came in to the private room ranting.
“Sorry but am gonna have to insist ya shut up!” You screamed snapping his wrist back breaking it without a blink. You turned to Niklaus with a glare ignoring the guys screamed of pain.
“It’s so attractive when you go all psycho on someone.” Klaus grinned mischievously over at you.
In the blink of an eye you were on top of Klaus, hands in his hair tugging furiously as you both fought for dominance over the kiss you currently found yourself in. You don’t know how you ended up there but the screaming guy now forgotten as you ripped Klaus’s shirt open. Your hands made their way down his chest, nails digging in angrily as your hands made their way to his pants.
You hadn’t even realised your shirt was gone, his hands were tugging at your bra but he soon gave up and ripped it off. His hand massaged your breasts roughly as he took the left nipple in his mouth suckling and biting vigorously. You groaned loudly, your hands working open his pants Klaus had apparently thought you were going to slow so he flipped you over onto you front. He dropped his pants then proceeded to rip off your skirt. When he was done he lifted your ass up your face still crushed into the couch.
You screamed out as two of his fingers entered you with no warning. You soon recovered as his thrusts were hitting your special spot. You pushed back onto his fingers craving your realise but as soon as Klaus realised what you were doing he stopped and brought his hand down to your ass giving it a loud smack. You whined wiggling your ass at him, as if daring him to do it again. So head did, several times before kissing the red welts that now covered both ass cheeks.
“P-Please Klaus...” You whined your voice full of desperation.
“Not yet sweetheart. I want you to feel all of me when you cum.” He grunted as he gripped your hips dragging you closer to him. His hand slid from the bottom of you back to your shoulders, his touch sending shivers down your spine. He gripped your right shoulder as he thrust into you roughly making you gasp loudly, gripping the pillows at how full you felt.
“Oh god! Please Klausy..” You taunted your breathing uneven and full of need.
He started thrusting into you angrily, his breathing getting louder. His thrust gained an unhuman speed as you became a moaning mess. Your screams were loud and raw, you had never been with Klaus but you’d imagined the pleasure he could give you with a thousand years of experience. You were gripping the couch so tightly your nails had started cutting through the fabric that covered it.
“Shit, Y/N I’m close.” You heard him grunt his nails digging into your hips, no doubt drawing blood.
You nodded sobbing in pleasure as he started hitting you g-spot as if trying to force your orgasm out of you. You were a writhing mess as he hit your special spot with violent thrusts. You felt your stomach tighten as you orgasm neared its peak. His hand moved to grip your hair pulling you up so he could whisper dirty little things in your ear.
“Cum for me love.” He grunted as his seed started to fill you, his rough sexed out voice pushed you over the edge his arms now gripping your waist as he gave you one more thrust. After your powerful orgasm was over you collapsed into Klaus’s arms.
When you came too you knew three things. One, your virgina hurt. Two, you were in a soft bed and three, someone was laid next to you.
You rolled over to see Klaus and then images of what happened the night before came rushing back. You groaned before deciding to wake Klaus up.
“Niklaus why am I here?” You questioned as his eyes started opening.
“Because after I fucked you into next week you pasted out.” He smirked over at you as if he was proud about his achievement.
“There’s some juice on the side and I’ll have Sally bring you some food since you were most likely dehydrated.” Klaus added seriously pointing to the orange juice that was sat next to you. You shook you head but drank it anyway knowing he was right. After you finished the glass of juice Niklaus dragged you back down.
“You know that wasn’t a one off right?” Klaus narrowed his eyes as if trying to search yours for your thoughts.
“What so now I’m your new little fuck buddy?” You snorted your voice sarcastic and full of bitterness.
“No more like I want you to be my Queen.” He responded seriously, staring into your Y/E/C eyes.
You laid there silently thinking about how good that actually sounded but your thoughts were soon interrupted by and annoyingly smug voice.
“Or the Harley Quinn to his Joker!”
Fucking Kol! You thought as you buried your head into the pillow.  
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sofhtie · 4 years
hmm no thoughts head fásach “the most dangerous thing is to love”
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avatarvyakara · 3 years
Another short piece from "The Thirteenth Madrigal"—now renamed “Extended Family” (you may need to read #132 for it to make sense):
135. Cooperación
(nf) cooperation
Some might say that Antonio has grown up in a relatively healthy home environment with two parents who aren’t afraid to show their emotions. Well, that’s not entirely true, although the healthy bit is getting better. His mother’s emotions come out perhaps a little too easily—but his father is there to help calm her down. And his father tends to be uncomfortable about showing sadness, or appearing to be selfish by admitting he has worries and insecurities—but his mother helps coax his emotions out. They act as extremes, but they also balance each other out and provide examples of how to deal with both kinds of behaviour and they both are absolutely committed to each other. In a sense, they’re kind of perfect for one another.
Point being, Antonio is a kid who isn’t afraid to cry when he feels he needs to. He doesn’t cry particularly loudly, but he does cry.
Not in the open, of course. He's got some pride.
It says something about the current state of affairs that Pico the Toucan and Chispi the Capybara find him before Dolores does. But he’s trying not to dwell on that.
Shhh, soothes Chispi. The Word sinks into Antonio’s mind, carrying feelings of Calm and Care and Seeking-Helping.
What on earth is the matter, dear child? asks Pico, landing on his shoulder and rubbing his beak against Antonio’s cheek. It’s cool to the touch, and a little like being petted by a very long fingernail. But in a good way.
“It’s okay. It’s no big deal.”
Somehow even Pico manages a deadpan look. Chispi, of course, has them down pat already.
That’s what you’re telling us, young one, says Pico. But why not Tell us instead?
There’s nothing to tell.
Arguing. Aureliano angry. Not-wanting playing. Saying “freak”.
...there’s something to tell.
(One weird thing about Speaking in his mind is that he can’t lie. He can’t even try. It doesn’t actually work, because he has to construct the lie on top of the truth and the truth is what leaves his head.
Honestly that’s good. Mami, Papi, Lola, and Cami all say the truth is important, and so does Mirabel. It’s good that Antonio can only tell the truth to his friends.
He just wishes that the truth wasn’t so bad sometimes.)
That, like everything Chispi says, has a very precise meaning. A rather upset one, too.
Aureliano? Isn’t that Mariano’s great-nephew?
Keel-billed toucans live in families of up to twelve, in quite cramped spaces sometimes. So it’s no real surprise that Pico, of all his friends, keeps the closest eye on familial relationships.
The worst of it, though, is that Aureliano reached out to Antonio first. Tried to make friends with him during the bad months after Casita fell (he promised Mirabel he wasn’t going to blame himself and he won’t). It was the simple, blameless action of a child, and it did Antonio quite some good. (Easier than talking to Alejandra, Juancho, and Cecilia anyway—why are they always so loud?)
Also friend. ...assuming friend. Wrong?
Oh, I don’t know about that, son. Aureliano seems quite a nice chap most of the time. He thinks you’re a lot of fun, even if you apparently spend too much time with us. The toucan sniffs, which is hard to do with a beak. Nobody said he was altogether right, but...
Hearing Aureliano? asks Antonio in surprise.
Naturally, my boy, says Pico. All of us can, a little bit, all the Animals around you.
“I didn’t know that,” he says aloud.
Perhaps there’s another way to sort out this issue. Get the boy in the right frame of mind to talk.
Helping? Please?
Of course! You’ve nothing to fear. We toucans are incredibly talented socially, as well as in a myriad other ways—
—which will, I believe, be of some use to you here thank you for the commentary, Chispi.
Well, it’s worth a try.
Oddly, Aureliano isn’t with the other kids. In a way that makes it easier—human minds aren’t as easy to understand as animal ones, and Antonio likes to be able to concentrate.
But it also means there’s nobody around in case he gets violent.
(Which is unlikely. But if Antonio really is intruding, and he reacts like Maria the Spectacled Bear nearly did when he found her home by accident…)
“Hey, Aureliano.”
“I told you, I don’t wanna play anymore,” snaps Aureliano. He sounds utterly miserable. “Just leave me alone.”
That’s not strictly fair, given how he hurt Antonio first. But part of being a Madrigal is listening, and finding out what the problem is, before trying to fix it.
"…why are you mad at me?"
"I'm not mad. I just don't wanna be around you."
"What did I do?"
"Then why are you mad?"
"Can't I just be mad? I mean, you're already getting my tío, can't I be just a little mad?"
Aureliano is still curled up on himself, like the world's most depressed armadillo (and that's including Jesús—poor little guy was barely eating for a while when Antonio found him). “Yeah. You're getting him. He's marrying your sister and he’s gonna leave. You get to keep him and he’s gonna leave us. So he's not gonna be around to play fútbol, or make up silly songs, or get teased by Mami and Papi and the other tíos. He's gonna be too busy for us. And if it were anyone else, he’d bring them home to stay with us, but you guys get to keep him instead!”
“He’s my tío,” sniffs Aureliano angrily. “I don’t want him to go.”
Curious, says Pico. He seems to be getting angry about the fact that he’s upset, poor fellow. What do you want to try, my boy?
“It’s not fair.”
Thinking about it, it makes sense. How would Antonio feel if Dolores had to leave when she marries Mariano? Or if Mirabel left if she marries someone? Or Camilo? (But that’s impossible, they’re still normal. You know. For kids. Grown-ups get married. ...and Isabela and Luisa are being sensible and not getting married just yet and Antonio thinks they’re very wise and maaaaybe has a touch of bias but probably not.)
“…I’m sorry. I don’t think it’s fair either.”
Aureliano looks at him in surprise.
"We've gotta try and fix this."
Aureliano nods, tears unshed. "But how? I can't stop Tío Mariano from wanting to marry your sister. And Dolores is nice. But he's still gonna be gone because you Madrigals always have to stay in your house."
Antonio ponders for a moment, and inspiration sparks. “Maybe…maybe Casita can add something to Dolores’ room? Or mine, if you want. Like…a secret tunnel! That way you can come and visit Mariano whenever you want, and he can come and visit you, and nobody has to leave the house!”
…that might be something of a tall order even for your nest, old chap.
But Aureliano is halfway to eight years old where Antonio is nearly seven, and as such is giving Antonio’s great idea the due consideration it deserves.
“…could we get it to lead straight to your room?”
“Sure! Or hey, maybe we can get you a completely different door, for all the Gúzmans!” Antonio sticks out his chin like his abuela does. “Because when you marry a Madrigal, you marry all the Madrigals. So maybe marrying a Gúzman means marrying all the Gúzmans too.”
“…Antonio, please don’t take this the wrong way, but I don’t want to marry your sister.”
“What? Oh. Ew. No. I meant like…the families join together. So my family is your family.”
“Hey, maybe we can get Gifts too!”
“Hmmm…maybe…Papi didn’t get a Door, and Tío Agustín didn’t get one, but maybe Mariano will? I don’t know…”
“Of course he’ll get a Gift. He’s Tío Mariano. He deserves a Gift.” Aureliano might as well be quoting la Biblia.
Antonio smiles. “Hey, it took Mirabel ten years to get one, but she got one, and nobody deserved it more than her. Hey, maybe he gets a bit of Dolores’ Gift!”
Aureliano turns his head to one side. “You mean, like…he gets one ear and she gets the other?”
“Ew, no! Gross. …could that happen? No, stop, I don’t wanna forget what I was going to say. Right…but it’s like, Mami’s mood controls the weather, so Papi has the power to give her good moods. And Tía Julieta fixes people with food, so Tío Agustín got the power of reminding her that her food still works. Stuff like that.”
“Hmmmm.” Now the other boy looks deep in thought. “Maybe he could get the power to give her ears a rest? Or music! He’s already got music, maybe that could be his gift too! Like you got animals to follow you around!”
…I’m not even sure how to respond to something like that, says Pico, who sounds a little shocked. “Getting animals to follow you around,” indeed. It is a symbiosis.
“Pico says it’s actually a symbiosis.”
“What’s that?”
The word “symbiosis”, to Pico, means Together and Depending and Trust and Care. It means helping one another to do better, giving up a little bit of yourself and getting a little bit of everyone else. Sometimes it means letting yourself be harmed so someone else can do better, because they would and will do the same for you. It means…
“It means family,” says Antonio, a warm feeling bubbling in his chest. “He means we’re family. All of us together.”
Couldn’t have put it better myself, dear child.
“So…can we make a tunnel?”
“Sure thing! It’ll be fun!”
Aureliano looks utterly relieved.
“Okay. …thank you. I’m sorry, Antonio. You’re not a freak. And I shouldn’t have called you that. I was just scared I was going to lose my tío.”
“Never,” says Antonio, firmly. “I’ll make sure he promises to come back to spend time with you. And we’ll make that tunnel, like Tío Bruno had.”
He’s seen what happened to his family, and how much happier they were when their own tío came home again. And if Aureliano is already feeling bad, he doesn’t want to make things worse by taking his uncle away.
(Even if he still kind of feels like Aureliano’s uncle is taking his sister away. But it’s not the same. They’ll still be in the same house.
Well, now he’s seriously going to ask Mirabel to ask Casita if it would be okay to make that tunnel so they’ll all be in the same house. It’s best for everyone. …aaaaaand it would make his room even cooler. Which isn’t the main thing! It’s just a neat bonus.)
Aureliano gives him a small nod—he’s too big for hugs, of course.
“…hey, do you wanna play fútbol?”
Normally? No. Antonio’s a little shy, and football is a little rough. But his friend needs it, and he’s helping the community this way, right? Like Camilo or Mirabel when they babysit, which to Antonio’s mind simply means actually spending time properly with people of his age and making them feel good. You know, like Mami and Papi do with each other.
(I think you’d better quit while you’re ahead, son.)
“Well, okay!”
We toucans have a similar game, you know, says Pico. We throw berries to one another. Whoever makes the most successful catch-and-throw combinations wins. Of course, you need a few more to play…
The last bit is hesitant. But Antonio has spent nearly two years surrounded by dozens of minds, each with their own thoughts and emotions. People? Even if it’s still hard, they’re becoming easier to talk to. Much easier.
“That sounds like fun too! Hey, Aureliano, I have another game to play after we’re done playing fútbol!”
“How can anyone ever be done playing fútbol?” asks his friend, looking (thanks, Pico) quite aghast.
Later on, they somehow get the other kids their age together to play fútbol del túcan, and head home around sunset rather full and with berry and fruit juice splattered all over their faces.
Some things remain a mystery. (Like how Alejandra learned to throw that well, she was really good. Even Pico said so.)
But at least he and Pico solved one problem together. Just like Madrigals should.
And it makes for a great dinner story.
(And Dolores gives him a very big hug, so that's a great bonus.
Even if Parce does gripe a bit that he didn't get to join in.)
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gxrlcinema · 4 years
I’m curious... you said bonnie x marcel and rebekah x enzo? did I read that right? I’m so curious as a bonenzo stan haha
Okay, let it be known that i too adore Bonenzo. And Rebel/Marbekah. I love the canon ships as they stand.
Rebekah and Enzo would be hilarious, sexy and iconic. I would pay to see this ship for the banter alone. However, it goes deeper than that. Rebekah and Enzo share a lot of the same values. They’re both intensely loyal. They both were isolated for a long time. they both desperately want to be loved gently, and they’re both true romantics. I can see Enzo empowering Rebekah to want more for herself in her familial relationships (even recklessly standing up to Klaus like he confronted Stefan for making Caroline cry), and Rebekah empowering Enzo to believe that he’s worth loving and sticking around for (much in the way Bonnie does). They might be too similar for their own good, and the likelihood that Klaus would kill Enzo is high, but they share the most important values and I think they’d gel really well. Also, I think they're really well morally matched. One of my issues with TVD is that the ships always seem to be comprised of one person who tries to do the right thing and one who doesn’t care. While this can be interesting initially, it always turns into a game of who is going to change who, and the moral character always seems to lose the battle. Rebekah and Enzo wouldn’t save each other morally, but they also wouldn’t worsen each other, which would be refreshing. Two people who are on the same page loving each other in the way they’ve always wanted to be loved, but also they’re hot vampires with british accents. Sign me tf up.
Bonnie and Marcel are good for each other in many of the same ways. both pushed to the side and taken for granted by the most important people in their lives, Bonnie and Marcel have both learned the hard way that people won’t treat you right if they think they can get away with it. Both of them have hard-won self respect, and they’d really admire that in each other. I feel like she’d call him out on some of his bravado bullshit and remind him of his worth (much like she does with Enzo). For his part, Marcel would empower her to seize control of her life and use her power how she sees fit. I see him really admiring her strength of character, especially given how long she’s been in the supernatural game and what she’s been through. In turn Bonnie would validate that part of Marcel that is a good guy, which would be new, because nobody he’s ever cared about has ever really cared whether or not he does the right thing. Like I said with Rebekah and Enzo, they seem well morally matched. There would definitely be some tension given what Marcel sometimes feels he has to do to maintain control, but I’m really into that being something they work out between them (because these two actually know how to communicate). Also, Bonnie would make a great queen of NOLA. I think Bonnie has a lot of leadership potential. She and Marcel have the same “never stop fighting” spirit, coupled with a healthy dose of charm and a sense of self that a lot of the other characters lack. She’d be able to negotiate between the vampires and the witches, and I also think she’d just like being around people who don’t see her as the same person she was when she was a kid.  I can see her grabbing drinks with Cami and Josh, talking witch politics with Vincent, or even being a tough love sort of mentor to Davina. And we know the Mikaelsons wouldn’t get away with half their bullshit if Bonnie was in town.
Now, why not the four of them together? Because I really don’t think that Bonnie and Rebekah or Enzo and Marcel would gel well enough for that to work. But it’s a nice thought.
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known-as-naya · 4 years
What’s your favourite thing about the Klebekah dynamic and your fave scenes? What was it that drew you to them
Thanks Yuki for asking this, it took me hours to think of all my fav scenes but it was worth it lol ❤️
My fav thing about the klebekah dynamic:
So, klebekah. I simply love them if it isn't obvious by now lmao, their codependent and dysfunctional toxic relationship fascinates me so much. They're litteraly the most important person in each other's life and I love that, I love how they understand one another with just a look, I love how they never gave up on each other for a thousand years despite all the betrayals, I love how they adore and worship one another, I LOVE THEM.
Rebekah was the person klaus loved the most in the world (besides hope ofc) it's actually funny how most of the fandom doesn't realize the impact she always had on him, she was his humanity for a thousand years, she was his constant (along with Elijah ) and he was hers, and as we saw on the show Rebekah was the person he showed affection the most.
As for rebekah, Klaus was the man she ADORED since she was a little girl, he was her big brother, the person she wanted to be like when she gets older, her protector, soulmate and best friend. Rebekah was the only person who never actually tried to change him, she loved him as he is during a thousand years and I LOVE THAT.
-The thing that drawn me to them:
Are a lot of things but THE CHEMISTRY was what made me fall in love, fun fact: but the first time I discovered klebekah I was watching a tvd scene on YouTube a couple of years ago and coincidentally it was their 3×03 Chicago flashback scene with Stefan, and I thought they were a sort of threesome of something lmao and when I knew they were siblings I was shocked but continued to ship them anyway cause why not.
What are your fav scenes ?
Oh boy, this is a very DIFFICULT question cause I practically love all their freaking scenes, but I eventually have to choose so there you go:
-I'll begin with tvd:
-There's 3×03, of course, THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS FULL OF INCEST. the "I'm not your girlfriend", the "choose him or me" Klaus' jealousy, the eye sex, the daggering session, the hand holding, EVERYTHING SCREAMED KLEBEKAH. This ep was such a strong introduction to their strange dynamic.
-3×04: my fav thing about this ep is Klaus taking rebekah to shop and being a child about it. He was so done with her already but at the same time so happy to have her around again. I loved the surprised expression on Stefan's face the whole time, he was not used to this side of Klaus, he was not used to Klaus being wrapped around someone's little finger. I loved their little conversation when she was trying that dress and she said something about women in the 21th century dressing like prostitues and that she got dirty looks for wearing trousers and then Klaus said you wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. Lmaooo it was hilarious.
- 3×15: "I hated you when I learned that you killed our mother but after a thousand years together as a family you're the only one who never left me "
" Aren't we a pair ?" THIS MF LINE GETS ME EVERYTIME. I don't have words to describe what it does to me but I love this scene and the fact that Klaus thought that rebekah was going to show him her torturer's skills makes it better.
-3×18: " you destroyed our family" "I wanted a family they just didn't want me, and now that we're unlinked we're no longer responsible for each other" "so are you leaving ?" "As soon as a get my stakes I'm gone..... I'm gonna make a NEW FAMILY of hybrids" "and if I choose to stay ?" "Then you're just as pathetic as Finn " THIS WHOLE scene was a masterpiece, them looking at each other like that makes me wanna give them a hug:
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-3×20: it wasn't really a klebekah scene cause it was Esther in Rebekah's body but the way Klaus smiled at her and agreed to go to the dance JUST for her melt my heart.
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-3×22: oh gosh this one, breaks my heart but love it so much " how dare you save Caroline over me ?" " You left me !" "it's always been me, not Finn not Elijah no Kol ME, I LOVED YOU through everything and you don't even care " and then he chokes her and say something he -IM SURE- regrets immediately "you know something rebekah you're right I don't care, from this moment on you're not my family you're not my sister you are nothing " and then he breaks her neck. I HATE THIS SCENE BUT I LOVE IT. these two needed couple therapy. Klaus was horrible, she watched him die, she mourned him, her heart broke. He could've told her about his plan tho ? I'm still wondering why he didn't but I guess he was just being an asshole as usual and took her as granted. And him saving Caroline over her was not it.
-4×04: the flashback hunter scene "YOU TRUSTED HIM OVER ME " "WHAT DID HE PROMISE YOU " "TELL ME REBEKAH " it was like he caught her cheating on him lmaooo. On the same episode there's the famous line "laugh at the girl who loved too easily but I would rather to live my life than yours Nik, no one will ever sit around a table telling stories about a man who couldn't love" the way he looked down after her saying that breaks my heart, cause Klaus could love, he LOVES her, then he daggers her -cause he's a paranoid bastard- and he cries about it.
-Let's switch to TO scenes:
-1×02: this episode is one of my favs but the best scene was when Klaus was choking Hayley after he learned that she wanted to abort the baby then, rebekah slammed him against the wall (it was hot tbh lmao) and she said "it's okay to care, it's okay to want something that's all Elijah was trying to do all he's ever wanted for you, all we've ever wanted." The way he looked her deep in the eyes gets me everytime, he was trying so hard not to cry. Then they sat together, exhausted, and Klaus told her about his plan -that involved giving Elijah to marcel lol- and if she doesn't like it, there's the door.
-1×03: one of my fav episodes too and it has so many good klebekah scenes, “that depends what plan you mean love my plan for global domination or rebekahs plan to find love in a cruel cruel world”  then she giggled and threw a pen at him so lovingly lol. They were teasing and all flirty with each other in front of Hayley and they acted as nothing happened the night before and Klaus never gave Elijah to marcel, after that they teamed up and everything was going fine but Klaus happened. then there's the masquerade ball scene when Klaus called rebekah " you really are a hideously evil little thing aren't you "
and them being jealous watching marcel and cami dancing. later in  this ep theres the famous “you disgust me” scene, the tension was so thick i acually thought they were about to kiss and have sex on that damn piano lmao but klaus as usual disapointed rebekah, she trusted him against all her better instincts and he choose to act against her back cause he thought his plan was smarter.
-I'm not sure in which episode this scene is but I remember Klaus telling rebekah "you were quite resourceful today..... sometimes I think I don't give you your due little sister" it was so cute cause Klaus knows that he doesn't give Rebekah enough credits, and she was so happy to hear him say that.
-1×14: the famous "YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME REBEKAH" this episode had me crying the first time I watched it, Klaus was so angry, disappointed and hurt, he could not believe that his baby sister did this to him, that he was in denial for almost a century and he for that she must pay. "Rebekah would not call my father no matter how angry she was " "enough of your lies" even after seeing the truth from the source he still couldn't believe it cause he loved her so freaking much and he thought she did too.
Then them fighting and Klaus getting turned on by her beating his ass up
-1×15: this mf scene.
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The kiss, THE FREAKING CLOSE TO THE LIPS KISS. the sexual tension in this scene was HUGE, Klaus finally "set rebekah free" and he was DRUNK doing it. "We don't have to run anymore, we've found a home" and the look on Rebekah's face is priceless, she was shocked and almost guilty cause at this time she has already called mikeal and Klaus was a little too late.
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Also in the same episode, THE BLOOD SHARING. Look at them just look at them.
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THE BABY MIKAELSON FLASHBACK !! OMG, this scene melts my heart. "Don't be afraid I won't let it hurt you " "will you stay with me till the storm ends ?" And he did stay with her no matter what. I love this scene cause it shows how close and protective they were of each other since forever. Then he gives her the wooden knight so she can be brave. I'm soft.
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Then there's this one too ! I love how Rebekah was actually the only one to ever stand against mikeal, she even tried to kill him, just for Klaus. So much devotion.
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I'm still not over this one, the hurt on Rebekah's voice as she says those words, Klaus's tears, the whole episode was so angsty but this scene was IT. and then he realised what he did to her, that instead of protecting her he was hurting and suffocating her so he did something he's not used to do, being selfless, and he let her go.
The 1×22 scene: LITTERALY on top of my fav scenes list ! Klaus giving hope to Rebekah proved how much he trusted her "there's no one I would trust more with my daughter's life" and the fact that she came back just for him (and hope) proved that she never really wanted to leave, she just needed a little freedom. Then when he handed her the little toy I WAS IN TEARS OKAY, it was so soft. They were so happy and relieved to see each other again.
-2×09: "if anything goes south I'll be there to pull you out" "you and I on the same team it must me Christmas" he promised to protect her at any cost and she knew he will. Them teaming up against Esther was so great, then the "take me instead" , Klaus was WILLING to sacrifice his immortal life for REBEKAH, if this isn't pure love then I don't know what it is.
-2×17: another episode losing his shit because his wife-sorry sister is in danger. He let Freya enter his mind just to save her (and he was so suspicious about it cause he didn't want her to know his strategies but in fact he was just afraid she'll know about his questionable taste in woman lmaoo)
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And this mf scene is so cute, look at their smiles, the forehead touch, his hand on her neck, here on his arm, FOR YOU FOR NOW. I can't believe this is actually canon.
-2×22: "family tradition!" "Minus the family."
"Well, you're here."" In the skin of your choosing, no less."
"Well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship."
"You would hand over your crown? And do what?" "Raise my daughter... with the help of my sisters. One big, happy family."
" Now, that does sound grand-- minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst your sisters raise your child, what will the child's mother be doing, exactly?"
"This, dear brother, is not what happiness looks like."
This scene was so important, Klaus was wrong and he needed someone to remind him that what he did was not necessary, that he hurt most of his family, and rebekah was there for that. He wished she'd stray with him to "raise" his daughter but after this scene we see Freya offering her Eva's body so she leaves.
-3×09: "you're always leaving" "and I always come back" THEN THE DAMN HUG. their hugs are always so good, the way they close their eyes and hold each other tight and they seem like they never want to let go of each other. Then she has to leave and make Elijah dagger her without telling Nik, cause she wants Nik to be happy for once.
-3×22: "wasn't you who once told me I could talk my way out of hell " and then they smile affectionately at each other and HUG tightly. After this he took her hand and they both walk to their possible end, and she watches him getting stabbed by marcel after she was forced to say all those things she did and didn't think. The whole trial scene was a masterpiece. I love it.
-4×02: this EP was full of klebekah soft scenes. There was the reunion HUG . the way she runs to him the second she sees him and the way he reaches to her and hugs her tightly to his chest.
The kiss on the cheek after "thank you for not abandoning me" and the way he smiles at her was so SOFT OMG.
-4×03: the goodbye hug "Nik you do not need me anymore, I know that I'm your fav sibling and of course I adore you" "you were the only one who never treated me like s misfit, for centuries my only place was by your side...." AND THEY HUG TIGHTLY AGAIN. this was the first time Klaus let Rebekah do whatever the hell she wanted without fighting or daggering and it was revolutionary to her. (The fact that she's his fav sibling and she KNOWS it makes me so happy lmao).
-5×01: their phone call about Elijah. They were both so lost and devastated without him it broke my heart. "How does he look?" "Happy.."
-5×08: "ah Nik always so dramatic"
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They were so happy to be reunited after 7 years of being apart, look at them hugging each other so tightly. I LOVE this scene.
-5×12: then there's the goodbye scene, Klaus gave her the cure so he can make up for a thousand years of hurt, "live the life you've always wanted to live, MY SISTER" the way he looked at her so proudly, so in love makes me cry. In my opinion he gave her the cure so they can reunite again in the afterlife. Both him and Elijah can't live or die without her, they're supposed to be together, they're meant to be together and the cure will bring her to them, to him, again. It was such a good scene, the hug, the last glances, everything.
And that's it!!! I'm sure I forgot some other scenes but those are the most important. ❤️
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kaiunkaiku · 4 years
Could you do some Todoroki sickfic (emeto if you can) where he just kind of pushes through and tries not to let anyone know because he’s only ever been treated like he’s weak and useless when sick. And when the other students in the dorms find out they fuss over him and he doesn’t know how to take being taken care of like that. Also I just found your blog tonight and I love it!
I have discovered that writing Todoroki is exhausting and writing Midoriya is plain weird and doesn’t feel right, but I enjoyed writing this nonetheless. Emeto isn’t really my niche and I find writing it hella difficult, so here’s an attempt.
This is like vaguely 2nd/3rd year, Tododeku and Kiribaku are established, and even though it’s not mentioned Mineta has been kicked out. Content warnings include referenced canonical child abuse, emeto, implied panic attack, and vague discussion of trauma left by mentioned child abuse
Now on Ao3!
He wakes up feeling… off. That’s the only way he can really put it – he’s not in pain, his head isn’t swirling with unpleasant thoughts, he’s not reeling from a nightmare, he doesn’t feel ill. Just off. 
So he tries his best to shake it off. 
By the time lunch rolls around, there’s a persistent hum in his head. It’s distracting, and leaves him just a touch woozy, but he’s worked through much, much worse. It’s no big deal. He’s lagging maybe half a second behind everybody else today, but no one has commented on it, or asked about it, so he assumes he’s doing a good enough job at hiding it. 
By the time Kirishima ropes him into a video game tournament, Shouto feels like he’s going to puke. There’s a churning pit in his stomach that makes him regret eating lunch, makes him regret eating breakfast, makes him regret last night’s dinner. Definitely makes him regret waking up. 
It’s a well-known fact that video games are the one thing he’s genuinely terrible at, and no amount of Kirishima trying to teach him has improved his skills, so no one questions it when he surrenders his controller to Shinsou after three consecutive losses. 
The room gets loud as Jirou gives her controller to Kaminari, like it always does as soon as someone gets the insane idea to pit couples against each other. Shouto retreats to the far corner of the big couch, decides to tough it out for a game or two. Leaving immediately would look suspicious, and someone might notice, so he sits quietly with his knees pulled to his chest and hopes no one will look at him twice. 
Bakugou is staring at him from the other end of the couch. 
It’s fine, Shouto tells himself even as a cold wave of anxiety washes through him. Bakugou continues to stare, face completely blank, and Shouto knows this is the one person in the class who genuinely does not care, but there’s something unnerving about his eyes. Maybe it's just the hollow bruises under them – Shouto knows for a fact Bakugou didn't sleep last night, because he woke up to explosions sometime around three in the morning, and Kirishima has been hovering worriedly all day – but the blankness of his expression seems very deliberately arranged. Observant. Shouto swallows thickly and tries to find something else to look at. 
The motion on the screen makes his nausea worse. The shouting of his classmates makes his headache worse. He can’t concentrate on his phone. Bakugou keeps staring at him. 
Shouto finally excuses himself quietly when he’s fairly sure he’s about to start smoking soon, because he can feel his control of his powers slipping. It's fine. He can let that happen once nobody can see him. 
They can't see him weak. They can’t. He knows it’s irrational, because these are his friends and they care about him and he cares about them, but the thought of it sends him into a spiral straight down to such a dark place he throws it away before he can do more than scratch its surface. So he escapes into the stairs, not wanting to stand in the elevator, he can’t be still right now, and tries to look as casual as he possibly can. 
He doesn’t even make it to the second floor before he hears his name from behind him. His heart jumps to his throat and his stomach drops, and it takes him a second to sort out that it’s his last name and not his first, and there’s no threat, no anger, no fire in the voice. He can’t help but freeze on his tracks anyway. 
“Hey, man, you okay?” Shouto comes face to face with wide red eyes as he turns around; feels he can’t breathe with the rush of relief when it’s not piercing turquoise that greets him. Some of it must show on his face, because Kirishima takes a step back immediately and raises his hands up, concern clear in his expression. Bakugou is standing a few paces behind him, leaning on the wall and staring at his phone. “Because you don’t look like you are.” 
Shouto feels sick. He doesn’t want to be here, he wants to be in his room, alone, so that nobody can see him like this, so that he can take the time he needs to pull himself together. He swallows and takes a breath. 
“I’m fine,” he manages. He thinks his voice is steady. 
“You sure?” Kirishima looks suspicious. Shouto knows he means well, really, he does, he does, but he just… God, he can’t do this. Even thinking about admitting weakness, let alone showing it, sends alarm bells in his head ringing, makes him see the floor of his home through tears, has his father’s voice in his head yelling at him for being useless, and his scar burns all over again, scalding water running down his face and the tears in his mother’s eyes– 
His breathing is picking up pace. He’s gonna start crying. He’s gonna be sick. He’s gonna have a panic attack. His body is hot and cold on the wrong sides. He’s gonna– he can’t– he doesn’t– he can’t– 
“Todoroki, shit, Todoroki, hey, come on, sit down, okay?” Something touches his arms, but it doesn’t feel like human touch so it doesn’t make everything worse. By the time he realizes it’s Kirishima’s hands with his quirk activated Shouto has already catalogued the touch as non-threatening, so he lets Kirishima guide him to sit down and push his head between his knees. 
It takes him too long to notice that there’s steam coming off his skin. 
“That’s it, man, just listen to me and breathe. You want me to get Midoriya?” 
That sends a new wave of conflicting feelings through him – yes, he wants Izuku, yes, please, Izuku is good, would be great right now, but Izuku would just worry and fuss and worry and Shouto doesn’t want to make Izuku worry, doesn’t want to bother him, and besides, isn’t Izuku out training with Uraraka? Or was it Tokoyami? Why can’t he remember? Uraraka and Tokoyami are two totally different people who hang out with totally different groups and have totally different quirks and Shouto can’t remember which one of them his goddamn boyfriend is training with– did Izuku even say? He can’t remember that either.
“N-no,” he forces out. Realizes he’s been gritting his teeth. “He’s, he’s training, don’t bother him, it’s–”
“Okay, no,” Kirishima interrupts him. “I asked if you want him here. It’s about you. You’re the one that’s not okay, yeah? So do you want him here?” 
It… makes sense, what Kirishima is saying. But it doesn’t. It does; he feels terrible and he would like to have his boyfriend here, and it’s what other people do, too, even in their class. It doesn’t; things like this can’t be about him, he can’t want or need things, how horribly selfish would that be of him. 
In the end, he nods. He has to force the motion, to force himself to allow it. He’s still got his head between his knees, but he swears he can almost feel the way Kirishima grins at his response despite not looking. 
“You gonna be okay if I step into the hallway for just a sec?” Kirishima asks. He hasn’t stopped touching Shouto’s arms, and the touch is somewhat grounding. He still has to put conscious effort into breathing, and he’s just a tad afraid he’s going to lose the focus he needs to keep it up if Kirishima lets go and leaves him alone with Bakugou. 
There’s a steady tapping sound, almost background noise but not quite; a persistent, consistent tapping, volume just enough to be clearly audible even without concentrating. Just a bit louder than a clock. Not as sharp. Shouto is not entirely sure how long it’s been there.
Without even meaning to, he starts counting it. Pacing his breath to it. It’s easy; almost natural. Maybe he’ll stay on track even if Kirishima steps off for a moment. 
Tap, tap, tap, tap. Breathe in four, hold four, breathe out four. Every exhale feels like he’s going to throw up, but it’s almost a background thought. He makes an affirming noise to tell Kirishima that he probably won’t spiral down if he lets go, so Kirishima pats his shoulder and tells him that he’s okay. 
He’s not okay, but he also doesn’t start panicking again. He risks a look around him to see Kirishima take two steps up and disappear into the second floor hallway, and notices something that damn near messes up his newly-found breathing rhythm all over again. 
Bakugou is still standing several stairs below, leaning on the wall. He’s typing something on his phone, and he doesn’t look quite as murderous as he usually does – tired, still, but his frown is considerably less deep than usual. He’s probably texting Camie, then, since it’s likely not Kirishima. 
But the thing that really catches Shouto off-guard is the fact that he’s steadily tapping his right foot on the stair he’s standing on. 
The rhythm sounds very purposeful. 
Shouto is not going to chase that thought.
He keeps breathing. 
Izuku is going to apologize to Uraraka later. He doesn’t make it a habit to just ditch his friends, really, but Kirishima sounded worried over the phone and he has barely seen Shouto all day, so he takes off running the moment he hangs up, leaves most of his stuff behind along with Uraraka as he puts his quirk to work. 
He dashes straight through the common room and into the staircase, and almost collides with Kacchan, who graces him with a glare and turns his attention back to his phone. Normally, Izuku would say something to him, even just a greeting, or an attempt at placating his temper, but before he can say anything he spots Shouto sitting a few stairs higher. Kirishima is sitting next to him, close but not touching. 
“Shouto.” The name escapes from his lips in a whisper before he can even think it. Shouto’s head snaps up, and Izuku has to restrain himself from launching at him with One for All activated; Shouto’s face is pale, almost white, and the fleeting look of terror that flashes in his eyes before recognition makes something clench in Izuku’s chest. Shouto’s breathing is labored; controlled. 
Kirishima moves away as Izuku hurries forward, knees hitting the stairs so he can get his hands to Shouto’s face. Faintly he registers Kacchan moving past them to join Kirishima, and the two continue their way up the stairs. He’ll thank Kirishima later. 
“Hey,” he begins, thumb coming to trace the edge of Shouto’s scar. Shouto shivers. “Talk to me, what’s going on?  Kirishima sounded worried so I came as fast as I could, I need to apologize to Uraraka about that later, it was kind of rude of me to leave her there like that but you’re not okay, are you? She’ll understand, she’ll probably bring my stuff back too, I should probably text her, though, just to let her know, I probably won’t be going back anyway…”
“You’re rambling,” Shouto says, voice faint but a hint of a smile playing on his lips. Izuku snaps his mouth shut and feels heat on his cheeks. Then Shouto shivers again, and Izuku manages to see him swallow thickly before he ducks his head back down. He frowns. 
“Sorry,” Izuku offers. “But really, what’s going on? You don’t look good.” Shouto doesn’t feel good, either – his skin is clammy, and just by touching him Izuku can tell he’s not in full control of his quirk. There’s steam coming through his now-damp clothes.
Until now, Shouto has been somewhat curled into himself, hunched over and hugging himself. Now, though, his grip on his biceps tightens and and he curls up some more, like he’s trying to make himself smaller. It pains Izuku, how Shouto always seems to try and make himself disappear when he’s feeling bad. 
One day, once he’s graduated and established himself as a reputable and reliable hero, he’s going to punch Endeavor as hard as he can, and then he’s going to bring flowers to Shouto’s mom. 
“I’m not him,” Izuku reminds gently, still tracing the scar. “Nobody here is. It’s okay.” It breaks his heart to even have to say the words, but Shouto takes a shuddering breath and lets it out slowly, so at least it’s a useful reminder. Shouto tends to forget, sometimes. And sometimes Izuku tends to forget that it’s all too easy for Shouto to follow that train of thought. So they’re kind of even, however that balance works.
“I don’t feel good,” Shouto finally whispers. He sounds almost scared. Izuku is about to start prodding further, ready for a guessing game, when he sees that same swallow-shiver combination he saw earlier. 
“You’re sick?” 
A shrug. A still moment. A hesitant nod. 
It takes some convincing, and some coaxing, and some help, but Izuku manages to get Shouto up and into the hallway. His room is closer, as opposed to Shouto’s which is located in the fifth floor, so Shouto agrees to relocate there. 
By the time they make it into the room, Shouto is shaking, and also swallowing repeatedly. He hasn’t stopped hugging himself and he’s still hunched over. Izuku keeps a steadying hand on his back, but he doubts it does much.  
He leads Shouto straight into the bathroom with little resistance. Shouto sits down against a wall next to the toilet, draws his knees to his chest and rests his head on them. His breathing is picking up again, and Izuku doesn’t know whether it’s anxiety or nausea or both. 
Minutes tick by as Izuku draws patterns on Shouto’s arm and shoulder and rubs his neck, and Shouto’s swallowing becomes convulsive and he keeps shaking. One particularly harsh shudder runs through him and causes a patch of frost to spread on the wall. His breathing is becoming shallow.
Izuku doesn’t know how much time has passed when something finally happens. One moment they’re leaning on the wall and the next, Shouto is scrambling to get the toilet lid open. A sick-sounding belch makes Izuku wince, and is immediately followed by a retch. Shouto clutches the rim with white knuckles, and Izuku moves to hold him. 
Shouto shivers against him and heaves, but brings nothing up. Izuku wraps his arms around him for support, both emotional and physical, and gently shushes him at the probably involuntary whimper that follows. Presses a kiss to his shoulder. 
“Just let it happen,” Izuku mutters. “You’re okay, just let it out.” It’s like being in a sauna, holding Shouto like this when he’s not in full control of his quirk, but Izuku brushes it aside – it doesn’t matter how uncomfortable it is. Shouto is definitely far more uncomfortable. 
Shouto shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut, but the following attempt at a deeper breath is interrupted by a gag. Izuku resists the urge to sigh, and instead continues muttering reassurances as he rubs Shouto’s back. Keeping him grounded in the present is important; vital, almost, Izuku would say. He’s witnessed too many times how things like this – feeling bad, vulnerable, not in control – tend to throw Shouto right back to his childhood. 
He’s not profusely apologizing and promising he’ll do better next time, so what Izuku is doing must be working. 
It takes a couple more minutes of heaving and retching before Shouto brings up anything, but when he finally does, it’s like he can’t stop. Izuku very deliberately does not look, instead focusing on trying to calm Shouto down. He runs his fingers through Shouto’s hair, down his spine, and eventually brings one hand to rub his stomach. Shouto whimpers at the contact but doesn’t reject it. 
Izuku loses track of time. Shouto keeps dry-heaving for a good while after it’s clear there’s nothing in him to throw up anymore, and he’s shaking like a leaf. Izuku can’t tell whether he’s feverish or not; one of the few drawbacks of his quirk – even medical professionals have hard time with that, since Shouto’s temperatures tend to go haywire when he’s not in full control, which is almost every time he’s not feeling well. 
When even the dry-heaving eventually tapers off, Shouto slumps lifelessly against Izuku. His eyes slide shut and his breath slowly evens out, and the shaking dies down. An occasional shiver still runs through him, as if as a reminder, but otherwise every sign of what just happened melts into exhaustion. 
They sit on the floor until Izuku decides a cold, hard bathroom floor is no place for anything. Shouto is not asleep, not quite, but he’s well on his way there, so Izuku nudges him alert from his exhausted not-quite-slumber gently. 
“Shouto, hey,” he almost-whispers, smiling a little as Shouto’s eyelashes flutter against his skin. “How are you feeling? Any better?”
Shouto makes a sleepy noise that could mean literally anything, and it sounds absolutely adorable; there’s just not much Izuku can do with that. Shouto’s eyes open more, left one somewhat droopy, and he maneuvers himself so that his face is against Izuku’s shoulder. “I’m tired,” he replies. It’s not really what Izuku was looking for, as far as responses go, but it’s something. 
“Then how about a bed? Some sleep?” 
Shouto makes another sleepy noise, though this one sounds distinctly approving. He makes no attempt to move, however. Izuku lets him be for a moment.
“That means we have to get up, Shouto,” he tells him. 
It takes some effort, but not as much as Izuku feared or suspected it would. He could technically just lift Shouto up – he’s strong enough to carry him and has done so in the past – but he doubts the swift change in position and altitude would be of any benefit. So he helps Shouto up from the floor slowly, makes sure he doesn’t go suddenly white again now that some color has returned to his face, and carefully walks them out of the bathroom. He gets Shouto a soft, oversized shirt to change into (it’s probably Shouto’s own shirt that’s been left in Izuku’s room at some point, actually). Manages to convince him to drink some water. 
Shouto seems to fall asleep the moment Izuku lets him do so, looking completely drained. Izuku likes the sight of him surrounded the All Might themed bedsheets – it looks right, like he should be right there. Like he belongs in Izuku’s bed.
Izuku texts Uraraka and Kirishima, and picks up a book. 
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notnctu · 4 years
push and pull love appreciation
am i reading this a second time?? no……..doie first of all i love how you write, like i always end up rereading your stories (achis to slide thru and the cocky ones which i absolutely love)
i was so excited to read push and pull and got really happy when i saw the tag, the story is great, i love the dynamics between doyoung and the main character, i really like when the main is “sassy” or doesnt care about the opinions of the rest. Doyoung as a slytherin and prefect? totally see that, i really like how you portray him.
i also love the way they meet and how you describe it ksjadbsd, also i leave another question what was she doing there???
also what or who is she having that arrangement? is it a hook up or something else aksjhds when i read it i was like she is into deep shit but now maybe she was having sex with another slytherin…who knows
can we talk about the dialogues? they are great!
“I know them because I care enough to remember things you tell me, not because I loved you enough to observe these things about you” beautiful 
“did you miss me?” “unfortunately” love that
about yuta it could be that he knows doyoung likes the main character and what is going on between them but as a slytherin, they have a status to mantein that is why he acts good and bad at the same time: “i dont care about your name” but also “its cold outside�� like he doesnt want her to see that he cares but he does at least a little bit for his friend? at the end of the day love is love you know? and doyoung is his friend right? ORR he doesnt want a hufflepuff there so he is quick so nobody sees her like “i know she is not gonna go so hurry up” vybe (My knowlege of harry potter is not great like i started reading the first book last week lol, but see the movie and read quite some fanfics JAJAJJA) i will stick to the first reason
why she lied about jaehyun? PUSH AND PULL BABY. doyoung knows she ditches people so this lie may be a change to se him act differently idk
about the white swan? like the meaning of the animal is love, pure, beauty… like he sees her like that? im not gonna lie idk much about black swan and white swan but yeah something related JAJAJAJJA 
not everyone is meant to be in a relationship sometimes love is not equally share and maybe she knows that, and doesnt care, love can be a beautiful thing yet painful, everyone wants to love and be loved but its doesnt happen all the time and maybe she is aware of that, at least she loves. What is the point of being with someone you dont love? she loves him and that is a fact nothing cant change even the fact he doesnt love her back 
OKAY this is way too long im sorry. the story is amazing def one of your best and also the banner is super pretty 
submitted by @infnteen​
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CAMI !!! MA’AM THIS IS FEEDBACK KNOCKED MY SOCKS OFF (ok im not wearing any but if i was, they’d be off) OMG YOU REALLY BLEW ME AWAY WITH THIS ONE! first of all, thank you for literally reading everything ive been tagging you in and following up with me youre truly just perfect 
tumblr was being a poopoo head and i didnt see this in my notifs but i went on  my laptop and OMG MY JAW DROPPED !! push and pull is def one of my personal favs and my smuts usually dont make it up there haha i love love love this fic …. a lot! so hearing your little analysis really made my day 
to answer your questions, her arrangement was that she was sleeping with someone she didnt want doyoung to know! its up to you who you decide that to be (a slytherin? bc its not mentioned that she sleeps with them besides doyoung ….. gryf!jaehyun? most popular boy in school and would raise even more jealousy?) 
THE DIALOGUE CATCHES ! writing the dialogue was so fun for this one and those were some of my fav lines too! another one of my favs is when doyoung says “i want to see you again” :) 
your answers are incredible…. i love them so much and though i can neither deny or confirm anything, the white swan meaning is exactly that!! THE “PUSH AND PULL BABY” YOU GOT ME THEREEEE!!! 
love you lots! and again, thank you so so much for this <3 
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Bad Idea: Part 7
Summary: When pop star Trixie can’t get her act together, her team makes a deal with the NHL…one that she can’t turn down. When NHL player Tyler Seguin can’t seem to get himself under control his team decides to thrust a certain Pop star into his life. Can the two play nice?
Warnings: Cussing.
Note: You guys have been wonderful, honestly with the whole world in lock down, it’ll give me time to write a bit more so hopefully I can get more out. Send me your thoughts, send me some prompts or drabbles I shall be here watching netflix and catching up on shows. 
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It was Friday and Trixie sat on the piano bench in a cute little summer dress and brown boots, hair done up and make up done perfectly down to her lipstick and Tyler wasn’t here, not that Trixie had been relying on him to show up. He said he would, even texted her the night before asking for the time and the address. It’s not like she expected him to show up; It just would have been nice for him to keep his word.
“Alright Trix, we’re ready for you to start.” Trixie nodded and traced the keys of the piano getting ready to start. They had already done the interview portion of it and now were moving on to the performance part. She knew the routine, the interview part was just the intro to her performance and to give a preview for any future tours or albums, and honestly an easy way to dig into her private life. 
“Okay Trixie in 3...2...1.” She always got nervous performing no matter how many times she had done it and today was no different. Her leg started to bounce as she watched her team from behind the sound booth. Cami sent her a small smile encouraging her to go on; Trixie took a breath and grabbed the microphone to bring a little closer to her. 
“So, hello everyone my name's Trixie, I’m sure you all knew that. I’m just going to be here in spotify’s lovely live lounge singing some songs for you all…” Her voice trailed off as she watched the sound booth door open and Tyler walk in. The butterflies had surprised her as she watched him apologize and look around a little confused in his black button up and jeans. He of course had on a snap back on with the Dallas stars logo which made her smile. 
 He had actually made it. Tyler was directed to sit on the couch which he did as quietly possible. Trixie  took notice as to how her pr manager had whispered something to Tyler. He shook his head and looked over at Trixie, their eyes locking for a moment. She sent him a nod which he acknowledged with a small smile.
“So here’s Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi, good man, great voice, great song.” Trixie cleared her throat and closed her eyes and started the beginning keys of the song.
“I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me. This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy.I need somebody to heal, Somebody to know, Somebody to have, Somebody to hold ,It's easy to say .But it's never the same, I guess I kinda liked the way you numbed all the pain.” 
Tyler watched as Trixie sang the song he had never heard of, he didn’t listen to much music on the radio but he couldn’t deny that she was talented. 
“Now the day bleeds Into nightfall And you're not here To get me through it all I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved…”
The last line is what hit Tyler, he could tell this wasn’t just a song to her. Trixie had been hurt, deeply and he had no idea how deep. She hadn’t opened her eyes, letting the music completely over take her. She continued to sing and play the piano effortlessly, kind of how hockey came naturally to Tyler, music came naturally to her. 
Cami glanced over at Tyler, she had seen Trixie perform more times than she could count that she sometimes forgot how much vulnerability Trixie was actually showing until she saw the look of awe on Tyler’s face. Sighing, she got up and sat next to the hockey player on the couch making him jump slightly at her presence.
“I’m surprised you came.” She spoke in a hushed whisper; Tyler glanced at Trixie’s best friend.
“I told her we’d try to work through this and she asked me to come.” Cami nodded and looked back to Trixie. She wondered if Tyler realized how much Trixie was opening up in the sound booth without actually talking about anything.
“It’s about Anderson isn’t it?” Cami nodded without looking at him, so he knew about the ex.
“It’s always about him, Tyler. He did a number on her, I watched her have to walk down a red carpet nursing a broken heart, I watched her win an award for best female artist the day he ended it with her. The morning of that award show he had called her and broke it off.” Tyler nodded, what a dick.
“Yeah but wasn’t it mostly a publicity stunt?” Cami shook her head.
“She fell for him, hard, Tyler. She was head over heels, wanting to settle down in love. And then he had cheated and left her. You can ask her the rest if you want but she’s still healing Tyler.” He didn’t say anything. 
“Don’t hurt her, please. She’s a good girl.” He went to ask Cami what she meant and to let her know it wasn’t like that at all, but the girl had already stood back up and continued to watch Trixie. 
“I let my guard down And then you pulled the rug, I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved…” 
Tyler watched Trixie play the final key of the song and when she opened her eyes he could see how they were rimmed red with tears; and a part of him wanted to know the whole story, what had happened. Josh Anderson always seemed like a decent person and who was Tyler to judge, he had broken his own set of hearts. Trixie seemed very hard on the surface But as he watched Trixie wipe her eyes with the back of her hand trying not to smear her makeup all he could think of was how fragile was she really?
She really thought she was in the clear, she really thought she could wrap this up and go get some Jamba juice and just relax the rest of the day. She was wrong.
“So I know we usually do the interview part before the session, however we noticed Trixie, you had a visitor during your performance, care to elaborate?” Tirxie knew this was part of the plan, Tyler had made a public appearance, they were supposed to be dating. She glanced back at the sound booth and saw Tyler nod at her. When the hell did she become so reliant on him? 
“Yeah Jeff, I don’t know if you watch hockey or anything but I snagged myself a hockey player.” The host laughed and shook his head.
“Wouldn’t be your first one,” Trixie shrugged, not really saying anything, she just wanted to get out of there. 
“What’s this one’s name?” 
“Tyler, Seguin, Tyler Seguin.” The host cleared his throat.
“I’m assuming he plays for the Dallas stars?” Trixie nodded not saying much about his team.
“The same player who posed naked for the ESPN magazine? I remember when that magazine was released everywhere, nice job. ” Trixie cringed and glanced over at Tyler. He was no longer sitting, now standing in front of the glass that separated the two. Arms crossed and a hard expression on his face. Sighing, Trixie turned back toward the host.
“How did you even manage that? You two seem to be a match made in hell.” Of course, the world saw the two as a player and a princess. Why wouldn’t they be a match made in hell.
“We’ll see, it’s still fresh and new. I’ll tell you something though, he’s definitely arm candy.” The host let out another laugh, good. Keep them entertained, keep them from asking any more questions that she didn’t feel like answering.
“Well you heard it here you guys, Trixie and Tyler Seguin. Look out Dallas, you may have a new power couple on the scene.” Trixie rolled her eyes and shook her head, sometimes she wondered if any of this was worth it. 
“So, thanks for coming.” Trixie and Tyler had decided to grab a quick lunch before he had to go home and pack for his plane tonight. He glanced up at her and nodded, with a small smile he watched as she ate her turkey sandwich from subway with a smile on her face.
“No worries, I told you I’d come. Sorry for being late though, there was traffic-” Trixie shook her head and took a sip of her drink.
“There’s always traffic downtown it’s okay.” The two ate in comfortable silence until Tyler decided to break the wall she was holding up.
“Tell me about him.” He could feel her tense up from across the table, taking notice to how all movement stopped.
“Tyler…” He put his sandwich down and stared back at her, he just wanted to get to know more about her, why she was so guarded and why Josh was the one who made her this way.
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I just want to know more about you, understand you, Trixie. You’re clearly not over him.” He took notice of the glare she sent him but honestly at this point he was going to dig until she caved. They were supposed to be working on being friends any ways, this would be a good place to start. 
Tyler could tell she was having a battle in her head, he knew she was trying to decide whether or not she could trust him, but who was he going to tell without exposing his current situation? After a couple moments of silence and nothing but the cars in the street going by Trixie spoke up.
“What do you want to know?” Tyler raised an eyebrow at her tone of voice, she was hard and cold and he didn’t know if he hit a switch or if this is just how she was when it came to her ex.
“Start from the beginning, how did it become more?” He offered, he wanted her to feel comfortable talking about it without feeling too pressured. 
“He uh, I guess he wasn’t getting the recognition he deserved in the hockey world. He was up against a lot of good players on his team. His manager didn’t like that he was so quiet, didn’t really attend events, so they sent me in. We got to know each other...for weeks. We were photographed together, we went out to clubs with his friends. I went to a couple of his home games, he showed up at a couple of my talk shows and performances. It was easy and comfortable and there was a friendship forming until it became more one night.” Trixie picked up a pickle off her sandwich and popped it into her mouth, she loved pickles.
“You’re gross.” She smiled a wide smile at Tyler making him laugh.
“He came over one night, a little drunk may I add. Proceeded to tell me how pretty I am, how he’s always thinking about me, the same old thing most guys tell girls to get laid and it worked. I slept with him that night. As time went on, we got closer and eventually it turned into us actually dating. Going out, introducing me to his friends as his girlfriend. I would stay over his house a lot of the time, I was happy. We dated for close to a year, the thing I didn’t know was the deeper I fell for him the further he pulled away.” Tyler was confused, he knew you couldn’t help who you liked but to waste at least a year on someone and then cheat? He also couldn’t help to think who the hell would cheat on Trixie? She was hot, really hot, gorgeous even. How did one just throw her away? 
“We voided the contract half way through our relationship, they paid us both and we continued on with what we were but like I said he was pulling further and further away. He wouldn’t ask me to stay over anymore, I would fly from California to Columbus and spend hardly any time with him, after the games he would text me to meet him at home and he’d go out with the guys. TMZ loves me, I’m one of their favorite topics every week.” Tyler could tell she was annoyed.
“So as soon as they found me one night out alone at a club with no boyfriend on my arm they ate that shit up and decided to print it in their headlines that there was trouble in paradise and even though they were right, it was still annoying and still hurt to read.” She stopped and glanced down at the table, her leg shaking hard, a habit Tyler learned she did when she was extremely nervous.
“I had to go back to California for one of the music award shows, he couldn’t come with me because he had a game which wasn’t a problem. It was his job and I understood that. I had woken up that morning in California with a text from him a text that said ‘call me.’ So I did and that’s when he told me he wanted to be with someone else, he had been seeing her for months apparently.” Trixie let out a shaky breath and Tyler watched carefully as the woman in front of him slowly tried to keep herself together.
“I loved him Tyler, I really did. I felt my heart break into a million pieces that morning, I remember crying so hard and calling Cami, asking her to come pick me up and to call my manager to cancel the show. I had an award to accept, a red carpet to walk down and a performance for my fans and I felt like I wanted to just crawl in a hole and never come back out.” Tyler was starting to understand a little bit more how strong she was. He watched her and the two jumped when his phone went off, Trixie sighed and went to reach for her phone, assuming he was going to answer it but then he did something that surprised both of them.
He silenced the call and shoved it into his pocket looking back up at her.
“Sorry, go on.” Trixie stared at him for a moment and then continued.
“Cami knew how much of a mess I was but she also knew they couldn’t cancel anything on such short notice. So with a couple shots of tequila and a few pep talks from her,  I walked down that red carpet, head held high, I accepted the award for best female artist with a broken heart and I performed for my fans with  tears streaming down my face moments before.” She finally looked up at Tyler and he could see what she had been hiding this whole, the broken heart she was nursing.
“I haven’t talked to him since, it’s been months and I’m finally okay with that. It still stings though, to know I wasn’t good enough.” Tyler shook his head.
“He’s nothing, Trixie. He fucked up and lost something pretty great.” She let out a small laugh.
“You don’t even know me.” He shrugged.
“Exactly and I can already tell you are something great.” Trixie couldn’t hide the blush that took over. Maybe there was hope for the two after all. 
“Hello?” Trixie stood in her kitchen with nothing but an oversized t-shirt and boxer shorts on. She had had a long day with her management deciding when her next appearance was, when she was going back into the studio and what other events she was going to be working on so when she got home she took a shower and changed into the comfiest clothes she could think of.  
“I have two tickets for tomorrow night’s game with your name on them, just go to the front of the building and tell them Tyler Seguin sent you.” Trixie scrunched up her nose.
“How do you know I don’t have plans?” He let out a laugh.
“Okay, sorry princess. Do you have plans?” Trixie pretended to think as she mixed her fruit into her yogurt.
“Maybe, all depends. Is your hot friend going to be there? The tall quiet one who looks like he could beat a man to his death?” Tyler groaned.
“Are you talking about Jamie?” 
“Yeah, that one!” She wasn’t actually interested; she just liked to tease Tyler; he could afford to be knocked down a couple of pegs.
“You wound me, Trixie. Be there or well there’s no other option; depending on if we win or not we’ll most likely be going out after.” Trixie made a noise of acknowledgement.
“Bring Cami, everyone knows you can’t go anywhere without your other half.” Trixie let out a squeal.
“Thank you, Tyler. We’ll be there.” 
Which is how the two girls found themselves by the ticket booth at the American Airline center on a Tuesday night. Both in casual clothes, nothing crazy. When Trixie had asked for the tickets she could see the surprise  on the employees face when they handed over the two tickets to her without any arguments. 
Trixie was used to this attention which is why they arrived early to the game even before warm ups happened because she didn’t want to make it a big deal that she was here. Trixie and Cami made their way into the building as Trixie glanced down at the tickets in her hand to figure out where they were seating. It was at that moment she realized...shit. She was sitting in the WAGS section, the VIP section for family and friends and of course girlfriends and wives. Shit. She wasn’t ready for this and if she was smarter she probably would’ve asked Tyler about it. 
“It’ll be fine, Trix. We’ll stay to ourselves and not really talk to anyone, we’ll watch the game. If it’s too much we’ll leave.” Trixie nodded and tried to keep her anxiety at bay. But of course she had no luck with anything tonight because as she walked into the booth, the usher checking her tickets to make sure they were valid, she took notice of a couple of the girls that were in there; all in which stopped to stare and gasp at her. Fuck. 
“You’re okay, Trixie.” She listened to Cami’s voice and nodded. She could do this. But then her eyes connected with a tall brunette that was standing across the room and immediately she knew this wasn’t going to be a good night. 
Aly stood talking to a blonde by the bar and when she glanced over to where Trixie was standing, Trixie could see the anger in her eyes. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
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jackalopefreckles · 4 years
I feel like Ive aged at least 6 years since covid started. Im angrier. Less adapted to being outside then I used to be- which is saying a lot. This time last year I was?? Actually healthier mentally then I had ever been and looking forward to having the house alone for a month which?? Was the most freedom I wouldve ever had.
A lots fucking changed. I drove halfway across the country- all 30 hours at once with my big brother AND two elderly dogs, plus my cat. All animals on too many drugs (the vet said they couldnt overdose, and then failed to give any further instruction) cami peed on herself twice, unable to move. I had to waterboard her in Phoenix, a truly terrifying hell city where all the roads are raised and overlapping and its a hot as shit cause its?? What june?? Time was so fake this year I mustve just been stoned the whole time till I ran out of weed, and since moving its been a relief to be able to turn off the spinning anxious thoughts for a few hours
my big brother joined us. He brought a new dog with him which?? Is always a lot, plus I have this pack of dogs now cause the puppy wouldnt leave the super cancer ridden dog alone, and Im able to get her cbd regularly here, so shes always comfortable now instead of just?? Sometimes which is a lot nicer. We didnt think shed make it to chrisrmas. I thought shed die with me home alone to take care of everything, like always. It was almost a relief, I wouldn't have to coach my brother through the grieving process at least, and I had already finished. Its hard now even, for me to realize she might even have another christmas (but I wont hold my breath)
I feel safer going outside here then I did in Austin. I only went out a handful of times in texas, for the last few months I was ordering almost all groceries, and only going to the store once mask mandates were mandatory (theyre not anymore. Im so worried for texas. I missed a huge freeze by mere months. I dont think my elderly dogs wouldnt survived it. If I was alone with them, Im not sure I woudlve.
My parents took my brother to mexico with them. I begged them not to go, told them how irresponsible it was to travel across boarders. To visit an island and take all the plane germs with. I told them that even if my mom and brother were staying at home all day with me, my dad was still going to work and he didnt know what his coworkers were doing. That they wouldn't know what the people on the plane were doing. That at any point they could become the stupid americans that killed half an islands population.
They left a week after today last year. The boarders were closed the next day. Their friend has been traveling back and forth ever since. I have no idea how, except for the fact shes white and rich and wont hesitate to destroy a child, so I can only imagine how shed treat costomer service.
I will no longer allow this angry aggressive woman to ever make me feel bad, and I will allow myself to finally fight back. Im an adult, maybe not all the time (cause lets be real I'll always be a bit too eccentric for most) but when I get angry and allow myself that anger, it's not a bad thing. Anger doesn't have to make me feel like Ive done something wrong. Im usually very just in my actions, and I wont allow my parents influence to tell me all anger is misdirected and hurtful for reasons I couldnt understand. Its okay for me to be angry.
I think being alone with animals for months is at least reassuring that my childhood was unreasonable if nothing else. Which of course is a silly polite society term for pretty fucked, if nothing else.
My aunt had to gall to say weve had a good 2020 cause our family wasnt hurt, and I had to walk away from the zoom call. I haven't attempted communication with any of them since, not that I normally do. Of course none of us died, all rich old white people, most of them retired and able to stay home all day (not that all of them did, I learned about my grandfathers routine and just.. Im honestly surprised no one got it yet. Of course I knew from the beginning if anyone was gonna get it and die, it probably wouldve been me. Hence the 8 months of solitude before the move.
Was the move in August?? Im so unsure about time. Even with 2020 vision.
I tried to date when I moved here. Strictly on tinder. What was the point? On and off testosterone due to the wonders of texas, hadnt changed my body nearly as much as they should've a year after being on them. I look much more handsome now. Im also allowing myself to toss gender aside completely. He/him doesn't mean man, and they/them dont mean nonbinary, so why not mix them since Im?? Not really either.
It wasnt even a thought process like that to start. Much more "this is nice" which I think more gender should be allowed to be. Dont gotta be deep just comfortable.
I wont ever allow my parents to forget what they did. I ended up with three dogs I didnt want (I was so looking forward to not having any dogs) and I ended up taking care of my brother. Again. Its easier without my parents at least. Everything always is. My dogs are even happier. Cami finally isnt anxious 24/7. Again, a sad reminder my childhood wasn't great. Daisy is healthier. Trauma can be stored emotionally or with health issues, often both. I think the cancer dog getting better and?? Surviving and thriving so much longer then the vet said (how good was my old vet?) Is another unfortunate nail in thay proverbial coffin.
Im not as soft and openly loving. Im even more touch starved somehow. Harsher. I still want to choose love and compassion, but Im not letting myself fall into the trap of being so nice people wont be nice to you. Fighting back is something I wont feel shameful about, because it never stopped me from doing it completely anyway.
I was already reaching this on my own though. This was just more coffins, more nails. This didnt need to happen. We know our government let this happen. Its still letting it happen. Im not sure when Im getting my vaccine. My big brothers sick of quarentine and keeps trying to get us to go out. Sometimes I yield, and we go to a park, or the top floor of the parking garage. I get a vegan hotdog from nearby. We talk and laugh and were genuinely just. Boys being boys.
I shouldn't have to deal with parent shit anymore. I do though, especially since two out of three are unemployed and we can really only afford to live here cause of them (they owe me if anything though. Especially with my brother and these animals) I hope I can get a job soon. Or maybe even go back to school. Im lucky I had so much saved up (for top surgery, which I guess wont happen before Im 25 like I really tried for. I wouldve done it before now, but texas waitlists and rules kept holding me up. I literally went to an appointment in dallas, a 4 hour drive, just to found out the surgeon canceled on me for the second time)
Its incredibly depressing, and I know Im lucky to have had that stash. So many people didnt have anything and lost so much. People lost people. Half a million at this point. I remember when it got to 300,000 and I just?? Felt so awful it was so close to how many people we lost to AIDS. Its over that by so many now. It doesn't really stop, does it??
Is that catholic guilt?? Or maybe just irish guilt in general. Is it something I inherited or earned through all the end of the worlds and once in a lifetime recessions Ive been through. Im not sure how many off the top of my head, theyve been coming since I was so small and its always more and more. Im not even catholic anymore. I cant stop being irish though, even though the brits tried (and succeeded. Weve lost a lot. The current royal cotastrophy is bullshit as well, the only person who deserves a royal title is from Meniappolos
My home is decorate all inside for st patrick's day. My big brother loves it so Im going all out, and its def making me feel much more irish then usual (which is a lot Im over half)
I think I just wanted to say Im not the same. I hope I can still be happy an obnoxious is public. I wonder if I remember how
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quirkfics · 5 years
finding the time
commission for the lovely @sabbywrites
wordcount: 4k
warnings: smut, dirty talk, resolving UST (unresolved sexual tension), aged up
pairing: Sero Hanta x F!Model Reader
“Who's that babe with the hot Shiketsu girl?” Denki asks, resting his elbows on the counter and sliding back to lean against it, and- Hanta cringes. It's just a little bit, but watching Denki point a finger gun in someone's direction and miming shooting it? Mildly embarrassing. Blowing away the imagined smoke makes it so much worse.
“Shiketsu girl?” Hanta decides to ask, pointedly turning away from his friend and attempting to wave down the bartender. Really, he’s only poking at semantics because it’s Denki. He has a fairly good idea who he means, but honestly, they are out of school, and the only time Denki should be saying girl in regards to their heroic comrades is when there are actual girl children around. 
“Woman,” Denki corrects, narrowing his eyes Hanta’s way. “You know, Camie. Aren’t Todoroki and Bakugou still on good terms with her or something? And probably Midoriya too, come to think of it-” Denki sounds like he's gearing up for a complaint about their old classmates popularity with- well, with every gender. Hanta is not up for it today.
“Yeah, woman,” Hanta mocks, grinning when Denki’s bright smile morphs into a frown. “Isn’t she a year or two older than us anyway? Girl.” He laughs when Denki holds up a sparking finger in warning, and finally turns to glance over his shoulder. He can humor him, it won’t take long. “You better not be calling her that to… Oh.” Hanta can feel the smile sliding off of his face, and he knows that Denki is going to give him hell for it later, but Denki was right. 
You’re absolutely lovely, from the top of your head down to your toes and he feels like an utter fool, staring at you like some slack jawed idiot.
“I know, right?” Denki says, elbowing Hanta in the shoulder. “But, seeing as I saw her first-”
“Hey Camie!” Hanta shouts, waving to ensure her attention, completely speaking over Denki and ignoring his muttered expletives. “Long time no see!”
Camie doesn’t do the quick turn-around, honestly she’s too popular to try and find every person who calls her name, but she flips her hair over her shoulder and glances their way- and she’s smiling. She latches onto you, motioning in their direction. Cool, Hanta thinks, heart pounding. She’s coming over, she’s going to introduce us to her friend, this is-
“Camie! Hey, how’s it-” Denki starts to make his trademark finger gun again, which has Camie laughing as she tugs you to a stop. 
“Chargebolt, Cellophane,” Camie says, and Hanta could almost swear she was smirking when she said his hero name. She introduces you without preamble, but the way she says your name is more than passingly fond. 
Denki snaps his fingers as soon as she does. “That’s why I know you! That editorial with those stellar lights? You did great!” He whistles, which leaves Hanta with raised eyebrows. “Model,” Denki explains, expression sly. He opens his mouth, ready to continue talking up a storm, but Camie suddenly latches onto his arm.
“Oh my god, Chargebolt, you have to meet someone - we’ll catch you two later!” Camie throws over her shoulder, nearly dragging Denki off into the crowd. 
Hanta turns back to ask what that was about and is nearly bowled over by the dazzling smile you’re directing his way.
“That wasn’t obvious at all, was it?” You ask, laughing like you’re shy. The look on your face is full of confidence, even though your hands are twisting nervously, but Hanta still feels like a fool because he is like- two steps behind on all of this. Something was obvious, and he has no idea what it was because all he can think is-
“Obvious?” Hanta asks, and feels a horrific blush crawling up his throat when you offer him your hand and introduce yourself again. “Oh! Ah, Sero Hanta,” he murmurs, hoping desperately that his hand isn’t sweaty or clammy. You don’t pull away or exclaim in disgust, so he thinks, or hopes, rather, that he’s in the clear. “So, you model?” He asks, sure that he’s acting the dunce
“Minor amount of hero work, so modelling has been my go-to. I like it, actually, but- and this might seem a little silly: I wanted you to know, I have been a fan of yours for a while-” 
Hanta’s heart speeds. “No kidding? That is- that’s awesome-” For a moment he has no idea where to go with this. Is he overthinking things? You said fan, there’s no way that you- “Uh, hey, want a drink while we chat?” He jerks his thumb at the bartender, who is slowly making his way back towards Hanta, and relief floods him when you smile again. 
“I’d love that,” you say, moving closer to the bar - and Hanta, hell, he can feel the warmth of you near his shoulder - while you wait to order. The longer you stay, the easier it gets for him to loosen up, and you don’t look like you’re trying to search for a way out. Hanta still thinks he doesn’t have a chance in hell of scoring your number, but you’re gorgeous and funny and- he is totally developing a crush on you, and is more than willing to spend the rest of his evening by your side. You discuss some of your work while you wait for the drink, but even after you accept the glass, you don’t really light up until you turn to him with questions about his latest hero exploits. If he didn’t know better, he would think you were a journalist - it’s all too easy for you to get him talking.
“You have got to tell me about that insect villain you took down a couple weeks ago - the tape as a web?” You give him a small thumbs up before you take a sip of your drink. You then have to set it down and laugh because Hanta knows he’s blushing now. Truth be told, he’d been a little embarrassed about the web thing. “Are you blushing?” You ask, reaching up to tap a single finger against his cheek. You don’t sound like you’re making fun of him or anything though. You sound like- like you’re flirting, and Hanta is pretty sure you are way out of his league.
It feels like it takes eons to get the story out, but you seem to think he’s as quick witted as his interviews typically show him. You laugh at his jokes and let him ramble, but he’s pleased to find that you’re perfectly willing to discuss your interests too. 
“To be honest,” you say in a whisper, leaning in close so he can hear it over the milling crowd. “I would much rather be home in sweatpants.” You straighten, gesturing down at your carefully tailored outfit. “Honestly, who can live in clothes like this?”
Hanta snorts into his drink and nearly chokes. “If it’s any consolation,” he offers, taking the small stack of bar napkins you hand him and wiping his face. “You can rock just about anything. Sweatpants should be more widely accepted.”
Hanta feels like he’s on cloud nine. The conversation never slows down and before he realizes it, the charity event is nearly done, you’ve strolled through the room with him twice over, arm hooked in his- and Denki and Camie are still nowhere in sight. He… Doesn’t really want the evening to end. 
“They’re wrapping up,” you say with a sigh, glancing up at the stage. It feels like his heart shoots up into his throat. He wants to ask for your number, but what if you’d just been passing the time with him because- “Listen, I have to head out - early work day tomorrow,” you explain, an apology in the downward curl of your lips. “But we should do this again sometime!”
Hanta blinks in surprise. “Yeah?” He asks, still feeling like he’s two steps behind as you tap something out on your phone and then turn it his way. You’re- you’re asking for his number! Hanta knows that he’s smiling, can feel the ache in his cheeks, but all he can think about is his name in your phone, followed by ~Cellophane~ and a web emoji. Never mind his previous embarrassment, if that stupid insect villain helped score him a date with you, he’s going to send the guy a care package in jail. 
“Can’t miss the chance to get to know you better,” you tease and then carefully take your phone back, fingers flying over the screen. A moment later, his phone buzzes in his pocket and he takes it out to see a string of emojis in his notifications, ending with a kissing face. 
He’s going to combust. 
“Wonderful,” you declare, smile turning a little nervous. “Maybe next time you’re free we can go on a date and-” 
Hanta trips, but you steady him before he can fall. When he straightens up he hurriedly agrees to the date, ignoring the fact that’s probably a vibrant red- and from somewhere across the room, he hears Denki whooping.    
Despite exchanging numbers and trying to plan an actual date though, the both of you end up being terribly busy a good portion of the time. Hanta’s versatile quirk takes him out of the city frequently, and so does your modeling. For the next two weeks you both have to settle for texting, which is frequent, or calling, which is less so. At one point you get to video chat, though it feels like something straight out of a comic book, because Hanta props his phone on building ledge and takes down a small group of villains with leaping quirks in between conversation. One of the villains tries to make a snide comment about Cellophane’s girlfriend and ends up in a tape cocoon, hanging upside down.
He surprises you with coffee once on a shoot, and is nearly mobbed with attention for his trouble. In the end you only get to spend about 10 minutes in his company before his phone is ringing and you’re being called back by the photographer. Both of you enjoy your work, you understand, but- it’s getting a little frustrating when you’re on each other's minds so much, and all you can do is grab a few spare hours together, and never all at once. 
“Call in,” Camie says over the phone one afternoon, tapping awkwardly at a keyboard. You’re fairly sure she’s trying out some new promotional product - Camie gets so many gifts from fans and companies that you’re not sure she knows what to do with them all. 
“But I-”
“He has the day off and you’re only due for something minor - seize that moment,” Camie insists, and then pops her bubblegum right next to the phone. She apologizes almost immediately, though you still have to rub at your ear to stop the stinging. 
“I’m just a little nervous, it’s our first date-”
“Pssh. First?? Didn’t you grab lunch together twice this week?” 
You have to pause before you answer that one. Did you? You count silently and then shrug, even though she can’t see you. “Yeah, but-”
“And breakfast last week. Are you classifying a date as dinner or-” Camie’s muffled laughter echoes over the line, followed quickly by a scraping noise as she pushes the keyboard away from her. “You two have been dating since the charity.”
Camie is.. Most definitely right. You just haven’t quite noticed. The rising tension between the two of you is almost overwhelming, and it’s all you can think about whenever he has to head out or back to work or you get called in for a show. You call out on the small job tomorrow, and immediately let Hanta know you’re free. 
Part of you expects the day to be a bit awkward. You’ve both been out of your mind trying to scrape together every spare second, but when you see him walk through the restaurant door all you feel is an overwhelming sense of joy. It’s still a little odd to see him in casual clothes, though to be honest, you’re fairly sure he could be a model himself, if he had any interest in it.  
“That’s a big smile,” Hanta teases, though he doesn’t have any room to speak with his megawatt grin lighting up the room. He pulls out a chair to join you, and then his expression turns a little goofy when he realizes you ordered his coffee for him. “Something good happen this morning?”
“Other than getting to spend time with you?” You shrug, all nonchalance, and then pause, tapping your fingers against the side of your mug. “So it’s been pointed out to me that… Well, we’ve kind of been dating this whole time?”
Hanta freezes with his drink halfway to his mouth. 
“I mean, we do grab meals together all the time and even though we’ve been lamenting not having a first date, we’ve kind of-”
“Had a whole bunch?” He asks, cheeks turning rosy. “Yeah. That’s- ‘s kinda true, huh? Are you… Are you happy about that?”
“Yes,” you blurt, and then both of you are laughing. During breakfast, at least, the tension eases and the both of you are finally able to grab more than a few minutes of conversation. You get to talk about more than just daily updates, or the quality of the food and it’s- it’s everything you both have been wanting. 
The day blazes by, though tension starts to amp up with every little touch between the two of you, every second more spent in one another's company. There’s always been attraction between you, but now- now there’s feelings involved. He’s sweet, and funny, and has a fierce love for orange flavored everything- and his hand curling around your wrist when he helps you down some stairs has your heart pounding. He laughs whenever you tease him, like he can’t believe his good luck, and you catch sight of his jaw starting to drop whenever you bite or lick your lips. He’s made frequent aborted movements all day, like he’s going to try and kiss you, or he’s shifting in his seat to adjust himself- You don’t feel any better. You have to stop yourself from tugging on stray locks of his hair or pulling him in close for a hug whenever you have to wait in line for food or tickets, just because you want to feel him pressed against you.
Halfway through dinner you stretch your leg, and your foot brushes against his ankle- and then both of you freeze like you have stage fright. 
“Trying to play footsie?” Hanta teases, smiling down at his meal. “I mean, I can’t blame you- have you seen my legs? I do a lot of squats-” He laughs, hiding his face when you flick a small bit of food his way. He brushes the crumb off, but his smile stays just as vibrant as ever. 
“Seriously?” You ask, trying to keep a straight face while kicking gently at his shoe. “All the ways you could have worded that and you joke about squats?” You shake your head, though your heart beats double time when he catches your foot between his ankles. This is getting ridiculous, knowing how much you want each other. 
So you can admit that you’ve had a few dates now. It’s just that… You’ve never been alone when you do. Coworkers usually abound, and even if they’re not in the immediate vicinity, you know they’re watching, for curiosity’s sake, or for gossiping reasons- neither of you have had the chance to just be alone. The last few hours, it’s been all you can do not to breathlessly ask him to take you back to his place because you want to kiss him, damn it, and… Either of you smooching someone in public is sure to warrant a tabloid photo somewhere. It’s not that you mind that, but you’d rather keep a few things to yourself, thanks much.
“Alright,” you decide aloud, pushing away your half eaten plate. “I say we take this to go, and unless you’re busy tomorrow, I- what are you-” You turn your head to see what Hanta is waving at, and see the waiter coming your way. 
“If you’re going to say what I think you are, I’m grabbing the check,” he clarifies. “...please tell me if I thought wrong though? Because if I did, I’m probably going to pay and then eat the receipt because embarrassment is nigh.”
You have to hide your smile behind your hand. “No, you thought right. Receipt eating will not be necessary.”
You run into a few minor issues along the way - a detour because of a hero and villain battle up ahead, and then a group of teen girls make a beeline for you when you decide to make a pit stop at a convenience store- you don’t particularly mind the last, though you promise yourself you’re going to pinch Hanta later. He’s standing in another aisle, mimicking their excitement, just tall enough for you to see over the shelves. When you finally make it to Hanta’s place, you swear you can hear your pulse in your ears, and Hanta is no better. He fumbles with his keys and keeps glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, like he’s afraid if he blinks you’re just going to wink out of existence.
As soon as Hanta locks the door between you two and the rest of the world, you stop thinking. He sweeps you up into his arms, nearly lifting you off of the floor, and plants a kiss on you that has your brain short circuiting. Every little moment, every little stolen touch or time you’d held hands was just building up that pool of desire and now it feels like you can barely breathe through it. Hanta’s fingers press just right into your hips and he groans when you bite his lower lip as run your hand through his hair. He lets you tilt his head to the side, tugging on the hair in your hand and curses as soon as your mouth touches his neck. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking about this,” he tells you, shoulders shifting. “You keep getting this look on your face-” He says, and you gasp, legs wrapping around his hips reflexively as he hauls you up into his arms. “And all I can think about is you making that face in bed.”  You let him carry you through his house, clutching precariously to his shoulders. 
“Maybe you should show me,” you say, and then squeak when he falls back on his bed with no warning. He laughs when he sees your face, but then seems to realize that his hands are still wrapped around your thighs and you’re on top of him and- His expression goes a little slack. You shift, and Hanta shudders as you brush against him.
“You’re so fucking warm,” he mutters, glancing between you like he’s expecting to see bare skin already. You rock against him again, just to see the blissful look on his face and start slipping off your clothes. His hands slide from your thighs back up to your hips as you do, breath growing a little short as he watches you with wide eyes. “You’re gonna kill me,” he mutters, moving his hands further up your body. “You know that? Just looking at you is making it hard to functi-” You press yourself against him, leaving him speechless. His thumbs just barely brush over your breasts before you’re sliding off of him to ditch the rest of your clothes.
Hanta tries to follow suit, but keeps fumbling, moving too fast- you’re fairly sure you hear the tell-tale sound of something ripping, but as soon as he’s free of the constriction, he’s tugging you back into his arms. You’ve been waiting for so long to kiss Hanta that every brush of lips has you going back in for more. He stumbles back against the bed, hands stroking over your shoulder blades and then makes a wrecked noise against your mouth when you take his erection in hand. When you squeeze him, his knees start to buckle. 
“Trying to take the lead, huh?” He breathes out, fingers trembling against your spine as he presses a wet kiss against your shoulder. “Get me on my knees? Or do-” Hanta curses when you start stroking and follows your gentle push towards the bed. He sits, and lays down at your prompting. 
“Mm, I like the way you talk to me,” you murmur, straddling his legs and leaning down for another kiss. Part of you thinks you should take your time, but this drawn out wait has been frustrating, and Hanta doesn’t seem to have any complaints about the speed. When you press him between your thighs this time, Hanta hands spasm.
“Fucking wet,” he mumbles, lifting his head so he can see. The wait was definitely worth it - he’s ridiculously warm when you rock your hips, pressing him inside you, and between the feeling and look on his face. “Do I- fuck, do I have to stay still?” He asks, hands still frozen between your back and your hips. 
“Do you want to?” You can’t help asking, and then you’re clutching at his shoulders for purchase as he thrusts up into you. 
“N-no. I want to touch, want to try and-” It takes a moment before you both find a rhythm, timing his thrusts with the rocking of your hips, all the while he’s telling you how beautiful you are, how much he’s been thinking about you, how he dreamed less than a week ago of finally having you in his office. “Was a- a mess when I woke up,” he pants, reaching up to curl his fingers around the back of your neck. He pulls you in close enough to kiss, but he’s still talking. “And then you called, and your voice-” Hanta finally seems to run out of words. His hips stutter and then his thighs start to tremble when you kiss him, swallowing down the noise he’s making. You think he might be getting close, but then he’s wrapping arms around you and rolling you onto your back. 
The angle change has you hurriedly breaking the kiss, your back arching, leaving your mouth almost numb from all the attention. Hanta shifts until the front of his thighs are pressed to the back of yours and picks the pace back up. His cheeks are flushed and his hair is sticking to his forehead, and then he’s reaching between your thighs to press his thumb to your clit and you’re seeing stars. You vaguely recall him saying your name, but you’re shaking and trying to catch your breath- and then Hanta is pulling out of your and coming over your abdomen, his hands clutching at your knees. 
He laughs almost as soon as he’s finished, brushing hair out of his face. “Ahh, I seriously thought I wasn’t going to make it,” he tells you, only the smallest amount of shame in his face. “I have been a mess since that morning you called. I thought for sure you could hear my thoughts and any minute you were going to say something about-”
“Hanta, you are ridiculous.”
“-ly good in bed?” He finishes with a cocky smile, standing up and then frowning down at the pile of clothes on the floor. “Lemme grab a towel.”
He leaves before you can answer, but you call out: “That too!” and relax back against the comforter, a smile on your face. Your phone buzzes on the floor, but you flat out ignore it. All you really want to do is take a break for cleanup, and maybe some food, and bring Hanta back to bed. After all, you waited long enough, didn’t you?
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franeridart · 5 years
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Anon said: Hi, i’m not trying to be a jerk, but i notice that you tend to write strengHT instead of strengTH. I thought i should point that out so in the future you can avoid these mistakes and your great art can be even better
I’ll try my best to remember that this time around, but to be fair I couldn’t manage it twelve years ago when I was being graded for my english spelling, I’m pretty sure I’ll forget about which way is right in two seconds flat now that there’s no good reason why I should be careful about what I write :D as an italian person, it just makes no sense in my brain that the h wouldn’t go after the g. That just how it be.
Anon said: You made me fall in love with your art style. I just... asdpljzdfsz. I dunno. I look so forward every time I see it. Reminds me that there's still brightness in this dark world. *cough corny I know* But please. Keep doing what you do. And thank you for sharing this with us.
Ah gosh anon thank you so so much!!!! That’s so sweet of you oh my god T^T<3
Anon said: Is that Vampire!Kiri and Werewolf!Bakugou or something similar??
dragon!Kiri+werewolf!Baku :D
Anon said: Quick question about Akane’s powers if that’s ok! Do her powers work on things that weren’t originally red? Like Kirishima’s hair, for example; things that have been dyed red but didn’t start out that way. Idk, this might be a super niche question, but I was wondering! Your Baku!Daughter is adorable though, I love her and him and all of your KiriBaku thank you so much for sharing your talent!!!
I’ve drawn her more than once messing up Kiri’s hair, so yes, she can move Kiri’s hair too! to be fair if her power only allowed her to move stuff that’s, like, naturally red? she wouldn’t be able to move much of anything at all lmao
Anon said: Sorry if i’m missing smthng but have you ever drawn Camie?
I have, like, once? In the middle of a bunch of Bakus I drew after that one chapter where he laughed and killed me, man I love Bakugou so much
Anon said: Did you ever think of the bakusquad as a poly relationship?
Yep! It’s valid but I’m not into that
Anon said: Saw your recent asks and don't be hard on yourself! Horikoshi's Bakugou is actually not that complex, but you have put him in... hundreds? of scenarios by now, and some are really moving and sweet. Yours feels like he's part of a universe rather than its center (regardless of what he believes :-P), which makes for very fun interactions!
Aw anon please don’t come in my inbox and say that my favorite character isn’t as deep as I think he is, I know you probably mean well but all you’re managing is making it very hard for me to refrain from writing the longest eassey on why Bakugou is the best character ever and why I feel like you’re missing 90% of his personality when you come at me and tell me the fact that I make him in love gives him more depth than all the endless amount of emotions and situations Horikoshi has put him through
I’m not being hard on myself!!! I just love him!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said: Have you ever drawn Fatgum? I tried searching on your blog, but nothing came up, but that could be the *brilliance* of tumblr. If not, do you think you might, sometime? I am convinced he'd look so cute, in your style! What could be better than my fave artist drawing one of my fave characters? Anywho, whether you do or not, I still adore your art, and look forward to your posts. Take care, play safe, and stay MAGICAL! ✌💜
I have! Pretty sure he’s in my tagged/fatgum! And thank you!!
Anon said: when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite accounts (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!)🌻 Passing on the ask, ily!
Awww thank you! Five things five things five things.......................... I like my hair? I like myyyyyyyy hands! I like that I know how to fix things! I like that it’s easy for me to solve puzzles! I like that I managed to learn how to draw comics!!! Comics are great I should draw a new one
Anon said: I recently sent in a question (wasn’t a question just me fangirling) but omg I cannot stress how much your art brightens my day and inspires me to keep working on my own art so yeah (I’m sorry I feel like this is spam)
Absolutely not spam!!! thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (TT^TT)<3<3
282 notes · View notes
jjmaybanksbaby · 4 years
The Summer Game: The Kook Party (Chapter 1)
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word count - 3.2k words
warning- a fair amount of swearing, underage drinking, some smut at the end, vomiting/throwing up
Meets the OCs! Ember Elizabeth Mason Blakely Marie Turner
Catch Up On the Story! Prologue
The second that Blakely woke up, a wave of nauesa hit her. She covered her mouth with her hand and ran to her attached bathroom, desperately trying to avoid puking her guts all over her bedroom. She kneeled in front of the toilet just in time for the evidence of last night to make an appearance. A horrible headache loomed in the back of her skull. This was not an ideal way to start the morning but Blakely lknew better than anyone how to handle a hangover. 
The events of last night were still fresh in her mind and Blakely didn’t have much trouble remembering them. Blakely had swiped a bottle of champagne before Ember and her had snuck out of their own graduation dinner to escaped to the beach. While they had sat there, staring at the ocean, Ember had proposed a sort of game to ensure the summer was that much more interesting. The girls had laid on the sand ironing out details and drowning themselves in champagne until Ember’s mother found them. The disappointment on her face when she discovered the girls covered in sand and well on their way to drunk was obvious. But Blakely was use to disappointing her parents so she didn’t care much; however, she felt a bit bad for her best friend who was sure to get a stern talking to about responsibility or something like that. 
Blakely peeled herself off the bathroom floor and stood in front of her mirror. She went through her daily skin routine, something she’d been doing since the first signs of acne appeared on her face in 6th grade. If she had nothing out, Blakely had flawless skin. She twisted her long blonde hair into a bun at the top of her head, examine herself in the mirror for a moment more before finally heading downstairs in search of something to eat. 
Blakely entered the kitchen to find her mom sitting at the island, a cup of coffee in one hand and her phone in the other. No one could ever accuse Blakely’s mom of being “tech-illiterate”. She was up to date on all the lastest who’s who and what’s what across every social media. While some kids might love having such a hip mom, Blakely found this extremely annoying. 
Blakely walked over the platter of pastry sitting in the middle of the island. Her dad had the biggest sweet tooth so there was always some form of sugar laying around the house. 
“Oh, honey. Are you sure you want to eat that?” Blakely’s mom said as Blakely reached for pastry. “Why don’t you have something a little healthier. You don’t wanna start the freshman 15 early now, do you?” 
This was subtle way Blakely’s mom had body-shamed her ever since she hit her teen years. It was never explicitly just a little comment here and there about what Blakely was eating or how great another girl looked in her size 00 whatever. You couldn’t even call it “fat-shaming” because Blakely had never weighted more than 115 pounds in her life. 
Blakely replaced the croissant she had picked and grabbed a banana from the bowl of fruit instead. Sometimes she would ignore the comments from her mother and do whatever she pleased but right now, the hangover was putting her in no mood to get into a fight with her mom. 
Down the street in the Mason household, Ember wasn’t having that much better of a morning. Ember’s older brother, Dylan, had decided today was a great day to announce to the family that he was dropping out of Brown to focus his energy on his start-up. The concept for which had yet to decided so really he just wad dropping out of college. 
Ember had grabbed her plate of breakfast and made a quick exit from the kitchen after her brother dropped this bomb. Now, she was sitting on her bed listening to muffled sounds of the argument coming from below. In reality, she owed her brother a small thank you. His announcement would take the heat off her for a little while. Lately, her mom had been pressuring her to make some firm decision about what she was going to study in the fall but Ember couldn’t seem to picture any of her future. 
Ember reached over and grabbed her cell phone off her bedside table. She unlocked it and sent a quick next to Blakely. 
E: want to go for a drive? family drama bleh 
B: be there in 15 bb
Ember and Blakely’s drives were a staple of their friendship. They had taken the first one the day Blakely had turned 16 and been gifted a Jeep by parents and they’d only grown from there. Sometimes they would talk the whole time, venting to one other about their problems. Other times, they would blast the music and scream every word. 
Just as Ember was about to get up and change into something other her pajamas, her phone buzzed with another notification. She opened to find a text from Sarah Cameron to their group chat. 
Sarah: party tn @ kelce’s place 9pm be there bitches 
Ember shut off her phone without responding to the text. She knew Blakely and her would go, there wasn’t a party on Figure Eight that they missed. It partying was an olympic sport, Ember and Blakely would have more gold metals than they could count. They could turn any party into the best time and more importantly, they knew their limits so they were never the ones throwing up and having to be carried home. It was a science they had long mastered. 
Ember traded in her sweatpants for a pair of faded denim short and pulled a Georgetown crewneck over the cami she had slept in. She ran a brush through her gorgeous brown hair before finally pulling it up in a ponytail. Only a moment after she had finished getting ready she heard Blakely pull into her driveway. Ember slide her phone into the back pocket of her shorts, slipped on a pair of sandals and ran down the stairs. 
“I’m going on a drive with Blakely.” Ember yelled as she slipped out the front door. 
Ember strutted down the driveway putting on a little show for her best friend before she pulled herself up into Blakely’s Jeep. Ember plugged her phone into the aux cord, queuing up one of their classic driving playlist as Blakely backed out of the driveway. 
“So,” Blakely started. “What’s new in the Mason household?” 
“Dylan is dropping out of Brown to, and I quote ‘focus on his start-up’.” Ember replied. 
“Since when does he have a start-up?” Blakely asked. 
“That’s the best part. He doesn’t even really have one. My parents are trying to talk him out of it but he’s turning 21 in July so there’s really not much they can do to stop him.” 
“Shit.” Blakely laughed. “Didn’t see that one coming from Dylan.” 
“How life in the Turner home?” Ember question. 
“Just my mother preaching her ‘A man won’t love you if you weight more than 120 pounds’ bullshit per usual.” 
“You know that’s not true right?” Ember said. 
“Yeah, I know.” Blakely responded. “Half the time it’s just easier to eat the nasty whole wheat shit rather than start a fight with her.” 
Ember glanced over at her best friend. “Should we get coffee?” 
“Yes, please.” Blakely said a she turned onto Main Street, heading to their favorite coffee shop. 
It wasn’t until later in the day, when the girls were at Blakely’s house, getting ready for Kelce’s party that one of them brought up the game. 
Blakely was standing in front of her full length mirror in just her undergarment holding up different dress opinions. So far, none of them were clear winners. Ember was sitting at Blakely’s vanity transforming her straight brown hair into beachy waves. 
“If I fuck Kelce tonight, I’m still counting it for full points because even though we’ve done it before.” Blakely declared as she held a leopard print slip dress up to her chest. 
“Are you gonna fuck Kelce tonight?” Ember countered. 
Blakely shrugged her shoulders. “It wasn’t bad the last time. Plus I keep getting vibes that he wants to do it again.” 
The first and only other time that Blakely had slept with Kelce had been during the senior spring break trip to Florida back in April. Both Blakely and Kelce had been pretty tipsy when it happened and they didn’t talk about it afterwards but Blakely wouldn’t be too surprised if it happened again tonight.
Blakely disappeared into her closet to search for her hot pink chunky heels to pair with the dress. “Who do you have your eyes on tonight?” She yelled out to Ember. 
Ember set the curling iron down for a minute and sighed deeply. “Nobody really.” She admitted. “God, I hope there’s some body new at this party.”
“Willing to take half points and slum it with a Touron?”
“You know Tourons never end up at Kook parties.” Ember answered as she went back to curling her hair. 
“You never know babe. Tonight could be your lucky night.” Blakely said. 
“I doubt it.” Ember muttered softly to herself, not feeling very optimistic. 
Ember and Blakely walked into the party just after 9:30. The bass coming from the speakers was so loud it caused the walls to shake slightly. The furniture had been pushed to the sides of the room to make space for a dance floor which was covered with plenty of couples pressed up against each other. The stench of beer was overwhelming and the number of red solo littered around the house made it obviously that many of the night’s activity would be alcohol induced.  
Sarah Cameron jumped up from her spot on Topper’s lap when she spotted Ember and Blakely enter the room. 
“You came!” She giggled, pulling the girls into a hug. Her breath reeked of alcohol and she had to yell over the music for Ember and Blakey to hear her. “Oh my gosh Blakely! Kelce has already asked about you twice!” She held up two fingers in front of Blakely’s face as to emphasis her point. 
A smirk slowly spread across Blakely’s face. “Did he now?” Blakely threw her arm over Ember’s shoulder. “Should we go find the boys?” She asked her. 
“I’m sure they’ve been patiently waiting our arrival.” Ember replied. 
Sarah lead Ember and Blakely through the dance floor to the corner where Topper, Rafe and Kelce were currenlty camped out. 
“Look who finally showed up.” Rafe said as the girl approached. 
“We wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” Blakely responded as she plopped down between Rafe and Kelce. 
“Be a gentlemen and get us some drinks, Rafe.” Ember said, shoving him off the end of the couch so she’d have room to sit down. 
“Get your own damn drinks, princess.” He snapped. 
Ember pushed out her bottom lip in a pout. “Please Cameron.” 
Rafe rolled his eyes before stomping away in the direction of the keg. Kelce stiffed a laugh as Rafe walked away. 
“He’s for sure afraid of you two.” Kelce said. 
Blakely turned to face Kelce and ran one of her fingers down his biceps causing his adam’s apple to bob. 
“And what are you?” She asked him. 
Kelce took a long drink from the cup he was holding. “This feels like a trick question that I’m gonna pass on.”
Blakely playful smacked Kelce on the arm. “What a cop out.”
Rafe finally returned to the group holding a few couple of beer between his fingers.
“Rafe’s back with the beer. Thank God.” Ember said, taking the drinks from him.
“You’ll aren’t gonna fucking believe who’s here.” Rafe said. 
“Who?” Blakely asked as she took a sip of her beer. 
Ember froze at the sound of Kie’s name. “She’s here?” Ember managed to say. 
“Right over there.” Rafe pointed over his shoulder to the kitchen. 
“What the hell is she doing here?” Blakely asked. 
“Oh! I invited her!” Sarah chirped. 
Ember’s eyes got big. “Why the fuck would you invite her?” 
Sarah rolled her eyes dramatically. “We talked it and we’re friends again so I invited her. Friends invite friends to their parties, duh.” 
One look at Ember’s face let Blakely know that Ember was about two seconds away from going off on Sarah if she didn’t intervene. 
“Kelce.” Blakely said. “I think Ember here need’s something a little stronger than this beer. Where might you be hiding the good stuff?” 
“In my dad’s study. Third door on the right. Don’t mess up anything.” 
Blakely leaned down to whisper into ear, “You’ll be properly rewarded for this when I get back.” Then she grabbed Ember’s hand and pulled her up. “C’mon Ember, we’re way too sober to deal with this shit.” She flashed Sarah some deathly side away before walking away. 
“I can’t believe she fucking invited her.” Ember said the moment they were out of earshot of the others. 
“I can’t believe how fucking annoying Sarah is the second she gets a drop of alcohol in her system. Like learn how to hold your liquor.” Blakely replied as she opened one of the doors in the halfway. She sighed in frustration when it was only the laundry room. She spun around and opened the door across the hall. This time, the door opened to reveal an expensive looking study. “Bingo.” 
“She may have forgiven Kiara for all the shit she caused but I’m never going to.” Ember said as she followed Blakely into the study. Ember sunk down into the leather couch that was positioned under the large window while Blakely flung open the cabinets behind the large oak desk in search of some vodka. 
“Okay so simple solution. Just grind on Rafe all night and pretend Kiara doesn’t even exist.” Blakely opened the bottom cabinet on the right to find it stocked full of top shelf liquors. She shuffled the bottles around until she found a bottle of Tito’s. “Now were talkin’.” Blakely said. 
Blakely unscrewed the cap and took a decent size swig before walking over and handing the bottle to her friend. Ember happily accepted it and pressed the bottle to her lips, taking a decent sized swig herself. 
“You gonna be okay if we go back out there?” Blakely asked Ember. 
“Sarah’s a bitch.” Ember replied. 
Blakely laughed in response. “And Kiara’s a fake who doesn’t deserve the time of day from you. Now, let’s go.” She stood up once again and offered Ember her hand. Ember let Blakely lead her back out to party, determined to not let Kiara’s unwanted appearance ruin her night. 
When they rejoined the group, Ember grabbed Rafe’s hand and dragged him out to the dance floor.
“Woah, woah woah.” Rafe protested. “You know I don’t spend parties on the dance floor.” 
Ember turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face was inches from his. “Can you just shut up and let me dance on you for a while.” 
Rafe threw his hands in surrender. “Anything for you, princess.” 
Ember took another swing from the bottle of vodka that now had become permanently attached to her hand before turning back around and grinding her hips into Rafe’s pelvis. 
Meanwhile, Blakley had wasted no time climbed onto Kelce, straddling his legs.
“I think it’s about time you get that reward I promised you.” 
Kelce brought his hands to Blakely’s ass and gave it a little squeeze. “I think so too.” He said. 
Blakely cupped his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his. Kelce tangled his hands in Blakely’s hand as he slipped his tounge into her mouth. Blakely slide closer to him as the kiss turned increasingly sloppy. 
“Let’s go upstairs.” Kelce said as Blakely lowered her face to leave a hickey on his neck. She nodded and quickly slide off his lap. Kelce grabbed her hand and lead the way up the stairs to his bedroom. He had barely kicked the door closed before Blakely was attaching her lips back to his. 
The two of them stumped backwards in the dark room searching for the bed until Blakely back fell onto it. Kelce broke away from the kiss for a moment to pull his shirt over his head and Blakely felt a tingle between her legs at the sight of his perfeclty chiseled stomach.
Kelce slide back on top of her, moving his mouth down to leave little marks on her throat. Blakely wrapped her legs around his wasit in an attempt to keep him close to her. Kelce slide the straps of her dress down her arms until Blakely’s boobs slipped out. Kelce moved down her body and attached his mouth to her left nippled. He flicked her nipple with his tounge while he squeezed her other boob causing Blakely’s back to arc in pleasure as she screamed his name. 
Kelce started to plant kisses trailing down Blakely’s stomach when the door to his bedroom opened and Rafe bust in.
“Hate to interrupt what’s going on up here but Ember is puking her guts out downstairs and you need to go handle it.” 
Blakely let out an audiable groan as she sat up and slipped her dress back up onto her shoulders. She gave Kelce the kindest smile she could mangane. “Let’s finsh this another time, kay?” 
Even more than securing points for the game, Blakely was disappointed that she and Kelce had been interrupted. Blakely wasn’t interested in doing anything other than sleeping with Kelce but based on how the night had been doing, the sex would have been quite good.
Blakely hurried down the stairs to find Ember leaning over the kitchen sink. Sarah was holding back her hair and rubbing small cirles on Ember’s back as She vommitted into the sink. The bottle of Tito’s the girls had taken from Kelce’s dad’s office was on the floor completely empty. Blakely did a quick calculation in her head. She had taken a few shots of it but other than that, Ember must have drunken the majority of it.
“Oh fuck.” Blakely said which got Sarah’s attention. 
“Look’s who here. It’s Blakely. She gonna take you home and make sure you’re alright. How does that sound?” Sarah said to Ember in a voice usually resrved for puppies and small children. 
Blakely’s mentally rolled her eyes at the Cameron girl. “Thanks so much Sarah.” Blakely said in the sweetest voice she could muster up. “Ember is lucky to have you.” 
“I hope she’ll be okay.” Sarah replied. 
Blakely just smiled at Sarah and turned to Ember. “It’s time to get you outta here.” Blakely slung Ember’s arm around shoulder and half dragged, half carried Ember out of Kelce’s house, trying not to make too much of a scene.
They only had to stop one time on the way to Blakely’s car for Ember to puke. Blakely held back Ember’s hair as she barfed into the bushes out front of Kelce’s house. 
“We’re definitely gonna have to talk about this in the morning.” Blakely said to Ember. Tonight had make it incredibly obvious that Ember wasn’t over what had went down with Kiara four years ago. It hadn’t take one unexpected appearance at a party for Ember to throw all her boundaries out the window and get totally shit faced.
Blakely lead Ember to her Jeep that was parked just a bit down the street from Kelce’s house. She helped Ember up into the passenger seat then walked around the driver’s side and slide behind the wheel. 
“Please God don’t puck in my car Ember.” Blakely said as she turned on the ignition and shifted the car in drive. “And you definitely aren’t gonna remember this in the morning but I’m offically ahead in the game so at least tonight didn’t suck for both of us.” She added as she speed down the road toward home. 
a/n - i hope y’all enjoyed the first chapter! there’s gonna be a whole lot exposed about kie’s and ember’s past in the following parts so get ready for that!!!
comments/feedback are always appreciated!! :)
check out my entire masterlist here!
taglist! (drop a “🦋” in my inbox to be added to The Summer Game taglist)
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heroes-among-us-all · 6 years
Can I get NSFW headcanons of Chisaki, Dabi, and Camie with a kinky s/o? (Thank you for receiving my request! I love your blog)
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Despite being so averse to touch, he’s surprisingly not that vanilla in the bedroom, so he can definitely get on board with his S/O being a bit kinkier. 
A lot of his kinks have to do with a display of dominance and control—he enjoys some pretty heavy bondage, pet play, spanking, hair-pulling, and orgasm denial. He’s also an incredibly dirty talker, often saying filthy things to rile you up during sex.
The fact that you’re so kinky opens up a lot of possibilities for your sex life. Chisaki is a man who gets what he wants, but he would never take things too far in the bedroom and actually hurt you, especially if that kind of play isn’t something you enjoy. That’s why you being kinky is a positive; it enables him to be more rough without the risk of harming you. He might be a villain, yes, but the fact that you’re his S/O means he cares for you a great deal. 
Face-fucking is a big turn-on for him; there’s just something about gripping you by the hair and forcing his cock down your throat that makes him drunk with power. He makes sure to study the expressions you make the whole time, sometimes prodding you by the chin and outright demanding you stare right into his amber eyes. 
Depending on what your stance on toys is, Chisaki may incorporate them from time to time, but he usually prefers going without and knowing that he’s the one who’s making you feel good—he doesn’t like having to rely on some object to have to get you off. He does really enjoy using collars and leashes on you though; it just adds to that feeling that he’s completely dominating you, which he fucking loves. 
Chisaki doesn’t have much sex drive to begin with, so if you’re feeling horny and you throw yourself on him, it might not be something that he appreciates. Sex usually happens because he wants it, and it happens the way he wants it to. That being said, he’s not immune to your affections, and if there’s anyone that can get him in the mood, it’s you. Depending on how lustful you are, it might even spike his libido over time and make him crave sex in a way he never has. 
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He loves it, honestly—can’t imagine anything better than a partner who’ll let him live out all his filthiest desires. If he didn’t think you were perfect before discovering your sexual inclinations, he sure as hell does now. 
Dabi’s the type of guy who can go from 0 to 100 real quick, and even though he usually seems calm and aloof, it doesn’t take much to get him in the mood. He likes that since you’re so adventurous in the bedroom, you’re pretty much down for anything, anytime. 
He really likes bondage—namely, tying your wrists together and grabbing fistfuls of your hair while he takes you from behind. Goes without saying that he usually assumes the dominant role, but if he’s more mellowed out or tired, he doesn’t mind switching every now and then. Having you ride him is always nice, too. 
Will love it if you let him finish on your face; or pretty much any body part, really. Staining you with his seed just drives him insane. 
Dirty-talk is huge for Dabi, also. Having you be so open-minded and permissive allows for him to voice his most perverse fantasies, and say some really dirty, degrading things. He would never actually openly insult you, so knowing that you’re kinky enough to handle it really lets him run wild. 
Definitely has a sadistic streak, so it’s a plus if you beg for him to do all sorts of vile things to you. The sexual chemistry you guys have is honestly unreal, and you can hardly keep your hands off each other in public (which ultimately leads to a ton of quickies in alleyways and the darkened halls of the League’s hideout). 
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She thinks it’s awesome! Camie wants sex to be passionate, fun, and is totally fine with it getting a bit crazy at times. 
She’s mostly a switch; enjoys both being dominated by her S/O and also getting to dominate them from time to time. She’s always been a fairly spontaneous and adventurous person, which is why she’s excited to try new things in the bedroom. 
Probably won’t be okay with anything too hardcore, but has a fair deal of fetishes—biting, scratching, hair-pulling, dirty talk, and bondage. She also loves receiving hickeys from you, and openly displays them like some kind of badge of honor; the opposite is also true for leaving love bites all over her partner. 
Camie’s pretty big on giving oral, mostly because she loves hearing the effect she has on you, and how you practically melt under her touch. It’s also one of the main instances where she enjoys being dominated; having you pull her hair until she can barely breathe really gets her off.
One of her favorite things to do is dress up in some skimpy lingerie and then present herself to you, and she also appreciates if you do something similar for her. Another huge turn-on of hers is taking dirty pictures while doing the do, or straight-up recording the whole thing for the two of you to watch later. She’s glad that you’re more on the kinky side, because it means she can spam you with nudes all day (and hopefully receive some as well). 
If you’re game, she’s always wanted to try having sex in a semi-public area. The thrill of potentially getting caught makes it that much hotter for her. 
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
Love Hurts/4
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Elijah Mikaelson x reader
Part 4
Summary: Y/N got a letter from a lawyer from New Orleans that she had inherited a part of Mikaelson Estate. She will go there to find out what it was about, and meet two brothers Elijah and Klaus, who also part own the Estate. Why will love hurt?
a/n: thanks for reading and liking. I appreciate it  so very much. xoxo
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever
The next morning
The Plantation house
Elijah got dressed and now stopping in front of the mirror, he stood still for a moment. Closing his eyes, his heart fluttered a bit remembering her lips on his. The kiss so sweet, supple and warm. He shook his head a bit, and now went  downstairs finding Y/N in the kitchen having coffee and reading something on her tablet.
"Hey"- he said in a low voice.
"Hey"- Y/N raised her head at him with a small smile, even though her stomach was all clumped up-"there is still some coffee in the pot"
"Thank you, I am fine. Ahm- look - about last night-"
Y/N now interrupted him playing the whole thing down-
"Seriously, just forget it. I know I will stay away from the Bourbon."
"Right. Ok. Forgotten."- Elijah said as if he was relieved and continued-"I got to go back to town. Cami is returning from Florida and we need to go through the legal stuff. Jackson will drive you back or I can come back to pick you up later tonight."
"Oh, it's ok. Last night I talked to Josie and her brother- they have a car they want to sell. I am going to have a look, maybe I  buy it. I just hope it's not the pink one." -Y/N smiled.
"Oh, I hope so, too"- Elijah smiled now thinking of the prank played on Jackson. "See you later then " - he waved a little at her before exiting.
"Yeah"- Y/N slipped and as he got out, she draw a big silent breath trying to calm all her stomach butterflies somewhat.      
Her phone rang and she was so happy to see it was Bonnie. She picked it up saying=
"Hey- I've got great news"- Bonnie said chirpily announcing the following-"Damon and I coming down for a long weekend. I hope you will have free time so we can party."
"Sure. Oh, that's great."- Y/N said now her spirits picking up.
"So, sorry couldn't call you back yesterday, trying to get all done before we leave. So, how is it going?"
Y/N now went on telling her friend all the news regarding the Ball, as well as the great party she was  the night before, but left the part about kissing Elijah out.
In New Orleans, the day started as per usual for Hope, Klaus and Mary.
"Let's have a big dinner thing here, Mary- this Friday- I want to invite the new producer, her boyfriend, the director and some of the cast. Would you please do some of the New Orleans specialties."
Mary nodded in agreement.
"Thank you. You are a star. Here is some money."- Klaus said putting a couple of hundred dollar bills.
"I hope you were not gambling again"- Mary said.
Klaus put a finger on his lips whispering -"Pssst. Hope will hear you."
Mary sighed and shook her head.
"Go- and take her to school."- the housekeeper now urged him to leave as it was time they left.
Not long after, Elijah greeted Mary as he got into the house.
"I thought you would be staying at the Plantation till tonight?"- Mary was baffled to see him there.
"I have a meeting- about work."- Elijah replied.
Mary nodded a little now asking about Y/N, to which Elijah replied that she would be coming back sometime in the evening.
"I hope you had a great time at the party last night. I am so happy that things are moving upwards. Y/N is pure heart."
"Yes."- Elijah slipped and then excused himself as he needed to go change.
Some time later, Elijah went down to the study. After finishing talking to one of his friends, Gaspar Cortez, about the surveyor job in his firm, he walked to the window. He took a deep sigh as he looked out into the garden. He closed his eyes flashing back once again to the night before and Y/N’  lips landed on his so sweetly soft, so gentle at first, then so zealous and fiery, filling him up with zillion unexpected emotions inside.      
Him losing the control and pulling her to him deepening the burning kiss, holding her firmly in his arms. Then breaking away from it as if someone put a knife in his side, breathlessly looking at Y/N moving away from her saying-
"I - this not right- I - please don't get this wrong- I - am with Cami- I don't know what had happened-  we had too to much drink."
Y/N nodded with a gulp saying that he shouldn’t worry, waving it off as one of those things that happen. She then clumsily said she was thirsty and disappeared in the kitchen. He, himself went in the Salon and poured himself a glass of Bourbon. He heard Y/N leaving the kitchen and running up the stairs to the bedrooms. If he could he would have ripped his heart out there and then, that is how shitty he felt.
Elijah now looked at his phone, playing the message Camille had sent him the day before, when he was with Jackson going through the to do list.
"Hi darling, I have great news. I spoke to the judge and he is willing to give you shared custody of Marcel Jr, under the following condition- you need to get married. I told him that we are engaged and - I am sorry  I know we're not, but it just came out- and he said that then he sees no problem to have the case ruled in your favour"
As he had called her back he agreed to the marriage for the sake of the boy.
His phone went and he answered as it was Cami-
"Hi- yes- what time do you land?- ok-Yeah- I have a meeting with Gaspar. So can we meet first thing in the morning then?- sure- ok- I will see you tomorrow. Love you."
He sighed feeling a big churn in his stomach as he hung up. He could not understand how he was so worked up over this kiss. Now he swore that he will shake it.
"I can do this"- he muttered to himself exiting the study.
And so the day went on. Every one of them was busy doing their own thing- Klaus at the theatre, Hope at school, Mary shopping for the grand dinner,Elijah with Gaspar, Y/N at the Plantation.
All of them arrived home late in the evening, except for Mary and Hope, of course. 
Mary knew this strange vibe all too well and as she now made her usual round around the house, switching all the lights off. She stood for a brief moment by the portraits of Esther and Dahlia hanging on the wall of the study.
"Something is going on. I just hope it is not what I think it is. Ah, Ms Dahlia, Ms Esther, I feel a silent hurricane brewing in this house. Watch over them, please. I know you will."
Mary then exited the room and went to bed herself.
The next morning, Elijah went out very early, telling Mary that he was going to have breakfast out.
Y/N appeared at the kitchen not long after.
"Coffee? Beignets? Made them fresh this morning"- Mary offered as Y/N sat down at the kitchen table.
"Yes, thank you"- Y/N smiled at the housekeeper.
As the woman served her, she sat down with her asking about the preparations.
"It's nearly all done. I mean- I got everything organized.  There is one thing I want to ask you to do the Doberge cake. You've always done it. But if it is too much for you, I can ask the Deveraux sisters to come out to help you."
"It will be my pleasure"- Mary said-"you have truly looked at every detail."
"It has to be done right or not at all."- Y/N said and continued-"My best friend and her boyfriend are coming for a visit tomorrow and they will stay till Monday. I will take care of everything. You don't have to worry or cook for them. Can I put them in the guest room overlooking the garden?"
"You don't have to ask. This is your house, too."- Klaus now said entering the kitchen with Hope.
"Exactly"- Mary said getting up.
"Yes- it just feels - still a bit - strange"- Y/N said.
"Dad explained that you are sort of part of the family since your grandma helped great- aunt Dahlia."- Hope said.
"He did, ha?"- Y/N said looking at Klaus.
"In a way you are, aren't you? So, you needn't ask about putting up your friends, you just announce that we will have guests."- Klaus replied.
"Ok, yeah."- Y/N said giving them a smile. She then asked about the play and Klaus told her how it was going, mentioning the feisty director that came from New York. upon hearing who it was Y/N burst out-
"You are kidding, right? Abby Bennett is the director of the play?"
"No, I am not kidding."- Klaus said-"do you know her?"
"Do I know her?! Well, yeah- sort of- she is my best friend's mom."
"The best friend that is arriving here tomorrow?"- Klaus asked.
"Yep."- Y/N said her eyes widening a bit as she nodded confirming.
"So, she is coming down to see her as well?"
"No. This is like the huge coincidence ever. They don't - it's a very long story."- Y/N explained.
"A strained relationship, ha?!"
"Strained is an understatement."- Y/N said.
Klaus wanted to know more, but he left it at that as Mary now told him it was time he took Hope to school. Father and daughter got up and saying a little bye to both women, went to get ready to leave the house.
"My backpack is upstairs"- Hope said to her father.
"Ok. I will wait in the car"- Klaus said and as he went to the door opening it, his heart stood still.
"Hi there"- Andrea said to the man.
"Hi"- Klaus said now looking at the woman still in slight state of shock as if he had seen a ghost- but then in a very cold manner said-"what are you doing here?"
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"I've - come back."- Andrea said.
It seemed that the day had another surprise installed.
"Right"- Klaus said now not very pleased as he held a grudge since Andrea left, because he knew that Hope would have wanted her aunt to be there as she was growing up.
Hope now came up to the door and seeing her aunt, went to the woman into a hug.
"Aunt Andrea!"- she said joyously. Andrea held the girl dearly in her arms -"Oh, sweety."
Having heard the commotion, Y/N and Mary now went to see what was going on.
"You will be late for school, darling"- Klaus said now gently touching Hope on the back-"we should go."
Andrea gave him a little scornful look and moving out of the hug said now looking at Hope-"I will see you later, pumpkin. I am here to stay."
"Later"- Klaus said and taking Hope's backpack walked to the car.
Hope smiled at her aunt and waving at her as she followed her father said -"Later"- as well.
Andrea waved back at her niece until they drove off. She now turned to face Mary as she bid her good day standing at the door.
"Hi Mary"- Andrea said-"oh, she has grown so much"- referring to Hope.
"It's been eight years."- Mary said.
"Yeah, I know."- Andrea said-"eight long years. Can I come in?"
Mary could not really forbid her and since they had a very long talk pending, she invited the woman in.
Y/N, who was at the corridor with Mary for a little while, decided to leave the two women to talk and went about her business.
"The plot thickens."- she thought as she got to her bedroom. But Andrea returning was not something that preoccupied her. She had one thing on her mind and that was Elijah and the butterflies in her stomach every time she thought of him and the kiss. When and how did he wedge himself into her heart was inexplicable to her. She had never fallen for someone so fast, especially knowing that he was involved with someone. She laid  down on the bed closing her eyes floating into a daydream -
Elijah walks in her bedroom startling her a bit
"Hey"- Y/N says drawing a silent breath.     
"Hey"- he says back.
"What are you doing here?"- Y/N says pulling the shawl down nervously wrapping it around her hands.
"I've come - to tell you that I love you."- Elijah says.
Y/N grins happily now dropping the shawl  running over to him into the most loving kisses of all.
In the Cortez construction firm, Elijah signed the contract for the surveyor position.
"We have to celebrate this, as well as my sister's engagement- so how about seeing you and Camille in Borrega tonight"- Gaspar said-"I have invited Klaus already and he is bringing all of his new actor friends."
"Tonight? Camille arrives around eight- yeah, I guess."- Elijah accepted, as he could not really say no, since they met all he asked for in the contract.
"Her husband to be brought this famous guy to play tonight. It will be a unforgettable fiesta. I also told Klaus to extend the invitation to the new Mikaelson heiress- Y/N, was it?"
"Yes, her name is Y/N."
"Klaus tells me she is really beautiful."- Gaspar said- "I still can't believe the whole story with her and your aunt. Klaus also told me that she has no boyfriend, fiance -"
Elijah felt his blood start to boil, the way Gaspar was eager to meet Y/N with obvious plans to get involved with her. He knew that he had no right to be jealous, but his feelings were getting the better of him.
"See you tonight"- Elijah now cut it short.
"Yes, see you."- Gaspar said and Elijah exited.
And to the party at the Mexican bar they all went that night.
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 Even Andrea found her way there as she knew the bride to be, and having announced that she was back in town, she got invited as well.      
As Gaspar promised, it was a grand fiesta. The food, the Tequila, the music, the whole Mexican atmosphere was beyond great. Even Klaus and Andrea loosened the rift between them. Y/N let herself go with the flow, dancing again like she never did before. Gaspar was all over her, but she managed to get away from him, dancing with others as well. And she tried not to look at Elijah, who was not dancing, even though his fiance had urged him several times to come down to the dancing area. He continued to sit and sip the Tequila bit by bit.
And then one song that came on poured out his heart as his eyes locked with Y/N, who was now dancing with Klaus, and as the song was saying, his eyes streamed the same.
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magicalgirlfumiko · 5 years
Just feel like posting one of my short stories set in this blog’s world. 
The Dwindling Flowers chronicles the lives of several young mages that work for the Organisation (The Original Agency). They are magical soldiers called the Flowers to trained to fight evil born from curses of mankind. These people no longer exist to the world. Their memories are wiped clean and their family never knew they ever existed. These mages live solely to protect the balance of the worlds. Why they were chosen to become Flowers, is for the Organisation‘s ears only. The difference between our world and the world of Dwindling Flowers' Organization primarily comes from magic. As such, the 'timeline,' as it were, has diverged in several places. For starters, Nikola Tesla was a celebrated mage scientist until his death in 1945 of natural causes in the Great Magickal War of 1914-1953. His wireless telegraphy system expanded into cordless and cellular phones by 1960, though it was deadened by 1969 after consumers lost confidence in American industry. This brings us to the present day. The Cold War instead ended in 1998 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, after which they lost a special little magical super soldier to the Organisation. The cellphone industry boomed as well. And Provere, France? Well, things are getting a little strange.
Provere City, France 04:50 A.M. 21 Nov. 2013
Judith pushed her hat down over her eyes. The men and women of the Provere police force all knew her, but she was still trying to at least be a little inconspicuous. She walked over the Jeanne d'Arc bridge with purpose, though, as the latest victim of the 'Morpheus' murders still hung below. Her report was that he was hung by a rope of braided human hair.
The victim himself, one Ansolom Broussard, was a simple taxi driver from the eastern district. The slums. He was a heavy-set man, with a family to feed. Someone was going to have to tell them. It wasn't Judith though. She just wanted the details, like the answer why to the fact that his cab was found three miles away abandoned, the ticket still marked. It was warm but dark and humid. A light rain coming down, as typically happened on the nights of these murders. She watched the cops pull the body up, and watched as the coroner and the R.I.S. closed up the scene and sampled the follicles from the noose. The only reason they could tell it was hair in the first place was that whoever did this left some at the top of the bridge. As the R.I.S. worked on the hair samples, she was busy taking pictures of the body. The first picture was the face and neck, showing lacerations and bruising from the noose, as well as an obvious change of angle in the windpipe. Next was the torso, which showed almost no damage except perhaps where it hit the abutment below. A close-up of each hand seemed to show no resistance. Curious. Hardly any scuffing on his shoes either. She went about her business and took pictures of the noose after the R.I.S.had finished sampling. “Thanks, Dion,” she said, smiling wanly. The rain picked up a little bit, a constant drizzle now. She turned to her phone, compiling the messages into a mass text. Constant; Camille; Piper CC: Crime Scene #6 Attached are seven pictures of the victim and the apparent murder weapon. It's definitely connected. Meet me on the Jeanne d'Arc in twenty minutes. That should give us enough time. -J Also, Constant – Leave Katyusha out of this. She didn't have time for petty politics, so she just nipped that in the bud.
"Oo ye yi!" Screamed a young woman with raven hair as her phone buzzed. 
Her name was Camille. She was a mage of Acadian ancestry that had been selected by the Organisation due to her efficiency with French Alchemist tomes and spells upon leaving Quebec to further her mage studies.
Camille had been drinking some warm coffee that just been brewed on the small stove top in her shared apartment with Constant. She nearly jumped out of her clothing when her phone's buzzer went off, causing her fumble around the cramped kitchen to reach for the device. Upon pulling the phone out, it appeared to be rather large and clunky. This technology was one of a newer type of fusion between modern science and magic. 
"Oh god...." She muttered. Her eyes looked drained as she began to study the photographs closely. She always had to deal with the pictures of corpses first since Constantina conventionally seemed to always misplace her phone.
"CONTAST!" Camille yelled as she walked out of the kitchen sideways just to get out of that room and into the shared main common area where both of their beds were.
"The boss w-wants us to be get ready for something...." She then tossed the phone at her partner. "Just look at those p-photos. They are some of the worst in recent memory!"
"S-She also said not to get your girlfriend involved." Camille said this to annoy Constant for not having her phone again.
Constantina, the Greek operative of the Organisation , blinked sleepily. She heard her Quebecian sidekick distantly yell her name. “conSTANT!”
:I told you to stop calling me that...” She thought in her haze. "The boss w-wants to be get ready for something....” 
“Huh? Yeah, she usually did.”. 
“Just look at those p-photos. They are some of the worst in recent memory..." Consti felt the phone hit her smack in the stomach, and she opened her eyes. Seriously. What now? Their cramped barrack room was stuffy with the odd heat.
Yawning, she sat up, phone still on her stomach. "S-She also said not to get your girlfriend involved." 
Damn it! Stop calling her that! “Shut up about Katyusha! She's not my girlfriend!” Of course, that got Constantina fired up. It always did. The absolute loathing she had for that woman... But in the end, didn't she want to be just like her? Eyes still half glazed with sleep, she picked up the phone and scrolled through the pictures. “Huh. This is bad. Not the worst I've ever seen, but pretty terrible.” 
She rolled out of bed, grabbing yesterday's gear to slip it back on. It wasn't dirty, she had only worn it for a meeting with Judith. Of course, she mimicked Katyusha's deadpan. It really wasn't THAT bad, and even though you never really get used to seeing a corpse, she had to seem strong for her partner.  After she got dressed, she stole a cup of Camille's coffee. She didn't even like the stuff, but she needed caffeine desperately. “Hey, Cami, can you help me find my phone?” She tripped over it the next moment. “Never mind...” Katyusha will not be involved. Ever. Thanks. She shot Judith a text.
Camille cocked an eyebrow at the half awake Constantina. "R-Really? With how much you complain about that Soviet, I would think you secretly harbor a deep caring for her." Once again she continued to egg Constant on. 
Camille understood why Constantina wished to be well respected like that Russian. Katyusha was a force to be reckoned with. Whenever Camille came across her, she kept her distance. "O-Okay, maybe they aren't the worst photographs ever." Camille sighed. "I just don't like always having to be the first ones that see them. You're the scout, I'm the backup...What happens if I am not there to do the research for you?" "Hey!!! My coffee..." Camille sighed. Once again, her small pot was swiped. It seemed that after this meeting, she would have to go to the cafe for tea. Ten minutes later, Constantina and Camille stepped out into the street. The weather was unnaturally warm for November. It was 21 degrees Celsius, rainy and humid as hell. 
“This is going to do wonders to my hair,” Consti thought almost absentmindedly. She pushed her hood over her head, both to protect her hair and to attempt to hide her sword. Her favorite camera was tucked safely in its waterproof bag, so she didn't have to worry about that.But... this case. 
Why were the Flowers being put on it? She had to admit that the bit about the hair was weird - and awful. But, really? Most of their cases were much more... odd. Much more bloody, too, like the case of the bull spirit. It gored seventeen people in one night before it was put down. 
That was a Katyusha case though. She helped, what little she could, but... damn it. She really had to stop thinking about that Russian reject.“
Hey, you think we should hail a cab? Or just take the truck?” That was always the difficult part. Sometimes a cab was helpful because they never, ever listened to traffic laws, but at the same time, hiding a sword on her back was way harder. Stupid time of year for her to be taking lead on a case. 
Was she ready?---The girls were late, again. Judith realized they were just waking up, most of them anyway. This scene was getting colder, however, and Constantina knew better. The coroner was packing the body away, taking it to the morgue for the autopsy. If this was anything like the last murder, they'd find his stomach filled with hair as well.She fired off another text to the girls.You're late.
Again.She didn't really think she needed to expound on that, Constantina knew it was for her. You're supposed to be leading these girls, Constant, not teaching them how to be lazy. Oh, well, she would give her a new ass later.
"Do you have enough money to take a cab?" Camille asked Constant.
If there was a constant theme for Constantina and Camille was that money between them was always short. Camille was constantly buying random old objects and texts to add to her collection. The older an item was, the more likely that it could have hidden potential magic.
"Then again...I am not sure if I trust you with driving the unit's truck...Ever since the Cheval Mallet incident, I-I still have flashbacks to when you used it to ram that otherworldly horse into the depths of the sea." Camille said.
She then hugged her book bag that contained her spell book. Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was actually friends with Constantina or one of her biggest critics.
“That horse was kidnapping people, so I hit it with the truck. Sue me,” was Consti's retort. 
“Anyway, I suppose you can drive - if you get the lead out.” 
Cheval Mallet was supposedly folklore, but with the history of the Flowers, and even what each girl could do... Not everything is as fake as people think.
They hit the road a few minutes later, air conditioning blaring. Constantina was extremely tempted to kick Camille out of the driver's seat. People were passing them as though they were standing still. Cautious was understandable, especially after the Cheval Mallet incident—the horse didn't even die, apparently—but this was ridiculous. “Hey, Camille, I thought we agreed for you to step on it!” she repeated often.
"I am doing the speed limit. If we go over it, we'll get noticed." She stated.
An orange horizon greeted them by the time they actually reached the Jeanne d'Arc. Twenty minutes their collective asses, it was now 6:10, and Judith was clearly heated. Consti swallowed the lump in her throat. Damn...
“Constantina,” boss lady really didn't waste time on ripping her a new one. “Do you have ANY idea what twenty minutes mean?”
Again, she swallowed. One of the few things she truly hated—other than Katyusha—was getting in trouble with Judith. It always started with the dress-down, but her disapproval lasted so much longer. “Yes, Judith, I know what twenty minutes meant.”
“I suppose you have an excuse?”
How about I don't know how you're going to make a forty minute drive in twenty, including dress time? “No. I don't.” 
Even with her Mediterranean heritage, she suddenly felt like it was 130 degrees with enough humidity you couldn't towel dry. Judith at least seemed satisfied with her answer because she immediately wheeled on her for something else. In this case, she was not wearing the regulation uniform.
“You do realize we have a dress code?”
 After she parked the car, finally Camille slowly got herself ready. Judith seemed to know that this bookworm took her time, it was just a part of her duty as the magus of the group. Camille then adjusted her cap, so that it was squared more on her head. She then got out of the truck and slung her heavy side bag over her body.
"I apologize, Commissar." Camille said. "I'll make sure to go a bit faster with the truck. I don't trust it that much. A-Anyways, outside of lax uniform wear...What would like to discuss with us?"
Judith paused her tirade for a moment, studying the girls. Camille was attentive, always listening and taking criticism with the astute purpose of bettering herself, other than when it came to her driving. She was like that to a fault, often backing down when she should be getting angry and stepping up to the plate.
Constantina wanted so badly to be like Katyusha, going so far as to hate her. But in reality, she might be strong – and decent with her sword – but it was her words that made her useful. A real crowd pleaser, easily placating the masses in a situation like this.
“Constantina. Lead these girls like you're supposed to. If you can drive faster than Camille, do so. Get here when you're supposed to. Learn to sleep lightly, as you should have been the first one awake.
Pacing across from them, she considered what was actually important. The body, the man hung up by ropes made of human hair. And hair that defied science.
“Anyways, here's the situation. This is the sixth such murder in the last three months, spaced exactly two weeks apart. Positive ID on all of the victims. The first four were Jack the Ripper style murders, all of them prostitutes out of the red light district. The last two, a businessman and this cab driver, while a-typical, mimic murders that happened over a hundred years ago, and a hundred more than that. Pattern also stands that there are four more victims. One an officer of justice, so keep an eye out for that. Do you two have any real questions about this?”
"Is it possible for me to get a piece of the hair?" Camille asked quickly. "I-I mean, before the Agency’s researchers get their hands on it. My tomes might be able to sense something about what we're dealing with. If what you are saying is fact...That there have been historical accounts going back several hundred years...We can pinpoint a common thread. Maybe...Constantina and I can work together on some scouting out clues once I connect the dots?" She knew it was going to be a long shot. The Agency always got its hands on the supernatural before the local cops or civilians could make answers out of it. The simple answer was that it never happened or it was mass hysteria.
For once, Judith lacked the forethought to utilize a Flower's magic. It wasn't that it never happened, but it wasn't often, for sure. Quickly, she scanned the bridge, looking to see if anything had been untouched. She sighed. “I'm sure we'll find something for you to use.” Clearly, Judith was having an off day.
Jack the Ripper... Still alive after a century and a half. Why was the Agency so sure it was him? It could be any number of monstrous people. This wasn't even his modus operandi.
The braid! She'd kept the braid the killer had used as a noose. She'd hid that from the Agency’s Forensic Team to show the girls just what kind of monster they were up against. “We do have the noose that was used.”
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sombrz · 5 years
Hello please talk about king explosion murder
THE BOY!!!!!
can you believe i spent months trying to be lowkey about my bakugou ships? it took me a while to even admit he was my favourite despite the fact i knew from the start i’d end up a bakugou stan. i never had a ‘oh no this kid’s a mean terrible person’ phase - it was a ‘oh, i can’t Reveal my character tastes like this. not like this.’ phase.
this got…..long. so uh. under the cut it goes:
ANYWAY: i ship bakugou with…..uh…….a lot of characters. kiribaku is the easiest to explain - dumbass jock boyfriends who do shit like baku using kiri as a hammer to make mochi. and kiri being gung-ho about testing his unbreakable mode (which, btw, was motivated by bakugou’s words!!!) by having bakugou fucking. use howlitzer impact on him. you know how i feel about bro ships (hint: i love them). how kiri went from ‘man this bakugou guy is nuts!!! we have to stop him!!!!’ to ‘wow bakugou is so manly and cool and i wanna be by his side’ in the span of (1) one-on-one convo. HE LIKES BAKUGOU SO MUCH. IT’S CUTE. LIKE, I DON’T THINK BAKUGOU GETS HOW HAPPY HE MAKES KIRISHIMA LMAO. how bakugou so readily accepted kiri as an equal - bakugou, who only had two categories for people [extras vs rivals], never thought to seriously think of kiri as anything but an ally and a friend, people always talk how kirishima was the first classmate bakugou even bothered remembering the name of, and with reason, since it says a lot. kiri’s got quite a bit of mlm subtext going on, tbh, and bakugou’s the source of almost all of it. soooooo there’s that too. 
but i’ve also fallen Deep into bakudeku. it’s the shared development, okay. the history and complex emotions and the slowburn to becoming partners. there’s just so much, and they’re so ENTRENCHED in each other. for better or worse, for how much they might dislike the fact they can’t stop thinking about each other, they just can’t help it. they couldn’t understand each other at all but somehow still knew the other inside and out. and deku’s been so smitten since he was like a baby 3 year old and it breaks my heart. it’s honestly one of my favourite shounen rival ships bc it keeps subverting your expectations. and every episode/chapter that deals with their issues and nudges them closer to the ideal - the endgame - is guranteed to be among the best. they’re the backbone of the series, and i love watching them grow together. the fact that they’re currently HEALTHY RIVALS AND TENTATIVE FRIENDS (like deku feels so comfortable gushing over bakugou to his face again and bakugou is so invested in deku’s improvement & is only snappy w/ him out of reflex lmao)….that bakugou is deku’s secret keeper and deku is the one person bakugou allows himself to be vulnerable around……HOO BOY. i just imagined bakugou holding out his hand for deku to take - or accepting deku’s hand at all - and died.
ALSO, TODOBAKU….my darkhorse ship, which hit me in the face one day when i realized how a) hilarious they are together and b) how the series keeps shoving them together (sometimes literally - thanks slidin’ go for giving them the group hug they deserved). i love how they’re so different yet similar - bakugou is loud and obnoxious while todoroki is stern and quiet, but they’re both rude prodigies who needed to be jumpkicked into realizing that they could become better people with the help of others instead of letting anger and bitterness swallow them up. and the provisional exam course made it so they were forced to hang out with each other 95% of the time for three whole months and i LIVE FOR THAT. i love how funny they are - todoroki is snarky & doesn’t even bat an eyelash over bakugou’s tantrums but genuinely tries to be nice and make friends with him! bakugou is so petty and wants todoroki’s attention soooo bad but don’t think i haven’t noticed that most times we’ve seen him genuinely smile has been in todoroki’s presence (ok, then todoroki reacts to it and bakugou instantly goes back to a snarl but STILL). also the fact that the narrative doesn’t want us to forget that bakugou eavesdropped on todoroki telling deku about his family, and bakugou is always Alert and keeping an eye on todo whenever endeavour is involved bc he’s sympathetic and y’know??? cares????? SO GOOD. AND THEY’RE SUCH A GOOD TEAM - SURPRISINGLY IN SYNC AND THEIR QUIRKS MATCH UP AND I LOVE THEM!
GOD, HORI…..BAKUGOU/URARAKA WOULD BE SO GOOD. like, can you *imagine* the sheer potential of a ship that you only really have them interact during one goddamn tournament fight and yet it becomes arguably the most popular het ship in your series (w/ only the main character and his canon love interest as real competition????) i love them though, like,,,,i find it so interesting that uraraka has shown, despite again - minimal onscreen interaction - that she understands bakugou better than most. she knows how he’d handle their fight and uses that to her advantage. (and while she still lost, she gained his respect and a new drive to get stronger!) she’s the one who brings up how HE’D feel about the plan to go rescue him - that his pride would prevent him from easily accepting help. i’m desperately trying to figure out a way they could animate that omake where uraraka plants herself in deku’s seat and demands that bakugou bury the hatchet with him while gently but firmly calling him out for his root issue of fear and his defense mechanism of violently pushing deku away. and it managed to calm him down and honestly, i wouldn’t be surprised if he ruminated on those words for a while. IT’S SO GOOD, WHY WASN’T IT IN THE STORY ITSELF!!! and like, the mere fact he respects her a lot and ended up *psyched* to continue fighting her - and after he’s told deku had nothing to do with her plan, i don’t think he’d make that mistake again, which makes it easier for him to understand her back. he knows she’s smart and talented and that everyone else was wrong to underestimate her. also, i love that uraraka thinks bakugou is like…..funny? he’s out there threatening to murder kaminari and uraraka’s like ‘hahaha :’’)))’ bc she has such a Bro/vulgar sense of humour. like, i think they’d have a lot of fun together. LET THEM TALK MORE, PLS!!!!
THOSE ARE MY MAIN SHIPS BUT I ALSO SHIP HIM WITH THE REST OF THE BAKUSQUAD! BOTH PLATONICALLY AND ROMANTICALLY! I HAVE NO SHAME! baku/kami is so underrated and great - kaminari is just as much bakugou’s bff as kirishima is, tbh, and he has absolutely No Chill which makes their interactions - especially the further the story goes and bakugou’s edges soften - so much fun. one moment, he’ll be casually commenting that bakugou is the worst and needs to change his whole rotten personality - then the next second, he’ll be sprawled all over him, calling him kacchan and defending his honour from actual haters. and bakugou just fucbdhfhd lets this happen. bakugou likes kaminari enough to just let him. do whatever the hell he wants. ALSO, THE BAND. admittedly, sero is the only one with enough common sense and actual standards to avoid dating bakugou (’HE’LL NEVER BE BEAUTIFUL’ ghdhfhd sero) but i still adore them. sero’s so tricksy and loves playing the reverse psychology trick on bakugou, who just constantly falls for it. i bet he was the first person bakugou let just hang out in his room, and he probably appreciates that sero actually gives him his space when he needs it! i can’t believe baku/sero is the Real ‘bakugou pining’ ship. @ hori: GIVE MINA AND BAKUGOU ACTUAL INTERACTIONS, GDI. i’m forced to headcanon their whole dynamic from near-scratch. whereas kiri and kami are more the type to glue themselves to bakugou’s back, i imagine mina’s the type to actively drag bakugou along places. she probably cried when she found out that a) his parents are rich designers (’BUY ME CLOTHES, BAKUGOUUUU’) and b) his glycerin-based quirk and taking after his mom means he usually has perfect skin and has never broken out in his life. she doesn’t speak to him for a week until he takes her out to dinner and buys her a cute dress. and i’m super fond of baku/jirou. i love that their dynamic is like…..while the rest of their friends are doing dumb shit For The VineTM, they’re on the sidelines waiting for shit to hit the fan. they’re punk buds and prob do that couples clothes switch thing a lot just to see if anyone notices. jirou bosses him around and he takes all her advice seriously and like, they trust each other! they have great team synergy! she was the first person bakugou both consciously protected and asked to protect him in turn!! DID I MENTION THE BAND?? i also ship him with camie! it’s just such a funny concept to imagine - like imagine you’re in class 1A and bakugou shows up out of nowhere with a hot girlfriend who talks. like that. and she makes him laugh??? and no, seriously, does he actually understand what the hell she’s saying???? WHAT’S HAPPENING. but yeah, she very casually teases him but also seemed comfortable w/ him right off the bat and i know in my heart that bakugou relented and let her have his phone number. also, i find it funny people started shipping him with shindou after bakugou was the one to call him out for being duplicitous. bakugou’s the type of character that just needs to interact with another character once and *someone* out there will be like ‘what if………..they were dating’ and that’s so valid of them.
good bakugou ot3/ot4s: kirishima/bakugou/uraraka, todoroki/midoriya/bakugou, todoroki/inasa/camie/bakugou. i reblog a looooot of kirishima/kaminari/bakugou and bakugou/uraraka/midoriya even tho i don’t actually ship either as an ot3 that much, oops? they’re good ships tho.
is there something i’m missing? I MIGHT BE MISSING SOMETHING.
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